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The King of Crosses

AKA: The Holy King, The New Monarch, The Sacred Father, Alex
Followers’ Epithets: Paladins, Saints, Clergy, Fanatics (Derogatory), Holy-Rollers
Kingdom: New Eden

Faith is a funny thing. For every example of a soup kitchen running out of a church, you hear
another story about the preacher who spreads nothing but hate. Still, I believe. Faith can hurt,
yes, but I know, in my heart, that it can heal just as well. So, please, won’t you let me heal

Faith is an ancient thing, which is why some consider it humorous that the newest court of all
is the one who embraces it wholeheartedly. The Court of Crosses was forged post release by
a Noble who used his own faith to inspire forgiveness across the world. Despite its founder’s
own religious leanings, it accepts Nobles of any creed, so long as they can embrace the
court’s principles of forgiveness, acceptance, and careful consideration of punishment.

Tales from New Eden

New Eden is small, as much as that term can apply in the Dreamlands. It was founded oh so
recently, after all. It is fairly close to the other Kingdoms, and it is very easy to find your way to
another court’s holding from any spot in New Eden. It is a serene place, filled with lush plant
life and rather docile wildlife. There is an odd mix of old fashioned townsteads and modern
cities. There is an incredible variety to both types of settlements, with prayers ringing out from
nearly every faith imaginable. Despite this hustle and bustle, the air itself seems to provide a
sense of relaxation, while the environment tends towards the serene, the noise forming into a
harmonious chorus.

The King himself “rules” from a rather humble office equse building. Despite his title, The King
often is found in the world he was born to, and so a democratically elected council rules in his
place whenever he’s unavailable. When he is found in the Kingdom, he is often armored and
armed, a small sign of his Calling, and does offer martial teachings to those he can. He is an
imposing figure, with a quite formal way of speaking, often leading, and moderating, debates
among his followers. However, he is just as often seen in his other state, a youthful seeming
adult, almost boyish in his enthusiasm. He dismisses formalites, letting himself not be seen as
a King, but just someone to talk to. He is quick to lend an ear to problems, and in these
moments, he offers kind words, not on a high horse, but in the manner of a concerned friend.
He treasures those few moments he gets to interact with his followers on a personal level,
because he is incredibly busy at nearly every other moment.
The King has had many musings on the philosophy that binds his court, but the quote that
rises above the rest is this.

“Always let your faith, in the end, elevate your fellows to better places.”

“Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.”

People sin everyday. Sometimes, it’s petty things, a spot of littering out of convenience, lying
to avoid getting chewed out at work. Sometimes, however, it is much more major. Creating a
tainted place, cheating on a spouse, murder. Saints tend to offer a chance at redemption for
all kinds from sins, both the small and large ones. They aren’t stupid about this, there are
always people who will refuse to ever to be better, and forgiveness does not mean the sins
you have commited are erased. A murderer who repents should still serve his sentence.
However, everyone deserves a chance to be better.

“Acceptance should be freely offered.”

There are many, many kinds of people in the world who don’t quite fit in sometimes. Saints
hold up an ideal of accepting differences, from sexual orientation, to race, to gender
expression. This can ever extend to more...unusual conditions. A vampire may be a
bloodsucking corpse, but there is still a person there. Stopping them from victimizing others, is
of course, necessary, but they might still be able to stop themselves if they get the right push.

“Punishment should always be given due consideration.”

People do the wrong thing, and thus, people need punishment. However, an unfair
punishment solves nothing, brings no justice to the world. Therefore, Saints endeavour to
make sure their sentences fit the crime. Bringing Light into the world requires no less.

Champions of Crosses are oftentimes specialists in non lethal combat. Sometimes, this is to
capture foes alive to better render a sentence, other times this is because death is simply not
just for that opponent. Because of this, they tend to focus on defensive Charms over
overwhelming offense.

Graces of Crosses are firebrand preachers and heartfelt ministers. They are the ones who
spread the message to those that need it, trying to inspire justice and mercy wherever they
Menders of Crosses have a strong element of therapist to them, treating both the mind and
the body. Hurt people hurt people, and if they can stop future patients by treating current
patients? They will take that opportunity.

Seekers of Crosses are experts in finding more about people. They have a distinctly human
bent to their investigations, letting their insights into various kinds of people allow them to
better help them.

Troubadours of Crosses are more likely to be teachers of art rather than pure artists. They
tend to guide people through creating their own art as a method of self expression and
improvement. This does not mean they never create their own original art, only that it
oftentimes secondary to them.

Nobles most often fall into the Court of Crosses because of their faith. The Court is incredibly
welcoming to all sorts of religions, and focuses on them in a way the other courts do not.
However, that is not the sole way Nobles find their way to The Court of Crosses. Nobles who
Blossomed after redeeming themselves often wish to share such a change with others, and
find the Court a natural way to do this. A surprising number of Onceborn also find their way to
the Court because of the King’s very modern perspective and noted sympathy, being
Onceborn himself.

Signature Emotions: Faith and Empathy

Faith is at the core of what Saints do. It inspires and uplifts them, powering them through their
Noble duties. However, it is empathy that allows them to do those duties so well. They truly
see people as they are, and that lets them help those people as best they can.

Character Creation
Social attributes and skills, unsurprisingly, tend to be primary among Saints. Empathy is
especially prized, aiding greatly in the Court’s duties. From there, things vary. Street
preachers who speak to the underclass often Focus things like Streetwise or even (urban)
Survival, while a Saint who implores the people in power to be better might have high Politics
and Socialize.

Religious iconography is, unsurprisingly, common among the court. This could range from a
Star of David, to a lotus, to well...a cross. Gold and white are fairly common colors as well,
and saints tend more towards the ornate when Transformed. However, due to the incredible
variance in the beliefs of those who make up this court, even those basic guidelines are
subject to much change. The closest note of commonality is some open symbol of a Saint’s
personal faith.

The echo of a Saint is a subtle, simple feeling. It is a small hope, a mote of belief, that truly
can become better, overcome your past sins, and embrace The Light.

Practical Magic
Vocation: The Holy King inspires people to work through their higher natures to better the
world. By using their magic, they can better aid those in their efforts. Whenever the Princess
or her target is acting upon their virtue(s) in a way that would better themselves, or the people
around them, the Princess may spend one Wisp to achieve an exceptional success on 3
successes instead of five.

Alternatively, the Princess may grant an extra Virtue to a person of her choosing. This Virtue
must be in line with one of the Princess's virtues, and cannot be the same as one of her
targets. This virtue only counts in the context of gaining a second Virtue as per the Virtuous

High Belief grants extra dice, or effects the Virtue may have. At Belief 8, the roll for the action
gains a +1 bonus. At Belief 9, the roll for the action gains a +2 Bonus. At Belief 10, the roll for
the action gains a +3 bonus.

Dream: The Holy King teaches his subjects how to focus the divine for human use, to better
illuminate the lives of those around them, and to protect them from the monsters that hide in
the dark.

By spending a Wisp, the Saint may consecrate an object of religious significance. For the
purposes of religion, any widely recognized religion can work so long as it is recognized as
being used for the good of others and has an icon that can be used. Crucifixes, Stars of
David, the Crescent Moon and Star, the Eight Spoked Wheel of Dharmachakra, and even
symbols of Wicca can count.

While the icon is blessed, it gives the one who holds it a form of protection. All hostile
creatures take a penalty equal to the Princess's Santo to attack and/or harm the icon's holder,
and it also grants the icons holder a bonus to Abjuration equal to the Princess's Santo.
Invocation: Santo

The Court of Cross’s ideals find expression in Santo. It focuses on uplifting people, on using
Faith as a way of making the world a better place. It’s element is Holy, which manifests as
shiny, golden tinged light.

Santo applies at no cost when targeting an ally who fulfilled their Virtue within the current
scene, when targeting a foe has acted in a way that would provoke sensitivity, when inside a
place regularly used and authorized by a religious group, when targeting an object
traditionally considered holy, or when the scene is brightly lit well above normal.

