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Assertiveness Exercise 1 – I feel very uncomfortable.

2 – I feel uncomfortable.
How Assertive Are You? 3 – I feel somewhat comfortable.
4 – I feel comfortable.
Use the scale at right to indicate how you feel about 5 – I feel very comfortable.
the 30 situations shown below.

1. Making time for myself when I need to. 19. Asking for feedback on my job performance
from my leader.
2. Putting myself first without feeling guilty.
20. Presenting my ideas, proposals, or
3. Asking for help when I need it.
arguments even if they might be ignored or
4. Asking for help from someone I admire. not accepted.
5. Talking positively about what I do right. 21. Selling my ideas to my leader.
6. Accepting compliments. 22. Dealing with executive or senior leadership.
7. Making a mistake. 23. Remaining calm when my job performance
is criticized.
8. Saying what I think, even though it may be
wrong. 24. Asking for a raise or promotion.
9. Saying “no” without feeling guilty. 25. Not apologizing just because it is expected
of me.
10. Turning down requests for help for
worthwhile causes, such as giving money to 26. Asking for the return of a borrowed item.
27. Letting people know when they’re
11. Refusing people who put me on the spot bothering me.
by requesting personal favors, such as
28. Making an unpopular but necessary
borrowing things, taking care of their
children, etc.
29. Insisting on getting my money’s worth.
12. Saying “no” to my parents, friends, or those
I work with who make excessive demands 30. Talking socially with strangers.
on my time.
13. Handling a put-down humorously.
14. Listening to someone tell an embarrassing 130-150 I am very assertive.
story about me.
91-129 My assertiveness skills need
15. Expressing feelings of disappointment,
anger, or hurt.
16. Disagreeing or arguing with someone. 66-90 I am just learning skills for
becoming more assertive.
17. Expressing anger directly and honestly
when I feel angry. 30-65 I always put others’ needs
18. Accepting rejection.
and wants before my own.

©2016 American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute

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