Applicacion de La Inteligencia Artificial en La Prediccion, Optimización y Control de Sistemas de Almacenimiento de Energia Termica (Ingles)

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Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

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Application of artificial intelligence for prediction, optimization, and

control of thermal energy storage systems
A.G. Olabi a, b, *, Aasim Ahmed Abdelghafar a, Hussein M. Maghrabie c, Enas Taha Sayed d,
Hegazy Rezk e, Muaz Al Radi f, Khaled Obaideen a, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem a, d, *
Sustainable Energy & Power Systems Research Centre, RISE, University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Mechanical Engineering and Design, Aston University, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, United Kingdom
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South Valley University, Qena 83521, Egypt
Chemical Engineering Department, Minia University, Elminia, Egypt
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering in Wadi Alddawasir, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Keywords: Energy storage is one of the core concepts demonstrated incredibly remarkable effectiveness in various energy
Energy storage systems. Energy storage systems are vital for maximizing the available energy sources, thus lowering energy
Artificial intelligence consumption and costs, reducing environmental impacts, and enhancing the power grids’ flexibility and reli­
Energy efficiency
ability. Artificial intelligence (AI) progressively plays a pivotal role in designing and optimizing thermal energy
Artificial neural networks
storage systems (TESS). Recently, plenty of studies have been conducted to examine the feasibility of applying
artificial intelligence techniques, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial neural networks (ANN),
square vector machine (SVM) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), in the energy storage sector.
This study introduces the classifications, roles, and efficient design optimization of energy systems in various
applications using different artificial intelligence approaches. This study discusses the progress made regarding
implementing artificial intelligence and its sub-categories for optimizing, predicting, and controlling the per­
formance of energy systems that contain thermal energy storage facilities. In addition, the performance of these
technologies is thoroughly analyzed, highlighting their noticeable accuracy while carrying out different objec­
tives. Recommendations and future research points are introduced to offer new concepts and inspiration for the
application of AI in TESS.

1. Introduction continuous depletion of fossil fuels which can seriously impact life on
earth [1,2]. For instance, the expeditious combustion of fossil fuels
The world has witnessed a significant shift towards utilizing various raises greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide (CO2). The high
renewable energy resources over the past couple of decades due to the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere significantly impact climate warming,

Abbreviations: AI, Artificial intelligence; 5GDHC, Fifth-generation district heating and cooling; AC, Alternating current; ANFIS, Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference
system; ANN, Artificial neural network; ANNi, Inverted ANN; R2, Absolute fraction of variance; BP, Back-propagation; CCHP, Combined cooling, heating, and power;
CFD, Computational fluid dynamics; CHP, Combined heating and power; CL, Cooling load; COP, Coefficient of performance; CSP, Concentrated solar power; DHW,
Domestic hot water; DP, Dynamic programming; ES, Energy storage; ESS, Energy storage system; FFC, Feed-forward controllers; FFNN, Feed-forward neural network;
FLFFC, Fuzzy logic/feed-forward controller; GA, Genetic algorithms; GEHP, Gas engine-driven heat pump; GHI, Global horizontal irradiance; GMDH, Grouped
method of data handling; HTF, Heat transfer fluid; HVAC, Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; LSTM, Long short-term memory; MAE, Mean absolute error;
MAPE, Mean absolute percentage error; MPC, Model predictive controller; MRE, Mean relative error; MSE, Mean square error; NARX, Nonlinear autoregressive
network with exogenous inputs; Nu, Nusselt number; PCM, Phase change material; PSO, Particle swarm optimization; PTC, Parabolic trough collector; PVT,
Photovoltaic thermal; SAH, Solar air heater; Qcool, Cooling capacity; RDC, Rotational desiccant cooling; RH, Relative humidity; RMSE, Root mean square error; RNN,
Recurrent neural network; SNEG, Specific net electricity generation; SOC, State of charge; SP, Series-Parallel; SVM, Support vector machine; TESS, Thermal energy
storage systems; VDF, Variable domain fuzzy.
* Corresponding author at: Sustainable Energy & Power Systems Research Centre, RISE, University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
E-mail address: (M.A. Abdelkareem).
Received 12 August 2022; Received in revised form 14 January 2023; Accepted 14 February 2023
Available online 19 February 2023
2451-9049/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

