Shastri V Sanskrit Made Easy Part-I

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H.H. Dr.


(Vol. XXXII)


Through 'Natural law and Mnemonics* for etymological,
deeper and thorough knowledge

Ph.D., D.Litt.
Ex-Director and Professor, Research Institute,
Sampurnanand Sanskrit University,

Edited by
Dr. Vastoshpati Shastri Mr. Kartik Khandwala
M.Sc., Ph.D. B.Eng. (Hons),
Professor, Govt. Art & Science PGDSE, PRINCE2
P.G. College, Ratlam (M.P.) London, United Kingdom

V S M M V A P A M A G T 1A1 A
Published by
The Secretary,Vagyogachetanapitham
(Yogic Voice Consciousness Institute)
B. 3,131 A, Shivala, Varanasi - 221001
Phone: (0542) 2275706; Mob : 09455143863; 9935463678 CONTENTS
website:; Preface 1-8 shastri; 9-15
• Editorial
• Traditional Sanskrit learning
(The Ease of Vagyoga Method) 17-38
• What is Vagyoga Sanskrit and its duration 39-42
© Copyrights 2012 Vastoshpati Shastri.
Allrightsreserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced, Chapters Pages
restored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by 1. Script and Pronunciation 1-12
any means electronic or mechanical, without the copyrights 13-14
2. Application of Natural Law
owner's prior written consent.
3. long development of sr 15-16
4. Development of 17-39
ISBN: 81-85570-35-3 5. Development of "3/3J 40-62
6. Development of "at/oS 63-70
7. Ayogavahas : Anusvara and Visarga 71-78
First edition : 2012 8. Consonants Vyanjana 33 79-97
9. Conjunct consonants 98-101
10. Natural Law' for development of consonants 102-103
Price : Rs. 700.00, US 25.00
11. Development of + vowels & consonants 104-114
12. Development of ^ + vowels and consonants 115-147
Printer : Dee Gee Printers, Khojwan Bazar, Varanasi. 13. Development of T ^ jj, ^ & ^ + vowels
and consonants 148-180
Mob : 09935408247.

14. The master 1 changes 18l

15. Vowels and Consonants 188 197

Servant always surrenders 198-204

17. "STRlWT 'expansion' Mnemonics 205-209
List of Abbreviations & Mnemonics
18. W vowels and oq^T consonants 210-222
19. vowels and consonants 223-225
20. vowels and ^T^T consonants 226-235
Subjects Pages
21. and^, - ^ 236-247
1. Ekamsas 1, 2, 5, 16, 75, 80
22. Grace for hard letters of i f c w f
2. Acyuta 2,21, 265
and '5) in 4 conditions 248-255 2
3. 1 :Sakti'
23. Gate-keeper's f ^ O T Mnemonics 256-276
4. s 'Sambhu' 2
24. 'Child jumping'or'sprout'Mnemonics 277-283
5. sc 'fire' 2, 4
25. God and Acyuta Mnemonics 284-297
6. Asvinikumaras 3
26. Wrestler Mnemonics 298-306
7. 33 deities 4
27. TFT Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 307-353
28. sqfn^gq^FT"^: Mnemonics : Two - 6
8. Natural Law 5,6,12,21,95,
fires meet together. " g 107, 115, 169
29. c ^ i f l c ^ d^^^uIqRoiJ^- 357
' 9. Abbreviations 7 g
30. 359-36O 10. Iron and Magnet 75
11. Rope development 20,42,44,60
3.1. Good and bad house ladies Mnemonics ^ ^ 12. Direct rope development
32. 29 Diagrams ^ q q
33. Dr. Vagish Shastri's authorship
90 96. 141. 201. 202. 226, 234. 2 6 8
13. Guru-rule
34. 224. 225. 2 8 5
42, 60 35. ^ ^ 212. 3 3 3
15. I J f i f t - ^
5, 7,71 36. Brick Mnemonics
37 ^ ' M n e m o n i c s ' 234. 236. 2 8 2 . 2 8 5
16. Varga-bahya varna
38. Grace Mnemonics 234. 2 3 6 . 2 4 0 . 2 4 1 . 3 0 2
17. Servant & Master 95? 115 159
39. w^^fo'Mnemonics' 142. 240. 241, 2 5 6
18. Officers 129
19. Mob Mnemonics 129,131 40. Chameleon Mnemonics 255
20. 'sibilants' 132 41. Child jumping or sprout Mnemonics 223, 259, 261

21. Chair Mnemonics 129,133 42. God and Acyuta Mnemonics 267
22. 139 43. Wrestler Mnemonics 326
23. TOTO^ 'Samprasaranarii' 17, 140, 177, 196,336 45. Good and bad houseladies Mnemonics 331
24. Garbha Varga 90, 140, 141
25. Gate-keeper Mnemonics
26. Door keeper 141, 242
. 143
27. Gate-keeper officers Mnemonics
28. 'Gate-keeper'
29. Water well Mnemonics
30. Nitya dasa Mnemonics 1 / A 901 240,246,2^
31. Tonga horse or Cart _ 33?
• IT* 175 210, 2:>->' ^
horse Mnemonics • 106
32. Echo Mnemonics 189 i
90 96,
33. W^reffo^ra'Mnemonics'

1 W ^ff
^fSFrri- ^ T T ^ t TT^TI I

sarasvatlm namasyami

cetanam hrdi samsthitaml

kesavasya priyam devlm

s u k l a m k s e m a p r a d a r i i s a d a 11

From Skanda Purana (Gi-stotra)

"I offer my respectful obeisances to Goddess Sarasvatl. She

resides in the heart of intelligence. She is a goddess very
dear to Lord Krsna. She is eternal, her complexion is fair,
and she brings all auspiciousness."
• This article demonstrates that a I
Sanskrit is a language which is perfect i n
i" A r d f i C i a l ^ e S T e r v e as an artificial language also
precision, scientific rigour and musical melocU^ 1
n a t u r a . language can se ^ a w h e e l
grammatical patterns function mathematically ^ ! fl
an d that much worK in
phonetic sounds function scientifically and musically"]
is as l o c i r a l l v f n r m n l o t o j , —-—v. musically, it millennia old.
is as logically formulated as the Object O r i e n t e d A ,though scientific and m a t h e m a t i c a l in nature,
Programming language of the computer-scientist ar and as Sanskrit is c o n s i d e r e d by a wide majority of learners as a
« * perfected as the laws of calculus that
•difficult' language because it is taught in a manner that
mathematicians revel in. There have been suggestions'to
relies on the learner's ability to memorise and operate
use S a n s k r i t as a m e t a - l a n g u a g e for knowledge
thousands of formulae (called sutras) to generate Sanskrit
representation in machine translation and other areas of
words. Memorising thousands of formulae is a formidable
natural language processing because of its relatively high
task and a terrifying experience for most learners. A s they
regular structure. This was first proposed by a NASA
set out on the journey to learn Sanskrit and delve deeper
researcher, Rick Briggs, whose article "Knowledge
into the more complex areas of the language, t h e y
Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence"
experience mental fatigue, loose focus, are unable to
appeared in the AI (Artificial Intelligence) Magazine of
comprehend the subject and soon completely lose interest
Spring of 1985. To quote Briggs: in the language.
There is at least one language, Sanskrit, which for the
duration of almost 1000 years was a living spoken l a n ^ e f
with a considerable literature of its own. Besides wor s ^
literary value, there was a long p h i l o s o p h y ^

grammatical tradition that has continued t o ^ o n g t h e

undiminished vigor until the p r e s e n t r e c l c o n e d a
accomplishments of the grammarians c a n ^ n e r that is
method for paraphrasing Sanskrit in a , c u r r e nt w°rk "rtsina,C "Sh "Ch San^ ' ^ *i n < i t*s
identical not only in essence but in form wi
The material of this b o o k h a s b e e n e n t i r e l y h a s
Vagyoga Mnemonic Method o f l e a r n i n g S a n s k r i t which the language and hence I have purposefully left the original
was conceived and devised by Dr. Vagish Shastri through language he used largely unaltered, except where obvious
meditation, research and practical application on hundreds errors and inconsistencies would have caused difficulties
of learners. He is an eminent Sanskrit scholar of world- for the readers to comprehend the text.
wide fame, a revolutionary t h i n k e r and a gentle soul who For the benefit of those readers who have had previous
is much loved by his many disciples and well-wishers. It exposure to Sanskrit 1 am presenting a quick comparison
wouldn't be an exaggeration to call him a "modern day of how the process of word coalescence {samhita) in
rsi", an inspired sage, traditional in behaviour but most Astadhyayi compares with the techniques provided in the
Vagyoga Mnemonic Method. We could take several
modern in thought. The Vagyoga Mnemonic Method is a
examples but one example would suffice to demonstrate
Tantric Method (a scientific method) of learning Sanskrit.
the comparative ease of Vagyoga Mnemonic Method over
The current text is 'Part I' called 'varna kandairi of a other traditional sutra-based methods.
three part series. It focuses on providing a scientific The Astadhyayi composed by Panini Muni contains a
understanding of the devanagari script, phonetics, total of 3983 sQtras and eight chapters. The topic of samhita
phonology, morphology and word coalescences. The main (or sandhi) is treated in the Astadhyayi, scattered across
topic of Part I is samhita (or sandhi as it is usually called). Chapters 1, 6 and 8, in 130 sutras (vidhi, pratisedha,
The book is written in an easily understandable l a n S u ^ paribhasa, sarhjna. niyama. adhikara sutras). We take an
with hundreds of examples in order to help s t i m u l a t ? a n d example of coalescing manas ('mind') and rathah ('chariot').
thoughts of the learners. For reasons of The resultant word formed is manorathah ('chariot of the
assuming that the learner would gradually b e c o m e ^ 'desire'). ^
with the devanagari script, the use of d i a C ^ t e X t By applying the sutras of Astadhyayi, the coalescence
transcribed words is discontinued in the body o ^^ i.e. sandhi word manorathah can be derived as follows:
after the first few chapters. Dr. Vagish Shastri, a ^
not a native English speaker, has a good comma

From the above table it is evident that the derivation

| Step I Input Operation of manas + rathah = manorathah involves at least five
manas + rathah For the final V at distinct steps, knowledge of three technical terms and
the end of manas is
(8.2.66) r e m e m b e r i n g at least five sutras scattered in three separate
substituted 'rn\
chapters (1, 6 and 8) of the AstadhyayL Moreover, the
(mana+ru) + The nasalised vowel' = (mana+r[u]) +| student has to remember the adhikara sutra (topic), samjna
rathah V is termed as "it rathah
^(1.3.2) sutra (definition of technical terms) and all the preceding
(technical term).
sutras in the correct sequential order to be able to derive
(mana+r[u]) + The vowel termed = (mana+r) + the anuvrtti (influence of a preceding sutra on the following
rathah "it" is dropped. rathah (13.9)
sutra). Without the anuvrtti, it is not possible to decipher
| the meaning of a sutra of the AstadhyayL Hence we can
manar + rathah 'u' is a substitute = (mana+u) + see that the derivation of manas + rathah = manorathah is
of V when it is rathah (6.1.114)

followed by a soft
an elaborate process which is quite taxing on the mind of a
consonant and novice.
preceded by an
In comparison to the above, using 'child jumping
"apluta" (technica
term) short 'a'. mnemonic' a learner who is aware of Vagyoga Mnemonic
an^pT: Method would be able to mentally compose manas+rathah
(mana+u) + "guna" (technical = (mana+o) +
rathah term) is a single rathah
= manorathah by mere observation alone. (See page 28:
substitute of the the book for the example of manorathah and page 111
final 'a' of the
preceding word
'child jumping mnemonic'.). Thus the ease of V t s |
and the simple Mnemonic Method is self-evident.
vowel of the
succeeding word
Personally, having learnt Sanskrit tough Astadhvayi
(i.e. V or 'a1 + in early years of life and then having experienced the
a vowel = "guna") V
^gyoga Mnemonic Method first-hand as
gish Shastri, I can truly appreciate the
(mano)+rathah = mano rathah

Vagyoga Mnemonic Method and the ease w i t h w h i c h o n e

can grasp even the most complex subject matter u s i n g this
technique. The credit for this is due to both the teacher and
the technique through which the subject is taught. Based
on what 1 have learnt, 1 have made an humble a t t e m p t to Editorial
edit the original manuscript of this book to bring it to its Two thousand five hundred years ago, time was
current form. After many rounds of editing, m u c h e r r o r has perceived differently, much of human experience was
been eliminated, however I am conscious that there are internal. Humans were required to exert great control of their
many imperfections that remain. We would appreciate mental vehicles. For that reason, their mental concentration
was much greater than it is now. An individual was able to
comments and corrections from the readers t o h e l p us
memorize all of the Vedas. As time progressed, and humans
improve the text in future editions.
relied more and more on their external experiences the Vedas
had to be partitioned to ensure they are passed on.
K R Khandwala Today, in this computer age, our memory power has
Co-Editor decreased even further. We usually have neither the interest
London. February 9.2012 nor the capacity to memorize thousands of sutras and Slokas

which have traditionally been,used in the learning of Sanskrit.

In India, there has traditionally been a great linguistic
awareness with dense elaborations of philosophical thoughts
and an immense value placed on the power of speech
particularly the speech of the Rgveda samhita.

However when change arises due to the movement

The most ancient grammar was composed by i n d
a method to learn Sanskrit within a very short period without
received it from Brhaspati himself. It was a huge treatis ^
SC n a need to memorise the four thousand sutras of grammar.
words. Its name was Aindra- vyakaranam. °
The world called it Katantra. However, this text still had to
Around 500 BC the great sage Panini was curious to be'memorized.
learn Sanskrit through Airdra grammar and so he went from
During the period of l.A.D. to 20. A.D., fourteen
Pakistan to PataliputralVdtiM (Bihar), which in those days
grammars were composed in sutra style.
was the greatest center of learning. He was disheartened in
All of these grammars had as their objective to hand
his attempt to learn this old and bulky grammar. He also found over an easier approach to teach Sanskrit, according to the
the grammar lacking, according to his judgment, in changing time. As there were changes in the mental capability
systematization. In his search for an easier approach, he went and conditions of people, accordingly new methods were
to the Himalaya and did tapas, living as an ascetic. There he provided by Sanskrit scholars.
was revealed the secret and precious knowledge of sound
Even before Panini there had been ten Vyakaranas!
vibration from £iva directly. As Siva played the damaru drum
grammars composed. The eleventh was the Aindra-
fourteen times, Panini discovered the foutreen sutras, on Vyakaranam and the twelth was the etymological treatise of
which his entire sanskrit grammar is based. Yaska, the famous Niruktam (from the Mahabharata period).
Times have changed from the days when students could All these grammars were composed in different part of India
learn the famous four thousand sutras of Panini. Now, : South India, Gujarat, Kashmir, Rajasthan, Bengal, etc.
especially for elderly persons, memorizing is a formidable To some extent there was simplification of the task of
task. learning and teaching Sanskrit, however it was still necessary
to learn the sutras by heart. There was no grammar or
In 1. A.D. there was a king named Hala Satavahana in
technique that gave freedom from this.
South India. His wife was fluent in Sanskrit but he was not.
Because of this, he misunderstood simple daily c o n v e r s a t i o n People today need easier method of learning Sanskrit
to such a degree that he was impelled to learn Sanskrit within without the long-winded memorization and
a very short time. For this purpose, he a n n o u n c e d a teaching means!
contest: A Brahmin of his kingdom, named Sarva Varrn*
propiated the son of Siva, Karttikeya, and r e c e i v e d from him

Why should we learn Sanskrit at alio 13

The purpose of l e a r n i n g S a n s k r i t i s to re All of the names of the divine beings or devatas, and
own real identity, ie. self-realization. Sanskri °n<* powers of existence from the South to the North of India are
P Wer in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the devabhasa of India, the language
to impart the knowledge of the soul Throu * °
transmit the concepts of firm faith to a p r a c t i t i o L n f ' ^ ' of the gods. The very concept of nama-rupa blossomed in its
sciences. ° i spiritual highest divine beauty.
All of the archetypical thoughts of the people of India
Yogic, Tantric, Jaina and Buddhist philosophies are all
can only be expressed in Sanskrit. Some original expressions,
composed in Sanskrit. To be able to enter these philosophies
are nowadays even utilized in advertisements and various
it is necessary to know Sanskrit. Almost two hundred and
branches and instruments of society. For example :
fifty years back, the Europeans were also striving for
'yogaksemarh vahamyaham\ for an insurance company or
knowledge and identity. Wherever we are in contact with
'satyam eva jayate', in jurisdiction.
spirituality, rituals, music, ayurveda or religious and cultural
Search for a scientific approach to Sanskrit:
activities, it is necessary to know Sanskrit. All of the Indian
sciences have been composed in Sanskrit. Mastery in In the last two thousand five hundred years, there has
not been any real attempt to discover a scientific technique
historical and comparative linguistics, ancient history and
to leam the devabhasa without the necessity to memorize the
archaeology, requires Sanskrit. The backbone of Indian
grammatical rules.
culture and languages is Sanskrit. Around seventy five
Mastery in aparavidya and paravidya was obtained by
percent of words within the dialectal languages of India are
Mahamahopadhyaya Sri Vagisb Shastri through tapas in
rooted in Sanskrit. Any translation of technical terms within
Vrndavan and the Himalayas. He perceived the Nadayoga
any of these branches of knowledge is impossible without
of his speech. In Vrndavan, through the celestial sound of
the knowledge of Sanskrit.
the flute of Krsna, this §abdavidya was received and
In Sanskrit every word has power and ability. The mere developed within him.
utterance of Sanskrit words has the power to u P W t His realisation led him from gross speech, to subtle
consciousness. Sanskrit is the language of yoga. Sans ^ speech, to more subtle speech, to the most subtle
yoga and music. Every word of Sanskrit is full of rythm finally to the perception of the
music and it awakens inner power.
deeper, he received the mnemonic teohn-
vagyoga, through V K M ( V ^ ^ the union of cetana (conscious) a n d ace tana
d C s L Z just like the world came into e x i ^ n c e by
p. ,. J Sy°ga KundalinlMeditation\
Dedicated people ready to receive the grace of the he union of the conscious and the unconscious elements.
sitting faithfully infront of the him have The same natural law applies within the Sanskrit language.
energies awakened. The covered consciousness b ^ The mastery of the Sanskrit language can be obtained
removed from its covers, starts to awaken and blossom in by a in-depth understanding of this principle and its
this way. movement of the cycle of time. By the process of this formula
there is the creation of letter/ varna, word and sentence/ vakya.
Through Tantravidya , with a scientific technique, the
Without learning by heart, one who is dedicated will
devanagari-scYipt is explained, the etymology of the letters
understand and unfold his entire speech.
is explained in a mathematical way and the pronunciation of
Through a course of a hundred and fifty hours, or
the letters explained along with musical movement of the
through larger course of a three hundred hours, a trainee can
become an expert in Sanskrit. The education is accomplished
The Vagyoga method is a kind of "Tantric grammar". within three steps: varnakaada, padakanda and vakyakanda.
It has been nourished with the help of abbreviation It is a speciality of this Vagyoga technique, that one
(.sabdasanksepanavidya), phonetics, mnemonics,
unconscious atom can come in contact with a conscious atom
and from this more than sixty four thousand words from one
mathematics, music and other philosophical thoughts.
famous single rootJdhatu can be created.
A major principal of existence found in Vagyoga : ^
diSdpleS app
This cosmos came into existence with the h e l p ^ e school " T ? ' °inted a t univ
e r s i t i e s and
conscious element interacting with the unconscious e • Wh
^ e ^ ° ^ ^ ^ this
The beating of the conscious element is the awa e^ ^
the calculating power of Mahakala, the force o I would like to thank my friend, Shri Kartit v k ,
element of time.
The unconscious elements, being attracted
. t j, e
S S 3 = r S = ? -
conscious element, vibrates. This is the basic law o ^ June 9, 2012
As per natural law, this c o s m o s c o m e s into c x
The Ease of Vagyoga Method
Bharati ( Sanskrit) has been in vogue in India from
time immemorial. Historians have been trying to date the
Rg-Vedie period. Research is currently on to fix the origin of
Himalayas on one side and the great seas on the other. The
Himalayas and the great seas have been inseparably
connected with India. So is Sanskrit. This close tie that
Sanskrit has with India i.e., Bharata gave the name Bharati
to Sanskrit. Maharsi Vyasa in the Agni Purana says Sanskrit
makes India great-
Bharati caiva vipula
Mahabharata- vardhini.
Vast is the literature of Sanskrit that builds greater
Sanskrit is so powerful a weapon that it can expand
the frontiers of this country. Sanskrit teaching tradition finds
first mention in the Taittiriya Samhita. The Taittiriya Samhita
appeared a great many years before the Upanisads It is
thought that the Mahabharata occured five thousand years
ago. If the Upanisads arc taken to have existed two thousand
years prior to the Mahabharata war, the date of Taitt'
Samhita would work out to be nine thousand years W 'f ^ famous fourteen encrypted formulae from the damaru of the
from the text of Taittiriya Samhita that the demi gods ^ Lord. These party3haras became the basis of the work on
Sanskrit grammar and philology called AstadhyMyf which
interested in the analytical semantics of their language They
was composed in fifth century BC. Though the Astidhyayf
expressed their desire to Indra. Indra classified words into
consisted of four thousand aphorisms, in places they became
root, stem and suffix and thus explained the evolution of the
so cryptic and brief that around third or fourth century BC
language to the gods.
Katyayana supplemented them with his appendices, while
Indra received his Sanskrit training from the guru of Patanjali wrote a detailed commentary called the
the gods, Brhaspati. Bhagavan Patanjali writes in his Mahabhasya.
Mahabhasya (the most authoritative treatise on Sanskrit This was further elucidated by the Kashmir-born
grammar and philology) that Brhaspati taught Indra the Kaiyata in his work on the Mahabhasya called Pradipa. And
science of words for a thousand celestial years, yet, Indra then Nagesa Bhatta wrote a commentary on the Pardipa called
could not attain mastery over it. Patanjali further says that Pradipoddyota. In fourth century AD Vamana and Jayaditya
when even a student of Indra9s calibre taught by as great a wrote a glossary on the Astadhyayf called KMika. Kasika
teacher as Brhaspati spending that long a time was found itself was commented upon in two works, ie., Nyisa and
wanting in his mastery over the language then what to speak Padamanjari. All the above works retained the Pamnian order
of mere mortals with a life span of just a hundred years! of aphorisms ( Sutras).
An attempt in different direction was also made in
There is no record of Brhaspati9s text on Sanskrit
which the order of the aphorisms was disturbed and
learning but Indra is known for his 'Aindra Vyakarana
rearranged subjectwise. This effort is seen in the Jain
(grammatical work of Aindra School). Bhagavan P^nini
vyakaranas. The disturbed order killed the self-evident
recounts ten grammarians but it is surprising that Indra fin s meaning that was built into the sets of sutras. In the fourteenth
no mention there. century, RMmacandricirya wrote a book called
We learn from the Kathasaritsagara that PaniM lea* Prakiiyakaumudt in the above mentioned style. This book
from Acarya Varsa at Pataliputra. Learning by the A i n ^ was commented upon by Vitthalacarva and SnkrsnapantMta
school, Pacinibecame tired and as advised by the teac e ^ who was the guru of Bhattojidiksita who wrote a full fcMfe
wife, Panini propitiated Lord 6iva and o b t a i n e d the n
commentary on the entire Astadhyaylcalled the V '
siddhanta-kaumudi. This was done because the p ^ ^ (3) Jainendra Vyakarana (Jain, 5th Century AD)
(4) Sakatayana Vyakarana (Jain. 6th Century AD)
kaniaudi did not include all the sutras.
Bhattojidiksita found his own work pretty difficult (5) Sarasvati Kanthabharana (Sanatani 11lh Century
understand so he had to write a commentary called Praudh° AD)
manorama on his magnum opus. To further e l u c i d * (6) Haima-Sabdanusasana (Jain, 12th Century AD)
Praudhamanorama, Bhattojidlksita9s nephew Haridiksita (7) Mugdhabodha Vyakarana (Sanatani, 13in
wrote the Sabda-ratna to explicate the Praudhamanorama Century AD)
Though Astadhyayi in itself is a very compact work all the (8) Sarasvata Vyakarana (Sanatani 13the Century)
supplementary literature expanded the standard time of study (9) Malayagiri-Sabdanusasana (Jain?)
of Sanskrit to twelve years. (10) Sanksiptasara Vyakarana (Sanatani, 14th Century
Works in the Non-Paninian Tradition AD).
(11) Saupadma Vyakarana (Sanatani 14th Century
Sanskrit has always been a scientific and popular
language. For this very reason even Buddhist and Jain scholars
(12) Harinamamrta Vyakarana (Sanatani 15th Century
applied themselves to Sanskrit learning. But all of them
followed the Paninian aphorismic mould. This made rote
(13) Prayogaratnamala Vyakarana (Sanatani 15lh
learning a compulsory element in Sanskrit learning. It was
only Katantra Vyakarana which was different in style. But Century AD).
there too was no escape from memorizing. (We see some (14) Bhiksusabdanusasanam (Sanatani-Jain, 20 th
Century AD).
influence of Aindra Vyakarana on Katantra Vyakarana).
Apart f r o m t h e a b o v e books, Girvanamanjari was
Because this system was also based on sutra and due to its
written w h i c h d e t a i l e d t h e Sanskrit syntax. The sentences
incompleteness, it (Katantra Vyakarana), fell out of use.
were e x a m p l e s a b o u t Varanasi and its Pandits. There were
Here are a few yosl-Paninian works on Sanskrit grammar
b o o k s p a t t e r n e d a f t e r European languages and were in
and philology:
E n g l i s h a n d o t h e r regional languages. Ballantyne and R.G.
(1) Katantra Vyakarana (Jain, l sl Century AD)
B h a n d a r k a r w r o t e books in English'Sanskrit MargopadesikS
(2) Candra Vyakarana (Buddhist, 4lh Century AD)
and 'Sanskrit Mandirantah-pravesikS. The '

vyHkaranopakramanikS is vogue in Bengal w 37

by Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. PerhapTv'^0^ Sanskrit study from rote memory is concerned, the desirous
f o l l o w e d t h e Paninian style. B h a n d a r k a r ' s student still had to memorize certain formulae. Later day Jain
modern. yle 18
<Mte and Buddhist scholars still continued in this line, though these
works had lost their charm.
As is evident from the foregoing, there has been an Some Sanatana (Hindu) scholars also followed them.
unbroken tradition in the development of knowledge by But being the most original work, Panini9s Astadhyayi still
means of research contemplation and singular achievements stands out among all.
Whomever chiti-shakti chooses to bless, t h r o u g h him The Vagyoga Method : The background
rest of the world attains pure knowledge. There is this promise In 1949 when I was staying in Vrindavan, land of
by para vak shakti in Rgveda-Hymn. "Whom I choose I make Lord Krsna 's childhood pranks, I saw in the three years that
him Brahma, the Creator or Rsi the seer and a very great I lived there, many Sanskrit loving students turned away from
intellectual." the study of the language. The amount of memorization called
yarn kamaye tarn tarn ahaiii krnomi for was phenomenal. Not only the students of topic based
brahmanam tarn rsirh tarn sumedham Siddhanta-Kaumudi style learning, but also the students of
After the Upanisadic period, there was period of Astadhyayi stream fought, shy of Sanskrit studies. The
aphorismic literature. Almost all the schools of philosophy Astadhyayi well supported by the Kasikas gloss and the
Padamahjarlcommentary posed a challenge. Falling into the
and the Vedahgas had their work in the sutra style, because,
habit of memorizing the Vittis and sutras, their minds became
it was the then current practice of committing to memory t e
so blunt, that they applied the same technique to modern
Vedahga texts alongside the Vedas. But the author of.Nm* a
studies. I was very disturbed at their plight. One recurrent
Yaska criticises memorising without having the
question that came up in my mind was, "Can't an easy to
of the meaning of the words. The rsis and munis have o ^
understand, rote memory free technique be devised so that
good of the world, crystallized their e x p e r i e n c e s into van ^ adult learners of Sanskrit need not turn away from the
texts, in accordance with the times. By the B h B ? y a p ^ o d ^ s language?"
sutra style had degenerated. It is totally d e f u n c t ini to ^ It all happened in 1952 on the eighth day of Karttika
scientific world. Though all the efforts in the post ^ ^ (November) month's white fortnight. Some students who used
era were laudable, insofar as their c o m m i t m e n t s
to visit me for c l a r i f i c a t i o n of t h e i r d o u b t s , p r e s s e d m e
them for a joint c i r c u m a m b u l a t i o n of M a t h u r a - V r i n d a v T phonemology, music, linguistics and philology. In this age
o f s c i e n t i f i c temper Vagyoga acquits itself well. Any person
following day, the Aksaya-navaml. After obtaining"the
aged between fifteen to seventy qualifies as a student provided
permission of o u r e s t e e m e d g u r u , Pandit Sitaramacharyl
he/she has the power to grasp the instructions of the meta
VvnlcnrnnnSnhitva- V^Hnntn Vachaspati,
Vyakarana-Sahitya-Vedanta Vnnhocnot; tI joinedi them in their
language. The effect of the teaching is equal on all, aided by
the teacher. The eager student gets to know the basic principles
There was a marble statue of a boy in Gopeshvar governing grammar and syntax through a process of self
Mahadeva temple. I was told that when Bhagavan Krsna gave experience. So an alternate name of Vagyoga is 'self-
the boy darshana, there was bright light all over the place. established system' of language teaching. The reason for
This gave me the idea that why not I too pray to Bhagavan being so named is that in this system there is no memorization
Krsna to bless the troubled souls with an easy method of of grammatical formulae; instead, the student dissolves his
Sanskrit learning. In 1953 I had my first inspiration for this ignorance in stages as he discovers the most naturally formed
rules. To aid memory, all one has to do is meditate daily on
Vagyoga method. The six holes of the bamboo flute of the
the rules that he discovers for himself.
Lord gave me the understanding that they represented the
No new technical terms are introduced in this system.
six chakras of the human body. The well entrenched terminology itself is logically explained
Once such an identification was done, it was realised far beyond the levels done in standard grammar texts. Instead
that t h e basis of t h i s technique i s , t h e para vak (transcendental of the Paninian Pratyaharas, the alphabets of pre-Paninian
speech), hence was named Vagyoga. By the call of Yogisvara era are taught. Since letters are the ultimate matrix of all
Lord Siva, I moved to Varanasi in 1954. By His g r a c e , the languages, sufficient imagery is created to fix them in proper
relief. Herein, the fourteen vowels, the two Ayogavahas and
Vagyoga method was further perfected by 1956. The s a ,
the thirty three consonants are likened to fourteen
Sri Rama-mangala das P a r a m a h a m s a of Ayodhya, insm
Manvantaras. two Asvmikumarjs and thirty
me to infuse this system with power and make it puo
the Vedic pantheon. In total the fourty nine
10 years. as personification of the fourty nine marnts (vital a,ro
The Vagyoga-Method : An Introduction ^ symbolism drives home q u i , e a lot of
The Vagyoga method has been ^ letter.
currents from the Vedic philosophy, rog
The Vagyogic system of teaching is divided into three
and insentient matter in the universe. The body sans soul is
insentient. All that 'life' imparts to the body comes of the
(1) The letters ( V a r n a - k a n d a m ( 2 ) W o r d s
soul that inhabits the body. There is an interesting similarity
{PadakandamX (3) Sentences-( Vskya-Kandam). In the first
between creation in universe and the creation of words and
part, the formulation of phonetic sounds, the c o r r e c t sentences in the Sanskrit language In the Vagyoga method
pronunciaon of letters and the evolution of the Devanagari of teaching this is brought out clearly and these analogies
script are taught showing the close connection between them serve as mnemonics to the various processes involved in
so that the ideas are imprinted on the pupil's mind. Though and sentence construction.
Vagyoga technique has rejected the Paninian Pratyaharas Nature always follows God and changes
(abbreviations for groups of letters), their logic becomes continues to change till it imbibes the sentience
evident in this method. This is the secret of perpetual motion in the univer
The Principal Formula of the Vagyoga Technique If the universe and God are represented by two circles
"The occurrence of mutability in non-conscious lying side by side, so that the one on the left is taken ID be
matter in the proximity of Immutable consciousness." Universe and the one on the right to be God, then we can say
The one recurrent principle that ties together the that movement is generated in the universe
diverse aspects of word building and sentence construction of God. Likew ise, w hen tw o words of the Sanskrit
in Sanskrit language is mentioned above. This is the one come together, the last letter of the first word and
letter of the second are taken to occupy the \
principle on which the technique is based. The principle
and 4God-position respectively Then the
governing the sentient and the insentient, the conscious and
the coalescence of the two letters as given
the unconscious, the natural law governing the same. It is
in standard grammar condense into the
the insentient nature that, being in contact with the universal
usable rule of \ 'Sgyoga. The letter in the 3
consciousness changes eternally in response. Thereby there
in response to and to be in accordance
is always movement or change in nature. I he pure
God-place and merges to form the su
consciousness remains unchanged through all this.
We find the above principle t o be true for all s e n t i e n t r.V-4

Rules of Vagyoga are based on Vedic Philosophy

because of their origin being at the two ends of the oral cavity,
Part I- The Vowels namely the throat and the lips. In the pronunciation of the
It is only the letter 'a' the first letter of the Devanagari letters of this class, the tongue is not used. So the rules
alphabet that retains its original form even if it is in the N a t u r e - grammar governing these letters are identical.
place-it is neither attracted to the letter in the nature-place The other parts of the oral cavity that are brought into
nor does it change and merge to be in accordance with the play like the teeth, hard and soft palates, lie between these
God-letter. This then is the speciality of ' a ' . In the tenth extremes-so the Cu(C-Class, Palatals), /(/(^-Class-cerebral),
chapter of Srimadbhagavadgita, we find Lord Krsna and Tu (T-Class, dentals) form the matrix class. Here the
identifying Himself with the letter a of the alphabet- tongue is brought into play to redirect the fundamental sound
aksaranam akaro'smi . It is also written in the Ekaksarakosa,, to these very spots so that sound modifications occur to place
akaro vasudevah syat, which is in line with the Gita. And their letter-representations in the matrix class.
here in Vagyoga, you find its real application in that V is The out of the group letters do not fall into this ordered-
taught to be the abbreviation of 4 Acyuta . Just as is said in quintuplet classification, thereby have different rules
the Taittiriya Upanisad-4 tatsrstva tad evanupravisaf the letter governing them. As an example of the purpose of studying
4 the origin of letters (we shall use the term letter to mean the
a' in the Nature-place stays unchanged, but brings in
developments of the one in the God-place and merges sound modification .(phoneme) and its symbolic
(changes) into it. As an example we have a + i = a+e=e. So representation)-the occurrence of a 4 r\ V or V before a
you can see the basis of Vagyoga is in the Vedic/ Upanisadic V modifies it into 4n a cerebral letter whereas if a letter of
the matrix class is interposed between r, r, s and n, the n
remains unchanged as in Arcana, Prarthana, Janardana and
Classification of Consonants
Samaradhana etc.
The very classification of the letters serve to g e n e r a t e
In this way the pupil learns the development and/or
the many rules of grammar. The thirty three c o n s o n a n t s o^ conversion of all consonants as they are in process (of word
the Sanskrit language have been broadly divided into t f formation) on the basis of that single recurrent princi
classes : Nature+God interaction. He identifies the property
• a a the out
1. The frontier class, 2. the matrix class and u ^ consonants as hard, soft or nasal and uses the same
of the group class, The letters of Ku (K-Class or gu ^ a
Pplication of the principle.
and Pu (P-Class or labials) form the frontier class, s
Part II Words
In the VAGYOGA method of Sanskrit teaching the only with the appropriate gender and case terminations affixed
to them, just as the yellow metal is cast into jewelery only
evolution of roots, the unit of language, is shown. The first
after the ores are purifed and only then can it be worn, In the
part clearly brings out the changeability of all vowels and
fourth type of words that is, the indeclinables the gender and
consonants with the exception of V . This changeability
case termination need be considered to be present only in
points to the eternal movement. All the vowel-ending roots
their degenerate form. And these have been fixed so
and all those 4 a' supported consonant-ending roots signify
eversince. So the same indecliables...i.e, not declinable
verbs denoting movement. The students are shown the
henceforth! That is the reason for their inclusion in the
semantic ordering of the roots by giving the analogy of social
manifest wing.
evolution. They are taken through an absorbing tour-de-force The uniqueness of the Vagyoga system of teaching
which is like coursing through an interesting story. is that while in the manifest wing the student learns to fix the
There are two wings to this airplane called the 'root' meaning and the gender of the words naturally unlike relying
the manifest and the unmanifest. Only when both these wings on memorised lexical data on these. This scientific method
are mastered can the pupil soar high in the Sanskrit sky. The enables him to absorb and retain the various words forms
manifest consists of three parts-1. Root-derived (participles) without putting any efforts on rote-memory. The students
are taught what indicative words are abbreviated into the case
words. 2.Word-derived words, (all secondary noun, adjective
terminations as they are. These serve as excellent mnemonics.
and adverb forms). 3. The nonderivatives (atomic words).
For use of the students of Vagyoga system, it is proposed to
The manifest among words are like manifest divinity the
publish a Vagyoga style word-form reference.
exploits of various* manifestations of God are t a m ° ^ (Sabdarupavali).
Applying this analogy to the domain of words we have ^ The Root system
above three affected by gender and case and the ^ t o r r ^ , Under the unmanifest part of the root system study
the word is changed. While dealing with this part of mam ^ the 6 verb-forms and 4 mood-forms are taught analytically.
word forms, the formation of nouns, adjecti ves, a d ^ m i n g There are about 2000 known roots in the Sanskrit language.
indeclinables from the root with the respective wor These are basically divided into 10 conjugational classes,
suffixes are taught. . i.ineuage where the verb-forms of the present-tense system show up
All the above four types of words are used m
differently due to the presence of individual modifyj n
into ten conjgation classes are based on these roots that take
suffixes that occur in addition to the tense related suffixesfo
on all the intermediary suffixes. This means that the ten
the conventional method of learning these are to be committed
conjugational classification applies to first part (2 tenses + 2
to memory. Students generally remember by rote, the m o d e l s
moods) of all Roots. For the second half of the tense system
of verb-forms representative of the ten conjugations. B e c a u s e
(3-tenses + 3 moods) the ten-conjugational classification does
the process of arriving at the final verb-forms for e a c h of not apply. So these are called the Ardha-Dhatuka-Kalas.
these conjugations is a pretty complicated process, rules are Thereby the second sub-division of tenses and moods, the
prescribed for correctly building up the modifications process Ardha-Dhatuka Kalas, being similar for all the ten
root upwards to final form. The number of these rules is conjugations of Sanskrit roots, form the easier set of verb-
formidable. There is the additional task of memorising the forms to master.
rules also. But then the Vagyoga system solves this intricate To fix the applicable suffixes strongly in the mind of
problem and makes the learning of the same effortless. the student, an analogy is drawn between the popular ter
The ancient linguists have classified the present-tense- avataras of Visnu, and the ten infixes that apply are extracted
system (2 present and negative tenses + moods ) under the out of the distinctive features of these avataras. A well trained
term Sorva-Dhruuka Kala. This is so because it is only in the student of Vagyoga can form tens of thousands of words
verb-forms of these systems that the classification of At Roots from a single root leading to a very vast vocabulary . The
into ten conjugations (Dasagani) brings in distinctive features students are explained in a very demonstrative way the
brought in by the ten modifying suffixes. The other half of nominal, definitie and implied meanings of words. He
tense and word forms are ones where such intermediary understands at the appropriate stages in his learning process
suffixes are not used. So the Ardha-Dhatuka for the rest Half the literal and established (Yogarth and Yoga-Rudhartha)
of tense and mood verb-forms. In a nutshell the roots with all meanings of serveral words to give him a feel of synonyms.
their differences have been partitioned into two classes of Extract of portions of Amrakosa (the most popular Sanskrit
4+6 types each. Thesaurus) are also taught.
The first half of the tense forms alone take the art III Sentences
distinctive intermediary suffixes indicative of the ten The students practitioner (this is the spirit t h e e a r n e s t
conjugations and with some specific roots. Hence the division eker of knowledge in Sanskrit is encouraged to i m b i b e ) i s
taught to f o r m small sentences right-form day one as he
answers rightly, without explicitly knowing the source of his
courses through the manifest and unmanifest parts of root
knowledge. The teacher brings to the taught progressively
expansions. The sentence forming ability d e v e l o p s a n d
this ability to desolve into Para Vak for fundamental
matures. The effort of the Vagyoga teacher must be to take
knowledge, and bring that upto grosser levels of the Vaikharl
the student to the inner recesses of the Sanskrit l a n g u a g e ; fill
h i m with the energy for this and awaken his inner p o w e r s of
The Purpose:
self-discovery thus, live, up to the term Vagyoga. A l o n g s i d e
The purpose of Vagyoga system of Sanskrit teaching
learning the different types of sentences, he is also g i v e n
is to give the student a tool to unleash the Para Vak. As a
translation exercises to give him Sanskrit learning a g a i n s t
result he attains mastery in practical Sanskrit speaking and
some of his best known meta languages, A book c a l l e d
writing. This then forms the entry point for sailing over the
Katha-Sarhvartika is used as a supplementary study material. sea of Sanskrit literature. He then can take up deeper study
Collateral explication is d o n e by drawing from the prosaic of any of the eighteen Vidyas.
and poetic passages from Kathopanisad, Panca-tantra etc. Some Real-Life Products of Vagyoga-System of Learning
The Vagyoga Style of Approach: Dr. Saunderson, Professor of Indian Philosophy
The style used in the Vagyoga makes it unique. The Cambridge University, wrote to me in 1987 (expressing his
teacher places himself in the student's shoes, to find his desire to learn Sanskrit through the Vagyoga-way). He said
difficulties and correct them. Science always answers the he would send some of his graduate students to be taught at
Varanasi. He was impressed by the ease and scientific
whys, just like, why does a giraffe have a long neck? It has
apporach of Vagyoga. He had been informed by his colleague
to eat the leaves at a greater height. Grammar however does
Dr. Mark Diczkowski who demonstrated Sanskrit speaking
not answer Why and change to Vagyoga provides the earnest
and writing skills he had attained through Vagyoga. Prof.
student with the knowledge 'why' of Sanskrit l a n g u a g e . ^
Saunderson then sent his bright student Mr. Bruce John
course, as the subject dealt with is language there c 0 U ^ f J J Graham, who was doing research under me on Paniniva
exceptions to the picturesque imagery that is s u b s t i t u t e ^ Linganusasana. Earlier a senior French psychologist by name
dry-rules which forms the reportoire of g r a m m a r i a n s , n Dr. Philippe Vouin learnt fluent Sanskrit speaking and writing
VZgyoga style of learning the inner e v e r e x i s t i n g k n 0 * u ^ e n t by this method. He even composed a Sanskrit-French,
base is opened up, by systematic questioning. The s
French-Sanskrit dictionary. He is no more now, but
way could publish research work on Panini's Atidesa sutras
than a hundred Sanskrit-letters of his, are in my possessT^
( e x t r a p o l a t i o n formulae) based on Kasika, Padamanjari and
which bear testimony. Dr. Patricia Champion of Wisconsin
University, was trained in Sanskrit the Vagyoga way and the Mahabhasya.
she published some papers on the fourth Mandala of the Researcher Dr. Elizabeth Sundarlingam (French) of
BHU and Prof. Dr. Rada lvekovic of Zagreab University
Rgveda. She was awarded a Ph.D. for this.
c o u l d m a k e an indepth study of Pratyabhijna Darshana and
Mrs. Cinzia Pieruccini, an Italian, trained by the
K a t h o p a n i s a d . Mr. Cezari Galevic, a Polish student studied
Vagyoga method, has published an annotated work of Vedic sound system and Dr. R. Bergdahl of American
Dandin in Italian. This was later published by Paideia University at Philadelphia, Prof. Dept of Sanskrit studied the
Editirice, Brescia an Italian publisher of repute. In addition Vakyapadiyam. Dr. Aronoson, an American scholar studied
to this she has also translated Kamasutra and Gathasaptasati the Vishuddhi Marga (Pali) and Ms. Pamela Victoria of
of Hala into Italian. This has surprised even some of the best University of Taxas studied the Amarushatakam.
eastern Pandits. Mr. Hillary Rodrigues of Canada and Ms. Patricia
A Spansih student Mr. Oscar Pujol learnt Sanskrit Dold, research scholars have benefitted by study through the
the Vagyoga way, and he was given admission into B.A. Vagyoga method by being able to study the Durga-saptasatI
(Sanskrit) in bhu. As per university p r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n and Shakta Mahabhagavata. Dr. Tracy Pintchman of U.S.A.
requirement, students are explicated to have a pass in Inter and Prof. Istvan Keul of Germany studied Sanskrit. Mr.
(Sanskrit). Dr. Pujol has tanslated into Spanish Caurlsurata Kinley Tsering of Bhutan, royal family and Mr. Byang Soo
PancaSika of Bilhana and Rajatekhara's Kavyamimamsa,, yoon, a Buddhist monastery head of Korea have also found
into Spanish and published the same. A n d he also c o m p o s e d Vagyoga very useful. Mr. Bal Sanghan of Korea studied Pali
'Diccionari SanscritcatalS ( 2 0 0 5 ) . A n I n d i a n a S t a t e language through Vagyoga and Fun Zoo Lee Philosophy.
University Professor Felix G. Ilarraz of the S p a n i s h language Among Indians, many Keratites have learnt Sanskrit
w a s s o impressed by his work that he came to Varanasi o n a this way. Many from U.P., M.P. and Maharastra have
t w o m o n t h leave to learn t h e Vagyoga: M n e m o n i c Sanskrit. accepted this method. The eighty year old Mr. Chandra Vadan
H e has translated the Brhadaranyaka Upanisadinto Spanis ^ Mishra, an ex-officer of the Water Supply Board, Varanasi
A Japanese student Toshinari Ono learning by the Vagyog and his son and grand children have all undergone training.

