قاموس الجمل والعبارات الاصطلاحية 3

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Digitized & Processed by Defnany

April 2013

. OF

Prillted by IMPlllMl!RJE GRUNBERG, Cako


Sentences and Idioms


Compiled and Translated


Editor of al-M uktataf.

·~~".)'t. ..:,,IJl:--JI_, ~I V"J-"li

'-1~ - '5.f..¥1

e .. ~8rnf I


~~ iJ\ ~ ~..~ .~_rJ~ ~~)'\ ~I j 4S-y .:_,- r~ JJi \.,i.
- ~\j JI ~~)'I~~~~~~__,.

~Jsj, <.>j~ ~P. J;\.Al~\ ~ ~ i.;~ ~I J.:l-:1 ~ ~ ..;..Jo.'l Lf

~~ ~\ if' ~ ~ ~~ , ~l:S:,J~ \~I J ~GJ..UI ;~I ~VSJI
: ~\;J.\ o~...W '-'"'_,.-lAll \~ ~ :_,- ~l u~ JI ~l;JI ~i . Ut~'·

,~_,;\!J~ ~\~'l\ l:-.)..le J 4"'~J~4!~~)'1 ~UI .J~U, ~ ~~~ ~i : 'lJt

~Le ~_,-i ~ ~;JI ~~J ~...all ~~)'I ~\_iJI i..)rJ ~
. ~~ ~-' ofl.1-\l ~\;:$' ~\:J\ olita , f.J~ • ~\..~ Jl
~\:S'.:l~ (>'5:l\J~)'I ~ ...- ~J' ~>~)'1~~~.~r ~~ lJt ::~.~
• i..)J _rJ 4 Jld~I ~.J.Aj ...l:s- ~..iS"'J , ~r. ~<II Ji:- W ~

~~I tJ- ~ Jt-.. ~~}JI u~~\ ~ ~ t~_,J.1 4! ~ ~t :l!J~·

• 4'-~~
· ·L/':J\ ~I ~
~ ~
lJfa_ .~ uG~ Jl ~Le~ ~1 j ~;.;~1~~)11 ~ lJi :~!,
,~fol~~ ~_,-\AJI l-4i, o...l>-~ ~ J>- ~~~I 1 _r
• ~;JI ~~ ~ 1~1 o_;~I if ~~I ~

~4 u~' lf.l.!ti.J ~#.)'' ~1 ~ ~ ~~ yS"i ~ lJi :L\>.

• .)~,·~I~ '-'~":Q:\\j·ofa ~).AJ\ ~'l ~:OJ~0~ ~
~i lJ~ , ~~)'I ~1 ~ ~J _;\S".l::-,':)U ~r ~fa. iJi :L.)l.-.
. ~l:Sj 't.% ~~l~)'I J~I ~ '->y-

~\;JJI W-..lli
J ~_}, J&- ~.r:- ..li ~\ ~i ~ ~_ri ~\; .:.,-J
ft~~ ~ .iJJ A- ~l Word Meth~d : ~vs::.n ~;, J}J\ : ~~'
lJj;.,_J ' ~~\ ~ j ~\ if ~~\.. C ~\lraJI .jA~ J ~\)SJ\ If
Sentence Method:~l~j:. 4:i~~-~·~·JIJ ll,>J W4t~~ 4i~I 4.1

J ll,>J ~P. """'__,..:J' C::.' ~"'-'. ..:,.,~\ ~ 0 ~' ~ ~ 4JJA-!

c.r_,..\.AJI l.lAJ . ~)I Jb:-J ~ \.Aj~ ~p\ :r JSJJ ..!>~ 4J°i j ·~\
~ ')L.4i I~ . ~~I ..:,.,l:->-0 ~I j ' ~~ :.Jfa 4J\ y>:-) ' ~J~
: ~j\$1
. JW~ Actual: ~I JW.1
~. ~J~I JJ_,41~ 4;JJ\ ylk J.Jj ~j
~.J' ~1)~1 t,:~ JI U:iJJI JWI !3~J1 ~ ~ ..r'}JJ' Figurative
. ·~I ~I If' '5j~I ~I '-'~I [_)..t. If' ofa

~j~I ..:,.,':J~':JI :r §..1 J~ _.f4 V"'_,.-\.AJI l.lA j rl 4Ji JJi ~.lAJJ

4J~"°'j\ j o~ ~J ~) ..:.-:5' ~.lSj • lr=p:.1 ~I J;L4J\ll ~ Jj JI
~ ~J~ 41:..i 4Jfa ~ 0-:l:JI ~ '-:'l:S'·.Ji ,.~If' ~j ~yJ .J.A~
~I :r JW4 j4::!1 J r+-1'.J ~J ~ ,.~I ~ ..s.r; JI ~L..~1
. jl.¢1 Jl

4.J~ ~j lf, '-':"l:SJI ~ :r ~~ ~~ 4Jl j&- ~J ..li ~r.-=JI §JJ

'~. '5.;>i ~~ Jl ~~ ~t;,~~~)'1~j0~ '5~1 J:1i
. <..;~lj~~~~i

c.rL ~6:- , ~l t;r:- )' ~ ~)'i' ~1 ~.Jr ~ 4.J J.4JJ

• ':JJ\;.; :.J~l,. ~~\ ~~ ,.~ , ~1· J ~)I ~I , oJl.. JS'"
A -I- Abjure



Aback taken aback. u-'Y:. , ~y. , c.~~, ~, jA.) , .1;..f

A.B. (~)UI u~!_,J~ ~J~) ~J.i _,f J.:ili C.~ ( o;lijl c?'-11) gl..:JI
Abandon 1 - he abandoned his wife = left her without
arranging for her . . support.
~~, ~J", (~ L._ u, ,~ ~f ~ c:r) -~_,j ~
2 - he flpoke with abandon = in a wild uncontrolled
o_,,U) ul!..lA.14 •.IJW.d).k;l, t~I Li ~I' J_,A)I ~ ~
(ffa,. ~ ....~ c.~ ~ Jk.iL. ~ (- ~
A.B.C. 1 - the alphabet ~-;ii , '-:!~~I
2 - the A.B.C. of science = the simplest parts of
science. ~I ~~i ! ( ~l~f Ja...:f ~f) ~I u41.J.f
Aberration : an abberration of the mind = a mistake caused by
wandering attention.
(o~ r.Js.J 'o~'l'I ~ ~ o~ llb.) ~~I~!
Abeyance : in abeyance = not in use, not at present in force
e.g. that the law is..... .J.ili ! vl.b.&. ! J...a=- ..r:f- ! ~_,;.,,...
('*-4 ~r _,f ~...Uli J ~.) J_,Aj _<Jl)) o_,AJI
Abide : 1 - I cannot abide him = I cannot bear him, hate
( 4A ~l _,f ~r _,i ~f 'Y J! J_,z <Jl_s- : o.J__f:... Jae.) J.w: ~
2 - to abide by an agreement = do what was pro-

Abject in abject poverty = very poor.

• ~Ll-~ ~ j ! 4L.a.~ J ! ~J... JM j
Abjur.e to swear to give up; ( ..4..5! .:,r- f- ~~~ _,f) .!l.;.!4 ~
Quot : Prisoners· who refused to abjure their errors,
or persisted in heresy, or relapsed into it after
Able -2- About

abjuration, were sentenced t~ be burnt at the

Able 1 - I am.able to = I can. J~! j ! ~J ! JJ.ii
2 - an able man = a clever man. : J_,AJ) <Y-T ~J
• ;,)\i J' OJ\j ' (~_,.i:..J ~* Lr ~l : U"'L:JI cY.T Lr_,.
Aboard all aboard = all must now get into the train (on the
ship). I~ ~i ~~~I 0f ~.)JUull J!, ~IJ!
(J UuJI Jf µ..JI
Abode my present abode the place in which I am living
now. (0~14 ~f ~.All)~, <S;I~
Abortive an abortive attempt = unsuccessf u I.
(r-4' _,f e.U ~<Sf) ~li ~ _,t '-'\i _,f 4JJ~ j J~ : J-!l;
Abound the river abounds with fish = to contain plenty.
( ci-J4 ~ Jj ~!!.-j4 ~ _w.JI : J~· 0!)) ~
About 1 -- trees growing about the house = on all sides;
here and there.
<Sf : ~4 ~) ~~' 01 : J_,ij' 0lr") .!l L:A_, l:A ! Jy- .;r
<.!l L:A_, ta "_,.. Lr ;L:.U ~r _,r .IJY" Lr i.iZ
2 - to walk about = in various directions.
J ~- _,. l~ ! .b.IJ o~I .Jf- j ~-J) ~~~')I ~ J
C~T ~~~ ~ I.)!, o~I
·3 - about a mile = nearly.
I . ... l
~j4' u-:r Lr
u u. . J!-""'-·· ""':,t_s-"( L.•j4'-·
1.,_ • ~I . I . :i.:....-
~ • )
, .:.r4
4 - just about enough = quite enough.
~ ~U..1 ;.>.i ' ~4 Jf '--~..c:l4 ..;l) ( ~ l.AS:...JI) ..b.

5 ~ to talk about a subje~t = concerning

_,f ~la. (~ t_,.;,,.. J ~f! J_,Ai .0lr") ·~ Li_,,, t-"",,.. J
( 4JL. _,J ·~) 1..7°~
6 - about turn = in the opposite direction (order
to soldiers) tum round the other way.
~ .c.:l-' o~'.rts"' .r.-JI .h;l _,l;L:.... o~IJ! ;.)_,.JI) ~I J!
(~T ~_,b J.
7 - to come about = happen. ~ JI ~""-:-
Above -3- Absolute

8 - to set about ·(a piece of work) = hegin.

(l. J> J tP->: r~
9 - I am.about to go = shall go very soon.
~-' ~.)L ! ~~f .)u-1 ! ( ytAlll.) &_, J&.
Above I - that book is above me = too difficult for me to
, JJ..U.. J_,i y~I I~ : J_,Aj ~t)) oJ..ull ~_,.;' 15~1 t]_,i
(~ ~ ~ 4if(f'~
2 - he's a bit above himself = too proud and pleased
with his own cleverness.
~_µ,.J .i.:.. I~ ol:i , ..JI~ ~ , ~ ;.#
3 - mentioned above = spoken of on earlier page
of the book. · WT 4! Jl!.11 ! ~ J.,S-.ill
4 - above board = fair, honest; not secretly .
• ;~ !'i...)"Ji.s. ! lli -y o,r._,.--'1 ~ f ~!~ f ~f - ,
5 - keep on's bead above water = keep safe.
4;.)WI ~ , " .Jf ~L )II
,:r'YI ,. ~
Abreast abreast of the time = knowing the latest things wh~ch
are being done.
6-J_p- Le. ~) ~ ~ l!.U~ le, ~ ~ ·~ .~4 ~
Abroad there is a rumour abroad that == there is a story going
about or being told by a Iferson to another.
,..,...~, l!.U~ Jyi-~ JJ~ '!'~ _,r 1vJ !lta: J.,z ~u--) Jyi- .:r
( ~T ~ Ji ~ ~ ~ ~~ _,f
Abrupt : an abrupt manner = impolite.
~J.) ~ Jj~ (~~ ~ JJ ~ J~ ~t)) ~IS~
Abscond : he absconded with tlie money = ran away quickly
and secretly. ~ ~U,_j·~ (~ ~ ~) ~ } : ( JU4) YJ'O
Absent absent-minded = not thinking of what one is doing.
~ l~~ _,5-:~ '1 ~ Jb.!1 ~~ ~ ~I .)J\.!

Absolute 1 - an absolute ruler =- free, uncontrolled.

( o_r~ ,..S-~ j J~) ~ .J...i. ~ ~
2 - an absolute fool = perfect, compl~te.
~ ~ <~' ~l)) ~ ~ <~' rlj) ~r
Absorb -4- Access.

3 - an absolute fact = real.

• ~, ~~.J J41 ~ ~ ~\j' ~t: ~;;;_;,,

Absorb : 1 - to -absorb learning = tG take learning into the

mind. (.du.~ tr,~..-' ~;WI _,,f :Urll) ~~
2 - absorbed in a task = giving one's whole mind to ...
.• 1_:.'.
--,.- --s::...
. (v-l.J:. ~
') IJ.,.-....-..
- ·-

Abstain : abstain from strong drinks = to keep away from ;

rWJI ~~ ~.:UI: ~4~1 -.:..._, (~.)-1 _,j ~..\.!JI yl_rJI) ~4
A'b&tract 1 - abstract of a book = a short account of ideas
of a book.
(;lS:i.;rl &4 4 L.;~4 ~ ~~ LJ4) ~)\:;.. _,, ~
2 - an abstract idea or abstraction = an idea. in
the mind only, e.g. goodness, beauty .
.lar.t ~ .:U I j r* ~ f ~. : ~ ~.rf _, f ; ~f.L' ; fa J ~ ) ~.Jf l
• (J~~,_, ~L)
Abut my house abuts on the school = to touch on one end.
(~l: ~ :L;J..JJ .._,&.p"j..., ifi : J~) ~L: ~ ~)\..

Abyss abysmal ignor<J,nce = complete lack of knowledge •

:u_,.i1 ~'..\At J.a-c.'~ '-'~:J~ 0ts") : rt; ~ '-'L.U- : ~
(Lt; :>\..U-
. Lit.ld ·... r

Academy : a merely academic question = a question which may

be talked about, but which has no real importance in
practice. -.&. ..... 1 . •
..,,_ """
·' -l.:.J
'1::"' ~ -
~L. J i :i.J..b.
- .
;uL..) JJ.... ~ ($ L:~
( ~\J.wJlj i..:i lk 0~ d
Accede I accede to your request = will do what you ask.
( ~ ~i _,f ~- L. ~ Jil_,l : J~ 0ts") ~f ! Jil_,f
Accept an accepted truth = an idea upcn which all agree.
k~ ..;i_ j u!li:JI ~ t_J~ ~) J_r.A... _,f ~ ~
to. give access to = allow into, lead in.
• J! .l -
~·' JI.IW'Y-•r--=
.~~· ' _L._'I
Accession -5- Account, accountable

Accession : the accession of H.M. King Farouk = the time when

King Farouk became King. 4-..:.. ...~H ~ ~.r-JI .. liiJl

. <~ r.J-.r UJJU ~11 4::i '~ ~lll ~,JI)

Accessory : the accessories of a motor-car = the lamps and in-
struments used in repair and other special things added
to the car.
fo..J ~)\..p! J ll....:....J.I ~I_, ~~l) : oJ\:.JI 01,.)°f
~J.J,.,411 .. ~~' .:r ~s
Accompany : a song with an accompaniment = a song with music
played with it.

(~,.. cf~ y~ .. ~ "') c.fr-,.. .. ~

Accomplish : he has many accc-mplishments = skilled in many arts,
e.g. music, painting, etc.
J~L ~f n::..4US-_,f ~~.JjJ .iJl: J~ c,Jls') oJ..U...Jf ~_,...
(.r~I .Jf ~_,ll.) ~_,:.A.II
Accord 1· - to accord praise to = to give • ( ••. ~ c_..Lll) ~
2 - of one's own accord = by one's own wish.
( '-i'~_;i _,j '-1~) ~ ! Ji.J
3 - in accordance with = in agreement with. l.>.s::J :Ui,
4 - according to his orders = just as he ordered.
o_rf ~ ~ o_rlJ~ j·~

5 - acco1·dingly = for that reason.

~ · 'I 11.& '• 1!.1.1 ~ Ui~ c..•"'"""
l:.i ' ·"' ~ V":'v
"-. f .·...

Account, accountable 1- on this account = for this reason.

(~I lu: '"fe... J.,Z c.Jlf'") ~l.:i f ~
2 - to take into accoiunt :::: con.si~r.J! ~~ , J ~
3 - of no account = not important . .J.Jij , .. J.:i , ~

4 - to account for = explain. ~ , 0' ~ , ~Y-

5 - you are accountable for it =-: you. will be asked

to explain, why it was done; you may be blamed .
.r.:u; ~~ ! ~.) ,;r- JL:..
Accredit-ed -6- Across

Accredit-ed : Mr. "'A" was accredited tc London = was given a

letter to the British Government Raying that he
might be trusted.

(~ ~ ~4 ~ 4l:S-- ~i ~.) ~LS"°_,f

Ace within an ace of death = in great danger of being
killed. -..:... ~,;.c. _,j ~ u_,!I U..: ~ 0i'U ~f(: J_,ii .0t): l~
Ache = continuous pain fl~ Jf _r::-.. ~t

Acid : the acid tei;t :. _: finding out with the help of an acid
whether the metal is gold; anything which shows
whether a thing is really true or nc-t.
! (L. d'-- rl~4 ~.)~..WI 0l) I.)! L. :U.,,..J) ~I ~t
(~J..I J~ 0i ;_,S:..c_ .. ~ ~f) ·~I
Acidulate . . acidulated drops pieces of sugar with a Rlightly
sour taste added. Jf~ ~I ,:r ~.ki : ~ lS_,L... ~ ~
.·~ ~'~ ~ L. lr.J! ~L.A:! ~_,LJ..1
Acme it is the acme of perfection = as perfect as it can
possibly be. ~1 .. ~ ·J J_,z i)\s) J~I Jl!.. ~ lJ,JI ;_,;.:UI
(~~~.~Ii)~ L.;~ ~tr
Acquaint-ed : 1 - I acquainted him with the facts = told him.
4:- .c:h..f ~ ~4 ~.r ~ ~li:L.4 '.Y! ..:..:J.)t
2 - to acquaint oneself with :-: learn.

Acquit 1 -- the court (or judge) acquitted the prisoner = said

that he had not done wrong and set him free.
~~ ~ ..U ~lill Jf ~I ~1 : J_,z ~t)) ai (_,f) ~ill,f

• (o;l...f ci;_,J ~1.r Jlkti ~.)~ft ~ ~I

2 -- to acquit oneself well = to behave, work, well.
. ~ )V. J-:! ~ ~I J.!}t ~
Across: 1 - -- to come ac?·oss a thing find ~ ~ ~ &. ~ ~

2 - to get across a person -- quarrel.

• • !lJ Lu-·~
( UWI) ' L:.J-
Ate -7- Action

Act 1 - an act of God =-= the results of natural forces,

harm by storm, wind etc. ~J l l JJ.i.J .. \.,Ai tl.,S- :
i!.U.> Ji- _,r ~~ _,i ~_,_:,r- ~ 4S.,; lH.-
2 - an act of .grace = a thing done out of kindness,
not because it must be done.
, 0L.-.~'l~J ~l~J>~i l>f: ~.rUJ.f' ~ ~I ~.,J Ji'
. ~ ~ 0f ~'>1' .:r 0Ll J> ~
3 - to act the part = serve as do the duties of, e.g.
Acting Headmaster : the man who is working
as headmaster the real headmaster being absent.

r l.:.lj . _,._. JIJ-U

...; I ..... A -- ""' - ~ .J i ~!Jo!
,\t) ( l.:..S-)' 4A..1; I l'~- '• .. I ·JI."f
: ::LI l!l:JI 1....1li.
• ~ _r • ..
Jla. .J"''-!I
l.:.1.q :u..1; ,. - •
• ~ I~ rJ4 ~
. ' .. l..:Ju
4.r • •
4 -- ·· we must now act = to do; the time of thinking
is past. .>.A:.; _,f J-.i .Jf ~ : J_,z 0lf') ~ ! ~
( ~o... J.i ~I ~j .J~
5 - act uopn one's reputation (good or bad name) =
· do what people should expect one to do .•
! ~ ~J ~ o.! ~ (i.,,.~ ~' ~) .i.;... ~ L. J-: _,r ~
• "-ei l4. ~
6 - the machine won't act will not work, will
not move.
( L - ... J .D ~
v-- r
_.. 'l ....,,_
· :u 9, · , .. JjAJ-- ..uu-> u--:
. u,,. L - • .J1!l~-
7 - to act upon the stomach = have an effect on.
(~ ;.J...J.I) j }~

8 - to uct upon advice '- do as advised.

-~- -·'L L •• ' •
Action 1 - to take action ·-· begin to do something. -
J.-.il, _, r J-J, f..L.::!
2 - the action of the heart = (to denote a natural

1working), u ..~ J..f"J.'- :U'.1..>..U ~~l~I J...-.\: J.-JI

3 - the horse has a graceful action -:-:: movement .
. " ~~J _,J ;;.)1.;._j _,j :i4 :l.5--_,... .,,~ 0WI ~! J~ ~U- : ;&S"'.,._
Acute ·-8- Address

4 - out. of action = not able to work or be used .

f '-JT <.J• Ju.,- - ( ""'\........J•. '] ) u-.
• I. -
)~ ~
\ L ~ ' . .w .. ~ '
- e' . ~
I ',.. - .

5 - the action of a medicine =-= effect produced by.

; l.WI Jf 1:-IJ..UI _t,:fl;

6 - the soldiers are in acticn = fighting.

(Jl:ill '-3~ J ~f c.Si : cJ_,1°~ 41 cJ! d~ cJtf') : JLit
7 - an action = a battle. ~.,,11 ~ ~...."'H

8 - begin an action against = go to law against.

(~·T "' lilj) . ..;y
;, 'WI 11 ~I' ;;t,.;u_..
"'· r •.
Acute 1 - an acute angle : an angle which is less than a
.. • u1 ~ "':!..J
a right angle . ( 4.C •• 1;f ~;:)
1·:J 0... '-" ....,. . . L.) 0.)
·· 1"-="- '-:>J
•• 1•)

2 - an acute mind = a keen mind.

(Ja..ll .Jf ~j..JI d JlA:i): J~ ! ~f
3 - an acute pain = sharp, sudden pain.
J~I (-~I J J~: Jl~, .)b.,

4 - an acute illness ,= serious.

(.if..r j J~) J~ ~ ~~ ~ .)b.,

Ad. : = advertisement. (;~I cJli~l.J) cJ~!

A.D. = Anno domini.
Add the joys of others adds to ~y pleasure ..
( ~;uu,.U.,,,
- '-' JlA.i)~~'
" - • ..1.J•
Addict he is addicted to drink = he drinks too much wine.1
(11)~ lr,~.J ~ ~.)l l~l~I YJ~ J J~) ~.l:
Addle an addled egg = a bad egg.
(~.; Jl L. .Jf iij~ J _,i :;..:..~ J J~) ~ ~ J.-li
Addre.se 1 - to add1·ess a ball = to aim and get ready to hit.
~~ c3'_,... J o_,.QI ~ ~ J J~) ~~ ~ .)~~ ~~
\ (&.J..\Jil J! ~~
·2 - to address oneself to a task = to· work at.
<~'-'.Ji L. ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ J~) J-:!
Adduce -9- Advance

3 - to address a person, a meeting -= to speak to.

(~) ~ _,j' (~l:JI ~:is~ J) ~
4 - a man of pleasing addresM = of good manner,

skill, grace.(~ j J~) ~.)-' ~ ~L. ~ cj)\a;.~I U---

5 - to pay one's addresses to a lady -- to make·
love to. (ofrl Jl) .),)~ 'Y~-' ~
Ad:luce to adduce reasons to bring forward reasons.

·~ Yl:-~I ~ _,f J4
Adjourn 1 - the meeting is adjourned _: is ended now but
will be continued on another day.
(;a.T .Js._,... Ji _,f ~j J! ~T t~ ~I 0! J~ 0ts-) ~T
2 - let us adjourn to the next room = let us go into,
continue our talk in. : JlA:!) .)_,. i.il ~ ..J~! tF-1
(crU:JI _,f'~..l!-1 ~ ~. 4L!ll ;~I J J:i-=.'
Ad libitum (ad lib) - : as much as you like.
~b. ;.>.i ~ Jl.J L. )~ _,f .l!.J L. ;Ji
Administer : 1 - to administer a country = to rule.
l&J_,..., ...;~ _,f lAI .r-.A: _,, ~ ~
2 - to administer justice = c~rry on the work of a

3 - to administer medicine to = to give medicine. io.

( .IJ~I) ~ _,J J_,~
Admit : 1 1 - I admit that I did it = I say it is true I did it.
(I~~ J4 }i _,f ..;_fa.f: J~ ~tl) ...;fol~ jT
2 - I admit the claim = I accept the claim.
(~~.>J.4 _,f ~4 ,J-i _,J J.:ii : J_,:a; ~t)) : ~ -''.. J:A!
3 - it admits of doubt =:: it is doubtful.
~r ~ "-) !l_,..<:!... ~ &.! I j& ..:.,.s. ~ ~ cl!..U ~_;..
Advance 1 - in advance of = in front of, before.
(~y _,f ci.,J ~~WI J_,Aj· ~~) ~\... ~ J.:.i ~ :l.....lill ~
Advantage - 10 - Afford

2 - to make advance to to try to gain the friend-

ship of. .c:ilJ...p _,f o.l.J ~ ' ~~ ' .).)~
3 - an advanced idea = very new, not generally
~- , ~~ i..;--Al.. _,f o~~ ;fa : Jfo" 0lr"") ~~ ' ~~
<~ c:: r '5r t~ ')~ ~ /- <lS'
Advantage: 1 - to gain an advantage over = to do better than.

(~ J.' J) ~ ' ~ ' cJ~

2 -
take advantage· of = to deceive.

3 - you have the advantage of me = you . seem to
know me, but I do not know you.
(clf_rf ~~-''Ji~ ~l ~: J~ 0U-)~.,-.:!
Aegis : under the aegis of = under the protection of.
(0j.j) :uur- J ~ 1.U- ~l.P~ _,f ~\. ..:..s!
Affair : 1 - her hat was· a strange affair = ......thing.
(~ ~_,f, ~ ~f ~ ~ll: J~ 0ts-) rl '·~
2 - ·he has an affair with her. .~1 ~.J ~
Affiliate our school is affiliated to the university = the univer-
sity allows the children of the school to take certain
~.: 4a...l!! ~ lj' _,f ~ l!.i'.-;~ 01 JU:! 0U-) c!u , ~
(uli~)'I ~ l,: l.J.lj: 0l :L.;.UI ~*1 ~ ~t~I ~1
Affix to affix one's signature = to write one's name at the
bottom of a paper.
\~_,_,f ~W- Jot~ J ..._1 ~Wl ~ L>f) J ~-', ~1
Afford 1 - the trees afford us with shade = give.
( J')\l:i.J4 li~ _,i \.i.)_J_Jj )~~' : ~_,£)) ~
,).Jj '
2 - I cannot afford to buy a car = have not -enough
money to buy a car.
( o; \.:- .l_p ,J- l-::l~) ~f , J-:.f ~
3 -- he afforded me nb chance of.... = gave me no
Afloat - 11 - Agglomerate

Afloat there is a story afloat that = people are saying that.

( o.).).,,... _,f .).)~ ~l.!1 .Jf o)L.. 4&.L:;.! ~ta: J,.,z c.:,t)) .).).r.Jf )l..
Afoot there is mischief afoot = some evil is being planJ.led.
<.u~ r-...; .Jt ~ ~,,; _,f .r.~. r~l:A : l!U~) r-;. ~ .r.~
After 1 - tQ look after = to take care of, be in charge of.
,~ A:Jl~ ~ '~~
2 - I
to ask after = ask for news about.
1l) If J~ _,f ·~
3- after a manner = .
now very well.
J~ u-l ~ ~ i~ ~_,ti~~
4 - each after his kind = according to his nature.
, ~ ~ ~ ~L. ~, 4 Le. ~ .. u1 J5- ~ .cl)~ J' ~
• .J.j"_,ki Ji.J
Again 1 - to be home again, to be well again 7. back to the
first place, as before.
(c.JU-lf'" .l~) J~ ~ (JJ'~I '-6.:.. J! C~) 1..:-'.JY.
2 - now snd again = sometimes.
41~:.·~1~ ~~~
3 - again and again = often .
.. 'l'_,Jl ~ ~ 4:.JIJ.l ~ fl·~I J ~ l:J~
4 - and again, but then, again = as a further thought.
~ . i ~• •~
( ,~.;:-- --<) ..~. . ~.
<• .)'.) l'.J-' C:.....!:
Against 1 - to run up against = to meet by accident.
(4i.>~l _,f Jt.A;'l'I ~~ ~li) 4i.l~ ~ lilii!
2 -·lay up money against a rainy da~ = ...... in pre-
parations for bad times in future.
;;~ ~ r4~ .. t;;! ~ ~ i~l.>..:-J
Age to come of age = to reach the age of 21, the age of man·
hood according to the law. J_,.iWI ~I iSf) , ~}I~ &-
( o._.A)L:JI J 4--}J ~ .. ~l:..U f..~ c.s.l.JI
Agglomerate : agglomerate i·ock :..::. 'rock made up of bits of other
rocks melted together. .1~) V4 c.J~ ,;...-) ~I ~1
(l.abjl;~f ~I f' o;l..,.:L.l~ ~I.) 1$_,;..f J~
Aggravate - 12 - Air

Aggravate: how aggravating ! = this makes _me angry.

·~ .:r ~~r ~ _;_~1~1-lA ~rt..~~ _,r ~~ t.l..
. ~;..
Aggregate : in the aggregate = looked at as a whole.
(~~j_,f~1o~IJ.~_~tl) ~IJ
Aggressive : to take the aggressive = to attack. 1 .

Agree : 1 - your story does not agree with the fact' = is

different from.
(~!_,JI ~~ _,J ~l.,JI L ~ ~ ~ ~! : J.,,L° ~ll) wiJ~
2 - this place agrees with me = suits me, is good for
my health.

(~~iii~ _,f "5'~ ~lUI l.i..ti) : ~ii~ __,f f~

3 - I am quite agreeable = I will do as you wish.
~;Ji_, J>L
4 - I was agreeably surprised = I found it better
than I expected.

5 -- agreeable to = according to.

J •I o') ~~li'
.• JI
..• 1~ ~
Ahead 1 - to go ahead of the rest = in fron~ of.
J_,~t j ~ ~..\All j
2 - go ahead continue your story (work etc ..... )
~l;, <~ _,r ~'-'J '°") ~1
Air 1 -: there are many plans in the air = plans not yet
ready for action. ~ J...MJ~,Vi t .hk;. :,f ~~,; _,f vt..,-S:i

2 - to take the air = go out for a walk. 0y~

3 - tread on the air = be happy and excited.
y)z.JI ~ ! c_~I _,f ;~~ ~
4 - hot air proud or use less talk.
4 ;.JJli ';J )4 r~
5 - castles in the air = plans which can never be
acted upon.
Airing - 13 - All

6 - to air one's opinions = to talk about.

(r')\~4 .J~T <f .,,T ~ if-) [!.r.
7 - he has a proud. air = manner. ~

( .!l_,LJI_, ~~I J ~t..;JI_, Jl.;:11 ~.).Ji.IA:.. ~ ~~

8 - to put on airs = to act in a proud way.
) ~.J f ~....,~
. -
9 - airs and graces foolish unnatural ways of be-
having-(t:Wl ~1_, ~I Lr-;~ .!.l_,L.JI J J.,,J,) ulil.a-
Airing to give clothes an airing = to dry thoroughly.
t.r."-11 ~
Alias· : Jones alias Smith = Jones who calls himself Smith.
~.,_a;~ c.slll ~~:J_,ii ~tr') '-'i ~ _,f ~ _,s.~
I (Ill ~J.11 Jf)
Alibi to prove an alibi = to prove that one was somewhere
else, not in the place where a bad deed was done.
~ r JJi J'~I f..~ ~4) ..~JJ~I r~ ~ LJA~ Jl JJ..A:
: ~ ! (_r:.T ~l(.. J ~~ ~f_, ~~u..1 J_,..- ~~ j
. ...
. .
Alike share· and share alike :::: share equally.
\ :t...A..o~ ~ ' J ..1.•••H~ t).~ ' h-il4 ~
Alive 1 - look alive be quick. t.rf
2 - alive with fish = full of.
( l..e~ _,f ,r..l&. _,i Ji. if' ~ ~tr') : ci-J4 ~
3 -- I am alive to possible dange1· == I know of.
( 4S.~.J J.4_) i~ ~t _,, ~_,&of
All 1 - fol' good and all· = for ever.
~~I J! ~ VI~~ il_,JJI ~
2 - all in good time = do not be in hurry; all will be
done if you wait.
u)i:il ciil _,J i'= ,,.~ ~ - y ~t; ~ J~ ~- - \
3 - after all = after considering every thing.
~!_,; ~ (.r,r\11 ~j.J ~ ~ ,,.~1. ~ J,..l:JI ~~~I~

All fours - 14 - Allusion

4 - my all-in-all = dearly lo'ved one.

~ ~4 ~ '5~.J u-- ~J-.~ ~ ·~ JJ4

5 - 36 in all = 36 co.unting them all.
t~' J .Jr ~ ,.,, ~Js. Jr lc=.>s.
6 - not at all good = not good in any part or any way.
(:UU- ~!_,.; ir) ~' ~ ~ •<S~J
7 - all but lost = very nearly.
~l.ili.11 &_, ~ c.:>lf" ! ~~ ..ui
8 -- all over = over the whole. ~urf ace.
(~ . .l.:... !l~ t ~~I~)~
9 - it is all over = quite finished. ( J-JI _,f .rSrt) ·vPl
10 - it is all over (all up) with him = he i.s ruined
or dytpg.
(...,..4=~ 4if _,j JL. yl~ ~l.:.i 4.Jj..j: ~_,,&)) : ~I ~ y;»-
11 - that's him all over = that is just the kind of thing
he would do.

~_,f ~ o.l& ~ (~ L. r:#-~ I~ 1.!.U_,A)): .J.jf~, ~

All fours on all fours with = exactly equal to or like.
jtl.( ~ 1~<.J Lu _,L.- ~ ~~ J.-.:Jt !l_,~
Allow 1 - he allows his son £200 a year == to ~rmit, to let
a person have or do.
· "'-=- -,, ~~)
- . i..s- . ~
.J f ~--' f c..r-=
1.. ••

2 - I allow that I was w1·ong =-= to agree that a thing

is not true. (Wu.... ~ J~) iJ-f Ji ~.fal
3 - I have allowed for 20 people = have prepared for.
u~I,.: ~~ ~...:a~I_, (~ ~,r-1) ..:;,~I ~ u.)Js.f
tt. :.J;j f ~4 o.JI~ j..AJJ ,,s.J.:.s. 4; ~ ~ al.._,AU
Alloy Unalloyed pleasure = pleasure with no pain in it at all.

tIt I.T.~ A ~ 0lJ

Allusion to make an allusion to = speak of not directly, but
in passing. •r~ ..r.:' 'O;~ .. ~ J ~) : ..r.~ _,f c.t,..ty.
( =4;_,:.14 ~ ) '5;~ ! Lp.r'" '5 f
Alluvial - 15 - Amiss

Alluvial·: alluvial soil = soil left by rivers.

(lei ;t.,:f 1-.i ~)I uOJf j J~) : 4,W.r if}~ ~I
Ally closely allied to = very like, of the same kind.
(~ ~_,l ,.ri:..T ti.~~~ ti.~ J J~) J!: ~-
Alone 1 - leave me alone = do not truoble me.
2 - he did not speak to me, let alone help me = did
not help me, did not even speak to me.
· <~~ ~ J.ul-:!'1): r.A:! J!~- '1
Along 1 - to walk along the road = following the length
of;· from end to end.
(,.ri:..5i ~_), ~~_,kJI ~) ~)aJI Jl~~-
2 - let's get along == let us start. J..l..:.1.i
3 - James along with Alice together with.

~' ~L,a...
Aloof to hold aloof = keep separate from .
.i.;_r.s._,f ~: (~) ....z~ (~) ~
Alpha I am alpha and omega = I am the beginning and the
• end.

Altar to 'lead to the altar to marry.

Alternative : I have no alternative; I have no choice; there is no

other thing which I can do.
-..l..i c:12-=-f ~I~ ~ J;~l ':l ~ 1.:U- ~ J ($fu 'J
Altogether : well, altogether, I am glad = after considering all
.things...... ( GJ..r- J~f) .r~I J ~I ~
A.M. : Ante meridiem. Jl.,)1 J.:i
Amend ·to make amend8 :::.:: ·to do something to pay for, or make
good some harm done to another.
(,.ri:..i ~ ~ ~_,): ~~ .)_r. _,i ~
Amiss nothing comes amiss to him = he is prepared for, abl~
to deal with, anything.
~~~ ,()i;.4 L. ~l.J-4~);.)li, (~~L. ~W) -'l.J.a;...,I J-J .iJ!
Ammunition -16- Annul

Ammunition : ammunition boots = soldierts boots · ( = high shoes

covering a part of the leg).
(L;WI ~ i~~ ~) i.S~ ~I~
Amount your words amount to this = 'this is the real meaning
of all that you have said.
~j: ~f , (& U ~I ~I y. 1.;..0f ~.) : ~ ~ 1.S.J~
. ( l.:.S- i,S_j~ cl...~) ~ L.

Amuck, amok : to run amuck = to become mad and try to kill people.
( U"' l:J, J:i° J__, 6:--') ~ ~ ~ ~

Ana 1 - Johnsoniana = stories about .and saying of Dr.

";k.4 ( 4.JIY"fJ~_,_iY.'" ;?_, J~f ~) : '-:!1--'J ! ~i
2 - Darwiniana = narrative of scientific discoveries
of Darwin.
"fe...( ~I ~--'J 1_,~LA.:.i.'-.. V'") : ~ l.J; ! ~i
Analogy agreemnt or likeness in certain ways : as - on the
analogy of tought "cough,, should be said as "Cuff".
(<I~» J~ l.:.S- ~~ llJ
Anecdote : he is in his anecdotage; dotage = old age. ,
.-.....4i ~4.,,a..f J
Angel she is an angel = she is a very good woman.

Angry an angry wound = a red and· painful wound.

r~ ~ ,~ rr.
Animal animal desires = desires like those of animal.
Animate animated talk . talk which is full of life, clever,
~)\5-_,f ;~ ..# r)\)1.;.. : d_,.a; ~tr-}: ;~ ~ , ;_,; .u.s-
(;i;L!J--' o;l.+ 4 i.S_,i
Annul that law has been annulled = has been crossed off the
book of laws. ~f ..u l.:.S- ~_,; li ~!J.,Z ~l_5-) : ~ ~ ~f
( LJ-:il.,,AJI ~~ .:r. ~_,f
Anon -- 17 - Appear

Anon ever and anon from time to time, sometimes.

- .w'l-.-;il
.. . '
~- :t:...ill
.. !J :i.:...AJI .......,)
Answer 1 -·to answer the bell go to the door when the door
bell ring8. .J; lk.I I ~ ~ '":-'l..:J 4 cr ~.T-
2 - That will anRwer my purpose = will b~ useful
for rn)' need.

3 -- Our plans hai not answered := has been unsuc-

(~ f J' ~ J.i ~Ji\:.:;~' <Ji~.) : ~ I.JI.;:.; t'
4 - I can· answer for his skill = I can promise that
he is skilful.
(~; o;li ~4 Jfai Ji ~LA.ii) : ~~i, J}f
5 :.._ he must" answer for all the wrong which he has
done :::: be punished.
JJI s.lb:. -;r, JS.. ~) : ~~ J.,_
6 - he answers to you1· description = is as you de-
scribed. (~ _,i Ll.f ~J ~ J&- y.) : ~4 ·, l:.L(
7 - you will be answerable for this = will be asked
to explain this, may be blamed for this.
• l!.U ~ J'- .A:;.1_;=- ~ I..iA ,y. JL.i...
Anthem ': ' the National Anthem = the special song of a counb·y.
(. L ~. i f ~ J....:.J)
- .• IJ.r
.. ::11..\...!..i.JI
Anxiety my .chief anxiety is to = I am above all eager to.
I.°>..) y. ~:J<JI '5~.r_,f ~~ <J!
Apart -l - to ::;et apart to keep for some special purpose.
(~1;.. if_,aJ) ~ '~~
2 - joking apart = not trying· to be amusing, but
speaking seriously. J~") '~
Appeal this book does not appeal to me not interest.
· ·~,. ") 1-1l=OI
(~ . .I~) ·. f '~-
Appear · appear before a judge = come before a judge.
( ~Wi <.SJ.: W) ~ ' ( ~U.11 ~~f) '-'lU"
Appearance - 18 - Approach

Appearance : be has an unpleasant appearance = does not look nice.

Appellant an appellant court a court of appeal; (the appellant).

( ~l:....11) ! ~l:!i....I ~

Apple 1 -- apple of my eye most dearly loved person .

• ~i ~ ~ JL.rl:JI ~t~ ~ o}
2 - apple of discord = cause of quarrel.
(JlA!.11 _,f ~~I) : ~
3 -- I upset·. his apple-cart = ruined his plan~.

(~~,..,..=.... _,f ~ _,f ~'.r-'i ~~-) : ..:.;......lA

Apple-pie : in apple-pie order = in perfect order.

'-'i.-i.l i ~ ~ ~ ,..I Ui.:J I ,.. ~

Apply 1 - to apply paint = to put on.

2 - to apply oneself to study = to give oneself

keenly to. C.r;J.ll j) J~
3 -- to apply for = to ask for (e.g. employment).
(~ ~-') l:.il1. i~
4 - this does not apply to you = ihis does not con-
cern you; this has nothing to do with you .
. ~ ~ c.JL ~ :·~ ~
Appoint 1 - prayers appointed to be read in <:hurches ~ to set
down JlS a duty.
( ~l:.UI j ~~1} if_,_,All ~1_,L.a.Jl5-) if.J_;ill
2 - my appointed task ~ the work fixed for me to do.

(oji~i \J. kpl) ~l_,.ll

Appointment : to keep an appointment to be present as arranged.
l29l~- J f ~lA..11
Appreciate : I appreciate your difficulty =- 1 understand.
lr.i)\; ~I ~~I _,j ( cl.ii>-4) _,f ~l:... ;..Ui _,f ~.;&-i
Approach : I will approach him on the matter = wiJI ask him about
it. ( ~~_,11 J ~) ~f Jt JLi
Appurtenance - 19 - Arms

Appurtenance the house and all its appurtenance the house and
all the things which usually belong to a house .
• ~·1_,:i·· (Jf) .(,"luJ...,.J lS'i : ~ L._, Jp.11
Apron tied to his mother's apron strings = too long depend-
ing on his mother. 4. .Ot.,a;I _,f ~r ~ ~.as:.;t ~ JU,
Apropos apropos of = in reg1;lrd to, abcut (some subjects about
which we have just been speaking).
~ ~ ~ ~ l:.) ~l&.~.,.c. : ~ _,r ~ ~
Apt apt to give trouble = whieh will probably give trouble.
( ~~j~I _,f JlAJ.I ~ 0~ 0f) ~.;~ _,f ~-
Aquitline aquiline nose - a hooked nose like the beak of an eagle.
(..-LJI ~. ~f) ~~ ~f
Arch 1 --- my arch enemy = chief enemy.
( ..\J~I 45.J.Js. J.,Z ~ts") ~Sri ' ...r.S'-;rl ' ..u-;r1
2 . - she gave him an arch look = an inviting look.
~_,A... 0fo. .Yl ,,:..Alf
Arm 1 -- arm in arm = the arm of one person being under
the arm of anothe:r. 0U&1i:..
2 - to receive with open arms = to welcome.

3 - to keep at arm's length :::: to treat a person coldly.

.:s-1 ~ _,f .)_J..r,:
( ~1.... '1.~ \i _,j 6.Ll&. : Jta:) 61.fo-ll ~ ' ~J~
4 - a' child in arms = a child too young to walk.
(~I ~~ ":}_, J.wr: Jl.r- -~ J.'1.) : rz!~ ~
Arms 1 -- - small arms = guns which are. carried in the hand.
not big guns on wheels.
(~I j~~I) o~I ~~I
2- take up arms against get ready to fight against.
J l:AU .lA:....:!
3 - lay down arms = sto·p fighting .
..i :.i. '•• L,;\ l:.iJ I ~
11 u--: ...

4 - up in arms against = complaining angrily against.

..( ~ ) ~ • • '•.Y'-!.
Army -20- Arrest

Army 1 - standing army = paid soldiers who are always

ready (not those called up only when there is war.
~~~ W:!:UI ") , Jl.:4JI ~f ~~ W:!.:UI 41) j..LJI #.I

( y _,J..1 & J.;s. c."-1' J..:1.-

2 - an army of workmen = a large number of persons
employed in some special work.
(..b.l.J JI- J ~~ ~j,JI rj.e ~ .)J.s.) J~I ~ ~
3 ~ the salvation· army = a numt>er of persons joined .
in a sort of. army whose purpose is to teach men
to believe in Christ and to save their souls.

Arrange. : 1 - to change a thing so as to suit it to a new purpose

= to arrange a story as a play in the theater.
~ ~- ~ ~) ~· ! ( i~~ r-~ ("N ~) •u:r:
. c' ' \
• ~ • ~,-: •' ( . ,,
(...r- '

2 - to make plans and carry them out = I will arrange

every thing for the dinner.
<.1J.aJJ ·~~ ~ ~.).).& rJr ~~ Ji4J ~\.)) ~ , ·u=r:
3 - to come to an .arrangement = make ari-angement.
~ ''3W°l

Arrant 1 - an arrant thief; a thoroughly specially bold thief

= well known.
~.,~..- uaJ ,· lS..,....) uAl ')aa. ual
2 - arrant nonsense = vecy foolish talk .

. (~J.:;.11 ~' ~ lS.,,la.:: ~~ J.a.c.): ~ ·'~

Array she arrayed he1·self in all her fine1·y = dressed herself
in all her fine clothes.
( lA~t... .."""'~t~.~:
• <..::r--..... ~J)~t;

Arrest 1 - he was arrested = wa8 seized by an officer of
the law. 4...1& •-
- '-"1-:'
2 - an anesting speach = one which caused people
to stop and listen.
(r':JS- Jr ~lk:;.. J J~) : µ ~ ~ .ll:i:..T
Arrive - 21 - Aside

Arrive new arrivals = persons who have just ar1·ived.

<JJJJ~I ~ ~~ ~_,....)UJI
Art the knowledge and skill pecsesary for carrying out a
cretain ·kind of work = the art of writing, the art of
painting, the art of war. ~ i~i.JI ~J.::.....-:! ;J~)
• u&JI
('":-'.,,.J-1 ui.J .r~I l)J ~l:(.JI ~I ~
Agree 1 - ar artery of trade = an ·important road for trad'e.
'5J~ <J4_r;' ( o;~ ~J _,f ~J ~)o J_,z <Jlf'): ~J
2 - an arterial road = large and important ro.ad.
( ~~1_,i1 J ~L .u_, , ~- ~)o .d ~. : ~; ~)o) ~J
Article 1 - an articled clerk =a writer in the (law) office
who is bound by a written agreement with is
( .......,~ ,..... .lw•
. ~
)·.• J.ik..
2 - the indefinite article =-= a, un. (~) ;;1.)f

3 -:--- the definite article :--= "the''.

Ascent ascent the throne = become a king.

(ls:-.L ~ ~f) ~_,...JI ~.r.
2 - the Ascension ==· the going up into Heaven.
~~: ~l_r-11_, ! ~: ~)I
Ash his ashes == the dust left after the body has decayed
o.r been burnt.
( oU.J°'"Jr ...J~I ~ r~' ~~~~I 4U:JI): yl_;.H
Aside 1 - he said this aside = he said it so that no one
else can hear.

2 -- to lay aside = to give up as of. no more use.

( ~ o...\Jli I~ ~· ,o_! r ..;Sr)~ ' "-'~
3 - to set aside judgement == to decide differeritly
from some judgement given already.
(;J..,o ~T ~G. ~L:... ~ J '..l..P4 )'·~
4 - to set aside to keep for use later on.
( '-'·l..A:-.u) .J°'"-• . . .w
. J..i ' (J....J yl.i:i")\J h.;).
. J..J·1.... .•
Ask -22- Assist

Ask 1 - ask a person to dinner == invite.

("*-4 .. 1~ Ji ~_,J ~) ~~

2 ;---- ask after Mr. X = ask for news about his health .
• ..., ly-f J' ~ ,y. J~ ~. : (~'j.J ,y.) __,-A:-:!
Askance to look askance = to Jook at one side, as if something
were wrong or untrue. lr) ~ , L-.li : ~ £ ~~
( ~ _r}. ~ ~f _,, \k,;_ ..~ j ~l)_,J

1 - of gentle aspect = having a gentle look.

(~l U--.Jf o;~l_,f :a.a;ll ~.)J -4.il :~~)~'OJ>'°' 4

2 - the house has a north aspect ~ the direction.

(JW o~I ~) : o~~I

3 - to consider a question in all its aspects = way of

considering or looking at a thing.
~ :U~..uJ ~I_,; _,f ol,j~ ~ u. . .r\11 ~) u~ , ~l_,i
• <"-::i ~Jr t-""_,.u J lt: ~ tSJ' ~~'
Aspersion cast aspersions on a person's characte1· say bad
things about a person .
. (L.~~~ .. ~T ~~) ~~ '~ '~
Assert 1 - to assert one's rights to claim or defend one's

2 ..:.__ to assert oneself = .fry to become important.

~~(~l ~)u~ ~ (_,).l.!1 ~l:-i ~) ~

Assign l ~ he assigned each· person to a task = give.

(.uJ...c.._,f ~,_, ~ JD) .)...6. ,· ~

2 - assigned a task to each person = set each person

to work. (~I_, _,j jJ- wW1 js::J ~) ~
Assist assist to a meetfog = be pres~nt at.
'*-4 ( ~_,) 4!.:! ~ (~l~I) ~
Assort :._ 23 - Attack

Assort ill-assorted = not such as should be put together e.g.

of different tastes or opinions.
·~ ~tJTJ J.r-4.,- JIJ~4 ~i ~.) ~ ·i~I "7111 ~~j

Assume 1 - assume the offensive = attack.

.-11 ,_;;..,.,.. ~)
( iY:- •I

2 - the matter assumes a grave character = looks

;~:J.-.c'. , ~_,f ~~ o;~.,111 ~I .li .r~I ~!:Jjij c.Jlf') k~
(J4 I~ _,i ~G 1,;
3 - _to assume an air of importan'ce = try to look im-
(Vi 1,; ~ ~f _,f J4 I~ c.J~ ~l) u~..A "~
4 - assume for the sake of argument == let us reason
as if this had proved true.
>1__,...:..I ~~ ~ l..i& c.J4 f.;.) i"l.J J.-.c.) : '1~ ~ ' iffi-

Assure 1 - I assure you = I say as a sure fact.

(~IJ ~ I~ ~J) •• ~.>SJ~
2 - to assure (insure) one's life ~-

Astringent : an astringent liquid for the skin = one which makes

the skin tighter and huder.
( ~"' ~I~ ~L J J~) ~, ~
Atmosphere : there was an electric atmosphere in the meeting = a
geneal feeling of excitement.
~ ~_,....; ~j ~.' t_~ ~I ~l;ji J 4;1t-C.. ~I ~LS"'): JY~ ~ Y:-
(o~l... QJI_, ~~I

.Attack 1 - - to attack a task = to begin a piece of work .

(~'J ~.)t; J _,f Ji- J) ;. A '-
, l~
2 - an attack of illness a sudden on-coming of
Attend - 24- Audience

Attend 1 - attend· to the lessons = to fix the mind on, to

listen to.
C.rJ.JJI ~!) ~ ~ ( ..__,J.) j ofa) ~ _,f ~
2 - attend to one's children = to take .care of.
(o.)'l'_,4) ~
3 - to attend on the queen = to wait upon.
1.-Ul::u <.
l.i.!J .t.....Ai r..rr-d
't' . . ~- ~~_ (jj(jll ~~)
. .. ~.
4 - to attend a school == to go regularly to.
~ ~ ")_, ~ ~ ~r~ ( ~lli:;~ ~.;..U.I J! ylAlll ~"'-) rJI~

Attention 1 - fo attract attention = to cause oneself to be

A-11 t:.q
_..,,......., ..;...£lJ- iJf .-.iL i.r
· L.. l. *;
~ iJf (ol.ii~I)
. ~-

2 - he showed me many little attentions = was kind

in many smaJI wa~·s. ( v. ~ iJl)) ~,; ! .. ~!

3 - to pay attention to a lady = to make love to.

~I lk ~ ~ ( ;f..,...1 JI) ~
Attitude to strike an attitude = to stand like ·an actor waiting
for applause .
. r!.P- Lki .....1..:-!.t tr ~ j! (Jl!..l~: r-4-~ ~) :m. '~.,..
(~4 0~~,J~l
Attitude the earth attracts the moon = ·to cause to come near.

Attribute 1 - politeness is the attribute of a gentleman.

( ~ _,j ~I ~)I ~ y.).;il 01 J_,z 0ts'") :io_l;. , U-
2 ..-- I attribute my success to hard work.
( ~l__,:11 u~I J--JI JI \.?"~~ -'r' J_,Aj 0L~) .J}-:!
Audience : the King granted an audience to Mr. X = allowed Mr.
X to come and speak to him.
c~ ~ 0"iY :u.iu.c. ~ 4lt 01J~)6~ ~li..
Au fait - 25- Aye

Au fait to put a person au fait with the business = to tell him

·all the latest facts about.
(~ ~-'4. ~I ~l&J-1 ~~~~ts') e">.!! ~ !.P,:
Authority he is "a great authority on children's di~eases .
.Jr~_,, Jw,-;r1 ~1,,..r J ~ JJl Jti:?) ~ ,~ ,~ ,~
(lr: i..:-1.J i ~ ..:.;
Automatic an a1:1tomatic movemnet := movement done without
thinking. ( J'.>:a; 1.-:
~• ')
'5 f) ~.)t ! '1 l
-'J-' '-.-..ff C-;a-
Avalanche : an avalanche of letters = many letters coming at one
time. (<fll-)1_, ~I ~ J.!I_, J.,,Z c.Jts"') cY-1.J
Ave short for avenue = (a bora~ street) avenue".
avenue"~ Jl...A:.:.:.I ave laAJ_,. (~J .;i C"IJ) t'u
Await a real welcome awaits you = you may expect to receive.
(~j.J J~I ~f JL:.J .Jf ~: J~) ~ ~ JI~
Away 1 - to throw away = throw out as of no further use.
(~I ..\ili ~t ~ ~)~
2 - pass away = to die.

3' -= fall away = to desert, not to support any more.

( c.J~I ~) .u.L..;i '1 ! ~
4 - to work away = continue working. J-Jl ~~
5 - right away, straight away = at once, now.
• I_,; , c.J~ I , '16.
6 - far and away the best = much the best.
c.J~ L. u---f
Awkward to· be in an awkward situation = to be in difficulties.
_,f ..::..~ _,f 4~ 0'--i~I J~ c.Jt)) ~' ~' ~...-.....o
' ([.ft;.,_. j (.. "l
Aye for aye = for ever.
Babe - 26- Background

Babe a babe in the ways of the world.
· J-i ~ J-1 ~ ~ ~ ~J.ll c.~4 (Ji) JI,_.~ ~~ 1..S.) ~
Babel : disorder. &Lf- ! ~.;

Back : 1 - to go back to the place in which it was fit-st.

(~~ ~ J!) ~fl ' ~~
2 - pay back = to pay money owed.

<~ ~.)~ i.:,r ~ u-0_,.;... > ~} _,1 ~.) ~.)Y- <-''> ~

3 - go back on one's friends = be unfaithful to.
~_... f fa. ! ~I~ , ( 4il..\..AJI ~ ) J; L. , J~
4 - never look back = never have any bad luck.
f~f ~' ~ t : ~J~ ~ j;~ ~ ~.-
5 --- he backed the car into the side street = to cause
to go backwards. ~ ~.) ' ( ~ l.f') o.)..,p' ~)
( o~ .J- : ~Jr ~;f JJ) ( c.l;_
_,.H J!)
6 - back me up = please support me in all ways.
( ;. ~ __,f ,§.( ~).~) J..W~ ! ~~ ~ ! J~L ~ J_rz.if

7 - back a bill = write one's name on the back pro-

mising to pay if the first person fails .to pay .
..:.i..AJ' _,t ..c......11 ~ j d~ ~r ~. . . . <r.c- > ~ ~ _,1 ~
J:.t~I ~..UI ~~ t I.)! ~I c!_.) ~ U~
8 - back horses = pay money which will be lost if
the horse loses in a race, and will be paid back,
together with more money, if it wins.·
j .)l_,~I J:-:! t I.)! ~~ i.)_,...Ai c!_~ ~f) : .>~I~ ~Ir.
(~I.)! ;~_;... ~.).i-'J , ~~I

Background : 1 - one's background one's past experience,

education, etc.
(o~ _,ftµ~) : 'YJ~' ~W~I ~l.
2 -- to keep in the background = to try not to be
noticed. (.b~ ..rj. ~- ~f ~ ~l) : ~ , ~
Backward -27- Balance

Backward : 1 - backward child =

one who is not level in his
power of thought or strength with other children of
the -~ame age.
J "i1.;~ _,L,.. ..r.f- ~r ~. <~ ~ J Jli:!) : tS,..~ !.,r:.t:...
( o~I _,f tSfajl .!l IJ~ ~I

Bag 1 - bag of bones = a very thin person.

: ~ ~ ! ~ (~1 ~U; ~i tSf) ~~ r~ t:r ;;..._,..
l.· ' ---. 1-·· ...._.~ .I.::,· • " • ~1 t .._ IU.,
(ft~ • • u--JJ .;.....- ~ ~ -. ~ u -

2 - whole bag of tricks = all the necessary things .

• ~4J.J.ri.JI J.) ~ ~~LJ.t J-<
3 - clear out bag and baggage = taking all one's '
thingR. ~j- ~ (~~~1 ~ .JL. ~): J:!I~ ~ ~
4 - let the cat out of the bag = tell a secret.
_.<,. 'i
L,r.:! • ./""' ~
5 - get a good bag = shoot many birds or animals.
(c.Jl~J.I Jf _t.:kjl ,:_r r~~) ~4 ~
6 - bags = trousers. c,J_,l..lz.::
7 - he bagged my seat = stole, took.
(~ <)~) : l:;.f _,f: ~I! J:.I

Bail I will go .bail that ...... = I am sure .

••• v _,
'-".. - ~
1..._, .>Sl.:... ,ll-

Bait ground-bait =· food thrown into the water to bring

fish to that place.
(cl......ll 4~1 ~Lii J ~t~ tSf): w uA4
Bake : half-baked = imperfect, unfinished.

Baker : baker's dozen = 13.

Balance 1 -- to keep one's balance = keep, ca Im.

.u.r.. <_,r) 1..c:.. u-'~ ~
2 - lose one's balance = become excited.
l-:·, ' " ' I-.
~-J..H"':!. ~""T.:
Bald- - 28- Bandy

3 - trembling in the balance = undecided; about

to be decided.
~ (Ji) ~ .)~ -y '( .).)fil ~6. j) ~.)_;.,., .).)~ - '
(~j_,f ·~)
4 - to balance an account = to show that the. amount
of money coming in, is the same as the money going out.
' ~ J~l .fa.. ~~I JUI si ' ja.JJI of ~ lSf) oj ly.
( .Ulii! j~ lS~I JUI ~1 , c?--l i.Jjly.
5 - my bank balance = the money which I still
have in the bank.
(~~ j ~ Jl_r- ") lS~I JUI) : ~)I
6 - a debit balance = money owed to the bank.
(~_.....al ~ 1J4 y#JI JUI) : ~J.11
7 - a balance sheet = a paper showing money spent
. .
and received, owed by and owed to a business
~JJ , J-a-.J_I JUIJ ~_,_.....all JUI ~ :U;J) yl-J-1 ~
( Jt;f :U-..,.!
j i:r...UI ""=-";-' y_,1kll
Hald 1 -- to speak baldly = to speak plainly, even cruelly.
o~I & .lj , :6.I~ ~
2 - - go for (at) it bald-headed = try for it with all
one's strength.
ol_,i Y- J~ (ol_,i i.J~ l:U Ji- i.i ~) ~ ~o~ J)J~
Ball 1 ·- - to have the ball at one's feet = good chance of
being succe::isful.

2 - to keep the ball rolling continue, continue


Bandbox as if she's just come out of a bandbox = very cleean

and new-looking.
_,,_ A jj l:.i5" . . . . J \:aJ- ) :rl:-. 'I ~J
. .. I
:i.!.J, • .b.• .i.J ••.....;Ju
- ' ;. e.
Bandy 1 - to bandy words = to talk and answer and talk
again, quarrel.
,i;LQJ~~ .J-!I_; ~ !JJ j,.a.f ~ ~\..Aj ~ ,W.)\j
Bane ·-29- Barb

2 - to bandy a story about =.: spread.

(WJJJ ~ ~~) L!~ Jf A
Bane disease is the· bane of life -= ruins life.
~-' ;µ1~~~ ~Jr: ( ;~1 Jf .r·.J'i.>.r. ~t.lll) ~~ ~ .)~ : ~~:
Bank 1 - banks of seats = rows of seats rising cne behind
another. (~~~~\ill~~~) Q~

2 - to bank ·- to pay money into a bank.

.... (~.J"44 j i.>.,M) t.)~
3 - I bank on you == I depend.
(.!.1) ~I~ (~)~I

Banns: to put up (call) the banns =- .to give notice of a


Bantam : bantam weight 116 pounds.

(\.SY..¥1 ~jJ.,..J) l.>.iy. "i ~J~ ~jJ: ~JI
Bar 1 - a bar across the road = a long piece of wood or
metal used to p1·event people from passing.
• .LJ.1 J
~ i ~'
. . LJ... ·· ' - ( ~.r-
'4.a4J ' ..:.r-) :u.;l.. : ~L. •. o.>t.-:.
Lq c
L. ~_,!, j .r.-J I C
2 -- the bar = all the lawyers. ol..~I o~A

3 - a bar of music = a few notes cf music marked off

with downward lines.
( :i...l.A-j,
- ~
I'. :c.-.... - - ,_,,.., ~'")
- U....., ~ ·'I \.. II
~ .._r--.r .r--

4 - to Jorn the bar = be~ome a lawyer.

~ ~~ _,f 0L.l.J4 ~ : ~~ ~ _,f -f.:""L:!
6 -- 'barring =.:. not counting.

Barb 1 - . barbed words = v~ry cruel.

( Wf J L\i J f) UL..
- J"
... _11<
2 --- barbed wire . = wire w.itb 'very sharp points on it
intended to tear the skin or clothes.
~)\11 Jf ~1 Jr· o.>L... A 4J JJ~ ~) ci:l.t. ~
( .A..l~IT ;J)I ..l;!Jf I.)!
Bare -30- Bate

Bare 1 - to pick bare = get all the meat off.

(~I if' 41) ~JI t.f.dJ~
2 - to lay bare = uncover, show what was hidden.
(~Lb.! J ~f L. .Ji) .fa..I L. .J~ ~ ~
3 - a bare hundred pounds = cnly just .£100, no more.
Jih'_, ~jf 'J : ( ~=:- :.\!..) ·~4
4 - a bare possibility = some hope, but very little.
~f .j4 ;uJ 4 ! ~~I ~ i~ J.::1.i ·! ~~I u~
5 - believe his bare word = beli{ve it because he says
so, but without ether prnof.
(~T •U~.,n ~
'JJ' "-'fa.~ ~IJI~~:~.)
~e-' I~ .ji~ '
Bargain 1 - into the bargain = also. ~i

.. 2 - I did not ~argain for that did not expect.

- -f
C!_,JJ 'J '~ .;Ji:il 'J
3 -- more than one bargained for an unpleasant
(~~:ll j ~ ~ ...,;__;.. ·~ .t.f-' j J~) : ;JL. ~ ;;~l.i4
Bark to bark one's skins = tc knock the skin off the sµr-
face of the front bone of one's Jeg.
~ !~ ! ~ (r.Mlt ~U; ~ iY- ~1) ~
Barn-door he can't hit a barn-door = he shoots badly with a gun.
~~4 o~I JJ.; ~ (:Y.A:.:J4) i.l:=:- y~ ':1
Barrel a barrel organ = a wind instrument.
.r. :i.!.A
( v-::"' - Lr'
• •J f••
I.-_) U" ( ~_,..
.. -'I "'"):;"":"~1,,.· -:1j

Barricade : a barricade across the street = See : bar.

Base. I base my belief upon this fact = this fact is the chief
reason for my belief.

Bate with bated breath holding in the breath in great fear.

~yJ-1 ,j4 .,._l_i;' ci-c_ .) ~
Bathe -· 31- Bean

2 - ·- to get into a bate = become angry .

.l;l:.~ ! ~ ~ ~

Bathe : ' bathed in sunshine = standing in full sunshine .

. (~I LJA·~~':} .aJf~.) ~l.t.~
Batten 1 - batten down the hatches close firmly with
boards the openings in· the ,deck ( = top floor) of
a ship.
(~ J ~I ~l~ J ~tr ~;4 JWI ~) JJl_,.:JI ~.r.
. 2 ··- to batten on = to live in ccmfort at another's cost.
' ( o~ yl- ~ l..c-li ~ ~-) J.Ak:~
Bay ~ -- to keep at bay = keep at a safe distance away.
(pl If~ ~t- ~ ~ c.Sf) LJAL J ~
2 - to bring at bay = cause an animal to fight for
its life. ( .t,j"l:~ if' ~li~) Lil~ ~
Be be he alive or be he is dead = whether he is alive or dead. •
Beach : a beach-comber =
a farge wave rolling .up on the shore,
(or) a poor homeless man in the islands of the Pacific.
~J ~.) JliT(y) :(~I~~ c.S;f c.Sf) ~l- ~~( \)
J o~~J~J( .t..l c.S.JL ':J af'--
c.S~l!I .b:JI ;~Li .aJt.; I~~
Head : to te11 one's beads = say one's prayers. ~ ~ ~

Ream : 1 -- broad in the beam = of a ship, or person, broad

at the widest part.
·~~ .. 1~fc_,f J ...;,_r ~ ~_,r (4-J JU:!) c.fa...r
2 - on one's beam ends = without money and helpless~

~1_,, JUIJJli
3 - to beam at = to smile in a very kind way.
L~4 "P.-' JP. f (~\:.J..I J ~~) L~I ~ o_;J fo i~
Bean 1 - full o.f beans : :;: : very active, full of spirit.
r....r .,.I.-
.,,... l I< ,k-!.j
1l!.LJI v-' ..

2 - to give a person beans = to punish fiercely.

4lilli.au t ;~ _, i -A:....: : ~HA:!
Bear - 32 - Bear

8 - dld bean = old fellow.

4 - bean-feast =-= an merry gathering.

JJr JAa. ! er t.~'

Hear 1 ---- he's a bear = is rough and rude in speech anfi
2 - · the Great Bea'r = a group of stars.
( ~__, l - ;·').J't" .J f U-
. y <) ~·<~I '-'..\JI
3 - to bear the JTiarket = to keep selling so as to
lower the price, and at last buy back. at a lower
price a larger am0unt than that sold .

.<f w- .
~J ~ C.Sw1
;. : ,. -; f :. cJ.r-
··. ,, 11.·~
(..; Jl ~ "-'>-''I~.fl,
) ..

. ~~~~' ~
4 ---,-- bear the marks = show the marks of.
\. . ~~ '4::- _,f ( llf') f~ ~
• 5 - bear a grudge against = feel hatred of .
6 -- bear a hand '-= .help.. ~~ -~ .As.l-:!
7 - bear him company = go with him. ~~ , Jilft
8 - bear out what was said = give proof of the
truth of, be an e~ample of .
• ";J Jf ·~ ~ *-4 ~_,_~ , (•~ Aji_ii,. ~) LJA~
9 - bear down upon = come quickly towards.
( ·~ Y-""') l.&. ..r- ~ ~ (_,,i) :i.&. ..,-4 ~~
10 - bear the brunt = suffer the first and fiercest

~1 - bear up against = show courage in suffering.

c;l...Ull J.w: f ~~ t-;r1 ~ ~ r-;i' ~ :;.,..~~
12 - I can't bear him = hate, dislike strongly.
(o~) ~. ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ .u.:..T '1
13 - he bears himself like a man = behave like a man.
Beard - 33 - Beat

14 - the tree bears much fruit = produce.

, (_r!JI oJ:?" or.-!JI ~~) ,,.!!

16 - to bear children = to beget.

t_,~ t.~ J _,f , ~ta.. ai_,...1 J J~ : <i.) '1_,f) ..u;
Beard beard the lion in his den = go and see 'a person and
show no fear.

Bearing 1 - a proud bearing a iroud manner or behaviour.

°'~ _, l 6 4.;,~ .!l_,L.. _,L.;~-
2 - what you say has no bearing on the subject =
has nothing to do with it.
t!"'_,.14 ~ "jjji.;. 'Y 4!L~«J!: ~ J_,z.,Jls'": <t~.'4.)~~-
3 - to take bearings ::: to discover where a ship is.
(*-4 4- ~lS:. ~) ~
4 - I've lost my bearings = do not know where I am .
..._jJ uJI.) ~ oCA,; ~ ~ ~t,.P t~ (Uf ~f ~..r"f ~) .~.J u..ui
5 - past all bearing = more than can be suffered
or allowed.

Beast 1 - beasts of burden = horses, asses (donkeys) etc.

(t.~_, J~I_, _,~l.J ~U-) v~I yl.J~

2 - beasts of prey animals which eat. other

animals eg. lions. L~I c.li l_r-:1.•

3 - beastly ha~d = very lrard. i°"':'- ~ ~ i~ u--li

Beat 1 - to follow a beaten track = to follow a path travel-
led by many before; to do what others have done

·2 - beat it = go away._

3 - to beat up an egg = mix thoroughly.

~..,..A:! ~ ( (.lj 4--.i-4) ~-
Beauty -34- Beer

4 - this beats · everything· = is the most surprising

thing I have ever beard.
~,)_,, ~ (4! ~) .. ~JS':~~' J~
5 - thi$ beats me = is too 'difficult for me.
~ J_,i _,f '5;.J.li. J_,i I.!.
6 - Policeman on his beat = officer of the law going
i·ound those streets which he must watch.
(~l_,c, .Y~ ~I ~!_,:JI_, tJl_,.!JI ~~)~_,:JI~ u1~
Beauty 1 - a beauty = a beautiful woman, a fine thing.
~_,r ~"'~~ ~ ;fr1
2 - beauty sleep = sleep early in the night; before
midnight. J:.UI ~ J-:i _,f ~ r_,.:jl

3 - beauty spot = a small piece of black material

stuck onto the face as an ornament.
(~~.,,JI (.r ..;._ j&. t"_,i .. IJ_,.... o~L. ~ '-kAi~ Jl;L.I): Ll!JI

Beck to be at a person's· beck ·and call = always ready to

do everything they ask. ~ ~ J.i- ~~ ~l...\.a.:....I ~

Become 1 - what will become of me. ? = what will happen

to me ?
'i ~yf l~L. ,~ .faiT ·~ ~r, ~ J ~~ l~L., <i ~ ~ l~L.
2 .- it does not become me = it is not right that I
should. • rs. L~ 'j ~
u-:-: . ~
v-- ~

Bed a bed of roses a happy comfortbale state.

.).J-' ~ ~I}: .. ,J.J o~l.... ~ Jl... J
Bed-rock : to get down to bed-rock = to get to the real facts
and truth. :C.WI .. ~lAJ-1 ~p \i-'I 'I t_,

-· '-"' ~ - • ~ 'Y ~ ... U""""":

Bee have a bee in one's bonnet = have some mad idea

always in the mind. ~
-· _, f~·
-~ ~
;;<:~ J-' w

Beef a beefy fellow = . very i;trong. ;_,.AJI J..U-: o.r _,~ ~ ,,_;s.

Beer he's very small beer = unimportant.

J-i ~ .ou ~ .,.l:AJI JJ; ~ ....i ~~ ~
Beetling brows -35- Belated

Beetling brows the fore head standipg out far above the eyes.
- U;·· . .. . ·--):; J_I. L.:
( o~ OJ~ ~ IJY ~ C'.T "'t:":""' e'

Beg 1 - I beg leave to = I ask if I may.

. (J..dl ~f) ~.)L:.J ! ~f
2 - I beg your pardon ::::: I ask you to forgive me;
or : kindly repeat what you said.
~ L. o.)~4 ~ - " ;b.I ! G~ ~1 - ,
3 - also other meanings depending on the way in
which it is said, e.g. I beg your pardcm ! =· how
dare you say that. , <S~f Jl.... o;~I olt. ($.)y .J.i.J
o_,.i;j ~fj~ ~ ~ ~ "j..!... <SJy ~t_s- 4=W!~)=. ~ .!J;.,lj
~I ~ le. ~J _,f ..::..ila.i l.l! ~ « ~ lc.
4 - to go begging = not to be bought or wanted by
(~W! ~ ') <S.)JI) :i~I i-'.l...11 ! )~I ! 1.5~ 'j_, ~ ~

&- beg the question ~ to take as true just the fact

which is being questioned and to reason from it
as if it were accepted. Wl_,JI ~ ~ ~1) u.J~I
(~ ~l ~~ .,J ls- ~1 ~~_, lt.;i ~~~I
Beggar to beggar description ::::: to be impossible to describe.
a .i.:.i- .Jr ~
.l - · I

Behalf on his behalf for the purpose of helping him.

....i ~Jl.... ! ~~l-. ~
Behind 1 - he has someone behind him =-= he has someone
supporting him.

2 ~ behind with my work ::::: late in finishing.

·.j~! J ~ ! J.r- J ~t:..
Behoof : cm your behoof = to help you. .!J~jf ! cl,;J~f ! .!J~L.T

Being : The Supreme Being ::::: God. ~t

Belated : belated efforts = attempts made too late.

'1=iJ vi_,; ~ __,j o_,.t:.. ..;:...;l ul~L.... Jt J~
Belay· - 36 Bent

Belay belay there = stop.

Bell : 1 - cap and bells = the dress of a fool.
i:r-~~' _,r ~~' IJ"'L:J

2 - Passing bell bell. sounded at death.

( ~,14 Dt~l ~ (,,S'jJI) ~l IJ"'.f:"
3 - Bells (on a ship e.g. "Eight Bells'- J :::; bells
sounded every four hours.
(~l&.l... C!) ~ ~)~4-JI ~l~f
Delong 1 - this belongs to me = this is mine. ,J..L t.JA
2 - I belong to this school = I am a member of this
School. lr.J! ~ _,f u, C!lj" _,f "-;.lll .~ ~ uf
Belt the corn belt that narrow land of country in which

Dem use bemused with wine =-= made foolish with wine.

1 ~1 .~f ! .t.....f,t. ~ ! ~I~

Bend 1 - he bent his steps towards = he directed his steps
towards. (f.).f') ~~If~~ ~f f ~ Ub..
2 - he bent his mind towards = he directed his mind
/ .
Benefit·: 1 - I get no benefit from the medicine : . . : it does me
no good. tL:... ~f ;.JJl.i '.l ~ ( &l_,JJI 1.a ~) ~f ':J
2 - for your benefit = to help you.
!J~ i~i ! l!.ll ;~L.- ! .!.L~~ .'.b.T i i.!.l.i_,t&.f f .!l..1.&.t...f
3 - benefit performance a show in the theatre
when all the money taken is given to one parti-
cular actor, or to help some good work.
(J':JI ~'_,.i 0-' ~L:J _..f ~ J!..l .c... ~ L ~) «.S'~ J-:!(
Bent 1 - he has a bent for art = special natural Rkill or
cleverness in art. (*4 ~) ~ _,f ~l~I .~
2 -- to follow one's bent = to do the work in whic.h
one has a natural skill ·or power.
(~~Ji ol..1 ~ ~~j j.-:! lSf) ..J~ _,t ....:;1-ll~I Jf ~I_,.. ~
Berserker - 37- Best

Berserker berserker rage = wild, uncontrolled anger.

~J _,f tJt._, ~ _,f c;:lca!
Berth 1 - to give a person a wide berth = keep at a safe
dist~nce from. c)L.-~ ~ ~ ~
2 - to get a good berth = to get good employment.
~_;..Jf ~_,f ~ J> ~ ~
Beseem it ill beseems you to... = it is not proper that you
should. . JaAj ~J ~ J~ f ~ ~ ~ f ~J~ 'J

Beside 1 - beside oneself = almost mad with trouble or

~_, 0 ~ r:f- ~
. (4.l:::AI _,f 41_)a,;,1) f ! 4i_,:.i:.

2 - beside the mark = having nothing to do with

t_,.P_,11 .y. ~6:. ' ~_,11 ,y. ~
Besiege he was besieged with· letters (questions etc.) has
received letters (etc.) in large numbers from all parts .
..i.;_, f ~;~ ~ J.a...)t_,- ~I ~ ~ f )\;l-J )a...f
c.')L_,:JI _,f ~l!a.tl _,f lli...~I ! J~
Bespeak 1 - to bespeak your help = ask you to be i·eady to
help. ~_,w· d J-.T f ~_,w i..>...:.-.. 4.J.,s:..; 4.Jf i!l.::J! ~'-
2 -- h<is appearance bespeaks illness = Ahows signs
of i11ness. (ifr .~ o~) ~ ! J-1:!
3- bsepoke Ahoes made specially.
(.U ~ ~) ~ .11.
Best 1 - it is all for the best = it may not do us any.
harm in the end.
4w1 .>.::-- ! ~ 6 ! ia.y. ~ 'J ~,..
2 - have the best of it ::.: win, succeed. ~ ! ~..r.

3 - make the best of it; make the best of a bad, busi-

ness bargain = be. cheerful in misfortune .
.;....-:J4 ~~I~! l!.i_;l_,..<:JI ~ ;J...a.JI ~J J
Bestow - 38 - Better

4 - make the best of one's time = do as much as

possible in the time.
~~ ~f L. J.-.14 cl:i.J ~u! f ~~')JI ;jj i!l.=iy. ~t

5 - · inake the best of one's way, put one's best "foot

forward = go as fast as possible.
t.r' ! ~r. ~r f ~.r-ciz
6 - best man = friend who helps a man at his mar-
riage. ~1.Jj .J.;.s. ~J...p.J 4....l:O. ~i r~ V4 ! ~f
7 - best-hated man =. · most hated.
( ;tr I -' JCJ"';J
L.J. ~IU,i)
- ~
· · ~I
.:. .; II ! ~

8 - we had best do something = we ought to do

something (or) it would be wise to do something.
~! ~!~ ~ L. ~ ~ ~f ..\ei~l _,f &~I 0-+
Bestow bestow upon = give. e. ! ~
Bet : 1 - to bet one's bottom dollar on, to bet all one's
shirt on = to bet all one's money, to be very sure
that it will win. ( ~ 1)1 olj4 i~la.I) .UL. ~ r~
2 - to bet one's shirt on = to be very sure that it
will happen. ~~ _,i .. ~ t_!.J V4 ~ _,f ~

Bethel a little bethel = a small church-like building (this is

usually used in disrespect).
(.;._~ i.J~")I_,) 4_~ ~j ..T,:.i1 1HLL=_:: o~JJI
Betide woe betide you = may sorrow come on· you.
\.S"'-:; ,_, ~.r-ll ~ J~ ~i ~
Better 1 - no better than she should be = of doubt character.
·~ Li!l~
2 - better half = wife (or husband). (!)I _,f ~_,;Jl
3 - do bette:r than one's wol'd = do better than was

4 - one's betters = persons older or higher in rank.

L ..l'.S'i _,f ~r ~W~I V4 ~f ~ ,;_,.
Beyond - 39·- Bill

5 - think better. of = change one's opinion.

(~I J) ._.~1_,f ~T; ~
6 - for better for worse = in good or bad fortune.
~t.. r' JiJ..1 ~f .1,....
7 - we had better go = it would be ~ise to go .
..;~ ~f ~ ! ~.l; c.Jf J.WI ~
8 - to better oneself = to get better employment.
( ~' J..F- ~ ~ c.J4) .aJ\. ~
Beyond : 1 - it's beyond me = I do not understand it.
J~~! ..:;_,;Ji~~_,; 4i! : i!U~ ~N
2 - the back of beyond = a very distant place.
i~. .J...,u
- . cJ tS:.
Bias he has a bias, he is biased = he has an idea I.in his
mind and will not judge fairly.
(~ ~ J~ ')U ~~ J ~t: ;fa o.es) Ji:-.~!~
Bid 1 - to bid to a feast = to invite. ( ~_,J) ~~
2 ·_ to bid goodbye = to say goodbye.
(~I &.)_,:-I _,f ~b_,: J~) t.)Y-
Bill 1 - to foot the bill - to pay the bill.
~.L-·..s~:.Jr J f ..\!-l I W- ,...~..
2- bill of exchange = a written order to pay money
in a foreign country .
.)~':/I ~l:S'"' ! C..r.:~ i .>.4 J .:i.,ti ._j~ lr.) .)~I ~._,
3 -- bill of health ::- list of people on a ship showing
whether ill or well.
( ~I
- .:1~ ~
· -~
- • fi :i.lli) ~I
'"-'l) - ~U..1 ~_.J
4 - bill of loading = list of things loaded on a ship.
(~ J uU~~ Uli) ~I~-'
5 -- bill of fare ~ list of foods. ~.;ii Uli

6 -- to bill and coo = to ~alee love as birds do.

(,.r.:kll ~;, ~ iJ 4.) b. ':/.~!) f.:lr.. f .)! ~ f f_r- lk.. Jj ~
Billet -40- Biscuit

Billet 1 - to billet on = to send soldiel's for lodging in a

person's house. ~ ~ j i.li')\J i,)~ J-r-: J=-:
2 - a good billet = well..:paid employment.
~)I ~ J> .Ji :i.AJ;,
Bind 1 - bind oneself to :::: promise. (I~) ~

2 - to bind over = to ord~r to appear before a judge

when called. l>.olAJI iL.f J~4 _,...4
Binding a pro_miee given under force is not binding = need
not be fulfilled. , ~ ~~ L.. ~j ~.) i ): ' ~
(li_,.;u r.JL J_i- ~~ ' o..r..~ Ji.).$.~--

Bird 1 - a dear old bird = a dear old fellow. :,r..~ .jJ.~

2 - a bird of prey = a bird which kills birds and

small animals. Gr-b u--_j.A:J" ~I J.r-kJ I ) ---~ 1 c_.; ly:-
( ~1.r.:l-1 ;.r ~,;.J ~ L. _,i s~f
3 - a bird of passage = a person who travels often
from one place to another.
~~ J f~J.:-j'.J ~I uA.J: &1_,aJI J_,JiJts"':Jui yl~: ;-~t
.• 0~ J ~ ')_, Ji=JI ..r:s-
~ lr. ~ : J.:a.IJ

4 - birds of: a feather = persons of the same kind

(usually bad) •
..,-!JI ~ ol:-!f _,J ,) l-AJI ~ .)l~f '5j (,_,_JI J~.) ,)1.i;t)'1 , 4:~.;r1

5 - a bird in the hand = something which one has

really got.
()\.,J ~;1~J0~ ~! c.~1 J! ;;)t.::;~4) .>.::Jl j)~
6 -- I'll do it like a bird = very willingly.
L. J.1- J!~~J~ ~ ~".,;.~ ~ f ~) ""'~
7 - to give an actor the bird = make rude noises ~t.
~j! L. ~~_,, J..J ~ 0~: J!l ~~ ..f~
Biscuit this takes the biscuit = this is the best (worst)
thing I have heard. ..:;...-... l.. (f..,.J Jf) i.:,-l 1.:.,..
Bit - 41 - Black

Bit 1 - to give. him a bit of one's mind = scold.

~:r.. .' ~·w- .' r.r-
-' ·
2 - bit by bit = slowly, one piece after another.
u_,.. f i·~:r-; ~
3 - do cne's bit = one's share of the duty.
~IJ ~.)~ f ~1_,,:,.. ~ ~ L.~
4 - to take the bit between one's teeth = to get out'
of contml. ( oJy) ~I,_,~ ! ··J_,....! ~ ~ f ~l:r.
5 ___:_ wait a bit ..= wait a short time. ~ _,J j..Ji )i:il
Bite · • 1 - to bite the dust = fall on the ground, be killed.
~ ! ~J~I j&. .bi-:! ! l.;JT ~
2- bite one's thumb at = show disrespect.

3 -- bite one's lips = show anger.

4 - ~ite off more than one can chew promise to do

more than one can. ~ ;-"! ~L. ~ob:!
5 - biting words = cruel. ~\i ~wr-
6 _ I offered it but he would not bite - I offered
it but he would not accept.
~ t c.<JJ ~t f u-2iJJ ~
Black 1 - _ I'm in his black boots = he is angry with me.
~ ~~ .tjf ! ~ u0'.r. \)~
?- black and blue = having suffered many blows.
~;1.,s::J1 Jt t.::14.r4'' Ji ~L.~1 0 .. r~: _,.. J.•.i Jr~
3 - the black arts -== magic. ;~~I Jl..f.f Ji ~I c.J_,;i
4 - the black cap = the cap worn by a judge when
ordering the death of a prisoner.
~1~~4 ~ ;IJ....:t! ..l:.s. ~lill .~ : ~b_,....ll o~I
5 -- - black sheep a perscn of bad character.
(~ ~ j J~) J~~l ..u-
6 - look black = appear angry. ~ ~ ~I ~ ~
Blackjack -42- Blazon

7 - the future look black = troubles seem probable.

( ~·)
. r:) , < J i t..;,
- ..t r L&.t:..
. ...,,_ . C:.H
_i -

Blackjack :. the flag of a pirate = (sea-thief).

(~I ~<.Sf) 0~~1 rJ.s-
Bland : bland diet = a simple food for a sick person.
~.r U"' .uu Jr ~.r o\k~: ~' ~Wo
Blank 1 - to fire blank = fire a gun with powder but no
~L,.,; ~ i.l.J;4 -;,~ o;l.>.i. _,J -;.,;~ ~: ~;Li~
2 - my mind was blank = I had no ideas.
;;p ($.J.:.s. ~ t ~":Ni-~
3 - a blnak book = a face showing no feeling or
(~..ti;~~.~~ ~..t j) : ~L o)ii
4 - to draw a blank = to be unsuccessful.~ ! ~
Blanket 1 - a blanket code = one set of ru lee covering every-
thing. ('~ ~ ~ ~): ~W ,rlJf _,f ~I_,;
2 - a wet blanket = a person who mnkes oth2r feel.
sad or hopeless. ~) ~ ..,f ~_rs.. 0W! Jf ~
( ~_,;.. 91 y_,li j U'"'~l.J 0.:J..1
Blast 1- he blew a blast on his horn = he blew a loud
note on his horn.
f~..>..::; (j~ i f t; .Aiy. j ~
2 - ·blast ~·ou ! ::: (a cry of anger). ~ ~ ~ lo!.lJ ~

Blaze 1 - to blaze a trail = to mark trees showing the

vyay to one who follows.

(o}f ~ \.~~ ~ ~.r-J ;~.;i~ ~ ~L.~ ~) }~f r'.J~

2 - go to blazes = go away, do not trouble me .
. ~-~·"':}!.~~~I
~· .f ~· • •
! ·1.-

3 - b1aze of colour --= much cf colour. .lj 0_,J

Blazon to blazon ab1·oad = to tell everywhere.
(wlS:. ~ J) ~~ ! ~ ! ~
Bless - 43 ....:... Block

Riess 1 - bless me; bless my ·soul = (cries of surprise).

~~ ~;! : yl~I Jf ~,) ~
2 - not a penny to bless oneself with = very poor.
'-il.i.11 ~.)..! ! .}All ~.>...
Blessed 1 - the whole blessed lot = all.
~I, J.C-Jt
2 - a state of single blessedne8s unmarried.

r;J:J-. ..r.f- ! '"""j&. f

61esssing 1 - what a blessing it is that.... ~= how fortunate.
Ji.. .:r ~ ;.,._f ~ kl-I 11. .A..-l L. ! ~ "14 c--f L.
2 -- a blessing jn disguise = something that looked
bad but was found to be very fortunate. ·
(l:.- lhJ j~ ~lj ' i:.lf" o_,Al!; c.~) ~ .. ~ o.J.J:..
Blight 1 - to cast a blight on the party destroy the
happiness of the party.
~J..r.a--'1 ~J-'.r·Jf: ~'cJ-1 o,)~· ~~
2 - blighted hope~ = ruined hopes.
:f.!.:U, JL.T ! Wl.;. JL.T
3 - blighter = an unpleasant person.

•J~Jf ~~
Blind 1 - blind to the world = having drunk too much
wine. I~ _,f _,s:...ll V" : ~_,JI ~~ ·, i~ ~l..,S::..
2 - his kindness was merely a blind = was only used
to blind his real pu!·pose. ~lJ) if~ ..;1JJ .:r J l:..
(4! J-""7_,JI JJl.: G,~ ~!;J ,jA ~ Gl:.. o.).)_,i
Blink it is no good blinking the fact = it is no good re-
fusing lO See (the fact). ~! ·.,s.
" wl d.,i.u-;;
LL ":J

Blinking no blinking use = no u~e at alL lilk.,. ;;.Lt;':}

Block : 1 - a chip of the old blcck = a child like its parents.
( ~ I J f IJ. I j J ~ ) '-:y, f :,,.. :u.....I _,.
2 - to go to the block = to gQ to have one's head
cut off. · ~I
. Ji ( L:Jz;.!I ...,
. l&.) ~ .r.
-1- '-""".:O
. -
Blood -44- Blot

3 - to block a pipe :-:: to p1·event <water) from passing.

;J)I ~ aUI E-
4 - to block in a picture = to draw or paint roughly,
showing the general arrangement.
( LWI Lila.,.
'e-4 ~
, ... .::.,..s.
_LL:.) ; .
-II I l.,..

Blood 1 --... he is of good blood == comes of good family.

~_,f ~JJ-
2 - blue-blooded = of noble family.
3 -· a blood-horse = a horse whose parents were of
some special kind.

4 -· make bad blood between cause a quarrel.

·( ~u ~) ~ _,"l t<1.r .>JY-
s- more than flesh and blood can stand = unbearable.

6 - one.,s flesh and blood members of one's family.

Bloom 1 - the tree is blooming = has flowers on it.

J'l.:.JI ! (u~ J J~) i~j ~
2 - blooming health = perfect health.
J..L) ~Ip , Lli ~
3 - every blooming person (no spf·cial m~aning :
the word adds force) = everr person.
~ d·)' ~W!J.J'
Blot 1 - a blot on one's character = a fault.
'·~h-~.P ~U'{ (~ ~ J) ~
2 - a blot on the landscape ::--: an ugly thing which
ruins the view.

3 - to blot out = to make out words already written,

to destroy. ( ~ 0-4 ~ u~) i~ ' ~J
Blow - 45 - Blue

4 - blotted out with mist covered so that one can·

not see. :;.,,_J_y
• 11 ) ~ IS"'
~ : ~Wa.Jli
. . . ~
Blow 1 - to blow a horn = to sound by means of the breath~

~4 :UT~ ~J-iP ~I~!: (J,r.JI J) ~

2 - I blow my nose - I send air through my nose to
clean it. ~ .t.A.;f r:r .l_,41 J-.r. : ~
3 ..:.._ to blow up a balloon (=gas bag) = fill it with air.
.. 1_,J.4 •Y4. : (U,J4) ~
4 - to blow up a bridge = to fire a lot of explosive
under it and destroy it.'4°"'1:i 4-i~ ~l_,.c,(i~ )~
5 - blow out a lamp = put on the flame by blowing.

~ ~4: (l..~) ·~
6 - blow it = curse it. ~I u,_,f.,.;
7 - I am blowed if I will l certainly will not.

J.aif J
8 - come to blows = begin fighting.
(lf'l_r) ~~l_B ! ~4,raJI ~~.)~ ! L)I~~

9 - a terrible blow = a sudden and surprising mis-

fortune or loss.
J\li:il fo. j&. o~ ~ o;~ Jf Jb. ..,_ :• 4_.U, ! ~li ~,,...0
Blue 1 - look blue = look sad.
,_L: ,;.~ ! l..S"'~1_, ~_;.:1..1 ~ ~
2 - till all is blue = for a long time.
i~ ..t.. i~ ~ ~,k Lj
3 - once in a blue moon = not often, very uncommon.
c!_,JI )i::.. ..r.f. ! 15.) ~ fo. ! J.) u
4 - true blue = loyal. _r-l:.11 , ,,..,;,L~I , jl_,11
5 -.a bolt from the blue = a8 a surprise. oc.~1

6 --- out of the blue = a great surprise. 15~1 o~WI

7 - get the blues = feel sad. ~f_, w..;--: ~

Blush -46- Body

8 - to blue money = spend wildly.

~L. G~ ~ ~ ' ~~..,-.!.
9 - an Oxford (Cambridge) blue = one . who playa
a gamt' for the university.
('(;_.)£ _,f .);_,.A.-S1 .:r) ~~)I yW~I J ~
Blush spare my blushes = do. not praise in my own hearing
~ ~ f (•l:!JI ~ ~ _,f ~J.11 ~ <J4) ~ly ~
( ~,; ~~ ~ dl.>J.I _,r-~)
Board 1 - to tread the boards = to be an actor.

( c_.,,-11 ~) ~~-.a:!
2 - groaning board table with a lot of food on it.
rWaJ I i:,r ..r,;s- lr.1s- ; ~ L.
3 - above board = not secretly .
• o_;.! .r•Jl<,}i f ~ ! (i£- f '-1,:-41 - y f °'-::i~ ' las - \
4 - board and lodging = food and house-room.
<rt.1.11y_,~1 ~' ~~~ J~.:r J J~) µ1_, rl.kJ~
6 - school board = group of persons who control the

6 - on board = on a ship or traiil. ;ll:u.11 J _,J 4-JI ~

7 - to go by. the board =·to fall off a ship; to faH
LLf ~ - y ~' .:r ~ ! ~;.)lA:!_,f .!J_,; - ,
8 - to board up = to cover (a window) with boards.
~ f .,.a._,f ~ ~(.,~) ;.:Uu ~
9 - to board out :.:: to get one's food outside the house;
,.,J_r.. r;) la. J OAI~ J_,L:.i:!
10 - board with = get one's food with.
JS'lj: ! ~~ (·~)
11 - to board a ship = go onto a ship (e.g. in order to
attack it). l~LcJ (~) Jl-.i::
Body 1 - the body of. the hall = the large central part of
the hall. ~~ yb...t ~ ~_, ~~~I ._r.ll : .Jt:-1\
Boil -47- Bond

2 - the body of a car -- that part of a moto1·-car in

which _one sits. ~1)1 ~ ~: o;µI~

3 - the heavenly bodies = the stars etc. ~µ1 r'~ S71

4 ·- the governing body of the school = a group of


persons who govern the schod.

5 - this wine has a ftrll body = strong taste.

o,.r.&- .Ji~ j ·J~ : ~I.ill t.S_,;
6 - an honest body = a person.

Boil 1 - makes one's blood boil = make very angry.

JA:! r..UI ~ ~ ~ ! (~' .>..!f) ~
2 - boil down == make less by boiling, make shorter,
e.g. boil down a book. I.: 11.J I l:. ' - ( )
'-"'· . : v-:: . ~ '
~ :' J;:;.: ~ .,4 (r)
Bolt 1 - I have shot my bolt c-:: have made my attempt and
can do no more. t.Sl_,i ~ ~jJ , ~"'P. 4t \,:. ..:.:.J~
~ ~1 i <~ l~ .;.s- 1J-.if ~r ~r ~.,)
bolt upright = JJ.:a.LI
2 -

!l -
straight up.

a thunderbolt == a mass of
,_; lAH !

m~tal falling from the

. ·-
! ,.i:-11

sky during a stcrm. ~\.,&JI

4 - a bolt from the blut a great surprise.

~fi..jl o~Ull .Jf ! ;.~I

Bombarded : bombarded him with question ~ asked many ques-

tions of him. ili..f .)a..f
Bombshell : he dropped a bombshell he said something very

Bond -- his word is as good as his bond = his spoken pro-

mise is enough ; he is very honest.
i~ ~T _,. ! ~tS- o~_, ~ ~ J.t.& ~
Bone -48- Boom

2 - goods in bond = goods ccming into a country "held

by government until mo·ney is paid on it .
.!l~I r_,_) if'~ L.' ~JJ oj~I ~~I

Bone I - a bone of contention = cause of quarrelling.

o..u. l~I _,f ~1..,-.U ~

2 - I have a bone to pick with you = something to

complain about.

3 - make no bones about feel no doubt or fear in

t.u J.i J&. ~..ur cJ! Jr 1.:u- ~ 1,;1 : ~ _,r ~ ~ _,r ~ "l
4 - bone-dry = quite dry.

Bonnet to have a bee in one's bonnet .-~ have some mad idea
fixed in the mind. • ~ . e :t.:.i l: . ;w · oy-
<.: ~1..;:j
~ .• -~

Booby 1 - booby prize = something given to the last runner

in a race, or person who does worst in games.
~.)Y- J. _,f i]~J ~~I cJ_,..~c) ~ '\r: ~I ;;ti~
.~:NI ~ J.J~ f_, ...I
2 - booby trap = a foolish· trick e.g. placing a book
above a door to fall on the head of a person entering.
~4 if' i.rf.J u~ &J "="'4 tl..rz-. ~ 4~ ~ cJ~: ;J.1; ~

Book 1 ---- to bring to book = to punish; to make a person


2 - he is in my black books = I am angry with him.

· · L:JI
~ . .J ~I
" . ••
~- c.I.).,_ ·1u IJ..JA
· 'I IS"
3 - it suits my book = suits my pla'ns.
u~ (-:>.: ~ JbT Jil.H
4 - the books = the account books.

Boom to boom a person = to praise and make known to all.

~l:.JI J 1!.u,; ~:UJ (UL.:!) r_..U..
Boon -49 - Bound

Boon a good book is a great boon on a long journey == a

favour; a blessing.
( J.i~ ;- J f ~ \.::.... j :t_j Ji :cJ. i~ 4L:f' ~ !) :l...i ! :t:.-
Boot (s) 1 - the boot is on the other foot = the other person
now has the blame .
.r.~I _,f yliiJI ~ t.S~I _,. ~ 9t ~I~!
2 - - to get the boot = to lose one's employment.
~_,f .ur~ .t..:..

3 - have one's heart in one's boots = be afraid.

y~ !_,&-~!~~
4 - the boots = the man in a hotel who cleans boots
and shoes. J.l:.i j ..:Jl....IJJIJ ~~ Srt c.t-
5 -- what boots it ? = of what use is it ?
~~ ; ..1.ai _,f ~ ~' ~ ·~' ~~ e.:.~ 1.\L.
Bo me he had borne a heavy load; she had borne many
chlidren = carried, produced.
J~Sr1 ~ i~ ..:JJ.lJ _,r: J°:)l_,f •~ ..::.J.- ! r~· ~ J....
Bottle to bottle -up one's anger = control, hide .
.; .l: ~·~ ~ ~ ~ :c ' ! ~ _I.:<:
7 "-L '-' - . ("--: " ~
Bounce 1 - he bas too much bounce :::.. is noisy and pushes
himself forward. 4.-.l)IJ C~I..#"
2 - two bouncing boys = two strong and healthy boys.
~I "}\...~ ~~ ~l.UJ
Bound to overstep the bound of common sense = to behave
in a foolish way.
~lh.!I ~l..f ~ t.S~ ! ~li.:ll ...i.,r:U ...i~
Bound (s) 1 - bound up in his family = very interested in.
4: ~L:...11 _,f ...;-,.,...f J' yJd..I~
2 - by bounds and leaps - very _quickly (also by leaps
and bounds). ;~ :U. r, f :U._rJI ~~-
3 - tqe ship is bound to Egypt -::.: is going to.
( lr'! ~ ,,r ~ J..,a..ij" 4-JI )o~~I
~ ~I
Bounty - 50- Box

4. -- ·outward bound = going away from home.

J.;a1 if' .) ~ 4 .Jr r~
5 - he is bound to win = sure to win.
~I ~ ~1.J f ~)I .:;.. ..\f1:..
Bounty bounty on corn = money given by government to the
growers of corn so as to get people grow more corn even
though the price of corn is low .
.Jl) 4h.:.:ll t';.:,J ~_µ1 tr.;: ~l. o~L-. (lAfo.. .Jf) ~I ~
.I 1,-,., · . .,,..--,,,~ [,., 1 . ..........
i • !~
~ w~
• "._('".
.,......w f ,.,.,,,
.,.--'); i:,r;~ ~ ·&-·
...,;'?' ( ' ·

Bout 1 - a bout of fighting; a short bout with the enemy =

a Jittle battle. .J.WI C: ~ ~~! ! ;~ ~J"-'

2 - a drinking bout;· a bout of illness = a short

attac~ of. o.r.~ -oj:- f ~if r
Bow 1 - I bow to your opinion I yield to your opinion.

!l)ir ~.J ~ .,,1 ~fJ ~Ji'-''

2 - bow down to = show great respect to; pray to.
"="! t.A _,r J-~ !r'p~'~ 41 ~~
3 - to have two strings in one's bow = several plans
for one purpose .
.l.l.J if~ .lab.~! _,f d~l _,f J.:l.._,JI .:;.. iJ.:!) ~
4 - draw the long bow = tell an untrue story, ma~ing
things bigger than they really are.
:W~ ~.J ~ J:f. WIJ 1.S.J~
Bowl 1 - bowl along = move smoothly along. Ji;. r.J.Aj
2 - bowled over = knocked down; made helpless, e.g.
by illness, sorrow.
(U~ _,f ~_,..) ~ ! L)a.il ! ui';! ! t.J4
Box 1 - a christmas box = present given at X'mas.
( ..yJI ~.) 4I.a ,:r) ~:NI ~ '3.!.C..-
2 - on the box = on the driver's seat in a carriage.
( ;;J L.. w
• .J f . .ri.J ") ··"WI
~ .J...i.. ~•

3 - boxed up in --- shut up closely in.

o_,A: _,f ;~ : ~I
Brace - 51 - Brand

4 - box the compass = say all the directions of the

r.ompass, e.g. north, north-north-east, etc.
( ~lA 4i~I (:;:' f..,.S-1~) ~ ~ (.~ _,f (.$1,:
6 - box a persons' ears = strike him on the ear or head.
( "-'; y~) "-f.r. _,,f' ( ..,;~f y ~) ~ iJ.;~
Brace. 1 - to brace oneself for a task = to gather one's
strength. (~ ~i ~ly. rl:AU) ol_,i ~
2 - a brace of = two. • ~l:.:!
Braid to braid hair = to tie up cor twist together in a beauti-
ful way. • • ~
( :U-.. [,._ r-"'I)
- i..:r - ~ J
- l C!_.r.
Brain 1 - blow out one's brains = shoot oneself through the
2 - cudgel (rack) one's brains :. . .: try hard to think .

.. . J . . 6- :~ ~
3 - pick up brains .= make use of a man'i:; knowledge.
,,,,Jl..,_,h--. J' .UJ l.... i~
B$lnch i - branch of a river = side stream.
(_n-: ~~ &-- t.A) .J.il;
2 - branch 1·oad, branch of a subject, branch of a
shop = anything divided off from the chief part.
(~f ·i.r (f- t_.A c.~ '5f) ~ _,j t_. .. ;;_......
. Jf ~)> (.r if'
3 - to branch out start many new businesses;
spend much money.
(f~':iL) ~h..i~ - y ! ..b.IJ..:..iJ Jo..,¥ 'l'trf j~ - '
Brand 1 - to snatch a brand from the burning = to save
a person from great danger. ~L. _,k.;. (.r UWI ~

2 - to brand a man as a thief = to show that he h1 a


3 - a brand of tea == specail kind shown by special

mark or sign on
the paper or box .
.c... ~ y~ : ( l>l!JI ,:_r ) lfb;. ~ : 4-11 _,f t..)WI
J:!.)\,:..o Jf ~ <.r·4 ~ L. ~ ~ ~~ L~ ~
Brass - 52- Bread

Brass 1 - a brass hat = a high officer in the army.

.. ,J_,. <J:uL;.

2 - plenty of brass = plenty of money.

fl...J JL. f '.<' ,)~-·

• .J'::-1

3 - brass = shameless daring. 1 ,jj ~ ! r!.J f ~

Breach 1 - breach of promise = breaking a promise to marry.

I -llJ _1,,.._
~J.r • ...,.- ~ .J
l- f ~I
. ~

2 - breach of faith a disloyal act.

.. '.>'_,JI ~.ls. ~ Jol:! : ,,s:-J~ J>
3 -- breach of the peace :::::; fighting.
y_,.J..I J! •y.Jl4 ~)\...JI ~J.t= _,J ;i.;..U,1 ,_j~ : y)-1 ! Jl:Al~

4 - to throw oneself into the breach = to come for-

ward and help in time of need or danger.
jaj-1 JJ ~ld-1 ~ e>.>.&.l.-U i..li::!
5 - breach a wall = to break a hole' in ..
"j.!,... : (Jo l..L...• (j') . .J f G:
LAi . ~.1.C-
Bread 1 - C·ur daily bread -- sufficient bread for a day,
food generally.
~~ ·~t,.k,)1 ~ :u~·..w _,r : <~' ~) ry.:J' ~6. : ...;us:J1 ~
2 - to break bread with = eat with. c..A!~ ! J.)IJ,!

3 -- he has e·aten my bread and salt = has been my

guest. ~_j <Sf;d.. ,:;. Jf1i : ~ ~~

4 - quarrel with one's bread and butter = quarrel

with person who supplies one's living ( = the
money on which one lives) .
..:.i~b. ~ J_,..J.-1 J ~ ~ t,S.:UI ~I t.>f) ~~ ~~
. (JUI 4..-l:.:.J .l,j1=---
5 --- take the b1·ead out of one's mouth =:. take away
one's living. ~ y~i Ji .A,j~ o.ll. ~~
Break - 53 - Break

6 - know on which side one's bread is buttered = to

know who or what will be of most gain to oneself.
~ ~~t U'°~~l .JJ i:.~~I '5f ~fi
Rreak 1 . -- break one's heart = suffer great sorrow.

~.,r.-. ~' \.S""~ ! '~ '(;_;.:.. ~r.

2 -- beak the back of a task = do the hardest part.
~'-' .J' y ,:r ..~ j:a:f ~
3 - break the ice =-= begin. 14-
4 - break bread with = eat with.

5 - to break in a horse train for riding or driving

in a carriage. ~.r r. _,r y.,.S-.)! i.)1Y.' if.Jr.
6 -- break his spirit bring under control.
(~~) ~ ! (0&4~)~ ! ~
7 - break a record in running
, = run faster than any-
one before.
( ..._...\Aj ~ J.) ,:_r t.rt ~~ ~4) \S"'\;ill ~)I y~
8 - break on~'s rest = '!ake up.

9 - hreak one's journey = I stop at a place on the way.

( Q.A-4 ~LC. J ~ ...P_j. ~.J.) ~ ~4) .-.:6.; ~
10 - the tree broke his fall = made ,him fall Jess
heavily on the ground.
~ .. :; __ .ii ~
. UWI• ~'-' ~ .../':;&"~ " • '~) "1Z cl-
. ' 0~1...1~- '
( ;;U,_, ...,u:.f ~I ~ d'J ~I ~ ili:
11 - to break down = be unable to continue (working,
speaking, etc.).
(~.)~_,f ~~1__,f J.-JI ~l:.. ~)~
12 - break off stop suddenly. ;~~
13 - break out = ht-gin suddenly.
~--'' ;4 f.L::!
14 -·- break up = break into small pieces; (of. a school)
·end of the holidays. o~ .. l~J Jl ~ - '
'-:-;.ill iiJuJI ~ l; - y
Breast - 54- Bridle

15 - break with = stop being friendly with.

~ ! t~ , ;&;l~I ~ ~
16 - make a break = go on playing and winning points
for a long time. ")\J_,l, Lj 1A:.ll ~-(J ~I j~
17 - break of day = earliest day-light .
.r.-AJI ~ ~I ! e;~I ~
1 - a troubled breast = an anxious mind.

:uu o}L.. ~ ! ~..iJ4 .).J~ ~

2 - to make a clear breast of it = to tell all one's faults .

Qreath 1 - to speak under one's breath = very quietly.
<r~.l1 J.;.s.) ...... wr ~ .)~~ '1 ! <*"' ~ ~t)) c.J.>.A J~
2 - with bated breath = anxiously.
~fa. !;lli=.i~: ~~
3 - take one's breath away - sui-prise.

. ~lii' c-
~iJ ! ~. ? ~
. -
Qred a well-bred persqn == of gooct..family and careful training.
(~ o~J ~ o..r"'f ~) J~I f...J"
Breed to breed trouble == to cause. ~~ _,f (41):¥1) ~

Breeze : a breezy person = cheerful and amusing.

c.1,,.-l Jr cr~w1
Brew : troul>le is brewing = is being planned . .UL..... r-.i , ~

Brick : to make bricks without straw = to do work without the

necessary instruments or money.
(Jt.. _,i ~lj~ ~-4 .u;L..._, ~..u ~ J.i- ~~ r~) o~~
2 - he is a brick == a very nice fellow.
~~ -A:?);! ~' J! ~~ _,. : J.,,z
Bridl(e . the bridge of the nose = the upper bony part of the nose.
~~I ~ (~~I ·.:.r lJ.ajl :wrw1 )~~I .r"'!"

Bridle 1 -- to bridle one's desires = to control.

. (ol~ -'f .,l~f) ~ , ~ € (..;I~)~
Brine -55- Broad

2 - he bridled at these words :l- drew himself up

stiffly, showing anger.
(u~I ~· .._
r-L...... ir) ~Ii~ JJ~~I

3 - a bridle path = a narrow path just wide enough

for a horse.
~I ! (1'.~ ..b.l.J JI~ .r.AJ.
...... .
':i ~) ~I ,.,.11
Brine the briny = the sea. ~I

Bring 1 - bring to pass = to cause.

2 - bring about a quarrel ; bring on an illness; bring
a person to do it := cause him to quarrel, to be m.
or to do it.
_j' ~ 61..b.! j&. ~L..i!) ~~ ~ (rs-1.,.. _,j l.;,_,..) ~-'-:Jt ~
<~ i~i ~ ·~ _,r JL.:;

3 - bring off = succeed in doing. L. J.r J &-

4 - bring to; bring round a person who has fainted ::=

make him well again.

(:i.::ilJ ~I J1~~~)~
5 - bring up children = take care of and train.
. ~ .l;J 1_, r-Ld 4 ~ ~J ( 'j \Akf) .J,Y..
6 - bl'ing home a fault to = prove that he did it, or
make him understand that it was wrong.
(~Ji ...;f ~ _,f) ~~~;I~ ~f ~ ,y.~
Broayt 1 - It's as broad as it's Jong = there is much to be
said on both sides of the question.

l!.. Lt.~\.;
. \tiJ• u·f_.<,..
" ' L,; ..,,..... :.JL. .J f .r' f l.J. J~)
• IJ'°·-IL)
.r- \-Lt!
(~ j JlA:! L.
2 - broadminded ::= open, free, generous in judgment.
~• ~
..;_ ~
<J I I.,;-~ ! \.T
. .t~I _,_, ~ ~ ~ .· ~ -
·.._ .; 1.....· .J -

3 - broad arrow ::..: the mark put on government stores

and formerly prisoner's' clothing in England.
~y .1.:••as-J ' ~_,.(_..LI ~j ~ ~ ~y· A..":N- : ~_,.JI ~I
,~, j a_~.itl ..fi~ j&. -µ
Broke - 56.- Brush

Broke 1 --- a broken man = ruined. .)_,........, f .).JA.. ! ~

2 - broke, stony broke = having no money. r..\.a.11

S - a broken reed = a weak person, or one not to be
trusted. ~ ~y. ':} &JW! - y ~ -.W ~Wl - \
4 - broken down = in a bad state, unfit for work.

5 - broken-hearted = very unhappy.

. · <. f
i.b.. ~ -
Brood 1 - to brood over a subject = think deeply about.
(~_,... J): ~ ~
2 - to brood over noe's troubles ::::: continue to think
angrily or sadly about one's troubles.
(~~~f ~ ~L;..._, ~-l-l..; J~I) ."!~ \,....

Broom a new broom sweeps clean = a young. officer is always

eager to make great change~. : ~I~ o-':!-'-:-..LI :t...i.(11
J:! J..::11J ..r.:::A:JJ ~ ~ • ~ u J J ~
Brother : brothers in arms = soldiers who have served together.
(~ !_,....>.;.:.. ~~)(.)\..JI J ~ly:.!
Brow : brow of a hil1 = the steep slope of a hill. J.-;:.11 J~

Bruise : a bruiser = one who fgihts with his fists. ~°""! ~jj~

Bruit : to bruit abroad = to tell everyone.

(~.)t._,f ~) ~W! ~ ~
Brush 1 -- a brush with the enemy -= u small fight.

(J~IL) c_,L:... f ·~~_,-

2 - brush aside a difficulty = not ti·ea,t se1iously.
'.$" ~ ! JJi ~ ! (~ ~~ "'At ~ _,1 ~,......) ...;., ~
3 - brush up your French = learn it up again.
~¥..t ~~;,! (~~)~_;JI ~I _;-1~

4 - to brush past a person· = to push past.

(ojJ~J UW!) ~f- ~ ~l_r-
Buck - 57 - Bull

Buck 1 - buck up ·== be quick; be cheerful, work harder.

~I _,f ¥1 ...P.l.P ! r...r J' f t.,.,-1
2 - very bucked = pleased. ~ f;.J.r-

Bucket 1 - kick the bucket = die.

2 - to pucket = to ride, to row a bqat, badly.

. "<··~
~ ·)~'" J
..f..~ fJ'"
. ~
Buckle buckle to, ~uckle down to it ::;: set to work hard.
J.if' J: i~~ F-P. \,..,.
! I.a~~ i~
Bud a budding poet = a young poet who iR just beginning
to show· his powers.
( ~ 1-'"4 .J~ lo.7Jj,.d ~ rl..! ):~c.S~ , ~~I J
Budge he won't budge = won't change his plans or opinions.
~ _,f o;\SJf .JI ~L.J ,r.~ "Y
Buff strip to the buff :.:.= take off all ones clothes.
c,Sfi f ~":}.... ~ t:
Buffer 1 -·· a buffer state a peaceful country between two
nations which may wish to make war on each other.
~.,,J-1 ~I~}' ~_,-.f O::l ~~ :i.,J_,~ : o~l.,.a.JI ;u_,..u1
2 -- old buffer :-:-: a kind but rather foolish old man.
Bug : a big bug = an important person.
'"A•> _,f ;;..~_, _,f ~lS:.. _j~ ~)
Build 1 -- to build upon = put faith in; expect a person to
help. ( ~) Li-" _,f o...l&.L- ~ ! ( ~) ~
~ - of the same build = of the same general shape
(~-' -o;~) jl)aJI _,f Jl!ll ~: u..
Bulk :
and size.
to sell in bulk -- in large amounts. ... , ..
O;'.J '-'"
• ~

Butl : 1 -- to take the bull by the horns -- face difficulties

. without fear. ~t;.. _,J y~ fo. yla.....ll ~ly.

2 - a bull in a china-shop = a rough and careless per~

son in a place where skill and care are needed .
.u.-.A:i· ~ i:J~ .lii ~ ~ i:JW! J Jli:! : ..;_;...;.. i:J7- j J_;
• ~'.J •Jlt-1•
Bumper -58 - Bushel

3 - to bull shares =
to buy many shares in h'1siness at
a low price and, by going on buying, force up thf:
price. ;1.....4 :i-.._;.. ~r '5~ w~ : ~~' ~
.. 1._r!.ltJ o;l_,.;-4 ~' e!_A ~
Bumper a bumper crop = a very large crop. ,fl..J .Jl f~ )IJJ~

Bun: this takes the bun this wins; th~~ is very good,
very surprising.
i~ ~.J.. 1.:.... f i~ u- 1.:.... ! ~fi 1.a
Bung his eyes were bunged up = ~Iosed up by swelling.
o~ iJ._,JI J.Ui
Buoy to buoy up one's hopes = to keep up one's hopes.
(Lcb) i.:a. ~ ~: ......~t '5~ ! .t..lL.T ~

Burden the burden of proof lies with you = it is ycur duty to

prove it. JJJ.j _,f ~~ wf 4.ls
Burn 1 - burn the candle at both ends = stay up late and
get up early; do too much both of work and play.
(~.J jvl-) ¥1 0-4 ~ - y i.r<:-. ~•J Hi_,;..~ ;l::! - \
2 - sunburnt = made brown· by sunlight.
l:s'I,) .iJ_,J ~ : ~I ~_,J
Burst 1 - my heart will burst = I am very sad or excited.

2 - ready to burst = very excited.
oJ~I _,f ~tJ,t ..;::.... t~
3 - t.o burst into tears == suddenly begin to cry.
oa~ ~!...;µ~Ai
Bury 1 - to bury oneself in the country = to go to a distant
country place.
( l..J r-A:J ~ ~ w~ J! ~~)~)I J ci~
2 - to bury the hatchet = put an end to a quarrel.
i~1 _,f .!llrJl.Jf ;~I uH
Bushel to hide one's light under a bushel = 11nt to let people
know one's clevernes~. ~I).,~~~ _,1 8 f ~t_,..~
Business - 59- Buzz

Business 1 - business is business = when dealing with money

we must not think of other matters, e.g. friendship.
: _,D.t .~f J ~I ~ ':J o~UI JJ..l..:ll ~ : ~ JA!-11
j..:... :0 IJ..,a.J L)
2 - this is no business of yours = nothing to do with
you~ ~t~ ·~ l.l. ~J ! l.lr, ~ c:,l!. ":J
3 - mind your own business = look to your own mat-
ters and do not ask about mine.
.!J_;IJ ~ L J! ~.rz.i!

4 - you have no business to.... = have no right to ...
• • • • C:,l J ~ ~ ":}
5 - I don't understand this business =: I don't undre-
stand this matter, subject.
t~_,11 _,J ~L!JI I~ j ~ .._.f ':J
Bust 1 - the business is bust, ... .is gone bust = has failed.
~I _,f ;..J,r.11 _,f: (~) J.-11 ~f

2 - go on the bust = go out for a merry time.

~1 cf ~_,;:u if--'i ~'~
Butt to butt in = to come when not wanted.
~1 ~LJ.. 1 r~ .J:..&. rU:
Butter"': 1 - look as if butter would not melt in his mouth =
seem very gentle.
2 - he knows on which side his bread is buttered =
knows who. will help one most, or bring one most
~)I ~1 ~G_, c:r ~~ ~ _,f C:,_,..JI ~4 o.l.C_ I~ c:r i..i~
Button to buttonhole a person = to catch him ·and force him
to listen. (Jfo- LI~.~'11 _,f tl=-':JI Js. ~ ~
Buy 1 - to buy off = get free from a claim by paying money.
.IJJ-4 JL.c. ~ c:r ~
2 - to buy up = buy aJI that can be obtained.
~ J~I ~- L. ~ '5~
Buzz to buzz along -· move quickly.
By -60 - . Call .

By 1 - a by-product = a second thing produced in the

course of producing some other important thing.
vr ~ ..~ ~ J,._.J-1 .. L:tf J ~ ~ ..,..r ..~: ~l:.J'
2 - a by-road = a small unimportant road.

tk J':.~ ~ ~ : ~_,ill ~ .....kJt

3 - a by-pass = a new road built specially.

