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By Adeshina, Ayoade,Beyioku,Olowu,Olamide,Olalekan and Peter ,meets the
regulation governing the award of National Innovative Diploma in Marine
Engineering of the certified institute of shipping of Nigeria and is approved for its
contribution to knowledge and literary presentation.

Mr. Okafor, Innocent Ifeanyi ………………………..

(project supervisor) Date

Mr.……………………………… …………………………….
( Head of Dept.) Date


We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in my our words and
where others' ideas or words that have been included are adequately cited and referenced the
original sources. we also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty
and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea / data / fact /
source in our submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be cause for
disciplinary action by the institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which
have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when


First and foremost We express our deep sense of gratitude to our beloved parents and
friends for giving us moral support and encouragement which helped us in completion of this
project. we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to our project guide and
supervisor MR. Okafor I.Innocent, for his patience, guidance and support that enabled us to fe
understand the present project work and most important thing is that without his help the work
would not have been in its present shape.

We would like to thank all our lecturers , Course mates, for providing necessaryhelp to
carry out this project work.


Man has, since early times, conceived in fanciful illusions of a device that would travel on
both land and water. Such devices were soon created in the form of bicycles and were in fact
patented and constructed with varying degrees of success. Amphibious cycle is a transport
that can move on the land or surface of the water, both .Usually people ride it for
entertainment or exercise purpose. It applies the cycling principle or mechanism to move the
bicycle. People will cycle on the pedal and this will move the propeller which is connected
with it. By this, the water bicycle will move forward.
The present work is intended to substantially reduce, if not obviate, certain of the more
prevalent disadvantages and shortcomings explained hereinabove with respect to prior art
aquatic cycles. Specifically, this work is directed to an aquatic cycle which is of amphibious
capability and which may be as easily and reliably operated on land as on water.
In the present thesis, attention is focused on developing a new product which is named as
Amphibious Bicycle The present work is intended to substantially reduce, if not obviate,
certain of the more prevalent disadvantages and shortcomings explained hereinabove with
respect to prior art aquatic cycles. Specifically, this work is directed to an aquatic cycle which
is of amphibious capability and which may be as easily and reliably operated on land as on
In this thesis an attempt was made to design and fabricate a model of amphibious bicycle
which will allow smooth transition from water to land during transportation. After that several
test has been performed on the fabricated model to check it feasibility in real life.


Abstract… ................................................................................. v

1. Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

1.2 Literature Review ..................................................................................... 1

1.3 Scope of the Present Work........................................................................ 3

2. Proposed Model .................................................................... 5

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 5

2.2 Description of Proposed Model ................................................................ 5

2.2.1 Front float ....................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 Rear float ......................................................................................... 6

2.2.3 Attachments/Frame for floats .......................................................... 6

2.2.4 Blades for the propulsion ................................................................. 6

2.3 Design aspects .......................................................................................... 6

2.3.1 Buoyancy force balancing ............................................................... 6

2.3.2 Drag force balancing ....................................................................... 7

3. Design and Fabrication ........................................................ 8

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 8

3.2 Design ...................................................................................................... 8

3.2.1 Shape of Float ................................................................................. 8

3.2.2 Design of Float .............................................................................. 10 Evaluation of the best design ...................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Design of blades ............................................................................ 15

3.3 Fabrication ............................................................................................. 16

3.3.1 Fabrication of floats....................................................................... 16

3.3.2 Fabrication of attachments/frame .................................................. 18

3.3.3 Fabrication of blades ..................................................................... 20

4. Tests on Model .................................................................... 21

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 21

4.2 Various Test Conducted ......................................................................... 21

4.2.1 Drag force analysis test ................................................................. 21

4.2.2 Flotation test .................................................................................. 23

4.2.3 Driving test.................................................................................... 24

5. Summary and Conclusions ................................................ 25

References ............................................................................... 27

List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1.1 Dwarka Prasad Amphibian Bicycle 2

