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Quickly develop

predictive models using

business expertise and

deploy them to every

point of decision making

Manage the future
by building data mining into your business
A flood of data continually flows through your organization as the result of your day-to-day
operations. This information holds, and often hides, the valuable experience of your organization’s
past. Leading organizations are building data mining into their operations as a business process
of continuous improvement — turning their daily flow of data into better business results.

The basic idea behind data mining as a business process isn’t Clementine is a data mining workbench that enables you to quickly
new. It’s simply automating the age-old process of learning from develop predictive models using business expertise and put them to
experience to make better decisions about the future. The only work to improve decision making. Clementine is widely regarded as
difference is that now the flood of data though most organizations — the leading data mining workbench because it delivers the maximum
often terabytes of data — makes enterprise-strength analytics return on your data investment in the minimum amount of time.
essential. Clementine makes it possible to capitalize on all of the Unlike other data mining workbenches, which fail to truly support
data available in your organization through data mining to improve the entire business process of data mining and just focus on models
the way you manage of the future. for enhancing performance — Clementine supports the entire data
mining process for generating maximum returns in minimum time.

Leading organizations use Clementine data mining to improve business results

HSBC Bank USA increased sales Jubii realized a 30 to 50 percent increase

by 50 percent in click-through rates
Win the right customers cost effectively by answering Streamline Web sites to maximize profitability by
questions such as “Which prospects are most likely to answering questions such as “Which clickstream is most
become profitable customers?” HSBC Bank USA used likely to lead to a sale?” Jubii — Denmark’s most popular
Clementine to increase sales by 50 percent and reduce Internet portal — used Clementine to provide customers
marketing costs by 30 percent through better targeting. with a 30 to 50 percent increase in click-through rates,
thereby increasing media buying by 10 to 15 percent.

Sofmap boosted profits by 300 percent

Grow customer relationships by answering questions GUS Home Shopping improved forecasts
such as “What will this customer want next?” Sofmap — and projected millions in savings
a leading computer retailer in Japan — used Clementine Forecast sales or service usage and apply resources
to build a predictive recommendation engine for their where they’re most needed, answering questions such
Web site and increased profits by 300 percent. as “How much will it cost to deliver this service in the
next month?” GUS Home shopping, the U.K.’s second
largest general retailer, improved forecasts for a projected
Banco Espirito Santo reduced attrition 3.8 percent savings over the previous season. That 3.8
by 15 to 20 percent percent represented millions in savings.
Keep the right customers longer by answering questions
such as “What will it take to save this customer?” Banco
Espirito Santo used Clementine to reduce attrition by 15 Solve a wide range of other problems using data and
to 20 percent and increase profits by 10 to 20 percent. business expertise.
Improve solutions with text mining
To make the best possible decisions, you must
analyze all of the available data that applies to your
business problem. This includes structured data,
such as transactions, and unstructured information,
such as collections of documents or text strings in
a database. Clementine provides direct access to
LexiQuest linguistics-based text mining technology
for rapidly analyzing unstructured information. Those
new insights are further analyzed in Clementine’s
structured data mining environment for complete
analysis. You create more accurate predictive intelligence
by analyzing critical data from all available sources.
It’s estimated that 80 percent of data in organizations are unstructured
And make better decisions because they are based information, such as Web pages, e-mails and other documents.
on the most thorough analysis. Mining this data along with structured information like customer
and transactional data gives you the big-picture view needed to
create the most accurate predictive intelligence.

Broad analytics produce the best results CRISP-DM makes data mining a business process
To solve business problems, your organization must use many types To help companies focus data mining technology on business problem
of data in many different ways. Different tasks and different data types solving, SPSS and a global consortium of organizations involved in
require different analytical techniques. Clementine provides you with data mining developed the CRoss-Industry Standard Process for Data
the best and broadest range of analytics available to ensure that you Mining (CRISP-DM). Unlike data mining methodologies that focus
have the analytical techniques you need to get the best results and on technology, CRISP-DM makes data mining a business process that
tackle business problems as they arise. Even if opportunities for maps business goals to data mining goals. Now the de facto industry
improving your business are hidden deep within massive datasets with standard, a recent poll shows that over 50 percent of data miners use
millions of rows — Clementine scales the entire data mining process CRISP-DM as their process for mining data. Clementine is designed
to the size of your challenge so you can quickly solve your problem. to support the CRISP-DM process at every step to help you avoid
common mistakes and create the focused predictive intelligence
needed to solve the problem at hand quickly.