Santo flees those who reject an earnest attempt at redemption. Should a Saint openly reject
someone’s truly earnest attempt at bettering themselves, they are forbidden from using Santo
until the sunrise seven days from that moment, or until they make a significant contribution to
the person who they spurned attempts to become better.

“C’mon. You can be better. I have faith in you.”

● Clubs: There is great virtue to be found in acceptance, but one should always
remember when to reach for more.
● Diamonds: Progress is a wonderful thing, but we must ensure people don’t get
left behind in a world they don’t understand anymore.
● Hearts: Order is a blessing, yes, but always remember why that is so.
● Swords: Our King came from your Court, and it is not hard to see why; love
can redeem like almost nothing else. Ensure you shepherd such a flame
● Spades: The jester can sometimes brighten a room in a way a priest cannot.
However, there is a place for both.
● Cups: Finding yourself is a necessary part of improving yourself. Keep up the
good work.
● Wands: I’ll see you at the open meal Sunday, then. If you show up early, you
can help set up, alright?
● Pentacles: I admire your ability to consider all angles of a situation, but
sometimes the human element needs a bit more of a… emotional touch, so
please do not hesitate to call me, okay?

● Tears: You have such faith in your Queen, but it leads you only to dark, dark
● Storms: They are getting better, and I won’t have you end their life because of
one mistake!
● Mirrors: It’s hard to help someone seek redemption when they refuse to see
the harm they’ve done.
● Vampires: You can be so much more, I know it.
● Werewolves: Your rage is not all you are.
● Mages: With all that power, it’s easy to forget your fellow man. Please, let me
be the one to keep them in mind for you.
● Prometheans: I may not be able to stay long, but mark my words, I will help
you see your goal through.
● Changelings: Getting out was a great start. I can help you build from there.
● Sin-Eaters: Your dedication to rediscovering your partner’s humanity is
● Mummies: You use faith as a tool to do nothing but control people. Disgusting.
● Beasts: You have a horrible hunger, but that’s not an excuse. You can be
● Mad Scientists: You might not be able to build a better world right now, but
you can always build a better you.
● Leviathans: You are everything wrong with faith in one compact package.
● Hunters: Not every monster needs a death sentence.
● Mortals: It’s never too late to have a new start.
● Constellations: This is… quite the group you gathered. Thank you! Are you
ready for the sermon?
● Chords: Being all alike isn’t the same as being all better.
● Mists: How can people ever improve if you don't even let them know what’s
● Petals: You don’t need to shine brighter to be better. You need to rest.
● Poppies: You don’t see anything better but temporary bliss. Please, please let
me show you something better.
● Scythes: This isn’t justice, this is just...lashing out.
● Stars: I understand your cause, but there is a whole world that needs your

From the Outside-

● Clubs: Sometimes, it is enough for some to know a being up above is
watching over them.
● Diamonds: I’ve never been religious. I have quite a few reservations about
religious institutions, in fact. I have none regarding the Crosses, however.
● Hearts: One of the few who bother to listen to the problems of others. The
respect they garner is well earned.
● Spades: Man, these people actually manage to make me feel bad about the
stuff I do. No fair!
● Swords: I always get a tear in my eye every time I visit them. I leave
invigorated with my own faith restored.
● Tears: Better for some to live in sin than for all to die pure.
● Storms: Are his apologies going to give my little sister her eyesight back? No?
Then I don’t want to hear it! He didn’t have an accident or make a mistake, he
made a choice, and now, it’s time for some fucking consequences.
● Mirrors: Why would I need to ask for forgiveness when I never did anything
● Chords: We shall be like God when we all are One.
● Mists: We’ve no room for superfluous superstition.
● Petal: Everyday I pray for more strength to continue my duty, and my prayers
are answered. Is that not divine?
● Poppies: God died with the gold standard, Padre. People are moving on to
more tangible faiths.
● Scythes: Does the Good Book not say: “An Eye for an Eye?”
● Stars: My Faith is dedicated to more than just a book.

● Shields: We Shields are the proactive sort who stymie the problem at the
source. The Crosses have a more delicate touch, providing a shoulder to cry
on. Their work is just as invaluable.
● Roses: These people put God before dogma. Proof of beauty in faith.
● Coins: These Nobles balance themselves on the fine line of faith and
fanaticism. For now, they persevere, and for that, they have our respect.


The Knight of the Cross(Dresden Files), Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou Project)

Many thanks to Saulot for providing the lion’s share of these charms.

Santo Charms

Appear Charms and Upgrades

Grey Masquerade (Appear 1) - Upgrade: Angel Unaware (Santo 2)
Sometimes in order to do godly work, those with the gods favor have to be able to walk
unseen. Easier said than done, but the blessing of faith allows the Princess to shield such
signatures. The Princess may use this power to hide signatures granted by higher powers, so
long as they’re concievably viewed as divine. This, however, changes the roll to Intelligence +

Light the Way (Appear 1) - Upgrade: Only the Pure of Heart (Santo 1)
The Princess's light burns at such an intensity that they may only avert their eyes or gain the
Noble's blessing and view normally. The light implements a penalty equal to her Santo to all
vision based rolls on the Princess or those around her. The Princess may designate up to her
Inner Light in people not affected by this (she's not affected by definition), who may treat the
penalty as a bonus to perception rolls instead.
Be Not Afraid (Appear 2, Santo 2)
Action: Instant, Composure + Expression
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

Humans fear things that are inherently not like them, this is easily visible by their willingness
to denote others as monsters. But they also show the same fear to divine, after all, is an angel
not another kind of monster too? With this charm, the Princess radiates an aura of calmness
that quells these fears of the inhuman that seek to aid humanity.

While the Princess is under the effects of this charm, people find it harder to fear her or see
what she says or does as warranting fear. Any attempt to resist fear or breaking points caused
by dealing with the Darkness in the Princess's presence gain a bonus equal to the Princess's

Of course, emotions are magic. A Princess who attempts to attack innocent people while
under the effects of this charm automatically makes the effects cease.

Goosedown Lullaby (Appear 3) - Upgrade: Hymnal (Santo 2)

It's said that church bells and singing the praises of God scare away the evil spirits and make
even the Fae burst into tears from their lost pleasures of Heaven. The Princess's song scares
away the inhuman supernatural, like Ephemeral Beings. some Supernaturals at Integrity
Equivalent 0 or who simply lack any form of sanity or morality, instead causing the Terrified Tilt
on them while she keeps the song up.

Hallowed Hearth (Appear 3) - Upgrade: Watched (Santo 2)

Trespassing into certain places can make you feel like you're being watched...especially if it's
a place sanctified by holy beings. Any actions caused by intruders within the area takes a
penalty equal to her Santo.

Chamber of Reflection (Appear 3, Santo 3)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Wits + Socialize - Target's Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

It's easy to say or do things without really thinking the consequences of your actions through.
Impulsiveness is an easily forgivable thing. But sometimes it's harder to forgive those who
trespass against you, especially if they lack the self-awareness to realize how they act can or
has hurt others. On the flip side, there is also those who don't realize how kind or good they
are, due to some form of ingrained guilt from parents, siblings, caretakers, or as the Holy King
despises most, religion used to ingrain fear into people instead of teaching them love.

The Princess can use this charm to force people to see themselves from an outside

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only gains an unwelcome vision of herself at her worst
moment. She must roll for sensitivity.
Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: The Princess succeeds, granting a vision of her choice to her target.

One of the visions takes the form of forcing the target to see themselves at their worst times.
For some people, it shows their behavior without any of their good traits, if they had any. For
others, it may simply magnify the flaws they aren't normally aware of, or make those who are
aware of them realize how damaging they can be. For the worst kinds of people, it can make
them realize they did something very wrong.