Figure 1.2 Saidullah’s Amphibian Bicycle (Noor Bicycle) 3
Figure 3.1 Schematic diagram of setup for shape of float 9
Figure 3.2 Archimedes's Principle of buoyancy 10
Figure 3.3 Schematic diagram of Design A 11
Figure 3.4 Schematic diagram of Design B 12
Figure 3.5 Schematic diagram of Design C 13
Figure 3.6 Shape of the blade 15
Figure 3.7 View of Fabricated Floats 17
Figure 3.8 Initial Frame (string) for front float 18
Figure 3.9 Initial Frame (string) for Rear Float 19
Figure 3.10 Final redesign Frame (hollow pipe) for both Floats 19
Figure 3.11 Fabricated Blades on the spoke of rear wheel 20
Figure 4.1 Schematic diagram of setup for drag force analysis test 21
Figure 4.2 Floating bicycle during flotation test 23
Figure 4.3 Driving test on the road 24
Figure 4.4 Driving test in the water 24

Table 3.1 Drag Force calculation on different wooden specimen 9

Table 3.2 Design selection matrix for evaluation of best design 14
Table 4.1 Drag force calculation on different wooden specimen 22

1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Man has, since early times, conceived in fanciful illusions of a device that would travel
on both land and water. Such devices were soon created in the form of bicycles and were in fact
patented and constructed with varying degrees of success. Early works bear evidence to man’s
such early desires. Devices such as these, though illustrating a reduction to practice of man’s
interest, fell far short of a both practical and commercially feasible cycle construction. Such
devices were, for example, incapable of aquatic guidance. Aquatic stability was hazardous.
Deployment of pontoons and retraction thereof upon re-entry to land was complex, time
consuming, and frequently frustrating. Moreover, mobility in the water was unsatisfactory as
power transmission mechanics was crude and inefficient. In addition to all these shortcomings,
few if any of the prior art aquatic bicycles were capable of either or both land and water
operation and by no means could they, in reality, be considered so readily convertible as to be
termed “AMPHIBIOUS". It is with these shortcomings in mind that we were conceived, in the
form of the present project, an Amphibious Bicycle.

Amphibious cycle is a means of transportation that can move on both land and surface of
the water. Usually people ride it for entertainment or exercise purpose. It applies the cycling
principle or mechanism to move the bicycle. People will cycle on the pedal and this will move
the propeller (Blades) which is connected with it. By this, the water bike will move forward.

1.2 Literature Review

There are many types of amphibious vehicles that exist around the world. For example,
the design which has probably received the most coverage is Saidullah’s Bicycle. The bike uses
four rectangular air filled floats for buoyancy, and is propelled by using two fan blades which
were attached to the spokes.

Another such example is, Moraga’s amphibious cycle which uses a simple tricycle frame
to support three floaters which provide both the floatation and thrust. The wings on the powered
wheels propel the vehicle in a similar way as that of a paddle wheel.

You can move on land and water with ease, thanks to these bicycles designed by Dwarka
Prasad Chaurasiya and Mohammed Saidullah about three decades back.

After seeing Saidullah's amphibious bicycle, the then President APJ Abdul Kalam
remarked that it could be used by defence personnel as well. Saidullah has received the National
Innovation Foundation's (NIF) lifetime achievement award for this.

Fig.1.1 Dwarka Prasad amphibian bicycle

Fig 1.2 Saidullah’s amphibian bicycle (Noor Bicycle)

1.3 Scope of the Present Work

The present work is intended to substantially reduce, if not obviate, certain of the more
prevalent disadvantages and shortcomings explained herein above with respect to prior art
aquatic cycles. Specifically, this work is directed to an aquatic cycle which is of amphibious
capability and which may be easily and reliably operated on land as on water.

A principal feature and object of the work therefore is to provide a readily retractable and
deployable flotation mechanism which is adapted to be carried by the cycle in retracted position
when the cycle is operated on the land and in the deployed position when operated in water.

Another object of this work is to provide a readily deployable flotation mechanism which
imparts reliable stability to the vehicle when it carries a passenger in the water.