'-'°ta. J~l' i~ ~_,I, ~ tA : '-'°LlL.t J:!~I

Calibre a restaurant = eating place, where there is singing
and dancing.
(~_,11 ~~-_, .. ~IJ ~)I 4J;J..l:!~) ~1 ! ~I !_,.....ii
Caesura a break in a line of poetry : e.g. To be or not to be -
that is the question.
(~~ ~ ul!l.IJ: ya.!JI er·~ J) tAJI
()ake 1 -- a cake of cake = a piece of cake. &CJ I iJ" :A..ki
2 - caked with dirt = thickly covered with dirt.
G.:u ~ f r;__, JL. ~ oJL.:WI ~~
Calf : calf love == youthful love. 1...1~1
. . u~ f J lA.,o.JI i LA
Calibre of great mental calibre = geat powers of mind.
~I ~l_,11 ~, .!11;-l~l .. •Jli, JWI~
f:all 1 - call people together to a meeting = to cause a
person to co.me. t~~I JL~..l:! ! (o ... l:JI) Lf:.
2 - call over the coals scold.

3 - call in question :::: doubt.

4 -- calJ to order = tell to behave pmperly.

.!J_,1-JI ~ ..t.:.!.:! ! .:l.,LJI ~ J!>'~
5 - he cal led me name~ = used' rough language to me.

.la.Ult a.'5~ Jf 1".>KJt ~ ~~

Calm - 61 ~ Candle

6 - this will call to a lot of money = need.

7 - to call off an attack etc. = say it will not be
made; cause it to stop while being made.
-~ ~-' j ~ - y ' ~ _,t ~ 'l' ~_,- 1.:U- ~1 : J_,z - '
J....-JI rl(! ;j~ : oj ~! . . t:.jf j JI _,f
8 - a close call = a narrow escape.
~ t]jl.. &4 c.'.'}'J':Jl ! "-'~I y-*11 ! :U~ o~I
.9 - there is no call to -=- no need. ( j,j.U) ~\.. ~
10 - many calls on one's money = demands for.
(JL. ~ ~ ~ y_,lk.. _,.L. iJl J~· ~ls') ~\j-'..1'44 ! ~~~
11 - one's calling = one~ business or employment .
...-4_i;_, _,f ..)I J-i-
Calm it was very calm of him :.:. .: very daring.
( ~ o~ ;;fr.~~ jlj_..) • oJl~ ;fr.! ~~
Camera in camera = in secret. ~ ! !,-
Camp: in the saine camp =-= of the same party; holding the
same opinions.
sf)I d~ &4 - y ~ ~~I iJ-4 )i ~ y~I ,;.r - \
.. ( ~ .J-'~J ~ : .\,jl~ '5f)I &-' .JA)
Campaign he is making a g1·eat campaign against drink = making
speeches, writing in papers etc. etc.
~I J..I
a ~.J
'· • ~

· i•'.J I '--' •· [,. O .· < ~,,. •
• i$ • _r-- • ../'""" U ..f:::'.J • I~
) il..:ll
Can canned food = food kept good by being shut up in tins.
• ( .\,j~ ~=9 o.r.f .Jf ~I :r ~ j) 1;_,4~1 .. I.QI
Canal the alimentary canal =. the path for food from the
mouth to the stomach and on through the bowel. .
( .. lA...-;rl J! "-f.\ &4~ ;;..l.11 Jl Ji.J..I ~ ~l,Jz.11 ~) .. ~)I
Cancel to cancel a debt = to put an end to.
( ~J_,:..- &-' ~J ~~ ~f) ••• ~.) ~
Candle 1 - not fit to hold candle to candle = not nearly
so good.
Canine - 62 - Capacity

2 - burn the candle off at both ends sit up late =

and get up early; work too hard and play too hard
at the same time .
• ~ ~T j ~.'*4.J J...-:! -y '~~J ~l:..i~ - '
3 - not worth the candle = not worth the necessary
work or cost. • ~I .Jf ~I : c.S'l-:! 'J ~ '5.:r?: ':l
€anine canine teeth = the pointed teeth third from the front
in one's mouth. (~I ~.U.. V4 ~L!JI y.,, ~..UI ~I) yl.:.11
Canon in full canonicals = in full dress of a priest.
~.JI .43;r, ~ ! ~I ..._,~ iL( j
Canteen a canteen of silver =. a box of silver spoons etc. as
used at the table.
(o.>.:u1 ,.J~ J.-:-:>. ~JI u:,S-\S:...Jl.J .!.l~1_, '-'~)UI) ~' i.:;_,~
Canter win at a canter ::..= win ea8ily.
( ~ _,f ~ _,~ ~f) 4.1""6-4 r!.r..
Cap 1 - to get one's cap at (of a woman) = try to get a
man as an admirer.
(Lr. ~Jf ~ yl~'l ~ ;frl j J~) J~)I~
2 - a feather in oiu~'s cap = something to b~ proud of.
o~!~~ ..~
3 - toe-cap = the cap on the end of a shoe.
L]"'1..u1 r..u.. ~ t_Y.
4 - to cap a joke =; to tell a better jcke.
- .,,,..... f :i.,, ~ ~-
~<t :o:; -'-
5 - cap and. gown = the dress of a teacher, or of one
who has a univresity degree ( = B.A., M.A., etc).
U'"'.J:?J~~)~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.):! 1..1"~ : a.b)l.J :O_,....il:i}I
( ":-'b~I J jl:l _,f ":-'b91 J
Capable 1 - he is capable of such an act = bad enough to do.
~ iJ~.uJ:(l.:U ~ JT ~) ~ t.. _r.JI V4 ~ ~l: J~
• ~I ~li.)
2 - capable of improvement = able to be made better•

• ~ ~- ! ,;J~ ~-'' i~ ~f ~
Capacity in the capacity of = acting as. ( 1£) ~ ~
Capital -63- Carry

Capital 1 - Paris is the capital of France - city of govern-

ment. (~_,J.J I J p1 .;,_.)~Wt

2 - a capital letter a 'big letter, A.B. etc.

('-~-~~I ~~I J) ~1~.)-.1
3 - capital punishment death as a punishment.
rl~~1 ...r o_,J.1 ~
4 - a capital speech = a very good speech .
.. ~_,tw1J ~
Card 1 - put on'e cards on the table = make one's pain~

known. r
o4~ ... ~ l.r' ~
2 - a queer card - peculiar person.
<S..t-J.:~ _,, J1_,1.;i1 ~ ~
Cardinal 1 - cardinal numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. (the ordinals
are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc).
J!.. : ~_;Ji .llu.~1_, !t !. f ! y ! \ J.!• : ~~I .ll~-;rl
I 1~_, : ~1)1 ' ~l!JI ' Jl!JI ' J_,.Y1
2 - cardinal points = north, south, east, west .
• y_,;.JI_, J.r.JIJ y_..:.:LI_, Jlc-.!JI : ~.YI ~~I
Care 1 - I do not care = it does no matter to me.
t.5:-Y- ~ ! ~ ~
2 - to care for = to love; take charge of and support.
~!,A -•1
! (y) ~ ! J.&,~ ! Fr:-"~!~ - '
Carpet the question on the ca1·pet = the question being con-
sidered. (~ Jf ~ \....:F-_,,;.yl) ~I Jf ~I .::-J.
Carry 1 - carry coals to Newcastle = supply that of which
there is already enough .
.c... .r..ii~.. ~ ~ • < .• ~
_,.-;. l.f
.. ~-
2 - he carried everything before him = was success-
ful in everything. .l\.)'u- . . l< .• Ui._,.,, ~lS"

3 - he carries himself well - walks and stands grac~

4 - to carry one's point lead people to agree with

one's opinion. "':! iJ ~ l:.. ~ LJ"' l:J' J...-:
Cart -64- Case

5 - the sound canied th1·ee miles :.:: was heard of. a

distance of 3 miles. ( J~f 'i.J'-j.J Ir i.::..~I c-) .l:.C_
6 - to. carry on = behave in a foolish way.:ti~ ~~

7 - carry on with = go on doing. J.-.iJI Jl J...-JI J ~

8 - carry on ! = continue. JIJ ! _,.:-I
9 - carry out an order = do as ordered .

. i.,..t ~ ! ~ rY- ~ ;..;~

10 -- carry through a piece of business = finish.
(jvf-) ~ ! f~
Cart put the cal't before the horse :.= do things in the wrong
order. ( c,J~I rL.f ~_,..JI ~ L}) J.-: J..a-d ! ~ ~
Carte Blanche : to give a person carte blanche - to give full
.powers of action. 4.la.WI J..~ l...a.~.! ~J..r.

Carton a box made of card-board (:::.:strong paper). l,$_,All ..J;.,JI

Case : 1 - the doctor's cases = the sick persons whom he

has to see. ~~la.:! ~.>JI ~).t
2 - a case in a law court = claim made before a judge;
or the trying of a wrong-doer.
~ J) ~L.J! - y (~ J ifli rL.l) ~I! ~>".l.ll - \
(~ 1• .;. ~ "li!I
- .__j~
. -~ ~
3 - to state one's case = to say the facts in one's
favour. olr.) -':!Ji ~I ~.;li.J..1 c:.A
4 - as the case stands -· as matters are now.
ei.J _,.. u-- ! ~ ~ ~u..1
5 - that is not the case = not the fact.
~!_,JI _,f 4.A_.iJ-1 ~ o~
6 - in your case = in dealing with you.
~ ~ ~ ~ i!.l- J..lA::.ll ""
7- in case it rains -· if it rains. ( ~ic--11) ~)a.J I~!
8 - case of a noun = the ending of a noun showing ita
relation to the other words.
(1.S;ii- ~I.:,~~ 4::j-:f..s. u:.~ lt. ~ ~j.t.&.,i.J c.>.l.l)t""'SI 4.l~
Cash -65- Cat

Cash 1 - pay cash, cash down = pay at once on receiving

the goods. (~LiA.:JI i:>\:-1 .J:.s.) ~ ~..\JI
2 - to cash a cheq'ue to have the money written in
an order of payment.
(t...i..r44 .:r J...,yi J
;µ1 ~JI .:..:..4 ~f) ~~..;A
Cast 1 - to cast it in his teeth = blame bim for it.
~~ ! ·~..r. f ~ f OJ~
2 - cast-off clothes == to throw away as useless.
(~ -~\i -,}_, "-J .. ~ ~ .Aj~) ~ f tJ.ft
3 - a snake casts its skin = changes.
(,,.;A &--'f "it&! &--'f ~~lfl.. J~) ~ f ~ f ~
4 - to cast about of == look for. ~/i4.! f ~
5 - cast down = sad. i,..... i,,.....
f ! ~_;..

6 - tbe cast in a play == the actors taking the varioua

parts. .::&)_•-II U°~f f ~)I ;IJ.)~I .JJ~ ~fa.11
7 - a cast in t)le eye = one eye turned to the side.

(~ ~···a~. .;r u:_~I ~.l...l _)i;; ~~) ;.,;i-1

8 - a casting vote : (vote = opinion shown in a meet-
'"· ing) = an opinion given by the head of a meeting
when the people in the meeting are equally divided.
~.)-1..1.f eft ~ ' t~' J ~)I u_,.,) ~)I u_,..JI
( ulJ'I" ~I J.)W .J:.s.
Cast-non cast-iron rules = hard and unchange·able.
(~ ~\;fl.. ·~~) ~~.>.... ~1_,i _,f ~L.lW _,f u:_.i.l_,i
Castle castle in the air = ( - in Spain) = useless pJans and
;JSu ~-' ;~ JL.T_, .bk:;.) \ei~! j ;~ (Jf) .. t_,4.1 J ;_,.,.l
(~ If:'.}
Cat 1 - let the cat out ·of the bag= tell a secret.
~ (Jl)rJI~
2 - rain cats and dogs = rain heavily.
3 - wait and see which way the cat jumps = see
people's opinion before acting.
·,_e·-11 (_,1) J.-ll J' rl..u~I J.:i ~~I &I} '-~
Catch -66- Cause

4 - 1) to lead a cat and dog ljfe = to be always

quarreling. ·
2) a "cat" = woman who says unkind things
about others.
J.,,A'I ~~I "="'~ ~.l, of.r! - y ; ~1 _,f !l 1~1 fb - \
Catch 1 - to catch a ball = to run after and seize .
.l,;..L- 1..,_) • - ! i!L...c'..
! ( L.r"~
2 - I caught him just as he was going out = to meet
and stop. (li~ ~l) L.~) .t.:.U_,:-1 (.Jf) ~li
3 - to catch a train = be in time for.
(~~~WI ~)I j ~) Jlk.i14 ~
4 - you will catch it = be blamed.
( ;;~) _r.-_;; (.Jf) ~l.tU (Jf) ;.i.u ~,...
5 - to catch an illness = to get an illness from an-
other person. (_,=..T ~ tr) '5~ ! '5.JJ..iJI .ii;..4
6 - .to catch fire = to be made to burn. ~ ~ ii.-:

7 - to catch a person in the act = just as he iR doing

wrong. . \.;. u- . .
L:. -
r v-: ..... r..f'>"-- l>" ~
8 - I do not catch your meaning = underRtand .

,!)~ ,!);.>l 'Y f l!.ll_,i J.Mf 'Y ! ~' 'Y
9 - to catch on = to- understand; also : to take the
fancy of; be liked by many people e.g. a play.

"""L:JI ~ - ~ ! t~ : ~- - T ! !lJ~ ! ~ ! ~ - \
-- .J '~\:)
( :i..J...!c- . •.J f ~)
10 - catch up = come level with a person in walking.
r~ t..u ~l:: 1.5!..c" : u1~ ' (rT ~ 0~ 0_,k:;.) .Jtl-:!
11 - the catch of a window = a fastener.
~lj)I ! (*-4 ;.i;li ~ '5:UI) ~~.)11
12 - there is a catch in it somewhere = some trick. "
(~!JI ~U.) J ~ !Jla) ~ ! ~ ! :U~f
13 - that's no catch not worth anything; not
worth money. :i...~ I ~I .J~ ! ~ '5.J ~ c.S.J l-:! 'Y
Cause 1 - in the cause of science = so as to help science.
~I ~ i.>.:;.J (.Jf) ;;~l-.. ! µ1 '1t- c.i
Caution - 67 - Chalk

2 - in a good cause = in 01·der to do good.

( c~'ii J f) ;.:-
.·JI u::-
l '- .·JI v--
J . J:;- L-l

Caution he is a caution = a peculiar, amusing person.

J.c. ":i : ~l.i..&ll ~ ! J'-'1°i'I ~..,&- ~ .U!
Cavalier in a cavaleir manner = in a proud and rough way.
( .!l_,.L- _,j ~~ _,; ~ J J~) :l;~_,) ~~
Ceremony 1 - to stand upon ceremony = to behave in a stiff
and solemn way.
(~ _,f 4~ ls::l- .$-:! ...;f (.$1) u~)I~ f~i:i--)4 ~~
2 - master of ceremonies = the man in charge of a
meeting (e.g. a dance) who sees that all goes on
happily and successfully.
J~(')\!... uaiJ ~)u~~~I ~JP- ~jJI ~I) ~t
(J~ L. ~ ~ ~1_, t ~ ":i I~ ~ ~.u ~ J! L._, 4....b.JIJi Uz.:Jt
Certain 1 - on a certain day = on a day not named, but sup-
posed to be known to the hearer.
-:.>~ i:,,i _j~ ..l.i ~_,. u-- _,i ..;J~ _r,f. i~ J ~f) ~~cl.)
( L'l-U (;_,_,..
2 - a certain amount =-= some. L. lf
3 - will you come ? - certainly = gladly, willingly.
• -;..;,~JS'"~! JJ.,- ~
Certificate : as a birth certificate .

Chain :
• ~ :ii._s,, .r-.)iJ·
a chain of mountains :..:: one long line of. -
_,f u:- .. ~ ;. _,;_, .·· ~!J o~lf..! (.Jf) ~~ •.:.~
J~ a.J.,..

Chair : 1 - he holds the chair of history = he is a teacher of

history in a university .
..:..:~ : the chair of history ~ I~ li : ( l......l.::-- j) ~J \:JI ~ l:...T
• ~Jl;;JI ~~l:...T
2 - take the chair of a meeting = to be the chief per·
son contro11ing the speakers.
(L. t~_,.,. J ~~l:.llJ .. ~I ~.r.i) t~~I ~,...fft
Chalk 1 - better by a long ch11lk = far better.
• i~ Sj 1 ! i~ ~f ! i~ J..,a.iT
Chamber -68- Charter

2 - to chalk up = write up figures e.g. of money owed,

or points won in game.
U:!~ 91 '-14 ~.YJa.ll J_,i:JI rul ~ ~tr') Lu) ~
(L. ~ ~ ~)I .ka ~ _,f
Chamber a chamber; a chamber-pot = a pot kept under the bed
for use during night.
(J:UI .. wl c,j ~r_,.:.ll ·~ J ~~ .~_,) ~,.,.aAJI
Chance 1 - I chanced to meet him = unexpectedly.
1... .1-1.li) Ua:il
( Js,.. fl.-. i..r -At J fo.• ~

2 - give me a chance = make it possible for me to

show that I can work weJI.
(J-.11 j&. ;.)li Jf ~J~ ~_,JI J ~f) ~)~f
3 - I'll chance it =I will take the risk. ).\D.Lh..ij ~L
Chandl$' : a ship's chandler = a seller of all sorts of things (food,
ropes, cleaning materials, etc.) to ships.
J~I_, ~1'~U- o#' .. ~4 uWI .>_,,r. t4) ~I ~~
(~~ #.J ~I vl_,.>f_,
Change : 1 - change for a shilling = 12 pence instead of a
shilling. (L.u. .P'
"" ($-t "M)
... I. u-..t::::-J
• I _A. ~I ! J..1.JI
2.- all change = this train does not go any further.
~~ ~ l_,J~: Ll\U.11~ tr ;lluJI I~~ ';1 ~_,_
Channel the channel through which I got this news = way in
which... t~I I~ ~~I <.S~I) ;"""411 (Jf) ~,,kJI
Charge 1 - to charge in a court of law = to say that a per..
son has done wrong.
(~ ~~ L. ~;I .u ~.:JI l.!.ll~ L>T ;_fa- L>~: ~ ~n ~
2 - to charge the enemy = to run at and attack.
( ~4:.J _,J...J4 ~) ~~
3 - in charge of the children= being trusted to care of
the children. ~~il:4}1 _,f.>';i_,~4~L:...14 (U,_,f .U) .>_,.......
Charm. : she has great charm, she is very charming = is very
pleasing in manner. ( ~~IJ ~I ;t:........) :t:.;t; ~1
Charter : to charter a ship = hire. (4-) .r.-Y-
Cheek -69- Chop

Cheek 1 - . cheek by jowl = close together.

~L.j~ ! ~4J ~ ' ~ Jl ~ ! J-.-j..:.,.
2 - to have the cheek to = to dare to.
(J.. ) r~ : <J&.) J~
3 - cheeky = rude and daring.. ~'5~ ~J f ~ .lii
Cheer 1 - good cheer = plenty oi good food.
~WJI ~ ~ojJ
2 - cheer up do not be so sad.

Chequered :
~ ~~
chequered career = a life in which there have beeD
! ( ~~ '1) er'
many changes of fortune, good and bad.
.~ .>....-
( ...,-'J ·\J
(J;., ~ T- .r.. ,-)UA:...ala
-.!·'l•·L&o y . -
Cherish cherish the hatred of... = keep in the mind.
~I · ~r f .U.J..I u-:
- ~
Chicken 1 - count one's chicken before they are hatched = be
too hopef u 1. J.. ')'I j ~ .,,-..~
2 - chicken-hearted = not bruve. &J4 ~ JI~

Chip 1 -- a chip of the .old block = a son like the father.

~i ..... ;;.,;._,,; Lii ! .....J &.&, . ., .>J,
-·l..; ~ -·J~

2 - to chip in sudden·Jy to join in the talk of others.

( 0=~ ~I ..!.-:~ l.i) ~ !. ja..l::!
Chit : a chit of a girl - a young girl.

Chivalry the chivalry of Arabs = all knights; generosity.

~~ ~ ~l.- ! ~_,s- - YJ•.H ~Lj - '
Chock.: chock-full; chock-a-block = very full; packed tight.
~~~ ~J~ - 'f ! ~~JI~ .. j:~ - \
Choke the house is choked up wit~ things = filled with many
things so that one cannot move about.
~ !l~I J~ ~ : .. ~')'~ ~ .. ~I
Choo~e there i~ nothing .to chcose between them = they .are
~J.a.f )~ ~ J_,Aj" ~· ~f ~ : ~'~ (_,i) ~4,W... l>
Chop 1 - to chop and change = keep changing. ~a:JI fb
Chord -70- Clap

2 - a choppy sea = rough. [,!,...~I ,..b')\:... ! }l: ! i.s:.!. ~

3 - to lick one's chops = pass the tongue round the
outside of the mouth; show pleasure in or desire
for food.
~ - y ! ~ ! ....... ~ ...;~ .,,..4.. : ~ ~~ - '
tl!:t ~) _,j :lAkJ4 ~~)'

Chord : the vocal chords = voice-producing strings in 'the throat.

·II cJ. ~--'I
(J.JJ" ..,.._, J.Jy - \...>:.H JLJ..1)
• ;,i_j·.
.. ~ -'I I,.;1 ~1

Cllorus : chorus of pr~ise = every one praising something .

• (...t.. ~
.,....u ~
\,.,,. - I -
< ......"41l:JI :WI... :U.-:

~..;.>.ll(_ji )c.l:.!JI ...,
.-.... ---.Joa
Chuck 1 - to chuck away = to throw away. ~ , i~ "3f-
2 - to chuck up (one's job) = to give up (one's em-
ployment). ...:AJ;J (Ji) .\.l.f- .!J_.,,;~
Circular 1 - ~ circular = a printed ·letter or notice sent to
many people.
( ~~ -J-.i o ;l..
Jf ~ ~ y\::5-) '5JJ.>JI ~

2 - the circulation of a newspaper = the number of per-

sons to whom it is sold.
(l~J~ .Jf lt=JA ~lll ~l}~I ~..u.) o~).-1 ;~I
Orc:mnstance: 1 - _in (under) the circumstance since the~e

things are so. ~.if- r ~'I i 1.~ L. ! J Lil o~~ J

2 - under no circumstances = nevei·. (.1; ! i~t
3 - in reduced circumstances == poor.
(c,~6._,f ~_,_);) ~IJ ! ~
4 - pomp and circumstance = fine public ceremonies.
. ~~~~~I
- . ...
6 - circumstantial evidence a number of facts
which, taken together, make it seem very probable
that a person· did a certain wrong ach.
~_,.i;f ifs.~ J Cl~f I.)! tli_,JI .:r. ~~) Jl.,AJI (Ji) ~)JI
• ~ ~t.... l:.i.) ~JI .Li~ ~..; 4.J~~ wl '-'~I ~ ~i
Clap : 1 - to clap .... on =
to put on quickly or with force
e.g. clapped his hat on.
~ J_,z 4,Jf.) : op (Ji) c~ (.-'f) ~r.) ~ ~
~ ~' (,f) ~r. ~
Class -71- Clerical

2 - clap eyes on == catch sight of.

'5~ ~ (l.>s") ~ ! ~ o~ e-.

Class 1 - - the upper classes = Lords, etc.
.. jW (-~:".di ') LL.JI ulAJa.JI
~ " -
i...r.J . .
2 - the middle classes :-: people who are not very
rich or poor .
• plJ 1.,..UI ~I w:.~ ~ u=j.JI : (C:;~I j) ~k-_,11 ullz.b.J!
3 - first class ::-:. best. ~~I ! j&-~I ! 0-- ~I

Clear 1 -- a clear sky = sky without clouds.

(y~,f r:..f- ~) ~~ .. l -
2 - the streets are clear = easy or ~afe to pass along.
(lr.i ;J)I ~ ~ ~T -......:
Jy; c)Ll) ~L.f
3 - to keep clear of = to keep at a s.afe dista!'lce from.
(cr'-:JJ ~'"~er~~ cJ~~) ~
4 - these goods must be cleared == sold off.
( ,·_..
,.1~-. •
u--=. t·
w ~. f ~
· . ~"L.A.JI
. ~)
5 - clear one's character = prove that one did no
(:u.b~ '5~~ LJ-4) ~ c.~Jj_ ~ (~~l;.. J..f- U4) ~ .. l.J! ,-~
6 - my car just cleared the pther cnr = just missed,
did not hit .
• ~~ cJf ~J ~ ..::...ilf"": tSf.4 i~ u.lU- JJi:.. cJ1
7 - to clear one's costs = gain as much as one spent.
( uii.:.J- L. J ~• ~ft
) ~w.; t...::..
8' - clear away the dishes := take away .• (~~') e.ia
9 - clear off (work) = finish; or go away leaving
10 - cleared me out completely = used up all my money.
(Jt.. JS-" .._~ w,l _,f JiiT) Jti.-
11 - clear out ! = go away.

Clerical he put on his clericals =-= put on the dress of a priest~

~4-JWJI __,i ~I ~)l.)~~~ ~I

Chip -72- Ooud

Clip: newspaper clippings = interesting pieces cuts out from

a newspaper.
Cloak : i- to cloak = to hide.
2 - he uses long words as a cloak for his ignorance
= ...as a means of hiding.
(~ O&~J ~ ~l;.. ~.,kJI ~~, l.r ~ A.il): .d~: ~
Cloe the machine is clogged with thick oil = to cause dif-
ficulty in moving or working.,
('1=l_,.. ~f: ~)I~ tei.,s. J.i ~'iii~!) ..:;~
Cloee 1 - close up ! = move or sit close together .
• ·: C"" •
~I _,1 ~_)..I .,L:SI j : 1,.,....L,a.:i ~ I~)\\
2 - close with = settle an agreement.
1,; u-2-'~ ~ r. u)\:;.. u~
3 - close qua1·ters = small rooms for living in.
(~ ~...U ~ '}' 15.l.JI) ~I uLl'
4 - close to the church = near.
5 - a close friend = a near and dear friend.
:r.,:,.s. (Jl) ~~ i.,.,~..L,o
6 - to sit close = near together.
( L.1_~*4 Ji 0:,~;lA:... ~~) Y)l.i.:.ll
7 - the room is close = the air is not fresh.
(~ ...;-:f- sf J-li ;;~t1 .. 1~) .l...li
8 - close-fisted = too ca1·eful of mcney.
.A:JI .)~ ~ ~1 Jfo ! ~~!(JUI j&-) ~~! J.:..l.:::
Cloth 1 -- American cloth = clcth with paint-like matter on
the surface. to keep out water.
~ 4:.i..
l~ ~Lt...Uli• ~r
• o.)l..c• ~
ii... •'•!j)
r,J". ~J
<. --4~,, u~'All
( .. ~ i..JL.
2 - to Jay the clot~ = get the table ready for a meal.
~1_,~-;i1_, ~_,.lll l,:i&. ~ ~4 : (rl.1.JLJ..tl;;.l) o~UI ~~
3 - bed-clothes = the sheets and other coverings of
a bed. ... , ;11 ~t
...rr -
Cloud in the clouds = thinking one's own thoughts; drehm.
ing when awake. ~U:u.: Y,.J ~ - y ! o; LC;f J ~- - \
Cloven - 73 - Coin

1 - cloven hoof = a hoof divided into two parts e.g

the foot of a cow. (.}:Jl5- U:!•.i+ :i....,,._Atl ~..u.11) _;.Lli.JI
2 - he showed the cloven hoof ;::: showed that he was
reaJly a devil; really a bad man .
. ~ .. J~ ~) ...;f (.Jl)~ ~h. ...;f *f :~ l.r' ~41
Clue the murderer left one clue, as a finger-mark = one.
thing helping the police to discover who did the murder.
~CJ i..i..IJ L..l:i.. Jf i~1J ~J:, JjUJI .!l} : J~ : JJJJ'
('j..!..,c:i-f ~ '~
Clutch the clutch of a· motor-car (when the clutch is '.'let in",
the. car moves forward, when it is "ta.ken out", the car
stops, but the engine goes on running l. :.;., .. -·'I

l..~J • jl..-;rl J! o;l:-JI .!J~·, Ai_:O:···ll ~jr L.~ : J~

~~ ~ ~'ii J..J, ! ~· cl&:;
Coal 1 - carry coals to Newcastle = supply something of
which there is already plenty.
• :l.111 lA.._, ~~ w~ ' ~I ~ ~Y- .. l:,.!4 J4 : ~.,ra:.11 ·"~
2 - heap coals of fire on someone's head = do good
to a person who has done one harm .
. ~! .t..1 ~ Jl ~
Coast the coast is clear = all is safe; there is no one to be seen.
( .. ~~I ~) ~j iJ4 '5,r- ~ ! ~L.f J
Cock 1 - cock-and-bull story = unbelievable.
<:t.:_,..b.f Ji ~ ~ _,; ~ 1_,;.) J~ ")
2 - cock-a-hoop :.:..: pleased with .success. c.~4 J.J..r-

3 - cock-sure = always very sure of one's opinions.

Cognate a cognate word == a word which is the same, 01• almost

the same, in two languages .
. _.:! .. .:. . .
.--··.:I . i I: •. _,_.
.• o.1..._,.. w_('
Coin 1 - I'am simply coining money = getting a lot of.
JUI rJ' ...~I ~;f ! JL!.1 r;r ~- ~ ·J...=..-.t
Cold - 74- Come

2 - to coin a word = to make a new word.

( o...u_~. :i....1..r) .i:-~
Cold 1 - in cold blood = when quite calm.
(~J~ ~~ 1:0- J.ai) r.JJI .);4 ! u~-J.~ ~ ~J~ ~
2 - throw cold water on (a plan) = say that it is use-
.Jess or impossible .
\- ~ ;;.Lli 1·f 1
·f . t.)
T ~ c.J.
Colour 1 - he has a high colour he has a red face.
.. .t..il

2 -- some colour of ti·uth = some appearance of...

:&;,_.iJ-.1 lr ul; l>l 4 ! ~I ~ 1_,J; ~l '-::i
3 - under colour of = while pretending to.
(~i) ~~~ ! (0f) if"~.:;..;,..
4 - local colour = description of the place where the
events of a story happened .
• ~ ~.)IY" 4 ..;,...;_, ~..iJI ~~I ....;...:,J
5 - come off with flying colours = very successful.
. ilj c.~ ! c.~ ~
6 - nail one's c~lours to the mast = refuse to yield.
:__,.,.;,}I Jf r-L....A.11 \/.4 (.Jf) ~.r.
7 - colourable imitation = a copy good enough to
deceive. ( l.~ J:!).:JI ~ ~) J.-~I ~ ;;J.J'I"
Column a column of figures = numbers in rows one below the
other. (~I_;:.. 4 ~li;~I if}) ~u}ll .:r .)_,,F-
Come l - your Jetter has just come to hand =-.: just reached
m~. ( ~LJI c.S~ j ~ ~ ~-') 0~1 (__,f) i_,;· ~J
2 - come of life = become alive; ebcome well again,
after fainting .
l..,.:".)' I ~ """~=--:! -- y ! ~ f u-d-1 J! ,),JA:! - '
• $

3 -·- come to terms = make an agreement .

• .jU:"I J! : I~ Jf 0~ : l_,A~ _,j 0~
4 - how did you come to do that ? -= how did it hap-
pen that you did it.
\..,L.Ail I~ JL° ji ~ : ~' (Ji) _y;I ~- ~ ~U.) 1.J.i ~-·
Come - 75· -· Come

5 - to come true = happen as expected or hoped.

• ~ ~' )i~ f ~-* l. ~

u-- e_.,
6 - he comes of a good family = is born of; a mem-
ber of. U4 ~; f ~_;- •,.,-f JJ-_,.
4.i o.rf
7 - the money come to him from his mother = was re-
ceived when his mother died. ~t .;r. JUt ~J.J
8 - an idea came into my bead = was thought of by me.
__,l,la. JJJl- ! ;;fa Jvf,,,b
9 - come into use = begin to be used.
J~'11.b. ~ ! ...... ,~, ~
10 - -- come into play = begin to have an effect.
i;t ~""'= ..i;..J ! ....S1:! r~
11 - he will come to no good = not be successful.
~'~! ~'1J,..
12 - three years old come Janqary = ...when January
comes. ~I .J" l.."')\j ~ , _y. ~ ~ ~~ l...\:$.
13 - come, come ! = be calm. ~ _'1 : J+f ! f.AA t

14 - good cooks are hard to come by

= obtain.

15 - come down on a person = punish, scold.

~ ! t:.Y.. ! J~ - y ! ~~ - '
16 - the custom had come down to us = been receiv~.
from our fathers, grandfathers, etc.
( W)\...f if- o~La.I I ~1) v; .l¢1
17 - come in useful = be found useful.
<l!.U~ ~r > ~! ! ~ 4if ~_,
18 - come into money = receive money from a dead
relation. (J~ ~j if" ~l.) .l,;.~ _,f l!Jfl·
19 - come off with flying colours :i= be very successful.
~I ~ (.Jf) ~ ~l:f ~
20 - the fruit is coming on nicely = growing so that
the harvest will be good.
( • o..;-:::-
-< ~ .J f .A....:a.
.. . ~~. .,..::.u
•• • ) ~I
Le) ~.-
Command - 76 - Common

21 - come out = be made public.

22 - come round. come to become well again after
Command : 1 - in command of - in chuge of; acting as chief
officer of (e.g. soldiers).
(41 ~ i.)J&.) .)fa- - y ( 1.:U-) ~ ~_r... ! (I~) A.l .)-*"" - \
2 - he commands respect = deserves and gets the
i·espect of all .
.i....1~1 Js. ..,..WI Jwi: : (~I ~l~I) (i~ (.Jf) ~
Commend-: to commend A to B = to give A in charge of B, asking

B to take great cue.

(~ ~, .i-i ~Lt_,;~.,.~~)~~~
Comment a commentary on A1·istotle = notes, or a book of notes
which explain another book.
: (,,.;..T 4l::S'"" ~,,; G~t.J ~I)~~ yl;.) .J' i.:,l_,s-.A...) ~
Commission : a Royal Commission :-:-: a group of persons given the
. '
duty of enquiring into some special matter and of
making a report on it to government.
_,..f .;_r- ~I ~l ...le.A:! ~~\II ,:r ~U,) p1 ~I
(:.L..,P-1 Jl i.r-~· <L:.s. ~,,...~ ~l:;..
Commit 1 - to commit to prison -= to send to prison.
~I J: (~)~(~I Jl) J-.r.
2 - to commit oneself to an action = to promise to
do a thing; to act or speak in such a way that
one will be forced to do it. .
~) t_~
. ~-' u-:: _ t~ f -~-i-.-.-:
y.' ( (,J"".J UJL) 1 •-• - '
( ~ ~ I~ ~t if ,J-~ 91 ~.b. _,f
Common 1 - a common = public land.
( ~ ~~~ :U-_,i.11 fa.) ~L,JI ..fJ ~I
2 - a common person == one whose manners are not
polite. ~~ ' ~ 4j.il I ,:r ! J_,._ ! '-" t&.
3 - common-sense good judgment.
~I ! ~JJI ! ~1_,AJI ! P' J ~l,o')'I
Commons -77- Concern

4 - - common or garden =-= very usual and well-known .

• i~ ~_,,.,,...._, <,S.)t.

Commons on short commons -- getting Jtttle food.

i WaJ I ,:_r JJ.i ~ J...a.-:

Company 1 - in the company of ::--: with. ~L.a,.. ~ ~

2 - to keep bad company = have bad friends .

• ~ .lA;J ~~ ! .,_ .u; ..,
Compass within the compass of... = iuside; not beyond.
• j~ ~ ~ ~l.>JI J
Complexion t() put a different complexion on it :.= to make a thing
appear different.· • _,. L. ..r_S. ~ ~ fa.

Compose to compose poetry or muMic = write .

• ...}:-"4 __,f i_,..; ~ (.Jf) ~Y­
Compound : 1 - to compound a debt ~ t~ay off a debt by one
large payment Jess than the who.le amount owed.
lr. ~.UI ~:&JI ~ jiJ ~.JJ,JUI ~-~-if ~Jq : ~.l <S~
2 - to compound a felony == to help in an unlawful
.<<J_,illll ~~ <Si t--'~ Jj, y_,L..4) <J_,~ (Jf) ~'-:!
Com.pormlse : to compromise oneself == to makt~ people think that
one may have done wrong .
• (~~;I .1.il c.J~ U'"'\.;JI ~ ~4) .i..-U ~

Concentrate I shall concentrate on = give my whole mind to.

( 1.>.s- J..f" j) Jis. _, f c.,$A .l ~L
Conception a splendid conception a good idea.
f- _,; <Sh ! 0~ .>- ..;:::.;

Concem 1 ~ a matter of ga·eat concern = a serious matter; Jn1

business or duty.
(~ J! ~_,...11) ~IJ _,f ~ - y ii. _,..f - \
2 - a good concern :_:_ active business now really
Concoct - 78 - Confirm

3 - a paying concern = a successful business.

(~ f ~r) ~ (Jf) ~JI'
Concoct concoct a ~tory = make up untrue story.
• (U. ~:a.~~ Jf ~IJ;) ~ ~ tfa:. f ~J.!
Concomitant : thunder is the usual concomitant of a storm = goes
on with.
L>! (Jf) ~WI ~~ ~)I tJl ..:..U~) "':-""L,.all ! ~l...a.:!

Concrete a concrete noun = a word which is the name of a real

thing, not of quailty.
(•;;. J.c- J~ ~ ~ Js. J~ 'l rD ~I r-1
Condition 1 - on condition that = if.
2 - to impose conditions = to promise to do A
if B and C are done.
( ,. .J 1.:0 ~J _,f t 1,;11.:u- J-=! tJ4 ~) .u._,_r Jc_
Conduct 1 - metal conducts electricity = allow to pass.
( 4~ j..-_,.... ~ _,f ~Y- tJ~I tJl i.!.U_,A)--) ~-':!
2 - to conduct oneself = behave.

3 - to conduct a business = carry on e.g. a war.

.u~ J' .u- _,1.- u--:
(*4 y .rS : -:)J-) J.,o '--':! ! .r. ~
Confer confer with = to talk to and get the ideas of (a person).
(....:l;T U'·~.J ~ ~) ~~
Confidence : 1 -- I tell this in confidence = I tell this to you but
you must keep in secret.
<LP.:. ~ ~t Js. ~ .u.,;f)i..,.... ~ ~ 1 ~r
2 - a confidential manner = ... as of telling a secret.
'5.r- y_,l.-4 (Ji) ~~
Confine : confined to the house by illness = keep short in.
(~rU) ~(...I':! ~J 134 ! (~r) .u.:,:... ij~
Confirm : 1 - to confirm a child = to receive a child into the
Confound · - 79- Constitution

2 ·- -- a confirmed bachelor (unmarried man) one

who will never marry. i-41 '(';!:N ")1 "":-'rf
Confound 1 - confound you ! = a cry of anger.
i.!.U ~ ~_,:&)) ~ 4:;..J4
(Jil... .:r clJ 4 !
2 - a confound long time = a very long time.

~~ ! i~ Jub .:,rj
Conjure I conjure you to... = solemnly order you. ( <Jf) !.}_,..i

Connect 1 - she is well connected = comes of a good f ~mily

and has married into a good one.
:J;-Jl~ ..,S-: ~ ~~j j ~_,:;._., ~~_;-- ;_rMJ U4 o;~ i../t'
• • ~ l.,a....J ""-r
2 - the shop has a good connection (or) connexion =
is known and used by a large number of people.
(~,,r.!UI .:,r iJJ~ 15f) J4.;JI ~-' J_,~: ~I
Conscience : 1 - -- conscience money = money paid because one feels
one ought to pay it, not because one is forced .
.,.,;-;r ~ J..d.) ~1_,JI U4 04 ~ ..)I~~ ~~ ~l.11) i..i.r!JI ~.)
(~~ j&.;~
Conscious he did it consciously, not unconsciously = he did it
and knew that he was doing it. . '-"'""" ")1
i.l.f :.. ~I JI'
Consequence of no cc·nsequence unimportant.
• .1..1 vi "l ~ J4 ~~ ~
Consider to consider others -,- think of tht! feelings and wishes
of others. (~~J _,r ~l-L-.l .Ji) o..J".;f- ~~~ J..u~
Constituent : constituent assembly = a group of law-givers who
have power to change the form of government .
• Lfo ,_ieJt;l ~I :.i.k.L~ ~"'_;:.!.!! i.r ~~:~t:JI ~~t
Constitute : her gentleness constitutes her real charm = make up;
is ...
Constitution: 1 -- he has a good constitution :.: . . : he has good health .

u. J-.ll
. ~.' WI-· ~_,,-
2 -- the constjtution == the laws upon which the gov-
ernment of a country is built uu.
(:U.J.) j ~~ LS"'L..~I ~_,;lAJI) ;~I
Construct - 80 - Control

Construct he put a bad construction on my words· = be gave them

a bad meaning. ~ ')\iJl; J~ J.JY.
Construe his speech was construed as an attack on the govern-
ment = was understood as ...
L~I ~ r~ 4if ~lb:. ~ : ~
Consummate a consummate ass = a very foolish person .
. ~r ! ~~
Contain he could scarcely- contain himself prevent himself
r:;.s:..JI er : d.-c_ .Jf ~ ~ ..Jf ~ ~ : ..:-..a.JI ~ J~ ~
Contemplate : I contemplate giving up my work here next year =
I am planning to.... (L.)lAJI 4.:.-JI c.i J> !.l_;l ..Jf c.i) faT
Contemporary : a contemporary account = the story of an event told
by one who lived at that time .
• .ruJI ~~ c.i ~~ ~ l.~ ~l;_, ~1-'J : .,,-la.. ~l.J;
Contempt contempt of court = disobeying a judge.
·~ .rf 1.)1 : ~UJI ..J~
Contend I contend that =I am trying to make you believe that.

<'~) ~ ~' ..J~ <-''> ~r ..Jf J.,~r

Content : I am content to... = ...willing... (I~ J!) t) U ! J~

Contract: to contract an illness= become ill. (~.J.LJ~) (.;,_,...L;.~

Contrary : a contrary person = one who always does the opposite

of what is wanted.

Contribute to contribute to a newspaper = write something for ...

( o-':!;:- .Jr ~) ~~
Contrive he contrived to ruin the whole business = the result of
his work was that he ruined the business.
~4 ~6~ ~ ~: ~f ~f : tJ.r.l' ~ j&. J>
Control a control experiment (trial) = dofog the same work
twice.,. to be sure it is right;
Convenience - 81 - Cork.

ConveD.ience : 1 - at your convenience = when and how you choose.

~~ ! .!lri ~
2 - a marriage of convenience = a marriage not for
love. ~I (.1-'j ~ : ......t;ll _,f w...a11 (.1-'j
3 - a convenience = a lavatory : place for washing
and obeying demands of nature. : .. UI o;.JJ
4 - make a convenience of a person = use to suit one's
owri purposes.
~~~ _,f ~l:'J ~ ~~ ~: .a...; le_! '-:!~
Convert convert the sitting-room into a bedroom = to change.

Convulse 1 - he was convulsed with laughter == was shaken by

laughter. . ~I :.u~I , o~ ! ~I ~f

2 - the country was convulsed with war = shaken by

war. • y_,J-1 ;~ JµI u.k,;..i ! y~4 ->'NI ..:..~)z..ol
Coo to bill and coo = to make love as birds do.
G~.:i!J ~Yl ~la.I~~? : i;.lk.. : Jj~ f ~4 y~ ! ~
Cook 1 - to cook accounts =· to make accounts of money
· look correct although they are untrue.
~ .,.;j ~ ~ yLJ..I ~ : '-:-'l-d.-1 J ~..\: (_,f) J-'ft
• l!.U~ ..r.f-
.,.;f ~ J
2 - I'll cook his goose = ruin his plans.
~ ..l-iL ~ "-4~1 .:i~L
Cool I call th.at pretty cool; He's a cool custcmcr =
daring (in a bad meaning).

Copy a copy of a book.

Cord corded cloth = haying 1·aised lines on it like strings.

lj ~I 1·t_s- • \J 1-L~ ~ • . q
0~) .r.1-:1\
) -' '1" • '.r- - • J:-" l)"' \"""

Cork corked wine = wine which has got a bad taste from
being kept too Jong .
. ~4_, .i.-1 J.:4 : ~ 1..\_,1. ~ : -l-W I ! .:,--'}I : j.A.:J 1~I
Corn -82- Count

Gom treat on a person's corns = cause anger by speaking

ill of his strongest opinions .
. • •;\SJf (_,i) .,J~T J..!;f ~ ..J4 : ~
Corporal : corpo~al punishment = punishment by beating.
(*'4 y,.,...:J4) J~I yli.JI
Corporation : he has a big corporation = stomach .
•_r, , J_,)f '5t : -o.J::? o.>.a.. ~ : ;.wt
Correspo~d :1 - his house corresponds to his wealth = he has a
big house because he is very 1·ich .
• JL. L.1-4 -l.:!.kl l..J ~ i~ ~ 41 ~' '5f : 4;_,,}J f":}.... ~
2 - correspcndent of a newspeper -- a person who
sends news and other writings to be printed in
the paper.
~=.,.·:;li. .J.ri: Ji G~i J-J.! L.1-4 > ~1 _,r ·~~' J-1..,... ! J-'J'
( lr. __,.!.i:J ; ~_,::- J 1
Corridor a corridor train = a train with a place along which
-;>ne can pass from one carriage to another.

~r L.1-4 4 JA:i: ~i ~ ~- ~~ ~ ;Uai: J....cil ;llailt

• cS.,a. f J!
Cost 1 - at all e:osts ~= the cost does not matter.
;,r ~ _,f ~ L.J-4 J~ L. ~f cSj : i-iJ)iJI ~L'- *,j· cS4
-~ J ~ JL.
2 - cost price = a seUing price equal to the cost of
. ~ ullii If' ~.r. ') ~I ,:/ ~i cSf :~l:i~I _,r ~is.:JI LM
Couch a demand couched in• a very polite form =-= expressed
very politely. y~~'I ~ ~ y~ f:~: ~
Counsel 1 --- to keep one's own counsel = say nothing about
one's pl&ns.
~W'l' lr.~ )\; (~) <lJ~_,~_,f ~~
2 --- a counsel of perfoction ::::: a good plan which can-
not be carried out.
J.:)...i- )' 4l!.. l;.:.;r : ~~- ~- ') ' ~ (_,f) ~ :lb:.
Count 1 - I did not count the baby = to ·take into one's
Countenance - 83 - Course

2 - he does ·not count =: is of no importance .

.u ;;..,.;- (.J f) vf
3 - to count oneself fortunate - to consider oneself
fortunate. ( i..L.::-- 4-.Ai) ~
4 - may I count on ,you ? trust you to help me.
~ .J..:&.11 ~ ~ ~ff
Countenance : 1 - keep one's countenance = show no feeling.
(~ ~ ~ j.J) .i.JL.l-! fa ! .w,~ ~
2 - put out of countenance = cause to show shame.
( &~ _,f J.-J o; ~i._,f :U..O) ~I J! y.~
;3 - I cannot countenance it = not say that I am in
favour of it.
( 1->S' ~ ~ ~f J! J.,;f ~t c;k=-'~) ......~ ! .,-~ ! ~
Countersign : give the countersign = give th2 ccrrect answer to a
soldier on guard, thus showing that you are. not an
&Jf ~'.r.:'
- '~';1-1 l.I• IS ~. ~'
- :L6..~I
. . . ..S i .• ..r-,, ~ ws- I

(,~ ~ i.)UJI
Country : a country hous~ and a town house . ..s~ ~-' ~J ~
Course : 1 - the course of life; in the course of =-= during.
;~1 ..S..l.4 ~ ( :;µ1 _,f _,-JI) ~\.::f j
2 - in due course = at the proper time.
• ~_,JI ~ L...L:.£ ! i..:-l:.l1 ~_,JI J
3 - the course of a ship, or a river :.::: the path of
movement. :q i :C...WI
J r .J - <.S~
4 - the course of an action = plan of action.·
J.-.11 :ua;..
6 - a course of lessons = set of lessons which follow
one another. ~U~I : _;;..~I lA~i ~~'-"'J;.AJ1u-e ~~
6 - a four course dinner = a dinner with four dif-
ferent ·sets of dishes served one after another.
(lS~l ~ o_r ..::.1.r ~.) .Jl~JI 9 ft.J) .Jbw, C7;i _,~ .. I~
7 - of course = naturally; cerfainly.
Court -84- Crack

8 - a matter of course = the natural thing.

(~y. L. i!.U~) ~I
Court to hold a court = to hold a gathering in the presence
of the King. (~1 ;~ J ..u...:.; ~~)~I ~I
Cousin second cousin = child of one's parent's first cousin ..

~' Jla. ~1 _,f ~ "l

Ciove : a queer cove = a queer fellow. .)L! f J~'Srl ~,;. ~

C.Over : 1 - I am covered against fire = I have made arrange-

ments so that I shall be paid any losses caused
by fire (insurance).

;)t-;. J -:;....,;_, '~! ~L. Jlif ~ <.>r1 ~; : ~)--1 ~ ~r

. ~,rll ~
2 - this law covers all such matters = all such mat-
ters come under the law.
~ ~ (.Ji) ~_,.;UJI .u_,~ u .. ~'Sri o.i& ~.: ~_,;UJI 4'.J~
. ~y\AJI a;u.

3 - this book covers the whole subject = tells about.

t_,..;._,.t~ ~ L. J.) ~ yt:S:.JI I~ : ~
4 - to cover a distance = pass over. ( ~l-...) ~
5 - under cover of darkness = hidden by.
• -...ili.11 J ! J=.U I ~ i.fa- ! r')\liJ ~ l.u.:i..
6 - under cove1· of friendship = while pretending to
be a friend.
Covert a covert coat = a short outer coat.
41~1 •
• "'-" ···'· ~- .. l.l~ •• WI
·· • U"""':"= - ! ~
Crack 1 - ht: is cracked = mad. ~ _,f 4 4! ! &J"~ ! ~~
2 - to crack jokes = to say amusing things.
(~ ~4 l(:.. _,f ~~ lQ J~) .u~
3 - to crack up a person = to praise. (~) r_.U.

4 - to crack up = to show. signs of age or decay .

• ~I~! ~I r_,.I ~~ &- :
5 ~ a crack on the head = a hard blow .
• (-,\!... l.l"'T)I ~) ~_,; ~ ! o..l:!J.~ ~..rO
6 - a crack player == very good. o;li .(Jl) rl.. ~':}
Cracker - 85 - Crop

Cracker a Christmas cracker : . .: an ornamented pipe of paper

containing a small gift; a pipe of paper the two ends of
which are pulled apart and break with a sharp noise.
! ~..I.A lr.J;..,JI ~ '-i~_;...~~J - \ : °"=""11 ~.AA
.4Ai~U-v-""' ~;.A.pl~ l~!~li_,l, ~~l~f :~I ~j - y
(in Amer.) an unsweeted biscuit ( = t.hin dry cake).
~l.}JI : ~: (~ft. l]J; ~~) :i..!_,i_,ijl
Crane to crane one's neck = to stretch out so as to see better
(J,rf_, u.)f ~j)l ·~_,s8 ~ uJ ~A
Crass : crass ignorance = complete. • :U...l.! ~~ ~ J:la.. ~

Credit : 1 - money at my credit = money which I have.

• JL. ~ ~f l. (_,f) f.S.>.:.s. L.
2 - my credit is good = people believe that I will pay
back money lent to me.
(JL. ~ ~~ L. .).r. ~4 L>_,A;! '-""'l:.JI L>11.Sf) ~ ,,s 4A!ll
3 - to get goods on credit :=.: to get goods promising
to pay later.
• i')\:..,\11 ~ t,:..cA ~.;.;· 2~ j.a_~ L)f : ~~I .l_p
4 - the credit side of an account = the page showing
received by Qt' owed to a business.
~I ~ y. '5.:UIJ ~I JUI lt.:i ~~I : ~~I ~
5 - to give' a man credit for some sense = expect him
to have. (L. o;~ ~) ~ )\Af ~~~fr!.~
6 - to give a man credit for what he has done = to
give a man praise for what he has done.
< ""'-r
J."" .., r J.iJ ~) ~ w l r..~
Creep·: make one's flesh creep = frighten.
. t_;.~ ~ ~ ! ~.r. ! ~~I .c...~
Crook : by hook or by crook = by some means or other.
'5~tuf ~y. ! ~~ _,J '3:!~
Crop 1 - neck and crop =: the whole lot. ~I ! L..... J£.JI
2 - a crop of spots on the face; a crop of troubles;
to crop up = to appear unexpectedly.
(J1_,.f .Jl ~~1 J J~ : JU2=i1 ~ ~) ;~4d ~ _,f ~
Copper - 86- Cultivate

3 - sheep crop the grass = to cut or bite off short.

<~ .u.laii) ~' i..t-.; rA.I'

Copper 1 - to come a copper = to fall e.g. from a horse.
(°*-4 .)IY.- u"'") ~
Cross 1 - cross one's t's = be very exact. i~ ~ f ~I rt;
2 - cross off, cross out = strike out a word by draw-
ing a line through it.
( lb;. 1.-r--
t ... """' • u
. ..rA/. ·L. 4J~
. <.)• w-) ~,
• -, ( i.r
l ... )"""'
-~ ·

3 - to cross one plant or animal with another = pro-

duce a plant or animal of a mixed kind.
~ IJ:"Y J1 ~~ ~I.fa. ~~ Jf frl:i C...bm:-=! : ~
l.r.-~ Jf
Crumble to crumble up to break or yield completely and sud-
denly. •~~ J l.L.f : JlH
Cry 1 __:___ to cry off = to say that one will not fulfil a pro-
mise. ~ Jr o.U.y, ~ ':1 ~,.,.... ~ ~1 J.,,z ~f
2 - a crying evil = an evil which should be set right
at once.' . t,; ~~JI~ ~j ~ tk:a..Ji ~
3 - in full cry (of dogs) = going after an animal and
making much noisP-.
(~~ ~lj ~1.r-.. ~'-:-'')IS' j J~) o~IJ ~..,- J
4 - hue cry = hunting a person (e.g. a thief) with
much shouting. u:.~~ (l...J)c.J~ .ll:Jl)a.JI ~
Cudgel cudgel one's brains = try hard to find the asnwer to
a difficult question.
~ Jly.,_,l ~ ~'~ a j f.a~: ~ ~ ! .i..:....) .,,...u:
Cult 1 -- a cult of Darwin love for a teacher.
C>\!-.) 0J; 1.>J ~I
2 - to make a cult of card-playing = to treat with
too much seriousness, as if it were a religious duty.
~.) ~1.J .r'l'1 ~lf"">1 l$- L~ ~~ ~ si: J;yl ~ ~
Cultivate 1 - to cultivate one'!'\ mind --= to study so that one's
mind ma.y become better .
. (~ ...~f ~- o_I «.r'J.JJI ~~ ~ ~4) ~ .;;;41
Culture -87- Curry

2 - - to cultivate a person's friendship = try to become

friend of a certain person .
. .u ~.)....:, 4J~ 4Jf ~ J~ c.Sf : L. ~ cil.l.,o ~~
(!llso : to cultivate a habit = to implant) .
. (o.)~) ..rfa. : ~-
3 - a cultivated person = one with a cultivated mind~
with knowledge of music, art, etc.
~..,!~ ;u_,...._,) ~~J :uur .J~ 4JW!.,,. J_,Aj : ~J :U_,... .J.)
(~ ~)I 0_,:.AJt_,
Culture a cultured person; a person of culture = one who has
knowledge and taste in the arts.
( <J_,;.AJI J JJ~ .Jf ~ 41 .:r ~ ~I
Cup a . bitter cup = something very unpleasant which has
to be suffered. lf-J Le_ 4Ji .._,...u ~ ") 4:-\i ~Jf : o)I t.T"KJI
Cupboard cupboard love = a show of love (e.g. by a child or
animal) in order to get sweets or food from the store
cupboard .
.:l.)_,:jl_, ~I ~ 4JI~ _,f j..ik A~ l. J!..) ~I ~
( 4J~I ~ .:r iWaJI _,f c.S_,Ll-1 u~ 1!.U~ .I~ Jl:eJ
Curdle to make· his blood curdle = to make one afraid.

r-S- ..J
\..:... Jo.
l t·...i.i
! (~I ·'11 . .i ~-
-- ./"44" "'
i.l.JI v-:: --
Cure 1 - to cure meat = to preserve with salt.
( j.!.. .uJ.4_ 4Jl~ .) L....i.JI .:r ~ ~t) ~La.:!
2 - to cure a skin == make into leather.
(~l:..,a.U ~) j~ i.)~I C!_~
3 - to be given a cure == to be given charge of a church.
(~~~) ~ .Y! -4-:!
Current 1 - the current opinion = that held by most people.
( 4JJ~I ~ lS.:UI) .>.:WI fall _,f c.Sf)I
2 - the current week = now passing JLJ-1 t.r.-~f
3 - the current number of a newspaper = to-day'A.
(~ ~) ir-11 ~.Js
Curry to curry favour = to seek favour by admiring or serv-
ing a person. ( ~~ _,J~! .).)_A4J~ )~(Jf )~c.S~ J.!.i.:!
Cursory - 88 - Cut

Cursory a cursory glance = quick and careless look.

( ~l_;ll ~J '-i1,la,) ~ 0)aj
Curtain 1 - the curtain rises = the play begins.
J ~I c!,.r. : (~tJ}I) J;.c- f~
2 - a curtain lecture = a scolding given by a wife to
\her husband when they are alone.
( vi .) 1.,;.; , .).;s. ~_,y ~_,j ) .r-1.J _, r ~
3 - a curtain raiser = a short play given bef.ore the
chief play in a theatre.
;,;._.;), ~I l ;;; l .. ir 0 - ~I • L·~-11 I -WI
- - - v-:' u-- ~ - IJJ • ...r--- tr"'
Curtsy : to drop a curtsy = to make a curtsy.
il~"7JI ~ ~'"j\s. ~ ~)I Jj~: t.,,S-)1
Custody : to take into custody = to prison. ~

CUBtom : 1 ___:_: to take away one's custom from a shop = not buy
any more. (<JU"-.) _,r w~ ~)~":!~ <.>lll :;_,All
2 - a queer customer = a peculiar person.
;l_,1~1 ~ ~ <,S.)~
jl.::;: ..r.i- ~
Cut 1 - that cuts no ice = has no effect. (.r ~I) l!.lJjJ ;f ~
2 - cut and dried (plan) = all fixed and not to be
3 - to cut a coat cut out cloth for a coat.
(~t.l; .c... ~) Gi, ~
4 - cut one's coat according to one's cloth = make
one's plans suit one's power's or money.
cl;1s_,r-. J ~~ _,f ~.)ci 'j ! ~~J ~ cl:lk.t.. _,..Li~
5 - cut out for = well suited to. ( IAJ) l..l( f~
6 - cut a story, cut down a story = make shorter.
,..,..aif .J# : LI.fa.! (WI _,f ~lQ..1) ~
7 - cut a clas~ = not go to a lesson. ~;.)JI ~ ~
8 - cut prices = make less. ~ ~ ;lA....~I ~
9 - cut across the grass == go across and so make
one's path shorter. .~)a.II ~ U 1 c.r-c. :·~fa.
10 - to cut a pe1·son; to cut him dead = pretend not
to see. ( ~) ~ (__,l) <.S,4 ' (~) r.. t ~i r,,s'~
Cutting - 89 - Dance

11 - to cut off with a shilling = to leave on money to

a son (etc.) at one's death.
~ ~ (~) oJJy 'l'L. .!.\.,;!
12 - he. ~ut me out =
was more successful, e.g. in Win-
ning the favour of a lady.
(:>\!.. ;f..,..1 .)~ j_,AJI j) ~ ~f ~l)
13 - very cut up = sad. i~ ! IJ:!_).a.
14 - to cut up rough = be angry. ~ , Jil. ! ~~
15 - a cut above = better than. i.r ~i
16 - the cut of a coat = shape. (&l.))J) ~I

17 - cut along = run along. ( ..~ ~) U; J.la.:!

Cutting a newspaper cutting ::: an interesting piece cut out
from a newspaper; a road cut through a hill.
~)o 4.>L. ~ '5yi. u: ~ U4 4,.:,~ - '
~ J' Jj J ~ : _,..11 - y
Dab a dab at = very clever at.
(~ Ji
~ j) ~ £ OJ li ! ~ L.

Dagger; look daggers at = show hatred.

~J . . 'I ' ..lid-.1 .J~~
' :. .: 11 I..:. A

Dainty : she is very dainty very careful in choosing, (food);

hard to please.
! ~I ;~I _,f U""4il J :.s.zt:... - '
_.:.....-11 • 1.-.:.1lJ) lA.J~L,.;I• ~
• ( ...r.--' ~ 'r-' . . - - y
Damn that damns it for me = proves to me that it is bad.
~.; _,r -'-li _,, Ub.. ~ r J ~
Damp: to damp a person's feelings = cause loss of joy or
hope. J ...")\J ~.L _,~ j,jl; ! JJ..r-U ~L.
Dance : 1 - to give a dance = to invite guests to one's house
for dancing.
- ":lh
• ( .Jd.r. ~
.. l~11J••
..,..... .
~ u:~
..t.J) uA'J
·Jl..,ta.;.-1;~. ~ ~Pii
2 - lead a person to dance = cause much trouble to;
cause to foil ow one about from place to place .
. ~ o.J'fJ Jl!..._,T~l::..~ - ,
• ~lC. Jl ~~ .:r ~ ~l:..~ ~ - y
Dare - 90 -- Daunt

Dare 1 - I dare him to do it = I told him that he was

not brave encugh to.
(L.. G..f u4 ~f ~~'..; 4.r~ t ~i) ~f _,J cir
2 - I dare say == I believe it possible that. .
( l.:.S-- .r ~I ~~ _,f l.lS'" ~~) ~l µ1 i:r ~j ~f
Dart a snake darts out his tongue = throw out quickly.
• ~r. ....-
I •. .: •
lJ' L"L..J
.al .I·: ~I
i f·- •• """"'+""' -
(~l.J..i) .1l .l.1
• ..........._
Dash 1 - the waves dashed against the cliff to be
thrown by force.
~)\; _,f ;~4 ~)' (.l_,..~'I ~!: ~.r. ! ( o~) ~"'.r.
2 - to dash off a letter = write quickly .
. ~r. 41.J:b. ~
3 - his hopes were dashed = ruined .
• ~6:.. ! ..:;.,~ f ..:;.,~~~ ! (-.lLT) ~
4 - a dash for safety :.:.: a rush for safety.
(o~ ~) 4.;ii ! ~
5 - a soldier of great da~h and skill spirit.
6 - wine with a dash of water == a small amount .
• ·c.UI ~ r:.!:r ~ : ( c.UI Ir) J.:1i ~
7 - to cut a dash == make oneself noticed as a fine
~f Jl+.J ;llli~I ~! ~ ~f J_,6:) ~lfa. ! Ql; ! ~~
Date 1 - out of date : . . .: not in p1·esent use, or useless.
(~CSI) J-:..- __,._~ ! ~I rJ.M... ! ~I J.ili ! Jk~
2 - make a d.ate ~ make an agreement to. meet
at a certain time.
( ~ ~lS:..J 1.rj j c.l4U) i~_,.. y~
3 - up-to-date = new, as now used .
• 6~! L _,;..T ! ~I L. _,;..T ! ~~
Daunt 1 - nothing daunted == not frightened.

• t-'...JI ~ ..:i.a.4 ~ ! t_.Ji! t ! ~t

2 - dauntless = no.t afraid of anything .
• c.~••f.; o_Jr.Jf ~.:-k 'J ! ~ ~.):! ~ ! ~ ~~ ~
Dawn - 91 - Dead

Dawn It began to dawn o·n him = he began to understand.

. ~ ~' ! ~ _,f ~ '""'

Day 1 -- this day week = on the same day next week
J;ill ~~I ~ r.r-JI 1.1. J!.. J
2 -- days of grace =
further days allowed beyond
the fixed time for paying a debt.
: ;J~'ll i~ ~ ~.) e.u ~.\..lei J+c_~I i4~1: :il+ll r41
~J.JI ~{; ('4f
3 - to win the day to win the battle.
(W_, j) ~ ! ~-"'11 ~
• 4 - the day is ours = the battle is ours .
• W_,JI o~ j j,,A;- f ~ f l:J ;;.)_,...11
5 - every dog has his day = all persons have some .
happy times. • o.M- ~j (_,f) ..Jt:..; r4f ~ J.CJ
Dead 1 - dead ~leep -=-- very deep. Jei" r_,l
2 - dead = complete, completely as dead tired.
(~) <.>jAJI J.)~;:.. ! .!l_,.,:... ' ~4 ~
: a wind dead against us. ~~~~: li~L~J; l:
: a dead calm.
~; il:i 4.>~ ! ;r.AJI 4.>_,>:- ! v_,11 4.>fo
3 - dead beat = tired out. • ~IJZ.. ! ~4 ~
4 - the dead centre = exact middle point.
(~'LS:JI .h..._,JI y. <.>.l.ll) il:JI j-l)I
5 - - dead cf night :~ the darkest part of the night.
J:.UI :i.r, ! (~I ~li__,i ~f) ~1 £ ~I '-il;
6 --· make a dead set at :.:_ go straight towards.
"":Y°..f.~ ~
! Lf; oyl ~
7 - a dead shot t= sure shot.
(J=:i.11 ~~0l ~- ";i) i\.;\i~L.-1
8 - deadly pale white-faced.
• w.,..UI ~ ~ ~_,JI~ ! ~_,JI~
9 -- deadly poison · -~ • causing death.
~u r· ~ (..:.._,.ti ..:::.,~ '-'' ;.,.. ~ '1) Jl:i Jt Ji\i r-
Deaf - 92 -- Death

Deaf turn a deaf ear to = ref use to listen.

Deal 1 - to deal a blow = to give. • ~ .)..l....d ( ~-""'°) : ~Y-

2 - to deal cards = to give each a share .
.k....llli• ~
- ! .& -i 1<
~ cj""-.J i..,s--:.
I I t._,
S - to deal with Mr. A. = tc- do business with.
(U)U) J...~
4 - to deal at a shop = buy from a shop .
(~ _JJ c.J_;- ~ a~f) '5~
.0..l.:! f
5 - to deal in corn = to buy and sell ...
- '
I. -...
T.~.J~: IA-.. (~I
. ll') ~-
6 - to deal with a matter = to settle.
(~I_;,;) ~ ! (~) ~ : (li~ .,,f i_,..J) ~.H
7 - deal with a question = decide, answer.
~ ! ~: (Jlj- ir) ~Jf (~) fi
8 - to make a deal = to arrange to sell or buy' a
certain thing.
J J...~ : J_,z ~t.5-- : ~J ~A (l.T'L.:.. Go~ J-) J..~
. ~ft. .,,f ~~I __,f Juli
9 - a great deal; a good deal = rather a lot.
( ~~ Li·) ..r.?5-
.near' : Oh dear ! Dear me ! Dear, dear '-' crie£ of grief,
wonder, surprise, etc.
c.J..:,J.-1 ir ~u ~ : ~-"'"'' tr.,f ! .!.lrf L. ~ !l .JSai L.~ ~ ~4
~ ;iJIJi ~I _,J

Death 1 - death duties = a share of a dead man's wealth,

taken by the government .
• j_,:.. o.J} ~ i.~ t.ti.L;..l; ~I 4J.1 : ~~_;JI~~
2 - the death of all his hopes ,- the end of all his
hopes. ~LJ ~tr Jf ,r:.T
8 - .death rattle = the sound heard in a person's
throat at the JJlOment of death .
• ~_,ii ~L ~W~I o.r,w. ~ ~ ~lJI u~I : c,_,11 ~.,,..!..
Debit - 93 - Deep

Debit the debit side of an account == the page showing pay-

ments and debts owed to others.
cJy.JJI_, ul~_,iJ.11 4: .- ~"1 ~I ~I : (~l-. ~) LJ!JJI ~
,:.r.._;;..~ ~I
Debt 1 - a debt of money; a debt o.f thanks = anything
owed. • l:__ L,;.; 4U1 l~jlJ: ~_,f cjl)')'L.: u0,;ll
2 - a bad debt = one which will never be paid .
. i~I c!:~ ":J ~,.... <S:UI : ..:...:11 ~J.Jt
Declare 1 ...:.._ have you anything to declare ? = question asked
at time of entering a country.
: ( ~) ~ .J f ;.;Z .Jf Jfo· L. 4 JJT : ;fi ! J~ f ~
• <S_;;..f ~ .l.J.b. j~I .l:!,r- ~<Sf Jl ~ Jt_;....
2 - well, I declare = a cry of surprise.
~-'' t) ~: cJ~!
Dedicate 1 - I dedicate all my spare time to writing = to set
apart for some special purpose.
J ~I}~-'~:~ : (~~I ~ ~.J ~ ~l L. J.f"°) ~j
2 - dedicated to Sir William Bunkum = to show
that the book is written in his honour.
~ .U ("j..!..) ~l:C...11 cJf Ji o;W! : ~~ ~J .J.:"" J! ~~
. 01;:u ~
Deduce I deduce that thil"'l is an insect = to reach an idea after
considering accepted facts : aR : all insects have 6
legs; this creature has 6 legs : there~ore I deduce that
this is an insect.
V" J...t:ll ~ :i~ Ji «JW'l'I ~ cJf : (o_r.. ~f) ~I
1.a_, !:i:- J.:!.) ul~I J(.J : J!.. . :W..- _,f o;fa ~u.
;_r-. 4'Jf ~I ~~I : ~) 4:... L;_,l;JI
Deed : a brave deed = a~t .• '-..~1 _,f ~~I rY- ~ J..i(_,f )J>
Deem I deem it wise to do so and so = I think it wise to.
l.>s'_, I~ ~f _,f·J.i-Z ~fJWI~ ...;f:~..l.I (Jf) ~f (.Jf) J;f
Deep 1 - a deep book == very learned and difficult to un.
derstand .
• ~~1 _,f ........ ~ :u..,...._, ~ ~ ~ l.. : J:i' yt:s- : ~
De Facto - 94- Delinquent

2 - deep in water = far in .

• Ji;~I J ! .. Ul '-'&.rr j ! .. UI / J
3 - a deep red = a dark rich red .
• o_;...d-1 ~'.) ! ;;_,..J..1 ~..u _,_J
4 -- the deep =-= the ocean. OJ L.,.:u;.. ! r-'j , ~I ! 1=JI
De Facto : de facto owner = in actual factt though not perhaps
justly or according to law.
~ t y.J ' ~ ,fJ ~I .Jf J \WI ~- ~UI
!Sj,JI !Si : J-AJI
• 0y\AJI ~. Jf ~
Default. a judgment in default ·= judgment in a cou1·t of law
when one fails to come and defend oneself.
• ~~I ~ ~ ~W! ~ J~ ~(:.. : \J~I p1
Defect ·. mentally defective ----: not posscs!:!ing the u~ual powers
of mind like other people.
1.<i,. :JI ~.)L.JI;; ..\ill~ 'l') 1.::: i U.WI ~1-'I -li
~- ~ - ') - .,.-:""" .J - . ,_,... i.t»
( ~Jf- 91
Defend on the defensive :...: protecting oneself; not attacking.
t. ~· ! (J.....ii ~-::-
~T- ~--') liJJI ~~.. ~ t .
Defy 1 - to defy the law = to do wrong caring nothing
for the law.
. ~ J~ ~ ~ylAJI ~ ~~ L.. ~<:;~ : (~_,ilAJI) '5~
2 ---- It defies description == cannot po~sibly be de-
Degree : by degrees = slowly. . ~ ....;~ ! ! o.)l..tt: ! .. ~ ! u....~
Delicate : 1 - a delicate instrument which can show the
effect of very small forces and is itself easily
, )\Aj ~.,A!' Jii ~;h #i : (~.r.~ JT) 4A:i.) ~obr
.~I ~.r ~.; L ~_,
2 - a delicate child = of weak health.
. -<-11 - - :w.JI . . . • li I :.L
. J-.r- ~) - . ~ ~ . ~ u-
Delinquent : a juvenile delinqueut -- a young person who has
• broken the law. . ·~.J ~yl&ll J}: ~ : f'T .Jf r-ti 6~
Deliver - 95- Depend on

Deliver : 1 - to deliver a speech = make a speech.

• • r
.J 4.illb. :i •
2 - s: e was delivered of child = gave birth to a
child. • ~JJ.J f )~ ~.J
3 - he has a good delivery = a good way of speaking.

• ""
:,wl -:I~! jj...J L.
'-7 ~ r--:: . ""
_I("- • • . ~~

Delve to delve into the books; to delve in the secrets of

nature = search deeply into.
: (~IJ~f ol:.S:::...I j) ~ ! (~I i.rJ.! J) ~
Demand 1 - fresh flowers are in demand = everybody is
wanting to buy floweJ's.
~_,J.k.. ~I Jl&j-;'1 : ~_,AS"")~ c.~ ! 4 y_Ji._r ! yfo..
~ai\j ~J- ~f ~- ; ( lr.:i y~.r ,,1
2 - law of supply and demand :=: the law : "plentr
makes price less; lack makes prices higher,'.
ilAll.J J t-~I J.fJ t-JI ofl 04 J_,AJI) ~IJ ~rJI 0_,.ili
. (~;
Denude 1 - a land denuded of trees = having no trees .

• ~li ifJf ~ ~ ~ ':J : ~I 0-" ~J~ if;i : i.S.;&-

2 - denuded of all his money ·-- having lost all his

Deny : to deny oneself the pleasure = to refuse to give.

( ~~ ~I Jf ~1) ~ i ~ ! 4-ij j&- .r<.:.~
Depend on 1 - victory depends on strength or courage to
be supported by.
l~l ~~,_, o~I ~f ~.)~~I .Ji o_,AJI js. ~1 ~~
. (~I 0lf' lj"..b~I
2 - good temper depends largely on health = to trust
to the support; to be partly caused or controlled
[.1_;11 ~ : ~_,AS"-} 6~ ! ~ ! ~~ ! (~) ~.A
WI ;;.:1Y." (_,f) ~ ~1 JT WI o.)Y."~ ~---;rt J i-At~;

~1·J.1 u~~ .Jf ~.J
~.... 0M
. ._ ·; f ( ~
1.._) ~w
Deport - 96- Detail

3 - It all depends it is certain, until I know

(certain other facts).
~f ~ h.s~) ~f '): (·~) ~~r Jf ~.,ti,.. i.!.U.l ~
~-~' iJLk..~ ~~I ~f ~1): ~.,a.f ~~ ~
( ~_,,:;.f ~li:oi. _,f _,.4 ,.J~ 2\i_, .
Deport : deport oneself = behave. (J,rdl) u--z f (t.lµI) i_,i:!
Deprecate I deprecate his rudeness = I wish he had net been
rude; I am sorry that he was rude .
. r.... ; ~ t ~r _,.J .)_,r ; :l.:j_,.!j- ..::..A.-f (.Jf) ~~
Depth 1 - I am out of my depth = in water too deep for
me to stand.
( ~ J_,i_,.JI~')' J:tf° .. t.. j ~~ ~l)) ;l_;JI 0&. ~-!~I J
2 -- in the depths of winter =- in the middle of winter.
( .. l:!JI J...oi h-_,:... J) .. l:!JI ~~ J
3 - in the depth of despair = having lost all hope.
( J-.f JS-~~~~ .ll) 1_,.:.AJI _,f 1.1"'~1 ~(.;.·
Derange he is deranged = mad.

Descend 1 --- he is descended from (is a descendant of) Saladin

= is great-great grandson of Saladin.
ci~ &4 f o-'Laa.f -'U.f ~ Jf ~JJI C.~ ~~f 1.T'.JA
2 - descend upon = attack suddenly. ~ ! ; .. \~- ~lr..
Description a man of that description.
~UJI 1.J.A ~ (_,f) :U.S-L!JI ~ ~ (_,f) ~lA.,a.JI o.l.. 4.1 ~
Deserts he has got his deserts he has got what he deserved
e.g. punishment: (~ y~ c.r) ~ L. Jli
Design : a designing person one who plans to deceive .
• p..)~ ! ~~ !
Desuetude : that law or custom is in desuetude = has gone out of
u~se ; is not now obeyed.
( ...:&. ~ 1..1"' l;J Ir.)4 'i ) ')'Jas. ~' _, r •-.1..i- Jk:i .Ai ~_,..,I -'T ~_,;\Al I I~
Detail a detail of (soldiers) = a small number for a special
• ~L.;. :i..+ ~_,i...i:! ~...4' U4 J.Ji .)J.s. :(~I c.r) ~(.JT) ~
Determine -97- Device

Determine i - the qaulity of man's clothes is determined by how

much he can pay = is controlled by.
•• UUI
• ~- J.i
J L- .. ~ .. 11
•• --
~ '-"-'""
u-- ~
• I ~~
j..... u. '-· : r..r
1.. •• -
• «~I ~"j..... ~ ~_,s:.; ~I ~111 .)~JUI ~j ~-
2 - he determined how much he had to pay = to make
up one's mind.
(JUI ~ ~~ ~ <.S.iJI ;..\All) U':f- ! J.U ! ~
3 ;-- a determined man = firm; having a strong will.
~I <.S,; ! o-'~! _,.l f ~jL..
Deuce 1 - the deuce ! = the devil : a cry of surprise.

2 - to play the deuce to cause great trouble or dis-
order. rlli.:.JI J i'"'w-' ~ ~.u:
3 - deuce of a deuce; Deuced = meaningless words
used to give force to a saying.
• t_; u r.y.s· ~ uY-- ~vs- &

4 - deuce of a lot = very many; very much.

.J'Y. f i~~
6. • •
Develop 1 - a plant develops from a seed = grow up.
(~ .:r ~ _,f ~ ~~I : 4!.Ufo) ~ ! ~
2 - to develop a business = to cause to grow.
~_,,r... _,r -JJ- : •~ _,r 1..9.r..
3 - develop an idea to study or think out fully.
~-' ~.J \+-;.l ~ ~ ~~: ofa) L>_,s:~ 1 ·~ 1 ~.r..
(lei <.Sl)I
1 - leave him to his o~n devices == leave him alone;
give him no help .
• ol.i_,w· '.1 f ~w '.1 f 4i r; 'J t ~G_, ...s-.;r f ......._.,
2 - a device for sharpening pencils = an instrument.
("j..!.. ~~)I r')\i~I .A...l l.JT) ob~I f JJ9'
B- the device painted on a knight's shield == .a draw·
ing; a picture.
(U"';WI t}~ ~ J~ _,f ~_;~I~) o;~I f ~)t
Devil -98- Diamond

Devil 1 - between the devil and the deep sea = having

two choices, hQth of which are bad.
: _r, l~.% . W:!rT ~
2 - give the devil bis due = be just even to a bad
person. (.r.~ CY-' ":}~· ~) : ~ ~ ~f
3 - to go to the devil = be ruined.
4 - play the devil with = do much harm to.
_r.JI c..uf J~ ! ;~I ..uf ..:..~
5 - it's the very devil = very difficult or painful.
r-!f ! t'YI ~ t4 ~ t]L::i ! i.L:-- ~'
6 - devil a one = not one.
~ LJ-4 L. ! .b.I_, ":l.J ! ~W! ":l.J
7 - devil may-care - careless and wild in behaviour.
(...s-_,i... J) ~ (.JT) J..+.
8 - a printer's devil = a beginner in the office of a
printer. ~I ! -j.!.. ~L:kJI ui J ·<.S~ J~ : ~<.S.l:.zll
9 - poor devil = fellow.
(~W":ll t!.U~ ~ ! ~.J.,,, t:J..s;_) J.:i)I ! 1Y-J...a.ll ! ~I

10 - a devil of a fellow = full of spirits; very brave.

• J~ ! i.L:-- t~ ! ~ ·~
Devolve : the business devolved upon him = to pass on work to
some one else to do.
~~ o..r...AJ~f,, .c.... 1:.:..l : o~ JI ( t-'.rJ4 _,r j..AJ4) ~
Devote 1 - he devoted himself to his work = to give wholly
L. J...J ( ..;~) r.J",;) ! ( 4.-.ii) _;;_,f
2 ___, a devoted husband = very Joving.
(~Jjll ..;~ J) ~Li:.. ~j ! ~ ~j

Diamond 1 - diamond wedding the 60th year of being mar-

Die - 99- Direct

2 - diamond cut diamond -- two persons, both clever,

trying to deceive each other.
JJ~-' JU i.,r~ ~ J J~) ~..lJ-1 ')'! ~J.:ll ~· ~
. ( ~l._o t~ <Jf t..,:.. JS"
Die l - a die-hard = one who refuses to give up opinions
formed a long time ago and now proved wrong.
~)4 ¥. irj .c... t,:.,,.S- .. l;l sf...;~ <Ji dd~ ~) J....4-
• (lA.)WJ_,.l; ~
2 - the die (pl. dice) is cast = the matter is now
~ <J91 .r-;rl <Jf ~- ! .)~I '-:-'~ ~f) '-:-'~I ~J
• ( 4;S. ~I i.JAJ _,f ~I
Difficult a difficult person = one who is hard to please.
! (J~oJ~;! ~-~) ~ ~ ! ~ ~J
Dig give him a dig = give a quick push to make him attend ;
say something unpleasant about him.
! (J.....i:J ~ ~ ~r. 4-i' <J4) ~ ~f ! ~ - '
• ~ ! y~-T
Digest digest a book = to take the meaning into the mind.
( .c:!iA.. J ol.:.... ~) l:) ~~ 4
Dilate : dilate upon a subject == speak for a long time about;
write a lot about.~ ( L. t!,-_,,..
J) ~_,i, ~ _,f ~
Dimension : the fourth dimension = time (as having an effect on
the other three dimensions) .
• i.s~ -;r, :.t..i~JI .)~ ')11-J G:f
-.J <Jf; ~4 ' <JL._;H _,.._, : C!l)l .>...;JI
Din to din into the ears of = to continue f;aying the same
thing again and again.
(o.r ~ o.r i..bl_, ~ ~ ~) 4.;f J ~.J~
Dip 1 - dip the flag = lower for a short time.
2 - to dip into a book = i·ead a little of.
. ykli:.r : ~ f_}:!
Direct 1 - ·the direct road = not going round about.
(4~l.Alu:... ~-' ~ ~ i.sjJI) JlkL.JI ~)JI
2 ~ a direct descendant = direct from father to son.

(i:r.~ y~I LJ-4 ~f) or~ 41-i .:,r

Dirt - 100- Dispose

3 - driect your eyes towards = to cause to turn.

( ~li.';J~I ~ "1...:i:) yJ. ._)zj ~Y-
4 - to direct a letter = to aim at; to s·end to.
(4\k:.) J-.r- ! ( yl:f' .r-.rZ Jl) JJ.r.. ~ '
5 - please direct me to the post-office = to tell a per-
son the way to a place.
~.r.JI ~ ~f: ..;~: (.A.!~I ~Ji J~Jf): ~ft
Dirt dirt-track = a path of rolled earth used for racing.
Jl:-U ~ ~ ~). : Jl:-JI ~
Discount : to discount a story = to believe only part of it.
(~ 4.JJ_;.>:j.J y~I~ 4.J.,:..._;;f) :~ faJ ~IJ)I ~ Lr'~
Discriminate : discriminate against = to treat unfairly.
.lill"=! ! (~~ ~ ~~) ~~
Dislocate traffic was dislocated = the service of trains, stl'eet
cars, etc. was thrown into disorder.
~IJ ~IJ c.IJ lluJI ~ <Sf : ;J)I 4..)~ ~ : J,,Z) ~
(\A;Jr rlla.i J-iJ 4..);Lt ~ l..~.J
Dispatch mentioned in dispatches (of a soldier) =·having his
name printed in the account of a battle as having
fought specially well.
(4l"_,.... j jl:..1 <SJ..:.::- ,:r )~)I .:.iti."'-:JI J _;j .: J_,L' : t_~·H
Dispel the sun dispels the clouds = to drive away.
~ ~ C!_r. (~I .:.t-'~ ~I &J! J~) : .)..\:-!
Dispensation : a special dispensation· = the allowing of some special
action, which usually is not allowed.
(o.)l.JI J ~ r:r-·.#- U°\;.. ~ i~) :t,.,~ ~J
Dispen.se to dispense with = to do without.
(L. &~) 4.JJ~ ~ ~': (~)~
Dispose 1 - I am well disposed toward him = I like him and
am willing to help him.
~.L&.L- J! J.::...T ! ~ ~T ! ~T
2 - disposed to help him = willing to.
(...; .L&. l-... J !) t} \; f J.a:.- f J 1_,i
Dissolve - 101 - Do (did, done)

3 - dispose of something = set oneself free 'from.

C:r) ~ ~ (t.. ~) ~ (.,,f) ;~ (_,f) !l~
Dissolve i '- dissolved in tears = weeping.
. (i.r .~ IJ'<;_) ~_,!.!JI ~li ! ~!~I C.~
2 - to dissolve a meeting = to break up; to send aw~y .

• ~~ ~A - y ! ~\;.i:"I uAi: - \
Distaff": on the distaff side = on the woman's side of the family .
• •WJ4 ~I.} '5:, .Jf : i~J ~I ~
Distance to keep one's distance = not to go too near; not be
too friendly.
• <.S~~ f (0-') ~ f (~) y_M "i'- \
()\Ji ~l Q.)\_,g... LJ&.) ~ f ~~ - "
Distant distant in manne1• = not friendly.
~~ f J;)~ .# ! .)l...,
Disturb 1 - the wind disturbed the surface of the water = to
change the usual or natural condition .
• ~I .J.:J~ ~ j .~t ~ : ~- (•UI ~)I) !l~ &-
2 -- to cause a disturbance = to make a noise; start
a fight. ~t.,,- .Jf U-1,r l~ - y ~~ ! if~ - \
Ditch to die in the last ditch = to fight to the very end.
~·II •
'I u-
~ ~ • - • i.Jt -'II
- "r' ~ ..

Divorce his talk is divorced from reason = unreasonable; far

from wisdom .
• ~ ~~ f yl~I ~J~ ! JWI ~ ~: 4.4;}(~!
Do (did, done) : 1 - do the flowers = arr.ange. ;_,...;JI : ~~
2 - do one's hair = brush. (~~_,Al~) .,..,.....: '5.H
·3 - do the meat well = cook. (i~ ~I)~ f~
4 - done to a turn = perfectly cooked.
_,..1.11 ~Y.'f ~ ! ~ ~' t~
5 - to do Cail'o = to see all places of interest in Cairo.
( l.; t;T_, ~t.... J-'fl sf : •.,,. w1) •14·1
6 - done in the e:re = deceived; tricked.
~ ~ ~ ~T ! .._
Doctor - 102- Dog

7 - will this do you ? = suit.

8 - do oneself well, (do oneself proud) = Jive in great
comfort. ~ o~ ~ !·~ .J&.;f ~
9 - have to do with = be ·concerned with .
. J! J~ f. (1.lr ~ ... J) ~t...: _,f (I~) fr..
10 - have nothing to do with him = not deal with;
not meet or talk to. .tl: ljf ~ ! ~J ":} f ..u..~l "l
11 - it does not do to be = it is not wise to be.
( tj._) l.Jfo (Jf) ~~' ~ ! ( 1.U- (J~ (Jf) :UL,a...ll Ji Jia.110-4 ~ ..~
12 ~ that will do = is· enuogh. ...;u-- l.i&
13 - do away with = kill; destroy; put an end to .

• ~ f ~ ! ~ - Y' ! r->-t !; ~ f ~- " ~ - '

14 - do for = kill; ruin. iJ.r. ! ~ ! ~
15 - do out a room = clean. (o~ ) ~
16 - do up a (house) = paint and repair.
( J.:.... i;;;. L. r-.~J .i.a~ ~4 : ~:;....) ~
17 - do up a (shoe, dress) = tie up; fasten.
( :;_,~.H J J)I &-) JJ~ ~ ( o~I~) ~~
18 - a do = a trick; a feast or party of gu~sts. ·

J.b. 1 ~, - " ! ~- '

19 - fair do's = share equally .
..6....ll 4 :i.-9 ~ 4-..il I j ~ ! '5.J LI 4 r~
Doctor 1 - to doctQr a thing = to repair it. (~) ~
- \..... ..
2 - to doctor focd = to mix with other things of bac.l
quality .
• ~I~ ~~l lr.J!~ ~4: '-:!~~1 ~
3 - to doctor accounts = to make them seem true .
. ~ ~~ y ~ ~ '-~ : yLJ..I j ~~
Dodge : a clever dodge =.clever trick. ~) \i :u....
Do& : 1 - a gay do·g = a person who is always seeking
amusement. _,.;.Ul ~ ~: c_l.r ! CJ"
2 - you dog ! ·= low, bad person.
j.:&.: ~ 1!.114 ! JJ:._,JI € JiWI ! ~I Lr._f
·g -" to lead a dog's life = have many troubles .
. -.. • .\ ' o --
.~J~. ~..J'.. • .~
.i. • ~ L "-- · o~
.. ls
Doldrums - 103 - · Dot

4 - to go to the dogs == to become ruined in character.

~ ! ~ ! -41JT c..t~ ! i_-a1; ~
5 - dog in the manger = one who does not wish to
use a thing, yet will not allow others to use it.
~~ ~_, ~ ~ 01 J.:J~ '1 ~ : ~I ' ~U\ ! J.iWI
. ~ 0f •ft.
6 - let sleeping dogs lie = leave alo=ie things which
may cause trouble .
• ~1_,li..o~I_, ~\;ll~~ ~I .. ~'YI oJlt!~ ~!:l;#J~~I ~~
7 - to dog = to follow closely.
~ '~ ! .illL<" ~ ~ ! i..;--!5- ,y. ~ ~
Doldrums in the doldrums = in a low and sad state of mind.·
• ~.)JI lo.:-'~ ! (Ji.JI) ~_;. , yJj:...
Dole 1 - to dole out = to give out a small part at a time.
(l1Wf ~J) t,~ ~J.: t or ~ J i~ f..~ ~
2 - the dole = a payment made by the government
to unemployed workers.
' ~ '1 J...W ~_,.(:J-1 l+-Jj.j : ~I J~.I Ai~!
Doll : to doll up = to dress up in fine clothes.
• i.rYI' ~f ~ : r~
Domain the domain of science = those studies which are dealt
with by scientists .
• .. w..JI ~ ~ ~I ul..IJJ..11 : ~I lei_,
Domestic : . a domestic = a servant in the home. J_:r:. J r~~
Dominate : this tall building dominates the city = rise above the
other buildings in the city.
)l.f. ~ ~ ~Ji ...;_r.;
, o;~I ..iA ~! J_,z : ~ ! ._j.M
• ~J.U
Door 1 - next door = in the next house. J\:JI ~I J
2 - out of doors = in the open air.
Jlk'I .:-1_,kl J ! Jf.11 ~L:. J
3 - lay at a person's door =blame him for.
. (•u-! ~ ~) ~~ ! rfa. ! J~~ ! ~
Dot 1 - to dot him one = hit.
Double - 104- Down

2 - dotted with houses with houses scattered

over it.
• uOJ ~I .:r :W; J J~ : .U_,t <J4 u.r-:JI JI.;;;
3 - on the dot = at the exact time.
_,~1 i.::..i_,JI i.i ! ~l:.11 i.::J_,n J
Double 1 - a double bed = meant for two persons.
2 - a double door = one having two parts.
3 - aavance at the double = run (of soldiers).
(x..#) '5).-1 f _,.....,,
4 - one's double = a person who looks just· Jike one .
• ~ _,. _,f 4-J"j..j 4..! ~')\; '-'! : J_,z ~'
5 - double up = fold up; sit closer.
YP- : ~.(U"'#I j) 4-J~~ - 'f ! '5~ ! ~ _ \
• .l_,.A.l I .j;s. ~ ~ I .:r .b. l_,J I
6 - double back = bend back; run back .
. (,~ ~ ! ~! f c.l;,,JI J!~!- \
Dove-tail their plans dove-tailed = their plans fitted very well
.• (~li._,, 4~f) u~I_,, ~I_,;~- :~ ~ .. j..; :J~ :f&~
Dowager the dowager queen of X = the wife of the dead King X,
not the wife o·f the present king.
• J\.J..l l!tlil ~Jj ':J ' ~WI ~I ~.Jl : il..)I :iS111
Down 1 -- to do down = to deceive. • t.Ad: ! ~
2 - to down a person = to beat; to conquer.
~ ! -"~ - Y ~·YA - \
3 - to be down on; to have a down on = to dislike
specially. '
4 - to be down with = be in bed with (illness).
(~l_,All d-)1 ~,)T) : r.J.4 ! (d-}I o.Wf) : J.,,z : ~
5 - to be sent down = to ·be sent away from a uni-
versity for bad behaviour .
• .u-_,L ..,_J L;.l.. _,f ~4-- ~ ~
6 - ups and downs = good and bad fortune.
(L.:.a_,, r...._ > .laJ.-1 u~_j.)
Drag - 105 - Draw

7 - he is down for. a speech = he is on the list of

_,f ~ J: ~ ~~~jJI ~!St) ~I U\i Jy.
I ("j.!.. t~'
8 - down and out = a man without money, employ-
ment or hope.

< _,r ~_, _,f Jt.. ~) i:J:.>:.- ! ~' .Aili ! Jla..:-
1 - a drag on the party = one who prevents a gather-
ing of friends from being enjoyable.
r ~ t.. JA-- J &li~f t~' ~ ~ : JAJ-1 ~ ~ ~\.)
_,+U I_, ;J.rJ I J ~ .;r-
2 - to drag the lake. =: to pull nets along the bottom
e.g. in order to get out a dead body.
Jµ .!l l:-!J~ ~.;. _,f .Ji.
-F- li (.$f) -~ UJI u-i-G (.Jl) y~
(~~ ~ j&.
Draught 1 - draught of fisehs = number caught in the net.
c!l......JI &4 ~: J~ ! ~I ~ ~ ~jJI ci-11 ~ : ~I
2 - draught of wine = one large mouthful.
"ii.J....? : (,r-1-1 u--) ~~
3 - a draught-horse == a strong horse for pulling
heavy things. (~~ ....a.ll .r1:' j '-'~ ~jJI) .)-1 ~I~
Draw 1 - to draw teeth = pull cut. • (*-4 l:....) t:' (Jf) t~
2 - to draw one's pay = receive. • ( ~.r) ~
3 - "to draw a glass of wine from a barrel; to dr.aw
blood = cause to flow .

• ~ ~ J:...r. &4 tfi _,f' (~.r. u--~ ¥) -*- - '

• j..!.;. :u.Y.M o_r.lS ;1~4 (~J.Jt) ~ - y
4 - the ship draws 30 feet = to sink to a certain depth.
, L.Ai o::"":N &lll j ~ '-f.:f <Si : L..u ~Y~ ~' ~\Q.
• lk o;,;LI ii_,..J.I .>.:a. ya.J
6 - - a drawn game = to finish a game or fight, neither
side having wdn.
a.,-uW.. ~~ ! ~I J ~~_;JI J~W : J~ : J~Ldl
• ( .!Jl.J' _,f ~ j J~) ~.;Al 'lJ ~) J' 'Y
6 - to draw a line; to draw a picture = make with
pencil or pen.
Dress - 106 ~ Drift

7 - to draw the line at (murder) = be unwilling to

go so far as (to murder).
~~ i~ ~~ J.i ~f <.Sf : J:All ~ J! ~~ 'l ! ~ '1
• 1...11.::£JI J! -.;.Jl..U. _,f ~l.J.>.&. d ~~ ")' .c£..J_, ' f'~~
8 - the· chimney draws well = air passes up it making
the fire burn.
- ~· _,j i..i~ --'' Y¥ ~""11 tJ! : J.,Z) i..i~ ~ ~ ~ y~
( j~
MO) l:JI J~I u-;- l---• &1-11 ,_,,..
9 - draw back, near, away = go .
• (~~ ~- ~1..9) ~ - ~ f y...\! - " ~.r.. - '
10 - draw on, draw rou'!d = come. • ~ ! J~ ! i~
11 - the play is a great draw = success.
)l.U""" r....~. U!.:11 J T L..UI ..:,.;l)
Dress 1 - to dress up =to put on special clothes as for
• -- .

a phiy. (L. &.,.)

~ L.Pt:i:. LL:J ~) <..>.l:i.r.
2 _:_ to dress ship = to put on many flags on a ship.
~ ~ : J~· : ;;~~ L~I l;4JL ..J~ ~ :(:i~_e ) ~
• r~\li .:;. '~ c!l
3 - don't dress =- do not put on evening (ceremonial
~ : t)~ ~} : \...~· : (~)I ~)\JI ~- '.i <.Sf) r.fi &'}
• :i.::-)1 ~.)J 'JI
4 - to dress on £12 a year ::::; no to spend more than
£12 a year for one's clothes.
4!.U~,:;. fa"f ~~~<.Sf j ~)U ~ 'y) ~: (iW1
. i l&. j 4-l)l. ~
5 .:._ dress by the right = lo&k to the right and get
into line.
LJ~ j ~ ..~ _,f ;~lkJI j .J;.!J. J~ : .h~I ,;la.,J : ~- ~t
. -...~~' .u
6 - dress dowr:i = scold. (o~) tfa- f ~;n ! ~
7 - dress a wound = tie. -'~1 ~ ~:o.J.....A:! (l.~)~..r.
8 - full dress = ce:t4monial clothes .
• ~)I ~)\.id..I ~"j.... f ~)1 ~)Ut
Drift 1 - a ·snow-drift = snow blown by the wind to form
a small hill.
, ~~)I l&4<.SJI ;~I ~I ~: ~I ~G~ t ~I J;I~
..l..L.. ,... , _•. ··-,<"·· <1 --
• <.S - • IJ "1""9 '-'~ f ~ ..JV
4 .
Drive -107 - Drop

2 - the drift of a speech == general meaning.

• -:}.:... (~~)~I (_,f) ~l~I
Drive 1 - to drive a nail = to hit it in.

2 - to drive a hard bargain = to make an agreement

in which the other person gains little or nothing.
~l (;~ ~ ~ 5i1 ....;)aJI ~~ : ~I; _,f ~_,... ~ ~
;-~ ~ '5.>.JI Ji~I t,:.. J~
3 - to drive a ball to hit it a long way.
i~ lf.l-A : ( ;_,r)
4 - let drive at aim and blow at.
. f " ~~
• YA ·' ~J
5 - what are you driving at ? = what is your meaning
or intention ?
Drop 1 - to drop a brick = say or do something very
foolish when in company.

< ""~' ~ Ja.AJ~
2 . - drop mone~- = lose.
_,f J_,A)~) .-......ii ~ _,r ~
(~l..) ~
3 - I'll drop you at your house = let you get down from
MY . car at your house.
(OUJ... ~ J;~ ~ ~yJJ ~ ~~f) ~ 4!.UjiL
4 - to drop a person = cease to be friendly to.
( ~ ci,U. _,f cil.1.,p ~J ~) t~
5 - to drop down dead = to fall. ~ f!!. ~ tA
6 - prices h~ve dropped · = to become less.
~! ~ (~l) l.( Jif ~;l..P) ;la....~I ~.,;i
7 - drop behind = be left behind.
8 - drop in = make an unexpected visit to a friend.·
( ;;~li... ;J;,a) &~~
9 - take a drop too much = take too much wine.
(i~ ~~~I er i..t._5 Jo~) ..~
10 - a drop of 10 feet = a fall of 10 feet.
(~t..uf .rs- .:r) ;uu..
Drum - 108 - Due

Drum to drum a thing into a boy's head cause him to re-

member by saying it over again and again .

. 0r
..l..aJ 0'!J <-. <CA.) .t \....:~- ~
~ ~ - ~
1-""°).l..S"'A\,; l.T- .i ....----
. ..!..i:.J

~.- ! .e- •
Dry : dry up ! · = stop talking: '
~ o~ ':J ! ..;.....¥1-:! ! r~I ,y. (_\..;·1
Duck : 1 - like water off a duck's back .= having no effect.
J.-.AJI .Jf }~I ..U\.i ~ ~f !l~ ':J ! .i.J ;f ':J
2 - take to it like ·a duck to water = learn naturally
and very easily.
(.h:-U .UI ~l!.c• .i.J ~hi ·~I~~). .)~ ! ti~~
3 - - ducks and drakes = . a game in which one makes
atones jump along the surface of water.
~~I cr ~ _,f ~!.,,...- ~; ,y. o;~ ~ ~ ~ ~I
. la.j ~ ~; l~l ~I_,... .UI J_,t ;,AZ
4 -- p.lay ducks and drakes with ones money = waste
money w~ldly.

•• f (JUI l.J"WI• ~') o.li- .k.....u

( ~lUl) .)..L.J •• ! Ur-:!
5 - a Jame duck ~ a person or ship which cannot
move properly.
~ j : J~) ·L:-.r- _,r c."S:J (.Jt) ~ (Jf) J.;ii ~ .;~
( ~ J.:- r-
~ ") L.:_-:· :t:..A- f
- .J r--- - J
6 - she is. a perfect duck = very nice.
ii:!.) ! Wk.JI ;c;,_ : ~ (of_,...1 _,f ol:i) ~1
7 - a duck's egg (a duck)' = 0 (e.g. in cricket and
other games).
"0" : ~.J : l.~ Ji ~.Pl ~ j ~")Ua..pl 4..j..s.
J;Jue 1 - the debt is due on Ap1·il 10th = should be.paid on ...
• .u;_,11.!..U.) J .....;~ ~ i.Sf: (J:!.r.T .:r _rWI j U:!..lJI) ~
2 - to give a man his due = give what is right .
3 - give the devil his due = be just even to a ·bad
person. J~~I _,f J.)1; ~I (.Jf) &~.II L ~ ~.)~ J
Dummy - 109 - Dye

4 - with due respect = proper respect.

r'~'i1 i:r ~Le.£ r1~1 ~
5 - in due time = in the proper time .
• i..:-l:ll ~,,, j
6 - in due course = in the proper course .
• ~Jjll1 J.:.&. ~ ~l:ll A..o_;JI J
7 - death due to an accident = caused by.
( L. ~.)l. 4..oe) ~.)6= ~_,..
8 - due east =::: straight towards east. (L..f;) '3r.JI _,.:.
Dummy a dummy gun made of wood = an object made to look
like ·and take the place of a real thing.
('_ii)i· ;;I.JS. JU..~~~ 0-' o;l.lA.f') ~.JJI
Dump to be in the dumps = to be sad and spiritless.
• ~I ;.,...S:. ~_;. (J~ _,f (J~ &Ji
Duress (e) : ·a promise made under the duress = made, not willingly,
but because of force, and so not binding.
(&~ f)I r.J.4 ;).J b_, i~ .l.f) ~ ,js.J (_,f) ~
Dust : 1 _, to bite the dust = to die.
.( i..\) ~ : o~J : yl_;:JI ~ Is-') : ~>':,
2 ·-·- throw ·dust in his eyes = deceive.
'5j.-JI ~)JI _,f Jd-1 4S_r.'i ..r
~Li -'l.}I ;l:! ! t~ ! ~
3 - shake the dust off one's feet = go away in anger.

• ~ ~.:u- '· .
i.u.·.r'-r. r...o~ ~
4 - dust with sugar = to cover with .

_,r . .w.u . ...!.iJ • < .
sc••.J1 V-·~--.~
5 - dust a room = to take the dust off .
• ":-'l_;:JI ~ ~ : (o.f.U") ~
D.V. : D'eo vol'ente = if God is willing.
• .a'.ijl ~l.! 1->1 ~ ~, (.)~~ £ ~, '~ ~!
Dwell to dwell on (a subject) = think or talk much about.
. ~ JJL _,l L ~,... J : u!Jl::! (_,f) ~·~
Dye of the deepest dye = of the worst kind.
. ~ .b.f Lr £ ~ !.)) Lr
Ear - 110 - Esat

Ear 1 - an ear for music = the power of hearing music
clearly and enjoying it. ·
J.j~ ~_,.ll t"- j&. oJ~! ~ ;;..)":}.) _,f ;JL.:1) :i_A_...,_,... ~~f
..._ J ~)I_,
2 - give ear. to = ~isten. • ~ J-4 ~~ ~ ~
3 - he was all ears = eager to hear.
tt..:.-:>U ~r f ~t ! ~ ~f ! <~~) u1.n ef ~l5'"
4 - set people with the ears = cause to quarrel. ·
.!l;-: ! ( c:>.J,r.-1 ··· i} ~) ~_,JI ~~ f ~ ( i.rl:.JI ~) d~
(~) ul.'")WI ~ ! JlA.4..11
Early : an. early bird = a person who gets out of bed early.
.(i~~~JJ~).;~lc:liii_i l
Ear-shot within ear-shot = near enough to hear.
• ~ ~i §-4_ ! <~) r. !u--
Earth 1 - how on earth - ? == in what possible way ?
(I.>.&) r!_.J ~.J =44 ~ 6~ ~ ! (~~) ~f ~
2 - to move heaven and earth = do everything pos-
sible to gain some aim .
. (~~ Jl J~,,.U) ~' ~
3 - come back to earth = not dream; think of the
~Ud.-1 J! ~ f ~li_,JI c.i fa! (J~I C ~~ ~f) ~ ~
4 - to run to earth = drive an animal into its hole;
discover something after a long search.
c.~ ~~ -T ! (')\!...~I J) ·~Jl UI~ .)J~ - '
~I J_,l,~
Ease 1 - to ease pain =-= make less. tS'1 ;;U,_, ·~
2 - to ease a coat = make larger .
• (~I ~ Ji_,f ~ ~f : c.I.); _,f o.}-) C'~
East 1 - the Near East = the countries of Turkey, Egypt,
V4 \>J...&..J ,.riM.J ~,; ~ JrJI ~ ~~) J.)~I J,r.lt
·(;;J.J ~I
• .))\..,JI

Easy - 111 - Echo

2 - the Far East = China, Japan, etc.

~J ~4l::Jl.J ~I~ ~T J~ .:r &.]::-) : ~~I J,.,..!JI
. ( t li:JI c..i ~J.J~ l.
Easy 1 - easy ! easy ! = go slowly or gently.
'-'~ ':} f ~t; ! J+(
2 - .an easy going person = one who does not trouble
himself or other people.
~ ':J.J ~ ~ ':} ~) o~I , j - f ~~I c:.;)
• (W""l:JI .:r ~,... ~
3 - of easy character = do not care with mroals.
(iJ")l;. .;r1 rJ~-' ~LA.Ll4 i~~ ':} .:r) J--WI
Eat 1 - eat one's words = take back one's words; say
that one is sorry for having said so and so.
~T .iJ ! J~) _, ~ ! , ~'"')S" ~ ! '-...~ «.i CJ'fi - \
(. ,~_, 1:0 Jli 4i~
2 - eat one's heart out = be very sorry.
( LS'"' ~IJ ~.J ~_:,.:ll ~ J-~ ~ Jli:!) <J.)-1 ~ JS\
3 - eating its head off = (of a horse) costing more
to feed than it is worth.
cc.J ~ .t.j\M.i ~:.; &~ J Jli:! > ~Jl-i! ~ flr ~
4 - the acid is eating away the metal = destroying.
c~ ~~ ~ j,.! ~; ~ .u.s~ I.Sr ~.AA11 r.n: ~' <J! Jli:!) f.n:
5 - eat into = destroy part of. ( c.i.r.:r i&.J::-) rJ.e .Jf ;~
~ - eaten up with pride = very proud and unpleasant.
~ - y ( l..i.i~ C:"l.! , ~I_#") i~ J~ - \
Ebb : ebb-tide = the flow of the sea back from the shore.
( ..~l!.JI ~~I .. L. .)l~Jl) _,_;:lt
Echo he is an echo of his .master = he says the same things
as his master.
! (•fo. J! ol~ ':J.J .~\:.J J~ L. ~ J~) o~l:..~ Jl;JA
• ( .J..W ~ L.) ~~;. : .~~~ 1.SJ...All .t.i~
Eclipse -- 112 - Egg

Eclipse she js quite eclipsed by her sister :.:: is far less beautiful
(amusing or clever) than her sister.
- • I~
, 41...- . Vc.Jf c.S f.• I.". L_f 1.·_.
..,...... u-:- ~
f c.JiL>--.
..:...C-) !,!L~ • ~ ·.!f
' 1 •• 1.....-
~\) c.:,1.,, c.S.i>- ~1 ~~- l,:f,.;.. J~I w4 ~ o.1..1_, ~.,,
I • · J U !! lA ' • lo!.lJ jS° ( ll..-
• ~ ~ -' - •

Edge 1 - put an edg·e on = sharpen .

~ ~ ~ ( o~J.a. _,i ;~_,~ ;~I
• J-.:: c.Sf) ~
2 - to be on edge = very easily excited .
.. ~'l'I
• OJ IL •' ~
c..J'1t'"" --11 ~
• ~ '• ~.......
• ;u.H. ~..f""'
3 - it set my teeth on edge = was very sharp in
sound, or very acid in taste.
~~I c)tf"") Jl:.•J -.:..., ..::-~ - y J~f .IJ. ~ -· \
J~f J-4- ~~ .ut~ c.Jlf"" ! u--- c.S~i ..uJ ~ ~.:._,
. <~~
Efface to efface the memory of :::::: cause to forget.
(.$,;-~ LJ-') ~jJI UL;:!~ !(~.Jf ~~) (.$;:_ ~~
ol.;f'~ . .~.: (~_,r ~~
Effect 1 - to talk for effect = talk so as to make people
think how clever one is.
...;4 Jill Jl O"'l:..11 _,s.;; OJ~ ~) t~ ! ~~
• (_,..L.
2 - my effects = my goods, things, belonging to me .
. J~~ ! u-j l_,J ! Jl:,.!f
Effort 1 - it was a great effort to = was difficult.
(I~ ~_,f 1.:is- (J~ c.Jf) ~I U--.Ji ~I U"' (Jli'
2 - it was a good effort = was well done .
• ( ;J..u_, o; ~. t) l;..- -µ c.JtS-"
E.G. ex'empli gratia =· for example .
• ( 11.< '-l!.. : J_,z e,Jts-) ~
Egg 1 - he is a bad egg = he is a wrong-doer .
. J-li, r~ ! ~ ~C.r ! c.~la. ~
2 - to teach one'~ grandmother to suck eggs = to
teach a person who knows more than oneself.
' • ('-.:... ~f ~ ~ ~ (Jf J.Jl.:) t~
Egregious - 113 - . Elect

3 - put all one's eggs in one basket = risk all in one

attempt; put all one's money into shares in one
com pan,_
~.r r*-t Li Jr y J .Jl. JS'" ~ >)tb:: !~j lf- ! .r~
. . (~~~
Egregious an egregious ass = a person who is most unusually
foolish. •
jJ I - J I ' .~
I I .AJ J...! '
., l._
Iij .·.
Either : he will not go, and I shall net either = he will not go,
and I shall not go. • ~f lif ~J ~.l: ') ~_,_
Elaborate an elaborate machine = having many different parts.
(.__s- -JI :i;J.) ~1·JI:' -;t1 c; ~.. <);~:UT
. - .J -.
Elastic 1 - a piece of elastic · = rubber covered with silk or
: (JaAJI _,f _r.)-1 ~ ~ ,_'-4 1\k...) ~)I ~ '-..ki
• ~.r' l.r • J:ai ~)IJ
2 -- an elastic rule = not stiff; able to fit all cases
(examples, needs, etc.).
~ ~ ~f ~5:.A- ~ .Jw~ ft.)~;· illii Jt o~li
Elbow 1 -- out at elbows = badly dressed; poor-looking.
41 ~; ! l..T"'L:-lJI <..>;j
2 - to elbow one's way through a crowd = push .
. ( tl;.ilb ~~ ) ~'..r. ! ~~
3 - elbow-grease = hard work .
..:..;...... (Jl) J~ (J1) JA.r' y
4 - to have elbow-room = enough room.
( ~) ~l:.... t_lj Jl ~LC- ~la. ~~l ~'
Elect 1 - headmaster elect == chosen but not yet in office .
.c..UJ ~I: (a.:-11 ":1 ~I ~)lya J~) ~I! ;~I
~ •• ,_i;J jl+-t~~ r
·2 - he elected to stay = he decided to stay.
(~ ~f) ~ Jt J....iJ
3 - the elect = the chosen e.g. specially chosen by
God. • (~I J! ~~~JI~! """L.1';-') ~If ;~I
Element - 114 - Elude

Element 1 -- the four elements = earth, air, fire, and water.

11. U 1_, ; L.:J l.J c. l_,..b 1_, y l.}:J I) ~J ~I _.r0 l;..J I
( :U-_..u.l I :i.WA.l I j :
2 - to learn the elements •of a subject = to learn
the simplest beginnings Of a subject.
(4=-l...~I ~~~.J ...:;lJ_,f ~f) U~,,.tl __,_~ U"'J~
3 - there is an elem~nt of truth in it = some truth
in it .
• ~I ~ _,f ~I ~ ~...J, _,f ! ( .....,;:
r-'°"_,.ll I~ J) ~id.-1 ~ o; li! .!l la
4 - an elementary school ::=: a school where learning
begins. (~.l.;JI ~.r f~ ~) 4Jl-'=!I L.;..t...

Elephant •. a white elephant = a useless possession of which one

would gl.adly be free, e.g. a very large piece of furniture.
(c.. ~_,J ~W":JI ~~ .t..l ~"Jc.~) J...!-1 ~ .~t
. ~' t') ~ i..t..!f" ~ i~ od 6uf ~Ju)
Elevate a grain elevator = a machine used for loading corn
(wheat) or other grain into ships, or for unloading it
from ships.
~I ~~ ~)I~ ~~· JJT ~.J:~*-' Ju;~! WI.)) Wl)I
• Jl_,.11 ,:;. ~.#-.JI -.k:.~I :WI_).~ ~fa _,f
Eliminate we may eliminate the possibility of = need not think
of that as possible.
<.>1 : ,fa l.!.J.I~ ~T J .r<;.j ~i ~ ':J : ~~-) ~ ! ~
(~LC..! ~ ;.,..<a.It ~ _,j 1!,U.) ~lS:..! ·~
Ell give him an inch and he'll take an ell = if you give
a little, he will demand more.
~ ~; clo °:J..Ji ~f 1~1: ,;.r-r ~ <.>l) _;.(:-1~~1.)1
. • c.. ;s1
Else 1 - no one else = no other person. • ·~ .L.f 'j
2 - come, or else you will be sorry if you do not
come you will be sorry.
•..rAtl t '~! ' rx.; ~_,_. ~f_, : Jt.j
Elude 1 - an e]usive .person = one who is difficult to catch .
• ~ ;~ _,r ~ ~ : t.-''r
2 - an elusive word = a word which escapes the
memory : is difficult to ·remember.
(t.f~ ~ ! ;_)I.A.II ~ ..,..U) ;f.~ ws'
Emanate - 115 - Emissary

Emanate this offer emanates from Mr. X = come from; was

made by. • .u...,,:. r:r Jr '.J":N ~i:!.,.b ,y. ~i;.~ : ~1 _,f ~I
Emancipate : an emancipated woman == one who does not obey the
usual customs.
o~L.. o!,rt :Jfo") _.;;...it : _,..w1 ~ ~w1
, ;u....li _,f ;;_,::;-..._,f
• (!]')\:;..~I jJ l~ _,f o-'L~.JI _,f ~_,.JI if_; ~
Embark : to embark upon an action = start. • "')vd .Jf f -:A; i~
Embarrass : l - embarrassed = feeling uncomfortJa.ble.
Ji!... f Jli ! y )a...A..
2 - embarras de richesse = having too many good
things .
• (~-'L. ~~I~ o~ i;.l::.d .~) ;;_,_;J1_, ~I ij!_,J
Embed : precious stores embedded in rocks = deeply buried ..
(lr.i ~I _,f ;~I "p.:.i.c.11 ~__,.c.JI ;~~I : d.,Z) ui.c.11
Embitter embittered = sad and angry. -
. Jlf_, ,...L ~ '"'=""""~-' ~_;.:...
Embody 1 - words embody thoughts = to give form to.
() ~~I 1<.-.·• .Jf ~
c..}"'- .. ~11<
q '.JI• •• J~
--) ~
1< ... ~ ~< -
2 - this book embodies all the rules of .... = to collect
_,f ~ : "*-4 : yl:..91 l.l. '.J! : Jfo") ~ ~~ ! c?:
( .J.s.1_,All c:~ ~ ~~
Embrace this book embraces many subjects = contains: deals
(~~~_,ll ,:_,.. i~ . : :..~uf '5.J.-: yl:UI 1.a) :(d) ~ t~yi:
Embroil to embroil in a quarrel = to draw a person into a
• ; ~ _,j ;!) l_r. _,i , J~ JI l,a.~ ~
Emery emery wheel = a wheel made of emery used for
sharpening knives and other cutting instruments.
~ ~L.o _r.-_JAJ ~I _r.- ~ ~ y':l!-' : ~I '-:-''jJ-'
• ,.Ja.All v~I ~ la.~J sJ.11
Emissary an emissary of the devil = unusually of a bad c·r un-
pleasant kind.
~ ~4 ·~ j · J~) '.J~I t:' i:_,... ! ~~I ~
(i;.~'11 ~f ~ ~~ _,f &JI
Enamour - 116 - End

Enamour to be enamoured of = to be in love with.

Encroach : 1 - the sea is encroaching upon the land = is
cutting into.

• ( 1..:1 Lf .
~ ~ rJ"
IA -'.:-~.
~ .J f .
~I L.T"
• ~ .J.,~ .r-:'
- II &JI••• J~•") ~ .'
c-:" --·
2 - encroach upon a person's time =- to use too much
of a person's time.
· ti.:.J
6'\.:.., •
v---.. ~I• •• L. u ~ ..:..i.J '5f) ciJ .·""".... i.~r .i .i:-...1
- -,,--..
. ( ~\...+. .. L.;J .Jt L. Ji J j~
Encumber 1- encumbe1·ed with boxes .... with a large family ....
with debts = to make it difficult for a person to
act freely .
.Jf ·~ ;.r'f ~ ~)\i &Jl : J.,z) ~ f Jfo f J~
• (~.>JI J.J~ ~f
2 - wanted, man and wife for housework no encum-
brances = .....with no children.
~a ~JjJ ~j yfo. : ~ &J~! J ·= J~) .)~Jr J.;A/
~!_,.!fl.~ ! ( .)~_,, ~ &Jfo. ~ &Jf ~ ' J_r..
End 1 - at a loose end = hvaing nothing to do.
t_I) J ! ~ L. ox.&. ~ ! Ji .\J ~
2 - to· make both ends meet = to get just enough
money for one.. s needs .
• ~~l... .l....:? .)~ L. JUI ~ .. ~
3 - at the end of one's tether = unable to suffer a!ly
( J.:a-1 L( _;s-t J..::.: ~f ~ ~) ~,;JI J:-)1 &
4 - at one's wits end = very anxious; not knowing
·what to do. (~ 1~L. ._;fi~) o,.r.a. J f ~.r
5 - odds and ends = small useless pieces .
.u1_,:J1 f '·)11 oJ.ili ;;~ .. ~T
6 - got hold of the wrong end of the sticJc = get a
wrong idea exactly opposite to the right idea.
- -1 1 ; .r~I ~u.
• -· t1 • ~~ ; <~. ~
~ -
7 - put an end to; make an end of = stop destroy .
.}~ f ~ f (~JhV·) ~ ! ~ ! ~
8 - he is near his end == near death. • o_,11 ~ J&.
Endure - 117 - Engage

9 - - to gain one's ends = purposes .