This is worth a special mention. One of his sons Dr s

Mishra had started giving lessons in Sanskrit in t h e ' u T ^
the Vagyoga-method. Many of the teaching f r a t e r n i ^
Varanasi have taken to this method to 6get at ith*ne ^ °f
o i •• i root ofur
Sanskrit language.
Following the Aindra Vyakarana, Mahamuni Panini
had by way of deep austerity discovered the scientific way
to present Sanskrit language, grammar and philology. But What is Vagyoga Sanskrit and its duration
the later day scholars were not entirely satisfied with this
There was a proliferation of works relating to Sanskrit
teaching. Yet all had only been followers of Paninian pattern. Sanskrit is a scientific language like mathematics and
We find only Katantra Vyakarana, a trifle out of the mould. music not to be learnt by heart (like Paninian rules).
Therefore keeping in mind current teaching trends and styles, Script and pronunciation have developed from Tantric
the Vagyoga method is invented. Once a two day seminar chakras.
on the technique was arranged at the Jain Vishva Bharati,
All grammatical rules are dependent upon formula like
Ladnun for the benefit of Jain Munis, Sadhus and Sadhvis.
Their expression at the conclusion of the seminar was that 'Natural Law' a Unconscious + Conscious, Moon+sun,
had they known such a method existed, they wouldn't have Iron+Magnet or servant+master. Master letter does not
change, but with power of the master letter servant letter
trodden the beaten path.
changes or moves. Servant letter changes into hard, soft or
Suffice to say that the Vagyoga technique o f Sanskrit
nasal according to the hard, soft or nasal letter of master's
teaching has gained universal acceptance. The readership of
nature. For instance Rk-hVeda, according to softness of V
this book is humbly requested to join in this w h o l e s o m e task
of resurrecting this powerful and beautiful l a n g u a g e a n d P ^ hard k changes into soft 'g' = Rgveda.
it where it belongs- amongst the people on tongues.
t h e i r
How to decide who is servant or Iron and who is the
sincerely hope to get the support of the readership ^ ^ master or magnet between two letters. Although is our body

exist 72600 Nadis or nerves yet three Nadis function as the
chief of them. Left-sided Nadis name is Ida symbolically
40 41

as the Moon and right sided nadis name is Pingala Paninian grammar is dependent upon abbreviations
symbolically as the Sun. Rightsided sun's nature is (Pratyahara), technical terms and symbols. Vagyoga :
immovability while leftsided Moon's nature is movability. Mnemonic Technique depends upon symbols,
According to this description it is clear that left sided letter Abbreviations, Mnemonics, Phonetics, Philosophy,
is moon or Iron (movable) and rightsided letter is Sun or Mathematics, Music and Natural Law. The whole building
Magnet (immovable). of Sanskrit Language depends upon this Natural Law and
English language is also governed by this Natural Law. Mnemonics. Here there are no technical terms. All words
Such as 'cup+board'. According to the master soft letter 'b' have their own meanings by the heart like Paninian
servant letter 'p' changes into 'b' soft>cubboard>cubbard. ahorisms.
And in+portant>important, in+regular>irregular. Natural With help of symbols, Phonetics, Mnemonics, Music,
Law's rules are not necessary to learn English to Sanskrit Mathematics and Philosophy the Mantra Language Sanskrit
and Sanskrit to English language. After learning these they is learnt.
read the text books.: Upanisads, Bhagavadgita, story books There are three steps complete the course :
etc. Students complete this step within 90 lessions. (a) Varna Kandam : Here students develop the letters
Vagyoga Sanskrit : based on 'Natural Law', self-improving technique.
Vak means voice, sound. Yoga means union. Sanskrit Students can complete this Varna-kandam within 30
depends upon the union of the sound. Paninian grammar's lessons.
base was the sound of Siva's drum. Vagyoga Sanskrit's base (b) Pa da Kandam : Derivation of words from the Verbal
is the sound of the speech and sound of the Krsna's flute. It roots. Students can derive thousands of words from a
came in existence by the grace of Lord Krsna in Vrindavan. single verbal root with Krt Pratyaya (primary suffixes)
The flute contains six holes. These are the symbols of six and (secondary suffixes). Such as in English the
chakras in Tantra and six places of pronunciation in the verb /educate (primary suffix)+ed> educated, and
mouth. The letters exist on the petals of Chakras, lotus ^educate+ion > education. Use secondary suffix 'ive'
(chakras) in Tantric system. Devanagarl script a p p e a r e d with this word and compose 'educative1 and education
from Chakras.

+ /s£>educationist. In Sanskrit ^bukk\o bark+ita (past

participle) > bukkita 'barked, Sbukk 'to bark' + ana=
'ing' > bukkanam 'barking'. Students can complete this
step within 90 lessons.
(c) Vakya Kandam : syntax : with help of Nouns,
Pronouns, Prefixes, Indiclinables, adjectives, adverbs,
past participles, present participles, and tenses, students
compose sentences and translate from every question
has its answer. According to the Paninian system 'Aden
gunah' ahorism a, e and o are called guna but if
somebody questions how and why, then there is no
answer. Paninian grammar orders, does not entertained
question 'why and how'. Vagyoga students question,
why and how, the Gurudeva answers as in Tantra
Bhairavlquestions and Bhairava answers.

Through 'Natural law & Mnemonics*
Chapter I
Script and Pronunciation

There are 14 svaras (vowels). Symbolically

fourteen Manvantaras, controller of the time.
Sva=self, ra=shining. Svaras means self-shining.
These are pronounced by themselves without help of
any other letters and controller of time means short,
long and longer pronunciations.
Consonants take help of vowels in pronunciation and
writing also. Consonants move to attach to the vowels such
as iron particles move to attach to the magnet. Consonants
are like a lame person who wants to take support of a stick.
Controlling part of vowels is like a stick which is called
ekamsa 'one part of the vowel', on which consonant depends.
Bhagavadgfta says 'ekamsena sthitojagat (10,42). The world
depends upon ekamsa of God. God has four parts of his
Power. He situates in the world by one part. Three parts of
power are out of the world. Likewise consonants are the world
and vowels are like God.
10 Sanskrit Made Easy Script and Pronunciation 11

Vowels Such a s 1 + T * + IT = W, T + f = ft; T + j - ^ T +

Five: 3T c5 original five short vowels 1= +1= ^ 7 +
1' 7
+ if = T
+^ + T
+ 7
+ ft
- itr; T + ft = ift.
(One beat) : Hrasva.
a i u r j All vowels depend upon 'a' 3T letter to pronounce
and to be written. Without 3T 'a' vowel, they cannot
pronounced and written properly. When we pronounce any
EkarhSa- 1 f J J x
other letter, the air passes through the cavity of the throat,
cj five long vowels which is the place of 3T 'a'. Then the air touches the other
(Two beats) : Dirgha. places, palate, soft palate, teeth and lips etc, in out mouth.
a I u r x Therefore, in pronunciation of any other vowel or consonant,
3JT f ^ ^ ^ ^ you will feel slightly the touch of 3T 'a' vowel there.

Ekam$a - TT 1 [ | x In writing of consonants the ekamsas of vowels 1? T

f ^ T, 'u', S 'a', ^ t tt 'e', ^ 'ai\ 3?t V and 4 'au' stand
is used for worship only in Tantric literatures
upon or below the ekaihsa T of 3T vowel.
4. Dipthongs - T* 3ft rope development (two beats).
Symbolically 3T means Acyuta = unchangeable. \
means £akti, "3" means Sambhu and ^ t means Rsi and
Ekaihsa -
Agni = fire.
4 In Sanskrit all letters are pronounced with kara letter'.
ai au dipthongs (two beats)
As akarah letter*, akarah, letter1 ikarah ^ letter1
Ekarhsa - ^ ft
t?<TiRl ukarah etc.
•"it? pari of vimi'k I lie dark pari
"here consonant* reside Ayogavaha
f There are two Ayogavahas. Symbolically these are
1 I I I
^ L§L1 L^U ] f^tl Mvinikumaras twins. These have place in nostrils. Its made
I > > ft ft
( l a ] l ^ t l L^al r ^ l p ^ n G ^ f ) up of three words : A+yoga+v&ha, means A = all vowels,
10 Sanskrit Made Easy Script and Pronunciation

yoga = union, Vaha = carried (written and pronounced). The question arises:by who's distinction this letter
Means these two letters can be written and pronounced with came in existence?
help of all the vowels. Without vowels these cannot be written The answer exists in this word 'Vi (sar) ga'. The middle
and pronounced by themselves. Such as - m and : h. Name S and R are destroyed or burnt. As when the hut of grass is
of this nasal point is Anusvara, anu = after, svara = burnt, then remain ashes. The sign of the ashes is in the vertical
pronounced vowels. Means this is written after vowels and two points 7.
pronounced with nose. Such as : The Visarga appears from S means sarga = creation,
3T+ 3T am, 1 + - = i , 3?T + - = atf a m , f ^ - + = i , it sprouts again, But Visarga appears from R (:), means Agni
These are pronounced with two beats. One beat of 3T and = fire, then no creation again. The seed burnt or fried in fire
second beat of Anusvara. again does not sprout. For example : manas 'mind' + roga
disease' manah + roga = Manoroga = mental disease. The
Visarga 7 sprouted up and developed into Tt. But punar 'again'
These are pronounced with three beats : Two beats of long
+ darsanaya 'to see' = punardarsanaya: To see again. Visarga
vowels and one beat of Anusvara. (ej used only in Tantra). of Y does not sprout.
These are written and pronounced with help of svaras
These are also pronounced with three beats. Its other (vowels)
form is called Anunasika. Anu = after, Nasika = nose. It is :
3T + : = := = =
pronounced from in after nose. The sound of Anusvara follows 3JT+ : = := •= :
sound of school bell and the sound of Anunasika is like the : = : = + : = : =
sound of Church bell or the sound of the French pronunciation Vyanjanas (consonants)
in restaurant and president etc.
33 Vyanjanas (consonants) are symbolically 33
Visarga :
deities of Rgveda-saihhita. Vyanjana means spices like chilli,
This sign T is called Visaraga. In Paninian grammar salt, sugar etc. Spices are unable to be eaten alone. They can
this is a technical term. But in Vagyoga it has its own be eat when mixed with some food. Likewise these
meaning. Vi = against S = Sarga = creation. Against creation consonants are unable to be pronounced alone by themselves.
means destruction. * They are pronounced when mixed with the vowels.
10 Sanskrit Made Easy Script and Pronunciation

Consonants are lame. They need a stick of ekamsa of vowels ^ri^Tt) ohsh Combined Consonants
to walk, to be pronounced or to be written. K + SA = KSA (guttural + cerebral)
^ T + RA = RTA (dental + cerebral)
33 Vyanjana : Consonants ^ = J + NA = JNA (palatal + palatal=nasal)
Hard Soft Vyanjanas take stick ekamsas of vowels.
N.A. Aspirate N.A. A. N. A. T + T=7 T> T + TT=7IT|T + f=tTT>T+^=7it,T+J =

Slma cT' T z SV N Guttural

GH N Series it = T?r, T + ft = ift, T + f = 7f; T + T: = IT:.
Varga K KH G
c T5 j > Palatal Natural Law
\ n A
Series The world came in existence abbreviatively with two
Middle elements : conscious an unconscious, Prakrti (Nature) and
z\ 5\ 5\ S u Ungual
Purusa (absolute), Brahma or God. Nature moves but absolute
group S
T JH D DH N Series is stable. The whole nature dances attracted towards the
letters ? z 3 t V* Dental absolute. In other words Iron and Magnet are equal to nature
A Series and absolute. Iron particles move attracted towards the Magnet.
c s % 1 .abial But Magnet does not move. Likewise a master sits at a place and
sima cp
L Series his servant runs due to his order. Take any one of these symbols.
varga P PH B BH M
Here are two points Absolute is beyond the nature
Out of Zy F^H and nature follows the Absolute. So second one is absolute
the cV (.Parabrahma) and first one is nature. This natural formula
applies in Sanskrit language. The whole building of Sanskrit
group *R
language depends upon this formula. As the 'world' came in
letters cL existence with two elements unconscious and conscious
likewise the 'word' came in existence with these two elements.
In Tantric system the letters are worshipped as deities.
Sanskrit Made Easy Script and Pronunciation 11

First of all a seat is given to sit for the deity. Symbolically a Now to write 3T. Draw a half zero right to left and
horizontal line drawn as a seat upon the symbol of the nature other one upon that. It became "3. Now connect horizontal
0 and vertical as a symbol of Absolute line : o + T. The line to the time controller vertical line. It becomes 3T.
nature symbolically is like a chakra or the globe and absolute Abbreviation
is controller of the time in the form of vertical line. It denotes This 3T is abbreviation of Acyuta, means
one beat in musial way. Prakrtimoves when it comes in contact unchangeable : Visnu. Bhagavadgiti says : 'aksaranam-
with the Purusa, absolute. We would put a horizontal line akaro'smf (10,33): I am 'a' means Visnu among all the letters.
between Chakra and vertical line : 3T These two symbols. Ekaksarakosa says : 'akaro Vasudevah syat'a' letter is
Thus o now the Prakriti nature moves. We open our month Vasudeva = Visnu. In continued pronounciation all the vowels
to pronounce. Cut the half circle of the nature. So it becomes 3T. change their tone and shape except 3T. Therefore 3T is
All the letters appear from the Tantric chakras. The defectless, unchangeable.
sign of chakras is like a zero or the globe. Therefore the entire Varna : Letters
devanagari script appears from the round zero. Cut the zero All these 14 vowels, 2 AyogavShaand 33 consonants
from the middle and write left to right and right to left the are called Varna. Varna means colour and description. This
half zeros. Such as - word changed its original meaning and developed in the
meaning of letters from the period of Asokan inscriptions.
0(X> 3 :>:>:>:>:>:>:>:> The letters were inscribed on the stones and filled up with
cccccccccccc colours. Hence they came to be known as yarn as.
Sanskrit is a scientific language like Mathematics, Aksara
Sanskrit students are bound to learn 4 thousand Paninian Before the period of Varna, the letters were known
ahorisms'sutras! by the heart. Vagyoga: Mnemonic Method
as Aksara. A + ksara, a=no, ksara=perishable. Those that are
depends upon 'Natural Law' formula. Students develop to
imperishable are called Aksara. Aksara means also God, W e
sounds by themselves.
write letters on the blackboard, on the page or anywhere,
(1) Script and Pronunciation of Sounds :
they will be removed. Then why they .ire called Aksara7 In
The Script and pronunciation of sound are developed
fact Aksara is tiabda-Bmhma It exist in the place of ParS in
from Tantric chakras : one chakra is divided into two parts :
drawn left to right and right to the left: the form of a seed. See the diagram here :
10 Sanskrit Made Easy Script and Pronunciation 11

A person in the shape of Vina The source of the sound or letters the Muladhara
Sabdatita Turiyatita chakra where exists para vak, Aksara or Sabda Brahma in
Sahasrara the form of a seed. The whole tree of the language comes out
gradually from this seed. It sprouts at Manipura chakra (lotus),
Aina The branches of the tree are flourished in Anahata chakra
pitrhu m r Devahu and its leaves and fruits appear from the mouth. All the letters
Descending from gross I
to subtle speeches \ Lo
are engraved on the petals of the lotuses (chakras) as wires
beaten gross: Vaikhari vak \ ^^ of vibrations.
V f Sky Senses Qualities
Ears Sound 1
3T is the first letter pronounced in the throat, the first
beaten subtle: Upam§u vak Visuddhi place of pronunciation. After it other vowels appear from the
throat and pronounced at palate, cerebrum, teeth, lips and
unbeaten: Madhyama vak Air Skin Touch 2
nose touching 3T« Therefore 3T exists in all the vowels. 3T is
superior to all the vowels and it is the base of all the vowels.
lanipura Alphabet
Divine: PasyantI vak j, Q Fire Eyes Colours 3 In the Asokan period alphabet was called Varna-mala.
Svadhisthana Now-a-days this is used in the Hindi provinces. In the Paninian
t period it was called Aksara-samamnaya and in Tantric period
Water Tongue Taste 4
it was called Aksamala. A to Ksa (the conjunct letters). Every
word of Tantra has 2 meanings gross and subtle. The gross
meaning of aksamala is Rudraksa-mala, the rosery. In the
other period of Tantra the alphabets were called 'Aharti,
Superconscious : W Earth Nose Smell 5
Para vak Pirigala^Sp'lda abbreviations from • A to Ha and Anusvara. The whole script
Susumna / Ascending from
gross to subtle is included in 3TW.
These three 3T + ^ + 3T are Abbreviations of all
Vanlvinapravina bhavata bhavajana lokakalyanakamSh
alphabets. Aharii denotes that 3? is superior to all vowels and
12 Sanskrit Made Easy

'H' is is superior to all the consonants and Anusvara is superior

to all the nasal sounds. These three are supporter and creater.

Chapter II
Application of the Natural Law
^T^T Matrk§
(Mother ol the Cosmos)
14 &«« 2 Ayogtvlhas According to the Natural Law between two points
Svi - Stff R* - Shifting first point is the symbol of the Nature or Iron particles and
* ( 4 * m
r t?Mtf fj 25 Consonan3jt
other one is the symbol of the absolute or magnet. Iron
f M M» 8 Coniontni Utt*» particles move when they come in contact with the Magnet.
$n «u « i« * out ol t>t group
(Swni \tovtft) The magnet does not move, it is stable.
MM «» u m i
^ fl 1 I M 3T+3T here first 3T is the symbol of Iron and second
3T is the symbol of the magnet. The first moves and attaches
PALATE to the second 3T3T. The second 3T gives one part Y (time
t • controlling part) to the first 3T. It is called Ekamsa. This word
« n ^ n * \ I ^ is used in Bhagavadgita 'ekamtena sthito jagat (10, 42). It
means 'God entered in the world by its one part', because of
this the unconscious world became conscious'. His other three
parts stay in the celestial plane'tripadam urdhvani (Veda). It
becomes 3TT, longer, pronounced with two beats as in music.
If we write several 3T 3T 3T 3T, left one will desolve in right
one and at the end remains only two time controllers vertical
lines or Ekamsas of 3TT. This joining of the first is called long
sandhi or Dirgha sandhi. Two vowels never remain separate,
12 Sanskrit Made Easy

they have to join together. Similar vovels make 'dirgha

iFpr Pluta:
There will be a longer pronunciation of the vowel
when someone calls his friend who is far away. There are
Chapter III
three beats in its pronunciation but not written as three long development of 3T
ekamsas. Such as in the pronunciation of Rama used three 4 Posibilities of Dirgha Sandhi
beats Raama. This is called 'Pluta' and written 3 number as (a) 3T + 3T = 3TT.
Rama3 Om a8> is the name of God. People call loudly God, Example :
because they think God is far away across the sky. Therefore na 'not' + asti 'is' = nasti ^Tf^T 'is not'. Rama + anuja
they pronounce S T t ^ o r Oaaam. 'yonger brother'= Ramanuja Rama + ayanam
= Ramayanam
(b) 3TT + 3T = 3TT.
tatha 'so' + astu 'be'=tathastu 'be it so' d^l*^ ' maha
'great' + anubhava 'heart' = 'mahanubhava' he who
has a great heart' W^^TcT.
(c) 3T + 3TT = 3TT.
parama 'supreme' + atma 'soul' = paramatma M<HlrHI,
'the supreme soul' 'means God'.
(d) 3TT + 3TT = 3TT.
maha 'great' + atma 'soul' = mahatma H^lrHI 'the
12 Sanskrit Made Easy

person who has a great soul' or heart',

adhuna 'now', + ika (n) means
'Pertaining to' > adhunika 'modern'. 37FJ " + = Chapter IV
Because of (^l) flag initial vowel increased. Development of f /$
Here you saw that 37 or 37T did not change its form
because of being Acyuta 'unchangeable'. This is the sign of a serpent, means Sakti 'power'.
Exceptions : Draw a horizontal line for the seat and support of Ekamsa of
Kula^eT 'family' + ata 37ZT 'travelling' = kulata cfOT T, it is written thus Write with two half curvatures of zeros
'a woman who is travelling in many families' 'unchaste from left to right and right to left and use a coil on lower part
woman'. Here preceeding 37 disappearse in following 37. : J. J. Here upper part is the Ekamsa. The first"? moves to
Likewise Marta 'muddy' + andah 'egg' Hlrf + 37<^>: = join the Eakamsa of the magnet and becomes Ekamsa o f f
Martandah 'sun', "flfa^ 'boundary' + 3T^T:. 'end' becamest with support of the ekamsa of 37 when it is taken
desolves in the later 3T > ^ H +
= ^ ^ ^ 'The parting by any consonant.

line of the hair' Six Developments of ^ / f

'falling + 3T3lfcT: 'The hollow of the hands'
desolves in the later 37 - 3 7 ^ f : = HdSifti: 'composer
of " ^ R J ^ .
^ 1
+ ^TT. Here 37^ desolves in the later t > +
^ T = T^fkr 'wisdom'. ^eT'plough' + t ^ ' h o o k ' , 37 desolves
+ 1 Increasing gfz
in later i > = S^ 'The handle of a plough'.

T. b A
(1) Four possibilities of long development 1 Dirgha Sandhi.
Equal and equal vowels make dirgha sandhi.
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of"3/3>t

(a) 5 + 1 = ^ . Example : kapi ^fift 'monkey' + indrah Now we see the changes of 1/3 into semi-vowels y
1 ^ : , 'lord' = Kaplndrah 'Hanuman'. and this moves to join vowels (make sandhi):
Ardha-svara sandhi 'semi-vowel developments
(b) 3 +1 + 3* Example : G a u r l ' P a r v a t l ' + indrah

1 ^ : 'lord' = Gaurlndrah 'Lord of Gaurl, Siva'. 1+3T 0& + 3T) =

(c) 1 +3 + Example : kapi 'monky' + Isah 'lord' Example:
3^T: =Kaplsah^ftof: 'Lord of monkeys'='Hanuman, ati srfcf 'extremely' + antam SRF^'end' = at y + an tarn
(d) 3 + 3 + 3- Example: nadl ^ 'river' + isah 3^T: 'lord' = atyantam STc^RF^ 'extremely'. The vowel is called 'Guru
= nadlsah " ^ T : 'the ocean'. 'heavy' when it is pronounced before two consonants. In
Exception : pronunciation Guru vowel takes two beats, but not written as
In interjection sandhi is not required : such as i + i t f 'long'. Other example TffcT+3^= Hc^H, 'daily'.
Indrah' > i Indrah 'oh, this is Indra! 1 + 1 ^ : - 1 1 ^ : 1+3TT O + 3TT) = "ZTT.
(2) Semi-vowel development and sandhi Example :
Unconscious 1 or 3 changes its shape when there are ati STfrT 'extremely', avasyakam ^ M V ^ o b ^ =
unequal vowels on the right side. Right-sided (conscious) 'necessary' + at + y + avasyakam = atyavasy-
vowel does not change. Pronounce quick 1 or 3 and stop on akam 'extremely necessary'.
the right sided vowel 1+3T. It automatically will change into
3+3TT (*+3TT) = TfJ.
'y'+a/ 3T1 vowel changed into c o n s o n a n t I t is called semi-
Example :
vowel because its source was vowel. Therefore its value is
^ 'river' + SIT ' b y ' ^ + 3+3TT = = ^
half vowel and half consonant. In some cases this x will return
'with river'.
back to its source 1. When 1 shrinks it is converted into
consonant. In some cases you goes back to its source, this Exception
e x p a n d s in 1 . It is called 'samprasaranam' T F W l W l 'they' + 'come' = 3TFTlf%. No
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "3/3> t

Example : Example :
upari <5hR 'over' + upari ^Rft 'over' = upar+y upari ati 37fcT 'extremely' + aisvaryam t t ^ F ^ (at + y +
" 3 ^ + J + ^ f f t = " 3 ^ + x + ^tfft = upary upari ^T^qft 'over aisvaryam 3Tc + f + 3Tc + ^ + atyaisvaryam

& over' far up. Sfc^^fc^ 'extreme supremacy'

J + ( z + aft) =
1 + ^ (x + =
Example :
Example :
dadhi 'curd' + odanam s i f c ^ ' r i e ' > dadh + y +
abhi 3TRT 'infront of + usah 'fried' > abh + y + odanam > dadhyodanam cjff + ? +
usah = abhyusah 'a sort of cake or bread'. + + "3^: = = ^ q t ^ 'rice mixed with curd',
vi fa
prati TrfcT + uhah "3^: Prat + y + uhah = pratyuhah "Re 'specially' + osah 'burning' = vy + o + sah
+^ + > Tfr + ^ + "3^: T R ^ : 'disturbance'. = vyosah o +sfti (•£+
f + = 'specially burning'.
Example :
ati 3?fcT 'extremely' 4- audaryam 'generousity' sffcpf^
Example :
= at + y + audaryam 3Tc + atyaudaryam
prati TffcT 'every' 4- rtu 'season' = pratyrtu TTr + 5
'extremely generousity'.
> TI? + ^ + = 'in every season'. (3) Rope-development 'Guna-sandhi1
In Paninian grammar Guna word is used as a
technical term. Two meanings are available of Guna ^ word.
Example :
1. Rope and 2. quality. No technical terms are used in
prati + emi "Qfi? = prat+y+emi "Sr + I + ^ > Vagyoga: Mnemonic Technique. Our mouth is in this shape
+ x + Tjfa = Tf^fq 'I believe'
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of"3/3>t

<on>. We should open the mouth in the form of the rope Q and (a) Together Rope Development "^pr in two words
pronounce continuallyor This sound will change intoTi. 3T + f ( 3T+TT=Tr ). 3T disappeared into TO :
How? As we open our mouth TJ strikes to 3T staying in our Example :
throat and ^ changes into TJ 3T unchangeable enters into ^ : sura 'deites' + indra 'lord' = sur + endra =
cT^ W d ^ i r d ^ ' (^Rul^J 3T + ^ = Ti two surendrah ^ + = The lord of deities'.
half zeros of 3T and lower pait of comes below and it is sva 'self + iccha T^TT T>y desire' = sv + eccha =
sveccha on his own will."CT + T^TT ( ^ + TJ^TT) = T ^ ^ f .
shaped ^ Here 3T and 1 are mixed together like milk and
3T + f (3T + TT = xr).
water. Therefore we see only one letter, but not two. You
Example : f»
should observe always two by discrimination. It will be sura 'deities + isah 'lord' = sur + esah +
pronounced with two beats because is combined with two Tj^T: = "g^T: 'lord of deities', gana + Isah = Ganesah "rpfaT:.
vowels. suksma TgcR 'subtle' + Iksika f f ^ T 'look' > ^ J S ^ +
" Q f ^ T suksm + ekika = Jg&fettl s u k s m e k s i k a sharp look'.
Here in 3T + ^ condition 3T situates in the place of
unconscious and f in the place of conscicous. Therefore Example :
3TT + ?(3TT + TT= TT)
according to the Natural Law 3T should change but not f . In
Maha 'great' Indrah IrZ: = Mah + endrah
the beginning I told that 3T is Acyuta = unchangiable. = Mahendrah
Taittiriya Upanisad iftrRfa says'tat srstva tadevanu-
3TT + f ( 3TT + Tl = TT).
pravisat' TT^ W d ^ H ^ M l f a ^ 'God after creation of this
Example :
world entered into it. Here God is 3T, it created, developed i Rama TRT goddess of wealth' + isah 'lord' =
into "Q; and after this entered into the sound. Natural Law in RamT*+ e$ah"Q?T: = Rame§ahT^?T: 'Visnu', 'lord of Laksmi'.
different from Paninan principle. (b) Direct Rope development ^ T in one word
This Guna developed in two kinds: (a) Together The root (verb) ^ is not a word and a suffix He
pratyaya is also not a word. Here without support of
in two words (external) and (b) direct (Internal) in one word,
I ? changes direct into e because of power of the
without support of 3T. m I
Development of 25
24 Sanskrit Made Easy
•pot', chatram WF{umbrella' ksetram ^ ^ field', WJPattram
suffix. Mostly this takes place with primary suffixes. These
suffixes are used with verbs. 'leaf etc.
An + sya + ami > ne + sya + ami > nesyamic 'I shall
Example :
lead, carry.'
/ n i ^ f t 'to lead' + tra ^ 'er' = ne % + tra = netra f d i s 'to release + a > des + a > desah 'a place',
^F^'eye', 'leader of the body'. Likewise 'to dwell' +
'country' such as Uttara pradeshah etc.
= 'a field'. 'to win' + c ^ 'to' = 'to win'
Exception :
(infinitive) ^ ' t o collect' + "fl^T^'should be' = ^d°q+i;should
^pr vowel Ti and 37T take two beats in pronunciation.
be collected'.
The Guru vowel is pronounced with two beats. Therefore
tra "3f ending words are always used in the neuter it will not take "jpr development: + 37 + % = fffcT.
gender except five words : 1. chatra W 3 'student', 2. putra Here J pronounced with two beats. Therefore no 3PT o f ? .
^ 'son', 3. mantra 'holy word', 4. Vrtra name of a
(4) Increasing development Vrddha Yikasa' ^fif-fa<*>m
'demon', and 5. Mitra f ^ T 'sun'. I composed an aphorism
This is the top most development of as two
^RT . Only these five
folds of an umbrella. This is of two kinds.
words are used in the masculine gender and some of them in (a) Together (external) Vixldha-vikasa in two words
feminine gender. For instance- "J^: 'son', "JJ^t 'daughter',
with support of 37 or 37T and
'student', W I 'she student', 'holy word', 'a demon' (b) Direct (internal) Vrddha-vikasa in one word.
and f ^ : 'sun'. These all are powerful. In the meaning of friend Without support of 37 or 37T.
fe word is not powerful. If it is powerful then these is no (a) Together increasing development
3T + TT(3T + ^ , 37 disappears in ^ and this is
friendship. Therefore it is used in neuter gender f ^ i 'friend'.
Now roughly understand that in masculine gender pronounced with first 3T and last with three or two beats.
singular number sign is S ^ and in neuter gender singular Example :
na ^ 'not' + eva ^ certainly' = naiva ^ certainly
number sign is m ^ Therefore ^ ending words will be used
in neuter gender. Such as netram 'eye', patram
Sanskrit Made Easy 27
Development of"3/3>t

movement and red flag is the sign of the stop. Likewise 'n'
Example: ^ sign indicates increasing development and 'k' ^ sign
sada + 'always' eva ^ 'certainly' -sad + aiva = denotes to stop Guna and Vrdha-vikasa and drop the nasal
sadaiva'?T^+ ^ = 'certainly always. letters and change the semivowels into the vowels. In
secondary suffixes, after development, ending vowels drop
except because this is symbol of Siva the controller of
Parama WT 'supreme' + aisvaryam 'soverei- Sivaf^ToT + 3T OH) - + 3T. Now ending vowel
gnty' = Paramaisvaryam 'supreme sovereignty'. drops Saiv+a=Saiva, + 3T = means 'pertaining to
3TT + ^ = % Siva\ Mostly this suffix makes the word adjective. Such as
Example : Saiva-darsanam The philosophy pertaining to
£iva\ Likewise other examples. 'a star' + 3T C10^) = ^
sada W a l w a y s ' + aikyam^T^'unity' = sadaikyam
'first month of Indian calander'.
'always unity'.
Jina + a (n) 3T > Jain + a + Jain a = Jaina
(b) Direct increasing development W ^ T T ^ ^ - f ^ R T :
(religion) I^FT + 3T (y[) = ^ T (religion
Mostly this development happens with secondary
or follower of jina).
suffixes. These suffixes come to use with the words not from
d e v a ^ f 'deity' + a (n) 3T 'e'1^ changes direct
the roots1 (verbs). In causative this increasing development
into 'ai' and 3T drops : daiv + a = daivam ^o + 3T =
fq<w*0 also takes place with help of (y\) flag. See
'destiny'. This is a noun and it is used in neuter gender: daivam
explanation in development. I changes into ^ when 'n'
flag stays in the suffix. As the green flag is the sign of the kevala 'only' + ya (n) > kaival + ya > kaivalya + m =

1.3fC°0 suffix attachs with the roots and it a l w a y s takes kaivalyam 'liberation' +H > + ^ > ^p^T
masculine gender. For instance: A ^ ' t o read' + & 0 0 =
TO: 'a lesson'.
42 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of of<y>

(5) development
Other examples :
Now remain and vowels to develop when other / f a 'to c o l l e c t ' + 3 R 'ing' T^ +
vowels exist right side to them. This development is of two = x p F H ^ ' c o l l e c t i n g ' or a c o l l e c t i o n .
kinds, in one word (internal) and in two words (external):
/ ? f t 'to s l e e p ' + ^ T 'ing' > f t + 3FT > ? 3R =
(a) Direct (Internal) development
T F F T ^ 'sleeping^ or 'a bed'.
TT + 3 T ( 3 T £ + 3 T ) = (^composed with two
/ s i c f H ^ ' t o sprinkle' 4- 3FT 'ing' sec 4- ana > secanam
vowels 3T + f = In the condition of TJ + 3? unconscious
^ - c H ^ 'sprinting' or 'the p o t o f sprinkling'.
(3T + J + 3T) part is f . Just before . It will change into
/ b h i d 'to split' + a > b h e d 4- a > bheda > bhedah
(it is semivowel development).
' d e f f e r e n c e ' / f ^ 4 3T > > 3T = ift:I
Example :
/ v i d 'to k n o w ' +a> ved + a > veda + s > Vedah
f n i 'to lead' + an 'ing' /^ft + 3FT direct rope
' k n o w l e d g e ' or k n o w l e d g e g i v i n g the b o o k , / f ^ + 3T > ^
development: ne 4- anam % + Here e "^changes into ay
4 3T > I
- n + ay + anam = nayanam ^ + + ^FT^ = "T^R 'leading'
XT + 3TT ( 3T£ 3TT) = 3TSTT.
: ana 3FT suffix ending words always take neuter gender
except in compounds : nayanam ^FFF^. Example :

Three types of meanings STsf exist of the words : / R t 'to lead, to carry' + 3 # T T + T >

(i) Yaugika b y j o i n i n g r o o t 4- suffix, direct: + = ^ R T f a ' I lead, carry'

'leading' TT + =
(ii) Yoga-rudha yaugika & rudha together Example :
means etymological, Such as : ^ ^ derived from the root ^t A i 'to sleep' + isya + te % > §e + i s y a 4- te

to lead 'eye' which is leader in our body. 'he/she will' > § + ay + isya + te = Sayisyate ^ + + ^ >
^ + ^ + = be- she
(iii) fix meanings ^ : Who's etymology is unknown.
will sleep'
Such as : STPftf^FT etc
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "3/3>

XT + f ( 3 T ^ ) = 3T4t Example :
Example : (b) Together OT^FrT external) development
si + I + ta > se + e + ta > s + ay + I + ta > sayita Ti + 37 (In two words "Q[is separate from second vowel.
^ + + = 'he she There falls a pressure on Ti and 3ft, when these two rope
may sleep'. letters are straight in pronunciation. Automatically 3T
TT + 3 ( 3 ^ 3 ) = 3T*J disappears in the straight sound of ^and 3ft. Assimilation of
Example : 3T with This is called "^Tpurva rupa.)
TT + (3T^) = ITS

+ (art^o = Example :
vande 'I salute' + aham T >Vande' ham. ^ +
TT + TI ( ^ T T ) =
> Remember that there is a sign 'S' in the place of
Example :
3T, which had disappeared. It is called Avagraha 3T3FUI? or
ravi 'sun' + e 'for' Guna > rave + e > rav + ay + e =
ravaye = 'for the sun' namah 'salutation' = ravaye namah ' khandakara l+K 'broken 3T.
salutation tosun.Tfe + + + = T^^FT: XT + 3TT ( + 3?T )
[Two words should be recognized separate. Therefore
drops optionally and again there is no sandhi, because these
Example :
two 3T & 3JT know that between both of them there was z ].
•ft nl + T^ (imperative mood, first person singular Example :
number) > % ne + T* > - 3 F = ^ 'should I lead'
te 'they' + ayanti 'come' = t + ay + ayanti drops) >
T?; + 3Ttr ( + 3rt) = (not found) ta ayanti, optionally tayayanti. But this form is not available
Example : in classical literature, "ft + > ? 3FSlWlPd > fT 3TFTlf%
TT + 3ft ( 3T* 3 f t ) = (not found) and optionally d^MlPd.
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "3/3> t

Rame 'in Rama' 4- astha 'faith' > Ram + ay + astha >

school'. + > fauMi + + ^Mp^Mdl: ( z
Rama astha. TT^T + 37TF7T >TF + + STRAIT > TFT 3TR^TT.
drops) > ^ r f ^ m r : '(all are) present in school'.
Exception :
^ of dual number does not change, such as: late 'two
creepers' arohatah 'grow' = late arohatah r t i ^TRt^cT:. If here Example :
"^changes into 'ay' and z drops, no difference will be there asrame 'in the asrama' + udha 'married' > asram + ay
singular number of ending locative and this dual of feminine + udha drops) > asrama udha 'she was married in the
or neuter. Such as : grhe 'in the house' + asate 'persons sit' =
asrama'. + ^T > 3TT3F + + drops) =
grha asate. ^ + > ^ + ^ + STRTT^ > TpT + +
3TTSFT ^ T .
3TR7RU drops ) I

Example : Example :

te 'they' + icchanti 'wish' > t + ay + icchanti drops) vane 'in the forest' + rsih 'sage' > van + ay + rsih
> t > ta icchanti. 'they wish'. ^ + > f + sp; + ffo&fa drops) = vana rsih 'an rsi (is) in the forest'. + > ^F
= TT 'they wish'. + + drops) = cR ^ f ^ : .

XT + f ( 3 ^ + f ) = 3 T f . TT + TT(3qz + TT) = 3T TT

Example : Example :
sarve 'all' + eva 'only' > sarv + ay + eva (5 drops) =
same 'all' + lhante' wish' sam + ay + Ihante > samb
lhante. 'all wish'. ^ + > W- + + "f^rt > WJ sarva eva. TTcf + TJ^f > TT^ + +^ drops) =
'all wish*. (Bhagavadglta 1, 6).

Example :
Example :
munaye 'for the sage' + aiSvaryam 'show & pomp' >
vidyalaye 'in school + upasthitah 'present' = vidyalay
munay + ay + aisvaryam 0& drops) = munaya aisvaryam.
+ ay + upasthitah > vidyalaya upasthitah 'all are present in
Development of 25
24 Sanskrit Made Easy

^ + + + T ^ p f ^ ( l drops) = ^ T Causative :

show & pomp for the sage (is useless)'. / ^ t 'to carry' + ? 'causative siffix' +? = -+
+ +
Tr + 3Tt(3TS+3Tt) = 3T3ft, +^> = ^^ ^ 'is' = ^ + >^ +
Example: + 3TfcT = HN^fa 'causes to carry'.

vane 'in the forest' + osadhayah 'herbs' > van + ay + ^ + 3TT ( 3TR + 3TT ) = 3TPTT.
osadhayah drops) = vana osadhayah + > ^
Example :
+ + strWT: (^ drops) = ^FT 'herbs (are) in the
/gai 'to sing' + ami 'am' = g + ay + ami > gayami 'I
sing'. A + 3 # T > t + + 3TTf^T > 'IWlfa.

T* + ? ( 3TT^ + ? ) = 3TTf^T.
Example :
ausadhalaye 'in the hospital' + ausadham 'medicine'
> ausadhalay + ay + ausadham (Z drops) = ausadhalaya rai 'wealth' + i 'in, on' > r + ay + i > rayi 'in wealth't
ausadham. a ^ W o T ^ + + + sftw^ + ^ >\ + + f = Ufa 'in raw material'.
( I drops) = s f f a s j ^ 'The medicine (is) in the + f ( 3TR: + f ) =
hospital'. Example : (not found)
(6) 3TF& development in one word (internal)
(a) direct xr^r^T
Example : (not found)
2 z
development in W ? one word (internal)
do^s not drop because of one word.
Example : (not found)
^ + 3T(3TR+ 3T) = 3TRT, T* + ( 3TTS + = 3TFJ•
Example : (not found)
^gai 'tp sing' + ati 'is' = g + ay + ati > gayati 'she/he
sings'. A + 3 f >T + + = Tj^fo. ^ + ¥ ( 3TT5 + TT) = 3TT3\

Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "3/3> t

Example: adhuna ( ^ d r o p s ) = edha adhuna- + 3TSpr > T^ + +

rai 'wealth' + e 'for' > r + ay + e > raye 'for wealth', t ^ ( t d r o p s ) = T£TT ^ T T .

+ "Q>\ + Ti= TT^. T* + 3TT ( 3TR + 3TT) = 3TT 37T)

+ + = 3TT4 Example :
Gariga-dharayai 'for the stream of Ganga' + ayasah
Example: (not found)
'attempt' > Ganga-dharay 4- ay + ayasah f^ drops) = Ganga-
T* + 3Tt (3TT* + 3Tt) = 3TFTt. dharaya ayasah. + 3TOT: > + +
Example : 3TFTRT: (^ drops) = ^T^TRPTT STTCRT:.

t 'wealth' + 'of two' > \ + 37T* + aft: > TFft: 'of T?; + 5 ( 3 T R + 5 ) = 3TT^.
two wealth'. Example :
harai 'should I earn - iha. here > har - ay + iha
T* + 3ft (3TT* + 3 f t ) = 3Tnft.
drops) = hara iha. + W >^ + ^ ^ " drops) = WU
Example: IS.
t 'wealth' + sft 'two' >\ + + aft > 'two $ + f(3JTZ + $) = 3nt
wealth'. Example :
(b) development in two words (external), ending V Umayai for Parvati + feanah Siva' > Umay + ay +
drops, m^iti ^ drofcs. Two words remain separate. Isanah ( t drops) = Umaya l>Inah. + > +
^ + f^TR: (z drops) = W H
+ 3T ( 3TT& + 3T ) = 3TT 3T.
vai 'certainly' + are (vocative) > v + ay + are >
Sivfiyai for PlrvatT + Ugrah Siva' > Sivay + &y +
are-^+ + (Brhadaranyaka Upanisad Ugrah (X d r o p s ) = & v * y * Ugrah. ^r > to + 31JZ
4.5.11). * (Xdrops) = fVHWI
edhai 'should I grow' + adhuna 'now' > edh + ay +
Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of <3/3> 39
+ 37 ( 3TT£ + 37) = 3TT 37.
^ + 3 T t ( 3 T T ^ + 3 T t ) = 37T3Tt.
Example :
Example :
vayai 'I should weave' + utakam 'fibre' > vay + ay +
pariksai 'should I examine' + osadhim' 'herb' > pariks
utakam drops) = vaya utakam 'should I weave the group
+ ay + osadhim (^drops) = pariksa osadhim. ^RNl + s f a f ^
of thread' + <Jr>dcbH, > W- + + (z drops) =
> xtf^ + + = ^STT

Example :
Example :
sevai 'should, take' + ausadham 'medicine' > sev +
vandai 'I should salute' + rsi-putrakam 'the son of the
ay + ausadham drops) = seva ausadham. ' M +
sage' > vand + ay + rsiputrakam drops) = vanda
sjW^ drops) = Tfal
rsiputrakam. ^ + " ^ f ^ p ^ > cf^ + + ^fa^+H,(i
drops) = ^ T

^ + T T ( 3 ^ + TT) = 3TTTT.
bhunajai 'should I eat' + elam'cardamom' > bhu^j +
ay + elam drops) = bhu^ja elam. + W l >

^ + ^ ( 3TTC + ^ ) = 3TT %
Example :
karavai 'should I make' + aikyam 'unity' > karav +
ay + aikyam (^drops) = karava aikyam. + ^ F F ^ ^
+ 3TF+

Development of "3/35

(c) 37 + 3 = 37.
Chapter V
^ ^ v a d h a 'bride' + uktam 'saying' > vadhuktam 'saying
of the bride'.