On the other hand, the Princess could use the vision to allow a target to see themselves at
their very best. Often the result is a very well adjusted version of the one who has the vision,
maybe even dredging up memories of good deeds and good times long since passed. It's
enough to both reaffirm someone's flagging self-worth, as well as stun the heart of even the
coldest criminals.

No matter which vision the target sees, it is plausible for it to inspire the target to change their
ways, try to become better or whatnot. Upon seeing the full vision, the Target may optionally
spend a Willpower Point to change one of their Aspirations to something reflecting the result
of seeing themselves at their best or worst. Perhaps a criminal becomes willing to put away
the knife and go straight, or a person with behavioral issues becomes aware that they might
need help or try to straighten themselves out. Optionally, the Victim may spend a Willpower
Dot to change their Virtue or Vice.

It's worth noting that using this charm on a non-Darkened Creature of Darkness has some
special effects. For starters, it's almost a waste of time to show them a vision of them at their
worst, since it'd just be a straight up reflection of themselves and they'd probably laugh at
their own behavior. They get to roll their Sensitivity for the purposes of gaining shadows.

However, showing them a vision of them being at their best is another story. For most of them,
it dredges up memories of their lives before they were taken by the Darkness, as humans who
could live without cruelty, hatred and monstrous looks. Though the Darkness is only
redeemable through virtuous death, the long dead pieces of humanity in them being
remembered is enough to cause some of them to react in odd ways. These kinds of beings
take the Shaken Condition.

Exceptional Success: The Princess gets the option to show the target both visions if they

Bless Charms and Upgrades

We Rely on You (Bless 1) - May the Lord Be With You (Santo 1)

Dream Version: This version of “We Rely on You” blesses all uses of Social Attributes and
Upgrade: Beginner’s Luck
When adding dice to a Social Skill and the target would suffer an unskilled penalty, the
Unskilled Penalty is ignored.

Charms of Enhancement (Bless 3) - Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum (Santo 2)

Dream Version: Roll Manipulation + Empathy to enhance a Social Attribute.

Sanctification of the Flesh (Bless 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Intimidation
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

The Princess blesses the flesh of those they touch, giving them properties of repelling
ephemeral beings.

Dramatic Failure: The target only becomes a beacon to ephemeral beings, making the target
more easily affected. The target takes a penalty equal to the Princess’s Santo to resist
Ephemeral Beings.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The target’s flesh becomes mystically enhanced against spiritual beings. They gain
the ability to see and touch Ephemeral Beings in Twilight, and their strikes deal damage to
them as if they’re the Princess’s Santo in Lethal weapons. This blessing doesn’t stack with
bonuses from other blessings.
Exceptional Success: The target also becomes harder to crack against Ephemeral beings,
gaining a +2 to all breaking point rolls if caused by Ephemeral Beings.
Upgrade: Sacred Relics
The target’s holy aura spreads to their weapons as well, allowing them to touch and hurt
ephemeral beings as if it were his own flesh. If the target drops their weapon, then it stops
applying until they pick up the weapon again, but it can last long enough for a thrown weapon
or projectile to hit it’s target before the blessing wears off.
Blessings Be Upon This House (Bless 4) - Upgrade: House of Worship (Santo 3)
The noble prepares the place for use of worship or religious study. She sets up altars,
prepares sacred objects and texts to be used for the betterment of people's souls. By applying
Santo to the Charm, she may give the area Aspirations based on the King of Crosses
Philosophies. She may also protect people from the sickness of their minds, creating the
Blessing of Integrity.

The Protective Mark of Cain (Bless 4, Santo 2)

Action: Extended, Intelligence + Politics (5 mins/roll, Threshold = 10)
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

In the world of men, crimes must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. For it is just
punishment that both teaches the criminal of their wrongdoing as well as salving the wounds
of the victims. For some people, this isn't enough. They want vengeance, soaked in blood and

The Princesses of Crosses believe that the initial punishment is punishment enough, and so
inscribe protections onto those who still suffer for crimes they've already paid for. Using little
more than liquid light and the holy power of Santo, they protect these people from further

Dramatic Failure: The Princess's mark gets screwed up, only further making the target subject
to retribution. For the rest of the scene, the target takes the Inverse Blessing Condition with a
bonus equal to her Santo. The blessed actions are "anything that would hurt the target in any
Failure: The Princess makes no progress. If the Princess fails to reach the threshold, she may
not try this charm again for one scene.
Success: The Princess makes progress, inscribing symbols of light that visibly marks the
forehead, torso and back of her target. Upon reaching the threshold, the symbols are
completed and fade onto the target's body. While the target bears the mark, they take the
Inverse Curse Condition. The penalty is equal to her Santo, and it applies towards "all
attempts to harm the target for what they've done'.' In other words, those who try to seek
retributive justice will find their attempts failing and flagging, but this doesn't apply if the
attackers aren't attacking for that reason.

As well, the mark denotes a special connection between the Princess and the target. While
the target bears the mark, the Princess always becomes instantly aware if they're suffering
from attacks and where they're at.
Exceptional Success: The Princess makes excellent progress.
Upgrade: Lasting
The Princess makes her mark to last for a while. The Princess may allow the mark to last for a
number of scenes equal to her Santo.
Upgrade: Avenged Sevenfold (Santo 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess promises her own personal protection onto those she marks. If the target gets
harmed by attackers seeking retributive justice and the Princess aids them, the Princess
gains the Blessing Condition with a bonus equal to her Santo against all attackers.

Connect Charms and Upgrades

Illuminatus (Connect 1) - Ceremonial (Santo 2)
Sometimes it's easier to connect to cults when you know how to turn them for the best. When
beginning a Social Maneuver with a member of a Mystery Cult, the Princess may spend a
wisp to open one door without a roll.

Open Heart (Connect 1) - Redeeming (Santo 2)

The Princess reads into hopes, dreams and fears, seeking what would be the best way to
lead them down their best path. When she uses Empathy to read someone's emotions, she
may spend a wisp to learn their Aspirations, Virtue and Vice, one for each success.

Laying Down the Line (Connect 1) - Circle of Salt (Santo 2)

Requires Unnatural
The Princess’s lines suffuse themselves with the warding power of Santo, making it harder for
unfriendly spirits or ghosts to harm those within the boundary marked. If the Princess applies
this version of Laying Down the Line, she can only choose ephemeral beings to target
against, which applies if the being is possessing something or someone else as well.
Whichever she chooses, she may treat the line she’s created as if it serves as a ward or
binding against the kind of beings she’s specified [CoD 140].

Drawback: Unless she’s using the Illuminated Upgrade as well or applying onto Consecrated
Ground, if the line the Princess creates is broken, then so too is this version of the charm.

Gathering of Saints and Sinners (Connect 2, Santo 3)

Action: Instant, Presence + Socialize
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

Sometimes the best way to get through troubling times and pain is to be able to talk to other
people about it, one cannot hold it in forever. Trust however is so hard to come by, and most
people don't open up to strangers unless they're in therapy. The Princess can create such
bonds with her magic, allowing a group of people about her to be able to speak of their issues
without worry of the consequences or strangeness.

In order to use the charm the Princess must have a group of at least two people who share
the same or similar issues, not including herself.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only gets flustered or becomes unable to speak. They take the
Mute Condition.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess integrates the group in an aura of pleasantness and privacy, where
they feel comfortable about opening up about their issues or talking of why they suffer as they
do. In essence, it creates the Fresh Impressions Condition and sets the step up one higher
than it normally would between all people who are in the group, including the Princess herself.

This charm can take up a scene, but at the end of the scene those who participated through
the charm may shed conditions that can be resolved with therapy, as a result of working
through their feelings or behavior with the input of other people. Those who haven't got a
Condition that can be fulfilled in this manner gain a bonus equal to the number of people who
are part of the meeting, including the Princess herself, as a bonus to rolls trying to resolve
their issues in a peaceful, empathetic manner for the next scene.
Exceptional Success: The Princess's magic bolsters friendships between those who came.
The Impression level improves by two steps instead of one.

