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Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 36: 125-166, 1994.

9 1994 KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Finite-Gap Elliptic Solutions of the KdV Equation

Dedicated to the memory o f J.-L. Verdier

A. O. S M I R N O V
Department of Mathematics, St. Petersburg Institute of Aircraft lnstrumentation, Gerzena str. 67,
190000 St. Petersburg, Russia

(Received: 10 July 1993)

Abstract. A method is proposed for constructing finite-gap elliptic in x or/and in t solutions of the
Korteweg-de Vries equation. Dynamics of poles for two-gap elliptic solutions of the KdV equation are
considered. Numerous examples of new elliptic solutions of the KdV equation are given.

Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991). Primary 35Q20; secondary 14K20, 14K25.

Key words. Korteweg--de Vries equation, soliton, theta function, integrable nonlinear equation,
Riemann surface, covering.

O. I n t r o d u c t i o n
In 1974, a new branch of the theory of nonlinear equations integrable by the inverse
scattering method appeared - t h e theory of finite-gap integration [1]. During the last
15 years, this theory came through a period of intensive development and found its
application in various branches of theoretical physics [2-7]. We are interested, in
particular, in the problem which can be formulated with respect to the Korteweg-
de Vries equation (KdV) in the following way. The general periodic potential of the
Schrtdinger operator of auxiliary linear problem [2-7]
r - ur = zr (0.1)
has infinitely large numbers of lacunae in its spectrum, i.e. is not a finite-gap
potential. To the contrary, the general finite-gap potential, which has a finite number
of lacunae in its spectrum and is constructed by using the Matveev-Its formula
u(x,t) = -202 In O(Ux + Vt + Z I B) + const, (0.2)
appears to be a quasi-periodic function. Naturally, the following problem has imme-
diately arisen: what is the specific structure of the spectrum of the periodic finite-gap
Up to recent times, only one series of such potentials was known, namely Lam6
u(x, O) = g(g + 1)p(x), (0.3)

and their isospectral deformations [11]

u(x,t)=2~--~p(~-zj(t)), n= g(g+l.____) (0.4)
2 "~
Therefore, a more general and correspondingly more simple problem has been con-
sidered, i.e. the problem of the construction of the finite-gap potential (and also
of finite-gap solutions of various integrable nonlinear equations (INE) in terms of
elliptic functions and theta functions associated with Riemann surfaces with small
genus). Substantial progress was achieved along this line. It occurred that in many
cases, the symmetry of the spectrum led to the reduction of the corresponding
multi-dimensional theta function. A great number of finite-gap solutions of such
INE are constructed, including ones of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation the
Kadomtzev-Petviaschvili (KP) equation, the sine-Gordon (sG) equation, the Boussi-
nesq and the Kaup-Boussinesq equation, the nonlinear Schr6dinger equation, the
Toda chain, etc. which allowed one to elucidate the interrelation between the reduc-
tions and the coverings [12-20].
However, in spite of all these results, the appearance in 1987 in the papers of
A. Treibich and J.-L. Verdier [21-23] of new elliptic finite-gap potentials was rather
unexpected and revived a somewhat fading interest in investigations in this area.
As a result, nowadays there exist two approaches which allow one to effectively
construct the Riemann surface of the double-periodic finite-gap solutions of the INE.
In the first of them, realized up to now only for the KdV equation, one uses
the auxiliary linear problem with the well-known finite-gap potential [15, 20, 24-
27]. The solution r of this linear problem (the Baker-Akhiezer function) is realized
in a special form, depending on the additional spectral parameters k E C, a E
C/{2w, 2w~}. The manifold of points P = (k, a), where r is not identically zero,
form a compact Riemann surface F = {(k, o0}, covering the toms F0 with a finite
number of sheets and birationally equivalent to the hyperelliptic surface
w 2 = H ( z - Ej), (0.5)
associated to the given potential.
The other method allows one to construct new finite-gap elliptic solutions for a
number of INE, in particular for the KdV equation [28, 29] and the sG equation [29,
30]. It is based on special ansatzes for the Riemann surfaces associated with the
solutions of these INE, which allows one to apply the reduction theorems for the
multi-dimensional theta functions, covering the Riemann surfaces [19, 29]. Naturally,
this method, in spite of its advantages, has also drawbacks. Therefore, it seems to
us that those who are interested in the applications of the elliptic finite-gap solutions
of the INE, should make use of both methods when ever possible.
The purpose of the present paper is to present the second method for the construc-
tion of Riemann surfaces, as completely as possible, associated with the double-
periodic fmite-gap solutions of the KdV equation. In the future, an extended version
of this paper with proofs and numerous examples is planned.

1. Basic Notions from the Theory of Riemann Surfaces

In this section, in order to fix up the notations, we will present a number of definitions
and principles of the theory of Riemann surfaces [31-36].
Let us consider the Riemann surface F of genus 9 corresponding to the function
w(z), and let us determine on it a canonical system of cycles 7 E HI(F, g), 7 ~ =
( a l , . . . , ag, b l , . . . , bg) with the following intersecting matrix


A dual basis of normalized holomorphic differentials

d/2j = h ( z ) d z , ~ d/2~ = 6~, k , j = 1,.. (1.1)

Ja k

where fj (z) is an analytic function of a local coordinate z, corresponds to the system

7. Using these differentials, we determines the matrix of b-pe•ds of the Riemann
surface F

ek./ = ~ d//i, (1.2)


B = B t, Im B > 0. (1.3)

The manifold of B-matrices Sg obeying the requirements (t.3) form an open

convex cone in the vector space of symmetric complex matrices of order g, known
as the upper Siegel half-space of the order g. If W is real, a 29 x 29 matrix satisfying
the condition

W~CoW = Co,

with g x 9 submatrices S, P, Q, R

W= R '

then the equality

W o B = (Q + R B ) ( S + p B - 1 ) , (1.4)

or, which is the same,

T(I, W o B) = (I, B ) W t, (1.4a)

defines the action of the real simplectic group SP2g(~) in S a. The matrices W o B
and B E Sg are called equivalent.
128 ~ O. SMIRNOV

Using the matrix of periods B, let us construct a g-dimensional Riemann theta

function characterized by 4, f~ E ]ta:

0[4; ~](p I B)
= Z e x p { l r i ( B ( m + a ) , m + 4 ) + 27ri(m+4,p+fl)},
where p E C a , the summation runs over the integer g-dimensional lattice and ( , ) is
a standard scalar product in ~a. For the sake of brevity, let us write

0[0; 0](p I B ) - 0(p I B) - 0(p).

If we shift the argument of the theta function (1.5) by a vector of the lattice
N + BM with N, M E %a, we obtain the following transformation law

0[4; fl](p + N + BM I B)
= exp { - ~ri(BM, M) - 27ri(p + 5, M) + 2;ri(4, N)}O[4; fl](p I B).

The function is called a one-dimensional theta function of the nth order if it

satisfies the following relations [32-35]:

on(p + 1 1,9 = O.(p I ~'),

On(p+ r If) = exp{-Trinr 2 - 2 7 r i n p } O . ( p l r ).
It can be expressed through one-dimensional theta functions of the first order [32-35]:

on(v I ~) = ~ cj0[j/n; 0](np I n~), (1.8)


On(p [ r) = c H O(p + Xj [ r), (1.9)

where e and cj are constants and Xj satisfy the condition

Xj E Z. (1.10)

If B E Sz, p E Cg, W E SP2g(~), then the theta functions (1.5) of the equivalent
matrices are related by

014'; Z'I(v' I w o B)
= xexP ( 2 ((S + PB)-IPp, p) } deI(S + pB)I/2ot4; fll(P [ B),

p' = (S t + B P * ) - l p , _fl, = W + ] diag ,

t, QR')
where X is a constant, independent of B and p and the symbol diag means that we
form vectors from the diagonal elements of the matrices S P t and QRL
If the vector Z E C a is chosen in the form

Z =/~ + E U(7~J)' (1.12)


where/~ is the vector of Riemann constants [10, 20], then the function O(Li(P) - Z I
B) will have precisely g first-order zeros, located at the points ~'j and no other zeros
will be present.
Let us define on F also (i) a second kind Abelian differentials d~,~,Q with a
single pole at the point Q E F of the order n + 1 and the principal part of the form
- n k - ' ~ - l d k , n >1 1; (ii) a third kind Abelian differential dwp,Q, which possesses a
pair of first-order poles at the points P, Q E F with residues +1 and -1, respectively.
The b-periods of the normalized Abelian differentials of the second and third kind

= O, ~a
dwp,Q --- O, k = 1 , . . . , g, (1.13)

are related to the normalized holomorphic differentials d/dj (1.1) by the relations

1 i dff2n,q = (n -1
- 1)! ----g
dk Hm
, m = 1,...,g. (1.14)

Here k is a local coordinate, k(Q) = 0 and

27ri cl~p,Q= d/at,n, (1.15)


and the integration path, connecting the points P and Q does not intersect any of
the cycles aj and bj, j = 1 , . . . , g .