Get better results with application best

practice templates
understanding understanding Get better results from your data mining projects using Clementine
Application Templates (CATs). These templates follow the industry-
standard CRISP-DM methodology for data mining and use real-world
application experience, so you can be confident that your project will
preparation benefit from a proven methodology and best practices.
Deployment Data
Available best practice templates include:
■ CRM CAT † — targeted customer acquisition and growth, improve

response rates and reduce attrition

■ Web mining CAT † — clickstream analysis and visitor behavior

■ Telco CAT † — customer retention and cross-selling

■ Crime CAT * — analyze crime and offender characteristics to

Evaluation locate incident hotspots and link related crimes

■ Fraud CAT * — detect fraud and suspicious anomalies in financial

transactions and claims

■ Microarray CAT * — find patterns of genes related to diseases

The CRISP-DM method makes data mining a business process by focusing data and treatment
mining technology on your specific business goals. The process begins with an
understanding of your business goals and ends with deployment of data mining †
Included with Clementine
results to improve decision making and produce business results. *
Available as a Clementine add-on module
Maximize returns
by deploying dynamic predictive intelligence
to every point of decision making
Opportunities for improving your business are occurring at points Capitalize every point of decision making
throughout your organization at this very moment. But if you aren’t Clementine has the wide range of deployment options you need to put
using dynamic predictive intelligence throughout your organization predictive intelligence to work where it can generate maximum returns.
to make better decisions and seize these opportunities — you aren’t Clementine enables you to deploy predictive intelligence in two ways —
going to solve your business problem effectively and maximize returns deployment to decision makers and deployment to systems.
from your investment in data. If you don’t put the predictive business
intelligence created through data mining to work, you won’t see Clementine helps you deploy intelligence to decision makers so they
significant returns. It’s that simple. By adopting the business process can plan better strategies. And Clementine helps you deploy “automated”
of data mining and deploying dynamic predictive intelligence — you decisions from those strategies to systems — such as your call center
can seize these opportunities in real time. or Web site — to ensure that every point of decision making is focused
on your business goal. When every point of decision making is focused
on solving your business problem, you are truly getting the maximum
return on your investment on data.

Here’s an example of predictive intelligence deployed to a call center application. The call center rep has all of the predictive intelligence needed to have the best chance
of keeping this customer happy and driving lifetime value. The rep knows the customer’s lifetime value (1), their risk of churning (2) and the recommendation most likely
to keep the customer happy (3). That recommendation can even be refined in real-time — while the representative is talking to the customer — by conducting a brief
“needs assessment” survey. The rep then feeds that survey data into the call center application, and a new recommendation is generated based on the predictive model.