Yawm ad-Din (Connect 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Intimidation - Target's Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

At certain points in peoples lives have they done something wrong or bad, or there is an issue
that arrives in their lives that is hard to face. Some people face their guilt or problems head
on, but plenty of others run away and expect their problems or consequences to not catch up
to them. Everyone must face these issues sooner or later, a judgement day if one will, and the
Princess can force this on those they face.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only destroys her confidence in herself. She takes the Shaken
Failure: Nothing happens. The Princess may try forcing the charm again, but this comes as a
cumulative -1 penalty per each use.
Success: Upon using the charm, the target begins to feel incapable of running away, like they
must face whatever is thrown at them, be it the judgement of an angry mob, the issue they've
been running away from or the Princess calling them out on their behavior. Mechanically
speaking, the Target would need to roll Resolve + Composure to even succeed leaving and
needs a result higher than the Princess's successes in order to actually do so.

This charm automatically ends if the Target would be thrown into a dangerous situation, such
as the threat of being physically killed looming over his head.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.

Contract of Reconciliation (Connect 3, Santo 4)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Expression - Target's Composure
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Variable, see below

Everyone makes mistakes. Some are more grievous than others and willingly committed, but
that doesn't mean that someone is undeserving of mercy. People deserve a second chance,
but at the same time it's hard to trust someone who has wounded you. The Princess can
ensure that both people, the repentant and the victim may pave the way for a brighter future.

When the Princess uses this charm, she must have the consent of both parties, through which
the terms of repentance can be decided upon. In essence, the Princess has to get both
parties to agree to what would heal the wounds of the victim as well as deciding the suitable
term of these conditions.

Due to the philosophies of Santo, the acts of reconciliation and it's length cannot cause long
term harm on either party nor must they be overly zealous in punishment, for as admirable
that "redemption through death" sounds it's most certainly against the King of Crosses
wishes. Finally, these conditions must be possible for the target to carry out, and cannot be
impossible in any way.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only widens the schism between the two. She takes a -3
penalty on all social rolls with the target, and may not use this charm again for a month.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess succeeds in performing the contract. While underneath of it's effects,
the Repentant is obligated to fulfilling the conditions agreed to when discussing the terms with
the victim for the length of time as described. While beneath the conditions, the target gains
the Entwined Destiny Condition. They gain willpower from fulfilling their acts of reconciliation
and suffer the Princess's Santo in penalties when they refuse to do so.

During the conditions of the contract, the victim gains a bonus to all social rolls on the target,
as well as the target receiving the Fresh Conditions Condition with their Impression set to
Perfect. The victim may use this on social maneuvering the target, but of course it must
remain within limits of the contract. Use of this aspect lessens the length of the contract, the
Storyteller is allowed to use their discretion to determine by how much. Once the contract is
up or ends early, the target and victim no longer have any bad blood. All conditions that arose
from the conflict between the two cease, and the target's impression level returns to normal.

Of course, it's quite possible for a victim to use this power to their advantage, but the contract
frays apart if they do so. If the victim knowingly makes the target suffer serious amounts of
trouble (losing a loved one, forcing them to miss a major event like a funeral of a loved one,
the target getting hurt for them, losing a limb, etc), the charm automatically ends as the victim
has moved to being the victimizer and the target loses all obligations to the once-victim. And
of course, the Princess knows why this came to pass.

Exceptional Success: The Princess makes it easier for the two to get along. They both receive
perfect impressions of each other.

Closure of the As-Sirāt (Connect 4, Santo 4)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Occult
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: The Princess's Santo in Scenes

There are those who try to escape to alternate realms, usually when the hand of justice tries
to come for them, but then there are those who fear a chance of redemption offered with
judgement. Everyone deserves a second chance, but those who run away will almost never
receive it.

When the Princess uses this charm, she must use it on a place that connects to another
realm. A hedge gate, a taint, the Locus, any place that connects to another reality. When the
Princess uses this charm, she implements a penalty on all attempts to reach into those planes
of existence. Conversely, entering from those planes at those places suffers the same penalty.
Upgrade: Bastion
The Princess may apply this atop of Consecrated Ground, allowing for the charm to last so
long as the Consecrated Ground lasts.
Upgrade: Exemption (Santo 5)
Sometimes people are merely trying to leave these warped, alien realms, or there are those
who can be trusted to enter and exit these realms. When the Princess uses this upgrade, she
may apply a blanket exemption for normal humans to enter back into reality from the penalties
imposed, as well as exempt a number of people from penalties to enter or exit by her Inner

Charm of Entwined Destiny (Connect 4)

● Om Mani Padme Hum (Santo 3) - Savior: The Princess gains Willpower when she
helps her target remain on a good path and resist bad impulses, and she takes
penalties whenever she refuses to do so.

Fight Charms and Upgrades

Empty Hands (Fight 1) - Exorcizing (Santo 2)
The Princess’s grip calls out people’s better natures, while making it harder to wield powers
that would endanger themselves or others around them. While the Princess grapples the
target, the Princess may invoke a Clash of Wills. Should the Princess succeed, the target may
not make use of a number of supernatural powers equal to the Princess’s Santo while he
remains grappled. The Princess is free to choose which ones she affects.

Kensai (Fight 1) - Righteous (Santo 2)

The Princess’s weapon gleams with holy light, sanctifying those it touches and reducing the
will to fight. When the Princess successfully attacks her target, her target’s next action is
penalized by her Santo. This does not apply to defense.

Javelot (Fight 1) - Crucifying (Santo 2)

The Princess’s weapon forces her target to remain in place, unable to move from her assault.
For the Princess’s successes in turns, the target takes her Santo as a penalty to any attempts
to move or attack. This does not apply for their defense however.

Levinbolt (Fight 1) - Hamaya (Sancto 2)

The Princess’s shots breaks through all things of an evil nature. If the Princess applies Sancto
to an attack, she may ignore up to her Sancto from any magical protection not of the Light that
the target tries to invoke. This does not apply against protection gained from religion or belief
in a god.

Palladion (Fight 1) - Illuminating (Santo 1)

The Princess's shield glows with faithful radiance, showing monsters for what they are and
making them lose their will to fight. When the Princess uses Santo to improve her dodge pool
and an attacker fails to strike the Princess, she may spend a wisp to apply a Santo penalty
onto the attacker for one turn.

Take the Blow (Fight 1) - Magnus Lux (Santo 1)

The Princess protects from supernatural forces not of the light as much as she does from
physical attacks. If she applies Santo, she gains a bonus to one roll against a supernatural
force equal to the higher of her Santo or her Defense.

Touch of Mercy (Fight 2, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One scene

At times, violent conflict is necessary. However, that does not always have to mean that a fight
must go on to the death. When the Princess uses this charm, she may choose Bashing or
Lethal damage. Should she fight, any damage she causes does not go above that damage on
her targets. No amount of brawling will make her opponent overflow into Lethal, nor will her
opponents bleed out if she chose Lethal. Each strike when her opponent would receive more
damage instead forces them to reroll for consciousness, with the Princess’s successes on the
blow as a penalty.

Of course, at the end of the scene, this charm will end and any unhealed damage may
overflow from her punches once more, even worse if the target is full Lethal as they will start
bleeding out.

Upgrade: Laying of Hands (Santo 3)

Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess ensures that even those who she’s hurt will be healed once more. Once the
target goes unconscious or they give up fighting, their last health box automatically clears up,
preventing the threat of bleeding out from Lethal or grevious damages from Bashing.

Body Shattering Shofar (Fight 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Permanent

The Princess's blows not only slash at the flesh, but cut to the very soul of their foes. Well, not
the human soul, but that of unnatural inhabitants who hide within the cracks of the soul. If the
Princess fights against a mortal who is possessed by any being and she uses this charm, the
Princess's weapon passes through the flesh and harms the passenger instead. In essence, it
damages the Corpus of the Ephemeral being, or it causes physical damage on the possessor.
This also affects beings who are wearing bodies that don't belong to them, like a Spirit or
Ghost using Corpse Ride, or an Amanojaku that has taken over a human's body.