.w,l~f _,J .(i4 ~ J! iJL..i~I ~ iJf : ~~Li.JI ! ~I_;. 'SI
10 - the end ju25tifies the means = wrong-doing may
be a1lowed if ·the purpose is good.
J! ~_,r j~ ..\i _r.JI Jt.rf &Jf ~J) ~1~1 ;.J:i ~WI
11 - end in smoke == have no result.
( 41 ~ ':} 1.£. • JU.i) . -
·- u-- " - ~
Endure 1 - I can't endure him = hate him.. ~ c.:..U_ f ~·
2 - will endure for ever = will remain for ever.
(~tr~ l. JD ~~~I ~f ~
Engage 1 - engage oneself to = promise.
. r~ ~ f ~~ ~ i~ f .>..:!
2 - Miss A is engaged to Mr. B. = has promised to
• ( iJ~...J..J"! ._;~.• iJ-:NJ ..,-~
_L.:... - :i.;')\; • I • Jl.AJ) ~
u... - . -
3 - can you come on Monday ? -- no I am engaged =
I promised to go somewhere else.
~.,t. Jf Jla:.c. ~r
4 - to engage a room (or seat).== order a room (seat)
to be kept for one .
• (~ Jf ~- ~ J i..w.. _,f J.la ~ oj!P- ~) ~
5 - an engaging manner =- pleasing manner.
• ~J~ 'Y ._;./'oj" f v- .!l_,1-
6 - to engage a srevant = arrange to employ .
~ ! (L.)t;..) ~~
• l...)l:;.
7 - engaged in lette1·-w1·iting = to be busy.

8 -
to engage the enemy == to joint battle.
J' ~4lk;. ~~) J~
(WJ j _,.WI~) ,J\:'·1 ! (:0_rw J) _,..l...A.11 YJl-:
9 - the wheel X engages with wheel Y and turns it =
to fasten on it
Y~.J..kJI ~~ (1) y'Y_,JJI &J!: J~) ~)\.uf ("-!) ~
( O.):!.lJ.J ( y)
Engorge - 118 - Enter

Engorge engorged with blood = full of blood; swollen with blood.

• rJ.14 ~ ! i.u4 .:.#
Engrain engrained habits = things. done so often that they have
become part of one's character.
~ lA.).J~.J 0W~I Y.-'- -..;..'--:!~I) :L._,_,a.11 _,f 'J_,JUl..::.ibLJI
( .u~f c:r i..~ ~
Engross 1 - engrossed in the book = giving his whole mind
to reading.
( 4J ~~ ~..rA'-' ~ ~ ~) : ~ ~.,.a.L, yl:S:JI j 13r'=-
2 - engrossing story = very interesting .
• ('-J..- ~ : J.,z) J-11
Engulf the waves engulfed the ship = swallowed it up.
• (4-JI ~I .Ai ~I 01: J~) &-1
Enormity 1 - an enormity = a very bad act.
(J..i_,f J> J J~) .r: ~
2 - the enormity of the offence the very great bad-
ness of the wrong act. ~~ .J' ~_r.L-1 ~\.:..!
Ensemble tout ensemble the whole effect.
~I ! J.(.JI ! .~~I c:_-:- ! ·~ JS'
Enshrine: : his name is enshrined in our memory.

Entail writing this book has entailed much work = to make

~JJ y~I 1.:.. ~l; 0! : ~~) ~Jf ! ~_,:...I !~.l:-1
(i~ j..;-
Enter 1 - enter the army = to become a member of.
~ ~ (.Jf) ~' Ja.~
2 - enter a boy for an examination put a name
into a list. . (~I JJ~ J ~ i--·1) ~
3 - enter this amount in the account book = write
down a thing in a book.
( yl..J..I _jj.) j JUI c:r ~) ~ ! ~
Eulhrone - 119 - Erode

4 - to enter into details = to tell all the small points

about. ~~I ~ IS.Jr. (_,f) ei~I j J.-.~
5 - enter into the cmoposition of = be a part of.
.. f ~
( ~..r'-' _< :· IJ")
- . r. ~....~~ ~
l...J- ! !l) ~-
6- he entered into the game with great spirits = took
part in. ! (:i.i~_, 4 ;;11 ~ _,r ~ ~) .!l~
7 - enter into a preson's "feelings; enter into the spirit
of = understand.
(4-..ii c.)~_,f c.JW! ~I~)~!~!~!~
8 - entef into an agreement = make an agreement.
(~ Jf ltl.UI ~) Ji~ ! .li~
9 - enter upon a new life = begin a new life.
( ;~~ o'=-9) fol::
Enthrone enthroned in our hearts = much loved and respected.
(jfa.Jf ~~ ~~ '~_,llJI j) t.fa..
Entire Murray's entire = this inn sells drinks supplied by
.. c.J-jij cl:il .:r \:.ill t~ L. ~! : J_,ii) ~l::i! ~ _,f eo _,f J.i" ~
( o..J':f- cJ.J.) ~ J~ 15f
Entrance : entrance fee = money paid to go in.
(J_,a.JJt ..r.,.lii j ~~ ..slll ~I) Jy.JJI r.-f
Equal : ·1 - equal to his work = able to do.
J...-JI ~Ill ,,_;r- ! (l.:U J...-.J ~91 _,J o1 .MJ1 4 15f) ~T f ;:li
2 - equal to the occasion = able to meet or deal with
whatever happens.
d..b. ~l ~IA.. _,f ~I_,.. ~ OJJ.iJI ~ ~r lSf) ~_,11 ~w ,..£
3 - one's equals = persons of the same rank.
(~~~I li_;J.r _,J 1.::.1.f.... ,:r ~ u:.:UI c.J°~~I) li.)l..Lif f l;j~_,li;
4 - he tr~ated as equally = treated both alike.

Erode the sea is eroding. the land.

(•J.n: .,.,f J-.W1 ~~I ~! : J_,z) ~ ! f.;r.
Escape - 120 - Event

Escape 1 - this matter escaped my notice I did not notice

this matter.
(.Yl ~J t ! '5.J.l.:. j ;.l:! (- ! r ~I ~.) ~-li : J~) ;.:Jli
2 - gas escapes from an open bottle = gets out.
1;. if--'f :;J.J;lAll .:r y~ jl•.H 0!: J~ : y~
3 - he escaped being hurt = he was fortunate not to
be hurt .
.)! ~I.) 0U- .ill : J_,z : ()a.1-1 .:r) ci;f ! ~~~ ~
Establishment : the peace establishment of an a1·my = those inen
employed in the army in time of peace.
!(r-1-JI ~L.j...;µ j~I~_.;.;..~ .:r) iJ-ll ~j j ~I Jl:-;
• ~lj~~ ~lJl~l4
Estate an estate in the country - land and a house in the
(-':)I j '5f: ~;... Q6:. j J;... ~J d>;f) ~I!. ~_;.JI
Estimate in my estimation = in my opinion.
'5) ! ~); ~ ! '5_r.J:ii j ! '5~
Even 1 - an even surface; even with the ground = level
if/YJ _,l.- ! ~tA ! ~lh:..
2 - even-tempered = calm; not easily made·angry.
t~ ! ~I L;.r-! ~ ! ~.)-' ! 11.IS.)lA
3 - an even number = a number which can be divided
by 2. ( a._..:JI J.~ ~I ~ '5.l.JI) ~_,)1 .)..WI
4 -- even as I spoke = just at the moment.
(')\!.. 4:i ~-~I) :UZ.~I .,:,I.) j f ~Ai ~ j
5 - I even gave him my own shoes = here "even"
. shows that one did more than might be expected.
: ~/ : i)i::;... ~L) ll _;s1 ~f cl.if ~ ;;J~J..U : ~
0'11.. ~ ~f
~ ..
6 - even if = although. ~ ~J ! ~,,.. ~)4 ! ....;l Y-'
Event 1 - in event of his death = if he dieM.
.. 'I "'""'
• '-'.¥ ... ..b. . ~..b. l~I• .' .~.....
4U ~~ l~I..
Ever - 121 - Example

2 . :. . . _ at all events = whatever happens .

.r~' <J~ ~ ! o..b. to+. ! ..,...r V" l.r~ t...,.
Ever 1 - ever and anon = from time to time.
41_, 41 ~ f _,..9 ci_, ~
2 - for ever; for ever more = always.
;l_,.:...~I ~-' ~ ! rl_,..1.11 js. ! t._,~
3 - ever so much = very much.
i~ ..rh ' ~Y-1 tJ,,; f i~ i~
4 - whatever do you mean = I cannot imagine what
you mean. !l.J...Ai _,f !l L...r ~f ~ ! '-! ~ L. ;,..Ji ':J
Every 1 - every three days = each third day. i~ ~~ J.)
2 - every now and again = from time to time .
• ~T_, ~_,~ ! ~1_, ~I ~ ! ~;;J dJ i:,-.
Evoke 1 - to evoke spirits cf the _dead = to call up.
~~ : (c...Yl' c-'}> -~
2 - to evoke a feeling = to produce a feeling .
.kl~! (1~) ~~~~
Evolution 1 - evolutions of a dance = movements.
(ud)I) oU-~
2 - evolution of a story = the unfolding of a story, so
that the reader slowly comes to know the events
~ •'5;WI !l;.lJ ~J.,1j' l,-: .l,.Ai~l_, ~~IY"' ~t:; : ~I ~~
~J)I t;.)ty.. •.b.:-1
Exact exactly that is just what I think.
~r L. 1.a ! ~ faf L. ~~ : LLt
Exaggemte to exaggerate an illness (an evil) = make worse.
(r-'' i.f.r •lb_,~)~~ 1 ~~
Example 1 - an example to his painting = a thing which shows
what others are like.
( '5~~I •;~ 1.J. ~ ~~ ..uJ) •.r....,...J .:r J l!..
2 - to get a good example = to behave so well that
others may perhaps do the same. ·
(t_, .. l.! 1.)1 c.JJ~ ~I "'-:!l:-: ~ ~ u---T ~ '5f) ~\!.. '5.l:-:
Except - 122 - Exhaust

3 - to make an example of him to· punish him so

that ot)lers may be afraid to behave as he did.
l-• L. '-'· _,.;L.. ":N vJ
(u- · r · 91 o~- .Lt£&.
. '-:""··~)
- :il!.. .J f ;; _r,~ ~.-
Except 1 -- all except John = all, but not John.
(U:N ')! ~1 Ji f
~)'U I~ L. ~I~: J~) i~ L.
2 -- to take exception tci = to disagree with; to be
angry at.

Exces& excess baggage that weight of bags, boxes, etc.,

beyond what is allowed free to a fr~veller by train or
ship, on which he has to pay.
~.Jf Jlki J jW "'-! (..r'.. ~ L.F- ~1)1 ~:LI) ~WI :..i.:l_;.JI
( ..:..&. {'") ~ ~J
Exclamation : a word or words spoken suddenly will strcng feeling
e.g. "Oh, how terrible" .
• (1~ &f L.: Jf, I~ ~1 L.: oT: ~fa))~· :A.§
Excursion an excursion train = a special train on which the price
is less than usual.
.l~ o.)l...JI ~ Jif o~f e,J~ ;lki) &)I JUa.i f o.f:JI Jlki
(~l.J o~I u)~)

Executive executive ability = power of getting things done.

¥ .J' JwJI OJI.>! Jua~ lr. ~~I o;'-611) ~··_di O.J..WI
,, (:t.k;l..I
Exemplary exemplary conduct = worthy of being copied (=
behaviour). ( .!l_,.L..JI _,f J~ ~I d) ~~ J!..
Exempt to exempt from service in the army = to make free from.
A,j__, .... ~ • • ' · .. - JliJ) • ! •1.•
( ~ i.r~.J~ ··~~
Exercise 1 - greatly exercised upon = anxious.

<·~ ~.,; _,1·~04) ~ ! ·c~ ~) Jli

2 - to exercise patience = to be patient .
..r,..,a-14 J-'"4 ~, ~~ : G.r.io ~_,s:--:! ~r
Exhaust an exhaustive book on = covering the whole subject.
• i.~ ll..L! ~lA... t_,.o_,11 ~"-:! ~t lSf:: ( llf'" d) J...L! yl:.)
Exhibition - 123 - Exploit

Exhibition : to make an exhibition on oneself = to make oneself

appear very foolish.
llr. o~ c.Jf ...;L ·0--'·L..c. o_,.Q .Jf ~ c.J4) .;....JI .Jf ~I~
Exigency to reduce to exigency = having become very poor.
0 (~LJ..I ..l.!f ~l::%4 JJ~ c.Jf) 4~ J.Jf L..l.....Jf j~ ~· oJ
Expect he has expectations = be believes that someone will
leave money to him on death.
( ~.JA J.!&. ~l. ...., .!l.fa. i.J_,_ l. i~r c.Jf ~) o.J} .Jt (:1~ ~
Expedition : with expedition = quickly.

Expel to expell from a school = to make a pupil leave a school

because of bad behaviour.
.U--_,1- _,f ~ .._,_J f~ : (L;..UI 0--') ~~ ! ~
Expire 1 ~ my holiday expires to-day = come to an end.to-day.
(r.r-JI ~ ~~~! c.J! : J.,Z) ~
2 - at the expiry of = at the end of.
( 1.:U) .. 4JI .l!&. ! ( ljS') ~ \.t= j

Explain : explain yourself = tell why you have done this; te11
what you mean.
1 ~· l~U ~J 1 i!L..iiLr' ~b ! l!l.Ai.JA J.Jl - \
• LT-T ! i..s-~ l~l. u-~ - y

Explode 1 - to expl?de with rage = to bec~me suddenly very

( ~I
. ~ ... - :i.J,y• <lJ.Jo~)
· :W-li- - li:... ~
. - f ~
. ~

2 - to explode an idea = to show that it is not true.

~Jl ....m~.• ...;f ~ c.J~ : (4f;) ~ _jf ( ;;_}:i) .:.~ ! ~
' • ~l_,JJ ~L:.. _,f
Exploit 1 - to exploit the coal and iron fields = to make full
use of.
~ c.Jf i_$4'. , l. _:iAla.:.. J ~~I .JJ ~r J.}) ~
(~I ~1~4 .r.r-f
2 - to exploit the poor and helpless by making them
Exposure - 124......:... Extinct

to work for very low pay = to make unfair use of.

~·~~ ~4 ~~IJ ~WI~) Ja=-:! ! ~~
: (~ .. L.~ u4'J c..t~ ! (,:}'--: ~' Ji4 J..a.U
• .c:.£.:.1 'f .t.:ll~ ~ .. L.~ '"") : ~ l.-l=-1
Exposure to die of exposure = to die from being left out in the
cold air.
(~I ,f .>.,r.-lJ if~I ~ ul.: J~)-d>~I
Express 1 - he did it for this express purpose = for this
reason; and he said clearly that this was the
: :~l lil !(1,;.s-Jr J!)~_,11 o;J.,,.All ! 4.-UI ~lJ.1
, J..i L. JA4:! ~f U' .U.. '5lll _,. ~I I~ ~! J~ ~J
( o;J..,..0 .Jf ~Ll- i!.U~ ~ls:t
2 - he looks expressive of great joy = showing.
(~ _,,,,,.- ,y. i~ .Tr ~ll) : ~
• 3 - an expressive look = full of secret meaning.
(~I JW4 ;; .._#)~~•)ii
Exquisite an exquisite = a person who pretends to be a very good
judge of what is beautiful.
~I .. ~'YI J p~ ~ .J..iJ ,_r~ ~ J -N,.. J~) ,_rJJI
Extempore : to speak extempore = to speak without preparing a
speech before the meeting.

• (~' - J::&-' IJ'

• J5'LU-I ~
' ltll:b.

al•) v-:--.r-
u--= lL

Extend 1 - to extend kindness to = to be kind to.

~ ! ~' ""'·,;··1
2 - an extension course = a course of study given by
a university to persons who are not members of
the university .
. lei ~ fo. ~ J.
'-a..~ J U"'J~ ~li_r. : JW.~I ~Ufl.I
3 - extensive repairs = large and thorough repairs.
(j.!..) ~Ua:JI ~I_, ul.~!
Extinct extinct animals == animals of ancient times.
u~I_, o_ftlAJI ~L.j~I J ..::-!~~I) ;.>,;L:JI _,f ~_,i=.11 ulil~I
(~/YI~~ J lA4~
Extort . - 125 - Eye

Extort 1 - he extorted a promise from me =obtained unjustly

or by force. ( ;_,AJ4 .,,f ~f ~J ~f ~) i.J.&.J ~ ~1
2 - the king extorted money from his people = obtained·
• ~ • II~ ,d . ..,L:JI 1.14
~J ~ "-' • (,,,;
·- - ~-<:l1
. JUI .f'-:' ~·
• J~~- •• ~
Extra-mural outside the walls. • ~GJ.:L-1 ~La. J
Extravagant 1 - exti·avagant behayiour = uncontrolled; foolish .
....WI _,l. .. \+WI....;~ ! ~W..1 _,f ~I .!J.,l-
2 - extravagant praise = far too great.
~.,,...Ji- J Cf.J... ! ~.UI j ....;!..,-!
Extreme extreme ideas = very different from the ideas of most
tLl;91) )i;JI ~J j ....;1_ro':JI ! (i.Sf)I j)µI ! 4i)a:ll .. ~91
(IJ"L:JI ~ .)_,-j. ~I~· ,;f- o~I
Eye 1 - an eye for beauty = the power of knowing the
p1 ~ ! .. l:.!~I ~jJ js. o;J.All ? ~I r:.r- ! )i;JI :i.i.)
2 - have an eye for manners == have a regrad for them.
ij-:Jv;.. ~I jJ ~ t'J f ~.,!- ~
3 - up to the eyes in wo1·k = very busy.
(J.-JI j) ~ f ~I~ J~
4 - keep an eye ,on him = watch him.
5 - to have an eye on some one's goods = to have
a desire to obtain them.
• 4.1 ~ o..r.f. .x.s. L ~f .,,J ~ f o.rj. Xs. L ~
6 - to see eye to eye = to agree on all points .
• .::..~,,.-..,,11 _, T1i:JI ~ js. ~~
7 - make him open his eyes = surprise hi~
~ !~~
8 - .to do him in the eye = to deceive.
. t -· ~

9 - to make eyes at = to look lovingly at.

~; t:: ,_ ! ~ i..: ••
. ~ u-,;! •• ~
10 - sheep's eyes = loving looks. ~I ol)i.i
Fabricate - 126 - Face

11 - Oh my eye ! = (a cry of surprise).

~ _,J. ~t_;;:....I ~
12 - it's all in my eye = it is a foolish attempt to
deceive. • ~.>l;JI J_,~ .Jl t->t;.i ~J J--.:L.I ~
13 ~ eye-sight within eye-sight =near enough to be
· Jr ! '5.;: ! )i:JI o)I.> J ! ~I iJr J

Fabricate to fabricate an untrue story; to fabdcate a document.
! (i~ _,J =41JJ _,f ~) 43~ .:r ~ - '
• <l!.U~ ~ _,r i~ Jr rs:..o _,f ~.._,) ;J:r. _ ,,

Face 1 - to have the face to say = to dare to say.

(1lr' J~ ~f Js.) J~ ! .,,....~
2 - in the face of danger = when abc.ut to meet danger .
• .U~ 1;..t- 0f ;lk.;..~I .>LS:.;! )al.I ~ly. .>~
3 - on the face of 'it = judging by outward appear-
ances only.
•_,Al_,l; ~ c.~1-~ P')~~I ~J ! _;.UiJ1 ~
• . ( 41_,a. ~_,_,
4 - to fly in the face of good fo1·tune = to make
no use of one's chances .
.kfi ! ~ ~ ~f # ,:r ~- U°}JI .!J~ ! 1.1".;JI. ~ ':J
~ . 4-,jl..J L. .,
• ( i:.r' - .J• ~)
5 - to put a brave face on = pretend not to be afraid.
. .
:i..i~I ~)~!~~I tJs.~ ! :A.s.~I ~~
• (~~ Y..J
6 - make a face (or) pull a face = cause one's face to
become ugly by moving the mouth, eyes, etc .
• ( \..r~ .J.:--
.....;_ Jj ...,_
,· ..,,;,...JI_,
~.Oii ~
r- • ~\.).r;
~ ...::- j 's:::..i) I'
... M
! l ..• - •

7 - to save one's face = pretend that one has suc-

ceeded when one has failed.
(~i ~ ~ .d u"-4) "+>:-J ~ ! oU.!.i A ! .ul.b:.! ~
Facility - 127 - Fair

8 - to set one's face against = not to be in favour of.

! (r~) .A
9 - to face the music = t9 be ready to suffer punish-
ment. • c.l~I ~ ~ f ~\A.JI Jil=l ~~
Facility in this country one has no facilities for study = has
no books and other things needed for.
~'--' ~ ':} .)µ1 o.lA J c.)I ~! J.,Ai ~~) j:l...,JI c::_: ~,JI
( ~ ~ l...( lA..r.f.J ~U-, Aj!_,.)fJ iJ.-JI

Fact 1 - before or after the fact = something done.

lii ! Jai : f!._.J .,-.T _,i ~~
2 - in fact (or) in point of f~ct = according to
the truth ; really .
• ~i._k ~ ( el_,.JI Jf 4.:i_AJ.-1 JiJ) el_,JI ! ~:LI
3 - as a matter of fact to tell you the truth .
• ~J,..~ ~;~f ! J_,AJI iill..l.of
Faculty 1 - a person's faculties = powers of hearing, seeing,
thinking, etc.
faJI_, ~IJ c-Jl ~~ (iJW~I) c.4Uf"'
2 - the faculty of medicine = those teachers in a
university who teach medicine (in England stu-
dents also).
J~ .liJ ! ~I ~ J ~J.>...:ll 4 ! ~I ~
Ulz..11 L o\i I ~u1 · ... -:l__I :US- :~b~IW-Wa..if
. u-- ~ c.JJ • IJ~ - • - -
Fall 1 - do not fail me = keep your promise to me ; do
not deceive me .
• ~ ':} ! ~Jil ':} - y ! ~}4i ~ ! !)~y. JJf - \
2 - a failing for drink = a desire to drink much wine.
~I ~_r, ~J~~I d '+)I: ~~.)~I
Fain I fain would help = I would help him with pleasure .
• ~I ~I; '"°'= .:..:...T ! ~ ~~ ~! ~f ! ~ ~ .~1-f
Fair 1 - a fair copy = a clean copy.
( ·~ _,f *-" ~w-- ~) iW,ii ~ J_,z
2 - one's fair name = honour, good name.
Faith - 128 - Fall

3 - fair and square = just and right. • ~.J J~

4 - a fair chance of success = good, but not very good .
• 1.J~ ~ ~ ~-' ••• (c.~) U-Y.... ~}
5 - a fair amount = some but not a lot.
o - < ..;.-..,J I
• ~
:iJ • w-
6 - fair weather = fine, calm.
(~ ~ (¥_, J~) ~)iJI f ~I f ~I
7- fair hair = light-coloured. (_,...!..U) [&..__, : ~lJI
8 - fair on the nose; hit one fair .on the nose = exactly.
~f ~ : Ltt 4-iif J ~t..ol J~) ~~ ! Lll ! ~
• ('5~' ~ y.,., ~t-'11 ,.,;_re;;
Faith 1 - he did it in good-faith = ....meaning to be honest .
• '-lL.4 4W L.c"l ~f i.>.A:a... ' ~ ~ (l.i)) J.ai
2 - to keep faith = to be ,true to a promise .
• J.&._,JI J.l\..o f ~I~\:! o..ls.J ~b4 i~ ! ·~ cfi
3 - the faithful = those who believe in and obey a
certain God .
• (~ u-L;. ol!T .lY.-.J J ~.J~ ~lJI) ~_,:...Jll
Fall 1 - the river is fa1Jing = the water in it is becoming
lower. (~ .j~ :i~f *-4 Ji. J J~) ~ ' uai~
2 - prices are falling = are becoming lower.
(1~1 J! ~- ~f JlA-~I J J~) ~ ! JJ.j ! ~
8 - the Greeks· attacked Troy and the city fell =
4iJ ll ~I ~\& :Jl:A.ll ~ ~J ~.r°Y- ~J... J J~) .lai..
. (~ J
..:Jaw o.ll.J.,b
4 - to fall for..... = to be charmed by and yield .
• fa::;I ~ ! (.,WI ~ : ~
5 - to fa 11 back = to go back.
. . ~'J ·~ 'Jj_r. ! .)Y':! l ~.r.
6 - the soldiers fell in = got into line.
• ~I
. I.JJ Lio) J.:J.I
( l;~
7 - the soldiers fell out = got out of line.
(~I ~.ll..J ...;,lila.p~t rlli.i ~ ,Y."_,..) ~I rlli.i y~I
Fallacy . - 129 - Fan

8 - Mr. A,. and T. fell out = quarrelled .

.i;..f ~J
· . .. . J~)
- ~lf ! W'I
.~- f (l.J"j.;~ (J"j.j) .J":' l!J
• (~~~~ t...,.:..~
9 - to fall short of one's hopes = to be less than.~.

~fa. L. (JJ.) ! vl.J:! L( Jif

10 - the plan foll through = failed.
<t-'r.. _,r :uz.~ '-' J~) ~4 ~4 ! J-b.i ! J..!.i
11 -· to fall on one's feet = ha~e good fortune .
.lJ~ ! ,i;~ ! .)_,..._.: ru1_, e:·
Fallacy a popular- fallacy = an idea believed by many people
but really untrue .
• ~ ~ ~-' IJ"l:JI ·~ ;~_; : tl!JI ~I
Fa Iten the fallen = those killed in battle.
• ~_,.11 J l_,JaA.. 0:! iJ I : j=AJ I
Fallow : to lie fallow = to rest. ~
• •
'• 1.....•
False : 1 - sailing under false colours = acting so as to de-
ceive, e.g. as pirates used flags of different nations.
c)l,-~I ~G) ~ ! f'.s~ ! ~I J! ~ f ~,.>.;J..I J! iJ.r-
.. ·"-
(l&l.l.a._, lfa" ~
f '
JJ.l (j..s. ~ ~ (J_,,J.):! .;1
2 - a false note = a wrong note in music, or some-
thing which is not in good taste.
IJ"l:AJI lf' ~J l;.. ~ : ~_,.11 J : j \.!.iJI - \
J-WI ! ~Ll-1 t ~I J_-i:ll ~ 0-~I - y
Falsify my hopes have been fals'ified = my hopes proved

untrue. ~~ r JL.T ! c.4)1 ~IJ.)r JL.T ~.) ! JL.i l,j.)~

Fame ill fame = abd name.
~I .lW ! ~I ,....; f ~~I ;;\l.li
- '-' I J

Family family tree = a plan of a family showing all the births,

marriages and deaths of each one .
.:r .)} Js:.J ~~_,.!IJ ~~_;JIJ 41_,.11 U:.-:-:! JJ~ : ll:WI ;;~
. ~ ~~ .)ljl
Fan· 1 - a film fan = one who 1oves going to the cinema.
~ ~ f (;.)~IJ~I) ~I .l~ ~.iw
Fancy - 130 - Fare

2 - a fan-light --· a window shaped like a fan,

usually above a door.
J_,i ;l;L; _,-.J : ('-a.-'.r
;J_,., ~ ~~ I~!) yl:JI l..-! t
. ( ;_;1~ ~) ~_,..,.. ;;J_,., ~ ~_,>:..; yL:JI
Fancy 1 - these are mere fancies = you h~ve no proof.
~~ Jl!..sJ : ('taJ• ~ ~lA..r. 'i) ilA_,t o.a ! ~~~ ~
• ~ ~ ~ i~ ':1 lST; _,r •fa J!
2 - to· t~e a fancy ~o = to like .
. (·~Jl) t~ ! ~
3 - I have a fancy for ... = would like.
<1.lj JD J=..f Jr t.J' l ~' ·
4 - fancy cakes; fancy dress = (ornamented) a spe-
cial. and unusual dress of dancing.
! ( ~li.}:s!I _,f ~}_;JI J;s. uai.}I ~ ~~_;.. ch;) :~.,a.)1.1.)J
• ~)I 41~
5 - to fancy oneself = have high opinion of.
~ J ~ J J~) U"'l£u .~ ~ f ~I~ .,a.tA:! ! ~ .JA.,r.
. (.,- ~ _;s1
Far 1 - how far can you go =:: to what distance.
er ~ ~f ~-:tit- ~r f ~l; ~' ~ ..u.. <Sr J!
2 - far be it from me to = I would not dare.
~ l. OJ~I ~~ j ~f ';J: (J..JT ~f)J.Uf _,f ~hi
• ( l.>S") J..i ~
3 - he will go far = be very successful.
(f_,A4 _,f) ~ ~~: ~
4 - far stronger = much stronger. (,:;..) i~ <.>_,if
5 - far and away better = very much better.
o.J':..S L-11
L;..&f . .<
f j...J';::-J •
6 - it is a far cry to ..... = a long way.
(:>\!.. 4J-'' J!) ~_,!, ~)aJ ~1
.7 - few and far between = not often found.
~ h 0t JJ.i f ~Y- v.;
Fare 1 - he fared forth - went out.
Fashion - 131 -- Fast

2 - it fared ill with him = he was unsuccessful.

Jlia. 'SI ~~f f ~
3 - you may go farther and fare worse = be content
with what you have .
.!l~ L.c. ~i ! ~-":! ~ u. e1
4 - the bill of fare = list of foodsin an hotel.
(*4) J.c.i J ~~I U\i
6 - the fare from LondQn to Paris is £6 = the cost
of a journey. &; J _,a.JI ,:r'" ·f _,A...J1 r.f
Fashion 1 - to act in a strange fashion = in a strange way.
- .:UI f 'j.:; '.y ) ~
( ~-' ·-. :W-.r"1
L. ...;

2 - after a fashion == not very well.

( ~'5.)_;. ~ ~.J ~ ~ ") ) JU.I .k....,,:...
·3 - after the fashio·n of = like. j I_), ~ ! JI~ j&. f J!..
4 - short shirts were the fashion of 1919 = that
way of dressing or behaving which is considered
the best at a certain time.
JL!ll ~ l.Sj.J1 !l..,,J.....11 _,i U"'Yll jl_,b) ~.)__,..:JI f oJ_,.ll
(l. ~"" ~'l'
5 - to be the fashion = to be admired and copied by
all. (~I~ ~U:, .~I 4.J~ ~,,f) jl}iJI ! JL!ll
6 - it is not the fashion to .... = not the pres_ent custom.
(li_,JL ~ I~ 4.J! : J..,.A;) ..J_,.JI ! ..;_,JUI
Fast 1 - a fast woman = f oolis-h and bad.
("'fe... ;;T_,..1 J J~) ; .r-r £ .u-.
2 - to lead a fast life = to live for pleasure.
_wJI ol:a- ~ ! (~I.ill! J LA:... _,f) : "i~ ~
3 - a fast friend = true, loyal friend .
• (~ J J~) J_,Jl ! ~I ! LJ_,J.,A.11
4 - fast asleep = in a deep sleep .
• (.)"'la.:JI J ~ ! r.,,.:JI c,j J~
5 - to play fast and loose = to keep changing one's
way of behaviour.
~ "i_, ~f ~ uT ~Y- i_,~ ~- .:r : ~ ~.ill ! ~1
• Jl.. ~
Fat - 132 - Favour

6 - to hold fast = to hold tight. ( o.>.!..i·)

. ~
.- !
Fat 1 - a fat-head = a foolish fellow .
• (~:U-C:,~ ~)~I! ~~I! J-~I
2 - a fat lot you care = you do not care at all .
. ·~ ~4 : (~ _,f Fi- _,f) ~G ':i &!Uf
3 - to live on the fat of the land = to live in great
rr J ~f) ~~ ! <~ _,r i.#D- _,f) Ji-; J ~
(;.\a_, ~I;
4 - the fat is in the fire = you have done something
which will cause great trouble.
i~ 4!.i~...i_,....) th.. ~;I! c;~ ~ ! 1.)1 i.rT ~T
. ( ~l:.ll_, y~I u-e
Father : 1 - to father a plan = to think of it or heip to put it
in practice.
. ( J...&JI ~ J! ~l_,a.j_, ~ ~ .>sl-iJ "-)_A) ~-'~ ~
2 - t.he fathers of their country = the wise men who
planned it and governed it.
' ~l~I l;~_,~ WJ~ ~.lJI) \Aj~_, .)"-:JI . ~l.1-j
( ~l:- v--: lr=~.J
Fatigue : to do fatigue duty in the army = to do the task of
cleaning, washing, cooking, etc.
~1_, ~1_,~1 ..:..~1_,r- :(~IJ) YJJI ..:..~4 r~
~I J» ( c.lk.11 r4') ~I ~la: ! Ji!JI '->la: : ~.) Jl t._,
. • « ~,.,.al I
Fault •. 1 - it is my fault = I am to be blamed.
J_,!.-11 uT ! .i!.U.l 4d_,!-. J-f f l!.IJ.) r
~ 'l'f : ~ ~' wl
• (1!.U.l ~)
2 - kind to a fault = much too kind.
(~I .llb..f ~) jWI ! }WI ! ~)I ! J.,&!JI
3 - to be at fault = not t.o. know what to do next.
~ f j e.y_, ...;~ ~ ...;f i 'j) 0..r.:J-1_, .) .),;:J 4 .1;.Y- ! ~r.
• (~~u
Favour : 1 - the child favours his father = is more like his
Fear -133 - Feather

2 - to curry favour = to make oneself very pleasant

so as to gain friendship.
~l~J ~ ~ ! (U"'l:JI 4) -~
3 - may I ask a favour of you ? = ask you to do me
a kindness. (T~ _,f l;_,~ Jl 1.5J.-J t)f ~Lf) : ...iJ_,...11
4 - your favour of the 14th inst. = your letter dated
the 14th. of this month.
(~I I~ ~ 't ~ ~JJll cl:.ll...J) iJL.)I ! y\::S:jl
5 - I am in favour of a change = I want a change.
( ~~ _,f ~ Jl) ~t _,f ~J f _,t J.:..T
6 - he wore a (red) favour = he wore a piece of (red)
silk as a sign of membership of some group.
(_,-.-;rl) _r-)-1 ~ ~ ~'":fi.s. ~ ~ u : o;l.!Jt
• ~~~t ~ ~~ J ~~I u~ iJ':l.>
Fear 1 - to fear God = to have great respect for God.
( .t...A:.i - ~I ...i~-
.. ..J ol,!.;:.)
2 - there is no fear of rain = it certainly will not rain.
("fe...) }J ':1 ...i,- ! ~- j
3 - I fear it is too late = I think it is too late and
I am sorry. (~~Jli 1.:U_,) ~li JJ t)IJ~I t)fo. <Jf ~f
Feather 1 - birds of feather = people of the same kind.
• (o~t_, Al.)~~ t)_,i,.,.S::-~ U"'l:.JI): ~l:-!JI ! .)l~~I
2 - that's a feather in his cap = that's an honour for
him. • ( ~) v~ _,f ~- _,f ~P' ai
8 - to be in high feather = to be in high spirits.
. ~ ! c)I _rF ! ~}I J~
4 - to feather one's nest = to get enough money to
make oneself comfortable; get money dishonestly.
~~~JUI ~JJi ~ ~- \
~~'-'' ~Jf ~.r) ~.r ~ ~~. JL. ~ ~ - y
,, c~~.#J!
5 - to show the white feather = to ~ve no courage.
(~ _,f Uy.) ;Y; ! ~I.fa. ! ~
Fed - 134 - Fellow

6 - fur and feather = those animals and birds which

" are shot for amusement and food.
G~ : J)~l.J ~ .)~ JJI c.Ul.r-J-1) ~I uUI~
((lr.fJ ~t)
Fed: fed up = tired and angry with.
(~I .o:..i.c-_, ~I c... ~f) ~li., ~
Feel 1 - to feel cold = to know that one is cold.
(~1-'..rl .i.;~ ~) : -'fi.I ~
2 . - I feel the cold = I suffer from the cold weather.
. ( ~ j }j~ '"'--~' ~i ~.) : -'~4 ;t;f
3 - I feel the truth of what he says = understand .
• '-~ l-:.i ~I ~J .!l;-'f f J..l_,i J J-:ll ~.J ~f
4 - I feel the beauty of his poem :...:: moved by.
(c.Sr~. ;t:....,_, J.:n: o~ 01 : *--4 J.,Z) : ;~ ! .Jr-
5 - I feel that you are right = to have an opinion
that he is right. • ~ ~ ci;f c.S; f
6 - to feel one's way = to find one's way by. touching
things; to go forward very carefully.
I(•~~\ ~Jf ~4 ~;, ~) :~ f ~ - \
• (~.JJ~ ~_,1 j~_): &~~~- - y
7 - he hurt my feelings = he caused me pain (of
mind). • (~Jr~ uf J ~) c.Srl!... ~
8 - good feeling = friendship.

Felicity he expressed himself with great felicity = ... just using

the right words.
Jall c.S-'.¥ '-5JI ~~I J...-:-1 ~4) ;u-' J..~ ~ J Lf ..J':~
. <~'-'' ~'
Fellow : 1 - old fellow = way of adressing a friend .of any age.
( ~U- / c.SJ ~ J.!.>..p ~ y~I ~;,)~.;.JI ifi.~
2 - our fellow wor~ers = those who work with us ..
(t:.- ~ ~lJI) ~~.:,JI
3 .....- f'ellow-f'eeling = a feeling shared with another.
• ( ~I ~ ;_,..!..I I ~ .!l; l!.:i' J.-.c.) ;~I J-' ~ ' r l!.iJ I
Fend - 135 - Fiddle

4 - the fell ow of this shoe - shoe for the other foot .

.:.I.LL.I ~ ~L!JI o.)}JI'
'Fend to fend off a blow = to p1·otect oneself from.
! ~ <; ( ~.) ..r.f- _,, ru-J _,f ~ Jf ~.r'r) Lr ~ ~
~4': ! <.S.)~
Ferment 1 - to ferment trouble = to cause trouble to arise.
~) yLr...a.11 fi~ ! ( lr.l:-f t}jJ-' \&_,~) ~l:ll ~j!
. (~~~~
2 - in a ferment = very excited .
• i~.1-4 ~.r ! ~l: ! 4.l;+. ! ~I .Ll:f J
Ferret to fen·et out = to make a careful search into hidden
or secret things.
;; ..~ .. wf J ~~ ~l1) • ~ f :i.sl:.llU ~ ! ;u~ ~
. . - - . . • - - . ·~ ! (~r _,j

Ferti~ a fertile mind = a mind able to think of many plans

and -ideas. .
(JLCi-;r1_, Jt>~l fi~ ~) o;WI Jf ~11 _,f ~I J.A-JI
Fervent fervent desire = strong. • (bJ.. Jf) ~_,; ~J
Fetch : 1 - to fetch a man a blow on the nose = to give.
• ( .J'-' ~
··~1 ~
1~ •• AJ. .I"'• J f ~ u--
~:...lo') .)..l-J.
2 - the picture fetched of £100 = was sold for £100 .
• (..:..~I ~ ~. o;~I :i.._,JJI ~ J.,,Z) ~
Fettle in fine fettle = in very good spirits.
~.JJ er J ! <•~ ~ ~6. J) U:.~1Jf4;,_,f L.,,; ~
Feudal the feudal system.
(~_,JI J~I .)L '5.:UI tllaill jUii) ~\ki\}I illi.:JI
Few 1 - every few (days) = one in a group of a few.
(:u.Ji ~~ ~t:f ~ i4f ~ _,f i~ ~i) t_}S)\; i4f ~ ~
2 - a gcod few = a rather large number.
~ '-!· i ~ .)~
Fibre : a man of coarse fibre = a man of rough character.
. (~ j JIA:!) ~ljll .)6., ! ~ cfJ'
Fiddle : 1 - with a face as long as a fiddle = looking very sad .
. • t ~'-' 1..5'"'~1 (f- o~ ~ : (~~ ~~ j) ~j:ll ~ ~J ~r
Fiddlestick - 136 - Field

2 - to play second fiddle = to be led or ruled by

(•fl.- o.)G~) rfo..- y I ~Y- ! .)~ ! o..r,;i- ~..,.uf o.)fa- - '
3 - fit as a fiddle = in perfect condition .
. ~ (f J ! Jl.. ~f J
Fiddlestick : fiddlesticks ! = foolishness; nonsense .
• ~1.)1 - y ! ~I ! ~I ! ;u~I - \
Fie : fie upon you ! = you ought to be a~hamed of yourself .
• 4.:,.;.. .SJ~ ~' ~ <I cl.....i; ~ ~ ~l ~
Field 1 - beasts of the field = open country.
~)I ~u.J , ~)I ~I~ J~) ~)I
2 - a snow field = a large open space covered with
ti.JS- ":l ~1-11
• ~
-· .<
0.J;:-:J ~L......UJ--.
~) I..:.
,J.!ll i.r
• ~I A .••

. • (~I ~ 'J6: ':J.J

3 - the field of my work = the pa:rt of the subject
which I am studying.
~Wl ~ ~ .,s.:Ut ~_,11~~)1.1"'JJ.JI ~,_.!~I J~
• ( ~-' 4...;.JJ
4 - my field of vision = the space I can see.
(Jl)I ~ .Y! ~. L. ~~) )i;JI rJ.r
5 - the flag showed golden lions on a red field = the
main part of the flag was red and the lions were
painted or. fixed onto it.
! y~ o;_,.,,, <l::is..J ~J-;rl ,.,-f ~I~! Jfo': ~;-;ii
• ~~ ~~ ~ ~ .),_-;rl ~f_,_,-f C!i ~f ~.
6 - a battle field = the place of a battle.
( ~-' ~) :U-.,-11 ~I~
7 - army in the field = army fighting against the
8 - to take the field = to begin fighting a war .
• y ,rll J '~ ~- : ~1-1::11 J~
9 - to hold the field = to keep one's place against all
others. (~.,=.:. 91 .. ~1) .-~ ! ~
.~ I
Fig - 137 - File

10 - to beat the field = to win against all the rest

(of horses).
(j.!.. iJ~ r..i ~~ : 4:-Jl:... ~) iJ~ f ~.r. f ~
11 - to field a ball = to stop a balJ in a game e.g.
in cricket or football.
(~I f-'-:i ~f ~ ~ ~) ~_;f',r. f ;~I~
Fig 1 - I don't care a fig = I do not care at all .
• _,Al; ~j.;j ~ ~f ~ ! ~ ~- ~ ! ~~ ~T 'i
2 - a fig for Mr..... = he deserves no notice .
• ~ 4!Y. ~ li:N ~J: r\;A~I ~ ~
Fight 1 - to fight out a thing = to decide by fighting .
.!31~1 _,f ;~4 : Li~ .Jf L~ ~
2 - to fight shy of. = to keep away from.
• .J' '5t:..c. .Jf '~ ~
3 - a free fight = everyone fighting against every-
one else.~~ .. ut ~,~I lei ...1_;·!: a.~~,,...
Figure 1 - she has ·a beautiful figure; a fi'ne figure of ·a
man = general appearance.
f ~1 _,f ~I .Jf o;.,...JI 1:.- ~! J_,a; :~I f ,,.Jill !o;,..JI
• a;~I ~ ~W~I I~ ~! .Jf
2 - to cut a poor figure = to look foolish.
Jl.J: JJi ..1.:1__,f J-t _,, 4.4f ~f ~
3 - to figure in a play = to act in a play.
• :&)_"( j L. ~ JU_ : ~
4 - to figure out =
(1) to work out the answer to a.
question of figures; to add. (2) to think; to guess.

f A - y ~ f C'f:. f rli;~4 :uL. "'="'~ ~ ~·'

. ~.u: f~
File 1 --. single file = one line of men walking one behind
~ 5/1 ~ rA.l.f ~,.:..C. J~)I ~ .Jf i.r-WI ~ :~I f Ji)I
2 - the rank and file = common soldiers and corporals .
• .bt.WJI ~~)I c.i ~~ 1.i-4J ~J41--l.J j:....JI : 4\
Filial - 138 - Find

Filial filial piety = the love and duty one ought to give to
one's par~nts.
~ r.J4 l. : <Sy,S'I ~l_,JI ~I
! =4y,'YI <,S_,A:.JI ! <Sy,S'I
• ~4T .. ~ ~'-'-' ~ rJ4 .)~/JI
Fill 1 - to fill t.he bill =-= satisfy the need.
• oJ-' _,.4J I ~ L. ~ ~ LJ..I ..I-:! l.
2 - to fill the office = to do the work of an officer.
(er) y~ t ~_,JI ~6; ~~
3 - to fill o~t = to become fat. ~ J!ft ! !~ •J::.c_
4 - to fill out (or fill in) a form = to write what is
necessary in all empty spaces in- a printed paper.
~~~I rJ4 ~uu..1 J ~ : ~ _,f o;l!=-1 ulila. ·-:N_
. r,.O_,ll JIJ.-11 ~6. ~ l.

Fillip this medicine gives one a fillip = makes one feel fresh
and strong.
~f ~; u.Jl _,f .. 1_,..u1 I~ ~! J_,L" : 1L!..UI _,J o~4 .A
• ;;.,;_, 1~
Film : a film-actor = an actor for the cinema. •µ1 t•_ 'I
~- ~
Filter : new ideas filter into people's minds = flow slowly.
J~ d ~ _,f Ji-:i; o.>.:e~ .. t;T ~! J.,z : ~ ! ~
Final 1 - the final game = that which shows who really
wins .
• yfo.11_, ~WI 4J JA tSlJI 1,.!JI : JL;-11 1_,:JI
2 - my judgment is final = I shall not change it;
fixed ; settled .
.ur _,f , 4J~' '1 ~,.. J' : ~. : Jlt= _,r ~ ~ ~1
~':}~~! ~ ~
Find 1 - find money to start a new school = to provide
for starting a new school.
()L!..) 4-;.>... -~ ('il.) j.~
2 - the ship is well found ~ well provided with
stores and accommodations .
• ·~I u• ..
UJ "'--"'! ~~• Le. o.>'.Jr
• 1T_·J ~
• •• :t• .·11 ;;..:..._
-=r :c...A..JI

• :i...l,J1 ~'l-'-~-'
Fine - 139 - Finish

3 - the court found the prisoner guilty = decided that

he had really done the wrong act .
. ~.L_,f ~~_,f ~1..1... ~I ~4 ~~I~! J,L': ~ !~
4 - to find oneself = discover one's powers; get a
chance of using one's power~.

Ai_), (f' ~ ~ ~. : _.;t.) ~fi ! ~ ~ - \ '

• ~!_,... lt;:i (~~I ~_,AJI ~ - y ..;~la)_, ~t_,...
5 - - find one's feet = get a chance of ·doing well.
~1 _,f ~~I _,f ~I J...-11 ~) 41 ~
6 - how did you find the weather = how did you like
the weather.

Ji'Y- .b. ~r Ji .sf : r~' ~' .>.i- ~ : _,-51 J_,:;; : ~

• ~I_;..
7 - I found him out = discovered that he was not
.A.if ~_,&- ci;f ~. : ~I _,t ~I Jf ~I ..uJ : J~
• ~' ..r.f- ~~
Fine 1 -- a fine day = good weather. • ~I ,:r- rY-
2 - in •fine = in fact; really.
····- !
• ~ -11.t1 .....
l!_i.r ·'~I
- <J.
Finger 1 - to finger a thing = to touch and rub with the
fingers. ~~ : &!Al-':! ! ~
2 - to have the business at one's finger-tips ( = finger-
ends) = to know very little thing about it.
~. : J.-JI _,f '\s~' :u_~ ~~ ! ~ r~I ~ ~~ '1
~ '1 '5lll JJA'l 4.:... ~~ .A.if
3 - a light fingered person ~ a thief.
(')\.!;) ~\..p~I t \;..,o ! ( J.::'I ~) J~ ! J;l.. ! ~
4 - I can twist him round my little finger = make
him do anything I want.
~- : ~.A J' ~f ~f ~f Jfo : ~ ~ ~ ! ~
...l.!f l. "3i.J ~ ~r ~ ~f _,f o~'
Finish 1 - It nearly finished me (off) = nearly killed.
• ~~r- ~u- ! ~ .>lS"
Fire - 140 - Fish

2 - the table has a good finish = is well polished.

( ; J..,4:.11 J¥ ~ f .J f ~ l .MJ : J_,Aj ) "1.¥ u---1
Fire 1. - he is full of fire = has great force of character:
• ~I ~_,; f fa;~ J ~t ~. : ~I .s_,AJ ~l
2 - the speaker fired his listeners -= made them feel
strongly; made them eager to act.
~j ~I ~! J_,A; : ~l_,.Jl ..$ ! (.~l!Jt) i..:-+4
~.JJ~ .Jf ~.J~ ~ , ~I~ J t:J Jf ~L.. _rl!...
• J..NJ
3 - he won't set the Thames on fire = will not do
any thing great .
.,.;f ~.)Ju o.J~ ~u1 J-'* ~ ...;_,... ! ~ J~ 'l ...;_,...
( J4 I.) (:"'-- 6~ ~f rJ- ~~
4 - tell him to fire away = tell him to start or con-
tinue .
• of~ J..f' t..i ~ _,J °'jvi- J~ ~f o_r : J.,,Z f ~ ! f~
6 - to keep up a running fi're of words = to continue
speaking quickly without sto\lping .
• _...;;_y fl.- V"-' ~_,....i r~I d~ ~.:;.A ! (L~) Ji~
6 - under fire = being shot at .
• ..Jl~I IJ.r ~ ! ;L.:JI J~ J ! IJ.ft.
7 - to fire an employee = send away; not employ
any more. • .c:.....la. ,;f' ~~ ! ( .tJ..c. tr Lal;,_.) ~
First 1 - from the first = from the beginning.
.r~I J.J1~ ! J_,'~J I tr f ~ IJ.:J I .l:..
2 - I will come· first thing = early in the morning.
fl:JI c~' J _,f ~ ~L
3 - I'll see him hanged fi'rst = I will not do what
he asks. ~ L. J.ai ~ ~L ! ~Ji. L. Jail ~ ~,,....
Fish 1 - feeling 1ike a fish out of water = uncomfortable
among strangers.
~.:UI) ~~~I C ~')' r..is..J .~4 ~ f ~ ~ c..i
( ·~ ~ ~ -
Fishy - 141 - Fit

2 - a poor fish = a foolish, worthless person.

<~ d J~) .. 1:.A.11 J:U ! ~r f J.AA..
3 - I have other fish to fry = other more important
things to do. ( ~.) ,;r ~ f.,. l. ~-) ·~ l.. c,S.J;s.
4 - a pretty kettle of fish = this is a bad business;
·a difficult matter.

~_,f ~rf-y ! •cS,)J J>- \ ·

5 - cry stinking fish = say bad things about oneself.
~.r.. ':} L. ~ l.r .;r-~
6 - to fish in troubled waters = to get profit (=gain)
from troubled conditions .
• Jly-~I y~ L.~ ~)I J_,\.:: µ1 .\-11 J ~
7 - to fish for ... = try to make a person give something
without actually asking for it.
wl ..r..i. -:.r ~ ~ wt ~ ~ ~ wf J ¥.:) ~
(•J~! .t.JL:!
Fishy that sounds fishy = is probably untrue or dishonest.
;uL- _,f ~~ _,l fl. J J~) ~L. ~I r-Js. _,f ~1 (:;}J ~
• (:U~I ~ .:~ lr.i _,f ~fl.- t,=f e-.r.
Fist close fisted; tight fisted = very unwilling to spend
L~- ! ~.. ·' ( '-'- l.i.i':JI Ji JL....
- ...r.f-. ) J.JI
• u-:-: - l.J°..J-:'-'
- '· J...JI
- ,) ~
Fit 1 - a fit of anger = a sudden. state of strong feeling.
( o-~ ·-~ 1 L l-&il'
-· __ .. ,, --ll · :m.) ~-J. ·-"'I· ; •
~. ~ cSJ.r- ~ (J4 ·~ (J4 'J~
2 - to do things by fits and starts = to do a little,
then stop, then begin again.
(c.s~T or l!.ll~ ~ t~J , ~ f -Y..Ji ~) ~..,tr J....~
3 - fit time and place = right, proper.
•-ra~..._, r:;_, : ~L.&J1 _,r : t1J' ~lS:"-.11, f~' cl_,n
4 - law of the survival of the fittest = the scientific
.law that those animals which are best suited to
their conditions live and increase - the others
are killed off and become less, or die out.
ul'LL. ~f ~_,s:_; ~I ~~~I ~f 4:.... : ~~I .. ~ ~_,;li
~ ~ JA:i ~.J c.m; lAfo. wfJ , ;l?;;J ~ ·~'
~ ~'-'~-' ~,;.:.:; ' ) l!.i.i l' ,_, ,) J....J'
Fit · - 142 - Fix

5 - fit to drop = very tired .

• ~I)~ ! '5_,AJI .!l_,;.. ! ~ ~ ! ~
6 - laughed fit to bust = laughed uncontrolledly.
f ~I o~f ! "(o.)l;'JI ~ ~ ~JL;. ~) ~ ~
(~_,JUI fl. u~ ~lS:i) ~I~
7 - to think fit = to decide. (c.~) ~ ! ~ !~
.8 - to feel ift; to be as fit as a fiddle = to be in good
"i- -'t J'-c-L
- r~ J f) ~ ..
health. 1-- (
~ -~
9 - this coat fita me = not too large (or :imall)
for me.
;..lill : J.AJIJ) ~~ 'j_, ~~ ~ : '5~ ~ .~I I~
• ( \ : ,..Yo : U'"'_,...li ·:...JI~!_,~-' ~)I LliJ
10 -- to fit .a key to lock = to cause to fit.
See Arabic of No. "9".
( ~ j> '5f : oJ.i ~ ~) J.iiJ (.\:;_.. ~
11 - to fit in = find a place for; press into a small
(~ ~\S:.. J.) Ji.r. f ~- y ! (c.~) {;b(_. ~ - \
12 - to fit out = to provide with all necessary things.
(.. ~-;r, Li"' <S;J,.r0.J4) JJf- ! ( c.~U..1 ~) •u:r..
IS - to fit up = to get ready for use.
(J~::...:jJ LJ.·~, ..~I~~)~ f ~ ! ~
Fix : 1 - I'll' fi'x you up = take you in as a guest.
• ~Lf~··
- .jJ (J f)~~L
- .
2 - to fix up to go to the play ===.arrange.
~ ~~t l;iL f :u_. -JI .l4.:.:; Ji ~f ~f : ..~f Ji ~;L
3 - fix up a quarrel = settle .
. ~l:l ~ ! L~ ~ ! ~'J ~
4 - I'll fix him ·? = I will punish him.
• .c... ; ~L ! .c... ~L.. f ~l&.L
5 - fix these shoes fo me = repairs. • ( ..~I) ~

6 - in a bad fix = in a difficulty .

• ~~f : ~:S' j ! ("'~ ~ J~) 4fJl) J ! ;u:;. j !o.1..! J
Fixture - 143 - Flat

Fixture 1 - a foot-ball fixture = a game ar1·anged on a cer-

tain future date.
~I~-' ~ : r.l&ll o.,S- ~ ~~) ~~I ! ~I
2 - I'am a fixture here c;;;: I shall uot leave this place.
. 0 ~f ~ "'-'.,- ! l:A ~L ~ ~~1 1.:i. ct-l "J
},jzzle fizzle out come to a foolish end.
( iiJ 6a.. .J f '--'
u-4"' ~:J J\i.J) l:'ii f ~I
- v-- .J ~ JI• ~
Ji.,lag 1 -- the white flag = sign that one yields.
# '·i"-'1 ~ ':UWI Ji ~I ~G : .~I ~1)1
2 - the flag ship = the ship on which the commander
s·ails. ·

Flame 1 - she is a flame of him = is loved by him.

.-.i\:;,;I _,f ~ _,j ~~ _,f ~ t±.J'4 L,:1
2 - flaming eyes = eyes bright with anger .
• (~_,f ~ _,, ~) J.i_,:j' ~~ (.Jf) ~tJ.i~ ~~
3 - flaming cheeks = red cheeks.
(Gt,,-.1 ~;,JI t,:lf") ;_,)~ ,)_,,,,.
Flare l - the flare of a ~ress = a lower edge which stretches
or spreads out in a bell-shape .
.J.:.i' .Jf ~~I JA-11 .l~)I ~1_,l,f : ~!_,:JI ! j:!.)l:ill
~!_,:JI t,.:~
2 - a flare up = a sudden fierce quarrel.
• .:;,l...U.. ~ ;; .. ~ &- : ·~\.&.. ~ !l l_r
Flash ·1 - a flash in the pan = something which has a
great effect for a short time, but soon fails .
. r..a.,: ~' ~ L. ,j.T..~-' ~j ~l:i ~ o)lS =~~ J ~~
2 - . in a flash = very suddenly and quickly.
(l..tr-' ; .. ~ ~ -.~) J..r.JI ~ J ! a:" 4..- J
Flat 1 - life is flat = life without inte1·est.
Flatter - l+J- Fledge

2 - the story fell flat = nobody thought it amusi:lg.

t ~f .Jf i;.f if.} t (~) ~' ~t ~. : .l:aA... !Jb.1
• ~ u0..,AJI j ~JJ ~ , c)IJ J-'_rJI ~
3 - and that's flat = and I shall not change this
opini'on .
. $}ii ~J Jf ~fJ ~ JJ;L ! <S..fi J~f J ! ~f; ..r.f.T uJ
4 - to give a flat rate = to sell a number of dif-
ferent things all at the same price.

- • u ii"J L.i.. u
(l-.:o. · LcL
. . ~ ~wf ~ ) ii_J "'-"-t .)~-
1 ".'
- :; :

5 - I told him flat = I told him plainly .

• ""'~f f ...:A..!~! . .JL,o
Flatter : 1 - the picture, flatter's her = shows her as mo1·e
beautiful than she is.
~~ o.l:-JI o.a OJ~~! J_,Aj : :t.i_.A:LI ,:r ~f o;~I ~1
. • ~ 1_,J I J ~ l..,( J.w:. f
2 - I flatter myself that I can = I am pleased to
say that I can.

~;f ~- : (1.:U J.i- J'- : J..ui ~f ~lk:.- j ~4 ),,,.jf

• L. J> ~~! ~ oJ..ull JJ~ ~ J
Flavour : there is a flavour of dishonesty about the business
(to denote a quality which has an effect on the feelings).
J.-JI 1.a J ~! : .J.wJI ~~ ~~I ;.r ~..; _,f ~ ~la
• 'JL. Sri If ~.Ji r-'- fl.- .i.;4 ~ ¥
Flay : to flay him alive = to pull the __ skin off while living ..
• ( ·~' '-i; lt.J ~_,.ti 6.>- ~ 6~ ~' J-:i ~ t:fa..) ~ ~-
Fledge : 1 - a newly-fledged doctor = one who has just ob-
tained the right to practise .
• ~ ;;JJl.:,.C, ~ ~.>.. ~f : ~J.. ~- ~ J,,z
2 - full-fledged = one who has full powers, full
right, e.g. to act as a doctor.
J..~I J=L-1 .i.J <Jf_, ' OJ.li J~ ~t : «~» U)\; ~! J_,ij
{~ li,~_,...) ~ o~ ~f ~f : ~I 4-t 4J,1_;... J
Fleece - 145 - Filght

Fleece 1 - fleecy clouds = clouds which look like wool.

:c.r.;.:.i1 J-""""' _,r Juli ~u- ~L.~ :~u-i~ _,r yb....
• u~lf' ~~.µI JU. .u_,,, : -:).!.. J,,Z
2 - to fleece a man = to stea~ all his money by de-
ceiving him.
• ~l.>.:i:.._, ~. .UL. J'- J_,::.....l : 4.J~ J,.,., ~
Fleeting life is fleeting = moving quickly and silently away.
.•_,.a._, ..:;......- J.J ' ~1.r- ~- : J:W ·~' 4.Jl
Flesh 1 - one's own flesh and blood = members of one's
family .
• ~_, ~-' JAT ~f : ~_, ~~ ~ ~_;. J~ : o_r ~I .. ~f
2 - the flesh = desiI·es or weaknesses of the body
e.g. the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
' :,.A:J. (!)I ~l» : Jfa. : .tJ~6._, ~lii.J 4.J~I ..:.I~
• ~ _,t J..,aJ _,f : o_,..!JI ~_, «c
3 - appear in the flesh = come oneself.
• ...;l~J~!~~
4 - to put on flesh = become fat .
• ...._-~·v=.r..·~
.• ' l. '

5 - to lose flesh = become thin. ~ ! J..it:

6 - have on~·s pound of flesh = demand payment
of the whole amount of a debt.
~ , [.,~_, U,wi ~~ ~l ~.r. ":J ~f : 4.::!.) ~ ~~
; ..b. l.J 4-i.) .tJ.) <C:! .) '5.)J: 4.J' ~
7 - go the way of all flesh = die. • ($.).r.. ! i!l.lr.. ! v~

8 - proud flesh = hard l'ed skin round a wound.

er. Jy- ~ 4.J~ ~ _,-f ~ : ~I
9 - the flesh-pots = good food and comfort .
• t_l~I_, ~1)1_, ~~t • (:t..G_, ~ rl.1) ~JJI ! ~\
Flight 1 - the flight of time = passing of time.
;~I lrj.;; ! i.:r.,;JI JJ.r ! ~1.rJ, C.~~I f
2 - a flight of birds or of arrows = a number of
birds or arrows flying together.
~ J,1' _,f : i~I i.:r ~ - y ! ..r.:Jall 4r y~ - '
Fling - 146 - Flock

3 - a flight of stairs = a set of steps up.

• ( Cl~J.) o~ ~ -.i.Jb° r-1- ~) ~
4 - two flights up = up two sets of stairs.
": • (~~Sri L.Pil.>..!_,LU: ~ ~) ~~
5 - put to flight = cause to run away.
(~ ~4) J!~I Jj y)i~
Fling 1 - 1
to fling one s clothes on = to dress quickly .
• ~rw ~lJi.S;.;.r.. ! ~r. ~
2 - she flung out of doors = went out quickly in
anger. ~~ ;\s.,.,-... ~I ~ ~r
3 - have a fling at = make an attempt. y,,,:r: ! J_,l..:
4 - the dance was in full fling = going on well; at
its height; in full course.
oJ..u t"Jf J - r .4.J...!f J - y l;~ ~ - ' : c.r:d)I ~l)
5 - I have had my fling = have had my chanc~, or
have had my time of foolish pleasure.
~~')'!_, :U~I ~~f ~ _,f Ji:ll ~ ~} 15f) J~l;-. J ~\.)
. ( r..:l.i..::JI
• I.I•
6 - the Highland Fling = a Scottish dance.
l+-;l4_ ~~_,J-1 ~ ~J""' (~J.i~.,S:.1) :l:-~! ;wJ r-'
t .... f
- I I.I· ~lAU").I v-
• L.....
- ~.
Flit Do a moonlight flit = leave one's· house secretly to
escape paying debts.
(~y.""11 c!.,) ~ 4~ f.J""' ~ lf';w) ~ f ~
Float 1 - clouds float across the sky = are moving with-
out effort.
<.i .r. ~. : ..µ1 ~ ~ yb....Jl i.S.)t;! : J_,ij) i.S.>~
• (~ _,f ;~ J.f. J ji,))..tt:-' '3iJ
' 2 - to float a company = to find the necessary
money and start a business company.
. l. ~·~l::AU ;u-.,r! f~ ~j)\JI JUI~ ~i ~. :j_)..r! u-~
Flock flower of the flock best child in a family.
lt:i .)_,J_,... ~f : ;u; LJ r ;,,,..j
Flog - 147 - Flower

Flog to flog a dead horse :..-:: to go on with a thing after every-

one has lost interest in it.
V"l:JI ~ '5'fa..~'~ J..i' J ~~ : .)J4 ~~ J YA
• ~ L>.,-~J
Flood a flood of tears, of words, of people = a sudden flow,
a i·ush of tears, words or people .
.:r ~~ ~Y ~f : IJ"l:JI Jf r~' _,f r,...u1 ~ i.:A:' - ,

Floor 1 - he was floored =

· . U'°~' _,r ..:..VJ _,r t-""~
he could not answer the ques-
tion. ~~~I~~! r~I .y:. ci..-1 ! ~
2 - he has the floor = it is his turn to speak.
r")\UI J •JJ.) &4--
Flop 1 - flop-eared dog = a dog with large hanging ears .
. ~~i J~: ~~ ~.)~j J~
2 - the play was· a flop :-:= failed badly.
_,f ~~- j...:.; :i)_",-'I ~lf"' J_,z : J.!.AJl ! Jlb. ~' f 1.,,Wt
. Lt; i'.b~
Florid florid speech = speech with many (er too many) long
words and high-sounding expressions .
• ~L:lall d~I_, '-L,.#1 ..::.i~I ~ J..~ : ~I r:>\UI
Flounce : to flounce out of a room = go out quickly and angrily.

. t.-~
. ~.r- I." ~ • : ( 0.r.--
,...... ~ -lt ~· ) ~-

Flourish : a flourishing business man :::: a very successful man

of business.
• ( (l;_t.:
~ J
__ f Ctu..u
. •• "-i\l.f-f t~
J~--) J;.t:-11
! ~
Flow 1 - the wine flowed freely = they drank much wine.
. ( ~ i~ ly. ~.) ~t .,:..Ai.U .r
2 - the flowing lines of ·a dress = a dress which h·as
beautiful curves.
(l:l:d-1~l:.:...~I~11-bJ _,t YY ~,J) ~~ly_,!.11 4~
Flower 1 - the flower of life = the time when one's powers
are at their best.
~~ k.JL. &)I 4 L>~ lSl!I .,,...JI &-'·)a.!JI i!.U~)ol:J..t o~j
. ( ~lpJ ~.,;
Flush - 148 - Fly

2 - flower of the flock = best child in the family.

(t;~f ~f) 4.UL-JI _,r ;_,_~1 ;..,~j
3 - a flowe1· of speech = a poetical way_ of speaking.
J~ lr.i ~·~I (.$f : (:i.i,,..::JI i~I ~).) r~I ~
,. ~J ~I J~ ~l)' ~.J

Fluff to fluff out = to shake out; to make loose, e.g. as a

bird fluffs out it f~thers .
• (~!.J )lhJI ~ U-)__,..!..4 (y) ! (~) ~ (')
Flush 1 - flush with the edge of the table = level with
the edge of the table.
(1.U) ~_,:..-~!(I~) ol.JW.: (~ ;~UI ...;_,laJ).Jl-..
2 - the flush of victory = the first great joy of
having won.
~ .;r ~.AA.4 l. J.Jf) ~I~}! ~I ;~ f ~I ;J't:
• (~I ~-' ~1 ~ }{jJ
3 - the flush of youth = the fresh eagerness of youth.
(o_,iJ ~J ~'_,; ~ y~I J l.) y~I ~l.::! f _,..JI ~J
Flutter to be all in a flutter = to be in a state of gi·eat excite-
~I_;... ...i_,JL cf' ~_;J..1 ~ :Ub. ,j 4.J~ 4.Jf) ;JL~I ! ~t
( ;').r
_. . ,, --11
J c:;;-
Flux to be in ·a state of flux = to be in a state of change.
! .r- ta.:.J I J b. f ~ .;:..:.S" J l.J.. ~ l:l I_, ~I 1J4 Jl. J 4J§..; 4J f
• (~J.:A ...;_,_..l:AJI .J;.s.) ~.l.11 Jb. f ~IJJI Jb..
Fly 1 - a fly in the ointment = a small thing which de-
creases the value of something.
• ·~ 4.J ~ ~; o~ :i!A : oJ_,..Jt
2 - a fly on the wheel = an unimportant pers.on who
thinks himself important in some great business.
~- ~· 45~ _r;i. ~ J J~ : .).J.a.ll (Jl-:! _,f) JW ~ )-,-
~ _,f ~~ .JT t. Jir i\J J 4SJ.J..,,.O 1..iT_, ~ .I.if 4-Ai ~
• ~ ~_i : y'J_,~~ ~4~ : ~ o;~ ~_,J..I ~,.r.JI_, : ~jl.)!
Foam - 149 - Fob

3 - to fly high = to have high aims.

~1.r _,-j.J .UL.T ,.-Z ~ J JU:!) '""1)1 ~ f J..-;rl ~.r
~ (41_;.f ~.J
4 - to let fly at = shoot at; speak angrily to.
~.J~ ~~-y !~~') y~-,
5 - to fly a flag = to put up a flag.
6 - return with flying colours = return as winner,
afte1· a great success.
(.,-4 (.~ ~ i~ ~.r. ~) '-..~f .WI; .l.JA:!
7 - time flies = passes away quickly.-
(~l..::.. ~I..,- ;eJ ~ V"YI L>!
8 - to fly in the face of providence = to do a very
dangerous thing.
~ <.>,,,!ci Jlr~ i~ : ~- : (~~I) ~ l:..JI ..\.i~ f ;.illl ~-'~
• _,k;L-1_, ~I
9 - the door· flew open = opened suddenly.
(-o~J ;lla:il ~ j&. : ;;.~ yL:JI ~ J_,ij) ;.~II
10 - a flying visit =a short hurried visit.
(~Is. ..r.:·•"';_;;J 4j) : o.rl LJI o; ~.)JI
11 - to fly into a rage = become suddenly angry.
~ ~~ oc.~) ..;}l> ..:..;lS f ~I ,l;.f ! ~I~!~!_,...,., ;U.
(J Ui:il
12 - fly off at a tangent = suddenly st?-rt talking about
something different.
A~ if i~' J ;Ui:.il ~ ~ 1.:.f) ~.r' .,lj;I f ~.r-! Jyi
• ( ~H 4 ).J~ ~u--- u LLf ~i,;.,..
13 - fly at = attack suddenly.
. ;I.ii! Jtl...~J ;; .. ~ : (~) ~ f ~lt:

Foam to foam at the mouth = to be very angry.

(U;,.. ..:..WI~_;,...' ~I ~.l.2 ~~ ~f) ~~J ~fl
Fob to fob a person off with = deceive a person into taking
(some worthless thing) .
• -...; <.>.)fl. ~ -~ .:....~ : t~ ! ~
Focus - .150 - Follow

Focus to focus one's attention on to turn one's whole

mind to.
~ '5~.J ~~I J5 . . &)I~ wi ~.) i!.U~ ! ~ ~ ~~

Fog to be fogged = to have no clear ideas.

~ ~'-' ;_j:j ~~ 0~ ~ 0f ~.) ~Li. .,,j_;,_t; ! ~ ~·
Fogy an old fogy = a person with old ideas whjch he is un-
wilJing to change.
\+..}4J ~ J!):j!_, •IJ~ d-::! 0W! : J.WI ~I ! ..L.l~I
1.< - ·f ...is.
-~~u ~ ~
Foil Mr. A. used Mr. B. as a foil = celver Mr. A. made use
of the foolishness of Mr. B. to show up his own clever-
0-:JJ ~~ ~I .Ai '_iAUI (;~ 0! : J_,Ai) J.U.=.-! ! ~
( ~1J_, ~)~ i!M~ ~~.Jr
Fold to return to the fold = to come· home.
(~I J!) ~.r.. (Jf) J:i~ (.Jf) ~~
Folk young folk (s), one's folks, my own folk = one's family
and relations. J~ ~ ! J~ ! ~ f ! tJ_Ji
Follow 1 -- do you follow me ? = agree with; understand.
( ~ J,)t L. _,f J_,;f L.) ~ ~i - T ~ : Jil_,rf - \
2 - to follow the business of the law-courts = to
watch it with interest.
( lr, ~.J ~~) ~lJI JLF-f c!~
3 - he is good, but it does not follow that he is wise =
you cannot reason from this that he is wise.
~ ~.r.. 'l ~I wf ~- : «)\;~ ~~ ~f c:f-_j 'l ~ w!»
• '-'\A.JI_, ~I
4 - to follow the sea = to be a seaman.
4-4~ u- OJ~'J : OJ~'~~ ! ~J4 _,r G~ ~
• .,) Li.JI .iA UI C.")\11 : ~ t:Jl.J :Seamanship : ~
tond - 151 - Fool

5 - follow your nol'.le = go straight on.

• .~ I · cl.A; f L:,•
f-£...- .6a.. ~....,........ ~'

6 - the following = those things named in the list

(~ .. ~i lr. f~ Uli t.8) ~ ;Y-.ill ! ~L::JI ! J~1
Fond a fond belief = a thing which is strongly but foolishly

believed. ~J_,, ofa. '\.r J .)~~I) ~t&. (_,i) ;_:r._r o..l::U-
(:U~ i,)~' &)~
Food .. food for thought = a matter which should be thought
about. . ( ~ J...bJ 4 ~ ~J ~~ ·~) faJJ .1~
Fool 1 - the King's fool = a. person -in the court of a king
or great lord whose s-pecial work is to do and say
amusing things.
~Jf ~~ .b~ J &)~ ~) ;;i~I ~ ofa-JI ! ~I ~
• ( -
.-q rJ° ~I "1r ' ~
il..UI-' ~.Jr -<
2 - to fool away one's time = to waste one's time .

• ·~-~~ ~~i.::.J.,JI~
3 - to fool with a gun = to play with a gun in a way
that may cause harm .
. ~;lf" _,J ;__,...; ~ ~ J.i o;_,..., ~ lr. ~ : (:Y~) ~
4 - a fool's paradise ::::; a state of being joyful or
satisfied when there is no· reason to be so.
. J~ ~~~)1_,;_,..,...J~ ~W! 4:i~ m~: m.l+l:JI~
5 - to go on a fool's errand = to do some business
which proves· to be foolish, or useless.
"jJ- ·~ : ~I f ~\-' ~ ! alA.d-1 vf_,lb. 0-JU dl : J~
• ;t.;~ ~ _,f ~li ..;f ~I
6 - all fool's day :::: April 1st., when any one may
' say untrue things for amusement.
~ L. ~~ 0T ~<->rl j..CJ C.~ ~',. .k,ni ,;;. J_,~1: ~I iY-
• · c)l.J ~I .~I ~~l)f er .U
7 - April fool = one who believes sych things (see
No. 6) .
• J:!.Y. f J_,i ~.; l)f ~ ~~ ~ ,;;. : Ji) t .J~
Foot - 152 - Footing·

8 - fool's cap = a cap of white ·paper put o~ a child

in a class who will not learn.
l.J4'jJ ~ ;_,_:.1.; : (~I _,f o.)~I _,f) ~I J~
r:i:_,; c.JJJ .Cr
~ IJ CJ"J JJ I if- ~ J! ;;; L:;;f "5"'J .J...tj.,Ai J J.alo
Foot I - to set a plan ~n foot = to start it going.
Jf ' ~ L. _,f ~J L. ~ Li u~f ..!JJ_,A) : ·u·-14 '~
'-J~~ L.
2 - to stand on your own feet = . to trust in your own
power of judgment. lc..J ~ ~ : 4:,...\i ~ ~
._~~I~ p.1_, fa'I oJ.li U"' ~JJ
3 - to fall on one's feet = to have good fortune.
J~ t.._, $~ J ~~ c,J~· c,Jf : ~I ~ ! .la:J-1 ~~
Jr U"' lei
4 - to foot the bill = to pay the cost .
• ~'
~~ r~ ! c.UA.:..11 ~~
6 - to put one's foot down = to give chfar and firm
orders that a certain thing is to be stopped.
Lj t. ~ irf '-'W! 1 ~ '-'' : ~ t..)U":il _,r ·-~ '-'i.Jo! _,...4
• ~ ~ '5f ~ '5f c!!- '.a'f ~ L. -jJ- '-''
6 - to put one's foot in it = to make a serious or
amusing mistake. .-..Lt..c.
• ,-.;- .!:au. cJ· ~- '· l!..li Ua.. e--
7 - horse and foot = soldiers of both kinds.
( ~cJ
A ') ol:.11_, c,Jl..' r.:.q
8 - carried them off th~ir feet = made them so ex-
cited, that they lost their power of judgment.
J~ ;tj.ull l.J.>...Ai .uJ ~ : ~ly !l~ ! ~1 t:f ! ~t&f
.-~~,_, p.1
Footing 1 - to get a footing in a group of persons = to be
accepted as a member. ( ;u_L ') j . \::,
~~ ~v:-:
2 - the army is on war footing = the army is enlarged
and prepared for war.
'-:-'.;j ;_,AJ1_, ~_....,, ~1 .tJl ~.: ~'S'1 rlt' J&. ~'
3 - to be on a friendly footing = to be friendly with.
(,,a..T C ill~ _,J ~I~ ~ '-'~ ~i) J.H~ f Jl~
Footling - 153 - Force

Footling small and worthless; foolish.

.. 1.f
J...L_. ·' ~ '· .- &.-.f
- "'l •' ~
': -•1 J.ili •' .u "' • •l..J4" • .J'::'W' -
- ' • ' •

Forbid 1 - God for:bid = may that not happen.

2 - a forbidding manner = bad-tempered; unpleasant .

• ( ~ ,;;... E ,.# ! (.1)1 J...li) ~I •r,.r A.if : J_,Aj
Force 1 -- the force of a reason = the power it has to cause
· · ·· ;,f l&. i..l:WI o) .liJI)
f JI• ~ .#~'"-'~.
( i!L-) t.L:.i~I o~..
2 - to see the force of an expression = to see the
meaning of an expression.
L&f L>f ~~;f : ~ Jfo L>ll : ~I f ~I ! ~.)Jll f ~I
• ~~ ..r.&- _,, ~.)_;... _,r ~ .:r ~' l!U,; J t..
3 - turn o.ut in force = in great numbers.
;~1_, o;.AAJI J..IS'" ~..w1 ~...r..~ i_,;t.s- ~1 ~.:~.,Jf ~_, l~_r:.
4 - the police force = all the officers of the law.
:U,_r:JI 4 ! ~WI ~14

5 - to force a flower = to caus,e it to grow quickly ...

by heat. ~· ;;~~JI J~ ~r : (j.!... o.,,&y() ~
o; l_rll :ui_tY. : ~ _r4

6 -
• to force one's hand = t.o make one to act when
one does not wish to do so. J! u,u) ~ ! e~
• ~ ~f ~.r. ~A.if ~ J J...aJI~ 4.&-r.. ~- :(J....aJI
7 - a forced laugh = a laugh when one is really not
pleased or amused.
~~ 4...~l f ~I L~! ! (~I _,f) ~I L~!
. J-'..r-'-'' ~ ..r.f- i.J~ cl;f ~ J ' i~
8 - our forces in the field = our army.
i.Jl~I j <Sj.jl ~ J~ : ~:J..t
9 - to force plants = to cause plants to give fruit or
flower before the natural season. : ..:,,~I~

• •Jl.jl.Jf •Jll! J..-i J~ ~ i~_j.4 _,f i_,,.!... ·~ _,f A ~

Fore - 154 - Forelock

Fore fore and aft = in front and behind; from the front to
the back of a ship. f ~ltr.J rL. ~; tr : lli.;...J t.L.f - '
. ~~,;.. J! 4-11 r..u... ~ - ,,
Forearm forwarned is forearmed = if one knows that a thing is
going to happen. one can be prepared against it.
__;_,_L. ~ ~f ...;~ I~! ~W~I ~f ~- : ~JJ3 ..\d ~J~ I.)!
• J.ju"')U .)1~~4 ~ d ~f , ~
Forebear my forebears = those relations from whom I am
descended. ~ ~;~I i:r-jJI d!.IJJ : y1_,f ! j")Lf
Forecast th~ weather forecast = an account of the weather
which is to be expected during the next few days .
• ~ t4~1 ~ Jj..:;. J ~I ~I ~ .r...JZ: ~I l,,j16!-_r.i
Foreclose to foreclose a mortage = to seize and sell land or
.buildings in order to get back money lent to their owner.
&~~ ~_,.&.r }l..f-A.,.;Gf Js. ~wY- ~IJ _r.d-1 : ~)I ·y:.;
• ~~ ~)14..,J
Foredoom : foredoomed to failure = sure (from the very begin-
ning) to fall.
(~I.YI-~ 41.!.i ~) Jl.iD.. ')'I .Jf J.!.AJI ~ J..u...

Foreground : to keep oneself in the foreground = to make sure of
being seen.
i.t.r j .,.;J :r ~ ~f : Uo~ (Jf) f:;.r (Jf )•;_,. U; ~ ~
.- }i;JI
Foreign 1 - foreign m.atter = matter out ~f proper place, e.g.
a grain of sand in the eye.
~JJ ~)I ~ ~) ~-'"4 ..r.f- ·J o.)~ ~- : ~.f. o.)L.
('"j.!.. ~'
2 - foreign to his nature = not the sort of thing he
would do.
J.wJI .Ji' ~ Ajf ~-': ~ ..L,.;J : ~ J..~ ~ l.lA ~1 : J_,z
• ....:... J~ <,S.i.JI
Forelock to seize time by the forelock = to be ready to make
use of any chance when it first appears.
~! tlA:i')\J .)lJ.a:...I Js. "'~ ~i : (~ L.~) ~,;JI~
OJ .) ly. .J:.s. ..;_);
Forefend - 155 - Formality

Fore fend God forefend = may God prevent it from happening.

• t_,;~I ~ r ~I ~.) ~ ..ill Ja.) : C· ~f ~I ~
Forge to forge ahead = to push fol'ward through difficultieci.
~WIJli J·~ ~ ~.) L..Li. y~ !~ !~ ~rl~
Ua ..J":f-.
( y_
Fork 1 - a fork in the road = a place where the road
divides into two roads.
( u:~ . .l,
. ~-'~)JI 4...) i.JJ..i:! ~~)~>JI J ~
2 - fork out == pay money. • i..!UI ~~! _,f ~~
Forlom forlorn hope = a plan which has no chance of suc-
. c.~ ~ ~j ') t'~ : t~ (.Jf) ~La. J...1
Form 1 - a diamond is a form of coal = made of the same
matter but changed and of a different ap~earance.
o.)UI ~ .;r ~_;.... ~j ~. : '5,r.d-1 ~I ~ «oJ-""'" ~UI
_,1 ~T (ik;. ~J \.,Aj ~1 lr.L.Pf ~_, , ~I ~ i..AJ~ ~I
• 15,,,..;...f o;~

2 - good form = good taste and manners .

• L. ~ ~ ~~ : .!l_,1-JI_, i.JJlll ~
3 - it is a matter of form = it must be done because
of a rule but it i's not important.
L<.L- \..,; L .-: ~i ci..l&. :.:;. ;;~u.H ~f
...:;; _,; u-- .d . ~ :uL.
- r \,;I.-
. ~~ vt liu u, ~r ~ , t.-~
Formal 1 - formal manners = manners according to rules,
not showing any feelings .
.!l.,,J- ":} , ~-'°"'_,.. ~!_,Al i....~~ .!l)- : ~I .!l,L..JI
• ~ i_, J_,-.!JI ~-
2 - formal dress = the correct dress for certain im-
portant occasions .
• ~Li;. ~~l:... J ~.(i_r. L.: u-)l ~"='1JI
Formality a mere formality :::::; something unnecessary, done only
because of a rule.
Forte - 156 -
Forte dancing is not my forte = danci~g is not one of the
things at which I am specially clever.
: Jl..I} ~ ~)\ ~ :J.,Z _,l ! ~I u ~)I ~
• lr.i jJif ~I &~~I l.r4 ~ <.Sf
Forth the promised money was not forthcoming = could not
be had when needed.
~_,_ ('*-4) JUI ~l : J_,a; ~ts' : ~LL.! ..l:.&. ~ ~- 'l
• ~ L.~ ~J&. ~ 'l
Fortune 1 - to make a fortune = to gain much money.
• JUI ~ ip- c?: : ~ ! <.S~
2 -
for anyone.
a soldier of fortune = one who is willing to fight

•• ~.r. J ..._u ~~ YJl-... : '-'jfa..11 ! J_;j)I

3 - to tell fortune = to tell what one's future will be.
l '!- •1 ., -t, \R . • ( ..l\kll ~) .. .··
·c..r.- .'3. ~- c - ~
Forward 1 - carriage forward = the cost of sending the goods
will be paid by the receiver .
• :il-)1 t~I ~ ~f ~1 J-)1 ~--':! ~f :~)\:....'.11 ~ ~ °91
2· - look forward to = expect with feelings of pleasure .

• 'l~ <_,f) G-'r- <-'' > ~ r!_.A.

3 - please forward = please adress this letter again
and send it on to where Mr. X. is now staying .
.• :UL..)I ~! ~..JJ ~;N ~ ~ Jl ~1_,.:..JI. ~ ~1 <.Sf : ~.r.. ! ~.r.
4 - to forward a plan = to help on.
• ( '-1a.;. _, i ~J _r.. ) ~ l-:! ! --':!}!
Foster : to foster e~il thoughts = to keep evil thoughts in the
mind. • .1...W'":/~
:). "Lt_,... IS(j~l111o
Foul 1 - foul play = an evil deed. . ~JY. ~ ! .\...;..: :u..;
2 - fall foul of = quarrel with .
.!l)~ ! _r.l;i fr.~·
• ,c-ld: !
3 - the ship fouled another ship = ran against .
• ~ _,f <.S~f 4-JI c.:-.>..., J_,z : ~ ! ~~
Found 1 - founded on a rock = built on a rock.
• (•l.4 J J~) "0)'¥ ~~·~if ofa..p ~ ~
Frame - 157 ·- Free

2 - his opinion i's not founded on facts ... is unfounded

== is not proved to be true ; not according to the
·f ~ J&. ~~ r ! ~~li,., "J~ r~ ":J '5T: ..., L)"'t..T ":J ~r.J
• ~!,JI_,~ ":J
Frame 1 - the frame of a house = the upright supports and
cross-bars. • ,.;!.,) ~-' .-Jti) : ~:..~H ·~
2 - a happy frame of mind = a happy state of mind .
• ~)4 .J~J c;~Lt-J r.r IJ~ J '5f f er ~li J CAI.; : JU:
3 - to frame a plan = to put together; to make.
1: .. ~·
• T:t
'.jJJ 4.1 ?.-
f ~ ~~

: tr.'J..,r'-4 .J~

4 - his lips could not frame the word = ....could not

say the word.
~ f (r~' ur-)~ f (U~) .!l~I irol:.&.:~~
.. . ~... ')' ~~4
5 - to frame a person = to make it ~ppear that he has
done some wrong act.
• ~ ~
. )IJ 'tk.:a. l-•
u- . l:r Liw1 ~.
.JJf ~- I· • a 1...~---.i
6 - he has a strong frame = he has a strong body .
• '5.,AJI ~ ! c.~1 ~ ! ~I '5~
Frazzle beat him to a frazzle = beat him throughly.
• L..J":4 r,•.r''4J.A

Free 1 - free speech == the right to say what one thinks.

· (L>~'UJL ~! "'--~ ~· ·)
• O O
~f .r .W
M~<:~ L.
• ~I ~M~ J~-
2 - I made him free of my house = I said that he
might go where he pleased and do what he wished .
• • ~ ~ .c... f~ ~ : ~ d ~_rll "" ~f
3 - the way is free = open, with nothing to stop one.
'-J ~I-'"' ':} ~ '5f : ~ ~)z.JI cj!
4 - the free end of a rope = not tied down.
(~ ~) 1~)1 ~:~I ~)JI
. 6 -·to get a free hand = to get p~wer to do whatever
one w'ishes.
Freeze - 158 - Fret

6 - a free fight = a fight uncontrolled by any rules.

~J ~1_,i 4 ~I}')' .!.ll_r :~. :~L:J4 ~hll ~ 1.1.::.:.1 .!ll_r
. 4 ~ ';i_, ~.r ~ .!.l I~ ! J-""'f
7 - free with his money, free-handed = generous .
.)I~! fJ ! ~11~
8 - I am free to-morrow morning = not busy; can see
you. • .!l 1) ~j c;1=-i : J_,a..:... --~ : 6..~ i~ ~ Jt
9 -- have you any rooms free ? = not in use.
~ 41~ J...i. vi~ .!l~f
10 - free drinks all round = give each a glass of drink
and I will pay.
• ~JJ4 ~I l;j_, l~ ~~ lJ-4 .bf : ~~ ~~I t)J
11 - post free = post paid. ~._r.Jl;~f tjJ.... ?r.r)I u41la.
12 - free will = the idea that one's future and for-
tune are not fixed by fate .
• ~~ ;~ &J..~ J..~ ~-' ~W~I ~ «Jf -ofa: ;_,J..l o..)1/:/t
13 - free and easy = friendly and simple, not stiff
and ceremonial.
• ..:.il::-)1_, ~pl if-~ ! ubWI ~ ! :iJl.LpJ .)J 4
Freeze 1 - his face frcze = became stjff and without sign
of his feelings.
•~ l!... • k ·; It ~
- - . .• 4--\Z
.;r- - ~_,_,,_ ! ..l
. -,.-;-.J Jt ....._ J.-.

2 - to freeze onto = to seize and hold tightly.
;~~--y !(~)~-\
S - freeze out == drive away a person by making things
difficult for him.
4 ..r.f. ~~ ~J)iJI _,f J.-ll J.-.?: ~4 : -...;1~~1 ·js.
• ~- f ~ ! L. ~ J!;,a.I ;_,; js.
Fresh have you any fresh news = not heard before.
. ( J-.:i ~ ~ t) ;;~~ J~f ~JJf
Fret sick people are often fretful = bad-tempered and dif-
ficult to please .
• ~.)\:i ~. l>j.J ~_;W.Jl ~J '~.74f ~~)I c.J!: JUt
Friction - 159 - Fron

Friction there is fri'ction in the group = quanelling.

.• o~_,J ~~ ~ e.. : .!.ll~I ! rWi~I f t~I
Fringe the river ,is fringed with trees = the river has trees
on its edges.
~ ¥ Jf j ~~I tAA:.-<..; ~I c.J! J.,Z : : ;_,....11 ! j,lJI ! ~I
• lr: ;.,..- Jr 1~ .Ji ~ _,. .Jr ! •;_,....; }

Fritter to fritter away, one's time = to waste time.

• G.J..11 .u.rz:! _,f ~ : c~y1 j) ..;~ ! ~
Frock to unfrock a priest = to take away his right to be a
• ~.>.H ~.J ~ J.J c.J~ iSJI ~lj~I ~ c!_.~ :(4-;) r_,-:
Frog 1 -a frog in his throat :-:: an uncomportable feeling
in the throat which causes difficulty in speaking.
(r~l ~I~! c,j ~~ Cl..U:JJ.;..!I j rJ...J~) ..:..~I~
2 - to frog-march = to carry a person face down-
wards, one man holding onto each of his limb;.$.
~ ' J.d Jl ~.l.J. e,Jt.::1 ~ ~ : ~,_,.. J..-:
• .&J 1;,J &4 ~~ t..,:.. ~ cl-!:.
From act from pity = act because of pity.
• :A.-r _,f ~..! iJW~ I ~4 rT : l-)1 (_,f) :m A ti J.iJ
Front 1 ....._ come to the front = become famous .
• •_,f"~ e_;.r.. ! ~ ~
2 - the sea-front = a road along the edge of the sea.
. aJol!J I "'&:!). f ~I .~L.:; ; j ~ d~). : ~I ~_,l,
3 ___:_ to g-0 to the front = go into the fighting· line .
. u-~ ~I J\:iJI .k:;. ~f : J l:JI .b;. J! ~~
4 - put on a bold front = pretend that one is not
~ .a.;f lS_t.:-' : ;;f_r.L-1 YY ~ ! :tJ~I ...s'"~ f ~
• (;~
• • ~.J lA;L:..
5 - the house fronts the sea = facing .
• ~I J.!~ Jf ~I~ ~I c.Jl J.,Z : ~~ ! ~IY-
Frost -160 - Full

Frost it was a frost = failed completely.

~ ~ U,~ (.JI) ~.u- ~ (.r~l .!!J.)) ~~-
Fruit 1 - the fruit of his labours :.= the result of his labours.
• I° '·~IJ~
• ' •I "'- "
.o.)~~.~~.o.U •• ' • .,-
2 - the fruit of his body ~ children.
o.) ';/.JJ : ~ ~l.lli
3 - came to fruition = succeeded .
.US-f JT ! .r"f ! ~ ! 'Cf- : ~ ! &-
Fry : 1 - out of the frying pan into the fire = going from
one danger or difficulty into a worse· one.
E- ~ JjL ,:,,.. if.)~ "l : ;l:J4 &W......,H ~ ~lf"
.wl;; ! &lj;~I ~~ ~ ! ~~ J ~ ! .1.:... j:;T J
• y~I_, ~J l~I
2 - he is very small fry = a person of no importance .
• :i.....! ! ~.li ! J-i ! &~I J.Ji ~ .i..il
Fulfil to fulfil his expectations = be as good as )\e hoped .
• .UL.T ~ ! ~_,; L. ~ ! '4°)\...f ~
Full 1 - full house no more room in a theatre.
~ C~: 4 _,=;.T ~lS.'.:. ';/: .).la.II J..lS"'
2 - a full report = complete.
(~ _,f ..::.a.)\. _,f JJ6. Lr) rt; _,f J-.ll _r.;;
3 - my heart is too full for words = I hvae such deep
feeling I ~anno~ express it.
i..i-i..s-~~ ~ J~ ~ : ~I ~U f ~I ~~
• ~~ Lf-~I ~~
4 - full speed = as fast as possible .
• ~- L. ~4 ! ;~ L. t..r4 ! ~.r-JI ~4
5 - full face = the face seen from the front, not from
the side.
~ ~_,JI '-:!j; ~J , ~~I ~~ : ( ~_,JLJ...~) ~~t
• •.A.-1~ ~u
6 - I ran full tilt into him = I ran against him very
hard .• ~~ .t.Jl;..f !~~ta. !{o~) 4s- ~t
Fulsome - 161 - Fur

7 - full dress = clothes as worn at a ceremc:1y.

• '-::-) ! ~ l:-l:.11 j. S ~;.! ~ : J . . \_(_JI ;.r l:JJ I

8 -- in full swing -= going on very actively .

• (~ _,f '--1..f ~~ ~..,:) ~·~Jj(.$dfi j !~~~Io.~ J ! .,~f j
Fulsome a fulsome compliment = praising too much and ·not
meaning all of it.
~ ")' y_.:J- .>.-.. ~:. : Jl.i.i Jj ~·U I_,.. l.r} ~) J~I ! ~;l__,!I
(4 J~ ~ J~
Fume fret and fume = to be very anxious and angry.
• ~ 1_, J1.AJ I .>-;;f : 4 t.:. Uu 4,J_,s::..; 4.Jf
Fun 1 ·---:- to do a thing in fun = to do a thing without any
serfou~ p:.irpo:Je .•.'-""·~.,A:; ..!.1.;I,, ~u.i... ~t ~..,.. ..,; i'J.
f) L-:ll
. ~-'•....J:

2 - - to poke fun at ~ t~ cau.:;;e others to lau~h at a


14~unction 1 -- a Nocial function = a meeting of people for plea-

sure or in honour of same grc~at person.
( (·'_,,,. '5~ ~~·J ,a \.G:) ..;.;S::.IJ _,r .)-...'.! vlb. : ji.J..1

2 - - fund.ion of t!ie eye, etc.

c;~~:u1 ~ iJl ..J...r4:! (,i) ~)I Jf~A.113f .;,_...JI W.JJ~ :J..W.:_JI
• ~ ,_;.:.. _jf :U'JI Ji ~I ~ ~j:! s.:UI j.-.JI J•.!.: ty: .. '.i~ Jf
Fund he has a fund of humour = h~s many amusing ideas.
. :.: i)::;..'I .....
<Ji ''-""; •••
~,.).;...Ji ~&lllc.
tr..:." ~ J • -
·~S--Ll')\i 0!.. lJLG.i)
- •.

• :i.k~I ,i ;J_,...JI J~ ~~I

Fur· 1 - to make the fur fly -- to qua1·rel and fight.

2 - fur and feather = animals and birds . ..r..h.llJ ~l~I

~ - - n furred tongue ~ a tongue c~vered with white

matter because of illness.
: ~.J-4 ~\..J ! ~)I ~ "'l,ia.~ o,)I ... o_,LA~· : t-:.., ~W
• _r._,.JI ~ L.. ~l~
Furbelow - 162 - Gage

Furbelow : frills and furbelows = pieces of ornamental cloth put

on women's dress.
• ,, - . :J
;& . . . .,
f "l:q L~ ·.,..
.J i,f ""1 ~ u
of)I "-'
"' le •
~ ::'~
L •• :i...as.::..JI
Furious at a furious pace :-:. : at great speed .
• ~_,;.L. ~ ! ~ ;. liJ.j4 ! . ~lj ~r.

Further 1 - to ful'ther one's plans = to help on one's plans.

( :ika. .Ji L t.!_r-. j) o..l$. U4 ~ .>..c" (Jf) .Js. L:! (Jf) ! ..u.,Y-
2 - I have no further orders = ... no more orders .
• <S_ri:.i rl.Ji S..LJ ~
Fury : to rain like fury = to rain heavily.
<~.J ;;~ <Si) G~1 JJ
Future 1 - to deal in futures = to buy crops before they are
produced, in hopes of selling at a higher price.
~ ~~ Jb~~ '5~ <Jf : ~I ~:i. ~~ j ~l';!
• ~' ~ ~~ ~j~
2 - he has a future = he will become great .
. o_,); ~ ~ : :Jia.:-- ! ~ 4 ~A:-. .tJ <J~:-

Gab the gift of the gab :.. .: the power of speaking well -
or much.
.-":-'~t i:.r- L>~ ;;;..\A.It f r)K.Jt ~·,.. - ,
• r-")'S:J! ofl: :;_r"_tJI - y
Gaff 1 - to blow the gaff =.: to tell a secret.
• w.-<;_t L. ~~ ! ('"S' L ~ ! ..,-JI ~~ ! .,r-JI ~
2 - to commit a gaff = to say or do by accident some-
thing which is very displeasing to others.
~ _,f J~ ~f) :j.aAJI Jf t~4 o;~4 ~ J~ f~~ ~
{i,,Ol.=..~I ~ t,r.~ cg,~ ~ l;tA;t Jf ~.)~
Gage to throw down the gage = to throw down the
glo~e (the
way in which an ancient knight called upon another
knight to fight him).
~ <Jll ~I ;Jt.z~I ~-' :ojl.U ~ : (Jl:ill) ~ _,f c.S~
• ~Tu..); J\:iJ ~Ut ~t J IJ"'JWI lr.Jl
Gaily - 163- Galvanic

Gaily gaily dreBsed ==; in bright colours.


Gaia : 1 - to gain ground ~ to go forward; to be successful.

• .12..LI ~·1y. ! ~ - y ! L..J.i Ji ~l .. ~' JL.5 .a.c_ ! r.lC~ - '

2 - - to gain on fa runner) == to come nearer to him .

• (i_,,~ ~T YJ~ &l.>s J ~~) ,,j>-~ : (~) ~ : ~_j~

3 - to gain time = to save time; get something done

more quickly.
( ~.,.,....) ~ -- y : .. ;;J J ..\ GJ) ~~ - , -·ii.! : (

. (~ L: _riJi ..Ji-' J y :r) ~ _;:

4 - gain the upper hand = get power over: win.

Gala · gala night = a night on which there will be a specially
good show at a pJace of amusement.

Gall a galling fire =- a very harmful fire fnm the enemy's


Gallery to play to the gallery = to seek the prnise of the com-

mon people.
• L. ..u I ~..r--:
. . - ! \.i. .A.) I JI ..;J N I ~
.. . .. ~
4 0

! IJ
J:;A r.- -
& I &
.J • .., -

Qallop . galloping consumption =a disease of the lungs which

is rapidly getting worse.
& LS'"' :,-. ~ .r"4 ~ ~_;;)I ~ ifr .:_r :U 6. : j lAAJ I J-J \
• f_,_i J1
Gaallows gall-0ws-bird = a person who Gught to be hanged.
&J-' J.,li~ ._,~ c.Jf ~ ~: «:ii·:'I ~ ~_JA>1 :J~
. ~~·-_,.._

Gah-an.ic he produced a ~alvanic effect = excited people as if

'by an electric shock.
,:.r L- "~ L. ~l:.J\ j ~) : ~:.-r.. ~ i...AklyJI .!.\ ~ ! A
• (~~.J ...$ ~_,a)..JI
Galvanize - 164 - Gang

Galvanize to galvanize into action = to cause sudden action -----

as by giving an electric shock. .o

l!JJ~ ~t.r y tr :(~~I~ ~l.J.i~IJ 1j.wJI J! ~JJ)r.l-1 ~J~

. ~*--- . :-".
·Game 1 - play the game : . . :. Le fair; keep the rules.
_,j i-~·; ~· ') ~.) J-"'°~l·j&. ,W~ - y. ~ J~I ;- \
All , i . ,.. "': ':1
- •~
• - ( ~)I !.:,-"'° ,y. ~
2 - to have the game in one's hands = be sure of
success. j .,,.rn- 0~ ~ ~ c~' .:.r £t~
3 - to make game of =-~ to cause people to laugh at.
( ~~-9 f~l) .A.~ "'1a:= ~ ~)ab o~ f .C... V"l:.JI cl~;-, ~
4 - the game is up = the plan has failed .
• (;;.]aj..1 _,f ~JPI) ? (Jf) .ki...
5 - don't try any of your games = ... any of your tricks .
• .!.l.r5::,.. i.T ,. • ($~..)~-' ~•. ·~ ..1.a:il)
IJ' • L~.)l$! ";} ! Li~':)

6 - a game leg = a hurt leg. ( 1.5~f 4.) ;;_,~L \Jj

7 - he is fair game = it is not unfair to try to attack
or deceive him .
. ~ J~ _,f ~;.;;_ : ~ fa- (Jf) ~l; ~i ~ ~
8 - a game person = a person with a fighting spirit .
• (r~~I_, ;~l.:11 r!J 4.) ~)~I! .>.iWI ! ~I! ~l:.11
9 - to die gamely = to die with courage.
• Le...r< "-7.....;r•
,~,u ! ~~ •
.•."'-=' "-:t'
! ~~•• i;ja1

10 - game for anything = ready and eager to do any-

~l.M:...t ~ ~~ ~) ~I : J-~I ! a<..>~I ! r1.ull : r..\ill
. <~~ L. 8L) ~ ~ ~ J.-..4 ~r
Gamut the whole gamut of (pleasure) = all kinds of pleasure.
• JJ__,..-!I ~iy,J ~I .f-l~;j ~ f ulr-11 YJ~ JS-
Gang =a group of friends.
~J ~-)\,pf ~-' : ~\i.>....,~I i:r ~ ! yt~I f :W)I
t_lki-' U"'~U- ~_,;Ult~ c..~;~I 0-' ~~ _,j J~I 0-4
• ~..r.f-J J)J
Goal - 165 - Gather

Goal a goal-bird = n person who is often in prison.

IJ.i '~) -&..4_:.i Ji 4:'J (_,f) ~I i..:---~ ! ~~I ~J
• (0~1 al;. J
Gape to make people gape ~ to cause great surprise .
• li~ ~Jfl ~~ ! ~-'..;~ ! t_-')I ~~ ~ ! ~l:JI ~~
Garb in the garb· of :-= dressed like ... so and so .
• (l.C-) '-:-Ill:.! j ! (l.:.S-) l.r'~ J
Garble a garbled report of a meeting = a11 untrue rel,>ort e.g.
to change a story so as to cause it to be untl'ue.

(~ -
~. l...._ 0 ~ ~ ~IJI •..,. J"...AJ) ~l~I ·..c.:
M ,,_;- .r~ .J u - - I.....
OO o v
...... 0 ~
-:~l • ..1
Garrison garrison a·rtillcry = heavy guns used to defend a city.
• ( J..:.:.>.... .;r t liJJJ) J WI ~IJ...
Garter knight of the garter ".':': the highest rank of knighthood
in England.
· l!.i.ll U""'
( ~J ~1~:1
· I..J"'7"". ~• <.J"J \; j&. ~
·· L Ui
~f) .J"WI ~.J IJ"J \i

Gas 1 - a gas-bag = one who loves to talk.

. ;)\DI ~I ! ;l:JJI
2 -- step on the gas - increase the speed .
• :i.&. ~I ~~ ! :i.&....-JI .)j

Gasp a cheap cigarette.

~ • ~ •• ) . . • 0 ~
• ( - • .J':f" ~ "U""' ~J 'J • -
Gate 1 - the game had a good gate = many people paid
to. see the game. ,
wi ~- : ~-- ~l,;;..) I~ ~I ~l5- J~). Ja.~J w-J-t
. o.)~ J\!1 ly~J o-'.J+.Z U'""l.:JI. LT4 i...t,:!)
2 --· this is between you, me and the gate-post = is
a .secret.

Gather 1 -- .I gather he is ill = I unde:stand, from what I

hear, that he ·is ill .
• 4.£tf £ ~-.-i. 1! ~r -.jf : J~ Le : ~i
2 - gathered to his fathers --= deatl.
(~IJ4 ~)1..PJ ! ~ ! ~l..
Gauge - 166 - Genius

2 - to gather oneself together = to control oneself

and use one's powers when in danger.
,~_,;_,Jt _,f µ1 ~: tl-~ ..!j_V.:. ! ol_,i ~-:! ! ~ ~-
-. . . \. . .. L
. ~~ if' ,..)_,.) _,, .._aj if' ~\i..) Jj J
Gauge broad gauge = railway lines which are more than
56i inches apart.
U:~ ~l_,JI :UWI ~i) .U:.I) ~~~ ~ ~ : tl_;JI ~~
· • :A-y. ~-' oi ~ _;.sl ( ~1
Gauntlet 1 - to throw down the gauntlet := to show that one Is
ready to fight.
( J\::AU .ll..L.:...I J.'- ~f . .~) I.,.;~ ~ ! '-5~
2 - to run the gauntlet = to pass between two rows
of people who strik-e as one passes .
• (~ OJ-'.r ~ ~Y...r4d-' ~J~Y.~l:JI~ ~~ .;,;_~ _,.:_)...;~
Gear 1 - all one's worldly gear = all things which one
owns. ( l:,iJJI u~b. :.r) ~1}4_ L ! <l.4~ JS~ ...,u
2 - . to be out of gear .--: to be not working well.
. ~ tr ~ ~(.J_, : ,J~ ! j.AJI ~~ ~
Gem she is a gem := a very good person.
-. • ~
I I 0. I I
~Y.°" T
1:ts-.• ~.!
- J
( i)
.-' .
;;..LlJ (
- .J
l) ;l.ii ~;11.··
-r- T£
General 1 - a general experience :....= some experience which
all people have felt or kpown.
( i.r l:J I u-
\ ,- I • ;;
:;._ \.{
:J _,
i ~ -) . L
-~ ~ .r1 ( '£). '-'·
. f "-'I liJ-
2 - a genera} dealer ~ one who buys and sells many
kinds of goods .
• ~~' ij4 .U.l~ L. i.,.Lr j J...~ : t_,;:;-. -''"'="lj•
Generate unhappi11ess generates wrong-doings ::-:: to cause; to
happen .
. c~~' ~ _,r ~· '-la:J 1 0!) ~~:A ! ~
Genius 1 - on~'s evil genius = any person who has a bad
effect upon one .. ~T J&- c....r-' ...t..;t; .iJ ~ : ~~
2 -- the genius of a nation = that in-born characte1·
and special power whi.ch makes it different from
other nations.
~~iiJIJ ~)a.ill ~ : :Uj\._JI (_,f) :i... .;,r, ~#
·\A~ ~ :U)\_ _,f Lf j_. f ~t i.:JJ.,U
Gentle - 167 - Get

Gentle 1 ··- of gentle breeding = of good birth.

• :l..-'J ~I ~L.. ! :U)L.!I ~j f J_,.JI f-.J"'
2 - a gentle blow = not a hard blow.
(~li ..r...i. <Sf) ~ : o_j-5--_, (Ji) ~(Ji) ~~
3 - a gentle slope =-= not a steep bill .
• ~I ! rJ J...i. ;~
4 - a gentle wind - not strong.
(~l&. .J:.i-) J~ .. ~J
Gentleman : a ge_ntleman of fortune -· a soldier who offers his ser-
vices to any empioyer. · or.4 J j.j~ '5~ : Jj_;_ll

Gentry light-fingered gentry = thieves.

. (4-t ~~I W.J~ ~).~_,!,WI: w_,i;Wt ! if_,-.UI

Germane what he said was germane to the question :::: had some-
thing to do with the question and was not out of place.
:Ut...J.~ ;.,;)WI ~ .1J Jli L. w!) ~>14 -;.,";A&. J~ _,f ! ~ _,.p__,.11 Li
•. yl:-..if _,f ~ Lt.:Ji ~.(.Jf )U_,.~ JJ~ _,f :(4=s- j~~ ~-' ~
Get 1 - get me a ~hair bring. ( le..._,s-) .,riu:
2 - get a new boot -- buy. ( .. I~) 4->J~
3 - get singing· lessons - be taught to sing.
( .t:.AJI ,j LJ;.)) ~
4 - to get an illness = to catch an illness; to be-
come ill.
(u0)4) ~~ ~- ~)I~!~ ! ifr ..
5 - get one's own back punish a person for doing
harm to one. ( ~ d ~- &.iJ) l..a.~~ ~"-:!
6 - I have got = 1 own. .!,ll.f t ~~ ! ~J
7 - I get my hair cut == caused it to be cut .
• C,,OIJG14~~)1$~~
8 -- get the child to bed = make him go to bed; put
him in bed. ~ - y ( ~P.r'JI j) I (".>\Ah) r- - '
9 - get the tea ready = prep:ire.
Get - 168 - Get

10 - I can't get the door to shut = I can't force it to.·

( J..iA:i ~~I ~f ~t ......
~j 'l ~.) ~~I ~ js- 15_,;t ~
11 - can you get him to come = reason with him so
that he may come.

12 - the lawyer got him off = the lawyer prooved that

he had not done wrong; or arranged that he might
not be punished.
"', lif • ..-6JI ~.I ••
.U ""' \....ij)
~..,,,.- W.1
. ~- !
r- J.1..1.s- ! ·~ .J.~
...._, ! ~ • -

. '--~·
( Li.\ . .r.. \~ bu 0t
. ~f
• ..Ji ~'


13 - to get up == ot stand up, prepare, get out of bE:d

and to dress.
(.-.HA~ ~lJ.u .)1~~1 J ~~ ,,__._,.; -:r) ~e_i 1

14 - - to get up a play == to prepare, trrun actors in a

play, etc .
• Lr-9 ~r_,... J'- ~: 0.J~-' ~)J.)f a.~ : (:lJ_.. f) ~
15 - to get up a shirt = make a r::ugh-washed .shirt
ready for wear.
. ~~ ~~ Ll~ 'l'Ja.-A.. ~ ~ : (~) c.~ ! .AA:!

16 - a well got-up book = _well p. inted ~nd having

a good cover.

17 - we cannot get home to-night = ar.rivc.

• ( J...,·..:J. I ...,'I• :l.W.J ·~
.. I "-'Y""
,,.! I .k:....J './ ) •v....-:.
.L - •

18 --- you'll get nowhere if you speak like that = not

produce any result; not succeed.
' ~
• - ~.
" I _ ...
'..J-..,a,J "i '-',....
. ~I
. •• ~ ~ ~jAJ ~- ·' ......
I--) '-. . l.4-l..
• ( .!..U:C,- ~· I~! i"'"~ "i ~_,... Jl
4 I .1 · "--

19 - the stcry got about = reached people's ears; be-

came known.
~ LC~ J f l..ai J J \A: ) : ~~ f u-i WI ;.J 1~ i ~ i ~~ ! .....:.~
... .
..... • ( ~.J '
Get - 169 - Get

20 - I don't get you = do not understand .

.wi ~t ~,...k:_f ') J j ~ ............
.•l A:f ~' ·J ••-) ~-
.....b.:....f '1 .~
c;- !~•
( J,,z L.

21 - he's been got at = has been given money to do

something dishonest.
( ~~ 'lL. ~f) l>.i...!1 ! i..YJ.
22 -:-- she got round him = ,pleased him and made him
do what she wanted done.
Jai i..5:.. .t.:J! ~~ ~;..\.:....I )'-=S.~~ ! ~ ~;,;&- ! ~..:Jl;..1
(~~1;1 L.
23 - she'll soon get ever (the loss of her friend) = be
lS.iJI ~ ....;_,.... t~f J~ : j-:i" ~ ( ~) uL,Z
J ~I ~.. IJ-' ~ l:.!.1'11 l1L:iJ l..J •..u; ,y. ~ J' ! ~.u;
24 - you'll get to like it in ti"me = learn to like it;
begin to like it.
'0-")I C ~ ~.} ....;_,.... J~ : '-'l:--: ~ ~ ! (Cf') ~.r..
. • ~=1! ~ Jf ~_,,
25 - the days are getting warmer = becoming .
• c.....tJ..!I ~ i7J.l:j ,. ~~I
'-" 1
~! J_,AJ : ':"J..l::!

26 - you will get hurt = be hurt.

Jf <.S~~I ~ ! JWa.:- ! ~~_;:..
27 - get tired = become.

28 - ~t left; get left behind othen will be more

succes~ful than you. ( &.. ~f ~~ ~~J) ..;i.;.::_

~9 - get out = go out cf the room .

.. ' . .! 11
• -c::..:...i•• '. ~r-- I~ '
)~u;. • u- T •

30 - g@t along with you = go away and do not

trouble me. ( ~:; 'lJ) ~_raj!
31 - get on with your work go on with; continue.
( 4) ~i ~ '-'UI ~I_,!(~ J) ,r:-!
Get-at-able -. 170 - Gird

Get-at-able : he is very un-get-at-able it is difficult. to see or

meet him. • ~li~;~ fol}" ~f ~

Ghost 1 --- a gho~t of a smile.

2 - give up the ghost. ::- die.

3 - haven't a ghost of a chance = no chance.

c... i.rh4 ~ ( t1..r-. _,f Ji J) ~} jjf AJ ~
Gift 1 - gift oi the gab ::..= power of speaking well.
i~I ~_,.. ! ~l...iJI

2 -- gifted with = having a natural power.

(~ ~~ ~J_,;11) _,AS:JI ! •;WI £ ~UI ~;~\ill

Gild 1 - -- gilded youth = wealthy young· people.

( ~l:=AJI 0-4 JUI_,_,)) y~! 1-~}f
2 - to gild the pill = to make an unpleasant thing
I~'}_,) • ')~ l:.- o4 ~ 4_,.: ia.S~)I ~ ? ~
Gill green (or white) about the gills = looking ill or afraid.
. t_) (.Ji) ~la. (.Ji) ~.r' ..;tr' cj:
Ginger 1 - to do a thing gingerly = to do a thing e.arefully
for fear of a mistake or of getting hurt.
(s~~1_,f ~1J~) ~~IJ ~~ ~
2 - to ginger up = to cause to be more active .
. ..,-)-1 ~~ (Jf) 1L!.LJI .l:!fl
Gingerbread : to take the gilt off the gingerbread =; show that a
thing is not so pleasnig as was im'agined.
Jo:~ Ji c!.P lS Le. ~ l. ¥ ~f ,y-) u:.~. f ~ !~
. . ( u--4-1 _,f ;.>.:WI r:r
Gird gird up one's loins = get ready e.g. for battle.
(-:}..!... ;w_,... j .!.llj:.!;)\J Jf Jl:ill) ~ ! ~~
Give - 171 Giye

Give 1 - give it him hot == punish him .

• ·":-'ti.JI "~ J;.;i ! .c.... ~I ! ~~
2 - give me - every time = I like - the best of all.
(•..r.f. .. ~ J)- ~ ...~i L. .. ~ J!) ~f ! ~'
3 - give him a hand = help him .
• "°"= ~ ! .i..;_,~ ! o-1.&.L...
.4 - to give one's life to science === to use all one's
time in wor~ing for science;
(~ ')\..~ .o_, JS ~ ~ : :...L-.U o/) IJ.J~ f ~
5 - to give out news = to make the news public.
(.#~~' C-Jl J~ ~_, G~i) ~ ! ~~
6 - his voice gave him away == h~s voice showed
what he wished to keep secret.
':1 i.r' (I.As-) J~ ~f ..l:!fl ~f u..,+;i) ~_,_ ~1._r..i ~ ~
. ~,.,,...,_
.< u- ·~ ..;,._
~ I....
! ..:i·1.....- ~
..._j . ! (.~Ji
u .. ~1.ii
~ -

7. - I give you joy of it = I hope you will enjoy it (but

fear you will not).
~1 Jf . .~ , .!J .r'f 0f ~T : (I~). ~Ji _,j .)_,1
~· ~ ~.,.... i.!U i
8 - to give up = to stop trying, believing, etc.
(o~JhV-) J-r.. f ~
9 - to give in = to yield. ~ ! ~

10 - to give way to tears = to allow the tea1·s to come .

• i;IJ.>.... "'-
,-J.11 J-.r. € ~~ ~ ! i...:
;.y..1.U ~

11 ~ the water has given out :.:.: there is no more wate1· .

• c:.UI c.r>~

12 - -· the1·e must be give and take = both sides ~ust

yield a little.
;.r JS. ~.f-~ ~f Y:J : ~l.i;:JIJ :LJWI ~. : ~lk.JIJ ~~I
• °'! ~ v ~~ ~ ~j)JI

13 - the rope gave way = broke.

. ~
' -· \j ..>...:JI '-'~·t.
• • ,,r,-.~
I J I ' -
Glad - 172 - Glaze

14 - gh·c over =- 1:5top. ·C-- ' ·~


15 - the door gives upon the street = the door ~pens

onto the street.
• t-JL'JI J! ~ y~! l.Aiti ~f ~. : ~~~- ! ~
16 - \Vithin a given ti'me --~ in a time fixed or agreed

17 - given that ... ~

that ...

18 - be· is given to stealing == he often steals .

• L.r.J! t_l.Ji ! A.i,rJI ~ :\:....
Glad give the glad-eye to = look lovingly at .
. J! ... (~ _,f ~ :;_)ij) J~
Glcance to glance off to hit and slip off a hard surf ace .
• W..:N ol~~J , ~ W:i.... ~~L,a..;.

Glare 1 -- glaring colours = very bright colours.

2 - a glaring mistake == a bad mistake which every

one will_ notice.
• :-. j t5(jj 1. I.:_ ..J..) :U,
( i.r l:JI ~ I~ _, v- ~~ '.Jr ~ ( ~ li tb;_ 1.

Glaas 1 - he's fond ,of his glass = he likes drinking wine.

•· ~W" J! J~ ~ l.r'..l. ! ~I ~r ~
2 - the glass is falling = the barometer shows thnt
there will be bad weather.
:U6. ~~ d~ ~~ul .la.i..AJI ~I~ ~I_,) ;~ ~I ~1
(~.,P.I JL..J..1 ~~ .ftjj OJI~!_, ! ~I
Glassy a glassy stare =-: a fixed look showing no recognition.
(JlS:j~I _,f ;u_,,JI i~ if'~ ~U-) o.l...~ ;)ii

Glaze his eyes were glazed in death = became glassy.