A still further feature and advantage of the work is the provision for an amphibious
bicycle in which the conventional pedal type propulsion system used on land is readily converted
to and utilized for the motive power in water.

1. To design such an amphibious bicycle which will allow smooth transition from water to land
during transportation.

2. To optimize the speed requirement of the bicycle.

3. To design such attachments (Floats) which should not hinder driver while driving on the land
and water.

2. Proposed Model

2.1 Introduction
The idea behind the model is to balance the body weight by the buoyancy forces exerted
by the water and at the same time there should be no hindrance while running vehicle on the

To fulfil these two basic requirements of the model of the vehicle, it should have high
volume and less weight parts so called Floats, attached with the help of some special kind of

On the land, Bicycle can run easily by pedalling. While on the water, Bicycle requires
some provision to move in forward direction. In order to get forward motion we need to attach
blades on the rear wheel so that while pedalling the bicycle by driver, it can move in forward
direction on the water also.

2.2 Description of Proposed Model

After various brainstorming sessions, a final idea about the Amphibious Bicycle has been
arrived at. Proposed Model divided into four different sections which should be attached to a
normal bicycle to innovate it into amphibious bicycle. These four sections are discussed as

2.2.1 Front float

While running on the water, to balance the weight of the body by buoyancy forces some
floats are required to be attached on the front side of the vehicle. The shape and size of the float
should be calculated as per the requirement of the model.

2.2.2 Rear float
While running on the water, to balance the weight of the body by buoyancy forces some
floats are required to be attached on the rear side of the vehicle. The shape and size of the float
should be calculated as per the requirement of the model.

2.2.3 Attachments/Frame for floats

To assemble the floats on the bicycle some attachments are required to be designed. It
will help the float be in the horizontal position while driving on the land or on the water. Some
special frame is required to attach both floats on the wheels of the bicycle.

2.2.4 Blades for the propulsion

Some blades should be attached on the rear wheel spokes so that the wheel should
provide some propulsive force to the bicycle while pedalling in the water.

2.3 Design aspects

For designing of amphibious bicycle, there are various aspects which should be taken into
consideration. Without consideration of these criterions, bicycle design may fail.

2.3.1 Buoyancy force balancing

In science, buoyancy (also known as up thrust) is an upward force exerted by a fluid that
opposes the weight of an immersed object. In a column of fluid, pressure increases with depth as
a result of the weight of the overlying fluid. Thus a column of fluid, or an object submerged in
the fluid, experiences greater pressure at the bottom of the column than at the top. This
difference in pressure results in a net force that tends to accelerate an object upwards. The
magnitude of that force is proportional to the difference in the pressure between the top and the
bottom of the column, and (as explained by Archimedes' principle) is also equivalent to the
weight of the fluid that would otherwise occupy the column, i.e. the displaced fluid. Note that the
object is floating because the upward force of buoyancy is equal to the weight of the body.

Buoyancy force exerted by the water on the bicycle while running in the water, should be
balanced by the proposed model. Thus designing of the proposed model should be such that it
will balance the buoyancy force exerted by water while running in the water.

2.3.2 Drag force balancing

In fluid dynamics, drag (sometimes called air resistance, a type of friction, or fluid
resistance, another type of friction or fluid friction) refers to forces acting opposite to the relative
motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. This can exist between two
fluid layers (or surfaces) or a fluid and a solid surface.

Unlike other resistive forces, such as dry friction, which are nearly independent of
velocity, drag forces depend on velocity. Drag force is proportional to the velocity for a laminar
flow and the squared velocity for a turbulent flow.

Drag force balancing is required while moving bicycle in the water. Thus the shape of the
front float should be such that it should give minimum drag force. Similarly, blades on the
spokes of rear wheel should be designed in consideration of drag force over it.

3. Design and Fabrication

3.1 Introduction
Design of the model for amphibious bicycle can be done by making such attachments in
the normal bicycle which should not cause any hindrance while running on land and should
support smooth motion in the water.

