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1. Vocabulario. Completa las siguientes oraciones con la palabra adecuada.

Usa AND / OR / BUT

1. Tom cleaned his bedroom __________ he watched television.
2. Susan cooked dinner __________ she didn’t eat it.
3. I went to the shop __________ I didn’t buy anything.
4. Did you go to the cinema __________ did you read a book?
5. Mark cleaned the house __________ he didn´t make dinner.
6. Do you play football __________ do you go running?

2. Rodea el VERBO MODAL adecuado en cada caso

A) My mother suggests that I shouldn’t / should / mustn’t smoke. It’s very bad for my health.
B) The students can / must / mustn’t obey their teacher.
C) You may not / shouldn’t / mustn’t park here. It’s not permitted!
D) Can / Must / Should you tell me where the nearest supermarket is, please?
E) This boy mays / may not / may pass the exam. He studies a lot.
F) You shouldn´t/ should/ must eat fruit and vegetables. It´s good for your health.
G) Look! The traffic light is red. You shouldn´t/ mustn´t/ must. It´s not permitted!
H) Should/Can/Shouldn´t you help me, please?

3. Completa con la forma correcta de VOZ PASIVA .

A) Today, many cars ____________________(buy) in Europe [Voz Pasiva Presente] (+)
B) The girls ___________________(invite) by their friends yesterday (+) [Voz Pasiva Pasado]
C) Vegetables ___________________ (not eat) by the children [Voz Pasiva Presente] (X)
D) That church ____________________ (build) in 1978. [Voz Pasiva Presente] (+)
E) __________this flat___________ (clean) everyday? [Voz Pasiva Presente]
F) A cake _____________________(make) yesterday. [Voz Pasiva Pasado] (+)

4. Transforma las siguientes oraciones activas a VOZ PASIVA

1. My mother makes paella on Sundays. 

Paella …
2. They wrote this book in 2004. 
This book …
3. Susan cleans the windows twice a week. 
The windows…
4. Sam sold an old printer. 
An old printer …
5. My parents bought a new TV. 
A new TV …
5. Formula preguntas para las respuestas propuestas. Utiliza los PRONOMBRES
INTERROGATIVOS para comenzar cada pregunta y presta atención a la parte subrayada
en cada oración.

A) Jennifer bought a car last week.


B) Hellen works in Brussels.


C) You want to buy a new house.


D) Rose is always very happy.


E) You’re studying hard because the exam is very difficult.


F) Susan visited Mary last Sunday

F) _________________________________________________

G) The fire started at 3:00

G) _________________________________________________

H) She made the cake because it was her birthday.

H) ________________________________________________

6. Completa cada pregunta con el PRONOMBRE INTERROGATIVO apropiado .

1. __________ are those people who are sitting there? They’re your new friends.
2. __________ is Madrid from Toledo? It’s about 40 miles.
3. __________ did you put your glasses? They were in my bag.
4. __________ is that jacket? It’s 45 euros.
5. __________ does she go running? Four times a week.
6. ___________ does Peter live? He lives in Madrid.
7. ___________is Villacañas and Lillo? Quite near.
8. ____________ do you eat fish? Twice a week
9. ______________ is that girl? She´s my next door neighbour.

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