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Romans 8:19 states that the world is waiting for the earnest manifestation of the children of God. God has
put relevance and purpose in every human he ever created and as Christians, we have an edge because we
have his backing; so why do we most times experience burnout in our places of industry?
You see, God created the entire world and each thing, element, person, animal he made, was made
creatively! Different designs, different expressions of who he is and even if God kept creating till eternity,
he would never run out of ideas because he is vast! He is never ending of ideas of what to do and has like
a billion different ways to do different things!
As Christians, we were not meant to only end in the church, but we were meant to go into the world to
first multiply, then produce results with our skills that God has given us; why do we experience burnout?
Aren’t we supposed to even be the ones with the most because we can draw from God’s well of creativity
that is never ending?
Burnout at our places of industry can happen because we are humans, but as much as we are human, we
are also of the spirit! As God’s creativity never ran dry, ours can never too if we press in, if we draw from
his well.
You see, praying helps a lot as a Christian creative.
You’d just notice most times when you pray in the spirit, fresh ideas come upon you to add into your
work and it mostly works! As a Christian creative, you are not meant to be under and not producing
results in where you find yourself! You are a King’s child and you have his DNA in terms of creation of
results! Fear is not in your spirit and anxiety dies when you step out to bring your ideas to life!
Dear Christian creatives, the world awaits our manifestations! The world awaits our ideas, our values, our
creations, the color we can add to this world with our skills! God didn’t just create us for church, he
created us to step out and produce!


 Believe it yourself that God will always provide ideas

 Understand that sometimes, burnout might occur, but this doesn’t mean you’re worthless- find
time to take a break.
 Reassure yourself in God’s word; his thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil to give us
an expected end.
 Have a knowing in your heart that being a Christian creative, you still might fail in somethings,
but this shouldn’t deter you from producing, instead use them as stepping stones.
 Have a community of other Christian creatives for encouragement purposes. We were created for
one another, so have a place of insulation.
 Follow the Holy Spirit’s guiding on what next to do.

“I decree and declare that today, I am creative and I do not lack ideas. I know who I am, I have clarity of
purpose and direction on my path. I know what to say, write, do from now on. I am not burnt out nor
overwhelmed by what life throws at me because come what may, God, plans and purposes will come to
pass in my life. My light shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day and the word is a lamp unto my
feet and a light unto my path. I refuse to be confused and unsettled, I refuse to be anxious because I have
the peace of God now and forever, amen.”

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