• ~.r..J T~~ C~_;JI ~~ ~~f : (~_,ii J.:.&.) o~ ~.r.
Gleam - 173 - Glow

Gleam a gleam of humour = a slight sign of amusement.

(:_l.r:J~'I f)~ :r ~u.:.): c.)l ~ ~J4

. ~u ..
~ ~
A'- . .....'.\.:.,
, . ,, ..

Glim : douse the glim == put out the lamp.

Gloat : to glc?.l over· one's v•enlth to enjoy the sight or
thought of one's Wt;alth.

( 4:i ..r.:-~1 _,f ~J} '5t_,..c.)

Glorious 1 -·to have a glorious time =..: a ve1·y happy time.
.L. liL.j ;µ1~ ~J _,f~1.:,..~.J ~--~ :(L. l.:;_,) ~
2 -- he made a glorious mess of the room = put the
room in ccmplete disorder.
~l::-- ~~~ J ~: (".>~) ; ...¥~ 4
Glory. : 1 - - to go to glory = to die .
. ;;µ1 o~ J.i ~ ~ s~. .~ f 4t:. f u~

2 -- to be in one's glory =...: to be doing that which one

enjoys most.
~~'}r1 ~i _,. A~ ~ J"- ~'-=) ~1 ~r _y. Le. ~
.( ~~JJ ~~.:,.i J!
3 -- Old Glc1·y = the American Flag. IJ'~.r~I ~I

Glon! 1 -- to be hand in glove = to be very friendly and

work together .
. l- ~I.a~ _,j ;.J">~J ~Lii.J4 : ~ J <.J6..JJ
2 - to handle without gloves - to treat a person
firmly and not very politely.

,\L.if ,.,,. lj~ ~ ~
V I \._ J
- •
••......••...::.~• ! (o.J...! .·~
I T.
~;...z) i.;--
3 -- to throw down the glove ~ declare war (see gage).
• .!J.; 1..:JI_, .)~-LI
1 - . to glow with anger = to show strong feeling .
~ :J~ ! ~ l:J.U ~~ ! ":-'_...J-1

. ~ ...:.·
~6- f (o....c.L.:...
1 •- ·
~J~ •
,.~~ii.y· ol::..t") ~
. ~-

2 -- to speak in glowing terms ..:: to use words of great

Glut - 174 - Go

Glut to glut teh market ~ to produce more than can be sold.

• • .~
Jfa. ! ( ~ _,I W- i.:r : ~ :.;r..C.. Ls.a _;.s. _..,.f ~) J_,..J I .ri!,
• ~_.J ~- ··. 11
- • IJ.r-
Gnash to gnash the teeth to strike or press the teeth to-

u~- ! (i...S- .J i ~)
- ~l:...~.
gether in anger. ./'4:!
Go 1 - the spring is going = is pasaing away.
~I J~ .J4 ~ J ~~ J.,Z) ~- J~ f ~I j ~T
. (~I 11. 1.:-'J lA:!~i _,J ! .._
2 - I thoug~t the tree would go in th~ wind :::: carried
by (or) be thrown down.
( ..:::.,IJ••.'SI ~.)J...j. - IL,i_,f ~-
I ~...i)I 1._1--:. ;; -'·
~ .r;-
< •. .,..,)I -) ;....JI.ii
-- l.. • -
3 - to go by one's feelings = to be guided or directed.
'-'y.:;")' ~_r:LJ' ~l ~.) .t.Al:,I~ 45'-.;~· ! o.rl.;;... oJfo ! ol~ cf
. ( ~~ ~ JMJI ~i ~i 4
4 - this engine goes by electricity -=--=· is wcrked by
• ,4.*<:J4._.l...j· l.SAi.Jf ~~ 4J~I o.i.t. ~! Jfo :~ (.Jf )~~
5 - I have nothing to go by = nothing to guide me.
(~ .1.!_,~ _,f f'°4 L. o.CS. ~ ) ~_,.... .•t..f- : -~
6 - to go black in the face (b)· anger) = to become.
:' • • .>..i
~ ~_j •.;:

7 - to go to pieces :::= to becom'..! sick in body or mind,

or to learn bad ways of living.
•' . (~
. -' U.ll)
.. L '-~I-'i.f')I ..k;..L- - '
iJ.-li ~}-- o~I J J~ ~ ~ - y
8 - It have just gone six = the bell of the clock ha~

just sounded six o'clock. • (~) L.)l-JI :U.WI .:;.i.)

9 - this goes for (at> one f;hilling -= to sell for one
~~ 04 fa"i (.$.Jl-:! ~.t.ii '5i) if.J} ~ ~ ~ (~I) Ii.A
. (J,_ll J -
10 - going like hot cakes = selling well.
(~ ~"':f. Jf yl:j..- Jf 4..1.., d J~) J_,...JI Jili ! ~I ~---
Go - - 175 - Go

11 - I can't go with you in what you say = can't agree.

~l. ..r...i. ~~! ! cl.GJL;.f ! ('5} l..:i ~!) ~f (.Jf) Ji1J1 'j
• (GU.) J)
12 - It's a go = it is agreed. ( "J.') Ji.J.J (.Jl ~f

18 - It's no go = is useless or impossible.

( 1.>f.; .Jf .ri ~ w.,:) ~(Ji) ! ~u ! .c.... ;;;.;u ~
14 --,- her dress does ·not go with her hair = the colour
of the dress is wro·ng for the hair.
: ~.,,-:. f~ 'ft+.-l:J ~! f~ 'j ! ~ ~
: Jfo)_Jily. 'i !
• ( i,jl.A;I i~J i~~· ~ ~.J
t,:bJ .:J..'l ~! '5f
15 . that won't go down with me = I won't agree or
I won't believe it.
• ( ~~) .J.A:&.i ':J - y ! (I~) ~j ':J - '
16 . - the play weni down well = was liked by the people.
~ ~i: J~l ~l ! ~~')1 ,.:.Jl; :i) .." -11 ~!: J~ *"
• ~~~ ~.J I

17 - to go• about it the right way ~ to begin work in

the right way.
\....~pl J : ~j) ~l_,.-JJ ~I j ~M ! - ~\II ~)JI tfa
" • (c~I J! ~.)$: '5.lJI
18 - the speaker went for the rich = the speaker said
bad things about the rich .
• (~ .lJ.i Jt 11-4)'-;;I~~ ~I~! : Jfo') (!l.~) .)J.i ! ~lA
19 - to go in for music = to give time to .
• ~J ci_J .;s--i ~ ~ : (j..:..) '1=-.,.U tA
20 - he will go you one bette!' = will offer more than
you have offered .
. ~_, u _,~f ~ _,f ! ~r u .,;s-r ~
21 - - Oh ! go on ! go along with you = don't be foolish.
• ~ ~) .:}- : ~u~ 'j ! Ji~ ~
22 -- to go back on a person ::-:- not help afte1· having
promised to help.
!( lr. . .U.J 0f J...-: ~°""L..!.I .,y. ...;~) ~J
l.F- '-~.r.l
f j~_, ~

• ~ £ (~) ~
Goat - 176 - Goat

23 - the pa1·ty is going off well is a success.

:r Li
"- •
: ~ ~-
. ..i.J ! .::. t;~ \'I :r..=i ~
'- • "-"
lt _., l:.. bi ~I.ill I (Ji)
..I • \
~ ~~• ) 1I ~ L)

( ;;~_,.11 ;;~I _,.c~i)

24 - let's have a go at it = try to do it.
y~ ! ~ ! J_,~
25 - -- he's been .on the go since 10 a.m. ::.: has been very
busy since ....
[;1~;1 J.-.1' J! ~~!) l...~; _,..~WI~ J.-21 j ;j~I
. (~
26 - big hats have gone out = nobody likes big hata
any mc·re.
~~~.:~ ~.r. ..bf~ (-)o~.JI ~¥1 ~ ~~
. ( ~~-"·
27 - the fire has gone out ::.. .: stopped burning.
( ~ ~ .J.A; r) ;l:JI ~~!,,f
28 - a going concern - a successful busineRs.

29 ..- all my work goes· fer nothing :::: all my work has
no result.
.r _,,,,f ;;~1!; '} ~f..
;J ;l.£j·.
~.., . ;;j· ,r~ ..-1..
.; lli..;1 .'~WI!
.. j.. ! ........,- uL.:li!1
• ~
.... ~. ~l.&- 0i ,i .. "l,,f ~

30 - to give him the g'o-by = t.o p:u~g him \Vithout see-

ing him because of unfriendly feeling .
• ~ ,,J J~

Ji .C.S. l.....L.:...
~• VI'""

7- •
• .): J~
• ..
, ..-\...:.i.. ! ·\....{A
! ...... """" ...

Goat 1 -- to play the giddy goat = behave foolh;h .

• ..,..a-; i.a-' -o~~ (Jl) ~ (Ji) ~~ ~~
2 - separnte the sheep from the goats = separate
the good persons from the bad.
i.J.;: ;j_A! 0i ~~ ' ft;..._J j J~) ~I) ~1 -.J:~ J.,,~
C"*- j'"'~J ~
3 - this gets my goat = makes me angry .
. ~ (Jl) \..~.f?. (Jl) ~ l.i.l ~I
Gob - 177 - Good

{;ob : 1 -- stop your gob = put something in your mouth;

stop talking.

2 - a gob-stcppel' == a large sweet.

~_,L..) ~I : ( o_;u-· _,f cl:..:LI J......J) s_,L.ll ~ o~ ~
J ;u- j..I :f.:J
.:ii. ...;z.J ~~.JI

·.s. ~~ ~LI ~ o~
i....; '.J"""~ I •••

~~ ;;~) .Jf ~.J~ J!OJ~')\! D~ J...~ ..Uj : ( O'~I

\•:. • • f • • '.i
.~w ~
L. v-~~
\ .a l i - .:. . _
L'_ A

Cod 1 - he's a little tin god = an unimportant officer

with a high opinion ~f himse)f.
~w· .Yb.J ~~ ...;l;.,... _,f .k~ w. J ~~) .u~ ! ~L:..a.JI JJi! ~w
2 --- God forbid == I hope not. .
• (l.:.S-) ~ ') ~t Y.'")J ~I ::- ~
3 - - I wish you god-speed = I wish you a Raf~ journey.
( o~~ll ~ ~I ~~ sf) f~ i~.L... o!.U ~.d
Golden 1 - - the g:::-lden age =- the age of great writiugs.
:i.:,,S'..A!I J~~1_, uW..,~I .~t 4 ...~~~I ~I _: ~.:UI ~I
• •-ti .
. ~)\.,.; J

2 - - worship the golden calf -== think only of getting

~J ~'}')'I ;j )'!fa~ 'N ,JUI~ 1..:;;~. :~~I i...~..JI ~
• ~\kJ-1

Gone gone case; gone man; gone coon -:--: ruined.

l.1~_.;;;.Ji :rn~_,f ;.Y:,"4 J Jla:) .hil....JI !'5~.JJI f.._,L;WI f ...,k~I
I...: . • '
• (j.i-Ji
Good 1 . - all in gocd time = at the proper time .
• ~L;!I ~)LI J ! ":-'µ1 ~_,.!I j ~ ~l:.!.I ..::..i_,.ll j
2 - - gocd works = acts of helpfulness and service.
• '--· L •.H L.1,;L l.J _,J I J Lf.i
3 -- a good scolding ""- a thorough scolding.
( ~ .J..!J I _, j .r-) I ) (::_,r.:.l I ! j~ ~I : ~_,;J I ~ ~~I
Goose - 178 - Grace

4 - a good while: a good distance === a Jong <time).

~,k ,0.,;.; ~ ! ~ ~~j .l:...
5 -·- a good deal = many. ~WI ~ ~I

6 - he is good for a hundred pounds =- we can be surt>

he will pay one hundred pounds.
( ~ a.li_,JI Jf t.-11 t!U~ c!_~ j&- o(Y. ~.) ~ :i.!... ~~ .,:,i 4J";J.i c,j
7 - a goodly share = a large share.
8 ---- goods and chattels = alJ one's possessions .
• t.!lLC_ ~ ~ ! 4J"tS-"_,ii." ~ ~ ~.>JI' ,.lb.. ~ i;.1 ~- L.
..... I

Goose 1 - cook his goc-se = cause him to fail.

~ Jf ~ ~_,_~I ~· 0! : J_,z : ~ ~ ~
2 - all his geese are swans ::::-= he thinks th~t all his
friends or children were wonderful.
~~i Jl ~r .o~~'__,f Jf oa.li~i ~i ..s.r. :.r : «~ ~~ .;;l:iJ.f »
• Sr., 4.J4
3 - can't say boo to a goose ~ is afraid of everything.
o_):,~ r- ~ ~·- ~ t~ ! &~· "-u·- :.r _;~
Gordian to cut the Gordian knot = net to untie a knot but to
cut throu«h it; not to find a way out of difficulty
but to ~ettle the question by force.
~ ._;:...JJ, u~1_, J.MJI J. JJ6: '1 ! ;;_,A.)4 ;_,...'SI j ~
~ ~_, 0~ Wai lt,:i
Gorge to make one's gorge rise =- to cau;,e rne to feel i:I with
dislike or hate .
• ..-;.j!I__, ~1.,.(J4 G~ i:.;1 J.;.s. ~.u: : ~' ~
Gospel gospel truth = pure truth .
. :i.!.il:.11 _,i ~\;Ml~':} :~~(Jfp.~.;1_, (Jl) Wl_,(Ji)~A.plj A.i:A-
Grace 1 --- did it with good grace = did it as if ht> Eked
•...;\f ~ i_$a!. : ~~ J..~ _,f: ~.)IJ! ~. (1.:U-) ~J.--:!
. ~. ..,
....-J__,~ ..k.:a.J
. -
2 - have the grace to = be so kind as to ..
• ~ (Jf) liu.:::1 (Ji) tBJ (1.:i.~~) ~l.A: ~ ! 1.Y·~r ~ JiJ
Gracious - 179 - Grain

3 -- to Le in a person's gocd grace = to be liked by

. ~ ~ ! .lyl ~- f ~ ~ f oW.) )l.
4 - to grant a week's grace == allow a person one
week in which to pay a debt which really ought to
be paid now.
~J.:J ~l.J t_Y.-f ~I.>... ~ ~ r::-c- : ;.r.-f :U.., ~
. ~~' ~.' ! G.,i )JJI
~ ~.)
5 - - a state of grace =.: a state in which one is doing
Gcd's will. • ~lyJ ~I ,.,...1// 'i¥:; ! ~I ;L.;_,.. a.~1

6 - this year of grace =: this year after the death

of Christ. ,...--11 .)~ .-.... 4:-JI ~
~- - ......

7 - - to say grace to gi vc thanks to God before or

after a meal. ~I~! ~1.r<"~I i~

8 - the three graces goddesses of beauty.

• A,)'')\_:JI J~! ..::.ilA ':1 !
9 - your grace = way of adressing an archbishop or
a Duke.

"""".)Ji :wl-i ~J '":-'ik;.. J : ~~l;.J ! ~~

Gracious good gracicus; gracious goodness ! = a cry of surpri8e.
~ L- •• (~I
• • L•..• ~- ;'J ~)

Grade: on the up-grade ~ getting better. • iL. ~I Jl i~ ~ ~
Grain : 1 - to take it with a grain of salt = not to believe
all of it.
<~~ J...i. _,r J ..;. Jr~ 1,J Jt ~ ~) ~ II.~ L. c:;:- JJ-A:! ~
2 - it went against the grain =- was particularly un-
pleasant to a person of my character.
'~_rl~ ~~ ~ l..?.'I) ,,Ju"~ ~J~ (J) J-'='"' ~~I~
• .J'<.J...J. .) Wa....
3 - an ingrained habit = a thing done so often that
it has become part of. one's nature to do it.
~ a.)I J~L.) ~~ ~lj o.)~ ! ~ 0~1&.
• (..U.)2j ~ 1~~ lt=l) ~ ~ ll);_,~ ~ .Ji y
Grampus - 180- Grate

Grampus ·: puffing like a grampus = breathing in a loud, quick way.

JY:-".r'-'l.J) : ~;J... --V~.J ~.r' ~ ~f: j.r.4;'J' ~ts--~
U1 ·~1 ~1) lj! ;~I J ~ ((~~I ~1_,~ -::--)) u_,..
~ ·~ ~ ;;~, d.&.r. ""'~ fA )jJ AUi 2-- J!
(~;J..... ~~

Grand 1 - a grand sight ~ a fine sight.

• ~li : ~I t"~· .ko.4 : J~ (Jf) ~~f (Ji) tlJ )!:.:....
2 - :_ a' grand charactel' ~: a noble charac.ter.
f Jj-- (Jf) c!) (Jf) ~~ iJla.

3 - we had a grnad time = enjoyed ourselves very
(ul:fol ~~ ..;:.::S:...: 4 L:.....Q;j L:....:..i_, ~ ~·) ~ l::iJ L:.~f .lit
4 - a grand house --:: large and fine-looking.

()i.:.11 ~- ~) ~j ~
5 -~ he is too.g1·and to speak to us = proud, thinking
oneself very important.
C.r~) ~.,~I ! (l..r;)) ~_;JI !,~~~~ ~ ...:'..s::ll
Grape sour grapes = that which cne says is worthless because
one cannot obtain it.
• ......L:.
J ....a.;LI
~.. ~
...;-;r J..j~ ~i ;,WI
. .s..AJ L. ••I..,..~! ~.)
"\.) •

Graphic 1 - a graphic account of a fight :-:-: very clear.

~1_, ...L..L! ~J € (:UJ...!) '9'.;'~ ~_,
2 - -the grapbic arts = drawing, painting, printing.
Lb.J.f..J ~l.J ~~IJ .r._,-;:.llj I.c-)1 : ~;.:..,-:JI ~_,;ill
Grass 1 - to go to grass = take a time of rest.

2 - not Jet the grass grow un?e!' one'~ feet -- waste

. no time. .Ji;)I J. ..J_r. ~ ! ciJ .~ ':l
Grate such expressions grate on me ;.:__: I dislike such expres-
sions very much.
~_;f LiAt. :t>;~ C;~.J J.;ai' :~ly_.:~.!I (Jf)..:,:,,IJ~I o~ ~t
L~i (_,f)
Gravitate 181 - Grist

Gra~uitous : insults rude words (or actions) when one

has done nothing to deserve them.
~_,; (:i· ···: ~Wf Jf) 4.U ~~ : ~_,.. ~ ~ (.Ji) y~
~ iJf ..J':.&. ~

• JJlk=JI ! U4
Graritate in summer people gravitate to the seaside = feel a
desire to go to the seaside .
• c:~~I J! iJ. .~. ..n:. _,i ..,....l:.J• ..,,~ ~' J..:.c. : r .Jt'! ! A
Jli:? : '-.:

Great 1 - a great talker == one who talks much .

• i...&i.!:. ~ ! t~.JI ~

2 - that's great = is very gocd. • r~ r:r-- ! V'- l!.ij.)

3 - he's great on hh;tory = very interested in history .

• • ~:JIJ...J ~c.I J • ~;l::.l~ ~~I _A<
"' . '--... .- ~

G·rey 1 - grey matter - put of the brain.

,;.L".JJI j ~~I o.)UI
2 - the future looks grey = .Js without hope.
J...f ~ ~J~ ~: ~ u4 J.:WI iJl
Grief : to come to grief = to fail; to have an accident.
ij_l_ ! ~.) ~ ,,,,; ~ (,. ) L.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ( \)

Grind 1 - j o keep one's nose- to the grindstone = to force

oneself to work very hard .
• o_,-:l!...J iJI~ J.-JI ~ ~ ~

2 - an organ grinder :-:: one who plays a street-organ .

• tJl_,.:JI J ~ ..t~ ,:_:..:~/Ji~~

Grjp 1 - a gripping story = very interesting.
• :W...-
.. .J f :u~
_, - ~) .J '4.i~.
.• 4.il - • J ~_..
2 - a good grip of the affair = a good understanding.
(J..~_,f t~>1) ¥1 ~'
Grist 1 - to bring gri~t to the mill = to bring in money.
• ~~jy: f J~ UL.,~~
Grit --·- 182 -- Ground

2 - all is grist that comes to his mill = he is ready

to get money by any means.
J~I 0-4 ~4'l') j.:l-_,.11 ::.-:- ;.,.;; ~ti. JUI ~ J~I
(~th:-~-' ~ JUI ~

Grit 1 --- he has plenty of grit = he has courage .

. ~'~ (Jf) ~4 (Ji) t~ -.i!
2 - - to grit the teeth =-: to press them firmly together,
e.g. when doing somethrng difficult or painful.
. <t~ ~ _,i ~ r_,.J ~~ ~~ ~ ~> .;l:-4 ~
Groan the table groaned with food :::.= the table was loaded
with food.

Groove his life runs in a grc.ove = hi~ life runs in the same
way and never changes.
(..r...a; lr:~ )u ~~'-' ;..t_;_, ~ i.S~ ~·~0i~. pt- .k.:. .(,"~-:,,!
Gross 1 -- a gross mistake ~ a very bad mistake .
.. ~
- :i..kL:...' 1.
li th==.
2 - gross amount == the whole amount without taking
apything off.
• :i.o_,A;... ..r.f. <$j: (~ ~ ~ ~j ~~)~I ~\.!-
Ground 1 1 . - on what grC'unds ? = for 'what reasons ?
~ y~.;:, t,r ~f J! i.)L:.A:-1 ~ ;_,.(j ~f ~ i.>~I <; Ll"'L.f i.Sj ,.J~

2 - to shift one's grcund ::.: to change one lines of

reasoning in defending an id.-~a.
lJ.~-' O..f:.~ ~_),-' o~I} _,~ : ~ i; .y. J,f~ ~ ~~ ,Y- ~
• "! f; ,y- ~ li.JJ I ~ L:;f j
3 --- flowers on a black ground =- flowers painted on
a black surface.
• ~b_,_ ~} ~ L_,__,... J,~j : J~ : ~;.;rl
4 - the ship grounded = ran onto the ground .
• -r~j (Jl) ~UI JJ.i _.;.\i L>~JT ~;.;.rl~ ~J : ~I~~
\,,,. '-
Grow - 183 - Gun

5 - he had a good grounding in latin = he was taught

the beginning part well .
• ~:~_,f_, ~J~. ~ : ~:NI •<.SJ~.....;~
Grow 1 - his hair has grown grey = become.

. ;4' !.~' f ~f
2 - this book begins to grow on me =I begin to like it.
~_,..~ i~ .,.,;f (_,f) ~f ui~ : yl:UI t->-t: i.rit:....1 u.i.::..f
3 - to grow up = to become a man (woman) .
.. l.7.i
.oft.J~~:i..s~.J~r -· -· -· r -·
Grub I ·-- to gl'ub up = to dig up out of the ground .
• tCs. ~ .l(~) sfil ~ ~: P.
2 - to grub along = to seek a living day by day, to
seek food. • ujAJI ~ £ t~ LY-.....;~!~
3 - food. :t..i_,j11 ! ..I lJalt ; \..~I

Grudge to owe a person a grudge = to be angry with a person

and wish to harm him.
(~) _,,.c-~ ! ~fa_ ~1 ~.r- ~ ~ (_,f) ~ (~)J...:
• ( .!J ~ ~ ~_,..,..c-~ ")UI ~!) .iJ I~! .~ t
Guarantee : I guarantee he'll come = tc. promise; to say as being
quite certain .

(i!.U~) JZls. ~ ~i-y ! (J~ ~.,- ~f) ~f ! .J.&.f - '
Guard a guarded answer = a careful answer.
(~.....a:;:JI ~-'~I 4 ..:.i~f) ~ ~J ! ~ yl~
GuiJt a guilty look = a look w~ich shows that one has done
~ ~J' Jj ~1 0i us-~:~· ;;_)ij : f:.! ;;_)ij ! ~I.fol :;_,lii
. ~.,,
Gum to be up a gum tree = to be in difficulties .
• c,li·"'llJ "":-'~I ....a; ! '"'="'.r<.Jt ~, ~l~I ~C;;

Gun 1 ·- the wind is blowing great guns = the wind is

blowing gfrongly. • ~· w ~.r11 u,.
Guttt.r - 184 - Hail

2 - son of a gu,n =- bad or fcolish fellow .

• 13-T ! -1:4 ! J-J ! J~J ! .r. .,r.
Gutter gutter-snipe = a small dirty child which plays in the
dirt at the sides of the. road and has no manners.
~ Jl.:U\11 j ~ ~I .>-..ti J:U ..r..¥ ._,LG1 : JU~I ~ ~.rJI
~)aJI ~!~
Gyp 1 --- to give him gyp = to punish or give pain.
\ '4.!.Y. ! ~ ~Y.. - y ! ( ~) ~ ! ~~ - '
2 - I've been gypped = I have. been deceived.
. ..:-!~ ! ~ ! ~.la.

Habit a riding habit = correct dress for ladies when ho1·se
~1.::-;J..1.:;_S-_r. ~! d~ ~Y-)' of. : 4.....JWI :U.... !:\._JWI W'"'~
Hackneyed a hackneyed· saying = a group of woi'ds u.sed too often.
J ...~·J ~~ ~~(jj ~ ~ : ~l..!1 ~<JI ! ~W! ~~I
• ;)I~ ;_,.11
Had 1 -- . you had better do it -:-:: I advise ycu to do it.
~) c. ~.! ! ~~ ! (l.ir) '-'l-j" ~ d;!JJ ~f
• (~ )\...f. i.J·~ Ji' L. "'M J~ 0f
2 - to be had up :-:: brought before a judge.
~..d:lJ! i,f'~ ! ~WI ,..L.f J_,!tl J~ ..f.~ ! ~lilt ~L.f i,f-~
· , • ~ li rL.f ~~
3' - you've been had = you've been dt:ceived .
• ..:-.J~ .! ~;.,,;.. ! ~ ! ~~.ill
Hail 1 - he hails :&iom England = comes from England .
. (*4 l_i¥! ~) ~ l ~ ' '"r./.:.
2 - hail-fellow-weH-met with every one = alway.s
friendly and pleased to see every one.
• ·1
r..rl.:J ·1t
~":! 0~
.' .,__i .' ~
• ,--:-.r- , L:JI ~-
. -::-11 ...r · . -··!I •• ~·.)·11
, ,, ~ .J ._,.,

• ~1.).)~J ~.?-~A';;,
Hair - 185 - Hammer

Hair 1 -- to lose one's hair = bt!corne angry.

~ 'T-
! • a.!.i
! ·:·j__' .Jr ._..AA.JI
u-- . 4~L- ! ,- ~- : ~.
· ·_

2 - keep your hair on = do not get angry.

ciil.J.i'4 ~I : ~ ') : ~--j· "j
3 - make one's hair stand on end = frighten.

4 - not to turn a hair = show no fear.

., . . ~·...U':J !~\,;.:.':}
1...."'· -
5 - to split hairs = pretend to see fine di ff eren~es.
~ ~.l.!I J-'}J' ~(-;! ~j ~ .1jf ~J.J) ~')\11 ~~
- . ;.f'- -
Half 1 --- my better half :-: my wife.
~JJ.. ! ~_,j ! Ji.rt
2 -- t.o do a thing by halve~ = to do it badly or in-
( .i..) ~J~JI_, J.-JI J) ~LJ'l'J'I ! PJ Jl,,~4 .l.S..:::JI j~!

Half-mast to put the flag at half-mast = to put. the flag half-way

up the mast as a sign of respect at the death of a great
man .
• f-!u. ..::.._,.! L.1_,..~1_, [:_:,..:.. :i.~;i-!I ~-' j ~,_(~ ..!..::~ : ~ 1 i..--(~
Hall the city hall ::-: house in which government of the city
is carried on .
• ~;JI :t......,,S::o. ~~ 4J ;L..1..i· ~.:UI ~' : :i.~~I ! ~.>.L;JI ;I~

Halt halting speech ·= speaking in a difficult &nd uncertain

,... ')\.U I ~_,L')I I ~_,:L ..:;., I; l,.-J I.,,,.-&-,.. ')IS' : .}.d I _, f,.,-..J I ~ )\S:JI
o_,~I ~ _,:l!I : ~!r-iJI ~,h;l..1 : ~L.... ~~~ '->'.>JI

Hammer 1 - to hammer away at it =..:.: to work hard and steadily.

(~ .. ~ j ~i.1Ji ·~.;;J GlfD 0 r.~J ~u~
2 -- toi hammer out = to produce as a result of hl~rd
. ~,.J~~
( .... a:i1 1 • . .!. . 1_, ..... ..1.:L1 '- -'L) ~ ~- i .~ . :"=::i.:
• • o,J-.1..:..:' .'"
Hand - 186 - Hand

3 - to come under the hammer to be sold in public

to the person who offers the most.
~~l;.11 u::: ~ ~f r!.~ J : ~1)4 t~
4 - to go at it hammer and tcings = work (or fighi)
with all one's strength.
~J ~lk:...I ,:r 4 L. ~4 : '":-'J6:: ~J~ ! ~
Hand 1 -- at hand = near.

2 - the matter at hand = now being doue .

..S/.: .,s.:UI _,f :. 4 J.-ll ..r°'4 ~.ill : ( 4) J,....tl ~~I
• .ur c..i .>~L~L. ! ~ L. ! j..AJI '-J
3 - live from hand to mouth = live without making
preparation for the futu1·e.
') • t:;-._uh.::,
_, c.r.----'- r-· .J.i- '1 ! ~ o.1.l- i.J4

---- ~. ~ ~l.AS:JI
v. ..:...i....i . ..:.U.

• 4J ~
4 - to take him. in hand =- to control him .
• ~~!~!4~'::.:
5 - bird in the hand something which one has
really get (not just hoped for) .
• ~ iJW'11 ~- '-5.:UI ·~1 JJ ..!JJ~ J ~ : -1:)1 c..i ;u,
6 - in the h~nds of = in the power of.
• ( 1.:...s-) At· ~ e'J
t ( 1,j.)) ~UzL i.::..:i-
7 - to win hands down = to win hands easily.
~.,.,-\:JI (.Ji) <.:f.:LWI (.Ji) ~~j.11 ~ ·:U~ ~
8 - hands up ! = put your hands up as a sign that
you yield; if you do not I shall shoot you.
~ ~f ~ tl ..)li (~I~'-..~) ~~f 1_,.i;I
9 - to keep my hand in = keep up my .skill and prac·
o.!~ o.>-.IJ o.J'}.J ~ ~l..1-i ~ ~) ~LJl.eJ ....;Jl-&-'. Jie-":
(~... · .
10 - to ask for a lady's hand = ask fc.r marriage.
1 ·- ·:- 1
-oir 1 ~
. -
Handful - 187 - Handle

11 - to get the upper hand ~ win or get control of .

.. (~) ~ ! <'-') ~ ~ wp t ~ ! ~.r..
12 - get work off one's hands = finish.
( ~ ~~I j .Aa.J Yvr) ..:,+~ t ~
13 - a hand of cards = the cards given to one player
in a game.
t];.,J4 ~)' ~-- ~ ~ :-11 ~UI jl;_,f : ~_;:JI
c.jy.;.s- M
! ;_;.i1

14 - an old hand = an experienced person .

• ~ ~1_, o; lf.14 ~ .J-4 : 0f'".;JI ! ~-~I ! ..1_. L.ll
15 - . on all hands = o.n all sidel (directions).
~1_,:l-1 C:~ ~ f ulA~·~1 ~ J
16 - to set o~e·s hand to a print.cd paper write
one's name on it.
(~ J-:!~ j "-1 ~~) oc.LA..i .._
-~ f ~l...:-4 ,.iy.

17 - high-handed - proud and d'etermined to get one's

wishes carried out.
~ls. .J ~:,~ 0-")
o,,• .-jU..1 - y ! t . ~I ! ..J'~I - \
( 6..,0l_j.f ......:
18 - heavy-handed = _rough, using greater force than
is necessary.

• ( 1.·. ,..1 •. l.l °'j_.l, ;;~I Ji~

...-ir- .f . . -
· ) ~I
U"" - ! Jiijl l ~
· '· ·1 I

19 - a cool hand = daring and shameless .

. (~4 ·~ ,:r ~~~ill) ~_,JI w~UI ! ;,....:l-1
20 - all hands (en a ship) : . .;. all the seame~.

( :i.:....i....
-~) ~~ ')\11 ! ~!
....,. -

Handful he~s a handful -- difficult to control.

~~I ! ~L!.JI ! J-- ~I ! i.J"'l)I ~-
Handle 1 - to have a handle to one's name = to have a title.
(~I .Ji~ _,.;.;JJ ....... ~! J! ~l..A:!) ~£UI
2 - - give him a handle against me = give him a
chance to harm me.
o~ c.I~! ~ ~ ~- ~ ~4 ;l~)\l ~j ~
Handsome - 188 - Hang

Handsome : handsome is as handsome does a kind heart is more

important than beauty of appearance.
~j ~I~-' ~I ~~i~. :~I~ ~J~I :.r-
• J~Ui.Jl J;~l .,,f ~, 0 ..
Hang 1 - to hang one's head ;..= tci allow the head to fall
forward on the breast as a sign of shame .
• ._,~:.LI °A....')\s. ;~I _ys3. 1 t...~I J! ~iJ J~ : ~jJ ~
2 - Oh ! hang it all ! -'--- an expression of anger .
• ~I~~. ~I.
~ . ~ ~ " ...;.. .
le ,l,.1,.; ~- • ..:;..AJf ..;..... ......
JJ -
3 - to hang__. back = to pold back or del.ay. J.<:.~ ~ .)..:..j:
4 - to hang fire = to be delayed. ~ ! ~.;:.i • •• -

5 - let it go hang = it does not qiatter .

.U ~~i ~ : ~L:.AJI JJ9 f ~·is~ r.:J ~ ~ ~
6 - to hang en (his words, her smiles, etc.) = to \\-Hit
eagerly for his words or her, smiles, etc.
-~(ls_,.!) J.r'"~: (~) l..~1_,i ('~.:... ) ~-·(;~ ,,.;_,::::
0 ..r,f- -' f l!.U ;- :.r
7 - to hang together = to support each other.
t..,.:.. .>-!_,JI ~~ ! f.. ~I ~ lA11 ~i ~~ ! ~IJ.i~ ! ~li.J~
8 - his story does not hang together = can be shown
to be untrue.
~ ~~ ~f ;fa_ '5f : v-i~ ') Ji cl-~ ~ 4.:: ,_,.) ~! : Jli:!
• i.r. jS"" ~ L.
9 - the children hang about their mother = stay
near to.
I _•. ;.\,, -
--r- ..JA-C. u..r-::
<Si .• L ·..
~. u~ ""''~~I u,.
•I I, -·· •
w~ • u~_
. ~ ajl ~r.-: ")_,
10 - to hang on to a thing = to get a tight hold of.
( ~) '·!"'ii f o_,i.J ::;~ : "i.r J- ~_,i cic~_
11 - to be hung up = to be delayed. . ~... ! ..;.G.. .;

12 - where does he hang out ? = where does he live.

': o..,.L .;. ' ~ ~ .fl f £ '! ~ ~r
Happen - 189 - Hard

13. ---'- the tree hangs over the house ::.:.: the tree leans
over the house. '2J-ll y:. J:.c- ·4 ~1 01 : Jfo· : ~.

14 - the hang of a dress ::-:: the way in which a dress

(or a thing) hangs.

• ( c.~-;rl .f) ......,L!JI L.

- ...J • - '.
. -q ~• J.k.JI
uJ,...; LS"
15 - to get (see) the hang of = to understand the
general idea.
( ~y .,f ·~ :.r ~L~J! ;;.rC!1) .!.\_;~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
Happen 1 -- the event happened in 1066 -=- was, arrived, took
place .
.*" ,. . , .•.
~ l..;I ....
~ .t
...J '-
,j~ ~~ t.J...1 i:,1~ • ~ ! 1.....·

....... -

2 - -- it happened that... = it chanced that.. ..

~ € (~i) e_..,
3 - - to happen on to find by chance.
-:......:; J...o ~
.._.. .J•
J.;5! : ~:, l.,a...
.... ~
::I •

Happy a happy idea -- a good idea : one that Js just right .

• ~l.,P )ii ~J ! "'4.J..... ~i; f :i.:...-. ;;_fa
Harbinger : birds are harbingers of spring = that which goes
before and tells or shows what. will happen.
~I .. ~~I :.r tr:J '5f : .iJL~ (.Jf) ~)1 f~ 1.;4 ;,JUI ~!
J'_:c.JI __,f ~I f '"j.!.. ~)I yl_i.i1 ~ JJ.j

Barbour to harbcur evil thoughts ::: to allow evil thoughts fa

remain in the mind.
4W. J ~ l: ~ : .._,_JI c.1.r<:J, ~;;: ! ~ ~1..r<J :;:5-..a
• <S,r"-i.J 'Oj.j ~ o;.JW _,J oJ.JW

Hard 1 - a hard and fast rule = a rule whiCh cannot be

changed .
. ~ ':}__, J~ ~ 1.5.:UI ~_,;liJI ! '5~J.d..I ~~I ! ~l..!ll rl!2.:JI
2 - a hard voice = one which is not musical.
• • ~_,i.1_, .:r-=ll .J- ~I : ~ \r1 . ..:a~1
3 - hard water = water· with much lime in it.
Hard - 190- Hard

4 -- hard drink; hard liquor = strong drfnk.

;;~ 7~ 15.:UI : ~I ~j_,.-;J.f

5 - a hard master = one who forces those under him

to work too much.
~IJ...a.ll J' ~.Jc..r J.w: ~; : ..;"'~~I : ~I : ..:,:....:....;:ll

6 - to run hard :_--, tc run fast.
~ lk:.- ~~ s .r.".: J:-l'
€ ~ ! .J.M.!
7 - follow hard upon; ~a1·d by -= very neur to .
• ~.;.. ~"' : ~__µ. ! r~ ~;
8 - hard put to it = having great difficulty.
'-'jl. .Ji:t.A!... _,f ;;..>..: J J..il. Ja..ii·
r •. ~I ! e
-r ~' ;;~t
9 -- hard of hearing == not able to hear clearly .
.' ( i~ :::--J.°':1) c-1' ~ ! .h ~~f J
10 - to go hard with =--- to be painful for.
\.S~Y- ~ ~Y- ! ,..JY-
11 - a hard bat"gain =-· an agreement which will bring
little g~:in. . ;; ..i..a.iJIJ . 1 1; ~.
:-l:.:JI ~~
~ .• .,l.:.AJI . w
.....,_ .IM L.;·
..; .
12 -- hard up = having no money.
• o~ JL.. ) 1.J .v... ~.,Z ';} <.S,j.JI : ....--1'
13 -- ·hard cash = real money, i.e. not just a pr::mise
to pay .
• ~ ~; ~ _,J ~..u~ r.J.&._, ":1 r.)_,Ai i.Si : ~ ~JJt
14 --- prices are hard :.= are high and wilt not become
. ~.:.;· ~i J~ ':]_,' ~;... ;l-.~I
'"4 jl : J_,.a;
15 - - hard labour = being kept in prison and made to
do hard work.
~ 1"_,).;lc.4 ~.>... ~ ~~ J.-JI :.r tf' : JL~l«._.~1
• fj~ I ~~-
J.-~~- 'Y..

16 - hard luck = bad fortune .

.,-.JI (.Jf) }WI Q..J..I ! ·~1 ~t
Hark - 191 - Hatch

Hark to hark back = to return to what one was saying .

• ~ ~ ~f ~ ~~ ~~ ! 4 ~(~ ~L< l. J! ,)~
Harmony •. to live in -harmony ==- to live together without quarrel·
! )~ Jl ...;~Jr J1~ .J..~ : ~r j .Jr \'"f- J 0~ _,r iJl~
• ~_,A.I~ ! 0W~
Hamess 1 - to die in harnesM = to die ·while working .
~ ! j..A.11 .. \;Sf j ..:..,.c.
• .A.Li- j .JAl:..J

2 - to harness a water-fall = to use water to produce

electric power.
. ~.#)1 <.S_,All ~.P LL~~ ~4 :~ ~"~ .ki-..~
Harp harping on the same 8tring = saying the same thing
again and again.
'~I u-ii Jfo. ~f) ~I ~I.) J~ : oJ. . . I_, ~ ~ ":-'~
<G1~_, ~1_,..
Harrow harrow the feelings = to cause great pain in the mind
and heart .
• ( ~1~1 _,J ...~l..!.11) <.S.)..k f fY- ! (4;.,......~ _,f ~) U.f 6.U:
Hash 1 - to make a hash of it (work) = to work badly.
• ( .US-1_,;_, .1.1-~) ~L-.11 ~ ! iJ.JL;~ _,; JL.,•4 : ~
2 - I'll settle· his hash = deal with him so that he
will give no moi·e trouble.
~ ~~) ....a.;J 1·-i..,~ ~Ip '- ~ ! ~~~
! ! ~r ......
• ( yl_,k.o1_, Jli ~ 6~ L. u' ~>::-:i
Hat 1 - to pass the hat = to coll~ct money.
~ ...;~I _,i ~I ~ ~_,.ijWI .Jt ~~)\JI ~ tr : i,)_,Ai ~
• IS~
2 - high hat = proud. J.~I ! ~l!J.11 , J._,..9dJ1
3 - to talk through one's hat = to talk fcolishly .
• o,))~J ~ Jf : :ii~ ~
4 - my hat ! = a cry of su1·prise.
Hatch hatching a plan = producing a plan in secret.
_,f t.Jj-':.. J ; fa ~~ ~ ~.J..,.:W ~ ~ ( i..,. . . ) "jJ- ~
( 4,.j~ ~.J • U:i:..)
• l s.
u- N
Hatchet 192 - Have

Hatchet • . 1 - hatchet-faced = having a thin narrow fare.

: ..,.411 1..l::UJI ~__,kJI ~I,.,.. ~\fl ~_,JI_, : ~_,JI ~f
I \.,... ' "-'

~\:' ~
2 -- to buy the hatchet == to make peace.
(.)I.A:.. ~I .jJ.JJ iJ-JI _,f ~I~) rl...: ! ~~
Haul 1 - to haul over the coals = to scold.

2 - I hauled him up = stopped him from doing wn n~.

_,f ~~ "":-'LQjl .y. ~ ! c.>yl ,:r- ~ ~ ~1 y. ~·.):;J
• ~b:..

Haunt a haunted house = a house in which spirits of the

dead appear to the living.
• 0
:.11 cI.J) ~,,
J .J c~ J
11 I.\ •• ~ •. , ("
~ ! AJy __..) .)
II ·'

ffu..e 1 --- I have an illness = suffer.

~ (_,f) ~.r '-J € Lr.~i ~ ~. ....:. r·J
2 - - I have to go to school = I must go to ~chcol.

(".>\!..) ~J..U1 Jl ~~f ~t ~

3 - I have a house built = finished with building a
hom~c. (".>\.:... ) ~ ~ € ~ c.l:: ;;-• ..:;,.i..)
4 - to have the matter out =
to sett.le a quarrel by
talking fully, or· by fighting.
~~~ l.! : u-_~bc:.. ::;J) ~ ~ l'LC:::.I fa
( J\;.AJI_, .:..l 1.,..-.ll~ Lb ~~I_,

5 - to have to do with = to be cc.ncerned with.

( -4) ~ ~ ( lj..~) i-r.-
6 -- to have a baby ::__ give birth to a baby.
c·>\Ak) ~ ~ J.Li
7 - Jet him have it ! =: punish him. • .-.~ ~! ~ .w~

8 -- I won't have it = won't allow it.

'-: ~~T ~ ~ ..!.U~ ;::-J '.l
9 - have at him = attack him.
Havoc - 193 - Head

10 - to have a person = to deceive.

.• -
i..;. - """"' 1.1-

Havoc Cl'Y havoc = give the ~ign to start destroying a country.

~J_,~ ~f '-..~ r-~ .,....:JI s_,; '3)\~! : ~I
(f-_; ~T..,.J) ~~ ~1 ~~ '.Y.. ! ;;..6.1_, ~ ~1 ;.:;..;~-- ~l
hawk-eyed -- having very good eye-sight.
f;l~IJ ;_,; ..s)~I _,f .,,-JJI )a; ..iJ : ~1 ~.>..
Hay 1. --- ~o make hay of =- to throw into disorder .
. ;.i. .;.'.l.! ~_,::,J t.._;.;i ! <~~~i) ~
2 - make hay while the imn shines = make full use
of one's chances before it is too late.
• e-4 0-' ~ ~~ "i_, ' ~_,;.... J.:.&. u"_,AJ 1 ~

Bead 1 -- to work one's head off = work very hard.

~ lh=..- ~_,; ""~ ! J......11 J (.,__a;) ~
2 - eat one's head iff = do not work and eat a lot.
"="'rJI J ~ J-JI J ~.;~ ';) _;:.<j JS"~_, i.,r.:!) ~ '1
3 - head ove1· ears in love = completely.
(4, A.ii~~ J;l'-: (~I J) J_;.:..-
4 --: to turn head over heels = to turn the body right
( = compieteiy) over and then stand up again.

_,, -
t!: ~
I •
u) ~.
• .. •
~ ~
L..> • -

5 - I cannot make head er tail of it == cannot under-

~tand it .
. ~~ ~ U; ..,--4-;:1 1.:Y, !3;~1 ~ ls~~\)~ ~)~i 'l (Jf) ':.+'' ')
6 - . i,rive him his head = (of a horse or pers001) :
a.How freedom of action .
.. -~ j Jf ("j..!..) ~i...~ j J~) c _rJ..1 ~.JI" 0-4 ~
7 - head of the business = the chief or most im-
portant part of a business or work.
~l-ll --~ f ~)I - \
Head - 194 - Head

8 - the head boy of the school = first boy in the school.

(-'.ilji ~~) <J:-~I (Ji) ~~I (;f) ~:f~I : '-.JJ.ll J ~ JJf
9 - we must put our heads together = take each
other's advice.
~l..o .l::! ~ y- .!a.~ ( 15l) J..o\...:j (.Ji) ~L..Z ~i ~
10 - the speech was above my head = I could not
understand it.
--c.s-nJ~! ~.,; ~::. .ar-: c~f ~r 151~ J.,; ~1 ~lS-
11 - off his head = mad.
Jkll ~I.) ! ~ ~ ! IJ"J-- ! ~~
12 - to lose one's head = become excited and unable
to think.
13 - keep one's head : .:. : remain calm.
~~f •J.>.A(.Jf) -'.il:,J4 !ii-::
14 - success turned his head = success made him
proud and foolish.

. ift.:.. ~~r o:,J : JJj iy c.~' ~' ..LA)

15 - the head on a glass orf beer = the white wool-

like mixtur.e of air in liquid.

~ ~1)

• •
1.)1" )\a... ,_1_-: :-11
, . - ,(..$' Ci-\:WI .• ;;~·)I f ....J.I
16 - things came to a head = the matter reached that
state· when action was necessary.

. ~
':Jl . ~
- U"" - r-'
r ~I i f- ·• .
~. •• ...,
. .I,..r
• " \-
• U·-11_, J....Jt
17 - 50 head of cattle = 50 beasts.
~L. ~~ <Sf : ~UI LJ4 UJ ~_,.._;.. : JlA:!
18 -- dinner a 2/-a head = for each ~,person.
~ JS"" if' ~ l:L! : .,IJ.aJI
19 - I shall divide my speech under •five heads = word
written at the top of a page or piece of writing to
show the subject.
LJ.S" J+AJI _,f yl.:Jl..t : ylY-f ~ ~ ~L
.~<.>.:YI ~__,11 Jl oJL!! ~I U'°'fJ J ~
Headlo11g - 195 - Heart

20 - to head a group of persong to be at the head

of, to 1ead, persons .
. ~~ ! ~,,,: i ~~~ : ..., ... l:.JI ~- ~~ LrjJ.!
21 - I headed him off =- drove him away.
l.l:a~ •:l...)' ! ~ ! ....;~ i
~ - to head straight for = go direct towards.
(J!) UJ ~~ ! ~ ! ~}.?
Headlong 1 - to fall headlong = head first. ~rJ if ~ ~

2 - he ru_shed headlong = ran with the head down,

not locking where he was going.
~~ ~i A 'lJ ·~ ~·s_,4 '1 ~L.~I _yl .1.-f;_, : ~;.;1
Heap·: heaps of times = often.

Hear : 1 - to get a hearing = to ·get chance to say what one

wishef; to s?.)'.
"-' ~,,~ L. J.,,~ i.P_,.; ~ : JJb. cA ~ ! (y) J~

2 - I hear from him often == get a letter from him .

. ..s~ i_, o_jj -.Jj y~~ J! ~ , Ji-1..r.!

I 3 -- hear ! hear ! = I agree with what you say .
. ~t·_, J~ L. ~ '-A;~U ~- ! 1.,,.-! ! ly.-! (Jf) ! c-! ! c-!
Heart I - to know a thing by heart = by memory.
~~ i o.)-1~1 :r "~-=- ! ~ft~ .y. (~) .1i.i:i:
2 - take it to heurt ~-= consider it seriously, be greatly
grieved by it.
! (~) ~ ~ c:'~· ,,-~LI J .lli;.~
! ! ·~~ r~I ..'.u:.~
~~I ..i...:;i ~J:! ! 0.)..1 .cf 4i_.:,:.: (~I!) ~~
3 - to eat (or cry) one's heart out = to have great
sorrow. l.S""~I ~ '-~-4 '~_,JI~ ! ~jJ-1 ~ft
4 - to have one's heart in the right place = be a
kind person.
·~ ~4 ! U~' U~ 'fa_;;.- l)I 0~ 0f
Heart - 196 - Heart

5 - have a heart = have mrecy.

. ---1, I i)
. - ,J ·<
,_,__.. (J f)· f:; - a . . r.r

6 - an affair of the heart -· an experience of lo\~e .

• ~UJ

7 - to have one's heart in one's mcuth == to feel great

fear. • & Jf ~Jo-! ....;~ _,r t~ (Jf) ~fi : ~
8 - to lose heart = to feel that what one is doing is
! 4-.J.· c. l:.i. '.J.J -.J :; •.~.-· 'J "1f (J ~• ~'· ! ~- le• ~I J.A.U-

• J...~I .......
9 - to lose one's heart = to fall in love.
. . r.:r.. '. -, ~
• l... --- - .' ~
. - .• .__J.I
. ~-
.ii i.....

fO - wear one's heart on one's sleeve = shew one'1

.feeli~gs. not hide them.
j.J) .a.;~_:,J ~ ! ~f.,s- ~ ~ ! o_rl!... ~ ._&~
( la J'-_,• J f I. :.:..
11 - a change of heart = to change from being bad
to good.
~li ~- o~ .ftr (JWl j Jl~) ~! Ji c.~ ,;r ~
(~)\a.~' ,:;--
12 - a man after my own heart = just the sort ot
man I like.
4! J::.c. 1 ~;r t.. JiJ <Sr : '-=':1.ll! ~ .;,,...1 _,. : J~
. ~r:-. ,:r ! (~ ~~ <,S.>.11 ~I ~~) ~
13 - a heart-to-heart talk = a friendly talk in which
nothing is hidden.
CJ l.a=JI ! ~ ~I r-:JS' ! ~ .l,A.11 ~ J...A) I ~ j.S'
(c.~I Jf ~;I~~ ~I J Le. c.Wa.i~I)
14 - in the heart of A.frica = in the centre, or in the
recesses, cir in the wilds, of Africa .. ·
. ~~ J ! (~) ~;J JY.- J
Hearth - 197 - Hedge

Hearth a man's hea1·th = a man's home .

• ~ ! ..JJ~ : ~l-i"il ,§.-
Hearty to have a hearty meal = eat mucn with great enjoy-
ment. • ~l_,J~IJ '-:-("-!I ~ :.r : ~r ~J JJ~
Heat 1 - he spoke with heat :::::: with .strong feeling 01· anger.
. i;lf (Jf) i~ ~
2 - the first heat is taki'ng place = the first part of
. .
a race. i '-'~~I ~ JJ'l'I ~)I _,1 ._r.LI
L;~l (J)
Heathen those childreD" are young heathens = those children
. are wild and bad-mannered.
~ !91=; ~i ~.) ..;;-N.. ~! ~ ~J~ ~I • "ijA : JU:!
(~~I 11-_,_J ~1 .):_.;JI Jl ~-4 J_,_.i!I CJ--
Heave 1 - to heave to (of a ship) = to turn and stop.
....i ..
( I~
- t.J• J liJ.~f
) ·- .:. ,,;J!

2 - to heave a sigh = to ghre cut a deep breath.

41~ ~ 41":1~ r~~ i...Jj ~~ '"J-.r-) }:r- ! ·'~' ~
( :.....liiT) ~ ! (L:-Ai
Heaven : the heavens = the sky. ~1Jµ1

Heavy : 1 - heavy seas = big wave::s. ;\..1)\:11 '

(.~ ~,
2 - a heavy line = a thick iine .
• ~I .k.:ll : ~ f'"'_;. .k;;.

3 - heavy-handed m~ing greater force than is

necessary or than one means to.
_;s-1 o~1 _,f ;;_,.;1 :r ~d ~I ~ !.- U"'li f ~·
• (..\...AA: l: _;s-i .Jl ~ l..(

Hectic a hectic time = a very exciting time.

J~l.J ~_,iJI o~_,....J , '-:-'):-a... • Jli (Jf) ~~-Al.I -1!.r ,.rAS-
. • ;)_,:.J~
Hedge to })edge on a question = not to give a straight, honest
J OJ.JIJ.!I J! ·~ ! yl~-ll J _~31,r- £ ~1,;-Jl J~ ;,r JJ..l!
• r"'-- •
• ( l;~Lp l~r 41fa.- ~ )\i) y~1
Heel - 198 - Help

Beel 1 - to cool (kick) one's heels = to be kept waiting .

• Y~4 !l~ f i)i:.:... J.t ! J Ui;;';/t j !l~
2 - down at heel; out at heel = having worn out
shoes, badly dressed, poor-looking.
)i:.ll ISJj ' ~I 6; ' alil.I i]~ : 44 J'L-f j
3 - to come to !ieel = to obey like a dog .
• • Lr ~u, ~
- ....: -
4 - to show one's (a clean pair of) heels = run away.
~~ ! .t.JL. ~}I ~ ~ (4;1..a.) _,~
5 - kick up one's heels = be merry, show joy at being.
free. (~ i~ C.· °1 ~!) ~ _,f "-'; _,j ~Jr~

6 - under the heel of = in the power of; being ill-

t.reated by.
T ! ~~ ..;..zi. f .di.AS'° j : (~_.:;) ~ .::.,.:i. - \
( ~lkl- ~ ..0 ·~rt ~_.) cl..L- ~L...:; -
• 7 - no heel taps = drink down to the last drop in
the glass.
,:_,.. '-:!~ :i·!:.AJI _,j ?'"..\AJI j ~ '7i) : :U~l ~ ._,..ts:JI ~·?.
'-- .
• (~ ~ ~ '-J~ _,1 .L.

Height : at the height of his power = when he had

. greatest

•J..wJl ~4-1~ ~t j ~l5- L.J.:.J:.) ~ (Jl) ~ji ~' J

( 01__,A.:..J ,_,
Bell 1 - a hell of a hell = a very unple'asant, e.g. time,
noise, life, etc .
.!.U~ J.:i- JJ ;~ _,f ~ _,f ,:_,..j Jf ..:..i.J ~ -...¥~ : ~I
2 - - go hell for leather = go to hell as fast as possible .
• ~I l!Liil:U ! ~JL- ~ J! ~~ ! ~ J! tJL.
HeJp 1 - he helped me to some vegetables = he put some
vegetables on my plate at the table.
(J.)~1 J.:.J:. ~ j ~-') ~I ~ JJA! : J.)Jj
2 - help yourself = take what you want. • .L.:.n.. la.
- 199- Here

3 - don't do more than you can help = do as little as

rJ~- L. Jil (.J f) cls. lk:- J J.i J.J=-i : ~ JA.; 1
4 - there's no help for it ' = nothing can be done to
prevent it.
0f .:.r'-'M L. .!.lL:... ~ lSf : «"':"j':J' ~~,. ..~, ~~ 0! : J_,Aj
• ..sJ .b. ~ _, r 4$..,;_, r:::..
5 - a help = a servant. J.)l:JI ! ~.)L:l-f

6 - · a helping = food put on one's plate.

J.)~'I ~~~I J c3'Y- : ,!.>.All
7 - I can't he]p it = I can do. nothing to prevent it.
""-'-' J~l 0r lS;.J.fu J ~ ! '1.JJ~ C"T 0i ;.>.if "-:/
Hem the trees hem in the house = enclose it on aJl sides.
~ 0-4 ~ ~)~r J "fe... J~ : ~ ! ;J~ ! ¥.

Hemi - the northern hemisphere = the northern half of the

earth. • d';~I ;~ i:r J~I ~I
Hence a year hence = a year from· now.
• 0~1 i:r '-.:.... lSJ... J J~ : 0~1 ~ ..1-L:!l
Hen-pecked : a hen-pecked husband = one ruled by his wi~e.

,l.!,j l...c. 4J ..;~... ' ~.Jj ~ ~j

Herald birds are heralds cf spring = ihe appearing of birda
is a sign that the spring is approaching.
~)I ·~f ~ J-=1-' ~;_,.a.1; 0t lSf : ~)I )~;,Jaji ~1 : J~
~1... r 0l:..J , .-j41 ,..~ .li
Herd 1 - the common herd = the common people .
• ~H.-..aJI f ( "1"'l:JI ~... ) LL.JI ! .\>J.JI
2 - to herd sheep . = to ~ke care, be in charge of,

Here I - Here ! = a cry of surprise or complain, also to

get attention .
• .!l:ii'll ~ 4: ~Ji s..,S...::. .Jl ~ ~ I L:..
Hereditary -200- High

2 - here below = on this earth .

...,O; ~'I o.a J_,i f ~..\JI ol.i J
3 - that's neither Here nor there = has nothing to
do-with the subject.
~ ~~ ~j ~j : ~I J ')_, ..r.:--JI J 1.a ~ : J,,Z
·~ J cr>1'.~
4 - here's to .you = I drink in your honour;. to your
good fortune.
~ kfa' ~t.c.JI I~ y..,..!f ..sf • ~ ij.J.Z I~ ! I!!~ j l.l.
~~ i.):!.lAjJ l.!.IJi. ~J ~-'
Hereditary hereditary power = in-born powers : obtained by birth.
~ ~ ' ~I~ "-!~~)I C ~~I i.>i : :i:J;_,ll v4ltS::Jt

Herring : l - neither fish, flesh nor good red herring = a thing

which one cannot put into any one class.
~ .:,;_~ .i~ J J~ : ~ ~.Jj ~J_rw Y4 ~ ~
i ·- =L:.:..
t.').Wa;.. .....;
,..f) I
· 1 t: :.

2 - to draw a 1·et1 herring across the path = to draw

people's attention away from a subject .
• ~l~I ~ ~~ ! ;-_,..;_,.ti
ft. Jl ~LJI o~I ._;~

3 - the herring pend = the Atlantic Ocean.

vV-liJI~ ! Ja;l1'11 Vt
Hide 1 - to ,save one's hide = to save o•neself from punish-
ment or death.

2 - give him a hiding = give liim a beating .

• 4.,,,.o ~ ~ 1
4.1. ..r'

High 1- to ride the high horse = be proud.

• ~•
~ f ( lJ .. l:..U) oJ..,i;. .r-.--;.
...-.........J f ~ ~
_,_-.-w ~ .<-.

2 - a high ( gld) time; high jinks =·a merry time.

J~I vl1Ll. ! J.J.r-11 (.Jf) ~I (Jf) c)I ulJJ
Highball - 201 - Hint

3 - high living = living in gre~t comfort.

(4A...J ~l.:.!.1,1_, ~l.r. ~1) o.~ (.Ji) ~l (_,f) ~I~

4 - high wind = strong wind .

• ~W! (Jf) ~ _..-_r:Jl (Jt) ~ ~WI ~)I
5 - high colour = red face.

6 - it is high time you were gone = you are late in

going. ( ylAjJ! J) ~' ~I~ , ~~t;
7 - to play high = to play for much money.
8 - high seas = rough.

9 - the high Seas = the open sea fa1· from .land..

~ ~l:JI ~~I ~~~ ~ : J~I ,_;,r
Highball a mixture of whisky and soda.

Hilt : up to the hilt = completely.

~ ~ i ·~ ~ 'j l.S~I ~ J...~I ! rl:JI
Hinge 1 - to hinge upo:i == to depend upon.
(J!) ~: (JD J.)o (~) ~
2 - hfs mind is off its hinges (or unhinged) = he
is mad.

Hint 1 - to take a hint from = get an idea from.

('~ J) )ii~-' (-'i) 4iJ (Ji) ;.J'(; ~~
2 - there is a hint of treouble = there is a slight ap-
pe'arance of trouble.
J ! J1.i ;.,&- c.~ L J-:-ll j ~ ~~ } y\~I 1 li t!.!Jl:A
• J1,;:....~1 r~ ~ ~ ~'
3 - ,he can't take a hint = he must be told directly- or
he won't understand.
(_,i) ;u_o.LI (Ji)_,..~! .!JJ--4 'i ~_,_ o.;l! ']f_, , CJ~ ;} ~
~~ tL .u-1;~! ~ L :J~~! ~ ~~ ~r ~. ! ~,_,n
Hip - 202- Hit

Hip 1 - to have him on the hip = to beat or get control of.

. ·~;-- ~ ! ~ ! 4 A - Y ! -4 ~Y- ! ~ ..r2:! - '
2 - smite hip and thigh = win a complete victory .
• ~jb4 (9'f) ~u- (_,f) Lt; G~l A
3 - hip ! hip ! hurray = a shout of joy.

<~'J '"'°)' ;.,,....z ,y. r~) rr.J c) ~

Hire to hire out = to let a person ha\·e the use of a thing
on payment .
• JUI &-' ~ & ,\.iLi ·~ :-_.li;i~I ~ ~ ~-: ~Y.
Historic a historic event = a great and important event.
j )'f ~ .)~ L.) J:;l..;.ll 6.l:L.I (_,f) 6-'Ll-1 (_,f) :W_,JI
(i~~ l..4'!.I ~ ~;L=.ll ~J 6-'l_,.J..I '5.T!- ~
History ": to make history = to do important deeds .
• i.!""-4-' i.:iG ~;l;.U ~· J4 ~1.> Jv-4 r~ : ~;l:.11 61.l..f ~Y-
Hit 1 - to· hit upon = to find by chance.
~L. j&. .J~ ! ~ ~ ~l; L\i:;I ~J..I.! ·~ ~ & : 4i.:il.,a.... ~
. '-il:-- J
2 - to make a hit = to .r:pake a great success.
1,, -
--r.- J f i..r
I~ •) - ' '
'-" ~A . ~
l .- .. ·,
.l ;~

.l ~

3 - to be hard hit'= to lose a lot of money or to be

~ ! )~ ! ~.)Y- -y ! i~'JL. ~ (Jf)~-'
4 - you'\'e hit the nail on the head = said the exact
~j ! ~~~ ~ ~ JUll ~ ~ ! J..,a.iJI ~l_,AJ~ ~t
5 - you've hit it = you have said just \he right thing.
!y~4 ~ ! r~I J ..:...ki: «~ JS-' J_,; 0 ~ ~»
. ~r
6 - they hit it off well = they are great friends.
~~ 0~.i..- ~
Hitch - 203 - Hold

Hitch a hitch in one's plans = a difficulty or .cause of delay.

_,f ~ Jf ~~ ~fal : J~ : ~I f ~~I ! ~L.JI
• ~-"""" ;f'.J_r- ~if.fa.I
Hive .a hive of industry = .a place of busy work.
(~,.. ~J ~l:...a.11 J.-JI 4~ ~U::....) ~~I ~t
Ho 1 - ho ! ho ! = ·an expression of amusement.

2 - westward ho ! = we are starting on a journey

towards the west .
• ( y;-iJI ~_,j y_,AJI Jl ~J i~) .y.,,AJI ~
Bobby to ride a hobby to death = toi give too much time to
what is studied only for amusement .
;.A:..i '")
'- -
01 .. --..

~ J::--J
i .A<,
ti.:.J) .e'~ ~ ~ Q• • ~
~ ·- - .J ~--

( 111
11 l;1 _r4J'I.J :u....J
~- - 'J.
1 .1..a• i U"I
J .J

Hog to go the whole hog = tot do something completely and

• ( .. I. .
. Uj' L ~
. • ..r...s-

~ O~ ~
• Lt - -· • : )
t_fi ~
,' I . < . ' ....£:...
(J""""-:! • V---

Boist hoist with his own petard = caught by his own trick.
~ ~ ~ o}~.. ~ J6. ! .U.4 "~l~I ~
• ~j.I ~i ! ( ~ ~4J .,;:_,. ~I)
Hold 1 - I have a hold on him ~ have power over him.
• ~
- :UI'.. J •' 'lkl- ~ i :aJ... W.
I.) - J
2 - to lay hold on = to seize.
~- ! ~t- ! u..w, ! cl....:
.- -

3 _,.... to hold in the hollow of one's ltand = to. h~ve

complete power over.
I -L<:ll . ll:J...JI i.l:ll lli....JI ~ I _If • ••• • IUJ) ...u - . - •
u- ~ J - •.r- f$"'l.J(.i - -~"'
JlkL. ~ ! ~ j ! lJ...~I

4 - the cold weather holds = continues.

(r=- .);~1 ~I~!) ~-'~ £~
5 - to hold a meeting = arrange and have charge of ...
• ~lZJ o;_,..4 ~J ~~I J.iAJ
c.u:r..: (~~I) ~
-Hold - 204- Hold

·6 - bold oneself ready to go = to keep oneself in a

condition to go, etc.
~~'I ~W'il ~ ~i) ~ ! i~ ! ~l.M.:...'>11 r.!i j&. f ~t:..
• : ( ..!JJ.) ...r.f. .Jr .,,WI .Jr y\Alu UIJJI
7 - to-- hold a piece of land = to own.
(-:k.. if;f ,:_r ;t.Ju) « ..
8 - to ho]d a fort = defend.
(";k... ~ _,f ~ ,;r-) el:.t ! ~~- f ~I~
9 - thi~ box ho]ds 4 pounds = contains.
(JU) ~;i Lo>~ cS#. JJ~I 1.a w!) ~ f cSY:
10 - that reason won't hold water = can be proved
to be untrue.
~-~ ~r ~ J:=JJ.:.11 faJ (li ..r...&- ~~..r.J, _,r J_,;.i1 11A ~1
· 11 - I hold him to be n fool = I have an opinfon that
he is a foot
.Ji ~~ ~4 LJi_,i _,i ~r .Ji '5;f : J_,Aj) lJy. ! ~ s cS~
• (i.r~
12 -- held one's breath =-= to stop breuthing for a shcrt
time. .( ~~
.... · ~ ~
11.:.) .,._u;f d..-.c.
. 13 - hold a man to his promise = to force him to do
what has been promised .
• (~-' L..c. ~ ~1 44.}4) :&liyl j&. ·~
14 - hold your tongue = stop talking.
;;..c~ ~ lf'.~:3 ~ ! ~(;:j ':I t ( r~I ,;r-) ci.-T
15 - I ho•ld by the government = I agree with, or be
loyal to the government.
{ JIJi- y ! ()\:.. 4....J-'<::ll _,i:.i ~y.) ~ f Jily. - \
(:i...._,.G-1) ~uf
16 - to hold back ::-: to delay.
17 - to hold off = to prevent from coming or attacking .
• (i~I JJ ~~I~) t!_~ ! C::-:-
Hole - 205 - Hollow

18 - to hold up = to step a travelJer and steal from

him by force.
_,j ;_,_A:~ .i.... L. ..y_,J i~ ~ ....!:.~ i)l.- ~) ~)aJI ~
19 - to hold forth = to make a Jong speech .
• ~~ _,f )\J~ ~ lla;.. ~
20 -- I don't hold with = am not in favour of...
• (1.A.f° J!) ~~Ji ~jU JGf ':I ! J:,.f ':I
21 -- hoJd hard = stop.
!~f ~ '.Y! ! .:l~ ~ ! dJlL ! ~
Bole 1 -· I'm in a hole = in great difficulty.
• .,.;..;
9;/" ~f~ j J! f ~ (.Ji) ~Y"i" (_,f) ~/" J~f
2 ·---· ~ike a rat in a l_iole = in a plac..from which there
is no escape. ·
(Jl_;JI ~ ~ ~L~ j ~i) o~ JJlli""'
3 - he iives in a rott~n hole = he lives in a nasty,
dirty, little place.
(Jl~~I ,_;.14- ._-.~ ~~ ~K... j <.>i) ;J.h., j ~
4 - to· pick holes in :..:_ to find fault with:
( ..~ J tk;..) ~ (JT) (f- ~ f Ui;J.1 ~
5 - hole and cornm· method = secret dishonest ways
of doing thing8 .
• ( lr.J! ~~ ,\~.~ ~i1 iH...f J..~-' f__,- ~ ~L..._, )~ld)&ll
Hollow 1 - holk·w checkH =-= very thin cheeks which sink
back into the face.
I·!.) :--.. 1·: I ;.H ......~I il:l.:OJI • ~I ~·;;.JI • .,. • ~~I ~I
'r _.:r- - • L" JI.:.. • L '•

~_,JI J o)~ L_;A

2 ..- a holJow victo!'Y a worthless or unreal victoey.
(4 '~ ')_, .i.J J.,..J"l) t.Pu J ~I
3 -·-- l~ hollow f'.ounci =a sound like that which is made
in a Jarge empty place.
~L'°4 u~ "'-: ~J~ i.,;j.;! .!.l.ll.<" : ~_;1 ;.:,y.a.JI .! ~l;)I ~~
,~-;:,Ji ~\j-;il ~ Jl::.. ~
Holus-bolus - 206 Honorary

4. - to beat him hollow = to beat him compeltely .

• ~...f:-4 ~__,..;. ~~~

Holus-bolus : he swallowed it bolus-bolus = he swallowed it with
one swallow.
~j ! ~_;~I! ~I (-'l) oJ..a..IJ ~~ j ~..,,.:.;: ~J..a..!_, ~r.
(~~ J~I)
Holy 1 --- he is· in holy orders = he is a priest.
~rJ~~I J~; rJ' (Jf) ~ _,.
2 - a holy terrc·r = a very unpleasant, bad-mannered
(_,f) if~ ~I ''-5"') ~ Jf..:;...:..... _,f ~ ~W! (Ji) J.rf
<.y "-:'.,&..r ~
Home 1 - to drive a nail home = to hip hard and make it
~rm. ( ~lS:.. :.r .a.J '-'..;Y..-' ~ li.) G~---) J~
2 - his words went home ::-: his words touched the
deepest feelings of his hearers.
Jl.f-~I ..::-- : JlAll J...aj .(i"VS° ..:,:..;L) (.Ji) j-jJ4 ..;~ ~s.~
• ~L '"'="'_,ii . .:r
3 - not at hom:1 :.::: not wishing to receive visitors .
• ~~! ~ ;....U4 ! ;l_,_;JI J~I if ~I;
4 - bring it home tc· him ::..: prove that he did the
wrong act. :C~ ~~-)I (Ji) t4;.f ._;j j&. ~ ~J:o:!
5 - home rule == self-government.·
• JI.ill J)\A:_ ~I ! Jlj,]I pt
6 - home-sick = having great desire to be at home.
ciJ_,i ~ J! o.).,..JI j ~ ~.r. _A .:r: ~I
Homely 1 -- homely speech == simple common speech .
.J.a..LU ·:1. ul l-.ll ..:L. · ~ ~
--e-- '.). ~ - ..

2 - homely fare =-= simple food . ._;.;~I (_,f) ~1 .tlAJ1

Honorary honorary magistrate a judge having a rank and
title, but not the pay .
• .J ~.r ':1 ,:_,.UJ, ~!_,~I .J ~li : ~r'I ~6.
Honour -· 207 - Hoof

Honour : 1 - I promise on my honour = may I lose my good·

name if I do not do ....
. (jAif t I~!~ ..lAtf ~ c.S.U.~ c.li_,JI Js- Jr ~f),~P. .>sf
2 - I put him on his honour -· I told him that I
trusted him to do it.
• (I.).)~ ~f ~ ..:;..AjJ J4 ...;fl.f) ~_,:, ~ .!.U.l ~
3 - a debt of honour = what one is forced to pay, not
by law, but by one's self-respect and _good name.
L-.c"!.J ,~_,;WI r--<-= ~ , .tJl~i L.>lJ:. ~JI -"·~ iJ-.)) ~_r.JI iJ-.)
• ( 4-...JI ~ U;~1_, ol.iu LI.):..!
4 -- maid of honou1· = lady serving a queen or princess .
• ;..,~f Jr ;;..CL r.kl. ;~ : ~_,Jt
5 - birthday hc-nours = list of high ranks and titles
declared on the King's birthday.
~ ~' ~)'J _;.r-Ji ~1.,.c. Uli : .)"=11 r.Jt. ~Jl!J
• .!J.UI .)~ r~
6 - I did honour to the meal = it was a good meal
and I nte a lot. .
• ; .;-.i!J -u- ~.Ji•
- J ·~ ~-
-. • _...., .,;:..i\.) •• c.l.M.11 ~ " ..

7 - do the honours of the house = act as host .

• (~.J.:i- J.;.s. ~_,.!~~ ~.,r-P _,l ~~) ~I ~~ ~~
8 - your honour = a way of speaking to a judge.
(ifUl ~Y- .l! y~I ~..,.b) rf-:J~ ! ~l.>s
9 - to honour a promise = fulfil a promise .
. i~ J' ;~_, ,;.~ ! .U.y. ~
10 - honour a debt to pay a debt.


1 -- he showed the cloven hoof = he showed the bad..
ness of his nature .
. ~l
! ~j ~
-.Ai ! clS'°'L; I,;·.;:.
....;.::..s- f .u..J:,

u- ·~ c
. ~-;u~
2 - to hoof = to kick; to walk.

r- - y f ~.r. - '
Hook - 208 - Hornet

Hook : l - bill hook = curved kni fo.

2 - hook and eye = a way of fastening ckthes by

putting a hook into a U-shaped fastene1· on the
other side.
~ 4J_,_<..; ~ y\.::!!I _r..;:_; j ~ ....1, : oJ,,a)IJ ~I
o.J.;&- J ~- Y ...~I LJ4 ~l; j ~)~I u ~.r" J>-°.!.J
• ..s.,,;.. ~I ~L.:JI .:r
3 - I'll do it by hook or crook I mean to succeed .
.. by one way or a.neither .
• ..:;..jl) ~.J ~4 (I~) ....Lwi.: 1_,;L: ..s. .~4 Ji ~)a.; ~L
4 - do it on my own hook = alone, without help .
• o.u:.L.- ..r.:~ ! f.l_....t , i~.J : (I~) ~L
Hop 1 - hop it = go away.

2 - catch him on the hop = when unprepared.

o_j, J&. o~ ~ ~lt t -=--~~· 0f J.:i .~
3 - a bell-hop = servant in un hotel in Ametica.
• (L~_,'"4f J) J~I J.lli

Hope 1 - hc·ping again~t hope hoping whe:1 there i:l no

more reason to hope.
y~j ~~ii ~j J.-.: ~~l:JI t~ : i,) J.) '1 l.:.. ~.. '"i1
. J-. ~I
2 - a hopeless fw>l = complete fool.
• ~ i<~,f,
·''I .J-' ~I .._,,a....:>

- f
- i1 lu,_ .._,..-
Horn 1 - to draw in one·~ horns = become less active.
• ~ Ja.Wa::! : ~~ ~

2 - take the bull by the horn8 = cka1 with a danger

cir difficulty in a fearless \vay .
• ~l: ~l:f.. . ..l.~1 (.Ji) y~I ~l>:l _,l ~~
Hornet · to stir up a hornet's nest = to make tt·ouble by causing
many persons to become angry·.
IJ"~I .:tJ ~ l.. -J4 f~ ~~) ~lAJ-1 J:.':.t ! Jli.,Q..11 ~ _,,-:
(("'&-_,..:.; J ~' ci:~_j ~~~~f o;~'.J
Horse - 209 ~ Horse

Horse 1 - a horse breaker == one who trains young horses.

,...._LALJ ~J-:!J ~J.::-l vl;J.-1 J\A.., ~~ iJ") .l~I YJJ...
• (4-...GJI
2 - horse and foot = horse soldiers and foot soldiers.
(~I j) c.JL:J)I_, o.ll::JI f c.JL_,A.JI_, o~I
3 - to ride the high horse = to be proud.
(o.l~ ~f i.:SJJJ.~ f ~~ f ~~
4 - a dark horse an unknown and unexpected
: ;Ui:.il ~ ~ Jl:-JI 1~ ~.r. ~~:J_,..JI ~WI _,f Jl:-JI
• oj_,i t!_.,::.: c.Jf ..J"}- i:r <.Sf
5 - to flog a dead horse = to c:ontinue speaking of
something which is finished or agreed upon.
~ t'~ .rl ~- i)\S:'.JI U4 .J...(~...J }.}.;. : .l;-4 ~~ j Y ...~
6 - - to put the cart before the horse = to do things in
the wrong order.
• ~L;.. ~fa ~l::.!i ~ : .Jl...--'-1 ... L.f
~~I ~ '-

7 - to look a gift horse in the mouth == tc) find fault

with a thing received as a gift.
.)Ll:;')\j ~--- Lt;.J...i.... a~! j ..>.:r: .jf ~.;6: 15f : :t:~ ~
• ~li:.l~IJ
8 -- a hor~e laugh = a noisy laugh .
.ll~I '-'~ t~t:r : ~ :LW
9 - hCl'se sense = good common sense.
~- ~,~ ~ :&.f.:k.J L.l.
10 - horse-play ~ rough noisy play.
• ~.;~ .i..J
J ',...-l,..,.:a.J
I ..;~ 1CS-_,.·• J..b
...!5- •• \.!.
11 - - tell it to the horse marines = not one will believe
it. (N.B. horse marines ~ horse soldiers on a war
ship; there are none).
,:r Ji:.; ~~I ~U:.-:1 ~IJ : 4...JI .JL) (_,,~I) ~~~ J~
horse marines : .!2lJ c.J~ i;!JJ~ : ( J.~i .t.i..\.4J. ~f .;_,~" 'i _r:2-
.J~: i.JL}1 ~_,~_, ~J ; ~ ..~ j;. ..:,_,;.,,_}"~ ~L) ol..:.....
• ( 4.1 .lu..J
':} ·,~:;JI
~ •
;;.UI • :t..:....i... •-$-:.;
J •• - ..,
l,. ,..ati~l...:.
,__;--, ...
Hot - 210 - House

Hot 1 - hot air = foolish talk.

• tJWI (>\~I
2 - give it to him hot = punish him thoroughly.
• ;;~ .c... ~I 1 o~ '-:ils.
3 - he is hot on the scent or· (trail) = he is close to
finding what he wishes to find.
(4 ~r.. L J~~ ~J ~J ~ ~f) ;-;r1 j,J "3l
4 - this place is too hot fo1· him = he has .behaved
very badly and must leave .
.i.J u&.:-4-' .. ~_, ~ .._;./'.2.J• .,.;l ~l) .U ~ 'J ~lS:..11 1.a ~!
'- (~~ ~f
Hour : - the eleventh hour = the latest possible time for
doing something.
~ ~f .;.,~_ ~J ~T) ~L-JI J_,b. ! ..:.:..i,JI .._;_,jf ! .:;..;_, ..,..;..T J
• (L J> 4:;
2 -.-- his hour has come = the time for his death has
come (or, his great chance) has come .
..:r,~J\.i: JL...LI ~ .c&.L ~_,~I ! 4:~ ..:..jb.. ! ~ c:>~ - \
• u~; J6; ci,:jf» : ~ ~ L~ ;l:.11 ,y. il~ ~.r.'i't
. . • ~} ~.,f ~:1_, - T
3 -- the question of the hour = most important ques-
tion at the present time .
• ( ;;.,.._;hll ;_;:JI _,f .,.,..~I ~t..b.l ~f) :i"'W' ~ (.Jf) :uL
4 - in an evil hour = unfortunately.
(h.a. ".J~) : ~ ""'\...,""
5 - - after hours - after the proper time of business.
('-=-)I '-'l..JI u~L.. ~ J:: s.lJI u. .~JI) ~l.J:JI ~~L...
House 1 -- to keep house = to stay at home; to have charg~
cf the work at home.
( ~I ~_,:.~ ~ - y i ( J..>. .f.~ 'J) ~ ~ ~~ \
( ~~b.._, rl.i ... U4 ~ ~ t..._,)
2 - house of God - a church, or a mosque.
(l..i_;:-' _,l ;~ _,f ~) .Ar>I ~
Household - 211 - Human

3 - the upper (lower) house meeting of law-givers

who govern a country.
l.r l11~":}.S~ : yl_,.:.U : J~~'I ~~I ! t~'J :~~I ~I
• L. ~'-W ""' ·' 711 ....-a.-.~
~..r- '
4 - it went like a house on fire = very quickly; very
~. ~
< · - y ·•. i.b.• ~• ..,..... ·. ~ - \
• I..>--·. ·~I ...,
.i .J.L:Jl)..,--

5 - a full house -=: fu 11 theatre. .. I'·.!\, I,,.

• o;u..:..i"l... ~..;..;. c~

6 - to bring down the house = to delight every one

and cause them to shout loud praises in a theatre.
$~1 1J~J y)d y__,liJI J ~~1 ~ :c)I (Jf)J_r.d-1 ~
. <J=!..:.U c..r... J) w~.s1 c.~ (r~J J::;-=14
7 - son of a noble house -== son of a noble family .
..;;,.i.;a. e._... ..f ~ : ~.lJI ~ £ J..o~I ~ ~ i.J.r-JI f-_;-
t ·II.J :i.il.;-
• u-:- -'L.

Household : a hou~ehold word = something known and talked of

by every body .
• ~~..L:.. 0W '-'\S- ~t.;. ·~~ : iJJ_,,..ll (Ji) .~1.;..11 (.Jf) ~~I .r'11
Hug 1 - to hug the shore = to stay close to the shore.
~L.JI Jt "'ui,l.!JI J 1.Yf. J~~ : ~'--:!
2 - to hug oneself :.. .: to have a sec1~t feel,ing of josy.
(.J~I.!; ~.J:.i- ~) L.7)4 ~!~I ~l.r. ~
Hum 1 - to hum and haw to make sounds like these
words when in difficulty during a speech .
.:.,..&. ;..i...a:· ~! hum-haw ~:p:_.11 ;!U:.:~- ~1-""'J J.;.&. ;.J....:a3) ~
• ( i.Jj L J ~'-' ~'-5,,..f
2 - to make things hum ::.: to cause a business to go
on quickly. ·
(:L<.J'"'"..tf )W). ~ ! ~ !\,,,.l....J4 I..,;
Human humanly speaking = speaking like a man, therefore
perhaps mistaken.
( J.....'}S. j l:k~ ;.,_,..~ '->f "'"'~~ .J.d 1.l.IJ) UL.if ~ ,..is:~
Humane - 212 - Hunt

Humane humane learning = the study of man and the arts.

1!.Uif°"J ~l...i~I ..:a)'l. \)").) ~ yl~)'I : ~G.,:ll1 ~G.)
• 44:..J.iJ I yb ~ 1_, ~_,;;JI
Humble 1 - of humble birth = born of common, poor people .
• &l>.>JI ~ : :t.WI ~ ! ;j_,.JI ,'-:_;-ft.
! ~~I &J.>
2 - my humble task = simple and unimpo.rtant.
(:i.J ~~ ..r.!-J ~) ~'J (Ji) ~.J>
Humble pie : to eat humble pie = to go and say that one is sorry of
what one has done.

Humour 1 - he has a sense of humour = he can see the amus-

ing side of things.
~ ~J~~ ~f C:k.· l) d(.; ~~ ! C:')I ·~ ! ~I e::
• ( 0r-1' ~ly &~'11

2 ~
. good-humoured = kind, pleased, never angry.
r_r ! ~ '1 ! JJ~ ! ~ f ....i_,.lu
3 - to humour a child = to make him happy and giv-
ing all he wants.
(~~JI ~JJJ.rJI .._:; J ~::>\Ab) JJ.l:!
Hunch 1 - a hunch ,of cake = a large piece of cake.
( cl..5':.! I ~) o..,.-_..?° ~
2 - I have a hunch that :::: I believe ( tbough without
reason) that .....
~ J:J.) ~ ~..b. Jr J; : <.. 1.:u ~r) ~..b.' :J:~r
Hunger to go on a hunger strike = to refuse to eat when in prison.
(~I j rb~ ~L.kJI '54) : ,.. t-akJI ~ y~
Hunkers on one's hunkers = sitting down on one's heels .
• i:.~_;JI u-4: (Ji) J.~
Hunt to hunt up; to hunt out = to look for something which
is difficult to find.
o~.Y:-J ;.A::!. _,f ~ .. ~ .. IJJ <.S...~ : ~At. : .. ~ ,y- ~~
Hurt - 213 - Ideal

Hurt It won't hurt if .... = will not harm if ....

( .. l~!) ~_;j~ ') (_,f) ·.r2-:! ':J (I~) ~1
to husband one's money == to save one's money and· use
it very carefully. ~ rl:AJI U--:.J .t..ll.c. Lie·-:
Hush 1 - to hush up the affair = to keep secret; P.revent
talk about.
i)\5Jllf' d-c_ f (L ri if') ~ ":} - y ! 1- ~ ~- \
... (J)
2 - hush-money = money paid to one who knows of
wrong-doing so that he may be silent .
• -~ i f l ~ ~_,..c....u ~ ~ ($lll JUI : o.,..Z)l.. .JL.
Hustle he is .a hustler = is very active and gets things done .
• (J_,...~1 .J4 4 "'--
~.;-~ L~J 1~ J--l) ~
~ ! J...~ ! ~

Ice 1 - to break the ice = to start being friendly; to take
the first step in a difficult matter.
J JJ~I ;~1 ~ - y : li~t...a.. ""="'A : ~~~ ! ~ - '
~.Jr~ Jr
2 - to cut no ice = to be of no importance or have
no effect. ~ _,f ~~::. J J~ : }~'I r-'.M.. ! &l.:.A.!I J.J.i
3 - on thin ice = in a dangerous or difficult place.
il!.... j ! ;;.;..::; J f ~ :.;S''r j ! .;k-:L~ ~.,~ ~~ t..i
4 - to ice = to make food cold.
c.Lll Ji iWJI : ~..t.~ ! ~
5 - to ice a cake = to cover with sugar.

• ( oj"')
~ .J l ;; "·· Le. .)"UI c~.. .· ~
...hl i..;) < ·
Idea the idea of such a thing ! == how can you say such a

Ideal a11 ideal lady = a perfect lady.

. fu...:. •• il.. 0v
(~J ) . ;u
l!... ;; ..\.-..,
Identify - 214 - Ill

Identify 1 - to identify a thief ::.: to recc•gnise a certain per-

son as a thief.

2 - to identify oneself with = to show that one is

interested in.
L. ~ .. ~ ~~ .,J. I "". J~." . . .._.,·-1' I·
• .r . 4.p - ~.r -• ~ ~ .)'iA:!
Identity to prove one's identity = to prove who one is .
• 4J'"').j ...;f ~ JJ"4 ~f: ~ ·--R
Idiosyncrasy : it is an idiosyncrasy of mine not to eat eggs (a way
of feeling or behaving peculiar to one person).
• '->---;--;- - I . J f r..i':' '.r u,.
.:L- J i v.ru . I - w_,.., I,.~' I ! 1.,.;
I -· .• ;;,.,....- ,..1J I ! (:.r
( 1.:U-0 .. ) ~l; _,J ! (I.>.))

Idle 1 - to stand idle = to do nothing.

t..u' J.i~ ~' : ~ Jli:!
2 - the machines are lying idle = not in use.
~ ~
'- -:: ~ u)'~I
:ilia.... 1.5i •• u- ~f"
3 - I have not an idle moment = am always busy.
y ~ ;;~1J :iAJ~ ~ ') ~-~ ~· J~ : Jy..!... .~. J~
• 4l :JA:
4 - an idle attempt. = an attempt which failed.
• j~ r-' J..!.ii ' ~! IJJ JI' : ~.~U ~J,,U

5 - it is· idle to expect = it is useless to expect.

( ·~· J~) ~_,:; ~f J•~I ,~
6 - idle talk empty, worthless talk.
~ c.L:.&. ~- : ~ lj i-ys-
7 - to idle away cne's time == to waste one's time.
(~~ "j ~i) .,.-JI ~~ ! ~~I ~
Ill 1 -·- an ill turn = a hanr4' ll action. 1

( "1.~ 0 .. ~ ~~)11_, ; ...... :2.14 .)~) ~;... J,J ! ~Jr

2 - ill biood; ill will = hatred. ..:.All ! ~ii l}:_ll ! ~JI

3 - ill usage = bad treatment.

Image - 215 - Immediate

4 - a bird of ill omen = a sign of bad fortune.

~ )lk ! .,.,_ ,r..li

5 - ill-tempered = bad tempered; angry.

• ~
~Y- ! Y~ • ~
• ir_ ' .,I :I_I •i..r ~' [.r
I· ll .-~
' I!

6 -- I take it ill = I am angry at it.

