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The maps illustrate current figure of industrial area of Norbiton and the other one shows the upcoming

development plan of the site.

Overall, the first map displays the current condition of industrial area which consist of farmland and
factories. Meanwhile, in the second map, there will be massive construction which consist of some
public facilities and housing.

This day, in norbiton industrial area, there are a farmland in the north of the map and across the river.
There are also factories surround the main road on the west, east and north side of the maps.

In the future, it will be built housings surround the main road while it will be added another road on the
west side of the roundabouts on the north side pass the river, it will be developed the new housing next
to farmland. Moreover, public facilities such as school, playground, shops and medical center will be
developed in the future as well.

Th map illustrate current figure of industrial area of

Taking risk in life is not for everyone. It simply because some of them prefer to live in a comfort zone, yet
there also people who love taking risk and try new things to challenge themselves. People who tend to
choose a easy life. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the

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