2. Theta Functions of the Riemann Surface, Covering an Elliptic

Let us suppose that F1 in an n-sheeted covering of the elliptic surface F0 0r: FI
F0). The mapping ~r generates the mappings of homologies and Jacobians:

0"71 = ( SQ.R
P) 70' o., d//0 = T t dUX

which satisfy the conditions [15, 20]:

T = S + BoP, B1S - Q = Bo(R - B I P ) , (2.1)


(S, R) - (Q, P) = n, (2.2)

where Bj are the matrices of periods of the surface Fj.
Let us consider Abelian differentials of the second kind df2J, j = 0, 1, on the
surface Fj normalized on the corresponding basis of cycles by the b-period vectors
2riUj and interrelated by
~r* dff2~ = dff21 + 2~riUo(P, d/d 1) + d(merom, function). (2.3)

From the equality

~o.* dg2 = fOl dff2' (2.4)

where I is a path on F and dff2 is a differential on F0, it follows that the vectors of
b-periods of these differentials satisfy the equation:

U1 = Uo(R- BIP). (2.5)

Using the relations (2.1), (2.2), (2.5) and (1.6), it is not difficult to show that the
H(Uoz) = exp { - a(Uox) 2 - bUoz}O[o~;/3](Ulx + Z I B), (2.6)

a = ~ri(P, R - B1P), b = lri{ (2Z - R + 2/3, P) + 2(a, R) }, (2.7)

after shifting the argument transforms according to the following law:

H(Uoz + 1) = H(Uox), (2.8a)

H(Uoz + Bo) = exp{-rinBo - 2~inUox - ri6}H(Uoz), (2.8b)
6 = 2(Z + fl, S + BoP> + 2(ce, Q + RBo) + (Q, S) - (R, PBo), (2.9)
thus being a one-dimensional theta function of the order n. From Equations (2.8),
(2.9) and (1.7)-(1.10), there follows
THEOREM 1 [29]. If the Riemann surface F1 is an n-sheeted covering of the elliptic
surface Fo, and if the differentials d~J, j = O, 1, are interrelated by equation (2.3),

O(UlX + g I B1)

= e x p { a ( U o z ) 2+bUox} ~_~ekO[k/n;Ol nVox + ~ nBo



0(U1 x + Z I 81) : cexp {a(Uoz) 2 + bUoz} r I O(U~ + Xj I Bo), (2.11)


where a, b a n d 6 are determined by the equalities (2.7), (2.9); c, ck are constants

and X j satisfies the conditions

EXj - ~ e Z. (2.12)

3. Riemann Surfaces of Elliptic Solutions of the KP and KdV E q u a t i o n s

Since in the current literature, one encounters different forms for the KP and KdV
equations [2-7], we shall choose the ones which are most convenient for us:

(KdV) ur - 6 u u . + ux.x = O, (3.1)

(KP) - 3aZvyy = (vt - 6vvx + v~rz)x. (3.2)

One of the main properties of the INE is that they can be obtained as the compatibility
condition of a system of linear differential equations [2-7]. In our case, these are
given by

r162162 EEC, (3.3)

r = -4r + 6uCz + 3uxr (3.4)

~,~ = ~,~ - v~, (3.5)

~ = -4~x~z + 6v~p~ + w~. (3.6)

In our opinion, there is no point in considering here in detail the whole finite-gap
integration technique. Those who wish to study it should refer to the papers [7-10,
20, 37, 38]. We shall only list here the necessary propositions omitting proofs.
Starting from any compact Riemann surface F of genus 9 with a fixed point Q E F,
we can construct a solution ~ Q ( P , z , y , t ) , P E F of the system (3.5)-(3.6), known
as the Baker-Akhiezer function:

~ (P, x, u, t)
= exp ( ai, q(P)~ + a2,q ( P ) y / ~ - 4 a ~ , Q ( P ) t } n ( e , ~, y,,),

o(u(P) + u~ + v v + w t - z I B)e(Z I B)
H(P,x,V,t)= O(U(P)- Z I B)~-(U~TVy+ W-Y-~Z [ B)'

Uj(P)= j: dHj, ff~m,q(P)= dam,Q, j = 1,...,g, m = 1,2,3,


B is the matrix of periods of the Riemann surface F; 21riU, 27riV, 2~riW are the
vectors of the b-periods of the normalized Abelian differentials of the second kind
dff21,Q, or-1 dff22,Q and -4dff23,Q, respectively; g E C. The solution of the KP equa-
tion (3.2), associated with the given surface in these notations acquires the form [9,
10, 37, 38]:

v(x, y, t) = -202 In O(Uz + Vy + W t - g l B) + const. (3.8)

But if the Riemann surface F is hyperelliptic and Q is a branching point, then the
Abelian differential dQz, Q will necessarily be a differential of some meromorphic
function d#Q. And since all the periods of a meromorphic function are equal to zero,
then the solution v(x, y, t) (3.8) will not depend on Y and, therefore, will become a
solution of the KdV equation (3.1) [9, 10, 37, 38]

u(x, t) = - 2 0 z In O(Uae + W t - Z I 13) + const. (3.9)

In this case, the system (3.5)-(3.6) will go into (3.3)-(3.4), where t3 = #q(P), and
the solution will be given by the formula

o(u(P) + u~ + w t - z ) o ( z ) (3.10)
= exp { ~'$1,Q(.P)~ -- 4923,q(P)t} 8(lt(P) --'~O-(U~%" ~V-t= "~)"
The hyperelliptic surface, associated with the finite-gap solution of the KdV equation
has a canonical form of a two-sheeted covering over the Riemann sphere

w 2 = H ( E - Ej). (3.11)

Its branching points Ej are edges of the lacunae of the Schrtidinger operator spectrum
(3.3) with the potential (3.9); E = #Q(P), #Q(Q) = oo.
Let us now suppose that some Riemann surface F is n-sheeted covering the toms
F0 and satisfies the conditions [39]:

(1) r: ~(k, ~) - k - + ~ y,(~)k --x = 0, (3.12)


Fo: [p'(o0] z = 403(c0 - g2p(o0 - g3, (3.13)

where fi(e 0 are elliptic functions with pole singularities at the point a = 0.

(2) In the vicinity of a = 0, the function R(k, ~) can be represented in the form:

7~(k,~)= (k + n - l + bn(a)) nrxl ( k - --~

X (3.14)
where bj(c0 are regular functions of a. From equation (3.14) one sees, that
one of the points in F 'above' a = 0 is singled out; let us denote it by Q.
THEOREM 2. The solution of the KP equation (3.6), constructed from the Riemann
surface F (3.12)-(3.14) with the singled outpoint Q is an elliptic function of z and
can be written down in the form:

v(x, y, t) = 2 ~ ~a(x - zj(y, t)) + const. (3.15)

where ~ is the Weierstrass elliptic function satisfying the equation of the covered
surface (3.13) and xj are the zeros of the theta function O(Ux + Vy + Wt - Z I B).
Proof. It is easy to check that the normalized Abelian differentials of second kind
dg21,Q and

dff2~ = - (~(c~) + ~ ) d~, (3.16)

defined on F and I'0, correspondingly, are related by

(r* dg2~ = dff21,Q + dk - ~ (P, d/.4). (3.17)
Here (r: F ~ I'0, ~r(k, c~) = a; 2w, 2 J are the periods of the toms (3.13); r / = ((~),
being the Weierstrass elliptic function; the vector P depends on the concrete choice
of the basis of cycles on F. The formula (3.15) follows from Theorem 1, the relation
(3.17) and from the interrelations between the Weierstrass elliptic functions and the
one-dimensional theta functions.
Remark 1. Another proof of this theorem can be found in [39].
THEOREM 3 [28]. Let the Riemann surface F (3.12)-(3.14) of genus g satisfy the
following requirement: on F there exists the holomorphic involution
r: (k,~) , (-k,-c~) (3.18)
with 2g + 2 static points. Then the solution of the KP equation (3.15) does not
depend on y

u(x,t) = 2 Z p(x - xj(~)) + const, (3.19)

and becomes a solution to the KdV equation.
The proof follows directly from the fact, that the point Q is static with respect to
the hyperelliptic involution r (3.18), i.e. is a branching point.
Following Belokolos and Enol'skii [25-27], we shall call the finite-gap solutions
(3.19) of the KdV equation n-elliptic solutions.

Remark 2 (A consequence of the Riemann-Hurwitz formula [34]). The genus of

the surface F is equal to p + 1, where 2p is the number of zeros of the function
OkTC(k, cO, which are not 'above' the point c~ = 0 and which do not coincide with
the zeros of the function O~R(k, ~) (taking into account their multiplicities).
Remark 3. The canonical structure of the Riemann surface F is introduced with
the meromorphic functions: E, which have a single pole of second order at the point
Q ('above' o~ = 0),

E = + ~ + O(c~2); (3.20)

and w, which has a single pole of order 29 + 1 located at the same point,

w= - 2 + 0(~3-29), (3.21)

and 2g + 1 simple zeros at other points, remaining static with respect to the involution
r (3.18).
COROLLARY 1. Under the conditions of Theorem 3

~r* de~ = _ Ea- 1+ Ea_ z +

dk ES_ ~ dE

Further on, the n-sheeted covering (3.12)-(3.14), with the involution r (3.18), will
be denoted by G '~ and the hyperelliptic surfaces G n of genus g by F~.
L E M M A 1. The coefficients fi(c~) in equation (3.12) of the Riemann surface G ~
have the following structures

f2j(cO = _ n ! ( 2 j - 1) J
(2j)!(n 2j)! pS(~)+ ~ 4 ~ - k ( a ) , (3.23)

n!j J ) (3.24)
d~ "-kfot'l
= -ff(~ '(2j + 1)!(n - 2j - 1)!

where c{ and d{ are some constants (d{ = 0).

