Assignment #4 Erikson's Psycho-Social Theory of Development

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Jonathan DePadua Racelis

October 22, 2020
Educational Psychology Dr.
Araceli Carreras

Activity: Erik Erikson’s Stage Theory of Development Questionnaire

Indicate how often each of these statements applies to you by using the following scale.

0 = never applies to you

1 = occasionally or seldom applies to you
2 = fairly often applies to you
3 = very often applies to you

Stage 1: Trust Versus Mistrust (Infancy

and Early childhood)
1. I feel pessimistic about the future of 0
2. I feel the world’s major problems 3
can be solved.
3. I am filled with admiration for 2
4. People can be trusted. 2
5. The feel optimistic about future. 3

Stage 2: Autonomy Versus Shame and

Doubt (Infancy and Childhood)
6. When people try to persuade me to 3
do something I don’t want to, I refuse.
7. After I have made a decision, I feel I 3
have made a mistake.
8. I am Unnecessary apologetic. 1
9. I worry that may friends will find 1
fault with me.
10. When I disagree with someone, I 2
tell him.

Stage 3: Initiative Versus Guilt (Infancy

and Childhood)
11. I am prepared to take risk to get 3
what I want.
12. I feel hesitant to cry out a new way 3
of doing something
13. I am confident in carrying out of 2
my plans to a successful conclusion.
14. I feel what happens to me is the 3
result of what I have done.
15. When I have difficulty in getting 1
something right, I give up.

Stage 4: Industry Versus Inferiority

(Infancy and Childhood)
16. When people look at something I 3
have done, I feel Embarrassed.
17. I get great deal of pleasure from 2
18. I feel too incompetent to do what I 1
would really like to do in life.
19. I avoid doing something difficult 3
because I feel I would fail.
20. I feel competent. 2

Stage 5: Identity Versus Identity

Diffusion (Adolescence)
21. I wonder what sort people I really 2
22. I feel certain about what I should 3
do with my life.
23. My worth is recognized by others. 1
24. I feel proud to be the sort of a 2
person I am.
25. I am unsure as to how people feel 3
about to me.

Stage 6: Intimacy Versus Isolation

(Early Adulthood)
26. I feel that no one has ever known 0
the real me.
27. I have a feeling a complete 3
“togetherness” with someone.
28. I feel it is better to remain free 1
than to become committed to
marriage for a life.
29. I avoid doing something difficult 3
because I feel I would fail.
30. I feel Competent. 2

Analysis: These are the reversed points taken above

Stage 1 = 5pts (Trust)
Stage 2 = 6pts (Autonomy)
Stage 3 = 3pts (Initiative)
Stage 4 = 4pts (Industry)
Stage 5 = 2pts (Identity)
Stage 6 = 6pts (Intimacy)

What did you discover about yourself after answering this questionnaire?
Upon answering Erikson’s questionnaire, I’ve realized that through each stage, one
points out a specific area from which I can put myself into. Each stage offers me a place to
reflect and I can say that as I answer, I really ponder upon it, some statements make me to go
back in situations where it applies, sometimes up until now. As I see my results, placing the
scores and then reversing it afterwards, it helped me realized how things has been working out
for me, all the positive traits that I’ve been practicing and also the negativities and
shortcomings that had been bothering me. This questionnaire made me treasure the stages of
my life, from my early childhood up until this present setting of my life.

1. Read on Erikson’s ideas about the work he did with the Sioux Indians and his research on

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