Dynamic intelligence moves at the speed
of change Standard Life secured £33 million
Your business is constantly changing. So too must business intelligence
that is meant to improve the future of your business. The business
worth of mortgage revenue
process of data mining is more than just simply creating models. There Situation
are a number of steps in the business process of creating predictive
Standard Life is one of the world’s leading mutual
intelligence — including data access and transformation, the applica-
tion of multiple models and the generation of recommendations based financial services companies. Its mutual status is
on model predictions. Clementine Solution Publisher deploys the entire a key factor in its success. This status brings many
data mining business process for “dynamic” predictive intelligence — benefits, the chief one being that there are no
meaning the intelligence is adaptable to the changes in your business. shareholders to satisfy, only customers. All the
firm’s actions are therefore driven by the need to
Decision makers “close the loop” of solving problems by sharing
benefit its customers.
results with analysts to improve the solution on a continual basis.
Once a data mining solution is deployed, the analysts monitor the
effectiveness of the solution on new data from the field. Then, they Critical issue
quickly and easily refine the data mining process to increase the Standard Life Bank launched its Freestyle Mortgage
solution’s effectiveness. Clementine Solution Publisher is the only product in January 1999. In recent months, a number
data mining product that empowers organizations to quickly update of similar products have appeared from rival providers
the entire data mining process — keeping the solution on track by
making it essential that Standard Life Bank both
re-deploying solutions to every point of decision making.
consolidate and continue to expand its share of the
Deployment of the entire data mining process mortgage market. A major part of the project was to
keeps costs low develop models that could identify customer charac-
Clementine Solution Publisher’s ability to export all processing steps teristics relevant to any mortgage product. Donald
means your organization realizes significant time and cost savings for MacDonald, customer data analyst at Standard Life
deployment over the long run. Clementine enables you to export more
further explains, “Our vision was to increase both
of your solution automatically, so you cost-effectively deliver data mining
results — and update them as your business changes. If only a model the speed at which we build our models and the
were exported, you would have to spend the time and money to sophistication of those same models. This ultimately
reprogram the solution manually. The costs of updating would pile leads to improved customer communications as well
up over time and reduce your ability to respond quickly to changes as greater returns on the bottom line.”
in your business.
With Clementine, Standard Life created a predictive

model for the remortgage offer showing the types of
These days, people want to be clients attracted to this product. The model allowed
the bank to focus its efforts on the best prospects
able to use the results of their for the remortgage product and create scores for
each customer. These scores enabled them to achieve
analysis on the front lines of more targeted direct mail and to score prospects
with similar characteristics accessing the Web site.
their business, not just read
about them in a dusty report. ■ Achieved with the model, a nine times greater
Clementine Solution Publisher response than that achieved by the control group
■ Secured £33million (approx. $47 million) worth of
enables you to turn the findings mortgage application revenue

from predictive models into
– David Pihlens
Managing Partner
Commetrix 5
Minimize time
to solution with the most productive
data mining workbench available
Data mining with Clementine is a business process designed to Clementine’s wide range of data visualization techniques also
minimize the time it takes to find solutions to business problems. accelerate progress toward a solution by helping you understand
Clementine’s powerful visual interface — combined with time-saving key relationships in your data and guiding the way to the best results.
process support tools — enables you to use business expertise to Explore multi-dimensional data with 3-D, panel, animation and other
quickly interact with your data and discover solutions in the shortest types of data visualization. Spot characteristics and patterns at a
amount of time possible. Clementine supports the full data mining glance with Clementine’s interactive graphs. Then “query by mouse”
process, including data access, transformations, modeling, evaluation to explore these patterns by selecting subsets of data or deriving new
and deployment. Clementine not only supports the entire data mining variables on the fly from discoveries made within the graph.
process from beginning to end, it supports the industry standard
process — CRISP-DM. Unparalleled analytics produce the best
results possible
Quickly discover solutions using business Clementine enables you to interactively mine your data with a
expertise comprehensive set of powerful modeling techniques to help you
The interactive, visual approach to data mining is the key to Clementine’s find the best result in the shortest amount of time. Effective data
ability to minimize time to solution. You search for a solution to your mining takes more than one algorithm or technique. Different
business problem by creating and interacting with a stream — a visual business problems and different data types requires different
map of the entire data mining business process — which your data techniques. To find the best solution to your problem, you need
flows through. This visual approach makes it easy to see every step in a range of techniques to choose from. Clementine offers an unparalleled
the process clearly — and enables you to use business expertise to breadth and depth of techniques. Other optional analytics — which
quickly explore hunches or ideas by interacting with the stream. easily “plug into” Clementine — are also available from outside
vendors through the Clementine Plus Partner Program. With this
open design, you can even plug your own applications into Clementine
and use a single, productive workbench for all your analysis.