The proof follows from equations (3.12)-(3.14), (3.18).
In order to determine the constants ~ and d~, let us consider the manifold of
all polynomials 7~(k, c0 of the form (3.12) with coefficients (3.23)-(3.24). Let us

denote these polynomials by 7~n(k, c0, if the following condition holds: ~,~(k, a) in
the neighbourhood of a = 0 can be represented in the form
7~n (~-1 + s + 0(~), a) = s'~ + n s,_ 1 + E hi(a) sn-j' (3.25)

hzj(a) = O(1), h2j+l(a) = O(a-1). (3.26)

From the manifold of all polynomials 7L~(k, a), let us select the 'basic' ones 7~~ or)
by imposing the conditions

hzj(a) = 0(1), h2j+l = O(cO; (3.26a)

they should be completed to a 'full basis' by

L E M M A 2. Any polynomial 7~n(k, ~) can be decomposed uniquely over the 'basis'

(here [n/2] in the integer part of the number n/2)

~.(k,~) = ~~ ~ A f l ~ . _o2 j @ , ~). (3.27)

The basic elements, being determined in a unique fashion and interrelated by

o, no(k, ~) = .no_ # , ~), (3.28)

the coefficients fj for the polynomials Ti~ a) have the form

f2~(~) = -
n ! ( 2 j - 1) ( j(j - 1)(4j- 11)
(2j)!(n 2j)! f f ( ~ 30 gJ-%~) +
+ 2j(j - 1)(j - 2 ) ( 1 2 j 2 - 6 9 j + 94) "1
105 93~-3(a) + ' "' f'

f2j+l(~) =
(2j + 1)!(n - 2j - 1)! ~~176

X {t.,j_l[ot
- , , A + (j - - 1)(j - 2)(4j + 3) 92M-3r~'s~t)+
30 (3.24a)

+ 2(j - 1)(j - 2)(j - 3)(12j 2 - 3j - 5) 93~_4(c0 + . . . \

105 j
136 a.o. SMIRNOV

We shall omit the proof of this lemma. We note only that 7~~ a) are uniquely
determined, while 7~~ c~) are determined up to an additive constant, which is fixed
by the equality (3.28). We also point out the obvious analogy between this lemma
and the expansion theorem for a polynomial, which is an even (odd) function, i.e.
expands over the even (odd) powers of the argument. As an illustration to Lelmna 2,
we list the expressions for the coefficients of the 'basic' element R~ o0, which
allow one to construct all the polynomials R ~ cO, n <~ 13:

fz(oO = -78[0(00, f3(a) = -286[0'(00,

/4(o0 = -2145 ([02 - 31 g2 ) , .fs(o0 = -257410ff,

f6(~) = -858o
(1 4)
[03 + ~ g 2 ~ - ~ g2 , f 7 ( ~ ) = - 5 1 4 8 ( [ 0 ~ + g2)[0',

( 32 9310 - 53g2),2
f8(o~) = -9009 \[04 + 292102 + 'if

( 1 9 )
f9(~) = -2860 [02 + -5 ga[0 + 20g3 [0',
200 '~
flO(O0 = -2574 [05 + 692103 + 5693[02 + 5g210 _ " ~ 9203),

( 46 ._2+ 153)
f11(o0 = - 3 9 0 [04 + -~- 92~o 128g310+ --if-- g2 if,

f12(o~) --143 ([06 + 1392104 + 25693[03 + 10392[02 +

2752 1701 3 17600 2)

+ ~ g2g310 -- ~ g 2 91 g3 ,

( ~ 1429 12680 '~ t

f13(a) = - 6 [05 + 1892103 + 93[02 ..[_~ g210+ - " 7 - g293) [0.
For example, let us write down the 'basic' polynomials for n ) 6.

~ o = 1, ~o = ~,

n ~ = k 2 - [0(~), re ~ = k 3 - 310(~)k - [0'(~),

~0 = k 4 _ 610(o0k z _ 4ff(oOk _ 3 (92(o0 _ g2/5),

"R.~ = k 5 - lO[0k 3 - lOffk 2 - 15([02 - g2/5)k - 210ff,
7?o0 - k 6 - 1510k4 - 20ffk 3 - 45([02 - g2/5)k 2 - 1210ff - 5([03 + g210/5 - 493/7).

THEOREM 4. For any Riemann surface G n, the equation (3.12) has the form

A j R ,0_ z j ( k , c0 = 0. (3.29)

and vice versa, for nearly all values of Aj E C (j = 1,..., [n/2l) the relations
(3.29), (3.13) determine the surface G".
The proof follows from Equations (3.14), (3.23)-(3.26) and from Lemma 2. The
coefficients Aj can not take a finite number of values, for which F (3.29), (3.13)
will have branching point 'above' a = 0. The branching may be most conveniently
controlled by means of the Newton diagram (Newton polygon) for the polynomial
COROLLARY 2. The manifold of branching points of the Riemann surface G ~ is
invariant with respect to r (3.18). In general, the genus of G" coincides with the
number of she~es, g = n. The Riemann surface G 2j (G 2j+l) has, in general, two
(four) static with respect to r points (3.18).
Remark 4. The hyperelliptic surface F~ are particular cases of the Riemann surface
G". Therefore, in contrast to the case of the genetic G", for each n there exist only
a finite number of sets Aj, determining some of the surface F~; the genus of F~
satisfies the inequality g ~< ( v ' ~ + 1 - 1)/2 and the number of static points is equal
to 2 g + 2 .
Thus the problem of constructing the n-elliptic solutions of the KdV equation
reduces to the calculation of [n/2] constants Aj.

4. The Lam6 and Treibich-Verdier Potentials

As has been mentioned above, at the end of 1987 the papers [21-23] appeared
proving, by algebro-geometrical methods, the existence of new finite-gap elliptic
potentials for the Schr6dinger operator, which differ from Lam6 potentials

u(z, O) = g(g + 1)p(z), (4.1)

and have the form (the generalization of equation (3.19) for the case of multiple
zeros, rj-multiplicity of the zero zj),

u(x,O) = E rj(rj + 1)p(z - zj(O)) + const. (4.2)

One can conclude by analyzing the papers [21-23, 42-44] that the 'tangent cover'
which was introduced in [23] is the cover satisfying the relation (3.17). In that paper,
the 'symmetric tangent polynomials', identical to the 7~,~(k,c0 polynomials, were
defined and their main coefficients were calculated (see equations (3.23)-(3.24)).

In particular, there were found in [21, 43, 44] the following new two-gap elliptic
potentials which differ from the two-gap Lam6 potential,

u(z, 0) = 6p(z) + 2p(x - wj), j = 1, 2, 3,

u(z, 0) = 6p(z) + 2p(z - wk) + 2p(z - ws), k, l = 1, 2, 3, k # l,

where wk, k = 1, 2, 3 are the half-periods of the Weierstrass elliptic function. There-
fore, potentials of the form
u(z, 0) = g(g + 1)p(z) + ~ hi(hi + 1)p(z - wj) + const, (4.3)

where 0 <~ hi ~< g, we shall call Treibich-Verdier potentials.

Remark 5. Not all the functions of the form (4.3) are finite-gap potentials of the
Schr6dinger operator. For example, the surface F 3, which is associated with the
u(z, 0) = 6 p ( z ) + 2 ~_~ ~(z - wj),

does not exist because this potential is not a finite-gap one.

Let us recall that the finite-gap potential has to satisfy the Novikov equation [1,
4, 7]:
J, + ~ ckJg-~ = d, (4.4)

where the quantities Jk are defined by the relations [4, 7]

Lr = r - 4ur + 2u~ // r dr,

Ln(ux) = (Jn)~, (Jn+l)x = L{(Jn)x};

ck and d are constants.
In particular,

dO = U, J 1 "- u x x - 3 u 2, ]2 = u x z ~ z - l(]'uxxu - 5 u 2 + l O u 3,

J3 = uxxx~xx - 14uuzx~x - 28u~u~:xx - 21u2z + 70u2ux~ + 70uu 2 - 35u 4.