(d) 3 7 + 3 7 = 37.

Example :

vadhu 'bride' + uha 'imagination' = Vadhuha

imagination of the bride'. ^ + 37?T = c j ^ l .
Exception :
In the case of interjection sandhi is to be avoided.
Example :
Development of 3/37 u 'oh' 4- Umesah 'Siva' > u Umesah 'Oh, this is Siva'.
(1) Four long developments of (dirgha-sandhi)
Equal vowels make dirgha-sandhi 'long development'. (2) Semi-vowel-development
(a) 3 + 3 = 37• Mostly this development takes place in two words.
Example : This differs from the rope development. According to Natural
su 'good' + uktam 'saying' = suktam 'good saying', "i Law left-sided letter changes but not right sided.
3 + 3 T ( o + 3 T ) = ^

Pronounce quick 3 and stop on 3T. Automatical^ 3

(b)3 + 37 = 37. changes into o .
Example: Example :
laghu 'small' + usarah 'desert' = laghusarah.
(a) anu 'after1 + aham (ahan) 'day' > an + v + aham >
49 Development of of<y>
Sanskrit Made Easy

anvaham 'daily'. 3T3 + + o + 3T^>

su 'good' + accham 'cleansed' > s + v + accham > Example :
svaccham 'very clean'. ^J + > "f 4- o + _ anu 'after' 4 rtu 'season' > an + v + ntu > anvrtu 'after
season'. ^ + > ^ >
f ^ 'two children'+ ^ T ^ T : 'reach'= f ^ ^ T ^ r T :
3 + 3TT(o+3TT) = ^T.
Example :
3 + 11(0 + 11) = %.
Example :
(b) su 'well' 4- agatam 'come' > s + v 4- agatam >
s v a g a t a m ' w e l c o m e ' - 0 + 3Mcf^= WTcT^. anu after' 4 esanam 'desire' > an -1- v + esanam >
Sing four times su-svagatan. It makes Harigitika' metre. anvesaname 'search'. + "QWJ > 3F + © + "QW^ >

Example : Example :
anu 'after' 4 isyate 'is desired' > an +v + isyate > (dative) 'cow' 4 ai dhenu 'for' > dhen + u + ai >
anvisyate 'is searched', ^ + > 3P + © + = dhenvai 'for the cow'. ^ + eMK

( d ) 3 + f ( o + f ) = eft.
Example :
Example : madhu 'sweet' 4 odanam 'rice' > madh + v + odanam
anu 'after' 4- Iksanam 'seeing' > a n 4 v 4 Iksanam - > madhvodanam 'sweet rice*. + > ^ + ©+
anvlksanam 'searching' + > + ®+ ^ ^ ^ '

TT3 'thin' + i 'feminine suffix' = tanvl cF + ° + * >

^ + 3^(0+3^) = eft.
'a slim lady'.
madhu 'sweet' + ausadham 'medicine' > madh 4- v +
Sambhu' + ^ 'see' =
ausadham > madhvausadham 'sweet medicine'- "RtJ +
Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of "3/3)
> tje + © + a f t w ^ > t n ^ w ^ .

"37 + 3 T ( o + 3 T ) = cr. Example: ^

Example : cf^'of the bride' + =
W l 'of the bride' + s r f T O 'ego' > m + o + s t f ^ 'desire of the bride'.
= oitc(fUldl 'ego of the bride'.

Example : 'of the bride1 + ^ c ^ l c i : menstruation > ^ + ©
+ ^ c b I d : = of^jjchiei: 'menstruation of the bride'.
^ 'of the bride' + 3TFTTCT: 'attempt' = cfs + o +
3TOT: = ^TFTTCT: 'attempt of the bride'. + TT( o+ TT) =
Exception : Example:
U^'two lords' + 'sit' = 'two lords ^PJ/of the brides' + "Q^kTT 'union' > ^ + ® + ^ c l T =
sit'. No sandhi (^fcl^TR Prakrti-bhava) because of q^chcll union of the brides'
misunderstanding. 37 + T^(©+T^) ch
Exception : Example:
Manu 'two Manus' icchatah 'desire' = Manu icchatah. ^T^'cleaner of + ^FT^'unity' > + ®+
"R^'two Manus' + 'desire' = T ^ T ^ c f : no sandhi. = "feld^cHl^ 'unity of cleaners who clean floor.'
'children' + 'g r0 w' =
Example: ^ 'for the bride' + s f r ? ^ 'rice' ^ + o + =
^ 'of the bride' + T ^ T 'desire' > ^ + °+ ^ = ^ t ^ T ^ 'rice for the bride' or e of the bride.

'desire of the bride'.

Sanskrit Made Easy Development of"3/3>t

(a) Together Rope development (external)

Example: Your mouth is in this shape cz^. Now open your
^ ' o f the bride' + s f t r ^ W ^ mouth in the shape of the rope like this f) and pronounce
'curiosity' > ^ + o+ continually - this changes into 3ft. Together development
s f t c g w ^ = c N h g ^ r ^ 'curiosity of the bride'. will take support of 3T acyuta unchangeable. Therefore 3 will
Exception : change into 3ft and 3T disappears into 3ft - such as - cTc^gl
In one word - " d ^ l j W f a ^ = God created the world and after entered
Reduplication of >4>hu > ba + bhu 'to become' + into it (by one part).
(reflextion of3) v + uh (historical past of ^bhii: third person, 3T + 3 ( 3 T + 3Tt) = 3ft.
plural number) > babhu + v + u: > babhuvuh + \ + Example :
(reflexion of 3) + + 'they
Surya 'sun' + udayah 'rise' > sury + odayah >
suryodayah 'sunrise' ^ f + > + sft^T: > +
Reduplication of ^hu > ju + hu 'to oblate' + us
(suffix)/ (reflexion of 3) > juhu + u + u: > juhu + v + u: >
manda 'small' + udari 'having stomach' > mand +
juhuvuh. + "g + 3 + > "^r + o + > .
odarl > Mandodarl 'wife of Ravana. ^ + > +
bhu 'earth' + au 'nominative dual number' long
divided into two short 3 + 3 and second 3 changed into
bhu + u + au > bhu + v + au > bhuvau- 'two earths' ^ + ^
(3) Rope-development TpT-fcJcbifl: of 3 Example :
This is of two kinds : maha 'great' + udayah 'rise' > maha + odayah > mah
(a) Together (external) in two words )d
^ a y a h > mahodayah ' s i r ' m + > t^j + 3 W >
(b) Direct (internal) in one word
Development of
Sanskrit Made Easy

3T + ^ ( 3 T + 3Tt) = 3Tt.
^ /:u,oob.ate' + tra'er'>ho + tra>hotram-oblauon
Example :
eka 'one' + una 'less' > ek + ona > ekona. ekona-
virhsatih nineteen'. "Q^J + + > (4) Increasing development ^ f a e r ^ :
This is of two types : (a) together in t w o w o r d s
kunda 'a round pot' 4- udhnl 'having udder' > kund +
(external) and (b) direct (Internal) in one word,
odhnl > kundodhnl 'a cow having udder like a round pot'
+ ^ f t > c p ^ + afts^ = c p ^ f t . (a) Together development
3T + 3Tt ( 3T 3ft ) = 3fr
Exception :
Example :
u h a , udha, uhinl and udhi take vrddhavikas
'increasing development', when prefix is pra. vana 'forest' + osadhi 'herb' > van + s a d h i h >

Example : vanausadhi cR + s f a f a : > + Sffafa: > q-ltafa:.

pra •+ udhah > pr + audhah > praudhah 'adult' or Exception : TWT^f 'equal to later letter'
'proud' Tf + = TT^:, pra + u d h i h > pr + audhih > praudhih Sivaya 'for Siva' + om n a m a h ' s a l u t a t i o n ' ( 3 T
'pride' 3TST 'armi' + ^ f t 'group' = STsftfl^. 'A large army disappears into
consisting of 21870 chariots, as many elephants, 65610 This is called "TOT^f Parasavarna' m e a n s
horses and 109350 foot. (previous letter becomes sa 'equal' to para 'later' varna 'letter')
3TT + ( 3TT + 3Tt) = 3Tt. > Sivay + om namah = Sivayom namah. IVNK + 3?f •^TT: >
Example :
3TT + ( 3TT 3 f t ) = 3fr
maha 'big' + usarah 'desert' > mah + o s a r a h > Example:
mahosarah 'desert of Sahara, ^ T + >^ + >
sifaT: = n s h c . . ' 8 r e a t ' + ° § a d h i l : i ' h e r b ' > m a h + ausadhih- t ^ i
>^ + > .great herb , "
(b) Direct rope development (internal) Tpmflf^T :
^stu 'to pray' + tra 'er' > sto + tra > stotram 'hymn
53 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of of<y>

, ast vowel of the word drops except * ) + 3T = fa ^

Example :
•Philosophy pertaining to Buddha'.
parama 'supreme1 - ausadham medicine' > Da muni 'sage' + a (n) > maun + a > maunanTsilence'
ausadham > paramausadham. WT + s W r >> m Jl?
(here last s dropped). ^ T + 3T C°0 > + * >
/stu 'to pray' + ti (present tense, third person, singular
3TT + 3fl(3Tr + 3 f r ) = 3fr number) > stauti 'she/he prays'. + fcT > T^fo.
Example: (5) development in the place of 3Tt.
maha 'great' + ausadham 'medicine' > mah + 3ft is composed with 3T + "3. This ^ will change into
ausadham > mahausadham. ^ T + s f t w ^ > ^ + afara^ v o when any vowel exists after it. This is of two kinds (a)
> direct and (b) together.
(a) Direct (internal) in one word.
Exception : no development : W i ^ f parasavarna.
3Tt + 3T ( 3To 3T ) = 3TcT
suddha 'pure' + odanah 'cooked rice' > suddh +
Example :
odanah > Suddhodanah The name of the father of Gautama
•4>hu 'to become' + ati (present tense, third person,
Buddha'. singular number)
adhara 'lower' + osthah 'lip' > adhar + osthah > Rope : bho + ati > bh + o + ati > bh+av+ati = bhavati.
adharosthah + 3Ttg: > + > ST^Rte:; V 3 t f c T > , * T T + 3 T f t > ' £ + 3 T o + 3 # = •qcrfcT 'happens,
f ^ + a M bimba 'cherry' + osthl 'having lips' becomes'.
bimbosthi 'a lady having lips red as cherry, + 3TT ( 3To + 3TT ) = 3*cfT.
(b) Direct (internal) increasing development in one word Example :
It happens mostly with secondary suffixes and aflag ^bhu 'to become' + ami (present tense, first
in the bracket. But you can find some examples in tens ^ Person, singular number) Rope dev. : bho + ami > bh
Ba d J ^ + ami > bhavami 'I become'. + > +
Buddha + a (n) 'pertaining to' > " _^ + ( . T h e
^ >*+ + = qcnm.
Bauddha 'pertaining to Buddha'. + 37 >

Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "3/35

3Tt + 3 + =

Example : Example : not f o u n d in o n e w o r d .

' b h u 'to become' + isya 'future infix' + ti (third 3ft + x t ( 3 ^ + K) =

person, singular number) > bho + isya + ti > bh + av + Example:
isya+ti = bavisyati 'she/he will become'. + / b h u 'to b e c o m e ' + et ( s u b j u n c t i v e mood, third
> ^ t + ^T+fcT > * + 3*5 + = person, s i n g u l a r n u m b e r ) > b h o + e t > b h + a v + et > bhavet
\ + (Primary suffix) > + >+ + = 'she/he s h o u l d / m a y b e c o m e . + * +

= 'to be about to become'

guru 'spiritual teacher' + e 'dative s i n g u l a r number' >
3TT + | (3To + = guro + e > g u r + a v + e = g u r a v e n a m a h ' s a l u t a t i o n to guru'.

sura 'deities' + go 'speech' + I 'suffix for feminine
gender' > sura+g + av + T > suragavi 'godly speech Sanskrit'. Example :
+ ">Tt + I +T + +i - 'Sanskrit language'. ^tjru 'to speak' + ai (Imperative mood, first person,
singular number) > bro + ai > br + av + ai > bravai 'I should
>4>ru 'to speak' + Iti (present tense third person,
speak'. +
singular number) > bro + I + ti > br + av + I+ti > bravlti
+ * + ft > tfr + * + fir + > + ffr = ^ ' s h e / h e + 3TT ( 37o + 3Tl) =
speaks. ^ 'to pray' + ^ + frT > Hl^lfci.
go 'cow' + oh (genetive & locative dual) > g + av +
37t + 3 ( 3 T o + = > gavoh 'of two cows'. * + > T+ ^ + ^ > ^
Example : not found in one word.
3Tt + ^ ( 3To + = Example : not found

Example : not found in one word.

Sanskrit Made Easy Development of of<y>

Exceptions : Acyuta disappears into strenght-sounded aft

Somewhere in the meaning semi-vowel x •
accepted as vowel: ls JuST^fa) = &
Example : k0 'who' + aham T > ko'ham 'who am I'. so 'he' (God)

^Tt 'earth' + ^jfa: 'measurment' * + + > + aham T > so ' h a m ' . 'I (am) he=god\ ^T + > ^SFT,
M^jfd: 'measurment of two miles' + H i m , ^ ' L o w
' +
^ = ^ H e r e
disappeared in the straight sound of 3ft. It is called ^ T .
+ t ^ 'milk> c u r d or bmter
3TT + 3TT ( 3 T ° + 3TT ) 37^T
etc. coming from a cow.'
Here is available only one word go ^ft 'cow'. No

'excellent'. option requires in this word.

In the compound 'gava' substitute in the place
^ 'boat' + > - + 3TIo + H|o«L|^
o f i t go 'cow'.
20 'COW'.
/pft 'to purchase' + 'suffix +
Example :
= thing exibited for sale in the market' go 'cows' + agamanam 'coming' > gava + agamanam
/ f a 'to decay' + ^'suffix' > $ + ^ > ^= gavagamanam. ift + >T + ^ + W T ^ > or
SF^P^'can be decayed'.
/ f a 'to conquer' + ^ 'suffix' + + 3T ( + 3T) = 3TCTT

= " ^ T 'can be conquered'. Example :

'accessible by a boat or ship navigable' (as a nver go 'cow' + amsah 'part' > gava + amsah > gavamsah.
(b) together development in the place of aft (external) ^ go 'cow' + aksah 'eye' > gava + aksah = gavaksah 'a
This development occures with two words. Window in the shape of cow-eye. > + 3WJ: > TO + 3W-
even in sandhi, you see separate two words optional y e
Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of of<y>

Example : 3ft + IT ( 3T* + TO =

go + 'bull' + indrah 'lord' > g + a v a = g a v a + inn u Exaniple •

gavendrah 'a big bull. * + * * > ^ + ^ = go 'cows' + esana 'desire' > g + ava + esana ( h « * h

+ F (3*CF + F ) >
^ d i s a p p e a r e d into t ) > gavesana 'search' (desire of a cow
means search of a cow. After it became = 'derivation'
Example :
^ = 'fixed' in the meaning of search. *tf + > TO +
go -cow' > isah 'lord' > gava + isah = gavesah 'a big
bull'. TIT + t^T: > TO + ^T: = t t ^ t : 6

3Tt + + = 3Teft
Example :
Example :
go 'cows' + aisvaryam 'sovereignty' > gava +
go 'bull + uttamah 'super' > gava + uttamah =
aisvaryam > gavaisvaryam. ^ + > TO + -
gavottamah 'a superior bull'. "HT + "StFT: > TO + =
3TT + 3TT ( 3TCT + 3 T T ) = 3T^T
3TT + ( + 3 7 ) = 3T3T
Example :
Example :
go on the cow' + otuh 'mouse' > gava + otuh (^R^T)
go 'cow' + usara 'barren' > gava + usara > gavosara
> gavotuh 'a mouse on the cow', + > TO + s f t g :
'a barren cow among others. "HT + 37W > TO +

3TT + ( + = + + 3ft) =
Example : Example :
go 'in cows' + rsabhah 'bull' > gava + rsabhaJ? = go 'bull' + augryam 'violence' > gava + augryam >
^ ^ a m ' t e r r o r of a bull. ^ + 3 * W l > T O + =
gavarsabhah 'A bull among the cows'. "Ht + ^ P T : >
^ H T : > TOto: |
Sanskrit Made Easy -r- 59
Development of "3Rn
Exception :
In the case of interjection sandhi is to v*.,
is called T ^ f ^ l = unchangeabie. ^ » Example:
Example : glau 'moon' + i (singular number of locative case) >
gl + av + i > glavi in the moon'. ^ +J >^ + ^ +* =

(6) 3TTo development in the place of 3ft 3^ + TT(3TTo + TT)=:3TT^.

sft is not one letter. This is a composition of three Example:
letters : 3T + aft. 3ft consists of two letters 3T + i n the glau 'moon' + e (singular number of dative case) > gl
stomach of + av + e > glave 'for the moon'. ^ + =
are: 3T + 3T + By dlrgha sandhi 3T + $
became 3JT and changes into q, Altogether sft + a? change
into 3TTo + 3T = 3TR. This change is of two kinds, (a) direct 3ft + T* ( 3TT5 + ) = 3TTft.
and (b) indirect: Example : not found.
(a) Direct development of 3ft in one word (internal) 3ft + 3ft ( 3TTo + 3Tt ) = 3TT^t.
No option in one word Example :
3ft + 3T( 3TTo3T) = 3TT3\ glau 'moon' + oh (dual number of genetive and
locative case) > gl + av + oh > glavoh 'in, on the two moons'.
Example •
gau (cow) + ah (plural number of nominative case) >
3ft + 3ft ( 3TTo + 3ft ) = 3TT^t
g + av + as > gavah 'cows'. ^ + >T + >
Example :
3ft + OT ( 3TTo + 3IT ) = gau 'cow' + au (dual number of nominative and
Example: ,,n.mentalcase)
accusative case) > g + av + au > gavau 'two cows'. ^ + >
glau 'moon' + a (singular number of ,ns.rum» ^ ? * T
+ aft
g ,a„ + 5 + g1 + a v + a > g i a v r w i . h , h e m o o n . ' «
+ 3flo + 3^1= ^TT^TI
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "3/3> t

glau m o o n ' + a u > gl + a v + a u > g l a v a u ' t w o m o o n s ' 3ft + f (3TT + f ) = 3TT^/3TTcft

Example :
nau 'boat' + a u > n + au + au = n a v a u 'two boats'. ^
girau (locative singular number of giri 'mountain') +
+ 3 ? T > - + 3 T T © + 3 F T = "^TCFH
isvarah 'Siva' > gir + av + Isvarah > gira Isvarah/giravisvarah
(b) Together development of 3ft in two words (external 'Siva on the mountain', frft + > + 37T© + $ M : = "PRT
sandhi) I^tSR: I
3FT + "3 ( 3TT + 3 ) = 3TT3/3TTF
3 ^ + 3 T ( 3TTO + 3 T ) = 3TT 3 T
Example :
optionally ©drops because o f t w o w o r d s . A g a i n no
balakau 'two boys' + udarau 'generous' > balak + av
Therefore these remain separate.
+ udarau = balaka udarau/balakavudarau. ^id^l + <1 >
balakau 'two boys' + atra 'here' > b a l a k + a v + atra > 3FT + 3 T ( 3 T T + 3 7 ) = 3TT 3 T / 3 T T ^
balakavatra/optionally © drops : b a l a k a a t r a ' t w o b o y s (are) Example :
here'. «tM<*>! + 3TTo + = ^H^M^MIoT^I 1 3T3. rajjau 'in the rope' + Otakam 'fibre' > rajj + av +
3?T + 3TT ( 3TT + 3TT ) = 3TT 3TT o p t i o n a l l y ©drops 37T3T utakam = rajja utakam/rajjavutakam There is a fiber in the
Example : rope'. T^ft + v^dchH, > + 3fT© + > T^TT dod^M, /
balakau + ayatah 'come' > balak+av + ayatah > balaka
ayatah/balakavayatah. ^ M ^ + 37FTJcT: 3*T© + 3FT + ( 3TT + ) = 3TT

tarau 'on the tree' + rksah 'bear' > tar + av + rksah >
tara rksah/taravrksah There is a bear on the tree', mi + ^ T :
3FT + ^ ( 3TT + ^ ) 3TT J / 3TTFA
+ 3?To + " ^ j : = cRT^T: / cRPpJ:l
Example :
3FT + T T ( 3TT + TJT) = 3 T T T T / 3TLT.
nadyau 'two rivers' + iha 'here' > nady + av + iha > Example :
nadya iha/nadyaviha. + +^ =
gajau 'two elephants' + eva 'only' > gaj + av + eva =
gaja eva/gajaveva. +
1. Misunderstanding of plural number.
12 Sanskrit Made Easy

3TT + =
Example :
krtau 'in yajna' + aisvaryam 'glory' > kit + av +
aisvaryam > krta aisvaryam/krtavaisvaryam 'glory (is) i n an
oblahon'. ^ + + 3TTo + sK^^fa/ Chapter VI
Development of
3ft + 3Tt(3TTo+3Tt) = 3TT 3Tt/37Toft
Example :
bhanau 'in the sun' + ojah 'energy' > bhan + av +
ojah > bhana ojah/bhanavojah '(there is) energy in the sun'.
+ >*TF + 3?To + S f a : > ^TPTT .

Example :
gurau 'in spiritual teacher' + autsukyam 'eagerness' >
gur + av + autsukyam = gura a u t s u k y a m / g u r a v a u t s u k y a m * developed f r o m ^ r . It changes rnto^l a ^
'(there is eagerness in the spiritual teacher'. ^ + places in Greek language and also in S a n s k n t a s P u ®
of Sanskrit changes into Polis of Greek. Para beyond prefix
of Sanskrit changes into Pal* as p a l a t e ' s h e * e runs, pan
all around' > pali, as paryanka > palyaAka "bed eta
Fulfledged vowels are only three * * & * T t a *
have six development but «
development it ends in the consonant. People^ ^ ^ ^
and pronounce ^ t a s a consonant \ > t wit h 3 > ^
Indian scholars pronounce it as consonant, as V
ru. Sanskrit is no mot. the mother tongue of most places »
64 Development of 65
Sanskrit Made Easy

India. Children are taught pronunciation by their m o t h e r s n + r + a = nra 'with the man'. ^ +
speaking dialectical languages. Therefore the s a m e
pronunciation gets adopted in Sanskrit.
should be pronounced according to its shape. The Example :
matr 'of mother' + iccha 'wish' > mat + r + lccha =
tongue should turn up and then pronounce this letter rolling
matriccha 'wish of a m o t h e r ' , ^ + ^ > + ^ + >
your tongue at cerebrum.
(1) two equal makes dirgha sandhi.

Example :
matr 'of mother' + iha 'desire' > mat + r + Iha =
pitr 'father' + rn (accusative plural number) = Pitrn matriha. ^ + +
'to two fathers', "fag + =
+3 ( ) = "S
(2) Semi-vowel development with unequal vowels
Example :
matr 'of mother' + udarata 'generosity' > mat + r +
Pronounce quick and stop on 3T, ^ will change into \ udarata > matrudarata 'generosity of the mother'. ^ > < k i « h
Example: > "RTc + \ + > ^I^Kcir.

pitr 'of father' + amSah 'part' > pitr + amSah > P i t r a m & h
bhratr 'of brother' + ekalata 'loneliness' > bhrat + r +
ekalata > bhratrekalata 'loneliness of a brother'. ^ +
tjchcridl >
matr 'of mother' + adarah 'respect' > mat + r + a d a r a h
> matradarah 'respect of mother'. ^TRJof+i n3TRT: + ^ >+ matr 'of mother' * aiSvaryam "9Dvereignt^|mi» ^
n* 'man' + a (singular number s t r u m e>n t"H
l ccase)
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "^t/c? 67
+ aisvaryam = matraisvaryam 'sovereignty of a mother'. ^
(a) Together development of
+ ^ ^ ' s o v e r e i g n i t y of mother'. This development always takes place with support
ofST'Acyuta'. 3? does not change. But unconscious Wchanges
Example : by support of 3T. "3ft changes into Y consonant. Therefore V
prasastr 'of a ruler' + otuh 'cat' > prasast + r + otuh > does not disappear i n t o \ Y by the rule 'cT^^gT
prasastr + otuh = prasastrotuh 'a cat of a governor', wimj + In the case of ? and , ^T changed them into ^ and vowels.
But here ^t changed into consonant ^ This proves that W is
not a fulfledged vowel.

Example : 3T + ^ or 3TT + ( =
netr 'of a leader' + audaryam 'generosity' > net + r + Example :
audaryam > netraudaryam 'generosity of a leader', ft^ + afki^H deva 'of deities' + rsih = dev + ar + sih > devarsih. &
+ ^Sfa: > "^o + + fa: = . ^ fire takes place up in the
(3) Rope-development TpJif^RT of H form of the flame. Likewise : ^ T + = TT*T + wfa:
This is of two kinds (a) together and (b) direct. = ^Mftf: etc.
Together in two words (external) and direct in one word Guna optional
t ^ W (internal). maha 'great' + rsih 'sage' > Mah + ar - sih > maharsih/
maharsih. ^ T + >t ^ + + ft: = .
(b) Direct (internal) rope development in one word
Example :
3T 'Acyuta'
*icr 'to do' + a suffix > k + ar + a > kara:.
sutfix-ending words take masculine gender. Its sign is's'
means visarga :' in nominative case, singular number, karah
' h and' and 'tax'. =
"V 'to carry' 'to steal' + a > h + ar + a> hara + s v
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of of<y>

harah 'Siva'. He is stealer, remover of kamadeva 'cupid' secondary suffixes when suffixes associated with the

tUg 'n'
^drs 'to see' + ana 'ing' > d + ar - s + ana > darsana
(neuter) 4- m > darsanam 'seeing'.
Example :
^smr 'to remember' + a > s m + ar + a > smarah /kr 'to do' + a (n) > kara. 3T suffix makes the word
'kamadeva'. Kama is produced in mind by memory.
masculine > kara + s = karah. 'maker'. ^ C*Q > * +
(4) Increasing development of >
+ 3T = ^TT:. This kara word occurs always in compound
Guna ^ d e v e l o p e d in ar. This is of two kinds : with other words or prefixes : Such as kumbha 'pot' + karah
Together & direct. Together (external) in two words and direct 'maker' > J^H^K: 'pot-maker ; loha 'iron' + karah
(internal) in one word. 'maker' = lohakarah 'Ironsmith, c l i n i c ; svarna 'gold' + karah
(a) Together increasing development - ar 'maker' = svarnakarah, w4=hk: 'goldsmith'; supa 'soup' +
It occurs only in few words : Among them now only karah 'maker' = supakarah 'cook' ^JWT:. Pattra 'leaf, paper'
one word is famous with ma 'water'. + karah 'maker' = pattrakarah 'journalist' etc. In this way you
can compose several words.
3T + ( 3TT + ) = OT^
Likewise ^mr 'to kill, to hurt' + a (n) > mar + a =
Example :
marah T h e god of love' ^ J + > ^ + 3T = ^TR:.
dasa 'ten' + rna 'water' > das + ar + na > dasarna + s Likewise ^ + 3T = 'lover'; ^ + 3T = <TRT
= dasarnah. star'; ^ + sr (yQ = ( p l u r al) 'wife'. ^ J 'to bear' + 3T
A country in which ten rivers flow is called dasarnah. = 'weight'; 'to hold' + 3T (?[) = 3RT 'stream'; ^ 'to
A river also called dasarna, which is united with ten small select' + sr (tjq = ^ -a g r o u p ' ; ^ 'tear to pieces' + 3T
rivulets. This river flows in Bundelkhand. ^ T + ^ >^ =
^R: 'a piece used at chess'; 'to flow' + 3T = T1K:
"or > "^iM + ^TFJf: 'A country' / 'A river. essence'; 'to carry' + 3T (yQ = TTR: 'garland'.
(b) Direct increasing development <f^[f^KRT in one word in the case of secondary suffix initial vowel takes
This occurs in all W ending roots and the words w*th creasing development:
•(56Sanskrit Made Easy

Example :
prthak 'separate' + ya (n) 'ness' > par + thak + y a >
Parthakyam 'separation' "^T^ + > "qT^ + z r . + Chapter VII
•qrsfaqjj. hrd 'heart' + a (n) hard = hardam 'love'. 3T (t^) Ayogavahas: Anusvara & Visarga
>^ =

Ayogavaha means Anusvara & Visarga. Anusvara

comes from'm' and Visarga comes from's' and V. You will
read about f^RPf in consonants in detail. These two are most
important in Tantra. Aitareya Aranyaka (2, 3, 8) says *3T j f o
c^TSSWIWH,' means ^ ' H ' appears from T Visarga.
Abhinavagupta says in Tantraloka :
fcm'folfTbfcfa W ^ f * I

Vowel is very rare found only in one root 'verb' cT3TT5 5 jIcl H6 really all nasals appear from Anusvara
and aspirates from : Visarga. These two are beauty of Sanskrit
I explained before that this ^ is developed from ^ vowel.
language. These create musical vibrations. Without these
By semi-vowel development \ becomes <r and rope
Sanskrit becomes like a widow lady.
development 'kip + a' changes k + al + p + a > kalpa + s >
^ W f 'Vowels' +
kalpah. 3T>^ + + 3T>^T +
is superior to all consonants but not to vowels,
because it is based on vowels. It sits always upon the s e a t : .
comes down when vowel exists on the right side and it
^ ^ g e s into'm'. The nose is the seat and lips are the ground.
changes in 'm\ when it is pronounced at the lips. At
e e
nd of the word s ^ r changes into'm'. For instance
Sanskrit Made Easy Ayogavahas : Anusvara & Visarga

3 ^ changes into 3T^when after there does not exist

any consonant. It is superior to consonants. Therefore when
consonants are in the place of magnet, it stays upon the seat ^ : this (f.) ™ 'cooking pof > ^ • j a r =
does not come down from the seat. This (is) a cooking pot'.
3T + 3T ( 3T* + T ) = 3T*T
Example : Example ^ ^ + ^ .collection' > ^ + J?: = 'a
3T? T + am' > + 3TfFT > + j f^f -
3*5hIVh 'I am'.
3T + 3TT(3T* + TT) = 3T*TT Example:
Example: 3t4 'This' + 'season' > 3PF + = This
3ftT + 3{m: (m.)'havecome'TPTcT: = (is) a season'.
'I have come'. 3T + TT(3Tt+>)3Tft.
3T? + 3*FM (feminine) > + 3TFTcTT > + TPTcTT = Example :
SJfRFElT 'I have come'. FT 'This' (f). + Trqt 'she deer' > FT* + ^ =
'This (is) a she deer'.
3T + f ( 3T* + f ) = 3TfiT
Example :
'this' + 'moon' > +^ (m.)> ^ t%what' + 'history'
f^: = This (is) the moon'. w
' hat (is) the history'.
3T + i ( ) = OTft 3t + 3ft ( 3TC + ft ) = 3T*ft.
Example : Example :
1W 'to &iva' + 'pray' > ft** + ^ > ^ ^ ^ This1 (n.) + 'rice' > ^ + it^TC =
pray to Siva'. (is) rice'.
Ayogavahas : AnusvSra & Visarga
74 Sanskrit Made Easy

* + * OF + > 'r00t veSetabIe'' •

^ ^ + Vibration.
Example :
%* + ^ ' t h i s ' + reasonability + ^ ^ ^ tt : ) > 'shivering'.
+ +
+ P b M ^ c ^ i i ' i s this reasonability?'
+ consonants in one word (internal sandhi)
^ + + ) > 'blanket', 'rug'.
An officer sitting on the chair comes down to meet a
mob of people waiting for him. Likewise any group letter of $ + *T: + )> Pitcher'.
consonants exists at right side, then SFJS^TT comes down + +W O > SP^'syrup'.
compulsurily and proceeds to change into the nasal of the Out of the group letters are 8 eight
group letter. These do not make a group pronounced at d i f f e r e n t
Example: places of the mouth. Therefore does not come down
3T + eft (3T3T + > : 'a figure'. because it is out of the group letter and have no "SFfflft^.
^T + TsT: ("SF5F + TsT:) > ^If: 'conch'. Therefore no question to change in to u i ^ ' i i f t w .
+ > a^'iimb'. ¥ + ("ST + ^ T : ) > W I : 'control on senses or mind'.
3T + fa (3T3F + fa:) > 'foot'. "S^is prefix (one word) and is one word. These
Tf + ^ (-qo + > 'five'. are two words. Therefore option : a n echo, because

^T + ^T + ^T) > cfio^T 'desire'. of semivowel.

^ + (Tp + > Tj^tq; 'carrot'. Exception : In one word x of the root, does not
change into a ^ ^ K -
t + ^T + ^TT) > ^ T T 'tempest'.
Example :
%+ ( ^ n + Z ^ : ) > cfra^F: 'thorn'.
% + B: ( ^ u + 3 : ) > -^n^: 'throat', % wander' + ya + ti = bhramyati. +^ +
^ + feT: ("qn ) >Tjfb^T: 'pundit'. ( p a s s i v e voice
bein > ^ g controlled', ^ n ^
g desired'.
^ + + > W : 'eunuch'
$ + + > ^Rft 'mother of Aijuna'. y e a r T h e r e
' ' ^

^ + ( + qy) > - ^ t •matress'. e

xampLe is'available ^ : N e v w
* * * * * * No
F 15 avail
a b l e in one word.
76 Sanskrit Made Easy

• , . ° ""^oiiarn
^ + (TT + > TO^ 'protection' 'reservation'.
Exception :
+ =
^ ^ ^ ^ emperor'. In respect of
emperor came down.
In one word "^-does not change into "^exists
in the root ^T^.
Example :
^F^'to desire" + T: 'having' 'desirous, beautiful',
bow' + T: > "TO: 'humble' etc.
Example: in two words
^f + eTFT: ( T T + ^ T N : ) > TfeTTT: o p t i o n a l l y UcrdN:
'conversation'. It happens by echo.
"?T + Wl: ("H + W k ) > "STCFT: 'doubt'. Never echo
because no semivowel.
Example : in one word
f^T + ?lfcT: (t^T + ) > f ^ r f ? T : 'twenty'
In one word + + ^ = ^ ^ 'praises, to
wish' W I 'praise'. is the root.
U + W: + W:) 'destruction'.
In two words r
f ^ + ft^: (f^ft^I:) Is the lustfulman•
+ UK: ("ST + m : ) >^TR: 'world'. Never ^TT*
Example : In one word fttf: 'lion'
Note: Please see all examples of two words u n d e r ^ M
The table : development of vowels
* ? 3 V V3 6 U
37 377 ¥ t 3ft * 37t 3ft

37 377 37T 37t 3*1 ** 37^ (37^) ^ * 3ft

37T 37T 37t 37T 37^ (3^0 ^ * *ft 3ft >

•cn t %T *ft

*7T t "5 % %T <


•5f7 fa * % % 3T eft * *

^.Si ^ W fa % %T > 3
VS. T TT ft tt t t 17 C
T T7 ft tt t t fr
?77 % eft

^o.(^) * rfT % eft # <

37*J 3 m CO
U.1* 37*7 37*77 3Tfa 37*ft 37^ ( 3 7 ^ ) 37% 37* 37%t 37^ft OQ
^ 371*7 371*77 37lfa 3f7*ft 3775 37FL 37T*J 377?| 377*<5 (37T*q)371% 37T*} 377*7t 377^ft
37^ 3737 37fa 37cft ^ m 37^ 37o?J ( 3 7 ^ ) 37% 37% 37%t 37^
V*. 3ft aqisr 37137 37lfa 3TTcft 3175 377^ 377f 377^ 37Io^ (377^)377% 371% 377%t 377^

Note : ^ i s not available in Sanskrit literature. It is used only in Tantric worship.

•( 56
Sanskrit M a d e E a s y

Chapter VIII
SAHASRARA CAKRAM Consonants Vyanjana 33

(south) PlTRHU K)*- OEVAHU (north) I described before in the Sanskrit alphabet that 3T is
PtNGALA (Son narve
^-SUSUMNA (Rm nerve) superior to all vowels and 'H' ^ i s superior to all consonants.
ID* (Moon narv*}
VAiKHAW VfcK In Tantra means alphabet. ^ H' is aspirate. It creates
(Gross spwtfi) Vl&JOOfl CAKRAM (5)
aspirate consonants.
Speech = Sound seeded the cosmos: '"STfafaST ^ i i P i
HEART 'vageva visva bhuvanani jajne'. The sky appeared from
ANAHATA CAKRAM (4) the HF5 like an egg', sky is in the form of fiFJ a point'. The
point is like the sky. Bindu expanded 'ucchunas'
became sky ^ i f V navel of Visnu. The cosmos is like an egg
TO of Brahma W . This is called Brahmanda the egg of
PASYANTl VAK Brahma TO1^. From this W Z egg produced
MAN'lPURAKA CAKRAM 'Hiranyagarbha' and from this cosmos. First of all
TO^I andaja 'creation born from the egg' came in existence.
6VAOHJ§THANA CAKRAM From the egg produced T^S 'Garuda' a powerful bird flying
mulXohara caWam in the sky. It has two wings. These developed in the hands of
PAR* VAK mankind.
Bindu inflamed, expanded or divided into two points.
The 'bindu' consciousness' splitted into two points +
First point was 3NT unconscious and second y beyond'
conscious. Brahma 'absolute' desired
eko'ham bahu syam', 'I am one, should be many'. As Brahma
80 Sanskrit Made Easy Consonants Vyaiijana 33 95

desired He splitted into two parts. Symbolically it is explained is like a seat. The first unconscious letter moves, changes or
in the form of srsfarctm 'Ardhanarlsvara'. Left-sided point developed but not conscious.
was female and right sided was male : moon power and sun
power. But before sun was also unconscious ^JcT 'dead' +
anda 'egg' > ^ marta 4- anda > Hicta 'sun'. Father of Garuda
was Kasyapa. Etymology of Kasyapa is M^cft Pasyaka
'seer' means knower. The knowledge place is Pasyanti in
Manipura chakra. Kasyapa was born from Brahma in the
place of Para, £abda 'sound' as Brahma, Turiya or Sabda
Brahma related to Para Brahma in Sahasrara chakra.
The Bindu takes form with support of 3T 'Acyuta'
means Visnu 3T + = ZR.Bindu expanded, changed into visarga
in two points with support of 3? + : (means all vowels).
Pronunciation of visarga is We should see how this i;
'H' creates aspirate consonants.
The world came into existence from two elements:
There are five places in our mouth for pronunciation.
unconscious and conscious "H®FfcT and The conscious
Similar sounds are produced at the same place called 'group
is immovable like magnet but uncon- scious UffcT
letters'. Five sounds developed from one sound gradually at
like iron is movipg when it comes in contact of magnet.
one place. Altogether they became 25 sounds of five groups.
The unconscious body moves when it comes in contact of
The first sound is non-aspirated and hard. With help of "^'H'
conscions the soul ^ The ft^ body works th
is gets aspirated second sound. Third sound produced from
following the nature of Brahmanda. Likewise word or letter the lrs
f t at the same place becomes soft and non-aspirate. It
came in existence from unconscious and conscious two
becomes aspirated associated with ^ 'H' fourth. The third
points + . In Tantra letters are worshipped. In respect, first
Pronounced with nose becomes fifth. The nose is the sixth
of all seat is offered to them. The horizontal line symbolically Place but
it is out of the mouth.
82 Consonants Vyanjana 33
Sanskrit Made Easy

Ekamsas of Vowels ^
TT f t
• S 3 [^J ^ + ^ + TT > TsT,7 + TT > ^TT, ^ + TT >
I n tr
^ + TT>"®T.
Consonants k + a > ka, kh + a > kha, g + a > ga, gh + a >
Five letters of the group produced at the place of gha, n + a > n%
^TO throat The left-sided consonant ^ is always uncons-
cious (iron). It moves to join conscious (magnet)
is fifth cFgpf: K g r o u p ^ + ^ =
ekamsa f of vowel The ekamsa takes support of 3T
vowel, k kh g gh"| ( = ri)
therefore ^ + = ? 75 T ^ f (= guttural letters
(T). 3? is the support of all vowels.
five letters ^+ T9+ f>fisr, T + +f f
of ^ group >ftF.
These consonants connect with ekamsas of k + i > ki, kh + i > khi, g + i > gi, gh + 1 > ghi, n + i
all vowels and are pronounced with short and long > rii.
beats. Ekamsa of short 1 is drawn on the left side and
79+T>T§, T + T>7T, ^ +T ^ + T> ekamsa of long ^ is drawn on the right side of the
k + a > ka, kh + a > kha, g + a > ga, gh + a > gha, n + consonant.
a > ria.
^depends on the ekamsa T of the vowel 3T and
to remove it 3T, we use a pipe below the letter. The I > ki, kh +1 > khi, g + I > gl, gh +1 > ghi, n + I
sound of vowel moves out through this pipe >
The consonant in the place of u n c o n s c i o u s Ekarhte of short (J) is drawn on the left side.
moves to join the conscious ekamsa of 3T > T, >
71 Sanskrit Made Easy Consonants Vyaiijana 33 95

k + u > k u , k h + u > k h u , g + u > g u , g h + u>ghu, n

+ u > riu.
k + au > kau, kh + au > khau, g + au > gau, gh + au >
Cs ghau, n -f au > hau.
k + u > ku, kh + u > khu, g + u > gu, gh + u > ghu, n 79 + 3? > T+ a t > + ar >-si, :gr +
+ u > nu.

k + am > karii, kh + am > kharii, g + am > gam, gh +

k + r > kr, kh + r > khr, g + r > gr, gh + r > ghr, n + r am > gharh, n + am > nam.
> nr. qF + 3T: > T§+ 3T: > T
+ 3T: > + 3T: >
^ + 3T: > IF:.
k + r > kr, kh + r > khr, g + r > gr, gh + r > ghf> n + ? k + ah > kah, kh + ah > khah, g + ah > gah, gh + ah >
> nr. ghah, n + ah > hah.
^T oPf: C group ^ + 3 = tJ
k + e > ke, kh + e > khe, g + e > ge, gh + e > ghe, n + * is fifth five letters of ^ group,
e > he. vowel. produced at the
C Chh J Jh n cTTg 'palate' + ^ >
k + a i > k a i , kh + ai > khai, g + ai > gai, gh + ai >ghai, five letters dldoLMUlf;
ri + ai > riai. °f ^ group 'letters palatal'

it tl

k + o > ko, kh + o > kho, g + o > go, gh + o > g h 0 '

+ o>rio. * ^ ^+ + a > ca, ch + a > cha, j + a > ja, jh + a > jha, n + a
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy
Consonants Vyanjana 33
> na.
c + r > cr, ch + r > chr, j + r >jr, jh + r > j h r , n + r >

c + a > ca, ch + a > c h a , j + a > j a , jh + a > j h a , n + g

> na.
c + f > cr, ch + r > chr, j + r > jr, jh + r > jhr, n + r >

c + i > ci, ch + i > chi, j + i > ji, jh + i > jhi, n + i>ni.

c + e > ce, ch + e > che, j + e > je, jh + e > jhe, n + e

> ne.
c + I > ci, ch + I > chi, j + I > ji, jh + I > jhi, n + I >
c + ai > cai, ch + ai > chai, j + ai > jai, jh + ai > jhai,
n + ai > nai.
c + u > cu, ch + u > chu, j + u > ju, jh + u > jhu, n + u
> nu.
% c + o > co, ch + o > cho, j + o > jo, jh + o > jho, n +
o > no.
c + u > c u , ch + u > c h u , j + u > ju, jh + u >jhu, n + ^ + + * + ft > + *+
> nu.
* + + I +1 *+ J > + au > cau, ch + au > chau, j + au > jau, jh + au >
jhau, fi + au > nau.
8® Sanskrit Made Easy Consonants Vyanjana 33

+ + 3T > + ^ t+u > tu, th+u > thu, d+u > du, dh+u > dhu, n+u > nu

3T: > ^ + 3T: > 3 T : > f + > t+Q > tu, th+u > thu, d+u > du, dh+u > dhu, n+u > nu
+ 3T: > "3T:.
c + ah > cah, ch + ah > chah, j + ah > jah, jh + ah > t + r > tr, th + r > thr, d + r > dr, dh + r > dhr, n + r > nr
jhah, n + ah > nah. \+l>\> >\>V +
t group T + = Z
t+r > tr, th+r > thr, d+r > dr, dh+r > dhr, n+r > n?
Five letters of ^ group are pronounced at cerebrum.
Here four letters are based on i<<*>i*i ekamsa Y of 3T.
t+e > te, th+e > the, d+e > de, dh+e > dhe, n+e > ne
Therefore to make pure consonant without 3T vowel,
put a pipe below the letter to take away the sound of
t+ai>tai, th+ai>thai, d+ai>dai, dh+ai>dhai, n+ai>nai
Now use these consonants with ekamsas of all vowels:
t+o > to, th+o > tho, d+o > do, dh+o > dho, n+o > no

t+a > ta, th+a > tha, d+a > da, dh+a > dha, n+a > na.
t+am>tam, th+arh>tharh, d+arn>dam, dh+arhxiham, n+arh>nam
+ IT ><ST, u + TT >
t+au>tau, th+au>thau, d+au>dau, dh+au>dhau, n+au>nau.
t+a > ta, th+a > tha, d+a > da, dh+a > dha, n+a > na
V 3T: 3T: + 3T: 3T:

t + i > ti, th + i > thi, d + i > di, dh + i > dhi, n + i > I?i
t+ah>tah, th+ah>thah, d+ah>dah, dh+ah>dhah, n+ah>nah.

t +1 > ti, th +1 > thil d + 1 > di, dh + I > dhi, n + I > O1 Westerners mostly French and German feel
difficulty to pronounce these cerebral letters. They
74 Sanskrit Made Easy
Consonants Vyaiijana 33 95
are suggested to raise their tongue up, touch the
cerebrum and pronounce t, it will become t
t+u > tu, th+u > thu, d+u > du, dh+u > dhu, n+u > nu.
^ f : t group c + >
Five letters of 3 pronounced at the teeth t+u > tu, th+Q > tha, d+u > da, dh+a > dha, n+a > na.
r Z \ t ~
t th d dh n t + r > tr, th + r > thr, d + r > dr, dh + r > dhr, n + r > nr.