Ji~: ~li. ! ~ ! (~..!J' ·~ ~) ~ Jl
7 - ill at ease = uncomfortable.
if'; ..r.f- ! ~ ~i ! ~') u-1 'l
8 - I can ill afford it =:= it is difficult for me .to pay,
the money to buy it; or to suffer the loss of money
which will i·esult from this action.
J~f ~f
~~~~I o;WJI ~f
Js. ~ <.>l : ~wJ J ~
'}' (_,f)
f ~f 'l
! (l.)S°")

. J.iJI ~,;

Image 1 - - to speak in image == to use words which bring

pictures into the mind.
. ·1')~ GJ'I" ~ lJ I J! JA:.j ~~ J......:-:! : i~~ ~
2 - he is the living image of his fa th er = is exactly
like his father .
• ~I rt.c- o~f ~ : 4,l ./'" ~ JJJ ! .t..:f ~ ~i ..._:!
Im bed plants imbedded in the earth = fixed firmly in the earth.
• <.SJ'JI J ~ l: ""'Ui;j ~JJ~ ~x; ~- : d'J ~1 J ..::-;..-: ~l:i~I
Imbrue 1 - imbrue the hands with blood = to colour; make
t l:,..) t l-_, ~IJ "5~~ Jf (*4) ,,L.JJI~ ~~ : ..:,,fa. !~_,4
2 - to imbrue with hate = to cause the mind to be
full with hate .
• l~Jli J~--' lr.~4 JA-.11 ~ : .ud-1 _,f ~1_,s::..JI ~.r.
Immediate 1 - his immediate famiJy = his father, mother,
brothers and sisters .
• ~1_,.::.i _,f ...;-~IJ ..._.f_, o~i : ~__,_f
Immerse - 216 - Impervious

2 - do it immediately = without delay.·

~ : 1 l!i:il ..t.;~ ! tu.;--~: ~u~ J.-if
Immerse 1 - imme1·sed in a book = deeply interested in read-
ing 'h book .
.._;~ ...;l;~J 4t.... ~ 4! .._;.,ra:... (y~ d) J_,i:-

\ < I I..'·.s.
ol-'-" L. U'""

2 - immersed in difficulties having difficulties all =

round; deep in difficulties .
• ~~ : uU!..11 ~ .6~: ~L:ll .U\.;.$; l;..t; ! ~WI o;.JW

Immune I have had that disease and so am immune = .... and so

cannot be attacked by it again.
• <.S......:..f ii_,... ~ y~ )U [,;_,... j_;,_4 J. : ~I : ;;.;~.lt .J~
• ~ <.S;4U-
Impart 1 - to impart colour = to give cc lour to; to colour.

2 - to impart news ~o tell news.

G~d : <S.J.r.. ! ~~
Impatient impatient of blame = angry at blame.

• ~t
.. """ ~! ...
......v--. 111
1 °7"
~ --'·;..,.:a.J~!~I
I.> - •
-... ~L-

Impenetrable 1 - this wall is impenetrable to shots = not able

to be passed by shots .
• JJ_;.;i. '..' ~i : ~1.ilu ~ ~Ll-1 I~ 01 J~ : ;_L,.:JI
2 - impenetrable darkness = darkness which cannot
be seen through .
•12.:.JI JJ...,::-s:.-
'1_, ·.~
.u i.,SJ
- _,.
'j l.. )\!; ! :b..l~ Wl; ! l~

Impervious : 1 - rubber ii:; impervious to liquid = not allowing the

liquid to pass through .

.....,,_, j .r
°S sf ·• u~W ,.!l. 11.l:J.1 01 J~
1.- ~
·• l..~UI
2 - he is impervious to reason = cannot be made to
Impinge - 217 - Impress

Impinge 1 - light impinges upon the eye = sfrikes against

or upon .
• ~Jr.:! ~f : ;; .. ~ 4:1~ .kA- 1)1: ..;:..JI y~ .._,...;JI &J! : J_,z
2 - to impinge upon Mr. X's authority = do what
Mr. X aJone has the right to do.
~-' ~ l.J)\; ~A L. J-.l ~. : &J"')J4.bL ~ lS~
• o..,...!l;-:! ~f o-r.,.-.1 J--
lmp)ant to implant ideas in the mind = to set deeply into .
.. (~.J ~-' "-) ~J~ : J.WI j :i.,ol;.. ~lfa : .-"!..l ! ..rfa..
• ~)I.ff

Implicate he was implicateq in the murder = has a share in .

• l~ ..u.~ : ~ c..~ j;.,4 : (J-;i ~~ j) .!.\~
Implicit implicit faith = understood but no expressed; un-

;;..u_,_.:... ~ st : ~lA;J4 'j_, ~~'~ ':1 :· ~4 d~~ _,i l.JL.c_!

. lb~I ~ , ).-1 Ji-JI ~4
Imply you do not say that you were present, but your words
imply that you were.
~J_, ' ~lJ\:..t. ~- (- l!J.;j .Jj'j:j : ~ J_,iJ : ! ~ ! ~
. ~~ J'- J~ L. ~ _,j' .!.\~ ~ cijf .J-;.:; .!lj"~ I

Impose you have been imposed upon = you have been tricked
or deceived.

Impregnate : impregnated with (saJt) = left in salt water so that

there is salt in all parts.

· J~) ~ ;J.ll U$! -~ ~ c.L.. t !J - • ~lJ
" "'11·r. f ~· \,.,.""' t.5 L.. "-
.;J • .._ .c;-
. (·~
lmpre88 1 - he impressed on me the need of hard work =
told me that I must work hard.
(.Jf) ~' ~~ J~f ~l : ~.JJ J ~.Ji! .ffi ! c. a"l ! ~Y­
i_r.L!.. i..u. ~ J..i·f

2 - I am ·much impressed by this bcok = it moves

my feelings; I admire it.
: ~3J j i~ i;f .!l.,; _,J ! J ;f .li '"="'~'I~ o! J.)L": }}.?
• ~~1 Jli.J ~1_,, .!.\~ ~
Impression - 218 - Inalienable

3 - .Mr. A did not impress me at all = did not seem

clever or nice .
. u~_, ~-~J~': ~ j .U }f ":} ! ~Ln..~~ '} { JllY- '}
Impression I have an impression that = I think but am not sure .
• ..u_;i ":JJ J;l ~-: (1.:S-) ~4 ~L.~!~ J tfa.
Imprimatur the work has recei~ed the imprimatur of the go1'·ern-
ment =
government has shown that it is in favour of
the work.
~_,s:...:LI ~ ~I_, ~ ·~1 ;.)! J~ : ~~):JI !. L,o..;..)I
• lA W.J j L.. ! :i......,..CL1 ..;1_,.. JU ! ~ ~)
Imprompt~ to speak impromptu = withciut preparation.
'}~)I ! c.rJ::. _,j ...r:.~<z .;_.&. ~ : b ly J'- J_,Ajl uAi:
Improve : 1 - there is room for improvement = it could be
made better.
yJ. i~~ Jr ~ d .fa_ ..~::J1 ~f '5f : u:~ 4..p} ~u L:..t.
2 - to improve the occasion = to use. this chance of
teaching a lesson ..
• .J.._, 1..rJ
c.u- wl5- •
I s. . :i - : II . ... '
i.J : - r
~ 1..:" ~
~ · "-'.r- i -
3 - improve upcn it = make something better.
• ~ c!.r. _,t ~ L. 4! ~ ~4 ~ : ~
Improvise to improvise a bed (meal, etc.) = make hastily and
without having the proper material.
.~;J__,..:JlLt.~1.,,... -4JJ ~: ~J_,f GI}(~~) ~_,i ..~
Impunity to do with impunity = to do without fear of being

• yU&. i:r ~la. J"}- : li.~ ~

Impute to impute evil to = to say that a person is bad or did
wrong .
• ~ ~;I ~! (_,f) .>-u J~;· .J..i! 4 J~ : ~ yl:~
Inalienable : an inalienable right = a right which cannot be
separated or taken away.
~ ~)..~ : (A ~.J ~ ':J '5:UI : rlfJI J:l-1 f l"j)\11 ~I
Incapable --:. 219 - Increment

lncapabl~ incapable of te11ing the truth = unable to tell the truth.

. ~ ! t_J.r- ! J-J..1 ~ ~~ ! Jd.-1 J_,i ~ '5fa- ":J
Incidence the incidence of a disease = the number, or kind, of
people who' catch the disease .
• ~_,:J ~ U:!jjl u"~~I ~~ ~: ~)I ;Lu! 15;....
Incident the duties incident to an office = the duties which are
necessary but less important part of one's work.
~l Jif 0§~· ~, L. :i.i:l;J ~~1_, : ~y~I ~~1_,JI
• ~ ....~c. .:r
Incisive an incisive remark words which are clever and
cause pain .
• w"'-'°4l.:.JJ G~ l~ .Jr.~ la.;~ ur ~ ~ ~IJ.s- : :6.) ~ :u;yJ...
Include 1 - I include him among my friends = cc:i1sider him
among my friends. • ~..l.o .,.>.;::f ! Jli.l.pi ~. . "J..:..f
Inclusive from May 10th to 18th inclusive counting both 10th
and 18th.
c..>f : ~ .l..:..4 \A j I.e. ! ~
J! _j-:! L :r \ • 0-' : JjQj· : .!J.I.)
. _r.s, ~L!JIJ _,,.:;;WI r.r-JI l!U.> j le.
Incognito the Prince arrived incognito · = not travelling as a
• Prince, but under a certain name .
i;~. . LI j,j_;..~ J-J J.j ~~I ~l J_,ij' : ;lA=- j'"'4
Incorporate : 1 - the English language sometimes incorporates
foreign words = take into its group of words
foreign ·ones.
i.;- 15~
.r-· Jf i..)· _,a;.j' · .U'JI WI ~I•
:L~~ Jili
~ · !$~ ·~
~N ! I.)

. ~t .:,~
2 - I have inco·rporated the idea in my speech = used,
taken into .
• IJ-• lk;,. v-' Ci.r(AJI ...:;.......cil
. .J ~I J,..jj • v--.-
. ~..
'J - •
! u---::

Increment unearned increment = ·money obtained without actually

wo~king for it e.g. money received as rent from a house
which one owns.
L..... ~ J~ <.SjJI JUI : ~4 ~Li:....11 _,J ~)I _r.f. ~..\JI
~IJJ d') Jf J.f.. ;4:lJ: 4 ~ Jf Jr J...&.
Incumbent - 220- Jeferno

Incumbent it is incumbent upon me to = it is my duty to.

~ r') ! ~~ ! ,J~ ~_,.;-4 ! ~'-' .:.r ~!
Incur 1 - I incurred his anger = I caused him to be angry
with me. (J.-t) ~ ..::.f~ ! ~ ! .;J.:.-1
2 - to incur debt to get into debt; to owe money .
. ~~ ~ ! o..;::AJ JL. ~ ~~ : !,)I~
Indifferent : an indifferent book = withcrut any very good or bad
: Ua,___, 4l::.f.. :J~ : ;.b)I J! '/__, oJr.J-1 J1 ':l ~.All : .6-,J1
~ ':J JJi ~. : ~I ei~ ~.J ;;_,AJI vl.;_ 4 ~<.Sf
. -:r-r '9 I .:;. .!111 ~ f ~
Indispensable : air is indispensable for (to) life = necessary for;
cannot do without.
_,t Ci~ ~~ _,j '-~JJ~ .l_,l-1 ~! J_,z : ~L-L-1 ! '5J.J~....2JI
• lllo~''jJ
Individual an agreeable individual = a nice man .
~~ Jl ~); 1..12~-'j 0W! .tJ! Jfo": ~! ! ,,JW~I
. '-
Induct a priest is inducted = put in charge of church.
• t,,.:J µ~~fa-~ .Y! J..a.&- <.Sf : u-iJIf.,J J~ : ("'-X
Indulge 1 - to indulge in = allow oneself to enjoy.

',t,,,,,;JJ!~ v. i •..'-"_....i;J• ! ,,L •. .t
.........,-:: t..i.,,,.-.

2 - he indulges too much = he drinks too much wine .

• (l~) ~~ ul_}:...ll ~W .Jf _,.;J..! Yr ~ J..~
Inferior he has an inferiority complex = he behaves ve1·y proud-
ly because he believes that he is really inferior to others,
~~ ,l LL.-.!°'-! 0)' foJ ~~ : ~ ~r 4 0!
·c.J"'l:JI ~ ~Ji. ~ Jl! ~! tf'"Y .i.j4
Infernal 1 - an infernal nuisance = a great trc-uble-maker.
• ~I ! Jilt! ! ~I ~ ~l!.11
2 - an infernal machine = one containing explosive
material placed in a building to desti·oy it.
• o~_t ...a....:J Ill.~ c..i ci:Y ~w;... ~·~:~~I :4.l~I
Inferno the burning house became an inferno == a hell.
• (.~ .>,;1 I ..u J...,.::¢1 ~1 ~! J_,Aj : ~t
Infest - 221 - -in-law

Infest a bed infested by insects = full of insects.

•..::..l~I ~_,.1,j· .Jf ~1_.,.!J-4 ~_,L. ~l .....iJI ~! J_,.a; : ~_,l~
Infinite : the infinite = God. • JJ~I ! ~I

Inflammatory : inflammatory speeches = such as excite people to

fight against the government.
.JJ:i -q • ;; All t • -;_ ~'I _...k;.JI
I L u.. JI.u.. l:JI \...1...5".J:-J.~ •
• 4blA-! j&. ~IJ
Inform 1 - to lay information against = to. tell the police
about law-breakers.
if' _,j ~_,.aA11 ~ c.J.Y.-; t;.JI d·~ L. ~ :i.;,_r-JI ~ ! ( ~) ~
2 - well-informed = having knowledge about many

Informal an informal dinner = not a special meal or large

gathering and the guests will not wear ceremonial dress.

~ ";}_,' .)!)~! .)~ ;~ ~L,;. ~,_, ~ : ~.)\..all~_,.,,

. ~)' u--~' 1_,,lj.r.. ~' trJ~ ~
Infringe infringement crf copyright = printing something writ-
ten by another person without the right to do so.
Jf ~.)l -M- ...4 f" ~ ~~ ~f : ~I ~ ~ ,l~'JI
• ~u.l J J_,.i\i J:a. .iJ ~.,s:-~ ~f ..r.:~ ~
Initiate initiate a person into = taken in as a member of a
secre_t group. • :L-../.., ~'~~ J. ~ .• ~
. .' l ';,

Initiative 1 - he did it on his own initiative = he did it by him-

self, not because he was ordered to do it.
~ ~ j..; ~ <.J-.-: ~r : ~_,!-4 ~ ! ..;.)'.;! ~-·
.4 .iJ ~,;Y- ~f .J"':f- ;_;.. ~ ~~ L.
2 - to· have the initiative = have the power or right
to make the first move.
;_,.MJI L. ~ J ~~ ~J : J.Jf __,Ia;: (Jf) ~ f i..>.A:!
• ol_,.... ;=>-~ l~~ , d-~ _,f ·\S~ j f-~I J.~·
-in-law 1 - mother-in-law = wife's (or husband's) mother.
;µ.1 ! ~)' rl (Jl) ~J)' ir
Inmate 222 - Inspire

2 - brother-in-law wife's (or husband's) brother.

~I : C-'.iJI ~f (_,f) ~_,__;.11 _,.-.f
3 - son-in-law the man who has married one's
daughter. (;~~I~) ~I cJ)
Inmate the inmates of a prison prisoners.
~~.ill! ~I""'}~..;!~~·
Inordinate inordinate desire uncc:ntrolled; too great.
• :i."sUI (Jl) ~l~I ~}l
Inscrutable : the inscrutable ways of Fate :. :. : not able to be under-
• ~~ ":) (_,f) -.~· '":} SJI ~i: ~~I ;.l~I ~L_,
Insensible 1-- insensible to shame = not feeling shame (when one
J~I ~_,>:~ L;.;.;. • ~4 ..r"!.J. ') : ~- : ~I o~~ 'J
. 4;.J /# <k.;J 4
2 - insensible to any danger' = not knowing about.
clAi. J f .:?~I .:_;&. J.i li. f )VJ~ ..,,-' ~ ..r.f-
3 - moving insensibly = so slight us tci be unnoticed.

;..j .u• ..,,~- ') ;...:;
. -... :;.;.;:.• ~ J ~ • ~
-- • • •
! !..;-
. ll-i.".J•

Insinuate to make insinuations against a persc·n = to 1:1ay in-

directly things which cause others to think evil of him.
Jij i.r l:J I vlA:: ~ o~~ ~JY lr. ul; ~ O.J~ : A f ft
• (-.!..U.;, J.-.~ ~) o_;...UI ! ~_;..;I! ~~ ~~ j 1.,.-!
Insist 1 -- he insisted on the importance of = said that it
was very important .
• 15f; _,f ·~ ~4 >!.l-.:-~ ~ ~}i :
2 - he insisted on having the money = said it must
be paid.
• ~~ ~f \.S,;~ '5lll JUI .)b_;_I Jf .i.:.:..i : ?-
Inspire an inspired article = something written in a newspaper
containing facts or opinions obtained frcm a person in
the government.

~ ~.J lr..J ~ J ./:z °'J l:~ • ·~ :,s.,.,. (J 1) f ,~ i..r,.,. J lA..

.l._pl J4-> l.r ~J ~J~ ~t} Jf
Inst. - 223 - Intelligence

Inst. the 2nd inst. = 2nd of this month and year.

( !.)..)) ~ ( i.C-) ~ r:.r ~l.!.ll d
Instance 1 - for instance = as an example. • ~ y ~ f -}..:._.
2 - in the first instance = at the beginning .
• ~ l.L.:JI j f el~~! f 4-4
3 - &t the instance of Mr. X. = l\fr. X. asked that it
should be done. 01· first gave the idea of doing it.
~ (~,U) 61.~l er - y ! ~J J&. 61.~ f (~)\i) ~ - ,
• "t::-Y _,f ~~; ~ 61.~
Institute 1 - tc institute a new custom ;:: to set up.
fir _,i o.)~ ~~ ~t .i.;L er ~ f~ : ur Jf ;;.)~ : i.r.>~
• W'"'L:JI ...\.:.&. l='r
2 - a university is an institution of leaming = a
group \Of persons which supplies the need•s of
' learning. or, the buildings used for this purpose.
L.f'~~I &· ~L'o: ~l:l4 .)~I_, : IJ"JJ..U ~ ~l;LI : J~
I~ J:A>-..:J '.~ i..SJI ~~I (Jf) i.r;..UI ":-'l:-...f A!~ ~_,...~
. if_,aJI
Instruct I instructed him to = I ordered him to ...
• ((~f» '-~· ~f Jtu: (llf'") J.A:! ~f: ~.r'
Insular insular ideas- = narrow, not thinking of other nations.
, ,jJ..r..~J ~r ..r:f- J L.~L,o ~~ ';J : ~~I ~~GT _,f ~1_,.<.;
. ~ 4! ~' u;_,;.. ~I ~~I ls'Ju
Integrity a man c.f integrity = an honest man .
• ,J~ ~I iJ~ IJ"f- : c...w;t;, J)\.>. ~I r.s_;, ~I~ ~Wl
Intelligence 1 - to have intelligence of = to have news of .
. ~_,r ~u (u.. ) J~f ~
2 - Intelligence Service = a group of men whose duty
is to collect news secretly about the plans of the
enemy.... or of law-breakers.
;~')11 i./' .. I~ oi~ ~~~I er ~U, :~l~l~I ~
• r-" ..r...i._j o-:'~ lf" : <)_,.i lll I ~ o:_~; Lt. I ( , 1) J,J.,J I ~ '-ALdl
Intense - 224 - Interest

Intense 1 - an intense young lady = one who is very serious

about anything .
...;f u~ ·IS~ J.) .i:.:..L" lr.f ~- : ~~t; o~ Jf ;;\.:,; trl : J_,r;
• 4,pl..:. ~i .JJJ ~
2 - an intense pain very great pain. • r pll ~~I
\..,.; • I

3 - intensive study study of a subject with great

t~.JA ~··;.) ~ '":·k-:S."l'I : ~l5:.JI ~~JJI .Jf ~L.L!JI U"'JJJI
• :L~ ~~
Intent 1 - with intent to kill = with the purpose of iklling.
• ~' -o.,s:J w.G _,f J;:AU :U.) ~ 05" lSi: J:All d-/-1
2 - intent on his work = attending carefully to his
work. 4;.).J ~~ ~.)Y- : -.1.J. Jl ~~ ! .il.f. ~ '-:"""~

Intention 1 - he has intentions = he desires to marry her.

~J~ 0\r : <...~ (Ji) ~J ~
2 - the wound healed with the first intention = did
not become poisoned c.i· have to be cut open again,
but got well at once.
J! :;:~I Jf 0w ~ 0i .r.f- ,:r ~ : &_, JJ\f c)--1 J...>,;!

Intercourse : social intercourse = meeting other people at dinners,

- ~ o.)~'
dances and other gathel'ings.
~ ~ ~l:JI :U~lL. : IJ"'~ 'ii ~~I ! IJ"~ ~I ~1.,PI
• u~~I ~ \!.U.l ..J';f-.J i.ri)I ~"J..~J (~.,JI J
Interest 1 - to look after one's own interests cne's own
gain or chances of gain.
~)4 J..J.s. ;)~ L. c.l).J i.Sf : '-=-5..- c.l;.J ~ ~4Ldl:... ..l~
. • ~.) 0-4 ~ ~I i f_;JI j lf=j IJ ;w.;l 1_,
2 --- it is to your interest = for your good .
. &.L~ ~ .t_jf Ji l!.U ,.Aj oA.:i (Jf) ~LA.. ~ ~~ 01
3 - the· book aroused greai interest = cause!l eager
~ _,J rr~ ~I ;~f .J.i yl:SUI ~~ ~! J_,a; : ;'~~I ~ , ..r:.~
• '-'.. l:JI )ij 4! ..:-.ii Jf ~~'JI
Interim - 225- Intimate

4 - music is C·ne of his interests = a thing to which

he gives eager attention.
'-:--~J l.-: ~ ~I ~~-;,rl :_r i,Sf : ...;41~ ~... ~-_,!I ~! :J~
. l-r-1'
5 - he lent me the money at 5 per cent. interest = he
lent me the money and I pay £5 a year for each £100.
~li:: ~f ~~ ~)1 ...:f 15f : '-:!Lil J 0 o~l~ ~;t : JJZ
• ~ 1.< eai.T.-:-
. i< I.,;·.~ o.J..~li :t:.- u-
•• • J.!.... ',JJ ·- ;;._.,;..
6 - to return a blow with interest = give a blow
harder than that which was received.
L: j:.(j s.!~I v: .... o..: ~)
..u.l •• ~~-
• a~
• -
<.S~~'I ,)..i
.,, •

• "':-'u....11 .i\J ~w. ! ,.;

Interim 1 - -- an interim report ::..:: one given before the real

Jong report is ready.
J.F ~ : ~_,111 J-:!;:.11 J.:i i~ .,..~ • .r-..fa : (.5~:J! .r-fall
• .a.;;_u;, ..t) ..:::.,,)6. _jf
2 - an interim payment = . a small payment before
the whole amount is settled and paid.
... ~,_JI
__, ~ ~µ1
. . .. ~·~
JUI :"""".... .f.A--' """ . ,J,) .
• JjJ..1 ,,JJJI
. \,_,..
• 0-:!.1.H ;_.,L.li- .,j~
International : the intemational 7." a grrnp of working-men of all
nations, and of other persons, who believe that all
land, machines for making goods, etc. should be owned
and controlled by the Government for the com men good
of all.
~j) ..r.;i-J ~ -;r I ~ ,;r J ~I lJ" ~ ~ ~ : '-:J_,~I
, i..t' l>-...:::-;r I &4
~1 ~ , ~~ ~J , ~UI ea')l5'1, ~l;~I ~ ~~ ~_,.:...~
• l--
- • l.J" L:Jl~t.. ~ ,Ji;J :i..-<Jll-<"'l..r
~ ~

Intervene I will come should nothing intervene = I will come if

nothing happens to prevent me.
~'iy.: L. ~ (_,f) ~~I J A L ul~ ~ L. .sf : ~"'j tL. ...~L
1 - one's intimate thoughts = insjde, secret thoughts.
--N .i.....A:..!~W~I lr. 1;~ ~I : :i..,.,~JI )lQ~I (JI) CLl;~l
' .. .,,.,_

• ~_,f
Introduce - 226 - Invite

2 - an intimate friend = a very close friend .

• JA-JI_, ~I ~~.;JI : ~.LI ~.LiAJI
Introduce 1 - to introduce a new law = to put in a new law .
• j_a·-11 o_Ji ~J , i~~ Li,;li ~
2 - introduce me to Mr. X. = lead me up to Mr. X.
and make me known to him .
. ~ ~;r : (~)U) J! ~.J.i
Introvert he is an introvert == is always looking into his own
mind to examine his thoughts and feelings.
~li ')\...l,. ~ ':} : ~I~ 1_,l&. ~ f "-.i.i ~ ~ ~~ : J~
• ~Ll-.,,..!J orl.~.J o; \S:if .y.
Intuition = a woman's intuition : as to the feelings of a man.
_,f J~ ~ Lt.~_; o_r~ Le. ~f : J.:!.)I rl!..c. ;;f)I '-'"'L-1
• ul..l-! ~
Inundate inundate with letters = receiving a large number of
letters .
• .A.i~• ~~_u
'W- 1~·- ~- L. "'·t) •·~I
. t~L'fII~·_;.
Jc..r .r

Inure, Enure : soldiers are inured to cold and hunger = hardened

as to endure hunger and cold.
lµ_µl.J ~~y. ~ .>:i 41 ~I Jfo' : ~~ f o.)_,&. ~
• ~.r.Jl.J I..:
,:._,.;ll Ji;'...!~~~•

Invalid 1 - an invalid chair = a special chair for the use of

a sick person.
~l_,iJI 1_,J.)~ ~.>JI ~)I~ u°t;.. '-5'"'_;3: 0:~W1 l.5"';f
• ;.. lA:.,JI ;J.) j 1_,; L,._,

2 - to invalid a person = to send a person away from

his work because of illness.
( "-P} J..-JI V'- ~ _,f ~ ...,~ j J~) ~jt..p ~~ ~

Invite 1 _:__ he invited her· to sing = asked her politely to sing.

~Lt.~.) 1.5i: ~ ~t ~ ~J '~
2 - I invite questions = welcome question .
. ci J~ L. ~ ~ J~· 04 1.5f : J1_;...J4 i.:---ft
Iavolve - 227 - Iron

3 - the post is so weak that it invites attack= seems

to ask the enemy to attack it.
_,.b.11 ..Sfa. .&Ji~ .....i:._; ~_,!I _,f ~J-1 01 J_,z : ..Sfa. ! ~-':!
• i"~I J! .u.;~ _,f
lnvelve 1 -- involved in debt -:-- heavily indebted·.
• ~.J.i_, ~y...UI ci~f : &.!..UI J J~-
2 - living in a hot country always involves some loss
of health = bring with it as a necessary result .
.J f ....-. _,...
O.J~ .)~• ~
'i ,"""'.:..uJI
~I• •• J~

I ii&-J
! .L".)t,
\.;II _,..
~ "-!...
• o!.U.) .cs. ~ _,f , ~I a._,_ :r ~~ J! JJ-:!
3 - his reasoning is very involved = mixed up and
difficult to understand .
• ~ ~J ~ j ~~I.>.::! : :L:*_,f ~ oc.l;T 0!
Inward . . 1 -- my inward thoughts = inside, secret thoughts .
. Lr. C.>lf ~.J ~ lr, ~I ~_;JI c.1/~1 t.Si : ~L;JI JI}
2 - the true inwardness = the real meaning.
. (~~ ~ ~ ~ ') s.iJI) ~I ~I
Irk an irksome task ::-:: a tiring and uninteresting piece of
• :tJ-i.ll ~ ··'-:·''h.rl)I ~: ~r ~ _,f ~'-'
Iroa 1 - strike while the iron is hot = act while conditions
are favourable .
• ~ 1_,.11 JI~~ I _, i ~_;JI i_n:;... J.-: t.S f : ~ ..1.J-I ~~ J.:.s. 4-;J.,ri:!
2 - to rule with a rod of iron = to control very firmly .
. ;_,;_, ~~ : ~"- :r ~ (_,f) -':!~ ~ ~ ~
3 - to have too many irons in the fire = to be trying
to do too many things at once.
;~ j ~J~1 J_,~ .J4 J! ;.JL!!: .,;1~ ;~ Jl:JI J ~·
• ..._,_, ~T J Jl.f.f
4 - to put a man in irons = fas ten the arms and legs
with iron bands.
"':!~ ~A .u~_, ~ · (~) ~ ! -':!.>.J..4 ~
-':!~I ~ J-~ *J.J
Irony - 228 - Jack

5 ~ a man of iron = a hard yielding man.

c'2-ii: ~.J ~ "i : l.)"'1)1 ~..l.! ~ ~ ~J .)A : Jli:!
lrO}lY irony of fate = a course of events which has tile op-
posite result from what is expected, appearing to be
directed by a spirit of evil.
<J~ U ~~ dl;:; ~ ~..i~ JI~ ..'.:Jl..b.f : ;.illl ~fa..
. :. ~.> r!J _,f <J~ If"Y. ~_j .).i l:"lr' ~ ' ~ d~
Irrevocable an irrevocable decision = not able to be changed .
• .).~ _,i ~ <J\r ~\j ..J'.:i-: ~ 'i ~
Issue 1 - the next issue of a newspaper = the. next printing
and selling of a newspaper .
• ~ J.l.,o <.Sjjl .).>....II .AA!;~ L. : o-1:!~ W"4 JL:JI .).l.....tJI
2 - to bring to a successful issue -= to bring to a
successful result or finish.

8 - the matters at issue = matters which are not

decided yet .
• ~ \t;:i ~~_,~I ~~I lSi: ~~I A~\rl
4 · - to face the issue = to see clearly what the facts
are and what must be done about them.
~ t.._, ~1.,J~ :.;_;,. ~y. <.S.r. : ~l.,J4 ~.fa:! ! J~Ud-1 ~'~
. Jr ,:.r ll~ ~ <Jf ~ ~ t.._,
i - to abide the isiue to wait for the result .
• :..~1~
6 - he died without issue = died without children .
• i,)~_,j ~ ~i ..J':!- ,:.r <Sf : ~ ~ ~L.
7 - to join issue with = to disagree, to quarrel.

,....) ~... f J~l!..i
( '-- . ..
~ .!.l1 w? J·..Jl=.J
- i -

Jack 1 ----, every maa jack = every one.
Jagged - 229 - Jaw

2 - Jack Ketch :::-: imaginary name for the man wh()

hangs law-breakers .
• .))\.LI ~ ~l.k>~I 1tS:"-i ·~ \.JA! ,:} J~ i-1
3 - before you could say Jack Robinson == i11 a moment .
• ;;~_, 4A fl (..9i) JJL.L J ~ L.1.-f- ;u~ J
4 - Jack-of-all-trades = a man skilled in all kinda
of work. • tr.~ ! ~ _r:i L. ! JL.f-')/I ~ j •; ij

•5 - .Tack-in-office = an officer of low rank who thinks

himself very impo~tant.
i"!;l..:11 : J':.~ .._;j ~'! ~ ~ ~,,..

6 - Jack Tar =a seaman .

• (i..r.:~i ~I ~ v~ i..s.All) ~I ~; : J,:JI ! c:.".>UI
Jagged a jagged tooth = rough, having sharp points .
• J_,k.!1 ;.)_,~ ~ : ;_r~ ,:re
Jam the door is jammed and will not open = become fixed
and will keep closed .
• .u.::.i J~ ¥ o~ JU . ~ ~,JJ ~~I e)
Janizary - a soldier in the guard of the Sultan.
• (lc_.u) ~.; ~lkL.. "'"'~ ,..hs~: (.$J~~'
Jar 1 - the news gave me a nasty jar = the news gave
me a shock. .J ~ -;r1 ~\J i$i~ (.Ji) ~~ Ml : J_,ii
2 -- he jars on me = he displeases me; makes me
••. '
• ~
1...5'· ..r. .' ~~
.,. • . ~
• wr-- 4.if

Jaundice a jaundice look =:: a distrustful way of looking at things .

• <~~~I j) ~)I ~J ~L:JI lk.Jlc. o)i.i: ~)I o)il
Jaw 1 -- hold your jflW == be silent ..
~i ! ~ '.J ! ~~I ~' cl-t
2 - to jaw = to talk; to scold .
• (o~) J~ f ~ ! J~fl - y f ~ - \
Jealous - 230- Jolly

Jealous jealous of one's good name = guarding carefully his

good name .
• ;;.;~.J ~ l:...] ~' ~ ,la; \is: : .-.:-.... :.,- ~ J~ £ ~ ;_,;rd

Jest a standing jest = a thing at which people always laugh.

.~ ~_,_;.Jr__,"'..,l:J' .c... ~ &~ :(~~ riJ~ );;f_;!t £ ~'
Jingo by jirigo ! = a cry expressing surprise or pleasure, etc .
• c)l _,,f ~I .y. ~ ~ : o4~1J

Jinks high jinks = noisy merry-making .

• ..:,l_,..o~I 4J ~WI~ ~.,,Z: d'-' ~I! .~.,aJI
Job 1 - a jolrmaster = one who lets out horses, etc.
• IJ"'l:..u \&~ _,1 r~~ ~~. ;.r- : ~_;i1
2 - that's a good job = ... is fortunate.
c_l~I Ai~~J fuLI ol;IJ : _,.!! J...-JI 11. ~!
3 - a jobbing gardener = one who works irregularly .

.u;. ~ ")'_, :.u_;:... a..,;\-] J J--.:! ~' <.Sf : ~,;; J.-:! J~

. ~_;:,· ~ Ji r~ ~ ~ J ~,; JlilJ ! U"l:a.. ~~ ~
Jockey to jockey a person into doing something = force him to
do it by some trick .
• ~ ".>\!6.:.. ~ il:AJI ~ ~: ~ £~ ! J.wr:
Joint our joint opinic·n; t9 take joint action = opinion or
action shared by two or more people.
~~ 4 ~~ j.."Jf <.SfJ: .!l_;!jl J...-Jl(Jf )!l_;:!.ll <.Sf)I
,;s-r _,,
Joke 1 -- it's joke it is· a serious matter .
• \J~ ~ 4il : (,_;. .!.IJ.) ~
2 - a practical joke a trick played upon one perscn
to give amusement to oth-ers.
: ' · · ~I IT.. i.r--::-
• v.J.;- I .7 1 • .! 1.. -- ~ • 0 .l; ll......
~ ~ ~ - • ; -
Jolly l - a jolly good f elJow = very nice.
~ J J.~ : [!)I ~~ ! ~);
Jowl - 231 - Just

2 - to jolly a person along (up) to treat a person

very nicely so as to get him to do what one wishes .
..t.J ...i..i • ~
-~ ""7

~ 1
-w- ~ -~...i..i ! \:.;
• ftW1,r~
'?"J.l:....J• ! "-'~

• ~ L. y; Jt ~.r- L. J> ~
Jowl cheek by jowl = very close together.
• LJ ~)\:.. ~ LJ'~j j.::... ! LJ ~) li:..
Judgment it's a judgment on him = God has punished him .
• ~\A.JI ~~ ~ ~I J)if : ~I ,,..f ~l
Juggle 1 - to juggle out of = to take away by a trick. '
• ~
-·.. ~
• - (.J f) .k:..'~
2 - to juggle with facts choo~c facts to show what
is not really true.
J),·1 ~ L. ~ lr.i ~ : ~li~I ~ ~li=ll L.>~
• 4..i._AJ.-1 Js-

Jwnble a jumble sale = a selling cheap of various used things to

help some good work with the money so obtained.
~,r.} ~J ll-:.-. ~~f Ci- : ~~I c:-'I ! 1.5..r_;.JI J,_l1
• ..J':JI _,f ~I Jt.c-f ;_r J..r j&. ~ i.:r ~WI JUI

Jump 1 - jump at a chance = accept gladly.

• ··~r
. :11 r.:,.r:...
- : J~ <J '> J.Jr. ~ '

2 - you made a jump = gave me a shcck .

. ~_,;l

J1 i ;;~ ~ -=J) ! ~~ J.iJ

. 3 ..:_ jump a claim = to seize land claimed by another.

• ~ ~ :i.f".# ~J ~ to) : ~
4 - jump upon blame, scold. .
.. , )
• ( o~ ~~ •' j.r-
.I. ' .
• ~

5 - a jump in prices a sudden. increase.

• (J~..;rl j) ·~LL. tlAiJI

Just 1 - just now = a very short time ago .

. .. (~ .:_rj L) ~ L ! ~ .i:...
Justice - 232 - Keep

2 - he just succeeded = nearly failed.

I'·~. (.Jj) .1i-J.. ~l.) ! 1..WI
.!L:•JI.>~ 0l5_.

3 - just pei-fect = quite perfect.

• (uaZ ~~ ':J <.Slll) ~tS:JI ! rL.:JI

Justice 1 - justice of the peace = a judge.

2 - to bring a person to justice == to cause to be


Keel to keel over - to turn over on one side.

Keen 1 - a keen wind ==- a very cold wind .

• o.).J..r.JI ~..\.!: : } e:; ! r~ ~J

2 - keen = good ; ns : keen stght; keen h~aring; a

keen sense of smell (referring to the senses).
, t"~, !.S_,i , _,..:.;-JI ~~..b.. : ~~· • \$_,.-.JI ! ¥,I ! ,:,-J-1 i ~.;J..I
• (~ .. l~I '-"'~ :i..J').>JI ~ ~) r1 ~

3 ---, keen on = inuch interested in; in love with.

;fa f ~ - y ! ·~ '-:!l:..JI Jl ~~':JI~.>..! - \
Keep 1 - to keep track of a person = know what he is doing .
. ~ Jll-1; ~ ! (~ l.)L. '-'~ OJlj'T c:l::!) ;~
2 - God keep you = to protect.

3 , - to keep a shop = to own and make money by a shop.

~'l.. .C.... r:i.TJ o_r-~ : ir,i:::.. ~-
4 - to keep cows ::;: to own and take care of cows .
• ~J ~ i$"~.J ~- : ifi ...;..r-
Keep - 233 - Kettle

5 - to keep a f nmily; to keep a horse to support C?r

pay for .

• ~ ~J ~.U~ ~IJJ~ r_,A! : i.)IY." IJ"'H f o.l""f _,...f j..l!

6 - he keeps open house = has many guests.
L.1"l:JI .&.i~ : ~I ~ : ....;~! ~ .iJ! f ~~I
7 - to keep good health = be in good health .
• w1 ~ ! ~La:... ! ;~ ~ ~ c.}I ~~ ~f
8 - keep cool = do not get excited .
• };'1.J ~ ':/ f fJA!
9 - to keep at it = go en working at it.

·~ 1
~.L... .. l{I• Jf 'r,.s"'U
·' l....f- •i ~

10 - keep down, ket!p under = hold unde1· one's power.

. J' ·..·.
• v- --- i..S"' u ~.ij.i'J
.r· J,j\kl....i. ~.. •• ~~• •' u~
II - keep in (a boy) make him st:.ly and work
after school hours .
• LJ.UI ..;.J_, ~ d..-JJ.) j J...a.:J i~ :~
12 - keep him from going = prevent.
• (~) ":-'\..11:01 ~ ~: t!-
13 - keep one's feet not fall.
e-. _,f ~ ':J ~ : ~jl.,fl ~
14· - keep oneself to oneself = not make friends.

c.li~f ~- ':} ! J.j·I~• .).I..i:.l• •' "-iij
[.,._ .t".L·.

15 - keep it up = continue. · ,_;j.P 'l. ! JI_, ! _r:...!

16 - keep up appearances = try not to seem poor.
• :6.l~I
• :;q
.J .r- ) lJT ~!... ~.1·: '1.~
.. ...r - ·.,
. '.)-S-,
,t.;I" ~- ! i.s-
~.:IL. _,.. ~•

17 - keep the law = not break the law .

• J.AJ~ Le. J~ ~.J : ~~liJI ~!.J:!
Kettle this is a pretty kettle of fish = I am in difficulty;
things look bad.
~ JI~ ~I ~! - y :.,f ! 4.>...::: ~ J! ! ~.J: J! : ~JZ - \
• ~...~~ ):,.;; .,,i
Kick - 234- Kind

Kick 1 - the gun kicked = came back at the moment of

firing the shot.
' ~ cS~l:JI ~I r_.J.;a. .cs &G_,JI J! ..::.i.l.ijl cSf : :Y~I ~
• 1.11)1 ~~~Ti

2 - kick the bucket = die.

3 - kick up a dust = make frouble.

Jl!..11 ~ ! 4.(.l:J, :i•M4'1 ~ ! ~1}¥~1J ~L;:ll ~

4 - kick up one's heels = have a good time; enjoy

oneself .
• t_l.;JI .;.;~ ~I r4 - y ! ~1,.,-1~ ~ - \
5 - kicked out of a job = sent away from employment .
• ~J .:r .)fa- ! J,; .:r ~
Kid one cannot fight a war in kid gloves = without hard
fighting. • Jl:All J ~ ~ ~ 'l f)I ~! : J~
Kidney a man of that kidney = a man of that kind.
. ~ J J~ : jl)JI ~~ .:r
Kill 1 - a kill-joy = one who ruins the pleasure of a
party of friends.

• ·L5 ~- ~IJi..;
J....A.!.J • ~ • , l£,- •• ~.• I .Jf J.J ..II
.r- i--A. l.. f ~.• l!..
• ,;;.~~I ~ ~ ...S-_,l... &_,...._,
2 - kill-time : a way of making time pass easily.
~""' r.
.r ..::.J,JI
..; <...iWa.i
~i ...;G u...... l..J•\
. :,,-f ..;.f ~.;-L •• ~-'I'.r u-\-;
. •.;--':. ~
Kind 1 - after their kind = according to their character
or nature .

.. L:
0~ .J f l..J··-.l • j ·
J.._ ~ ~
. Lt i.r
l .- (. ' ..-1 \'L! l .o ' . .''I <L! ···
-JI': • ("'r"' i.r . ~ '-".J

2 - payment in kind = payment in goods, not in money .

• T.)_,Ai ~ ! t~ c.Sf : ~ ~JJI
3 - repay his rudness in kind = be as rude to him as
he has been to me .
• -UiJ~ J ~W"'J'~ ~ ~f : ~4 rJI ~l~
King - 235 - Knock

King king's evil = a disease (Scorfula > causing swelling,

usually in the neck .
• ;;_.)~ :Y-)1 j ~ ~J.J : !l_,111 d'r ! o_;.)~I
Kiss kiss the dust yield completely.
. ~
• (JS""~~ ~J ~ : yl_;JI J
Knee on the knees of the gods = uncertain.

Knife 1 - war to the knife = war without mercy.

~~I ~.r:J.1 y).-1 ! (lei :&.-J l'J ~ l' y~) U'"'-'~I y~I

2 - before you can say knife = very suddenly .

• cii_), ~! ~.,~ i:>i "J-:i f ~ :u;, j t oi:.~
3 - knife-grind~r = one who sharpens knives.
. o:ns:~ '_J s.111 ~ ($111 : i:> w 1
Knit 1 - to knit his fingers together = to join closely.
. ~J!~ =~~i~
2 - to knit one's brows = to draw dcwn the eye-
brows so as to express deep thought, or anger.
Jl_,A.:-l'I if' i~ ~~ a,~ ci.)1 Y.J~ cjf : ~~ ~
. ~1_,iµ1.J

Knock 1 - knock at the head = kill or make senseless with

a blow.
·~J)l~~_,i~~.,._1~~=4s.~-y !~-'
2 - knock a person's head .off = win easily against .

_.,"-, Cl. l~)·"".~

.......u '.J"' f ~ ~~
f ( "'..;.,j ~) ~.L..L.........~
,.,,~ ..,.'1':,
I. -

3 - knock a perscn about = strike a person many times .
• vi_,_. ~~I ~ ~~l ~1 .)~ : ..:,,~~I 4-J ~

4 - knock about = lead a rough ~rnd wandering life.


~ .:;--
u--;;- ~
• '- ......--.~ ~ --- ~. (._. •

• ~~ J~ 'J
~nock - 236 - Knuckle

5 - knock against :::: meet without expecting to do so .

• ,)~ J.:~ ~ ~lA:! : J.i.)\...M ~ ~

6 - knock down strike and cause to fall .

,, . ~! li..)..l....:! ~A : l,;,) ~fa. ! ~A

7 - kncok a thing down to = sell for the highest offer.
• ;~I_;...~ f ~ ._,;,~ ~ ~4 ~f: ~~1~4 ~
8 - kncck off work = stop work.
• ~ ...;.~ _,f J-.JI ~
9 - knock off a (picture) :::; finish hurriedly .
. • )~ OJJ-t": =4~ ~.J ~_r. ~

10 - knock out = strike so as to make senseless.

~I ..uu lr.;ls. ~:~,;~I "l ~:~A"-'~~! ~A
11 - knock together = make quickly.
• "(~~ ~J ~.M) ~ (Jf) ~
12 - knock-kneed = ·having the legs bent inwards.
iJ..~ ~_,..>..:- ~!;JI J! ~m... ;.,_,>:...; .jf : ~l;_,.JI Jl ~~WI .lJJ.!...
• i]J.:~

Knot a knotty question - a difficult question.

• ~' ~' J...;u... :JI_;..
Know · 1 - to know fear - to recognize; to experience.
. .._Ju~ (.JI) ~#I ":"J?: f '-9.,;.JI '-'fi
2 - he knows. what's what = understands things and
is not ~asily deceived .
. ~Ji t~ .:,1 ~J ~ ! J-"4~~ ~)~ f ~
Knowledge : he had not, to my nkowledge, been there = . so far
as I know.
. ~ l L. ~l& .!l ~ ~~ t : ~ )~ ! J _,.i L. J ..\i ~
Knuckle to knuckle down to == to yield to.

• ( ""·11) ~
• . .' ~
~L.~-·-' "t ~L.-
. r-:
Labour - 237 - Lag

Labo.Ur 1 - a labour of love = work done because one likes
doing it, not for pay.
• ~...1)1
L" w~ .J f UIL ~ "''
_1..:-.1 J ~
f ~ U· W"'I
.J. J
• •
U- :L1.11
• :r t..c.

2 - a very laboured poem = one which shows signs

of hard work; which does not flow easily.
• )".e- ~; <.S.Jf- ')'_, d.-::.11 J ~T 4 ~· <.S-jJ I : ~I ~ t
3 - - Jabour under a delusion = have a wrong idea.
4'- 'J~ ~W)'I ~~ 1.S.iJI : tl.,4.JI ~~I ! tYWI '-'L-.ll
·•I' IL;..
• 1-AJ)U .. f
.J :t.!k~ o~
<: .
4 - labour the point = explain <i matter with un-
necessary care .
.JS-;:_; ') •s.::; ~ ~ J 0A-\. : c_.r;J I L.i 1fi f 0 ~JI j ~- t J-...f:!
• 4J Jl...._t:-l'I J! oJ.J.rAJI
Lace 1 - reel laced with blue = reel having lines of· blue
ir. it.
. Jjj ),J~ .Ji .b_,k;. .Ji y_,]a..: ~ .;-i ~_,J : J1)4 ~ ~'
2 - tea iaced with brandy = mixed with brandy .
• '5~1~..Jll .,..._J·.( .l"L! •• .!..U--:\" .1,.1.:...... ! .,...J,·-~
-· . ~,.., ~ ~ • ~ ~r

Lack money was lacking =- there was no money.

• JL J'.:•! t>-:-""f Jt tS _,i : JUl J ill JW f ~ ~_,A:JI ..:.JlS"°
Ladder ladder in a stocking = a long line in a lady's stocking
where the downward thr~ad has broken and come
untwisted from the c1·oss-threads.
"5.J.-JI~ ~- 1~ :f- ;;_, ~ ~ oJ.:- y_;~ j jJ~ .b~ : J-L.ll
.(4;-=-11.b~I) :i...~I _,-;.'- l~_,... J ~~ 'JJ (~_,k.111~1)
Lade the bill of lading :;:_ a list showing the goods put in
a ship.

Ladyship her LadyRhip - "she', in speaking of a lady of high

rank. • :u.:,.:~1 :.i~L ;;~ J! o1 l::~ 4
: L~ ! ~I ~\.p

Lag· an old lag :._-= one who has been often in prison .
• ~i Q~ j 1.S.l~ t,li ~ : ~I p..f
Laissez-faire - 238 - Lap

Laissez-faire : a policy of lassez-faire = an idea of certain persons

in the Government that one should not make too many
laws but allow things to go on in their own way .
.I.if ~J~ ~.>JI ~J..t J~J ~ ~l. : j:.:..>.::.11 i.Js. Ll:-
o~I u::3'Yll er .)lj~I ~~ J c...k;..~I r.Js. ~I Lr
«J-.jJI Ll:-» lA_,s.J.i J.iJ : ~I lA I~ 1.i ~.r:U J_,... ~I .!l _;_,
• cc '-'l.;..>.::.\f Ll:-» t..~_,

Lamb as well be hanged a sheep as a lamb = if you do wrong.

do the whole of the wrong act, for you will get not less
punishment for the smaller wrong .
. ~I ~• .......
~t; j~ ..:..W 1..)1 • .- ".II .-.1 ~t...>.JI ! :i.JWI ~~
• • • f...s-" ur-4 • • '-..: a
• c...L(_jf y~ &_;.:l-1 y~jl ~ ~w Jr~~
Lame 1 - a lame duck ::..: a person who is lame.
1 ~I ! ~.JI
• 1.,;jbl .:t

2 - a lame excuse = weak reason fo1· not doing some-

thing .
• ~·;1 o~ .;,r-;lh)\.J ,,IJ ~~: 4-:-"';.) ~ ~f ;l&.
Lane it's a long lane that has no turning = things will get
better after some time.
~1_,=- ! :y-1_,... di~ ~I iJ_,.,Q· '-'_,..., ~ J..::1i ~.JI~ -;;1 ~
• ~_,)iJt
Language : to use bad language = to curse; to express anger by
means of impolite words .
• Cl~•W4 •-:..Ai-~ J.~ :~A:! - T ! r ! w-1~ ! "':'--! -
Languish 1 -- to languish 'in prison = live very unhappily iB
prison .
• ~I ~IJ.1~ .J:.: ~ ~· ~ : ~I &l:... ~~
2 - a languishing look = a sad and loving look .
. '·I • . . I i L . ·L 11 .. , .• ' ··u ···"1 .. t.::
.- •' ~
• u~'-! u_,~ '('... 'C_J"~ .>_ru . :J - ;J o.,;--
Lap 1 -- lapped in luxury =-= living in gi·eat comfort .
• ol~I ~ ~.) j ~ ~I ~ lf20:.;. J
2 - the waves lapped the shore == the waves touched
the shore with a sound as of lapping.
( &~l!JI u-f" : ~I (Jf) ~L;..!I ,J~ i..J-*3 ~1_,. .:~JI ~!
."':-'..,,..:JI J.;..s. .J+-' 1 .Jj ~(:I ~~ ~f (j·_,.,,, :AJ~ tA.:.S. ~ 1 _;;
Lapse - 239- Laugh

Lapse be has lapsed back into his old bad ways returned
to (in a bad sense) .
.!l_,l- ~ ~ ~l)" ~ J! ~~ ~.: ,.s;,_; ! ~;I! ~I

Large 1 - he has a large heart = he is kind and generous.

• fM..,s- f ~ ! ~J f ~' J::P .tJ!
2 - to the world at large = all people.
--. • ~I ~ ! u--WI J): U~I
3 - ·- at large not in prison.
u . v
... I .•
u-:- ·~IL
f ~

Lark he only said it for a lark -= he said it to amuse, not

meaning it seriously .
• f~~ '1 t~j l.. Jli lt. Jli ! ~I ~ t ! i.>~\_~~r
Lash to lash with the tongue =-= scold. • J~ ! ~):! f ~
Late the late headmaster = the headmaster before the pre-
sent one; the headmaAter who is just dead. •
! Jl.:l.-1 ~Y <Si J_,~I :i-;..l!I );ti ()\!..) ~WI );t:JI - \
• J_,:11 - y
Latest have you heard the latest = what has just happened;
the newest story. . ~1 (-'!) ...r.~1 (Jl) ~~I~~ ~f
Laugh 1 -- he laughs best who laughs last you may
laugh at me now, but I shall win at the end and
laugh at you.
~s:..J_, , ~81 ~ ~· ;.; : f.r.~ ~ i~f ~ ~
:·i;'f~ .JL ·f ~1.-q . ·L
. ...r--. ~-' -'r' J 'Cf'
2 -· to laugh in a person's face :-: show great dis-
re~pect tc. •

• t.,, ~~ y:· Jli::o..~I er i..r..~ .;1'~ : ~- ~ #-

3 - to laugh in one's sleeve = to laugh secretly .
. ,,~ J ~l~» : U~ ~WI J~J: ir ~
4 -·-· laugh on the wrong side of one's face (mouth) =
be 8Hd at the failure cf one's plans.
olkk;.. ?"'b: ,...i...J
~· ' -
I .:_J.-: ! 4J~_j ..!....
~ ~
\A :J ~·~
Laughing - 240- Lay

5 -- laugh at :::: be amused at; show disrespect to. ·

.. r.: f .,r-_
• ;J.-- ..A:'.§! - ~1 f ( I,,;~ (J"
• ) ~- ·- \

6 - have the laugh on a person = be more success-

ful than, and !o be able to laugh at .
• ~ c.1~..t:-~IJ .c... cl¥1 ~ b4 l!U~ ~~(.) : ~ ~ JA
Laughing a laughing stock = a person (or thing) at whom all
laugh; something very foolish.
~,,_. _}A u-a~ Jf ·~ : ( 0~-i ~) :;f_:,.kl ! :L~I -.:_ \
• c.1_;.;-l'IJ ~l

. ~ ~~' ! ~&J.)6-11-y

Launch 1 - to launch a.ut on = to begin (new woric) .

. (~~ -~ J) F-P.. ! (i~~ -:J.J-) t~
. '-
2 - to launch out = to spend much money .
. (JUI iJLl.i! J) c~ ~ ! ;~

Law .1 - to la)" down the law = to speak as· if one was

very sure of the rightness of rne's opinions .
• stAJ.-1 ~ Jt~I_, ~ 1.:4 ~I} j Le. ;j_,,. ...;~ : ~ ~~
2 - to go in for Jaw = to be a lav,ryer .
• ~ oL.L-JI ~ ! oL~4 ~
3 - to go to law against = to make a claim in a Iaw-
court against .
• (~T c.lili) J~ l~.l-4 ~~I Jl ~ ! ( ..l,;,) s . ..s-~
. c!_~
4 - iake the law in one's own hands ::-:: defend one's
rights oneself, without the use of the law-ccurts.
J! c.l~l ...J'~&. :.r .._a;~ .t..i.J~ i.r ,Jl.J.~ 0t~ : 0yWI '-'l&. ~~~
.oJ.~ .lk. .>.;.4 ! • ~t~I J!
In-law =by marriage : as a son-in-law -:.. lhe man who has
married one's daughter.
a..t. •• .c.!.U $
· rl

'-=.... J..1 i.i
.!- :........... ~ ~ ~~ _,l_..i_<I •• ~
.. ..;
• ..!.ij~ ...l'_~ Jl ~j ~j '51 : S.;fl-.#

Lay 1 - lay stress on it = say it is important.

.. J j
• A,:.....j '....r'~ Ut
- ! ..L...:..J
.. - .' ("~ ~-
. '·I) (j·)J ,-
Lazy - 241 - Lay

2 - lay one's finger on = discover .

. (.r) ~~ ! <G-.' _,l ~) ~
3 - don't dare to lay a finger on - r = do not dare
to harm. • ~~i Jl ~
: (l.,,f '-::-!! .u:- ~f) ;~ ~
4 - can't lay my hands rn it = find .
• \$~ ~ e-~' ! ~ ~i ~ f ~ .,..:... i '} f (~') ~· ~
5 - lay oneself out for = arrange to do .

. c~ J....J) ·~ ! ~
6 -- lay it at his door :.. :: blame him for it .
• (J.d j&. ~) ~~ ~ t"fa-
7 - lay by the heels = catch and put in prison .
• (~' ...L;..>.LJ ~ ~ ~) ~
8 - lay a ghost = cause the spirit of a dead man to
cease appearing to the living .
. ,~·)\..) AliJ ':J ~r ~ .;..JI u; ~ : c.JJ' .)Ja:!
9 - lay the dust = prevent the dust from rising .
• _;~ j..j i. . . . ~ J!i,:! 0l ~L '-'"" ~ J.-.A:! : ylj"Jt .4e
10 - lay the table (or) lay the cloth ,; set knivts,
spoons, plates, etc. on the table ready for a meal.
• JJ-~I .:.ilJ~~ k~_,.):J ~_;.ti ~~~ : ~~UI '\.5'i~
11 - lay heavy odds that = pl·omise to pay much money
if it does not happen.
~I I~! Jl. ~~ : ~ (Ji)-~ : (~) ..,.... lA~ f ~l_r­
• t_,i-:"'1 ~ a.:- ·~
12 -- Jay his cheek open -= cut open with a knife or blow.
. :w:::.J _,t ~.J..C ,.__. ~..l.!) '--,.lu.1-·
- . (.......
13 --- lay one's heart bare = tell all one's secrets .
• ...;U_,.;..~y- .;..:..~ (_,i) ~.,;;~ ! o;'..r-~ ~ ! ~ Lc. l$~
14 -- lay aaide; lay by (money) ~ save up money for
the future. . (~~) ~--::.<""~ ! (J.:A:-•U) ~l .. ,;:0.-~
15 -- Jay it down = say that it is trne that.

•. ..::JI l!ll~ ~I ~...:..i
~- & J"'
! 1...7"
. &1!.u~--
f I~•
Lazy - 242- Lead (2)

16 - lay in stores = take stores into the house .

• ( ~~l:l..I ~ ~JJ..r# .JA Le.) ~I ~_;;:
17 - lay on (blows) = hit.

18 - iay it on thick = praise too much .

• c.l>'l'I J ~~ ! c_J.11 J ~..r-1.
i9 - lay down the law = give opinions in a very sure
and certain manner.
~ ~Lc)'1.J ~I ~J lei~~~ o~~T ~ : Kl'~ iJ"Y-
• ~l}.J
20 - lay a man out = hit and make sensele.ss .
• ~1_,.. ~_, "-:!~Y- : (~) t~
21 - lay out one's money = spend carefully.
. ~
! l.J··w'JI '-9,,, .- ! i.;IUI '-'··u;1.u~
• r .L ·· 'J J La.,
o.l.i-~- ":} :~.J&":!
• ciAi J J~
Lazy lazy-bones = a lazy· pe::son .
• (i..u-) Jk..;:... f ~w- ~: J~
Lead 0) 1 -- leaden sky = grey sky.
. :u:·~ ~~ .. : li_y .)1..UI trts- : ;;~_,... ~~
2 -- leaden limbs = tired limbs .
• 1.J..iWIJ ~..>.:JI~ ~l~'Sit_, : ~ (_,f) :;_,.J;..<- ~l~f
3 - to swinJr the lead = to be lazy while others work .
• CJ-.aJI j) ~ ! ~-'~~I ~ ~~ J-~
Lead (2) 1 - lead by the nose = have complete control of.
• (rULJ _,f ~~_,i ~ ~) -til11..., ~ ! ~~ ! ~
2 - lead her to the altar = marry .
• ~ ~ ~I Ji~~~ : ~ ~~
3 - I am lead to believe = I have knowledge which
cau21e8 me to believe.
~r _,r .:,..Ji 0r J;. ~~ JL.,..L- i.J! € ~r i.Jf J&. J~ J!
. (~ ·~~) ~T _,l
4 - to lead an army to act as chief; to be .in charge
of. • o;,,_..4 ;,_$~.J ~ _y..l:! : i A~~ .>~
Leading - 243 - Leap

5 - the road leads to the church to serve as a path .

• ~I J! .)~ _,j ~ ~)aJI ~l J_,Aj : "p~ ! ~
6 - this leads no where = thi!1 will produce no useful
! J -!I- ~ ...;_Ji ~ ~
~ ':J ...;_ I~ ~I • J_,ij • ; r.
- - ..;
- 'I ! J1WI .. • •

' ( ~Tj : GY. L_,; i-5"-') :JY. _,t J:l; _,.,;

7 - to lead a happy life =..: to pass or spend ...

• ;~'J L~
.- ol..:LI
- .i..i
• r tf' - ~Y" ! ~
! ...:ila. - ~
.- -
8 -- to lead a dog's life = to be very unhappy .
• 4/LJI y~I ~ ~ : ~-~ ~
9 - lead him a dance = give much trouble to; cause
to follow one about.
~ - T ! ;JL.lt _,! .;:,")\..~I ~ ! ~l:ll ·~ _ \
. ~!,lb. cf _,j ~L;i j&.
Leading leading lady =.:.. woman acting chief part in a play.

• A...L!c-
~- ;;.,.- I-'J i.f·r ~. J J ~I :i.1!.!I •• U!.:J
-- l :Ula...

Leaf 1 - to take a leaf out of some one's book = to copy a

person and make u~ of his ideas .
• C-4 ~.i _,r '4.1:... ~.,>~ ~' JJ~ : ··'Jr ~J uw1~
2 - turn over a new leaf = decide to behave better
in future.
~.,;., ~_,5:.~· ~~ J.A~ ! ~I j ~_,!.- ~ ~f ~ ~
• o~.L:- ~ .,_;~ j ~ ! ~I J [}1
Lean .. 1 - he has a leaning towards ~ has a liking for; will
probably become interested in.
( ~ ~L5~) ft'.
.JJ - T ~ (yi) ~ _,i :u.; ~· ~1- \

~:JI ~I
i....."•""' _, . • - ~- • ~ J ') :W:.
· ·(· ... . ) J i v=-
1 . ;u.;; ~ t.;. i.:i J.i
J -

2 --- lean years = years when crops are small.

.~l_r!!I 1 ;;.;.J ~")\.,JI l~ ~·~I : ~.>.;!-! ~l>"f ! :t.UJI ~l_,.:-
IJeap 1 - - leap-frog ::..: a ~ame in which children jump over
each other's backs.
Lease - 244 - Leave

2 - leap-eyar == a year in which there are 366 days .

• ~ Y'\ _r.IJ;.i ~ (.J_,..q Ly.I r'\, l.:~ ~I : ~I :c...JI
3 ·- a leap in the dark = risky action of which the
result cannot be guessed.
• ~J.a. J-'-4.. 'iJ ~ l=i ~~· '} ~ 4 J.r : \ ')\l:iJ I J ; _;.ii
4 -- by leaps and bounds = very quickly.
(,J.&._, i~ € ~_,..., ~ f ~li ~..r-J

Lease a new lease of life -· a chance of living longer or more

happily owing to some trouble or disease ending.
_,f J_,kf i_,...,c- ~ '5,,a..f ~)~)I Jly i.:,,f : ;;l:)l o..l:!~ ~J
• ..J:>.r &" wt _,r JS'"..!.... ~t;;4 .u-l i :!c-
Leave 1 - to ask for leave = to ask to be allowed to.
) . 'jl .J f '-91 ..rA''\II ~
;;·6. . -
2 - to get leave off be allowed to be absent from .
• (~l;_, t~ o_,.!~} '-'LF- ~) tll:w~I ~
3 - to go on leave :-:: to go away for a holiday .
• ~ l:..j J-JI ii..,.!il:-a .!l_; : oj~! j -'-9~

. -' - •
3 months' home leave = 3 mcuths' holiday at home .
• .)~I c..J~b j LS'4Z : ~ oj~! ,,~f ~~

5 - tc take French leave = to go without aksing to

be allowed to go .
• (:i..i:l;J _,f J.F ~) _,) (Jl) ~) _,~~ ~ii·!
6 - leave a person alone = not trouble him.
• LI• .,----T""""
Jul ....i 6.bu• ""JJ •• .A.iL.J ~ ~ .J '";
f ~~ t...;·.;. ~-

7 -;-- leave a thing. alone = have nothing to do with;

not touch .
• 4-) .t..iif IJ"..l:! Jf 4.......4_
"i - y ! ri j '-1...;.~ 'l - \
8 - leave go = loosen one's hold on .
. ~ ~ : .!)_;~ ! i..,..Aik~ ! ~
9 -- to get Jeft; be nicely left = be tricked .
• (J~! ~~).~l;;! t~ ! ~
Leeway - 245 - Legion

10 - leave it to me == trust me to do it.

. J.dL JU : ~~it..,; i.Y
11 - it }eaves much to be desired = is not good; should
be better .
. ~ Jl ~ i.Jf ~ - y
12 -- leave off == stop.
! ~ J' ~ ~ - '
13 - leave out a wo1·d = nGt say or not write .
. (~) ~ t (Jl) w ~ ~t! ~t
14 - you have left out the fact = have not considered
the fact .
. . i~\- ~.r.JZ' J.iJ ~~ ~: ~t,JI ..ili'li f :i;;J..t ~ ~~
15 - leavings = things left as not needed.
~'i __,f lr.J! ~Ll-1 r.W J...; .,,r !)_,::; 'c.~f : ulS'°.J_;ll
• ~JJ..rO fo.
Leeway I have a lot of leeway to make up = I have to loose a
lot of time in doing work. /
J ..~J1 1!"1~ J Ji--' ~ i..::.5 : Jiif (Jf) ~~L
Leg 1 - - have no leg to stand on = have nothing more to
say in favour of oneself (or of the idea which one
is supporting).
i~_,~ .Jt ~ ,y. ~li~ : ~ ~r '-4 ~r '1 ! J_,;r L. i.S~~
• IA~_;j "5jl oµl _,f ol} <,SlH t.>f)I <.r-
2 -- pull a person's leg = laugh at; make a fool ·of .
• ~ ! ....:... ~ ! ~ 4e,S~~

3 - on its last legs = near death or near the end .

• ~~~I d:J j&. - y ! ..:;,,Y,I U..! ~~ ! u_,11 r:r ~.Jii:. - \
4 - give. a person a leg up = help .
. (~) ~~ ! ~~ ! ~l-d
Legion 1 - ,my enemies are legion = I have many enemies .
• ~_,lf J'~ 0! ! .JS- JIJ.&.f 0!
2 -- The Foreign Legion = French so ldiers in Africa 1

and China.
l.r ~fl. __,f ~,.a.JI Jf ~ji j ~)H 41 : d~IJ!J
• 4-i.;Jl ul~I
Legitimate - 246 - Let

3 - membe1· of the Legion of Honour a title given

by the French Government.
~J il..-' : (~J.> ~~) ~_r.JI ~ il--' J...l..
• 4:-J.}JI L#I ~-

Legitimate his legitimate son = son born in marriage .

• ~IJj 4.;4~ _y:. '5lll ~~I : ~~I <C!!
Leisure to be at leisure = to be free, not working.
• J.wJI c:r Jl;.. ! J...-JI ~l&.l... J..S. j i~ ~~ ~f

Lend 1 - it lends itself to = it is well fitted to.

~_,f '~ j J~ :(1~) ~ ~1
2 - lend me ycur ears = listen.
. ~ Jl 1_,ill ! Jl l~i ! 1_,....:-1
3 - lend a hand = help .
...ZL~ ! ./°~ ! ( o.l::!) ~~ ! ~~

Length 1 - at length after a long time.

• .l:!..l. ~ ~ ! ~.,Jo ~j ~

2 - keep him ~t arm's length = keep him as far as

possible; do not be friendly with him.
~~ ~ ~-¥ o~ ') - y ! r lk:-11 )J.i J.:.s. ~! ;__ '
Let 1 - let me be; let me alone = do not trouble me .
. JL., ~.;i ! ~~ ~ 'J ! ~ ':/

2 - let the business alone = take no part in .

. ~ ~ ~L· ':} ! '-'t-.JI J !Jj.,:;;j ':/

3 - let us have a song = we wish to have a song .

• {;-""' l:.a-..IJ ~ ~~ ~ ~i ~_,;
4 - let drive at = aim a blow at .
. ~~ t: .)~ _,f y~
5 - iet oneself go ~ not cc·ntrol oneself anymore.
~~I ~~Ji )\iLS"_:_j J;>'"j.J ! J~·j..j ! "4"'":N
Liable - 247 - Liberal

6 - let a man down = deceive; not do what one was

trusted to do.

! J-'" ~ .Y! ~ "'· i~ ~ - y f irJ~ ! t~ ! ~ - '

• ~IJ ".)~ 'Y
7 - let him down easily :::: be kind to ; forgive.
pl f ~L. - y f ~~ .f.1,~ f 4s- ~1 ! ~ ~~) J - '
• ~~ Lr j_,~ ! ,,.)
8 - I was Jet in over this business = deceived .
• .r~I ~~ J ~_,a.. f i:;,.s.J.;;.. f ~
9 -- let off a gun = fire. • J.j"J I.Ai. Jf .4~ : ~
10 - let him off :::: forgive. • , •. , 1...J
.~ -~· ~· -
11 - let out = tell a secret. • 0_,;S:.c_ ~ ! i.r"' ~

12 - don't let on = do not tell.

' . ~ '1 ! & '1 : ( i.b. l) . . ~
. ~
13 --- let out a garment = make larger or longer .
• c.l~J Jl 4.,; : ~ _,, C'>.!
Liable 1 -- I am liable for his debts = I shall have to pay if
he does not .
• ~.l.J4 ~ ~ r- '~1 .uj~ \.JL. : ~~ tf' J_,!-f JI
2 - liable for illness = open to attacks of i11ness .
._;,)I ~ ~- : ~_,...u '"-'IJ.t'.-1 ~ ! (ii'_,..u) ~~I
. if)4 ~lio)\J c...4\i ,,• .Jf' :UJ-6-l
Liberal 1 - liberal allowance of food = plenty.
• o_,-:;iJ ~I~!
1Wa.Jt ,:.r ~ ! iWa.11 ~ }IJ ~
2 - the Liberal Party == name of one crf the groups
of men in England who are interested in the Gov-
ernment of the country.
;;~ ~ 1~1 i..i u:.=-"'·l:-JI ~ ~~ ~ ~e.1.kJ l"'.. I : )..1 y.)-1
;1.;a- ~I y_;. : .)~I ~ J '-.,ol;.. ~~
3 -- libe1·al education = such education as is fit for
a gentleman .
.ft~ t~I _,i ~_,.:JI ,:.r ~ ~ : J...lDI ~I £ 'Lt;JI 4._;.ll
·• :U_:..:.11 c.,tL ;~~
Liberty - 248 - Lie

Libe~y to take liberties (with) = do acts which one has no

real right to do.
1_· "l.. 4J ~
• "r ..,- .
" '}J I ."Ljl -.) •
"f" - • ;Y.: ') -:t •
')'Lf-f ~ - • ~.-
Licence poetic licence = a poet's freedom from rules of language
or from exactness of fact.
~I ~)-1: ~~I ~)I _,f : ~I ~; _,f : _rl.!.ll ~J
J~I ~ JL.J-'l'I j _,f WI ~~_,i jJ~ j rl.!.ll lf-;~
• ~~I c_l)>IJ
Lick 1 - to lick one's lips = show desire for food.
il.kJI J ~J : ~ u4". f ~
2 - lick a peraon's boots = lower oneself before.
! (~.I~) P:_ f ~ i:.lj! (~) ~

3 - to lick into shape = to teach an unpromising or

difficult learner; to finish work which is already
in a rough state .
.. ,;_;-.; _,f "'-~,J ~ ~ ~ ~f JJ~ : ~I j ~~ - \
• ;~ J. i 4- JI,:,~ '} y ~t,.:I JJ~ - y

Lie 1 - lie in prison = be kept in.

2 - it lies with you to decide = you have the right or
power to decide.
c.Sj : ·~ ~ ~f iJ o;.uJI .Ji Jd-1 :.!.U : J.JZ ~f clJ&.
. 4 <.$1; ~ -c.S} L. ;;; _,1 -.J p
3 - lie doggo == keep quiet.
• ~I ' ~l!.3
C:s-L.. U·•. . ~ ~· "'.) •' f~I•
•' .!.l ..,--
4 - the claim does not lie = is ·not acco1·ding to law .
• ijyUJI ~ ~";} <S~..UI ~1 Jf : Jyu ~ ~I ~1
5 - lie in = time in bed at childbirth.
~yl ~ ~l_,.AJI J o..Ul_,JI ~ c,S.:UI 0-4)1 : u .. lA:.11 ~j
6 - let sleeping dogs lie = not ask about a matter
which is causing no trouble, but might cause
trouble if asked about.
~ Jl.;-JI ~.Js. A ";I. -~
;.r- JL; ':I : ic"li ~I t~
. J}f I~ l Jli J! c.S~~ .J.i J..J.J , J.:.:i _,f ~ l):i...;I
Life - 249- Light

7 - take it lying dawn not fight against au evil

or punishment. • ~W1 (Jf) _r:JI i"-'li:i ':}
8 - see how the .land lies =- sec how matters are at
present. • WI_, ~ U- LSi : lll ..,.O~ JY- ~I J )iiJ

Life a life of Darwin = the story o.f Mr. Darwin from birth
to death.

Lift give a ·Jift to take a person in one's motor-car.

• .U.. .,.i,;.,~ : -.j"J~ J ~ ~

1.ight 1 - ancient lightt; = windows which must not have

their light taken away by a new building built up
in front of them.
: ~
_,>'!?; ~ :e_;. ui \.J· u... . ~lA::JL
I •

i..S-H •• '-4 .uJ1 jj1.r
l~~r r~ ~~ .. ~ i..:.;...
·2 - I can't see it in that light = understand the
matter that way .
• ~.Jb.JI .,,a ~ (Ji) o;~I o1ti ~,,,_.~I ~t ~
3 - that puts things in a different light = makes
them seem different.
~ .i~~ . _,;; j ..s.; ~.sf : ;y-.;rl ~,_, :r .J;.~ l.k ~!
;;~~ )ij :i.:Jlj
, - high lights the brightest pa1·ts of a picture.
GJ;J s.lr. l&J.r-1 : OJ~I .. 1~j ;yf
5 - a light attack of illness = not serious or painful.
.~ ~,,,....~: ~>1'

6 - a light punishment = not a serious one.


7 - light reading = amusing books, etc. not difficult

to understand.
~ ':J ~' ~1.J :y._J.I ~1 o&l_,A) : ~l o&l_,.a.n
. ~ J! t,:; L. ~ ~~ "') JJI Jf ~..&i
Like - 250 - Limit

Like 1 - that's ju.st like your fooMshness = that is the

foolish sort of thing which you often do.
~.:UI 1.J.A <JI ! cl;i)L! .~ ! ~ f-~ (Jl) ~ ~ _,. L. 1.J.A
• &!l=J~ Jr cl:il- ir ~ ~;u, _,. ~r

2 - Ah ! that's something like ! :::: just what I wanted .

• ~J t.:.1:f' I~! u.)Jl L. ~I~
3 - we shall not see his like again = not see a man
like him again .
• ~6:.. u4U.f _,Ju~ .&J,~.z J J~ : ~ oU!... ~) ":J ~,..
4 - I do not like to trouble you = not wish to trouble
you ; am sorry to trou lbe you.
<Jf ~ ~ ! ci::-l&.j! ir J~' - y ! ~jf <Jf .A.!J i ·~ - \
• ~·f
• :J

5 - it was like him to do that = he is the kind of

man who would do that .
• :f..WJI ~ ~ ~.:Ul ~JI ...;f ~f : ~L:! .,.a ! ~ ~
6 - I like that ! = I am surprisoo at that and it
does not please me .
• ~f-'l .!.lJ.) ~l ~ ~u~ ir ~f fr~' ~~ ~~
Likely a likely person for the work = suitable one wlio will
probably do the work well.
(J~ ~T ~ Jf J.-J4 ~l:AU eJL.. ~ : Jil,ll ~~I
• ~ jfo- ir &'
Likeness a good linkeness = a good picture of a person.
• ~- ~f ~I J!f .>LCs ;;J-'"': ~ ~l.!M ;;J_,.,,

Lime in the lime-light == being noticed; important at the

present time .
• ..,..;~I ..;:..i~I J ~~f J.) ~ y ! ~l(-11 l;~ - \

Limit 1 - that is the limit ! = that is very bad; too bad to

be allowed.
L>i ~ ~~ - " ! «.)~ L._ f.)} ~~ ~ i~ ~~.)J i!.U.) - '
• ~ .. bJJ -A,j;l.>.il ~ ~'
Line - 251 Line

2 - to have one's limitations to have weak points in

one's character or powers.
~.J J~ .:,.. ~IJ.li.J ~ J L : ~I ul.J~
Line 1 - a fishing line = string.

• &...JI T. ~~-~
t. ·11 •• ~) ~1 ~

2 - to toe the line = obey orders; stay under control.

• ~I ~J ~ ~ .r1_,-;t1 ~

3 - draw the line at = not be willing to do (or allow)

a thing so bad as that.
~ ·~ y ~t _,, J.Jf ~~ .)1~1 <SXs ~.-:J : ~ ! c-
• ~~I u.. t.11 ~~

4 - know where to draw the Jine = know what is too

bad tc be allowed.
( ~ ~<->.)J ~~) ~ ~ )I~ (Jf) j~ ~ L J.;A:!

5 - a line of =a row of e.g. a line of soldiers .

• uGl:-JI _,j J!J-1 tJ-4 cYJJ ,41 .:,.. ~ : Jj)I ! -..A,.:JI
6 - read between the lines = find more in a written
·paper than is actually expressed .
.)~1 l& l.:.A... .:,.. _;s·i J_,h-J I tJ-4 ~ : ~~I a..~ f_;~
7 - marriage lines = a paper showing that one is

8 - come into line with agree to.

• rr--:: . AilY- .' .v-
~L_, .t V"" ~..

9 - a ship of the line = a war-ship .

• Jl:AJI u£- tJ-4 :i.:.1- ~ : ~J ~
10 - the line; to cross the line = to pass over the

11 - to take a strong line = to show no pity; to be firm.

l..jl. ~~~ ~f - y ! ~ ~ ! Ji~ ~ ! ~r- ~ - '
• ;l_,a.. ~_, ~ ~
Linen - 252 - · Lip

12 - a long line of kings = father and son, etc. becom-

ing king one after another.
411 ~...iJl:.A:i
:Ji •
•• i.-iJ

·.JI) ~ u-·~
W· •
UL.. .11j :1,,.1.... 'J)\...
! .!).:r""'

• (_,.;..~I ~ i.l.IJ
13 - what is his line ? = what things does he sell
or make ? • ~ _,f Ci:~ c.~ '5f : 'i ~ ~ l..
14 - that's not in my line = I am not interested in it .
~ ,_,. ~ ! ~ r~ t· ~ f ~ ':} ~ ~ j
• i!.U j JJ
lo - hard lines ! = that is unf'9rtunate; you deserve~
better fortune.
cl.ii - T ! ~ ~ of_,JL ! LW ,:;.. U,~ f LL..:J t.,.:! - '
. • ,,._,r ~_,~ ~4 .r-4. cl;! ! u---i lli. ~
16 - to line (a box, coat, etc.) = to cc-ver the inside
of a box, coat, etc. with cloth or other material.
• ~1_,.ll ;_,.... OJ.;&. _,f I,):~ '-'~lJJI ~ c.l~J Jf l;_,.>.:..p : ~~
Linen to wash dirty linen in public = to let people know of
unpleasant matters which need not concern them.
J ~~ : ( L.T"'l.:JI ;L.i) ~.; t; A ! ~~Li- ~ ~
• G..,.:- J~ ~i ~1_,JI LJ.. ~L( l. .t.J':J~ .:r l.)"L:JI
Lining every cl cud has a silver lining = misfortune is often
followed by happiness.
~i; ~IJll!-11 ~! : ~· f ~ ~t_,_ ! i...,....~ .~I ~ ~!
; ~l&. ~bt...JI

Link to link arms = to join arms.

Lion the lion's share = the largest share.

(~ ~l;~) ~~J: J-~I '":""~
. Lip 1 - to smack one's lips = to shew ple!lsure fo food.
\ • ~Wa.I~ 1'-:::. ~' ~'2.4 : ~
2 - none of your lip = show me more respect .
• ~ cl)_,L.. &-- ! y~l; f
..!Ll.f~I ~ ~j J
3 - lip-service = saying that one will serve a person
but not meaning to do so .
.~ ~ f ~ob. l!JJ ~~~ .i..il J~ :~~ .M:! ! i~_J~ J,~
Liquid - 253 - Live

Liquid my ideas are still very liquid my ideas are still not
fixed or settled .
• ~J:::; t.J l::;~ )l.S.::. ~ l;..t; r ~f <Si : WL. J1;· 'J JIJT ~!
Lisp to speak saying the S sound as Th : e.g. he lithps i•
thpeaking .
• :ULll ..:...~ : j : :i.J81 ~ J:-.. : ,i.; a,;-JI ~ ~i : oU'WI
Literal 1 - it means, literally = it means taking the exact
meaning of the words .
• '-:!jl;JI lr,_~LA.. 'j ei~I d.:~~ lSjJI : ~I UJ~I
.2 - literally the nastiest fellow I've ever kncwn =
really, truely ....
• ~l:JI ~""4 ~;••b~ _,J ~ f; (..r j.Afi ~! :~ ! ~I J f A9Je

Lithe lithe as a snake =-= easily bent or turned.

• ,l__,]ai';il _,f ,l_,:J~'I J.-&- : ~ ~u- <SA ! ~-;r\S'" i.J.r

Litter a litte1· of puppies = the young of a dog .

• o..b.IJ J:a.~ J J.Jy ;~I y~I 1..r4 :U..::-- : ,!...t:l-1 Lf ~

Little little by little = slowly; a small amount at .each time .

• •~l...'t: ! '~ ! (;_,. ! ~lJ j...Jj

Live 1 - to live at .... = to have a home at.

• i.)L~I ~~ J ~ .t.J ~~ ~J ! (l.>.f'") ~~ J ~
2 - he lives on his father = depends on his father.
ij)\.11 JU4 eJ.J;r. o4l d <Si ! ~f ~ ~ ! ~j j&. ~

3 - live and let live = forgive the weaknesses of others

and hope that they may forgive one's own.
~.JjJ~ '-'r- i"rf j J....fJ ~AJI ~lZ ~ jJlf : ~f_, ~
. ~I.ii~
4 - live from hand to mouth = get with difficulty
enough money to live, not being able to aee the
J~I J 4b...o J~ : ~ o"4 rJ4 ~ ! ~UUI ~ ~
• ~..JJ oA~ L. J.;i: 'lJ ~ (')~I JUI ~
Lively -'- 254 - Load

5 -- live down one's past = live so to mak~~ people as

forget the wrong. which cne has done in the past.
~WI o&t!:b.I ~ w.. t:JI J.-.:-:: ~i JJ~ ~ ~ :A::~l... ~­
• JJ~I ...._.4j J ~ wi JJI o.>-li....J

6 -- live and leam ! :.::: I have lived long but never

Jeunt that until now .
. w~t ~,,,.. ..!..\!~ ..;~r ~_, ~ L.. ~ : J~ : ~-_, ...;.s.
Lively' : a lively time = a difficult· and dangerous time.
, ..;_,L:JI_, ~~I '4-) JD· 0-"j : ..r.:--.ll .:r)I ! ...,~I ;.;;..;_,H
• ; lk.:.. ~I ~ U""Wt ;JL..u-_,
Liver 1 - to feel liverish = to feel ill from disordered lfarer .
• ;$~ yl.pl i.i'.;:, ~f : .)~~ J..-zi ! .),.f.- Jt~ ~'
2 - white-livered; lily livered = not brave .
• o.;~I \-';.,_,, f ~~ :U.~ ~ €JI_,.,;. ~ ~4
Livery to wear the livery of grief = dress used as a sign of

Living 1 - - to make one's living = to get enough mone:r to live.

. ..!..i..aJ L ""
• ....:.... v-.;--- . 1,UI i..1. 4 r .!.I
J.;.s. ~-c-.
~r . ~L-...
• ,,.;-
l~ u--:

2 - good living : ;:.;: good food and tomfort .

. J~t y;..J 4..1)1_, ~JJI: ;~J..I ~J € ~I~"-·

3 - a living room = a room for general use in the day .

• ;lf.JI &l.:Ji j J~)\.I ~ ;~ : J~I ;;~
4 -- a living wage = encugh money in order to live.
,...;~l.. ..\-.! ol.;,~ JUI .:r G.u ~J":JI
~ 0f :~I ~f
• ;;JL....;. _,f ~ wb ~ 0~ 0f .;j. ~

Load 1 - a loaded stick = one with heavy metal at one end.

0.LJI _, f -1:! ..lJ.. I ,:.r :i....ki ~_):, j ~ : ~; ..tlI (.J f p.,.w1 l.-J I
• y._riJI ~ ~T ~
2 - that's a load off my mind = now I feel less
Local - 255 - Long

Local local colour = description. of a certain place put in a

story to make the
... story seem real.
;;.....; j d ~I ~ ~ 4.J~ L. 4.J lS:J. .._A,.,.J : J lJJ I ~_,JI
. ~~ ~ ~ r-;i, i:,i "'~JlA.u ~ ~
Lock 1 - lock, stock and barrel = the whole of it.
• ~1!~1
2 - to lock up capital in = to put money into a busi-
ness in such a way that one cannot get it back
when one may need it.
~ ~ ~ y- J JUI & : .JL. ~~ : U'"'.r.¢1 JUI
• ~Ll-1 J.;s. ~ .._..
F-U;:;~I , ,;r
Lock-up the lock-up = prison. .~I ! ~1

Lodge : to lodge a complaint .=:.:. to make a complaint before a

judge or office.r .
• ·~_,j ~ J~ .b~ l.,.; iL.i : ~..l:! ! l..S'.;li i~' :'5Y.~ c!,fl
Loin : 1 - to gird- up one's loins = get ready to act .
• J....u ~~I ~ ! J......u ~
2 -· sprung from the loins of = descended from .
• ( 1.:U) :t.J)\_ ,;r ~t i.,$..r. ! (JI J...U ! ~ ;~..
Long 1 - ' a long a~m = power of reaching fa1'.

• oft., 41 ~ ~ L. J! '-'~ : t4JI ~_,],

2 - make a long arm = stretch out as far as you can
e.g. in taking a thing without moving from one's
seat. • cl.. lA.. i;r r_,:;; d ...r.f. i:._.... ~ JJ l:.i:l : & I;~ ~
3 - a long face = sad look .
• ~_r-- ;;_)ij ! 4,J_;.J..I ~l~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~I ~ ! ~.,;J-1 ~ .J~
4 - make a long nose = put the hand to the nose
as a sign of disrespect.
4.JJL. j&. ilr.~' ~;, ~~ ~ ~f J' ~ &- : ~Y­
.c.1~~11_,, ;~':JI ~ i..~ : o.).J.U \S~ ~I ~~-;r1_, i-Ai~I
5 - have a IOng tongue -:-: talk too much ..
• ~r.-: ! .h.i.i ~ ! } .J..: ! i )\.<JI ~ fa~
Long bow - 256 - Looh

6 - in the long run = as the final result .

• :l~I_, ! ~~I J
Long bow : to draw the long bow =-= to tell stories which are dif-
ficult to believe. • ~~)" ~ ~ ~J,r.. : i..i.n:

Look 1 -- look before you leap = do not act without first

planning your action.
r:-J ~·~ '-r J.-i 'l ! :J.Aj ~j ~ r'-• ! _,k;dl ~ ~~ J
• ....:.,., ..r.J:.11_, ~

2 - look daggers at =- look angri1y at.

e I~_,
..... ~ t:.: ~!-
0r- l ,~
u-.,. ~ 0 .Ji:.J •
J • •
~ -

3 - look a gift horse at the mouth = find fault with

a gift.
J4- _,._, : ~.a J ~ ~ ~f J_, ~ f "-:!..lib ~
, o.:.!....
• ~_;:J l: ~ i..i.J":J ...; L:.J j ~ ~I-"!" ,Y ! ;.>J.r. ll4 ~l!
4 - it looks as though (if) :..:: seems probable that so
and ~o .... ( 1.:U-) i.J.,,S:~ i.:,l ~ _,1 : ~J,.. r ~I i.Jf ~
5 - look after = take care of.
("~) ~ ==~ i..i.,,.a:? ! ("~) ~..
6 - wouldn't look at it = wjll certainly not accept, or
agree at it .
• (_,..\11 _,l "~I~.)~:~) Jil~ 'l i..i~- ! ~~
7 - look down on = have a low opinion cf .
. ~"':;; _,, ~ : (J) i:.....- ..r.f- ;~; .~
8 - look -forward to = expect with pleasure .
•JJ_rJ _,j c.~ : ~ ~ ! ~ ~fe.
9 - look in on = visit.
}:) - look into = examine.
I! - kok on him as = think of him to lie ....
( 1£ 4il : ":l!) ~ <-'') ~
12 - look out = be careful.
• ~I ~I ! ~I !. ~ ~ 1 ~ti
Look-out - 257 - Lordship

13 - look to = be carefu 1 of.

• (yai) ~~ ...;~ : (I.>.>~)~
14 - business is looking up = is becoming better .
• c_~I ~_,JU:: c_~I cJ ~T: ~t..'11 J! ~ J...-11 ~1
15 - look up a fact == find it in a book .
...i .. ~l:f' • o \. lr _, I~
l""- ,.A,
- ~\....-
16 -- good 1ooks ::;:: beauty (especially of a man) .
• (~J j ~~_,) ~I! Jµ,.1
17 - look blue = seem unhappy.

...... ~ ~
• 1_,_L :r c,:,_;J-1 ~ ~
Look-out : keep a good look-out = ~atch carefully .
.~ J ~ '-'l.A.ii ':J ! ol;U4 Ji.':J
Loom Joom through the mist = to be seen dimly and larger
than the real thing.
' ~~ Jl J~ ~u- --:-'~' J~ ~ ol:i : -~, : ~~
• ~ .:r _r,S"f ~ '.J
Loose : 1 -- to break loose :::=: to escape; to become free.
• .)~I ;r .,,i (J)I 0-4) J~ - y I ~~ ! Y.ir. - \
2 - loose cash = money not locked up .
. ~ ~ J.f j '--1 ~L, .!l~ ~ ~:UI : ~l;_,11 .J...&. JUI
3 - a loose life = bad way of living .
• ":-'bc:;jl ')'_, !.l_,.L.JI lei u'lr- ';,'~I : ~~)I ol:-JI
4 - he has a screw loose = is mad.
. v- J~. .' ··---~ . ~~
IJ";- ' .
5 -
play fast and loose behave dishonestly or
foolishly. • ~#' (Jf) .. ~I (Jf) .. U.J..I .!l_,1.- ~
6 -'-- at a loose end. = having nothing to do .
• J..-)1 .iili: ~ ...;1 f ~ l.. ~.>J ~~
Lord · 1 - to lord it pver = behave proudly to ....
( ~) J~ : (~")UJ) ..1~ ~ ' ~l!.i:!
'2 - Our Lord = Jesus Christ. ( ) ---....JI
· f-r ~ (.5~ ~
~hip Your Lordship = one adressee a lord in this way.
.>;_,J J! "'!"'~' ~_,; ~;, : ~lid
Lose - 258 - Low

Lose 1 - lose one's train = to be too late to catch the train.

• ( .J..:.s. 'J ~.. ! J l4AJI .S-..J"..
·1 !
J UaAJL. IJ··,J..i- ':J
2 - lose one's way = be unable to find the right path .
• (..~I .1f- ~l ...;.}":! ~ : ~)aJI ~
3 - lose one's head = become too excited to act wisely.
~ ~ ...;~ oJ_,!!I_, ~I ~ : ~ € ~.r.! ! .,.;jfy ..W!

4- I shall lose no time in doing it =: do it_ at once .

• ..:.J_,JI ~ "~ t~ ..r.~ ~f: ~'L.. f t,; ~~ J,dL
Loss I am at a loss = do not know what to do.
• i..i~·t ~ ~r-i 'i : J.,a..l..4 (.Ji) ~r J! : J_,z
1 - to cast lost = become too excited to acf wisely .
• i....a-..-: ...;~ ! :U.)l.,a.11 ~~ ! ( ~ _,f J..f J!) ...;_,)iJt Mi.J:i

2 - my lot = my fate.

Love 1 - there's no love lost between them = they hate

each other. • <J\.al,U;.. (.Jf) ~L,Ai.~ ~I
2 - give my love to Jack = give him greetings from


3 - fall in love = begin to love.

• 1 '.
i~ f-1:.' •. ...
~ ..' ~
4 - niake love to = behave in a loving way towards .
• ~I...;~ i..i~ :·~~ f .).).B ! ~

5 - a lobour of love = work ~ne ·not for pay but

because one likes doing it.
. ~4 ':l •J ~~ ~W~I ~~ lSlll J....JI : ~ l_,!I J>
Low 1 - in a low voice = speaking quietly.
. ~_,.,_ ~ r.-~ ~ ! ·.1.1.r. A
2 - a low fellow = bad. - '•
• J:. .... . '• J-J •' u-t:L..

3 - of low rank = not noble .

• (&~I &4 ~) JWf ~t tr
4 - low-d9wn = dishonest. .~f fo. ! i:,:la.
Lower - 259 - Lynch

5 - to lie low = keep quiet; not be active.

)\k..:... _,j ~ ~ - y ~ l:~l.iti (.,,f) Ls-L ~ - \
. C.J.. l~ ...r:!-- )
6 - to be laid low = be killed.
7 -- low-brow ~ person not interested in gocd
music or books.
J ;; .. l_;JI _,t u~. ,.HS- : A;lA!.!I _,f ~_,~ ~ ..f..i. : ~.UJI f :I.a.. ~I

Lower 1 - to lower oneself = to behave in an unworthy way

or without pride.
'P..,, .. ~ J~
• .c...l,..S" ~

2 - the Lower House = the group of law-m&kers in a·

government who are. not of noble rank.
~_,;~ ~ ~ ' "-47<:... J ~~' t-'..~ : j".,.-Jl ~
• ~~I~~

Lucre filthy lucre money obtained dishoneEitly.

. ~r ~ '-'~~ ·~ ~ ~.:UI : tl_,.J-1 JUI
Lumber to lumber up = to fill with useless things.
• ~ .. l:.l 'iJ u. :t..J ') .. ~i : 1.1"'~
Lump if you don't like it, you can lump it = if you don't like
it you must suffer it withcut complaining.
~ ~f ci.:W (~I~~)~ f I~! : ~ .c... ~ u ~ 'i
• ~_,>:..! ~
Lurch to· }eave in the lurch
. ..
• C~~ ~.,.:Lo;! _,1 ~_,. J..i J~
to leave in difficulties.
~ j (JI) ~ j

.u fl.
Lynch the crowd lynched him = the crowd killed him without
giving him a proper hearing according to the law.
~ ~ ~ tr "-' ij.) ~ .Ji ~~ ~i ..r.f. ~ : .J.:1i ~I .a.:l.:i
•• ~_,AJI -..:... ~I ! ~_,iWI
Mad - 260 - Make

Mad to run like mad = very fast.

• ~l... ~}J ~ ! .r..-J I .iA.: f ( ~ .r-4) 1.S.;f.. ! .J~
Maintain to maintain an opinion = to speak in favout· of an
~f; _,i o~_,t •A)~~!~! J~~ ! ~~ ! ~~
• (U. J~l ~ JJ~J
Major Smith major = the elder of the two Smith brothel's
in a school.
,·:L;.L. J «~,. ,&'""'~ va~ 01.,a.f Jf ~L::l : ~1 ~
U""J l.l!.1 JJ . ~I ..si _: « Major ,. ~ vi_r,.)i. (.,~
JZI 1~1 «~• J~ ~IJ 11.!l,. ~~~I a,~ ~.,,...all
• ~ j&. ..._r_, , .!l ~ -'--' ~ : ~J L1 ~l;J'
Make 1 - to make a bed = get the sheets etc., in order
again, ready for use.
l"'_;.:.U CJ..~ ~· •-' ~; .1:--JJ u!\iJ1 ~ ~ : ~1.,AJI ~
• A.-)

2 - I'll make him do it = force him to do it .

• C•,;S- ~ d J'-) ~L ! ·~L
3 - what time do you make it ? = what do you think
is the time ? 'l ~91 ~ ~L.. ~f j Q1"'..._f (Jf) )i..t
4 - make away with = destroy.

5 - make for = go towards.

(_,J.) c.- ~ ! ()a..!) ~ ! .r ~ ! ~

6 - make cff = run away. • ~..rr... ' ~.. t·- '. fi.
7 ~ make out == see or read with difficulty .
..lP,J ~~ ffi (Jf) ~
8 - make over = .give.

9 - make it up · = end ·a· quarrel.

~ ~ : (l.\.,-a.,;..) ~ ! (~) ~! (Lll~) ~
. ~~
Man - 261 - Manage

10 - make up to = make oneself pleasant to.

~ f (4..,z ~1J w)iJI ~) w~ ! w~
11 - make it up to you = pay for damage done.
-~ ~) ify.ll ~~ ! (~ ~ J~ ~) if~
. (i.S~i ~\.,..'
12 - make tea (or) coffee = prepare for drinking.
( ~l-.:U i.S ~I J t ;_,.Al I ) •l..S'f:
13 - of good make well made.
• (4s-~I) ~!~I U---
14 - on the make = trying to get money or success.
Jl ~ Jf JL ~l&. ~ ~i ! JJ~ ! .~ ~ ! ~
. c.~
15 - The Maker (or) Our Maker = God.
y )I JlU-1 ! ..iii
Man 1 - to a man = a 11. ~lf~I
2 - the inner man = the stomach. a..a.aU
3 ·- man of the world = experienced man.
Lt. ..~ ~f"J l::i..UI IJ"'J L : l::i.>..I~ ~J l&. ! y~ ! ~_r.ii:,· .J,;
• ~ 4.r'.;l.J

i' - man in the street = any man who has no special

knowledge of the subject spoken of.
t_,..;,J.4 4i_,... _,f rUI i.S~ ..r.f- ~WI i.Sf : JA\.:1-1 ! U"'WI
• ~li;JI _,f ~I 4:) ;.J~ i.S.lJI
5 - be a man ! play the man = be brave.
! ~1 ! t.1..u... J 1 r.uf ! ~ 1 ( G~ _,J) ~~ J
. )\..~ ~
Manage 1 - manage a horse = ride and control.
. ~r ~ ~-' 9.r- : (UL,.a.a.) '-'°J.r-
2 - manage a b.usiness =. have charge o.f.
•~_,_,J OJ-""f J. ~.J : (oft. .J t ~ : ji.;) ,r.. .l!
Mania - 262- Manner

3 - I can't manage it alone = I need 'help to do it.

~j ~f ~ ;;~WI (Jf) ~,,.JI ~f : IS~.J (cs.) r.f
~ . (*4 J.wt.)) ~ i_,;f
4 - I'll manage somehow = I will. do it, though it is
difficult .
. JL:; ~ ..;f Y.J (I~) ~i ~f : IS~ J~L ! J_,6..L
5 - a very managing woman = one who likes to con-
trol others .
. ;;~ ! ,.-:)v,:;._-j.J ~~ ! lJl..r.:&- ~ ~ ~ (~) •i.rl
Mania :- she has a mania for the theatre = madness; great
interest in.
~r_, c..,-.11 ~j· : c.r-11 0-" ~ Lr. ! c.r-14 :i.i~ u~
• ~~~o~

Manifest 1 - a ship's manifest = a list of things carried on

a ship.
~~I t~I .. L,a.:..! ~ J.J~ : (_,:...Jl:!I) ~1 Uli
• ,.;~:-11 ~ ! :C;.a...JI ~ ! 4 ....

2 - a manifestation of feeling = a showing of feeling.

i~-') ~~I ~ ! c.Ll-=--l'I .y. t L;:;Jl ~J. ! -.;kl,,.JI ; ~l;!
• ( lJI y.f.:..j"

Manner 1 .- after this manner = in this way. ~

• :uz:J..I o.a ~ !y.rJI 1.1& Ji..t !:i..:-!1 o.a ~ !~)aJI o~~ ~

2 - to the manner born = as if having done some-
thing in a special way ever since birth.
i..,..1 J4 (.Ji) ~ ~ ~i ,)l:&,I '-.its"° : o.)~ .>.:.... ! ..U_,11 ~
• ..u_, ~r .i:...
3 - good manners = polite behaviour.
yl~~I .J- ! ~t JS\....) ! .!l.,LJI ~
4 - to have no manners = to be impolite.
~ ~·~ ~.J:! : ~,.,.a:JI :m.&- f Jl;ll :ti;Uii f !l.,1-JI .._,_
~ lA,a.11 o.l. i.J... ,"~ '-oe
Mannish -263 - Mark

5 - by no manner of means certainly not.

. 'l ~ f i~J
Mannish a very mannish woman = like a man .
• JL..)I
• ~u.. 1..:
T.:"' ;;ir I . . ~~t
• :.U....

March 1 - a march past = a show ·of soldiers marching past

the King or some important officer.
• ~ .>.!li __,f ~I t"'L.i r· 41 i:_r ~ : ~...~I ~;Jt

2 - a forced march == an unusually long mai-ch.

• ;~LJI ...r.f-· ~
l~ o...l......I
.. • '-il-. \ J.i!I L-
~ i..s- •• ll,i-L'I
__,_.., :U..'J4'I

3 - to steal a march on = to do something secret~y

which another persm1 was meaning. to do and so
be better placed th~m he.

4J.r'-::i ' ~ ~j d-'~ o~~ L>~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~f : ~

. ~~ ! ~ .. ~~,.,, ~';a.. .,.,
Mare : to go on Shank's mare = to walk.

Margin 1 - a margin cf time = more time than is needed for

doing a certain piece of work .
• ~)I ~I f L. Jr i\J:·";J ~~_,JI i;r o~4j : J~~\ ..:.J_,ll
2 - to deal in margins = to buy and sell shares in
business companies, not paying for them, ~ but
paying only the difference between the buying-and
the selling-price .
..r.f. i:r ~~.r r*-r ~ ($j~ wi : C:-J 13_,_,AJ4 J..lA:lt
• ~I~-' .. 1_,..::.JI ~ iJ..~ i]_,AJI ~.l:! ~ , ~1. ~~ «)f
1 - to make one's mark = to get fame.
• ~ ~ ! -i-! ~ f o~~~ ! ~ ~.J!

2 - a trade mark = a sign on a thing ahowing who

made it.
<.>j.JI ,j\S:J.1 ; ~~ ~~~I j&. ~_,; -~~ : ~J~I ~)\,JI
Market - 264- Market

3 - beside the mark = having nothing to do with the

question being talked about.
lS1; _,J J_,; : ·~ r ~I Jl i.:...c_ ":1 ! r _,..;._,.t~ 4J ~'"J..s. '1

• a.,, 6~' ~_,i~ .t..J w~ '1

4 - to miss the mark ~ to fail in one's purpose .
• .,;,~ ~,,,) ~ f u:...:... ~ ,)~ ! J.!.i.:! ! ~

5 - grey hairs are a mark of age = grey hairs are a

sign of advanced age.
f _,-JI J i.Q:JI_, _r.S:'.jl ' - ~I ul~I ~l : J.,,Z : ~I
• J:J.UI ! L)\....H

6 - below the mark = not good enough; ill.

7 - up to the mark = good enough; well.

.~1.i!~-T !~!~-\

8 - mark my words = remember what I say .

. ( ~ ~,, JVJ) _;-~f : _;-j:j.
9 - to mark time = to move the feet as if marching,
without moving forward; to stand waiting for
orders or for a chance to act.
u-_.... J.ill 4!~ : (lSµ1 ~;J.:JI j) o_,k;JI ~ ...... \
i)i:.;... ~ - " i'-4~1 J! i.lA:j ~l.~ U'4 '~ cijt)
• ~1,, J..JJ ~,;JI~ (..9f) rl.,~I

Market 1 - to come to the market = to be offered for sale.

L..J ' . _ ti • •
• t_ .- : l.J~ I.I ~~

2 - there is no market for these goods in Canada =

no o~e wants to buy them.
1•1 .. .
T J""' '-'
.L..f .
~ '· L a
,.. •• '1 .' l.J.:.S°' ~. :i.iilj ...t':f-.
d.T .L.Jt ~
•. . ' . ~ J,... '1 ! .!l L:..

' .•, ' 8 - th,e market rose = prices became higher.

'·'.•""'· • ~ ~\.) LI- u.>lj : J\-~I ~;1
Martyr - 265 - Matter

Martyr to makP martyr of oneself == to suffer needlessly in

order to be thought well of.
r"";J~1~~, ~~~ ~r ~ ~: (~) ~
• JiJI 4 IJ"'L:J1 ~ ~ , le'! ~~ ~
Mask a death mask = the shape of the face taken by pressing
clay on it after the death.
JL..a.L.,.. ~ "1:.-1~ ~_µ- , ~.,,.11 ~ ~_,JI o;-'"1" : ..:.._tll tl:.i
• ~.,,.i1 ~ f 4-)s.

Match he is a good match = a good person to marry.

• {.. '-'J• u-:-:
u• t. J ~·- . ..
~ cS :
' ,:.r-- ~
. - ...;1•
Mate ma I maternal uncle = uncle on my mother's side - mother's
brother. . i ~I y:.J : JL.iJ1

Matter 1 -- as a matter of fact = this is the truth; this is

the fact.

2 - a matter of course = something expected; a

natural result.
~ ~ ',_('". T ~ - \.:-~ . . . . . :i....-la.ll ~I ~ -: __ ,,
- -· .- u~ J '.J'J .,r-'! iJ"' • - -. . (!.~
• ~L..Ml1

3 - no laughing matter = a serious business .

. 4 J,JA '1 ~ .U! ! ~ ~· ~ I~ ~
4 - no matter = it is not important.
• .Uli f .. l:AH JJi f (1AJ) ~~ 'J
5 - what's the matter ? = what is troubling you ?
'l ~Y- ·~ cSf ~ ~ l.)L. ': i!4 J.. I.)~
6 - for the matter of that = so far as that is con-
1~ ~ ~ !~Ll-1 ~J f _,..~, ~~ t.. ;Ji 1 l!)J~ ~r u·
7 - a matter of £10 = about £10.
L.,--.z ~ ~'-~
•.. ·- ~ .• u_,
•~ "-
8 - printed matter = printed bcoks and papers .
• \A~J ~IJ ~1 : ~~~I
Mean - 266- Mean

Mean 1 - he means business = he will really do something;

he will not just talk.
~ - y ! ~I \ ~! J (Jf) J.-JI .Ji. L.i .) ~ ...; ! - \
• (J..UJI_, ~I J! u-.r- : ~.) i~I .)f.L4 ~~
2 - what do you mean by saying that ? = how dare
you 8ay that ?
· r ;;) L..-..
U .-1 ~ ~~
,T.. Jl_JAJ-· U· 1.JJ!"
• -~ .. ! ~~
.. · -
~ •r.,.r--
A .t"'
. .:Ji Le. o_,ii
3 - the latin world "homo" means "a man" = express
the idea of ....
~ ~tz , ~)\JI <' Homo » W.S- 0! : ~~ ! ~
.4..;a.llJ «GW!» 0~ ~I jl.J.J ! ~.i:.¥-SI ((Man »
4 - this work means a lot to me = is very impo1·tant.
0l! _,,:U r ~I I~ 0! J_,z : (i.SJ~) Vi 6'.J ! J4 _,.; ! ~L, .J.)
. ~ ! ~ ! 15.JJ J4 _,~ _,,

5 - the golden mean; the happy mean = that action

which is just right, neither too much nor too
:,~ ~ ~ JUJI I~ ~! : J_,a;,: .h-_,Jl .Jd..I ! Jl~~I .u..
• .blj~I J! .,A ")_, ~_,A;JI J! y. 'S : .~~I
6 - to do it by fair means or foul = to get work done
in a dishonest way if the honest way is impossible.
! ~ :u~4 ...w .~l) 1.;1 ;u~ : j.J- ~ (.Jf) ~
4;~~' ~ vr 1.;10~~
7 - I cut it by means of a knife = denoting that by
which something is done.
\r: ~ c.SJI ~.,JI ~ :U~JJJ : (~~ _,f ~) ~ ! ~
. -~,
8 - by all means = certainly; of course • ~ ! ~

9 - by no means a nice person = ·not at all nice;

very nasty .
. ~ ! ~_; ! ~ ! .Ia; ! ~)iJI (Jf) -..ak.ul ~ ~ ...;!
Measure - 267- Meddle

10 - to line within one's means = not spend more

money than one has .
• ol-':!~- ~ ...~SIJUI .:r ~ ':J : (:YUi) ~;~ .)_,J-J ~
Measure 1 - to give short measure = give less than the right
amount. • ~.Ji UjJ '-'~I i:r jjf ~ : -..c.&la~
2 - clothes made to measure = made specially for
the buyer. •
• If
UJ.I ~ ~ ~""
i - -• ' .. :"'I • ':I -
• ~ ~.J'-1.
!ti -.A''
3 - I've taken his measure = I know what he can do;
how clever (or foolish) he is.
! ~- y ~ ~;.Ai ~! ~· L., ..;..j_r. : ~~ ! ~fl. - '
-'Ji f .:r-,._,,.....
'i J...::. ..__a, •• ii ~.r-...c •~ - ·-<1 ! ~'
.~- ••

4 - beyond measure = very much .

• o).J 4 ! .J:!.J ! i~ ~
5 - an inch is a. measure of length = a unit of
measuring .• LU.. o.b.J L..:1 •. ~ • 1.L LA..~-
6 -
.. - '

to tread a measure = to dance.

• l>--. • '->.,- tJ" ..
. • uai.r.
7 - to take measures against wrongdoers = to do
something to stop w1·ong_-doing; to punish wrong-
(;J;!~I c) ._,...f !~
(~_,i~JI ~ ~;l_;l.I) ~.J~ - \
• ( ~.;1 .J' ~=41) i..:-J~ - y
Meat this book is full of meat = has many ideas in it.
&IJ ~4 ~;.. .1JJ ~ : t'"'.JJI .;r i~ yl:-CJI 11'. J ~! : J~
• ~1µ1 ~I.Ji t.r 4 U "-,AA ~ ! ;l.S:j'ift_,
Mechanic the mechanized part of the army = that part of the
army in which all is done by machines, no horses being
~~I ~':l'i~ YJl.: '5.l.11 ~I i:rt &.i-:l-1 ~.) : ~;J.U ~I J}
Meddle : he is a meddle-some fellow = he is always concerning
himself with other people's business.
t.:.\.!..c• t....&;
t.:"'·-~f ~J~,. •I
·~ !( \.-.
~ J!
I •
~t;fJ ~I
Medicate - 268 - Melt

Medicate medicated wool = saturated with a medical substance.

• U-· 'of· I.r· -;i J ~. . . 'I .· .r-
c;.i. -=-'I ..;._,_..,
. - 'I , i..s:-
.I.. I! ..;~
. - 'I

Medicine a medicine man = one who does magic.

• _,--JI_, o~y.!J1 JLrf J.Jlf- ,;r : .;•WI
Medium fish live in watery medium = that place in which a
creature can live .
.la..._, _,f ~ _,f ~ J- cl.......JI ~ f h-yl f ¥1 ! ~I
• ~l:-- -;i1 i;r u>- 4-) ~ ·~lJI y,l-1 ~ l.J~.J.U : JL.
Meet 1 - to meet a person's wishes = do what he wants .
• ...~I u-1.r ~ f ~I ifl~f: ~ f ~~J.:?
2 - meet a person halfway = yield some of one's
opinions in order to agree.
~~I ~ ~ ~~ .;,r- J~ : ~ ..,J ~JJ ~~ : ~Y­
• J....lS:J I ~J J:i_,:JI
3 - meet a bill = pay a debt.

4 - make both ends meet = make one's cost of living

no greater than the money one has.
_,f ~jl_,... .. -;;; ~ : ~_,;_, ~ ..:..\A.i.i ;;,:_~ : J~~ f ~jly.
• ~-LI 4.bla...

5 - to meet with trouble = suffer.

• ~l~f ~)a..;.J f ~ ! i::..:..s. ~ ! t~ ! ~~Y-
6 - it ii meet that I should = it is right and proper .
. . . Jail &Jf : J.MJI_, ~I ,;r ~f
Megrim to have the megrims = to feel sad and without hope.
. w~ uJ_r... ~- ! ~~_, &J.T-! ~
Melody the melody of a song = a set of notes, one after another,
which make a pleasing piece of music.
• ~.~
L. ~
- - ~ ~ ~·-
'Y :i
--r... l=J.I ~l..A.:JI .:.;"
• ;a_• •• .~~1.:..-.11 ,,,;-
• ..Uf

Melt 1 -- her tears melted my heart = made me feel pity .

• ~.J ~ ~f ~ : ~ ~l~i .J.i ~.,...~ ~1
2 - to melt away = disappear.
Memory - 269 - Mercy

Memory a stone in memory of = a stone intended to cause

people to remember ....
• ~;6. .Jf ~ s;jj &~! i~ : '5Jl).>.; ~
Mental 1 - a mental case = a mad person.
• ~ ~ f l.J",__. ! ~~
2 - mental arithmetic adding,•dividing, etc. done
without the help of pen and paper.
'-.il..:-1 ~~
· •·· 11 J~
.• -- 4-.1 ·'I ~IJ~1 I • ,,!WI ~. l-J.1
.~.J -
• :UJ.J.J ~

Mention 1 - not to mention others = and other things (or

people) of which (whom) it is not necessary to
_;~ y. ~~ \.Sj : ~;i--\11 _;-~ ':l.J f ,:;.~~I;~ ~li
• 15~ ~I ..;:..~1_,J-1 .Jj &~..Z~I .Jj 1:.1-~ ~I U°~~I

2 . -- he was given an honourable mention· = his work

was praised though he did not get t~e prize.
l _,a.h- ..) ~I .t,.J~=-1
i .J - ~
Ls. .-~

,.. li
L. ~J . ..:..r •• -o....<~ .w.f
'-->-~. J • -

. ;;tilS:JL. f• ·i
Mercantile : mercantile marine = ships which carry goods or
travellers, not warships.
~...~~I~ ~)WIJ 2.Wa.:Jl ~~I ji-JI : '5J~I J.,Ja.-~1
• '-d~ ....
,Jai ~ ~_,s:J I

Merchant the merchant service ships which carry travellers

and goods.

.Mer~y 1 - at the mercy of = in the power of .

• :4J~Jr ~ ~J ! <~);J' ~) ~) ~

2 - to show mercy to ::::: · not to harm one whom one

has the power to harm.
i.J. ~. i(' . •
... ~-4 ,,S~y.. '} • •
• ~- • ,
• ~ .' ( 1.-)
,.,. ~
- .' ~.):!
•. 4:!.;..,~ __,t ·~ ~f ~)ell
Merit · - 270- Middle

3 - left to tender mercy of = in. the power of one

who will probably do no harm.
~.... wlr! ~ "5t : ~ J ci-_; dy.; : (~) ._;;s- J
. ~~.) J ! ol~i er-~_, o~_r- ~r E-""Jf
4 - that's a mercy ! = a thing for which one should be
thankful (to God) .

Merit to reward a person according to his merit = give a·
person that praise or punishment, (etc.) of which he
is worthy .
C..J.11 ~ ••
- ~~ '· i_,...._, J:.:&: I..r.;-. : ~. ~)
: ( .?. A •
. SJ·~
• ~(;) _r. W'~ ~~-' ' ot;i ~ c.l:!J4 ~-'
Merry to make merry = to have a happy time; to feast and
drink .

.1 - to mess about = move about in a lazy way, not

doing any real work.
- . ~'"" ~i. ")L~ !lt.:.AJ ~ : ~
2 - to mess together = to eat at a common tabl~.
• o.J.a.1_, o..L~L. \.>~ v-;JiS" u-
ts-L~ ~' ..• :u.f.""ltll

Metal 1 - road-metal = broken stone!.

~ • .laJ.,:.JI ! J)aJI "-! ..;.<.#_; slll ~ll ;.ll.I

2 - the metals = railway lines.

Metropolitan : Bishop Metropolitan a bishop who has control

. over other bishops.
• o.J:f. :i..ii\.J L.Jt. :i..kL ..J ~i-J : ~ ~y. _jfa 1
Middle 1 - middle-age the middle part of life, age 40 to 60.

• ;• L i. J! t , :r : _,-JI .k.:,_,J
2 - middle ages A.D. 500 to A.D., 1500.
~ 'o • • J! o • • 4.:.... ~ : Ja-_,JI ~J.}JI ! ~_,JI J_,...Jt
' .• ~~ ~f 4=.>.&J : .))\JI
Middling - 271 - Mind

3 - middle class = not noblemen, not common work-

ing people, but those in between e.g. shopkeepers,
doctors, teache1·s, etc.
~ ~ 0:!lJI &J_,f ~ : t ~l.J .. ~I ft. : Ja-_,JI ~I
• ;~1_, a#'-' .. ~~,_, ~1.,J-1 ~~' ~r : .. 'lJA>J 11o'l.Jt
Middling to feel middling = to feel... not ill. not very well.
. ~.,ti_,. 'jJ ~.r _,. ':J : 0:.-! ~
Milk 1 - a land of milk and honey a country where
there is great plenty and· comfort.
J~I Ly.iJ "-.l)IJ ~1~4 ~. ~)·: j-JIJ ~I d-Jf
2 - milk-and-water having no strength, e.g. of
character. J'Y"" ' ~ ) •'
I · ..... ~ .. ;·11 .r~
•1 • .
~ ';!1.:....q ~ • •

Mince 1 - do not mince matters = speak the plain truth .

• (~J ~ 15l) ~lAJ-1 fa ':J )_,...~, ~ ~ ':J
• ~1_,JI _?~f ! J:L-1 Ji
2- minc-e-pie = a pastry container with mincemeat
in it. • (j•.J..,All ~i) ~...+1 ~4 +l- ~fll i:r o..r.:Jai
Mind 1 - to call to mind :..:.: to remembe1· .
• ;.r<.AJI ~ f ;~

2 - put in mind of = cause one to think .

.iJ ~I • <"!.
& •
• - .J r.S' <J ..)"'&! :

3 - out of his minc'I = mad. • 4 .J~ ! l.J"~ f ~~
4 - have something on his mind == be anxious.
• /:-- ...t:f- f ":-')a.,A.. f J1i
5 - absence of mind = not thinking of the work one
is doing, but of something else.
J ~W'l'I ~~ ~ iJf : Jb-11 ~ ~ d_,..lll ! Ji-JI ~_,_,.!.
• ;o:..T ~~ J J? , ~.I.! ~~ ~lit J.-JI
6 - presence of mind = power of deciding qucikly
when one is in danger .
• pl .J:.s. ~ r. J..,.U.11 L>~ o;.uJI : ~lll ;~
Mineral - 272 - Mischief

7 - to speak one's mind = say plainly what one thinks.

• •fa ~IS~ L. a.~ J~ : CJ~

8 - make up one's mind = decide.
( ~) l -~· ' (
·-U-..·.r'~~ .Ju.. .;.r, ")

9 - mind your own business = do not t1·y to make

part in matters which do not concern you .
• .t.J ~ iJL 'l Le.~ '1 ! .!.lfo. ~- ~ ":l : cl-ii J! ~..r~!
10 - mind the step = be careful not to fall over the
step. • ~) l,._ ~
· JJI i..r d...J.i (.)jJ
l··· ':} - •
~ • IJ"'~,,
- I

11 - mind one's ps and qs = be careful of what one

says. • .,..,_,. ~ J_,£11 ""'~ ~ ! .tJ...-:;s- ~j
12 - do you mind my smoking ? = will it displease
you if I smoke. ~. u•.;...)i ...,
;,j ~~~
- .,,....if

13 - mind the children talce care of; be in charge of .

• ~ i"iJ Jl&b'S1 J..i)i ! J~~4 ~!
14 - mind out = be careful.
. ~ 'i ! ~,;:-- J fr 1..1"'.;:..1
15 - never mind = it does net matter .
• (;L-:~ ~I ~ 'l r~I ~li) fi- 'l ! 0"'4 °'l
Mineral mineral water "'.'ater with gas in it used as a
pleasant drink .
• u~l.;j")\J '":-'..,...!...l.J j~ .-:-~ ~I : ~jWI a.UI

Mint a mint of money = a lot of money .

• ..r.:fJ JL. : JUI ~ ~
Mlscarriag~ : miscarriage of justice = a wrong judgment.
~~ a.1~1 ~ a.Jo~ ~ : i,)~lAJt (Jf) J..WI ~ a.I~'
• ~_,.!JI

Mischief 1 - to do him a .mischief = to do harm to.

• ;_rill _,j \$~~' "-! J.:N f ·~ ~ ~~Y.
Mi~s - 273 - Mock

2 - to make mischief between = · to cause people to

! ( .!.lJ ~I_, : l.,.s;.J I J ! '5 .ly IJ" l:J I ~ ) ~J .::,,~ (Ji) ~~
• ~l:.:Jl.J ~JI~~ Le. ( ~)°_~
3 - the children are up to mischief = the children
are planning some wrong-doing.
: .lW ~ ~_,-_r. _,f ~_,k:;: Jl.&1~1 ~! : J~·. : r.r. ! ~
. ~
- f
\ s.
u- .J ..r'
A • WI ·~-1 ~
'-' - •

u.r.J - ~-
Miss 1 - it just missed being a great success was nearly
but not quite a great success.
(Jf) ;;..,~ o,ka. .;A ~I c_~I ~-' ( 1.:U--) ~ ~l) : J~
~~ .)~ ! )\..tr' t.~ ~ ,§..J_, (.~ .-.;f 1.5i :· ,;.l.J.) ~_,;
."-' . .
L..~· la.~

2 - I was sorry to miss you = sorry that I did not

meet you . • 4 ~ft J~ (Ji) .!.l~l ~j ~li .)! :~.,,....
3 - miss out a word = not say; not write.
e • ~~1 _,f J_,AJI J: (~) ~
4 -- we shall misM you very much = feel sad at your
absence .• ~ ~l:Al J~l.J ~.T-! ~: i..r..5 ~..M:A.:.....
5 - to give a perscn a miss = try not to meet; escape
from .
. (~) ~ ! ~ ! (~) "":-'~ ! (4~ '}'f J) ¥.:.-'
Mistake mistake and no mistake = without doubt .
• ~;"J...?f~~
Mix I - to mix in society = go to see people; go out as
a guest .
. lr: ..r.AJ ~~ ~J IJ"'l:JI '5fl :d~ ~ (\)
. i_ :..- 1 ! ~ J~ <r)

2 - he is all mixed up = not clear in his ideas .

• .Al;... ! L1.r.b t-.,..c= ~I} J ~i '5f : J.WI "'"'.,41 4i! : J~·
Mock 1 -- to make a mock of = to make people laugh at.
J ~ ~ _<- ._.
~ r.J'"
l:JI u--:;; '5r .. ..,l:JI
• ""'
~ cl-.. e" I
Mockery - 274- Moment

2 - mock solemnity :::::. pretending to be solemn, but

not really being so
;li}IJ y l '":"'~ ~) ~~ ! jl~ ! y l (Jf) ;liy~ .,,..11.~
' • ( .!.U~ 0-4 ·~ 4 ,§...::. ~ WU
3 - a mock orange = a bush with flowers like orange-
~ .t..it.r".J Gi.) ~ ~\;..,p ~ : ~ JlZ°.r. ~
. . I f<l_PI .' <"·'I .' J~,;!
Mockery a mere mockery of = a very bad copy of.
--ill JI• J..J.Ai
• ~ - ( J i) . A JJ.Z
;.s- -
. . . ) 4!..i~.
'• ( .1.S"'IJ' ~.J ~

Model 1 - a small copy of some larger thing e.g. a model

i·ailway; a model of a ship; a working model of a
machine = small machine which really moves,
and is to be copied .
.-.... "'-'
.-2.J ,...~ .. r·
_,f J~ .. ...S ~ ~ ,.,.... .A-.. •
.J.:.-;- ~ l..J J-~-
,...~ .. r· !
~l.!... ~~ j.-j__, !J ~ · ;uT _,i 4- _,i ~J.J-1 ~
• ~I :U~I ~ r.J"' \L'
2 - he is a model father = all other fathers should
try to be like him.
~t ~ (Ji) &491 JS-"':!~ ~f ~ : ~- : Jl!... '":"'~ ..;f
• ojl). ~ •4~1 iJ~~
Molehill to make mountains out of molehills = to be anxious
and troubled by small difficulties.
,:r )lA..oJ4 yl)a..o:~q_, JUll ~ _,~ : ~. : ~~~I ~ ~
• d.>..~t
Moment 1 - in a moment = very soon. • ;J_S. :u). ~ ! ')'l..
2 - this very moment = at once . • .,,.111
J. .d··

3 - man of the moment = very important per~on at

the present time.

Ln~.11 I.:.
0i 1..1·..'1:- .~ell I ~I
~ ~
t-)1 • ~L....!I u-::
• UUJt
4 - . of little moment unimportant.
•. ~ ~~ ..r.f. ! fo ! e:.l:.AJI JJ.i ..,;~
Money - 275 - Moon

Money 1 - to make money = to gain money.

• ~..N ! o.J} j~ ! ~L. ~.r..
2 - a money grubber one whfo desires to get much
~ jy-.=-j ~ JWJ t~ &:- ! ~~I ~ ! t\1-
• :. ~ J l!.<:...~ IJ J.Ul ;:::': ; fa
3 - money order = an order for payment ?f money
obtained at a post-office and used for sendbg
money by post.
Jl-;4 _,l ~ ..\!,r. ~ ~ ~L u~ L.! : ~~ c).)! : ~lyll
• L. ~ Jl ~.r. ~ ~ JL.
Monopolize to monopolize the conversation = talk so much that
no one else has a chance to talk.
')'_, i..f..5 ~ : o}fil ;,r J~ ! ~1£:.ll (.Jf) :")\..QI~
. 1<- ' .. . AAJ !l ~-
• ~-::-- ~~ o_.,,,

~lonotony he.-spoke in a monotone = without changing the note

of his voice; all on the same note .
• .l.:.Aj _,f ~r" d~ ~ ~ ~J ~ ~ : 'OJ..:;J ~ ~(_j

?tlonster it's perfectly monstrous to = very wrong; very impolite.

~I ;,r Jf i.::..~I .;r cJI: J~) ~lA-JI ! ~I! ~I
( l:U-) ~- _,f Jl; c:>t
Month not in a month of Sundays = never.
• (i~J ~ J (1.>S°) cJf ~. ~i) : f~f
Moon 1 - the man in the moon = marks on the surface of
the moon suppcse'd to look 1ike 'a man's face.
~I ~J ~ ~ ~JI 1~1 ~ : _,.All cJL....i! ! rlll ~J
. • cJW! ~J ~· ~f U"'l:JI i.r.»e:i
• 2 -- once in a blue moon = almost never.
• ( 1.:U-) · 1 U~
,.ii If
1...,.· . •
· -:< ••
i!U~ • ~
..i.:JI JI--
3 - to moon about = to walk about in a dreamy way.

~\.!JI .;. I~Y-1 f..S !..... :..H:.•• ~
J.- J
!.c- ·.la-•
'-' • ,,-;-J ~
l~ f·••
...... f ! ~-,_·
• .u.P' Le.
Moot - 276 - Mortify

Moot a moot point = a doubtful question not yet decided.

. ~ ~ ~ r (.Jt) Lr.i ~ ~ ! Lr.:' .!l~ :uL
Moral 1 - a moral man =a man who does right.
• ~ij f J)~ S't rJ~ i.s".r.. f ~Ir-~ ~J
2 - to give moral support = to help by one's favour-
able opinion .
• ~L..a.J! '5f)4 ~T c.Jl-J! u_ c.Jf : 4?.)~I ~.JWI (Jf )· o~Wt

-~ - he gained a moral victory =. he actually lost the

battle yet really was the winner ... in the effect
on people's opinion.
J .c..Q_, U"~I .>.Ai .i.;f : ~- : ~.)j ~I f ~.)j i.,....aI -.J ~t)
t.1.:,;.;4 .Ji ._,...l:JI .r"l!... j ...~84 ~1)1 _,f ~I c,JlS'° ~t
. ~~!
4 - a moral certainty = a thing which is very prob-
able .
. ~-' LL.....! 4&_,i.J :::::-.l~ ·~ J J~ : ~~ (.Jf) ~'J :&i)..

5 -- the moral of a story = the lesson taught by a story .

• ~·I_,; _,f ~ :,r ~ '5~1· V"'J..\JI f ~y..AJI f U")1 f .>~I
Morality a morality play = a play teaching men to be good.
~l:JI J! ~.Y-. ~.)f ~fa ~ ~~ ~I ~.)~I ~_rJl
. ~ ..r.f. 1_,.i_,..c..: c.J'
Mortar mortar-board (hat) = a flat black hat worn with uni-
versity dress.
• iJW L:ll
. .b)I ~
.. t~·
r.r-:- :ua....:....
. .I.>,,_ W. •· '-'..~I
.. . :i.tlt)'Jt
Mortify 1 -- to mortify t.he flesh = to gain control over the
desires of the body by living a hard life.
rf' o~J j F- : ~IJ.fJI j&. 1$~

! ..::..1..,~I ~
. ;;.;_p1_,~4

2 - the wound mortified = the skin round it died and

decayed .
• .)L..AJI ~! ~l.J 41 :r .U~ L. ~L.: c_..,~I fa
Moss - 277 - Mount

.Moss the rolling stone gathers no moss = a restless person

who often changes his employment will not get wealth.
~ ~ ~ y~ '-'l!.. : ~btkJI ~ ~ ":} Jl_,JJ1 ~I
• J.AJl.J JUI c_-:- ~f : al}":JI J ~, ~ j
Mother I - mother country == the country in which one was

2 - one's mother tongue one's own native language.

.u')Lf (f- _,j ~y. f If' ·~WI lA ~ ~1 :i.A.U1 : i.J'_,A.11 ~WI
• Ljt~
Motion 1 - to set in motion = cause to move .
. <~ _,r ~> ~rl' Jl ~~ : .!l~
2 - to move a motion = to ask a meeting of people to
say that they are in favour of a certain rule .
• ~ya.I; ~I _,f ~!_,All ~j ,~ '5f; ~_,a::.l :~l_,.,--;r1 ~~ ! t~
3 - to ,have a motion = to pass waste matter out of
the body.
• ~I~' •.#J~~ v')\..AAJI ~.A! :j,.A !oJla..i .!l~
4 - he motioned me away = made a sign to send me
away .
• ~~I ;~uf_, ~~f ~4 Jl L_,f : ..;1~":14 J! ;L!f
Moth·e a motive power = the power which causes a thing to
~ _.i ~).-1 ~ ~ ~ ~t L,.:G ~ o;.li : ~_,JI •;.A&tl

Mould mould· oneself on

•= copy; try to be like. . ~~' "-)
. (*4 ~T ~);I~ ~ ~.,,..~ ~f J ~: J~ ! ~
Mount .: l - to mount a friend = lend a horse to.
• ( ~..r.:J) i~I~ ..;_}i
2 - to mount guard = to set men on guard .
• ~1_).4 U'"'u~ ~ : Lt_,,.. ~
3 - to mount up = to increase .
• ;~ ! ,J.r.. f ~~ ! ~.r.
Move - 278 - Music

Move 1 - to move house = to take one's gcods from one

house to another. :
• •
8:::... ~ .....a..:;t.
•• - J
~t;~-~· ~ ~J

\:-: • • J·....,
~ ..

2 - I move that.... = I want the members of this

meeting to agree to this rule .
tl-=~1 .,,l ~ .. Wa.&.i J! ~ : ~~~' Jf ~1_;.;~ ,f.,,~

. t"".r. Jr ~i) Jr L. o~lil....~ '~'~ ~r
3 - the story moved me greatly = made me feel pity.
J ... ~ j ~~J ~rl.!.... d.,,-. : ~I l!u; j u;f J.AJ : J_,:a;
• ~1_, ~I

lluch I don't think much of = think to be of little value.

! ~)ij j ~ ~j.J ~ : ,l:.AJI '-"\Ji _,J .Uti ~.) ~i ~j : J.,Z
• ~~ .tJ ~ ~

Muck 1 - to muck about = wander aimlessly.

. ~-' 1.J~ ~· ! ~ b. _jf '-:ti. .:,,._.A.I : c:..~
2 - to make a muck of = ruin.

Mud throw mud at = speak evil of .

• c.~ o;~ ! J..:.S. i)l<:JI j .O~ : (iJ-) ~ ~~

Muddle to muddle along = to be busy without a clear P,lan.

-' l ' ~I-' ~ ..J'..~• 1;_L;..L, .~
u- ..<.. 4...1
.~ L '... - ! ~ ! ....,

• • ~.J-r ~

Multi- multi-coloured = having many colours.

· • ;~ ~~f ~~! J ;'~ : ~_,l.. f ~l.,J~I ~
Mum to keep mum = to be silent; not to tell a secret..
• ~1 Jw:·t,..... ~I.)! iJ" ~ - T ~ i~I i:r-cl..-c_ !~ - \

Music to face the music to meet expected trouble or

punishment with courage .
• J":'i'.J ~~· : ylA..ll (Jf) ~)I y~I ~I~
Muster - 279 - Nail

Muster 1 - to muster one's courage = to make oneself feel

~~4 G_,_;: ~ J .iJy. c:,f JJ~ :~ ~ ! ~
• •J~I Jf 4.1~1 _,f

2 - to pass muster = to be just good enough.

;Jj j&. Y, .Jf i~.;.. 0W~I 0~ 0f : ~I _,J # I J .kfi 'l
. 9 _,f iP.- Jl~'ll .b. j.J~ ~ ! ~Y-1

Mutton : to return to our muttons = to come back to the sub-

ject of which we were speaking.
•~ 6~ (_,f) 4 ~.;:; ~ <.S~I t_,.;_,11 J! 05il ~yj : Jfo.

Nail 1 - fight tooth and nail = fight very fiercely .
• ~J.J ;~ <.S': •)U;fJ ~l:...~ ~)~

2 ---:- pay on the nail = pay at once .

• JUI <.r ~ : G_,i ~~

3 - a nail in one's coffin = something that shortens
one's life .
• u._:;;.:J •l:.J.-1 .A c:,f 4.iG l.r ·~ : ~ J ;le-
4 - ' hit the
right nail on the head = express the really
important idea in a matter.
•. ~I ~ ··-'I ._J .!,}J-
.L f I _;q ~ J -
- . ·---t¥'.r.

u-- ~
• ~ 4::-L.~I •.,,.(AJI _,J :UL Li ~)I ~I ~fi cjf
5· - as hard as nails = very strong and healthy.
l!.U~ -.;...,y.) WI <::~ ! ;.,... _,j ! <.S_,AJI ~~ ' ,.p. ! <.S_,i

. (~-'' ~
6 - nail one's colours to the mast = say 11hat one will
not yield.
J.J u-_J.; 'l ! ~ Jf ! ~I~ JI ! ~ 'l 4.i! ~ Jfo. ~f
• ..::.il:!JI J&. •.rf Lj t.. ~J , ~'-' t.~1 \1-t~ ! ;l:i
Naked - 280 - Name

7 - nail a lie down to the counter = prove that a

thing is untrue.
_,f ~ J...i. ~ ~i ~) J::).1JI ~ (Ji) ~ (..ti) ,y.~
. (L;l.,\j 4 cjf
8 - nail a man down to his promise = force him to
do as he promised .
.• (o.As-_,~ (_,f) o..lV- J.;.s. w~ iJf ~ liW!) ~~ ! ~ ! ~

Naked to see with the naked eye = to see witohut the help of
a glass.

Name 1 - noi.a penny to his name = having no money.

• (;P- ')_, \ZI~ ~- '1 f o.>.;s. JL. ")
2 - take his name in vain = speak disrespectfully of.
! o;;S".r J,WJ ~~ ,;r J.:;~ Le. ~ ! ;li:..-4 (UW!) _;-·~
• "".;;,r ~ ! (J_,AJ~) .c.... J~

3 - my good name = people's opinion of my character

as good .
. l.)"'L.:JI ;fa if' ;.)~· ~-' : ~ o;'-'1 ! ~ V4- : J.,z
• .&.Al.a.. o;lfi.J ~ 4..li:....I j
4 - give a dog a bad name and hang him = decide
that a man is bad only because people say bad
things about him.
(li,U) iJ4 ~ : l.1"WI J~ }~ f ~~ L. ·'J-' ~~
J:!- ~ ~f : ~~ 4il J_,z l.1"WI .J'i ~! ~") J~; ·
• ~~L. J-=1-' ~... Ji' ~lA .)'!

5 - named after his father = given the same name

as his father.

6 - name the day -== fix a day for doing something

e.g. marriage.
J.Ut.l , 'u! J.r J'- ~1 .>.;s. : ._;--~f ! o.>J.. ! r~I ~
• ~ (.1-'j
Nap - 281 - Naturalized

Nap 1 - caught napping = surprised when not keeping

watch .
. yl)I If' )\jli. ~li" L~ : ~Y:, ! &if."_; ! ;_,,&. ~ 1;..f
2 - to go nap OQ = to be quite sure that a thing will
happen, or is true .
• w1_, ;&;_;, ~r _,J ~ ~f i:r ~ ~
( ....... L ~ ~4 L,;..) ~-
Na.rrow 1 - a narrow squeak = I only just escaped great
~~ :l) : ~~ i:r clif ! r;/"" __.._,... ~ ~ £ lijL <S~~
. ~~ ~ lf ~f ~y ~'
2 - narrow-minded = not able to take in great ideas
or to understand other people's opinions.
<S...r.-LI1 ..::..lfaJI "":"'~I ~ J~ ':1 : Ji~I ~li ! JA-JI ~
• )\..ty lr'.~J l.)""l:JI tJ' o..r,;i- al}~ _,f
Nasal he spoke in a nasal voice (accent) = spoke through
the nose.. .
~ ~-: ~~ ~ ~j ~ ~ ~t <Sf:~'·~~
. ~-;ru- _,j
Nasty to turn nasty = to become bad-tempered.
• .!.l-1
.,,..-11'l.S"' ,_,.- . - . .r.. .'~
- '·• J l·Ua.u.&i.J.j . -
Native 1 - a native of = belonging by birth to a country.
• L ~.:- J! y,_:iil : ~_,JI
2 - my native land = the land of my birth .

• a.)1 ~ ..U>! '5.All ~LC..ll : ~_,f f '5~~ ! ~_,

3 - native powers = born in one; not learnt.
~I ~Li~I
. - 'J ! ~.;._'.·'.q
·· -11 • 4J !...:q
.-. . . JJ~1..5".-.r- ~~~I
. • ~.r=JIJ ~J..\ll_, ~4
Natural natural son = actual but not in' lawful marriage.
~ ~':As. _,t : ~..,.! ~ -.,~ ;_I" .JA <S.ill : ~I JJ_,JI
• IJ" .r ~1.Jj
Natur&lized : naturalized Frenchman = French by law but not by
Natural - 282 - Neck

Natural natural selection == that killing off the weak and unfit
and reproduction of the fit which c~mses change and
improvement in all living spceies .
.. liiJ , .. li:-U ~l..a.JI .,#. ~I .)1_,..i~I .!J")\11> : ~I y~")'I
• ~I tl_,.;-;rl ~~ j ~.i,:J ._lij';I ~~ ~ r[i_;, :Ll-LA.H
Nature 1 - one's nature == one's character.
~- "< :·
u. WjJ u_,,,_.. :'II •·~I
1..5' . : a~I
•• ! ~I
_ ! ;;Ja.i.JI
• ~I~ , P , I ~~I

2 - something ih the nature of .... = something rather

liek a ....
_,f ~L:... -~ j J~ : (1.:U) ;u_<L.:;; u--- ! (1.:U-) ~ u---
. •
ill-W J i ~ ·T
-· .;=--
_'.'.I~ Li.. ·
• '.)
Nearly nearly related = closely related.
c.J~·L ~~-') L. ~ (Jf) ~!_;JI~~-: ~J _,~ ~lj _,~
• ( ~ ;u.:J1 o.l.

Neat 1 - neat's foot oil = oil made from the feet of cattle.
• ~li~I '-')\i;l ,:.r ~ if>~ : ~I ~..lJI
2 - neat writing = careful writing .
. .la:J..1 .'u
- ii~'
. . :i.i....i... ~
- r.J',, ;;~.
-. . i:...- ,:.t.\:)'
3 - a neat piece of work = skilful.
• .1.aljJ ~l..a.JI o;~ j1 lt,:i ~ : ~f "_,.:...a..
4 .._ he drank it neat = he drank without adding any
. .. ~ ,:,,-. ;JU yj..,.!JI J! ~ c.Jf J..~ ,:,,-. : ~ y ._r.
Neck I - get it in the neck = suffer some very unpleasant
experience; be punished.
f~l.a.:! - I( ! ~li ~;f .. I;:- ,:.r: Jl.:! ! ~4. ft~ ! ~~ - \
• .c... ~ f "'°l..Ai ~ J~
2 - neck and crop = completely.
• ~ f ....,~ ! L.~
3 -- neck to neck side by side.
• oUb.... ! ~ J! 4
Nee - 283- Negative

4 - neck or nothing ! = I will succeed in spite of

the risks .
. u~I Jf JjUI ~.J : j.,tL (..9i) ~L (Jf) ~L

5 - stiff-necked = not yielding to control or reason.

_,i J:J.) rL.l ~ ')_, ~ ':J : .)yr.JI ~ ~ ~l.!... ! i.rr
• 41.1- _,, '5r; Jr ~~ .r.

6 - neck of a battle = the narrow upper part.

u- L: L.
~~ •~Lii.·l!LJ
. . J" .'.)

Nee Jane Smith, nee Jones = her name before marriage

was Jones.

Need 1 - he need not do it = is not forced to do it .

• ( 1.:U- '-'~ ~! ~) ~ _,i J~ _,j ..r.~ j::i- .;! : J_,z
t • .:. ~ f 1.; . .li .i,;j . :...r
·~ J ~ ~·

2 - needs must do it = he is forced to do it.

u:~ '5f : ( 1.:is- ~~ ~f) ~ _,f J_,..,... _,f ....~ .J..il : J_,ij

3 - do the needful = do what is necessary.

Ne'er ne'er do well (weel) = worthless fellow .

.. J.i ! ~I• ! t. i.
£ c.l:.AJI ~
l L; f w- '5.; fl.. •. ~-~.
... v
~ • Jl&t•

Negative 1 - a negative answer = DO'.

2 - a negative order = an order not to do a thing .

• u::t-JI .r~I ! -.il;! i~ 4-SJ, ·~ J...i :.is-~~ '51: ~~ _,...f
3 - of negative value as proof = not proving or dis-
proving .
• ~ ')_,,··~Al ~ ~IA_r. _,f J~b ...;f I.Sf : J:J.) j y...JI ~I
Nerve - 284 - Nest

4 - a negative = a photograph in which all the light

parts are dark and the dark parts light, - used
for printing copies of the picture.
, r.\_,_ ;;~1 A,~-;r, ~ ~ ~~ : ~.,..;, OJ-'4'1 J : Y-1'
. o~~ ~ ~ ~ , ;~ .\.,,_JI c.I~ ~IJ
Nerve 1 - to have the nerve to = be brave enough to.
~ L. o;l-;L-1 (Ji) ;l..li~I (Jf) ~~I i.:,-. : o~ (Jf) 43
• (1.:U) ~ _,j J4 ~i ~
2 - suffer from nerves = to be in an unhealthy state
of mind, easily exctied or frightened.
~ ~1.!JJ~}.;J ! ~~r ~A l>t: y~.~: y~
• ....,l,,U-~I
. J 1 ... ;l£..\'I 1 ..
ve- J
·._<. U.WI
~ ~~J ..

3 - it gets on my nerves = it makes me troubled or

angry whenever I see (hear) it.
~ : l.t. .ir.. (_,f) l.t.A l>f : ~~i J }}.! u .!U.l ~! : J_,a;
.(lj_<) ~-'' (l.:U) ~f; 1,;1 ~, ~J yl_)a...;~1 ~ .......
Nervous 1 - a nervous breakdown == an illness of the mind
caused by anxiety or over-work.
Jl.AJI ~ ~ c.f.r : ~I : ~~I (Jf)~l~~I (Ji) ~.it:JI
• j..AJ I '"':-" l:...J
2 - nervous (arms) having strong and active
J 1L!.i_, •_,i ~.: ~ ·~ 9-1;,; J ~! :Jfo· :~' ·~'
• ~I ; _,AJI ! J..'-JI
Nest 1 - to feather cne's nest = make oneself rich, some-
times dishonestly.
JUI L=J.. ~ ~- : i_;-_, ~ ! ~ ~~ ! ~ ~ ~}.!
: f _,; # ~~ i.:r •.J} ~ J! li~i J.-11 ....;~ .li.J ) :~'-'
.I~•· ~.il~ f
• ( o-::' J , "•~

;? - foul one's ne!!! = behave badly in one's own home

or home-town; to say bad things about one's. home.
J~ l>r : ~J... Jr ~µ "-' : .u~ ! ~ j ~ ~~ _ ,
L. ~~ _;-~ - y • i.)W ~ ! ~ ! .. ~I JL.rf 4
• ~ ! ~ ! ;~ ~f ~ ~
Net - 285 - News

3 - a nest of crime = a place full of law-breakers.

~ ! 0_,.ilA.11 u~ 0Y.";l,;J..IJ ~>-4r..JI .J.il~ 0~ : ~J.l _,.S-.J
• 0_,.LWI_, J.ll; ~I .,~

4 - a nest of tables (boxes, etc.) = a set of tables or

boxes, etc. fitting one inside the other.
j La.~ ~~ : ~~~I _,f ;..;.l:.11 ~- ~u, : J~ : ~UaH
• ~.i.,.a.JI -r...PI ~ ~ ~I j ~.c; ~~ , ~
5 - ·nest-egg = a stone egg left in a nest to make
birds Jay there; a store of money laid up for the
-.. ~~
!l .fa .
_, .r:-- i.r
· ~- •• ~
. . _q ~- ! :i..AJ)I
~I -.
- '
~_,A;JJ ;t.jl~ : :i.Jl.,.aJ-1 - y ! ~~.JJI ~~ ~ ~I j

• ·~l.J-1 ..::.J_,J :J_ij

Net 1 - net gain = that amount left when all costs, etc.
have been taken off.
~l:U:JI ~ ~ Jk .Jj ;J~ ~ ~I JUI : jl.AJI ~)I
• ~fo..J

2 - net weight = weight without the box, paper of

: .1.j~ ~ l.a.Jta.·~ ,.:,~ ~.iJI ~j_,JI : j\..,a.JI ~_i,JI
• 4J ~ t.>.i.ll cJ;,JI _,j J.J.c...a.lll
Network a network of railways = many lines crossing each other.
.JT ~ d &U;:j '"'-!Jd..11_,b:. ~ ~: -1:!~' ~ ,:r ~
• L. ~~

Neutral neutral shade = not any one clear colour.

. ~~ fo. _,f ~l.J ~ o;_,.,, JjJ.; ,:,.. J1; ~f : ~~I jliJI
Never well I never ! = I am surprised.
! ~~LtJ! ! ~' ! ~'
News to break the news to = tell something unpleal$ant i:l a
gentle way.

cJ• ~I .)l)li , fu_

- ~:LI ~U- 1~1• ~~.-' ) ~.
· ·J L '-11
-·.·• ~··
~Tj : (i.b.J f. ~~ -':JJ ~J) ~ • ( ~ al.,o.i'il
Nice - 286 - Nominal

Nice a nice point of law = difficult to judge .

• i.SiflT-"1,._
t. • ,Juli f,
.J t..;
_<l..I ~-.• C.:,~'WI J. '-A..i~
- :t.1z.aj

Nick in the nick of time = just in time .

• '-!_,1111 :ua.:.YI j ! ~L:.11 ~fi.1 j ! --:-L:.11 ci..,JI j
Night make a night of it = spend the night in enjoyment .
• ...A.,.a.i ill , .. ~J- f J
- y- ~.
...4........ ~ ! ~ .... ;u.J. ,....:w
- ;;~ u.-- l.:' . .. ~ -
Nip 1 - nipped by the frost = stopped growing by ....
• (ul:-i j J~) _,..;JI V" ~I .U~ : J~ : ~ ! J.JA:!
2- nipped in the bud killed befcre the flower
. ~~ j ~ C.:,f ~ I.Sf : 411 j J:i ! lL ul.

3 - there is a nip in the ail' = it is cold.

!} '-'L:J '-'l:J,JI ~l» JJ . _,A.II ..l;!J..; ! J.J,JI r.rJ li : JJ ~ ~I o!
• "..r' ~J ~)I,

4 - to take a nip = to take a small drink .

• ":-11.r:JI ~ : YA f J_,~ ! t.J?:
5 - nip off = run away. • ..t.,-ll ~ ! _,~ ! Y.Jt:. ! <.S...~

Nobility the nobility = all the persons of· high rank and birth.
• .l:JI t l f _;-<t)I J~ ~ ~.lJI JS": &~I
Nocturnal : nocturnal animals = animals wihch seek food at night .
. o&µI ulil_,:=ll ! J::UI .. L::f j ~j; ~~I : ~")UI ul.il~'
Nod 1 - a nodding acquaintance = a person whcm one
knows only very distantly.

• Lu "l'I•"'
..J.JU 'i ~.
~Ju ·
\UJ.. · • o.J.~
! ;~_. 1.;1,,__,

2 - the land of Nod = sleep.

Noise a big noise = an important person or event.

: ~to: J~ ~o)l.. - y : t"~I ~ ! ~I ~ ~; - \
• ~-'~..!,.~
Nominal nominal price = very low price.
• (~I '4JL:! L. ~ ;_r.) i~ ~ ;)': u-~'I ~I
Nose -. 287 - Nose

Nose 1 - cut off 'one's nose to spite one's face = do harm

to oneself when angry with others.
4-i,; {:~ o..r.;&- 0"' ""'~ J: ~~~I 0"' ~ ~ 0"' ~

2 - follow one's nose = go straight one.

• ; ~ J ' ;;,;.,c.. ~":N
. ' ~ -- J:aa. ~• ./'"" •• clali (i-1..
3 - keep one's nose to the grindstone = work hard.
~1.,J~i_, ~I .,ljT ~ ! ~-' .b~ J..-a-11 ~~ ! .>+?7 ~
• ;~I

4 - lead by the nose = have complete control ove1·.

4 ~ c.$-t.) u.1.J-' ~T ~ ~ J J ~ : .....Jb. (.r o.Jf-
• ( ~ .aJ~I;! ti'j.JJ
5 - pay through the nose = pay far too much.
~ ! ~..r:! ! (Yi~_,... 'J ;~ ~) JUI :r j~ ~
. ·~
6 - poke one's nose in another's business = push into
another's business.
<J4 'iJ ~~ ofo. Ji j ~~ i:r : o..,t:;&- J..f' J .i..ij j W"'-1:!
'1 - put her nose out of joint = 'take her place, e.g.
in love of a man.
~~ ~IJ ~ .J.AJ : ·J~: (oft.. ~~) ~- ! ~
• '5~~1 ~J ~ti'~ '-14
8 - turn up one~s nose at = show no liking or respect
for; think nothing of.
~l_;:.)'JI r.Js. ~ - y ! rl_;:.. ~I r.Js. _,f ~I ~ - \
• (~_,f ·~)
• 9 - to nose out = to find out.

10 - to nose her way = go carefully (said of a ship) .

• (~)~Li L1_;:..1 u-'.Jf: (~I_;:..~) i-.A~ (Jf) ~
Nosey - 288 - Now

Nosey a Nosey Parker = one who is interested in other people's

business. . )\.ila.i" •J:.' y J ....uf ~..L:! ~ : :;.i.,...\JI

Notation the Roman system of notation = the writing of signs

to stand for numbers, e.g. V = 5; X = 10; L = 50;
c = 100.
: J!.. \li} ~ :U'l'..\.U j.,_.; ~~I : 4L._,)I ~;:JI ~j,
. t;~.r C 1»:.i_, \ • • = C ! o • = L ! \ • = X ~ o = V
Note 1 - a man of note = a fa mo us man .
. (~ j J~) ;..:u1 r_,i.r f ;~ ! ~ _,;-
2 - to take note of = to notice.
3 - to take notes of a speech = something written
to help the memory.
~ ~f ~L:S:J4 ~~. j4 ~ : 1.S.,i- ~ ! ~
• L;~ _;r-:;; ~...,, c;~L.-
Notice 1 - take notice of = show interest in.
• (~ _,l ~~) r.- ! ~
2 - to give a servant notice = to say that she (he)
will not be employed after a certain date .
. <·~ ~4i ~ ~ ~ J..-AJ4 r..~l,;..) ~ ! .)~
3 - I give you notice that = I warn you .
• ( .!..\;.:... ~t; i:,4) ll;.:Uf ! cllas.i f !l;.la..f
Nourish to nourish ill-feeling = to keep ill-feeling in the mind.
J ~.J ·~' ;y.-! IS~ ~4) .uJ.-1_, ~I ! ~.;:! ! ,._r~
• (~I
Now 1 - now and again ; now. and then = sometimes ; frcm
time to time. . ~I_, 4JI ~ ! i:,~ -;r, ~
2 - now, now ! = (warning, e.g. to stop children
making too much noise .
• (~l,..aj"_, ~ .y. I~ ~~l&. JW,-;r ft.bu) i ~_, ! ~J
.3 - now = listen, as when beginning to tell a sto1·y .
. ~; _,, ":J,; l~ i.1,;f J! ·~ ~ i:,"5" :~ Jlf ! b"l
Number - 289 - Nymph

Number J -- look after numbr onee = take care of ones~f.

J_,f cl.....C ! U"'\:JI ~ ..!L...A:J ~ ~ ~..,.-1 ! lr. ~\i ~ f~t

• ~ l:JJl.i

2 - a back number = a person who has lost touch

with present ideas. ,
. ·~ j o~WI ,I; ~4 .,j ;;J..., ") ~.:..n: .r"--l:J.I ! ~1
3 - his days are numbered == he will soon die .
. ( ~} ~~) ~i .ill : ;~_,.M... '-..4 i ~1
Nur.se 1 - to nurse a hatred == keel> hatred in the mind.
~J ~L:-f j .r~ d ~. : .. ~I ~ ~ .. t.,u..;JI ~~
• <CA~ j ~;li
2 - to nurse a business = take great care of .

Nut 1 -
• o~ 4 J~..J J,,J

a nut ::::: a rich and foo.Jish young man .

~ :
J..f _,f P·J~. : ~

• JUI JfS" ..,_f ~ : ~I

2 - my nut = one~s head.
•. l ~ ~
• ( 0~~ I. .... '"')
f ••
IS") J)Al--
3 - I can't play for nuts = I can't at all.
.• • " f f
! '5;J~ j ~ ~ ~lla:.- j ir:J f (:k- I ~I # (I~ ) )~ '-:}
• J;..U J_,j o#J!

4 _:._ dead nuts en = very interested in.

r.Y+ (J ~ A.::h.i~: ·~)~!..;~!(I~)~
• (I~)
5 - a tough nut = a strong dete!'mined and unpleasant
;u;Ui.i ~ ~~' JI ~ ~ ~~ ~>:!) .iJiUJ ; ~ 4 : . ~'
. <c;k'' j
Nutshell in a ntJishell = in as few words as possible.
. (~~' ~ ~~ ~ Jif j) j~! ~ ! ;I..,.:=>.! JSY
~ymph = a goddess living in water, forest, etc .
• (fl.L.~I j) ~_,... _,f Ji. J ~ U! : ~Jyl-1
Oar 290- Occupy

Oar : put_ (stick) one's oar in = try to take part in another

person's business.
• (4 ~ iJl: ')_,'OJ_~ y j) J,;;..~ ! ~ ! ~
Oat to sow one's wild oats = enjoy life and behave foolishly
while young (so as fo be wiser and quieter when old).
~l ~) J¥31 j '-'~~J J~ : ;µ1 .!l.;A:! ! \J.A.14 1.J"'A
. (fo.-J I j j.>..!JJ "JV.&. ~

Oath to take an oath to promise in the name of God that
one will speak the truth ..
. (*-4) ~' Jfa.! wi .ill r"'4 : ~ ! ~
Obeisance : to make an obeisance = to bend oneself down as a
sign of respect.
• ~1.f.a. ~I ~,_, ~.)LJ (.Jf) Lip\ : ~
Observe observe the laws = keep or act according to laws.
• ~_,.;UJI ~. J~ ! !.'.,)_,lliJ\ r~
Obtain the custom has obtained for many years = has been
in use.

Occasion 1 - on the occasion of = at the time of.

J~ 'll 6.JJ.. .J:.s. : *-4 J.,z ! ( l.l.)) ..::..i.J j ! ( l.il") ,J;s.

. iJZ- ..r44 ~ l l J~.r.JI

2 - having occasion to having need to .
. (1lf') J! ~l. (.Jf) ;;J_,~ ~l.:A
3 - no occasion for = no reason or need for .
. . Jl 'OJJ~ ,:r ~ ! ( llf') J! ~l.. ') (.Jf) -~ ~
4 - occasioned by = caused by .
. y~ ;_;.;J ~~_,f ~ Jl))I ~l: J~: ~ ! ~
Occupy 1 - occupy oneself in = work at. •

2 - occupy a house ::::· t() .use ·a certain house for li'fiJlg·

in. • "'=•' ~
.. .' ( ~
•• """) ~
• .' ~
.< . I ' , . : . ...
Odd - 291 - . Off

Odd 1 -- odd jobs =·not regular employment ..

J-11 •.:)_Ji 4 r?'fi lSlll ~I .J'}- ~_,:JI : ~I JlJ=-~I
• ~1_,

2 - one hundred odd = about one hundred.

3 - the odds are 2 to 1 on = there are two chances

(probabilities) to 1 in favour of.
~r ;11 ~ f •• \ II
~~ Y :.........U
. .~ . (J i) ~. ..r'I
. Llall · ;q ~f •. Jw-
•• (IAJ) A~· (I~) y ~ J..:.-d-1

Odium I shall get the odium of it -- I shall be blamed and dis-

liked because of it. .
~t_, ~jL : (l:U-) ~'JJ ;.r ;;..:;; ~ (.Jf) 6 ~L
• (I.A))~
Odour he is in bad odour = people do not think well of him .
. '-:....- .r). ~ ~l:JI ;fa ~f ~. : ~} "'-':-.; ~l
Off 1 - be off ::. go away.
• "1.il!J -JI .' .~...~1•
-1'-q '. .....; er-

2 - five miles off ::::; five miles· distant .

• (l.:A ~) J~t ~~~\Sf: J1=---f :i_-;. ~
·3 - tht~ off· side = the far side .
• .Mf~I ~l:ll ! ;~I ~l:JI

4 - put off = to aelay to a later date .

• )i;;... ~>-4 J! ~~ ! ~T _,~ J! ~Y-

5 -- an off-day = a day of no work .

• 4.:) Jr. 'J ~:Ut ·r~I : ~I i~

6 - the fish is a bit off ~ not fresh.

~ <*-' ci.-..f') rLJ, J J~ : J-li f du,~
7 -·- off and on = sometimes, not always .
• rl_,JJI ~ ~ : ~l:--~1 ~
Offence - 292 - Office

8 - off colour = of ba"d colour (of a j'ewel); not in

, good hea_lth (of a person).
~ : ~.r ! ~~.J-4 - y ! ;.,,..~ j JlA: : ~_,.411 ~6. - '
. ~ J J~: ;~ ~ J
Offence 1 - to commit an offence = to do a wrong or unlaw-
ful act .
. ~!JJ·un 1.
~ 1... ~w
• (
- .• w~ J l) ~ (J f) 4..:./':' ~
. ft
2 - to take offence = ·to be displeased .
. 4~~-=~~ ! ~
3 - to gh'e offence · r= to displease .
• ~J ~l:JI '-:"'~A·:~
Offensive i - an offensive smell - unpleasant smell .
• ~~~ (Jf) "4:_,,S- WIJ
2 - offensive remarks = sayings which displease.
• ~.,..A.:.ll ~.J ~L.&11 fa. J 1_,;tl : 4:.)~ 6u;_,,J....
3- offensive weapons = weapons used in attack.
:'II W...~1 • .-11 ;w..J
i..r ~r
It_ --11 '-.Jl. . A,l__, I AL --
\.I v-::-:- ~ i.s • .r.-
• J.Wt
4 - to take the offensive = to attack .

• ~l,: t (y~I J) r~I ~ ~
Offer 1 - I offer £100 for your car =I will buy it at £100. ·
• ~I~~ ~J..!1 ~l: $;~ l:.l ~ 4!.. u0~f
2 - as occasion offers .= when there is a chance .
•· 1-_,AJI .J.i:J l..J.:.&. ! ~_,ill ~ ~ ~
Off-hand an off-hand manner = a careless disrespectful manner.
~ Jli:! : ;U:·~'J J~~' !l_,1- s r'~' \'J .4J ~~ ":J !l_,i-
• ii~ \'I ;w_, ~_,~I !l_,L. ~)\i
Office i - your good offices = your help.
• ~T ~ ·~ ~.; ~ ·~ : .1:14 .la.~': 1 ~_,w1 ;;~wt
2 ;__ the office of headmaster == employment and spe-
. cial duties .
• 4l ~! .)-*11 ~tu ~W. : :i....JJ.ll .);li 4AJ;.J
;()fficial - ... -·-··-. ___ ,_.Olive
3 - the last offices = prayers for a dead perso:ri.- 1

• • ~J ,:r ~~.>JIJ ~ ;~L) ' ~ ~ : ;~~I ~~~_,JI

Official official news = news made public by the governme'nt.
• ~.r(.J..1. '5f ~)I J.lWI ~.>.:;~_;JI J~~I : ~)I J~ ~l
Offset·: th'is will
offset my other losses ~·make a gain equal
to the. other losses, so that there will be no loss in
the end.
'5J~ ~J ~ ~W~I ~ 0i : ~- : '5)l-a.. ~ 1.1. ~!
• o; ~ ~J ~J ~~ w,S:..: -:JJ ' '5~ ~I o)l..a.
Oil 1 - pour oil in troubled waters = bring peace when
people are quarrelling.
.L::..{u U"'l.:JI ~ L.~ : ~I ;I}·! ~ ~ ! ~~I ~
•: .· .. ··~ .
2 ~ to strike oil' = to make a valuable discovery.
Wl~h:.: .,.~- · ! .~~'i; -
• - "~ ~ i.r~
3 :....:.... to· burn the midnight oil = to read or work until
very late ·at night.
=. r~ f J:U' r:r Wj (Jf) f i~ ~' r:r i~ ~ c_,t) ffi
• ')\....~ . ls) \; ,Liii

Old 1 - old _maid = an old unmarried woman; an old man

who_ is very careful and difficult te> please.
: .tA:r )~ - T ! ~~ r-'. ~j lr. ~JZ ;f_,...,1 : ~WI -
• dW.;l ~J ~l.J ·~-;J~ ~\.:..JI ~Jo.! ~J
2 - - an old hand at the game = experienced person .
• (L;~I J~ ~I) ~l.- 4J ~~ ~ : 4il_,..., J~ ~~1
8 - men of old = men who lived long ago.
J 1~l&. &.!·,jjt cl!J_,,f : ~)\...~·I ! ·J_,~t ..JJ.;JI ! 41,;WIJ~~I
. • ~L. ~L.jf
Olive 1 - an olive complexion = like· an Italian's.
·• u:.~~YI 6¥ : o~I <l.! .._N,y' : J,:i}JI &)_,ul
2 ~·the .olive branch'= a si.gn of peace.
·'··· ~ llWI Jf ~I L1's. : ~_H)I ~
Omit - 294 - Operation

Omit to omit to = to fail to; not to do .

. ~J..r ~) t:'- ! ·~ J> j : J.-;:
On 1 - the play is on = is being shown.
• .J~ I ~~ lA JA l!w &f_r c.Jf <.>f : J!f ~,r..11
2 - breakfast is on now = can be had now.' .
• 41_,\.:.j ,fa_ <Sf : c.)~I j:~; llai~I ~l : J_,L"
3 - on. and on = ·continuing without stopping.
. ~ _,.-~ fb ! ._ii~ .r=-- : t lkii' ~':}

4 - off and on = from time to time .

• ~1_, 4)1 ~ ! ~T.J .:;.,J_, ~
5 - and so on = etc.

6 - the on side = the near side .

• ~l..UI ~L:JI f J.)-;tl ~~I
Once 1 - all at once = all together.

2 - at once
• -~ .!l..f..:? c.Jf ..r.A: : t-
now without waiting.
~' f J,S:.11

. 4;_,~, (.Jf) ~,jt ..a J ! c.J91

Open 1 - keep open house = have many guests .
• ,..r. ~~J ...;~~' ~ : ~- : ~' ~ ! ...;~
2 - an open question; leave the matter open = un-
~"'J : ~'-:JI ~ r~I !l_;i - y !~I ~ ~L. - \
• ~ 4:) ~ _,f <.>1.r. A:i
3 - to be open with a person = keep nothing secret
f:rom him.
~ cl....:. ")'J •;':_,_~ 41 ~ . (~) ))~ CJ~
. .,_,,...
4:.S. f

4 - . open the dance = start.

• ~.r. ~ J.Jf ~~ : ~ : (i.rai)I) T..1.:t
Operation 1 - operations of an army = movements .
• ":-'.,,.J.J I.JI.. j l.~ ~t : .,.;U-..,._, ~I ~-Ju;;
Opinion - 295 - Order

2 - not in operation = not in use. • (~ '1) ~

Opinion I have no opinion of = to think badly .
• (I~ J) "J..:..- ..:..i, J.;D (.Jf) 1-J}j ~!
Opposite black is the opposite of white = quite different from .

.U ~LPI \,;ll~f • ~ -;r1
• ""' -· ~
· -: '.J-'11 ••
.l :. :·II
Option to have an option en it == the first rillht to buy it.
J~t_,f "~ ,l_r j J.J~' J-.LI ~ ;_,~ ~i : ~_,J_,~t' ~
Ordafn God has ordained that.... .::::; ordere~.

~ ( l.°U) ;_,~ ~i ~!- ,L:; ~ ( 1.U-) ~I .)IJ T


Ordeal trial b'y ordeal = judging a person by giving him a

painful or frightening experience.
o..t..!Jf (J J1)4 ~ ~<~ ~i : ~I 4[9~1 !~1 ~ ;;..\IJ4
: "'~ .. L. J ~ ~ ~ ~l.! : ~li ".ii~. ~- ~.J Jf ' ~
. \s.r. *
.:;~ t l~!J , J;L. ~ ~.;:a.1 1.lli
Ord.er 1 - in alphabetical order -== in A.B.C. arrangement .
• .. ~I ~J~ Jl:; ~ JL:-AJ~I ~.r.:JI f ~~~I ~.;JI
2 - to rise to a point of orde1· = to get up and say
that the rules of a meeting are not being obeyed.
J ~ ~ ~f : ~1_,AJI ;;~Ir J! ..,.&~ ~ ~lla.:JI ~ ~.l~
·~'~- .J f
1- ~'
t~ ~
Ui.i .-,;
. . . ~.:i ~
. -.JI .;4J
I·· <b· I
.~ t~
1- I ,CST

. '9-r ~
3 - my stomach is out of order = my stomach is not
in ahealthy state.
J.La. 4. J..La.. &.Ji sf : ~_,J lji ~ i f ( r-11 ~ ) ~ l...c. _,...; f
. :c.- ~ :m. j ~ ~l (Jf)
4 - the lower· orders = common people .
• U"'l;.JI :r ~4j.J.!1.J LWI : l:iJJI vli:kH
5 - to take orders = to become a priest.

• ~ J
i I. t l....i._;
- ~ :
- r-.r-
6 - he is in holy orders ::::: a priest.
Orientate - 296- Outlook

7 - made to order = made specially for the buyer .

. ~ J. ~L;. ~~ ~f : ~_,; ~
Orientate to orientate ·oneself = to find where one is e.g. in order
to know the right path.
~)a.JI ~ y. .r-f ~ : ~
! ~ ~ (Jf) ~>.!
Origin ! 1 - one's origin = one's birth and famity.
. .
2 - '
• ~·..,-.J ~1.1.1_,..: L.JJ~I ! '-l.,o~I

a man of humble origin = a man of low birth .

• .JJ,ll ~Jj f ~.1.11 ~I :r ~f : ~I JJ ~W!
Out 1 - the secret is out = is known .
• .:r-J~I ci'iJ ,.J_r.J t ~ : _,-JI t'~
2 -- my daughter is not out yet = not old enough to
go to dances, etc.
-:f 4 ~ j~ ~~I ~I ~ r ~f ~f : ~ ~_; t ~I ~!
. ~
-~I .bJl;l

3 - out in one's guess = incorrect .

• yl~I .y. ~ ~~

4 - acted out of kindness to = because of ....

• ..r:Jl.J 4..)1 ~' .:r ~' : ~ (.Jl) ~rU Jr
5 - out and away the finest = by far .
• ~~I ! J.P.'~I ! u---~I

6 - out and out (bad) = very bad; in every way .bad .

• •.P,-yl c;-:- ~ •~JJ ! i~ •~J;
Outlook 1 - his general outlook = his way of considering things.
• t ' •
.~ .~~I ~ J ~l..,;,JI ~~~ lt: ~~ JJI : y_,l-~I ! ~).JI
• .o.)J ~.J ! •\.:..!~I J! : Aj)i.i
2 - an O\ltlook tower = a high tower from which
watch is kept .
• :UI -H ~ ~ ,._.L! ~..i • Ul)l
.,J- -\,..I..:.."'"•.
Outrage - 297 - Own

Outrage to outrage public opinion = to do something which

everyo~e thinks very wrong.

• tJa. .t,jf ~ U"'l:JI ~ ,jf .A.i~ ·,;,r L. J.-:! : iGJI c.Si)I B

Over 1 - the day is over = finished.
• uAii! ' ~! ! r.r-l' ,jl.f._... JL.
2 - all over = quite finished .

• ~All .1. j c.Sf : .laA; w91 : ~I , JS'

3 - it's all over with him = he is ruined; must die .
. ~ ~ ! ~~ - y ~ "'="''~' .a.I J_;; f ~ Ji.I - \
4 - she was all over him = tried hard to please him .
• ci\;..1 J ~! ! ..;LpJ 'l ~I ~ Ji.I

5 - to go over = examine carefully.

Onr- 1 - to over'eat = to eat too much.

i<T. '
tJ-' ':! •
(j-' ~ 1..1• c~w·- .' :i.l:iSWI ~
- tJ-'

2 - over-anxious = too anxious .

• ~')a..;~1 ~ ! Jilli ~~
Ol-·erlook the window overloook the street = one could look out
over the street from those windows.
tJ~I c.S.} ~l ~ clil c.Sf : t_JL!JI Jt ~ ;~L:JI : J..,Z
• ; :U L:J I .;,r
Overture to make overtures to = to make an offer to a person ;
to begin to deal with a· person in the hope of reaching
an agreement.
: ~l.:! '"uO-'~ f ~~ - y f (~ ~) ~ f ~- - .,

··wt '-1.
11 J""'"
.. II •

f.hJJ i.>.a..f i _.:.... ...
Owe: owing to (the rain) = because of.
• "'}.:...()all)~
Own: 1 - to come into one's own = get that which belongs
to one; get the fame which one is worthy.
V----' ~1 - y f " ~4 ,.. L. - \ : J~ f ( ~) ~
• \...r: ~~ ~ ~jJJI : ~I
Pace - 298 - Pain

2 - hold one's own = be able to stan~ against attack;

(in illness) = not lose strength.
:. . . )~
.,,,, •
t,._ ;~..u.JI 4...i ~-< ._. ~J
J - ~
_ ' • •l
•.J~- ! ..;:..i.:.,

o~ ~ 'l ~·: ~ ~ ! cl-l~ - y ! (*4 if)I

• :

3 - on one's own = alone .

. ( .u.L- _,f ~\j ~) i.)j ! j~_,
4 - do it on one's own = do it without help.
(..!..U.l:) ,.:; ! 4 ~ ~r o..i.L- ft. .;_;.. <.S1 : ~ ( l.i)) J.f-f
• .!l~.J
.5 - own to; own up; own up to = say that one did a
wrong act.
• ~li.i. l-'-;f .J i ~
.. ._s::;
• J ' 4jl~. . -
u~ (Jf) J1~.

Pace be paced up and down the room = walked about.
. lt~~~ ~~ ! ~... 4l..) ;~1 tJ~

Pack 1 - a pack of hounds = a group of hunting dogs.
• ~ ~J f ~I y-j.S' V" :U:
2 - to pack a committee = to chose the members of
a group so that the group may decide as one wishes.
~JJ..,~ t.;~i I...:
;.~ d ~ ~ l.~~f )\;.;; ! ~ ~
. 4; .J' ·'JA ~J
3 - to send a person packing = send away quickly .
• (~) ylati~ ~ .! ~ ! .)~
4 - to pack meat = to put meat in tins .
• (~I~~ J r..,Jll) ·~
Paddle paddle one's own cause = work unhelped.
,.,,__, ~ ! ;~t- ~ (Jf) ! (4i_,t- ~) ~
Pagoda a temple of Budha.
• -'~Y- o.)~ ~ ~: .)_,i.~1
Paia 1 - on pain of death = with death as the punishment.
• ii~ ')I ~_,As. J..i _,f y 15f : il~~I ~_,_ir.
Paint - 299 - Paper

2 - he took great pains = he was very careful. '

• ~jt:JI_, ~I ":-'l:-f J..<"~ .Aa.f f ~ ~ ~f ~
Paint paint the town r~ = have very merry evening .
. )~ ;_,....~_ ! ~ ll::J ~
Pale 1 - Pale face = a name used by American Indians
for Europeans .
• ~J.J~I ~· ~ .....J J . .~I .)..,..:J.1 ~ f"'I : ~,JI;.,-
2 ___:_ he is beyond the pale = not a gentleman; very
badly behave·d .
. t~' ..;~ ! ll_,L..JI &'-' - T ~ ! ~ ! ~ - \

Palm 1 - to greal'e his palm = pa;r him money to do wrong.

_,i ~ ~.r.. _,; i~ Jl::J : JL.c. (~) 45~ ! ~~
• • ~yWI ~ ~~ -Jvd
2 - bear away the palm = win a victory .
• ..Jl..u.f u:~ j_,...Ai JL:..i.. •.···~
• l,,,,,;r-• ! .-.:.Li

3 - yield the palm to = be beaten by .

• (-...~ ~ ~) "="'~ ! i.i1:
)>alter palter with facts; truth = speak about facts in such a·
way as to deceive the listener; try to make the owner of
a thing sell at a lower price.
~ ~ z ~lAJ..I (~1-~ •:i!) .r~ !~1,JI ~~ ~ - \
~ iJf Ji..tf:. - T ~I ~- _,f ~1,JI .!llJ~! ·~ CWI t~
.• .... .;:-_.__! !
~ :
- ~
\,..; •
.. _'.·.111!.UL.
Paper 1 - on paper = as judged by printed figure~.

~~l~~I ~: iJJ-' j '-'~ 'i.s! :r ~I :J;,JI '"'Is.

• ~~~..,.-1
2 - a paper = a newspaper; a written or printed
paper; a written examination.
iJ~l.-r ! ~~ _,i ~_,:S:.-. ~1 _, _" ~ :u~~ _,i :;~...+' _,
• ,.s.r..re:;
3 - send in one's papers = give up an office.
• ( ~~ t..J·..&-) ...,,.,'~•. ! 'jJ- .;J w ..
_...,,_ ;.l ~
.., ...
Par, : - 300- Part

Par : 1 - at par = equal to its usu.al or correct value.

• ( ;~l:...11 :l_;;_;;l.I ~) jl,,... ! _,L....
2 ~ on a par with = eqyal to; level with .
• ( 1.0) c.s_,:.- j s ( l.K..l) _, L-.
Parade tQ parade one's knowledge = \o show proudly one's
' '
knowledge .
• ~~ ~ ~ ,.,.~ £ ~~y.....c. c ·~2 ! o.r--e. ~~

Parcel 1 - · a parcel of land = a piece of land.

• i,f; ~I :.r "~ (Jf) ~
2 - to parcel out = to divide into shares.

. •i.s-
.(.~f! ~ .·'.·11
11.L) •-~-
3 - part and parcel of (the plan) = a vei:y important
part of; a part which cannot be left out.
J-r- ~f ~- "':} "~ : Jr _,f ~.J.J..=..,. _,f ~:.r : ~)I ..~f
'"- •
...cs. I..$.A:.-J- _,f ~ •f -J

Part 1 - ti·ue in part part of it is true .

. ~ly :.r ~\; j ~: lJ~ ~
2 - take it in good part = do not be angry at it.
• (~~ ·'~ :.r) .J.; "':} f ~ "':} ! ~- "':}
3 - spare parts of a motor = new pieces of a machine
used when part is broken or worn out.
'-T. J.J..i....J
• -
:UT iJ"'
• .o.AJJd-1
- • c--1.uJI .• (*-4) ;~ W
- .• J LA.II
- ..L.i
• '~ _,f ~,k. tc..J.j ,Jai
4 - I live in these parts = I live near here .
• ~l>-11 1.>.ai :.r ~.JU. c.sf : (~I I~ j) ~f , ~f , r-f1
5 -!.- I for my part .::;: speaking for myself only.
· ~ ~ ~l.-~4 J_,;I ! c.s~ ~f "':J ! ~ ~ ~f
s· - foolish behaviour on part of Mr. X = Mr. X be-
haved foolishly.
~I ..J__,4j ( ~-j..;) ..J.riJ ~~ : 4JjJ ~~ c.r I •IS"' .!l_,J-
. ·~'-'
Partial - 301 - Party·

7 - to take a pa1·t. in a play = act one character in

a play.
1-~ ..... ~ \··-- • .-...ii~~.~ ,i • ~.
.!l J~
• "f"' - U - ~ I_,._ • • • • ~ •

8 - to part with = to give up; to sell.

. (j) ..;~ ! ~ - y ~ ! (.Jo)~ ! ~ - '
Partial : .. 1 - a partial success = not completely successful.
• (~lS-' ~ (.~) J~I C.~I
2 - - she is partail to sweets = she likes sweets.
• t. t,. . LZ 1. • ~ - •
~ ...... .J r- . r . <.>·~
1 J_I __,,.; 1.·1
. ..,..
3 - partial in his judgments = not fair to both sides.·
• u:_j)aJI ..1..4 }t:Jt .Jo JA;- ..r.f. : ( ~ J) ~
Particular .1 - each works in his own particular away = in a
separate and different way from others.
~~ ~ ~;... jS" ~' <Sf : ~_,.LJ (.Jf) ~). ~ J,S:.J
•. ~•r..J ~ _1_,
2 - he 'is particularly careful of = specially.
• ~l,;. ~~ _,i ~ -;i~ ,,r : ~~ ~~ ~ ~1
3 - very particular about one's food = difficult in
chosing one's food .•
'-.i~ J51.tt 0-4 ~ft. L. ~"f ~I LJ-t: efL j Jib
• •Jl:;:..:.I J Ji~
4 - in every particular = correct in every single point
or part.
• (~1~-f_, ~!_,.; y- 0-4) 1~ f ~
Partinc a parting of the ways = a tim!! when we must chose
one of two lines of action.
~ &Sj.JI ci_,JI ~l.. \Sf : ~ ~)JI r.J~ l.'.Lt. : r.JJli:JI
• J..aU ~;, .A.o.i) ~ ~f 4J
Party 1 - to be a. party to a plan = to know of; to help in.
_,t lr: ..;fi ~f : (J..F- _,f) ~ j : ./~ ! ~ l.:..4 ! .!,\)~
• \A '1)•; J ~~
2 - an ugly old party. = an ugly person .
. ~_,wt ! ._,j:.11 ! ~I
Pass - 302 - P3¥

Pass 1 - to pass the ball = hit, kick or throw it to another

_,..r ~':J J! tr: ~fl ! ~J-=! ! ~~ : <·~') JJ~ ! ~.r..
• ~ . Jr. ~.i
- .._.,... -.r •

2 - all thiI1gs must pass = end .

• .)~ (Jl) _,.:.i (Ji)~~ J!.,"4f ~Lr f ~- "._r ~
3 - to pass away = die.
4 - to pass out = die, faint.
. ~
.. - . . '~
- ~-y
5 - a law was passed = accepted .
• ~J.JJI LJ;il_,i ,:_r ~i : ~ J-1"" ! .r ~ ~ : ~_,;WI;_;.;
6 ~ it will pass it is good enough .
. J~J i~ ~ J.j~ : j~ f J.:A::-
7 - to pass an examination = to satisfy the examiners.

• ( 4JL6.Li
. • • •
,...#J ~I•
...,,., F-
•• ~l>.:...I v.i) \...,...
~.. f J•~ ~
....ii ! .r.

8 - pass water cause waste liquid to flow out of

the body. ,..-:lt
• ~ ~UI :u.,.:uJI ~ : J~
9 - please pass tl~e butter = give me.
• • '
·.l' . • i.;-- ~ • ~
• .._,J

10 - pa~s the time of day with ~ greet .

. (~) ~ ! ~ £ ~~ ! ~l:-:
11 -- the. peace of God that passes all undersanding =
cannot be understood by man .
• ~W~I '5fo. .!JJJ.j. ~~I ~j : ~ ~ ~~ J-:-i ~I ~l i.-J
12 - to pass for = be accepted as; be thought to be.
• ( 1~< J.j f ~) ..'.b.Y- £ ~ - y ! ( ,15- d j&-) ~ - '
13 - pass .oneself off as = pretend to be.

• ( I.:...< d) i.s'" J.:

14 -- things have come to a bad pass - are fo a bad
state .
• ~~ JI_,... ')'1 ~;;;I : ;]jL Jl ;_,~~I ~~4 ~ J~ ')'1 ~..,~
Passa -- 303 - Pay

p8888.ge· a passage of arms = fight.

Passion the Passion = the sufferings of C~rist on the cross.

•~I .J;.&. ~I r'Ji : ~ ':J.91
Pat 1 -- to pat oneself on the back = be pleased at one's
own cleverness .

• ....:& ' ""'.;.J ~) l.rc• •• f_.r..:)

- -...!J- ~
L. J . ·...1
! ..T--

2 - a pat of butter = a small round piece of butter.

• ( ~ "Oy_~ iJai \Sf : ~)I (.r) :t..lja:- (.Jf) -OJ...
3 - to answer pat == answer cleverly and at once .
• ~~l~~.J~ 5i1..:;..S:,_j·~ J""'J o;~.J ;) l.,c_ YJ4': : (;,.<._. ~

Patch 1 - it's not a patch on ::.: not nearly so good as ....

• ;~Y." ( 1 ~) YJ~ ':J ! (l.:.S-) ·~~ ~ ~ ~! J~

2 - a patch of land 7 a small piece of land .

. tr. 'O~ iJu : if; ~I :_r w;
3 - to patch up a quarrel = settle for a time.
fl.- t.o.. \Si : ~-:.~ Jl : l<1~ (Jf) ~ (.Jf) LL.A~ ~
• '-4 :.rj J! ~ ' Jt;:
Patience: to be out of patience wlth == be angry with .

. ( ~) .'-"~ ! ( ~) ~ ! ·~ ~

Pave pave the way for = prepare for; help to arrive or

c.~ ~l&. : -'-'l-:! ! ~.J~ - 'f : (J!J:!)aJI)~ !-'+C)·u:r.. - '
• ~.,...... Jf ·~
Pay 1 -- to pay through the nose = pay too high a price.
: 4 JtA.. C:l· J~ ! 'Ck&~ ~l ~~
2 - pay one's way = pay one's cwn costs as they come .
.r4 15i : ~ ~ ~ ..:...a.Li L. :w4 ~tw e.~ rii!
... -~:_, ~~

3 ~ my pay =- the money which I am paid for my

work. . y A\AU ~ J..-f ~.ill : ~I; !~.r
Peck ._ 304 - Percussion

4- pay one's respects = go and greet a person with

respects .
•'-:-4 U'~ l.!JJ~ t_,A:J ~ J! ~~ : .(;~t;:a..t_, ~~~~
5 - pay a ~all = go to a person's house and visit him .

. ~ ·'~ ~ J~ J! ~~ : JJ:r.
6 - I'll pay him out ! = punish him for the wrong
which he has done to me.
_,t : Jlj! ~ 1,r ~)I L. 11.I~ : ~ ~L ! ~~L
• Jl~T L. .. Ul.;

Peck 1 - keep one's pecker up = be careful.

• U"'I_;:. ~'t_, ;lJ-1 ._;t.JA ~ ~ ~f : J~ f V"'~ f ~
2 - peckish = hungry.

Peg 1 - to peg away at = to work paitently .

• Cilif_, ~ ~
2 - a peg = a glass of strong drink .
. ~ ~_j..r:- r:r (~~j) ~.)
3 - P'eg'out = die.

Pelt : pelting rain = heavy rain.

Pepper : 1 - to pep,per with = to hit with many small shots.

I :I :11 - - L..:U- 0 ~ .. ,- 0 . ._;;1 · - ~
.v-- .• .J:- ~.A ...••• vLi.LAJ-
2 - pepper and salt (colour of cloth) = small black
and white spots .
• .>.rJ ~ ~l:5--y. 1i_,.. u!~ j JU:! : ~I
Percussion : 1 -- percussion instruments of music = such as are
struck, e.g. drum .
• t.~J Jr.kJl.J : ~:-.,11 _,A:JI ~~T
2 - pe1·cussion cap = a small cap full of matter which
explodes when hit, used in firing a gun.
J-;:...J , ~ '~! ~ o.>L. ~": ;~ ;_,_a; : :U,..4Jt
.• ~1.UIJ J.>~I J')\1,1 ~
Perish - 305 - Physique

Perish 1 --- perishable goods -· gcods which spoil if left too

long, e.g. ~ggs .
.,:..;yl ;J.;'. ..L....ii. ~JI : J:.U ~WI ~WI (_,f) ,~~I
. ~ (~1.f) ..:;J'"")' I~!
2 - pe'rished with cold = feeling very cold:
• .i..il:...J .I,;..,~ ~..L! ~,.,~ ~ Lr : JJjll
Permanent : 1 - permanent way = railway line.

2 - permanent wave = a way of making curls which

last a long time in women's hair.
4--~ ~I j&. ._;.:; ~l.l:-ll ~ ~_,!- j ~_), : i:r)I ~_,.:Jt
• ~~o.l...

Person to come in person to come oneself.

• .a.j"l~~!~J4
Perspective· : to see thJngs in perspective . = have a true· judgment
of the relative impcrtance of events.
J' ('J ~ r-'(:...J! ~ \Sf : lJlj:-1 i_,lij .. ~~I J _)a;.!
• .,11 5'1 Jt ~.)1_,J.1 ~ ~I :. .._.A.II r..J.".iJ·

Pet pet aversion = most disliked thing.

• ...r--:- J \.J'",i.,
:...:. 11 ...... J-. .. L..:''1
- " .... _•• f ·'
---: .. L;~I
.. I.)
Petard hoist with his own petard = caught and hurt by his
own evil plans.
•....~~ ·~ (Jf) ..W c.~ '5.;ji!_, .:u;._;: : .U.4 ·~.rUI ~
• "~I ofa. (Jf}

Phonetic phonetic spelling = writing words exactly as they are

said e.g. "fonetik".
:l~"_,....Jlo;~I j&. ~V.,.<Jl ~ ~f : J)-l (Ji) J~I .. ~I
t , ~ ~II
. -r. ~""
Physique : 1 ~ a man of strong physique one who does not
easily become ill.
!!!- -jJ : ~lpJ ;_,; 4 ! ~JJI ~ ! W' <S.,i : ~J
• 41~ ~)I ~.Ji
Pick - 306 - Pig

2 - of opwerfu] physique = sh'ong in' the arms,

legs, etc.
o~ : ~"'l;~J 4L ~l : ~t)S j . ;.)u f ~ ! 4 . :~.11 tS.,i
• • ~lj~

Pick 1 - to pick· holes in = to find fauJt with .

• ~lA:JI (_,f) c.lh ~I (Jf) 1~ .;r1 ~
2 - to· pick fruit = to gather fruit .
. ~ ! ( ,,_.,,
-'"II) .._.
,....:.·- ! .~

3 - to pick a Jock = open a lock without a key.

. ) jUj ~.
•. ( ~
~\:A.. ~

4 - to have a bone to pick = to have a quarrel.

• 41.;li,. j ~~ i ) ~ (_,f) _.!l 1~ c.i i!!-
5 -- to pick UP = to take up; to make friends with .
• J.Hd: ! J.)~ ! -~L.:..:! - y j~ ! ~~ ! ~ - '
6 - - the pjck of the· bunch = the best of ~II .
. o.l:!;iJ' o~~' ! ..>.Wl;l:;.... ! ~~' ! ~~~l ! ~~I
7 - to pick a quarreJ = to· make a quarrel on purpose .
. ~~J Jld:-' 4-) ~/. : J!_:.:JI_, ~l..A='-1 '"='""~ ! Jl:AJI ~
Pickle : in a sad pickle' = in a bad state. . 4J J 1_ ! ~ :t.J~ J
Picture : the picture~ = moving p~ctures (cinema).
. :0- ·'I : - II '·
~)~. .~ t -
Piece : • 1 - a piece in the theatre = a play.
• c..,....... J l&.a l!... ru; : :._1_· -n
2 - to piece together = to put pieces together. ·
~~~I -~~~I~: Ji~ f ~J;! ! -~
Pig 1 - to buy a pig in a poke = buy something-which one
has not properly seen .