Remark 6 (see [27]). It follows from equation (4.4) that if the two-gap potential
has the following asymptotic in the vicinity of the point x = O:
u ( x , O) = ~ + a x 2 + bx 4 + c x 6 + d z 8 + . . . , (4.5)

then the equation

w2 = Es_35aE3
2 63bE2+ ( ~
+-~- 567 )
c+--~--a 2 E-
13774b 1287d
4 2

gives the canonical form (3.11) of Riemann surface which is associated with the
given potential.
It also should be mentioned that Treibich and Verdier considered only 'primitive
potentials', i.e. such potentials which cannot be obtained by increasing the size of
the period lattice using the formula

= Z2C ,+--r+--r - -
m----0 s=0

y~, f 2s~ 2rn~' 2~, 2J),

from other elliptic potentials (where the primed symbol of the sum ~ ' means, as
usual, that the term with m 2 + s 2 = 0 is omitted). And we shall not restrict ourselves
to the 'primitive potentials' only because the Riemann surface, which is associated
with them does not explicitly differ, to our mind, from other surfaces of the type F '~
I n particular, formula (4.7) shows, that for any number of sheets of the cover, there
exists a one-gap potential and an elliptic surface F~ which is associated with it.
Remark 7. The coverings F~, which correspond to Lam6 and Treibich-Verdier
potentials, satisfy the following condition: OkR(k,~) and O~TC(k,~) have common
zeros only 'above' the half-periods of the toms/70.
The simplest surface, which belongs to this class, has n = 2, g -- 1 and is described
by the polynomial

F2: k2- p(c~)+ ej = 0. (4.8)

The topological characteristic, which was introduced in [23],

# = (no, nl, n2, n3), (4.9)

where nj is the number of points staticwith respect to 7- (3.18) lying 'above' the point
c~ = 0 (without taking Q into account) and 'above' the points ~ = wj (j = 1, 2, 3),

respectively, equals /~21= (1, 2, 0, 0). The canonical hyperelliptic structure of F 2 is

given by the formulae

pl + 2pk - ej k dE
E = k ' w = 2 ( p ' + 2pk + ejk), or* da = w (4.10)

The branching points

E1 -- - 2 e j , E z = e.i - H i , E3 = ej + H i , (4.11)

are edges of the gaps of the spectrum of Schr6dinger operator (3.3) with a two-elliptic
one-gap potential (see equation (4.7))

u(x, 0) = 2p(x) + 2p(x + ~oj) - 2ej, (4.12)

which is associated with F 2.

Let us recall that

[p'(a)] z = 4(p - el)(~o - e2)(~o- e3) , ~o(ccj) = ej,

p +w2 =p +w3 ) =el-H1,

~O(~)--~0(3--~1) =el'}-H1, I-I2 -- (ej -- ek)(ej -- el).

The next surface is also sufficiently simple and well known [14, 15, 20, 24]

1"32: k 2 - 3 p k - p' = 0, /,32=(2,1,1,1). (4.13)

The corresponding three-elliptic two-gap potential is the two-gap Lam~ potential

u(x, 13) = 6p(x). (4.14)

The hyperelliptic structure and the edges of the gaps are defined by the formulae

3k(E 2 - 392) (4.15)

E = 3(k 2 - p), w- 2 '

3E dE
o-* da =
2w '
Ej = -3ej, j = 1, 2, 3, /34,5 = 4 - X ~ 2 . (4.16)
At n = 4, there exist only two surfaces of the considered class. One of them has
genus one:

1"4: k 4 - 6pk 2 - 4plk -- 3P 2 + g2 = 0, #4 = (3, 0, 0, 0), (4.17)


and is associated with the four-elliptic potential

u(x, O) = 29(x) + 2 ~--~ 9(x + to./) _= 89(2a:); (4.18)

E = 2(k 2 - 9), w = 4(k 3 - 39k - 9'), (4.19)

or* dot = ; E . / = 4e./, j = 1, 2, 3. (4.20)
The second four-sheeted covering has genus two [25-28]:

1"4; k 4 -1- 3(ej -- 29)k 2 - 49'k - 3(9 - ek)(9 - e,) = 0,

/z42 = (1, 2, 2, 0),

and is associated with the four-elliptic two-gap Treibich-Verdier potential

u(x, O) = 69(x ) + 29(z + w./) - 2e./. (4.22)

The transition to the canonical hyperelliptic surface can be realized by use of the
E = 3(k3 - 3(9 - 2e./)k - r
k ' (4.23)

4 k ( E 2 + 3ej E / 2 - 45e 2) (4.24)

w= 3
The edges of the gaps are given in this case by the relations [25-28]

E 1 = 6e./, E2,3 = - e k - 2ej 4- 2X/(7e./+ 2ek)(ej - ek), (4.25)

E4,5 = - - e l -- 2 e j 4- 2X/(7e j + 2el)(ej - ez);

o'* d a = (2E - 3 e d ) d E

For n = 5, only surface of the considered class exists [281 - - F52, #~ = (0, 3, 1, 1),

k 5 - (10p + 2 e j ) k 3 - 10p'k 2 -
- (15p 2 - 6 e j p - 9eZ)k - 2(p - ej) 9' = 0.

The canonical hyperelliptic form for this surface is

w 2 = ( E 2 - 3 e j E + 8 1 H 2 - 180e~)
x (E 3 + 3e./E 2 + (80H 2 - 189eY)E + 5 2 8 e j H 2 - 1215e3).
142 ~ O. SMIRNOV

The functions E and w are defined by the expressions

E = 3(k4 -- (6p + ej)k 2 - 4p'k - 3p 2 + ejp + 2e]),

k 2 - p + ej

w = ~ k (5E2 _ 6ejE - 1035e 2 + 432H2),

o'* do~ = (5E - 3e j ) d E

It is not difficult to show that the considered surface is associated with Treibich-
Verdier potential

u(x, 0) = 6p(x) + 2p(x + wk) + 2p(z + w,) + 2e./. (4.31)

For example, this can be done by calculating the spectrum of the potential (4.31)
from the relations (4.5), (4.6) and comparing the result with equation (4.28).

5. Finite-Gap Potentials of the Second Type

In this section, we shall consider the rest of the surfaces of the type F. The functions
OkR(k, ~) and O~,R(k, a), which correspond to these surface, not only have pairs of
common zeros 'above' the half-periods (they may not happen to have them), but also
other common zeros, situated in fours 'above' the symmetrical points of F0 'above'
-4-c~s (two zeros 'above' as E F0; two zeros 'above' - a , E F0).
The simplest surface of those considered in the present section is the Riemann

r3: k - k - o, (5.1)

where P(X) is the root of the equation

48p 4 - 2 4 9 2 P z - 4893P - g~ = 0 (5.2)

or, equivalently,

( 2 ~ 2~' 2 ( w + w ' ) 2 ( w - w ' ) }

XE 3'3' 3 ' g "

Its topological characteristic equals #3 = (0, 1, 1, 1), and the corresponding potential
is the three-elliptic one-gap potential

u(x, O) = 2p(z) + 2~a(x + X) + 2~a(z - X) - 4p(X). (5.3)


The transition to the canonical f o r m for this surface can be realized by means of the
functions ( p - O(X)):

E = (392 - 28p2)k2 - (3g2 - 100p2)p(~) - 64p 3

8Pk2 -- 3 2 p p ( c 0 + g2 + 20p 2 ' (5.4)

3k(E + 3p)
w - 2 ' (5.5)

lOOp2e./ - 3g2ej - 64p3


20p 2 -- 32pes + g2
lOpes + 6e} -- 4P 2 -- g2
2(39 -- e j )

3 dE
~r* dc~ = ......
For n = 4, one can point to only one surface belonging to the considered class [28]

1-'I: k 4 - 2(3~0 - 3ej 4- 2 n j ) k 2 - 4p'k - 3 p 2 -

- (6~ ~: 4 n j ) r + e~(% ~: 4H~) = 0.

Depending on the sign +, this surface will be associated with one of the two one-gap
potentials which are derived by four-folding of the period

u(x, O)= E p x+ - 2ej - 4p -~- , (5.8a)


u(x,O):8~=oP(X+s(co,+~))-2ej-4g~ (5.8b)

The functions E, w and edges of the gaps Ej are defined by the relations

E = 4{k3 - ( 3 p - 3ej -4- 2Hj)k - p ' } ( k 3 - 3pk - p ' )

(k 2 - p+ej ~ 2Hj)(k 2- p + ej)
+ 13ej :T 10Hi, (5.9)

k2 - p + ej
w - "2k (3//7 + 9ej :q: 10Hi), (5.10)

E1 = --2ej -4- 4 H i ,

E2= :F - 4 /2H] :F (5.11)

E3 = ej T- 2Hi + 4 ~ / 2 H f q: 3ej Hi,


w 2 = (E + 2el =t=4 H j ) { E 2 - (2ej=l=4 H j ) E + ej: ~ 28n}},

~r* da =
For n = 5, besides Riemann surface of the Treibich-Verdier potential (4.31), one
can build two other Riemann surfaces associated with the elliptic potentials. One of
them is the surface F51 which the topological characteristic/~ = (0, 1, 1, 1) and the
u(z, O) = 2 E p(z + sp) - 4p(p) - 4p(2p), (5.12)

where p # 0 is one-fifth of the period of the toms (3.13). The second is the surface of
genus two F25 with the topological characteristic #52 = (2, 1, 1, 1). It is evident that the
second surface neither corresponds to the Lam6 potential (4.1), nor to the Treibich-
Verdier potential (4.3) and it can correspond even less to the one-gap potential (4.7).
Consequently, the 5-elliptic two-gap potential of the Schr6dinger operator which
is associated with the Riemann surface F~, has some other form. The following
theorem will help us to derive this form.
THEOREM 5 (see [26]). Let the g-gap double-periodic potential (4.2) of the Schri~-
dinger operator at z ---* 0 have the asymptotics

u(x, O) _ g(gz-------2~
+ 1) + 0(22). (5.13)

Then it is an even function with respect to z and has the form

u(z,O)= g(g+l)~(z)+Ehj(hj+l){v(x+wj)-~}+
j=l (5.14)
+ E Ik(lk + 1){p(z + (k) + p(z - (k) - 2p((k)},

where O <x hj <<.g, O <. Ik <<.g.