Here only one letter ^ based on ekamsa of 3T.

t+r > tr, th+r > thr, d+r > dr, dh+r > dhr, n+r > nr
Therefore to make pure consonant without 3T vowel,
?+>> fir, > >
put here a pipe drawn below the letter to take away
t+e > te, th+e > the, d+e > de, dh+e > dhe, n+e > ne
the sound of ST. f and ^ are pure ^ifrF sakti letters.
?+ +^ > + ^ > t, *+ '+
Therefore consonants come under ekamsas of these
t+ai>tai, th+ai>thai, d+ai>dai, dh+ai>dhai, n+ai>nai
two with one more support of ekamsa of 3T.
Now connect these consonants with ekariisa of t+0 > to, th+o > tho, d+o > do, dh+o > dho, n+o > no.
all vowels & pronounce with beats short and long.
t+a > ta, th+a > tha, d+a > da, dh+a > dha, n+a >
t + am > tarn, th + aril > tharii, d + aril > daih, dh + aril >
t+a > ta, th+a > tha, d+a > da, dh+a > dha, n+a > dharh, n + aril > narii.
> cT:, 3T: > «T:, V 3T: * + 3T: > 3T:
t + i > ti, th + i > thi, d + i > di, dh + i > d h i ' n + 1
+ ah > tah, th + ah > thah, d + ah > dah, dh + ah >
hah n + ah > nah.
t + 1 > ti, th + 1 > thi d + I > di, dh + 1 >
92 Sanskrit Made Easy
Consonants Vyaiijana 33 95

xr : 'p' group x + 3 > tj p+r > pr, ph+r > phr, b+r > br, bh+r > bhr, m+r > nr
Five letters of x group pronounced at lips 'ostha' ®+ } > £r;
called Labials p+e>pe, ph+e>phe, b+e>be, bh+e>bhe, m+e>me
Now these consonants connect with ekarhsas
of all the vowels. Please pronounce with beats : T p+ai>pai,ph+ai>phai,b+ai>bai,bh+ai>bhai,m+ai>mai
becomes p of Roman script when you turn up its
back. p+o > po, ph+o>pho, b+o>bo, bh+o>bho, m+o>mo
x + i>-q) + + +T> ^ + T > "R. ^+ ^ + > *+ it>
p+a > pa, ph+a > pha, b+a > ba, bh+a > bha, m+a> ma p+au>pau,ph+au>phau,b+au>bau,bh+au>bhaujn+au>mau
* + IT > TT, T + TT > TJ5T, ® + TT > 3T, * + TT > % + TT > W Four consonants none-asparate & soft Semivowel
p+a > pa, ph+a > pha, b+a > ba, bh+a > bha, m+a>ma Eight d i f f e r e n t letters are pronounced at
different places of mouth. Therefore they dont make
p + i > pi, ph + i >phi, b+ i > bi, bh + i > bhi, m + i > mi group. They are out of the group letters 'varga-bahya

p + I > pi, ph + i > phil, b+I > bi, bh+ I>bhl, m + I > ml These developed from the vowels. Therefore
called semivowels ardha-svara. But really
p+u > pu, ph+u>phu, b+u>bu, bh+u>bhu, m+u>mu hey are consonants because unable to pronounce
x+ without help of vowels, y * pronounced at rug Talu
1 > V * + i> V * + i > \ %+
I > 111+ ^ 1 1 _ Palate'. This is called cTTcTSZ? talavya 'palatal'.
Vs This is pronounced at lips & teeth called
p+u > pu, ph+u > phu, b+u>bu, bh+u>bhu, m+u>m"
mr R^This is pronounced at "Jj^murdhan 'cerebr-
p+r > pr, ph+r > phr, b+r > br, bh+r > bhr, m+r > '
called TJtfc? murdhanya 'cerebral'.
94 Sanskrit Made Easy Consonants Vyaiijana 33 95

L r This is pronounced at teeth called 1+a > la, 1+a > la, I+i > li, 1+i > li, 1+u > lu, 1+u > lu, 1+e
dantya 'dental'. > le, 1+ai > lai, l+o > lo, 1+au > lau, 1+aiii > lam, 1+ah >
Now connect these four with the ekamsas of vowels: lah.
3 Sibilants ^IrchlR-'gpoTf: aspirate and hard
These three letters are developed from visarga
y+a > ya, y+a > ya, y+i > yi, y+i >yl, y+u > yu, y+u > Therefore called fa^'l-ni: visargajah produced
yu, y+r > yr, y+e>ye, y+ai>yai, y+o > yo, y+au > yau, from visarga.
y+am > yam, y+ah > yah. /

? $ + vowels
This ? is p r o n o u n c e d at 'hard p a l a t e ' by
+ © + ft > eft, ° + sft
touching the tongue at cTTeJ. Therefore called cTTcT^T
©+ o+ T: > of:.
talavya 'palatal'.
v+a > va, v+a > va, v+i > vi, v+I > vl, v+u > vu, v+u>u,
v+r > vr, v+r > vr, v+e > ve, v+ai > vai, v+o > vo,
v+au > vau, v+arh > vam, v+ah > vah.
+ ft > ?ft, ? + f > H9 ? + J: >

> sa, s+a > §a, s+i>si, s+i>Si, s+u>su, s+u > su,
V T : >T:. r > sr, s+e > se, s+ai > sai, S+o > So, S+au > sau,
r+a > ra, r+a > ra, r+i > ri, r +1 > rl, r+u > ru, r+u > ru, am > sam, S+ah > Sah.
r+e > re, r+ai > rai, r+o > ro, r+au > rau, r+arii > ram, * § + Vowels
r+ah > rah.
T his * is pronounced by touching the tongue at
" r d h a n cerebrum . Therefore called ^sfc*
'tturdhanya 'cerebral'.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy
Consonants Vyanjana 33

% * + T: >

s+a > sa, s+a>sa, s+i > si, s+I>si, s+u > su, s+u > su,
Astanga aksarayoga
s+e > se, s+ai>sai, s+o > so, s+au > sau, s+arh > sam,
s+ah > sah.
T S + Vowels
This T is pronounced by touching the tongue
at danta 'teeth'. Therefore called ^r^T dantya

Now connect this letter with ekamsas of vowel:

Eight letters are pronouneed at the fiveplaces ™ the

it > * + 1 > ^T, * + T: > mouth g r a d u a l l y 1. vowel 1J* ^
s+a > sa, s+a > sa, s+i > si, s+I > si, s+u > su, s+u > su, consonants of the group and 1. one
s+r>sr, s+r>sr, s+e > se, s+ai > sai, s+o > so,s+au>sau, group : Only seven letters are pronouneed at the hps.
but o is pronounced at two places lips
s+am>sam, s+ah>sah.
^creative consonant aspirate & soft
\ H + all Vowels
This visargaja letter pronounced in kantha
'throat' Now
is called
connect thiskanthya
letter with
ekamSas of vowels
Conjunct consonants ix

tr > ^ T . . . . Ex. kudmalam 'bud',

q > s s i . . . . Ex. kudyam 'wall'
Chapter IX ^ + T > ^f.... Ex. ^ f : vadrah 'big'.
Conjunct consonants ^ + ^ > ^ T or ^ T Ex. Dirinagah
^ + T = ?F. Example: 'wheel' 'name of a Buddhist philosopher'
has two parts : upper part denotes ekamsa W^.... Ex. c i i ^ H ^ 'literature'.
0 ) of 3T and lower part connects to the vertical line), + ^ > Ex. 3Tf[: aiikah 'figure'.
cf + > o r | p Ex. (adj) 'fatigued'. ^ + i s > I 7 . . . . Ex. "9TI7: sarikhah 'conch'.
^ + c( > ofci or b>- Ex. ^ 'where?' tj Ex. S T ^ a r i g a m 'limb'.
^ +^ > Ex. ^ kaksa 'class'. ^ + q > "f 7 .... Ex. sirigh 'to smell'.
+T> Ex. ^^ter khrista 'christ'. Hrifi"!^ Sirighanam 'dirt of the nose',
+ T > Tt- Ex. agre 'in front o f . c + T > ^ > jr.... Ex. tatra 'there'.
f + ^ > "^T- Ex. T ^ f a : glanih 'fatigue'.
^ +T> Ex. ftstf nidra 'sleep'.
+T> Ex. W T ^ granam 'nose'.
V ^ > ' 5 . . . . Ex. STC^dvaram 'door'.
V ^ >^ > U.... Ex. f^JT vidya 'knowledge'
^ • Ex. -if^dH^ ucchritam 'raised up'. 'knowledge, science'
+ of > Ex. ucchvasah 'sigh' ? E +
T > ST.... Ex. <pT: kudhrah 'mountain'.
+ ^ > '3.... Ex. ^ H ^ j n a n a m 'knowledge'. Ex. ^n nra 'by a man'.
+ T > "5.... Ex. vajrah 'thunder'. ^ +
T > "ST.... Ex. 3TCK: prasadah 'pleasure'.
Ex. T
+ > t^t.... Ex. plavah 'boat'.
<£.... Ex. "55 ustrah 'camel'.
*+ * Ex. "^T^Subhram 'white'.
Conjunct consonants ix
100 Sanskrit Made Easy

^ + <q > Ex. arbhakah 'infant'.

t. + T > V.... Ex. S f l ^ a m r a m 'mango'.
-q > "tf.... Ex. ^ f karma 'action'.
t. + > Ex. S F ^ a m l a m 'sour'.
t + > Ex. aryah 'noble'.
I explained before that meaning of & \ is
t + cf > ^f.... Ex. garvah 'pride'.
fire. The fire blows always up in the form of the flame.
Therefore"^ takes place upon the next consonant. Such ^ + > H . . . . Ex. 3 T ^ a r s a s 'piles'.

as > 'sun' etc. ^ + -q > t f . . . . Ex. F t : harsah 'pleasure',

\ + cR > Ex. sarkara 'sugar'. "t > # . . . . Ex. "H^f garha 'censurc'.
Ex. "RFf: margah 'a path'. -q > W.... Ex. U: hyah yesterday'.
^ Ex. maharghah 'costly', Ex. f ^ T : hrasvah 'short'.
^r Ex. ST^TT arcana 'worship'. ^ + eT > f . . . . Ex. ^ T f K : ahladah 'pleasure'.
> Ex. ST^fa^arjanam 'earning'. cr > f . . . . Ex. STTfH^ahvanam 'call'.
\ +^ > Ex. jharjharah 'a sort of drum'. ^ + T > 9T.... Ex. aft: srl 'beauty'.
Z Ex. attah 'high'. +^ > Ex. ^J^TT: srrigarah 'love'.
\ + > Ex. kartani 'scissors'. ^ > sr.... Ex. svah 'tomorrow'.
Ex. kimartham 'why'. ^ + > ^T.... Ex. slagha 'praise'.
V ^ Ex. tarduh 'laddie'.
V ^ > Ek. ST^ardham 'half.
V T > Ex. " ^ p u r n a m 'full'.
Ex. karpatah 'carpet' ' torn cloth'.
Ex. pharpharayate 'he/she sparkles'.
V ^ Ex. arbudah 'a number'.
'Natural Law' for development of consonants

S e c o n d and fourth letter of the group is

Mahaprana. s, s, s and h (out of the group letters) are
also Mahaprana. These will change into Alpap-
Chapter X rana if they exist in the place of a servant.
Left-sided letter always stays non-aspirate as
'Natural Law 1 for development of consonants
first, third and fifth letter of the group H 3 =
You remember the natural law tendency is that
the left- sided letter is unconscious (Iron or servant) Soft c o n s o n a n t s
and right- sided letter is conscious (magnet or master). Vowels and 20 consonants third fourth & the
Leftsided letter changes because of the power of the fifth of the group
rightsided letter. As the nature is moving attracted are soft.
towards the Absolute. After movement the letter is H a r d consonants
attached to right- sided letter. Smallest atom attaches 13 consonants first and the second letters of the
group ( % ^ ^ % \ ^ ^ a n d ^ are hard.
to the power of Absolute and makes different forms.
Two divisions of the group consonants
This is the general rule.
and "3 stay on the boundary in the throat and
W e divide consonants into three sections 1. at the lips are called ^ t w f simavarga, group of the
Hard, 2. Soft and 3. Nasal (see the chart of consonants). frontier letters out of the range of the tongue. Three
Special rule for consonants are in the middle of the mouth and in the range of the
L e f t - s i d e d letter c h a n g e s a c c o r d i n g to the
nature of the right-sided vowels or consonants. Lett-
sided consonant changes into soft, hard, or nasal while
right-sided letter possesses this nature.
Infront of the master servant never b e c o m e s
rich, means left-sided consonant always b e c o m e
(non-aspirate) in the place of Mahaprana.
Development of&^&^+ vowels & consonants 149

Example :
Chapter XI 'quick' + > 'treatment' > W + W^FT:
= ^HHJM^K: 'quick treatment'.
Development of ^ + Vowels & Consonants
: and "3F always stay as unconscious or
servants Example :
T t
TO 'a little' + ^ ^ 'high' + =
"9F + 3T( + 3T)= T : 'a little high'.
Example :
fc* 'direction + + 'cloth' fa" + =
Example :
fc'IMi + 'naked.
'speech' + ^ ^ T : 'bull, powerful person' >
^ + 3TT (T + 3TT) =ttt : cftr + > o||Jjb|^: ' a powerful person of the speech'.
Example :
^T* 'speech' + ^ T ^ T : 'show' > "5fF + OT^R: Example : ;
= t w n s m c . 'show of speech' ^TRF 'speech' + ^ 'only' > ^ F + =
fa^T ^cMlfn 'only vibration of speech'.
^ + + :
Example : ^ + ^ ( t + x*) :
ofT^ speech + 'lord' > ^ F + > ^iPl5** Example :
'lord of the speech'. 'speech' + ifcrfu 'sovereignity' > W + W
= 'sovereignity of speech'.
CF + 3TT ( + =
Example :
Example : K ^
^RF 'speech' + ^T: 'lord' > ^ F + i*k = w m 'a little' + simfa: 'herb' > W + sfafa: =
'lord of the speech' 'A little herb'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

? + 3ft + 3 f t ) = "*ft :
Example : Example :
'a little' + s f t w ^ ' m e d i c i n e ' > WW + s f t w ^ tftt^ 'a little' + fcT^ 'boiled butter or ghee' >
= ^ R F f t W ^ 'A little medicine'. Tpfp^ + ^cT^ = HHI^d^'A little ghee'.
'separate' + 3T3T: ' p a r t ' " ? ^ * = + ( ^ + ^T) = ^xT :
*<J> Ku + V y a n j a n a 'consonants
Example :
I + eft = ^
^fRF 'speech' + ^NdH, 'fickleness' = W T ^
79 + ^f = ^ r 'fickleness of the tongue'.
T I + Tf = ^
^ + + *?) = W :
+ = ^T
Example :
+ ^ = T^/TET
'speech' + "^T^ 'deciet' = 'deciet
by the speech'.
Example :
"cfTcF 'speech' + 'quarrel' = ^T^Fo^: 'quarrel
Example :
by speech'.
"5fI5F 'speech' + ^TM^ 'net' > qM*iiein, 'A net of
^ + "ST ( ^ + Tsf) = "^sT :
Example : ^ the speech'.
ftW Tier + ^iPdc^HL 'baldness' + fa^iRnc^
'fiel to baldness'. Example :
^ + ^T (T + i t ) = t t \ ^ 'disease' + ^ T T 'tempest' > ^ + ^ T =
Example : W 3
^ 'tempest of the disease'.
'prayer' + 'song' > W 'song ot
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of + vowels & consonants 109

-g: + ( g : + 2T) = :
Example : Example :
f m Tiel1 + ^ T ^ 'spit' = fac^M^ Tie to the
W * > 'rk' + "S^FT 'gloss' = 'A gloss on

^ +3 + = ^fS :
Example :
Example : cjFf + ^T: 'control' > ^ F + ^T: = 'control
'speech' + " ^ F f l : 'lord' = ^ T ^ ^ T : 'Lord of of speech.

speech'. Example :
^'wealth'>W + ^T^'wealth

Example : of speech'.
" ^ ' s p e e c h ' + ^ T ? : 'drum' >"3F + ^TP: = W ^ T ? :
'speech like a drum'. Example :
Example : f^F + ^TPT: 'elephant, powerful man' > fa" + ^
= feFTFT:
century 'The name of a Buddhist philosopher of 4th
'speech' + ^F^T 'drum' > 'W + "^^T = "^F^FT
cF + Tr(eF + Tr) = g*r:
'speech like a drum'.
Example :
<T(cF+ < r ) = cRT: f m 'fiel' + W 1 'sin' = "fid to sin'.
Example : + TR( <f + tU) = :
^T^F 'little' + cTsf^ 'buttermilk' = 'a Example : .
^ F 'quick' + ^ 'result' > ^ T O R ; 'quick
little buttermilk'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

^ + g- ( t + c f ) = Tcr :
Example :
Example :
ofR ' s p e e c h ' + 'strength' > "3F + "^oT^ = 'prayer + 'knowledge' > + eft: =
c i i ^ c n ^ ' p o w e r of speech'. ' k n o w l e d g e of prayers'.
^F + (T + *T) = ^T : + "5T = :
Example :
Example :
"R^TT^F 'a little' + 'fear' > ^ T F + W ^ =
T R R a little' + vegetable' > HHWIIcb^ 'a
W W ^ 'a little fear'.
little vegetable'.

Example :
Example :
'speech' + 'full' > "3F + W ^ =
'in north' + I: 'hexagon' =
'full of speech', 'literature'.
'hexagon in north'.
cF + ZT ( T + IT ) = TCT :
Example :
Example :
"qrq 'speeches' + "^T: 'union' > W + =
TRl^ 'little'+ ^ F : 'sprinkling' = Hii^q,: 'a little
W^PT: 'union of speeches', 'theory'.
^ + + T) = U :
^ + •
Example :
Example :
" ^ ' s p e e c h ' + T^T: 'disease' > "^F + TtT: =
faf 'direction' + ^T: 'goose' > ft* + (echo)
'a disease of the speech'.
> (f^r + t^) = fcjvj^; 'a swan of direction'.
^ + cT ( T + cT ) = T^T :
In this example 'stroke 1 falls on J. Use two
Example : 7
beats and stop on 7 will strike to * mdby echo will
^FTF* 'a little' + WT: 'profit' > ^RT7 + =
be double > ft^ + FET: > T + ^ >
HHHdm: 'a little profit'.
•( 56
Sanskrit Made Easy Development of + vowels & consonants 113

Note - Although ^ is guttural like 3T. Yet as $ 3T5" + 3TT ( + 3TT ) = 3T^5T :
is pronounced, air touches to the 'Manipura CakrarrT Example :
in the navel. sound is deeper like a deep TTrT^ 'percepti ve' 'soul' > TTr^ + ^ + 3Tfc*TT
well. If you shout in a well you find echo of your voice
= Ur^^-lrHI Individual soul.
Here in
But if there are hard or soft consonant master
i * + W:, g is pronounced with help of a
letters, there will not be echo of and it will not change
stroke , it strikes 'with two beats') to and is
into hard or soft letter. Because there is no hard nasal
reflected in double sound + 1? > ^T.
consonant. Nasal is already soft consonant.
Nasal consonant plus all vowels a n d consonants
+ 3T. you should pronounce quick and stop
on the magnet. There will be an echo of ^F > ^ ^ + Example :
3T. How does this happen?. Because sound moves WT^; 'perceptive' + 'desire' = hch^i**:.
quick to strike magnet 3T. But if you pronounce +
IS ?3) = T® :
no echo will be produced because the air is stopped Example :
slopped on long 3TT therefore "3F is not going to strike TRSRF + w i : 'bird' = H^<<sHI:.
quick to magnet.
Now you found the rule of changing, ^ i s going
to strike quickly on the magnet, when supported on Example :
short vowel, but not while supported on the long one. + W : 'planet' =
Example : TET + IT) = :
+ 'well' + S T ^ : 'experience' > Example :
^ J W + WTT: 'eater' > HcM^NWl:.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy

^r) = ^ :
Example :
W ^ + ^fPT: 'bow' > WT: etc.
Chapter XII
Echo of IF happens only with vowels. If you
ask why not with This is because T? is like a deep Development of ^ + v o w e l s and consonants
well. Answer is that never + becomes Because + 3T) =
is unable to change into it never exists as nasal. j + (X + cF) = -5-F.
Note : There is a one indeclinable word I + 7T (®+ 7J) -
Its will changes according to the nature of the master
letter. I + eT (®+ cT) = ^cT, +
% | + f (•+ ¥) (echo)
The Natural Law is also applied for English
language. For example : cup + board > cupbord
pronounced as "cubbard' etc.

Example : „ >
^ 'water' + 3T*T: part' > • 3TO: > 3TOT:
part of water',
X • 3TT > ( * • = W*
Example :
^ 'water • STFR: arrival' > • =
3Himh: 'arrival of water'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

x + T r > ( 3 + Tr) = % :
Example :
Example :
3T^ 'water' + 'desire' > 3T® + f ^ T = S T f ^ y 37^ 'water' + ^ 'cardamom' > 37© + = 3T%eTT
'desire for water'.
'cardamom in water'.
X + T* > (T5 + T*) = ^ ;
Example : Example :
3T^ 'water' + "^T 'desire' > 3*5 +f^T = 3T%T 'desire 'water' + 'sovereignty' > 31® + =
for water'. 'sovereignty of water'.

x+ 3Tt > (®+ 3ft) = :

Example : Example :

'water' + 'remaining' > 37© + = 3p: 'water' + 3 % 'cat' > 3T®+ 3 % = 37%: 'cat
a r ^ ^ s f : 'remaining water'. of water'.
X + 3ft > ( ® + 3 f t ) = :
x + > ( ® + 3T) = \ :
Example :
Example :
3 F 'water' + ^ U w H , 'eagerness1 > 37® +
3T 'water' + ^RcTT 'scarcity' > 37^ + ^HcTT =
= 'eagerness for water'.
'scarcity of water'. tj + on^nifn 'consonants1
x+ > ( ®+ = <? : x + < E > ( x + cF) = T3S:
Example : Example :
37^ 'water' + 'bear' > 37* + = 3F ' w a t e r ' + ^feT'play'> 3^ + "^ter = WfttSl
'bear in water'. 'a play in water'.
118 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of&^&^+ vowels & consonants 149

t + > ( + = :
Example : Example :

3 F 'water' + W \ : 'bird' > 3 F + = 3 F 'water' + 'born' > 3T® + = ar^sf: (born

'the bird in water', 'the bird of water'. in water) 'moon', 'lotus'.
Note: The moon is treated as a deity in Indian Culture, Therefore
used in masculine gender. But all synonyms of lotus used
in neuter gender.
Example :
3 F 'water' + FfcT: 'flow' > 3T® + FfcT: = ^ifcT:
Example :
'flow of water'. 3 F 'water' + ffTrcft 'cricket' > 3T® + f^eei) =
srf^Twft = 'cricket of water.

Example : Example :
3 F 'water' + 'pitcher' > + = 3F 'water' + Z^R: 'sound of bow' > 3F + Z|FR:
'pitcher of water'. = 'a sound of water like sound of bow'.

Example :
Example : 3 F 'water' + 6<*<&i: 'lord' > 3 F + =
'lord of water' ('Varuna').
3F 'water' + ^TRc^R: 'miracle' > 3 F + ^ m c W :
= SF^FR^R: 'miracle of water'. Example :
3F'water' + ' d r u m ' ^ T ? : = 3i®SH<>:
'an isthmus'.
Example : x+^ > + = :
3F'water' + WT: 'goat' > 3F + WT: = ^F^FT: 'a Example :
goat in water'. 3F 'water' + 'present' > + slcbi^ =
a r ^ ^ R ^ ' a present of water'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

Example :
Example :
^ 'water' + 'a fish' > 3[x + M r f ^ T : = 'water' + 'fruit' > 3T^ + ^ ^ =
S T f W ^ f : 'A big fish in water', 'a kind of whale'. 'water chest nut'.
x + 2T> (x+ 2T) = TST :
x + o r > ( o + o r ) = ®5r:
Example :
Example :
'water' + 'power' > 3T® + W f ^ =
SF 'water' + g ^ T 'spit' > S F ^ R T 'spit in water'.
'power of water'.
x+ (®+ ) = W :
Example : Example :
'water' + 'giver' > 3 1 © + ^ : = 'cloud 'water' + *TTC: 'weight' > 3T® + qR: = 37^71?:
and a year'. 'weight of water'.
Example : x + IT > + W) = W :
'water' + SJFT 'place' > 3T© + WR = 3T^TFT Example :
'water place'. 3F 'water' + W i ; 'full' > 37® + W j ; = 3TTWJ;
^+ ( T + ^r) = -pt : 'full of water > 'Syrup'.
Example : T + z r > ( © + zr) = W :
'water' + ^TFT: 'snake & elephant' > 3J© + "RFT: Example :
= 3TRFT: 'water snake' & 'Hippopotamus'. 'water' + 'scheme' > 3T® + =
'scheme of water'.
x + x r > ( T : + xr) = Tir:
X + T > ( ® + T) = ^T:
Example :
Example : ^
^ 'water' + ftrT^ 'bile' > 3Tt + fqrT^ = STfarFi; SF 'water' + 'disease' > 3T* + T^r > 37#T:
'bile of water > fire'. 'pollution of water'.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of ^ + vowels & consonants 123

x + $T> ( X + q ) = :
Example :
Example :
3TC 'water' + "oTT^T: 'receiving' > 3T® + _
'receiving of water'. 'water' + ^T: 'decay' > sp: + -
'decay of water'.
Example : x+ > ( o + ^r) = ^ r :
'water' + "3TC: 'gathering' > 3T© + cfR: = Example :
'gathering of water' > 'store of water'.
'water' + 'knowledge' > 3T® + =
'knowledge of water'.
Example : * + WT & otA^w 'vyanjana 'consonants1
'water' + 'power' = ^ T f r F : 'power of * letter is hsihi«i mahaprana 'aspirate'.
According to the Natural Law, an aspirate letter
water'. changes into non-aspirate when it stays left
side as unconscious or iron particle or servant. The
Example : servant always stays at a lower post than his master.
SF 'water' + ^ft^T: 'six cardamom' > + "^tcfl: In this condition * letter changes in T , and ® or T when
= ^ f t c xT T
+ :^ 'six
> (cardamom
x + ^ r ) = in
xft water'.
: masters are hard, soft or nasal respectively.
Example : 'after' + S ^ f t l o pray = the name of
'water' + 'moving' > 3 F = a metre consisting eight vowels in each line of
= 3TCTCT: 'a nymph'. four, ^ f r q ; 'direction' and a medicinal tree for
x + f > ( ® + ^ echo > ^ = *T) = ^ curing of heart disease. There are many verbal roots
Example : ending in ^ letter. Such as ' to begin, ' 'to
S F 'water' + ^RT: 'laughter' > ^ + TO > obtain' etc.
a ^ R T : = ^T^TRT: 'foam'.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of ^ + vowels & consonants 12£

Example : Example:
'medicinal bark' + 'sauce' > " ^ o + ^ ^ 'tree' + 'scarcity' > + =

= ^ F ^ ^ F : 'sauce of the medicinal bark of the "^^^Hdl 'scarcity of the medicinal tree'.
tree', bark of this tree is beneficial for heart diseases. * + > ( <5 + p * ) = <f :

' 3T^T tree' + 3 T ^ 'limb' > + Example:

= c b ^ ^ H . 'limb of a tree' 'in the direction' + "TO 'a bear' > +
= ^ f ^ f : 'a bear in the direction'.
^ + 3TT > ( ® + 3TT ) = ®TT :
Example : * + TT>(<5 + Tr) = %:
S F J g ^ 'metre' + 37TcrTN: 'chanting' > 3T3g© + Example:
'medicinal tree' + "Q^TT 'desire' > +
STTcrTFT: = 'chanting of the Anustubh metre'.
TrcpJTT = cb$4b|U|| 'desire for the medicinal tree'.
* + !);> + =
Example: Example:
'direction' + 'moon' > + = the medicinal tree' + 'sovereignty'
'The moon in the direction'. > + = s o v e r e i g n t y of the medicinal
%+ > + = eft :
'metre' + ^ T 'desire' > ST^g© + ^ T = ^ ^ 'tree' + aifafa: 'herb' > + =
3 ^ 4 1 * 1 'desire of the metre 'herb of the tree
* + 3ft > ( 3 + 3 f t ) = :
Example: Example:
'direction' + 'jumping' > + ^ ^ 'tree' + 'medicine' > +
= c b ^ ^ c j H ^ ' a jump in the direction'. = ^ g ^ W ^ 'medicine of the tree
•j 2 6 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of&^&^+ vowels & consonants 149

^ + oMsHlfn consonants Example:

'a name of the metre' + 'net, group,
Example: plenty' > + ^ri&MMH/a plenty of metre
'direction' + ^ ^ 'time' > ^ ^ + crt^ zmK
* +'space> (&x time'.
+ = ^ :
Example: Example:
"q^T^ 'space' + ^TR^ 'knowledge' > +
q s ^ 'space' + Wfifo: 'fame' > +
= ch^c^M^ 'knowledge of space'.
ch^M^lId: 'fame in the direction'.
* + ( © + fT ) = cgT :
'space' + FtcTR; 'song' > ^ f ^ + FtcR; 'direction' + tfrf^raT 'cricket' > +
'a song in the space1. f^R^rt^i = ^ j f ^ I W i c h i 'a cricket of direction'.

Example: Example:
^ ^ ' i n the space' + 'sound' > ^ f ^ 'direction' + tzf^T: 'a kind of the bird' >
= c^^obJl^i: ' a sound in the space'. + feffrq: = cbc^fg'H: 'a bird in the direction'.
* + ^ > (x + = :
Example: Example:
^ f T ^ 'direction' + 'lord' > ^ f V
SFJg^ 'a metre' + ^ T : 'foot* > SFJJ^ + ^ T :
= ^ ^ c ^ c ' a lord of directions'.
'a one fourth part of the metre I

'a name of the metre' + W S : 'metre'
'in the direction' + 'drum' > ^ ^
+feP^H:= qR^feft^: 'a drum sound in the direction'.
SFg? + = ' a metre named
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

Example: Example:
"^cp^ 'in the direction' + 'drum' > + SFTg^'the metre' + TT^T: 'usage' > wfrl:
iS^T = 'A drum in the direction'. = ST^^TmPT: 'usage of the metre SFJg^.

Example: Example:
'Arjuna tree' + cTW^ 'essence' > + 'a tree' + 'fruit' > + =
drclH, = ^ ^ d ^ H , 'essence of the Arjuna medicine'. "cb^^dH, 'the fruit of the Aijuna tree'.
* + of > ( © + = W :
Example: Example:
'space' + ^ R : 'spit' > + > 'the tree' + ^ ^ 'power' > ^ ^ + ^ R ; =
^ j ^ c ^ k : 'spit in the space'. 'power of the Arjuna tree'.
* + > ( O + ST) = gST :
Example: Example:
'in the direction' + ^facfr 'lamp' > + 'on the tree' + 'bear* > +
^ W : = ch3)®qlHch: 'a lamp in the direction'. ^ w j f h : 'a bear' = c h ^ c ^ c ^ b : 'a bear on the Arjuna
^ + ST > ( © + s r ) = W :
Example: -
'in the direction' + ^PidH,'sound' >
+ tqPici^ = cb^xsfeoifHd^ 'sound in space'. ^ f r ^ ' t h e tree' + ^Jel^ 'the root' > + ^JyT^
= 'the root of the Arjuna tree1.
¥ + ( <5 + T+ = T^r :
Example :
^ g r q ; 'direction' + ^TFT: 'elephant' > + ^
^ ^ 'of the tree' + ^ 'stick' > ^ ^ + =
= c h i l l i : 'elephant of the direction'.
'a stick made of the (wood) of the tree'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

% + -Q > (o + = :
Example : Example :
^ ^ 'the tree' + "3TI: 'group' > +
c h ^ ^ K : 'a group of the tree'. cFcfr^ 'the tree' + 'decay' > +
= ch^M^: 'a decay of the tree'.
Example :
_ _ _ _ _ ' t h e tree' + Tt^: 'disease' > + = Example :
c h j f l h : 'disease of the tree'.
SFJg^ 'the metre' + 'knowledge' > +
Example : = ^ d S ^ H H , 'knowledge of the SFJg^.
^ f T ^ ' t h e tree' + cJcJT 'spider' > + eJcTT: = ^ + W & oM^H in one word
chjxsejai 'a spider on the tree'.
(Internal sandhi)
Example : Sarvadhatuka 'to obtain' + 3Tft
QfrfT^ 'the tree' + 'power' > + (Present tense, third person, singular number) = ePlft
= o b ^ l R b : 'power of the tree'. 'he/she obtains'. In one word uicfaigq, no change.
Ardhadhatuka VI + ft = ^ r f t
Example :
^ J T ^ 'on the SF^T tree' + 'bumble bee' > 'he/she will obtain'. In X changes.
^ ^ + "SRTT^: = ^ j ^ d H c ; : ' a bumble bee on the ^ + oM^h consonants (in one word)
* + > = W :
(Internal ^flfer compulsory in one word)
Example : X. mctmfr*): Tenses in which Avatara (conjugational) infix
'the space' + 'emperor' > is taken that tenses are called They are four : M * ^
^rai^ = cfc^myid 'an emperor of the directions'. tense, 2. imperative mood, 3. past tense not pertaining today and
4. subjunctive mood. .
A M F A M ^ : cRTH: Tenses in which Avatara (conjugational) infix is
Example : not taken, tenses are called wfoT*. They are six :
+ future, 2. conditional mood, 3. periphrestic future, 4. blessing mood,
'in the space' + ^ f : 'pleasure' >
5. common past tense and 6. historical past tense.
> c f ^ ^ + "^f: = 'pleasure in the space'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

+ ^ ( 3t + ^ > +^ ) = + *T> + Tjf) = :

Example :
Example :
3T + ^ > 3RF + ^F = 'figure', no option,
JPi + ^ (15 + W > + *rr) = " p r 'a red seed of
berry'. No option.
(3T + IS > T3T) = 3T^ :
Example :
> wa: = : 'conch', no option. TO Example :
wrong. ^ +W > Wl + = 'tempest'. No option.
+ i t ( 3t + TT > + TT ) = 3T^ : 3Tq;+ 3 ( 3T + 3 > 3TTJ^+ 3 ) = 3JTT3 :
Example : Example :
^ + ^ > W = TT^T 'Ganga', no option, W + > = church: 'thorn'. No option.
3TT^+ 3 ( 3T + 3 > 3TXr^ + 3 ) = 3TTJ3 :
XT (3T + XT > 3T3F + XT ) = 3Tf :
Example :
Example :
+ 3: > > ^ 3 : 'throat'. No option.
3T^ + fa > = 'foot', no option,
+ "ST ( 3T + rT > + ^T ) = 3TW : Example :
Example : ^ + > Tfe: = 7TU5: 'cheek including temple'.
^ + ^ > ^Ef = t ^ 'five1, no option, wrong. No option. Tfe: wrong.
+ (3 + > 33^ + ) = : 3Tq; + ^ ( 3 t + 3TUi;+ = :
Example : Example :
+ > 3s? = 3 3 ^ : 'gathering grains', no option. + > :> 'eunuch'. W : wrong.
134 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of "J + vowel: & consonants 13/

Example : Example :
^ + eft > ^ eft = ^ R f t 'mother of Arjuna', nc ^ + >$ + >^ + = 'pitcher',
no .
+ l T ( 3 t + *fr>3T^+Tr) = 3 M ;
Example :
Example :
+ «1T > ^ + qr = 'metress'.
^ + 3T +
'syrup', no
Example : 3TR; + ^r ( 3T + ^ ) = 3T^r :
+ > = 'root'. wrong.
Example :
^ + > H + ^FT: = W ? : 'control' of the senses
Example : and mind. These are two words. But no nasal of
+ > "S^T: = ^F*T: 'soldier'. ^ +^ = 'happy, prosperous'.
3T^+xr(3T + xr>3Tq;+xr) = 3T^r : cT (3T + = :
Example : Example :
^ + "q: > + tt = qTR: 'shaking'. ^ T : wrong. ^ + > tf + Wm: =
'year'. Never "CT^oFR:.

Example : T ( 3 t + T ) = 3TT:
+ > "yTJ: = 'a lock', no option. Example :
+ ( 3T + > + )= ^ + TOT; > * + W l = 'protection'.
Example : Exception :
TI? > ^T + TT3 = 'emperor'.
+ = 'mother', no option.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

+ e f ( 3 t + H > 3 t + H ) = 3TcT : (a) According to this mnemonics when a group

Example : letter appears in the place of the master, Anusvara

'conversation'. comes down and intermingles with the group's nasal.

? T ( 3 T + TjT) = 3T?T : If grouP letter a
P P e a r s in the place of the master
Example : Anusvara changes into ^ nasal of group.
(b) Likewise in the case of ^ group letter
^ + ^ T : > ^ + Wl: = m 'doubt'.
Anusvara changes into nasal of the same group
(c) Likewise in the case of 7 group letter,
^ + 'a group of six things' > IT + "q^cj^
Anusvara changes into nasal of the same group letter

^ (3T + ^T > 3T + ^T) = 3TH : (d) Likewise in the case of cj group letter,
Example : Anusvara changes into the nasal of the same group
m : > M I : 'world'. Never ^RTTT:. letter

+ ( 3T + 1? ) = : (e) Likewise in the case of "5 group letter,

Example : Anusvara changes into the nasal of the same group
TF^ + "5R: = W T : 'destruction'. letter
Officer and the Mob Mnemonics (f) In case of semivowels T and eT, without

Note : Anusvara is the highest point among all the the group letter, Anusvara will not come down.
consonants. Therefore it sits on the chair when any (g) In the case ofTOtT^the emperor, In respect
consonant appears in the place of the master. As an of the emperor Anusvara will comedown.
officer sits on the chair when people reach to him. (h) In the case of letters, and
But a mob reachs to him he comes down and goes to without the group letter, Anusvara will^nqt
meet the mob's (groups) nasal. come down.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of "3 + vowels & consonants 139
(i) In the case o f f , out of the group letter
T + f =
will not come down from it's chair. '
Example : .
* + ^TCT: 'Vowels' t^RT in two words, 'this' + 'Siva' > 3Rr + T€R: = 3WRT3T:
'this (is) Siva'.
t i s developed from and i s based
Example :
on the vowels. Therefore it is not superior to vowels,
'this' + W 'Parvati' > W - + JHT = f ^ T I
it comes down from it's chair, the seat ( ± ) to the 'this (is) Parvati'.
ground at the lower place 'lips' (ground) from the nose
(chair) to its ground nasal ^ It will not go back to sit Example : ~ '
on the chair. 'this' + ^ T 'heat' pTT =
T+ 3T(* + T) = *T : 'this (is) heat'.

Example : Example :
T T ^ 'thus'+arcg 'be' ( w + 'be it ^ 'this' + 'loan' +
so'. 'this (is) loan'.
x+ +>) = ^ :
3T + 3TT(3^ + TT) = 3T*TT :
Example : >
Example : ~ W 'this' + TJP 'cardamom' V*™
T + 'come' TTClfa = S f i F W 'this (is) cardamom'.
'I come'.
Example : ^
T + ^(T + f ) = fir:
Example : . > 'this (is) unity'.
1 desir
T + 'wish' = a r c f l W * '
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

^ F 'this' + ^T 'who' = JQ ^TfT 'who (is)

Example : this'; [feminine gender].
'this' + 3TtfTT: letter' > + TtfR : -
s m t f R : 'this (is) letter'.
Example :
T+ + = j T + ^rfiT= ^ ^ f t p T ' I d o ' .

Example :
^ 'this' + 'medicine' > +hn^ = Example :
I ^ f t w ^ 'this (is) medicine'. 'I* + TOfa 'eat' = 3TF HT^T 'I eat'.
* + o^^iiPt 'consonants1 in two words' 3T* + TT(3T + 7T) = 3T7T:
Mc^ItI Example :
Two words remain separate even after TrfNT. T + Tj^ifiT = S^Tjpqjft 'I sing'.
This is optional. But the separation is appreciated. ^ 3T* + ^T (3T + IT) = :
is superior to consonant. Therefore it will go up to the Example :
chair changing in SFJF^R. ^ 'this' + W ^ 'nose' = ^ WT^ 'this (is) the
3T* + ^ (3T + cF) = 3T W 3Tf:
Example : nose'.
'this' + 'who' > :? 'who
(is) this'; [masculine gender]. Example :

Example : ^ 'this' + f ^ = ^ f ^ 'this (is) a picture'.

^ 'this' + f ^ 'what' = ^ ftR? ^ f j f t ? ' w h a t
(is) this'; [neuter gender]. Example :
^ + W ^ 'umbrella' = ^ 'this (is) an
Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of ^ + vowels & consonants 14;

Example :
Example :
this +
^ ' ' 'individual soul' = ^ 'this* + ^ J T 'drum' = f q ^ j t 'this (is) a
^faTvRT 'this (is) an individual soul'. drum'.
3T* + <T(3T + rf ) = 3t W :
Example : Example :
3FT* 'this' + ^ T C : 'pitcher' = 3FT 'this + rT^H,'butter-milk' = j i <T3^this (is) butter
(is) a pitcher'. milk'.
3T* + 7 ( 3 T + T ) = 3T^T : 3T*+ ST ( 3t + 2T) = 3TST:
Example : Example :
^ F 'this' + ftMt 'note' = f ^ P i t 'this (is) a 3FF 'this' + W ^ letter' = 3FT 'this
note1. (is) letter'.

Example :
Example :
"ST 'she' 'what' -1- ^rfcf 'gives' = "HT f^F ^ifir
+ ^ F R : ^S letter' = 3FT 3 W : 'this (is) a 3
'What does she give'?
3T + ST(3T + ST) = 3T ST :
Example :
"SftsjT: 'priest' "Slip + conch 'blows' = "^faT:
Example : «mfcT 'The priest blows the conch*.
3TZTP 'this' + <JHc°bK: 'sound o f - * ^ = ^
-STRrfTR: 'this (is) a sound of the
144 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of&^&^+ vowels & consonants 149
3T* + *T(3T+*T) = 3T :
Compulsory 3TJWT in the case when master is out
Example :
of the group letter.
T + W f a 'salute' = 3RF 'I salute'.
3TT + x r ( 3 t + TT) = 3 t - c r :
Example :
Example :
T +* 'go' = 3TF ^IPT 'I go'.
T + 'see' = 'I see'.

Example :
Example :
'this' + ^ 'forest' = j i ^ This (is) a
W 'in the evening' + 'diet of fruits* = forest'.
W T l^ITWR: 'diet of fruits in the evening'.
3T* + T ( 3 T + T ) = 3 T T :
3T* + sT ( 3 T + «T) = 3T cf : Example :
Example : 'this' + Tfo: 'sun' = 3PT 'this (is) sun'.
f ^ 1 'this' + ^ 'power' W ^ ' t h i s strength'. 3T* + H ( 3 T + cT) = 3t cT :
3TC + ? T ( 3 t + «T) = 3T : Example :
Example : 'this' + w f t : 'goddess of wealth' = wft:
'this (is) goddess of wealth'.

3 F F 'this' + m : 'load' = 3FT "RK: 'this (is) load'.

Example :
'this' + W S : 'rabbit' = TOW: 'this (is)
Example : a rabbit'.