• "-:-i~ ~-' o_r- r ~ ~~ : µ, (_,f) ~I '"'~ ~J..!4.

2 - make a pig of oneself = eat too much .

.• ~1~ ~L).~ ! :ua.<JI~ ~~ ! i~ JS4

Pigeon-ho le - 307 - Pip

3 -- pig iron = iron in re ugh· ma3ses as shaped a.fter

it is first made from ore.
~·:1'~...J ~J ,~ J.:.i o~I ~J.J.I & :~J.J..1~
• ~ J.J..I i l,;. .:.,..

4 - he's a pig = he eats too much; takes too much

interest in food.
j ~Lil - y J)"°SI IJ4 j~.JI : ~I ~ J_,)~I - \ .
. ""'~t!I_, JS~ I J .._.. j~ c.s ~I : ~
Pigeon-hole to pigeon-hole a thing = to lay aside for later atten-
tion. ~)l ~ ~ ! (J.~ ~ ~! uU;J~I ~Jl..:.J , ~: ·iJ";.r..
Pike plain as a pike-Mtaff = very easily seen 01· understood .
. l.,.; _,f i)a.i : ~_,JI ~ ~I_,
Pile to make one·~ pile = to get all the money one wants .
• ~~J~ JUI iJ-j~ ~j ! JUI ;r ~\.a.~~
Pillow to take counsel of one's pillow = to think about during
the night. • i~I ~ ~l.J.aO.~IJ c.~~I j.:.~ (Jf) A
Pin 1 - don't care a pin :..:.: don't care at all.
1£ 11) '")u . &l.; 'l' , - ~ ~ ' ...,t; ';J
• (. '"'· .' ""' . fT' . .
2 -- pins and needles = a feeling in the arms or legs
as if needles were being pushed into the skin.
J 4.J~J : ~I j ,r.~1 :,:;._, ~ t:. 1y-::. : j~I ~ J.,,j.1
• ~~IJ ~L..JI _,f y..l:-11
3 --•quick on his pins ::::: quick on his legs.
• ( (,.).&.) .i.JL y. r- ~ _,~ ~! ! ~_,U 4L.. Jl.lof

4 - to pin a pe rson down = to demand an answer,

promise, etc .
• ~·~~_,, .).&.-'j~!Ji4t~ ~ :~ ! y~
Pinch 1 -- a pinch of =-= a small amount.
• (c.~ ~) ""'Yi! ;~"if
2 - to "pinch = to steal.

Pip it give8 me the pip = make me unhapp~: .

. c~~\.a. _,, ~..\.. _,t c.~ J J~) ~-.;.: ! ~~.;.: J.:a.c_

Piping - 308 - Place

Piping a piping voice = thin and high like a young bird's.

...k.JI; ~ \.I·.... \:.,;'
• .,,,,,_ ~ _$:,ej,JI
~- - 'IS" J~
,..;'J •
....:. •
~.'-""'~~ ..;:.,..-
• •.\.,,;ii-~


2 - piping hot = very hot.

• 0) 1.).:L.1 ~..l..! ! i~ ,:r:..L..
Pitch 1 - to pitch forward = to' fall forward .
. ~t,.. & ! ( ~J ~) ~
2 - 'the ship is pitching = going up and down from
end to end .

3 -
• ~ 5i1 J! tr.:i.,b .J.a.f ~ ~.J µ c.;_ J J~ : ~Ji:;
pitch into = scold. -
(O~) i .,.4 ! (;; ~) ~~ ! ~ ~ r..r.
4 - pitch of the voice = highness of ...
• ~L:.AJI j : .A....li.. , ~LU; I : ~roJ~ _,!..
5 - pitch of a roof = slope. -k-!I J~
6 -- pitched b~t.tle = a large battle carefully arranged
and prep~red for .
• ~ r-"J.J l,=IJ..... ~.J ~ ~ : ir,J... "IS"~·
Pitchfork pitchforke.d into = pushe,d suddenly into (an emp\oy-
ment or duty) .
• ~ .)},! ~l.J _,f ~~ 4! ~J ;.L~ : ~}.! ! ~ : .bA:4
Pitiful a pitiful attempt = an attempt so bad as to make one
feel angry.
~4 ~ ~-J ~' d'-'_ : 4J ~ Jr (.Ji) ;u_,~
• J!J.IJ _;_~IJ
Pittance a mere pittance = very little; just enough to keep on~


Pity it's a pity that = I am sorry because .

• (1.:U-) ·'~~ : (IKJ) ,_L (.Jf) ~.J_r... (Jf) ~~ f J!
Place 1 - have got a place as a clerk =. have got -employ-
ment as a clerk. . ,_j'l)°
. W · ·
-~~ ~- • . GU-
. .,;;Al;~

2 - my place in the country = my house in the

Plain - 309 - Play·

3 - he knows his place = he knows his rank and duty .

• ~'.J-' .#.;.as~:.• ....;~ <.Sr : ~ ....;~ -.;1
4 - it's not my place to = I have no right to ....
_,i ~wf ~f) ~~ (_,f) i};.. ~ ~ : (<.Sf) JL; 1.r ~
• ( 1,;s") J.l'f
5 - I cannot place him = cannot remember who he is
or where I met him .
• oC::!f; ~t ~.J '~ (.r &-' 'j : ,,_,s-~t ~ f ,,_,s-:d ~
Plain l - plain-clothes man = an officer of. the law dressed
so as not to be known as such.
: ~I ! _,s:-11
• ..;fi

2 - plain dealing = honesty.

• J...1s.J :L.li:-1.J 4;L.~ ~I ~WI : :L.L&:..~I ! ~L.~I

3 - the plains = the lower flatter part of the coun-

try, not the mountains .
• J~t_, J)\..;:JI ~ : ~ ~;f ~ ~I tti)I : J_,._JI

Plait she had two long plaits down her back = her hair was
plaitea into two ropes.
• ~_,:A... w:..L:a- t..,.:~ ;_,_;j~ <.Sf : v...:4 ~ lA ~ ~) : J~
Plane : a plane surface = a flat level space . • ~l~I

Plank : 1 - to walk the plank = to be forced to walk alorig

a board and fall off the end into the sea.
~ , ~;J..1 (.r ol i..:;_,; (.r ~' Js. ~ : ;1_,.i1 J! ~.
. .:... ,, . i ~ 1.· J,;.s. Jai_,
• .J'5"':' ~ -"f' -

2 - to plank down (money) = to pay quickly and


Play 1 - play the game = be honest and fair .

• ~~, •.r...,...JI ~, ~i (~)I)~~ ~J
Please - 310 - Ply wood

2 - there is too much play in this joint = it is loose;·

it shakes.
~_,s:.;... ~f ~f: ~t; ~_,JI.~~!: J~ : ~I ! ~\
• '-
<~1 .y.
. •~· Le. ..rt-
·- - •, ;u..t.:...
..,--.J - r

3 - high play playing a card game for large

amounts of money .
• JUI .:,r ~ J~ t.:h,JI ~ ~j : J~I j 4.rW.1
Please please do it = I ask you to do it.
• J.-.U ~' ~ 1~r f JaAj ~r ~u
Plot to plot a curve = to draw a line showing the meaning
of certain figures.
;li; ':JI~ LF- ~ : ~JI~ ...:",; J_), ~ : ~ (J ) 2,.t,-;l
. 4~ ~ o;_,.....!I
Plough the plough = a certain group of stars in the sky
sha.ped like a plough.
~ ' j~I ~ ~~ .J- ;J~ i.?' ' ~Jl- o;J-# : ~!~JI

J -

Pluck 1 - he haA plenty of pluck = he is brave.

• ~I J.A... f ;.,-:- ! t ~ : 4.i f
2 - pluck up your courage = be brave.
~J.ir_! G~ J: ~
3 - to be plucked = to fail in an examination .
. ~~' j : ~
Plug plugging away = working hard.
• J.:S. lla:.-1 ~ L ~lu , i.a. 4- : J..a:!
Ply ships plying between Egypt and India = going re-
gularly between ....
~)aJI l.i_~ UL&. :U...WI ~i : J.:.41J ..rtM l.J:.~ J-.j ~I _;-JI

Ply wood three-ply wood = two or more thin pieces of wood stuck
together to make one rstrong board'.
J! 4-~ ~ . ~;LI ~.JS- f Ji ~L:.Jai : ~JI ~ ~_;.J..1

~ .r
.l.a.1.J "- •I J
f o.U..IJ :t..la;L' .
:r.:-I ~

Pocket - 311 - Policy

Pocket to pocket a thing = to take for one's own.

• -lJ ls::..i.. ~f ,i,jf u~ o~4 : "-~!Cr~) o~ ~
Point 1 - to see the point = to understand the main idea. ·
. 9 ~L:~;1 ;J.s::.&.11 ~ sf : ~ "'~ ~ ! ~_,11 ~ .!.lJ~
2 - get to the point = get to the main idea .
• ( ~>-' J) ~)I ;µ1 .!lJ~ : ~~I ~fi ! ~I J! ~
3 - a pointed remark = a saying aimed at some one
person .
. ~~ ~ J! Lt.~_,..~>.! : :t-~., (.Jf) ;~_,..,.u... oJ~
Poke 1 - poke the fire = break up coals in a fire with an
iron bar (a poker) .
..l:!~I :r ~ ..u.,_.'""_,f ~ J ~I ~1~f ~ : ;l:..ll .!l~
• c.)_,.i-11» ~

2 - to poki one's nose into = try to take part in

another's business .
. (~~~_, ~l.f.i J ~f) •fo. ~µ j Ja.-'=:! :(J) .,;.;JU""~
3 - to poke fun at = try to make people laugh at.
~_,.,. (~ ~) 4.J~ 4.Jf ~ ~ : c.. U""l:JI :- cl:.;- l
• A:... ~l.J u--l:JI ~_;.-

Poker poker-face = having the face of a poker player, show-

ing no feeling.
) l1'T u.
- ~•·- 'l ((;_r.lh> ~ :.r ~_,s- : ""-4~ ~.J.
• ~I ~~L..Ai'll
Poky: a poky little house small.
.• J::if ~ ~·: ... ..!.11
Policy· 1 - it is not a good policy to = not wise to.
:4i~.ll i:r : _,f ! ~~I Cr-- ~ ~ ! ( ~f) Ji-JI i:r ~
• (~i) ~'-'
2 - an insurance policy = an agreement to pay a
certain amount of money in a certain event, e.g.
accident or death. I

,:r i»l_.-;._; ,.;~ ~~ Jli;I ~ : ~l=Jt L~

..l.:.'- JUI
'-. '
• ~_,...-' ~~6. ~.J
Polish - 312 - Porous

Polish 1 - a polished man = a man having fine manners.

. c.rl- '11 ~.r '-'il.1.1 CJ-- : f-;S'" (Jf) '-'~ ~J
2 - polish off work = finish quickly.
~r, J...-JI : ~
3 - to polish (up) a poem = to make it better in
small ways.
t;;~ f_,AJ.J ~Wi ;~4: ~I~ :i.Jai: J¥.:! ! ~
• ~J~~~J
Poll 1 - to vote.
2 - the poll = the act or. place of voting.
• y~'ll ..]A.. - y ! y\..;.:i~'I - \

Poor 1 - a, poor speaker = a bad speaker.

• ~J :U~ 4 : o_,..A.. ~
2 - poor soU = not fertile ..
. •
• f •
~ ~: II :ba-JI !
o ~ ~I ~I M 0
· II 1..1°·J ~I
• ).r.'

3 - feel~ing poorly = not feeling well .

• ~.r er-: ! .!1~>-4 '-.i~ ~
Pop 1 - to pop up = to- come up or appear suddenly.
;lla:;I ~ ~J : (o·~) ~ (Ji) ~
2 - pop in come in suddenly.
• y~I ~ ! ;.~ ~~

3 ~ pop off = die.

4 - to pop the question = to ask a lady in marriage .

• of.rl ~ (_IJ)I : ~ (Jf) J~
5 ---.! to pop one's gold ring = have money lent upon
a ring.
• JUI ~l..- x.s. ~4=;1 ~ ~L. 4-'- ~~ : ...Cl::. : LJA.r..
Porous a porous pot = one used to keep water cool.
f (~~I x.s.) llaJI ~ .Ul ~.;::J rL- ~t~ ¥ : l..f4WI ;.lAJI
. ( r l!J I JA f x.s. ) ;J \.:.JI ! ~r.J I
Pose - 313 - Pou

Pose 1 - to pose as = to pretend to be.

• ( ~f) cf~
2- that's a J?Oser ! = that is a difficult question .
• ..r-s- (Ji) ~ ~ (.Ji) J4 J~ .r ~ 4.il
Position I am not in a position to do it = not able to do it .
. (Ill) <.J.-ii ~j c.SJ.J..li... J ~ : ......~t ':i ! ;.lif 'i
Possess self-possesS"ed calm and sure of oneself.
• 4-.A.i ~!;... ! •4$.l lA

Post 1 - to be driven from piller to post = to be made

to move about continually .
• tUWI ~ ~.J ~IJ; J.r..: ~~ f ~
2 - keep me well posted = tell me all the news .
. ~ ) ~ ~' ~ ~ ! ) ~ ~4 : J~Jj
3 - to post a ledger = to write accounts of money .
• ~~_, j.;;._.) ~L......J JUI ~1.)_,.A... ~ : ":-'UI ~
4 - the last post = music played to call soldiers back
to camp, also over. the grave of a soldier.
~_,;- T • ~I J! 41 .)~ ~_:,..; ~_,.. : o.l.,..JI ~_,; - '
. J;i _,f ~L. ~~ fl. ~ i..i~ ~_,.. : ~_;.:LI
Pot 1 - take pot luck = as a guest to eat the usual food
of the family.
rw, "J , o.ll-All J ~' J&~ .>Sf u J5-~ ~: ~' ~-'
• "-" .J. ....

2 - to go to pot = to be ruined .
. yl;-~I ~ ~ ! ~ ~ y}:

·3 - to take a pot at to shoot at.

. (41) y_r&:? f (·~) i..i~

4 - pc;>tty = mad .

Pour : .1 - the people poured out of the building = came out

freely and in a mass.
• rlli.i ~J ~ ~I .:,r L1"' WI ~;.;I : G..j IY.".,-.
Power - 314 - Preach

2 - pouring rain = very heavy rain .

• ~li (Jf) .):!~ ! ..,..,.:.. _p..
Power 1 - he has the power to = ·he is able to.
• (0f) O)JJ.i.. j'! .i.j~l j ! (0f) ,(jJ_)j j ~1

2 - the Great Powers = the powerful (strong) coun-

tries in the world .
• oJ..JIJ o~I ;;J....lUI ~I ~~' : ~I JJ.lJt
Practically practically dead = almost dead .
• u_,!I .jA ~).C. f u_,J.1 ·~ J&. f ~

Practice 1 - practice in (printing) = doing a thing often so

as to become skilfull.
j J-..11 y~4 .:..a_ -;q : ("j.!_, ~~I ~) :Ul)I ! 1.1"'__..:JI
t. ·:-.• - ~ L.k.J I
t. '"
• ,'1:"' *--' ,..-::
~ .
2 - it is my practice to = it is my custom to ....
• (0f) ~ u~I ~ f J.)~ L;4
3 - a doctor's practice = t~e people whom he serves.
u'l'l:l-1 ! ~I ~.r ! ~ ~LA.. ~ r~ LJ:!.ill c.,gO)I
• ~\..(~I
4 - he knows the ·theory but not the practice = he
knows the ideas but not how to put them into
~uJ ' ;lS.1';~·,_, .. 1/s1 ~~ : ulJ....J4 JA4- ~4)i;J4 ~
• l::l.> ~ ~'5': ~ ~ ~fi '1
Practise · practise what you preach = do yourself what you
advise others to do.
f ~ l.1"'CJI ~-·; L. tL;.;1 ~ lcti--li ~ f~l f 4:1!~.J.j L. cfl
• J~~I ot>:. ~ ~J"~ L. ~ ~4 l.1"'l:JJ -:J..a.... ;_,)
Pray pray, what is that ? = I ask you to (tell me) what is
·~ l.k L. Jft. 01 ~' 'i 11' L. ~L l~! OJ.la..
Preach to preach war = to· speak, urging peopl~ to go to war.
• y_r1.1 o;J~ ~l:J1 ~..J ~ : ~~ ~J!
Precede - 315 - Press

Precede : to give precedence to = to give a higher: place to .

• ~ ! ~~I ;.r J_,~, '-.!f.11 ~ J~ ! ( 1.>..CJ) ~.,J/il ~
Precursor a red sky is the precursor of storm == ••• .is the forerun-
ner of...
' ~l-.i .):!,;.,; ~)j L,;_,J IJ~ I~! ..µ1 ~! : J_,z : '-...>:ill ! .r.~1
. ..y d,._.J.. :LJ.i. _, t
Predispose to predispose the body to disease; predispose the mind
to ce1·tain ideas = to make a certain event probable.
r-~1 ·~ J_,z ~ts': (I~) ~\i ..~I~ : ~ ! •u=r.
• ~ c,lfa J~ J.iaJI (Jf) ~_,..u
Preme4i~ : a-pretnemtat-ed 1\~t -= ®ne <>n put'pOSe; aft~r careful
thought .
• ~ ;!._,.- ~ 1 "-:i ; ~-YI ~'-'1 ~ JY. J..f : ;!._,,- ~ 1_, ~I C
Premium sold at a premium == sold for more than the usual price.
• '3_,_JI j )WI _,...JI ~ JS-4 Ci-
P.resence 1 - in the presence of = being with a person; stand-
ing in front of .
• (~~)~.l:? ~ :(4J~)~ ~-L!. !o_,.a,... J;.s. ~(~)&J) )~ J
2 - presence of mind = quickness in thinking and
acting when in danger .
• pl J.:.s. J.wJI j&. il.J.i~I_, ~I~.,,... : ~lJI J~

Present to present arms (of soldiers) == to hold the guns up-

right in honour of a high officer.
, • ~)I J~ ~~ ~;:_; ~fJ ~ : ( .c~I .1:.&.) c?-Jl r!_;
PreRS : 1 - to press clothes = to make flat and neat.
. ~
.111 -C$. 4l..,;f ·._<-:
- ~_,.,......._, .La.......;.;
. ~ - .• ....u, tJ<
2 - hard pressed = in difficulty .
. ~ (.Ji) ~~· JjL (Jf) ~ (Jf) 4A!... J ...J! .
3 - to press a person to act = urge.
• (
.... t.I.~• I
;vr ·v--:. ..J
f i.r'.· f. CJrt..!- ~
• i.r
A I_
0 • • ( . I __ ; (
. u--t. . ~
t. ~ '
Pressure - 316- Prey

4: - to press money on =· try to make a person accept

~6. j~ '.]~ ~ ~ J--f. ~f j ¥.:,:JUI Jr,i ~ o~
. ~!

5 - pressing business = business which must be

done at once .
• ~
.q )-~~I~
.r- . . t~.
- u- t..:..l:.;JI
. u- t.:

6 -- press en hurry forward.

7 -- press for = continue to ask for .

• ~ ~I ~J~ • (1.L') ~ J ·: ~
8 - the press = newspapers .
• ~;.J..\.ll 1.Jl.,.....!..iJl.J ~~1_, .>..:t,).--1 : :U~I

Pressure 1 ~ to bring pressure to bear on = to urge or force

a person to act.

2 - to work at high pressure = to work very hard .

. cil1'(Jf) .u....J ~- (JT) ~lk::....... ~l ~·~4 (Ji) i~~ ~
Pretty 1 - pretty good = very good.
• ~I~~! r~~
2 -·a pretty penny = a large amount of money .
. JUI rJ' o;~ .! JUI rJ' ~;Ji
·Prevail the prevailing wind = most usual at some time of year.
• :t:-JI ~ ~ ~j J ~ <.>lll : ~;1 ~)I

Prey : 1 - beast of prey. = an animal which eats other

animals ..

2 - to prey on his mind = to continue to make him

'Sad and -anxious.·
...• t.in•J·~
..r -• ~i:,f .i·.J~.
•M -
~ ! (~) u----
. ...:..r
e M
Price - 317 - Privy

Price _put a price on the head of... = off er money to whoever

makes a prisoner of ...
~~ ~ (4.J~) J4 j ~ : Gi\ u:.--.: ;ti~-~
• y~ 4 ~ Jf
Prick to prick up the ears (of an animal) = make the ears
stand up straight as when listening.
• ~~ J.-A:! (JI~ J J~ : c.l;,,o~I .cs. ~~ : ~~j ~
Primary of primary i_mportance :!: more important tharr a·ny
thing else.
. . .
• ol..ts~ ~ .:,r ~ l ~V":il ~ JJ~I ~J.UI J ~ V":JI ~~ J
Prime 1 - of prime importance = first in importance.

~ 1 1 'U~'I
J~J. "
. .u..
J "i

2 - in prime condition = in a very good condition .

. J~ o--f J

3 - a prime number = one which cannot be divided
except by itself and the number l~ e.g. 2, 3, 5, etc.
• \ .)..LtJI ~J ~ ~ ~! 4-...AJI ~ ~ '5lll : JJ~I ~.wt
• o !f .!Y : J!..
4 - cut off in. his prime =· killed just 1when he was
at his best.
• .,.;Ip J~J J;i: ~la:!J J ..:..~ ! .J.jl.Jf ~~I
5 - the prime of the year = best time in the year.
• lr.,i -:.;.J u-f ! :l:-J I '-~; J-a.if
Print 1 - large print = large printed letters.
• ( ~UJI J) ;~I '-9.J.).-1
2 - a print dress = one made of cotton with ornament
printed on it.
. .J,Jl 4k-I . . . L-:11 • .-.1: • I ,, Al-:11
. c- ~ W:!J u-- i.r i.r ~ • t~ i.r""
Privy •. 1 - Privy Council = the King's own ·special adyisers.
• ~' <.S;_,..! -~ : 1~1 ~
2 - a privy = a place wh'ere one rea:ves the waste
matter of the body. ·
• ~·, ~~ wW~I ~ ~ : ~6..)1
Probation - 318 - Proof

Probation on probation = not fixed in an office, but allowed to

ho)d it for a time so as to show one's fitness 01· unfit-
\.J~ >._ l:"!.J • "1J- j ·· ~'"1 .J J....~ : ~~I ~ ~ ~~I ..::-.-;
. ~~ ..r.f. :',. ~~f ~ ~ Gi;.. .
Proceed to proceed against = to go to Jaw against .
. ~_,;w1 J! ~ : (D)\t) ~~
Proceeding : 1 -

legal p ..oceedings an action in a court of law.
• J.la.U ~ J : ~L.&AJI ~lalr.~I
2 - the proceedings 9f 'the meeting = the things said
and - settled in a meeting ...
• .:_~I J ~ ~l·-.::..1;1~1.J dl_,i~I : -.::..IJ.,iU
Proce88 1 - in process of completion = now being finished .
• ~~ Jf i..s~ ~~ ! J(f"'~I ~)o ~ ! -~~I ~ J
2 - a process. . (~~JI ~I~ J) ;~1.;JI

Profane profane language ~ bad b:nguage, cursing ..

, ~)\.(..JI J ~~ ~1 : ~~I (Jf) ~4jlH (.Ji) t1.,..H ~
• ~'.J r.!.J4 4 ~_,.,~J,

Promise his work shows promise = causes one to hope that he

will do well .
..;f j '-'L.j.: ~W~'I J.af. -.;f ~f : e,~1 ~ ~ "1.;- ~~
. A~,....

Pronounced : his fear was very pronounced = was marked and

very clear.
.,.;f ~. : ~J ~ Wr ~l) : ~;; (Jf) l..iyio- ~! : J_,ii
• ~_,JI ~~l.J ~U-·

Proof spirits 10 per cent. under proof = strong drink which

is 10 per cent. Jess strong than the greatest strength
allowed by law.
~~ '"-:-'.,r- j J~ : J)ll ~ ~UI J \. JyJ::..JI ~ '5,r.
• ~yllll ~ ;~ ~f ;.r Jif '-SUI J \ • ~J)I
Proportion - 319 - Poll

Proportion : 1 - equal in proportion to •:::::::: equal when considered

as part of a whole, e.g. 2 is to 5 as 4 is to 10, or .
5/2 = 10/4.
~ .:.r i..~ ~l ·I~!·~ jL.... ~! J_,z: (J!) ~l ~ Jl.-
• . i/, . =,.Io _,i , • J! o J!.. ~ o J! " : ~
2 - ·of large proportions = of large size .
•:....lkl ~ f ~I j.:l• ! ~
3 - a proportion of the gains = a share of what is
'.t,p~ ~ ~It~ :,r ~Y- ~_,.!I :r ;.li :c~J ~I :,r ~
Prove prove me an~ examine my thoughts = examine; try me .
• )~ '11 ..::.,.,,; ~~ ! ~~ ! i.S;lSJi ~!J ~l
Provide : provided that = if that.
• •
• (1.:U-) 0~ 0r ~r J~ ~ (1.:U-) J.- '~!
P.roviso : on the proviso that = if that ....
• (I~) ~L,.! ~ ! ( 1.:U) ~tr' t.)1

Proxy to vote by proxy = to show the opinion ·of a person

·absent from a meeting.
~ ~~ ~ i.STJ lr. ~.J":! ~I ~)JI : 1._;!1 C ~,.,.:fl
. t.~'
Pull 1 . - pull one's weight = do a fair share of the work .
• ~ U"' Ll..t... i..~ ~
2 - pull a hC?rse : : : : prevent it winning.
. ~_,.; .Ji ~ : ( ~'r.) j.,; 0J.l d~
3 - pull a ball = strike it round towards the left.
. i; ~ 4i_,s::J I JS'".r. f ; 4! 1~ ..r. J.::.-Li ( ; _,s:.J ~ ) ~
4 - pull a face = make the face look ugly as a: sign
of disrespect.

- l,._
u- Lju. . ~-' f-)
t.J LJ"'
. ~J . ~
• - .• ~
-. •' L 7.

... 1~~1_, ;~':II

5 - pull a person's leg. = deceive in order to laugh at .
• .c... L)""l:.11 ~ u-. ~ J~ : (~~)cl.~ Q" 1
Pure - 320 -· Put

6 - pull dowrT a building = destroy .

• if; S'l ~ 45~ ! r.l.:.: : \.l.r.
7 - pull him round from an illness = bring back to
• 4W1.J ~I J! ·~-' d1.r :_r:
~ !-~ ! ·45~
8 -- pull oneself together = gather all one's strength;
give up bad ways.
~1.))1 ~ ~ - T ! U Y- ~~ ! ol_,i ~ ~ - \
• ~~~I J.! ...J:,.J
9 - pull up = stop. • ( .:.LJ.i
l t:' )
~ !Jt

10 --- take a pull at the bottle - take drink from.

• ~.r:- t,:. .. F-.J~
! ~~)I ~ ~r l..:..~
· 11 - he has a pull with the governmen.t = has }9wer
to make it do what he wants.
~ La.i-:: ~f ~ o_;..uJI ~ 0f .sf ::l....~I j .)_,A;_,~ .ij! :Jl~
• ~ft L.
Pure a pure accident = .an event caused wholly by chance .
• :U~I :U~L,...lL \.._ ...
,.i.J l.!J~~ • ;.>.i.J aWa.i .
Put 1 - to put a book on the table = to set down .
. lr.l• 41 ~ ~ (•~UI ~ 4~) ~
2 - put it across = cause it to succeed.
i_r!.. ~li. J..a.11 ~.r- ~f .;lz u.. L. ~ : ~

3 - t'J put it acrc:ss him = beat ·him, ~ win a_gainst .

• (~) ~ ! ~ ! j~ f r:n:
4 - put a stop to = cause fo ·end. • ~ ! ~

5 - put things right cause things to be right .

• tr.LA; J J,..-;r, ~
6 - put him wise =· tell him the truth..
. ( ~ .Y ! ;.;ft ~ f IS-&.) :i.i.}J.l .lJ _,s'.) j
7 --7. put to death kill; cause to die.
• f.S~r.. '~ ! ~
Put 321 - Put

8 - put a person in the wrong = make him feel or

appear wrong.
' ~~ .:r ~.fll lA:"....~ ~ (u~) ~' ~
. '}a:JI ~...~ JT
9 - put a horse at a fence = cause to jump.
• :i.!.iJ.>

. "Aai ...... ·..uJI
'-"T '-' J ~
1..._ . 1~-·

• J~•

·...iii ~
_r-. ...

10 ··-· - put a ship about = cause to go in the oppcsite

dir~ction .

• \A.,,~ .la.:L ~l.¢1 o~')I J! : ~ \.S~ J_,:ior~

11 - the ship put out to see went away from the
land. • •.f"\..UJl ._..~I
u- - ~J....::l1
. ! - 11 ~.;
.r-:- ~I
- ..:.:...i

12 - ·- put about. a story = cause to be known .

. Lfac. ~L<., ~-' ~ : ~ ~
13 -- much put about anxious and troubled.
. u-- J
J '
: ~

14 - put a.sidt work stop doing it, meaning to do it

at some other time .
• ~j .;_iJ j ~! .>_,A:j : J-JI &If.";.!

15 - put aside money = keep for use at a later date .

• ~Ll-1 ..:.:..i..,J : (JUI) ~..l.:! , ~fl:
16 - put away one's books = put back into their pro-
per place.

17 - put away mone~· - sa\•e.

18 · - put away a wife separ;.ite from .

• ~.,....-:!~ (~~j) ;/- ~

19 - put away food = eat a lot cf.

• ~ ,j.S1~ : 1WaJI ~ i~ JJ~
20 - put back = put it in its proper place .
• ~ ~l 4il>... J! (~I)~
Pot - 322- Pot

21 - put money by = save.

22 - put down a ·rising against the government =
cause to cease .• i..PI ~ ~L:.JI ~ i~ Li~:~
23 - put one's foot down = show that one is firmly

decided .
• (~ ~) _ra..i_;J-1 ,J.) ij~ ~f ~
.iJfJ' : ~ ~A
24 - put down on paper = write .
• ~;_,JI (.;~ ~ ~ ~
25 -- put it down on my account = write it ociwn as
owed by me.
·• ojbf ~ ~-' ~f Ri : ~~ j t.!.U~ ~f
·26 - I put him down as a fool = think that he is a fool.
. ~;~! j ~ (Jf) J--l ~1 ! \r.A- (.Jf) c.,;-f oRf J!
27 - put forth all one's powers = use.
'. o;~J ;_,; (J4 ":.l.I ~ ~ i~
28 - put forward an idea = explain and ask people to
• ~ 1_,.la.~J '-'"'l:JI "'4 ~f J.J~J 4T; : ~fi ~ ~
29 - put in an appearance = go to meeting and cause
oneself to be seen .
. ~ ~4!J ~ ~ 1~1 '-"'l:JI ~ : ;~I~ : ~
30 - put a law in force = cause it to be obeyed .
• .csU. ~ '-'"'l:JI J...":! : ~yUll ~
31 -· put in hand == to begin. ~ 'f..u·-
. t~.
32 -- put in a hole = cause a person to have difficulties .
. (~ j J~) ~U!.11_, yl....A.J.1 41 ~ ! c;r ~jl. J ~
33 - put one in mind := cause to remember .
. ~ .u ~~ ~.;r-~ ~: ('~) ·~~
34 - . put· in possession = cause to possess .
. ~'*"-~: (~) -~~~
35 - put in work == do.
Pat - 323 - Put

36 - put in for employment ask to be appointed.

. w (_, f) '"ji...F- Jk.J
-~ . -
37 -- put off = delay to a later time or date .
. _,.;. i .) ~ _,r _,.;. Tcrj Jl : •1..1':'.r..
38 -- put a person off his game = cause t() play badly.
. 4 .,,,;;\+. ~ ~' ~I if'~ : JiJ"'!
39 - n bad smell put me off my food = caused me to
dislike (my food) .
• .c.... ~T:,i <.>"L-1 ~~f ~ '-e..,S- ~~ !.l!: ~~ f ~~
40 - put on airs and graces = behave in a proud and
21illy way.
• .l..i..JI_, ~I !l_,L ~J, ...,~I~~~~

41 - put on a piny cause to be shown in a theatre.

LL!{ .. - •
• - - J...,a.J • c...-11 I,. .,... •
c..r i.:fi:
42 - put on weight become fatter .
• .+.:j_, .)b_).:! ! ~Y- f ~

43 - put money on a horse - pay money which will be

lost if ·the horse loses, but will gain more if the
horse wins the race .
.,.i:;.~ , .)'Y." I.>~ u~; JUI er i;.li ~~ : .)'Y." ~ ~'.r­
• "~ I~! .US-.,~_, .)l~I jli I~! ~L,4...
44 - put out = cause to be outside .

• ~f~!~~

45 - put out one's knee = put the bone out of the joint.
I -~'I ' l.'\S:.. ·.s:. I.-·· ' • (°'j.:... °W)I) ~ f ~
• U - - l) T U ~ ~. • · C- •
46 - p~t out a light cause to cease burning .
• Jl-.:.::i':il ;f- ~ : i~_,.;. ·~
47 -'- he is put out with me = angry.

• ( ~~) "-"'
-'l. ( J f) ~~
. 'l.:. ...;1•

48 - put work through = cause to be finished .

• (J-a.JI) ~ f ~
Pot - 324 - Puzzle

, 49 -- put a horse through his paces = examine; wa.tch

it walk and i·un.
~'j rj ya ~j ~~ _,..i...JIJ ~I .cs.~~ :~Ir.I-I~

50 - put two and two together = examine 4the facts

and understand what they mean .
• ~I.)~ ~u ~U:ll j J:-1~
51 - put his back up make angry .
• .)~!'""'~!~
52 - put up a prayer = pray. . J-.H ! y..>.:. ! ~

53 - put a person up for = ask that he be elected.

;l.A.i~1 .AJ ~- "! ~l>-.;.ilj&.J-1 !(~) y~~ ~.r­
. ~~~ .,~ ! ~
54 - put up for sale = try to sell.
• ~4 ·~ ~ ~ ~j L.!-'~ ! (~U) if.,~
55 - put up goods in boxes = pack.
f • • ~·~• ~~
56 - put up your sword put back in its place; not
fight. • Jl=AJI cf' ._;s-_, : (~) -~f
57 - put up at an hotel = go and stay in.
• "J.;j
( ~ J') - '
~. J•'

58 - put a person up .= take in as a visitor.

. i; lj ~ 41;.~ : ·.r-~
59 - I will not be put upon = treated unfairly; made
. . to do more than my fair share of work .
.~I J ~ ~.J.<Jj;J <Jf(_,f):~ ~ _,f~f <J4 c::-f ')
60 - put up with the Smiths = stay in the house of
the Smiths.
• (~.. la.i:!J ~ ,• J ) ~
- IJ• i.,;j_ 0

IT L..• ~.
·' ' ~-
61 - put up with (evil) = suffer without complaining .
• ~ ':JJ iy,l.o : oL..liil (_,t) ~I (Jf) ~~I ~
Puzzle to puzzle it out = think hard and find the correct
·11-11-J 1• -L L.i <: ..• _£.II~ . ~
• ~..,a.J • ~"' u u " ~ . i..s- - ,y- -
Quakef - 325- - Quantity

Quaker : the society of friends .

. Qualification :· he has man)· qualifications for the work = he has

qualities of character and experience whieh makes him
fit for work.
l.( '-il)I_, JJ--=ll ~- ~ '-J)JJJ) J.....U o_,~--- u~~ .i.J w!
• (~ .i.aY-
Qualify 1 - to become qualified ag a doctor = pass the
necessary examinations.
~f .t..; '-'lA_,~ iS!I :i:;J~I ulib-..:...~I .Jl:::r: : ~I 4J. JA~
•. ~I~~
:2 - to qualify what he has said = to add something
which maket:J one's words less strong 01· less
Jif JJ_,t ~ ~ , J li L J! ~ ~ iJf : J li L j~
. '~ _;s-i _,f ;;~
Qualitative qualitative analysis = scientific examination of the
material to find what things are in it, rather than how
much of each thing is found.
4. L '-irJ
o-lU ,.,p.J'i- ~~1 : ~_,JI (Jf) ~I ~I
• ~ ~ J' Lr-ls. i.S~- ~I ~I, :i.i_,.l ~ , r'l.;,,JI ~
Quality 1 - a lady of quality = a lady of rank.
( c--:-,JI " .
. ) Lk.11 :u..k.li i.:r
· o.l...

2 -· the quality = persons of high rank.

. ~ j '-it>:'..llJ ~f.,JI _,_,~ ~J;~:JI \.T'~~I :· •)\11
. wij ( i.S-4j; j · J_,.::ii 'jJI 4.,f 4)
Quantity he's an unknown quantity =-= we know nothing of his
powers or character .
...;l;J.i if ~ .J.,~ '} L:.;f • ~- : ~~ (_,f) ;u* ~ .i.il
. "41'~ -;., ·~ 1.)-4.J
Quarter : 1 - the hind qua1·ters = the back legs .
• 1~ -)r1 ~ ~l_,.=;.j.ll ~li)aJI ~ ~LJ.AJIJ ~~)1 : ~I ;;~;..
___ l.,..
t--=- ~
Queer - 326- •Quick

2 ~ from every qua1·ter = from all sides.

"1"\:JI J ~~f,) ~l_,:.JI ~ ;_,.. ! ~li J.) ,:,r ~ ~ J.) :.r
• ~T.} (~ t ~ ;r a:J4 .rW. JS ~_, ~~J ~_,;~ ~4
3 - the Chinese quarter = the part where the Chinese'
live .
• ~..UI lJ4 ~.i.. J ~I e;~ i.JJ.til.,JI ~ ~ : ~I ~!

4 - living in close quarters = near .

. la ~... ~j (_,f) ta (.r ~;.c. ~ (Jf) ~ (Jf) ~
5 - to give quarter to = to show mercy to, not kill.
· ~ ~ ! (js) ~~ € :i.-r J4 (.Jf) ~}I Jl ~
6 - to quarter oneself on = to go and live with.
(~~j~U-~~T ~ ~ ~ J..c.) iS-6:: ~~
Queer : 1 - to feel queer = to feel sick.

• ~•.r' ~l.li- ·' ~'.r' v-..

~ ·' ~
.r ,,,----=.
i f•r.

2 - he's a bit queer = rather mad.

. u- ~ ! ...;)l.Lw_, .u./a1 j \S.J- ..r..&. £ J l_,1, ~I ~.J-

3 - in Queer Street = (of a business man) in money 1


J~ : J~ if j ! JUI ~ ~ o~ J ! :YL. ~~ j
• d~~I J~J ;r ~ J
4 -- to queer = to cause thing to go wrong .
• .)l-.i.JI_, ~I ~j, j ~ ~ : .. ~~I ~

Question. : out of the question .= impossible; not to be considered.

~ c)f ~ ~ _y ! ~~~I ..1.. ~ QU..I ! ~1 - \
. ·(~
\.:.. J}.
~~ . .c... ~L.6-- (JI)
- ..
. ~

Quick : 1 - the quick and the dead = the living and the dead.
• ~1_,...~1_, ~~~'I
2 - cut to the quick = cut. down to the living and
painful part of. the skin .
...ki !. (o?,I .:_r U"'L.J-1 ~l ~.).-1 J! ~f) ~i J! .u_;.;;.t
. f)li. Wai
Quid - 327 - Radical

Quid a quid pro quo (Latin = something fol' something) · :::··

a payment of some kind for Help or for something given .
• .L..J.i ·~ &UiJ (Jf) ;;~w Gl!z;j' ·~ &~! : ·~ ·~
Quintessence : the quintessence of politeness = the perfect example
of politeness. • ~IJ -.J)i.ll !,)!_,.:... £ ~.)~I JL!... : Jl!ll

Quit he quitted (acquitted) himself· well he behaved

• :Ul.,.:u.._, <J1;·4 ....;~ : ~ (Jl) ~ ~~·
Quite 1 - Oh, quite = I agree. • ~t ? Jil.Jt

2 - to feel quite well :;= completely, in all way~ •

• oY.".,JI c;!. ~ ~ . ~I i~ ~~
8 - your boy is quite a man now; tthe's quite pretty =
almost, rather.
- •
.<-: 1)1 ~• '.J li:i° I"f'.
~'yw -"I ! Jl-:)1
. c.:JL. ~
. c-- !J.i.JJ ..)~-

. ( JI\,.:l.-1 :w· .L,j

. .r C:· .)'):j
45 T)
·Quit (s) we're quits = neither owes the other anything.
• ~l_, ~ ·~ li~ ~ - ~ : J 'iJ i!U '1
·Quondam quondam friends = at one time, but not now.
·1)~1. L.i) "J.-:i li.>W ! l)~t ~J , ~ ,;r ~ml..., Ulf"
• (i!U~ ~

Racy rac~ ~tories = bad, .dirty stories~

• o;jj _,f ~ u41J; (Jf) ~4~ (.Jf) ~

Radical 1 - radicaJ changes = thorough, complete changes.
• r.J.,All.J
J,._, ~I J_,L:r; : :U....~ ~1~·
- . 2 .___ a radical (in government) = a person who wishes
to make. gr@at changes in the government of the
J Ci~ ~1~· ~I~! Jl· ~ \.14~ : (:t.._,.s:,.. j) ~)cll
. ~ . ,s::..
Rage - 328 - Rake

Rage Jarge hats are all the rage = every one is wearing or
buying large hats .
• ~J~I ~..J ~.....~ : ~~I ;;.LUI -./" ;;~I c.¥1
Rail 1 - to go by rail = to go by train.
(s~J :.U::-~ ')') ;lki.J4 ;~
2 - to go off the rails = to go wrong; do wrong .

"';. ~
\...... ~ ! ltl,\a. ;}J- ·t ! • , .

Raise 1 - to raise sheep = to produce or cause to grow .

~.u~ : ~ v..r. . 4. ~..J
2 - to raise an army = to collect and prepare an army .
• c.l.>...l\, .c._:_ .UL.. ~ • ~ • -.J
. --;i;;.J . :J '- ·- • - . "'' -
3 - to raise. a dust, the roof etc. = to make troubl_e.
~l:..._, uli!.. ~ ! 41.)a..ol ,.:;_,~

4 - to raise Cain to make great trouble .

• ~L:ll ~J yl)>~I "':-'l:-i ~ ! v.\i:'.:.11_, ji)\l)l ~.r-
5 - to raise the money = to get the money .
• ("~ ~L-.! ~j)\JI) JUI ~ J--:
6 ___:_ to raise the offer = to inc1·ease the offer .
• ~I -As.~ ! ~I -':!.it
7 - to raise the question = to bring up and talk about .
• ~l.J c.flA:.U : ~~_,.11 [~
8 ·_ a raise = an increase in one's pay (American) .
.......,; ·-
• (~_,.J c.i ~~ J~) .;~_,, (~) ~J- ~~
Rake 1 - rake out = discover by searc~ing .
• (49.ll.,.a... ~) ~I~.;»~
2 - rake a ship with fire = shoot at from end to end.
~ ~i '-"'Jo J! '-"'Jo ,:r ;L;.J4 lfj~ : ;L;.J4 4.:.:WI ~
-.li. . - ··1.llu r.~ I·'--"
. IA ;;.. •
.) ._,,.. "'·.......
'I I A

~ ~ ~
. 3· - rake up = cause peopte to remember things better
c.J"'l;JI fa J! ~ : ~~I ~4_,.)1JI Jf! f l..S.;UI r~T ~
. ~~ ~~~;
Ram - 329 - Range

Ram he rammed his clothes into a bag = pushed i:lto .

• ~.r ..J';.~ ~ l&~ : C'._e, j ~-:iw) ,..,..~: i.r:>
Ramp.: ramping and raging = angry and making much noise
and movement .
• . ~.;:-
.J LJ.J-1
•• ~ J.

L;~ !

i..u.-...r' ~
- .,,..4 ~~
• •• J'JAJ-
Rampant disease is rampant in that part of the town = not
controlled .
.;.r ~ J i.rl:J4 ~ ~ : ~JJI l.r ,.~ j if)I _r.:ul
. ':) ~' Jr ·~ ~i t· 1 tJ , L;l:--l
Range 1 ~ he ranged his soldiers in order of size = set
them in line according to size. =
~'.r i;..1_, LL- ~ I.Sf : ~~i ~ ~ ~ (Jf) ~
• ~1_,J-t, r*44f i~
2 - range oneself on the side of law and order =
put oneself on the side of ....
~ )\i) ~yliJI rfa:. (Jl) ~ (Ji) JI~ € &.)_,;liJt ~~
• (~ ~;.L-4 ~ ')~ ~
3 - the forest ranges from A to B = the forest is
stretching out from ....

• (I.if"~ t.:.S- .;r J:i' ~WI ~I J.,Z) ~"·ii f ..l...::_

4 - beasts ranging in the forest = beastl wandering

or roaming about in the forest.
~_,k;:i ~LA.I I j .'(/ uli ly.)-1 ~ ! : J_,Aj) c_.,.-:! ! ! ~~ rr-
L I · ~. ·..
• ( ~~~J ~l..:$. ••••
5 - the prices range from 1/- to 5/- = the prices
are changing between these two fixed points.
Lt) t.fJ} ~J d-} U:.-f cJ'fi ;L....-;il ~! J_,z : C!'~

6 - beyond the range of my voice = too far for my

voice to reach.
I • ~ ~' 1.r~f !_Jy.P ~! ~ ~f V" ~T
7 - a wide range of prices = many different prices.
&,jl_,_-;il J lA;t-.f ~JI.A;; :i....L.. j ~·~) ;l-~! J ~ ~JIZ
• ( iJ:;-:J< (; J w
Rank - 330- Rate

Rank 1 - rank and file == the common soldiers, people, etc .

• d.~..k.ll ~ ~WI - y ! ( ~y.JW1 _,s:._.,.JI) ~I - \
2 - he rose from the ranks = he was of commo11 birth
but became great.
" L.
~l.).J ~. l- I.tf" JJ·'I
.,.;J <.Sf·~.:

-II.-.... l!..i

3 - rank with = take place among; be considered

equal to.
· : (l.lS-) <.S.J~ ! 1.:U orj j ~~ ~ ~ o.J..,.l.J ~.r j
• 4.;S. ~ ~.J ' .....:JP.. JP.!~-

4 - rank dishonesty =:: complete, very. bad dishonesty .

• J..U- ;.M- ! o;:U ;;.;~ f kJ L... ;;.;~

Rap : I don't care a rap = do not care at all.

. ~ ~~ ~r 'l f _;i; 4.,j.J ~ ';}
Rare : to have a rare time = to enjoy oneself greatly.
~ (.Jf) Cd~ f J.JJ'"".J er J L..:;,, ~A ! ~
Rasp : a '('asping voice = rough sounding voice .

. c-l1 ~J~ ..:..l~I .1iJL : ~f ~.J-P

Raspberry : give ~he raspberry == put one's tongue out as a sign
of disrespect.
• ~~ J~~I .l~'l <.Sf: ~U:.I J.iW ~}:-
Rat 1 - to smell a rat = to think that some secret plan
is being made; to feel doubtful.
~- : ;ti ~J ff J! ! ~ j ~;WI ~I : 4-.La.JI J~
• ~J-' .!l~ JJ.Jw <-'')
.r..Ai c;_,...1;.. ~' ~r _,r 1.1"'.J..,.i
2 - Rats ! == I ~o not believe it .• 4! ~_,T ':J !.!..lJ.) ..iuf ':J
Rate 1 - rate of travel = distance travelled in a certain

2 - first-rate = very good .

• oJ~I ~ C:~I f .)~9t
S - second-rate = .not very good .
• .)~91 ~ ~L!JI ~;JJI j J~ L.: ~I
Rather - .3)1 - Reach.

4 - rate = to speak angrily to .

. r~' J 4:..!~ f (u~ c) ~ ~~
Rather 1 - rather good = good, but not very good.
~ L. ~ y ~ ~_, o-'Y.- 4ei: o.>~I .la.._,;..
2 - rather better = slightly better.
• o.)~I ~ 4:1 ! ·~1 ~ .>~f f ":A}J u-f
3 -:- rather ! = certainly. • ~ ~ ! i;_;,a

4 - I would rather have this than that = I like this

better; I want this more than that.
_;s1 1.:U. ~T ! I~ ~ _;s1 JI; f ! .!l l.l ~ '.l. J...Ail
. !ll.) ~Tu
Rating naval ratings = men of different ranks on a warship.
~~I ~ J~J ~ ~~ ~ j&. ~ ~ : ~_,J-1 ~I _j:-s.
• ~U;.JJ ~'.r

Ratio the ratio of 2 and· 8 is one to four, or quarter = the

number of times one quantity contains another.
: ~)I <.>f t J! ' ~ /\ Jl y ~ ~I 4:-JJI ! J~ :
• 4S~ 'if r:r 4S.r.S"" ~ ~ ~I ~1)1 .>~ ~ 4J'>) .LU

Rattle 1 - to rattle along = go fast.

y~.>JI J (_J~ f ~I~~ tr-~ ~..r- ~~
2 -- rattle on (one's lessons) = do quickly; say
quickly. •. ~r.·~ f ("'fe;... '°"-'J,)) ~~~

Rave to rave about·= say that a person or thing is wonderful

~ j ~ ~ _,f ~ ~1 )Uli ! ~~ ~.J ~ ! ~~
Reach 1 - the garden reaches to the river = is stretched
as far as the river.
~,)l.J.:..I J ~~ 4Sf : .*JI ~l... ~ ~.>.J-1 J::f : J~
. .~IJI

2 - the reach of a ·river = a straight piece of river .

• L.·.* ~ i f ~-' ~ ~l_.PI ~ <S~I r 1 a.,;.:ll : frll ~
Reaction - 332 - Really

3 - a reach-me-down = a pieee of i·aedy-made cloth-

~..;. :,.:.; 1: ,
'- -···
~' -11 •
\S" •
· JI 1,UI .-.... :L.1,j
t.)""": """

.~ ~ :.._~
4 ~ beyond my reach = too far; not obtainable.
• .y.lo ;~ ! 4-i ; ~ ! J l:.li ~ f ~~ '1 - y ! ~I ! ~I - '
Reaction : what was his reaction to it ? = what did he seem to
feel or think when he 'saw (or heard) it ?
c.')'l...U'll~ ~ * L. :
~ ( 1£)
~-: 'i ~ r~' .!.UiJ ~~ _,..;L- ~r
c- l....l:J:. (.Jl) ~') L.~ ~l~l_,
Read my reading of the law is = I understand the law 'to mean.
~~ J! ~ ~.:u1 ~' wl sf : 1£ :, ~f ~.,iWl ~ ~i
. ( tlf) ~ ~~' Ji J.-1' wf ~.,i~I o.:.I} ;_;..
Ready 1 - I am ready to go anywhere = I am willing to go
~ ~ ~~.. ~f J! (.Ji)~~ ~~i ~~ .)1.>..:.-1 uw J!
2 - ready-made clothes = clothes not made specially
for the buyer.
~ ~~ ~ ~:;.')_, ~ 45_;;.;.s ~': 0-"'~, ~)\11
.• ,.~,
3 - to pay ready money = to pay at once, not owe .
. ~t; I.St ~ '1 : ~WI ~ JJ ~ ~f : i.>.Ai ~~
4 - ready-reckoner a book of tables of figures
which saves the trouble of reckoning ( = calculat-
J! ~L=-: )\j leJ! ~.r. rli; ~I V4 JJI~ ~ y\...:.): rli; ~I ~
. ~~ ~ J! J~_,.u ~t_, c):Jl.J y~I ;_;.. ~y..c.
Real real-estate == houses, land, etc.
. .
• '-'°'J ~!_, ~~tr"" : ~ l!JI ~u :,WI : ; lW l
Really really = expresses surprise, doubt or anger according
to the ·way in which the word is said.
~µ UiJ , ~I _,f cl.!JI _,f ~1_, ~J.ll ~ ~ ~ ~
• lr. '-"il.a;.j ~ I
Rebuff - 333 - Red

Rebuff to get a 1·ebuff = to be treated rudely when one is

trying to be friendly .
• .).)_,;.!! ·JJ~ ~J ~ ll...t- <.J··~ : Jal~ ! i~ ! ~ ~~

Receive to receive a person = to allow a person to visit and

talk to one.
• "-='11 ~~J O)Jj.! cJi : ( ~) ~~\i.e. ~ - f J_;• 1

Reciprocate : a reciprocating engine an engine in which the

parts move backwards and forwards taking each other's
plac'es in order.
~I JI• .JI,..L.~I JI l.t..J.;,
"I· "'"j .!.l~
-·· :UT •• J.).r- • :LI~I
J l :i.bL:ll

• illi.i J.J Lul:j' ~~ &Jt>:. ~l~f ~ ~t; ~

Reck reek nothing of ;;.;_ not care about; not bp afraid of .
.! t~~ ! --i~ ')' - y ~ (I~)~ (Jf) ft:. (Jf) ~4 'j _ \
. Jfi ~
Reconcile he is reconciled to living here = he did not like to
live here at first but is getting used to it.
~lUI 1.a j ~ . . !-~ 0i .;r ~f : l:.~ ~I J! 0l11 ~
. 4! .JUli o.)~1 ~J , .r-;r, JJT
Re~ord to break (make> a record = .to do something better,
quicker, etc.
0lf' L: _..,aif ..;..jJ J Jj .)Y."j ;J~ jW J4 : l::-lJ ~J y~
. ~ .:r i~
Red 1 - drnw a red herring across the trail = bring some
new subject into a talk so that people may not speak.
~ ~~I :,r- .J_,A.C.: ~l:JI ~ i~..1..:- ~_,...;_,... ~l:.ll J ~
• (~)\.(JI
:;'- .j
~ -......::
;.~_,... c.Ul~ ~,~~ :U.~).~

2 - red letter day =- a feast' day .• ~)I i_J! ! '-'uJ-1 i.J!

3 - - red tape = a mass of silly rules delaying business.

J-J, .,"'.~ _,:;.y ~f l;L j J...-31 .>sl_,i ,:_r t_~ : #i.M·'I ~I
• i..u:J I .y. 4,-.j.J
4 - redskin = an American Indian.
'·. . (~.rf j) ~I J~I ,:_r ~I_,
Redeem - 334- Refer

5 - caught red-handed = caught white actually,

doing some deed.
)W ~l:-: Y..J ~..rJI _,J i.rl:.JI ~hi- ~f : ~ ~ d1-:i
. 0.,;w1·~ ~~

6 - red-hot = metal so hot that is shines red .

•~i_,~_,; ~~ .>.i.Jfo~.Jf0..u....
j J~ : (~).r-LI c:r) ~_,:~
Redeem a redeeming feature = something good in a thing which
is bad in all other ways.
4_,rA.. (Jl) o.J.-li c.S..,.;.. S't ~~J ~ ·~ c:r : ~l..,A.JI ~_,JI
• ~~__;.. (.Ji)
Redound it redounds to his credit = it adds to his good name .
• ~ :i.£.JI .l.;!~ (.Jl) ~ .,.-:! L: (Ji) f~ ~ .l:!,J: ~ .!.U~
Reduce fo reduce pounds to shillings to bre1ilk up into
smaller coin.
G_,; ~ ~ : J..~ .ui J~ l~ t..\Z ~4 :~ ~ ~
• (-:J.,...!;.)
Reed a broken reed = a helper who cannot be trusted.
• ~I oW.&.
- ~· ':l.J.
~~ .....
J~-~JuI~••• i:.li-J I :L..,aAJI

Refer 1 - let us refer the matter to Mr. X = ask Mr. X to

settle it.
~ (.Ji) ~)\.i J'- . ,..}JI if~ : J~ : ~~ r,..:D~
2 - he referred me to Mr. X = told me to ask.
(~ ri j ~LSr) 0-:N u~J.J~i ..uJ: J_,a;: Jb..l
3 - to refer to a book = look in a book for a certain
fact .
• (~:.ii._;;. ~-"'1 yL°j- J! ~)4" ~~) yl..::.)" J'- : ~
4 - the rule does not refer to girls = girls need not
keep this rule.
_,f ~~I~ rl!a.:JI I~ 01: J_,z : (~) ~ '1 ~ ~
5 - he referred to me in his speech = spoke of.
-r~'~rd :·J.,S-~!~~ c.i !(~.AJ..l~L:,jfJ)J!;~'~~ ~
Reference - 335 - Register

Reference a book of reference = a book to which one turns to

find facts e.g. a dictionary, book of maps, etc.
, ~li:ll· LJ-4 ~ L. ~ ~ ~L:JI ~l ~ft. yL:f"": ~)I
· • 1!.U~ ~.Jf ( ~IJ-"'4-4) .k;I~ _,f (ify.l;) ~

Reflect to cast reflections on = to say bad things about.

• ~.::; Jf b..!
- •• .v-----..
..a.A.:ii ~
I v. .aA:.U. ! • ~ .r..-_:u
1 -

Reflex a reflex action = an action done without meaning to

do it and without power to prevent it, e.g. shutting the
eyes at a flash of light.

~~~' ..r...&. 1)4.J J..f- J:.~ JY. <.S' : <.S.)'J! "'i J.-.i : LS""~'ll J.-A.11
. l.& c._,,..AJI V" u._, ~J ~ ~I ~, 4..:... J-'.Mll <.i

.Refrain refrain from doing = not to d9; prevent oneself doing.

. (~) ~r. ~.e-c- fr(~ J..I" ~) ~

1 - in regard to = in respect of; concerning.
(I~)~ ~i! (I~) L,~ ! Jl i)i; ! (Jl) )i:J4
2 - my regards =· my good wishes.

• :c.J.I Jl~J ! J~

Register 1 - a register of births = a book in which births are

written; a list of births .
• ~l_,11 ~ ~ yl.::S- : ~l_,11 ~

2 - the register of the voice = the range .

• ;l.!Z'll iJ4 ~~I ~1 &- L. '-:!~ : ~.ra-JI f.SJ...

3 - to register surprise = to show on the face (as

in moving-pictures).
~I ·~.J ~ ~ <.S..iJI .!Jl.:U: ~lA~~'I (_,f) ~I~
• ~~ ·~ l.r' i~
4 ·- to register a letter = to pay an amount of money
so that a valuable letter may be taken through
the post with special care.
~~~_,... oP. JUI~~~~ 11.Uli: (4Ub.) ~~ ~
._ ~l.,.:.a.11 ~t.., ~ J- ~..r.JI ~
Regular - 336 - Relation

5 - registry office = a place where people may be

married; an office which keeps a list of ·servants
needing employment.
~ Jf .4 '-~I; ~ ~IJ_;,JI '?·~ ~~
~ . : ~I ~..
• ~l...i. ~··~':JI . · · 1 '1
1..1~.r r..r'
Li..::81 .,1
.&.-J l - . ·;
.. u-:-

Regular 1 - the regular army = that part of the army which

is kept always ready for war (not those men called
up from time to time).

~~I :Ll ~ ~ <.>.:UI ~I :r a..r.J-1 ~~ : ~L-.ll ~;ll

.41 ~U..1 .cs. _r>.TJ ~-;a- a~~ <.>.:UI ..~I i!.U~ ~, Jl;Ad
2 - a regular slave = a complete slave .
. (~li_j...'l'IJ ~~..r..JI .._
~4) j.J.-. J-); f ~ .y.
Regulate to regulate a clock == to make it keep good time .
• J.4.) ;;J~ ..~_,11 J'- :U';,'.>JI ~ : '-'-L'~ (.Jf) ~

Relation ., 1 -- the relation between cause and effect; the

relation of the weather to the quality of crop~ =
the connection between two things .
.:.,~ ;u~l.f" : J,LJIJ :u..JI ;Jj Jf , ~IJ ~I J~ :U}WI
il.,a.JI ~ :U":i..US) ~l;)I ~I~;.,~· SJI :ULJ-1_, ~..AWi
( ~ri U'.:!

2 - my relations with him are quite friendly.

( :.JJ :Ul.l..P ~li~ <.>i) f~ 4.:..-. ~ Jli~ 4J!
3 - relatively (large) = (large) when considered with
other things .
. .. ~~' .:r ·.;.~ ~~ ~l:AJ~ --~ ~r ~.: ~ J..-?
4 - the relation of a stor~· = the telling or account
of a story

5 - the relative duties of master and servant = theil'

duties to each other.
~l..- a.ljl ~ ~ ~'.J ! ~~L;..J ~ a_~ : :u.)~' . :.l..-:·::-'_,JI
Relic - 337 - Relieve

6 - the theory of relativity = Einstein's teaching

that all motion ( = movement) is relative to the
movement of the person making the measure.
Since the measurer (the Scientist). is part of a
changing and moving world, all his measurements,
whi1e true in relation to each other, may not be
true to ~mother measurer, e.g. one living in a
different world.
:AS'"°..,.J.. :i...i-.;
..• ~ l.c" •I :i)/"' J) ~~• 4.J..· ~- •I r.:--
-1.....:i" .• Li......i.J
-. I :ti-.rw
· t::
.r~slllr WI )~W~I ..!.lJ~ ~l) u_,. (.}"'~' .i,;.~ ~jJ! ~L...i~I
:bi.~~~- ~1 .l,jl-lJJS-~li ,·~_,,.;:..~ t~ ~ ~~("'"'~' ..
• .r--- i \.&. '-'• ~
• TI .·•
"li ~ :c.1,~ •
u_,. ~ .;.;, ;._ 1 I.
i..;--:- ~
:,._, ~l,
• •

Relic : 1 - this custom is a relic of a by-gone age = is an
old custom which still remains.
~~L;~ ,r ~ Jf ~ o.)WI o~ ~! J.,Z : :w,;;1 ! ~I
• 4:' li JI_; "') ~CJ J :ii_.JJ u+i

2 - sacred relics = parts of some holy thing, e.g. th~

bone of some very good m_an.
~; ~ :r ~ , ·L.1i. .. ~i ~ .. 1~f : ~....Lt.I ula:.JI
• ~ij~ .r.f. J! ' ~ .:.r ~ _,j ·lS~ _,j ' ~
Relief a relief map = a map in which the mountains stand out,
and seas, l~kes, etc., are shown as below the surface.
;~l.J J~I ~ ~ (~Jl:;.) ;;J~ : ;;......~! o;.,.,.J.I
.1.!..U~Jl!..l_, ..::..~'l'IJ u~l.i;J ':JI ~ ~J , lit.~_, ul..f..~l.J

1 - to relieve one's feelings = express one's feelings

in some way, e.g. by weeping and so make them
easier to bear.
~ \> ~W'll ..J:~ ~t : 4J~w.il .y. ~ f •r~ .y. [!.r..
.~I j 1fa:~ ~ls-: J)aJI .;r ~ ~~ r~.J ~~W,il ~
• 'll.:..1 J+-f ~Jo;_,..;:, ;r ~~ ~ ("j..!...

2 - to relieve a person from his money = take away.

Remember - 338 - .Render

3 - to relieve the dullness of the evening with a few
songs = break the sameness and uninterestingness
of the evening.
JJJI ~ ·~ L. ~~ &Jf_ J_,6: : ~~~I ~ ~I rL ~
. ~ 04 ~_,;1,:; ~
Remember : he wishes to be remembered to you he sends his

4.:.-J-I ~IY."J.J ~I_·,-: ~ ! ~l~ d:Jl J-,J:!

Reminiscence : my reminiscences = my memories : the written
story of the interesting things which I remember in
my life.
c,:t_,. ~ ~~ L. ,y. ~ ~ 4i: ~IJ_,).:Ul f ~4_,5"'".lJI

Remit : to remit money = to send money .

• ( Jlc.) ~ ' (.i.)_,Ai) J-,J:!
Rem,ttance : a remittance man = a man living in a distant coun-
try on money sent to him from home.
JL. l.r •~il '-~ L\ ~J ~li ~~ j ~ ~ : J~I
• ~ JAf l.r .Ylt
Remove my first cousin once 1·emoved = the child of my f~rst
cousin ( == child of my father's or mother's brother or

Render 1 - render good for evil == to give goo·d for evil.

:c...J.~ ~I ~~ f 1..:-t: ! ~
2 - render on account of = tell about .
• ("~ ~) cSJ.r.. f ~ ! ~
3 - account rendered == a bill sent asking for pay-
ment of money .
• c:.t:..a.. J L. ~.JJ ~ J-.r. .c.- : t li.>.:--SI .,c_., ! ~ li_,JI ~ iiJ.J
4 - to render the meaning of = explain.
(~~~_,f oJ~.Jf ·~~) ~ ! ~ ! ~
Repair - 339 - Represent

5 - render from English into Latin = write the

meaning of the English in Latin.
· · f Jt• :i.;J ..... ·w1 U:.i • :.i.....i...i,')\Jl ·~ i...:')1 . •
tt '--'~J:;"-"; ~J
IS~ ~ ~ u - • - - ""'· tJ4 • ~..r-

6 - render help = give help to .

• (o~) ~4 ~ ,.r'~ ~ ~J~ ! .>sl-ol
7 -- rendering of a part in a play = way of acting a
part in a play.
u ..!{ . WU I. r ·- :-11 • I .. __ ,, -- L
• - - "' 'f: J' r...5" • c.r.:-- ~,)""

8 - rende1· useless = make useless .

• )\ks. o~ ! 4.J a.l:.i. )f ~ ! ~I r-'.J.A.. ~~.ft
Repair he repaired to Paris = wen"t to Paris.
( i.r:!J 4 J !) j l... : ~ ~
Report· I :__ there is a report that.... people are saying that.
(l.0- ~!) J~ ! (":-') u-r.. ! t1 ~ ! t~

2 - .I shall report you = tell (the teacher) about you .

• (~ ~ :i...J.UI );\.:J) J_,;L ! ~ t.L
3 - a loud report = a loud noise.

Represent 1 - a picture representing a ship = cause the image

of a ship to be presented to the mind.
~J ~ OJ.t"' ~jJI J! Ji:j : ~ OJ~
. ~_;-.>.l ~ ~.J '-:i
2 - this mark on. the map represents a city == is a
sign denoting a city.
~J... J!.c- Jf ..;~ .Jl J..u ~')\..JI o~ ~l· J~· : ~ ~ J..u
. • :U,;Llll ..a ~

3 - Mr. X will represen,.t me at the meeting = will act

for me.
0 t ~'ii0
~l~r ....;.,_ ~)\i ~I•
1!.U) IJ• ..,--. J~-- . 0
l ....

4 - to repres~~l. 0 on~.~.s grievances = to complain .

• ~ ~_, ' ...;~ (.Jf) .i.;1..,ow._, .y.\;.. cP- ! ~
Representative -340- Reserve

Representatin : representative government = government by elected

(d_, :L-;rl ~ \J"~j ~~I ~ ~.,z :L~ : 4.~I L._,.(J..I
• f-yP.J--' 0_,iUl

Repute reputed to be = thought to be.

(1,:,S- .,,;f) ~ J,....:.... f (Ii.< "-.ii) !$_;: (-'i) ~~ (Jf) ~~

• (I.JS') ·~4 ~J.J""f
Reserve 1 - reserve one's strength =: to keep back for future
. ~! 4 '7:"~
..}.A:-1 GUi.:i1 : 01.,; ~~~
2 - to reserve a seat in a theatre = keep for hi°s use.
(..r-' (Jl) J:!c- )-' j ..LUc. ~
3 - he is very reserved = he does not show hi8 feel-
~ly._, o_,.s.L!.... ...~ "'j.j : ·~~ (Jf) ~ ~ ~ ~ : J~
4 - the company was in reserve '= ·was kept at the

- . back of the army for use later in the battle.

.._~\.A.:.i)\J ~
'·.ll;; · • y.i
r,... ~·
... ~- J..:..:LI
• .J4 . • :i....k~I
· ii..-· " - ~·-
• ;u-.rJI J l_,l,f 0-4 J ...~ j f9't:
5 - a reserve == a piece of countrrkept for a special
purpose, e.g. for wild animals in Africa.
:YaitJl) , ~..... ._;..JJ l,,. ~ 4-<J.( t ~f LJ'4 ~ : ~ )-t
I • ~jT J ~_,:-11 ~lil~I ~

6 - to ~e sold without _reserve = at any price offered .

• c_l-JI ~ (J~) (..~ ·t~ ! ~L) ~l' $4 t ~
7 - the well-known reserve of the English -== self-
conh-ol; hiding their feelings .

. ~·-1..:~1 t-:-" ~I ~tA...a..<
\.;:r~ . "'L:.11 J...>::.; !
•• ..r . ~~11 ~
~ .

8 - I agree., with the reservation that ==- I agl'ee but

only on the understanding that ...
Ill L~ 4,J_,>~ ~f J'- ~,,... ~f : ( ll.~) ~ ~ Jil.Ji
... ,~_,
Resign - 341 - Respect

Resign to resign oneself to = to accept and suffer calmly.

~-' ~ ~ (~~T__, ..:.i~ :r J~I j... ~..i~ U) ~IJ '-'~
• (~IJ)
Resoh·e 1 - resolve a doubt = drive awa'y a doubt by making
certain. ...
_,..f lJ4 ~ ~4: ~J L>~~ ! ~ .)~
2 - resolve into = change into simpler form .
• :U,~ ~--f oJ-'..P J! ~
Resort a seaside resort = a place near the sea to which people
go for health and enjoyment.
L~ L.T'WI ~ ~~' ·~~ ~ ~_,le. ~LC. : I.ST&! ~

Resource my i·esources = my money and all things which may

help me in doing what I want.
~;i L J.o'" :r ~c.r,- <.SJI J4-6._, jl. : IS~J I_,..

Resped 1 - we should have respect for his..... wishes = do as

he wishes.
•~ • ) ,I_,--
. ~·:,t
'-' ~
• ~ ~
.. ~ • L.i ;,j .A....U
U - ..... I.> •.,

2 - he is no respecter of pers·ous == he does what is

right and is not moved by what (important)
people say.
~ L. ~ ~. : ~~·jJ ~ r-~ '1 (.Jf) oJ.:..&. ~j.J 'l
• .).,_i.:JI _,__,.) ~ ~1 ~Y- Le. ~~ -y_, ~ 4i1

S- to pay respects to = to visit and greet a person

of higher rank.
'5.) ~ ~ Y-.J JJ:,,-!. ~4 : ~ ! JIY- ! ~L.1.i-a.! r'~
. J4 c.s.) (Jf) :i;\S:,.
4 - in respect of = concerning .
• (I~)~~! J! ~4 ! J! ~4
5 - in all respects = in all ways .
• ~'i~~'I JS'"~~ vlJ~~·1 ~ j
Respective - 342 - . Rest

6 -- self-respect = proper reagrd for one's character

and poAition .
. el)J
'lJ .!;~ ~1_, U
~I ,,.I:) ls::.c• ;J~~I •• c.1.:UI I,.I.::-~


Respective : let each go to his respective place .to the place

which belongs to him.
Lft;l1 ~Le..~ JS- r~ ~r ~-: u:...i1 ~ Jl J..S- c~

Responsible : 1 - he is responsible for it = he will be blamed if

things go. wrong; he is trusted to make things
go right.
I.!! i~ (_,i) ~ (.Ji) r.:r.. ...;_,...., : 1!.U~ cf- J,:.- ~! _ '
~,,_; 1d~ : ~ J.,t_,11 - y ! i:.u11.:;.. ~~j, J ;_,..~I u; L..
• ~I ~I~ j J~~I <.S~ ~~ cY.JI.
2 - a responsihle person = a trustworthy person.
~ c±Y _,f ~ Jy~ (.Jf) ~ ~W! .JA d.,Z·: ~I c±~ ! ~\
S - a responsible post = an important work needing
a man who can· be trusted.
~ ...w,j. ~ J! ~L.:.r: ~~ <.S.; ~ j : ~_,:.-.. ul~ ¥.J
• ~_, 4-;J b! J :i.A!JI

Rest 1 -- be laid to rest = put in a grave .

• ~~ ~' ~t)I r:f.J..-} ..l..._j ! (•fl. J J~I) I}~
2 - a rest = an instrument used to support or steady
the band.

3 - rest on be supported by.

• (J!) ~ (~) ~

4 - rest on one's oars = stay quiet after heavy work;

be satisfied with what one has done and do no
~ ':lJ j.o" L...c. ~ _ y ~. J.i__,k.JI ~I ~ : ~ _ \
• f-1!.;..
Retentive - 343 - Return

5 - everything rests on his answer = ev:~rything de-

pends on his answer.
ol:f~I v..~ '5.)JI .JA ~I~ ...;f l>f : ~I~ j&. ~~ "~ ~
• ~ ~i

6 -- it rests with you = you must decide .

• ~iJ (Ji) &~I (.Jf) ~ <J.JA.r .r•.;rl <Jl
Retentive a retentive memory = good power of remembering .
..:.i~lyl.-1 01fol.J ..,)~I ~ oJ.>.i o..cs. : ~ (.Jf) ~Ji o..,)1.)
. ~~!.J ~ J ;,J~,_,

Retire 1 - a retired spot = a quiet place far from noise or

JW~I Ji:!·~ : ~I <t c.~..kll_, c.li-.,AJI ,:r- ~ : ~ <J~
• a:,.u,1 ~~_, c.rW4
2 - he has a retiring nature = is quiet, not eager to
show himself or me~t others.
_,J J_,.laJJ ~ fa. , "'5~u '5f : c;kJI ~l~I ~ : J~
• J....-.14 J:,"jw;. ~i

Retrace retrace one's footsteps = go back along the path by

which one came .
• .c... ~·f '5.:UI ~.;kJI ~ t:r ~~ : -~J .i..)'l_,ko.. ~
Return 1 - in return for = as thanks for; as a payment of
a service.
i_µ ~.; ~ · ~ ·~ J!li.. j ~f : !.l I~ .I~ I~ J~
.. ~~y :f.....b. .\ll.j Jl...U ')~ _,f
2 · - small profits, quick returns = if one asks for
small price, the gain is small, but is quick.
~ '5.>.H J"!"l:~H; : ~.,r-JI ~l_,.JI , o~I ~l_,.ill : J~
• ~J ,,Ji <Jb JUI ~I~~ t_,..-j. ' ...,lJ; ~;.
3 ~ answer by return = answer by the next post .
• tJ\AJI ~fi.1 jJ ~..,.... sf : ~..J':ll t_Y:-J. ~)I
4 - the return fare ;:; the cost of travelling there and
back again. • lid
. - J L~~
. ~WI
- ulW
Revelation -344- Rich

.. 5 - my happy returns (.said on a birthday) = may

you live long.
J J~ ). cl:!:.; J! Jy.ti ! i..1.:- ,.J..J:•:iJ B/ J~ ~t ~
• (.l~ i~
6 - to make a return of (money spent etc.) = give a
written account of.
~y(J, o••r..&. .Jf ~.J..rJI JUI ;f- i.r-_;; ~ i..li:! ~i : J.!Ull
• "':-!! ~ _,_.$. ....;J..C '-'l~li. (_,i) JA:ll JUI ~U... ~.)
Revelation : it was quite a revelation to me = I was surprised to
hear, to see .....
• --=d1 Jf ~w ~ : fj~ ~_, ·~1 ~.) ~L<
1 - the reverse side = the back.

'•......a..;,..J , ~.) • 1.
......:a-;- ~ f...5"' •
iJ-4 r~ J""1
... I ~Lil I

l:J I •• ~
• I..: 11

2 - to suffer a reverse = to be beaten in battle.

u-~ j . '-:-'.ri:! ! ~;;r..

3 - the reverse of = the opposite of. ;. 4•11

• i..r-=--

Review 1 - to review a book = criticize and show its merits.

:-IL .. '
Jfi.J . .l..,AJ
'\Ai ' JJ.:J~• ~
,..•• l!iJ-~J
.... j.u; •• L. ~ --l_ ~
~ -
• .ti'lU-
2 - a review of the army a grand show of the
army which is seen by the King or officer of
high rank .
• J.::l' 1~ _,i .!lj.!.1 ~ 41 .llj~ ...,~.fr: ~.LI if'~I
Revoke to revoke an order = say that it need not be fulfilled.
• '5;.J~ ..J':f- • ·,_Vi ~';hi : ~ ! ·~- ~ i_,..f t.' '1

Rich 1 - rich soil =:: fertile and producing much.

• ~)\..i.JIJ ul~I oJ.:!UI : ~;J..I if;~I

2 - rich silks = of great cost or value .

• ~I ~ ~I Jl&. ("}\!..) .r-~ : (.J,:.!-)1. ~ J~I

3 - rich in = containing much ....

Rid - 345 - Right

4 - that's rich = is amusing .

• ~..l!IJ ~_,LJI j.&- ~4 · ··~···-:~JI _a 0!
5 -- he richly deserves punishmeqt = he very much
deserves punishment .
• uol....UJI 43 ~Wa.:! 04 ~:L .t..i! ! y\A.J4 .r-4 .t..il
Rid to get rid of = to get free of .
. (~ j ~~ ..\,i.J) ~ ~ ·~ J ...;~: (0-') ~
Riddance : ·good riddance = I am glad to be free of it .
• o~.l 0f d~ ! ~ ~ ~),r
Ride 1 - 8hip i·iding at anchor ·-= ship moving only up a-:id
down while held to the bottom by a weight and
- 0'Y~· ~-· , G,LUalJ [,.,t.ij) I .!.1 J~ • ~L...'.r ~
-- •
.i W-JI
~I~. 4.:....i..Jli
- L--·
• ....,;--'"'!. Jw..L.-LI
.. : · < LA:
...r ..f::':J ..... ~J • • ol...'.r'~.
• :i.L...1-
2 - to ride rough-shod over = treat a person roughly
and with disrespect. ,
c) ...;~ ! <~) 1 ~4 (Jf) ~ (Ji) ~.#. J...~
. • ( i!.U~ .:r ·~ _r:.T -·

Right 1 - go right on = go straight on.

• ( l.>S°) )a..!. ~ ! Lf; ~
2 - a right angle = 90 degrees.
(~;.) °'. ~·l~I) UUJI ~Jl)I
3 -- the right way to the town = the correct way to ...
• ~J.11 Jl ~I ~)JI
4 - to guess right = think properly.
~ o obi.I ! "'-Li.<:·.· c·;..
• - )~ rJ" - - .J';:"JIJ ~

5 - to put a machine right = make it work well.

• Jf'\JI ~_,JI ~ J.wJ4 rji.j ~ lA~ ! :U'9t ~-
6 - right sad we were = we were very sad.
1.-. -
• o't""""" IS" .:,,
l..:J• C;.L .. ,. I
d .•_,
I J .• ~

7 - turn right over = c~mpletely.