As per the design aspects few things should be primarily taken care of like buoyancy
forces exerted by water on the body and easy handling of attachments.

After number of brainstorming sessions, we finalized a design which has four different
sections to be designed like Front float, Rear float, Frame and Blades.

3.2 Design
When Bicycle will be taken in water then buoyancy force will acts over it. To balance the
weight of the body one float on each side of bicycle should be attached. However, while running
in the water, some provisions (Blades) are required for forward motion of the bicycle. Hence,
taking care of all these aspects design of proposed model is divided into three different sections

1. Shape of Float

2. Design of the Float

3. Design of Blades

3.2.1 Shape of Float

Before finalizing the dimensions of floats, consideration of the shape of the floats is
obvious. Thus we know while running vehicle in land or water some drag force will act on floats,
to minimize this resistance to motion of the bicycle, aerofoil shape bodies are the best but due to
manufacturing difficulties, we selected triangular shape at the front edge of the front float.

Fig 3.1 Schematic diagram of setup for the testing of shape of float

To perform the test, wooden specimens of different shape are placed in a water flowing
channel as shown in figure 3.1.We attached the specimen with a spring balance at front side of
the specimen so that we can easily measure the drag force. Drag force calculation is purely
relative in terms here, so that we can have the clear idea about the shape of the front float which
will give minimum drag force.

Table 3.1 Drag Force calculation on different wooden specimen

S.N. Ratio of width & height (b/h) of Shape of Wooden Drag Force
wooden specimen specimen

1 -------- Rectangular 400

2 45/15 Circular 350

3 45/20 Circular 300

4 45/10 Triangular 200

5 45/20 Triangular 200

6 45/30 Triangular 100

As shown in the result of drag force analysis test, Triangular shape of the front float will
give minimum force. Among the triangular shape, b/h= 45/30 ratio shape can be chosen for the
Front Float as it gave very less drag comparatively to others.

3.2.2 Design of Float
For finding the dimensions of the float, it should satisfy the Archimedes’s Principle of
buoyancy which stated that “Any object, fully or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a
force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object”.

Fig. 3.2 Archimedes's Principle of buoyancy

 Estimation of weights
Weight of the Bicycle = 15 - 20 kg

Weight of the Driver = 80 - 90 kg

Weight of the Float = 25 - 30 kg

Total Weight = 130 – 140 kg

 Calculations
According to Archimedes’s Principle;

Buoyancy Force = Weight of Fluid displaced

Volume of the water Displaced by the Bicycle = Total Weight / Density of water

= 140 / 1000

= 0.14 m3

Now we have the volume of the body (float) which should be attached to the wheels to
balance complete weight of the body.

To select best and appropriate design of the float, several ideas are generated during
various brainstorming sessions as follows:

 Design A

 No constraints in length of float.

 Height shouldn’t be more than the seat height of bicycle (approx 60 – 90 cm).
 Thickness of float shouldn’t be 5 – 10 cm.
 Volume of the float > 0.14 m.3

Dimensions of Float = L ×B× T = [(130×60) – (0.5×30×60)] ×15× 2 cm3 = 0.207 m.3, it is

much more than the required so this design can balance the weight of the whole body as per the
Archimedes’s principle.

Fig 3.3 Schematic drawing of Design A

 Design B

 No constraints in Length of Float.

 Height shouldn’t be more than the seat height of bicycle (approx 60 – 90 cm).
 Thickness of float shouldn’t be 5 – 10 cm.
 Volume of the float > 0.14 m.3
 A minimum gap for the pedal and driver seat.

As in this design, some gap is required for the pedalling and seat of the driver. Thus separate
floats are required for the front and rear wheels.

Dimensions of the Floats on Front side = L×B×T = [(60×60) – (0.5×30×60)] ×15×2 cm3

= 0.081 m3

Dimensions of the Floats on Rear side = L×B×T = 40×60×15×2 cm3

= 0.072 m3

Total volume of water displaced by the designed floats =0.081 + 0.072 m3 = 0.153 m3, it
is much more than the required so this design can balance the weight of the whole body as per
the Archimedes’s principle.

