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Beyond the Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea

Lesson Title Reviewing the Distributive Property

Content Area College Readiness

Content Standards CRM.MM.1.1: Students should be provided with opportunities to learn

mathematics in the context of real-life problems

Technology 1.5.a- Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted

Standards methods such as data analysis, abstract models, and algorithmic thinking in
exploring and finding solutions

Integrated Students will be able to access Quizziz on their own personal devices at school
Technology and at home. If students do not have access to a device, then they will have time
to work on their project at school.
Reference or

Bloom’s Taxonomy For this project, students are required to take what they have learned in the past
Levels couple weeks and apply it to their own creativity. They will be creating an
assessment using Quizziz that will incorporate evaluating their own questions
that they come up with. Students will also have to understand the content.
Integration Level
Level 3- Infusion: Just like with the Basic Productivity project, students will have
to create a quiz using Quizziz that will be given to their peers. Students will
have free range to come up with their own questions that relate to the material
that they have been learning. This project will be done individually but will be
shared with the whole class.

Universal Design Students have just completed the Distributive Property Lesson, however, since
Rationale we cannot move on to our next content without having mastered the distributive
property, I implemented a final form of assessment. This assessment is quick
and easy but will show me that each student individually understands the
distributive property. Students will be able to access Quizziz on any device at
home or at school. I will provide one class period for students to work on this
assignment so that if students do not have access to a device at home, they
have equal time to complete the project.
Lesson Idea The past week my students have been working on mastering the distributive
property. I have incorporated multiple forms of assessments throughout this
unit. My final assessment that I will give is an opportunity for students to create
their own quiz using BBPT Quizziz that will be given to the whole class to
complete. Students will have to create their own quiz individually and complete
one quiz from their peers. If they complete more than one of their peers quiz,
then they will get bonus points. This should take a total of one class period, but I
will allow them to work on it at home and turn it in the following day for extra

I will look at each individual quiz and make sure that the answers are correct, but
this is an opportunity for students to correct each other and give constructive
feedback to their peers. This provides differentiation as students will be able to
be assessed on their knowledge but also assess their friends. I will provide
additional feedback to my students on top of the critique that their peers have
given each other. After this assessment, we will be able to move on to new
properties and use the foundation of the distributive property

Design Reflection I think that this final assessment of the distributive property is a different way to
see that my students have mastered this material. Allowing the students to
control the creation of their own quiz implements a fun way for students to show
what they have learned. I also love the idea that students will be graded by their
own peers. If you don’t understand the material, then you can’t grade anything
so this forces the students to really show what they have learned so they can
provide accurate feedback to their classmates. Like I said in the last lesson
plan, formative assessment can be in implemented in many different forms but
allowing students to create their own quiz, complete the products of their peers,
and provide additional feedback truly shows the mastering of the content that
they have been learning.

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