resulting in ice melting in polar areas, consequently elevating sea levels issue at a time [66]. In weak artificial intelligence, the machine software
[3,4]. According to the global energy review of the International Energy that reacts according to a clear-cut response is limited by set rules given
Association (IEA), the global coal and oil demands in the year 2020 by the user, and they respond within the range of those rules [67].
compared with the ones of 2019′ s first quarter were affected by the However, strong artificial intelligence contains machine learning and
COVID-19 pandemic, reducing their consumption by nearly 8 % and 5 % deep learning subsets. In other words, it describes the development of
in the first quarter of the year, respectively [5,6]. Several methods have machine algorithms driven to learn and improve their accuracy inde­
been used to decrease global warming, such as improving the efficiency pendently using input and output data effectively. A number of recently
of the current processes through waste heat recovery [7–9], using effi­ published studies investigated the contribution of artificial intelligence
cient energy conversion devices such as fuel cells [10–12], and using in a bunch of various fields such as engineering [68–70], cyber security
renewable energy resources [13,14]. Waste heat recovery is found to be [71–73], medicine [74,75], arts and transportation [76,77]. The subsets
an effective method for reducing fuel consumption and thus reducing of artificial intelligence are shown in Fig. 1.
emissions of hazardous gases [15–18]. Whereas, renewables have The utilization of AI in the energy sector can help in solving a large
avoided the crisis strike and successfully achieved growth in demand. number of issues related to energy and renewable energy: (1) modeling
The IEA has also reported a drop in global CO2 emissions by 8 %, or and optimizing the various energy systems, (2) forecasting of energy
approximately 2.6 gigatonnes [19]. production/consumption, (3) improving the overall efficiency of the
The success in the development of large-scale renewable energy is system and thus decreasing the energy cost, and (4) energy management
considered one of the most effective ways of controlling global warming. among the different components of the energy system [78–84].
Recently commercial-scale renewable energy projects have been avail­ Currently, various techniques and approaches of artificial intelligence
able all over the world, such as solar thermal [20], solar PV [21], (AI) are widely established for diverse applications in the energy sector,
geothermal [22], and wind [23]. Still, the intermittency properties of such as energy systems design [85,86], monitoring of energy efficiency
renewable energy sources is one of the main challenges facing their [87,88], forecasting of energy generation [89,90], and energy storage
global widespread, such as the case of solar and wind energies. Devel­ [91,92]. According to the lifestyle, modern applications were fulfilled
oping efficient and high-capacity energy storage systems could help based on renewable-energy resources because of their availability [93].
overcome the intermittences problem of renewable energy as it can The energy transformation from traditional sectors towards the renew­
store/discharge energy at their excess/shortage conditions. There are able energy sectors combined with energy storage systems leads to
various types of energy storage technologies [24], such as thermal models, modern technologies, and services promising progress [21,94].
[25–27], supercapacitors [28–30], battery [31–33], thermochemical The infrastructure for connecting the system’s representations to phys­
[34,35], compressed air [36–38], hydrogen [39–42], flywheel [43,44], ical objects is introduced when smart energy systems are integrated with
magnetic [45,46], and pumped energy storage [47]. The thermal energy artificial intelligence [95,96]. Currently, most of the AI techniques in the
storage systems (TESS) could contribute effectively to the proper man­ storage energy field aim to improve energy forecasting, predict system
aging of thermal energy and preventing its dissipation. They also pro­ components’ operation, evaluate system performance, etc. [97,98]. A
vide potential energy conservation in all fields of thermal energy magnificent breakthrough was made by a uniquely developed technol­
resources [48–51]. The TESS can be usefully integrated into several ogy that could be employed as a reliable tool for controlling, optimizing,
renewable energy sources, including solar-driven energy systems where or forecasting the TES systems, which is AI [99,100]. For instance, the
diurnal thermal energy is discharged during the night and hybrid modelling of systems which involve PCM using classical physics-based
photovoltaic-phase change materials-thermal or concentrated solar methods is difficult and requires detailed mathematics for all the sys­
power (CSP) [52–54]. Packets of TES phase change material (PCM) were tem components [101,102], whereas utilizing ANN, which is one of the
introduced in a self-cleaning supported photovoltaic (PV) system to AI techniques for PCM modelling, can significantly lower the complexity
provide better temperature regulation [55]. Various researchers studied of the problem as it takes into consideration all the internal processes
the various applications of TESS. A district solar-type borehole TES to and directly generates a model of the system using input and output
run into different water and space heating load conditions was devel­ datasets of the physical system [103].
oped [56]. It defined the most cost-optimal load fraction in which the Recently, there is a number of research articles summarized the
TES borehole could supply to a multi-family residential building. A recent progress in thermal energy storage and related topics. For
geothermal-based aquifer for seasonal energy storage was considered an instance, Pintaldi et al. [104] reviewed the thermal storage applications
active part of a smart grid [57]. At least a single pair of integrated wells suitable for solar cooling systems using heat input within the range of
is included in most of the aquifer systems for simultaneous extraction 60–250 ◦ C, also sensible and latent heat materials for different storage
and infiltration of groundwater. The TES aquifer was proposed to pro­ systems were classified due to their convenience for chillers with double
vide heating and cooling requirements for buildings during summer and and triple effects. Furthermore, Aneke and Wang [105] performed a
winter [58,59]. A novel design of a hybrid PV/solar pond system was detailed analysis of the real-life application and performance of the
investigated [60]. According to the overall system performance analysis, various energy storage technologies. Lefebvre and Tezel [106] intro­
an efficiency of 37.67 % was successfully obtained, which is higher than duced an overview of various forms of ESS focusing on the adsorption of
that of the conventional solar pond. Despite the enhancements granted thermal energy for heating usage, while Safari et al. [107] discussed the
by the addition of TES units in such energy systems, the association of supercooling of PCMs in a thermal storage system (TSS). Olabi et al.
drawbacks could degrade their overall performance in the long run. [108] reviewed the application of graphene in various energy storage
Therefore, technologies that have the potential to optimize, control, and systems, including electrochemical sensors. Focusing on the applications
predict the performance of TES systems are highly needed. of low and medium temperatures of PCMs, Cunha and Eames [109]
The AI concept simulates humans’ intelligence in machines that are conducted a comprehensive review of phase transition temperatures
programmed to act somehow and think similarly to humans [61,62]. In between 0 and 250 ◦ C. However, Gasia et al. [110] reviewed the thermal
addition, devices with human-like characteristics, like problem-solving energy storage systems (TESS), including latent and sensible materials.
and learning, also fall under artificial intelligence [63]. Decision- Tatsidjodoung et al. [111] introduced the different technologies for TES
making and validation done by AI are ideal features, providing ease in for building with a specific interest in heat storage materials and their
accomplishing specific objectives [64]. Implementing AI offers consid­ limitations and classifications. Olabi et al. [112] introduced several
erable merits, such as the minimization of human errors, swift decision- energy storage systems for stationary applications, focusing on their
making, and digital assistance [65]. Moreover, a range of problems can potential prospects, while Yousef et al. [113] reviewed the development
be tackled in a particular domain using AI, while conventional of using nanoparticles in solar thermal storage material. Finally, Olabi
computing requires a lot of effort and time and can only address one et al. reviewed [114] the thermal energy storage systems with different