THEOREM 6. Let the g-gap elliptic potential (4.2) of the SchrOdinger operator at
z --* 0 have the asymptotics (5.13) and at z ~ zs, has the form
g(g + 1)
u(z, 0) -- (~----~52 + O(1). (5.13a)

Then, for any x,

- o) = o)

and if
z~ # 2rnw + 2 m l w', m, m I E Z,
then it is a "nonprimitive" potential.

C O R O L L A R Y 3 . Thepotential u(z,O),which is associatedwiththeRiemann surface

F~, has theform [28]:

u(z, O) = 6p(x) + 2p(z + 6) + 2p(x - 6) - 4p(6), (5.15)

where p(6) is a root of the equation (p'(26) = - 3 p ' ( 6 ) )

1600p 6 - 848g2p 4 - 1088gap 3 + 76g~p 2 + 17692gap + 6492 + g3 = 0. (5.16)

Remark 8. The invariants g2 and g3 of the covered elliptic surface F0 (3.13) are
connected with p(6) by the following relations (p = p(6), q = p(26)):

g 2 - 2 0 p 2 --4pq -- 4q 2, (5.17)

g3 = --18p 3 + 7p2q + 4pq 2 -- q3. (5.18)

Equation (3.12), which defines the Riemann surface F25, has, in these notations,
the form

k 5 - (1Or(a) - 6 p - q ) k 3 - lOv'(a)k 2 -

- (15~2(o0-1- (18p + 3q)V(o0 -- 60p2+ 12pq + 12q2) k - (5.19)

- ( 2 p ( a ) + 6p + q) p ' ( . ) = O.

Remark 9 (see [40]). The first coefficient A1 of the polynomial (3.29) written for
the Riemann surface, which is associated with the potential

~(,, o) = Z~ v(* - *j) + const,


has the form

A1 = Z p ( x i - xj). (5.20)

Remark 10. In the case of the potential (4.2), i.e. in the case of multiple zeros xj
of the theta function O(Uz + Wt - Z [ B), it is necessary to use the regularization

A1 = -~ Z ri(ri + 1)rj(rj + 1)~(xi - xj), (5.20a)

where rj is the multiplicity of the zero xj.

To calculate the spectrum of the Schr6dinger operator with the potential (5.15),
(5.16) let us use the following proposition.

THEOREM 7. Let F'~ be the Riemann surface given by equations (3.12), (3.13),
n >. 3, and having the topological characteristic #"2 = (2, 1, 1, 1). Then there exists
such a polynomial
o o
= $Zn_3(k, B, gn_s_z,(k , o0, (5.21)
E - 30kl~n(k, a) + c, (5.22)
n R,~-a(k, a)

where Rn(k, ~) /s the polynomial, which defines Riemann surface F~ and c is a

COROLLARY 4. The constants ~ entering into equation (3.20), c entering into
equation (5.22) and B1 entering into equation (5.21) are connected by the relations

~-~2 ( n - 6nA 1 - B 1 ) , (5.23)

3~ (5.24)
C~ - - T
Remark 11. For many of the Riemann surfaces F~ (3.22), (3.13) there exists some
fixed values of the invariants g2, g3 of the covered toms, for which the coincidence
of some edges of the gaps (Ej ~ Ek) for the spectrum of the Schr6dinger operator
with a corresponding potential takes place. Each of such cases needs a separate
COROLLARY 5. Let the function E, given by equation (3.20), and defined on F~,
have the form (5.22). Also let

u(z, 0) = 6~(z) + 2 E p(x - xj) + const


be the potential which is associated with the given surface. Then

B1 = E p ( X i - Xj), (5.25)

where the summation spreads only simple zeros zi, zj of the theta function O(Uz +
Wt - Z [B).
Remark 12. Th e analogous statement can be proved also for the other five types
of surfaces F~ which are parametrized by thetopological characteristics #2
type 1 #2 = (2, 1, 1, 1), n/> 3;

type 2 #~ = (0, 3, 1, 1), n/> 5;

type 3 #~ = (1,2,2,0), n >/4;
type 4 #~ = (3, 2,0, 0), n/> 6;
type 5 #~ = (1,4,0,0), n/> 8;
type 6 #~ = (5,0,0,0), n >/12.
In a similar manner, we can give an ansatz for the functions w other types of the
Riemann surfaces.
The direct calculation of the functions E and w, which define the hyperelliptic
structure on F25, gives the following result (which is in agreement with equations
(4.5), (4.6)):

E = 3{k 4- (6p(oO-4p-q)k2-4ff(oOk - 3p2(c0-

- ( 4 p + q)p(o 0 - 2q 2 - 2pq + 12pZ}{k - g~(o0 + q}-i,

w = k (E2 + 4(q - p ) E + 12p 2 - 36pq - 12q2)(5E + 48p + 3q)

4 E + 12/) + 18q

18(q 2 + Pq -- 2/92)
E j = 9ej + 12/)+ 1 2 q - j = 1,2,3,
q - ej

E4,5 = 2p - 2q 4- X/(4q - p)(q + 2p), (5.28)

or* da - 5E - 6p - 6q dE.
A full description of the hyperelliptic surfaces F~ (n -<. 10) will be given in a more
extended variant of this paper.

6. D y n a m i c s o f Poles f o r T w o - G a p Elliptic Solutions

of the KdV Equation
In 1977, a remarkable link was discovered in [41] between the pole dynamics xj(t),
j = 1 , . . . , n(n + 1 ) / 2 of the elliptic solutions u(x,~) of the KdV equation (3.19)
with the initial data in the form of Lam6 potentials (4.1) and the dynamics of a
Calogero-Moser particle system with the Hamiltonian

u = g pj- (6.1)
j=l i#j

It is not difficult to see that the simplest dynamics of the Calogero-Moser system
(6.1) corresponds to the initial data in the form of the one-gap n-elliptic potential. In
this case motion of the particles is uniform and rectilinear, their speed being v = 2c0,
where co is the sum of the gap edges Ej of the spectrum.
148 ~ O. SMIRNOV

The description of pole dynamics of two-gap n-elliptic solutions for the KdV
equation is more complicated, nevertheless it can be given in a relatively simple
The evolution of the general finite-gap potentials of the Schrfdinger operator under
the action of KdV flow can be described in two ways (see equations (1.12), (3.9)):

,,(~,0=-~1~o cr~+wt-~u(~,j)-lc B +const, (6.z~)


u(~,O=-20~lnO ~U(P~(x,t))+r. B +const, (6.2b)


where P j ( x , t ) are zeros of the C-function (3.10) on F. From equations (6.2) and we
obtain after straightforward transformations (taking the constant co = 0),

g /~r Eg-1
dE = 2x, (6.3a)
E J~,~(o,o) w

~-~/~'J(z'*) dE -8t, (6.3b)
j=x J~j(o,o) w

~ f ~ ' ~ ( Z ' O E' a - m

- dE=O m = 3 , . . . , g. (6.3c)
j = l J ' P j (0,0) W

Differentiating equation (6.3) and resolving them with respect to the derivatives,
we can prove the following statement.
THEOREM 8 (see [7, 9, 10]). The projections #j(z,t) of the zeros "Pj(x,t) to the
complex plane C satisfy the system of differential equations

2w(/~j) j = 1 , . . . , g, (6.4a)

8~(~,~) ~ ~,.,
m#j , j = l,...,g. (6.4b)
o,.j(~,O= 1I(~ - . . )
THEOREM 9 (see [7, 9, 10]). The function
W -" H ( E - #j(x,t)) = E a + E TjE a-j, (6.5)
j=l j=l

satisfy the equation

tr2~ = 4(u + E)W~ + 2u~W, (6.6)

where u(x, t) is a g-gap potential (6.2) of the SchrOdinger operator whose solutions
are products of any two solutions of equation (3.3). The following equality is valid
for the functions 7j (x, t):

j-1 )
2 Jj-x "q-Z CkJj-k-1- ~ , (6.7)
")'j(X, t) -- - - ~ " k=l

where cj, Jj are the same as in equation (4.4).

The Riemann surface F~, in contrast with other F~ (g/> 3), has one remarkable
property which permits us to find the dynamics of the poles zj (t) given by equation
(6.1), without resolving the system of differential equations (6.4).
LEMMA 3 (see [34]). The following statements are valid:
(1) I f one of the holomorphic Abelian differentials associated with a Riemann
surface of genus two can be reduced to an elliptic holomorphic differential,
then another independent holomorphic differential also can be reduced to an
elliptic one.
(2) The two covers associated with the reduction of independent holomorphic
differentials have the same number of sheets.
THEOREM 10. Holomorphic Abelian differentials being defined on the Riemann
surface F~, and reducible to elliptic differentials have the form (c0 = 0):

2nE + 3n~
dE = ~r~da, (6.8)
2W = tr~ d/3, (6.9)
where ~ E F0 (3.13),

fl E F0: [~3'(fl)] 2 = 4~33(fl ) _ 02~(fl) -- g3. (6.10)

The dependence of the invariants g2, g3 of the torus Fo on the invariants g2, g3 of
the surface (3.13) is different for different Riemann surfaces Ft.
COROLLARY 6. The hypereUiptic surface F'~ has the following form in terms of
the variables E,/3,

Pn(E) - ~(fl)Qn-3(E) = O, (6.11)


where/3 e Fo (6.10); P,~(E), Qn-3(E) are some polynomials of E,

3 n~En_ 1 + En Dj En-J,
Pn (Z) = E n + "~ (6.12)

Qn-3(E)= En-3 + ~3 r~En_ 4 + En s (6.13)

The coefficients of the polynomials P,(E) and Q,-3(E) are determined from the
following conditions:
(a) the genus of Riemann surfaces F'~ given by equations (6.10), (6.11) equals
(b) F~ has six static points with respect to the involution r: (E,/3) --~ (E,-/3).