Fig 3.4 Schematic drawing of Design B

 Design C

 No constraints in Length of Float.

 Ground Clearance of the Float should be 10 -15 cm.
 Volume of the float > 0.14 m.3
 Width should not be more than the length of handle of bicycle which is of 50 cm.
 Height/thickness of float should not be more than the radius of the wheel which is 35 cm.

Dimensions of the Floats on Front side = L×B×T = (90×50×25) – (10×60×25) – (0.5×30×50×25)

. = 0.0785 m3

Dimensions of the Floats on Rear side = L×B×T = (80×50×25) - (10×40×25) cm3 = 0.09 m3

Total volume of water displaced by the designed floats =0.078+ 0.09 m3 = 0.168 m3, it is
more than the required so this design can balance the weight of the whole body as per the
Archimedes’s principle.

Fig 3.5 Schematic drawing of Design C

13 Evaluation of the best design
As we know Pugh criteria for design selection is the best method ever to choose the
best design among several ideas. This is a method for concept selection using a scoring matrix
called the Pugh Matrix. A design selection matrix, also known as a Pugh chart or Pugh matrix, is
a table for helping a design team to systematically compare alternative design concepts against
the design criteria and document the evaluation.

Design selection matrices are typically used in conceptual design to compare alternative
ideas created through concept generation techniques, such as brainstorming.

Design Selection matrix (Pugh Criterion)

Design selection matrix needed some criterion to be selected which will affect the
working and quality of the proposed model like ease to attach float, ease of manufacturing etc.

Table 3.2 Design selection matrix for evaluation of best design (Pugh Criterion)

After considering all the criteria from the above Pugh Matrix it is concluded that Design
C is the most appropriate design among the ideas generated during brainstorming. So final
design for the floats will be Design C.

3.2.3 Design of blades

Blades are attached on the spokes of rear wheel to provide the motion in forward
direction while running on the water. To design the blades we made one assumption that Air
drag and friction/viscous/skin drag are negligible in comparison to the pressure/form drag.
Drag force on the bicycle = FD = CD ρAV2
where CD = Coefficient of drag = 1

ρ = Density of water = 1000
A = Projected area of both floats = 0.2250 m2

V = relative velocity of the body in the water = 1 kmph

= = 0.277 m/sec

FD = × 1000 × 0.2250 × 0.277
FD = 8.6805 N

Fig 3.6 Shape of the blade

Drag force accompanied by one blade = FD1 = CD ρav2

where CD = Coefficient of drag = 1

ρ = Density of water = 1000
a = Projected area of blade = 0.0054 m2
v = linear velocity of the blade = 0.29 × = 0.607 m/sec

FD1 = × 1000 × 0.0054 × 0.607 = 0.9966 N ≈ 1 N
FD 8.6805
Number of blades required for the motion in water = = ≈9
FD 1 1

Hence for the motion of bicycle in the water, 10 blades should be attached on the rear
wheel spoke of estimated projected area as shown in figure 3.5.

3.3 Fabrication
Fabrication of proposed model is very crucial and important part of the work. Fabrication
of the proposed model is based upon the selection of the material for Float. As per the
requirement of the proposed model, Galvanised Iron Sheet (G.I.Sheet) is chosen for fabrication
of floats, because G.I. sheets are having less volume to weight ratio, easily available and easy to
fabricate the required shape of the floats.

Fabrication part divided into two sections to complete the whole fabrication of proposed
model. These two Fabrication sections are described as below:

3.3.1 Fabrication of floats

Basically fabrication of floats relies on two basic point, first one is Fabricated Floats
should be leak proof because if they are not then bicycle may get submerged in water.

Secondly, Manufactured Floats should meet the proper dimensions and shape of the float
designed for the proposed model of the work.