W 'this' + 'illusion' = ^ f "RRT 'this (is)

160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development ofT^NnfI,^&^+ vowels & consonants 161

to its source it has expanded or spread. Likewise \

Example : c h a n g e s into \ changes into and ^changes into

3 F F 'this' + 'hexagon' = 3FT

'This (is) a hexagon'. tit
+ ( ? ) ^TT. Here this («£) flag cuts ^ into 5
- ^ r + xfT = T 5 ^ a worship (feninine gender).
Example : Note : Flag cuts :
3 F P 'this' + TO: 'world' = +W : > m 1. Semivowels to its respective vowels : ^ > f ,
t m : 'This (is) the world'. ^ and c5.
2. It cuts means stops "J^T and ^ f e : + ( ? ) cf
3T* + ^ ( 3 T + > 3T? :
> 'carried.'
Example :
3. It cuts or drops ^ and "^nosals : ( ? ) cT
^ 'this' + 'diamond' = j i 'this > 'gone'. 'to kill' + ( ? ) cT 'past participle' =
(is) a diamond'. ^'killed'.
^ + vowels and o q ^ i consonants
Among the outside group letters z , © , \ , & r ° > "3" samprasaranam 'expansion'
are semivowels, let us see how these are affected by Example
the flag 'k' in the suflix. 'to speak' ( ? ) cT + (past particple) > + <T >
W5TRRTJT of semivowels ^ ^ 'spoken'
Wherever flag 'k' appears with the suffix, it cuts ^ ' t o sow' + (?)<T (P.P.) > + cT = 'sown1.
the semivowels to its respective vowels. Hence y \ >^ samprasaranam 'expansion1
returns back to its vowel T. This is called ^ R T T W Example
expansion. When J changed into % J hrinks and it " H ' t o take* + (?)3T> 3T = OT 'home'.
becomes limited as consonant. But a s \ i s returned back
Development of & ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 149

If the officers need anything, they ring the bell

and call the doorkeeper who sits always at the door
waiting for the order of the officers. As the officer ^
Chapter XIII rings to call the doorkeeper he runs to the place of
D e v e l o p m e n t of <J, ^ & 7 + V0Wels & rj and he becomes similar to % means $ becomes %
consonants It is called W W z p t f r F * 'salvation of similarity'.
W e knew development of letters gf Likewise second officer 7 'needs something,
he rings to call the doorkeeper. He runs to the place
^ & and "3 ® and * ) . Now we are ready to
see the development of ^T^fai letters <J ('? ^ £ " and (cerebrum) of the officer Z and becomes similar to 7.
> 1 0 5 ^ ^ and and ^ ^ a n d * and . Out of the group letter of ^ is ^ It has half power.
Gatekeeper & officers Mnemonics Out of the group letter of 7 is It also has half of the
Gatekeeper is ever servant to ^J & Z power. T h e r e f o r e the gatekeeper runs to them
Our mouth is like a cave or office. As we enter optionally.
the office we find door-lock at the door. These are But this doorkeeper is not an honest servant.
our lips : labial letters "J. Then we find shutters at the He disappears from his duty, when the officer is absent.
gate. These are our teeth : dental letters Inside the It means this does not run to them other than ^ and ^
gate there are two chambers and there sit two officers: letters. Only he follows hard, soft and nasal quality of
Palatal and cerebral letters . the masters.

• our types of ^ are explained in the Bhagavata )
'similar form of God', R. ^ 'similar place of God.
^ ^ 'nearness of God' and v. 'similar wealth of G o d .
Sanskrit Made Easy &
Development of ^fT^Pf U + vowels & consonants 151
Examples ^ + Vowels
3T) = ^ : Example :
Example : cfK^ 'less' + ^ F i 'hot' > ^ + ^ u ^ = c ^ j j ^
^ 'bad* + 'food' > ^ + = ^ m
'bad food'. ^ +3 = :
Example :
37T(^+ 3TT) = <3[T : 'my' + 'saying' > + =
Example : •my saying'.
^TC^'old' + ^ : 'camel' > + 'old
t ^ 'consciousness' + 'bliss' > + camel' 'founder of Aveston religion, Zoroaster'.
= Pq^M^;: 'bliss of consciousness'.
Example :
cT^'his/her' + ^frR: 'saying' > = eT^frP:
Example : 'his or her saying'.
^ 'good' + T^T 'desire' > Tf^ + f ^ T = f l R ^ I
'good desire'. Example :
'a little' + 'high' > ^ + =
'a little high'.
Example :
'world' + 'lord' > + f?\: = WKfr: Example :
'the lord of the world'. ^ 'from me' + 'without' > "R^ + ^ > ^
'without me'.

Example :
+ Example :
f ^ 'consciousness' + 'play' > fa^
^ T ^ 'world' + McM^it 'o chief brother' > W I V
= f ^ r T R T : 'play of consciousness'.
= ' ^ c m ^ : 'O chief relative of the world'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of T^Nnf I, ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 161

=t : A s p i r a t e servant letter changes into non-

Example : aspirate letter :
WT^'world' + T^pf^'sovereignty' >
= 'sovereignty of the world'. Example :
3 T t ( ^ + 3Tt) : STf^R^ 'of the priest' + 'work' > ^PHH^
+ = ^ f H H r k l ^ 'work of the priest'.
Example :
'my' + 'place' > ^ + >
Example :

'my place'. ^ 'up' + ^ S T 'throat' = 'longing for a

beloved person or a thing'.

Example :
Example :
^ 'my' + s f t w i ; 'medicine' > ^ + a^fiw^ =
'by hunger' + + 'dry' + 'throat'
'my medicine'.
^ + S T T W ^ : = gc^lHcbUcJ: 'he who has his dry throat
cT^ 'his/her + s i M ^ generosity' = his/
her generosity' with hunger'.

^ K + W ^ T consonants
Example :
Example : cF) = rcB :
^Fl^'in the world' + "SqrfcT: 'fame' > Wife
'good' + ^TT 'story' = H r W 'good story'. = ^Mrwifd: 'fame in the world'.
^F) = = rST :
Example : Example :
'witness' + ^ R : 'doing' = ITT^R^R: srf^Tq^ 'the priest' + ftraft 'is sad' = +
'interview'. = s t f ^ T ^ t o ^ 'the priest is sad1.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development ofT^NnfI,^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 161
^ + ( + T3") = :
"T ( ^ + "T) = ^ T :
Example :
Example :
^'up' + 'digging' + 'oblation wood' + U f ^ 'taking' > ^Tfa^ +
'digging out'. -fj^Tjp^ = ^ t e T W l 'taking of the oblation wood'.
+ 73) = rST : + IT) = :
Example : Example :
"Sfa^ 'oblation wood' + 'piece' > "Sft^ + *fcf^'your' + W : 'pitcher' > + ^Z: =
= ^HlMdsl^: 'a piece of the oblation wood'. 'your pitcher'.
XT tr) = ^T :

Example : Example :
^ f H H ^ ' t h e priest' + 'rubs' > ^fcT
'airs' + 'group' > + 7PJT: =
= ^PffcT 'the priest rubs'.
'a group of airs'.
"^R^'old' + 'bull"3R^+ TO = ' an old
bull'. Example :
'mud' + W:: 'pitcher' > ^ + = W2*
'muddy pitcher'.
Example :
srfbrrpq; 'the priest' + ^TT^rfcf 'sings' > +
Example :
"TPTfcT = 'the priest sings'.
'of shrubs' + w i : 'rub' > ^ + ^ >
IT) = ^ T ; 'rub of the shrubs'.
Example : Now the term of officer f is in the place of the
^ ' u p ' + TO 'going' + TO 'source', master, so % gatekeeper moves to the place and
by the god + 7TtcTT sung > ^ ' i ^ l d l . becomes similar to
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of TT,cfe7f ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 157

Example :
Example :
"HTSJTcf 'perception' + ^ 'made' > "STTSir^ +
'the priest' + 'sneezes' >
= ^T^i-^^i 'interviewed' or 'percepted'.
+ f^F^T > + f^fcT = 'the
^ ^O = :
priest sneezes'.
Example :
\ + > = :
'the priest' + ^ T c T 'moved' > ^RHH^ +
Example :
^fTcT > ^ p H H ^ + ^ T c T = ^ I H H ^ H M 'the priest
"3^ 'up' + 'cut' > "3^ + > + ifc: =
'cut from the root', 'uproot'.

Example :
Example :
"^'mud' + 'heap' "^T: ^ =
^ t ^ 'of shrub' + 'cut' > + > ^ ^
TjT^FT: 'heap of mud'.
+ = cjfcrs^; 'cut of the shrub'.
rT) = W :
Example :
Example :
'of shrubs' + ^ T : 'collection' > + ^
^FTcf 'of the world' + 'net' > + >
> c f o ^ + xRT: = c f l ^ ^ i i : 'collection of shrubs'. T3T7
H + x s n ^ = uHl^ldH. 'net of the world'.
^ 'bad' + 'water' > ^ +^ >^ +
Example : = 'collyrium'.
^ftcf 'of the river' + WT 'beauty' > = ^ 'good' + "5R: 'people' > ^ + > +
^ R ^ d i 'beauty of the river'. ^ T : = H^SR; 'gentleman'.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of "T^Pf ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 159

Example : Example :
'the priest' + ^ q f r T 'chatters' > f^R^ 'calamity' + 'tempest' > + ^IT
+ *F?qfcT > ^ R H H ^ + = ^ R h H ^ ^ m R t 'the priest = f c i M ^ ^ I 'tempest in the form of calamity'.
Example :
'of the shrub' + Hlwft 'cricket' > +
Example :
f^crdl > + = 'cricket of the shrub'.
'up' + ^icriH,'shining' > " 3 ^ +
Now officer 5T is present in the place of the
master. Therefore J will move attracted to the place 7
'bright'. and g becomes similar to J.

<T(<T+<0 = f :
Example : Example :
'big' + " t o 'gloss' > + " t o = ^glcbl
"Sfa^ 'oblation wood' + 'burning' > "flfa^
+ ^crlHH. > + = U f a ^ c i H H , 'burning of 'big gloss'.
the oblation wood'.
Example :
Example :
W s l 'of the river' + ^ T : 'fish' > ^ f ^ + ^ >
^f^FTq;'priest' + toft 'moves' > + toft
+ ^ T : =: u R ^ N : 'a fish of the river'. > + " t o f t = ^pHH^cbci 'the priest moves or
writes a gloss'.
<T) = f :
Example : Example :
^ 'up' + Z f ^ 'to tie' > ^ + ^f^l > +
'of the priest' + ^FT: 'jump' > ^ ^ +
= 'saying or to tie'.
^FT: > ^FT: = 'jumping of the priest.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of T^Nnf I , ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 161

Example :
Example :
fa^'of the deity' + W 'gloss' > f e n j u f t "^Tf^f'once' + s h ^ k : 'sound of the drum'
> fa^Z + = fa^ntf 'gloss on the deity'. + > "STf^ + = 'Once sound
of the drum'.
Example :
"flft^ 'of the river' + <3<*3>c 'lord' > "^rft? + Bcf^T: Example :
= ^ f t ^ T : 'ocean'. 3Tf^FT^'of the priest' + feP^H: 'drum' > SlPHHrf
+ feP^H: > ^fHHd + fef^H: > ^ f H H ^ + feP^H: =
'drum of the priest'.
Example :
3#=FT5q; 'of the priest' + 'lord' > srf^Tcf +
Example :
> + = a i p H H g ^ i : 'lord of the
^ 'up' + ^ f ^ 'flies' + ^K* = 'he/
she flies up'.

Example :
Example : 'of the war* + feP^H: 'drum' feP^H:
> + feP^H: = 'war-drum'.
'wealth' + c ^ f T : 'lord' > + 33JI: >
W ^ Z + cJ^JiT: = 'Kubera or any rich man'.
Example : Example :
'of the deities' + 'lord' > f ^ ^ l + f^'big' + 'drum'>fS^ + +
^ f f T : > fag? + ^ f f T : = f ^ p ^ T : 'Indra*. = - ^ I ^ T 'big drum'.
162 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 163

<T ( <T) = tT :

Example : Example :

'priest' + 'peeps' > + ^ ^

^ ' u p ' + rTN: 'heat'>3cf+ cTTT: = 3rTN: 'torment'.
> srf^m? + ^NbcI > + =
priest peeps or gives presents'.
Example :
= J : ^ 'of the war' + rTPT: 'heat' > ^ + cTFT: +
Example : cTFT: = 'heat of war'.
^ 'mud' + ^ F T 'drum' > + = + «r) = f e r :
'drum made of mud'. Example :
spit'. 'once' + 'spit' = 'once
ST ST) = TO :
Example :
Example :
^ 'of the war' + ^ F f T 'drum' > ^ +^^T > s r f ^ ^ 'the priest' + «ir*<lfd 'spits' > STfa*^ +
+ ^^T > + ^ ^ T > "g^^^T = 'war-drum'. 'the priest spits'.

Example : Example :
^ 'up' + g ^ T 'spit' > + H^T = 'a
^ 'existing' + cTT 'ness' > "HtTT 'existence'. spit up'.

K + + <T) = tT :
Example : Example :
STfRTPq; 'of the priest' + c T ^ 'butter milk' > 'in anger' + ^ T 'spit' > + > M
^ T = ^ c K b l -spit in anger*.
srf*^ + > ^fHHrlsb^ 'buttermilk for the priest'.
164 Sanskrit Made Easy D e v e l o p m e n t of ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 165

Example : Example :
fasjci; 'electric' + 'lamp' > f ^ ^ + =

fol^fa: 'electrical lamp'. s r f ^ q ; 'the priest' + 'meditates' > ailHMct

+ vrnfir > v w f o = a r f r ^ s q r q f a 'the priest
Example :
ST) = -^T :
'priest' + ^rfcl 'gives' > + ^jf^
Example :
> + > 'the priest
gives sweetball'. 'distress' + 'practice' > STN^cf: 'a
practice only allowable in time of distress'.

Example :
^ 'up' + 'to flame' = ^ W ^ 'inflaming, Example :
exciting'. 'war' + 'ethics' > + > 'duty
in the war'.

Example :
'oblation wood' + " ^ t w ^ 'burning' > ^Tfa^. Example :
+ qlsi^ > 'burning of the oblation wood'. ^FTc^ 'of the world' + TO: 'lord' > WT^ + TO: >
sr sr) = -^r: + = ^ I T O : 'lord of the world',
Example : f^'big' + 'bladder' or TO 'dancer' > ^ +
'heart' + «TT 'place' > + SIT = ^ ^TT = f ^ T (f.) 'he who has big bladder' means the
'reverence', faith. name of when he disguised as eunuch.
166 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of ^ f ^ f ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 167

sq- + if ( xr) = ?cr :

Example : Example :
'deities & demons' who were churning 'the priest' + "qrsfcT 'reads' > SlpHH^ +
the ocean to find nectar + 'lord' > srf^FT^ + ^yef: -qgfcT = ^ T O t 1 ^ % ^ 'the priest reads veda'.
> s r f a m ^ + ^TO: = ^f^FM*?: 'Visnu'. TT xr) = :

Exception : In one word no situation of servant and Example :

master, just as in the body all limbs 'up' + TO 'gone' > ^ + t^t = 'He
have the same status. produced or born'.
Example :
^ ^ 'to churn' + ^TT 'infix' fa 'first, person
Example :
singular number' > 'I churn'. Here & did not
ganger' + 'mud* +^ > ^Tf:
= sf^Tfi": 'anger (is) like the mud'.
^ t r ) = TO :
Example : Example :
'up' + ^fcT: 'bowing' ^TfcT: > "3?rfcT: 'uplift, ^ 'a little' + 'fruit' = T^ 'a little
fruit, result'. + xFeTT = 'name of plant
progress'. banana'
XF + IF ) = TO :
Example : Example :
'priest' + ^ c ^ P d 'blows' = ^ P H H ^
'anger' + W l : 'cobra' > + 'TFT: > s f ^ +
'the priest blows'.
"^TFT: = spTFT: 'a cobra in anger'.
xf IF) = to :
^ + xr ( XT) = W :
Example : Example :
W J ^ 'the world' + ta 'father' > 'father ^ 'up' + JfrcrlH, 'bloomed' > ^ + >
of the world'. 'bloomed up'.
1 S a n s k r i t Made Easy D e v e l o p m e n t of ^^farf ^ & + vowels & consonants 169

Example :
Example :
W ^ 'anger' + TO^ 'result' > ^ + TO^ > ^ +
= 'result of anger'. srf^TRsq; 'priest' + 'eats' > S l P ^ + g ^ f c
^ sT) = ^ : > +^ ^ =^ T ^ 'the priest eats'.
Example :
^Fl^'of the world' + 'brother' > + Example :
= 'brother of the world'. 'up' + ^ f f t 'becomes' > <5<£qfa 'produces'.

Example : Example :
S t f ^ q ; 'of the priest' + "fgSTT 'hunger' > ST^TC^
"SlftT^ 'oblation wood' + 'load' + *TR:
+ = ^ p H H f i ^ n 'hunger of the priest'.
= 'load of the oblation wood'.

Example :
^ T ^ 'wealth' + 'binding' = ^FTRg^H^ Example :
'binding of wealth'. ^ 'good' + "RFf: 'way' > ^ + "RPf: = ^H^Ff:
'good path'.
Example :
'hunger' + TO 'disturbance' > ^ + TO =
SJgTSTT 'disturbance of hunger'.
Example :
STfRHq; 'priest' + W c T 'churns' > +
> + = 'the priest
Example :
W l 'good' + ^ T : 'heart' > ^ + ^ >
'good heart, affection'.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of 7T*f5l7f 1 & + vowels & consonants 171

<* + TT :
Example :
Example :
^ 'autumn' + "^T: 'cloud' = 'cloud of
•oT^ ( / f g ^ 'to know') + fa .= ^ f a 'I know'. Here \
does not change into nasal because of one word; fenRj,
fa^? etc.
Example :
+ -q > StT :
' K f a ^ 'oblation wood' + 'full' > + ^
Example :
> + Wft > ufH-Mifl 'a hall full of the oblation
wood'. /fa^ + = fas^ 'blotch, scab'; " f ^ 'to
E x c e p t i o n : In one word servant letter does not kindle' + = 'fuel'
change : + zr ^T) = V :
Examples : Example :
'to eat' + fH 'I' = STflT 'I eat'. ^Tcf 'becoming old' + 'youth' > >
'to move' + 'makes neuter noun' > 'the young becoming old'.
'lotus'. Note : The compound words are written together :
'to cover' + ^ 'makes neuter noun' > ^ :
( i >\+~=
Example :
'to sit' + 'makes a neuter noun' > ^ +
'priest' + "TTfcT 'goes' > ^ m ^ >
^TlfiT 'the priest goes'.
^ + IT IT) = U :
Example :
Example :
• 3 W + ^ T : 'union' ' j o i n i n g ' ' i n d u s t r > '
masculine ( + ^ r =f H '
STIcR^ ' t h e s o u+1 ' ^
move') (makes
172 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of ^ r f 1 , ^ & ? + vowels & consonants 173

^ zr) = U : cT<X + = "S :

Example :
Example :
T l f t ^ 'oblation wood' + 'joining' > ^ f i ^
- t f f a ^ 'of the oblation wood' + cfTT: 'group' =
+ = 'joining of the oblation wood'. -gfq^cjTT: "heap of oblation wood'.
Exception : In one word (Internal unconscious Exceptions :
letter does not change.
4 ^ ' t o know' + ( ^ T T 'suffix' (denotes feminine
^ > ^ > ^ T ^ 'truth'
gender) = fa^T 'knowledge, learning, lore, science'.
> > f^T^TT 'untruth'.
+^ > 'path'
T^ + > T^n 'aily'
'to prove' + ^ + fcT 'tense, third person,
singular number' = fa^Ri 'it is proved'. Example :
'big' + 'chariot' > ^ fWs^T: 'a
king of "RWmRxT who had a big chariot'.
Example :
^ 'bad' + 'speaker' > 'bad speaker'.
Example :
cr) = ^ :
'priest' + 'shines' > +
Example :
= ^Pihc^TF^ 'the priest shines'.
'priest' + ^fcT 'speaks' > + ^ ^
> ^RHH^ + ^fcT = ^ F T ^ ^ T 'the priest speaks'.
Example :
Example : ^ 'cum' + ^ 'water' + T 'having' =
cT^ 'that' + W i ; 'forest' = cl^ 'that forest'. Ocean'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of T^Nnf I, ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 161

Example : Example :
•tffa^'of the oblation wood' + 'gain' >
"Sfa^'of the oblation wood' + 'heap' > ^ f i ^
+ > 'gaining of the oblation wood'.
+ TTf?T: = F f W ^ T : 'a heap of oblation wood'.
9. Exception
E x c e p t i o n s : In one letter servant word does not
In this case to make special noun c^ changes
^ 'earth' + % + T 'holder' > "g^T: 'mountain'. Examples

— cn : (a) 'that' + "^T: 'maker' =

Example :
(means who was making something hither &
'heart' + eTRT: 'play' + cTRT: > + eTO; thither irregularity).
= 'hiccups'. (b) 'great' + xffcT: 'master' > + ^rfcT: =
'the master of deities'.
Natural Law :
Example :
The change of the officer master belonging to
^FT^'priest' + 'looks' > + out of the group letter 71
> + > + = ^RHHedl+cT ^ i s out of the group letter pronounced at palate
with This is the officer to moves to change in
the palatal letter Out of the group letter is lower
'the priest looks'. than group letter. But here ^T is in the place of master
and because of 3 changed in % Therefore 7T must
be higher than servant. So "ST also changed into the
Example :
group letter aspirate
dcdlH: cT^
'a man
'in that'
+ ^ffa:in 'absorbed'
that', 'concentrated'.
> cTe^ + =
160 Sanskrit Made Easy
Development of T^Nnf I, ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 161

to c h a n g e into group letter but equal to its aspiration

Example : in According to Natural Law master letter does not
'a little' + 'peace' > ^ T ^ + > change. This is exception because the out of the group
fw^TfaT: 'a little peace'. letter has less power.

* = ^ :
Example : Example :
'priest' + 'sleeps' > S f f ^ R ^ + ^ > 'big' + 'hexagon' = 'big
+ ^ > ^fHM^ > = ^ f H H ^ 'the priest hexagon'.

%+ = ^ :
Example :
'priest' + M r 'spits' > a t f * ^ + stafo
Example :
= 'the priest spits'.
^'up' + 'drying' > ^ +
^ = W :
ifawi > ^ + = ^ W ^ 'drying up', (see
Example :
Example : ^ T f ^ ' U p a n i s a d ' + ^ ^ ' g r o u p of a six things'
"^MpHNrf + = 'a group of the six
'in the war' + 'brave' > "3<f + > "3^ +
+ Upanisads'.
> W- > 'brave in the war'.
Note : <X + ^ > ^r) = W :

concerns with the place of ^ group. Therefore

Example :
group changes into group when appears in the J t f ^ 'of the oblation wood' + 'a group
place of the master. But ^ in the place of the servant Of six' > + ^ Z c f ^ = i r f R c ^ ^ l 'a group of the six
is higher than master. Therefore 7T master also has oblation woods'.
160 Sanskrit Made Easy Development of T^Nnf I, ^ & ^ + vowels & consonants 161

Note :
There are not many words which begin with ^ Example :
arf^FT^ 'priest' + ^ p r f f t 'informs' =
letter, not more than three or four. Therefore ^T does
not attract to absorb into it. Second reason concerns
^r^fcT 'the priest informs'.
with pronunciation. Beginning two letters of these
three or four words are pertaining to the cerebrum.
Such as f ^ T : , ^ WRT^:, etc. If Example :
sarah 'essence +ofTTR: 'essence' = anPiqruK: Upanisat-
this ^ absorbs servant in it, then together three
cerebral letters have to pronounce in a impossible way.
Example :
Initial group letters exist also a very few. This 7
'to fight' reduplication " 3 3 V 'desire' >
group developed later from group (see my Hindi + "HT > ^ R T 'desire to fight'. 'desirous to
artical 'Na : a problem and solution'. 1
fight - Bhagavadglta 1.1

Example :
Example :
oF^mRc^ 'storyriver' + WTT: 'ocean' =
f^'semi' + 'laughter' W : > (echo)
flRrHMK: 'The name of a story book c o m p o s e d by
+ = t ^ I R I : 'smiling'.
Example :
'priest' + WfiT 'laughs' > + ^fir
> (echo) ^ T ^ - f > or s t f ^ ^
1. Published by Vagyoga Chetana- 'the priest laughs'.
•( 56 Sanskrit Made Easy

^ + ? ( echo ^ + =
Example :
Chapter XIV
^ 'up' + ^ R : (echo) > ^ + ^R: >
'salvation'. The master <| changes
A c c o r d i n g to the 'natural law' s e r v a n t letter
always changes, but you have seen that 1 is
Example : e v e r servant' to 1 and Now this 1 in the case of
'oblation wood' + W 'carried' > Tlft^ + suffix, although appears in the place of the master
f^T > u f a ^ + = ^ffq^pTT 'wood (is) carried'. changes according to the nature of the servant in
irregular roots. It takes six positions as following.
Note : Although TT is pronounced in the throat, it is
guttural, but deeply enters into the naval. So this is
deeper like a waterwell. The waterwell produces echo,
when somebody shouts into it. In Sanskrit \ ^ ^ ^
and % on vowels are pronounced with a stress, these
strike to T? and make echo, become double. Tonga or Cart-horse Mnemonics
There was an advocate 80 years ago near my
house. He was going daily to the court by the tonga
and returning back home in the evening. It was his
daily routine. Once a relative came to see him on
Sunday. He wanted to visit Sarnath the Buddhist
place. He took the same tonga to go to Sarnath. The
tonga horse was passing by the court. As the horse
saw the court, he entered the court. The driver turned
him back but the horse ran to the h o u s e of the
advocate. The horse was accustomed to go and return
^ck from the court. He never saw a third place.
182 Sanskrit Made Easy
The Change of the Master ^ 183
3 always is servant to ^ & accustomed t 0
2 (a) 'to lick' (^)<T (P.P.) > + Z > (one
reach its place. Even when ^ is present in the place of
the master, and ^ & ^ exist in the place of the servant servant \ drops and previous vowel becomes long) =
3 runs to change in H & ^ group letters. Here applies 'licked'.
cart-horse mnemonics. (b) ^ 'to carry' (^F)cT (P.P.), ^changes into \
> ^ + (^)ff according to cart-horse mnemonies cT
Example :
follows the nature of the cerebral \ and changes into
1. + to rub' + (past participle) >
+Z = 'rubbed'. Z. ^ flag cuts semivowel ^ into >^ > ^ (servant \

to rain' + 0 ) c T (P.P.) > = drops and previous vowel becomes long) =

'rained'. 'carried'.
Note : Shakti letters ( I to 3^) cut master l e t t e r ^ S (c) 'to carry' + ^ (infinitive) > ^ + ^
into when a suffix is dental hard (reflexion of ^ from ^ in the place of \ = ' t o carry'.
I, (^)cT, ( ^ ) c T ^ (^)c^T a n d (^)fcT.
(d) ^ to endure'+ (^f)<T (P.P.) > ^ +^ >
+ to crush' + (^)TT (P.P.) > + ^ =
with analogy of comes in the lace o f " S T +
W K 'crushed'.
+ ^ = ^Hteq, 'endured'.
(b) ^ + to see' + (P.P.) > V i + ? = W
'seen'. Note : (a) the servant changed ini> The master
to see' + ^ ' i n f i n i t i v e ' + S V *** also changes into Previous ^ c rops and "5 vowel
^ = W i 'to see'. becomes long
+ to order' + 'infinitive' + ^ +^ ^ (b) the servant ^ changes into The master
^>3*1 = 'to order'. also changes into flag, in the bracket, cut ^ into
* (^TCTCTO) and "3 becomes longer because of drop
Exception : without master ^ does not changein^

182 Sanskrit Made Easy
The Change of the Master ^ 183
(c) the servant ^ changes into The master^
'to fight' + ^RT > ^ ^ 'war' ^ + ( ^T
changes into ^ and analogically to o f r ^ Gf ^
development) 'to fight flag' Here ^ suffix has
appears between "Sfio
no cutter Therefore ^ development.
3. / S T ^ ' t o cut* + ( cF)rT, Z ^ ' t o cover' + 0)<T > 'covered', 'closed'.
Servant ^ moves to the boss and fj a g /pq^ + = 'to cover'
cuts semivowel T to W (F^TOTm), cf changes into ^ 'to clean'+ cleansed'. +
influences ^ to change into "&T = 'cut'. ^ = 'to clean'
/ f ^ ' t o be angry'+ angry'=
4. /cp^'to happen' + (^)TT > cT > ^rT^'happened'.
+^ = 'to be angry'
0)cT makes adjective. If there is no noun then /oipq; 'pierce' + ^cT > fa^ 'pierced'. Here
in general neuter gender applies. flag cuts into 5 > +^ = ^ i -
Note : 6. (a) stft 'to dissolve' + ^T = 'dissolved'.
flag cuts JW: No development of W. This changes into ^T
'to do' + (qF)cT > FTCT^ 'done' • ^ ' t o cut' + = ^Vcut'
M + 'to increase' + ^ = ^fa^'fai'. ^ changed
'to carry' (^)ccfT 'absolute past participle' -
intot ("ST^TOTWI).
^ f W 'having carried'.
(b) 0)cT suffix changes into *T, when this comes from
5. s ^ f r 'to know' + ( ) r T the 'irregular \ a t root endings: ^ ^
Servant is never aspirate So ^ lost its ^ ^etc.
absorbed by (^F)cT ^ 'to eat' + 0*><T + ^ +1 = ^ 'eaten' or

^ becomes soft ^ because of master
= 'known'. Adjective
^Verses of irregular verbs quoted in the second step of this book.
but neuter noun - fSH..
186 Sanskrit Made Easy
The Change of the Master cj 137
'to pestle' + + ^
5 'to scalter' + > c ^ + t j = ^fafi^
/ t j 'to cross' + (^)rT > ^ = rM^'crossed',
'to cover, strew' + > ^ft^ + ^ =
f ^ W K 'spread'.
'to cut' + ( ^ F ) < T > f ^ + +
(d) changes into ^ when before it there is a
conjunct semivowels in the verbs, such as:
Afl 'to sleep' + (^)cT > 5T + = SFT:, I W :
'to divide, to cut into parts' + 0)<T 'slept'.
"*T = f W ^ 'divided'?
'to be collected into a mass' + "^T > ^JT +
T: = Tc^Ff: 'thick, bulky, gross'.
'to obtain' + 0 ) c T > t ^ + 1 > fa^ + ^ = ^ 'to be fatigued' + ( ^ ) f t > +H=
f ^ R , 'obtained'. 'exhausted'.
'to be fatigued' + 0)cT > ^ + ft =
^ ' t o push, to impel' + > 'exhaustion'.
= 'pushed' (e) (cf)cT changes into ^ if there is a flag aft in the
^ 'to strike, to pain' + ("30 <T root (verb). Such as:
5 +
= l ^ 'wounded', ' a tailor'. ^ ( ^ t ) 'tobend'+
= 'bent'.
+ 5T = 'striking' + ^ 'rod' = (sit) ^ T ( ^ ) 'to give up' + > t + =
'a striking cane'. ^ T : 'left, without'.

(c) (=F)<T changes into ^T for ^ ending roots: ^ ^ Note : For knowing more about past participle, please
see in second part of this book.
^ 'to tear, destroy' (^)cT > + =
^ + Vowels & Consonants 18c

Chapter XV Example :

^ + Vowels and Consonants "qs^'reading' + ^ j f t 'looks at' > +^ =

Ech o -mn em onics xrs^tejft 'he looks reading'.

Note : +Z ( + - +3 ) = :
(a) After short vowel air does not stop and servant ^ Example :
without stop moves quick and strikes any master 'going' + "S^telft 'beholds' > +
v o w e l to m a k e an e c h o and t h u s ^ becomes
= McJ^Sfft 'he beholds reading'.

Example :
Example :
c ^ 'speaking' + "3% 'I guess' + > ^j?
" S f l ^ (Present Participle) 'eating' + 'this'
'I guess speaking'
(masculine) > +^ + > 'this (man
is) eating' + ( + "3T) = 3W •

+ 3TT ( + ^ + 3TT ) = 3TW : Example :

Example : f f t 7 ^ 'speaking' + ^i^Pd 'reaches' > Pi 1 !^ +

H I ^ 'eating' + s n ^ t 'sits' > W T ^ + ^ + ^ > ^F^fft > 'he reaches speaking'.
telK^II^ 'he stays eating'. TT ( + TT) = :
Example :
Example : TO;'laughing1 + 'goes' > ^ +^ = ^ ^
+ 25 'he goes laughing'.
^ 'reading' + 'I move' ^ ^ ^
Mcifa^W 'I (masculine) move reading'.
190 Sanskrit Made Easy ^ + Vowels & Consonants 191

T* +^) = : 3TT^ ( 3TP + ^ ) = 3TTft :

Example : f^gj^ 'scholar' + J^&fft 'desires' > + j^gfo
+^ 'went' > ^ F R + ^ = 'he went - f ^ g l f ^ f c T 'the scholar desires'.
+37t ( 3 R + 3Tt) = 3Tvft : 'to poets' + 'looks at' > ^ f c + =
Example : 'he/she looks at poets'.
^eT^ 'moving' + aftg: 'mouse' > + = +3 ( +3 ) = :
'The moving mouse'. TT?^ 'to trees' + 'he/she looks upto' > cT?^ +
= TT^TtfiiT^ 'he/she looks upto trees'.
+3^ ( + 3ft) = :
Example : ( 3TF + ) = 3TPJ; :
^reF^ 'moving' + 'guessed' > ^feF^ + ^ c T "fagF^ 'scholar' + 'guesses' > "fagF + =
= ^ I ^ c l 'he guessed moving', f^SFJ^cT 'the scholar guesses'.

(b) After long air stops, ^ does not go quick to

strike the vowels. Therefore X does not make echo : 'to the mountains' + 'he/she
reaches' > + = 'he/she reaches
+3T ( 3TF + 3T ) = 3TFT :
the mountains'.
Examples :
3TT\ +TT ( 3TP + TT ) = 3TFT :
fe^ 'a Scholar' + Slfer 'is' > fe^ + ^ =
fe&l'scholar' + ^ 'goes' > t^SF + "qfc = fascia
faguRd 'the scholar exists'.
'the scholar goes'.
+3TT ( 3TP + 37T ) = 3TFTT :
BTF^ +T* ( 3TF + T*) = :
Examples : ^ ^
'scholar' + ^ ' w e n f > f ^ F +
ftBH 'scholar' + STTCTft 'comes' > fa^ ^ ^ 'the scholar went'.
= folSMWlfd 'the scholar comes'.
192 Sanskrit Made Easy
+ Vowels & Consonants 193
377^ +3Tt ( 3TF + 37t) = 3TFTt :
'bigger' + 'cat' > + _
Who's responsibility is it to solve this problem,
^ N R t ^ : "bigger cat'.
the s e r v a n t ' s or the master's? Really here responsible
37T\ + 3 ^ ( 37F + 3 ^ ) = 3TFfV : are the masters and ^ to solve this problem. They
fajJFl, 'scholar' + 'imagined' > fagp + will insert out of the group letters ^ and \ between
= fa&idUd 'the scholar imagined' both. ^ is higher than ^ and ^ goes to the top of vowel
(c) In the case of the master & "5 consonants does in the form of
not produce echo. is never hard, therefore it remains
unchangeable even when the masters are hard. Example :
3 7 ^ + eF ( 3 7 ^ + = cF : faH^ 'scholar' + ^crfcT 'moves' > fagF + ? +
Example : = fagf^fa 'the scholar moves'.

3TTW^ 'to the market' 'going' + sb>llfd

'buys' = 37Tq*T T f E ^ sbHlfd 'he buys going to the Example :
market'. fag!^ 'scholar' + 'sneezes' > fa?F + ? +
foc^fd 'the scholar sneezes'.
3 7 ^ + XT ( 3 7 ^ + xr) = 37^XT :
3T^+ (37^ + = 37^ :
Example :
x r ^ 'going' +fosrfcT'drinks' = f ^ 'he
Example :
^'laughing' + 'chatters' +
drinks going".
= ' ^ c M p d 'he chatters laughing".
Problem : ^ + & "g
3TT%+ fT (37T5 + f T ) = 37T^f7 :
1 ('cf % \ is ever servant to U & Z-
Therefore in the case of the master & il must Example :
c h a n g e into hard letter of ^ and "Z. But there is a 'great' + i T ^ T W : "tempest" > +
problem that ^ has no corresponding hard letter. ^ n ^ R T : = H ^ l ^ l ^ M i d : 'the great tempest".
196 Sanskrit Made Easy \ + Vowels & Consonants 197

^ ( 3THJi; + T ) = 3TTTT5 :
Example : Example :
f ^ F i ; 'scholar' + 'sleeps' > ^ .th 'scholar' + ^ r f l 'makes sound of
scholar sleeps'. jj-um' > fo|S|u^Hr<+)<ird 'the scholar makes sound of

Note : Although there are four more changes they are drum'.
not seen in literature. Therefore I avoided here the ( 3TTJ^ + "5) = 3Tn^ :
options such as: fa&i^d, faglSHlcl, Example :
and dufcw^ 'sitting' + 'peeps' > + -
= ^ f f ^ r i ^ r 'he peeps sitting'.
+ ZT ( + -q; + ) = 3T^r :

Example :
Example :
"T^R; 'going' + £f;<ifa 'makes t sound> +
fagr^ 'scholar' + f ^ T : "a lustful person' > f ^ P l
^ + = Ws!g<ifd 'he makes sound Z going'.
+ fa^T: = f ^ l ^ f ^ T : 'the lustful scholar'.
+\ + = 3TTg- : Problem : ^ + cf, &^
Example : Same problem appears when cT, and ^ are
W l ' b i g ' + Z f R : 'soundZ'> +V z
f R : = masters in the case of the servant \ i s never hard
W f R : 'big sound'. but it is necessary to change it according to the nature
of <T and
3TP1; + S (3TT^+ = 3% : Solution
Example : To solve this problem responsible is the master.
^ great' + 'lord' > W +\ + ' So cT and «T will take help from out of the group letter
'the great lord'.
196 Sanskrit Made Easy \ + Vowels & Consonants 197

^ which comes between both. But is higher than

and So it takes place on top of the vowel
changing into Example :
f ^ I ^ 'scholar' + fftn^T 'speaks' ^n^T
•The scholar speaks'.
Example : Note : does n o t change in the case o f " q ,
"fftsfft fftsfft) > ^ + ^'reading'
+ fcTSftT 'stays' = HtfTkmld 'he stays reading'.
3TT^ + "FT ( 3TT^+ TT) = 3TT^TT :
3TF^ + ( 3TT^ + ^ + <T ) = 3TNT : Example :
Example : fagl^ 'scholar' + ^prfrT 'creates' >
"fagl^ 'scholar' + cTTfcT 'swims' > fagP + T + m f t 'the scholar creates'.
= fa&lVculd 'the scholar swims'.
3TF^ + cT ( 3TT" r eT) = 3TTc^T :
3TP^ + ST ( 3TT^ + ^ + 2T ) = 3TR3J :
Example :
Example :
f ^ H 'scholar' + %§rfcT writes' > fagRr + f^srfft
fagFt 'scholar' + ^ f d 'spits' > fagP * g ^ f f t
> fq&ifari<sifd 'the scholar writes'.
= f ^ R ^ ^ f c T 'the scholar spits'.
Note :
3TT^ + ^ (3TT^ + TT) = : ^ liquid absorbs dental letter - in it and changes
Example : into In - are two sounds dental and nasal. The dental
f ^ S H + ^rfcT 'gives' > f ^ H ^ T 'the scholar changes into r and nasal moves on top of vowel in
gives'. the form of s o n i f y * .
ST ( 3TT^+ ST) = 3TT^ ST : ^ does not change in the case of the masters
* and ^ because they are soft. ^ has two natures
Example : s
°ft and nasal.
tet 'scholar' + 'holds' = M ^ 'the
scholar holds'.
^ always changes into ^ the boss <| 99

of the boss ^ and changes into ^ whenever any letter

a p p e a r s in the place of the master.

Chapter XVI Question:

^ T FTTftfc^RT Mnemonics Now question arises: If all letters of always
change into when any letter 3T to ^ appears in the
Servant always surrenders
place of the master, then we shall never find ^ group
^ always changes into the boss totally unchanged.
Answer : This change happens only in two
U is always W ^nRIa^m a surrendered servant
kinds of words. In these words you will see ^ always
to As I e x p l a i n e d b e f o r e that is f ^ r ^ R T present.
gatekeeper ever-servant to ^ and Z officers, when they (a) In the begining of the word ^ always says :
are not present he becomes absent. But the ^ officer Example :
is the honest officer. He always surrenders to the boss W ^ i 'skin', - ^ H H , 'kiss', 'angry woman',
when any letter appears in the place of the master, ^PM: 'fickle', W : 'fickle', 'bow', ^ ^ ' t o move'
whenever is present or absent. The boss "J sits in etc.
the interior chamber in the throat. 'bluster', "Stf^T 'snapping the thumb and
fore-finger together' etc. ^eT^ 'water', ^TM^ 'net', Wt:
The honest officer ^ always goes to the place 'victory', 'old', etc.
^r^TT 'tempest', 'cricket', ^TfR: tattered
'sound' etc.
(b) In declension it stays unchanged only with vowels,
semi-vowels and ^
Example :
^ ' s p e e c h ' + 3Tt (dual of the subject and object)
^'speech' + (plural of the subject, object.
5 officer

^ officer honest

The boss
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
always changes into the boss 201
singular of the ablative & genitive) =
•qTcR: ' s a l t p e t r e '
'speech' + (singular number of th
e + > TO + ^ = TO?: 'cooking',
instrumental case) = ofren.
/ q ^ 'to cook' + > " q r ^ 'to digestible'
'speech' + it (singular number of the dative
+ (y) H > 'the sentence'.
case) =
In other meanings
'speech' + ^ (dual number of the genitive 'to enjoy' + = ^RT^ 'to be enjoyed',
and locative case) = .
'to eat' (original meaning) = 'MMh,
^ T ^ 'speech' + f 'singular number of the locative 'eatable, should be eaten'. j
case' = ^rf^f. 'to be able' + H = (m.), (n.), '
^ + Semi-vowels and ^ (in one word). 'suitable' I
/ c f ^ + (tt)^t = 'should be spoken'. 'to join' + (original meaning) =
'joinable', 'should be joined'.
'to speak' + ^ (dual number of the first
^ changes into ^ in the cases of consonant master
person, present tense) =
(in one word, internal sandhi)
'to move' + T (suffix) = 'thunder or 'speech' + ^ (singular number of the
diamond'. subject) = cTP^. Second consonant drops at the end of
/cT^ 'to speaks' + fa (singular number of the the word.
first person, present tense) = ofix^ 'speech' + (dual number of the
'to speaks' + t r ^ (plural number of the instrument, dative and ablative cases) = cu^in,.
first person, present tense) = ^ T ^ 'speech' + fa^ (plural number of the
Exception in the noun ,, Instrumental case) =
'to cook' + W = W P l 'to be cooke ^ 'speech' + (plural number of the dative
'dressed, matured'.
202 Sanskrit Made Easy
U always changes into ^ the boss 203

and ablative cases) = W ^ T : .

"^always becomes penultimate of if any short
^ ' s p e e c h ' ' + 1 (plural number of the locative vowels appear before
case) = ^T^. Example :
Consonant Verbal suffixes TTfcT + > m R i ^ n i 'a reflected image'
'to speak' + fcT (singular number, third ofZ 'banyan tree' + WTT 'shadow =
person of the present tense) = ^frTT 'he/she speaks'. Optional with long vowel ^ W n i , W l W l l l

^ P ^ ' t o speak' + cT^(dual number, third person

of the present tense) = tF: 'two persons speak'. Example :
A ^ 'to ask' + FTfrT 'will be' > W^rfcT > wrfcT
'to speak' + f^T (singular number, second
'he/she will ask'.
person of the present tense) = crf^T 'thou speaketh'.
Note :
'to speak' + (dual number, second yrfrfi letters ( ? to aft ) and 7 cuts the next ^T
person of the present tense) = " ^ T : 'you two speak'. into ^ > cRT = ^
'to speak' + (plural number, second Tf + = ^
letters J - t i + ^ ^ ^ ^
person of the present tense) = " ^ T 'you all speak'.
Same example of ^ ending words
( ^ 3T = ^ :
Please see Regular Examples of ^ in ^ ending
Example :
/ S ^ ' t o ask' + + fir 'present tense, singlar
number' > ^ P d 'he/she asks'.