Ring - 346- Rip

8 - I have the right to speak = have the first claim

for speaking.
• J/JI ~I ~~ JI ! r-ls::_;f 01 J JJ~I ~I J
9 - by right of my office = because of the power of ...
• o,;..liJ J_,Aa. u"" ~ :uJ;_,JI ~~ L ~i : U);.,JI ~- J_,i.
10 - to right a boat = to set up a boat in the c<?rrect
way .
• ~I o~~I Ji\!~! ~I ~_,JI (Y..,) ~~
11 - right here = just in this place .
• ~I~ ~I ol. J ~ ~I 1.J.~ ~ t.i
12 -- right-about turn = turn round and face the op-
posite way.
O..f'..... j~~J:.r.~: ~~ ~ ! ~G ·~~ ! ~.r­
• ~ ~ 0~ ~I ~l:.U o~l:.11 ~L:JI
Ring 1 - the ring = a place closed in with ropes in which
people box.
' .~)\LI.~ f 0.,S-*11 4-) ~~ J~4 ;_,..- ~ts:.. : md-1
2· - to ring true = to show by sign .or sound that it
is true .
• ~~4 _,f ;;Jl..!':.'4 ..!.U~ ~ : (~ J J~) ~ ~j ~·
3 - ring the changes on = to give the same thing· m
different forms or different things in regular
( J f) .~ J~IJ·•-~'-'I ··
4-..r- ~~. 1.._-. • (•~c..r -~- 1 1 JI~
,. ''") ~
. -~) rllii J ~ .. ~r if~
4 - to ring up = to call on a telephone.
~ ~I ~f : 4! ~ Jfo" : ( 0~1) ;; ~I J ~
. Y.#
Rip 1 - let things rip = be careless of results .
. ~'-"" ~ ~~J_,...~, !l~ ! ~l::J~ ~~ 'j
2 - a rip = a worthless fellow.
J-i f ('JJ ! :· 4J 4..J. 'J f al:.All JJi ~
Rise - 347 - Road

Rise 1 - to rise again = come back from being dead.

• Cl~ 0t .AA! : i fo. f ~_,.11 ~ : ~
2 - the river is rising = is increasing .
• ...~-' ojl.. ~ 15f : &.J! _,t.11 01 : J~
3 - to rise to an occasion = show oneself able to deal
with a special difficult matter.
~la... ~ J~li.11 ~- ~ : ~l~I ~ ~ ~~I ~I-':!
. di!..._, ~'~ ~ '5#. ~~J Jr~_,;;
4 -- to rise up against the ·government ::::: begin to
, fight against .
• u,~) (.,,Li~.J ~ ;.P.. : '-'.P' ~~ ~
5 - - the rh·er rises in those mountains = the river
begins, or have its source, in those mountains.
~ . 0 !~ f~ ~. : J~-ll ~ l_r cfa fr.JI ~! : J_,AJ : e~
• ~I~ GJ.>-...:...
6 - a rise of prices = an increase in prices .
. (~4-U-1_, jL~~'I ·c.:,Ltf '51) J'-o;il j t_W'JI
7 -- a gentle rise = a small hill.
• •~I ~)I f (..;~.:UI J'!~I (..;WI : ~I f .!.l.JJI
. .
8 - to give rise to =:: to cause. • ..\.I-':! ! c,~ ? .~

9 - take a rise out of it =-= deceive and laugh at a

person .
• ~ f....;,_... I.l .• w~- € ~ ! .c... ·~_, uw1 "-
Risk to .run a risk = to put oneself in danger; be in danger
of failing ...
Jl.b. 'l'I~ ~ j c)~ (.Jf) ;,~1 j ~ ~ : ~jl. j ~
. • J.!..i.! 1_,
Road .. 1 - on the road = travelling.
2 - get in one's road = get in the way; prevent one
doing what one wishes to do.

_,f ~.)L. ~~ i:r ~ J,!)t j &- l.: .)l~I : o.l~~ (')

~ ~ ~~J u#~ L : 4,JUI : tl_,11 (T) ! ~~T
• tl_,.tl_, .ll~I ~I Jf ~JPI : J~ : ~.r- L. (..;W ~
Rock - 348 - Roll

Rock on the rocks = being in money difficulties .

• ..r-S- J ! ~L. u~ ~ ! JL. ~ ~

Roll 1 - rollling in money = very rich .

• s:.l}JI ..,JIJ ! JUI ..;¥ ! oJ.;JI c~u ! ~' ~
2 - to roll one':-1 eyes = move the eyes round .
.. 'I
• ~.;J .)
.J""" J. L.l':.
~ : •
~ fl~

3 - to roll the grass = to flatten with a roller.

• ~L.
• cf) l¥')' -·
~Jw::' ill-C• •• ~
··· ... Lt '5.H

4 - the music rolled = made a deep sound .

• .n!Jll J..i~ lA:J· G'y.o ..:;..t.>..f : ~~.,II u;J.A

5 - he rolled out his speech = spoke while delivering

his speech with a deep voice.
r~ ! (,.;~ ~ ~~ ~Uu.. .. t.:.tt j ~(_j· : .r~ ~
. (y : ,,.-y : ~) .;~ ~ : J....."iS'" J.
6 - to roll a drum = to beat a drum with many quick

blows. • ~~ 4.,; li~ : ~I J~

7 - \o roll in = to come in large numbers.
~I Jl ~; ljiil ~jJI. ~J : . u~~ ~J~ ! i_,..j ~y~
• (~Tj) G..j
8 - to roll up = to form paper, etc. into a shape
like a pipe.
( ~li~~ ~j ~W .t.l..::) o~J J;.,JI : ~
9 - ·to roll = arrive unexpectedly.
(~ _,f r,; ~) ~ ! ; .. ~ ~ ! ;lli:il ~ ~ J4
• ~_,J.i.l ~l ~ ~ J~
10 - call the roll -= read out names to see if all are
present .
• ~WI .:r ~LJ-1 ~~ : '-:-'~I (Jf) ;~I JJ~ ffi
11 - to strike a lawyer off the roHs = not allow him
to work as a lawyer any more.
;t.tJ4 ~~~' ~ ~: U:=4LJt JJ~ .:.r ~~ r' ~
• ~ i~ c;~~ ~ ~J
Roost - 349 - Rot

12 -- a roll = a very small loaf of bread .

. f~ ..r..~ ~J : ( ~l&. : 11-1.:LI ~-' ~_,:JI ~~) ~#1
Roost to rule the roost = to be a leader and force others
to obey .
• ~lkJI,- ~ i.......-=_
.1 '"'=.IJ u~l-11
i.>.:li ~
• :i...~·JI
• ..;
.U J.Aaj' !. ...s. ·~
1· J-;;

Root the root of a word = that part of a word to which

endings are added to make other words.
~ J~ s.J.JI ~_JI .:z.. A_r.L.1 ~~ : ~i ! w.u1 .'.b.L
~ '· Prefixes : ·s,:,l_r.ll _,j Suffixes """'~'
• _r:.i ~ vi~ WS-
Rope 1 - the rope =-= hanging -1S a punishment.
. r·LQI
. i:r . < _,L(_j·
. ; .J"::-J •
l~ Lw.
c..r . •. ~
·~· 1• 11

2 - know the rope = know the customs and arrange-

ments .
• ~ '-il.r _,~ , l!JJ~ f-~ : ~I_, ~l,:,~I J~
3 - give him ropes = let a foolish person do what
he wishes.
• .
~.r.. J-)11 !l)'I : ~- : ~J~ j&. ~ J1 f ! '-'~I 4'.l ~
• .(i~) ~ L. ~I Y-'~ :.r Jl:J ~_;kjl .U ~i ! -.j\i~
4 - to rope a person in = to make him join in one's
(lr.) ~.r.. ! (4.:i) .s'P- ! ...:i~J_r....J ~ J! ~: ~
Rose 1 - it's not all roses = having some unpleasant sides
in it.
J~) s~ \rt i:.r ~t.; 4 ~l ~. : ~-'J-' ~ LLJ ~ w
. (Y _,f J}; _,i ·~ J
2 - under the rose = secretly.
' ~ ~l ~ _,.i..
____ ....,
. &.I. L.. '
~. .. .'
4..Aa. i-..;

Rosy the future is rosy = the future seems hopeful. .

~~I~~~· (-'f) J...~I ~~LC.! ~.s. ~ : ~lj ~I~!
. c.4:-1' J
Rot don't talk rot = do not talk foolishly .
.. ,.- ,, ' u.u
• ...r''f" J • •
_ls::_; .' iJ"'f
r- .. 6L:; ,,
Rote - 350- Rough

Rote to sa)' by rote = to say from memory without thought

of meaning.
~ ~ ~~ ~i ~ i.r .di.ia. (Jf) ~·_,.n~ ~ 15f : ~A
.. oA L.

Rotten : =very bad.

Rotter : a rotter = a useless bad person.

.4 c.l:.i. ~: J-i. ! .~ ')_, ~ ') ! J.-! (Ji) ~ e: ':} ~
Rough 1 -- rough country = full of hills and mountains,
not level.. L;:i d_,.._ 'YJ ";}~_, ':}"'j.:; oc.fa : ~ if)
2 - a rough sea = · in high waves.
~ ~~ ~·J) ~l.;;:J_, ~1_,..f µ : ~UI ~I ~I ...~'
'~lA; : ~I ~ : ~I ~I ~ (~Tj) : J~l) ~ cJ
. J~t( ~J_,..f
3 - a rough game = noisy fighting sort of game.
~ .!l Ir ;; J,., .i;.. tJJ ~")\..:JI lr.:i ~ : ~ L,p oIJ ~
• "-:) o.>I~ "':}
4 - rough house = disord.er and fighting.
J! ~ i.PlAi _,f ~~.Ji ~·~1 ~~ ~Y- ~...~'
'-- . .:. . _,
. ~)l.:j,_, ~ ~~
: .!.l1.rJ1_,
' e'J.j
5 _,_ a rough diamond = an impolite person who is
really kind.
~.J ~ ~~.>-;rl J:l.i :~' ~ (.Jf) ~W! : Jli:!
• ~I ll. ~~l:J : ~ :i_l.. _,.. : JU:! ! ~ .J. r
6 - a rough customer = a rude fellow who uses for.ce.
.-;:q 11 ..
~.. :Y. J
.Ml ;;jzj;jl JI• t.~
·. • . l1·~. !
. t.l.kJI ,_JJI ~
·~ - ~
. ·'

7 - a rough draft of a letter = a first writing which

will be made better later.
, i.~..f ~ "':-'~ rj4 'O;.J"r" : ( "':-'Ua;LI) ~l=S::JI o.>_,_.
...... (
• ~\.- •;~ ~ f-•-, j ~ JY':-' ~ JJ...J
Round - 351 - Round

8 - rough and ready = made in hurry to serve for

.a short time only.
~j ~ ~b4 r_,AeJ ~J ;u..r. ~ ~ . ~_,;_,i1 ! ~Jll
'" • i.).J.bi:...
Round 1 - a round number = a number ending in zero.

2 - a round game = a game in. which all take part

in turn.
JS' , c;+t lr.i .!Jfl.:! ~I : ~J.J.lll ;1_, WI ~ <SJ.J.UI ~I
• O).J~

3 - the round trip = the journey there and back.

· ~! f ~.. ,:r f~ ·: 44!-' 4~_; :U...)I

4 - a postman's (doctor's) round = the course from

house to house done each day.
:-11 ;;')J ..ll I •• ~I
(.$ . ""
:.i.J~ ( .J f) ~pl - . I ~ L l&. :.i.J
Y." J~ -- .• :u~ -J I

•• JO
Lu~ - -·
..;:...J..> •
-· l,)"4
-ju;:;... (~) l.>..t.~J 1._i..-::
" o.f a fight = the (second)
5 -- the. (second) round
meeting of fighters after a short rest .
. "~~ ~ ~lS· o_r
u#U:il J!lZ : (Jl:All J). ~L!JI :U~I
• i~ ~,_, ~1)1 i:r
6 - to go round to = to go to see a friend; (trade)
to call for orders.
~~ : ~ : ;J~I· J (y) ! (~.J..,.,) ;Jft. (\)
. &JI ,:r u~P. o~JjJ ~ w~ J~~
7 - no enough to go round = not enough for all.
, IJ"l:..11 ~ i..;Lb. Jt. ~j_,; ~l.r- -~ j J~) ~I ~ ~
• (~ ~ ~IJ JS-" kt: ~f ~ ;N
8 - all round the house. = in a circle about the house .
. r-1~ J 1_,_JI :U,L=-.1.s- : ~~ ~ ,:.r ~ ~ : ~1 JJ~
9 - he shot 20 rounds =. he shot 20 Rhots .
• o;I~ _,i 4~ 0-4 : ~ ~?- ~
Roundly . - 352 - Rub

10 -- in round terms = in plain speech.

~~ ~~ u~ ~-J..) j Jli; c.\l:;. J'::~ ! ~~ ! :l.1~
. ..;~I') J ~"./""
.. :\.ii
• .a....i

11 ---- rounded off = nicely finished.

t_)f.J J..L> ~fJ y '"\.S.z j J~ : t_l)~I ~ ~ ~I ~
• :u.)_, ;)~
Roundly : to scold a person roundly :..:. to scold with great force .
. WJ ll,;Uzj_, :a.;~~ ~~ : ;~ (Jf) ~ (Jt) r.f-

Route a route march = a march done ~, soldiers for exercise .

• s_,.(-.J1U'"'.,...::.Ha.~I J)aJI j ..r<-.•..11 ~ ~fa..~~ : ~1;1 J~u,
R.S.V·P. : repondez s'il vous plait =- please answer (this letter) .
• .)..,JI JL..;4 ~ ~ (1.:-'t:..(..JI 1.k· js-) .))I~)

Rub 1 - to rub out pencil marks =-= to cause pencil marks

to disappear by rubbing .
• L.t't.,.,) ~ ~J eil;L::I (_,i) u~~ (Jf) ~l:) ! ~j.! ! ~-
2 -- to rub up a S\lbject :::; to learn again; make one's
memory fresh ..
_;-~ (y) ~ ·~ ~ js-4~.i.:-~ ~ ;._,:,o,.. If).) .)J~ (')
lo..: • •
, s_,; fJ ~j t 4 ~;-1~ ~ (¥)
3 - to rub along = to continue to do a thing, bul
with difficulty.
~~Jr J) ~ ! '-~J ~~ §.J.J •'-5;;, j l...IL.....11 : ~~
• ( o.>JI~

4 - don't rub it in = do not continue to speak about

a subject which is unpleasant to me.
.t..i~ ..._J~..,...
;- w-11 l.J. j ~j.$_JI
~l;; ~ •• \.:...

~)· I._

5 - to rub a person the wrong way = make ang~·y.

(~l_;,;~1_, j.jl.,,,)I ;.,k ~ ~H) ~ : ~ ! ~~ ~ ~

6 - Aye, there's the rub = yes, that is the difficulty.
JS2;.ll _,. ~) ! ~~' ~ ~ '~
Rude - 353 - Run

Rude in rude health = very healthy.

• ;ybJ I i le- J ! ;~ ~ J
Ruffle 1 - to ruffle the feelings = make angry.
.r r..r·'~!~I·
.. . . J
~I ~.. ! ) .·-'·II
r-' ~ --4!.

2 - the wind ruffled the water =.made little waves on.

~~I ~l) ;;~ ~~_,.... ~ : r.UI ~~I ~
Rugged :. rugged character = rough but strong .
., I :LI ~ l.:...
.c.S::J •
;i.j .. •

.. ....& • ~ '
~: b.. ..._a.
;-J .r- • ~
I ~-

• ~ ~ j&- _,. ! '""~' i.s_,i ! ~ -y_, 01: -:N

Ruie 1 - a foot-rule = a piece of straight wood used for

~~ ~~ ~I ~~) • r..r leiJJ J...-:-j' ~ ,:r ;; I~ f : ;;)z-ll
• (I_,~ i:.r;:~ r.sf : l...u
2 - to rule lines = make straight lines with the help
of a straight edge. • o)a.-c. G_,k- ~.r.. : )a-:!
3 - to :rule out = to say that a matter may not he
~.J 4 ~ ~ i_jJ- J.jj ~ ' .lab. Ji .r~' 01 J,,z ~i : ~

4 - a ruling = a decision given by a judge or by the

chief man in a meeting.
. t~! u~J _,f ~li •;~ : ;1.}JI ! µ 1

Rumble the rumble seat =a seat at the back of a carriage or


Ran 1 - a train runs travel. ) lki J J~ : }l-:!


2 - the machine is in running order = the machine

is working properly.
L - "l I :f •
- 'J_, :U.>.J.u--r~.
t..,~ • ~~
JL- :.;.J.~ :tJ91 01~.• J~-
3 - the road runs over the hill = the road lies oYer
the hilJ .
• .;.,;" ~ ....~ 15f : ~L=.11 J_,i .:,,... .;'. J!JaJI ~1
Run - 354 - Run

4 - run dry = become empty.

~)f (_,f) ~t5" ~)f J_,A:! : ,.~ ,;r 4 ~")\.; t_fi
. (*4) ~4-.;Jl
5 - the story runs = the story is told .
• .. 1_,;-;r1 ~ ~f_, ~~f : ~1_,_,.11 ~ ~I ~JJ
6 -
to run it fine = allow _oneself just enough time.

~4 ;.)4~J ~ 1J : ~_,JI V4 ~ L. ~ ~
• ~.;JI J f.)~I
7 - to run a knife into = to put a knife in quickly .
• ~..r-.J ofa, ·~ J ~I J::.~ : ~
8 - to run a business = to be in charge of a business .
• ~-' .:;~ .JQ..j..JJ ~A ~J ~ ....;p : -µ : .r....t.~
9 - to run the risk = to do a thing when there is a
chance of danger or failing.
p ~~I ~ ~l..U~I a.l;J ,;r Ji': Jjl. J : ~ ! ~
~ • J.!.i ;Ui:il _,f
10 - bis temper ran away with him = he lost con-
trol of his· feelings .
• ) lJ'J ~bi \j : oJ'l!... r L.j .c... ~f ! o;_,b if' if
11 - to run down (or run over) a person to hit
with a motor-car.
! ·~ _,t ~I_,~ _,f ~WI j Jl~ : OJ~ .u_,; ,;r r ..J rJ..A.:!
• (OJ~) Ulr--- _,f UWI : t~
12 - he is run down = is weak and tired .
• J~I ~t._,f ~ ~ ~ ~f.: Jl (Jf) ~f .>lJ
13 - to run a person down = say bad things about .
• u~W4 ~ ~w ~ . (~) ~
14 - we have run out of food = the food is finished .
• ~ 'YJ ~ .c... ~ ~ : L:...Wo t)
15 - to run up a flag = to put up a flag quickly .
• (~)~I~ ! ~JL J_,i ~ ~r. :~ r!_.r..
Rush - 355 - Sackcloth

16 - go fo.i· a run = to move quickly .

• ~~ ~ -'.>...:! : ..r.:-JI ~ ~~ ~-
17 - London is an bour's run from here = London
can he reached in an hour's travel.
_;... ~ ~.,,.4 ,fa_ ~j : L:.t. :_r ~L ~ ~ ~..cJ ~1 : J~
• ~L.

18 - the play had 2- run of 100 days = the show of

the play continued for 100 days.
rY- ~ ~ (Jf) i::-P~ ~t : ~~ ~ :u:·.-11 u~I : JU:!
• 41_,:..
19 - a sheep run = enclosed place for keeping she<~p.

• ( IA ...J'";&-· J f) I~I .U
• ~" ~ .iJI ~lS::..11 •• r-
~I ; ...;.~

20 - in the long run = in the end; at last .

• ~UJI ~:~_,.:JI ...~T ! ~4JI & L.~ 'i ~4JI j
21 - give him a run for his money = let him have a
chance of winning.
• tt.Pi ~.ill .UL.~~~} 4.1 ·~ : ~. : ~,.,U~} ~t
22 - the ordinary run of mankind = the common
people. ~

Rush to rush a person = to hurry a person into deciding .

. ·..s:- ~~ ~· _,; ~~ Jl ~ ~Lil : ~
Rust I am rusty on '1at subject = I have forgotten this

. J. .s-u ,y- (Ji) ~ ~ ~ yt&. ~ ~ ~
to be in a rut = to be unable to do anything or think --""_,i'
y 1~ _,s-~i ~

anything new.
~>-4 j ~I Ji ·~ Jr ~ J~\i ft. ~ ~j : ~
• < ~.
~_, u'---'- ;Ju •• ~ U:.t-

Sackcloth : sackcloth and ashes = signs of great grief.
• ~.J.!JI ~-;it ~tJ.)~ f ~I .J~t ~L.~
Saddle - 356 - Satisfy

Saddle to saddle with (a duty)= to lay as a load upon.

• (~ ~) ~: J...F- Jf ~IJ ·~ ~: ~
Sail 1 - to sail close to the wind = . to come very near to
breaking a law .
• ~_,iWI ~~ d &_, J.'- ! C.:,ylAJl J}: .>~
2 - to set Rail = (of any 'ship) to leave the harbour .
. (~ j J~) ti)I ;.)LU° ! ~I Jl .'.b.t;
Sally to sally forth = to go out e.g. for a walk.
:w.....; (J f) ~ ·...:t ~ • • .,... •
• - J"" ... 0"'.~

.Salt 1 - an old salt = an old seaman.

• ~ J~ ! r--» J_,i
2 - take it with a grain of salt = not believe it all .
• <..ki ~ ~ i.:rjj 'l ! ~ &~ ~ J.) JJ..,.aj 'l
3 - the salt of the earth = the really good people .
. J~ ~I "-...")\..,,_, ~ l.;iJIJ ;JJ.All _,_,.) ~~I ~l:JI : ...,OJ ~I &
Sanction to give sanction to = to allow; to give a person the
right to .....
• (
:,L:il ~")
IS"'A .... -
/I. ,,j__,
uw1 ~
!....1 '(".-!:.J)
• ...., . •
! J.~

Sand 1 - the sands = a sandy shore.

• o.1~ ;~1 :Y,..)I ~I .~l.,..Z ! :i.:L)I C.:,l:k!JI
2 - make ropes of sand = try to do something use-
less or impossible. 4lt
• ~-'
l---· . f ~I
ts. J ~ . ")'L,,.. t. 11 •
.U\9 "IS"'.. u- :J - • . U-J' 0"' ~
t-.: •

Sap 1 - to sap the strength = to weaken slowly .

. J~ ~ ~~J ~J.>.:i ;JJ.iJI ~- ! i·~·"; ~ c.S~I ~ ! .. ~ ~
2 - a sap = a hard-working school-child .

• ~IJ u-;.J.ll ·js- : ~ (Jf) J...~ (Jf) ~ ~

3 - a sap = a fool (in America).
(~.,,..f ~I I~ J J~'JIJ) ~'-' Jl--11 ~ ! J-J ! ~f
·Satisfy satisfy yourself = see for yourself; make sure.
f ~ .r'i'I J )t.if f to'JI o~ l!.i-ii j ...,o~f f ~ ~'
• J..;S. ~! f ~! ! .ua..
Satisfaction - 357 - Scent

Satisfaction : demand satisfaction = tell a person to pay for dam-

age done; call a person out to fight.
_,f J..rC c.UL; JL. r!_;) ~ (.r ~- wf : if~I ~ ( \)
JL=i.U c.S~ ! Jl~I ~ (y) ! d'~ ! ~-' ~.>f
. t'.ral'-'
Saturate a saturated solution of salt == the strongest possible
mixture of salt and water.
. ~~ J~I lfa_ r:.L._, & ~ ~:r c.S_,if: ~4 t!- J~
~J 1.ll c,S.:UI J.:1-1 y. : l>..r:f- .Jj ~I _,f ~~ C;_ ~ill.J
~ ":JJ ulJ~ ..,LJI _,j r:ill Jli:! c;!ll J_,iJI J! ~ ~
• tJ..ei

8al"e 1 - to save time :::: to prevent waste of time.

~ ~ ..;~ _,j Jo.A:! : ..:..i_,JI J ~ !..::.J_,JI j~
• ~ ~J""":! Jr o;)~ "jtJ ..:..i_,J~
2 - a saving grace :::: some good quality which saves
a person from being completely bad.
~~ ~f ~ ~ i,J)\;..f CZ ~I ~I c.Sf : ~yJI :u..a,11
0-4 ~ C- ~ L>W! J L>~ L>f : ~. c.Sl : U~ i;)W
• l;~ ~~ L>~. L>f

S~ale the scale of a map = a figure showing how many miles

of country are shown in one inch of map.
ifJ ~I~... j&. L.~I J~ ~I (.r ~ c.S.r.. rJJ : :U,J LI.I IJ"'l:L
• ~~I
'.) 1.._ :LJ-L
Lr - •< .
-'Y' 4,P.,t! rJ-' ~

Scatter a scatter-brain :::: a foolish person who cannot think

of one thing for very long.
~I ij~ L>f ~ J~ ":J c.S.:UI : i.>.AJI !~I ~I ! ~I
• ~.,.b o.>... "~ J
Scene to have a scene :::: to hav~ a noisy quarrel.
~ L,a;J ~_, r° b-! ~ c.S.:U I ! ;.!)I 4!J,I f ~ \..,aJ I !.l 1_,.,J I
Scent 1 - on the scent = on the track; following success-
fully .
• c_~I J! c.S.)Y. c.S.:Ul d='' : ~)JI ~ ! }~I ~
School - 358 - Scout

2 - to scent out = to try to find, e.g. wrong-doers.

~.JtL.i: ~ : ~ ! ~: c~ ~) .J.µ1 J_,~
• 0_,ilill j&.
Schoo~ 1 - a school of painting = :a place for teaching
• .r-~1 J :..r.J.J~ ~ ~ : .r~ ~
2 - a school of fish = a large group of fish .
• l..... ~ cl-JI ,:r ~-'5i : -..:.... ......
,.Jai ! ci-11 ~ ~J
Scintillate scintillating talk = very clever and amusing talk.
~\.,A.i.J fajl ~lj "-) ~~ : JW.I ~ ~ ~I i~QI
• o;~I
Scoot : to move away quickly.

Score : 1 ~ he scored the table with a nail to make marks

on a surface with a sharp point.
.~~w~_, G_,.>.a.. 4. i!,,~f <.St : J~ ~ ;~UI : ~
2 - musical score = printed music.
• ~-'I
.. - 'Y' ~l.!·'I
~ ~ . · - 1..5'
~ :"II o..\-JI
• •• ~- t.q if::-,.,.,.
-.r.- - 'I
8 - pay the score = pay the bill.

_J_ I ( i) :t.JL-.S:JI
.J -·
(.J f). ..l:......JI W- ~"..L-
4 - to pay off old scores = to do evil to those who
have harmed one .
• -..:... .t..IU L. J!.. <.S~ Sri ,:r ei~ <.Sf : ~ <.S~ ~'I ~.r..
5 - score off a person = to get the better of a person .
. 4 t.. i ..sf ( ~ ~) ~
Scom I would scorn to do it = I should be ashamed to do it.
. (~~) JT 0i ~ .J~ ! (I~) jAif ~f ~ ...;!
Scour to scour the country = to go quickly ov2r the coun-
try searching everywhere .
. :u~_, ~~ ~I~ JS" ~ : ~µ1 ~
Scout 1 - to scout round = to search. . ~ ' ·v-----.· ~.. ~ ~
t.,; ..

2 - to scout an idea = refuse to consider.

Scrambled -359 - Screw

Scrambled: scrambled eggs = eggs broken up and cooked in butter .

• UA..\.11 _,f ~,;JI c.i ~ f ~ c,Slll : j.ill ~I
Scrap 1 - a scrap book = a book in which one sticks pic-
tures, pieces cut from newspapers, etc.
fo..J ~l_r.ll ~~L.aiJ ~I 4 ~ ~ : ~4;ljJI ~l:f'"
. ~~

2 - scrap iron = pieces of waste iron .

. ~ tr ~I .A:?J.d..I tr e : ;.>_p.-1 ~.>..J..1
3 - to have a scrap = to fight .
• Jjl.;? 1 .!lJl.:! i ~~
4 - to throw on the scrap-heap = to throw away as
useless. ·• (~I .J.ili .i.i~ ~) ~ f J41:
Scrape 1 - to serape through an examination = to pass an
examination with difficulty.
( ·~1 ")
.u-~~~ ·~-~ (a~I J·~
2 - to get into scrapes = to get into trouble .
• •J..a>.~ '-f.)L,.~:; (Jf) Y~ (.Jf) ~li:!... J ~
3 - to scrape up = to gather together, e.g. money
with difficulty. • ~J '-!~~ ~J : "j..!... ';JL. : ~
Scratch 1 - a scratch player = one who counts his strokes or
points from 0, not from any + or any amount.
_,~I c.r ~J ~~L.ol ~ f~ ~'Y : <..>,;..,aJI ~~I
• al~I 4.l ,):uJ <.Srf 4..j..s. ~f tr Jf + .>.:lj -....j..&. ,;r ~
2 - a scratch collection =-: a gro~p hastily collected,
not the best to be had.
~J c.J~ "jJ , ~ J-" ~ c.~~I tr t~ : L~I
• ~ J_,..-J..1 ~- L.
3 - not up to scratch = not as good as usual.
~ ~ c.JU- Le. o.)~1 tr ~ £ ~_,JUI &' o.)~I tr & ~
· • ol_,.::- tr Jif
Screw 1 - he's a screw = hard in money matters.
• ,.,--.JI ~ 4 L. '-A!... j ! JUI J.J.i
Scurvey - 360- Seat

2 - to screw up one's courage = force oneself to be

brave .
• ·<S~ ! ~ ! ;f~I (.JI) '-l~t ~ ~ ""'~
Scuney : 1 - a scurvey knave = a low bad fellow .
• J.); (Jf) Jil... (Jf) •J.) : ~ ~f) ~Wt
2 - a scurvey trick = a low dishonest trick.
- J J J.AJI t.r
• :U~I I.. c.S.,--.
._L. 7 :11 ••
o) lAJI ~t

Scutcheon : a blot on the scutcheon = a dishonour to the family .

• :U:WI ~_r7J .J.i : J.Ujt _,f ~1 _,f .r~I : l!AJ.) ~! : J~
Seattle to scuttle a ship = to let water in so ns to sink it
on purpose .
• u_r':i &U4 &J:E ~ : (i..l<F-) ~I ~ ~ t.J}:
Sea : we are all at sea on this subject = we do not under-
stand this subject.
(.Jf) .r~I .!.lJ.) 0! ! .r~I l!AJ.) ~ o_,~ J ~ ~ : J~
• ~l..:i-1 ;~J ~ c.Sf : l:.f'G.)1 LJf ~ u,; '-....:
Seal : 1 - to seal up a pot of food = to close up tightly so
as to keep out air .
. P:. ' (~) iw, 4:i ~ : ~ ~
2 - to seal a promise = to decide and make firm.
f 4 J.fZ ~ ·~ ""'~ ~_, & ~l : o.J.&.~ c!l...-:-iJ ~
• ~_,f .l.&.y ~>.? ~ ~ ~
Seamy : the seamy side of life = the low unpleasant side of life.
~J ;~I l,:i c.S.;tf 'Y ~I ~L;JI <.Sf : ;;µ1 0-4 ~.AJt ~l;.H
Seat : 1 - the seat of government = the place from which
government is carried on.
J~.J ~~I 4 _}:-j c.S~I L>lS:_lt :·~_pt_;... ! p t jA..
· • rtS::... ~1 •;b! .c....
. 2 - the seat of the trouble = the place in which
trouble originates .
.c.... l!Z <S.>.JI ~~t : · yt~-Yt_, '-'i.lAJt J~ ! ~I ~
• ~t .bk;.. J.J ,.-}.J ' C141~-Yt
Sebaceous - 361 - Security

3 -- a seat in the country = a country house .

• ~)I J.fol
4 - this hall seats 500 people ~ have enough room
for 500 people.
~~~c:zt,.:1<Sl:~o•• ~-;;~l~~l:J~
• lt,:i ~~
5 - be seated =: please sit down .
• ~ i!JJ ~I ! i.r-.#4 ~ ! ~!
Sebaceous ~ebaceous gland at the root of a hair = one producing
natural oil for the hair.

( ~) ;; ......::; J.~~~
.:..... .8 ~-< ·: :-11 ~ . L:.AJJI a..\AJI
• -

Second 1 - my second = my helper in a fight .

• .!ll~I ~u..; J J~.J J~L "5lll : J=..j ! JJl... ! ~~

2 - to second a motion = to say that one agrees with

an opinion already expressed by another person
in a meeting.
~T ~ lAjf.f_, ~~ ofa. ~W'l'I ~ ~f : ~~ ~ -1!}.!
. t~' J
Secretion a liquid fol'med within the body, e.g. saliva is a secre-
tion formed in the mouth.
~;.&. ~~ ~L.. .i.;t; : yl..J.Jl) ~I ~I ~_,,.;.: ~L. : jl}~t
. r- . - la.
~ ""-

Security 1 - to give security for a loan = to give some-

thing valuable to the lender which will be kept
by him if the money is not paid back.
~ JIJJI J! ~A ~ ~.>JI .J..T ~ ~f : ~JJI ~ ~µ1
• ~~ ~.UI ~ t I~! ~ J_,:-.iJ o..c.&.
2 - my securities = papers which prove that I own
shares in a business, a house, land, etc.
~~ J 4 . . f) ~ .!l)\:...1 ~ JJJ ~I l]IJJ~I : ~l.c.WI
• ~~\:_,JI ! (~l;j u-O) _,f ~ J~ _,f
See - 362- See

See 1 - to see a doctor = to go and get advice from a

• if)l 4J\.., J ~ ,:r ~I~ ~j: ~.;:"'i 1

2 - to see about it; see to it = attend to .

. ~~ ~ J~J o'iih • (~) i~ ! (~) ~
S - see into = examine. (if') ~ ! ~.

4 - see something out :::;: wait till the end of.

• 1..$" ~ '5,fi ~ ~ •
• .. •• ' ("
l.S" ~T
A •• L") ~
~ - -

5 - see after = take charge of .

• ~~ ..:;_a;J -~· j (~) ~t: _! ("~) ~
6 - see the last of = be free of atJ.d not wish to see
! (IS..,.f or ol.J.. ~ ~f ;,yJ ~Ji e.i$- er)~ ! J~
. . ~

7 - I'll see you home = go with you to your home .

. ~u~ J! ~IJL
8 - see a person off = go with him to the (train) and
say goodbye.

} ~bJ : .i.J J~J ) UUJI ~ JI .A.Ml.t_ : (~"""-') C;,Y-

• ~I ~;,_,:....~

9 - see a thing through = help to finish a piece of


10 - see you through your troubles = help you ...

• ~ J ~~ .ia..L ! ~l:... (.Jf) ci;\.i.!...qj .!l.isL..L
11 - I see why you did = I understand why you did .
• l!.lf.) ~ l!l1 ei-llt ~f ! r ~I ~.) ~f l.)U ~-;r J!
.12 - don't you s·ee ? = I hope you understand .
• ~ (_,f) .u.u (Ji) ~ ~f ~T ~ ~ ~f
13 - well, I'll see = I will consider the matter\
. ~L ! )a:JI ~ ~L ! r~I j )iiL
Seed - 363 - Send

14 - I see through your plan = understand the real

aim or meaning of it.
• ~ u~ ~rJ ol.:.A... ~rr ! &_,r-. (Jf) ~~ ••_.,, Aiif ui!
15 - to see life = have many experiences.
~ ~ YJ~ ~.UI J ~ ~~ ~J : lr, IJ".A f l:J.U, y~
• l..~~
Seed to go (run) to seed = to become careless or useless.
! jlliJI ~ o""1WI i-';.... _,f ~I JJi (~ Jf "~) ~ <Jf
. •l:.a.J' J.:UJ'
Segment a segment of a circle = a part cut off a circle.
• o)I,) .J4 :tAlai: i..s)l.UI ~I:(~_,.(-;~) ~uH
Seize seized with = suddenly attacked by (illness or strong
feeling, e.g. pity).
~' ~ u0)~ ~y. Jr ..L.:.J J.,,L· : <J#.1 -~) ay. f ~t

Select a very select school = one which takes only careful

. ··~
chosen boys or girls .
• u~I_, ,)~_,-;i, J~ ~! ~ ~ : ojl-:l 4-J.>.... : J_,z
Sell : 1 - to sell up a person =
to sell his gootls so as to
,get back money lent to him.
: olj~~I &- ! ~! '--Pjl ~~ ,).J.-.:1 : ~ CJU-_# ~
• LJ:!.U .. li_, ~ .!l:>'wf Lr ~ L. tS'
2 --:- to be sold = be deceived .
• (J~I •4) crJ~
t~ ! ~ !
3- what a sell ! = we cannot have what we expected
or hoped for .
.J4 I~ Llif ~f J! J~· OJ~ : \;.,J_,J(Jf)W...f l.f- l.lA ~' ~
• ~~ _,f ~_,.L ~ J~I
Semblance : to have a semblance of honesty = pretend to be honest.
Jf c:,,:.f ....;4 ~W! J~ ~f : ~lA:..';)'~ ..16~ ! :UL.~I IJ'"J.f.
Send 1 - to send word = to send a rnssage .
• w_, (Jf) 4l...:) ~Y- ! ;ut..._r. ~
Sense - 364- Sequence

2 - send him victorious = make him win the battle.

~:,.._.Li Li.,.&:JI ~ ~~ ·~: JWl'I Jf .U..Oy. € r:-JI ~
• ~,;='°'"

3 - send for him = send a person to call him.

• 0~.l:! i:r 41 ~Y- ! ~~ )l_,....J ~! ~l-.):!
4 - they gave him a good send off = said good-bye
to him in a very kind way .
• ~I ;Jl.)"'"J ~l.J..,.:J1 if- ~ Le. o~ : i;l.. ~l.).J o.Ju;..)~
Seme 1 - common sense = good judgment.
.J _;JI ! :ui•.•.,a.d-1 ! p.1 ~I) f )i.01 JJ...o
2 - good sense = good understanding.
• .!llJ.)~I o_Ji ~' o.)Y.

3 - I cannot see the sense of it = I cannot see the

meaning of it.
t-""'_,11 (Jf) _,..~! Ai_ie
!J;.)f ') ! l!.U~ ~ ~f 'J
Senseless : to fall senseless = to faint. ~-..r' : t' f) .;:..
el-- ,_, J -

SenJdtive : a sensitive instrument = one which shows the effect

of, or answers to, only slight causes, e.g. to a very
small amount of light, sound, heat, etc.
J.u ~t ~lz :.r 4JH : '-'-- (Jf) ~I ~.) : ;bf (Jl) '-JT
,~f ~_,_.A.JI i:r i~ ~ : ul}j.l.I Ji4 }~ _,f ;l:~I .t..ijf J~
. ~.)fl.. _,f ;;Jl)-1 Jf ~~l
Semery a sensory nerve = a nerve carrying feelings of heat,
pain, etc. to the brain.
Ji~.; ..l':AJ t';1_, o;l_r'-1 _rl!... ~ ~ : ~I ~·
• ~I ~f : t_L..UI

Sequel the sequel. of a book = a second ~ook going on with

the story of the first.
J_,~1 y~J~ ~~ L. ~ Jt; yl:S": y~I ~4~
Sequence in sequence =. one after another.
~ ;t cJ ~ ! ~l:j ! ~)\..;JI ~
Sequester - 365 - Service

Sequester a sequestred spot =: a quiet distant place.

~ ~-' aJ..Y.I .~ ~ •1.5 ~Lt. ~~ : c.l_r:..ll

Serial a serial story ~ a story which appears in parts daily,

weekly or monthly.
~ J ~~ .1~t ~· ~ : ..:..)\....LJ.I ! il...L...11 ~I
• ~~ _,f ~.r.-l _,f ~Y-
Serious a serious illness = a dangerous illness.

I c---
L .~
. . . ·- .~.l.JI
•• ,)l.;ll i f')1

Serve 1 - that will serve ; that will serve my purpose = will

do what is needed.
! ~L:ll ~ f ~_;JI t-'4' ~~ ! ~,,AJI <S..\Y. I~ ~! : J_,z
. ~U..4 ~
2 - that serveR him right =: that is what he deserves.
~~ i.!.U,; ! ._;1~ '~ ! ~ l. 1.l.

3 - to serve a notice = to give a person a printed

paper according to law, e.g. one telling· him to
appear at a court of Jaw on a certain day.
~J :UJ~ ~ ~ ~i ~y liU lA:1 c.S.,S...\ ~~ : ~
• ~r~J~I..\~
Service 1 - the service in the hotel is bad = the servants
do not work well.
L>! _~ •• k..... ~
~-. -
~~I l.i. j ._.~I ~! J~ ·• :l.,;j..(
~ .
.. ~ ~•t..1~ '-'_,..~
. - ~ ..
2 ___! a church service = a form of prayer and praise
to God .
• ~IM!I ! .USI J! -J.-y.J i¥ ~ J : ;;~I
3 -- "a dinner service = a set of plates, etc. for use
in eating.
1..1l..a:.....:! Ll ~~.J 15J....1J_, ~)UI_, i.J~U- : ;~UI ~l_J.)f
. J.)~t j
Servitude - 366 - Set

4 - the train service is good = there are plenty of

fast trains .

.J4 u0.r o)WI dJlklll .)J.&. ~f ~f : ~ u4.;i..JI rtiij ~1

• ~,.,-J l.J .,)J.,J I ~

5 - at your service = re~dy to do what you want.

! !.l.rl ~) ! ~ Le. il:lU .)l..\.A:-1 ~ Ji ~f : ~..la. c.i
• clJ.)~! cf
6 - the civil service = the officers of government
other than those in the fighting forces.
~al j ~.:UI cl!J_,f _r,;i- ! t._µ1 .,_Al;_,.. : ~.,,J..UI ~_,.o.J;_,ll
• ~_;:....JI

7 - the services = th eai-my and navy. ~~1.J ~I

Servitude·: penal servitude = forced work in a prison.

~ ~ 1,;! ' .jbf U'_~ ~ if.J_;ll J-oJI : Jl:JI J.a.:JI
• ~1~~4
Sesame : open sesame = a magic charm said in order to open
a door.

Set 1 --- set a clock = put the handles at the right hour.
• ~1 LrjllJl ;;~~~~:~WI~
2 - to set a broken bone = put the broken ends
firmly together.
.. • Lw ~j~ ,.,-s:_JI li_), Ja::: ~~ ~ .)fi

3 -- to set a hen = to put it on eggs .

• tl)f Lr~ ~ ~ ~~.l.11 ~: ~~.) ~

4 - to set eyes on = to see.

5 - to set an example = be good ffo that others can

copy one.
')\..;.U .JT i~ ~~ ~4 : (·~) ~'l!.. ~~ ! -j..:... Y ..,-~
• '-""'l:JI Lr •..r.f- .i.JI_,.:... ~ ~
Set - 367 - Set

6 - to set the table = to put everything ready for

the dishes for a meal.
.bl...i..:::...1 . " .
~ c,l_,.)'}1_, ~~I _r:.;J •~ ~ : ;;..JUI ~
• ilakJI ~ ~.J JJl::.I
7 - to set to work = to begin work .
• ~I j : .>.a.~ (Jl) tA (.Ji) f~
8- to set a jewel = to fix it in a (ring, etc) .
. (:>\!..) fl;.. j •.iAY." : ~~
9 - to set out = to start on a journey.
. :;.....~Jr ~J : r~
10 - to set the teeth = to press them together, as in
~' ~ 6~ ~, ~ ~ r.i4. A.iL:....f ~ : A.iL:.....4 .N
. t ~' Jt
11 - the sun set := the sun went down at evening; went
beyond the horizon .
• o~G_, o;~ u;lyJ Ji~I ~ ..::.Jj (.Ji)~_:,;: ~I~~
12 - to set up for oneself = to start one's own business .
. 4 o..r.;i- ~U! ~ .u.;. j 0W1 tA 01 : ~ oUi- ~~
13 - a set time = a time. fixed for (meeting, etc.) .
• ~~ ..r.f- _,f :i)_"( .)_,....; _,f t ~ '1 : u;-ll (_,f) .)~I ~_,JI
14 - set phrases == words whi~h everybody uses at
certain times.
~'itl ~ .).)_fi ~I : Wl.!JI (_,f) o.)L....11 ~I (.Jf) J~-;rl
. ~\i_,~, ~ ~ _,, ~L:-l:.11 ~ iJ
15 - a tea set :....-= the plates, cups, etc. used in taking
~~HJ ~I _,f ·~I ulJ.S~I ,;_,.. :U~ : lSL!..11 ~u,
. J l!J I J_, \:.:J j.-.::-j° 1.1"' _,JD 1_,
16 - a set of S)lakespeare = a complete collection of
works written by Shakespeare .
~~. u~...O-'I
.J-.-· _,~._,,... · ·• · < '·
~ ~ ~f --....<:.! uW•,,....
l. :U.-• ·• ..;.--;--
• ~l=.. ~1~ _,f ~1_, ~
Settle - 368 - Shade

17 - a .set of tennis = a certain number of games of

tennis .
. l:J~ ~'~I~ u4J~: ~JI 1~f
18 - the fast set = those people who waste a lot of
money and behave badly.
. r*3.,1- J ~~-' ~'-'"41 ~J.l~ ·~.>JI : ~_,i_,-11
19 - a set back = some accident which causes loss .
• :b..lu .Jj oJ ~ ~ 1!.i.lb.. : ~~I 1!.i.lld.-1

20 - a set-to = a fight.

Settle 1 - to settle a quanel = to end a quarrel.

• ~l_;i ~ (.Ji) lll~ ~

2 -- to settle a debt to pay off a debt .

• if}~~!~,:)~~

3 - a bird settled on the branch =-= came to rest on a

·~ ! L
• J ~- -.-,.--. : ~ . 1~ ..;UzJI ,,r---
· _.:11 :..s-""' 'Lo.I •• J~
• ~

4 - they have settled in England = made a horn~ it;

·• l:.1,J ~ l.J~IJ lA_,.l) : l~I l~_,:-1 : J_,ij : ~~
5 - the tea-leaves settled at the bottom of the pot =
sank down .
• r.rts:..ll JI} Ji (~) ~~I ~li;J J.:N· ~tf' : ~
6 -- the earth has settled and became firm.
• i') 1.i • 'SI ~•
.r u, ..:...'.>21J U°J

Several each in their several places = each in his own separate

place. ,
• .u ~ (;~ .u ~ ~ ~ d ~i : ;...ii ...;~ J JS"
Shade 1 - in the shade = in a place protected from the
full of light .
• j-.LS:..JI ,,_,.,AJI If' "':-'~ ~LC. J ~f : J.laJI J
Shadow - 369- Share

2 - an eye-shade = a thing used to protect the eyes

from light.
·_,..A.U· if~I ~ ~I ~ ol.)f : u-_...jl ~6. f u:-JI ;u.\i..
• ~J.!JI
3 - a shade of colour = richness of colour, e.g. that
is a wrong shade of red : it is too dark.
Ub. J! o;l..!~~ ! o;..r- _,J :i..,J j ~_,.u~ ~~ •.r:- : 0.,u1 ~ JJ;
• ;;..w:.JI ~;..z J.l; (.Jf) _,-f ~ J~ : J.J.li;JI .j
4 - the shades of the dead = the spirits of the dead.
. c'-'J '91 ! J,.tl ~t:1=-f
Shadow to shadow a person = to follow secretly and watch.
• i..,..... .YI~ .,.;t-L-"
~ •• ~ ~ ~

Shaft a shaft o flight = a .beam of light.

Shake 1 - to shake one's belief =· to make less firm.

. (;~ Jif o.)lal ~ ! (o.)~I) J)_r. (.Jf) e_;,.s..r.
2 - in two shakes = very iroon.

3 - a shake-do~n = a hastily prepared bed .

• ~ ~ (Jf) ~~ ..\s.f ~lj
Shame it's a shame = is very unjust.
• ...;L,o.;'~ 1_, .k....Al I ~ ~ ~- : ~ l!U.; cJ1: J_,z
Shape my son is shaping well at school =- is getting on in ·a
promising way.
IJ"J~ ..._;f ~ : ~.r o;-""' ~ LJJ.11 J j.l.i::! ~.._,J cJ! : J_,ii
• J.:A:.-11 ~ ~ Lt.

Share 1 - my share = that part of the whole which belongs

to me.
Sharp - 370- Shift

2 - a ·share in a company ownership of part of the

business; part of the gain being paid to the. part-
t'_r.11 .Jf J-JI J~ U"'fJ ~ 6~ .!l")L:..,I : ~.,,..: j ("f- (')
~~ ~)I ,:r :*'"" J.) ~ <.Slll c..)-1 : ~I ~J (y)
• ~I ~lJ..
Sharp 1 - a sharp pain = a quick strong pain.

• }~I 15_; ~.r' f : .)U-1 t ~Ir
2 - 2 o'clock sharp = exactly at 2 o'clock .
• LL.f ~L!JI ~WI J
Sheep 1 - a black sheep = a bad member of a family.
• 4U~ J .>...li ~ ~f ~. : c.b_,...JI ;;\.!JI .JA : J_,ij
2 - to make sheep's eye = to look at lovingly .
• ~l::ilJ ~ ~_,; ;;)ii ! \1,;iJI (-'f) ~I ;;_)ij ~
Sheepish foolish; ungraceful and afraid in the company of
<.,Slll : <.SJ.fal ! ..... ~, jJJ.All ! ~' (") ! J3"-;i, (')
• L,:... ...i.i 4_, IJ" l:J I ~ ,:r ~~
Sheer : 1 - sheer nonsense = quite foolish; very foolish talk.
• 4A l.i...J IJ ~I j&. <.S~ <.Sll 1 : t_.J LiJ I i )\S:J I
2 - to eheer off = to turn suddenly away from .
• ~ j&. ~ ! ;;,~ .~1 _,f _,...f (~) J:.;.r..
Sheet • a pair of sheets = two squares of cotton (or rather
thin material) on a bed, between which on sleeps.
~' ,:r ~~ : (~a.a.T ,s..c. : L.) ;u1 ,:r : r-1' ~)
. 4!f f'°l:JI ~~ ~l_;JI ~ 0~_,; (~.JJI ~ ,:r _,f)

Shekel : the shekels = money. • ..u:..11 ! JUI-

Shell to shell out = to pay out.

Shift the night shift = the group of workmen who work at

• '"J.:) -: 0~~J J.ajl 0_,J.Jl.,r. ~.:UI J\.JI ~ : J.:.UI ~_,;
Shilling - 371 - Shoot

Shilling I'll cut him off with a shilling == I shall leave no

money to him after my death .
. J.,.. J..-.J ~ ~.r- ~L. ...i .!l_;-i 'J' ~_,_ : ~ ~L ! ~~L
Shin : to shin up = to climb.
Sh Indy kick up a

shindy = make a noise; complain.
• ~~~)~ !~ (y) !·~~~ ! ~ (\)
Shingle to shingle hair = to cut a woman's hair short at the
back, leaving the front and sides long .
.!l~J ~1.J.AJI ~ ,:r ;f.rl ~ ~ : ~I ( JllJI ~~) J~
• ~.>.Ai:.11 :/r..,"l'IJ ! ~~l:ll.J iL.~I Jl .c... ~~L.
Ship ship oars = pull in the oars.
• ~~I ek- J! ~)'_ <.Sf : ~ : -..i:! .)~I ~.)!
Shock 1 - an electric shock -- the feeling produced by
passing electricity through the body.
J)~,:r 1.f.~ ;~· J.Jr. .!.i~ .~.>JI ;~l : ~-+'(JI :C.J...,a..11

2 - a shock of hair = a mass of thick hair.
• ~I .:r ;; .J"--:5- ll.,a_.,;.. I
Shod shod with iron having the lower part protected
with iron .
. ~~I ,:r ~lfa. ~S'I oj~ ~ ~ J~ : ~J.:1..4 ~
Shoe horse-shoe = curved ba~ds of iron put on ho1·se's foot.
( oJJ.d-1):4 ~.J .)l~I j6..~~ J~i.$)1 ;~..iJ-1:~,;JIJ-.i
Shoot 1 - he shot out his arm = put or send•out quickly.
• ·4 ! r.~ L. ~ r. .u..., f : .u-1; ~ .M

2 - a shooting star.
Y." ~.)~· ~ ' :i.JL,; ~J ~ i:r- ~ ~ : y~

• ~ ~_. !-1~~4 ~ ~J ~t
3 - shooting pains = sudden sharp pains .

• 011o~ ~ o-'~ ~T : ;;~1_,J1 r~~1
4 - a shoot of a tree = a young branch .

. ;~ .:r ~ c!:_} : .)_,i..~1

Shop - 372 - Shower

5 - a (coal) shoot = a sloping way down which (coal)

is poured .
• ~l)ir:.-1 ~ ~' 4 ~ J.i-1 J! J'fa ~ ...k: JJ;.11.
Shop to talk shop = to talk about one's own business int~r··

. ests.

Shore to shore up = to support with wooden posts or beams.

• ~I LJ-4 '-'-'Jj ul.~~ : ~~ € .>.:......:!
Short selling short = selling more than one actually has.
~ 0t ,fa_·~ ,;s1 ~< ~ ~ .u~ : o.).;S. u .;s-i &-
. ~_,, ~
Shot 1 - a good shot : :-: one who shoots well; a well-aimed
shot· or stroke in any game.
AAUJI( y) ! ~I J y~ 1.l! ~ 'S <.SjJI : ~ UI y~I ( \)
• ~l)" _,. _,f ~ <.Sf j : o.l...\.-1.1 ~.,..AJI ! ~I
2 - within ear-shot = near enough to be heard.
~~~I 0, ~.·: ~~~I ci£; 'l ! ~ 0f ifa_ ! (LJ-4) C- u~
. ~~ Ji J~ L. ~ ~-
3 - to have a shot at it = make an attempt .
. ~.Ji Jr j ~Ji. _,f ;u_,~_ ~fo. 0i : y~ ! J_,~
8how 1 - show a person round the house = lead round .
• ~ua.;_, ~~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ : J~
2 - show him the door = send or lead him out of the
~ JjJ.1 LJ-4 o.)~ ~. : y~I ~_,b ~..#. ! y~I J! o.l_,Ai!

3 - show up a person = let people know that he is

JL;.. ....;f L)"'\:..U ~ ~4 .i..i·G~ .y- ~ (~) r. 0 ;1
. ~f fo..J
4 - to show up at = be present at .
• <~.; ..r.:&- _,r ~~, _,r ~) ~ ! ...~

Shower a shower of letters = letters arriv1ng at once.

• ;;~1_, w~ ~; '-'la..)I ,J4 ~ : JH...)I 0-4 d.,S
Shrift - 373 - Side

Shrift to give short shrift to = to give little time to a man

to say his prayers before one kills him.
~f ~ 4:1 uW ~Ui.J,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <Jl : ~ ~­
Shroud shrouded in mist = covered with mist.

Shut : shut up = stop talking .

• ~~I .y. cl.-.f £ :U.. ~ ~ '1 € ~ 4AJ. '1 ! ~!
Shuttle shuttle-train = a train which moves backwards and
forwards along a short line.
~; ~Le.. ~ L~_, r.);,-'..-:! ;llz.i : ~.))a.11 JUui1
• _,:;. 5'1 .:r l.J'l.b.f
Shy : . have a shy at = make an attempt.
• ~-
-~ tS~ •':iJbLc -
_, • r~
Sick 1 - to be sick = to throw up food from the stomach .
• .t....-ij. ~ ~i i o..WI .:r il..k.11 ~ : •ifi_
2 - I was sick = threw up. food.

3 -- sick of = tired of.

" • - t
.~ ~_,, ~ <)~ ~ (~) JA!.. ! (er)~!~­
. ~~J-
4 - sick for = desiring.
5 - homesick :t.: greatly desiring to go home.
er ! i:,k_,lt _,i~1 J! o.),-Jl ~ ;;~~ ~J ~L...:i~.AJI : c..:--!l'
... 'I . W. _i;
• ~J' ~ - c-
Side 1 ---- the side of a square = the edge of a square .
• ~ ~~ i..:-i~ ~ ;4.J~.1.lJ ' ~' _,i ('.!)1 ~ J~· : ~1
2 - one 1t1ide of a sheet of paper = one face of ....
• ()\!..) :U;_, .:r o.b.l.J '-P. ~ :U~JJI : ~_,JI
3 - on the side of the government; to take sides; to
side with = to agree with and help.
f ~~ ! ~J,! (T) ~ ~~~~I.Sf: L.,S:-ll ~~ Jl (,)
Siege . - 374 - Signaliz.e

4 - a side road = not in the main road.

. ,_r.;; ~). ,:r ~~I : ~_;JI ~~)aJ l
5 - to put on side = behave in a proud way.
• ~jJ .. 4~ ~~ ! ~~' (Jf) fo,)f .!l_,L. ~
Siege to lay siege to a town = to keep an army round a town
and attack it until it yields .
• o..l:! J 1l.J.J ~· ~ i,jl;.;LI ~ ~J ~ ~.l. : .J""~
Sight 1 - a beautiful sight = a fine scene .
• .>la. 'YI ~I (.Ji) ~I )i;.lt
2 - the sights of a gun = an· instrument for guiding
the eye.
~ 4~ ~.J ~I ..l:!..b.:J obf : ~.All .Jf :Y~ : y~I
. • t.Lc- ~.l.11

3 - at sight, on sight = as soon as seen .

• o;,.,L; .).;.;. ~ c.Sr., ~ .).;.;. ! c.Sr., C:,,f .)T.'4.
Sishtly unsightly =-c ugly. • ~I ,y. ~I ~ ~I

Sign : 1 - clouds are a sign of rain .

• ~")'.) (.Ji) )all ..:,~')\&.· r:.r f~'
2 __:_ I signed to Mr. A. to come = wrote or spoke....
• ~ (Ji) ~ ~ ~ __,f (cJ-:M) 4
3 - to sign one's name = to write one's name accept-
ing employment .
• .1;...._Jf ~ ~~ J ........,, ~ c:,,l: ~L.A...4 ~~
4 -- to sign on = to write one's name accepting em-
ployment .

.....& "'-
J'wtr .J f :u.J;
- 'J ~~- ~
l..-. :U'J1.) ·- ·! ~
oc.'~ · "-'. f •• JI-'.r.-:llJ• -
Signal a railway signal = a board moved up or down to. stop
trains or let them pass.
d Uailli...U;:J ~~IJ ~lA:iJ I .!1J ~
~ - - ~-' 'Y' •
• .LJJ..I
- ~ •• ;;.r.:-
· ... 'I
• 1
• ( ;~~.-;
1) c.S .L~I
• .k;LI rLl:i.i ~ t.,_ :ilai~ , ;J)L. U. ~·· J f

Signalize the victory was signalized with rejoicings .

• y..,kJIJ ;J~I ..:.'i~4 ,ra:JI j.&-1
Simply - 375 - Sit

Simply simply terrible = very bad; as bad as possible.

• ; .. b)I ~ ~~ ! i~ "<.S.)J
Sine die to postpone a meeting sine die = to put off ,meeting to
a later date without fixing the future date.

U';:A:! • J f f· tJ4
'-' · t \;>1
. ~·
..y,. '-'. f •• u-- ..J:.&-· c.kf
• JI- ~- •..,_J
• ~I J ...u.J _,.;.. T Js._,..
Sinew (s) 1 - of mighty sinews = strong.
• o)I _,~ ! .J~I _,~ ! u-WI f <.S.,ill
2 - the sinews of war = money and materials neces-
sary of war.
~I .. ~~I ~ •..r.f-.J JUU- ! y)-1 ~~~ : y_,j-1 ~G.J..ri'
• Y .,J-4 rl:Al' ~
Single to single out =to choose one special person (thing).


~ ) ~~1
Sinist.er 1 - having a sinister look = looking as if intending
to do evil.
~~'1 ~ rJ- ~ Le. A ~f : ;;~ ~~ ! .,r. ;;;u ~
2 - bar sinister = mark on a shield showing that the
person is not a lawful descendant of the family.
' L. ~ c.) f ~ ;u '1 .uJ tJ.) ~ ci'_,; -;. . ~ : J:A1.:J I -;.... j..s.
.o..,-S'I J ~r.J.1 .)')'_,S'1 ~ ~
Sink : to sink a well = to make a deep hole to get water.
! i~ _,f ~ ~ ! .. UI ~ LA...:..- ~Sri J J~ .M :

• .JT) ti~ l,:.J~ : ..:Lll .)~ 4-: y_M ~)

Sit 1 - sit on the face = not join one or other group.
: !l 1~ ')_, J:!_;JI I~,.,-~ ~ : ~ ~
2 - sit tight = hold firmly to one's purpose.
o ~ i..i~ ')_, ~ ~_j~ ":N : .tJ_,..lc, ~ ! 4.Pfa. ,A Jii
3 · - the hen is sitting = is covering eggs to make the
young birds come out.
· ~- ~
~ - u..Wt
-. . ~ •• ~
l..-_ .>.i'.r- u--~.
~ • • " ~~..UI
. . ~..I •• J~.
. t'}
Siz.e - 376 - Size

4 - the judge (law-court) is sitting = is working.

J.>.aJI ~lil J ~I ..,.!~-' j..j L,.:f ~. : o.)_,i- ~I L>!
. . "UJI
u~ ~-'
~ L·,·

5 - to sit in Parliament = be a member in Parliament .

• wU..r.JI J ~ (~) ~ wf
6 - the coat sits well = fits nicely.
~I ~ ~ ~J '5f : ~I er.~ .IJ)I <J! : J~
• LLf
7 - sit down under = suffer witohut making any
~ ~ ~ '1 f, 4i.!.ll.J t~I ;l:T ~ ...~ : ~ ')_, t4
• il!,_f r:r ~! ~Y- L. j&. 41~
8 - sit for a_ portrait = have a picture make for
.Jf ~• ~I ~i . . . , •;-
• .,,.....-- ~
L-1 -""'~' ~I' •• J~•

\...... ..,r---;.

• t.;l.i' ~ ;~ w_,
9 - to sit on a person = be rude to him so as to make
him less proud and more polite.
J! o:J_j_J Al4_t:S"' .J4 ..,->:..; 1.1...l- .U...~ (~ j&.) ~
.. ~__,.!.~;... ::i.i~fo.JI ~f j&.~I: i~')'l_,y.)~1 J_,..b.

10 - sit out a play = stay to the end.

1.-.1: - i.l..!.( ..
-r--rr.r -- ~
11 - make a person sit up = surprise; excite.
• . .. ' f ..i.. l ~ i _..:. .__ " ·, . '-
• ·~ ! ·~ . ~.r-
.r i..r ..........- ....-lJ

12 - sit up (late) = not go to bed.

J! ylA.ill j ..,.a..l:: ! i.,.:JI j .r'-:: ":l ! ""'l:JJI ,:_r i~ .Jt-":!
• ~l,;JI
Size I - size in hats = number showing bow large a hat is.
. ~ f.Sr. '5 .>JI
• J.....111 rt'-:.r'I •• ~I
. '-"""

2 - to size up a situation = to understand a situation
thoroughly .
• ~I ~ .i.:i-S~I ~ ~ j&. ~ : ~_,11 ~J..l:
6 - the earth has settled and become firm.
Skeleton - 377 - Slide

Skeleton a skeleton in the cupboard = a family secret.

• 1-r.. - :uL .. IJ'"1~L.J1

cl-.i.- 'J w~ . 11

Sketch she looks a sketch = is dressed in an ugly and foolish

way. •
uJ~'L:' ~ Jjf ~- : ~.,.iL ..r.;&- Lg...~~ ~! ! <.>;j ~~ ~!
• J l:;::;. ~ I <.r-J

Slack 1 - slack water = the time when the sea. is not

coming nor going out.
tl.J J... ':} ' i.>.nJ 4 ~' ~~ <.>lll ..:.J_,JI : ~_,..UI crj
. ~ ~ y, ~)~' yA ..l;.C_ ") Jjf ~.: J.:.~ 'lJ
2 - slacks = loose trousers.

Slake slaJced lime = lime mixed with water, as used with sand
for joining bricks.
1)\... .l..:.., ~ J...)~ f,. , ,u.4 r;r_ l.~ e' :
Li1.l.1 o-1U'
• ,~I~ ~511 ~)

Slate : 1 - to have a clean slate· = have no wrong acts re-

membered against one .
. ~ J' C..J- J.d .u ;~ ~ : "Ji ~ ~l
2 - to slate = to scold.
• ( 0~) ('_,4 ! r..r. ! ~ ! ~Y-

Sleeve to laugh in (up) in one's sleeve = to be secretly amused .

. ~J ~ : l..l-!I JfoJ ! i.r d..~ :..- J

Slender slender means =. little money .


Slick I ran slick into = ran straight against; came bead to

head against.
f 41 ~! ! 4!·.~~! ! o~ ~ ~~I ! lfJ o_,.-i uJ~
• o)a...; ..::-C_

Slide 1 - a elide rule = an instrument used for calculating.

• ~4l-J..1_, ~.M.U ~ obf : ~;di ;;_,k-tl
Sling - 378 - Slip

2 - a sliding scale of payments = payments which

are made greater or less according to changes in
the amount of something, e.g. the needs of the
person paid.
• ld.J (l,~_, ~l,Aj"JI u.Jli;:; JUI 0-' uW.) : ~_,U:.11 uW..UI
· .()\!..) .Ylt_,iJ.11~1 ~~~/~~~~I ul~
Sling 1 - a sword slung a~ his side = hang from a band
on his side.
. ~ ,, .ill'-~ .:.r
. . u,. . . u'!
. u'J.....:.i- .• oL-i6. ~
.,, _- i....A-
2 - to sling up a box = to put it on a ship.

t...-~ •~~
• • ~:
• \;'.J~ ~

3 - his arm was in a sling = his arm tied round the

neck to support it.
• ~; J>="" 0-' ~; 4iW J J~ ~f : :U..6. J ~G~ ~lS-
4 - to sling mud at = to say bad things about .
. ~ J 4t.,S- .. ~~ ·~ : ( lr) J~ ! ~ ! ":-'l:A:!
Slip 1 - he slipped and fell on the ground = slides .
• Jai_; ~J.i ~j : uDJ~1:~ ~/;l.J .J.j
2 - he slipped away from the meeting = he escaped
secretly from the meeting.
• ~ Y~.J t~')'I ~} ! L~':JI ~ ~)~ : Jl•.S
3 - the name has slipped my memory = my memory
could not recollect the name. 1

. r:-~·1 Jl.,A,r.:_1 ~ t J.,n~ 0f ~f: J_,.)1~ ,y- r-~1 yli.

4 - to slip on a dress = to put on quickly .
. ~~ fa.J ~~.)Ji ~ ! ~~ ~
6 - a slip of a girl = a young girl.
• :i.!.!,l;JI ol::A.ll ! o~I ~I

6 - a slip carriage = a carriage which is let loose.

from the end of a train. while the rest of the
train goes on.
,~ ~lS:.. J ;UU i:!~ er ~_;; ~.;&- : WI ~_,.JI : J_,z : ~I
.. • .J'·wJ
• WI
Sloppy - 379 - Smart

Sloppy sloppy sentiment = week and silly feelings of love,

etc., foolish talk about such feeings.
fl.- _,i :i.il~I _,i ~I J ~ .J"'~ : ·~)I rl.!.11 (')
rl!.ll ~ ,y. i-JS" : ,1,;1 ( y) : ~J-1_, :u;L.1 ~u.,., LJ-t l!.IJ~
• (~_,a:! ~ l.c: t.Jx. : J~ ~.)I ! ~ 4

Slouch a slouch hat = a soft hat with the sides turned down .
. .......;I
. ~
I :iJ_, ..\- w_'.) .
W. • :U'.-' J......11 "'-AJI
Slow 1 - this clock is slow :. . : behind the right time.
, ~I L.r)I c.l;J .Jfo i:.~ ~- ~f ~. : ~Ji ~WI ~!
• L.r.J.ll ~ 'J ~f

2 - a slowcoach = a person who is slow in thought

and action.
'--'I ' 1l!.iJI s::.&JI ~I ! J..LJI
I I: a
v=-~ ~~.
• ·' •
-u--1.J -·

Slur a slur on his character == something said against his

character; a cause to blame.
~.,i... ~ ~ ~ J~ -~: ~ j ~ (')
• r.,,.UI (_,i) ~I (Jf) ~jU ~ (y) ! ~I ~l¥.J

Small to look (feel) small = to look or feel foolish; ashamed.

• ~I .,~~ ! ~l ~4 ~ : ;~4 ~
Smart 1 - a smart blow = a blow done quickly and with

2 - a smart pain = sharp pain.

3 - smart clothes = neat i.n appearance.

• ,;&lilI ~J :U Ui.:J 4 j L;:.c_ : J=i ~I '-"" ~ I

• I 4 - the smart set = the group of people who con-

sidel' themselves to be the leaders in matters of
dress and amusement.
tr-:UI u-\;JI LJ-" ~UaJI ~ : .)~ j.JI ! ~~lill ~ .J.,,ZUI
• _,..ul _,f ~1 _,f ~I j j&-;rl jl)a.H ~f ~_,_,~~
Smattering - 380- Sneeze

Smattering to have a smattering of a subject = to know a little

of something and that not. well, e.g. a foreign· 1angaage.
: JJ.il' c!.U~ ~ "i_, ' .c... ~ ....ifi : C~ ~) 0 G\:1 ~r.!
• j....!.. :v:t ~ ~ -;.;_,.r

Smithereens : broken into smithereens = broken into small bits.

'O~ l..1.i ~ c.>.:UI ~~I : ~I f ~I : ~ ! ~
• 4lli.!: J~.rSJ <.S.iJI : ~I
Smitten smitten with = admiring greatly.
. ~ r~-' ~ ~ ~: ('-!) .UIJ ! (~) ~!(I~~) ~~L
Smoke to smoke meat or fish = to dry in a smoky place so
as to keep it from decay and give it a pleasing taste.
~ ~~JJ4 ~ ~ c..i k-_,f µ. ~: k....,_,i ~ ~~
• '1_,.;£.. ~ ~.J ~' u..

Smother to smother in (liquid) = to cover thickly with.

• ~L. o.)L. ,:,,.. ~ ~ ~ : ~le'. ~

Snap 1 - to take a snap (snapshot) = to take a photograph.

• AJ_,.p o;-'"'°"". o;-""7 : ~ ~ ~

2 - a cold snap = sudden cold weather .

• ~_,... ...rj. •~J oc.~ ~ : .)..r.Jf ~ ~.,..

Snatch to snatch a meal = to get a meal quickly and hur-

~ ~- J L. JJIJ) ~J ~.r" ~4 :~\.,..kJI ~ 4_, ~
• ~T} : (I~ L.

Sneak a sneaking regard for him = a feeling of friendship

for him, although he is unworthy.
yJ , ~ ,_; rl_;... 'JI_, :Ul.l..AJ4 ;~ : ~.,.. ..r.f, J ~
• ~ l.i:J ~ .r. ~ ..r..&- ~ r
Sneeze not to be sneezed at = not to be treated as if worth
f ~ ~ ~u- _,., u- ~l-:! ":} : (J#,1 c.~) .c... ~ ~
• 0~~ .u ~ ~ ! ~ ":}
Sniff 'i: - 381 - Society

Sniff to sniff at = to show that one thinks a .thing of no

~r c_,f) vr IS~ ..r.f. L. ~ ~4 ~ : ~1...;)')1 i.J.&. ~
• .. l:.AJ I JJi 4i U'

·snub a snub nose = a short thick nose.

Snuggle 1 - to snuggle up to = to get close to, e.g. as a child

to its mother.
. (y) ~ ! ~f C JA1t ~tr: .J-ro~ ! YJ~ ! yP.

2 - to snuggle down in bed = to get warm and com-

fortable in bed .
. 4 ~G-' .. ~~ ~ : ..;.1,;JI J r!~

Soap a soapy fellow = one who tries too hard to please.

~T ~ i.u.~ ~: ~\j ...t:;i- ~f ~-:IS~;~~
. ~ c.r-' l.iP; ~ 0~
Sober 1 - a sober judgment = calm a-nd wise.
• ;~')I_, ~J)I ~ ;..l..A:! ~ : ~I p1

2 - sober. colours = not bright.

. 4:i .. t~I ')_, 0W ')' i.,$.!1 : ~~~I ~l_,J~I

Social 1 - man is a social animal = living in groups.

• )~_, u~~ J ~~ 4if J.a.c. : ~./~I ~I~ ~W'l'I
2 - social life = going to other people's houses and
inviting guests to one's own house.
f'~.,JI_, ~)UJ,.I_, Jjw.11 J l.J"'L:J~ 1~ ':/I : '-='~')I ;~1
• ~~' oy..)_,
Society 1 - a scientific society = a group of learned men
joined together for the purpose of promoting
. t..a l... ~~ .. ~I ,:_r :i,.i;U. : ~I ~~I ! ~I ~I
. ~tr ·f v:--"J
.~ . ~ _l.JI
Socket - 382 - · Solvent

2 - to enjoy the society of one's fi·iends = be pleased

in the company of others.
~ ~ ~fa. er. ~ L~ ~!J ~)4 ~ : .._;li.>..p~ r-
• ~li.J..,p ~
Socket 1 - the eye-socket = the hollow in which the eye is

2 - a socket for an upright pole· = a hole into which

an upright pole fits.
• .A.i lS:.. 0-" ~~ ":i ~, ~yr, ...;_/1:1 Lt:i ~ o_;... : ~_}:...H
Soft 1 --- he's a bit soft (ln the head) = he is a bit mad.
~~I ~)~ ~ &· 'l 4 ~ liJ, ($' : l.ik.J ·~ ~! ! L ~ ~1
• ...;~t

2 --- soft water = not chalky water .

• :H ..:ii'·ll ~SJ1_, e l ~JU-I jL,.aJI : U'}JI c:.UI
3 - soft drinks = not wine or strong drinks .
< -qJ ;,....-
.-;q uly
• 4.i-.r - 1- ! ..r,:f-. •• :i..i..k.ul
- '·II
uL. '.,,.......

Soi-disant a soi-disant soldier = he calls himself a soldier (but

really is not one).
• i!.IJj,) ~~J ($X.:.:- '-.i4 If~ ~ : ~)I ($41
Sole the sole support = the only support.
• o..r.f. ~~ ~ ($..iJI ~_,JI : ..l.:....JI f J...,UJ I

Solemnize the marriage was solemnized in the church = the

ceremony of the marriage was carried on in the church.
~ i:'J.:,JI ..,-r!f ! lei ~IJ)I ~ ~CJI j ~Jjl4 ~~I
• "+<.JI J ~- ~Tl~! ~f ~-.: ~II

Solution the solution of a difficulty = finding an answer to.

~Y"" 0-" ~ .Jf Jlj-J yl~ ~~ ;.,!.tJI € l.,o; : ~I ~t
• :ti!..., .J

Solvent water is a solvent of salt = water is soluble of salt. Q

• eill ~I~! j J.'li ,L!I ~f '5f : ~ '-:-":!.L c.UI

Sorry - 383 - Sovereign

Sorry 1 - a sorry fellow == poor; worthless .

• • ~I J:Ull ! J-i.JI ! .UL=JI f ~I

2 - I feel sorry for him = 1 pity him .

• Jl:.d.. cl',.. _,. ! ( ~) ~r , .,:.a.r (Jf > Ji..!l J!
Sort he is out of sorts = ill.
· if)I ~ ~ : !l_,s._,... ! ~r

Soul 1 -- I did not meet a soul.= I did not meet anyone .

• UWI ;_f t ! .bf Ir ~lif f
2 - he was the life and soul of the gathering = he
kept every one amused .
• ~J Gr' J ~I ~ ~! : ~I [!J (~) ~l)
3 - poor soul ! = poor fellow .
. ~ J6. ~..;....~!_,~I;~~:~
Sound 1 - a sound reason = a good reason .
• ~ ~lA.r. ! ~
2 - of sound mind = not mad.
'5.)~ ! '5,- ! L_,__ ").J u~ ~ : J."W' ~
3 - to sound a bell = make a noise by means of a bell.
. (:;-""' i.:.,aj ~A : 1..1"'~1 t_fi
4 - to sound =
to examine a. thing (e.g. man's breast)
by hitting it and listening to the sound.
~ ~ ?- ~4 ~W! ;J...o : ~_,.., ~ J~I ~I
• _;;JI t;.b.:! ~I c.-1,,._, ~I

'Sovereign 1 -- a sovereign state a country which has full

power to rule itself.
~ ~ ~f J J:l-1 ~ \!-~ : •.)~I c.-1.) :UJJJI
2 ~ a ~overeign remedy = a medicine which is sure
~ drive away an illnees.
Ir ~I Li ~li ;I.A&. _,J alJ.) i Jl!JI ;liA11 Jl.AJI .IJJJI
. i.i'.r
Space - 384- Spare

Space 1 - there are many stars in space == the emptiness

in which things are put or move.
c.J L<l 14$f :• l..A.AJ I ~ r~I i:,r iJ.:!J l!JJ ta ~! : J_,ii : • L..,ta..i.H
• :0-~ ~j ~ ~- _,f 4 .!.1~45,j.H
2 - there is a space on this page for move words;
there is a space between these two words.
fu~l04 ~) ~I o~ j 0~ ~~ : J_,ii : ~lS:"....11 (')
• u~I ~ ti) ~l.:A : J_,z : t_l.;JI ( y)

3 - for, a space of time = for a iength of time.

0-"')I _,f ..:..i_,JI if "ii.ft ~~ _,.:-I : J~ : if)I if o.}:AJ

4 -- to space = to set out with regular spaces between.

~ _,J if~f _,f c.~f : ~ u\;L- ~ ~ (_,f) ~
! ~~

Spade to call a spade a spade = to be plain and truthful in

• J_,&11 j ~f l-:jO ,:;h ~f :~ : ~~4 .l:,.!-;rl ~W~I ~~ ~f
Spangle : to ornament with spangles = any small bright object
used as ornament.
o~ ~_,s::..; ~I_, ~I .~f i:_r ~f : J..t:=-'l~ ~
• (4!) &r f ~t
Spare 1 - a spare wheel = a 5th wheel carried on a mootr-
1.)1 J..~J f1~1 ~ o;l::-- j ~ : Jit~~I y~J.>.Jt
• 45;a..-;r1 o~I 45.b.l ~
2 - spare parts = parts of a machine kept to be used
when repairing.
L .... ~f . ~ ~ -.1 -'.} ~ ;uT . 0~1· ...bi. Li.JI ~
• ...,. . v-4 . - C'""' ' 1.14 'J c- . J .. c-
3 - the spare room = guest-room in a house.
·J_,~ J_r.. j ~ 4$:01 J.-.¢1 : ~~~I ~li f ~~I ;;~
;. !.If

4 - to spare oneself == not to work too hard .

• ol_,i i.JA _r- 'J f ( J..a.11 J) 4-Ai ~ "':J
Spark - 385 -· Speed

5 - to spare the rod = not to punish a child enough .

• "="'Ua.H J ....;1.r-! ~ :.f._JJ ~~ : JAb y~ J ~~ ":}
6 - he cannot be spared = we need him .
. .Y! ~~1 J ~ ! ~ ~ ":}
7 - spare my life - do not kill me .

• J~ ~ ~' ! J1:Z ":}

8 - I will spare you the painful story = not pain you
by telling you.
<l- ~ ¥f 04 ci.t_,f ":J : :U_;.11 i.,A.iJI ~ tic- ~ j_,L
• r~I ~s
Spark a gay spark = a merry gentleman .
. (~ J J~) 4;. ~ ( C?4
Sparkle to give off sparkles = to flash light like a diamond.
J.j -
: ( &J
u-J. ~~ J J...a.J- ~I 1.1" UI&
~16. ls-) ._.,.
1.7 ..
. -~16-
Spasm a spasm of fear = a sudden great feeling of fear.
• .Y .)-ill 0 ... ~~Y
;;~)I ! ~yl-1 ,:r ;~

Speak 1 - spea:K up = talk louder. • $~ ~!

2 - a sp~aking likeness --:: a picture which is v,ery
like the person.
~ ~".J ~ j..... '-'~ l1zj" ~ ;;;~ : J.,o-;r I J=1 ;1-""

3 - he is, so to speak, head of the business is

actually in charge of the business .
• )W J-J4 i~ <,,>:UI .d ~- : J-'U ul..AJI ~)I .;1
Speckled a speckled hen = covered with small spots of colour.
•~ :i.-1.. _, f ~ ~~JS"
• I.
~) '·.
(.) - . • . I.
a:;Jr. . . .• .bi:r' ,
Speed 1 - at full speed = as fast as possible.
~_.JI 0_,.,<.;; l... ;~ (Ji) tlk::....11 1 ~ ~r ! ~..,..JI~~
• ~lb:..-

2 - bid him Godspeed = wish him a safe journey.

~..,... ~} ~~I v--4 ~
Spell - 386- Spit

3 - to speed up = cause to go more quickly.

• •l..S'·' J...i. h.::.

- .A.JI·;:;~
l.L •
rv-:=. (• "II~~ ) L::
;s-- ~J~-

Spell 1 - spell-bound = held as if by magic .

• J~ ~l) ! ~~ ~I i:,tf"
2 - a spell of bad weathel' = a short time of bad
~I Lr.i ~~;JI r:,r ;;~ ~I~~_,...
oJ...: '5.))I
• ..;tli,_, ~._,

3 - to spell correctly = to write a word using the

correct letters.
j c.~ jJ ~I ~.J~ ~ ~ ~f : ,~I ~

Sphere - one's proper sphere = duty; kind of wo1·k which one

can do best; sort.of people with whom one should mix.
! ~I ~ ~ o~ s.>JI : J.-JI (y) f ~l_,JI ( \)
. ~r .kH-=~t -=-rU J=t:~I : ~'· ! .la-_,JI (r)
Spirit 1 - a generous spirit = a generous character.
• I....

2 - in high spirit = full of life and happiness .

• o.:ll.....JI ~-' ;;µ1 4J ..s.;f : ~~ ' ...~

3 - he has no spirit = no life, no eagerness .
. 4 il.U! ":}_, ~ ~ ,,.jf ~. : [!)' LJ-'~ ~1
4 - to spirit away = to take away secretly as if my
magic .
. (f.rr- _,; ,i--l- ~~ .!A)~ ~~ L(l) ~) ~
5 - a spirited speech = full of force and feeling .
• ~l&._, G~ A.,AjU ' ;_,; ; .._,i: : ·l~ ~
Spit he's the dead spit of his father =•exactly like his
~ ;; ~i C!J u·ll , o~T ~ ~f ~. : 4-f ~ ~ .til
• u,11 ~ 4
Spite - 387 - Sponge

Spite I shall go in spite of (the weather) = I shall go though

the weather is bad .
• ~I o&bJ .:r ~)4 ~~L: i:r ~)l~

Splash 1 - to make a splash = to make a show; cause one-

self to be noticed, e.g. by spending much money.
~4 ;.*2-JI ~: ~ ! ;l.WS'l ~! ~ ! i~ ~ (\)
Ui.:.i- •' ....iA . ··w-Y1 ·
• ~ ~ ;J (.) c~Li·-
Splay splay foot = foot tured outwards.
JJ : ~}I ~ 4_ .. -.,JI ~I ~ ~ "11 : ~~J}I i.ull
c_J} ~): ~J ~ ~ ~ W~~I ~.J T:o/\: ~I
. u}' ~
Splice : spliced = married.

Split : 1 - to split (one's sides) with laughing =- to laugh

~ °Y ~ ~ : ~- • ~ ~ ,! 1,,)1.,~4 ~
• o_rl!.... J ~I
2 - to split hairs (in reasoning) = to make much of
very small and unimportant differences.
ll w- °Y 1..5":-11;;~
_,, '._,. :11
~ '.r"
l;:J·J ~~ti
r- - . •• ..:,,;r
,...a:,, ~ .~1~
-. iJ" -
. ~~J~l_,fµt_J.:..&.
Spoil a spoilt child = a child treated too kindly and not taught
to obey.
..rA~J' ~ uk..JI j t~-' ~~ J...~ '5.ill: JJ..UI JAk.JI
• .>l.!.J °YI .Jf ~I W- I......
F-lc-.J ~Ua.Jli•
Spoke to put a spoke in his wheel = to prevent him from
. carrying out his plans.
• _.! • J~) ~ .>..A.:.; l 1 . • 0 A ~
• ( ~ " - - ~ J _,..s. r.- - : IJ.JA:!

Sponse 1 - throw up the sponge = yield in a ~ight.

• (W_,... .Jf .!ll,r- j) ~ ~

2 - to sponge = to clean with a sponge.
. ~t~
. . -
Spontaneous - 388 - Sprat

S - to sponge upon a person to live at his cost.

~ , .UL. 0-' '-'ti.:.J , ~ :u~ ~ ~4 : (_,a.T Js.). ~
• l:......z ,.:.:... 'j_, l -l&.
- \.... u-
Spontaneous : 1 - spontaneous combustion = a fire which begins
of itself.
·= ..J:f-. ,_r
• .N.J-" . 'W~
I - A...
JU1° •
• ~-1.JJ· I (..!~J
'I - ....... ,'

2 - to act spontaneously = to act without being asked

or ordered to do so.
_,t ~ ~1 J~ d ..r.f- 0-' ~ ~ • 4 _,:.- ~- .>.£:.:
• ~.r~
3 - spontaneous generation .
• u=l-1 .J:!. V4 ~I .JJ_,J : .)~":JI ! Jilli .>J_,;J~
~ J.iJ : .ti!.. i f ~ .>..I~ lt" ! l.i"' JS" ~l ~ l!.11 ~_,::-:ll f~IJ)
omne vivum ex vivo : ~ ~'1 ;J~ j ~_,:~l_,.U
· .. <·:
u,.,.,-. u·i w·,... ~. '1 oLl..I
- u·t. J~·- :c.i ~
· J ....-H..11: .<1
_, ..r ,..r--.J
• (~I ~l}j.ll ~ I..?" ..r}- V4 ~i , ~I~ ~JJ~- J.i

Sport 1 - he said it in sport = he said it to amuse, not

meaning it.
Jli ~ I Ju l.. lf'-:! r -.;f ~f : ~ (.Jf) ~ &.!JJ~ Jli
• ~I .. ~I ~LI.-1 _,~
2 . -- to make sport of = to cause people to laugh at.
~IA L. ~ ~ ~i ~- (~ _,f ~ V4 )&:J,· 1
• ~.)~ _,f ~Wl ~
S - it is a sporting chance = not probable but just
L...c'I·-' , ~. r · t:f ' ·•:Ll·t ~-< :· .Li :i..p • 1.·1 •
Y.:f- ~ ~- ·'- - ,_,.,. ~ '.;J -r.. •
Spout to spout = to speak quickly and continuously.
.).)~ ~J _;;~ ~ .) l.,..:-4J ~ ,,-4 ~· : ~J.d-1 j Ji.l.;!
Sprat set a sprat. to catch ci herring = offer something small
so as to get something big.

! ~ -~ Js. ~ i~ ~ ~ : ~ ! ~
• ~I &:.~I J.JAJI J~
Spread - 389 - Spur

Spread 1 - spread butter on bread = cover bread with butter.

~~ j ~ ~ , _r.;J..I ~ ~.;JI \._
~ : ~)4 ~I ~~
• }lk.!..11
2 - to spread a story; the disease spread = to make
atoty public; go in all directions•
• 01.,,;'91 J~ ~.J ~.A J.a.c. : i~
(.Ji) ~ l.JJ ~~ {\.)
. ~~ ~ j lfl:JI ~<.Sf:~ ~)I 0! (y)
Spree 1 - to have ~ spree = to have an amusing time .
• J.J ....JI_, ~.r'I ~ ,...~ ! ~ .... ~_, .~
•• \,,,,;
.J I...: • - - "'-"' ~-

2 - to go out on the spree = to go out for drinking

and wild amusement.
U'"'~'J'I_, yl~I·~ 1 L5'J'I ~~I tk_,... ~: J~
• . J~~I J
Spring 1 --- a breeze springs up =a small wind starts to blow.
• ~ .:...:i...f ~ ~J 0f ~- : ~ ~~....i.JI ~!
2 - to spring a. surprise = to do something which
surprises people .
• ~1; ~..UI ~ ~-' ~L:JI ~ ~ '"'~ : o~lA.c. J~
8 - to spring a leak = to let in water through the
side or bottom of a ship.
J ;;~ c,l..k.4 ~b J! ~ c.UI ~ : ~I J):
• ~li _,f ~
4 - this springs from = is caused by.
~ (Jf) ~ (.Jf) o1 .J..,A... ~f sf : ( t.>.)) ~ ~ ·l~>D!
• (1~) ~
Spruce to spruce oneself up = to set one's hair, clothes, etc;
in order.
~.J ~ "1 cY~J 0~.,AJ4 ~ ...--:!J o~ Ja:;..c_ : ':~
• if;Jt;J..1 o~.
Spud : = a potato:·; • ~Ua:JI ~ :i.i1 ~
8pur : to win one's spurs to prove one's courage or worth.
.t.ib ~~J "'1..ui J~4 """~ .J~ d -:..~ : ~~
• ~j.J_J ~ J~
Spurt - 390- Staff

Spurt to make a spurt =· to try hard for a short ti~-e. e.g. to

run very fast when nearing the winning post.
_,~ ~tf" : ;~ o...L. ~ J.wr.:! ~i : i~f i.)~ J~
~ 1.)1 ~lit ~~I '5j : ~.AJ,I ~ y~ L.~ ~li :is. r.
• )WI ~L) o# ~
Sputter he sputters = speaks so quickly that drops of liquid
are thrown out.
• yl..UI ~ ~l)ai.....; ~ }\:.Z ~ ~ :U.r. ~.: ~
Square 1 - a square inch = 1 inch each way.
l.or.J ':}_,l, 4.,py. .._~ ~ : ~I
• i:&.W-JI-' ~r.JI
2 - to square up with = to pay off debts .
• ~..t:!JJI ~ ~ L.-;.,_; ~~ ! .J..i_,:~ .,S.)j.~
3 - I've squared him = paid all I owe, or paid immey•
10 that he will do as I wish .

.t..;!.) ~~ J L. c;-:- .iJ ~.)' (.Jf) ~~ (')

c;:-· (.J1) ·.u
(_,f) ~) f L. 4.)i.J ~ ~ ':J'L. '4J ..:;....j.) : ~_,..;.; ( y) . '5~
. Jlc. ~µI ! ~) U-
4 - a square deal = a piece of business fair to both
buyer and seller.
• '5; l.!JI _, f ~SUI
. ~
1.,_ u- ~
\ .w ..
.. ':} u- :U.)l&. ~

5 --:- a square meal :-:-: a good satisfying meal.

• 1.t~I; .. < ;us1 • W ~
• i.- •
-rJ'::'.J u.r ...J";:-J • - 'r' .. J

Squat a squat person = a shott thick-bodied person.

':}_, u:,.µ1 ~r ~ ':J_J ' ~4 ':}_, ~#4 ':J ~ : ~)'
Squeak I had a narrow squeak ~ only just escaped something
(great danger) .
. )b. ,,i :.i.i!... ~ ~J ~ ~~ lijL vP.-1 : Jfo
Squint have a squint at = look at.

. ·~ ~~ ' (Jl) ~
.Staff 1 - the staff of a school ~ all the teachers .
• ~ _,T LJ...L. j : ~_,_;..UI ! ~;..l..:.ll 4
Stage. -. 391 - Stand

2 - the staff of a leader of an army officers who

help to draw up plans.
j ~y-A ;.r..:UI 1~1 ~J f ~ ~lil : y.)-t ~lS)i 4
• .lak;LI r'J
Stage 1 - to go on the stage = to become an actor.

2 - at this stage of life .

• _,-JI :,r 1_,.JJI (-'i) J#I I.iii. j
3 - at an aerly stage in ths history of India .
• (~) ..L:.11 'f:}J l:i" ~ ~ )_,1, j
4 - the stage directions ::.: orders to an actor written
.... in a play showing what things he should do .
• ~ _,.-11 u~_,:JI f c~-11 u~_,3°
5 - stage whisper = very loud whisper•
• :;_,.._.;JI Jl&. ~· (Jf) u-- ~
6 - an old stager = one who has long experience .
• L.""_r:ll f YJ ~I p- f ~;[- J; ~J

Stain stainless steel ::.. ; steel which cannot be stanied.

• Wa.,~I
.t_. ~
l ·~. "i j~ · • ;..Li "i .l".:UI
-"·:...: - "' ~')'.;If
• ~"jJI
Stake at stake in danger of being lost.

.jl...\.UJI (Jf) '"~I ..!.L::.J ~
, ~
to stall one's engine :-: to stop the engine of a motor-
'"~I :_r )b. j

car by careless driving.

•. U. tr~l:i c.~ J-11 ,Y LtJ"i ~ .J4 : ~;l:- ~

Stamp 1 - men of that stamp = of that kind.

2 -
.~lk.Jl ~~ 0-4
to stamp out a fire; -- a disease; -
_,f (Jf) :u..n.::.H •.a,~ J~J
an evil = to
. put out;- to put an end to. ._
...~ _,i d'r _,f J:!~ : ~ ~ (Ji) ~ (-'l) ~
Stand 1 - £ stand for •'pounds" = £ means "pounds".
• ~ u~ J.(i «i..» '-..)\,JI ~! .!.U_,Af- : j&. J~ (Jf) ~
Standard ~ 392 - Stark

2 - stand for an office = try to be elected to an office.

. (
.r- .. ) _.,., "--'.i 1....:ft
;uJ;.1 ~

3 - I can't stand it ! = I can't bear it; suffer it .

• J\;:a-1 "".,; ~.) ~' : ~ J~ _,f ! 1.:U- ~i ')
4 - it stands to reason = it is not necessary to ex-
plain that ...
_rbU; ..~I l!.lJ.) ~f ~. : I~ ~ .:r_~t ~-;r oJ.J~ ')' : J~·
• ~ c.)\.:.:- _,f ~__,.;; J! ~~ ~-' i.J~I
5 - to stand drinks = give drinks to .
• Lr, ~A (.Ji) ~ : ul:J_AI ;. jy.
I.... -
6 - to stand by a person = to help and support.
_,f ~ _,f ~6. j ~~ ~ : (~·) ~~ £ ./"'~ £ --~l-~

7 - a man of good standing of 'good rank; of

• ;. J_r-..

name .

• ~If.
- __r< ·• I~'l'I l:
...;') •• :U~.:JI J~ ·• ..I Ull .J:-:-
- <,.,.~

Standard 1 - not to standard = not as good as is demanded by

law or by agreement.
~ ,y- J~ '-.ii ~. : ~ ~ ~ ~ 15~1 d ~ : J_,.;r,·
• G_,;li .Jt ti~ ~_,11!1 ;;,:)_.#1
2 - a standard author =-= a writer accepted by all as
~ }:. .J.!lll ~~_;.ti ur:U :_r ~f : ~JI v'JJ... 0-' y. J~
• ~µIJ 4&1;J4 ~I

Staple Rice is the staple crop of Bengal.; it is also the staph~

food = the most produced; the most used.
it-k.ll .IJ! (Jf) .i.J~ j ~)1 J~I y.. j}JI i.J! : 1...1-,ii
. __u·~n
~ ~ u~)I

Stark 1 - stark naked having no clothes "on at all.

. L1; i~~ ~")'J.I 0-' ~ _r.c.. d '->~~. : ....,.f .(j.l}J tr 04.r-
2 - stark staring mad -= quite mad.
Start - 393 - Stead

Start 1 - his _eyes starting out of his head = his eyes wide-
open with fear .
• (c.JT) : ~I J_r. l~li) l~.) o~ ci_r. ! '[;~ o~ ~
2 - by fits and sta1·ts = not regularly; from time to
time. . 41 ~ 41 f _,a.T.J c.JT ~ ! olp.> .j

State 1 - he lives in great state = in a very fine and rich

way. • ~ f:..o.; ~ : ~.> (.Jf) ~ Li ~
2 - at stated times = at times fixed and made known.
• ~ (.Jf) ;.).i-.. ~,.,.. J
Station a fire station = a place where fii·e-engines are kept .
•~.)-1 ~Uk! ..::.i~T 4 c.J~ ~.>JI c,JlUI : ~.)-1 4-._,U.. j.l_,..
Stationary : 1 - a stationary engine = not moving from place to
place ; fixed in a certain spot.
JI.. c.J~ i.J" - ~ l.,j
. ul-:w:7 _~.•. 1·~
. u.-~ -r :
..,,,. .!l .r~
- ~ •• :b\S
• :UT
. ~J~· 0i ...r.f- ~ j.-j" J! ' c:>~
2 - to remain stationary = to stay still.
• .!).A ~.J ~ ~ : W-L.. Jli-l
Stay 1 - stay one's band = delay taking action.
. J..aJ I .f:.- _,a.Y. f J.wJ I LJ&- J.JA:!
2 - stay judgment = de}.ay carrying out the orders .
.. of a court of law.
. .rl.J~' _,J pt :.;:; Jy.:!
. 3 - stay the course = have strength to finish a race.

rV! J'- o..,.AJI _,j O)J.ill ~ ': ("'}.!...) i..:;~I ~Ltl <S~ J&. :
• -~ 4.Jli.. _,f .rf
4 - staying power = strength to continue .
• Jl~~I :r ~~I 0_,A)I : or:-J.1

5 - to stay one's appetite = satisfy hunger .
• (;-l.kJI J!) ~ ~.J~ ! ~Y." ~
Stead 1 - instead of = in place of .
• (lj_)) ~ ~ f (I~) ~ ~""~
Steel - 394- Stew

2 - will stand you in good stead = will help you .

• .!l ._ra.iL ! !3~ kt.. ? !J~L ! .!l-"""L.L

Steel to steel one's heart = to harden one's heart; to show

no pity.
• ~ ':IJ ~J:! ':1 (y) ! ;_,...; ~)i_,.ms- ~: ~~ (')
Steep 1 - that's rather steep = more than I will allow; more
money than I will pay.
~.) (y) ! ~LY~ jJ~ ! ~ C---J L: _;s-i'L!U~ ~! (')
. ~~L Li: (_,f) .w~ J ~) Li: ~--t JL

2 - to steep vegetables in water = leave in water

for a long time .
. ")\,~ Lj .u1 J ~s-~ : .,.u1 J i~ • d.:.J
• l.. -

Steer steer clear of = keep away from .

• (l.>s") ~ YP )i ~ (1.:U-) ~~I

Step I -- our next step is to = the next thing we must do

is ...
:i..,Jl:JI ~Lt ' d ;~ ~f ~- : .. i.'.Ji u"" 4~1 ;;_,h.;l..1 ~!
.~ _,r
t-'..r- u·;
J J~ : <1jj--) ~
2 - a pair of steps; a step ladder = wooden steps
which can be opened into a A . shape for climb-
ing up.
L,-f; ~Jlj ;J.r" j ~ ,fa_ ~ ~ ~ : 2~JI rJ-ll
• ~~. ~ l ~&L..UJ ~I )\s.f Jl

3 - stepping-stones = ston~s in a stream used for

.;o)r.-J J.4-J ~ ~ J_,~ ($~,j~_,J OJ~ :;~1 o;~

Stepfather : my stepfather my mother's husband after the death

of my father ..

Stew in a great stew = very excited .

• o;_,!31 ~ }l: : ~I (Jf) ~~ 'l'I ~f j
Stick - 395 - Stifte

Stick 1 · - -- do not stick your head out of the window = do

not put your head out ...
• ; .Ai L:.J I (.r cl...f; if ~
2 - to stick out one·~ tongue = put out one's tongue.
~ ."--4
""" ...la.J.~ o~_,N

~ .-
• 4.iW .,,.. ~
- ~ .
3 - his nose sticks out from his face = stands out.
jJ~I ~ : tr~' ~~1_, : ~J j&. ~? ~T ~l: J~
• ~_,la.JI
4 -- to stick a stamp on = to fix into .
• (*'-4 4..:-'~ Js-) ~.r. c:. u, ~
5 - stick ~lose to me = keep close.
• '-7:..S. ~• ''
J '• '1,,,,;11
• ;..,.'J" . ;.... ~
• 'I• •' """ .:ii
• -..;-

6 - this door sticks become closed tightly .

• "-'iiiJI (Jf) J.illl ~~'":-'~I 1->.a ~!
7 - a stick-in-the mud = person without imagination
01· interest in new ideas.

~1.r~I j ~J _,,f .J JL,.:a.j'I ') ~ j J~ : .1~l.tll f ~1

• o_rAS- c..i ~.>.; JJI .1; ~l.J
8 - he sticks at nothing :::. is afraid of nothing; will
use any trick however dishonest.
~ f-J~
') .i.;1 (") ~ -~ .:r ~ ';j ~ ~ ~.r. ~ .;;, (')
. ~__,._
_-111 ~ wl u ~··ti~
1 l..1 t· - •' :u~1
- .,..4

Sticky a sticky person = uninteresting; difficult to amuse;


~ : -~ ~
1 I ' :, ( y ) .' ~~ J • ~ ~ • JI.,_
"J ,,
' • • • "' 0

. d'J ~' ~~ 'l' ! .)~ ~ (r) f J,.;,..~- ~r

Stiff the wind stiffened = become stronger.
• .)1.)_;j .;,; ~j ~- : ~ ~)I ~! : J_,z
Stifle 1 - this room is stifling = the air is· too hot, or too
bad to breathe.
(_,,f) oJl)-1 ~;..:;; t.,1_,. ~f ~- : ~_:-4 o~I o~ ~! : J~
• ~W~I ~ ~i ~ ~ ..>-li ...;l
StiU - 396 - Stock

2 - to stifle one's tears = to try to stop or at least

• ~ Jf o../~ ~f J.Jl.: (.Ji) 4-~ ~ ~~
Still 1 - a picture of still life = a picture of a thing that
does not move, e.g. fruit.

~~ ';; ·~ <..>f:~f°'WI ol:J-1 ~ OJ~ J~ : ciWI ~µ1

. *" ;;r!S-. y

2 _:_ still more = yet more. • I~ i:_r )Ji ! i!.lJ~ .:.,r _,~.f"f
3 - Christ stilled the storm = made it calm.

f;_; ~ <..>f : ~)I §.J J.i c-=--··lf ~I J~ :"<.SJ.r,. ! ,:.,~

• OJY ~
Sting this liquid stings = causes pain on the skin.
• ;~I u-- I~! Uf ..:::.,~ : JJ.~1 t_J.4 ~Lil I~ ~l : t_.A4
Stitch 1 - without a stitch on = wearing no clothes at all.
~·.>JJ ~ ~ o~ :_,.. ~ ~ L. ~ ~ ; ~4~ ! _j. ... ...t.~
• .....t
2 - to get a stitch = get a sharp pain in the side as
a result of running fast.
j ~L.-)\J :i~ ~W!·~ j rf ,f- oJ~~.J ::,;..y, ~~
. • ~r. J.WI
,3 - a stitch in time saves nine = action now may
save much trouble later.
~)I ~ }-'=' .li ~~I j...AJI ~J ~- : ~.r J...-.ll Jl ;;J~~I

. I':-
.e \,a~l.J
II ~ J

• i..;d
rJ4 ..
Stock 1 - he is of good stock = of good family and birth .
• .>.:.JI f-_;- ! vl..o°S'I ~ ! J.,,.JI f...,S- ~!
2 - to take stock = to count and make a list of such
. ,~J _,l tl-.A.! Uli j ~-' ~ : ,l~'il
3 - a laughing stock = a person or thing at which
all laugh.
• ~I ~ c)l.J ~I ~ ~W! ·(~ ~) ~I
• JJ.r-JIJ ~I ~ ~ u~ _,f "~ ( ~~ ~)
Stomach - 397 - Strait

Stomach I cannot stomach it == allow such a thing to be said

(or done) without complaining.
~~ J-!... ~ _,j J~ ~4 ~f ~~:I~ ~j 'l JI: Jjij
• J.;.s;. i.st.o; r~-' i.sj1~1 .,e.l;l ~r ..r..i- :r

Stone : stone blind = completely blind. • (u...JI ~) ~j

Stool : to pass stool = to drive waste matter downwards out
of the body. ~r.J-1 ~ .ki lAJI ~ : j.r.~
Stoop to stoop to do not to be too proud to do.
.L""' J4 ol ifo..,j ~~ ':}: (~) ~ ~t ~ ':}
Store to set great store on = to value greatly.
:r ~ ~ _;s-f &c.i=J ~ ! ~i "" _,f ~~ _r-.W J t:4
• ~..Jll

Storm 1 - to storm a fort ::-- to attack and seize.

• M:! J ~ ~ ~le. : op G.,.-
2 - a storm in a teacup great excitement over
. • -~ ':} JY"' ~-' o;y : ~~ J ~~
Story : to tell stories to tell untruthes .
• i]~ ':} L J~ £ ~~L<f 15.J.r.,
Strain 1 --- strained him to his breast = pressed him to his
breast .
• o4! L~ ~I;~~ \Y-' ~I: 11;~ Jl ~
2 - it was a great strain = the work was very hard .
• ~ (_,f) ~ (.Jf) (;~ ~I ~\.)
Strait 1 - enter in at the strait gate -=. narrow gate .
• ~I yL:JI &-' J.;.~
2 - a strait jacket or (waistcoat) = a special coat
for tying up mad persons.
Lf- ~J ~L:JI ~ ~.)-1 t!- if~ c.W- : ~~I AL..
- • 15.;-;r,
3 - in straitened circumstances having little
money. • JUI ~ .:r ~ J ! JL er.- d ! ,,_,~ c..i
Strand - 398 - Stretch

Strand • left stranded =-: deserted by one'R friends when in

difficulty .
• :i.:;~I ~ ~ ~.cs. •#J 4.1~ ,:r l~I : ~ .J.>f
Straw a man of straw = an unimoprtant person treated as if
important -- usually for dishonest purposes.
~ .t.if A. L..c. J...~ 4-j ~.; ..r.f- ~ : ~ .:r ~W!
• o.)LJI J ;;..1....tt ~4 li. J! J_,.,,11 .~I
Stray a stray cat = a lost or homeless ~at, wandering about.
V4 ~ li_,lz... jlaJ ~.JL "'-' ...;fi. 'J 1.,.:.- .Jf ~ : Uµt
• ~T J! ~~
Street not in the same street with = not nearly as good as.
(Jf) y_r:.111.!..U~ ;_r ~ ! ~I (Jf) .:,-J-1 :_r c,r11!.U_; ~ 'J
• :US-l.!..11 (.Jf) ~\1.JI
Strenuous 1 - a strenuous game = needing great strength .
;,1-=·-'I ;_:q
• ....,_,__.,_, · .. ) JI.. (_~-.• ;;1
.r i.,r.J:i. .. -. f :l;:...
-,.;-J ~ "-.J .

2 - a strenuous worker = using great strength .

• ~'-""-' J.S~ ~t J~ : ~ J...l..
Stress 1 - he stressed the word "If'' : . . :. said the word "if"
with special force.
;;__,; ~'~! j i~ ~ ~J : (('~!» ~ ~ .t.il .: Jli.!
• v~I W ~ , ~I.=-.

2 - under sti·ess of bad weather the ship had to re-

turn = under the difficulty or trouble of.. :
v~; I : ( l.>.f") .kA.,O .:;...:J. _,f ! (I.if) ~ ! ( l:U-) ~
• ~.J yl_)a..PI V4 ..::.,.>.a.f ~.J ~I ;;.l.:i; ~ i:.µI

3 -- times of stress = times of difficulty and danger .

....or:;_, ~IJ..:JI '-'"'l:J~ 4 J_r; ~j : )a.1-1 (.Jf) o..\.!.JI ;~
• ;Uaa.. ~I ~
Stretch 1 -- he stretched himself out on the bed = spreaded ...
• C..J~I ~ ~I! ~l.....AJI J~ ~.-ij ~
2 - a stretch of country = a wide piece of a countt·y.

L. ~ ~·.....,.;. iJ._.C;
·< .;,.~I ....,
:..-4 ~L.. •·~I:""'... ~
Stricken - 399 - Strike

Stricken 1 - stricken with age = very old.

Jli : ~ ")_, .,Y ~ ~J o-Wf ~ ~I i.r & : ~I ol:.,of
• «~~_,.!Ji)~~ ~}L) : ~..\JI;~
2 - the stricken = the wounded .
. j;ill ft. y)-1 :L...L. J ~~ ~.>JI: ~)-1
Stride he will take it iu his stride = do it without pausing,
or without special work.
"-) J~ ~f ~ ~ (y) ! ~~.i ~ (lis-) ~ (,)
• l.,.,L:;.. '~
Strike 1 -- the clock strikes one = sounds .
• o.l...t_,JI ~WI ~~

2 -- to strike off 20 copies = to print 20 of a paper.

• ~r.Ja... .j4 ~ i:f..P. : ~
3 - to strike a bargain = to make an agreement.
lA..u.....i ··-· la. . ··t.u1 II -· • ..·1 --· "~· ,}
. - ~ if ;J ~- ~ • ~~ : J..A¥ ~
4 - to strike a light = to light a match .
. ylii' ~.JS-: ~
5 - to strike oil = to find oil in one's land; to get
sudden wealth by good fortune.
-o_,; ~ ~ Ji ~ ( y) i 4) J ~:,U ~ ~~ ~ (, )
• .laJ-1 :.r-- .Ji :U~ l.,&11 ~~. ~LL
6 - how does· this strike you ? = what do you think
of it ?
~ ol_; '5.>.JI ~ f; ~ ~ 1!.U~ i.S.i ~ ! C.: .r~I ~~ J ~_,Aj" l~L.
7 - to strike up (e.g. music) = to begin .
. .(~) u':-..,l' .r ~ ~.r : i~
8 - to strike a flag = to take down; show that one is
beaten .
• o_rf ~~_,la.. ~j ~ (T) '~I J~ (')
9 - the workers go on strike to force better condi-
tions or pay from employers.
~l~f ~ J! o_,AJ4 J>""'_,JI ,~I j...A.11 ~ : ~y.~ J~I
. J~~ lyba..of .:r ~;~1 o.)~j Jt
String. -400- Stud

10 - to strike out (a word) = to cut out a word by

drawing a line through it.
J4 ~4 ~;_,la- ,:.,.. Lt.ye!_ .J ~ : ~ ~ y~
11 - strike out for oneself = begin· to work unhelped;
set up one's own business.
"JU ~ .u..F- r~ ! ~t-... .J' ~~ ~ (i.Sf) .~~. J..a:? .
• V!~l..... .Jf lyl5'"' .li'"r : '-""L:JI .:r •.#.- 4 .!lA
String a string of cars = a line of cars .
• ~~;JI (.Jf) ~I; le-JI .:r JJ;
Strip stripped of all his wealth = having lost all what he has .
.U ~ ~ : l:JL. ~ ! ,U-')\..f ~ .c... ~) ! o.J} JS" .).i;
• l!l.Lc_ .:,,lS" ~ 5~
Stripe forty stripes = forty blows as punishment .
. •tii ~~ J' 4li&. ~~ .JT (k_,..., .:,,~;ii.Sf : ;~ ~~;t
Stroke 1 - a .stroke of business = a piece of business.
• J.-.11 .:r ~ (Jf) ·~
2 - on the stroke of nine o'clock = just as the o'clock
sounds nine .
• ~ ~l;.ll ~l..JI rLC ~ <.Sf : ~L::JI ~WI liJ.j' L.~
3 - to stroke a boat = to set the time when i·owing .
• y;li j ~~I~ ~_,JI~
Strong strong drink = powerful wine or spirits.
• }~I i.S~ ~JJ ~ _,f '--l...AJI .l:!.l..! ~ : J:i!JI yJ.rJI
Struck struck all of a heap = very surprised.
.~y.!(J~l.~)~f!'":-11.~;••SI_, ~JJI ~!~I & l
Stuck 1 - I'm stuck = am in difficulties and cannot go on.
. ~ l:ll ~j '1.J U!... j JI : J_,ij'
2 - stuck-up = proud.
• i.r \.:.ij .~ r'2-" ! t" L!.i... ! ;_,j- ..,-f::-.
Stud a stud mare a female horse kept for producing young.
• ..\.l_,:....J L-r: ~ ..r} : ~~'11 If}
Study - 401 - Sublet

Study in a brown ~tudy = deep in thought and not noticing

those around .
.A )' ~ ..r..S".A::JI J ~~ ! .;j....f.j J ~\j· ! µ1 J ~

. ""~ ~ ~.
Stumble : to stumble on = to find by accident.

_,f ~p.;.)WI_, ~~l'I J:~ ~ : :ii.)~ (~ j-) t:!!-

. (~
Stump 1 - stump speaker = common out-of-door speaker .
.. , ~I • _t<-. ~ • -: ... II ~~I
. ~~ "" ~ . ~ . ~b- . -
2 - completely stumped = not knowing what to do
or say.
J' oJ.illl .1At ~ cl;iJI : r')l<.JI (f' J~I ! ~I J_,lAll
r~' _,r J..aJ'
3 - to stump about = to walk heavily .
• ')\i~ ~- ! ~~ ! "':-"~

Stun she looked stunning = she looked very beautiful.

~~ .Ml ~ ! i.)la.f ~ t.ii.r ~u- ~- : ~li ~~ ..uJ
• .!l_ra:j b

Style a simple style; a forceful style == a simple or forceful

manner of speaking or writing.
~~ ~~ : '5.,AJI ~I y_,L ~I ( y )- ! ~.I y_,l- ~I ( \)
. r~I _,i .~l:S:JI :r ~~.,.,..;
Subconscious : to know subconsciously = to know ·a thing without
actually thinkin~ or attending.
~ ~f _,,~ LJ4 sf : ~~I ~ ~. ~ ~fi : <l.l UA:!
. ~ ~'-:! _,f 4-)

Subject : , subject to your approval = if you agree or think it good .

• .!lJ~I (.Jf) .'l-oil_,.... (.JAJ

Sublet the tenant sublets a house which he rents from the

~~ ~~~ ~l, ~\:..J. ~ ~ ~' Jj! : Jo~I ~o-4 _,,~L:.11
, • ....:14 ,;r ~I ~~ ~~ ~f
Substratum - 402 - Suit'

Substratum a s~bstratum of truth = some truth at the bottom,

though the rest of the reaRoning is unti:ue.
}.J , ~ l_,li.11 ,IJ.J ~ ~&J.1 :r ·~ iSt : ~I ~ ~.J J..J
• ~I
.. ·
tJ' 11..:. •.'
J*' u~I tJ'
· oJ t:I• .i ...J ~
.. "J1 """
.\t. -'·,JI ~
:; ·:. """'

Such 1 - at such-and-such a time = at some time, I do not

know (or need not te11) just when.
~i ~ (.,>-J.J ~ ·~, ~i ~. : ,f.J~ ~.J j ! L. ~j j
• (AJ~ ~
2 - such-like things = things of that sort .
• I..: . i!.U~ :.:J"'
: ,L.;f
- ·• ,W-;rl
•• ~ .L.!i.
• ! i:.W~I
- ~ . \.:... -.J

Suffer 1 -- to suffer damage = to be damaged.

.t.: J.f-:! ! ~1;i..1 "4 ~ : (~ J J~ : ~~f ~.) ~~
• :;s) !)'
2 - he is there on sufferance = he has no right to be
there but is allowed to 1·emain.
4.J~ 4.Jf "-~ ~ ~J : ....,;;f ~J iSf : r~ i!.Ul:A ~! : J~
• ~ ~i ~ ~ _,f J_,..L .i..:w<J.J , .!lt:A
Suffice suffice it to say = it is enough. if we say.

... ~-l.Q..(JI u- J~-L

""'. WI . f lS j •• J~-j ( _, f)
L. u J!JAi-· u. I ;C
• ~~IJ
surru~ 1 - eyes suffused with tears = eyes filled with tean~.

• t'J..l• ~fa. ~>-:-" !G~.>..., -~_,..~ '5.J'!- <_,i) cJ..l4 ~ ~...~

2 -- ·sky suffused with light = ~-\y shiny and full of
• a.~1 2 lei : ~ : i:.~1 ~ a.l-
Suit l - to bring a suit against = to make a claim in a
law court.
• ~ .Jf ~ ~ rL.f ~i ~ ~~ : tS_,s.~ ~
2 - to press one's suit = to make love to a lady ~o as
to get her in marriage .
• .i..:.... ~IJ)~ ~j ~ cll::a'Yl.J i~I U, ~ o.J.:- JI ~
3 - to follow suit =.to act in the same way.
· • ~)z.ll ul~ : (11)) _,l_f. ~ ~ ~ ~_,l...oYI ~ tfa
Sullen - 403 - Swaddel

Sullen a sullen sky = cove1·ed with dark gn!y clouds.

. :CS-b i.r-&- ~ : •~r ~ .
Sum to do sums = to work with figures, to add, divide, etc .
• l!AJ~ .J~~ Y~J c)a-!J ~ : iliJ ~~ ~
Summer time : in many countries the· clocks are put forward one
hour in summer .
. c.l~f Y..J ' ~I ._L;.;f j ~L. ..:..i_,Jlf..w· : ~I ..:;..J_,:ll
. ~""-:JI i:,r ..r,?5- j ...i_,JL
Sumptuous : a sumptuous meal = fine and costing much money .
• :u&.:JI ;JS

:i..:-. •• :i.....;
- .;
.... ~J

Sun a Munny person = a bright and happy person.

~I [f-. ~ j J~) J;_,.li.JI ! ~I ! c.1.rll ! c_;!I
• (o~l.....JI ~~ ~ ,,..._,i.;·
Sup take just one sup of = one small drink of .
. ·~ .:.r JJi ~. : (1.:U- '-:".J_r:....) ,J' iA..:.:; ~t~
Suppose suppose that I were a minister = if I were a minister.
• • • ~~ 'l~ d'}! ! i;.!).J ~ J.if i.;O }!
Sun·ive survival of the fittest = see "fit" .
• (Fit )iif) ~~I .. ~
Suspect I suspect him = l believe that he is not honest, but
have no proofs.
l.fJ~ , ~j ..r._i, oi.;f .J.b.i ~- : ~I 4ei J.r~ ! 4 ~f J!
• ~~ ~ ~~_r;JI ~.J.:s. ~
Suspend ·1 - I suspend judgment = I delay judgment.
• .r--·T ..r.- JI~ r'"'~
_Cl..! .!l .r.. j.• r---- ' ..~f
<.L1 . ~

2 - matter in suspension = gloating in, not melted in.

J.:;.J 'j_, ~ J-~,. ~ ~~ ~r ~L. d :~ ~' : ~' ;;~u1
. ( 4 "'=""'~ Le. ~ ~I ~1.:UI o~UI # .fJ) ~li J!
Suspicion a suspicion of salt = a slight taste of salt .
.,..._ill l.,;..... ;;,Jt;I
.'- •
~ ~
~J..... ~ :i.:..-111
J .,..i,,,.T . :....-..b
:..&. _;_.b..

Swaddle swaddle a baby = to tie up in cloth .

• (oJJ_,.... J_,i .J.:s.) ~~ j ....ali.J 1~ ~: (J.Akll) ~
Swagger -404- Sweep

Swagger 1 - swagger clothes = splendid, very nice looking.