Clementine’s visual approach makes it easy to see and interact with every step in
the business process of data mining — from accessing data wherever it resides to
deploying results to the point of decision making.

Clementine visual data mining makes “train-of-thought” analysis

possible so you focus on solving problems rather than performing Discover which model provides the best solution by quickly building multiple models
technical tasks, such as writing code. This visual approach enables and evaluating them in graphs such as this one. See at a glance which model has the
best predictive accuracy — in this graph, the model with the most lift represented by
you to quickly add your business knowledge — the key to successful the yellow line.
data mining — to the process of finding a solution. Other data mining
workbenches force you to stop and write code — breaking your train
of thought and dramatically slowing your progress toward a solution.

Computer retailer Sofmap increased sales by 18 percent
Situation Solution
Sofmap Company, Ltd., Tokyo, is one of Japan’s top Sofmap used SPSS Inc.’s Clementine data mining
personal computer and software retailers with 40 solution to build an engine that recommends
retail stores located throughout the country. appropriate products based on customers’ profile,
which is based on information gathered during
Critical issue the online registration process and from past
Sofmap managers believed that many of their transactions.
customers had difficulty making hardware and
software purchasing decisions, which was hindering Results
online sales. ■ Page views increased 67 percent per month after
recommendation engine went live
■ Profits tripled, as sales increased 18 percent vs.
the same period of the previous year

Find the best performing models quickly tailored to your business problem. Clementine also gives you process
The ease with which you can build and combine predictive models in support tools to manage your data mining projects by mapping them
Clementine means that you find the best performing models quickly. directly to the CRISP-DM process. The CRISP-DM help system and
Easily evaluate multiple models with lift, gains, profit, response and project tools help you organize streams, graphs and other output into
other model evaluation graphs in a one-step process, shortening project CRISP-DM phases.
time. All of Clementine’s advanced techniques work together to quickly
provide the best answer to your business problems. You can build and Scalability accelerates data mining
test numerous models to immediately see which model produces the and leverages IT investments
best result. Or even combine models by using the results of one model You don’t need expensive new hardware and software investments
as input into another model. These “meta-models” consider the initial with complicated configurations to experience scalable data mining.
model’s decisions and can improve results substantially. Clementine’s approach to scalability accelerates data mining and
leverages your existing IT investment by pushing processing back
Process support tools jumpstart projects into the database with in-database mining.
and improve results
Clementine provides process support tools for getting started quickly Data mining is a discovery-driven process — when you see a relationship
and evaluating your results. Clementine Application Templates (CATs) that sparks your curiosity, you need enterprise-strength scalability to
give you a head start for tackling common problems with application- interactively explore and analyze the pattern. These discoveries are a
specific best practices. By using pre-built streams of complex but necessary step to building higher-performing models. Clementine’s
common operations, you can expedite the time needed to see results. approach to scalability supports this interactivity. Most data mining
CATs combine the power and flexibility of a horizontal workbench tools focus on scaling narrow steps, which affect only the speed of a
with application-specific templates to deliver high-performing solutions part of the process. Instead, Clementine focuses on scaling as many
steps as possible to give you faster results overall.

 Because [Clementine] is scalable, we can quickly analyze large datasets

and establish an accurate and wide range of predictive models.

Ê – Daniele Micci-Barreca
Director of Data Mining

Clementine Application Templates Modeling algorithms System requirements
■ CRM CAT† ■ Prediction and classification: Clementine client:
■ Web mining CAT† – Neural networks (Multi-Layer ■ Hardware: Pentium-compatible processor or higher

■ Telco CAT† Perceptron, Radial Basis Function) and a monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher
■ Crime CAT* – Decision trees and rule induction (C5.0, C&RT) (support for 65,536 colors is recommended). A
■ Fraud CAT* – Linear regression, logistic regression, multinomial CD-ROM drive for installation is also required.
■ Microarray CAT* logistic regression ■ Operating system: Windows 95, Windows 98,