W 2 "-- E 5 + AE 3 + BE 2 + CE + D

be the canonical form of Riemann surface F~. Then at E --~ ~ :

3 1 3 ( 12A2~E_lq_
r = E3 + 5 A E + ~ B + -~ C - 49 /
+ +

The last statement permits us to link the invariants of elliptic surfaces F0 and F0
given by equations (3.13) and (6.10), respectively.
Direct computation of the alternative representation (6.11) for the Riemann surface
F~ (n ~< 5) gives the following results.
The hyperelliptic surface F 3 (v~ = (0, 3, 1, 1), ~ = 0), which is associated with the
two-gap Lam6 potential (4.14), has the following form in the variables E,/3 [14, 15]
9 9
F~: E 3 - ~ g2E + 4 g3 - r = 0. (6.15)

The function w is defined by the relation

W -- r - 23 g2}-l, (6.16)

and the link between F0 and Fo is given by the formulae

9 9 3
ej = -~g3, ek,I = ~g3 4- ~g2 3X~2, (6.17)

where ~, are values of the elliptic Weierstrass r in the half-periods d~,,

The topological characteristic v~' = (m0, ml, m2, m3) is defined analogously to
(4.9), i.e. m j (j = 0, 1, 2, 3) is the number of static points 'above' 13 = 0 (except the
point Q) and/3 = r j = 1, 2, 3, respectively.
For n = 4 (Treibich-Verdier potential (4.22), v24 = (1, 2, 2, 0), ~ = - e j ) , we obtain

F24: E 4 - 6 e i E 3 - 3(9e 2 + 2H2)E 2 + {6ej(24e 2 + 11H2) - ~5(/3)}E +

+ 6ej~5(/3) + 9 ( H 4 - 2%M;
2 2 + 124)= 0,

W-- ff(/3)(E - 6 e j ) Z { E 4 - 12ejE 3 - (2Hf - 27eZ)E z +
2 2+
+ 12ej(9e ] + 2 H 2 ) E - 3(11] + 24ejH~ 108e~)}-1,
12ej( 4H2 + 3e2), ek = 36e~ek - 16Hf(2ej + ek),
el "- 3 6 e Z e t - 16H2(2ej + e,).

For the Treibich-Verdier potential (4.31), n = 5 and v25 = (2, 1, 1, 1), we have

1-'5: E 5 - 3ejE 4 + 3 ( 5 0 H ? - 114eZ)E 3 - { g3(/3)+ 3 0 e j ( H 2 - 3e})} E 2 +

+ {3ejg3(/3) + 9(625H~ - 2942e2H f + 3453e4)}E + (6.21)

+ (180e 2 - 81H2)~3(/3) + 2 7 e j ( a 7 5 H ] - 2062e~H 2 + 2235e 4) = 0,

w = - ff(/3)(E 2 - 3 e j E + 81H 2 - 180eZ)Z{E6 - 6 e j E 5 +

+ 5(37H 2 - 81e~)E 4 + 1 2 e j ( l l Y e 2 - 52HZ)E 3 +

+ 3(3425H] - 1528e~H f + 1 7 0 3 7 e ~ ) E z - (6.22)

- lSej(565H]- 2532e2H 2 + 2835e4)E +

+ 27(5625H 6 - 38 503e2H] + 87 855ej4H)2 - 66 825e 6) }-1,

~, = - 3 e j E 2 + ( 2 5 H f - 5 4 e 2 ) E , - 1 3 5 e j H f + 333e 3, (6.23)
where E, (s = 1, 2, 3) are the roots of (see equation (4.28))

E 3 + 3 e j E 2 + (80H 2 - 189eZ)E + 528ejH 2 - 1215e} = 0.

152 ,~ o. SMIRNOV

The second five-sheeted covering, which is associated with the potential (5.15),
(5.16), has, in these notations, the following form (5~ = - 4 p - 4q)

F52: E 5 - 6(p + q)E 4 - 3(4q 2 + pq - 8p2)E 3 -

-{(~(13)-~(193q3+404pq2+41p2q - 230/93) ) E 2 -]- (6.24)

+ ( 6 0 9 + q ) ~ ( f l ) - 9~(65q4 + 197pq 3 + 163p2q 2 - 73p3q - 184p')}E -

- 9(p + q)2~3(/3) + ~(33q 5 + 46pq 4 + 98p2q 3 + 176p3q 2 - 275p4q - 174p 5)

--~ 0,

w=- 2 ~t(fl)(E - 3p - 3q)3{E 5 9(p+q)E4+

+ (20q 2 + 47pq + 32p2)E 3 + 9(4q 3 + 5pq 2 - 7p2q - 8p3)E 2 -

- - 3(64q 4 + 200pq 3 + 141pZq 2 -- 58p3q -- 23p4)E +

+ 9(16q 5 + 108pq 4 + 131p2q 3 - 43p3q 2 + 9p4q - 5pS)} -1,

~j = ~(29q 3 - 228pq 2 - 243p2q + 514p3),

~l,k = - 1~(29q3 - 228pq 2 - 243p2q + 514p3) "4-

4- 2(4q - p)2k/(4 q - p)(q + 2V).

The topological characteristic of F5z, as a cover over F0, equals v25 = (0, 3, 1, 1).
Let us consider an arbitrary two-gap n-elliptic solution (3.19) with the initial value

u(z, O) ----6p(z) + 2 E { V( z - zj(O)) - p(xj(O)) }. (6.27)

The following lemma is valid for such a solution.
LEMMA 4 (see [26]). The projections o f zeros o f the ~-function satisfy, at z -" zj,
the equalities
~l(igj, t) = ~ aj (t) ~ ~j, ~2(~j, t) = oo, (6.28)

where aj (t) are determined from the asymptotic of the potential u(z, t) in the vicinity
of the pole xj(t):
U(X,t) -- (~ -- Xj)2 "4- aj(t) + O(z - xj), (6.29)
n n
aj(t) = 2 E p(~(t)- xj(t)) - 2 E p(zk(0)), (6.30)
k#j,k=l k=4
aj(O) = 4p(xj(O)) + 2 E {p(zk(O)- zj(O)) - p(xk(O))}.

Let us denote by Qj the points with the coordinates (s Wj).

THEOREM 11 (see [26]). The dynamics of the poles xj of the n-elliptic two-gap
solution (3.19) of the KdV equation with the initial data (6.27) is defined by the

:i E dE
= 2xj(t), j = 1,...,n, (6.31)

: J dE
--=-St, j=l,...,n. (6.32)

COROLLARY 8. The problem of constructing the functions xj = zj (t) for two-gap

n-elliptic solutions of the KdV equations (3.19), (6.27) can be reduced to resolving
the algebraic equation of the nth degree and the inversion of the elliptic integrals.
Proof~ Let us use Theorem 10 and consider the variables %(t) E Fo, j = 1,..., n,
/3(t) E Fo, which are given by the equalities

~(t) -- [.tO~,j(*) do~


f eJ 2nE + 3n( dE = nzj(t)

~ 4w
6n(t, j = 1,...,n,

fl(t)-- fa0~(t) dfl = / : ~ 3 dE

= -12t, j = 1,...,n. (6.34)

Substituting equation (6.34) into (6.11), we obtain that the function Ej(t), j =
1,..., n, are the roots of the algebraic equation on the nth degree.

Pn(Cj)- ~3(-12t)Qn_3(Cj) = 0. (6.35)

Resolving the equation and taking into the account the link between the functions w
and ~'(/3), we find the dependence

O:j(t) -" O ' l ( ~ j ( t ) ) , 0"1: 1"~ -'+ FO, ~j(t) = (~j(t),)/~j(t)),

o~j(t) = ,,oQ
ft~(%) dp
X/4p 3 -- g2~o -- gs

Using, then, equation (6.33), we derive equalities

zj(t) = :~j(0)+ ~ (~./(t)- c~j(0)) + 6~t, (6.36)

which describe the pole dynamics of the elliptic solution for KdV equations (3.19),
Let us finish this section with explicit formulae which link the coordinates of the
points P = (E, w) E F~, n ~< 5 and ~ E F0.

