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When quarantine just started, I kind of had a feeling it was going to happen.

I told my
mom to go buy waters and groceries a few weeks before lock down and she didn’t believe me
and laughed at me. She listened to me though and ended up buying a bunch of stuff, then the
madness happened. There were no cleaning supplies anywhere but since I had told her weeks
before, we had enough to last a year. I guess it was a little bit too much, but at least I was right.
A little bit into quarantine, I was starting to get so bored and depressed. No where to go,
nothing to do and no gym to workout at so I was quickly getting very unmotivated. A few
months in, one of my friends told me he has been options trading. I had no idea what that was
at the time but he was good enough that people paid him for his trades. (Option trading is
essentially day trading stocks in the stock market for those who don’t know). I was always into
investing into stocks, but little did I know this would be my newest obsession till this day.
He brought me under his wing to teach me and at first it was scary and hard. After
endless hours of research and studying, I was starting to master this crafter. It was to long after
he taught me that I was starting to get better than him and teaching him. Being good at this
brought to meet a lot of high up people in this field and learn from those better than me. Once I
felt good enough, I started to teach people. I started my own discord, that was free, and taught
all of my friends how to do it. Soon after, we were all making money together and learning a
skill that we can use and benefit from for the rest of our lives.
This story may sound lame. But its not making the money that makes me write about it.
I was insanely lost in life. I had no passion for anything, no direction and was totally lost. This
skill allowed me to find passion and made me want to learn about it every waking hour of the
day. It also help me a lot mentally because something I love to do is help people. It was
everyday tons of people were texting me asking for advice and help and I was always giving it.
There is no better feeling than helping your friends make money. Today, this has helped me
start what I really want to do and that is real estate. Because I found passion in that and was
successful, I now own my own real estate company and get to do what I love most. I’m
nowhere near where I want to be, but if I hadn’t taken that leap to change my life around I
would still be in the same place as before.

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