Example :
'to ask' + 'suffix' = 'question'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy

+ (p.p.) > ^ + >^ 'asked<

Chapter XVII
'expansion' Mnemonics
+ "^^T Vowels :
There is only one word in Sanskrit ending in ^
which is f ^ 'sky or heaven'. The ^ of the word f ^
changes into ^ when consonants appear in
the place of the master. In the case of vowels this does
( O ^ ^ 'to join' + (^)cT (past participle) > + ^T = not happen.
^grFi; 'proper*, 'united'. ^ + vowels = no change.

(3) ^ 'to join' + 3T C"°t> (suffix) > ^ + = Example :

'union'. f ^ 'sky' + 'limb' > f ^ + folfM,
'the part of the sky or the heaven'.
( ? ) ^ P l 'to eat' + 3 R 'ing' > + 3FT = ^q^R^'food'.
f ^ 'heaven' + 'bliss' > ftp + =
(X) 'emperor' + ^ (subject, singular) this ^
f^FTF^: 'bliss of the heaven1.
changes into 7 because of the penultimate \ = WT3.
f ^ ' sky' + I P H ^ 4 fuel' > ft* + = W ^ l
00 ^ 'to create' + (<f)fcT (suffix to make feminine 'fuel of the sky 'sun' or 'lightening'.
gender) > + f ? = ^ f e 'creation', cuts ^ i n t o ^ a n d f ^ + f (locative singular number) + (plural
cuts ^ i n t o ^ number of nominative case) f ^ f a + = Rfoi^q:
^ 'to cook' + IT 'suffix' > W{ + S > W l 'cooker'. 'deities'.

See examples of Z in ? ending words. f ^ 'heaven' + ^T: 'lord' > fts + =

'The lord of the heaven
206 Sanskrit Made Easy
UHWKUI 'expansion' Mnemonics 207
f ^ 'heaven' + "afrF: 'saying' > f^s +
f ^ 'sky' + 'goer' > fc? + >^ + = "^T:
'heavenly saying'.
'A bird'.
f ^ 'heaven' + 'a guess' > f^o + ^ =
f ^ 'sky' + 'sound' > + >^ +
'heavenly imagination'.
=; ^Jfa: 'sound in the sky'.
f ^ 'heaven' + 'sage' > fto + = f ^ . f ^ 'sky' + ^Rt 'moving' + ^Rt > ^ + "^Rt
'The sage of the heaven = ^TRt (m.), (f.). 'moving in the sky'.
f ^ 'heaven' + TJ^IT 'desire' > + -q^IT = f ^ u t f fc^ 'sky' + 'beauty' > fes + >"£['+
'desire for the heaven'. = 'beauty of the sky'.
f ^ 'heaven' + ifcpf^ 'sovereignty' > f^o + f ^ 'heaven' + ^RT: 'victory' > fe + ^T: > +
= foW^ 'sovereignty of the heaven'. = "^PT: 'victory on the heaven'.
ft^ 'heaven' + s j f a ^ 'place' > fip + = ^ 'heaven' + 'knowledge' + ^TFT^
(plural number of the nominative, accusative, > U + ^TH^ = ^ m m , 'knowledge of the heaven'.
singular number of ablative & genitive) + = t ^ 'sky' + 'tempest' > + W5^ > U +
ftcficbU: 'deities'. ^TT = 'tempest in the sky'.
f ^ 'heaven' + ^lo^cKIH, 'eagerness' > f^ 5 + ft^ 'sky' + ZfFC: 'sound' > fe + ^ f R : > 1 +
^Ic^cw^ 'eagerness of heaven'. ^W1 = 'sound in the sky'.
Consonants cut X' i n t o WHTWT : t ^ 'heaven' + 'lord' > fer + ^ f R : > +
^ + ^T^FT consonants : B^ffc = 'lord of the heaven'.
Example : ft^'heaven' + fef^H: ' d r u m ' + fefcsn: >
f ^ 'heaven' + ^FT: 'desire' > f ^ + ~ ^ + fer^H: = ^ f e t a : 'drum in the heaven'.
T g m : (m.), "SprWT (f.). 'desirous of heaven'. f ^ 'heaven' + 'search' > ftfJ +
f ^ 'sky' + T3P3: 'portion' > fer + 7SP®: = ^ + = ^ t j ^ T O 'search in the heaven'.
'portion of the sky'.
208 Sanskrit Made Easy
'expansion* Mnemonics 209
ft^ 'heaven' + TPF: 'tree' > ft? + > + ^
+ = ^ T ^ ' w o m a n of the heaven' nymph STOTT:.
= 'tree of the heaven'
ft^ 'heaven' + ^ J : 'bride' > fts + ^ > ^ +
ft^ 'sky' + ^ ^ T 'spit' > ft? + > ^ +
= 'bride of the heaven' nymph
zgFfi] = ^ p p r 'spit in the sky'.
ft^ 'sky' + T c ^ 'jewel' > fts + ^ +
ft^ 'heaven' + ^ f t 'elephant' > ft? + ^ f t > ^ +
= W ^ l ' j e w e l °f the sky, sun' "S^f: .
^ t f t = f j ^ c f t 'elephant of the heaven' %ToRT:.
ft^ 'heaven' + 'world' > ft? + "^F: > ^ +
ft^ 'heaven' + 'river' > ft? + > ^ + = '^<ril<*>: 'the heaven' w f : .
^ f o = ^ H f r 'river of the heaven' "T^T. ft^ 'heaven' + > 'power' > ft? + ^rfxF: >
ft^ 'heaven' + Pi^m: 'residence' > ft? + f^RRT: "?J + = 'power of the heaven'.
> ^ + Pioiw: = ^ P i q m : 'residence in the heaven'. ftq; 'heaven' + 'sitting' > ft? + ^ + ^
ft^ 'heaven' + "RfcT: 'master' > ft? + >^ + = 'deity'. ^ ^
= "^rfcT: 'lord of the heaven' ft^ 'heaven' + ftpj: 'river' > ft? + ftF^: > 1 +
f ^ 'heaven' + 'fruit' > ft? + >1 + ftRJ: = 'river of the heaven' 7T^rT.
F^JTl = 'fruit of the heaven' ^ nectar ftq; 'heaven' + ^ f t 'elephant' > ft? + ^ t > ^
and enjoyment. + "^Tt = "SJ^ft 'elephant of the heaven' t^TCc!:.
ft^ 'heaven' + " ^ T ^ 'power' > ft? + 1
= 'power of the heaven',
ft^ 'heaven' + 'devotion' > ft? +
Tj + s f e = "SJ^fe 'devotion of the heaven'.
ft^ 'sky' + 'jewel' > ft? + * >1 *
= 'Jewel of the sky' ^ f : sun.
ft^ 'heaven' 'woman' > ft^ + ^
^ + Vowels & Consonants

difficult'. All these are indeclinables.

Six developments of I, are as following
Chapter X VI If
T, + ^ vowels & ^ F T consonants
I explained before that faSFf appears from \ &
\ means fire and ^ means creation. When f ^ r f
comes from \ (seeds fried in fire) it does not sprout
But f ^ F f of ^ (seeds sown under the soil) sprout. As drops &
you sow the seeds under the ground, they sprout up
vowel becomes
out of the ground. But if you sow fried seeds they
cannot sprout :
(1) Visarga of ^ b e f o r e 3T sprouts up ' " t ' if soft (1) \ changes always into f ^ f . But this
consonants & 3T exist in the place of the master. does not change again if master letters are hard and
: ^ & mTP. Because nature of f^iwf
(2) Visarga of \ does not sprout up.
(f^TfT^^T) is hard in pronunciation.
^ + hard fllm^f Examples :
(3) c o m m o n f°PFPf (a) 'internal' + 'instrument' > 3RT: + <+><uIH,
= 'internal senses'. These are four : 1.
If you see only f w f without understanding the
mind^FRl, 2. wisdom 3. consciousness
source, understand f r o m and 4. ego d ^ g n : .
Development o f ^ i s of six kinds, pending words (b) 'bad' + 'sky' = 'sorrow, unhappiness'.
are not m o r e than ten. But among them five are more (c) ^ 'again' + ^ 'again' > "JT: + "^T: = ^T:
f a m o u s : 1. 'inter, inside', 2. T K ' a g a i n ' ' 3 ' * 'again and again'.
' m o r n i n g ' , 4. f ^ 'out of, without', and 5. V i '
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
\ + Vowels & Consonants 213
(d) cT^: 'tree' ^ 'again' + ^TcT: 'fruitful' = ^
Out of the group letter is not strong.
4>fcici: 'the tree (is) again fruitful'.
T h e r e f o r e its change will be optional ft:^:.
(2) This f w f 0 f ^ h e r e is l i k e t h e c o m m o n ^ (3) ^ is also Ph^KW to Z (z, 3 ) . ^ is out of the
as appeared from 3 and ^ are always servant group letter of Therefore it will change into \ out
t o T h e r e f o r e f w f will change ino optionally w of the group Z.
^ is 'out of the group' letter, it will change into 'out of Examples :
(a) 'morning' + fef^T: 'a bird' > WT: + fef^T:
the group' letter o f w h e n ^ ( % are present in > + = The bird in the
the place of the master. morning'.
(b) 'again' + cjc^c lord' > + >
% W, 57 are hard, therefore soft \ will change + = (he becomes) again lord'.
into farf and f w f is to ^ & Z (c) "^R 'four' + 'sixty' > + >^ ^ +
Examples : TSffe: = ^ j ^ f k : optionally 'sixtyfour'.

(a) ^ r ^ ' f o u r ' + ^ i R ^ l c f 'forty' > + Exception :

'sun' and 'in four'. Because \ and 3
+ -^r^lR^lcf = t ^ ^ i R ^ 'fortyfour'.
are substitutes.
'without' + 'moving' > ft: + TO > ^ (4) This (:) "^out of the group letter always
+ ^cT: = ftSef: (adjective) 'immovable, stable'. surrenders to the group letter but optionally to
(b) ft{ 'without' + TO: 'deceit' > ft: + TO > ft*L + (a) 'four' + f ^ ' t h i r t y ' +
f^T^ = 'thirtyfour'.
W : = t^RTO: (adj.) 'deceitless'.
(b) ^ 'again' + ^ B T 'spit' > ^T: + ^ F T > +
(c) ft^ 'out of, without' + WZ: 'sound' > ft: + gcfcffi = 'spit again'.
> ft^l + = fttm^:/ft:WZ: (adj) 'soundless'. (c) ^ ^ R 'four' + Wtifcl: 'seventy' > + >

ftl 'without' + 'price' > ft: + >

^ + ^TOfcT: = ^ ^ k l P d : optionally

+ = (adjective) 'priceless' 'free. 'seventyfour'.

214 Sanskrit Made Easy
196 Sanskrit Made Easy \ + Vowels & Consonants 197
5. \ + Vowels & soft consonants :
All vowels are soft and soft consonants
Example :
twenty. The servant follows the nature of the master
ftvwithout' + fWT 'desire' + "f?T = 'He
\ is already soft. Therefore it will not change when who has no desire' 'desireless'.
the masters are soft.

(a) ^ + 3T = T : Example :
'again' + "Sfrft: 'saying' > " 3 ^ + "Sfrfi: =
Example :
'repeated saying'.
'day' + 'day' + = 'day
^ + = :
by day' 'daily'
Example :
There are three stems for this word : 1. 2.
'internal' + ^ T T 'heat' > + =
^RT^RT 'Internal heat'.
^RR 'four' + STCTtfcT: 'eighty' > ^TcR + =
^cJ^Ofd: 'eightyfour'. Example :
'again' + ^ I ^ ' d e b t '
^ + 3TT = TT :
'again debt'.
Example :
+ 3 T?qT =
'internal' + 3TTrRT 'soul' > * Example :
3W<lcHI 'Internal soul'. ^ 'again' + 'certainly' = 'certainly

Example : __ _
'internal' + ^TT 'worship' > ^ ~
Example :
S R f e T T 'Internal worship'.
'internal' + "^FT^ 'unity' > + ^cR^ =
'Internal unity'.
216 Sanskrit Made Easy
\ + Vowels & Consonants 217
3Tt = f t :
Example :
'internal1 + 'vigour' > + Example :
= SRRfaT: 'He who has internal vigour'. xpT^ 'again' + f r f t s H M N : 'drum sound' =
: -t^fffn^TOfa: 'again drum sound'.
Example : ^ = <1 :
'internal' + 'heat' > + 3 k Example :
= SRrfarer^ 'Internal heat'. 'again' + ^ F T ^ peeping, a present' > " 5 ^ -
^ + soft consonants cFR^ 'peeping-again'.
(b) + = if : :
Example : Example :
'again' + WTT 'calculation' = I 'again f ^ 'out of + 'pity' = Pfa: 'cruel'.
calculation'. 'again' + 'to see' = ^Uw 'to see

Example :
^ 'bad' + 'happening' = l ^ T T 'accident'.
Example :
^ +W= f : ^ 'bad' + t ^ 'day' = i f ^ l 'bad day' rainy
Example :
\ + ST = :
^ 'bad' + 'person' = 'a bad person'.
Example :
: f ^ 'without' + 'wealth' W -
Example :
t ^ 'out of + W : 'source' = 'fountain'.
2 1 8
Sanskrit Made Easy
\ + Vowels & Consonants 219

Example : cT = c^f :

f ^ 'certainly' + ^PT: 'carrying' = ftifo. ^ , Example :

^ 'bad' + "ftfrf: 'ethics' = ^ ^bad */ f ^ 'without' + q ^ t 'shame' = fH^^i: 'shame-
'bad policy'. There is power in ^ o f ^ p r e f l x to ch ' less'.
^T to
^+ ^ =^ : Example :
Example :
^ 'bad' + 'heart' > ^ + I^T: = ^ T : 'He
^'bad' + ^'strength' = 'a weak person'.
who has bad heart > enemy'.
^ + = tf :
Example : (6) \ + T. means two fires. When two fires meet
together, first one disappears into other one. Servant
ft^ 'without' + ^ 'fear' = 'a fearless
\ disappears into master and because of this the
previous vowel becomes long.
v V =Tf :
Example : (a) + T = 3TTT :
fa^'without' + W ^ ' d i r t ' = P ^ d H j p u r e , dirtless'. Example :
: arRT^'inter' + T l f ^ ^ (adjective) 'national' >
Example : + Tlf^f > 3FcTT + Tlf^T = SRTTClfg^ 'International'.
ft^ 'out of + ^TCT: 'attempt' = " M h : 'glum', There exist four words ending in \ : 1.
^'bad' + 'fighting' 'bad fighter', 'four', 2. "Pt^'speech', 3. ^R'city' and 4.1^'yoke'. Except
a cousin of Arjuna. the first one, the last three words are f ^ s u f f i x ending.
Therefore they are always used in feminine gender.
Example : (1) In the vowel, ending suffixes \ does not
ft^ 'without1 + ^ W i 'cloth1 = ft^fc ' n a k e d '
220 Sanskrit Made Easy
\ + Vowels & Consonants 221
change of these 3 word's
Example : (c) + T = ^T :
Example :
'wicked' + iN: 'disease' > + ip\: > ^ T : 'a
y + gft ^ a jL £ bad disease'.
Exception :
+^ = = ^ etc. *
(2) When in the place of the master consonant- With influence of \ dental ^ changes into
ending suffixes and words exist then penultimate cerebral \
vowel of the servant becomes long: Example :
Example : 'difficult' + ^T: 'meditatable' > 7J + =
^SST: 'not easy to be meditated.'
^ = = i t
+ ^ = "q (without intervention) in one word
"3= is. According to the mnemonics Tonga-horse,
cerebral and "^influence ^ to change into without
interventon. Such as kar + na = ^ f : 'ear' T Pf: 'leaf
This rule also applies in words where f^FPf of
^jpf: 'full', 'scattered' and W + ^ = ^ T ^ ' d e b t ' ,
^ changes into Such as the word 3?rf?TVblessing'
+ ^T: = f^T:, 'thirst'.
Example :
"5ft, \ and \ do not influence ^ if air broken
+ = 'blessing1, because in the middle the tongue disturbs. In the range
(b) = of the tongue are and such as: cp^ + cffit =
Example : 'scissors', 'worship'.
+ Between \ and ^ If vowels and ^ ^
f ^ 'out of + i f t : 'disease' > f ^ + =^
> ^ T : 'healthy'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy

letters appear, then air flows direct by to touch ^T, the

tongue does not get disturbed. So ^T changes into
cerebral Such as + > S ^ f u ^ 'delivering', c T ^
'argument', TT^TJU 'censure'. In two words ^ does not
Chapter XIX
change into ^ - TFT + ^TTO: = WTTO:,
vowels & consonants
She was an historical personality. ^ + "^RIT =

Palatal ^ & "^are always surrendered to their boss

^ + 3T > ^ + 3 T > c J > + 3T = Tf #

Example :
f ^ 'direction' + 3T^Vcloth' + >t^F
+ > f?1 + = R m ^ c 'He who has a
cloth of direction : naked'.

Please see this figure, and 3 are out of the Note: Other examples see in

range of tongue. Therefore air does not break and

^ ^ T 'to release' + "FT + fcT (future third person,
T and ^ influence to change into 1JT.
224 Sanskrit Made Easy

singular number) > ^ + ^qfcT > ^ r f t T ( c u t s ^ ^ + T3T Vowels and consonants 225

into = ^ (b) ^ f l 'to see' + 0)rT (past participle) > + <T =

R. ^ 'businessman' 'nominative singular' > ^ ^ 'seen'; + ( = ^gl 'having seen'.
^ changes into ^ because \ is pronounced at (c) f^ + 'to point out' + (infinitive) + f ^ S f
t w o p l a c e s dental and labial. T h e r e f o r e ^ is + > +!R = 'to point out'.
promoted to the higher place at cerebrum and (d) 'to see' + ^ (infinitive) + ^ + <J^here ^
changes into Now ^ drops has no flag of cutter ^ + 'to see'.
b e c a u s e at the end of consonant d u e to brick (e) ^ ' t o bite'+ bite'.
mnemonics > (d) S & i 'to bite' + 0)<T (^)ct > ( ? ) flag cuts
3. After ¥lfrb*cK, and cut into ^ if after a^WK * ' .
that cf appears. (e) 'to wish' + fr > ^ f s 'He or she desires'.
(f) TJ + 'to enter' + (P.P.) > "Jlf^ + =
/ f ^ + (W > f ^ + W = f^g".
Mf^aH, 'entered'.
Examples :
WfTTT: 'dchKfH' TTfeT ^ - ^ ^ d l
(a) 'to release' + 0 ) c T 'past participle' > f ^ +
on absence of master cf, ^ does not change into \ :
>nga-horse Mnemonic) changes into - fc^t
Example :
^ ' t o see' + O ) ? 'able' = seen';
1. Two bricks stick together when there is cement used between of 'to see' + 'able' = ^ f a 'seeable', ^ 'to see* +
them. Without cement one of them falls down. Here c o n s o n a n t s 3 R 'ing' = 'visit' / ^ ' t o see' + ^ CQ =
are like bricks and vowels are like cement. In word faJ + ^ n 0 'seer'. Not when penultimate is TF 'heavy'.
vowel exists between \ and % ? is attached with p r e v i o u s
vowel B u t ^ i s unattached with any vowel. Therefore it drops
out of the word.
^ + ToR: Vowels and consonants 227

Example :
•q^ 'six' + SfeFUfa 'senses' > ^ + SfcWlfa > ^
Chapter XX + ffo^lfoT = Mfefo^lfrl 'six senses'.

Example :
^ 'six' + i^1T: 'distresses' > + ^T: > +
-fcFT: = ^stcFT: 'six distresses'.

Example :
\ + T3T vowels and W^FT consonants
^ 'six' + 'cooking pots' > + > ^
is out of the group letter of the Z group. Therefore + >^ + > q^oi: 'six cooking pots'.
first of all it will change into its own group
In two words (external ^rf^T) : Example :
^ + T^HJ: Vowels 'six' + ^ T : 'waves' > + >^ +
^T; >^ + = 'six waves'.

Example :
Example :
^ 'six1 + ST^fft limbs' > ^ + >^ +
^ 'six' + ^ s f t : 'seasons' > ^ + ^ T ^ : > ^ +
'six limbs'. > + = 'six seasons'.

Example : Example :
^'six' + 'cardamoms' >T*3S+ W : +
^ 'six' + 3JHHlfH 'mouths' > ^ + STFHTft =
+ = ^TT: 'six cardomoms'.
'he who has six faces' = Karttikeya.
234 Sanskrit Made Easy
H + TcR Vowels and consonants 228

Example : Example :
^ 'six' + T^Wfri 'sovereignties' > + "^tfftry 'six' + ^TT^: 'cows' > ^ + "TT^: > + ^TToT: =
•q^Tn^: 'six cows'.
> ^ + > "5T5 + ^ ^ r f f ^ T = -qt«RffxiT « six
Example :
Example : "sp^'six' + W : 'days' > +W : + ^TW: =
tsj^ W : 'six days'.
^ ' s i x ' + ^Ttcfof: 'tomcats' > ^Ttrf^: +
>^ + 3TtcT°T: = " ^ R R : 'six torn cats'.
Example :
'wish' + ^R: 'moving' > + =
Example : 'moving on his own will', a bull.
'six' + ^In^iIh 'medicines' > ^ + adrift >
+ >^ + > ^ W f ^ T 'six medicines'. Example :
^ + c z j ^ n f t consonants : fa^ 'excrement' + 'eating' > f ^ + >
'a pig'.
^qF :
Example :
Example :
^ 'six' + ^ T : 'corner' > ^ + ^ T : > ^ 'rainy season' + ^ T 'beauty' > TIT^ + ^HT
^ T : > N<cbju|: ' a group of six corners' = 'hexagon'. > TTT^Z + WT = HlojdjJdl 'beauty of the rainy season'.

Example : Example :
^ 'six' + ^t 'born' =
^ 'six' + T^Zofi: 'cots' > ^ + TSR^T: > ^
'born at six places. A musical note'.
^^T: 'six cots'.
230 Sanskrit Made Easy
^ + T^T Vowels and <*H3H consonants 231

Example :
Example :
^ ' s i x ' + H^vPT: 'crickets' > ^ +
"^'six' + 'trees' > "TO + cTT^: = 'six
+ f^crd^: = ^ fyvvAM: 'six crickets'

Example :
^ 'six' + fefpU: 'tit tit sound-making birds' > Example :
+ felp^: = + ' s i x f e j f f e sound-making •q^'six' + ^ F T : 'spits' ^FFT: ^T:
birds . 'six spits'
\ +^ + ^ >\ + ^ + :
Example : Example :
^'six' + 'lords' > ^ + + TIT^'rainy season' + "g^TT 'bad condition' > TTI^S
= 'six lords'. + "5&TT > TlTfZ + <^TT = 'bad condition in

rainy season'.
Example :
^ 'six' + fefu^HI: 'drums' > ^ + feRteHT: > ^
Example :
+ = ^ f e r ^ H I : 'six drums'.
"ST^ 'rainy season' + 'patience' > TIT^ +
> TTTSR^ + sHh, > + 'patience in the
Example :
+ rainy season'.
^ 'six' + "S^T: 'drums' > ^ + >^
= ^ ^ ^ T : 'six drums'.
season'. +: ^oFT
W ^ Z"flT^ 'rainy =season'
+ 'the'boat'
boat> in
the + rainy
232 Sanskrit Made Easy ^ + W Vowels and <>H3H consonants 233

Exception :
The master also changes because of it being a Example :
famous noun: •qr^ 'six' + ^iqfqchKi: 'defects of existence' > ^
+ qTorf^TTT: > ^ + HMfachKl: > ^ + ^rf^PTO: =
^ qio|fo|obKI: 'six 'defects of existence'.
tjt )=tjtjt :
Example :
Example :
^ 'six' + ^fifo: 'ninety' > ^ + "R^rfcT: > "qz +
^ 'six' + 'mouths' > + Tjgift > ^ +
^rfcT: > + ^T^fcT: "^fcT: = 'ninety
Tffglfa = 'he who has six mouths' Karttikeya.

Example :
Example : 'six' + ^ | f u | 'machine' > ^ + ^ i f e l
^ 'six' + - q ^ T 'feet' > ^ + = 'he •q^p^ = i s f ^ p ^ fa conspiracy by three people means
who has six feet' = a bumble bee.
six ears'.

Example :
+ Example :
^ 'six' + W T f t 'fruit' > ^ + WTft > ^
HxniPi = ^fZ 4>dlfH 'six fruits'. 'rainy season' + ^ f t 'water' > ^ift >
TITefZ + onft > TTTcf^ + cnft = M I ^ l R 'water of the rainy

Example :
1 . 1 . ' i s born', 2. 'exists', 3 . ^ 'increases^
^ 'six' + 'drops' > ^ + >^ 4. MRuiH^ 'changes', 5. 'is decayed', 6. i w l a
ft^r = N^fa^ ^ ^ 'oil full of six drops' useful in 'is destroyed'.
the nasal disease.
234 Sanskrit Made Easy
H + TcR Vowels and consonants 235

Example :
Example :
TTT^'rainy season' + 'night' > U i ^ s + ^ up^'six' + ^ T : 'hours' > "Rcf + ^TF: > >
> Tfl^Z + W f t = M I ^ H l 'night of the rainy season'. ^ + ^Ri: (echo) : + ^KI: > ^ F : 'six hours'.
2. Internal "FT^T:
Example : + :
"RT^ 'rainy season' + 'play' > "RTfS + ^ ^ Example :
> TfT^Z + cftcTT > "RT^ + vfcti = •RT^f^Tr 'play of the / f ^ 'to pervade' + 'it will' > + >
rainy season'. olc^fcT = cfa^tfcT 'he/she will pervade'.

Example :
"RT^ 'rainy season' + "STlrF: 'power' > " R l ^ +
'power of the rainy season'.

^ >7 + :
Example :
^ 'six' + ft^TT: 'lustful men' > ^ + =
^ f t ^ I T : 'six lustful men'.

Example :
'six' + ^ R T : 'pigs' + +^J^: =
'six pigs'.
+ «F>, TsT and T{, 237

Sixth Development
Chapter XXI "H: means 'that' God (in and 3? means
also God. In the word "Q^: also exists (tt + "H:
> -q^:). In the combination of "ST: + 'child jumping
mnemonics' applies. f ^ F f of "H: drops if any other
letter exist in the place of 3T. There 3T appears after
because of no sound combination.
Seventh development :
This m n e m o n i c is called 'wrestler'.
5 Symbolically, wrestler is here 3TT. Its Rwf drops when
V there are s o f t sounds all vowels + twenty soft
consonants after it. If this wrestler appears after f^FT
of 3T, then it is associated with all Sakti vowels
are (% to sft).
and XT, TfT Eighth development :
H e r e f o u r d e v e l o p m e n t s a r e e q u a l to \ Dipaka raga Mnemonics1
d e v e l o p m e n t s . Seven developments: are different This mnemonie is called Dipaka raga .
from development Such as : Here is a story of Akabar the great and Tansen the
Fifth Development great musician. Akbar heard Tansen in the court of a
^ means TPf creation. So its fa^rf creates a sprout. Hindu king. He was very much influenced with his
I named it as child jumping Mnemonic'. B y listening song, so he brought him to his own court and appointed
to the musical sounds children j u m p up. Symbolically him as a head musician. Seeing this other musicians
the child is here 3T, its t ^ F ? jumps up into) when after it were unhappy. They thought of a conspiracy to kill
(in the place of the master) exist twenty soft consonants him. They told to Akabar : 'Sir, do you know, Tansen
sings dipaka raga?
and one 3T all together twenty- one.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
^ + ^T and ^ 239
Next day Akabar asked Tansen about it and
ordered him to sing it the following day. Dlp a k a fires, previous servant \ drops and previous vowel
'lamps' burn automatically, when a singer sings becomes long.
dlpaka raga, but simultaneously fire catches the Tenth development :
singer's body. In the condition of two % servant ^ changes
So Tansen was anxious thinking his death. His in to its own group
daughter was also a musician. She told to her father Eleventh development :
"Don't be anxious, as you will be singing dlpaka raga,
Because of regional pronunciation ^ changes
the same time I shall be singing 'megha malhara' TFT,
into T?.
which bring rain.
Examples of the First Development
Next day on the roof of the palace, Fatehpur
Sikari, Tansen sang Dlpaka raga infront of Akbar and 1. The servant follows the nature of the master. Here
all the lamps decorated there lit up automatically. And masters are hard letters of ifNnrf: ^ and V "^F.
natural rain water saved his life. Servant is already hard and it changes into ftTCPf.
Question : Now there are many melodious Note : 'day', word ending in \ i s not available in
singers in India, why they are unable to burn lamps WxT. This has two other forms - and As
by singing dlpaka raga? = See
Answer : Modern musicians although they are and + T.
melodious, they have no ^ifrT) power like Tansen.
Example :
This mnemonic is utilized in the s e v e n t h
(a) + > ( 3T: + = ^T: ^ :
development : After ^iftbWt sakti vowels fsRPf chan-
Example :
ges into fire \ if there exists any melodious sound of
twenty soft consonants + all vowels. "ERT^ 'mind' + ^TOT 'desire' = TO^RPFf 'mental
Ninth development : desire'. HhHwHI is wrong.
In the condition of two T letters, means two
240 Sanskrit Made Easy

(b) + ?S > ( 3T: + IS ) = 3T: ^r :

(c) XT >(3TT: + XT) = 3TT: XT :
Example :
Example :
cFRj; 'austerity' + Wfifo: 'fame' > cTT: + ^ •q^cT 'mountain' + ^ ( p l u r a l number of nomin-
cTT:<9qiRi: 'fame of austerity'. ative case) = Hcfdi^ 'mountains' + 'fall' = "qr^rTT:
•cfcrf^T 'mountains fall'.
(c) + IT > ( 3T: + XT ) = 3T: xr :
(d) + ^>(3TT:+TF) = 3TT:XF:
Example :
Example :
'fame' + xrtI^T 'flag' > ' a flag 0 f
"^ST 'tree' + ST^ (plural number of nominative
fame'. case) = "^STT^ 'trees' + 'give fruits' = cfSfT:
(d) + t * > ( 3T: + xf ) = 3T: IF : 'trees give fruits'.

Example : (a) ^ + +^ ) = ^ :
Example :
M i ; 'fame' + TO^ 'fruit' > 'fruit of
'fox' + (singular number of nominative
case) = M ^ 'fox' + sF^fa 'cries' = fefe: sS^ft 'the
(a) 3TT^ + cF > ( 3TT: + cF ) = 3TT: : fox cries'.
Example :
U^T 'question' + (plural number of nomin- Example :
ative case) = TPHT^ 'questions' + f ^ T ^ 'are done' = ^ r f r f 'young lady' + ^ (singular number of
nominative case) = 'young lady' + 'plays'
Tf^TT: fpt^H-rl 'questions are asked'.
= U ^ T : ^ r f c T 'the young lady plays'.
(b) 3TT^ + TsT > ( 3TT: + IS) = 3TT: ^ :
( c ) ^ + x r > ( ? : + xr) = xr :
Example :
Example : ^
^ f F T 'part of the earth' + ^ (plural
l^rfcT + ^ 'young lady' + ^ 'reads' = ^ f a
nominative case) = ^TFIT^ 'parts of the earth' + ^ ^
'the young lady reads'.
'are dug' = ^fFTI: 'parts of the earth are dug'.
Sanskrit Made Easy
(d) ^ + Tfi > ( + XF ) = tr .
Example : (b) ^ +^>(3: + =
+ Example :
' ^ 'creeper' + $crlfd 'blooms' = pRjfe.
'the creeper blooms'. + i^'srl guru' +fisRIct'is unhappy' =
figgft 'sri guru is unhappy'.
(a)f^+ + cF) = f : ;
Example : (c) + + xr) = 3 : x r :
eT^ft 'goddess of wealth' + ^ R f o 'graces' Example :
= ^ f t : f^RfrT 'goddess of wealth graces'. + TVsri guru' + Tnj: 'lord' = TTJ: 'Sri
guru (is) the lord'.
(b) f ^ + JS > ($: +T3) = :
(d) + + tF ) = xr :
Example :
Example :•
eTWt + ^ 'goddess of wealth' + faucf 'i s sad' =
t j ^ + ^ 'snake' + ^ R t f c T 'hisses' = ^ T ^ :
cTWt: fe^ 'goddess of wealth is unhappy'.
"^c^RtfcT 'the snake hisses'.
^ T > ( f : + TT) = f : "g :
(a) + >( + "9J) = ^ :
Example :
Example :
cTCTt + ^ 'goddess of wealth' + TRTkfcT 'pleases'
of^ + 'bride' + "cries' > sF^fa 'the
= M^lqfci 'goddess of wealth is pleased'.
bride cries'.
( d ) f ^ + IF > ( f : + XF) = f : XF :
( b ) ^ + 13 + T3T) = ^ :
Example :
Example :
flt + ^ 'goddess of wealth' + xpeffcT 'gives fruit' ^ + ^ ' b r i d e ' + fSHct 'is unhappy'
> 2ft: ^hdlci 'goddess of wealth gives fruit'. T h e bride is unhappy'.
(a) ^ + > ( + ) = : + xr) = xr :

Example : Example :
sfcj? + ^'srlguru' + f^TfcT 'rains grace' = ^ + ^ 'bride' + "qsfcT 'reads' = ^refa 'The
'srl guru rains grace'. bride reads'.
244 Sanskrit Made Easy
^ + and "q,^ 245
(d) + tf > ( -jt: + ) = t^ •
(a) +^ >( + ^ ) = ** :
Example :
Example :
^ + ^ 'earth' + 'gives fruit' =
'the earth becomes fruitful'. •^T^(indiclinable) 'slowly' + ^T^'work' =
(a) TT^ + > ( IT: + cF ) = XT; cfc ; ^ p K 'slowly work'.
Example : (b) +& >(^ +^ ) = ^T :
^ft + = ^ ' V i s n u ' s ' + ^TT 'story' = ^ Example :
'story of Visnu'.
'slowly' + 'digs' = TsRfo 'he/she
digs slowly'.
Example :
^ + ^ ^ 'poet's' + WUfo: 'fame' = Example :
<9qifci: 'fame of the poet'.
'slowly' + ^ ^ 'read' > 'read
(c)TT^+ XT>(TT: + xr) = tt : xr :
Example :
visnu' + (singular number of genetive)
'Visnu's' + TimS: 'pleasure' = 'pleasure
of Visnu'. Example :
(d) Ti^ + IF > ( TT; + IE ) = TT: IF : 'cobra' + ^ (plural number of instru-
Example : mental case) - ^ r ^ ' b y cobras' + 'is hissed'
TTTfRT 'obtaining' + (singular number of = " j f e ^ T ^ 'this is hissed by cobras'.
genetive) = 'one kind of + (a) 3Tt^ + ^ > ( 3Tt: + = ^ ^ :
'result' = 'result of the "RTf^T means one kind Example : + (singular number of genetive) =
of W .
'of the Tpf + 'grace' = '§ r a c e of

1. There are siddhis of nine kinds. Such as : the "J?*.

3Tfnrnr ^RT ^T ^Tfw cT^TI
THftT: Hlohl^HlRlroi W fe^T: 11
204 Sanskrit Made Easy

(b) arm; + is > (&t:is ) = .

Example : (c) + TT > ( 3ft: + TT)=3ft: t j .
'Siva' + (singular number of genetiv * Example :
= W ^ - T ^ ' o f l m ' + W f t : 'fame' = ,f j 7ft + H 'cow' + fq^fcT 'drinks' TO 'water' =
tame fqsrf^f TT: 'cow drinks water'.
of ftnr.
(d) 3ft^ + t r > ( + tR)=3ft: tp :
(c) 3Tt^ + T > ( 3Tt: + tr ) = 3ft. -q- .
Example : Example :
'death' + (singular number of genetive) 7ft + "^'cow' + ^HM^ 'spits out foam'="4: ^fRI^
= T J c ^ 'of death' + ^ 'pain' = TJc^: iter ' p a i n 0f 'The cow spits out foam'.

(d) 3 ^ + X F > ( 3 7 t : + t f ) = 3ft: te :

Example :
^ 'yajna' + (singular number of genetive)
= s f K ^ 'of yajna' + ^ T ^ 'fruit' = sBflt: 'fruit of
(a) 3 f t f t + > ( 3ft: + = 3Th ^ :

Example :
^ 'cow' + ^ (singular number of nominative
case) = 'cow' + 'lean' = 4 : 'the cow is
(b) 3 f t ^ + TS > ( TS ) = 3ft: ^ :
Example : , , ats

4 + ^ 'cow' + ^ r R t 'eats' 'g r a s s

grass' = 4 : ^ T 'The cow eats grass'.
Grace for the hard letters of y k M ' f & Tp 249

(b) ft^ + ^ = 'to make empty' 'out of.

'out of + 'desire' = f^FTH: 'desireless'.
Chapter XXII 'out of + -RM: 'life' = f ^ M : 'lifeless'
Grace for hard letters of fO^lc^f ( ^ & t j ) f ^ 'out of + T^rF^ 'fruit' = P h ^ H , 'fruitless'
in 4 conditions (c) ^ 'difficult' + = 'difficult to do' ^
You have seen that ^ always shrinks into f ^ f 'difficult' + "TO: 'reading' = 'difficult to
when ^ & ^ is present in the place of master. ^ read'
has no chance to remain as or change into (d) ft^ + = 'golden coin'
Now following In four conditions ^ is given f ^ + f^TT 'grace' = f ^ f ? : 'cruel'
grace to remain as or change into ^ when masters frq; + 'thorn' = f ^ ^ F : 'obstacle-less'
are ^ & (e) "qft^ + ^TT: = MRtchK: 'polish' (with all declensions
of ^ root).
I explained before that cuts into
(f) 'out' + W : = "^f^TR: 'to expel out'
Here ^ and ^rfrfv^T appear with indeclinable words
"crf^Ff + feqi = *rfHwfT 'to expel out'
such as f ^ ^ and - q f t ^ ^ f ^ . This ^ of five
+ ^TtfcT = 'He/she expels out'
indeclinables changes into % when "3FT, ^ and xfi appear
in the place of the master : ^ f ^ + = W W T ^ 'is expelled out'
+ = + feWI: = W w m i W : 'being expelled'
+ TTtqfM = 'brinjal', eggplant',
1. (a) 'openly' + 'action' = OTf^FK:
(with all declensions of root)
STlfoR^ 'openly' + f ^ T T 'action' = a T l f a f ^ 2. Here ^ and ^ifrR^T appear with non-indeclinable
'discovery' words, before Such as f ^ "STtfa^ and
STTf^ 'openly' + ^ T 'makes' = 'he/ This penultimate ^TfrR^I cuts (changes) ^ into
she discovers' % when ^Tf^ & Trf? words appear in the place of the
ta^ = 'is discovered' master.
(with all declensions of ^ root).
252 Sanskrit Made Easy
Grace for the hard letters of #HTcF? (f & tj) 250
(a) fa^ + fe^T = ' n a m e Qf a
(b) ^ W + ititfk 'angle' = V ^ f c . , (a) 3T3 + (JSl) AW 'to stay' + SR 'ing' = ST^gRTj;
pilgrimage near Ramesvaram'. * a 'performance'.
(c) 'brother's' + w > ^ ^ (b) fa + ("ST) AW = fagT 'excrement'.
'nephew' ^ ^ (c) ft + (BT) AW = ftST 'faith'.
(d) 'flame' + 'hair' = Tlre , (d) + (BT) ^TT + = SjfaSFT^ 'place'.
(e) 'ghee' + " g f e f * 'bowl' > W ^ f r j ^ ("ST) + = (indeclinable) 'good'.
'the bowl of butter, ghee'. (g) 3#T + ("g) 'to pray' + 3T: = ^RT: 'prayer'.
(0 ^ + W : = ^ s b f i : 'third house in the (h) TrfcT + ("ST) AW 'to stay' = TrfcTHT 'prestige'.
horoscope' (j) ^ + (BT) WT 'to stay' = ^qftST'
(g) TTt: 'cow's' + 'foot' = measured (k) fa + 'to be said' + = t^R:
by the cow's hoof. 'sadness'.
(h) ^ ' a r m ' + 'swimmer' (1) ^rft + 'to sit' sit' + f a ^ s u f f i x =
(i) q i w l ^ 'architecture' + "tfcT: 'lord' > cllfdWd: " q f t ^ 'council'.
'Indra' (m) ft ^ 'to sit' + = "PNR: 'a
Exceptions : boatman', seventh musical note'.
Here are two exceptions, w/?ere ^ changes the (n) ft + 'to spread about' = 'out
master's place letter due to the cart-horse mnemonics of the cast'
and VlfrbW cuts T^into \ : 4. does not change into "f^lTFf if ending
(a) ^ + ^RTT > TTT^FT 'mother's sister' indeclinable words appear before the words of
(b) f ^ + ^TCTT > ft^RTI 'father's sister' / ^ r o o t : such as ^ R. fil^
3. With help of in prefixes ^ ^T and V TT^ . ^will not change into "^because
there is no ^TfrF before :
U ITfcT and ^ of ^ T ^ b s (Iho
(a) OTq; + "^T: = 'spice'
roots which begin with \ are called ^ T ) <* a n g
252 Sanskrit Made Easy
Grace for the hard letters of #HTcF? ( f & tj) 253
(b) ^ + = 'purified'
(c) f c R ^ + ^kTR; = PdU^dH, 'insulted' (v) r r ( R ) + fern = Ff^zmrur ( a d } . b e i n g
(d) f c R ^ + ^ R : = P d ^ K : 'insult', -
5. R does not change into f^RFf if ending non-
indeclinable words appear before Rfcwffa hard words
(e) f c R ^ + toT = M ^ I 'insult' cRtiS, ^f, ifcT, ^ and ^ (suffix)
(f) f c R ^ + ^RtfcT = fd<f+<lld 'He/she insults' and words from ^ and ^ ^ roots without ^rfrfRcTt R
(g) R R ^ + W : = HH^hK: 'salutation' does not change into R :
(i) RRq; + fsF^TT = H H n ^ l 'salutation' (a) RR^'ray' + <fR: 'maker' = *TIRfR: 'sun'. ^T^T:
is wrong.
(j) + ^fcT: = H H ^ r d : 'salutation'
(b) f^RR^ ( f ^ 'shine' + genetive singular
(k) W i + ^ T t f t = H H ^ T m 'I salute' number) = 'of day' + °fR: 'maker' = Rq+^c 'sun'
(1) + R R : = - J T ^ R : 'award' (c) StRR^ 'auspiciousness' + °FR: 'maker' =
(m) ^ + f O T = y f W T T 'award' 'auspicousness maker'.
(n) + frfcT: = i T ^ f c T : 'award' (d) ^TR^ + ^R: 'maker' = h k ^ c 'name of a
(o) ^ + ^Rtfa = 'I award' WR?.
(e) + ^R: 'maker' = <w<w: 'a poisonous
(p) ^ + = -H^hK: 'impression'
(q) W + tor = -Hfeti^l 'impression' (f) 3TRR 'iron' + "3R: = 3RR3R: 'ironsmith',
(r) + frfcT: = f i ^ l d : 'impression' 'culture' blacksmith. RR'that' + ^R: 'maker' 'smuggler',
(s) + ^ t f H = u W l f a 'I give good f f ^ ' b i g , great'+ ^rfcT: 'master' = ffFrfcT: 'guru of deities'.
impression' (g) " ^ R ^ ^ l ^ ^ ' a n insect which makes
other insect equal to himself
(t) ^ + ffcTH, = (ad. & Noun)
(h) 'iron' + 'beloved' = 3FR3TRT:
(u) W i (TO ^ = ^ ^ ^ "lS i m p r e S ' (i) W 'fame' + ^PHT: 'desirous' = W ^ F R t :
Gate-keeper's & q i f r m q f a Mnemonics 257

2. Our mouth is like a house or office. Teeth

are like a shutter of the door. The out of group letter ^
pronounced at the teeth. So he is like a doorkeeper.
Chapter XXIII Inside there are two places cerebrum (soft palate) and
hard palate There sit two officers : ^ sit at the
Gate-keeper's Mnemonics cerebrum a n d ^ s i t at the hard palate. When cerebral
1. and its out of the group letter ^ are " f t r ^ letters need to drink tea or need some file they ring a
to ^ and letters go to the place of ^ and Z and bell. The doorkeeper runs to that place and leaves his
c h a n g e into ^ and It is called their Ul^uj^frK. Out own place. He becomes similar to the officers. This
Mnemonic is called U U p ^ f r b .
of the g r o u p letter ^ changes into ^ out of the group
Examples :
letter o f a n d ^ out of the group letter of Z. It is
called fHcM<W 30 no U l ^ t ^ Mnemonics.
Because ^ does not go to change in the similar Example :
form o f o r Z. But in the case of master W, c T ^ 'austerity' + 'performance* > +
^Pjf = cTTSrqf 'performance of austerity'.
(b) + "3) = OTF^ :
Example :
H^^-^T 'the name' +
fe^Pd 'sneezes' > ^ ^
+ = ^ ^ R f ^ ^ l d ^ ^ sneezes'.
(c) + 7T ( + 3T:F) = :
Example :
^ 'fame' + m t l ^ 'body' > + =
WVK'kH, or W / m t T ^ ' t h e body of fame'.
Sanskrit Made Easy
Gate-keeper's "pTc^RTcTT & ^l^^ylrt) Mnemonics 259
(a) 3TT^ + t* ( 3TT^ + rT ) = 3TT*J :
( c ) ^ + T T ( ^ + ?T) = :
Example :
Example :
^ 'selfishness' + (plural number of f f t + ^ 'Visnu' + ^ 'sleeps' > W^l + tt =
nominative case) = 'selfishnesses' + ^ ^ - are ^ f e ^ t or ^fc Tlct 'Visnu sleeps'.
pondered, broken' > + = ^^f^rnf^
'selfishnesses are broken'. Example :
(b) +U ( + ^ ) = 3TW : cT^Tt + 'goddess of wealth' + 'fickle' >
cT^Rt^ + ^raeTT = eT^Tt^eTT 'goddess of wealths (is)
Example :
W I ^ ' t r e e s ' + fofl.^ 'are cut' > MKMI^ +
= MKMlRtf^ 'trees are cut'.
Example :
(c) 3TR^ + ?T ( 3TT71; + TT ) = 3TTWT; 3TT:?T : <rTWt + ^ 'goddess of wealth' + sM^lf 'full of
Example : deceit' > eTWt^ + tfd^if = cT^lwei^if 'goddess of
wealth (is) full of deceit'.
"q^N + srq; 'trees' + 'are dried' > W f R
+ "spjfcr = W i m p ^ or WIT: ^ P d 'trees are dried'. ( c ) # ^ + T T ( # ? t + T T ) = f m f :TT :
Example :
rFWt + ^ 'goddess of wealth' + TrfVbHcfl
Example : 'powerful' > eT^ft^ + VllrhHdl = eWlWlfrbHdl or efWt:
^FpT + ^ ' m o n k e y ' + ^ f c T 'masticates' > + ^iPrhHrTl 'goddess of wealth is powerful'.
^ f f o = ^ f q ^ T 'The monkey chews'. (a) + ( + ^r) = ^ST :
Example :
^ 'mother' + ^ ( s i n g u l a r number of genetive)
Example : ,
+ > 'mother's' + feet'>^RT^+ ^ f t =
+ ^ 'Kali' + WRct 'deceives' > ^ ^
'I salute mother's feet'.
^oTOct = ohfd^d^lcl 'Kali deceives'.
4 Sanskrit Made Easy
Gate-keeper's far^Wcll & Ul^ujyfrb Mnemonics 261

Example :
Example :
'mother's' + 'beauty' > +

Tffipsfa: 'beauty of mother'. 'monkey' + (singular number of

genetive) = 'monkey's + W T ^ 'fickleness' =
- d ^ l + -cimdH. = ^H^iMdM, 'monkey's fickleness'.
Example : (b) T ^ + ^ ( ^ +^ ) = •
^RT^ 'mother's' + 'power' > + Example :
= ^T^lfrF:/^: 'mother's power'. cpf^r + = cf^m 'of Kali' + 'deceit' >
+ "^qT^ = 'deceit of Kali'.
(a) + ^T ( + rT ) = :
Example :
Example :
^ + ^ 'bride' + "^RjTT 'expert' > ^ ^ + ^CT =
^ + ^ 'of Kali age' + 'power' > ^ ^ +
'the bride (is) expert'. ^TfrF: = 'power of Kali age'.
(b) +^ ( + ^ ) = :
Example : Example :
^ ^ ' b r i d e ' + a f a ^ l f 'beautiful' > " ^ 1 + 'slowly' + 'moving' > +^ =
^ f a ^ l f 'the bride (is) beautiful'. 'Saturn'.

