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Republic of the Philippines

Region V

Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing Skills-Grade 11

June 16, 2021

At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able to:
1. Identifies claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text. EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6
2. Distinguish the explicit from implicit information.
3. Write a short message using explicit and implicit information.

Topic: Explicit and Implicit Information.
Subject: Reading and Writing Skills
Reference: Reading and Writing Skills for Senior High School Students Mutya K-12 Compliant, Maria
Teresa M. Antonio, page 67-68.
Skills: Critical Thinking and Reading Skills
Materials: Laptop, PPT, Visual Aids, work sheets, assessment sheets, Manila paper, marker and pen.
Values: Cooperation and Friendship
Teaching Strategy: 4A’s (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)


Time Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity IM’s

10 Routinary Activities:
mins. a. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you? We’re good ma’am!

b. Opening Prayer Before we begin our day, let’s stand (Students will stand and pray)
and feel the presence of the Lord.
May I ask __________ to lead the
prayer? Let us pray, Our Father…
c. Classroom
Management Before you take your seats, kindly
arranged your chairs and pick up the (students pick-up the pieces of dirt, align
pieces of dirt on the floor, people at their chairs and filled the vacant chairs in
the back please occupy the vacant front)
seats in front.

d. Checking of Class Beadle, are there any absentees

Attendance today? Yes ma’am, there are.
Please write the name of absentees
today on a ¼ sheet of paper and hand
it to me before we end our
Yes ma’am.
e. Checking of Did I give you an assignment last
Assignment meeting?
No ma’am.
f. Recall Okay since we don’t have any
assignment who can recapitulate the
last topic that we discussed?
Yes __________.

Ma’am the last topic that we discussed

Wow! It is so good that you can still was about the critical reading strategies.
How many critical reading strategies
do we have?

Ma’am we have 12 types of critical

reading strategies.
Now I want you to group yourselves
g. Motivation into 2 groups and look at this picture
on the board, and write at least one
sentence on each picture about it on PPT/
a sheet of Cartolina. Cartolina

(students will
look at to
those pictures
and will write PPT/
sentences about Cartolina
it. Their output will be pasted on the

Ma’am we observed that there is

information in the text.

So what did you observe from doing

your task a while ago?

Very good! There is information for

the reader to be seen.
From those information’s given with
these 10 sentences that you wrote per
group you will identify each
sentences if it is an explicit or (The students will answer individually.)
h. Pre-Test implicit one. Yes, ma’am.
Write your answers on a sheet of

Pass your papers forward. Later we
will know if your answers are

So now I know you already have the

hint on what we will discuss for

i. Presentation of It is about the Explicit and Implicit At the end of the discussion, the learners
the Lesson Information will be able to:
1. Identifies claims explicitly or
Can you please read our lesson implicitly made in a written text.
objectives for today? 2. Distinguish the explicit and
Everybody read it. implicit information.
3. Write a short message using the
j. Presentation of explicit and implicit information.
the Lesson
25 Lesson Proper: Paper
mins. 1. Activity Let’s have an activity. and Pen
I will group you into 2 groups. Each (students will listen to the teachers
group will have to find the explicit instruction)
and implicit information on the text
given. Write your answers on a sheet
of paper. And if you’re group is
already done choose one
representative to present your work.

Are you done? (students do their task)

So let’s here the presentation of each
group. Yes ma’am.
Let’s start with group 1.
Thank You Group 1.
Let’s have the group 2. (group 1 will present their work)
Very good, Group 2.
(group 2 will present their work)
Thank you so much for all the
groups who presented their work.

So now, what did you observe from

the activity that you have?

2. Analysis Ma’am we observed that we need each

What else did you observe? other to find an answer for the given

Ma’am we observe that it is really hard

to find the explicit information if you
Thank you, that’s a good don’t have any idea about it.

Now, let’s dig deeper and discover

what is explicit and implicit
information was.
So from your answers on the activity PPT/
3. Abstraction that you have can you please Cartolina
describe what an explicit information /Manila
is? Paper
Ma’am an explicit information is when
an idea or information is fully revealed
Wow! That’s correct. on a text.
Explicit information it is when an
idea or information is stated on a
How about implicit information?

Ma’am implicit information is the

opposite of explicit; it is when an idea is
Very good! not openly stated in the text.
Implicit information is just suggested
or implied. It is the hidden meaning
of the text.
So now, who can give me an
example of explicit and implicit
information from the text that you
have read a while ago. Let’s check
your answers if it is correct or not.

Wow! What an excellent answer.

Any questions or clarifications? (students answers may vary)
Did you understand the lesson?

Let’s check your learning’s if you None ma’am.

already have understood our lesson
for today. Yes ma’am.
I have here worksheets that you need
to answer.
Distinguish the explicit and implicit
information on the given text.

4. Application Letter to His Father

By: Franz Kafra Work-
Dear Father: sheets
You asked me recently why I (the students will do their task)
maintain that I am afraid of you. As
usual I was unable to think of any to
answer your questions, partly
because an explanation of the
grounds for this fear would mean
going into far more details that I
could even approximately keep in
mind while talking. And if I now try
to give you an answer in writing, it
will still be very incomplete, because
even in writing this fear and its
consequences hamper me in relation
to you and because the magnitude of
the subject goes far beyond the scope
of my memory and power of
Write your answers in your
Are you finished?
And now let’s check your answers.
(The teacher will check their

Yes ma’am.

5 Generalization: Did you learn something today?

mins. Yes ma’am.
Anyone who can again define
explicit and implicit information?

Ma’am explicit information is when the

idea is fully revealed while implicit
information is when the idea is not
Very well said! revealed it is just implied.
Now I want you to get ½ crosswise
to answer the given questions for
your assessment. Are you ready?
You will have ten minutes to do it. (students listen to the teacher)
Time starts now. Yes ma’am.

A. Write a short message to your loved ones using the explicit and implicit information on a ½

1. Read the passage on your book page 71, and then identify atleast 3 explicit and 3 implicit
2. What is a claim?
3. What are the three types of claims?
Note: Write your answers on your notebook.
Prepared by: Noted: Approved:


Teacher Head Teacher I School Head

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