E 3 + 2793 (6.37)
F32: P(a) - 9E 2 - 2792'

p'(a) = 2(E3 - 992E - 5493)w

27(E 2 _ 392) 2 , (6.38)

F4: p ( ~ ) = {E 4 + 10ejE 3 + 9 ( 1 3 e Z - 6 H Z ) E 2 +

+ 5 4 ( 3 e j H 2 - 8 e } ) E + 27(27H 4 + 36e2H f - 188e~)} (6.39)

x {4(E - 6ej)(ZE + 15ej)2} -1,

~O'(~) = IO(.E 4 -'1- 12ejE 3 + 27(2H 2 - 7eZ)E 2 +

+ 108(e } - 6 e j H ] ) E - 8 1 ( 2 7 H ~ - 24eZH ] - 28e4)} (6.40)

x { 4 ( E - 6ej)(ZE + 15e./)3} -1,

F52: p ( ~ ) = {E 5 - 2 e j E 4 + 2(40H 2 - 57e2)E 3 +

+ 144e./(17H f - 2
36e2)E 2 + 27ej(235ej2 - l12HZ)E +
+ 54ej(3456H~ - 14360eZH 2 + 14 775e4)}

x { 5 E 2 - 6 e j E + 432H 2 - 1035e2} -2,

p'(ot) = 2 w { E 5 - 3 e j E 4 + 2(176H 2 - 459eff)E 3 +

+ 18(645e i f - 304H])E 2 +

+ 27(768/-/]- 2720eZH ] + 2 1 7 5 e 4 ) E - (6.42)

- 135ej(2304H 4 - 8480effH ] + 7425e4)}

x {5E 2 - 6 e j E + 432H 2 - 1035e2) -3,


p(c 0 = {E 5 + 2(8p + 3q)E 4 + (672p 2 - 70pq - 137q2)E 3 -

- 18(60p 3 - 248p2q + 27pq 2 + 65q3)E 2 -

- 108(4p 4 + 130p3q + 109p2q 2 - 48pq 3 - 31q4)E -

- 27(3048p 5 - 5092p4q + 3406p3q 2 + 4641pZq 3 -

- 1552pq 4 - 1019qS)}{5E + 48p + 3q} -2

• {E 2 + 4(q - p ) E + 12(p 2 - 3pq - q2)} -1,

i f ( a ) = 2w H \ 5 E + 4 8 p + 3q
j=l (6.44)

X {E 2 + 4 ( q - p ) E + 12(/92 - 3pq - q2)}-2,


A j = q + 4p - 8ej + 2 D j ,

Bj = 446p 2 - 39pq - 85q 2 - (70q + 166p)e./- 104e } - 2(3q + 4p - e j ) D j ,

D j = 4q + 51) - 2 (q - ek)(q - ez),


D 2 = 25p z + 4pq - 2q 2 - 9(q + 2p)ej.

7. Elliptic with Respect to t Solutions of the KdV Equation

For a better understanding of the solution of KdV equation dependence on time, let
us consider one of its evident properties.
L E M M A 5. I f u(z, t) is a solution o f K d V equation (3.10), then the function

tic(x, t) = u(x + 6ct, t) + c, (7.1)

where c is an arbitrary constant is also the solution o f equation (3.1).

The spectra of Schr6dinger operator with the potentials u(z, 0) and tie(z, 0) differ
only by the shift of c, and if these are finite-gap potentials, then the hyperelliptic
surfaces F = {(w, E)} and Fc = {(w,/~)} associated with them are birationally

r: = I-[ ( E - Ej), (7.2)
156 a.o. SMIRNOV

?c: 5 2 = 1"I ( E - / ~ J ) ' (7.3)


= w, E = E - c, Ej = Ej - c. (7.4)
It follows from the equation (7.1) that there is an essential difference between such
properties of the solutions of the KdV equation, as their periodicity with respect to
x and that with respect to L
Really, if a fmite-gap solution u(x, t) is a periodic one in x, then all other finite-gap
solutions ~c(x,t)of the form (7.1), associated with birationally equivalent hyper-
elliptic surface (7.3), appears to be also periodic in x with the same period. In
other words, the property of the z-periodicity is connected with the whole class of
birationally equivalent hyperelliptic surfaces.
On the contrary, if there is some periodic in t finite-gap solution for the KdV
equation, then in the general case, none of the other fmite-gap solutions fir(z, t),
c r 0 of the form (7.1) will possess this property of periodicity. The only exception
concerns the solutions periodic with respect to both x and t

u(x + X, t) = u(x, t + T) = u(x, t),

for which a countable set of periodic in x and in t solutions of the form tic(x, t)
exists, where

e=6mT, n, m E Z, mOO.

Therefore, the t-periodicity of the finite-gap s~lution does not correspond to the all
birationally equivalent hyperelliptic surfaces F,, but only to one of them, or to their
countable set.
LEMMA 6. The equality (7.1) follows from equations (7.2)-(7.4) in the class of
finite-gap potentials.
Proof Let us denote by r the mapping (7.4), r: F ~ F~, 7"(w,E) = (~,/~) and
consider the finite-gap solution

o(x,t) = -20 m 0(6x + V , - z I B) + el, (7.5)

where B is a period matrix for the hyperelliptic surface Fr 27riU, 27riW are vectors
of b-periods of normalized Abelian differentials of the second kind d ~ l and -4d~3,
respectively, which have a unique pole in the point/~ = ~ in the vicinity of which
the following expansions by powers of local parameter ~ are valid

d~l = ( - - g-2 + 0(I)) dg, (7.6)

d~3 = ( - 3g-4 + O(1)) dg, (7.7)


~, = g-2; (7.8)

el ks a constant.
It is well known (see, for example, [34]) that matrices of period of birationally
equivalent Riemann surfaces in the case of an equivalent choice of canonical bases
of cycles are equal: B = B. Therefore, the dependence of the solution (7.5) on the
parameter c can be realized only by the aid of the vectors U and W and the constant
It follows from equations (7.4), (7.8) that the local parameters r and g are connected
by the relation

= V/.i-Z..~. (7.9)

Consequently, substituting equation (7.9) in (7.6) and (7.7), we find that

r* d~l = dr21, (7.10)

r * d ~ 3 = d f f 2 3 - 23 c dff21, (7.11)

and therefore the vectors of b-periods of the differentials dff21, -4dg23 and d~l,
- 4 d ~ 3 are connected by the relatiolts

= U, "W = W + 6cU. (7.12)

It also follows from equation (7.4) that 61 = C1 + r

Hence, we have as a result that

fz~(z,t) = - 2 0 2 1 n O(U(z + 6ct) + W t - Z i B) + cl + c

= u(z + 6ct, t) + c.

Now, after such an introduction, let us consider a two-gap and elliptic in z solution
of KdV equation (3.19) with the initial condition (see equation (5.20a))

u(z, 13)= 6p@) + Z" p ( z - zj(O)) - n4 A1. (7.14)


THEOREM 12. The solution u(x,t) (3.19), (7.14) is an elliptic by t function.

Proof is based on Theorem 10 and the theorem on the reduction of the theta
function, which is associated with the covering Riemann surface [19] and will be
given elsewhere.
COROLLARY 9. I f the torus Fo, given by equation (6.10), has a real period, then
the elliptic two-gap solution (3.19), (7.14) is a periodic in time t E ~.
158 & O. SMIRNOV

Remark 13. The sum of edges of gaps of the spectrum of the Schr6dinger operator
with potential (7.14) equals



Therefore, considering the solutions (3.19), (7.14), we have to replace the relations
(6.19), (6.22) by the following ones
3 5
#l(xj(t),t) - s = -~ aj(t) - ~ , (7.15)

fQ~ - 2zj(t) + 20~t. (7.16)

COROLLARY 10. The dynamics of the poles zj(t) of the elliptic two-periodic by t
two-gap solution (3.19), (7.14)for K d V equation (3.1) is described by the equations

nzj (t) = 2nE + 5n~ dE = aj (t), (7.17)
~ 3dE
- 12t =
fr 2w
--/3(t), (7.18)

where Qj (t) = (s (t), Wj (t)),

Pn(gj + ~) - (~(-12t)Q,~_3($j + ~) = O,

E = + O(o~ 2) for c~ ~ O.

Two-gap elliptic solutions for KdV equations (3.19), (7.14), quite naturally, are
not unique representatives of two-periodic in t solutions for KdV equations. The
other fmite-gap t-elliptic solutions of KdV equations one can obtain by considering
the Riemann surface F of genus g, which covers in an n-sheeted manner (n >/4) an
elliptic surface F0 (see equation (6.10)) and satisfying the following requirements:

(1) F: 8(,\,/3) - A" + E s i ( / 3 ) A " - I = 0, (7.19)


where /3 E F0 (6.10), si(fl) are elliptic functions of/3 with the poles in the
point/3 = 0;

(2) On the surface F 'above'/3 = 0, there is a branching point of the second order
Q in which

A_n-3 3
7 ~0/3 -1/3 4- O(/31/3), (7.20)

and there are no other branching points 'above' fl = 0,

(3) in the rest of the points of F lying 'above' /3 = 0 the function A(fl) has the
following asymptotics

= - ~ + 0(1); (7.21)

(4) there exists an involution on I"

r: (A,/3) , (-A,-/3), (7.22)

which has 2g + 2 static points.