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Fig. 1. Artificial Intelligence subsets.

nanomaterials-based PCM. From the above discussion, it can be noticed Scopus, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect databases were utilized to
that there is a lack of knowledge on the recent applications of artificial find relevant publications. A total of nine keywords were used, either all
intelligence in TESS. The aim of this work is to analyze the applications at once or in different combinations, depending on the database, to
of AI in various types of TESS and to demonstrate the advances in identify the relevant published work for each. The research resulted in
implementing AI approaches and their feasible integrations in the the last 20 years, i.e., between 2003 and 2023 [51,115,116].
different thermal energy systems. In addition, the relevant published The rest of this section will cover the background of the different AI
papers combining the classical algorithms of optimization with one of methods commonly applied in the TES systems, as summarized in Fig. 3.
the AI techniques are also elaborated. Finally, the recommendations and ANN is an intelligent computing system that uses a group of inter­
future work required to advance the AI technologies for TES are connected nodes known as artificial neurons, which look similar to
presented. biological ones [117,118]. When an artificial neuron propagates a signal
from one to another, the connections function similarly to synapses. The
2. Methodology and theoretical background signal can be processed by the artificial neuron that receives it, and the
artificial neurons linked to it can then be signaled. The artificial neurons
Fig. 2 shows the search selection criteria of the current work. The are often associated with frequently modified weights and biases as the

Fig. 2. Research selection criteria.