If the Princess tries using this on a non-possessed being, her attacks deal normal damage
and this charm was used for naught.

Govern Charms and Upgrades

Forgotten Lore (Govern 1) - Mysteries of the Divine (Santo 2)
Even mysteries of the heavens and religion unravel before the Princess's eyes. When
researching on a Mystery Cult or a being worshipped by at least 13 or more people, the
Princess may spend a Wisp to reduce the required successes by her Santo.
Eulogia (Govern 2, Santo 1)
Action: Instant, Intelligence + Crafts
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Many people find the strength to keep going if they bear symbols of things they have faith in.
Be it religious icons, beloved stuffed animals, photos of friends or family tucked away in a
locket, these can give strength where we are lacking and a Saint can turn it into a tangible
pool one can draw from.

When the Princess uses this charm, she usually picks something of meaning to someone or
something. Religious iconography, as per usual with Santo, is popular but less noticeable
things have been used like cherished items to specific people or whatnot. Upon using the
charm, she enchants the object to bear it's own Willpower Pool, starting empty and capable of
holding points up to her Santo. It may be filled up by a person choosing to give it willpower,
requiring at least a minute of concentration and touching the object.

Retrieving the Willpower is abit more difficult. The vessel for it must have some meaning to
the person trying to draw it out. For example, a shrine maiden with a shimenawa may be able
to pull it out better than a person who doesn't know anything about Shintoism, or a family
picture for one person may mean nothing to someone who doesn't know anyone in the
picture. In order to draw out the willpower, the person touching it must roll Resolve +
Composure - Intimacy to the object or what it represents. They may take up to their
successes in willpower. Charms that steal or damage willpower, like Lacrima Charms, may
bypass the roll.
Upgrade: Pond of Strength (Santo 2)
The Princess may double her Santo for the purposes of determining the size of the Willpower
pool the Eulogia has.

Light Over All (Govern 2) - Upgrade: Rites of Abjuration (Santo 2)

The holy light of Santo aids all attempts of Abjuration, weakening all forms of ephemeral
beings with it’s glare. Whenever the Princess attempts an Abjuration, she never takes
penalties from lower Belief or if the Abjuration is in line with her vice. Furthermore, she may
cut her rolls for Abjuring in half.

Bequeath (Govern 3) - Upgrade: Virtuous (Santo 2)

The new Bequest now comes with it's own Willpower Pool, equal to the Charm rating of the
Bequest itself. She may choose one Virtue the Bequest is associated with, allowing it to be
refilled with Willpower when that Virtue is accomplished. The Princess may not draw out the
Willpower from the Bequest, it may only ever be used to pay for Willpower costs of Charms
within the Bequest, or in place of normal willpower when adding dice to a roll that uses the
Bequest in question.

Ofuda (Govern 3) - Upgrade: Lux Mundi (Santo 2)

The Princess’s Ofuda come with the comfort of a higher power watching over her, protecting
her and her dwelling from all that would harm them. The Princess may reduce the multiplier
on the threshold by her Santo when determining it. This may not lower the multiplier beneath

Open the Narrow Gates (Govern 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Successes in days

It's so easy to slip on the path to evil. The road to hell is wide and easy to walk onto, and
nowhere is this more apparent than how Blessed Places being rarer than Tainted Places.
Sometimes the best a Princess can do is make it easier for people to take aspirations that
help them do good, and given how singularly devoted Blessed Places can be, the Princess
can change their aspirations for a time.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess's magic takes away the goodness of the Blessed Place.
Remove one Beauty.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess may change the Aspirations a Blessed Place can grant. She may
change a number of Aspirations equal to half her Santo, rounded up.
Exceptional Success: The new changes remain for one week.

Compassion of the Bodhisattva (Govern 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Occult
Cost: Variable, see below
Duration: One Scene

Many Princesses wish they could help those who strayed from, or who were ripped off of the
path of humanity to be able to reconnect for a time. Even though doing so is far beyond a
Princess's power, sometimes the best you can do is ease the burden so they don't suffer as

When the Princess uses this charm, she selects a supernatural being to affect and requires
their consent to use this charm on. Whenever they would have to pay costs for their own
upkeep, like a vampire having to spend Vitae to remain refreshed at night, a Werewolf's need
for essence, or a Changeling's Glamour Addiction or any similar maintenance costs for
supernatural beings,, she may pay the cost in wisps in their place. This only works for charges
of upkeep, it doesn't function for paying the cost of Disciplines or other supernatural powers
the splat may have.

Upgrade: Communal
The Princess may apply this charm upon a group of supernatural beings. As a cost, she must
apply the commonality modifier to the charm.

Upgrade: The Path to Enlightenment (Santo 4)

Cost: 1 Willpower

Gaining more power from one's supernatural state also leads them astray from humanity
further and further. A Princess may better aid them, so as their own power may be blotted out
by the Light. When the Princess uses this charm, she may lower the Supernatural's
Supernatural Advantage by the lower of her Inner Light or Santo, to a minimum of 1. This can
reduce the nightly costs and needs for certain supernaturals, such as allowing Vampires to
feed on animals or humans again, or allowing Werewolves a reprieve from Essence upkeep.
And of course it also lowers penalties that Supernatural Advantages cause, like reducing Jabir
or Lunacy Penalties.

Inspire Charms and Upgrades

Razzle Dazzle (Inspire 1) - Upgrade: Uplifting (Santo 2)
The Noble naturally appeals to people’s better natures. In a social maneuver where her goal
is in line with the target’s Virtue, she may spend 1 Wisp to open a Door without rolling. She
can open a number of Doors up to her Santo this way during one maneuver.

Amazing Grace (Inspire 2, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
Performance: 2 Minutes

How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

The Princess calls forth her own better nature upon the audience, aiding them by making it
easier to appeal to their own better halves.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only denies her audience the chance of betterment. None of
them may fulfill their virtue for the rest of the scene.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess reaches her audience, helping them realize their better halves. Upon
success, the Audience gains one of the Princess's virtues as an additional virtue for the rest of
the scene for all purposes save regaining willpower.
Exceptional Success: As per a success, save with the restriction of not gaining willpower

Play Your Part (Inspire 3) - Upgrade: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves (Santo 2)
Sometimes trying to inspire people to a better path or to act on their desires requires helping
them take the first step. No god will hand you anything in life, what you desire to achieve must
be gained by your own hands and work to achieve them.

While the additional Aspiration or Dream exists, the target also benefits from the Inspired
Condition for the same duration [CoD 289].

Eyes of the Weeping Divine (Inspire 3, Santo 4)

Action: Reflexive and Contested, Presence + Empathy vs Target's Composure + Supernatural
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

For many Princesses, blossoming opens their eyes to so many new experiences. The
happiness and joys she brings to other people, as much as the pains and miseries she sees.
And so much pain and misery there is in this World of Darkness. And too many people blind to
the misery they cause onto others.

Some Princesses wish they could make mortals feel sensitivity as they do so that they
couldn't cause pain. Such a notion is unethical, but the Paladins are content to grant a ghost
of Sensitivity to make people understand what they did was wrong. The Princess may use this
charm reflexively when she suffers from Sensitivity due to another's actions.

Dramatic Failure: The target only asserts their unnatural claim to cruelty, and the Princess
only ramps up her sensitivity further. She must roll for Sensitivity once more.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The charm takes effect, making the target's soul fill with doubt as the Princess's had
with Shadows. The target immediately takes the Guilty Condition concerning the act they've
just done. If the Princess took any Shadows from rolling for sensitivity, then the target takes a
penalty to all actions that don't involve making up for their actions equal to the number of
Shadows the Princess took.