Remark 14. It follows from the Riemann-Hurwitz formula [34] that the genus of
the surface F (6.10), (7.19)-(7.22) equals p + 2, where 2p is the number of zeros
of the function OxS(A,/3), which does not lie 'above' /3 = 0 and are different from
zeros of the function 0Z S(A,/3) (taking into the account the multiplicity).
THEOREM 13. The solution U~o(X, t) of KdV equation (3.1), determined by hyper-
elliptic surface F (6.10), (7.19)--(7.22) and by a fixed point Q which lies "above" the
point/3 = O, is elliptic in t function and can be written in the form

U~o(X,t)=-2ZOZln~ t-tj(~) +c(z), (7.23)


where ~ is an elliptic Weierstrass function with periods of the covered surface (6.10),
tj (z) are zeros of the theta function O(Uz + Wt - Z I B) considered as a function
of the variable t. Edges of the gaps Ej are fixed by the asymptotics of the function
E(P), P E F, at P ---* Q

E = f l - 2 / 3 _ Go -t- O(fl2/3). (7.24)

Proof It follows from Lemma 6 that to construct the hyperelliptic surface associ-
ated with the periodic in t solutions of the KdV equation, first of all it is necessary
to fix a local parameter e in the vicinity of the point Q, e(Q) = 0,

1 =/31/3 + /3+ (7.25)

The normalized Abelian differential of the second kind dff23,Q will have the fol-
lowing asymptotic in the vicinity of the point Q for the considered choice of local
parameter e

dff23,O = ( -~'X
3 +O(1) ) d r ( 1- ~ + - ~ - /~0
3 _4/3 + 0(/3_2/3)) d/3" (7.26)

It is easy to see now that the normalized Abelian differentials of the second kind
-4dff23, Q and

dfi~ = - (g3(/3) "4- ~ ) d/3, (7.27)

defined on F and Fo, respectively, are connected by the relation

_ 12. 127ri (p, dH).

d~ 0 = - 4 dg23,Q + 4 dA + ---7- (7.28)
n n n~
Here a is a covering mapping a: F ---+F0, ~r(A,/3) =/3; 2r 2r are the periods of
the toms (6.10); ~ = (@), ~ is a Weierstrass function; the vector P depends on the
concrete choice of the basis of cycles on F.
Theorem 13 is a consequence of Theorem 1, equation (7.28) and the formulae
which connect elliptic Weierstrass functions with Jacobi theta functions.
COROLLARY 11. The sum of edges of the gaps of two-gap elliptic in t solutions
of KdV equations equals
= = -5eo. (7.29)
Proof It follows from equations (7.2), (7.24) that the function w in the vicinity of
the point Q has the asymptotics
w = _/3-(2g+1)/3 + ~(c0 + (29 + 1)~0)/3-(2#-1)/3 "4- O(/3-(2g-3)/3). (7.30)


or, d/3 = 2 { Ea_ 2 -- ,.1

"~(c0"4-5~0)E g-3 "l- --~-~dkEg-k~dE'j
w (7.31)
Assuming g = 2, we obtain equations (6.9) and (7.29).
Remark 15. The two-gap 3-elliptic solution of KdV equations (3.19), (4.14) is
elliptic in t function and can be represented in the form (7.23), because the following
equality is valid (Go = 0)
~ = d 3,Q - - s ( P , dU),

where d ~ ~ (7.27) and d~23,Q^(7.26) are normalized Abelian differentials of the second
kind, which are defined on F0 given by equation (6.10) and on F 3 given by equation
(6.15), respectively.
Concluding this section, we shall give a number of examples of covers which are
associated with elliptic in t solutions of KdV equations (n i> 4, fl E F0 is given be
equation (6.10)). To avoid misunderstanding, we shall use the normalization
~-~ E j = 0,

for describing the two-gap solutions. The first covering, which we shall consider
here, will be the four-sheeted covering corresponding to two-gap Treibich-Verdier
potential (4.21)-(4.26).

F~: Aa - (6~3(fl)- 3~j - S64~3)A 2 - 4~3'(fl)A -

- = 0,

A= E-6ej' ~ =-ej" (7.33)
Expressions for the functions ~3(fl) and ~3'(fl) and for the differential dfl are given by
the relations (6.18)-(6.20), and (6.9).
The next Treibich-Verdier potential (n = 5, g = 2) corresponds to the five-sheeted

F25: A5 - 15(~(fl) - D1)A 3 - 5~3'(fl)A 2 +

+ 60(~32(/~) - D2p(fl) + D3)A + 36(~3(~) - D4) ~3'(fl) = 0,

6 3
D 1 = - ~(384ej - 175ej Hf),

3 3
D2 = - ~ ( 5 3 6 1 e j - 2450ejH2),

D3 = - 4 ( 1 1 9 2 3 2 e 6 - 166 320e~Hf + 77 589e~H 4 -

- 12100H 6) - ~ 92,

3 3
D4 = - ~ ( 1 5 5 1 e j - 700ejHf),

2E - 3ej
E 2 - 3 e j E + 81H 2 - 180e 2"

The second five-sheeted surface of genus two (5.15)-(5.19), (5.26)-(5.28)is de-

fined by the equations

?25: A5 - 15(~3(/3) - D1)A 3 - 5ff(t3)A 2 +

+ 60(~3(fl) - ~j)(~3(fl) - D2)A + 36(~3(/3) - ~j)ff(fl) = 0,

D1 = - ~ ( 4 0 6 p 3 + 1303p2q + 88pq 2 - 309q3),

D2 = - ~ ( 2 3 7 4 p 3 . + 237p2q - 3348pq 2 - 1711q3),

A= (7.37)
E - 3p - 3q"
The topological characteristics for these three coverings were pointed out earlier.
Further analysis shows that there exists one more five-sheeted covering (7.19),
(6.10) of genus three with the topological characteristic v~ = (2, 3, 1, 1):

F35: A5 - 15(~3(fl) + 4500p 3 - 600ph 2) A3 - 5ff(fl)A 2 +

+ 60(~3(fl) + 11 250p 3 - 750ph 2) (~3(/3) - 5625p 3 - 300ph2)A + (7.38)

+ 36(~3(13) + 11 250p 3 - 750ph 2) ff(fl) = 0,


~j = - 1 1 250p 3 + 750ph 2,
ei,k = 5625p 3 - 375p hz + 50v~h3,

The canonical form of this Riemann surface will be

w z = ( E + 8 p + 2 v ~ h ) ( E + 8 p - 2V~h) ( E 2 - 38pE + 16h 2 + 37p 2)

x (E 3 - 36pE 2 + (25h 2 - 768p2)E + 27 047p 3 - 625ph2).

The link between the variables A,/3 and E, w is given by the relations (~0 = - 4 p )
= _ (7.41)
E 2 - 38pE + 16h 2 + 37p 2'

~(fl) = {E 5 - 50pE 4 + (25h 2 - 215p2)E 3 + (24 785p 3 - 225ph2)E 2 +

+ (11 210p 4 - 18 525p2h2)E + 909 053p 5 - 182 875p3h 2 + (7.42)

+ 1 2 0 0 0 p h 4 } { E 2 - 38pE + 16h 2 + 37p2) -1,


if(3) = 2 w { E 2 - (29p + V"Sh)E - 296p z + 37v~ph + 20h 2}

X {E 2- (29p- v/5h)E- 296p 2 - 37V~ph + 20h 2} (7.43)

E - 7p
(E 2 - 38pE + 16h 2 + 37p2) 2'

a* d/3 = 3 (E - 19p) dE. (7.44)

This surface corresponds to some three-gap elliptic in t and quasi-periodic in x
solution of the KdV equation.

Appendix. The Proofs of Some Theorems

Proof of Theorem 5. Let us suppose that the double-periodic g-gap potential u(x, 0)
of the Schr6dinger operator at x ~ 0 has the asymptotics

u(x, O) = g(gx-------T---
+ 1) + O(1).

Then (see equation (4.4)) at x ~ 0

Jk = (-2)k(g + k + 1)!(2k + 1)!!

(g-- k -- 1)!(k + 1)!x 2k+2
+ o(1)
7~- , k=0,...,g-1;

and (se e equation (6.7))

7j(x, 0) =
( 1 )J(g+j),(2j-1)!,
- ~ x2 (g_j)!j!
+ O x2-27:2_2 j = 1,...,go (A.1)

From equations (6.5) and (A.1), it follows that (at x ~ 0)

#j(x,O)= --~ +o -~ , j = l,...,g, (A.2)

where mj :/: 0 are the tools of the equation

ma + Za ( - - ~)j(g+j),(2j_l),!mg_J=O"


pj(0,0)=oc, j=l . . . . ,g, (A.3)


and (see equations (6.2))

~ / I ( V j ( z , 0)) = - U x . (A.4)
From equation (A.4) it follows that
P j ( - z , O ) = rPj(z,O), j = 1,...,g, (A.5)
where r is the hyperelliptic involution
r: (E, w) , (E,-w).

Equation (A.5) mean that

p j ( - z , 0) = pj (x, 0), j=l,...,g.

Hence, the potential

u(,, 0) = 2 0)

is even function with respect to x,

u(~, O) = u(-z, 0).

Proof of Theorem 6. From the asymptotics (5.13), (5.13a) it follows that (see Proof
of Theorem 5)
pj(0,0) = pj(x,,O) = co, j = 1,...,g, (A.3a)
and, therefore,
P~ (0, 0) = ~'j (~,, 0) = Q,
where Q is branching point Q = (oo, oo). Hence, U(Pj(x,, 0)) is period of the lattice
U(~oj(x,,0)) = M j + B N j , M j , N j e X g,

and (see equation (A.4))

- V x , = ZU(~oj(x,,0)) = M + B N , (A.6)

# #
j=l j=l

From equations (A.6), (6.2) and (1.6), it follows that for any z and for any t

- x,, ,) = t).

Therefore, zs is an z-period solution of the KdV equation u(z, t) and it is one of

potential u(z, 0).

I am grateful to V. B. Matveev, I. M. Krichever, and V. Z. Enol'skii for their attention
to the present work and for valuable discussion. I also wish to thank A. Treibich for
sending me his reprint and a copy of his doctoral thesis.

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