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Fig. 3. The incorporation of artificial intelligence techniques into thermal energy storage systems.

learning process progress [119,120]. The signal strength at a connection mapping based on human knowledge. In simulations, the ANFIS
is increased or decreased by the weight. The artificial neurons may have framework is used to represent nonlinear functions, forecast chaotic
a threshold above which the signal is only sent if the aggregate signal time series and determine online nonlinear elements in control systems
exceeds it. As a result, the ANN technique is widely used in various [129].
energy applications, including energy storage systems, because it can The technique of particle swarm optimization (PSO) was introduced
rapidly and straightforwardly provide desirable solutions to non-linear by Kennedy and Eberhart [130]. It is a population-based, randomized
engineering problems in multi-dimensional domains [121–124]. The optimization method that was influenced by bird flocking or fish
FL “fuzzy logic” approach is a specified branch of logic systems in that schooling. Each solution in PSO is a “bird” in the search domain. It is
the validity of the statements can have a truth degree rather than a false referred to as a “particle.” A swarm of these particles explores the search
answer or an absolutely true, as it is found in Boolean logic. FL systems, domain for the best position. Each particle occupies a space in the N-
including four parts, rule base, fuzzification, inference engine, and dimensional problem domain, where N denotes the problem dimension
defuzzification, are characterized by worthful flexibility in ration­ or the number of unknown parameters. PSO starts with a set of random
alization, considering the inaccuracies and uncertainties of any kind of particles (solutions) and then updates generations to find the best so­
situation [125]. The rule base contains IF-THEN conditions and experts’ lution. Each particle is updated on each iteration by comparing two
rules to control the decision-making process. The inference engine “best” values. The first is the position vector of the best solution (fitness)
determined the degree of matching between the current fuzzy input and that this particle has yet to accomplish. It is also possible to save the
each rule and which rules should be launched based on the input field. fitness value. This position is denoted as “pbest”. Another “best” position
The control actions are formed by combining the launched rules. The FL that the particle swarm optimizer keeps tracking the best position that
systems often use the membership function as a graphical tool to display each particle in the population has achieved so far. This best position is
how each point in the input space is charted to a membership value known as gbest and is the current global best [131]. Several studies have
between 0 and 1. The FL approach is superior due to its flexibility and used PSO in the energy sector [132–134].
simplicity in solving real problems with incomplete and indefinite in­ SVM “Support vector machine” is a pattern classification method
formation. ANFIS “Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system” is an inte­ introduced by Vapnik et al [135,136]. In contrast to conventional
gration of fuzzy inference and ANN, which has been widely used in techniques for decreasing experimental training errors, SVM uses an
multiple areas to tackle complex and non-linear issues [126,127]. Jang approach that seeks to reduce the upper bound of the error by maxi­
developed this technology, which was created based on the Sugeno mizing the separation of the border between the hyperplane and the
fuzzy model [128]. Back-propagation (BP) or a combination of BP and training data [137]. One important aspect of SVM is that resolving linear
least-square (LS) estimation is typically used by ANFIS to estimate the limited quadratic programming problems is equal to training SVM. Ge­
parameters of membership functions [128]. ANFIS uses the Takagi- netic algorithms (GA) simulate natural selection and reproduction
Sugeno fuzzy inference system, which has a linear combination of [138]. The mutation operator is employed to sustain population di­
input variables or a constant output. ANFIS can assign input-output data versity by changing the sequence of many genes in DNA. However, the
pairs utilizing hybrid learning techniques and create input-output crossover operator looks like the procedure by which a couple of

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

chromosomes pair up and reciprocity part of DNA. Practically, the GA 3. Artificial intelligence technologies for thermal energy storage
converges slowly compared with the other traditional genetic ap­ systems (TESS)
proaches. At the same time, they are more effective since they can fulfil
the optimal solutions for various problems that lack linearity, continu­ 3.1. AI for the prediction of TESS
ity, derivatives, convexity, etc., typically in TEG [139–143]. Over the
past few decades, several researchers have generated GA variants that 3.1.1. Artificial neural networks (ANN)
mainly vary in how they develop new populations and individuals A heat demand prediction was carried out using a FFNN [92]. The
[144]. Whereas the basic working process of every variant stays the dataset collection was distributed in three parts, 70 % as a training
same. The GA is a powerfully effective method for optimizing thermal dataset and 30 % for testing and validation. The accuracy of various
energy systems, particularly when other approaches, such as direct designs was examined by evaluating RMSE “root mean square error”.
analytical discovery. The fundamental GA approach reiterates three Hence, the most appropriate ANN model for the training dataset has
steps until the threshold, or the maximum iteration number is acquired. exhibited an RMSE and correlation coefficient of 7.18 and 0.9886,
The three operators or steps in the algorithm are creating population, respectively. The computationally predicted heat demand and elec­
mating, and mutation [145,146]. tricity expenses were sent to the optimization model to establish the
most helpful alternative of gas turbine and entire CHP “combined heat
and power” plant operation. The optimization results of day-ahead

Fig. 4. (a) Block diagram of simulation and optimization processes of the PTC, (b) Statistical comparison between experimental and ANN-predicted PTC thermal
efficiency [147], with permission No. 5326060149934.

