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The table and the chart show the data of police budget between 2017 to 2018 in one particular

area of
Britain. As it can be seen, the table reveals the number of budgets from 3 differences sources which are
National Government, Local Taxes and Other sources. Meanwhile, the pie charts reveal the percentage
detail of the expenditure.

Overall, the biggest number of the budget came from the National Government, there is only a slight
differences number from 2017 to 2018. Moreover, the biggest expense was spent for salaries of officers
and staff.

Initially, the number of budgets for police in 2017 was 304.7m and it was increased 13.9m in 2018. The
second biggest budget came from local taxes that reached almost 100m in 2017 and over 102.3m in
2018. The other sources gave around 38m in both years.

The money was spent into three categories, there are salaries, technology, thus building and transport.
While salaries for officer and staff have the biggest money to spend, comparing with technologies which
only spent around 17% and the smallest amount is for technology. The spent for technology in 2017 was
only 8% and 14% in 2018.

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