• ~I ;;~~~I fall ;;~~I : ~I (.Jf) ~~I ~~')\11
2 - a swagger-stick (cane) a light short stick
carried by soldiers when not on duty.
.i ~-<.
~ ~ l... ·~
<S .c.J..I
• 1.L-. ~
~ - ~ •• :L....-JI
0~•I-~ •.
• '"'l-11 o..J.j d ~ o~.:.:31

Swallow 1 - all my money was swailowed up = was used up.

~ , 4.;i ~.}:.!I ~I J~~I ~ i.:;..A1 : JL. c:_-:- ..:;..,&l;_,
' I> A .C... ••
·~($' ~

2 -- swallowed up in the clouds = lost in; hidden in .

• LA.~l;J ~I (y) ! 4:i ~~ (') : ~~I ~I

3 - he swallowed his anger = tried to control and

hide his anger.
~-' ~ly-. ~~ ~t j ~ : .t.-.ii c.~ ~ ! ~ ~
• ~ u':llu.it_, ~

4 -- I can't swallow that ? I can't believe that ?

. ~~ J i.!.L::;f ! ~~ ~r ':J,
Swamp to swamp a boat to fill with water and sink.
·~--'I JI• 4.S~
• ~ -· I .... 1~~
'-1:" u- -
"'UI v-::: l:...A...
.. .IJ"fi•
Swarm the place is swarming with people = there are large
crowd~ in the place.

j .J.:;.;;.,,; U'"'l:.JI 0-" ~~~ ~J J~ : ~l;J4 ~ ~~I ~1

• ~LC..
Sweat sweated Jabour = hard work done for very low pay.
. ~ j ~i "'lAl,j @.r JW. j..f- : ~I Jf u-.lll J.-.ll
Sweep 1 --·the rive1· sweeps by = the river is moving quickly.


~ ~~
..T -
~ W.>.:..... o~L.
.!J ~ J ..
.rt .. &.i..c:..i
~ • \,.,;T ..
,.,, ~',

2 - the storm swept all before it = drove all things

before it.
c.~~I ~ ~:; • ~.)~ L. ~ ~WI ~~I
• Lr.)~-' y.)~ ~'
Swell - 405 - Switch

3 - to s~eep the seas to search quickly and


4 - the sweep of the drive = the curved part of a

road up to a house.

~'JI .~.)tJ -~.:U1
-· - "'"' J- ...__,
&J L!f i...J"
. ~
1 •. AJ Lq
• t,,J-f"" ·~

5 - he made a sweeping statement = he said some-

thing which was too general and not wholly true,
e.g. "all unemployed men are Jazy."

-· ~ . t ~ •~ ··· ~'li ..ef
.__, •. -L-_:i
- ~ ·- .' (..~ 1r- <- l...iLi
~ • •• ..!.u,_,,._
--:.< •• '- - ...is-- ......~- 0f .....
- 11 '-
,.ii.:r ~ -'··~
: ...'1:- ':}_, ' '--
• uJW- ~I
Swell the river is sweJling = bas more water in it.

<L..il . · .. • ... ~• ~
• ~ ~.J l..S"
o•L. _1_, • • • ,:JI w.
- ~ ~ • ~ ..n

Swim l ·- eyes swimming with tears = full of tears .

• ~-' t_,...l.ll ~ jl.f : t>"..\JI J :UJ ~ 0~

2 - my head swims = feel~ as if it were going round

and round ... as- in ilJness.
~.r ijl.) _,J tr' ~)b j ~ 4JJ !)~ ~ : J-'~ 1.$"";) ~l
-II ~~ ~~- ijf ~Lz. :~ Le.
• ..:J°·.r-
3 - to be in the swim = to have a part in an the
important events ·in one's own group.
• VJ
:L~I ~l.,k,.. \II •< j ,.
~ .d_;~ ~I:~ 0-'} ' .)!_, '-'u
,,,-- j
Swing 1 - to swing the lead == pretend to work but do not
do so .
• ~ 'Y :U_.i:L-1 J ~_,, ~ ~f ol.r..:r Ji:!: '-'U4 ~~
2 - the play went with a swing = went off niceJy .
• ~~ ..:..i,JI "-°' ~.UI ~
Switch a switch-board = a collection of electrical switches
on a board.
• ~-'
._,., .~.; ~• ~...4...<.JI
-·J'r ~ • 4l.-.. ••
-Ll.11 iJ" ~WI~-'
~.. .,,.,
Swoop - 406 - Table

Swoop a bird swoops down upon an animal to kill it = to fly

down upon.

l.l .. :; I
w .. .,j &..>
...... ~ J•.:..i~
..:lk .'"'
I 1~
..... -
•• v'..2A:.J..

Syllogism a piece of reasoning, set out in three parts : ( 1) all

insects have 6 legs : (2) this creature has 8 legs : (3)
therefore, it is not an insect.
0! ( \) ~~ : ~l)) 4J"-:N :.r ....iJb ~~~I j ~,,.b:~leAJI
1!.U.:...l (Y') J~} ~Le" J#I l.ilJ ( y) '-'~) :i.:- ~I rJ-1~
. ;~ ~ 4i4 (~i)
Sylph : sylph-like = thin and graceful.

~_,r ~ j J~: ~), ""~'

Synthesis synthetic wine = wine made by putting together
various materials in a scientific way - not made from
real fruit.

•. . JI I. ;._, :w.:.;..... ..) I ;A,; 1 • L .
.-i--: ~
. • c--;1 ·I 1
~.~~-~ ~
• ~ ~·-
- - ) Ll·V" ~ ''~.J ,~

System 1 - a system of thought = a grouping of ideas so as

to make one well-ordered whole.
• ~ ~ ~Y a1;91 ~ ~~: ~.ill
2 - 'too much' smoking is a bad system = too much
smoking is bad for the body.
~ ~-'.:JI -o_;s- ~i ~i : ~ ~.,JL ~..\:JI j ~L-~.1 ~!
. ~~
3 - the school system of Egypt = the plan on which
the educational system of Egypt is based.

T it suits me to a T ;;=: it is ju~t right; just what I need.
~I cL:a.I L. ~ ~~ 0! (,.) ! ~J ~ L. 1!.U.i ( I)
Tab to keep tabs on = to keep an account of ... ; to watch.
. ~r.. ! ~'..r.! r>
< ~ c~) ;f- 4L- J~ <iJ
Table he keeps a good table = he provides good food.

• ;;;""' L:.: ~_,_;L. ~I.. ! ~j ~LJaJI .·.....,..... .JAJ... -'.ii .
Taboid - 407- Take

Tabloid a tabloid newspaper = a small newspaper.

~,.....__11 ... II r~ <,WI J.J~ ~ • ) ~I
-'·· . ~ \ ~ .J - ·- . - .,,-.-.... -
• (~I ;~ ;p Jj o-4 ...~)
Tack 1 --- come down to brass tack = get to the real facts .
• .r~I :r ~1_,.!l ~~ ! ~L:Jl ~\id-I J! J-.:!
2 - on the right (wrong) tack = doing the right
. (wrong) thing•
• ( JL.J..1 w_,..~ ~) ~j .Ji '1.~A:-... : 1~...a.11 ~ y. : J~
Tackle fishing tackle = instruments needed for fishing.
ci-Jl.l~ _r:;L~ ,:r 4.:J! ~~ SJI ,~~I : cl-JI~ u\_,~j
Tag : the tag end ~ the loose end. • .!,,y,)1 _r.f- : .).-1 ~. ..k..l I

Tail : 1 - the tai 1 of a coat .

• (i.J~~I ~) ~-~ .:r j.J.:.:11 ..~1 : ;.,,.._<.JI ;l..:-
2 - I can't make head or tail of it ~-: can't under-
stand it.
.c:.f"i ~t J..ui 'J ! ~ y ..:.~~f : ~~I c!J.I~ ~f ~t ,.Jz:.-.i ')
r I..: ~
.· ~~ :r· l-; ........ ~, lil

8 ---· to turn tail ---: to turn and run away.

. 4;~ _j.ka:! ! A ! .YL C!}J ~ ! .l.JL ~ .P..
T¥e 1 - the work will take 3 hours = will be finished iu
3 hours .
• ~\&.l... ~~ j o_,-y: ~-~-: ..::.i~L ~j..J ~l-.11 C~
2 - do you take me ? = do you understand ?
er _,)~i L .i.W"f ! J,tf l.. .._
~~ JA ~ ~· ~
3 - - you may take it from me = you may believe me.
• J_,tf L.c. ~ .li !.. .._5i.J..AJ" »
4 - did not take = hiave no effect (e.g. medical treat-
ment to prevent illness) ..
. (if)I ~.J~ J~ ~~ l.S"-4 ~J~ ~~ j J~) .J _;__;l; ')
5 - take uback == surprise.
6 - take after = look like.
7 - take down (notes) = write down ·notes .
• (~) ~1_,r-.J.... ~J~
Tale - 408 - Talk

8 -- take for = treat as; believe to be.

~~ .l,jr ~ o.A:;.4 : (l.:..S-) .IJf ~ ! (l.:..S- .IJf ~ ~) ~
• _,~ _,J "j..:...

9 - take in = deceive.

10 - take in for the night = receive as a guest.

• ~ .U~~ ! ~ o~ : (~ :il:J) ~ ! ! ~
11 - take off = copy the behaviour of a person so as
to make other~ laugh .
. U'"'~, ~ ~ .!J_,L : J~ ! ~
12 - take him on at a game = agree to play against .
• al;~ J l~ .~ ~- : ~ j : ujl:.. ~
13 - didn't take to him = did not like him .
. <~ _,r ~u- l!:~) "-="l '""l::-c_ ~ ! ~ ~
14 -- a taking manner = pleasing manner .
• y~ .!J_,1- ! ~J ~

15 - take to gardening = become interested in.

~ ~ rl:&JI ~.J) ~I <S~ ! ~~4 ~\.:.a.JI <S.H:.
• (l+&-.J;~ c.b~l.J ~-' ~ 4JI
16 -- to take it upon oneself = put oneself in char~e
of; do a thing without being asked.
~ : t~ (,.) ! -~ •~ ~ ! .uJ"~ ~ ~ ~~ ( d
.•jbl c.. ~ t -~
17 ·- to take up music = begin to study music. ,
• ()\!..) ~_,11 ~IJ~ ~ t~
Tale 1 -- to tell tales = to- tell of another's wrong-doing .
• yl::A~ ! o..J';f- lA t;f ~I .._,_JI ~4~ r.S.J.r. ! •..r.f J~~ ~
2 - a tale-teller; a tale bearer one who tells of
another's wrong-doing.
~~~ ~~-' LJ"'l:JI ,:r •..,-:!- 4Ub. ~ Lr' : ei~I i..f'W
• . ~;~_,
1'alk : talk the blind leg of a donkey = talk too much.
• ~ft ! ~ft ! ~~I ,:r ~ ! }.,A
Tall - 409 - Ta pis

Tall 1 - a tall story = an unbelievable story .

• ~J..,.aj" ;~ ~ IJJ : JJ...,o.j" '1 ~ L~ ~ J:!.l.,a;.ll .,Y- 0¥. ~
2 - a tall order = a piece of work difficult to fulfil.
• ~ ~f ~ y ~ c.:r.- ~ o_,.,;. ~I ~ ~
Tamper 1 - ,tamper with a little paper :::-: to change words dis-
honestly .
• -~I_,; _,j ,r...,,Z J '-'lAj. ~ uip ~ ~i : 4'~ ~~I J..l::!.

2 - tamper with a machine = to put out of working

order (cause not to run properly) .
• ~ l~.)_,: ~ ~ ~ ( J-JI c.f') :UT ~
Tan 1 - his skin is tanned = his skin is made brown by
the sun.
l.r c...,r.;.d :~.) (--9f) ~I L-~~.,J ..Li .(;p 0! J_,z : &~
• ;1_,-':JI Jj ~J ly:_,J
2 - tan·= to punish with a stick. . ~li. L....,..;, .. ~w
. ..
Tang the air has a tang of the sea ~ the air has a strong
taste of the sea .
• ...~I J.JIJ l.r ulJ ~1 ~j : ...~1 ~ l~ c.1_,!I j 01 : J~
Tangent to fly off at a tangent = suddenly talk of something
uL..li.. ~ ~..l:L.1 .;.~_,.,. .~ ! ;c.l~ ~T
f ~>4
Tap 1 - wine on tap = ready for sale in small quantities.
.. . .··\~
• :U..l.i -lJ-
. . .. . c.::· ~. J,;A-4

2 - to tap an electric wire = to draw off electricity

from a wire. • !!ll- ~ ~~~' J\~ &~
Tape red tape = a.mass of silly rules, making it difficult to
do business quickly.

'-'L-J4 ~l;AJI ~ ~i1 li ~1_,.i ~ <SlJI : if! ~I _,f) _,...~I

. es~ ~ f_,..f ~ r. oy; Jf
Ta pis question on the tapis = being talked about but not yet
settled .
• ~ l~ ~ t-' ~~I .y.; Jl_;J 'l' ~I :+.ALJI J,_. ~I (Jf) IJ~L.J.1
Tar - 410- Teach

Tar 1 - a tar; a jack tar = a sailor. • J_,:.J I ! J b.:.:-J I

2 - tarred with the same brush = having the same

~_,f ·~ j J~: .Ub.~I U-Ai ~ ! ~li:JI ~ "-:)
• ~li.:.JIJ .lka.-;it ~ 4 .,.a-4 cJ;~

Tart ' .
a ta1·t reply = a sharp answer
• ~J ~_,.!.a. 4 : J~ ~J (Jf) ~'~
Tartar to catch a Tarter = to have to deal with a very difficult
or hot-tempered person.
~ :U..~ Jl •)I ~ wf : ~ "-'.:ii~ .:r L. .lii :Ul.1.,o
• ~ 4-1 .j""'.J
...,. ~.• :r.~ ~-'·:.L
,,,__. cl..~~ .
Task 1 - to take to task =-= to find fault; to blame.
! j~ ! ~~ (,.) ! ~~ ! ~ ~ c,JW'J'I ~ ~i (,)

2 -- it tasks my powers =-= is very difficult.


. Jlir.: : ~!JW ~ ;,.ij ~. : J;J.i J_,i (.r-;r1 ..!.U~) w1

Taste 1 .. ·- he has a taste for = he likes.
( 1.:U--) ~ (Jf) tJ..: (Ji) J.=.c_ ~! : J~
2 - - to my taste = as I like it .
• ~JJJ <.>I~ "3i_, (Jf) J.iilY- I~ ~ l : J_,lj
Tatters his coat was in tatters = torn in many places.
. ~4 ""'4... ojl.l; wl.) :· J_,z
Tax 1 -- this work taxes my powers = is almost too hard
for me .
• ~ ~ -lif ~. : J;..li J_,i J--JI I~ ~! : JU:
2 ~ to tax with = to say. that a person has done
some wrong.

4! ~>.! ! ~ ! ~ ~lS:..;;I _,f : ftl,~ -;JJ- ~ ~

• (.... \.ii~~J l)·L:
0::--v-. -,....

Teach I'll teach him (not) to = will punish him so that he

will not do that again.
(J.U.11 ~! Jl .)~ ';J ~) 4~ ~ J_;;L ~ ~~L ! .c... ~-L.
Tear - 411 - Temper

Tear 1 - to tear one's hair =-- show signs of great grief or


2 - to tear along to go very quickly.

. (i~) ..r.:-JI ~ ! ~~ ~~
Te Deum a chrietian song of tha~nks to God (latin : Te = you,
Deum = God).
te :~_,f ~ ':} ~ f~ ~~;aj ~f ~l~:YJ 4 ~j
..«~',, '5r Deum ~L!JI_, , «~T,, '5;
Teem a river teeming with fish = a river containing many
fish .
• ~ &_# (.Jf) ~!~I .:,r f..t,.-!f" ~f '5f : d....J~ ~ .;f.
Tell 1 -- . a clock tells the time = to express or show .
• ..:..i_,JI :,r ..r..AJ· (.Jf) ~· (,f) ~· ~WI ~! : J_,z
2 . -- I can't tell which is which ;:::= can't discover.
f l •l.S"'.
. (.r.J ,. ~) ·~u~
•"t""- • i . ' I . f '°Y 'I • J~-
•· • ~-
3 - tell him to go = to order.
• yt..'.iJ~ .!.\.rl .Y! ~.J : ~- : ~~ ~4 ".r
4 - good work tells in the end = to have an effect.
J illl JJ:! (Jf) A ~JI J.-.11 ~! : J.~ : ol.L)"j JY. ~ A
. ~LtJI
5 - the hard work is beginning to tell on me = to•
have an effect.

J'- Jl:i ui~ ~i '5i : J.)}i u.ii..i .J.i j..aJI ~ ~! : J_,Aj

• :YWIJ 4J..\AJI
Telltale telltale signs = signs which show what is secret or
hidden .
• ..~I _,f ~_,.:S:"-11 ~· ~i ~L! ~ ~I;~! : :LL:JI ul; G'l'I
Temper 1 - bad-tempered;
hot-tempered = easily angered.
• .i.jJ\!L-1 J+-:! : ~I ~.r' ! ~1)1 <.S;U
2 - good-tempered = calm and pleasant.

• ~~ u::J_, ~_,.,y, i.rl:JI Jl ~ : ~l.:JI ~ ~_, ! ~1 •<..>~l6

Temperance - 412 - Tarm

3 - to get into temper = ·become angry.

• ~I ~ ! ¥1 ..>.:;.~

Temperance : a temperance meeting = a meeting to urge people to

stop drinking wine .
• (')\!..)~I y_r, rJ' t')U':i~ ~ : ~I &l.>....l' t~I
Temperature : to take one's temperature = to discover the heat of
the body by means of a special instrument put in the
U°l:;.. ;I~. ~ 4;1.r-"" ;I~ ~ ~l : ~ ;l,.;:io.I ~
• ( o;I~ ..)I~)
Tend ·: 1 - he tends to cruelty; he tends to be cruel = he is
bj character bent towards cruelty.
o-~:11 JI• tJ'li .J f U'L..
- ~J ~<A.if
. . .d · o·.r-:II
'-7 •
JI• L~<A.if

2 - wars tend to settle nothing = usually .settle no-

~ "._r'J J! ~ ;~L.JI j t-ri
4Si : i . ~,. dWl' y.J.).-1 ~I
• i~I ;l)!J u~jl:.11 ~ ~
Tender legal tender = that which must (accordisg to law) he
accepted as money.
~ <A.if "'.~ ...I'.J-:-'- ~
t~ ~~"liJI .:!.l ..r..:.
·- "l..S"'" I.Sf •• ~ 11 ;;J....,.jl
- '.)"
. 4.~b~ ~
Tentative a tentative opinion = one given in order to bear what
people say in answer.
4 U"'l:JI J_,A:- l~L. ,u;ti ~r-J .~ J~ I.Sf; : ~,,rJI 1.Si)I
• ~ 0~ l~L( (_,f)
Term : 1 ~ during one's term of office = during one's time
of office.
Lt.:i If) Le:. ~I :>JJ.I J~ j ~f : ~ Jf .uz.w· J)l;. j
. ~yl ill-
2 - a medical term = a special word used by ~octors
(scientific or legal term) .
• &L:k~I ~ ~L;. W- : ~I ~I
3 - to come to terms = to agree.
Terrific -413 - Theory

4 - I term this a... = I name or calJ this ...

( l..lS') ~~I ~~ ~~J (_,f) ~I J! : J_,Aj
Terrific : very great.
Territory : the territorials = men in any country who learn to be
soldiers of their free will, and in their free time.
~- Y ...~~ ~.rA ~.:U1 J~)I : ~1)1 #.I : 0~1)1
• ~I) ul.fl JJ ~;~I
Terror a holy tenor = a very unpleasant person.
• IJ"_,....l;Jl~~JH ~I ~- ~ ~~ Loi : .l.A:.J .i.j! : J_;a;
Tertiary tertiary rocks == rocks formed about 40 million years

Testament : 1 - the old testament. • ol;.,:JI : f ..uJI ~

2 -- the new testament. ~U~I: ~J.:ll ¥1
3 - last will and testament = a paper showing what
is to be done with goods, land and other posses-
sions after the owner is dead.
J~ .:r ~ u~. ~ L. ~~ ~! : ~JJ ~ .: J_,ij
• ~-_,... ~ ~t:_,

Tether I'm at the end of my tether = have no more money

strength, power to _act.
. ;J_u ~~ ;;.,_; ')_, ~J;.s. JL. ~ JJf ~- : J4_r:..f ~ J! : J_,a;
. J-JI
Thanks : thanks to :-:-- because of.

Theatre ·: the operating theatre = a special room in which doctors

cut away diseased parts from living people.
:i..:i..1.;:J-1 u~ .:.l-:1'11 Lr.:i __,.!y :i..,ol;;. ;;~ : ulJ,...11 ;;~
• ~)I ,:r ;~l:JI .:.~ ..;t1 ~-'
Theory all very weJl in theory = good as an idea but not pos~
sible in fact.
A..:S:JJ ,tSiJ (Jf) .5::aJ- ~~ JJi ~f :
-o ... 4.)iJ ~ ~~ : J_,ij
. ~'"'' ~ <-'') ~ ~
Therapy - 414 - Thin

Therapy light therapy = treatment of diseases by light.

~ ~~ .._,..;JI ~_rd4 ~1.r.;il ~~ • J_,..AJI .. ~'JI
. ~·
There 1 - thereby = by means of that.

2 - thereon = on that; at that time .

• ~jll l!.l)j J (,.) ! l!.U,; j&. .. ~ ! ,~ ~ (,)

3 - therewith = with that; then.

• ~ (,.) ! ~,; ~. ! I~ ( ')
Thick 1 - a thick wood = trees close together.
• v :1..L:Jt
< :Wl..\:..i
- lA;~f
. •• ii:L. :i.ili.
2 - thick liquid = liquid which does not flow easily.
4.1~ v-
• l-...1
- ~
W!.11 t ·u1
•t.. •• c.;-
3 - thick voice = not clear.
• ~_,Jt_, ;;_,)\kjl ~~I: ~~1 ~~I
4 - thick-headed = not able to understand .
• ~I ~ ~ '5jJI : ~I ! ~I
5 - that's a bit thick = that is too bad; more than I
can aJJow.
Le _;~--j l.ia. ~! ( r) ? :; .. b)I (.-'f) &JI ~ ~4 lj LJ! ( 1)
.J..a.:....t_, "-'rl ~..•~f ~ : <.SJ : ~ L"r
6 - "through thick-ancl-thin = through ~11 difficulties.
• i..:-'" L..a.llJ ~\µI ~ J')\;.. .J4
7 - as thick as thieves = very friendly.
! J_,JI ! ~I ~.......,JI

Thin 1 - thin and hungry-looking = having little fat.

. ~ v~-' ~ '""~ <,Slll : ~I ! ~)I
2 - a thin liquid = one which pours easily.
• ..J-~-JI_, "':-'l::-i")' I
~ L. : ~WI J+.
3 - a. thin-skinned person = one whose feelings are
ea~ily hurt ( = who. is eas_ily made angry).

~I 0-4.J ~;l..!.i-1 J+-JI :.r .d ~. : _,..l!J.I J-}; ....,;! : J_,Ai

~ • ~li d-~ ~'
Thing - 415 - Thread

Thing 1 - my things = my boxes, m)· clothes, etc .

• J~L. ! J~f
2 - It's not at all the things to... == not proper .
• ~I .!l_,Lii ~~ ') .tJi c.si : :_~ L.: .!.U~ ~ : J~
3 - the very thing = just what I want .
• ~ 1j,. ! ~ 1.a ! ~t L. .:.t:'- '~ ~! : Jfa
4 - not to feel (look) quite the thing = feet 01· look
not well; in bid health .
• o~ ~ j ~ ! ~' ~ ~
i - po01· thing = I am sorry for him (her) .
• o.rf Lire-: L -~ ! ~f :_r .J-~ lif ~
Thorough •1 - thorough-going, thorough-paced, villain = a very
bad man .
• 4.Jl.i:.11_, ~I~ t~ ~ J J~ : ~I: J~)I

2 - a thoroughfare = a street open at both ends.

3 - no thoroughfal'e =-= this street is not open at the

far end. • "-..i:...a.li .c~I _.,..,. ~J...1...- I....:
•• - \,;;> • ..,
~JL! •• ~I

Though though it is raining, I shall go = it is rain_isg, but (in

spite of this). I shall go.
! )a.r.- Lt=f ~ ~ )4 ~~L : J..,~· : 0-4 ~)4 ! :r i'>;
. .µ ~..r.L
Ly:f Y-' ...,;;

Thought a thought .less = slightly less.

..... 11
• lif ! 9j..Jj
Thread 1 - hangs b~· a thread = is in a dangerous. state.
.' ..~
-•· IJ· ' ,. ~ c.JJ . ~ ·•
··· L <.J· ~·i u;--. ~ .~
" . ~ · J~"-
A.I..1 ••

. ~J
2 - the thread of his thoughts == the general direction.
_,i _,...j j ~1 <S.J..I ~ ~ c.s,jjl ~I : .,JI} o~!
. ~ _,r tJ..r-
Thread - 416 - 1.&row

3 - thread-bare (cloth) = cloth worn do\\m so that

the threads are seen .
• ...1~· ..... lJI
(.J..\.I• I,,; •• JUI

'· 1:GJI

4 - to thread one's way to go carefully finding

one's path with difficulty.
'-A:!).~ jJ Jj_-' o~~ .J.:-:! ...;f ~. : ~_,kJI ~ ~l : J_,;;:>
. ~-.J ~- 'J'!
Throb throbbing pain = pain which comes and goes in a re-
gular way, e.g. at each beat of the heart .
- , ~ :.ui-~
.1J ~~-'
. - ~. ~L- s.:U1 .• "-
.Ju::ll r'~1
• )b ~' ~l~ U4 ~ ~ ·~
Throe in the throes of = struggling with. •
• ( C:) .!l 1..,.-J I j ! ~~I J f .) l+:l-1 j

Throne come to the throne = become king.

• ~ ~ • Lf~I ~.r.
Throw 1 - throw dust in the eye of = deceive.
. ~~ (.Ji) p..)~ (Ji) ~ ~- : i.J~I j .)\..)I J~

2 - throw cold water on a plan = say that it will fail.

~I ~! J~ <Jf ~- :{.)J4 c.L t-'~I (Ji) ~I ~ ~
. ~ u.,r:.!' .Jr
3 - th1·ow away = put aside as useless .
• ~I ~J->-- ~f u~ ~ : ~l:- ~ ! ~ ! ~c.
4 - throw in one's hand = cease playing (e.g. a card
game); give up hope.
~ .u_.f ~ ! ..,...t~ ( T) f ()\..!... J;yl ~ ~) ,_he·1 ( i)
. ·~
5 - throw off an illness = become well.
J~ ! ifr er~

6 - throw over a friend = desert .

• ~ ! ~~ ~ .ult~ c~~) ~
Thumb' - 417 - Tie

7· - - throw up the sponge = give up a fight; yield, say

that one is beaten.
• ~ .;; .t..i~ : ~ (,.) ! .)~I (Jf) .!l 1__,•.H if ~ ( 1}

• i;,& (Ji) or1 ~

8 - to throw up = to be sick.

Thumb 1 -- - under the thumb of = in the power of.

• OJ._.:t; ~ ~l_j f ~lkL ~ ! ~ ~ S (0)\;) ~ .;:_,,;

2 - rule of thumb = a rough way of doing things

found out by experience.
_l.11 ':1) '...--'I
. ( r-- ..r.- L..,.-.L..,f u
- J.6!! IJ. LJ-~ f U. J.


Tick l - to tick off = to scold .

. (~J ;;~) i-"4 ! ~ ~ r.~

2 -- to buy on tick :--c to buy· without paying at the

u-;- f JI, ~1. Lj.) ~L.,,~
. .~
v---- .J ••
.e :~-' ~f •• :i•_,_; ~..,,~
...,..,,~ ~
• ;,:;..T

Ticket ticket-of-leave man = a prisoner allowed out of prison

but still watched by the police.
~'' yu.JI o.>...i ~ .)\; .AA! ~I l.r ~ 4J:!:c- : ~t)I ~
• :ikpJI :Ylr ~ ~

Tickle that tickles me = that amuses me.

· ~· (J i ) ~
• <S" . (J f) 1.JJ""'
• ":! 1.a
• u.

Tide to tide over a difficulty -=- to pass over successfully.

. ~~ lijL jl.::t: ~ ~ l.r ~

Tidy : a tidy sum = a rather large amount.

. i~ ;~ ~ 4-U_, ;;J-:? ~--= ~.r "if

Tie 1 - ties of friendship = feelings of friendship.
. :L-.A:JI
- 1.1-~1
~ .rJ " lAJ"
-'l::....iJ :.Ul.>...a.JI
. ~li~ •• ~1~1 ~IJ,

Tight - 418- Tired

2 -- the game was a tie = each side won the same

number of points.
J!.. .kl:.JI ~ Jli ,_~} JS-' i.Jf ~- : o-.:A:!.,A.H J~ ~I ~\
-"'" . ~ 91 ~_,,All JU L.
Tight 1 - money is tight = money is scarce.
f ~ J~I ~.J ;~li ~i ~- : JJ.i JUI 01 : JlA:!
• ~L11 o.>.!J1
2 - a tight corner = difficult and dangerous set of
~Jt;~_,·J~lr-i ~1 .....r_, ~_,>·: ~~ <_,i> ~ ~~~
3 - tight = drunk. • ~!,}:-

Time 1 - to have a good time; to have the time of one's

life ~ to enjoy oneself.
· U 1J JJ_.,-JI if}~ !. CJ~
2 - at my time of life = my age .
~ _,l: : ~- :
. '-J t;f "5'.:UI j-11 '-...: S_ri' j· ! ~ j
3 - all in good time = at the proper time; no need
for haste .
• ~I Ji o;J~ "i ( T) ! ~L:!I ..:..i_,JI j ( ,)
4 - to time one's blows = to hit at just. the right
• ~L:ll ~_;JI Xs ~lr. ! ~L:.ll ..;..;_,Jt J ~~
5 - to time the work = to see exactly how long it
• J-.ll "-:l! C:~ '5.:UI ~:,JI : J~
Tip 1 -- the car tipped up = (nearly) fell over ..
• 1_,A-JI ~_, ~ ~.ar~ : ~ ~J...JI ~~u-

2 - the car tipped over = actually fell over.

• ~~ ~f ~ ~L._, ..;:..laA... : ~;JI ~1
Tired p I am tired of boiled eggs = I have eaten so many boiled
eggs lately that I do not want to eat any more.
;_,~- .t.,:..., ..:..1Jl ~- : J....:i" ..lA lj J_,l.-11 ~I .lA j?
J! : J T. :
• ~ .ci~ ~ ~} l:...
Tit - 419 - Tone

Tit tit for tat = to return blow for blow; to do to others

as they have done to you.
~.r- ~ l&J.!.c'. ~ ..r4J I ~ "':-'.J ~ ! erJ 4 ~ l.J u:_.al 4 ~~I ( , )
• "-! ~~ L. J!.. l.1"l:J4 .)I J-:! ~f ( r) ! .i.1!.c. c.S~~I
Title he has a title to = has a right to.
_,f '"'~~f t..i : _,f (I.).)) t..i ~I &tJ ~j (.Ji) ~I ~~ .JA : JlA:!
• (I~) J~ _,t ~
Title-deed : a paper showing· one's right to hold land or house etc.
• clJ...;J I ~.._, _, i ~ : :i.A;_,JI f .c..:-11

Title-role Hamlet in "Hamlet", Prince of Denmark = that char-

acter in a play from which the play gets it name.
~ls. .........,, ~J4:! :&)_.. ( j ~ : ~""'; ~l «.:J16» j ..;,;.J..11
. l.;-ii 4)_.. -11
Toa.st to d1ink a toast = to drink in honour of a person .
< . . Lts' ~.
. ..u l.c..~ -- . (u· ~ ) ~·· . ..r.
_, . .
To-do to make a great to-do = to get excited and talk a lot .
. ip ~ J~ ! i~I .:,r ..r-~-' c::.4
Toe to toe the line = to do exaetly as ordered .
• .t.-::-l!uJ~~l_,..IJ~I '-'_,la:... if- ...i; t..i ~~ "'jtj : _,..~ ~ ~la..i:
Toil in the toils = caught in the net.
(~) ~ ! ~! : ·~1 ~ ...:..S:.-1 f .!l_r.JI "-' c!_J
a toll-bridge = a ·bridge at which one has to pay.
• oj ~ ~ r,_J ~.li .r-:- : i-}1 ~I·
Tommy 1 - short for "Tommy Atkins" ~ an English soldier.
jl:...1 c.>~I cS~ .JA-' «~f iJY)> i-' ~;~I : ~.Y
. ~~ :;..;_,... J
2 - tommy rot =..: foolishness .• JJ_,_A.ll ! ~I ! ~ \.i...JI
Tone · 1 - in a loving tone = in a tender voice .• ~~ ..::,,~

2 - the tone of
the muscles is good = the muscles
are in a good state.
o;~ ~U;J '5~y t,.:f ~- : o~ ~~I :Uta ~! : JU:
• :l~_,....
Tongue -420- Toss

3 - the tone of a school = general spirit of obidien<.:e

and good behaviour among the boys or girls.
~ !J_,LJI ij-.J ~lkJI cJ! ~- : ~_,.. L;..UI [!J 01 J~
• ~ ~~I_, ~'}_,~I

4 - to tone down = to make softer, kinder, etc .

• ~ f:..o.r ~.,.:.:.. ltJ; J~I ~ ~j : Ji.r-
Tongue to give tongue = (of dogs) to make excited noises
when hunting .
•~1~~1-"""l~ ;~ ~ .)! ~I ~~ j J~ :iJ:!~ :.n:'~
Tool : he used him as a tool = made him do work which he
did not wish to do himself .
• ~ c.)f .JA ~.r- 'l L. ~ ~f j&. .U- : ~-' (_,i) Cil~i o~I
Tooth 1 -:-- armed to the teeth = thoroughly well protected
or completely armed .
• ')\...lJ ~li_, c')WI l.r ~1 : c)U4 ~.>.... ! ct ill ilj

2 - to fight tooth and nail = to fight very fiercely.

e • ~.J o;~ YJ~ : yl.:Jl.J .;liJ4 YJ~
3 - to cast it in his teeth = to cause a person to re-
member some wrong act done by him. ·
• Oljf i·~ A t "jJ- ~~ ~f ~ ~ ~ : ~ 0~~
4 - to have a sweet tooth = to like eating sweet things .
• tr: tl=.:..'ll~ ~ Jt. ~ : ~#1 ~
Toothsome : pleasant to taste. • ,..-kJI ~ ~I ~l.J

Torch : electric torch = small electric hand light. ·

LWI ~ L. ) : ~I j ~ <.J~ ~ : ~~I ll..!JI
• Battery WS- ~.r-1 ~-' • «~J ~I.

Tosi-:; 1 -- to toss the head move the head sharply up

showing disagreement.
• :t.Ml_,11 ~Js. J'- 4...~ : o..r-JJ .C.C_ : .._f; .Jr..
2 - toss off = drink quickly.
Touch -421- Touch

3 - toss up =·throw a penny to settle a question "yes!'

or "no", according to which side of the penny
fulls upwards.
~:~1_;.i~.l~I~~ iJ.T- :(~lill ~) ~_,AJI ~!tfo.
., \,,_. . .
tA;_, <SI : ,f; ':.II ~~ Lb; 1.Ji=-1 J;.s. ~ (J~ U tA;_, : ~ _,
- '
• ~f J! (J~ ~.>JI ~jll
Touch 1 - I have not touched food for a week = I have not
eaten for a week.
. . ~jST t ! t"'4 T~ l:... ~ ~l t ~1 : L LWo '3.)f t
2 - the law can't touch me = can have no effect on .
• ~.) ~lil.j 0.r..~ J~~ ~ 0~lill d i.5---'. : ~- ~ (J~lill (Jl

3 - touched my heart = made me feel deeply .

. ~ o;I} J J..a.! _,-..!f ~ ! ~ j Ji! ~I~ .!.l;a.
4 -- nothing can touch it = it is best of all .
. ~'~ (Ji) ·~ ~)~ ~ : (J~ l. ~i ~~ 4J!.: J_,z
5 - he touched me for £1 = he made me give him £1.
• ~t;
·- ~.
i.T.:"":" •
i. ·- .. la,.f J~~-
• ~~

6 - the ship touched at Madras = stopped for a short

time at Madras .
• ~_,JI ~ ~ ..:-.; <Si : ~l;J..C. ~I ~.:r J~
7 - to touch up a picture = made better by small
touches of colour.
: J~· Jf ! o~I u~I u.. ~ 4,i ~ : o;~I j J'.
. 4-Jl ~~l ~4. le,4: o;~I ~
8 - - to touch upon a subject = to speak for a short
time about a subject.
. ;~4 ~.,.,.;.J- J_,~ ! j4:4 4 ~<=: : ~_,... J! A
9 - a touch of the sun = a slight illness caused by
the sun .
• ~I o;l.;J.. ~~I~ ~)I :_r :t.~_,: (~ ~) ~~1
10 - in touch (football) = outside the playing-field.

. i ~I ;;..,..f"' LJ
. ~. JU.,- .• ~I
. .,... ~
..J ~

Tough - 422- Train

11 - he is slightly touched = his mind is out of OTder .

• yl)a.,ol j ~ cJ! '5' : f.f~ oli! : ~_,Aj
12 - touching the subject o~ which we spoke = in
regard to .
• • t_,;_,11 Jl ;J~1 (Jf) 4 ~ '5.:UI ~_,14 ~ ~ : JU:
13 - a touching (speech, book, etc.) = one which
causes deep feeling, especially pity.
,U..., i'J~ 6~f ~J l>--.
- J --
_~ •• WI, ~ _,f 1....1\:S. J~ · ~I .rH
J • • .....,--- • .._

. :l-)1.J :&;;;;At')~ ~~J

Tough 1 - a tough = a dangerous bad man .

. (~ j Jla:!) _)z.;J.-1 ~I , ;_t.a..n

2 - tough luck = bad fortune.

Tow I took him in tow = took charge of him .

• jl_,.!I ~ (~i) ~ ~; j .,.. : J_,a:,·
Tower a towering rage a state of great anger.
. ~ . ~
._, ·"'I ! ',.._k~
J.A.lli.•• 0Jr -=--"

Trace (s) : to kick over the traces to get out of control.

. ......~~J ....~- ! ~..,.,
.1t.J.1 ..~ ...:...:'"

Track :" the beaten track the usual line of action .

• ..i_HI _,f J-JI J : ~_,Jl.11 1..-~PI

Trade trade on one's name = to make dishonest use of the

good opinion held of one by others.
• - • ~.".....a..-~
:i..iWi:. v Ir.I ~
L.- I 0i . •
.·~ ~
.c-- v-- 't".:.·· I

Train 1 - a train of events ... ; of thought = a number of

events or thoughts joined together and followinA"
one after another.

2 - all is now in train for ... = all now is ready for ...
• ( t:~) ~ -~ JS-' 01 : J.,;:;
Transit -423 - Treat

Transit goods in transit ::c being carried from one place to

• 0~ J! 0~ ,:r. :i.!~1 : o;UI tl..A.:JI

Translate translated into heaven = taken up into heaven .

• • µ1 Jl ~.) ! ...µ1 J! : ,.JJ

Transport 1 -- transports of delight = feelings of great joy .

• ~)l.J ~I c.~L..iil ~ JJ.rJI_, cf! rl:....
2 - - a transport == a ship carrying soldiers:

• j,)~u-"
• \:.:- :\.:...i..... •• :Wl:JI
Treason high treason = an attempt to do harm to the King or
his eldest son.
J.e'° _,i, ~~I ~I _,J 4UI ~ c.1~~1 :u_,~ : ~I ~l;J.-1
. . µ :i.]_,ol)1 L"J.-., ~~ -.iG ~
Treat 1 - treat him kindly = be kind to him.
• ~ ~.;>.) ~ l4_s .~ J: 0~ .I.Lt&.
2 - to treat with the enemy = to talk about an agree-
ment for peace .
• t"'')\...JI fi JLG;I J! ~ .u.... ~ : J.WI ~JU:
3 - to treat the illness with a drug = to use a drug as
a medicine for cure from an illness.

~ ..... ·:...
. J - .v
-l~-11 c.i.J.) .....
. ~- ••
• J
tw• . .;,.ll -Jl..J
\,;,.I ..,, (.::: -

4 - he treated the subject in his book = discussed the

subject, or wrote about it, in his book.
4:..&. ._:S-
. (Ji) u.. .:.tlj ••
u-- ~LS"
. .4i
1.a ~~ _w·.• J~
• ~L:.5- j

5 - he treated me to a dinner = paid' for a dinner

for me.
• ~\Akll ~.. ~ ~~
6 - a great treat = an unusual pleasure.
• :a. L::: :Ja...i.
• ! ~.
'J"'1L -'-
...i. ~

7 - to treat it as serious :::: behave as if it was serious .

• j~ _,..~I 0t)' _,l \f"" ~~ ! IJ~ ~ , i~ o~ ! _,¥4i j :J.f-
Tree - 424 - Troth

Tree 1 - up a tree = in a·difficulty.

,Y- (Jf) ~ (Jf) o.J..! (Jl) ~ j y. J~
2 - family tree = list of one's fa th er, father's fat her,.
mother's father, and other relations from whom
one is descended.
y;li~I ,:.r ~.r.;i-.J .:ii~ ~I c.4TJ .)I~ 'j4 Uli : i.ULJI ;;~
• L. ~ ~ ;~I .fl.>..H
Tftmble his fate is trembling in the balance = is just about to
be settled .
• <..>_,=;.f _,f o;-""' ~ ~ .)L~ ! ~1.f.:.11 j e-J~ ~ ~!
Trench to trench upon my (time) = to take some of (my time) .
• ~.J Lr ~ .'.I.::..~ (.r~I) i!.U~ ~! : J~-
Trencher : a good trencherman = one who eats a lot .
• ;~ ..::,,~ ~WaJl Lr J,54 <.>.ill : o~I ! J_,.)~t
.Tribute to pay tribute to a person = to tell of the good he has
done. . cJ. _.a; <r ~ o~ L. ~ ~~ ~f : J.:..:l4 ~~
Trice in a trice = in a moment; quickly.

• ls:_; a
- 'J •' (._,-../""' •' j~
..j •' :iJz.J- ·""•
Trick 1 - he has a trick of = has a habit of .
• ( l.:...S-) o.)~ ~ 5 ( ljS°) ~ .:il:- o\il : JU:
2 - that will do the trick = do what is needed.
&!.U~ ~f <.Sf • '-'l-.ll ~ o.it. ! ~ L. J-J ~~ ~,; ~t
. ~
11 -i Le _:·.11
. r~- •i..s-
a- to take a trick (in playing cards) = to win one
set of cards. : ~;_,JI ~ ~ I;_,.) : ~]~
Tripe : tripe = foolish talk or writing.
• ~~I _,f r)\S::JI j : J-'~-:H
Trite : a· trite SB:ying = not fresh or new.
• iii). .Jt. o~ ~ ~ ~l.11 : .:iW.I '-1_,ill
Trivet : right as a trivet = quite well.. J~I ~ J~ ! i~ ,::-
Troth : • to plight one's troth = to promise to marry .
• I.:.-
,...1_,·,_,.,lli• ~
Truant -425 - Tuck

Truant to play truant = to stay away from (school).

. ~ i~ ~J t..J~~ ~~ : LJ..UI l.r
Truck to have no truck with·= to have nothing to do ~th.
• ~ '1 (Jl) ~ .u il.p 'l ~ &~ ~~ ~ ..,,

Trump to trump up a charge against = to tell untruthes against

a person, saying that he has done wrong or· broken the

J..i~ ~ 4! ~_,... ~ ~ c.r.J~: GJj ~ !·~ ..J ~j!

. ~ylill ~ ~~ ~f .ul.!. ~ ~ J> _,f ~ Ji
Trumpet to blow one's own trumpet to say good things about
oneself. • ~I.) ~- f ~ C.~

Trunk a trunk l'Oad (railway, etc.) =-= chief; most important

(road) into which oher side (roads) run .
• lS_,;..i J__,k ~ I...:
,,. _;::; ~~J.. ~ Jf J:!}o : ~)I J:!)a.JI
Try 1 - try and do it = try to.
• • (l.'.U) j....J (Ji) J.Uj' ~f : ~I (Jf) JJ\..
2 -- this tries my eyes = is tiring to my eyes .
. 4. .,riz.J.J 4,;~ :~ ~ ~.) ~! : J_,L'
3 - to try on clothes ::-: to put on new clothes to see
if they fit .
• Jil_,...~ i' .u Jil_,...i ~· !$..r} ~ ~ : ~··.f)\11 ~
4 - to try it on = to do something against the rules
and see if punismment results .
.U ~ f lS.r.J .>.&-1_,Al I J'- ~J L;.. ~ ~ ~~ ~i : y ~ ! fa.:
.. ~~ .Jr y!.k.
5 - this is very trying = causes pain or anger.
• ~Jf uf ~~ ...;i~.: ~ (_,i) ~~,; j1: J~
Tuck 1 - to tuck up the bed clothes· = to push bed clothes
(in a drawer) .
• Y~-'~ (Ji) a:, J r_,;.l' ~~ : U'"'.A:!
2 - to tuck.away = to put in a safe hiding-place .
• ;llii~I ,y- ~ ~i ~~ j ~: '5Jly. ! ~ ~
Tuft - 426 - Turn

Tuft tuft-hunter = one who tries to make friends with rich

or noble persons.
:Ul..l..o ~.-J•• c.Jf J .. ~ .-.... · (~..:Ai r~)
J •• .., • • ~..\JI
! ~~1

• c.µI _,f c.~ ~I

Tug tug-of-war = two groups puJling a rope so as to sec
which can pull harder.
l LI ~'.)"L L : .
-r-"' i.j.J
I< .J..!.J- c.)l.ii-r..i I - ..
,!J ...;~
4lJ-J .• l l..!

• o~ 4~ ol.i~... ~~~I ~..i:! c,S.iJI ~}JI ~J

Tumble to tumble to =: to understand suddenly.
• ;~1_, :W~ ~I ~·4 f ~~I ~J~: oc.~ ~
Turf on the turf = having to do with horse-racing.

• u- . "L....i
\..,;LI J ; . :.u··L
...J •IS"'·' iJ• i..:Hi.i- •• ~I
• iJ.
Turgid turgid way of writing = solemn in a foolish way.
:Ll:.C....11 ;U~I (~~I
. iJ. .J.:1-1
. '.J JI- t-'J'
•'JI •. . iJ') ""'
. i.lk:ll
• ~4 .!J~· ;)~~
Turn 1 - to turn o-\rer a new leaf = begin again and try to
behave better. "
i..a 4- J.-All Ji J.-JI ~J~ : oJ..!~ ~ ~ ! J..!~ ;.r f~
~'J J.:jf ..s-_,.L _,f ~ _,; "1..f. c.J~ c.Ji j
2 -- to turn milk sour = to change the taste of .
• l.,;_~ ~I ~.r- c.)U- : "~I ~ ~
3 - to turn in = to go to bed. • Jol}JI J! lS.J4

4 - to turn on the water. = allow water to flow

through a pipe .
• (j....!..) yr.if ,:r .JI~ ~ : c.UI ~
5 - to t'Y"n off = to stop the flow .
• yl:--i~I (.Jf) J=-JI (.Jf) Jlij,j~I ~}t .>.-.: ~ i.J~
6 - · to tum up = to arrive unexpectedly.
• OJ~ e!_.~':J ~ ~ _,f ~ ! _,Ui;:.;I ..r.!- ~ ~
7 - to turn down an offer = to refuse .
. ~ (Jf) ~. P.r..
8 - turn upon = attack.
Turtle -427 - Ult.

9 - it is my turn = my chnace; my time to work .

• "J....H d ~JJ~ 1.a. - T ! ~} • .a. - ' : J~
10 - in turn = ·one after another .
• ~ 91 ~ ~t_, : Jl_,:JI ~ l::J~
11 - to do a good turn = do a kindness .
• .tl!l .. u_, , f..r. (.Jf) A-_,.. J~
l2· - done to a turn = perfectly cooked .
• ~l~f~:~'~
13 - it gave me a turn = frightened me for a moment.
• ~ ....i;l-1 ~- J.;;f ! ~ ~jf
Turi le to turn turtle (of a ship) = to turn upside-down.

..~ 1...
~ LT) .• ~'
- .. -
..;....U;I • J~

Twiddle to twiddle one's thumbs = to sit with nothing to do.

(Jl) v\I ~ ~I ~_,..~ ~f : ~l,..,f .!lfi £ '-5~.i' ~
• JJa..;:..
Twine : to twine round = to twist round.

Twinkle in a twinkling = at once; without delay.

. ·~! ~ f o~IJ ~ J ! ~ ! ~ :u;, J
Twist to twist the meaning of words = to force a wrong
meaning into words.
~· ~!.:;. ~l.... ~l)S:jl Ji ~ ~f :~I_,.. '-1" ~CJI ..;~
Twister a twister = a dishonest person.
• ~lA:-~I Lr" ~ (.Jl) u:_.... f .J;f- ~ j J~ : J.~1
Twitter in a twitter = very excited .• o;_,!JI ~ J f ~I .)...;f ~

Ugly an ugly customer = a 'dangerous person .
• ('--JI •l.5"" ~ j J~) ~I ! ~ ....S::..H
Ult. yours of the 5th ult. = your letter of the 5th of last
month. • .~UI ~I ~ w--'L_;i.t j t;,;.LI ~L:.) : J~
U1terior - 428 - Under

Ulterior an ulterior motive = some reason for behaviour other

than that shown or expressed.

~ J_,£11Jf ~lliJI ~I.;;&-~ !.l_,L., ~~I.)~ :~I ~l:H

Ultra .. 1 - ultra-careful = very careful; too careful.
_r:..aJ4 ,~~'I ~~ : odl .J~ ! ~ L;..JI --':!~ ! ~ L:...ll ~li
• J....L:ll_,
2 - ultra-microscopic = beyond the microscope; too
smal I to b~ seen by a microscope.
~ <.S~ '1 (J..>=.- j J~ : (Y.J-<.JhJ.1) #.I ~~ 'j
• #,I ~_,; f ~I
Ultra vires : to act ultra vires = to do what one has not the powers
or right to do.
~ J ~ Ja...l;: d : (,J.f·_,i_,....f J) ~r (,)"'--':! ! ~~
• 4J r-~1 j ~ "-'u. '1.J A.,o~I .).J..b. J ~
Umbrage to take umbrage at = to show anger at (something
said). • J~ &c.s! 0-4 : ~ ! ~ ~ ! .._ii~
Unaware taken unawares = surprised by some action of which
one was not prepared .
.....;~ fa ro.l J.ai _,r 1.J> .,r .r~ .,~ ~i : o~ ~ .>.:;.Y- ! ~Li:

.u i.>..:-,.. I.)'. ~- it _,r
Unbecoming : she has an unbecoming hat" = not well-suited.

-11 0.J...i L ii
u. -~
U -
l ~·
. :..J • ;;,; . IL
• 'J"
. I .-- :; ~ ~ •
~ -r""':"' •
J ~•
• ; ~ ':l'I i:r---' i..:-l.:..:.11 l_.,!~
Unconscionable : an unconscionable time = very long time .
• ;~~ o..f:i ! ~_,!, ~j

Under 1 - under sail 7-: while sailing. • ( G~) _,i.JI ,L:Sf j

2 - under repair = while being repaired .

• ~ _,i :UT .Jt ·~ J J~ : c_')\...,'11 a.l:Sl j
3 - under the circumstances while (or since)
things are in this condition.
c,l..b. '91..:.3~ L.~ <.Sf : JI_,.. ~I ~ ~ ~· ! ~_,~1 .,~ J
• OJ~I ~ ~ '5_,~
Undermine - 429 - Unit

4 - under orders = in the state of having received

orders .
• ~ i_,A:J ~ J! ~y· r Jr JJJ..,p ;J~ :;
1 : r 1 J~
Undermine : undermined health = health weakened, e.g. by too
much .work .
• (JlA/:Jl_,J.-Jlofa.)~l\.r-i<..>__,- si: ~f Ji ~01:~~
Understand : to have an unde1·standing with = have an agreement
with. '
. •& ~ ~ ~ ~l,ij" _,j ~ 0i : ~~ ! ~~-
Undo llr. A. has undone all Mr. B.'s good work = destroyed.
0-:N Jr L. J.) ~ Jf J.i ~)\; ~! : J~ : ;~ ! ~ ! ;.U.
• ~b;J c.~ "---Jli
Unhinged his mind is unhinged = he is mad .
• i.r~ ~ _,f ~ ~~j ~. : -Uir. ~l- ~I : J~
Union 1 - to go into the union = to go into one of houses
provided for poor and helpless persons.
~~I ~ ~ ~ J! i~ ~ ~~ 0i : ..r.JI ~ ~~J.:
• ~~ ~..s. ~.)JI -~WI t.!.W_,~ ~~I
2 - .the Union Jack the f)ag of Great Britain,
Scotland and Northern Ireland. • J~..r.JI r-WI
3 - trade union = a union of working men to get
higher pay and better treatment.
~· t5J1 o_,AJI ~ 'J~I .a.~1 J~I .t..i.Jj:! ~bU! : J~I ~u;
• ~1_,..f ~-' ~JY."f clJ 0-'
Uniso-n to sing in unison = to sing the same note at the same
time .
..b.l.J ~ 0~ <->r : r..iy ~~ _,r : ~ ~fo. ~ : J~
.~.,; ~~ l_,;t)" l.l! L. w~ 11.J)~a.:J ~~ ! ..b.I_, ~J J
To sing in harmony.
. ~ ~ , ~ i;.. ~ ! ~ ~~ ~~ sf
Unit a unit in an army = a group of soldiers considered as
one whole.
Universal -430- Up

Universal universal rule = a rule which ·is always true, or must

be kept by all.
, l..Jt.> ~ ~ ~I ~ : :L.WI (;i) ll..l;JI o..\&.WI
__J_j I _ .-1 :1j · ·
• ~ -r.:- ft ""' ~J
Unkempt unkempt hair = unbrushed hair.
"--'_(.-' ·~ ~ft r : «_,...!JI ·~f 0l) » J~ ! ~-;rl _,....!JI
• ,ol:_,.Q.!I (<.Sf) ~..,~.,.AJ~
Unmitigated an unmitigated liar = completely untruthful person .
. u-'J... ! '-iL.~I ~ ~ ~ : ..\-'..UJI ! Jt;J..1
Unstrung his nerves are all unstrung = .his mind and feelings
are not unde1· full control.
~f ~ v}tJ- ..U ~l..asf 0f ~. : o~l- ~I : J~
• ~,,,_JI :i.l~I ~ 0¥. , o~L.:.... ~T lf'" , ~
u, 1 - to eat up = to eat all .
• (il..1JI LJA ~ ~ ~ ) ~I JS\ ! )\Jf ~I ~ J4
2 - it's up to you ~ it is your duty; it is for you
to decide.
=~·0f ~ ( T) !~ if-'_;... ! ~IJ j-1 ~~ 01 ( \)
• _,.J J Ju; <.St
3 - .what's he up to ? what is he doing ?
• ~ ·~ <.Si f ~ J.-! l~L.
4 - up to no good = not doing any good .
• "ivf-~ ~ ! ~~~
5 - to be up all night = not to go to bed .
. r~ ~ i~l.. ~~UI ~ : J::.UI i~
6 - what's up ? = what is the matter ?
'. c!.-' l~L. ! ~ ~~ ~' ! ~ ~,.b. l~L.
7 - come up w~th = come level with .
• ($~~ ! (ol~. 0~) <.SJ·~
8 - It's all up = all is ended; I am ruined .
• JL..l.ll ~ J) ! ~_f.. ! ~ .(,.) ! ~,S:. ~~I (,)
Upon - 431 - Use

9 --· the game is up = the game is ended; our plans·

are discovered .
• ~ ~(_jt (,.) ~ ~I ~I (, )

10 - the up-train = train to Cairo.

~ ~I ~. : j....!.. ;;~WI J! ~lj.JI sf : Cl1.JI JlkAJI
... ,, .<
• i~ ..r J ..

11 -;-- ups and downs = good fortune and bad.

• ( J.A..J J! f' ~~j Jl) ~-' i ..>..- : .1iJ..I ~l;J.)
Upon to put-upon a eprson = to get him to do more than
his fair share of work .
•~ ~~ ~ .JS-1 J..Ad ~i ~~: ~4 ~: ~.):!
Upper down on one's uppers ·= poor and without hope .
.1.J. ~· 4W1 ~- ~-.; v---
.__j ,......lLA.i- ..,
. L.~I
•• "-" ..uu, '-'......s:_.
• ~~~I
Upset 1· - upset my plans = turned over my plans.
r,f- _,; ~.,J; _,f 6.)~) L.~ Ji ! ~ ! JL.T .)~ : Jli:!
• (LS"'
2. - to upset the government = to send out of power
and office.
<l.. I :Jil
. 11"'-- Lr" ~
· . · :L.~
.r.. -<J I .6i....J-
' 3 - I'm very upset about... = troubled and anxious.
.~~·- ! ·•l-:;,
~_,.. ~I ~ ~ ~! .. J -- ~

4 - the food upset me = caused sickness .

• ~ c... ~~ ..u ~WaJI ~~ ~l : J~
Use 1 - all the coal is used up = all the coal has been
. -~i.r .c... ~ (-J .US- J...-:-1 .U ~ ~j ~. : ~I -J.) ~I
2 - I have no use of him = I do not like him .
. ~ 4! ~{ ':J ! ~! c.lj) ':} ~ ~' ':}
3 - I used to gp = I went often in the past; was
acc1:1stornde to go.
(:#. ~L(lt ~~ Jt) "':'"'~~f ~f J.)l&. .:r ~~ ! ylAlJI oJ:&-1
Usurp - 432 - Vamp

lJsurp to usu1·p the throne = make oneself king by force.

1.!j_UI ~ ~f ~ ~ ~~ <)f : d-,.,-JI ~ ~ d-~I ~
• ~ ~lkJ_ j.=-JJ C_r if' J-"~
Utter 1 -- an utter rascal =a very bad man .
• ~ ~,;JI ! J:-JI ! ~!JJI
2 - utter nonsense = foolish, senseless talk .
• '-" ~ ":J.J 1..::i ~\.:&. ".J <.S.:UI ~I ij0 ! &l)i\
3 - 'to utter false coin = to pay out money which is
not real money.

Vacuous a vacuous look == a look with no meaning or sense
in it. •~ ~ J ..G ":JJ ;~ # o)i.i : VW! ;;)i:JI
Vacuum a vacuum cleaner = a machine which cleans floor, etc.
by drawing in air and dust together ..
• ~ &~I_, 1..;-11.,;JI ~ ~ ;uj : 4.d)\JI

Vain in vain without result.

. (~ 'l <.S.:UI) ;r.)I ~ ~i.;w1 ! :t~ ~

a valid argument = a strong reasgn which cannot be
shaken (disproved) .
. t:;s.~ ":}_, ~ 'l <.S.,i <)\&..f. : tWI J.:.l.lJI ! ~L!J! ~~~I
Value face value = the amount printed on a piece of paper-
~I • L:.& .>l)li • ..::..~ ~ W :U;_,JI o..'a. d_,ii : ~I
• .M:J I ~ l;J f tJ4 '-i;.J j&. :t._,;) I
Vamp 1 - to vamp up = to make look like new; to prepare
. ~ j&.: ~ ·~ ( T) ~ ;;41 '-'"'L:J ~ ~ (,)
2 --- vamp = the part (character) of the beautiful bad
woman in a play or story.
_,J :u_. ,- J ~ <.S.;..i ;J:! c.S~y ~ ;;f..._.1 • ~I of)I
Van - 433 - Veil

Van in the van of... = leading the way.

• (J1) .)~ f J;!)JI 4-C_
Vanity the vanity of earthly greatness = emptiness; worth"'\
~ JJ~ ,:r W'"'\:JI jL. : ~~ :W ! ~jl_p. ~ y.l.11 J.J_,&,
• ~ o.>Jli ').J ;u.J li ~i ~~ j , \:i.l.11 ~ ~

Vantage point of vantage = good place from which to attack.

!l;t.... j) i~I 4,;.,. f~ ~.JJ1 fj.J.I &JlS:JI : j~J~I J.kQ
. (~~~
Vapour : water-vapour :::;:: mist.

Variance : at variance with = disagreeing; quarrelling with .

• ~U..::; J ! !l I_;'- j ! c ...;~ j

Variety 1 -·- there is one variety of roses = of one sort or kind .

• .J.....:.... ~IJ ~~. f .);_,.ll ~ ~IJ y~ l!.Ul:A J~: y~I
2 --- a variety show = an evening amusement made
up of many different shows, e.g. dancing, singing,
magic tricks, etc.
~)l) ,~~I ~ Lt,:i '-'°.i-J JJr-J ~~ : ~)I J.b.
• ~~-ll J.e:L-1.J .l:.AJI_,
Various various people = many different people.
t~I ~(~ J_,...,._, ~~ ~ &J_,ifo,. U'"'ljf) U'"'WI ~ .k~f
• ~L:J4 ~Lill 4.:f ~I <.S11 : :l_!Jj.11

Vehicle milk is the vehicle by which this disease is carried =

the means by which this disease is carried.
: ~1_).-1 o1t. ~~I ob~I ~ U":lJI &J! Jli:! : ob~!
• J..L....11 ! .l:ze__,.ll ~ U'"'WI j ~j_jJ ~ ~
Veil 1 - to take the veil = to become a nun.
4W')I :i....~- "'=-'! y_p_, ~I :i.....U.. 4-..Ai ~ : ~IJ ~
• ~I J.I"-'
2 - to veil one's meaning w Mtrange language = to
~_,all .bl.iJ~I ~l;J , lJI LAa.f _,f ~l-.. ~ t_/" : J~ : ~! ~
Vengeance - 434- Victual

3 - there is a veil of cruelty in his character = there

are signs of cruelty in him.

~ f "j..s. .o~i ""'' 0f. ~-
· .. ;.r-
. -:11 j l ~ ·_:1
.. .J'"'
u- i.JI •• ~~
. • ;.,.,,,.._.,-::q JI• ~_,fJI

Vengeance : with a vengeance = with great power and farce; very

thoroughly; without doubt.
! ~ ~ ( T") ! illii-' :\i.) ~ (,.) ! 01p_, ;;_,; ~ (,)
. ~) ~
Vent 1 - he found vent for his anger in strong language =
_he allowed the force of his feelings to escape by
using strong words to express it.
~CJI rJ~ ~ :f' ~ ~ ~~<.JI ,._,-~ ~ (f- ~J

• .
·~ L.,t;;
...., -
-.::.il!.a. WL• I,,;a,kj
2 - to vent one's anger on = to let out the force of
one's anger upon ...
. (~Ji"&~)"'#;~~
Venture at a venture without any clear aim; tmsting to

I! I
'I ,r..'-:!
I . (
T ) I ... ~
•' c.~ I •
•' '-'~
• • •
'.J°f' ~• (
I )

. ( ~ ~i ~ ;.._f ~ ";}) li.J-1 cl.>~-

Vet to vet a person = to examine him and see if he is in
gooci health.
• ~ ......~ c.S. o..L.. ··
-. ~IJ_,. -. H..
· f Ll, .. : . . ~·
Vice- Mr ..Jones will act as headmaster vice )Ir. Smith = in
place of.
.y. ~lJ LJ..l...U i);li ~ \J~ ~~ : (WS:) '-!lJ ! (0-4) ";}~
• .c... ~ ~ _,, 4J;}J

Vice ,·ersa.: 1 hate him, and vice versa = I hate him, and he hates me.
• .. L.AA.Jt
. . i f·) U:;; .' ~-'
·• • ~f. ' ' ··
• ~ ~. "\.)w
1..$" •..

\"ictim the victim of my hatred; the. victim of his own foolish-

• ~ ~) r!_J (,.) (Ji) c.S~ ~} yb ( , ) : J~
Victual 1 - to victual a ship = to supply with food.
. 4- : ~_,.c_ ! t;.l~I ~l,,i. ~-_; . .)J.:,~
View - 435 - Virtual

2 - licensed victualler =_a person· allowed by the law

to keep an inn.
o;l.l! _,f .!l)\::...4 li_,;li ..J ~.r- ~ : ~)l J.>.:.All
• J.;..; _,f ~J.:j
View 1 - in full view = seen by all .
• ;~~I ~ ~~ ·~ _,j ~ : •~I olx \.S:UI
2 - a beautiful view = the sight of beautiful country .
• o.J}- _,f ~J j ~ u~ Ji 15i_,... : ~I )i.:ll
3 - a point of view = a way of looking at a question .
• ~ _,f ~>" lr. ~~ ~I ~\;JI ~ )l;JI ~-'
4 - in my view = in ~Y opinion .
• r..s)i; ~-' ,:_r ! \S) L "'~ ! i.?iJ J ! r.S~
5 - in view of = because of.
. (l.)j) ~~-;.r (_,i) ~i ~
6 - to air one's views = to say one's opinions.

. •
~a....1 ~ ~l ,T u-
'-='·- J
·~ v. ~
·~ ~/-
o·,lSJf r...r- ~a ..1
7 - he has other views for his son's futul'e = have
certain desires for... ·
e-'lk... _,j ~l..:&-; \Si : r.SJ.,:;.f c.l} ~I J.:.A=.- J ..J ~! : JU~
• o.Al_j ~ ,:_r ~~ ~f .J.:_r-
8 - I wiJl try to meet your views = I will try to do
what you want.. $~; ~ ~ : ,J...fL (_,f) ~L
9 - to view = to look at; to form an opinion of.
~ (~_,r "~ J) -ofa ~~ (,.) ! ~~' J)i:.: (,)
Violate I -- to violate a person's grave = to treat with dis-
respect .
• J_,11 L~ ~ ~ L. ~~:(~)fl. :L~ ~
2 - to violate a promise = not to fulfil a promise.
" • ~ ~_, L. Jr (f- ~ f ~Y. ~ ~ ! i~ ~
Virtual the virtual head of a business = actually, though not in
J~~ r..s..UI y. .t..if r..si : u-)1 ~)I ':J : J.-.1 ~)t
. w1_, _,r ,w .i.....i.J:!_, J.-i1
Vfrtu,e - 436- Voice

Virtue in virtue of my office = using the powers which my

off ice gives· me .
••:.uJ... IJ"'
· W-'I
.. ._,., · \.._; L.
is:-- 11 j~~I ! ~.J
-; I:. :uaL ~. ·--
• ~ j&- :t.AJ;_,J I ~ ~I :i.k.l-J I J'~I
Vision a vision of the future = a thing believed to be seen.
~ &-' t... (;..: ~4 ~lhl:~.A::-ll~J4L. ~y!~4 ~I
Vitiate his book is vitiated by mistakes; to viiiate the air of
a room.
_,f , ~ y\:UI u.u;f J.i Alk;. ~I ~l : ~~ : ~- ! ~ (,)
• (~) 0~ A,_,.. : ~ ( f ) ~ ~ ~
Vivid 1 - a vivid imagination = great power of imagini::lg.
: :i.&.J)IJ oJ)\k.JI J~ c.>.,,:aJI : JkJI Jl;J-1
2 - a vivid description = a clear word-picture .
• .r-~1 ;_,;J ~~I_,~ : JJ..UI --¥.,H
Vixen a vixenish person -- bad-tempered pe1·son.
• ~1)1 ..i-li (Jf) c;kJI .12J.i. 4il : ~~
Viz : (short for, Latin "videlicet" = you may see) : that is;
there are; e.g. Great Britain is divided into four pa1·ts,
viz : .England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
~ L:.-_,: «Videlicet» ~·)\JI Ws::JI ; l....a;:.;..I
• ~f : i;!.Uji) «~la. Ji «i.SL, J! t.1.:....... Jy--.J «i.S} -li»
J~J~-*l-' 1.#.I : i.Si : iwi ~} ~ ~I l:i~..r.
•• :~ : ~lk.:i.r.J i" Wf ~;f ~ la (.Jf) ! l..\.:J..r.! I
Vogue ~ong skirts are in vogue; there is a great vogue for
long skirts = all the women like wearing long skirts
just at present.
Jf ~ ~~ (.Jf) ! '-i__,JUI if' J..4#1 u)\.i~I 01 : d_,~
- • ~ ul-'-:-ll J.) ~f Jl : ~,#1 u)\j.r,l-1 Jl ~
Voice 1 - to have a voice in ... = to have ~ right to help in
~l~! J J:L-1 ~ ~~~ ~f : (I.).)) ~J.A; j u_,.,- ~ 0_,s:..; ~j
. .rf ;I}! j )i;JI ~ i.Sf)I
2 - to voice = to express.
Void - 437 - Wake

Void the agreement was void = the agreement was of no

value according to law; useless.
-~ l A..; "WI '..:·'! ..
- I ·· _y
..r-' .~J rJ'
...;f ~.
·• •• . .:I U. li"" ~··l.A;~I Ua
jY'-' .I
. ;f .~t .t.J
Volley 1 _: a volley of oaths = a flow of bad language.
• )L:JI Jjill (Jf) t_;WI i~I ~ ~ ! ul_;~ll
2 - ~ to volley = to hit a ball before it touches the
& & • .--
ground. • d'J '11 i.r4- 01 J-:i ;; j:JI '-'u .r..
Volume volume (of sound) the power of sound.
• u_,..,.... 1
·- - II J"::A-' ! 1.:r - II OJ.Ai

Vouch vouch for a person's honestly = say that a person is

honest. ( .!JJ.)) ;.iZ i.Jf ! ~ (_,f) ~f lj)\i 0! : J,_,Aj· 0f

Wade to wade through a book = to read a long book with
J .u~w jJ""_,1, y~ oc.I) ! J~ ! (J) ~ ! ~lA~
• ~\:.._,~\A!.... ...:; .. lj
Wag to set tongues (chins) wagging = to cause much talk
by some surprising or improper action.
_,f ~ i_,.J <S..Jy. ~! : r~4 :i.:-J~I !l;-: ! lkaJ ei~
. 0 l:.AJ I i.:...J •)\.I ~ ! \.::i~ l: ..\ l.
Wait 1 - to lie in wait for = to hide; waiting to attack.
• (,-~ "J...pj ~) ·'· J-l ! ~.fa.. (r) ! ~ ! UU: (I)
2 - lady-in-waiting = a lady of high rank attending
on the Queen .
• ~ ~~ i_,A; lJ.a,JI ~I ~ ;;~ : ~,11
Waive to waive a c1aim = to give up a claim, for a time or
for ever.
J! _,i i~_,~ l.:i_, : ·~ .. ~~f (.Jf) ~_,s-~ (.JI) ~ .!lA
. ~-;r,
.wake in the wake of · = following .
. <~-'' ~> t;b ! ~ ! ~IJ
Walk - 438 - Wallop

Walk 1 -- a walker-on = an actor who has no words to say .

. ~~~ 'i l:...l...P •JJJ ,,p~
15lll : ..:.:-l.a.JI J!.JI
U~ 0f ~ JJI) u~I ~ ":1 ! !"'~(JI ~ ~__,A.. ~
• (J-!C_ ~

2 - walk away with = win easily.

. ( :u~ )
3 - walk off with = steal.

4 - a walk over = an easy victory .

. ~ (Jl) Jr.. JWI

5 -- walking out with going out walking with and

making love to. • L.eJ! ~J ~) J1 o..1.:- Jil..r.

6 - walk of life = rank or employment .

• (•lJ-1 J) J.-JI ! ~_,JI ( T) ! :i..ilUI ! :U_fll (I)

Wall 1 - walls have ears = others may hear us .

• L:.J.S:.~i 1~1-t.:AJI ~ ..U : ~. : Ul~T ~IJJ.# ~!

2 - run one's head against a wan· = try to do an

impossible thing.
l - - 'I
. ~ L -
v-:. I
f )i
..r.:-s- i.ri v-L- u. f "'. ~-~
~~ : ..:r
. . --11 ~

3 - with one's back to the wall =· fighting with no

way of escape .
• y~)'1 _,i J~_;JI j J...f ~ 15f : JI~ J! O*.J YJ~
4 - go to the wall = he pushed away as useless; be
the loser.
~_,):j· ~f (,.) ~I_, :. .._A.II ..Uli ...;f ~ :~ :~ !l..fa. ( 1)
. (:u_,~ _,f J.f' J) ...-Ll-1
Wallop 1 - to wallop along = move quickly and heavily.
• u- . ~~ ! ·~11-·. !
...___, ! l>~-
. _::.r ! "'->~-

2 - a big walloping fellow = a big heavy fellow.

• L:J-1 1 :~ ~UI
. v=- ~ I ••
· < .Jr
Wander - 439 - Warm

Wander he is wandering; his mind is wandering his thoughts

are mixed up as in a dream, e.g. because of serious ill-
0i ~. : o;~i J f-1: ! ~ ~ '~l ! J...t,._.f J -.i~ ~!
~~ 0l) I~!~')'_,) ~ J ~l) _,J ~ :i..!.J+-' ~ o;L<:if
. (wP)I ~
Wane the moon is waning -= the moon is lessening.
. JWI ycj ~- kf ..,;j '5i : Jc.~ ,,.AJI 0!
Want : to be in want =-- to be poor. .A.S
... )\j ~
. - <,S.:UI·. ~I
War : '
1 -- war to the knife = war till one or the other is
completely beaten .
• :Llj' :i..c:,_;..t a.,.A:_;.11 ..b.f (n:. ~ _r::.-j. Yr : ~J~I y,,,J..I
2 - carry the war into the enemy's camp attack
some one who has been expecting to attack you.
~ )i.;z 'iJ ·' OJ b _p. J J.WI YJ ~ : ~~ ...;f ~· 4.r ~~
• 'O_;i. ~ .!l~~J clJs ~
3 - he seems to have been in the wars = shows signs
of having been hurt or damaged.
~f (.Jf) '5~_,l ~1 ~t : 'OJ.A~' ~ lA.. ~ ~· ~! : J~
• ~.J y_r:.
'Ward to ward off a blow = to turn ~ blow aside, e.g. with
the arm. o~ 'J ~ ~ .u.G~ ~ : ;_;.)_, _,f o~ : cfa-
Warm 1 - warm work = work which makes one hot.
'-'1..-.JI ~ .UlJl;I_, ~J..! 0-" ~ J_rr-ll ~ ~lll : JrJ,I J...-"
2 - to make thing warm for = to attack; cause great
discomfort to .
• uli!...._, ~L:.. 6~ ! w4'~ (,.) ! (~) ~ : ~\.r- (,)
3 - a warm corner = dangerous place .
• °.) lS:..!.1 ~ ~ : _,k.;. 0~
4 - a warm-hearted person = loving; generous .
• ~I ! '5.l.:JI ~~ ! ~l~I ! f...r<-JI (,.) ! .Ul_,JI ! ~I ( t)
5 - in warm blood = in anger. . (...Lal . .i'. ~
""" . . """
Warp --- 440 - Wash

6 - you're getting warm = you are going in the right

direction to find what you are looking for.
j (Jf) ~I ~,,,k.11 J ~ clif ~. : . .bl~I J.J cl.if
. 41 (.Jf) 4_,i._,.. ~ J! 4 <.S.>~ <..>lll ~' .~')'t
Warp 1 - wood warped by the heat = bended by the heat .
• JI~ '11 olJJ ! o;l.)-1 ~
2 - warped mind = made unreasonable by some spe-
cial like or dislike.
~j!_,:JI .~ ~! : ~:;....ft. (Ji) u!-*4 (Ji) Jy..~ Ji&. : J~
' • ~.J ~ (Jf) ~1_,.s-_, ~
Warrant 1 - you have no warrant for saying that = you have
no right for saying what you have said .
• ~ ~ J_,ij ~': J~ 4.JJ ~(Ji)~~']·: JlA:
2 - I'll warrant you that = I am quite sure that ...
• ( 1.U-) ~' 0-4 a_.A: ~ J ' ~ .l.f'jf
Wash 1 - the sea wasehs the rocks = the sea flows over
the rocks.
-~ - 'I u.,,. - If ~I
. I-r-
: ,..
~ f " -r--
I . 1,..
.r- : J.r-r- u-:: ~ ,.
2 - will this wash well ? = will this cloth be dam-
aged by washing ?
j...j : J-iJI ~~I lk iJ~l ~ ~ j-i. I~! ~~I lk ~ ~

3 - that story won't wash = is clearly untrue .

• ..~ J1 (.~ 'J ,,,,.ui 4.lf'" ~f \Sj: yl.<.JI ~~I.~~!

4 - look washed out = look tired.

~~!~I (Jf) A.JI (_,,f) ~I ~4U- ~ ~
•· J I
: ..:..11 ~
• i.s-.J
5 - I wash my hand of it ~ I shall have nothing more
to do with it and am not to be blamed.
~ lt _;.f'J ~~ Jrl ~ <.S~ J ~ : _,..~I 0-' i.Sl.l: ~i
. ~~ ~ i ~i ~-'
6 - hair-wash = liquid for the hair .
. ~_,.;_, l.-- ~I.>~ ~I ~ J-A:! ~~ : ~I J~
W'ash-<>ut - 441 - Water

7 - eye-wash = things done to deceive a person into

thinking that the work done (e.g. in a school, com-
pany of soldiers, etc.) is good.
~ .~.ki. 0f t..,.:~ ~ .~f : 0y.:.iJI J ~L.)I _,~ ! ~~I
' l!.U) ~ _,f 41 ~ ~ _,f '-J.L J J.wJI ~f ~ if-
. ~ .) ~ ~_, .:.r--
Wash-out it was a wash-out = it faile?, completely .
• li..rP U.~ 0~ ! :>\..15"' ")\.!.; (j..-JI _,f u..,_JI Ji. .r~I ~~) 0~
Water 1 - to get into hot water = to get into trouble .
• ~L..:.!.I ~ Jp:,· ~ ~ J f:!!- f ~ ·•·h~

2 - the story won't hold water = can be proved to be

cl.....c_ L. )~ 'Jl J='--1 :_r ~ ~ : ~4~ ~ o1ti : J~
• ( ~J..l.C ~f ~~ u..r..JI ~Cc- : ~-) i:.UI ~ J4_,-JI
3 - throw cold water •on a plan speak against,
pointing out difficulties.
l&J~ L. j&- '"iJ.L ~ : ~Ji t_Jr- J ~ ~-;ti ~~
• ~~J ~\...:- 0-4,

4 - - higJ1 water (low water) = when the sea comes

up high on the land. because of the pull of the moon
ifJ ~I ~ ~ 1_,-f c3i} l..J.:s. : ?~I .L J~ : (J_r.l.IJ) ..Lll
• ~I .AJ~ <.S.i..ll y41 ~Lt.~
5- I am in low water :::: have no money.
,u I lliJ
• \,,.;
JI JI• 0'J L:::, •I •• L ._
~ ._ •1 •
Lt• \J. I -··
• \,,.;~

6 - jewel of ·the first water = jewel of very good

.. ,~ - .,,.__, I"I"·'j~_, I.,---
• I"I""""" ' . - ,_;-
I,. :U~.l.JJ •• i:.lll :W~
.. ~~Y:' •• Jtb-
7 - to water = pour water on; to give water to.
Lo) _,f l;l.!1.s.) t.SJ.r- (,.) ! "~ j&. i:.UI ~ : ~- ( , )
. • (~UIJl~b.:j
8 - make ones mouth water = fill one with desire .
• i_f A·;: yWll ~ : ~)1 ~ ! ;~I~ ! ~
Watertight - 442 - Way

9 -- watered-silk = silk having wavy lines .

• ~t_,...S'4 ~f Jr---'f y~ ~ _r.)-1~ y~: ~1 _r.)-1
10 - watered stock = shares in a busi~ess which are
much greaier in number than the value of the
~ J~f ~.)JJ:. JL. t:._.J_r:... _,f ~_r J ~f : :Wl;JI ~~I
r.' • .(;!~ t-'_r.....u 4-j ~ J~

Watertight 1 - a wate1·tight argument = a piece of reasoning

which cannot be proved to be wrong.
Y,4 ~, ~ J~ .Jt ~.;.; : ~ '} ~.ill 1..1~JJI ! ~I C.:,,lA.r.JI
• .J.A:J I Lr: ~ ~ ":}.J '-\..loL:J I

2 - watertight agreement = a written aneement in

which no weakness can be found, from which
neither person can escape.
~- li J . ~I ~1-ll I •
'} '-'.-<
· .··lii·t •
'-' •• ~
~I ~··u:.·'}1

• .t..:... ~ c.)f ~j)z.!I ~~ ~ "71 ~,~I_,.:

Wattle wattle and daub = a wall made of sticks bent in and

out between thicker upright sticks and covered with
J..t.:-: U°Y. _,f ~ _,f ~ ~ ~ ;I~ : J_,~I Jl41
1')\..c. ~J ~IJ ~y ;...f'J-:-11 0-" 01.>...f' ~ if~I '--.oy.
. ~'~
Wave 1 - a wave of feeling = sudden breakout of feelings.
• ~_,:; J~ Js--' ;; I:.~ ~ ~;Y.::. ~ ! ~;_,....!
: ;;;_;

2 - a cold wave = a short·time of·cold weather.

c..r"WI ~.J ~.r.JI l,.:i ~ ;_;:;) ~I (Ji) ~.r.JI ~ ~_,...
1 • ( .t.jU,y.

Wax they waxed merry = became more and more merry .

• "~ .lA! ~ ~.r' .lbjl : l~;L{ ~! : Jli:!
Way 1 - make way for kiugs = leaye enough space for.
~ ~JJ) ~ L. ~ .!J;f · (~) .!l_,i...U : ~)JI ~f
. I ; II
Way -443 - Weal

2 - the right and wrong way of doing the work ::= said
of the manner by which a thing is done.
~ ~ ..s.:UI y.,L.-;r, J J~.: ~I J,!)..J ~l~I J:!_),
. J Lr -;r' i:.r J.o'"
3 - to pave the way for = to prepare for; make it
easy for it to come.
L.i.....JI ~~
u-. ·- •• l
. II ~
,l A • (
) '
• ~
& _'.._.I o.AA.J • . -.i \..II
- • "-'·Y-
...la f'

• JJ~ ! ~ _,f J\:? ·~ ~ i.).#

4 - by the way... = (this shows a sudden change of
of subject in speaking) .
..s.>JI t_,,o_,11 ~· ~~ :i.J~.lU) "~I~~~~ ~-' i i.)l)a;:-1_,
• (:lJ~ OJ~ ' ~
5 - out-of-the-way = distant; unusual.
. ~.,Jlll ..r.f. ! ~I ! ~I
6 - the ship is under way = the ship is moving for-

J -
L..u .tl ~ J --
• ,.~
• I
~l . Jtti
• •

7 - to give way = to yield; to bend; to break.

8 - to have one's way = to get what one wants.
. ~) ~ ! ~ J~ ! ~fo.. J! ~
9 - anything else in a small way ? = (in a shop) can
I sell you anything else ?,
~i ~f .~if~. : ~ ..::..y~ J J~ :<r..s,,=;.T ~ ~f
~ ~ -·
• _,;..I ~
10 __;_ she's in a bad way = she is in a bad state; very ill .
.Ui ~r (.Jf) ~ 41~ ~! <.>f : o.J.(_i m~ J Lr! : J~
• uP)I
11 - ways and means = all the things necessary for
doing a work .
. Jr iLc~ ~)j ~I
d;_,:_,..;.11 (Jf) u~Ld-1 ~ !
Weal for the p.ublic weal = for the good of the people .
• rL..11 ~ ! '-..-;rl (Jf) ~I (_,f) 1.1"\:JI ~
Wear -444- Web

Wear 1 - to wear whiskers = to have hair growing at the

sides of the face.
J~J J~ ~~I ~ ~_,JI ~ J:;:! : ~ : ~ J~
• JJ..,AJI ~f ~
2 - to wear a troubled look = to look anxious .
•_,...,L 4-if ~!~I ~J j J:!~ ! ~J.AJI ~ ~
3 ~ to wear away = to be rubbed away; to rub away
e.g. water wears away a stone .
, #' ~ .. u1 ~! J..,z ~tr : J~ ! ~~ ~ ! ! ~
• ~~J ill4 ~!
4 - to wear out = to make useless by much wearing
(e.g. clothes).
II - • - __ , - IL- ':ii 0 ::s:::..i • ("' .. L.J) ,J\\.-. __ ,
• ~"""' .fl.- c:---: ~ i...; ~ ~ • • .J'--' •J --r-:
5 - these clothes will wear well = ~re strong and
will last long.
J_,J.,_, ~l;... J! 0JL:;l : ~_,1, ~ w-]")\11 o~ ~! : J~
• Jt.-::-~t j lA/
2 - the day is wearing on = passing slowly on.
~ J-::.c_ ! ~ \s. ~ J'""' ~ \s. L. _;e· ':} : ~l!:... _,.c_ J trJ I ~f: J~
• ~ ....&J~ 4lt)_, ~_,..,a.JI
7 --· wear and tear = damage caused by use or accident.
• 6·.:L. ~~J _,j J~~I
;_;s- If" ·~l:JI ~I : !l~':JI
8 --- underw-ear = clothes worn under the outer clothes .
• ~;Q..I ~~_;~I~~ JJI: ~!.)JI w-!~t

Weather 1 -- under the weather ~ sad or ill.

• .!l_y.,11 ! J=.-11 ! ~)I (,, ) ! _,...,Lil ! ~_;.J..1
2 -- to weather u storm = to come through safely.
. ;.,,.;._,l ~~i ~ _,f ~ ~f ~ ~: ~\s.j~
Web web-fo~ted; with webbed feet = having feet like those
of a duck with skin between the toes.
.. t.-- • •
, ~1_, jJ'll :1..Ulol rl.J.il ~ : ~~ ;l.U'JI _,~ ! ~J.AJI ....MS3.I
~ .~ ~L.o~I ~ ~ ~1
Wed - 445 - Well

Wed 1 - my silver wedding = the date of my wedding 25

years later. (golden wedding : 50 years later;
diamond wedding 60 years later).
~ ~.>.JI_, ~ ~ C.... ,:;.PJ ir2- ;J.r : r_IJjll ~I ~I
• c.... (J._::- ~ IS"u1_, ! .~ ~
Wedge this is only the thin end of the wedge = this iS' only
a beginning and more will be demanded later.
~Jl~'l'I (Ji) JJ\11 ~I~. : J_,~I .._r.L-1 y. 1.a : J~
• .u:_.A.... 'l'I ~> 1.a ! ~ ~ <.S~f ~Ua.. ~ <,S.:UI
Weed 1 - to weed out = to take out the useless things (or
people) from a collection.
J J~ .u_, : ~aj ~l A- .. ~-;ii : ~ ! ~
• ~ ~~ .y ~.:i~! .:il_r. U"'ljf Ji LT'~i
2 - widow's weeds -- the black clothes worn by a
woman whose husband has died .
• ~.Jj ~L ;;f.rl ~· JJI ~~J-;rl : <)_rll if~
Weigh 1 -- to weigh one's word1J = to speak carefully.
J ~_j o~ ~~ J~ u. ~ : J.J~< (-'i) uv,s:JI ~_r.
~ .u;wf
~ - weigh the anchor = pull up the anchor.

.. t ")\i~I ~-.r.. C-i...J

.. .• ;L'J"'I ·

8 - - what weighs with- me most = seem~ most im-

portant. ( l.:S-)_,A "-!~h..J~ ~f (.Ji):~.:.-r-L. ~f jf:J~
4 - a weighty matter = a difficult and important
matter. . ~ J~.-' ~ ·: J4 .J~ ,,,..... t y. : J~
Welcome you're welcome to it = I give it to you gladly.
. );..,..... ~ ---~r
Well 1 - to well. up = (of liquid) : to come up as from a

~tS-' i ~ .,,~ J.a... J J~ : ~ti.>.:.: : ~~ ~ ! ~~

. t~~
2 - as well = also. . ~'
Welter -446- Wheel(s)

3 - well beaten = thoroughly.

• ~~ 4__,..; (J.,.~1 G~) y__,..;
4 - you may just as well == it would be equally good
or better for you to ... ; I advise you to ...
~ ~l ~ ~ (Ji) ! l..i; _,f ~ .!ll~ c.SJL-:! I~ ~! (,)
... J.W ~1 ~f ! ~T (d
5 - well ! = surprise .
• ~IJ ~.1.ll ~ :i.J~J.U Jtz : ~· ~~
6 - well ? = what next (for question) .
• 'l'jW J~ : ~~ l~L.
7 - well = a doubt.
8 - we are well eno_ugh where we are = comfortable
or safe. • ~~W,J ~IJ J : i:rJ ~ ~l. j ~
9 - that's all ve1·y well but... = so you say, but I do
not agree.
• c.Sf)I J cl... J-UI (~t) ~1_,f ~ ~.J ( l.i)) J_,z clJt
10 --- well-to-do =- rich. • ol.;llJ JUI .J~ ! c.SJJI f ~f
11 ---- well, I will tell you = (asking the hearer to listen: .
. ~~~,·~J o~~I ~t.s...i-~ Ju; oJ~
Welter 1 --;- a welter of confusion = great disorder.
• :iL~I ~~i
2 - welter-weight = a heavy boxer.
, ..!..U~ ..r_i.. Jf t-'l.a.... _,f ~~ ! (~) ~j.,JI ~I ~j...J.
• . " • 4.,#.
'""' f :U.../""'... LI· u-:::--
.. · L)I u- 1 -:.. q • · - 11 ...... ~ _C" •
UJ_,., u ~
Wet : a wet state ~-= a part of America in which strong drink
may b~ s~ld. • :i~)"ll ul~;ri1 lf- f:f_ ~.ri j ~ ~J '-: t
Wheel (s) 1 -;----- to put a spoke in his wheel = to prevent him from
doing what he wants to do; to ruin his plans.
u~I .t..l ~ ~4 : .l.i~J ~ J oft~ (Ji) ~ ~ (, )
• .,:,~.J__,..!.... (.r ("""J L. .)~ ! ~ ~ (d
2 - to put one's shoulder to the wheel = to try to
help on the work.
• l.. J..F- j ,..l..A.] ~~ f ..I"°~ f ~~
: ..__
Where - 447 -

3 - there are wheels within wheels = there are many

(secret) forces at work.
<.Sfa, J~.L. J.-JI wi (.Ji) ! j.-JI J J-o.,>.:; ~.r 1.5_Ji !.H.:.&
4 -- left wheel ! = an order to soldiers to swing round
to the left. • J~I ~ I~ ¥ ri : J~ J~I J!
\\inere : whereby = by which. • (I.if) ~ ! (I.if") :i.k....ly.

Whether I do not know whether ... = I do not kno~ if...

• (I~) Jf ( l:U) i,JL) I~! ...;.J""f 'l : «I~!>'
Whiff a whiff of smoke = a slight breath of air carrying a

While 1 - he got 2 while I got only 1 = during.

• ..l:a.1_,~~~ ~'~~~=~
2 - once in a while = sometimes, but not. often .
• (Jl~')I ~J ~ ')) Cf:~~~! (l..1_,~ ':J) W~~I ~
3 - It is worth one's while = it will probably pay for
the time or work given to it.
~ '-'°~(_,i) _,..;U..1 ci_,JI j : Jlc. ciJs. ~~ 0i ~
• J.J JJ;y.1 J...-.ll
4 - to while away time = to pass time .
. y ~"~A.Ar·~: ciyl ~!~_,JI~~
Whip 1 · - to whip up eggs = to mix thoroughly into a light
mass with air enclosed in it.
~1_,.1 uG5 ....~ Y..r- ~ "J..;..r-' o..l!.1 ~:! : ~I y~
• o.:.l~f
2 - to whip out; to whip off =· pull quickly.

3 - whip round = turn quickly.

. ~r. .r-.>.:....:! ! JJ..l.:! ! .J:J".r..

4 - to have the whip hand of = have power over.

A ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ! wl1..L..J1 (Jl) :uLJ1 ~ -.i
Whirl -448 - Wholesale

5 - the government whip == one who arranges that

members of the government shall be present at
meetings when needed.
~.)_,...::;_, i.,PI .. l..A&f t~I f-~ ~! ~ ~: :L_,Q-11_,_
. ~1 ~L.tl ~ ~~!
6 - to whip up (persons) together · = to collect .
. ~ ~~-' 0~ J ~ : l.r'L;JI ~
Whirl ~Y thoughts is in a whirl my thoughts are all
mixed up and in disorder .
• ~_,All l;.)\...._, ~ l~ ~I : ~ Jl;T .,.;!
Whisk 1 - to whisk eggs = to beat and mix.
• ~. .J~j : ~r--' o~ : ~I ~~
2 - whisk off = brulih away. • ~.:r.
L · ',.;.t ' .)~
"<....-. L•

3 - to whisk round = turn round quickey.

Whistle to met one's whistle = to drink. ~'. .

• t_r.; ~~~

Whit : I do not care a whit = a bit; a little.

• ~I J '}_, ~I j ~ lS~ I~ f _;!; 'J...."'J.j ~j ~
White he is a white man = he is good and honest.
• ~.AJI ~ l1 ! r-'A=-.. U':-ti <li! f _r.;.. (Jf) ~ ~; ~1
Whitewash: to whitewash a person = to make him seem blamt:less
though he has perhaps done wrong.
<lil _y_, , J.,:-.. ..r.f. <lii ~ : ~ ~ ! ~ \s~
. ~ ~s: 3; I JJ ..
Whittle : to whittle down ~ to make less. • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Whole : to go the whole hog = to hold a set of opinions com-

pletely without disagreeing' with any; to· act completely
on an opinion without any fear or doubts.
i.b.IJ ~~ 0f ft. Ir :U_;:.. o..l:!..U:. .. I)~ ~ ( 1)

~_,;... J:f. ~ ~l: o.fJ ~~ ~ (.Jf) ~. .~ (,.) ! ~

. ~'
·- . ..r- .J i
J ":i.Jl-1
Wholesale : to do a thing wholesale = in a large way, not bit by bit .
• 6~ ~ i6~ ~ o.b.IJ ~.) ~ ~~ : ~ vl-:?
Whop - 449- Will

Whop : whop = to beat.

Whopper (aim whopping) -- very large or fine .

• J=i)I ! ~I , ~I ( r) ! ~JI ! ~I ( 1)

Wide : wide awake = fully awake. . ~,,

- i l:>"f ~
Wield ; to wield a sword :..= to use in the hand .
• ij.A>-..:... o.A:! j o~4 : LL..:..~
Wild 1 -- wild talk = foolish uncontrolled talk.
- .. L. Lr • t"~
le-. \;IJ..,. )' ~ ~J .._,-
•. • C--
'..;.. .t..J
.. .-rs-.• ''--~11~,u-
~ ~ I

• ~~WI ! y~~'I _,j 13_,.>J!

2 - he is wild about her = he loves her very much.

'. ~ l.r. -.;~ ! L;~ ~_,.:A.., ! L.~ \fa~ ! L:- lr. ~ ~1
3 - - wild living = a careless and foolh;h way of living~

c..sf) JS~ o~I "" y_,.l..i : ~.r.JI ;µ1 : Jl::JI ol~

:UicJ..IJ J l:;- 'j I ( .A.::.-.J -'.i_,.; l.i

Wilful a wilful act = done on purpose, not by accident.

• ~~L.a-. _,f ~ u4 (- : Jl~4 Y ! ~~ ~U:-
Will 1 - it is my will that... = I order that...
• (I.).)) ~ .J-~ ~i J~ I;! ~! ! .A:!) ! .rl
2 - to work with a will = to work eagerly, keenly .
• ~1~1_, "':-'~IJ (~.r.) ~ ~ ~i
3 - where there's a will there's a way ::..: ' it cau be
done if we try hard.
1~1 ~) ~r J.--c.: ~WI Jl ~WI~~ o~l;\11 (Jy(..3 ~
. o; l..f1"'J ~ t.:J.r_, t; ~)
4 - against my will - in spite of my wish that it.
should not be done.
~)~ ! .r~I ~~ 6~ "Yf • ~f ~J !J~I;! ,:..r ~1 ~
• 0~ ~f i.r
5 - tq . have one's will = get what one wants .
• JJ_,...L _,f ~,,&-.r &- ! ~~ J! ~
• . 15
Will-o '-thO:-wisp - 450- Wind

6 - take the will for the deed = understand what

be wants to do.
' -''.):! L. :i.&_.a. ~ ~ : .i.V- ~.):! L. ~ : . ~ (_,f) ~
• -'!.):! l.. J..r ~
Will-o'-the-wisp = a light seen moving over wet land at night.
• J.:.U I L:Sf J ~I <.S"'° IJ ~I
& J_,i ll_,-:.. i.S.r- .._,.;, : JJf I y 1r
Win 1 - to win one's spurs = do something which proves
one's powers.
~ 01 ~L! l.r 0~ ~ • ..;)\·~ ~ ! 4~W- •"-!~
• &!U~ ,y.

2 - to win over to my side = get a person to join

my opinion .
.. ~ _,r &1.rJJ' Gwr _,f i~ ~ f ~u J! ~
. • ('5f)I J)
Wind 1 - to see how the wind blows = see what will most
probably happen next; discover what people are

~ ~-i cf:- L. ~ ~f :~)I ~ ~f l.r IS.J:!(,)

. rA~'Y: JY.: L. ~ : ~\.:JI ;lSJf &IS~ ( T)
2 - there is ·something in the wind = something being
prepared secretly.

:....r••• ~
&u;ll ~. fl ..u- ..(,,,$"" ~-
A . -J I ~. '(,,,$"" ~~ A

3 - to raise the wind = get money. • JL. ~ ~

~ - to sail close to the wind = nearly be dishonest.

0i ~- : ~~I ,:r ~~- .~ ~~ 0f : ~)I .r-l-:!
•Uz. ..;i ~ ..;f yJ ~_,i~I o~'l'I o.J:! W, ;u~I J! ~
5 - he took the wind out of my sails = did what I was
just going to do.
~111 ~.,.1.-' J-:.i'-' J-J~ ! ~r 0r -1:!) ~ t. ~ ~
. ~ ~ wt; : df 01 -1:!) ~ ~J.Jt
6 - to get the wind up = be afraid .
• ~.):! ! t~ ! ~b:
Wing -451 - Wing

7 - get wind of = hear news of.

. <~) J~r ~- ! <~> J~r 4t;
8 - suffering from wind = having wind in the stomach.
• o.WI J ~~ ~lj ~ ~ : t \A:.i')'I A.
9 - his talk is an wind = foolish, empty talk .
• 4iU. ~ (.Jf) t_Jli ~"j..J ~1
10 - wind instruments = musical instruments played
by blowing.
I ·a • ••
• -r.:" ~
4la....1y. ~IS
I'." :'II •• '-A--'I ~I ~~T
-- ._,.. •• C--

11 - to wind up a clock = turn round the handle of

a clock so as to make it go .
• L;:JT ;J.JJ ~ ~l:A.. .r..~ : ~WI ·~-
12 - to wind up a speech; to wind a business company
= to bring to an end .
. 4:¥:! ..sf : '-.).r ~ (,.) ~ ~,. _,f 4~ : ~ (t )
Wing 1 - on the wing = flying .
• ~lft. J ...t,:l:JI ~~ ~J ~b. : ~
2 - to take to itself wings = to fly away.
• ~• '.Jt:. •• 6.L:.a.• ..,,:---;.
... ..:'....-..! ! ~'
• ~·-

3 - to clip the wings of = to prevent a person from

doing as much as he wants to do .
• ~fl ..slll J.MJ4 J...-.1.1 ~ ~T ~ t:- ~t: oA..~ ~
4 - under the wing of = under the protection of.
. ~~ j ! ~~ J f .u1,r4 ! (~')\i) ....;;S" j
5 - the north wing of the house = that part built
out towards the north .
• -~ J~I ~IY- 1.5.l.JI .._r.ll : ~ _,f ~ <J4 : J~I e,~I
6 - the left wing of the army = the companies of
soldiers on the left.
,. t &

;-:!~I •.)-1 ~ w&l\....:i ~I ~~I : ~I ;,r .,.-:!~I e,~I

• o;J~I Jf '°:")-1 :U~ j ~ ~
Wink -452 - With

7 - to wing = hurt the wing of.

: :.~' ~: c_~l _,~L: ~_,.,;: (J~I c.~) ~
• ~~ ..J'..s. _,f _,j ~ .u..~ ~i er.:
8 - to wing one's way = go quickly; fly .
• ~.,,..JI_, ~I Jl o;~!: ~.}- J! ..--:.~ ! Ll.r- ~~
Wink 1 -- to wink at = to allow while pretending not to
allow .
• ~I;_,._, ~I~ ! ~.r.. ey. '-.if f.S"~ .:;-~ J, ~-'~
2 - fo1·ty winks :.:.: a short sleep.
• :i.4_,l, ..r.f- :;...._,; • 0~ ; _,.;..;.
Winter to winter in Egypt == to spend the winter in Egypt.
• ()\..!...) ~ j c.\:.!.JI ...;~ : ~ ·' ~
Wipe 1 - to wipe the floor with = to beat completely.
• '"'°;~'I": J.l:: ! u0;'9I ~ ~· ! ~~ 4~ Y ..~
2 -- to wipe out = to destroy; cause to have no mo1·e
( .S_,,i _,f "~) ;4 ~·~ ~ ( T) ! ~ f i~ ! }~ ( I)
• J.!.:! ! ~~

Wire 1 - a wh-e puller = one who controls matters by

going to great men secretly .
• )~(JI_, c.~I J! i~ c._,.#4 J-'"4~'1 j ~-! ,:r : ~~~
2 -- a li\'e wire = a wire with electricity in it .
. J4~ J W 4 s.r.: 15.All : ~_,-.!.11 ~H
Wise 1 - in any wiE1e = in any way.
, il:-:-.J ~~ , ~L,- 4.j, ~~ € J)a.ll ~~Le'.
2 - lengthwise = from end to end .
. ~ 4 J! (~) J_,i ;,;• ! _,a.T J! J_), .:.r
With 1 - I am with you == I agree with you.
. . ,.
• !l.>.::JI € .!41.; SJ I !
• 4 tJ j&.
2 - I am erltire)y with you =I agree with you ocm-
pleteJy. • ~)~ J.~ !l ~ U;f ! ;~ '-'~ .:J ~lit
Without - 453 - Wonder

3 - dying with thurst = dying because of thirst .

• ~ (-'i) lJ; (Jf) : Wi.JI .;_r ~~
Without that goes without saying == is so clear, so well known,
or well agreed, that there is no need to say it.

, ~~I _,j t_Y-lJI_, O"'_,JI '-'( : ePI-' (Ji) ~ (_,f) o_~ 1.l.
- . -' l u_,....
·•WI \_-::q J f ....,
;,~ ~ ~ 1 L. o..\..Jli
·- JI.. -~- ')
(:.. .d ~
Wits 1 - out of his wits = mad .• ;~I ~_,.Li... !._r~ !~~

2 - to keep one's wits about one = to be on the watch .

• o;~ ~ (.c...) o;.l... k~ ~ (~) ~ ! (.;_r) If~
3 - at my wit's end :;: very anxious and troubled.

. .r*P
t. :..';JI •...
kfJ ~
'.11~11 ~
•• t; ·• ol."· -
'r"° <.S.J.-.- :.L
.-.- c:

4 - live on one's wits = live by tricks and deceiving .

• ~1_, ~.)L.;J1 J:?~ si : ol,jw~_, ol_j°l&,.)Gc.c. : ~ ~
Wives an old wives talk = foolish and unbelievable sto1·y.
Gk. ~.l.,Aj' J-~ L. u-2il:.:JIJ :uµ.1 .:.r ~ : yiS::..ll ~ ~
Wolf 1 - 'to cry wolf ! = to wam of danger when there is
none .
. ~~fa..')_,, ..,.la.;.. ,:r J~ : ! ~lJI ! ~.>JI J~
2 - a wolf in sheep's clothing = a bad man p1·etend-
ing to be good in outward appearnnce .
• ....~ ~~ ;ta~ ..,_ ~J : J- ylA! J ~~
3 - keep the wolf from the door = with difficulty
get just enough food or money.
. £_, ~.c. JUI_, c,jill ~ J : ci~
4 - to wolf one's food = eat very quickly.
-~ ! ~w, ~ ! J..&._r. JS'~
w·oman : to play the woman = to show weakness.
~I _:.I._, AL:.
• JJ.r- ~

Wonder 1 - it is a wonde1· he's here = it is surprising

he is here .• ~ ~~ ~f ~ ~\:.A ol) ~i ~~ .i.i!
2 - I wonder who he is = I· wish to know who he is .
• ~ ~.rf wt .:iJf ! ~ ~ ~~i ~i ""uT
Wood - 454- Work

Wood : to be out of the wood = to be out of danger or difficulty.

. ~~ Ji ~ Ir ~ ! )b.. Ir ~
Wool 1 - to lose one's wool = get angry.

2 - to pull the wool over his eyes = deceive him .

. w~ ! ~~ ! 4-!.~
" •.

3 - much cry, little wool = much talk but little result .

':J.J ~l:LJ
,.-JS'•• (iJ~.,r--:
< : < :) :-L
,._r- ':J.J ~

4 - cotton-wool = the threads of the cotton plant .

• .til:Jf ! JaAJI 1~

5 - he has gone wool-gathering = he is thinking of

something else .
•9 A ~T ·~ J! ~.rz.i! ! ~T rl (~f) ·~ ~ ~ 4jl
Word 1 - the last word in a subject = newest and best.
. u-P_,... j J~ L. ~T ! ~~I J_,AJI
2 - to have wor·ds with = to quarrel.
. r--~ ! ~Jl...:! ! ~l:.:!
3 - eat one's words ~ say that one is sorry for what
one has said .
. ~.) Jli 4j~ ~~ 4j! J~ : ""! o_,.ij" l.F- )~
4 - receive word = get news.
. L;. ~- ! · •h ! ) La..~
j~i.s-: . I i_jl;

5 - keep one's word = keep one's promise .
• ""! ,js.J L. ~ ! ~ rfo. ! ·~Y- ~
6 - break one's word = break one's promise:
• •.1f.-J ~ ! .~.J ~
7 - The Word :::: teaching about God.
• U. ~I r-Jl.:.J I .' :i..J.S:J'
8 - to word = to express. . <r~~) ~
Work 1 - the works of Milton = books wdtten by Milton .
. ~~ J ~ L. ~ : 6L _,&-L!JI ~w_;..
Workhouse - 455 - Workmanship.

2 - iron work = things 111ade of iron .

• ~..l:!.lJ-1 u~~I

3 - the brick works = the place where bricks are

made • J~J ~,,l=JI 4 ~ ~.:UI j~I : ~~I ~
4 - the works of a clock = machine inside a clock .
• ~WI ~'ljT

5 - he has his work cut out he will have difficulty

in doing it. • 4=i 1-'+!- ~ ! u4~ A1f- <.i .U~\.,a:...

6 - the machine is not working = not moving; out

• of orde1·.

7 - he wor·ks one very hard = causes one to work

very hard .
• ~I J...a.JI ~ c.)1 ~!~!is f~ ~("~I~~) jl
8 -- to work-in a few words about Mr. S. = to brbg
into a speech .
. 4! ..r.-!-! ! (~ "':-'lk:.. j) v~ ~~1 (U')\;) ~
9 - work up a = busines~ build up; make success"1l.
~\; o~.r. : J.-JI ~ ("') ~_,_r... _,f y ~}.! (,)
10 - worked up_ = excited.

11 - to work out a plan = prepare thoroughly.

• ~ "i_;·i J:?> F"fl-' lv--J~-' ~ : ~ ·~
Workhouse: a place for homeless poor people in England.
LJ:!.lJI ~_,.....i...11 ~WI 4! ~ : l~I <.i : ~~I ~
• ~~~'lj
Workmanlike : well made.
Workmanship : 1 - of good workmanship :-::. well made.
• tlj'il ~ ! 4&.\;...&JI i:.r--
2 - of my own workmanship = made by me .
• ~l)!Jf ~ ,:ry.: ~;l ! ~
Workshop - 456 - Worry

Workshop a building in which people make or repair things,

especially machines.

• ~')\,ol Jf c.WS'I ( .01 t L:.,o 4J i~ ~.l.11 ~I : ~;.,JI

~~~.' ~~_,
World 1 -- the world of school.
L1.UI r4 ~_,...~ ~.l.JI if~~I ;-~ : :L..;J.11 1.J~
. 4. ~~ ~lJI ~)\..:JI_,
2 - the animal world .
• ~J~J~l.r~.a.f'" ~ ~l~.U--if;~I j L. J):~l~I r~
3 - for all the world like = exactly like.
• ~~ (Ji) ~~lk.:... t.r! : J~

4 - the next world = life after .death; heaven .
• ~_,11 ~ Jt· ;;~ d u-WI Lt.~ : c.l-11 ~ ~ ;_,:a. 91 r
Worm 1 - he is a little worm = has no strength of char-
·~ . !. A 11 l-· ·' __ ;~11
acter. • ~ i..r-· ~ .r·~ .' uajj.I .
. 4-i •I

2 - worm one's way in = to enter slowly and secretly .

• ~l!.l,~~~: ~
Worn 1 - worn out = used so much as to be useless.
. ~I J.ili ~f i.r 1J.-~-I : ~;-,ti
2 - looking very worn ;:= tired.
• W
. ~1.-. r - '.1L: .

Worry 1 - the dog worried the rat = seized the rat and
shook it thoroughly .
.,;k4 "'-c_y:l_, .J WI ~<.JI_ ci-1 : J~ : l..A.A; ~1_, ~ ~-f
• ~IJ
2 - he worried me by keeping on asking question =
troubled me by ...
• ~1;s1 ! ~i !-~'.r. ~~ ! ~T ! ~-;.1 ;;~ ~jl
3 - I am worried about the future = I am anxious
about the futu1·e.
4 ~_,;1_, ~! J..k..· ~ : ~- ! y~' ~ JU J! : J~
• Tc._,. .
Worst - 457 ~ Wrap

Worst if the worst comes to the ·worst = if things become as

bad as possible.
~ 6~1_, ,_,_JI & Jl~~I ~ I~!! Jt~~I ..:;.,,L 1~1

Worth e 1 - worth seeing = good enough to be seen; which

should be seen.
! o1jJ '-:-'lA.:UI ~ 1.SJL-:! ! 1.S_r.. ~f ~ ( 1)
• ,)I ol_r. ~j ~ ! 1.S~ ~i ~( r)

2 - worth the trouble; worth while = worth the work

or money needed.
~- ~ ~ J . . (,..a~ L 1.5.J~ 15i : JUI_, ~I tf- IS.):':
. JL ;,r 4J ~ LJ

3 - what h~ he worth ? == how much money has he got ?

~ 4UI ~J.>.i_ ~ L '! JUI ~ o~ ~

4 - the game is not worth the candle = the work costs

too much and will bring in too little gain.
~.J- Ll ~~f JUI 0"' -~ -.;f .sf : 4.A..a.·JI .sjl~ '-:; J...-.ll ~!
• ~...JI 0-4 ;J..~

Worthy a worthy = a well-known person of very good character.

• i]-:A;.. ~I ~~I t'~ ~ J· JU: : .;..u.!I d~
Would-be a would-be poet = a pe1·son who wishes to be, or aims·
at being a poet.
~ ~1 ,~I ~I ~...:.i
'-. - '..;;r- i...:.
• J
,Jw- ...,--- • i.£.Lz
- -- • .r ~!Jo'~- ~i JJ~~
• i_;'L.:

Wound to wound the feelings to cause pain in the mind,

· e.g. by cruel words.
(,.Ju,J 1_, J_,-..!.l I j lJ.J ~~ • l.74'_,...l:JI <.S~j.! ! ;~I ,,..ff
• i!.U~ .A- _,f :i..;~ ~~~
Wrap wrapped up in his work = interested in it and in no·
thing else .
.......Z~~ ~- -.;f ~ yl:-(JI ~ ~ i..:-C.... • "'11- j J~
• o~
Wreak -458 - Wrong

Wreak to wreak vengeance on = to do harm to a person as

punishment for. harm done.
. .t;J ..r ~ ~ w.· is._,.... ~4 J~ : ,,;-jl

Wrest 1 - wrested the sword from him = I pulled away the

sword from him.

2 - to wrest a bare living from the soil = by hard

work get just enough to live· on .
. J,i ~ J.,- ~ Jl.1-~I J~ tl&f
- Wright a ship-wright = a ship builder or repairer .
• ui-JI _,j~ : ~ylL..JI ~: ~LWI ! ~ _,f ui-JI ~t._,
Wring 1 - to wring clothes = to twist clothes so as to get
the water out.
... UI ~if-~: ~)UI ~
2 - to wring one's hands = to show great sorrow.
• ~.J---" L.u : 4:!-4 .!l ~
Wringer a machine for pressing water out of the clothes .
• ~ s.UI ~1).1_, .U~I l.1... f)\ll ~ ;bf (r-!l~)J~I
Wrinkle a wrinkle =a usefu I piece of advice. u··
.- ~.
Writ :: Holy Writ = the Bible. • ~~I
Write : 1 - write off = decide that a thing is of no value.
• ~I i-'~ ~4 ·~ J&. ~
2 - write ·up = to give a full account of; to praise,
e.g. in a newspaper.
<i • ~ l -l.Qj' ~~L - ! ~
. ( )
l$"' v:- . . Jfi. '
. (~ J) J;~ f 'C.~- (,.)
Wrong 1 - to get hold of the wrong end of the stick = to
think just the opposite of what is correct.
~ ~ ;_,>:J ~ ~W~I '-'~ ~f : ~I ~ J! ~~
• ~I _,f ~.,_ll ;_,.<:AJI
2 - she did him wrong = did harm to him .
. ~! ~ .. lJ f _.;.)f ! ~ ~..,..of .J.AJ
Wry -459 ~ Yellow

3 - put me in the wrong make. it seem as if it

was my fa ult .
• ~.ill
. .J i"i..r-
t..:J1 ~ .Y
-' ~ -t:J is-:-
., __ •• ~I IJ" .
U ~._J.11
Wry 1 - wry mouthed = having the mouth pulled to one
side .
. G~ _,r ~: ~~' .J.a.f ~.......; ;.;~, : ~AJ' ...;~
2 - to make a-wry face = to show great dislike, e.g.
of a very bitter drink.
~4..:-'l_r er : jlJ,-!'11.Jf if~'lll ~ : ~_,JI J-:.L.. ~
. ( )\..!..) .u.fa.: .r

Yard 1 - yard-arm = one end of a yard .

• ~l_;kf _,f ~4~ ~~l : al.:.All ~~
2 - a builder's yard = the space in which ~ builder
carries on his work.
• J I~. t..lil.. ... l:.i• I-r.
. .: u---:. -,, :iiWI ••
'--· 1..5' c.~I
• ~-~

Yawn a yawning schasm = a wide open deep crack in the

ground. • d';~I j ~ ~ J~ : t4JI
Year 1 - reach years of discretion = reach that age at
which one ought to be wise.
~ tSlll ..,..-JI rJ' J.J.l..11 4.!.11~ : ~I .:.,- (.Jf) ,L;)I .:.,- ~
. ~.rJ ~,;.1 '-J JA-.:! ~i
2 -- year in year out = going on year after year .
. J~ ~ '1~ ! ~~ .lA! L~

YelJow 1 - he's yellow == not brave .

• ~_;..Jt ~,;I~ ~!: J~
2 - the yellow press = newspapers made especially
exciting to work· upon the lower feelings of the
public .
-11 c.W~I
(.$'" -
IJJ. .-.·-
·11 ~I •.~
: -11 ~I
• ul.J. h r~ V" )~~ j L. r
Yeoman --- 460 - Young

Yeoman yeoD)an of the g\l~rd = member of the company of

soldiers who live in the Tower of London.
U- j ~~I 4UI 0-4 l.S~ : ·~fl.I '-"'.)-1 0-4 ! ~fl.I
• 1~4 ~J.:J

Yet 1 - while there is yet time = before it is too late .

• :i.,o_;JI t~ ~L:i ! ..:..;_,JI ul_,i ~

2 - yet more = even more than this. • ~.) 0-4 _;s-f_,

Yield 1 - the land yields large crops = large crops are
grown onthe land. •
~"':}~ [ -t; _,f ~Ji JZ ~;~I ~l ~ ! A ! ~
• o.J'.:!.J
2 - we yielded the town to the enemy = handed it
up to the enemy. • J.WI J! ~J.l.I l.:..J-
3 - the enemy yielded after a long battle = ran away.
• '-L~ :iS"~ ~ (,,.... (.Jf) J.>....ll ~

4 - the door yielded to a strong push = opened .

• ~I o..l!J ~ ~L:JI ~!

5 - I yield to none in my love for him = no one loves

him more than I do.
~' ! .L..J ~ J ~ ') : ~i Ll .;.s-r ~ .L..i LJ-4 ~
• '5./'f- J...l ~ "':} ~
6 - the yield = the amount or gain produced .
• ;~t; LJ-4 Jr ~ ~ ~ 'lf : ~I .! ~)I
Yoke 1 - to pass under the yoke = to be beaten in battle .
. :u-_,. . . j i~
2 - the yoke. of a dress = part which lies on the
shoulders .• u:_A)I i.:;_,; ~_,..~ <.Slll .1.))1 ..~ : ~")\AJI
Young 1 - we need young blood = need some younger per-
sons in our group.
C9'f': <.S~ ~Ip <.SJ.) ~~ J! ~~ l.Sj : ~'-:-!JI i~ J! C~
• b~
Youtll -461 - Zodiac

2 - the night is young = it is not late .

• ~yl ~ ;~ t c.Sj: ~~I Jl_r. ~: IJ..J~ ~1) ~

Youth the youth of (to-day) = young men or women of to-day.

• L. ~ j ~_,!..!l.01 0~1 : ~I y~

Zenith the zenith of fame = the highest point reached .
• o.;r!.J ~ i;r ~W! ~ L. ~j : ~I W
Zest 1 - to add zest to = to make more interesting, more
pleasing and exciting.
• 4.b. _,f ~ _,i er ~ ~ 1:.A L. J!:~ (Jl > ~~
2 - to enter into the work with zest = to enter i:lto
the work with eager enjoyment.
~~I ~'~4 i.)~ 4 ~4 ~1: "'-!-;J cJ"~ J.-.ll JJI.:-:!
• yl....,a.J~

Zodiac the signs of Zodiac figures dra'wn on the twelve

parts of the plan of the sky, from which signs each
part takes its name.
~ i:.~_JS" ~ ~~, .µ1 o}I.) J.' f""_; J.J-P :~..:,~1 ;~
• ~_,_).I 01_,....JI i--1 p ~~I ~l~f


P. 21 : read Artery for Agree

., 24 " Attract for Attitude (2).
" 60 " Cabar.et for Calibre (I).
20, A•l1 Pad& Str•t
Telepla. 54692
~' .J'...J
. :i. u ~- .) -


t;!.J 1;J:.!..'..\'\ 4.~ .

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