(c) ^ + (^ + 7T ) = 71" :
Example :
Example :
+ 5
^ ' s l o w l y ' + f^FST 'sneeze' + fe^T =
'bride' + "STRTT 'peaceful' > ^
^RftfcKbl 'slowly sneeze'.
^ r ^ r R T i or cP£ "9TRTT 'the bride (is) peaceful'.
262 Sanskrit Made Easy
Gate-keeper's P i w w a i & uu^yfrt) Mnemonics 263

Example : (b) + ( +^ ) = :
, +
^ 'slowly' > ^ + ^ Example : ^
'slowly slowly'. ^ + "^'boat' + 'is cut' fSERt
(a) + rT ( + ^T) = 3ft5J : - 'The boat is cut'.
Example : (c) + ( + ?T ) = :
sft^? 'spiritual teacher' + (singular number Example : L
of genetive) > 'of ^ + ^ r p ^ T ^ on •rft + "^'cow' + ^ 'sleeps' = ^rft^/
feet' > + = ^ t ^ T ^ r ^ 'kiss on ^ 'the cow sleeps'.
the feet of Guru'. is out of the group letter of I explained
(b) + ( +U ) = : before that ^ is fHc*KW 'always servant to ^ will
Example : change always to ^ when Z, Z and ^ appear in the
sft^ + > 'of Guru' + ^ { u i ^ ^ ^ j q y place of the master. ^ is not a ful-fledged master.
'under shadow of feet (as umbrella)' = Therefore ^ changes into ^ optionally.
whjTURTrrsgrpT^FTT 'shadow of s f t ^ feet as (an
(c) + ( + T?T ) = 3Tfa?T/3Tt: 7T :
Example :
Sfrjft^'of Guru' + f W 'teaching*
> + f^T^TT = fi^n 'teaching of

(a) + ( + =
Example : t ^
Tfi + t ^ -cow' + W f o 'moves' 'grazes >
+ ^qRfcT = "^arfcT 'The cow moves or grazes'.
264 Sanskrit Made Easy
Gate-keeper's & T f T ^ p j f e Mnemonics 265
(a) 37^+ 7 ( 37^ + 7 ) = 37£ :
Example : (c) 3TTH + ^ ( 37T^ + ^ ) = 37TW/37T: "5T :

'in the lake' + ' a bird' > ^ + -few. Example :

1 W + 37^ = HKMI^f 'plants' + 'six' > W f T ^
= ^ f g f p T : 'a bird in the lake'.
+ t j z = W T T ^ / W T T : ^ 'Plants (are) six'.
(b) 377^ + "3" ( 37^ + c? ) = 3Tg :
Example : Example :
'milk' + 'lord' > + _ ^fa + ^ = 'poet' + iW-ild 'comments' >
'Lord of milk'. c f t f ^ + d l ^ P d = ^ m ^ f c T 'The poet comments'.

(c) 377^ + ^ ( 3 7 ^ + ) = 37W/37: ^ : Example :

Example : •qfW + "qf^'businessman' + d"lc*)<lfd 'makes
+ ^ = 'handsome' + f ^ T : 'lustful sound (of coins)' > + duirMlfa = i f W R ^ l f r T
man' > HHl^H, + = fo^T: 'a 'The businessman makes sound of coins'. (This is an
handsome lustful man'. onamatopoetic sound).

(a) 3Tt^ + Z ( 377^ + Z ) = 37TB" : Example :

Example : •qfbr + ^ = "qf^'businessman' + al^Rl 'spits' >
W W + 37^ (plural number of nominaive case) Klotjfd = Mfu|t^|o^fd|yMfui: 'The businessman
= W I T ^ 'stones' + Z f ^ R t 'are chiselled' > +
i^J^ = W i p ^ 'stones are chiselled'.

(b) 377^ 377^ + 3 ) = 37T5 : Example :

Example : eT^qt + ^ = 'goddess of wealth' + i<rt(a
+ 'moves'
'civilized' + ^ f T T : 'masters' > f ^ t moves'. > W T t ^ + = 'goddess of wealth
o«t3*i: = f W I S ^ T T : 'civilized masters'.
266 Sanskrit Made Easy Gate-keeper's P l e n u m & ^l^w-iyPrb Mnemonics 267

(a) ^ T f + Z ( ^ +Z) = ^ :
Example :
Example :
Wit + W f r q ; ' g o d d e s s of wealth' +
^ + ^ = ^ J R 'army' + ztect 'moves' 'walks' >
'deceives' > w l H + cJcKb*)fd = 'goddess
+ Z^kT = ^ g t c f ^ 'the army moves'.
of wealth deceives'.
(b) +Z ( +Z) = ^ :

Example : Example :
'bride' + Zf^frT 'stitch (button)' >
cT^t + ^ = cT^ff^'goddess of wealth' + WTeft
c ^ + d ^ P d = ^ y ^ P d 'the bride stitches (buttons)'.
'moving' >eTSFfH + = Wlcft
'Goddess of wealth (is) not stable'. (c) + fT ("3rE[ + "q") = :
( a ) + Z + Z) = Zg : Example :
Example : c f ^ + ^ = c ^ 'bride' + W l 'spits' > +
^ 'again' + f ^ f t 'short note' > ^ + fe^rot = tofrT = 'the bride spits'.
•giflw^i 'again short note'. ^igB^R: 'sound of the bow'.
Example :
Example : "^frT + = ^ ^ 'of ^ F T t e T ^ t r r +
'again' + d"lr+K: 'sound of the coins' > 'commentary' > ^rT^ + zt^T = frtst^T 'the commentary
^ + duirtK: = " g p ^ R W : 'again sound of the coins'. of ^ i t e l ^ T .

( c ) = :
Example : Example :
+ = -the boy Manu' + b M c T 'spits' > + 'of wealth' + T: 'lord'
WR. + = H ^ W d / ^ : S t a f r 'The boy Manu >iFq^ + = W T ^ ^ T : 'lord of wealth'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
Gate-keeper's Pic^wctl & i T T ^ g f ^ Mnemonics 271
fsRFf of ^ changes into ^ when hard letters
of 1 (cT, q & TT) appear in the place of the master. Out 3TTH + * ( 3TT: + ST) = 3TTW :
of the group letter ^ has less power. Therefore fsRpf Example :
will change optionally into ^ :
^ + = wicked' + gsRBPtT 'spit' > ^T:
3T^ + <T ( 3T: + <T ) = 3T^T : + g ^ f t T > ^ m + ^ f c l = SKI^qfchfcl 'wicked
Example : spit'.
TFT + ^ = T T ^ 'name' + cTTfcT 'swims' > TUT: +
3TTH + ( 3TT: + H ) = 3TTW/3TT: ^ :
cRfcT > TFT^ + ?RfcT = <HKKld 'Rama swims'.
Example :
3T^ + ST ( 3T: + ST ) = 3TW :
+ = of Sarasvatr + WRT
Example :
> TR^Tra: + TTT^RT = ^--orMlfHimi/Wfdrm: TTPRT
^ +^ = 'wicked' + ^ b l d 'spits' > + <
WRT of Sarasvati, the goddess of knowledge'.
> ^ + g ^ f c T = ^ p g ^ f r T 'the wicked spits'.
+ TT ( 3T: + TT ) = 3TW/3T:TT : ^ + <T ( + Tr) = "^RT:
Example :
Example :
3TpTrET + 3Tftc*T^'not eternal' + TO 'world' ^ f a + ^ = effar^ 'poet' - dl«4(d ' d i s p l e a s e s ' >

+ d l ^ P d > ^ f ^ + d l ^ f d = ^ f a ^ T F ^ f c T 'the p o e t
> + M : > ^ f a c ^ + ^ T R : = ^Pirq^TR:/
TTTTTT: 'The world is not eternal'. is unhappy'.

3TT^ + rT ( 3TT: + rT ) = 3TTFT :

Example : Example :
3T*T + (nominative plural) = + = " f f ^ ' c r o o k e d arm' + f 3
^ 'spits'
cents' + cRftT 'swim' > 3T?T: + ^ = ^ T T ^ + cRW * > ^ftl: + g ^ T > + g^ft = 'a
31*IIW<Pd 'innocent swim or cross other side .
arm-crooked spits'. « H
240 Sanskrit Made Easy
Gate-keeper's fHr^Wdl & ^ I ^ H f a ) Mnemonics
+ ST ( : + ST ) = 3TFST : 275

Example : + ( % + <T ) = T^cT :

^ +^ = ^ 'bride' + 'spits' > cm. + Example :
g^fw > ^ + ^ f n = 'bride spits' 'slowly' + cRT^t 'is spread' > + cRT^ >
+ = IqaiPichi 'canopy' 'the canopy
+ TT ( + IT ) = :
is spread slowly'.
Example :
^ F f ' a r m y ' + ^ffcl 'crawls' > ^ +
Example :
^pffcT > ^FffcT = ^ w f f r T / ^ : TFffcT 'army crawls'. 'slowly' + ^ d H , 'spitted' > TT^: + ^c^dH,
+ + <T) = TTTcT : > + s j j f ^ = V l ^ ^ d ^ 'spitted slowly'.
Example : ^ + TT ( T*: + TT) = T^=Fr/T*: IT :
cFfq+ c f ^ 'of monkey' + 'drowsiness' Example :
> + > + cf^T = 'monkey's T I ^ 'slowly' + ^T^fcr^ 'crawling' > lA: + T T ^
drowsiness'. > + U^IH, = 'slowly
"QTf + ST ("q;.- + ST ) = TJTST :
+ <T ( 3Tt: + IT ) = 3T*W :
Example : Example :
^ + = ^ ^ 'poet's' + g w 'spit' > + sfrj^ + = ^ J ^ ' G u r u ' s ' + cjffc 'satiation' >
g ^ T > oFf^r + = + ^FT = 'poet's Sfrlfc + > "gfe: = e f t r ^ f e : 'satiation of
spit'. the Guru'.

+ -H (TT; + IT) = TT^T/TT: ^ ; 3Tt^ + 2T ( 3Tt: + ST ) = 3TtW :

Example : Example :

+ = cj^q; 'poet's + 'problem' > ^JTJ 'fox' + (singular number of genetive,

TFMjfcq.) = ^HmX'offox' + ^ R : + sjfSR;
+ TRFTT > + ^T^TT = ^ R R F U / ^ : ^ ^
> Wfrq; + = 'spit of the jackel\
'poet's problem'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy

3Tt^ + TT ( 3Th + V ) = 3Tte*T/3Tt: TT :

Example :
+3^ = 'Guru's' + ^t^PT: 'shelter' >
^T: + > + ^TSFT: = Chapter XXIV
"ST9FT: 'shelter of the Guru'.
+ Tf ( aft": + <T ) = 3ftecT :
Example :
7ft + ^ = t ^ » c o w ' + 'satiates' > +
> ^ ^ + q^fci = -fl^a^Ki 'the cow satiates'.
ST ( 3 f t : + <T) = :
Example :
7^ + ^ = t t ^ ' c o w ' + sjcffr'hits'> ^ft: + 5. 'Child jumping' or 'sprout' Mnemonics
t ^ + z f f i = jfi^cffd 'The cow hits'. Here 3? is meant symbolically as a child. f^FFT
+ Jt ( 3^: + "FT) = a f t w a f t : H : jumps up and is attached to this 3T, when melodious
Example : consonants and short 3T appear in the place of the
Tft + ^ = t ^ 'boat' + ^rffcT 'crawls' > + ^ffcT master. This 3T disappears in the straight sound of 3Tt
> ^ + ^TffcT = nlfH^ld/ ^: McT 'the boat crawls'.

(a) 3T (3T: + 3T) = 3TtS :

Example :

3 7 ^ (Tjcf^j) - > 'who (am) I'?. 3? disappeared

into straight 37t.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
'Child jumping' or 'sprout' mnemonics 279
(b) + 3T ( 3T: + 3T) = 3ft :
+ ^ ( 3T: + ^T ) = 3Tt^T :
Example :
Example :
'below' + 3TSF5T: 'senses' > 3T*T: + ^
+ ^ = t f t i ^ 'the bhlma, name of second
3T*Tt + ^T^f: = ^ T t ^ T : 'Lord Krsna'
Pandava' + TO: 'much eater' > + TO: = ^Wt
Note : Straight absorbs 3T into its stomach and
ttfR: (was) voracious, much eater'.
appears as sign'5' in the place of the disappeared
(a) + ^T(3T: + = 3Tt^T :
But this is not approved by HifriPi. This does not apply
in the compound such as ST^TteR:. Example :
W ^ l 'in water' + 'born' > "TO: + ^T = hmwh.
^R^'beyond' + ^ T ^ ' s e n s e s ' > ^R: + ^
+ = " q ^ t ^ 'beyond the senses'.
(b) ^T ( 3T: + = :
+ T J c ^ - c ^ i melodious consonants twenty
Example :
(a) + tt ( 3T: + ) = : + = ^Te^ 'the boy' + ^qfcT 'chatters' >
Example : "3M: + ^crMld > ^qfcT 'The boy chatters'.
'down' + TrfcT: 'movement' > 3T*T: + "nfcT: = + ^T ( 3T: + ^T ) = 3Tt ^T :
srafrrfcT: 'a downfall'. Example :
(words are written together, when compounded) tj^t + T j g ^ ' f a t 1 + W* 'fish' > +

(b)3T^+^l(3T: + T ) = 3Tt ^ : W- = 'a fat fish'.

Example :
TR + T T ^ ' t h e name' + ^T^fcT 'goes' Example :
+ = TTRt 7T^fcf 'Rama goes'. + ^ = c f a ^ 'fast', 'loud' + feflfcT: 'drum' >
(Vorcfe are written separate when not compounded) cfa: + fefi^H: = fef^H: 'loud drum'.
280 Sanskrit Made Easy
'Child jumping' or 'sprout' mnemonics 281
+ ^ ( 3T: + ^ ) = 3?t ^ :
^ (3T: + ^T) = :
Example :
Example :
WT + ^ = ^TeR^ 'the boy' + »peeps. > ^
^ + ^ = W ^ ' a student' + 'bows' 'salutes'
+ = gW^ 'the boy peeps'. > -&TZ: + ^TfiT = W^t ^ T 'the student salutes to
+ ^ ( 3T: + ^ ) = : the
Example : + ^T(3T: + ^T ) = 3Tt ^T :
^RR^ 'fame' + ^T 'giver' > ^RT: + ^T = ^ f ^ i 'the Example :
mother of lord Krsna'. + 'salutation' + 'salutation' > TO +
- "TO 'salutation again and again'
Wi;'water, milk' + ^ 'giver' > + cj: =
+ ®T(3T: + ®T) = 3Tt«T:
'cloud, udder, breast of a woman'.
Example :
'three' + ^T 'ten' >RT: + c^T = ^qt^T "three
f W T + ^ = f W T ^ + 'the rule' + ^T^xR: 'more
and ten = 'thirteen'. powerful' > fWT: + = iWTt ^o^TrR: 'The rule
jm + ^ = 'a name' + ^ T ^ 'graces' > TFT: + (is) more powerful'.
^Trt = TTRt c^Tcf 'Rama graces'. Exception :
+ ( 3T: + ST ) = : ^ P ^ 'down' + l^T: 'awakening' > ^ + =
^ ^ T : 'fire'.
Example :
Note :
^ 'water, milk' + *R: 'holder* > ^ + > has other stem ^ Such as 'day' has
^Rt^R: 'cloud, breast, udder'. two other stems : and
+ ST ( 3T: + 8T) = 3Tt «T : (3T: + *T) = ^ :
Example : Example :
ftlor + ^ = f w ; 'Siva' + 'holds' > ftW ^ 'austerity' + 'place' > + =
SRft = f ^ T ERfcT 'Siva holds Ganges'. ^ T t ^ T : 'place for austerity'.
282 Sanskrit Made Easy
'Child jumping' or 'sprout' mnemonics 283
'day' + (dual number of instrumental
T(3T: + T) = 3T*T :
case) > 37F: + = 'with two days'.
Example :
+ = = 'a horse' + ^ r f 'neighs' >
'of mind' + TO: 'chariot' > + TO: =
+ sfart = 'The horse neighs'. TRtTO: 'chariot of the mind' means 'desire'.
+ TT(3T: + TT) = : 'of mind' + Tfa: 'disease' > "PR: + fpT: =
Example : 'mental disease'.

TFTCI/of mind' + 'malice' > TR: + H l f d ^ ^ + T ( 3T: + T ) = 3TlT :

= HHlmfcMH, 'malice of the mind'. Example :
'day' + TT7: 'night' > 3T?: + TT^T: =
+ ( 3T; + 7 T ) = :
'a day and night'.
Example :
+ cT ( 3T: + H ) = 3Tt^f :
"^FTC^ 'of mind' + %T: 'union' = HH^'I:
Example :
'concentration of the mind', 'close attention of the c T ^ 'in austerity' + efrT: 'merged' > cFT: +
mind'. = ah!cnl-i: 'a person who merged in austerity'.

3T^ + ^ ( 3T: + cf) = : ^(3T: + = 3TtF :

Example : • Example :
^ R V f a m e ' + ^ T : 'loss' > ^ T : + "Sift: = ^ W t :
'for austerity' + 'forest' > cTT: + =
'loss of fame'.
onlqiM, 'The forest for austerity'.
Exception in one word (Internal "Hf^T)
'of mind' + 'pain' > + ^ ^ TFR^ 'austerity' + "3T 'suffix in 'same meaning as
W J t ^ m 'mental pain'. of the word, not other than that:' cTCFTT 'austerity'.
'three' + fsRlfa: 'twenty' > ^T: + = ^ suffix makes feminine gender from neuter gender'.
'three and twenty = twenty t h r e e .
fafff of 13?: & 'God' drops except the master of 3Taj<T. 285

3TH + V o w e l s

+ 3T ( 3T: + 3T )=3*ts :
Chapter XXV Example :
^T'that' (am
same as) that'.
•q^ + ^ = 'this' + a ^ 'I' > "Qtr: + =
TTqtS^ 'I (am) this'.
3THs + 3TT(3T: + 3TT) = 3T3TT:
Example :
tj + ^ ' h e ' + STFTlfcf 'comes' >"H: + 3TTCTftT
= "H 3TRTlfcT 'he comes', (again no Tlf^T:)
tttst + ^ = -qq^ 'this' + 'comes' > +
3TRTFfcT = Tref 3TRTTfcT 'this man comes'.
God & Acyuta mnemonics
faTFf 0f xr^r; a n d ,(;()d, d n ) p s ^ ^ ^
Example :
master 3T of 3Trzpr
+ ^ ' h e ' + T^fcT 'desires' > + T^ft =
^ + > means 'he', this 'he' indicates God. TT 'he desires'.
3T is the short f o r m of means 'God'. Both have +^ = 'this' + ^ P d 'desires' > "Q?: +
the same sound combination. A n y letter other than this T ^ T = "Q^T 'this (man) desires'.
37^+ f (3T: + f ) = :
3T, f^TPf will not be sprouted. On the other hand farf
Example :
drops, because of no sound combination.
K + ^ 'he' + ^ 'desires' > "H: + = ^
In the word + " H - ^ 'this' R consists of R + ^ ^ T 'he desires'.
Therefore this rule applies here also. R o f c h a n g e s
into R because 'power' of R cuts "H into R - ^ * (fellow) desires'.
286 Sanskrit Made Easy
f ^ F f of "Q^: & TT: 'God' drops except the master of 287
+ 3 ( 3 T : + 3 ) = 3T3:
3TH.+ TT(3T: + XT) = 3TTx :
Example :
Example :
TT + ^ = ^ 'he' + ^frTSfcT 'stands up' > +
TT + TR^'he' + 'increases' > TT: + -
<ifdyfd = IT <ilriyfd 'he stands up'.
TT 'he increases'.
T^T + ^ = " Q ^ 'this' + 'speaks' > + -q^ + ^ = Tiq^ 'this' + "QvJRt 'shines' > + tj^
= ^ 'this speaks'. = irq" "Q^ 'this shines'.

3T^ + ( 3T: + ) = 3T : 3T^+ (3T: + = :

Example :
Example :
TT + TT^'he' + + ^TrT = TT"^TcT 'he
TT + = 'he' + ^ c f 'guesses' = TT: + = increased'.
TT 'he guesses'. ttc* + ^ = "Q^'he' + ^Ic^ 'shivered' > "Q^: +
Tnsf + ^ = "QT^'this* + doH^ld 'makes less' = thj i^si^ 'this shivered'.
+ AH^lfd = TJ5 'this (any masculine word) makes + 3Tt ( 3T: + 3Tt) = 3T 3Tt :
less'. Example :
TT + TO^'he' + STfafcT 'burns' >TT: + =
Example : ^ 'he burns'.
= "O^f + = t j ^ 'this' + STfafcT 'burns' > "Q?: +
TT + TT^'he' + 'sage' >"*T: + *
= Ti^r 'this burns'.
'he (is) a sage'.
T^ + ^ = ^ 'this' + 'becomes rich > + 3ft ( 3T: + 3ft) = 3T 3ft :
Trsr: + = ^ s q f t 'this (masculine) becomes Example :
rich'. ^ + ^ = TT^'he' + aft^T 'guessed' >"ST: +
^T 'he guessed'.
288 Sanskrit Made Easy
f e w f of & "ST: 'God' drops except the master of STSJcT 289
Tier + Tr^'this' + 'made less' +

aft^T^ = "Q^T 'this made less'.

Example :
TT + and T^r + ^ + Consonants hard & soft
+ ^ ' h e ' + f ^ ' i s s a d ' > T T : + fareict =
According to the previous 1. rule changes ^T f W r f 'he is sad'.
into faTFf when T T N l ^ f k hard letters appear in the Tjq- + "Qt^'this' + H ^ T 'digs' + TsRfcT
place of the master and stay unchangeable. - t^T <smRi 'this digs'.
According to the 4. rule f ^ r f of this sprouts
into sit when short 3T and soft consonants appear in Example :
the place of the master. TT + TT^'he' + M f W d 'will go' >TT: +
But in the case of TT: and tj^T: there is no = TT ' i f a ^ f d 'he will go'.
combination of all letters with these two, accept only + T ^ ' t h i s 1 + T TF# 'sings' + "TT^rfcT
3T. Therefore f^rapf drops of these two TT: and T^T: words = TTOfrT 'this (male) sings'.

when any vowel (except 3T) and consonants appear in + XT ( 3T: + IT ) = 3T XT :

the place of the master: Example :
TT + ^ = ^ 'he' + TO^ 'makes ghur ghur
+ ( 3T: + c F ) = 3T cJT :
sound' > TT: + = TT ^ ^ 'he makes ^ ^
Example :
+ 'he' + f ^ ^RtfcT 'what performs' >
^ + ^ = t t ^ 'this' + ^rfcT 'learn by heart' >
TT: + f ^ ^tlfcT = TT tsp ^tfcT 'what does he perform?'. + = t ^ ^rmfcT ^WchM, 'he learns the 'book' by
tt^ + ^ = t t ^ 'this' + f^rfcT 'what cuts' > heart'..
+ % f^cTfa = f ^ fRTfcT 'what does this (male) cuts'.
290 Sanskrit Made Easy
fg^rfof TTCf: & 'God' drops except the master of M^ti 291

Example :
Example :
^ + ^ = ^ 'he' + Tjufafa 'makes powder' > ^ up + = w&l 'this' + 'becomes old' >
+ ^ufijfd = ^ Tjufiifd 'he powders'. + ^Hfa = ^ ^WfrT 'this (male) becomes old'.
t^ + 'this'+ 'sucks'>tt^: + ^
3TH + 7 ( 3T: + Z ) = 3T Z :
= ^rsrfff I H F n ^ 'this (male) sucks mango'.
Example :
+ ( 3T: + ) = 3T :
+ = TT^'he' + dl^hri 'walks, comments' >TT:
Example :
+ z f a ^ = "H zt^H 'he walks'.
^T + ^ = 'he' + foWd 'sneezes' > "H: +
TTq + ^ = T T ^ 'this' + T f ^ T 'types' > +
foetid = ^T fe^fcT 'he sneezes'.
Pd = d ^ f d 'this (male) types'.
"Qisf + ^ = t t t ^ 'this' + " ^ e T ^ 'decieves' +
WrFti = T^ 'this decieves'. + 3 ( 3 ? : + 3 ) = 3T :
Example :
+ ( 3T: + ^T ) = 3T :
^T + ^ ' h e ' + Z ^ : 'lord' +Z ^ : =
Example :
'he (is) lord'.
^ +^ = ^ 'he' + 'becomes old' > +
TTq + ^ = t t ^ 'this' + 6<=Kb<lPd deceives' >
^MfcT = ^T 'he becomes old'.
+ z ^ i t f c T = TT^ 6oH+)0rd 'this (male) deceives' or
+ t ^ ' t h i s ' + ^rfcT 'wins'
= w r f f i 'this (male) wins'.
+ ^ ( 3T: + ) = 3T ^ :
Example :
Example :
^ +^ = ^ 'he' + ^Jct 'flies' > "H: +
+ ^'he' + 'jumps' + ^ 'he flies'.
TT 'he jumps'.
292 Sanskrit Made Easy
fsRjrf of & 'God' drops except the master of STozpr 293
+ ^ ( 3T: + ^ ) = 3T ^ : ^ Tiq^'this' + ^ f ^ q f a 'will spit'
Example : gfaWd = ^ - he w i U
+ spit ,
+^ = ^ 'he' + : 'a wooden elephant' >
"H: + = "H "fec^T: 'he (is) a wooden elephant' 3TH.+ ^ (3T: + = :
T^ + Trq^'this' + 'makes the sound Example :
of ^ T ^ ' > TJF: + = 'this (male) + 'gives* = ^
makes sound of 'he gives'.
+ ^ ( 3T: + ^ ) = 3T ^ : Tiq + ^ = Trq^ 'this' + ^ f o 'will give' > Trq: +
•^l^tjfd = ^i^hIci 'this (male) will give'.
Example :
+ ^ = ^ 'he' + coNf^" 'peeps, offers' > + + sr(3T: + ST):=3TSr:
(slohci = "H <sWci 'he peeps'. Example :
T^r + ^ = "QT^ 'this' + W^FM^ 'will peep' > T^T: ^ + ^ ' t h a t ' + VA: 'religion' > ^T: + =
+ = T^f (glRbwi^ 'this will peep'.
'that (is) the religion'.
+ ?T ( 3T: + <T ) = 3T <T : TTq 4- Tj^'this' + ^ 'holds' >"0?: + >
Example : ^ 'this (male) holds'.
+ ^ = TO^'he' + c T l f c T ' s w i m s ' = ^
cTdrT 'he swims'.
Example :
ttct + ^ = W 'this' + c ^ T 'gives up' >
^T + ^ = ^ 'he' + ^ ft^fo 'does not abuse' > "H:
rq^rlTT = "Q^f c^TfcT 'this (male) gives up'.
+ ^ ft^fcT = ^ Pn^Pd 'he does not abuse'.
TJ3 + T ^ ' t h i s 1 + ft7!^ 'speaks' +
Example : gjctfrfcf
= ^ f ^ f o 'this (male) speaks'.
* + ^ = ^'he' + ^ f a 'spits' > 3
= TT ^cH+fd 'he spits'.
294 Sanskrit Made Easy
fsrcrif of "Q^: &TO'God' drops except the master of sfspr 295
+ IT ( 3T: + IT ) = 3T XT :
Trq + ^ = t t t ^ 'this' + 'speaks' > +
Example :
^crrfTT = ^Tf?T 'this (male) speaks'.
^T + ^ = TT^ 'he' + W^FTfcT 'washes' > +
TOId^ld = "ST TT^iicn^Ri 'he washes'. 3TS^ + "*T ( 3T: = :
ttet + T ^ ' t h i s ' + ^T^fcT 'reads' >T^f: + - q ^ s Example :
Trq "^T^frT 'this reads'. ^ + = STS^ 'he' + TJ^sfer 'has died' > ST: +
3TS^ + ^ ( 3T: + XF ) = 3T XF : Tj^sfer = "ST TJ^sfer : he (has) died'.
Example : TTq + = ^ r q ; 'this' + 'sinks' > +
TT + ^ = TTS^ 'he' + Hxnfa 'gives fruit' > ST: + -R^Tfrf = "Q^T H^jiIci 'this (male) sinks'.
= TT "q^^rfcT 'he gives fruits'. 3TS^ + ^T(3T: + ^ ) = 3T ^ :
Tj^r + ^ = " Q ^ 'this' + ^r°h<lfci (onomatopoetic)
Example :
'blows, cries' > "Q^: + ^cMlfd = "ST 'he cries
+^ 'he' + "^TfcT 'goes' > "ST: + = TT
^ITfcT 'he goes'.
tjf + = Trq^ 'this' + ^T^fcT 'worships' > +
Example :
"^T^rfcT > xrq T^sfo 'this (male) worships'.
^ + ^ - ^ 'he' + 'expels' > ^T: +
ejfebcb^fd = "ST 'he expels'. + cT(3T: + ^ ) = 3 T ^ :
t ^ + ^ = T ^ 'this' + > + Example :
'this (is) a boy'. TT + ^ = "S^'he' + "erafcT 'dwells' >"ST: + =
ST ^STfr 'he dwells'.
Trq + T i ^ ' t h i s ' + ^fcT 'speaks' > "Q?: +
Example :
= ^ ^ R t 'this (male) speaks'.
^ + ^TSJ/he' + W f f t 'eats' >"ST: + *
"ST WlfcT 'he eats'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
fg^if of & 'God' drops except the master of ^ T ^ f 297
+ T ( 3T: + T ) = 3T T :
xrq + ^ = -q^q; 'this' + EMrT 'spits' > + ^orfH
Example :
rrq igfafo 'this (male) spits'.
^T + ^ = ^ 'he' + TSrfcT 'protects' > TT: + ^
TT T^rfcT 'he protects'. + TT ( 3T: + ) = 3? TT :

tt^ + ^ = t j ^ 'this' + TfecT: 'protected' > + Example :

Tf^rRT: = TT Tf^TcT: 'he (is) protected'. ^ +^ = 'he' + "^McT 'sleeps' > TT: + ^PMfd
+ H ( 3T: + cT ) = 3T cT :
- ^ ^PmRt 'he sleeps'.
Example : Trq + ^ = Tiq^ 'this' + W T : 'world' > +
+ ^ = ^ 'he' + 'obtains' >TT: + oT^ = ^fclTT: = Tiq ^TR: 'this (is) the world'.
TT ^TcT 'he obtains'.
tjtbt + "Q^'this 1 + ci^jicI 'is ashamed' > "O^T: + Example :
d^Jia = Tttst e i ^ a 'this (male) is ashamed'. ^ + ^ = TT^ 'he' + "^Sfo 'laughs' > TT: + =
+ ( 3T: + ) = 3T : "H ^fcT 'he laughs'.
Example : T^r + ^ = t t ^ this' * olfo carries, steals' >
^ + ^ = ^ 'he' + f?I®T: 'disciple' > TT: + + "^fcT = Tiq 'this (male) steals, carries'.
= TT M a f e i 'he is a disciple'.
tj^ + ij^'this' + 'will sleep'
= TT Tlftwct 'this (male) will sleep'.
+ XT ( 3T: + x r ) = 3T xr :
Example :
TT + TT^'he' + "TO: 'sixth' + TO: = H ®
'he (is) sixth'.
Wrestler Mnemonics 299

3THT + 3TT ( 3TT: + 3TT ) = 3TT 3T :

Example :
Chapter XXVI + 3TRT = 'girls' + 3TF7lf% 'come'
> crf^ST: + ^TFTTf^T = w r f ^ T 3TRTf% 'girls come'.
3TTT[ + ? ( 3 T T : + f ) = 3tt^:

Example :
^iPd^l + = ^ i f d + l ^ 'girls' + W 'here' >
^lld^l: + W = ^il^i^i W 'girls (are) here'.
3TTFC + f ( 3 T T : + f ) = 3TT f :
Example :
ifer + = Hfedl^ 'women' + 'see' >
7. Wrestler Mnemonics
-rfm: + = Ttf^TT 'ladies look at'.
(A) The wrestlers or invaders destroyed artitacts, such
+ "5 ( 3TT: + 3 ) = 3TT 3 :
as statues and burnt libraries. Here in Sanskrit is
symbolically a wrestler. It destroys attached t ^ P f of Example :

^ when all vowels and melodious consonants appear 3TRT + (singular number of genetive) =
^TRTTT^ 'mother's + 'saying' > 3TW1T: + "31%: =
in the place of the master. Again no
^WTT 'saying of the mother'.
3TT^ + 3T(3TT: + 3T) = 3TT 3T :
+ 3T ( 37T: + 3 7 ) = 3TT 3T :
Example : Example :
+ (plural number of nominative case) T
t t f ^ + aq^ = T j l f w ^ 'milk-women' + 37^:
= 'boys' + m 'here' > w m t : + = ^ ^ spoke' > + = t ^ I w 37^: 'milk-women
'boys (are) here'.
300 Sanskrit Made Easy
Wrestler Mnemonics 301
3TT^ + ( 3TT: + W ) = 3TT :
+ melodious consonants
Example :
3TTF[ + t t ( 3TT: + t t ) = tt :
+ = 'people' + 'reach' > Example :
"3RT: + = "3RT 'people reach'. ^rf^T + m = 'girls' + lgone. >
TrTT: *hPti 'girls have gone'
37T^+ TT(3TT: + IT) = 3TTTT :
3TT*[. + ^r ( 3TT: + ^T ) = 3TT t f :
Example : Example :
TO/ TOT + = TOT^ 'students' + tt^ 'only' > igtfm / U t a + = l ^ m i ^ 'hungry' +
W3TT: + = TOT ^ 'only students'. WTCT: 'voracious' > + W m : = ^jfeffiT TO:
'hungry (are) voracious'.
3TT^ + ^ ( 37T: + IT ) = 3TT ^ :
3TTT[ + "3T(3TT:+lT)=3TT"iT:
Example : Example :
"qfaT + 3 ^ = 'women' + 'desired' > + 3 ^ = q q i ^ deities' + ^ P t i 'win' > ^T: +
= ^ T ^ P t i 'deities win'.
+ = %TT 'women desired'.
F(37T: + = 3*T f T :
3TT^ + 3TT ( 3TT: + 3TT ) = 3TT 3Tt : Example :
Example : + 3T^= w n ^ ' s i c k ' * 'decreased'
> (m.f.) + ^ f f o = ^TT 'sick (are)
M m + 'special' + a f c m : 'herbs'
> faf?T5T: + 3TtWT: = M m 3TTWT: 'special herbs'.
^ + ^ ( 3TT: + = 3TTT :
+ 3ft ( 3TT: + 3TT ) = 3TT 3Tt : Example :
Example : , ^ + 3 ? ^ = t t ^ t ^ 'melodious' + fe^MI:
^ r r + 3 ^ = l ^ K T : 'bulls' + 3 M 'sprinkled ,Urns > + feteTT: = fef&^T: 'melodious
+ 3 ^ = ^TCT 3 ^ ^ ' b u l l s sprinkled'.
300 Sanskrit Made Easy
Wrestler Mnemonics 301
3TT^ + Co ( 3TT: + ^ ) = 3TT ^ :
Example :
Example :
W (O + ^ T ^ "melodious 1 +
/ qr^T + 'Ml^l^'sensitive' + TcFT:
•drums" > W T : + ^ T : = tt^T melodious
'devotees' > + TO: = 'sensitive
devotees' (m.f.).
+ ^ ( 3TT: + ^ ) = 3TT ^ :
3 T R ^ + TT ( 3TT: + TT ) = 3TT "tr :

Example :
Example :
-frsfc + = 'young' + ^ T : 'deities' > f^oCfT ( f . ) + = 'divine' + TMT:
M [ : + ^ T : = f^Tsfrr ^ T : 'young deities'. 'garlands' > f^TT: + "TT^T: = f^TT "RMT: 'divine
3TT^ + 8T ( 3TT: + ST) = 3TT ST :
3TT^ + -ST(3TT: + ) = 3TT :
Example :
Example :
fcfTcT/ fsTTeTT + fa<dl^'rare' + *TkT: 'patients' f^TT ( f . ) + = R o ^ i ^ 'divine' +
> f^TcTT: + sfal: = fsReTT sfra: 'patients are rare' (m.f.). 'journeys' > f^TT: + "qr^T = I^IT ^TTSTT: 'divine journeys'.

3TT^ + ^(3TT: + ^f) = 3TT ^r : + ^(37T: + cf ) = 3TT cf :

Example :
Example :
+ = 'fickle' + WTO: 'monkeys'
fc^TTcT + Rwidl*('huge' + "^TFTT: 'elephants' > "TOT: + ^HTI: = WTT "3FRT: 'fickle monkeys'.
> fcMMI: + 'TFTT: = Rwidl Wl\: 'huge elephants'.
T(3TT: + T) = 3TTT :
3TT^ + ®T ( 3TT: + eT ) = 3TT : Example :
Example : srf^Rmr (f.) + srfqw^'beautiful' + JM:
aies > a^RTTTT: TTRT: = 3TfwiT TTRT: 'beautiful
+ 'innocent' + ^ T - 'boy® +

'girls' > + ^TT: = 3TW 'innocent boys/gu"ls •

304 Sanskrit Made Easy
Wrestler Mnemonics
3 T T ^ + cT ( 3TT: + H ) = 3TT H :

Example :
erf^T + rrf^'beautiful' + ^ Example :
^ + ^ = ftp*^ 'Siva' + 'God' > "RT^: +
> q#RIT: + = eifciai ^ F T : 'beautiful worlds'
= f m '$ i v a ( i s ) G o d '-
3 T T ^ + ^ ( 3TT: + F ) = 3TT ^ :
Exception :
Example : T f f ^ 'of mind' + ^ T 'rod' +
tf^ci + = 'shining' + (•3T dropped W T ) = ^FfaT 'wisdom'.
'jewels' > + ^k^T: = el I "fk^T: 'shining
Example :
(B) 3T: + Wrestler and VlPrfcW cut ftr^Ff + ^ = ^ f ^ 'sun' + 'rises' > +
After child 3T visarga drops if wrestler 3n and = ^ f "3^fcT 'the sun rises'.
appear in the place of the master :
+ 3T(3T: + 'ST) = 3T "37 :
+ 3TT ( 3T: + 3TT) = 3T 3TT : Example :
Example : 'yesterday' + 'heat' > II: + ^ d T = f r
+ = ^ F R ^ 'oxen' + STFTlfoT 'come' > ^ T 'yesterday (was) hot'.
^TM: + = ^ T M SMlfoT 'oxen come'.
^ + ^ ( 3T: + ? I t ) = 3T"5^:

+ ? ) = 3T? : Example :
Example : ^ +
^ = 'Vasistha 1 + 'sage' >
^TFT^'oxen' + ^ R T : 'wanderer' + +
= 'Vasistha (was) a sage'.
= ^ T M ^ R T : 'oxen (are) wanderer'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy

377^ + TT(3T: + TT) - 3TTT :

Example :
W ^ = W 'faithful' + 'increases' ^ Oiajjteijgffll
fnT*T: + = ofKl^ T ^ 'faithful (male) increases'

3 7 ^ + T* ( 37: + T* ) = 37 ^ :
Example :
•^Tet + WTCJ/boy' + ^ ^ ' d e s i r e d ' > cfT^T: +
i^cf = ^-o-^cf 'the boy desired'.

3 7 ^ + 3Tt(3T: + 3Tt) = 3T3Tt:

Example : 6. ^ M J TFT Dlpaka Raga M n e m o n i c s
TT^T + ^ = 'summer' + 3fcrfcT 'burns' > •fcT^pf of " ^ c h a n g e s into \ fire, when in the b a c k
jftW: + 37fafcT = TTfaf 37fafcT 'the summer burns'. ground existing and melodious consonants +
vowels appear in the place of the master :
37^, + 3 ^ ( 37: + 3ft ) = 3T 37^ :
( A ) F l + 37 + 37) = 37 = f T :
Example : Example :
Trfar + ^ = tfrzrzi 'summer' + 3 ^ 'burnt' > ^fq + ^ = ^fq^'monkey' + 37^'this' +
+ 37^ = s f a ^ 'the summer burnt'. -^fq^ + = c b P u ^ 'this (is) a monkey".
^ + 37T ( J : + 37T + 37T = ^ T :
Example :
^ f t + ^ = ^ f t ^ 'monkey' + 'comes' >
^ + 3TRlfrf = i t f w f l f r 'the m o n k e y
Sanskrit Made Easy
Dlpaka Raga Mnemonics

Example :
^ f f i ^ 'ghee' + ^ 'this' +^ > ^ + E X a m P
^ + ^ ^ ' p o e f + ^ 'goes' > « f * + H *
^ = 'this (is) ghee'. >^ +^ = 'the poet goes'.

Example : Example :
f f t + ^ = ift^'name' + + 'God' ^ + ^ = ctfsr^ 'poet' + ^ 'indicated' >
> + = ^ftfteT: 'Hari (is) God'. +^ >^fH ^ = ' t h e P o e t indicated'.