■ Clustering and segmentation: Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 with Service

Data access – Kohonen network, Kmeans, TwoStep Pack 3 or higher.
■ Data input: ■ Association detection: ■ Minimum free disk space: 80MB

– Native access to database management systems – GRI, Apriori and Web visualization – Additional option: Clementine Application
including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2; additional ■ Data reduction: Template for Web Mining: 115MB
access to any ODBC-compliant data source – Factor analysis, principle components – Additional option: Clementine Application
– Import delimited and fixed-width text, SPSS analysis Template for Telecommunications: 60MB
and SAS 6, 7, 8 files ■ Combine models for greater accuracy ■ Minimum RAM: 128MB

■ Data output: ■ CEMI interface for custom algorithms

– Delimited and fixed-width text, ODBC, SPSS, Clementine Server:

® Interactive visualization
Microsoft Excel, SAS 6, 7, 8 ■ Query by mouse to explore subsets of data
■ Hardware: Pentium-compatible processor or

■ Text input: higher for Windows, SPARC for Solaris, HP

in a graph
– Access LexiQuest Mine to automatically extract ■ Histograms, distributions, line plots and point plots
Workstation for HP/UX or IBM RS/6000 for AIX.
concepts, categories and frequencies from each ■ 3-D, panel and animated graphs
A CD-ROM drive for installation is also required.
document or database notes entry ■ Web association detection
■ Operating system: Windows 2000 or Windows NT

■ Text viewer: 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or higher; Solaris 2.6, 7 or 8;

– Display the document(s) selected by data mining Scalability HP/UX 11.0 or 11i; AIX 4
■ In-database mining and server-tier processing ■ Minimum free drive space: 25MB for installation;

Data preparation for scalability plus at least twice the drive space of the amount
■ Generate subsets of data automatically from ■ Minimized network traffic via intelligent field of data to be processed.
graphs and tables projection ■ Minimum RAM: 128MB

■ Choose from various data cleaning options

■ Manipulate data with complete record and field Deployment with Clementine Clementine Solution Publisher Runtime:
■ Hardware: Pentium-compatible processor or
operations, including: Solution Publisher
■ Automated export of all operations, including: higher for Windows, SPARC for Solaris, HP
– Field filtering, naming, derivation and
– Data access Workstation for HP/UX or IBM RS/6000 for AIX.
value replacement
– Data manipulations A CD-ROM drive for installation is also required.
– Record selection, sampling, merging and ■ Operating system: Windows 2000 or Windows NT
concatenation, sorting, aggregation and balancing – Model scoring, including combinations of models
– Post-processing 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or higher; Solaris 2.6, 7 or 8;
– Specialized manipulations for showing the
■ Runtime environment for executing image file on HP/UX 11.0 or 11i; AIX 4
“history” of values and converting set variables ■ Minimum free drive space: 4MB for installation;
into flag variables target platforms
■ Easy update of solutions through small image file plus at least twice the drive space of the amount
of data to be processed.
■ Minimum RAM: 128MB

Capri for Clementine:

Optional plug-in algorithm for detecting sequences
■ Hardware: Pentium-compatible processor or

higher for Windows, SPARC for Solaris. A CD-ROM

drive for installation is also required.
■ Operating system: Windows 98, Windows 2000

or Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or higher;

Solaris 2.6.

Included with Clementine ■ Minimum free drive space: 200KB
Available as a Clementine add-on module ■ Minimum RAM: 128MB

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About SPSS Inc.

SPSS Inc. (Nasdaq: SPSS) headquartered in Chicago, IL, USA, is a multinational computer software company providing technology ®
that transforms data into insight through the use of predictive analytics and other data mining techniques. The company’s solutions
and products enable organizations to manage the future by learning from the past, understanding the present, as well as predicting
potential problems and opportunities. For more information, visit

SPSS is a registered trademark and the other SPSS products named are trademarks of SPSS Inc. All other names are trademarks of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. © Copyright 2002 SPSS Inc. CLM7BRO-0802

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