Support Reactions Notes Week 2

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Support Reactions 4.1-4.

Conditions for rigid body equilibrium

If the resultant force equals zero, it is said that the body is in equilibrium, which means it is at rest or
will move with constant velocity.

Support Reactions
A support prevents the translation of a body by exerting a force on the body. A support prevents the
rotation of a body by exerting a couple moment on the body.

A characteristic that defines the “elasticity” of a
spring is the spring constant or stiffness k.
Specifically, the magnitude of force developed by
a linear elastic spring which has a stiffness k, and
is deformed (elongated or compressed) a
distance s measured from its unloaded position:
F = ks

Two Force Members

A two-force member has forces applied at only two points on the member. For any two-force
member to be in equilibrium, the two forces acting on the member must have the same magnitude,
act in opposite directions, and have the same line of action, directed along the line joining the two
points where these forces act.

Three Force Members

If a member is subjected to only three forces, it is called a
three-force member. Moment equilibrium can be satisfied only
if the three forces form a concurrent or parallel force system

Vector Equations of Equilibrium

The two conditions for equilibrium of a rigid body may be expressed mathematically in vector form
Scalar Equations of Equilibrium
If all the external forces and couple moments are expressed in Cartesian vector form, we have:

These equations are satisfied provided, and

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