If the target of the charm makes up for their guilty actions within the scene, then the Princess
may remove half of her freshly gained shadows, rounded down.
Exceptional Success: The Princess's faith is rewarded by banishing the darkness in her soul.
The Princess may remove all shadows freshly gained if the target makes up for their actions.

Believe In Me Who Believes In You (Inspire 3, Santo 3)

Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp and 1 Willpower (Target's)
Duration: 1 Scene

Sometimes having someone who has faith in you is enough when you don't have faith in
yourself. By serving as an example and bastion of confidence, the Noble of Crosses can allow
another to use their Belief instead of their own. For the rest of the Scene, the target may treat
the Noble's current Belief as their Integrity or equivalent. This charm automatically fails if the
Princess does not have the consent of the target.

For example, Joan has a Belief of 8 and is helping a vampire, Renault, remember what it is to
be Human again. Renault has a Humanity of 3. By Joan using the Charm and spending a
Wisp, and Renault spending a Willpower, he can be treated as having Humanity 8 for the
purposes of Detachment rolls and Banes.

Don’t Stop Believing (Inspire 4) - Upgrade: Adeste Fidelus (Santo 3)

The Princess’s magic aids even the ailing minds of supernaturals, allowing them to hold onto
their alternative traits if it means being at their best in connection to humanity. The Princess
may freely affect all kinds of supernaturals versions of Integrity. Integrity with alternative
systems, like Harmony for Werewolves shifting up and down the scale may be alternatively
affected to simply bring them to their best point, such as lowering or raising them to Harmony
5. This charm cannot affect truly alien equivalents of Integrity or beings without any equivalent
of Integrity, like Demons or Beasts.

Vince In Bono Malum (Inspire 5, Santo 4)

Action: Instant, Presence + Empathy
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Performance: 10 Minutes

Over come evil with good, and find the light after the dark. No matter how hard it seems, there
will always be a better path available and way to improve. Even amongst the most hardened
of monsters, it's possible to reach even their ice cold hearts if you try. Most people would give
up on the tenth time of getting their hands bitten, but those at the level of devotion to Santo
are worthy of taking the Mantle of Crosses. With little more than a performance, be it a play, a
story or a sermon, the Princess brings out the goodness in people's hearts.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess only loses her right to the crown. She takes the Abdicated
Condition and is treated as if she broke Santo's ban.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess undertakes a second transformation, her clothes filtering out with gold
and white as she takes on a divine radiance that furthers incentives for virtue and that quells
violence, and her head is adorned with the golden light of divinity. The Princess and her
audience gains the Divine Grace Condition. While underneath it's effects, forgiveness and
virtue seems so much more tangible and easier to attain. They may fulfill their Virtues with
simpler acts instead of requiring sacrifice.

Furthermore, redemption and forgiveness seem much easier to attain, or at least to consider
in people's minds. The targets may spend Willpower to suppress conditions, mental issues or
penalties that would hinder attempts to forgive others or to try to make up for previous actions.
Of course, they may use Willpower as normal to buff rolls.

As well, actions that would hurt other people become much harder to attain while under the
effects of Divine Grace. All people with the Divine Grace Condition gain a penalty equal to the
Princess's successes to any action that would be cruel or hurt someone else, unless it's in self
defense. Those who dramatically fail rolls because of this take the Guilty Condition.
Exceptional Success: The Princess and her audience all receive one point of willpower.

The Princess also takes the Invocation Lock Condition keyed to Santo.

Learn Charms and Upgrades

Paramita, Knowledge of the Other Shore (Learn 2, Santo 1)
Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Socialize - Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

Some people can be motivated to their higher, better selves and lead away from their roads of
debasement. With little more than a touch, the Princess can learn of the target’s more virtuous
sides. Later activations after the first cause a cumulative -1 penalty on this charm’s uses.

Dramatic Failure: The Charm misleads the Princess. The storyteller describes a vision of
things that do not lead the target to their best behavior. The Princess will believe in this vision
unless evidence is given that proves the contrary. Further uses of the charm will not reveal
anything that refutes the vision, requiring the princess to learn her mistake by other methods.
The Princess may not use this charm for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The Princess learns nothing on the target and may not use this charm on them for the
rest of the scene.
Success: The Princess gains flashes of insight to her target’s higher callings and things that
may lead them away from it. The storyteller must answer one question truthfully for each
activation success.
● The target’s Virtue or equivalent.
● The target’s level of Integrity or equivalent, as well as the action that made it drop or
rise as it had.
● Something that helps the target do good deeds or reasons they could perform good
● The name or description of someone that helps the target do good deeds or inspires
them to do so.
Exceptional Success: The Princess gains considerable insight to the target’s higher nature.
Upgrade: Personal (Santo 2)
The Santo Invocation blesses those who forgive, and accepts all with open arms. The
Princess may look for insight into the target’s character and abilities, so far as these resonate
with the Santo Invocation or the credo of the King of Crosses. Add the following to the list of
questions the Princess may ask.
● The target’s Presence, Manipulation or Composure.
● The Target’s Vice or Equivalent.
● The worst thing a target has done in their life and why they performed it.
● Something that would tempt a target off of a good path, or that motivates them to act
badly as they do or have.

Perfect Charms and Upgrades

Barrier Jacket (Perfect 1) - Repelling (Santo 1)
The Princess's jacket repels all spirit and ghostly attempts to alter her state of being. Any
attempt to affect the Princess through Numina, Influences, even attacks made by Ephemeral
Beings takes a penalty equal to her Santo.

Spirit Defying Aura (Perfect 2, Santo 1)

Action: Instant, Presence + Intimidation
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

There are many unfriendly beings who lurk just beyond mortal eyes. Ghosts, Spirits, even
other beings that may seek to use and abuse humans. But so long as the Princess and her
holy aura remains near them, even spirits may feel less inclined to stick around.

This charm generates an aura around the Princess, which covers a radius of 3 yards x
successes around herself. Spirits, Ghosts, and other Ephemeral beings feel a state of unease
about them, taking a Penalty equal to her Santo to any attempts to make use of Numina while
they remain within the radius of the Princess.

Drawback: Of course, this charm doesn't endear the Princess to any ephemeral being while
it's active. The Princess also takes her Santo as a penalty towards social rolls when dealing
with Ephemeral Beings while this charm remains active.

My Flesh And Body I Give Unto You (Perfect 3, Santo 2)

Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting

In a fight, a Princess has the potential to sacrifice many things. Her flesh, her blood, and even
her life. Her allies may suffer the same as she does, but at the least she can ensure that those
she is around will be healed even as she is bleeding out. Whenever the Princess suffers
damage, she may use this charm as a reflexive action. For whatever amount of damage she
took, she may choose one person around her, be they friend, bystander, or even foe. The
target heals whatever amount of damage the Princess suffered.

This charm does have some limits however. A Princess cannot heal damage above what
she's suffered, but can heal any damage equal to or below what she's taken. So for example,
a Princess who took three Lethal from an attack can heal up to three Lethal or Bashing on
anyone she sees, but she could not heal Aggravated Damage. And of course, the Princess
cannot target herself with this charm.

Visage of the Divine (Perfect 5, Santo 4)

Action: Extended and Resisted, Intelligence + Occult (5 minutes/roll, Threshold = the
Princess's Inner Light - her Santo)
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

Many people tend to equate Princesses to the divine, coming from upon high to aid the
corroded world. Though most of them disagree with this notion (and in fact, the Mirrors revel
in it), few come close to actually touching it than the Saints themselves.

When the Princess uses this charm, she has to have prepared a ritual beforehand to entreat
to a god, saint, angel, boddhisatva, kami, whatever celestial being she seeks to embody.
Anyone of the Christian Faith may be enticed by enacting the normal Sunday Church routine
with variations for specific saints (like trying to appeal to Saint Lorenzo might add in a
comedic act on the irony of him being the Patron Saint of Chefs when he was burned at
stake), or preparing offerings to gods in the way the Greek or Egyptian gods enjoyed. It
should bear mention that sacrificing a living thing is more than likely a Belief Compromise no
matter the Princess, so while Princesses can most certainly do that, most are liable not to,
and the King of Crosses would be...cross to see his followers doing that.