For leak proof joint in the Floats, Soldering ( Soldering is a process in which two or more
metal items are joined together by melting and flowing a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the
filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. Soldering differs from
welding in that soldering does not involve melting the work pieces. ) is the best suitable process
for joining G.I. sheets. With the help of soldering all sides of Floats are joined to make leak
proof joints in the floats.
To achieve proper balancing of the bicycle, during fabrication the weight of the floats on
both the sides are considered to be same. For the triangular shape in the front float, proper care
was taken to get the exact shape and dimensions of the floats. Similarly for the other parts of the
floats, exact shape and dimensions were achieved as designed in the proposed model to fulfil the
criterion of designing of the work.

Fig 3.7 View of fabricated float

3.3.2 Fabrication of attachments/frame
To attach the floats to the bicycle wheels some special attachments /frames are required
to be fabricated. These attachments should be such that they withstand the load while running in

land or on the water.

Initially we tried with a simple frame made up of steel rod of diameter 6 mm. to reduce
the overall weight of the frame. But it got failed while running in the water because strength of
the rod used in frame, was less and could not counter the forces exerted on it. Hence, frame got
bent and redesigning of frame was needed at that point.

Fig 3.8 Initial Frame for front float

Fig 3.9 Initial Frame for Rear Float

As the initial trial has failed, we had to think of some other high strength material for the
frame. Thus hollow steel pipe were more suitable to fabricate the frame. Redesign of the frame
which can easily sustain the buoyancy forces exerted by the water over the floats attached with

Fig 3.10 Final redesign frame (hollow pipe) for both floats

3.3.3 Fabrication of blades

As designed in the proposed model some blades of special cross section were required for
the forward motion (Propulsion) of the bicycle in the water. Blades should be attached over the
spokes of rear wheel. Blades should be fixed such that while running the bicycle inside the water,
it should not rotate.

G.I sheets have sufficient strength to sustain the drag force while running inside the
water, so blades were easily manufactured by the G.I. sheets of designed cross section of
proposed model. Blades were fastened with the help of screw and nut over the spokes of rear
wheel rim, just attach to the rim from one side.

Fig 3.11 Fabricated Blades on the spokes of rear wheel

As shown in the figure 3.9, fabricated blades were designed in trapezium shape to
balance the drag force over the body. Blades gave the forward motion to the bicycle while
running in the water.

4. Tests on Model

4.1 Introduction
For accomplishment of present work several test were conducted on the bicycle like Drag
force analysis test, flotation test, driving test etc. To check the feasibility of the proposed model
these test were required to be performed. This will give the real life exposure to the present work
.It gave the validation of the work also.

4.2 Various Test Conducted

4.2.1 Drag force analysis test

For drag force analysis test, we made different shape wooden specimen on which test was
conducted. With the help of spring mass balance attached at one side of the wooden specimen,
Drag force was calculated easily while keeping specimen one by one in a water running channel.

Fig 4.1 Schematic diagram of setup for the testing of shape of float

To perform the test, wooden specimens of different shape are placed in a water flowing
channel as shown in figure 4.1.We attached the specimen with a spring balance at front side of
the specimen so that we can easily measure the drag force.

Drag force calculation is purely relative in terms so that we can have the clear idea about
the shape of the front float which will give minimum drag force.

Table 4.1 Drag Force calculation on different wooden specimen

S.No. Ratio of width & height (b/h) of Shape of Wooden Drag Force
wooden specimen specimen

1 -------- Rectangular 400

2 45/15 Circular 350

3 45/20 Circular 300

4 45/10 Triangular 200

5 45/20 Triangular 200

6 45/30 Triangular 100

As shown in the result of drag force analysis test, Triangular shape of the front float will
give minimum force. Among the triangular shape, b/h= 45/30 ratio shape can be chosen for the
Front Float as it gave very less drag comparatively to others.

4.2.2 Flotation test
Before going for the final testing inside the running water, we have to check it once that
bicycle should float on the water. During this floatation test, bicycle should also remain stable so
that it could balance the weight of the whole body (proposed model).

