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Department of Electrical Engineering

Mid Semester Examination

Dt. 07-10-2020 Time- 09:00 AM to 11:00 PM Full Marks =30

Sub: EED 371 (Photovoltaic Power Generation: Fundamental and Application)

All questions are compulsory

6 marks
1 Derive the detail expressions for the estimation of parameters (five parameters Iph, Rs, Rsh, Io1,
Io2) of a double diode model PV module. Consider the diode quality factors are 1 and 2.

6 marks
2 An individual solar cell has the following parameters: Voc = 0.60 V, Isc = IL = 5.4A, Rs = 0.008 Ω,
diode quality factor = 1.8, Fill Factor = 78% , operating temperature = 25oC and Io = 7.9 x 10-6
A. This specified 36 solar cells are connected in series to form a module. Several such
modules are used in an array. The array has 7 rows of modules connected in parallel and
each row has 10 modules connected in series. (i) Write down a single I-V equation for the
array. (ii) What would be the open circuit voltage of the array? (iii) What would be the short
circuit current of the array? (iv) What would be the peak power of the array under the
standard test conditions? (v) What would be the current of the array at the operating
voltage of 60 V?
6 marks
3 The PSC of a 7 x 5 PV array is given bellow.

11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
31 32 33 34 35
41 42 43 44 45
51 52 53 54 55
61 62 63 64 65
71 72 73 74 75

The shaded modules of the 6th and 7th row of the 7 x 5 PV array receives 300 W/m2. The
shaded modules such as 44, 45, 54, and 55 receives 600 W/m2. The unshaded modules of
the array receives 1000 W/m2. At standard test condition (STC), the maximum voltage and
current of the modules are 30 V and 8 A, respectively.

Find the theoretical global maximum power point of the PV array in PRMFEC configuration
(considering odd and even number of the digit ‘m’ = 7) and TCT configuration. Also find the
power enhancement of proposed configuration with respect to TCT configuration.
6 marks
4 Design a PV water pumping system, which is required to draw 30000 litre of water every day
from a depth of 12 m. The data for calculation is as follows: total vertical lift = 12 m ( 6 m
elevation, 6 m standing water level, 2 m drawdown), water density = 1000 kg/mt3, solar PV
module used 100 Wp, operating factor = 0.75 (PV panels, in general do not operate at their
peak power), pump efficiency = 30 %, mismatch factor = 0.85 ( PV panels usually do not
operate at maximum power point , should be 1 if MPPT circuit is used) and acceleration due
to gravity is 9.8 m/s2.

6 marks

5 Explain the details of series, shunt, DC-DC converter type charge controller. Also explain the
perturb and observe (P&O) MPPT algorithm.

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