Once the divine being is chosen and the Princess has the ritual prepared, the Princess begins
to attempt calling down their favor...or channeling Santo to grant them their visage. It’s unclear
as to whether a divine being is truly answering the Princess’s call or her level of Santo is at
the degree that it can inspire such changes. What is known is that if the Princess gets the
ritual wrong in a hugely offensive way to the divine being (such as including an Eye of Horus
into a ritual to embody Set, the Lonely Wanderer and God of Foreigners), the charm
dramatically fails.

It’s worth mentioning as well that the Princess also must focus on one particular aspect of a
the divine that she’s bringing down. It’s common that most Saints or lesser gods have only
one aspect to their name, but major gods like Izanagi, Zeus, Yaldabaoth, Shiva, Matarajin and
the like have multiple associations. In cases like these, the Princess may only ever choose
one of them. The Charm’s effects are as such.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess gravely insults the divine being in question. She takes her
Santo in Resistant Lethal, is treated as if she has broken Santo’s ban and may not use this
charm for one month.
Failure: The Princess makes no progress. If she fails at using the charm, she’s treated as if
she has broken Santo’s ban, and may only use it again if they do actions that would appease
the divine being in question.
Success: The Princess makes progress. Upon achieving the threshold, the Princess takes a
second transformation, with her form shifting over into a visage of the divine being she sought
to invoke. Some take the form of favorable traits the god enjoys, while others turn into what
they believe the divine would look like. In all cases, the Princess’s new form comes with
several advantages that vary with the divine she has invoked. The Princess may choose one
advantage she may use freely, so long as it fits the invocation of the Divine she calls upon.

● Movement: The Princess feels at home with the principles the divine embodies,
moving faster through it than she would normally. When moving through the domain of
the divine being she embodies, her speed becomes equal to her Strength + Dexterity
+ 5 + Santo. If the being is associated with water, then she swims with the speed of an
olympian. Divines associated with the earth or speed help her run faster, and if the
being is typically depicted with wings or has the winds as part of their schtick, then the
Princess becomes capable of flight.
● Environment: The Princess simply ceases to suffer from penalties caused by or
within the favor of the divine she embodies. While within the favored domain of the
divine or acting within it, she negates up to her Santo in penalties she gets while being
there. Furthermore, it grants her immunity to natural ailments that would harm humans
normally. No harsh winds nor rain harm the Saint who invokes Set, the Lord of Storms,
nor would heat, flame or lava bother the Paladin who invokes Madam Pele, the Earth
Eating Woman. Supernaturally created sources would suffer a penalty to hurt the
princess with them, though.
● Embodiment: The Princess becomes immersed within the divine’s domain, finding
her actions working better there than anywhere else. While within the favored domain
of the divine, the Princess gains a bonus equal to her Santo which applies towards all
actions dealing with that domain in question. For example, a Princess who invokes
Baron Samedi as the Loa of the Dead can find themselves working better with
funerary rites or acts that aid cemetaries or grieving families, as well as dealing with
● Attraction: Like attracts like, and some individuals may find themselves more open to
chat to a God that embodies their nature or traits better than anyone else. This may
depend on the person in question and thus require Storyteller discretion, but if the
Princess interacts with people on issues dealing with the Divine’s domain, the Princess
simply gains a bonus to social rolls equal to her Santo on those people. For example,
a Princess who invokes Sekhmet, the Lady of Slaughter may find it easier to intimidate
murderers while another who invokes Parvati, the Goddess of Creative Power, may
find it easier to help consult people on love and affection.
● Faith: The invocation of the divine can call forth the belief in the faithful. If people
within the scene pray to the divine the Princess represents, the Princess receives one
wisp per person. She may receive up to her Santo in Wisps while she has this.
● Rank: The Princess’s presence demands that even spirits and Ghosts treat them as
their equal. While she’s in the state, the Princess is able to see in Twilight and she’s
treated as if she has a rank equal to her Santo or her Inner Light, whichever is lower.
This power combined with Attraction can usually allow a Princess to get along with
spirits that deal with her divine’s domain.
Exceptional Success: The Princess makes great progress.

Upgrade: Advantageous
Stacks up to 5 times

The Princess picks up more powers from the divine they entreat. When the Princess uses this
charm, she may pick an additional advantage per number of times she's bought this upgrade.
As with normal advantages, the Princess may only pick advantages that fit the Divine in

Restore Charms and Upgrades

Ministering Angel (Restore 1) - Faithful (Santo 1)
Sometimes all you need is a little faith in order to pull through. The target, or people who are
close to the target may spend a point of willpower, adding a +3 to the Princess's rolls. People
may only spend one point of willpower this way.

Faith Will Pull Us Through (Restore 1, Santo 1)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

Seeing a loved one hurt will drive their loved ones into a frenzy, either as sobbing wrecks,
hysterical fits, or trying to help where their help can cost their loved one's life. The Princess
may simply tell them the best they can do is hope he'll be alright, upon which they may feel
that they can help somehow. When the Princess uses this charm to aid rolls to deal with
someone suffering, people who wish to help or who wish that whomever the Princess is
working on gets better may spend a point of Willpower. This point becomes a +3 bonus to the
Princess's rolls to aid the target. People may only spend one point of willpower this way.

Balm (Restore 2) - Upgrade: Truly Miraculous (Santo 2)

Requires Miraculous

The Princess heals even the most grevious damages en masse. She may heal Bashing,
Lethal and Aggravated damages, one healed at a rate of one success.

Panacea (Restore 2) - Upgrade: Miracles of Faith (Santo 2)

Cost: +1 Willpower

The Princesses hands light with sacred energy, taking away all diseases with little more than
a gentle caress. When the Princess uses this upgrade, she may halve the threshold to cure
the disease. This also goes for curing incurable diseases.

Stain Removal (Restore 3) - Upgrade: Path of Redemption (Santo 3)

Cost: 1 Willpower

Even if a Princess cannot fully purify those of their afflictions, sometimes the best weapon
against the Darkness is plain and simple Virtue. After the Princess has at least stopped using
this charm on the target but not have gotten rid of all their Umbrae or the Tainted condition,
the Princess may spend a point of willpower to leave the healing magic in her target for one
scene, enough to let her get back to them later.

If the target fulfills their virtue, instead of using it to regain willpower, they may instead turn the
Willpower into automatic successes to throw off an Umbrae, Tainted Condition, or Darkened
Template, whichever the Princess was last working on.
Regenerate (Restore 4) - Upgrade: Healing the Lepers (Santo 3)
The Princess may reduce the threshold for the charm by her Santo, to a minimum of 1.

Cura Animarum (Restore 4, Santo 3)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Manipulation + Medicine - Target's Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Sometimes good deeds inspire goodness in one's heart, that chases away the shadows of the
mind and soothes the cracks of the soul. For the Princess of Crosses, good deeds can pave
the way to a better life and help even unfortunate souls find their path once more. When the
Princess uses this charm, she must target someone with a negative condition affecting their
mind or soul. She also must have informed consent for this charm to function.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only widens the cracks on her target. The Princess takes the
Notoriety Condition when it comes to the target, and she may not use this charm for the rest
of the scene.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess's magic settles into the target, ready to alleviate their pain at the first
sign of a good deed done. When the target next fulfills their virtue, they may remove any
condition affecting their mind or soul as well as regain their willpower.
Exceptional Success: The target gains a bonus equal to the Princess's Santo to finding things
that can aid them in fulfilling their virtue.