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

production scheduling indicated that the average variations between the time. It has been found an excellent prediction performance was dis­
predicted and real values were 0.4 ◦ C for an ambient temperature of 0.7 played by the ANN, with MSE and R2 values of 9.6480×10− 5, 0.9990
MW for thermal power demand and 4.57 USD/MWh for electricity and 0.0150, 0.9937 for liquid fraction and Nu, respectively.
expense. Another ANN was developed to enhance the thermal efficiency The time needed to complete the phase conversion of encapsulated
of the parabolic trough collector (PTC) [147]. The overall system con­ paraffin wax as a PCM using an ANN was estimated [154]. The experi­
tains 5 PTCs to supply preheated water. FFNN was used for forecasting ments were carried out under different radially distributed magnetic
the PTC’s thermal efficiency. The simulation and optimization approach field levels with various Hartmann numbers (Ha1 and Ha2), volume
and statistical comparison between the empirical PTC thermal efficiency fractions of silver (Ag), and manganese monoxide (MgO) nanoparticles.
(ηt,exp) and the ANN-predicted simulation thermal efficiency (η,sim) are The only output of the model was the required time for the phase change
shown in Fig. 4. It was found that the coefficient of determination was of the encapsulated paraffin wax to be completed. Therefore, the ANN-
superior at 0.9511. The input parameters were the ambient temperature based model had three inputs, one output, and one hidden layer with ten
(Tamb ), inlet temperature (Tin ), wind speed (Vw ), rim angle (φr ), water neurons. The hyperbolic TANSIG was selected as an activation function,
volumetric flow rate (Fw ), and direct solar radiation (Gb ). and the Levenberg-Marquardt, along with back-propagation, was chosen
Furthermore, 2340 empirical trials were randomly separated into as the training algorithm to train the proposed ANN. The results indi­
three subsets: training, validation, and testing, with each subset cated that the success achieved values of MSE “mean square error” for
including 60 %, 20 %, and 20 % of the obtained empirical data, training, testing, and validation were 1.311, 1.628, and 2.329, respec­
respectively. The hidden layer of the modeled ANN considered the tively, with a regression coefficient of 0.9997. The prediction and
transfer functions of log sigmoid (LOGSIG) and tangent sigmoid function analysis of power generation in nanofluid-nano-PCM photovoltaic
(TANSIG), while the PURELIN linear function was used to calculate the thermal (PVT) energy system by adding 3 % of silicon carbide (SiC) to
output layer. In addition, the ANN model was tested with various water and 0.1 % to paraffin wax was performed using ANN [155]. The
numbers of hidden neurons. It was found that four hidden neurons ANN input variables of the PVT system included the ambient temperature,
was the optimum choice for both transfer functions. This was attributed global temperature, solar panel temperature, and solar irradiance. At the
to the highest R2 and the lowest RMSE results exhibited by the ANN with same time, the system outputs were voltage, current, and power. The
four hidden neurons. Hence, the optimal values of the input, hidden, and FFNN and self-organized feature map neural networks were formed to
output layers with neurons number that achieved the superior coeffi­ analyze and forecast power generation performance. Similarly, the input
cient of determination at 0.9511 were 6, 4, and 1, respectively. The layer of the two ANN models consists of ambient temperature and solar
proposed ANN model was inverted to produce the multivariable objec­ irradiance with one hidden layer, while the power was the only output.
tive function to optimize multiple variables [148,149]. The coupling of Based on the analysis, it was implied that processing the FFNN model
GA and PSO algorithms was also implemented to the inverted ANN with various hidden layers had less impact on MSE values than that
model (ANNi) to solve the multivariable objective function, considering process with the different number of epochs.
the weights and biases of the regular ANN model. Furthermore, the PTC The prediction of total thermal energy demand for demand-side
was optimized by running the multivariable objective function in two management concept with the assistance of an ANN in a nearly zero
ways differently. One way uses the TANSIG transfer function, and the energy building (NZEB), containing a water tank as TES unit, domestic