Example : Example :
+ " t f ^ ' s u n ' + "S^fcT 'rises' +^fcT> Tfa + ^ = T f ^ sun' + 'burns' > Tfa: +
Tfo^ + "H^fcT = 'the sun rises'. 3Mt > Tf^ + = iMr^fcT 'the sun burns'.
^ + 3ft ( f : + 3 f l > - ^ + 3 f t ) = f f r :
Example : Example :

^ f t + ^ = f f t ^ 'name' + ^ 'spoke' > i f t : + ^ •^PH'ghee' + medicine' +

= ' g h e e ( i s ) a m e d i c i n e -
> ^ + = 'Hari told'.
+ : (B)|^+3T(f: 3T>^ 3 T ) = fT:
+^ > ^O = ^ + +
Example :
Example :
•^ft + i f t ^ ' n a m e ' + ^ ^ P d 'reaches' > + d d e s s
'be' > & ^'8° of wealth, beauty' + 3 * 3
^ t ^ P d = ^ f W ^ T 'Hari reaches'.
wealth ****** ^ 'goddess of
or beauty should exist'.
310 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dlpaka Raga Mnemonics 311

Example :
Example :
eft + ^ ' g o d d e s s of wealth' + S f t m \ \ +^ = 'goddess of wealth' +
come' > aft: + SMI^ = 'goddess of wealth should •married' > + ^ > + ^ T = "^^ft^T

fspDft 'LaksmI (was) married to Visnu'.

Example :
eft + ^ = eft^'beauty' + JEl 'desired' > eft: + ^
Example :
= $ftft5T ^T: 'beauty (is) desired of us'.
•^Hint + ^ = ^-imI^ 'commander' + ^T^fcT
'reaches' > *)HIHl: + ^T^lTT > + ^T^fcT =
Example : flHHW^fd 'the commander reaches'.
#THt + ^ = ^ H H X 'commander' + 'looks' Example :
= ^TFTt: + W = +
^ = ' the eft + ^ = eft^ 'goddess of wealth or beauty' +
commander looks at'. ^ 'increases' > $ft: + t t ^ > eft^ + T J ^ = e*
'wealth or beauty increases'.

Example : Example :
# + ^ = eft^ 'goddess of wealth' + ^cTT '( h a s ) + ^ = 'wealth' + 'increased' >
reached' = ^ c T T 'goddess +
= a^RT 'wealth or beauty
of wealth (has) reached'. •ncreased'.
312 Sanskrit Made Easy Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 313

+ f ( 3: + f > 3 ^ + f ) = 3f?:

Example : Example :
eT^qt + ^ = W f t ^ 'goddess of wealth' + #!F^'Guru'+^fcT 'indicats'>#3?:
'stronger' + W f t : + > e T ^ + = + ^fcT > + fffcT = fll^R^fa 'Gurujee indicates'.
c T ^ M l ' l a k s m l (is) stronger'. 3 ^ + # ( 3: + f > 3 ^ + f ) = 3 f t :
Example :
Example : + ^ = s f r j ^ 'Guru' + 'is able' >
+ ^ > sfrj^ +^ = 'Guru is able'.
cT^t + ^ = W f a ; ' goddess of wealth' + sfN^
'increased' > rTStf: + afNl^ > W f t v 3 } ^ = wftftjRi; + "3 ("3: + "3>3^+3) = 3^:
'wealth increased'. Example :
qj^ + = - q r ^ 'sun' + 'rises' > +
(C) + 3T > + 3T ) = "3T :
<5^fcT > q T ^ + = H l ^ f d 'the sun rises'.
Example :
+ 3> ( 3: + 3>>3^+3>) = :
TT3 + Tl^'sun' + 'here' > +
Example :
+ = 'the sun (is) here'.
+ 'Guru' + 'spoke' +
+ 3TT ( 3: + 3TT>3^+37T) = ^T- + > = 'Guru told*.
Example :
+ ("3: + "5t4>3^+pii) = :
^ + 'Guru'+
Example :
^ + ^ = cTJ^ 'thin' + 'bull' > cFJ: =
'Guru orders'. ^T: >^ + = " c ^ M : 'a thin bull'.
314 Sanskrit Made Easy
DIpaka Raga Mnemonics 315

^ + + 3 T T > ^ + 3 T T ) = ^TT:
Example :
Example :
+ % ^ ' G u r u ' + Tier -only' > ^ + ^ = ^ 'earth' + 'rotates' > +
> ^ T ^ + -qcr = s f t r j ^ 'only Gurujee (i+s > ^ + = 'the earth rotates'.

Example :
Example : ^ ' e a r t h ' + Wi'this' > +
j g + ^ = t ^ 'Manu' + ^ ^ 'desired' + >
+ ^fW^'this (is) earth'.
H ^ W ^ ' M a n u desired'.

Example :
Example :
^ ' e a r t h * + i m \ 'able' > + t'sti >
+ t ^ l l ^ ' f i r e ' + 3fafcT 'burns' > fSHJ ^ + = ^rt^rt 'earth (is) powerful'.
+ STfafcT > t ^ l l ^ + = ^ l l ^ P d 'the fire burns'.
+ 3 ( 37: + 3 > 37^ + 3 ) = "37*7 :
Example :
Example : ^ + ^ = ^ 'earth' + c^lcNi 'uneven' > +
+^ = 'sun' + 'burnt' > ^WT > <Jttg||cM| = 'earth (is) uneven'.
> + = 'the sun burnt'.
^ ^ + 3 7 ( 37: + 3 7 > 3 7 ^ + 3 7 ) = 3 7 ^ :
+ 3 T ( 3 T : + 3T > 3T) = ^
Example :
Example :
^ V ^ = ^ ^ ' V i s n u ' + 37^ 'told' > +
^ + ^ = ^ n p ; -visnu' +
= ^ >^ + 37^ = ^ ^ 'Visnu told'.
conquered' > + > ^PR + ^ ^
'Visnu is not fit to be conquered'.
Sanskrit Made Easy
Dlpaka Raga Mnemonics 317

(Em+3T(Tr: +3T>Tr^+3T) = TJT:

Example :
Example :
+ ^ + ^ = c f ^ 'poet's' + OTRcTT 'egotism' >
^ ^ = 'bride' + 'reaches' > ^
+ > =^ ^ 'the bride reached + 3Tft*TcTT > + ^PrHdl = 'poet's

Example : TT^+3TT(^: + 3TT > TJ^ + 3TT ) = "QTT :

= 'bride' + ^ 'only' > ^ j ; + t ^ Example :
t^ = ctfsfoj: 'only the bride (is) increasing'. + = 'poet's' + 3TFTTH: 'attempt' >
+ 3TFTTCT: > + 3TRTTH: = ^ F T O : poet's
"37^ + ( 37: + ^ > 3 7 ^ + T* ) = 3$" : attempt'.
Example : (Ti: + ^ > T J X + f ) = TTfT:
+ ^ = z p ^ 'bride' + ^ c ^ 'desired' > + Example :
• ^ s ^ > ^ ^ + ijr*^ = 'the bride desired'. +^ = 'poet's' + "T^T 'desire' > +
^ T > c f ^ + ip^T = ^ f r ^ T 'poet's desire'.
37^ + 3Tt (37: + 3Tt > 37^ + 3Tt) = 37*t :
Example :
Example :
^oRx^ + ^ = W T " ^ 'Brahma' + s f a ^
= ^ + ^ = ^ ^ 'poet's' + f?T 'desire' > +
'vigorous' > ^ + #3TFtt > W I ^ + ^ ^ ^ = . p o e t . s jesire«
"ScpT^^-w) 'Brahma (is) vigorous'.
Example :
Example : ^ +^ = 'poet's' + sk^HH,'uplift1 >
+ +
cP£ + ^ = 'bride' + 'guessed' > ^ + I t f m ^ = c h ^ ^ H ^ 'poet's uplift'.
= cnqftecT 'the bride guessed'.
318 pipaka Raga Mnemonics
Sanskrit Made Easy

Example :
^ T 'ocean' + the ocean'
_ -M-i^ortneocec 3TTT = W H 'of herb'
waves > + grfq. > ^ + ^ =
'waves of the ocean'. ^ '* = ^ ^ T : ^U'tnedicineoftheherb".

Example :
^tfq + = -sage's' + ^ 'debt' > E x a m P
^ , l o W . + 'low tone' > ^ +
+ > ^ + WWl = 'debt of the sage'.'
+ = <is> l o W t0ne '-

3TT + 3TT>^+3TT) = ^ T :
Example : Example :
+ 37^ = •W-dc)^ 'of lineage' + T3cJkTT 'unity' 3 4 ^ ' h i g h ' + 37FTTH: ' a t t e m p t ' > + 3TTCW:
> + Tt^cTT > TRT^ + "Q^kTT = 'unity of > 3 ^ + 31FTW: = d x ^ k m i U : ' h i g h attempt'.

Example :
Example :
' h e / s h e i n d i c a t e s ' > ^ +
TRTfr + 37^ = T 7 ^ ' l i n e a g e ' + W
+ i^FT^ = -H^r^twi; 'unity of lineage'.
3Tt(TT; + 3Tt>T^ + 3Tt) = ^ •
Example : > = ^ I f t ^ 'he/she indicates s l o w l y
^ + 3 ^ = ^'sage's' + * 'tomcat>
+ 3 % = ^ 3 : ^ torn cat of the

'high tone (is) ^ • ^

320 321
Sanskrit Made Easy Dipaka Raga Mnemonics

Example :
'highly' + -look., at' 'highly' + s W e ™ vigourousness' >
+ fcfr = ^ ^ ,he/she loQks ^ hjghly, ^ >
^ + = 'highly

Example :
'slowly' + 'told' > + >^ +
Example :
= 'he/she told slowly, gently, softly'.
^ ' s l o w l y ' + afoo^'heat' > +
+ "5S ( T*: + > +W ) = : 'slowly heat'.
Example :
(G) 3TtH + 3T ( 3Tt: + 3T > + 3T ) = 3Tt? :
'slowly' + W ^ f r 'reaches' > +
> + = ^T^r^fcT 'he/she reaches slowly'. Example :
+ = T F H ' o f Guru' +
grace' > afcjTt: + ^ T ^ R ^ T > + -
Example :
'by grace of Guru'.
'slowly' + T ^ 'increases' > +^ >
^ + 3TT ( a r t : + 3TT > + 3TT ) = 3TtTT :
+ "Q^lct = 'he/she increases slowly'.
Example :

% ^ ' o f Guru' + a ^ T 'by order'

Example :
'high, upwards' + 'desired' > * 0rf , ^ > W = 'by
of Guru'.
^ t ^ ' h e / s h e highly desired.
D lpaka Raga Mnemonics
Sanskrit Made Easy

Example :
E*an,plIi i r a - s f a ^ 'Guru's' + 'debt' >
+^ - o f Guru- + ^ b y , desire ,
+ smjtt: + f ^ T T > tityfa + = sfirptf^ ,
y debt
Guru's desire'. '3^+TT(3Tr:+TT>3^+TT) = 3 ^ :

^4 + = 9 T t ^ Gurujee's' + Vjm 'desire'
Example :
> + TrqrjTT > ^ + ^ = 'desire of
TTWJ + = T F R t ^ ' o f S i v a ' + & T 'desire' >
+ > + ^T = ' d e s i r e o f Siva'.
3 T t ^ + ^ ( 3Tt: + Tfc > 3 r t r + ^ ) = 3 m :
+ 3 ( 3Tt: + "3 > + "3 ) = :
Example :
Example :
+ = 'of a r h j ^ o T + fr^
HlH^^, + 3 7 ^ = H l H ^ d X 'of e u p i d +
'sovereignty' > + > ^ h j t t ^ + "tJ^Pf^ =
"3rfTT: 'inflammation, torment' > + >
'sovereignty of Guru'.
4lH^dX + "3tTFT: = ' t o r m e n t of cupid
3^+3it(3Tt: + 3Tt>3f^+3Tt) = 3Ttft :
Example : ^ tree
' +
^ 'cat' > +
= -cat Q f t h e t r e e ,

Example :
t n 3 + 3T^ = ^ 'sun's' + 'heat' >
ttpfT: + ^TT > ^ + ^ T = ^ t ^ n ^ o t
the sun'.
324 „ , . D l p a k a Raga Mnemon.cs
Sanskrit Made Easy
J ^ _ ^ l i m 'the b u U Came

Example: =
^ moon' + 3 m , t ,. , .
+ >
+ ^ = ^ f W r 'this fisT hi ExainP e : "nt: +
i w - 'bull' + ^ ^ 'reaches' > ^
^ ^ t_5 = 'cow' + s m f o ' c o m e s , . ^
^ > ^ + m f o = 'the cowcomes' : +

Example : |+: ^'cow' + m (f.) 'this' > +^ >
^ + ^ = % 'boat' + (f) 'this' > + > t^t + -qtjr = "jfftWT 'this (is) a cow'.
+ ^ = W ^ i 'this (is) the boat'. 3 ^ + ^ ( 3 f t : + ^ > 3ftr + -q;) = 3 f t t :
3 f t ^ + f (3ft: =
Example : Example :

^ + ^ ' c o w ' + ^ R t 'looks at' > 4 : + 4 +^ = 'cow' + ^ 'went' > + %1> ^

> % + t^f = 'the cow looks at'. + = Tfftrl'the cow went'.
+ 3 ( 3ft: + 3 > + 3 ) = 3tt^ • 3 f t ^ + 3Tt ( 3ft: + 3Tt > 3 f t ^ + 3Tt) = 3 f t f t :
Example : Example :
Trft + = ^ ^ 'moon' + 3^fcT 'rises' > ^ + 4 + ^ = i f t ^ -bull' + 'is valourous' >
3^frT > + 3^fct = 'the moon rises'.
+ 37 ( 3ft: + 37 > 3 f t ^ + 37 ) = : % + > % + > 'the bull is
Example : •
ift + ^ = i f ^ 'bull' + 3% (historical past tense, 3
H-3ft(3ft: + 3ft>3ft^+3ft) = 3 M :
third persin, singular number in stttPFT^H! •) 'carried Example :
1. Verbs are divided in three parts : 1. 2.
+ +
3. W W f . where the fruit of the action going to = others; it is l^b ^ ^ ^ ' b e c a m e less' >
W^RH suffixes end into f . Where the fruit of the action g o i n g w ^ ^
less + =
'self that is called aHcHHM<H, here suffixes end into % In W W V ^ spe ed . ^ ^ ^ 'the boat
iR+AiKH. and StlrH^M^H are included.
326 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dlpaka Raga Mnemonics 311
+ Visarga melodious conso

Example : cvaiflpte •
r t f f a i f a + ^ = mcfd^irn^ 'Siva' +
cFfa + ^ = ^ f ^ ' p o e t ' + TTTqfw 'sings' > +
, jays on the drum' > + >
WTf?T > ^ ^ + 7jrqf?f = W M t 'the poet sings'. ^q^tf^T = 'Siva plays on the

Example : drum'.

q f ^ 'ghee' + -ETTfeiq 'is flown' > +

> + qiRd^ = qfWfeTH; 'ghee (is) flown'. Example :
+ ^RfsT^'Rama the son of +
^ + "3T ( f : + > ^^ + )= :
^ s f r 'searches' > ^Tmfa: + £u<ofd > ^ R R f ^ + £u<oftl
Example :
= comf^^sfrT -HldlH. 'Rama searches q^TT.
q f r + ^ = Tfcm 'husband' + Wlfcf 'awakens' >
qfcT: + WTfcf > "qfrT^ + Wlfcf = HfcMf'lGf 'the husband Example :
gets up'. 31% + 'cobra' + ^ i f t 'bites' > +
^ > ^ T = aife&lfa 'the cobra bites'.

Example :
Example :
^Pr + ^ = ^ 'monkey' + 'J u m p s ' ?
^ + >^ + W^T = 'the monkey Tifir =
^ ^ 'hermit' +
'meditates' >
jumps'. >
Z L ^ ^ *+ ^ = 'the henrut
Sanskrit Made Easy Dipaka Raga Mnemonics

Example :
1 * a m % f r r + * = f ^ l 'Brahma' + 'gives pain'
^ +^ = ^'Visnu +^ 'dances' > +
B r a h m
? > ftfe^ ^ = ' *
^fcT > ^ + = fjR-fcUfa 'Visnu dances'.
gives pain'-

Example :
^ft + ^ = 'Visnu' + ^ f i f t 'binds, ties' > Example :
•sqfa + ^ = oMip^, 'disease' + W increases
^ft: + ^TTfrT > + W^cf = 'Visnu
> <z#T: + ^ > +^ = ^ T f M ^ 'disease
binds " ^ T demon'.
^ + ( f: + = + rt ( + =
Example : Example :
+ ^ = ^JpJI-H 'earth' + W^TfrT 'rotates,
srfa + 'sword' + spnfa 'cuts' >
+ > + c^Hlid = 'the sword cuts'.
wanders'> + WzrfcT> mfaw^
'the earth rotates'.
Example :
W * + ^ = fafa^ 'Brahma' + w f o 'laughs' >
Example : fafa: + f^tfcT > = falWd 'Brahmalaughs'.
+ ^ = ^ m ^ 'ocean' +
+ tt ( f : + TT > TT) = frf :
+ =
churned' > + W t > ^ ^ * Example :
'the ocean is churned'. ^TSflt + ^ = 'poverty, elder sister of
'should go away' > + >
tp^ = -poverty s h o u W gQ away,
330 c u • >
Sanskrit Made Easy
DIpaka Raga Mnemonics 331
Example :
+ ^ ^ 'goddess of wealth' + l ^ T
**** ^ = ^ T ^ K poverty' + ^ ^ =
'should eat my sin' > + ^ ^ > ^
rches' > ^ ^ > I 0 ^ = ^frt^
+ = '•Tddess of wealth searches (real person)'.

remove my sin'.
Example :
^ + # ^ ' g o d d e s s of wealth' + " ^ T ^ ' s h o u l d
Example : shine' > >&••+ > 'goddess
?ft + 'goddess of wealth' + ^ten^'should of wealth should shine'.
live' > aft: + 41cMidx> 5ft^ + 'goddess
of wealth should remain'. Example :
Example : + ^ = W f r ^ 'goddess of wealth' +
'should run' > my house' "^Rt: + ^ T ^ >
eft + 'goddess of wealth' + ^ T f ^ 'should
+ = ^RtafajJ "JJ^ 'goddess of wealth should run
sound' > aft: + ^Tftig > ^ f f ^ = W f t t ^ 'goddess
to my home'.
of wealth should sound'.

Example :
Example : + 'poverty' + 'should
# +^ = 'goddess of wealth' + ' ' d
'sappear' > i* t j ^ T r o m m y h o u s e - + +

> + ^ r > +^ = 'g°ddess of wealth

> + = e T ^ f ^ ^ ^ 'goddess
flies'. Poverty should disappear from my home'.
332 Sanskrit Made Easy
pipaka Raga Mnemonics

Example :
Examp^ : _ ^ , g o d d e s s Q f wealth' + ^ 'should
^ = * f t ^ 'goddess of wealth'
+ +
'more powerful' > eft: + > sfa + J J ^ my house' *ft: + +^ =
^ g ^ T j t ' g o d d e s s o f wealth should live in my house'.
'goddess of wealth (is) more powerlT "

Example :
Example :
eft + ^ ' g o d d e s s of wealth' + ^ ' s h o u l d
exist' > + ^ > ^ + ^ = a f t ^ should + 'goddess of wealth' + TRrT 'enjoys'


+ TT ( f ; + T T > f ^ + T T ) = f l f :
Example :
Example :
ef^Tt + ^ = W f t * ^ 'goddess of wealth' + eTOJ
9ft" + e f t ^ 'goddess of wealth' + 'should 'should play' % 'in my house' > + rrag >
1 + rRTcJ = " w f t should play in
please' > aft: + sft should
my house'.:
Tf^it + ^ = 'beauty of lotus' +

Example : t 1d 'beauty of the lotus shines'.

Sample :

unite'> + ^ ' G u r u ' + T # : 'shelter' +


s h o u l d unite with me'. Way'. " -nt^. = 'Guru (is my) shelter,
334 Sanskrit Made Easy Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 335

Example :
^ '+ ^ + 'lord' + 'searches' >
^ + ^ = ^ 'sun' + ^ r m T ^ 'full of rays' + +
> = 'the lord searches'.
+ ^ f q q ^ .the sun

(is) full of rays'.

Example :
3 ^ + "5T ( 3 : + > + ) = ^jf :
T^r + ? % ^ ' G u r u ' + ^ffiT 'donor' > +
Example : ^IcTT > sftTFl + ^TT = ^Thp^fm 'guru (is) donor (of
STt^? + sfrj^'Guru' + 'should win' >
^J?: + > + =
srhj^^Ng 'win guru'. knowledge)'.

3*^ + fT ( 3 : + =
Example :
Example :
+ ^ = s f c p ^ 'Guru' + SIM 'Brahma' +
^ = 'mild' + ^fjTC: 'sound of sitar' > = + creater'.
Brahma WT > + = 'Guru (is)
+ ^TfR: > ^ + = 'soft sound (of
Example :
'bow' + 'holder' > + ER: > +
the sitar)'.
= 'an archer'.

Example :
Example :
W + ^ = ^ m i 'drum' + ^ T c ^ T 'makes + =
+ + ^ ^ ^ 'beautiful' + ^TOT 'nose' +
sound' + T&tf: + > ^ ^ ' >
^ + ^ m = ^ r o f q r 'beautiful nose'.
'the musical drum makes sound.
336 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 337

'age' + 'knowledge' + STT^: + >

Example :
^yrrr + cR: = s i F p f c 'knowledge of the age (health)
^ + ^ = ^TR^'beautiful' + cffirfT 'gi r r >
1+ life'-
•^TT > + 3MT = W ^ k n 'beautiful girl'.
'worshipping' + >^ + 35: > +
_ -tpsfa: 'the second Veda'.
Example : ^ + H ( 3 : + rf > TT + ) = :
\ = W t 'gentle' + 'masculine
Example :
you' > + > ^ + = ^ ^ 'gentle
you'. 'of age' + ^ T : 'gain' > 3TFJ: + >
+ "^Tff: = 'gain of age'.

Example :
+ sfrj^'Guruji' + 'great' > Example :
+ WJ, > + = 'Guruji (is) great'. 'of age' + fTH: 'loss' > + fRT: >
3TFR + "fTCT: = 'loss of age'.

Example : (D) T ("37: + T > + T ) = "37f :

+ «Tl^'sun' + 'tourist' > + Example :
> "qif^TT: = q r ^ i f t o : 'the sun (is) tourist'. ^ +^ = c ^ 'bride' + "TPTfcT 'sings' > +
> + TTP^ - 'the bride sings'.

Example :
cjpj + ^ = cjFJ^ 'wind' + 'blows' > Example :
^ > cn^ + = cfi^T M ^ 'wind blows
^J^'army' + 'furious' > +
swiftly'. >
^ ^ + = T^tjUi 'the army (is) furious'.
204 Sanskrit Made Easy DIpaka Raga Mnemonics 339

+ ( 37: + = + sr (37: + s r > 3 7 ^ + s r ) = 37«f:

Example : Example :
^ = ^'bride' + 'yawns' > + = 'bride' + 'foster mother' >
+ > + ^ = 'the bride ( i s ) t h e
> ^ + = ^ j n t f r 'the bride yawns'. '
foster mother'.
^T ( 37: + ^T > + ^T ) = :
"37H + (37: + ^ > ^ + ^ > = "3^:
Example :
Example :
^ V ^ = 'bride' + 'becomes old' >
^ + ^ = ^ t j ^ army' + TO 'destroyed' > +
^ + "^Mfir > + = 'the bride
> n^rjr + -Pf^r = 'the army (is) destroyed'.
becomes old'.
+ «T ( 37: + = 3^
+ +^ > +^ ) = :
Example :
Example :
bride' + ^ 'speaks' > + ^
cF^ + = cFJ^ 'son' + f ^ T c f i : 'young child' >
> +^ = c ) * ^ 'the bride speaks'.
cFJ: + > rFj^ + fecq^: = 'the son (is)
young child'. 37^ + ( 37: + < * T > 3 7 ^ + « r ) = 3 7 t f :
Example :
+ ^ ( 37: + + = :
cf?^ + 'auspicious' >
= c p ^ 'bride' +
Example : ^sj: + -*Toqr > -^J^ + qoZTT = cp^fozn 'the bride (is)
c f ^ 'bride' + ^ f c l 'searches' >
+ fJ^ft > + ^ o ^ r = c ^ u ^ f d 'the bride searches'.
37*^ + i t (37: + T T > ^ + T T ) = ^ 4 :
+ ^ ( 37: + ^ > 3 7 ^ + = 37^ :
Example :
Example :
^ V ^ = c f ^ -bride' + 'is happy* > +
c f ^ + ^ = c f ^ 'bride' + #TT 'distressed' >
^ >^ + = c ' t h e bride is happy'.
+ ^ T > - s ^ + ^ t t = c n ^ T i 'the bride (is) unhappy •
204 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 34-)

T^ + n ( XT: + > 7T) = T?f :

Example :
Example :
^ ' b r i d e ' + "TrfcT 'goes' > + ^ ^ f ^ + 3TCJ = 'of the ocean' +
> + qr^T = cp^qfft 'the bride goes'. ' •roar' > + >
^ ^ + =

•roar of the ocean'.

^ + ^ ( 37: + ^ > 3 ^ + cf> = ^ .
TTfl + V (TT: + ^r > TJX + IT ) = TTEf :
Example :
Example :
^ +^ = 'bride' + ^cfa 'speaks' > ^ +
sptfft + = ^H^HH 'of cloud' + ^ T 'troop'
'^fa > ^ = ^ ^ T 'the bride speaks'. > + ^ZT > ^RTRT + TJ3T = ^ W ^ f c l a troop
+ cT ( 3>: + eT > 3 ^ + H ) = 3Jc=f : of cloud'.
Example :
^ + ^ = cjsj^ 'bride' + W ^ t i 'is ashamed' > Example :
^ J : + critic) > + d^lrl = 'the bride is Hd^ld + = Hd^^H, Patanjali's' +
'mother' > Hd^H: + ^ T F > = Md^crt^Hdl
'mother of Patanjali'.
+ f ( 3T: + > +^ ) = :
Example : Example :
+ ^fa + = ^ t : 'of the ocean' + W : 'fish' >
+ ^ = c f ^ 'bride' + W f r 'laughs' > ^
•^TfcT > ^ + = 'the bride laughs'. ^ ^ + = 'fish of the ocean'.

(E) TT^ + 7T ( IT; + 7T > TT^ + V ) = ^ Example :
Example : * +
^fe + = diva's' + ^ ^ 'drum' >
^ + = ^ 'Visnu's' + 1WT 'song' > + > = y ^ l d W : 'Siva's drum'.

"nmr > ^ + ttm = 'song of visnu'.

342 Sanskrit Made Easy Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 335

^ + ^ ( T?: + =
Example : Example :
Wtpfo + a ^ = t ^ t t ^ 'Siva's' + ^ r 'drum' > ^fe + = 'of wisdom' + ^ T ^ 'power' >
TVgfi: + > -q^^ + = diva's + > + = 'power of wisdom'.
drum'. xr^ + ( TT: + =
Example :
Example : + = 'of wisdom' + SFT: 'delusion'
>-qcT: + Wl: = Hd^n: 'delusion of wisdom'.
Mx\ + = 'of the wall' + - cut - >
• q ^ + TTCQ;: + TT>T?^+TT) = Tnf:
f^jfr: + > + = f ^ r M w ^ 'cut of the
wall'. Example :
Tjft + = 'of the hermit' + WT 'mother'
+ £T(TT; + + ST ) = TTCf : > + "RTcfT > + W T = ^Hfdi 'mother of the
Example : hermit'.
+ = 'of fire' + 'fanning' >
+ > + ^ ^ T H = S F ^ O T ^ 'faning of Example :
-gft + = t j ^ 'of the hermit' + ^ T 'journey'
> + ^ T > T f ^ + -qm = " 5 ^ 1 'journey of the
the fire'.

Example : Example :
^ft + = ^ 'of the hermit' + ^ ^
+ =
fjft + = 'of the hermit' +
'hopelessness' > & + ^ ^ > ^ ^
residence' > + ^T: > ^ + = ^ ^
H - I ^ I ^ H , 'hopelessness of the hermit'.
residence of the hermit'.
3 4 4
Sanskrit Made Easy
Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 345

Example :
ftfa + f ^ ' o f Brahma' + Vri
Example :
•gpfoys lowly' + 'jump' > +^ > ^
> m + > t ^ + ft* = .Brah'
+ = ^T^fat: 'slowly jump'.

Example :
'high' + SHrt^H, 'sound of the drum' >
Example :
sound of the drum'.
f m + = f ^ 'Brahma's' + 'swan' >
M : + W : > fa^ + = M ^ T : 'Brahma's swan'.
Example : ""-^J
Example : 'slowly' + 'searches' > +
'slowly' + TO^ 'movement' > + W J > + = 'he/she searches slowly'.
> + TO^ = Vl^jfHHH. 'slowly movement'.

Example : j^a
Example : ^ +^ (plural number of instrumental case)
= ^ ' b y all' + W l ' s e e n ' > +
'high' + 3 f t : 'sound pitch' > +
W^KH. 'seen by all'. «
> + = 'high sound pitch'.

Example : „^
^ + * * = ^ ' b y all' + ^ ' m e d i t a t e d >
Example :
„«r 2Jn T^qfcm'meditated by
3^ ' h i g h ' + 'chattering' > + ^ ^
> + <J^44R^d^'high chattering'.
346 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dlpaka Raga Mnemonics

Example :
Example :
'loudly' + M ^ ' s p o k e n ' > 'slowly' + ^ i f o 'Ispeak' > Tflft: + cn-fa >
> 3 ^ + = d ^ P f i i R d H ' l o u d l y spoken'. ^ + c^ifTT = 'I speak slowly'.
T^ + (T*: + =

Example : Example :
^ + 'by all' + ^ 'known'> + 'slowly' + RksuIh 'I write' > + IrUslltH
> ^ + = 'known by all'. > ^ + R-UsllPH = Vl^r^lPH 'I write slowly'.

Example : Example :

'loudly' + 'spoken' > + qifor^ 'loudly' + Wl: 'laughter' > + W: >

'spoken loudly'.
+ W: = 'a loud laughter1.
(G) + T > 3 ^ + T ) = aM :
Example :
Example : ^ + 3 ^ = -qi^'sun's1 + 'rays1 > ^
'slowly' + H^HH,'churning' + > ^ + Tmm: = 'sun's rays1.
> + = V I ^ ^ H H , 'slowly churning'.

Example :
Example : ^ m i + 3 ^ = Tft^K'of the +
'slowly' + -Qfa 'I go1 > +^ >^ + 'sweat1 > M + irf: > T ^ + ^ >

= Vi^ffa 'I walk slowly'. 'sweat of the summer'.

204 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dipaka Raga Mnemonics ^
+ ( 3Tt: + ^ > + = ^^
aftH + (aft: + * > sr) = sfof ;
Example :
r^ + T ^ ' M a n u ' s 1 + ^ q j 'wife. > ^ Example :

*JFTT > + = H-iHfal 'the wife of Manu named + f ^ H ' V i s n u V • ^'patience'

w^rr. > f^Tt: + > + 'patience
+ fT > + ^T ) = of Visnu'.

Example : ^T ( 3TT: + =
+ = cTCt^ 'of the tree' + 'cricket' > Example :
cRt: + *><*>! > cRK; + i f t ^ T > c R t i f t e ' a cricket of •qj + s r ^ = 'Manu's' + ^^PT: 'judgement'
the tree'.
> Tnt: + "^TR: > + ^TPT: = H-iWq: judgement of
+ T ( 3Tt: + ^ > +"§•) = 3Tll» : Manu'.
Example :
^ p s j + 3 ^ = ^ j p q t ^ 'Siva's' + ^ T ? : 'drum' >
Example :
•^TT^Tt: + > ^T?: = 'Siva's drum'.
+ = ^ N H 'relative's' - ^ 'strength'
3Tt^ + ^ ( 3Tt: + T > + <?) = :
Example : relative'.
+ m^ = 'Siva's' + ^ ^ T 'drum' >
+^ T > ^ T = W ^ 1 'Siva's drum'.
Example :
^'arm' + (dual number of i n s u u m e ^
Example : e- +
dative & ablative cases) 'by' > ^ + ^
mCS S = ^ q f H , 'by two arms'.
> OTt: +
Lord (Krsna)'.
350 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dlpaka Raga Mnemonics 3g1

3 f t ^ + ^T(3ft: + TT>3ft^ + TT) = 3fttf ;

Example :
^'arm'+ ^'root'> Example :
= 'armpit'. ^ ^ ^ + ^ 'cow' + 'chews' > fft: + t ^ f t
> + ^rafrT = 'iV-J^Ri 'the cow chews the grass'.
3 f t ^ + ^ ( 3ft: + l T > 3 f t ^ + l f ) = 3ftlfr :
Example :
Example :
TO + ^ = ^ 'Prthu's' + ^ T : 'attempt' > tj| + ift^'cow' + 'yawns' > " 4 + ^nqft
+ ^T: > + ^ T : = ^qHcT: 'attempt of king > t ^ + ^psf^ = "rfhfnq^ 'the cow yawns'.
3 f t ^ + ^T ( 3ft: + Jf > 3ft^ + ^T ) = 3ft^f :
+ cr ( 3Tt: + ^ > 3 T t i ; + ^ r ) = 3ftcf : Example :
Example : ift + ^ = i f ^ 'cow' + 'chews (the straw)' >
cT? + 3 ^ = cRt^ 'of the tree' + ^ ^ 'skin' > fth + WTft > ^ + W f o = 'M^Pd 'straw' 'the
+ olcr+dH, > = 'skin of cow chews the straw'.
the tree'. 3 f t ^ + ^ (3ft: + ^ > 3 f t ^ + " 5 ) = 3 f t t :
+ ^ ( 3Tt: + ^ > 3 T t ^ + ^ ) = : Example :
Example : -rft + ^ = Tft^ 'bull' + Hc^fcl 'makes sound' >
+ 3T^= sftrjft^ 'of Guru' + 'heart' > ^ft: + > + SlifScl = 'thebullmakes
Sft^fc + ^Ft^l'heartof sound'.
3ft^,+ <j(3ft: +

Guru'. Example : *
7ft + ^ = i f t ^ -cow' + ^ 'searches' > H: +
t h e c o w searches
I^Rr > ^ + foafiT = ^ '
Example : the calf.
ftt + = Tft^'cow' + fcT 'goes' > ^ ^
> ""fa + '1-otSfd = ifW^fcT 'the cow goes'.
352 Sanskrit Made Easy
Dipaka Raga Mnemonics 335
3 f t ^ + ^ ( 3ft: + ^ > 3ft^ + ^ ) = .
3ftH + l t T ( 3 f t : + t T > 3 f t ^ + TT)=3M:
Example :
Example :
+ ^ = H/cow' + ^ 'is milked- > tft. +
7ft + ^ = % 'boat' + 'sinks' > + -q^fo
^JcT > i f ^ + p i c f = fft^Uct 'the cow is milked'. + MviMifa = jjifd 'the boat sinks'.

3 f t ^ + ST ( 3ft: + « T > 3 f r ^ + S T ) = 3 f^:

Example : Example :
7ft + ^ = t j ^ ' C 0 W ' + t f i z f o . r uns' > + ift + ^ = t j ^ 'cow' + "qrf?T 'goes' > "*ft: + •qifa >
> ^ + = TfafafcT 'the cow runs'. r f ^ + ifTfcT = 'italffl 'the cow goes'.

3 ^ + ^ ( 3ft: + ^ > 3ftr + ^ ) = 3ftf : a f t ^ + ^ ( 3ft: + ^r > 3ftr + ^ ) = :

Example : Example :
7ft + 7 ^ 'cow' + ^rftf runs' > + >
7ft + ff^'bull' + 'roars' > + ^fcf >
+ pRfcT = Tfti^fcT 'the cow runs'.
iftl + = ijtt<{fd 'the bull roars'.

3 f t ^ + ^ ( 3ft: + W > 3ft^ + ®T) = 3ft# :

Example :
Example : 7ft + 7 ^ - c o w ' + ^ f s 'licks' > - >
ift + ^ = t j ^ ' C 0 W - + fa-trf^ 'is afraid' > ^ + ^ + fife = 'the cow licks the calf.
f^ffcT > ^ + f ^ f c T = "^f^^fcT 'the cow is afraid'. = 3 :
3ft^+^(3ft: + f >3ftl^) ^
Example :
Example : 7ft + ^ = ^ 'boat' + shakes' > *
^ + ^ = i ^ f c l 'moon' + *TR7cr 'shines' > + >% + fcrf* = 'the boat shakes.
STRTcT > + qraH = ^ f a f a f t ' t h e m o o n shineS
Mnemonics : Two fires meet together 35

+T( + =
Chapter XXVIII Example :

^ + t[ = ^ 'sun' + 'shines' > +

TT^ > ^ + TT^ > +tj^ = 'the sun


3vF[ + T ( +T> + T) = T:
Example :
+ ^ = c ^ 'bride' + T*Tct 'enjoys' > ^ r +
9. Mnemonics : Two fires meet together. TRrT > + T*Tct = 'the bride enjoys'.
Symbolically \ is equal to the fire. One servant
\ drops if two \ appear together. In this case the vowel
becomes longer before the dropped Example :
^fa + 'of ^ T + TFT: attachment' +
?(?: + T> T) = f T :
+ TFT: > + TFT: = TFT: attachment about
Example :
or of ^Bftr.
Tfo + ^ = Tf^q; 'sun' + TRcT 'shines' > Tfa: +
TRcT > Tfo^ + > Tfa + T R ^ = 'the sun
shines'. Example :
f. + J > f ^ + J ) = i T: ^ 'slowly' + 'cooking' > +
Example : 7
> ^ + T^Fm = ^ T ^ 'slowly cooking'.
Wit + w f t ^ ' g o d d e s s of wealth'
w f e "
204 Sanskrit Made Easy

3Tt^ + T ( 3Tt: + T > 3Tt^ + T ) = 3ft T :

Example :
'of Ketu' + W : 'body without head' >

+W : > + = 'the body without

head of Ketu'.
Chapter XXIX
+ T ( 3fh + T > + T ) = 3fr T :
Example :
^-^'cow' + 'ruminates' + + t^RTPT^
> ^ + > ^ 'the cow ruminates'.

10. (A)
Out of the group letter changes into concerned group
letter r^in one word.

Example :
^ ' t o dwell' + ^ 'will'
= "^vRfcT 'he/she will dwell'.
358 Sanskrit Made Easy

The master letter changes if all letters appear of the
same place in the mouth. Chapter XXX

(B)V ^ > V TO) =

Example :
^ 'up' + 'staying' > ^ + (master ^
changes into q) % > ^TPF^ > ^ + (again but
servant ^changes into non-aspirate cty "HcrqPT^/

The pronunciation o f f a w f , which comes from % gets

Therefore somewhere ^ changes into e[.
In the western part of India, because of the
climate, people pronounce ^ in the place of ^ such
as : tej W > W , (month) W > (week),
^TT^TT > hale, hall; t^TeT > hill, >^ > homo, ^ >
hept, etc.
In Sanskrit ^ changes into ^ at places of these
words :
360 Sanskrit Made Easy

Example :

^ + + = T (nominative
Chapter XXXI
singular) Good & bad house ladies Mnemonics

Example :
wIhR^^IhR? sleep' (imperative mood, second
person, singular number)
Example :
^ f a d i ^ > ^foinii 'I shall serve' (periphrastic
future, first person, singular number) 1. You remember that g is meant to be This ^
changes to its own group letter ^ if penultimate letters
consist of "g.
Mnemonics :
& ^TFT: Maxim
'Good house wife & Bad house wife'
(a) 'good housewife' is that lady who
does not throw things out of the house. But 'bad
housewife' throws away. For example :
In the cooking of spinach does not throw
its juice but uses or absorbs it in flour or in other
vegetable or soup etc.. But j f f ? ^ throws this juice out
204 Sanskrit Made Easy Good & bad house ladies Mnemonics 363

(b) cooks rice and absorbs its starrh

1.A ^ 'to milk' + O ) <T (past participle):
somewhere, but ^ f f ^ f t throws it out.
(c) ^ t f i p f t uses green part of raddish, as
Example :
vegetable, but cpfffRt throws it away. 'to milk' + ( ? ) <T > > c+ 3?
(d) I was travelling once by train, there was a = (nueter gender

couple sitting in the compartment with their children. noun)'milk\

Explanation :
The husband purchased sugarcane. His wife peeled
(a) Here servant letter changes into group letter
and gave the pieces to eat to her children. After she
became + (?)
took out nail polish and thread. She made toys with
(b) servant letter never stays W I aspirate. Therefore
the skin of sugarcane and gave these to her children
changes into ^ - ^ + O)
for play. Mostly other ladies throw the husk of the
(c) ^ i s composed of two letters i e " V when 'Ex-
sugarcane out of the window. They are like bad house changed into ^ then ^ is absorbed by good house wife
wives. cT.
Application of this Mnemonic in Sanskrit letters (d) Then ^ took place just after master c + ^ + 3T.

(a) The non-aspirate group letters % ^ \ % (e) TX became soft ^ because of the master ^ - ^ + ^ +
^ \ and ^ are good house wives w h o absorb TT to
=^ 'milked'
become % % ^ % and
(g) past participle sometimes becomes neuter noun -
(b) The group letters aspirates % % ^ % ^ and out of •g^Ff'milk'. J y J B
the group letters % % ^ &• \ \ ^ and ^ and semi 1. B. 'milkman' + ^ (subject singular number).
vowels are bad house wives who are unable to absorb (a
^ and they throw it out. For examples : +
(b) ^ servant changes into "T, -
364 Sanskrit Made Easy
Good & bad house ladies Mnemonics 365
(c) ^ is absorbed by previous ^ - because ^ is Tf^mpji
has no ability to absorb. (a) + ^
(b) ^ servant never stays aspirate. Therefore it lost *
and changed into ^ - '•dMM^ + ^
(e) i t ^ + ^ servant became hard ^ because of the
(c)' ^ is bad house wife. Because it has no ability to
master ^ is hard > " H t ^ +
absorb It was thrown out.
Two brics Mnemonic (d) \ changed into hard letter because of the master
A t the e n d of the w o r d if t w o c o n s o n a n t s ^ i s hard:^TH^+ \
present, then last consonant drops. As if two bricks (e) last drops -<jhm<^ 'a shoe'.
m e e t t o g e t h e r w i t h o u t c e m e n t then last brick falls 3. ^ 'honey' + / f a ^ 'licker' + (subject
down. Vowel has the holding power like cement, singular number) = H^fcn^ 'honey bee' + ^
(f) Between two consonants last consonant drops In the Vedic period eT was written as "55 cerebral.
'a milkman'. Therefore "^is attracted towards cerebrum and changes
1.C. milk'+ ^fcT'will' into cerebral ^ - H ^ f d ^ + ^
^ + "FrfcTservant"^lostT[>^ + > was absorbed (a) \ servant never stays as H5i«iui aspirate. Therefore
it changes into STrWT non-aspirate ^ : + ^
by ^ good house wife > ^ + "Surfer. changes into ^
(b) cT last but one 'penultimate' is bad house lady,
because master "^is hard > qfaPjfcT. ^ cuts ^ i n t o
unable to absorb ^ therefore it is thrown out.
q ^ q f c T = STt^TfcT 'he/she will milk'.
(c) ^ changes into hard letter ? because of the master
2. 'shoe' + ^
> ? + =
V ^ ^ (d) Last ^ drops : 'a honey bee'.
Example 3. A. ^
•^TTFnr 'shoe' + ^ (subject singular number). In case of the root ^ ' t o lick' + W + K (future
+ singular number third person), * changes into ^
Etymo-logy "3T + 3TT + 'to tie'.
because cerebrum place is connected to the throat. In
Here last but one ^T is dental nasal. Therefore ^
Yajurveda is pronounced as
is attracted towards teeth and changed into dental %
314 Sanskrit Made Easy

(a)%q;+ ^fcf "WfcT > "^qfcT = ^^rfcT 'he/she

will lick'.
All and ^ c u t ^ i n t o cutmark cerebral ^
3. B. Tonga horse Mnemonics
'to lick' + O ) TT (past participle).
(a) feT^ + cT
(b) Because of Tonga horse mnemonics cT changed
into >
(c) f ^ +
(d) Symbolically ^ is equal to \ means fire. Servant
fire drops and previous vowel becomes long
(e) f ^ + ^ > c^te 'licked' =
3. C. 'to carry' + cT (past participle)
^ flag cuts semivowel into vowel (<hh^k u i):

(a) ^ ' t o carry' + O ) <T > ^ + <T > <Tbecause

of the mnemonics tonga horse cT changes into
(b) ^ +^ > ^ 'carried'
(c) ^ 'new' + ^ T 'carried, married' = ^T^T 'bride'.
3. E. ^ ' t o indiscriminate' + ^ > '
^ = = simple, innocent, 2.

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