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The table and the chart reveal the data of overnight

and same day stays in public and private hospital

from five different states in Australia which are
New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western
Australia, and South Australia. When the chart
specifically gives the percentage of each data, the
table is focusing (harus ada verb) on the precisely
amount (harusnya number) of the patients stays.
(karena patients bisa dihitung, kalo yg gabisa
diitung baru pake amount)
Overall, the most noticeable feature is that the New
South Wales had a highest number of patients who
stays overnight and same day both in public and
private hospitals. Comparing with Western and
South Australia which had the smallest amount of
it. More over according to the chart, public same
day and overnight dominated in the total
From the information supplied, (harus ada +the)
highest number of same days and overnight stays both public and government hospital was recorded in New
South Wales reaching 8.232 stays followed by Victoria in 4.607 and Queensland in 3.628. Meanwhile the
lowest number shows in Western Australia which only reach 2,552 and the smallest one is South Australia
which show 2,209 stays in total.
Regarding the chart, it can be shown that the majority of the stays were in public hospitals both same days and
overnight stays, these taking up until (harusnya up to) 30% (for each ganti jadi respectively) When the government
hospital with overnight stays reached 26% and overnight stay form private hospital has 14% (bisa tambahin two
times better, nearly quarter)

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