other by the LOGSIG function. Based on the results, the TANSIG function hot water (DHW) tank, and a heat pump (HP) was conducted [156]. The
was more effective for ANN model. It was found that 3.96 % was the simulation of the heating system in the NZEB was done using TRANSYS
lowest error percentage obtained within 14.39 s when comparing the software. Descriptively, airflow was captured by air-to-water HP, which
empirical results with the ANNi-PSO ones. On the other side, the utilized the external air temperature to heat up the TES and DHW tanks.
smallest error achieved by ANNi-GA was 22.10 % in 1.60 s. Therefore, The power consumption and heat output of the HP depends mainly on
the feasibility of improving PTC thermal efficiency was experienced by the temperatures of the inlet (air) and outlet (water). More importantly,
applying TANSIG function along with PSO. The multivariable optimi­ the thermal power supplied from TES (Q̇ out) was considered a signifi­
zation was conducted progressively, optimizing single, two, and three cant parameter for evaluating the introduced model predictive
parameters. Remarkably, the simultaneous optimization of three vari­ controller (MPC). The neural network aimed to solve the issue of over
ables accomplished a thermal efficiency of 67.12 %; this value was more and underestimation of Q̇ out by knowing the consumption behavior. In
significant than other variables’ optimization, demonstrating the po­ another study, a physics-informed neural network was employed for the
tential of the ANNi-PSO optimization technique. In addition, ANN was prediction of the internal states of oxide CaO/Ca(OH)2 thermochemical
employed to improve the efficacy of the cold finger technique that was energy storage [157]. The proposed neural network was trained with
utilized for a small fraction of PCM remaining in the solid phase [150]. two different configurations, Series-Parallel, and Parallel architectures.
The results indicated that the ANN could provide appropriate pre­ Regarding the training performance based on Series-Parallel (SP) and
dictions considering the melting time. Parallel (P) structures, their training time were increased as the training
A novel LSTM-BP ANN was developed to predict the process of phase iterations increased. The training with P configuration was a nonlinear
transition of PCM in a multi-channel thermal storage tank [151]. The hindrance because of the continuous changes in the feedback values,
proposed ANN utilized HTF’s time, temperature and inlet velocity as which caused extra changes in gradient values through training itera­
input data. The prediction findings of the LSTM-BP ANN were compared tions. Consequently, the quickness of training performance decreased.
with simulation results. It was found that the studied LSTM-BP-based Nevertheless, training based on P structure generated more accurate
ANN exhibited good accuracy in predicting the average temperature prediction results than SP. This attributed to the disappearance of un­
of PCM as well as liquid fraction. The R values, which correspond to a stable fluctuations in the worst predicted results of “MSE + L2 + PHY’
liquid fraction of PCM and its temperature between the predicted and loss function. Another study proposed a FFNN to predict the Nusselt
simulated results, were 0.99978 and 0.99921, respectively. Another number of RT42 paraffin (PCM in a heat sink) during the melting process
study investigated the prediction of the solar fraction of a hybrid solar [158]. During the heat transfer analysis, it was noticed that the heat sink
thermal storage system which involves PCM using ANN [152]. Collector temperature without PCM, initially improved as the temperature
area, tank volume, load temperature, PCM melting temperature, and increased. The MSE and R2 values acquired from the optimum FFNN
PCM volume fraction were used as the input data. The results indicated were 0.1507 % and 0.9999, respectively.
that the proposed ANN achieved R2 value of 0.9999. Furthermore, the In a solar water heating system, another ANN was designed to vali­
prediction of liquid fraction as well as Nu throughout the process of date the design of a hot water storage tank and to determine the storage
phase change was carried out by ANN [153]. The proposed ANN tank total conductivity [159]. The mathematical model proposed for the
employed the input data of fin number, inclination angle, and melting