To conduct this test we immersed the bicycle in the water and leave that. After some time
it was stable and float on the water as shown in the figure 4.1

Fig 4.2 Floating bicycle during floatation test

4.2.3 Driving test
It was the major part of the testing on the model to conduct the driving test on the model
fabricated. This test was conducted into two steps as initially it was tested on the land followed
by testing it in the water. As shown in the figures 4.2 and 4.3, it was smoothly running over the
land and water.

Fig 4.3 Driving test on the road

Fig 4.4 Driving test inside the water

Hence at the end we can say that proposed model can easily move on the land as well as
on the water also. In this way proposed model satisfies the main objective of the work, i.e.
smooth transition of bicycle from land to water during transportation.

5. Summary and Conclusions

The project is taken in accordance to overcome the problems faced by the poor people in
flood prone areas. The project keeps in view the economical factors and is made so as to be
easily accessible by the common man of India. India is a country which is rich in monsoon.
There are various parts in Nigeria that receive rain in abundance and get flooded. The majority of
India lies below the poverty line and as such has to face major problems during any of such
natural calamities. During floods a vast section of Indian community has to suffer from
breakdown of transportation services. In case of floods generally boats are used and no solution
as such has come up to overcome the problem. This solution is one of it’s kind and far better than
rowing boat amidst flood. The amphibian bicycle can provide solution to this problem. An
amphibian bicycle is meant to navigate in water and run on land. It can be a boon for the flood
prone regions. In last few years, the frequency and intensity of floods have increased in India.
Due to the crippled transportation means caused by floods the evacuation process becomes quite
difficult and sometimes barely impossible. The amphibian bicycle can be proved an ingenious,
economically viable and easily available solution.

By using certain appendages to the existing normal bicycle, it can be made to move in
water. These attachments are not expensive and can be fabricated with ease and this modified
version of bicycle can be used in flood prone areas and removed when it is not necessary. The
fabricated model is simple and has easy installation. It can also be used in daily life by the low
income population to cross any water body everyday in order to do their work and in this way
they can save their expenses. It can also be used for adventure and water games. In Nigeria over
40% population is below poverty line and in last 10 years floods have caused thousands of
deaths. In 2022 , flood in Nigeria choked the cities and villages along rivers Benue and Niger
leaving over 1000 people dead. People were not able to move from their houses for days; in this
situation amphibian bicycle would have been a great problem solver. Nigeria is grappling with
two problems namely, poverty and frequent floods. As it is known fact that poor are the worst
affected by natural calamities. In India also, most of the people who died by the floods are poor.
So the poor need a solution which is both affective as well as within their reach. The fabricated
model of amphibian bicycle is the culmination of both.

Overall, this design had been successful in its main objective which was to design and
fabricate an amphibious bicycle. The basic concept that had being selected to be used in this kind
of study for developing an amphibious bicycle was design of floats and propulsion system for it.
This concept is more practical based on the selection technique used during the design process.
From the design, float dimensions were calculated based on hydrostatic calculation to estimate
the buoyancy size that need for support an amphibious bicycle.

In case of float design, the shape of the float was made nearly aerodynamic and
fabricated in accordance with bicycle dimensions. Meanwhile, for material selection had been
done by using light weight material and can wind stand from surrounding environment. The
propulsion system used in this design is blades attached to the rear wheel. This system was being
selected because of its high efficiency during moving and manoeuvring on water. Finally, the
outcomes of the present work are as follows:

1. The fabricated amphibious bicycle has allowed smooth transition from land to water during

2. It has optimized the speed requirement of the bicycle.

3. The fabricated model has been made to such perfection that it didn’t hinder the rider.

Therefore, as a conclusion, the design for an amphibious craft had been successful
produced thus fulfilling the criteria, objective and primary target of the study.

A still further feature and advantage of the work is the provision for an amphibious
bicycle in which the conventional pedal type propulsion system used on land is readily converted
to and utilized for the motive power in water.


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