The Spider's Thread (Restore 5, Santo 5)

Action: Extended and Resisted, Presence + Empathy - Target's Supernatural Advantage (10
Mins/Roll, Threshold = 20 Successes)
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Nobody is truly unsavable, says the King of Crosses, and yet there are those who manage to
fall past the brink of salvageability where little more than death can save them. Though most
mortals are thankfully immune to this, the Darkness proves that it's all too possible for
someone, anyone to become incapable of being saved. Even those who are supernatural can
have their minds torn to shreds upon losing their last link to morality.

Of course, even a torn up mind can still be put back together. It may not look the same as it
did before, but it can still be saved. The Princess may use this charm to save such a person
who has fallen beneath their Integrity or equivalent of 0 and bring them right back to the edge,
if nothing else.
The target must be immobile for this to work, and must still have their functional body. So for
example, it is possible to use this on a Vampire who’s become a Draugr, or a Mnemosyne or
relatively human looking Cataphractoi, even on a Princess at Belief 0 who still bears a human
form but hasn't Dethroned, but it's not possible to use on Darkspawn or Dethroned, nor those
who no longer have an undeniably inhuman body.

Dramatic Failure: The simple thread the Princess sent to save the soul gets shredded up. She
may never use this charm on the target.
Failure: Nothing happens and the Princess makes no progress. If she doesn't reach the
threshold, the Princess may try again at the cost of a cumulative -1 penalty until she fully
succeeds or dramatically fails.
Success: The Princess makes progress. Upon reaching the threshold, the string of magic
grabs all the pieces of the shattered mind and soul of the target, gluing them back together
and making them whole once more. The target regains one dot of their Integrity, Belief or
equivalent, and if belonging to a player, they are playable once more. Of course, this comes at
the cost of the Target losing one dot of their highest level power (if it's tied, the Storyteller
decides) and a dot of their Supernatural advantage.
Exceptional Success: The Princess makes great progress.

Shape Charms and Upgrades

Apotropraic Magic (Shape 2, Santo 1)
Action: Instant, Presence + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

The Princess blesses an object, warding it from both simple bad luck and magic
intended to harm it. The Princess may negate penalties up to her Successes
whenever anyone uses the item, which includes penalties that come from the
wielder's hands, like suffering penalties from blindness, untrained skill penalties or

Furthermore, any attempt to use magic to alter the object or otherwise harm it takes a
penalty equal to the Princess's Santo.

My Home Is My Castle (Shape 3) - Upgrade: Sustained By Faith (Santo 3)

In most cases, the barrier doesn't just protect homes. It protects people too, who may
not be able to fight or help against attackers. In these cases, the best they can do is
pray the barrier holds. Sometimes their prayers get answered.
With this upgrade active, anyone who is being protected by the barrier, or is within it's
confines, should it get damaged they may spend a point of Willpower to repair one
structure to the barrier. They may spend as much willpower as they desire to heal the
shield even as it gets damaged.

Warding Talisman (Shape 3, Santo 3)

Action: Extended, Intelligence + Crafts (5 mins/roll, Threshold = Size of Talisman)
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

The Princess prepares a talisman that she laces with holy power that constantly wards off
Ephemeral Beings without the holder needing to do anything, allowing the holder to go
unmolested by beings and walk in the valley of the shadow of death without fear.

When the Princess uses this charm, she creates a portable object that can fit into the palm of
an adult's hand. Though most Princesses of Crosses go for any kind of religious iconography,
it isn't fully required to follow any theme. Once the talisman is created, it's intrinsically blessed
with the power to reflexively roll for Abjuration whenever the holder would be affected by an
Ephemeral Being. The roll is limited to the Talisman's Size + the holder's Composure + the
Princess's Santo when she made the Talisman.

The Talisman may only be used once per day due to using a good portion of it's energy on
even one Abjuration. The holder can immediately recharge it's protective power by fulfilling
their Virtue.

Drawback: The normal rules of abjuration apply, including where the Talisman holder's roll
would be penalized due to low Integrity, or if they were using their Vice when the Ephemeral
Being affected them.

Faith in False Weakness (Shape 3, Santo 1)

Action: Extended, Wits + Crafts (2 mins/roll, Threshold = 10)
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Lasting

Many things are smashed when dealing with a Supernatural, and one of them is how many of
their supposed weaknesses do not apply. Vampires aren't weak to garlic, Werewolves don't
suffer from Wolfsbane, nor does thrown seeds make Changelings stop to count them. But
while even one human has enough faith in something, there is the smallest possibility it can
work. As an invocation of both Faith and Holy Element, a Princess with Santo can turn human
faith of what could work against supernaturals into reality.
When the Princess uses this charm, she selects a Supernatural Splat. Major or Minor,
Ephemeral or Physical, anything will do. She takes belief of a weakness that humans believe
that splat has, and creates an item specifically for the purposes of enforcing that weakness. In
mechanical terms, the Princess creates an item that forces a Ban on the splat when the item
is used correctly. The Ban caused is relatively free to interpretation, so long as it causes a
compulsion when used and makes sense on the splat.

Of course, reality isn't so easily bent by faith, and even a supernatural's will can overcome a
false belief of their weakness. When the supernatural is affected by the item, they may roll
Resolve + Supernatural Advantage (Resistance + Rank for Ephemerals) - the Princess's
Santo. Failure forces them to act the ban, but success allows them to resist the attempt.

Each item created by this charm can only be used once, but a Princess can create as many
as she desires.

Upgrade: True Faith (Santo 3)

The Princess may treat her Santo as doubled for the purposes of penalizing the roll to resist
the Ban.

Upgrade: Baneful (Santo 5)

Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess's faith turns from a blinding light to burning heat that hurts instead of blinds. If
the Princess uses this charm, she may turn the item into a Bane [CoD 128] against the type of
splat it was made to be used against.

Shelter Sweet Shelter (Shape 4)

● Santo: The image of old fashioned home with the newest type of apartment decor with
slight pieces of religious regalia of all kinds subtly hidden in the framework.

Holy Sanctuary (Shape 4, Santo 3)

Action: Extended, Presence + Crafts
Cost: 2 Wisps/Roll, 1 Willpower
Duration: 2 + Inner Light Days

The Princess thoroughly blesses a place into a true sanctuary, where one may feel safe and
be protected from foreign sources of harm as well as ensuring that peace can ensue. When
using this charm, the Princess enacts it over a mortal institution of religion. This covers not
only the building, but also the entirety of the land it covers, including any outdoors gardens of
Shintoist or Buddhist temples to the very outskirts of the parking lot.
Apply the Holy Sanctuary Condition to the area and allocate blessings as desired. Each
activation success may be applied to one of the following blessings, which applies throughout
the entirety of the Holy Sanctuary.

● +1 to any rolls to resist Supernatural effects

● +1 to any Abjuration, Warding, Binding and Exorcism rolls
● -1 to any rolls that use supernatural powers not of the Light (maximum of -3)
● +1 to any social rolls to help persuade a target to a better path
● +1 to any combat rolls made in self-defense (maximum of +5)

The total number of allocated successes may not exceed 10. These benefits (and drawbacks)
only affect those within the sanctuary, so while a Saint may be able to enjoy bolstered
resistance against a Witch using Lacrima to try and steal wisps from her, it does not penalize
the witch's roll lest they were on the ground as well.

Upgrade: Right of Sanctuary (Santo 5)

The house of religion is meant to serve as safe havens where one may flee from troubles and
seek shelter underneath a higher power. While within the confines of the sanctuary, the
people within may add the Princess's Santo to any roll to resist compulsions they suffer from.
Furthermore, the Princess may create two additional blessings.

● The princess may allocate two successes to allow people to suppress one Condition
they suffer from the moment they enter the Sanctuary (Maximum of 3)
● The Princess may allocate two successes to allow the Sanctuary to automatically
repel threats that would harm good people, capable of causing one lethal per two
successes given. It automatically targets beings of Integrity 0, such as Creatures of
Darkness that aren't Darkened. It may only ever cause damage this way once per
scene, but a Princess may spend a Wisp to recharge the ground.

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