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

computation of the design depends on several parameters: thermal less than the heating capacity of ESGEHPs), Mode L (GEHPs were
conductivity of the storage tank, inner and outer convective heat switched off, and the ESs started supplying heat to the building) and
transfer coefficients, and conductivity and thickness of the material used Mode O (GEHPs and ESs synchronously provide heat to building). The
for insulating the storage tank. An FFNN model mainly utilized to ach­ performance of solar space heating system driven by a PTC was fore­
ieve the required findings as quickly as possible was selected due to its casted with the assistance of a PSO-GA-optimized artificial neural
outstanding prediction accuracy among other NN configurations. Data network [164]. GA solved the planning-oriented issues; the method
were gathered for testing and verifying the ANN model. The validation lacks a convergence rate. While the PSO algorithm provided a faster
results stated that the overall conductance values obtained from both convergence rate, it suffered from being stuck in local verges. Thus, the
mathematical and NN models were incredibly close to each other, constructed ANN model was optimized with GA-PSO combined algo­
resulting in a maximum error percentage of 2.62 %. Another FFNN was rithm to overcome these limitations. The main purpose of GA-PSO al­
designed to determine the performance of GCHPVT “grid-connected gorithm was to grant the ANN proper initial magnitudes of biases and
hybrid photovoltaic thermal” located in hot regions in Iran [160]. The weights, in which the objective function was minimized. The accuracy of
proposed GCHPVT system was exploited for simultaneous space and the ANN model was studied with a different number of neurons, and the
water heating as well as electricity generation. The input layer of the optimum number was found to be 10 neurons. Moreover, the GA-PSO
FFNN processed the parameters of GHI “global horizontal irradiance”, optimized ANN model, where its hidden and output transfer functions
Ta “average monthly outdoor temperature”, RH “average monthly were tangent-sigmoid and purelin, was validated and compared with
relative humidity”, and Vw “wind speed” to computationally predict the two other algorithms, specifically high exploration PSO and team game
amount of solar thermal energy produced as well as alternative current algorithm. The three algorithms were assessed based on some perfor­
(AC) electrical energy. The Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm mance indicators, including R2 , RMSE, MAPE, and variance accounted
was applied to obtain a quicker FFNN training process. Moreover, the for (VAF). The results revealed that the GA-PSO-ANN model was the
optimally selected number of neurons for the single hidden layer was 13, best, pointing out its superior prediction performance.
corresponding to the lowest and highest values of MSE and R2 of 890.20 A methodology for predicting the thermal energy utilization of
and 0.9901, respectively. A comparison between FFNN-predicted and electric thermal storage heaters using the recurrent neural network
simulation results of AC electrical and thermal energies in one of the (RNN) was developed [165]. The functionality principle of bi-
heat-dominated cities revealed that the studied ANN model has suc­ directional RNN was to consistently handle forward and reverse states
cessfully achieved acceptably accurate results. in two RNNs for each training set. The prediction was carried out in 4
Moreover, four different configurations of photovoltaic/thermal layers: the layer of data processing, the weight distribution, and the
collector (PVT) were assessed in terms of thermal and electrical effi­ prediction layer contained the multivariate Bi-directional LSTM “long
ciencies with the help of FFNN to enhance the thermal capacity and heat short-term memory” network prediction model and the output layer.
transfer rate, ensuring higher efficiency and minimal costs [161]. The The data employed for the prediction were taken from real homes,
four PVT configurations investigated were normal PV panel, PVT sup­ covering electrical usage and generation considering the environmental
ported with a water tank, PVT supported with PCM (paraffin wax) filled variables, i.e., humidity and temperature. Afterwards, the collected
the tank, and PVT supported with a tank filled with PCM/nanofluid of thermal energy data was successfully processed. The predicted thermal
SiC/water. A collection of 1000 experimental datasets were divided into energy utilization data exhibited the minimum value of RMSE of 0.15,
500, 200, and 300 datasets for training, testing, and validation of FFNN, indicating the decent accuracy of the model.
respectively, with a learning rate of 0.7. Moreover, a number of A deep RNN model was introduced in campus buildings of Utah
computational evaluators were employed to check the accuracy of the university to estimate the heating demand as well as to optimize the
predictive findings of FFNN, including MAPE “mean absolute percent­ sizing of layer-arranged thermal storage tanks [166]. The RNN-based
age error”, RMSE, MAE “mean absolute error”, MSE, and R2 “coefficient prediction was conducted on a CHP “combined heating and power”
of determination”. The analysis has deduced that the influence of system combined with a tank for thermal storage. The structure of RNN
ambient temperature on thermal efficiency is higher than solar radia­ was formed of 6 layers, starting with the inputs layer, which contains
tion. Another study tested the potential of an ANN model in predicting humidity, dry-bulb temperature, an hour of the day, day of the week,
the overall performance of sorption heat reactor to measure the amount day of a month, and the month number. The thermal storage tank with
of stored/delivered energy, sorbate concentration, inlet and outlet hot and cold heat exchangers was mathematically modeled. The mass
temperatures, air mass flow rate, and the state of charge of the reactor flow rate in a cold heat exchanger, a portion of heat energy transferred
[162]. The neural network model was examined in the hydration and to thermal storage, and hot water temperature entering the tank were
dehydration modes of the reactor. FFNN, NARX “nonlinear autore­ optimized. The RNN model showed better heating demand predictions
gressive network with exogenous” inputs, and the hyperbolic tangent than the FFNN model. Comparatively, the RMSE values of the RNN
sigmoid transfer function were utilized in the hidden layers to carry out model in predicting the heating demand of the building for all months
the process of predicting the sorption reactor performance. The NARX except April, May, and June were lower than FFNN one. The heating
was responsible for estimating the state of charge of the reactor, while demand predictions for Merill engineering building and social behavior
the FFNN carried out the outlet temperature estimation. A modulated hall were illustrated as examples along with Rh findings versus periods
back-propagation algorithm called the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm where the optimization process is conducted in Fig. 5. The load demand
was effectively applied to the training dataset for training the model. profile of a power grid containing thermal storage electric boilers were
The error in estimating the SOC “state of charge” was overall lower than predicted and controlled with the help of a RNN to flexibly distribute the
that of the temperature except for one experiment. This is attributed to energy flow within the grid, reducing the effect of power quality influ­
the excellence of the NARX prediction model. enced by the intermittent energy included in the grid [167]. An entire
The correlations between dependent and independent parameters of input sequence of state vectors consisting of voltage, current, power,
photovoltaic/thermal SESGEHPs “supported gas engine-driven energy power grid frequency, and so on, was effectively processed within the
storage heat pump system” and their effects on each other were studied constructed RNN to predict the grid’s load demand profile. When the
using GRNN “generalized regression neural network” [163]. The SES­ weights were updated with the gradient descent technique in RNN, the
GEHPs system comprises the PVT system, GEHPs “gas engine-driven gradient explosion was highly experienced. Therefore, LSTM was
heat pump” system, and ESS. Four working modes actively regulate applied to overcome the mentioned issue and predict the load profile.
the operation of ESGEHPs, including Mode F (GEHPs-controlled The parametric data involving daily temperature, hourly load power,
frequency-automatic capacity), Mode P (heating load requirement was and humidity were used to train LSTM neural network with a group of
1,584 data points. Fig. 6 displays the predicted load profile by LSTM

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Fig. 5. Heating demand predictions for (Left) Merill engineering building, (middle) social behavior hall. (Right) Rh vs time intervals [166], with permission No.

Fig. 6. Predicted and real load profiles [167], open access.

neural network. A remarkable closeness between the predicted and set-point temperature of the outlet ice tank water and the sample value.
actual load profiles indicated the reasonably convincing prediction The neural network model consisted of an output layer of 1 neuron, an
ability with small relative error. input layer of 5 neurons, and a hidden layer of 8 neurons. It was noticed
The thermal performance of a solar chimney fully occupied with that after the 180 s, the outlet temperature concurred the set-point of
paraffin wax of C20 was evaluated via an ANN [168]. The utilized FFNN 2.2 ◦ C, indicating the effectiveness of the neural network control model
took eight data inputs of the absorber surface temperature recorded by under the changes in thermal load. A MPC framework containing mixed-
sensors attached to the solar collector to proceed to two hidden layers, integer non-linear programming problems and a NARX were reported
while the output consists of four airflow temperature readings. The ANN for controlling HVAC “heating ventilation and air conditioning” in a
considered the learning algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt to be suffi­ building [170]. The NARX model studied the thermal nature of a
ciently trained for accomplishing more accurate results. In the light of building region. The formulation of the optimum control was presented
the performance, the average relative error “ARE”, relative error “RE”, as MINLP to decrease the overall energy price needed for the HVAC
and correlation coefficient of the best neural network operation were system, considering the dynamic demand response, on-site energy
successfully calculated to check the precision of the values predicted by generation, and storage. The predicted region temperature and power
the FFNN with respect to the experimental values. Moreover, the values by NARX were compared with the simulated findings. It was
computed ARE value was 1.8326 %, while the maximum RE was 2.1546 found that the prediction precision was quite reasonable. Utilizing
%. Fig. 7 demonstrates the closeness between the experimental and the building power demand and utility load to obtain future data about
predicted values by FFNN for different values of R. building power demand and power costs helped effectively make a well-
A MPC based on the neural network significantly boosted the func­ notified decision regarding the usage of the TES tank. The ANN-based
tioning of a refrigerating station with massive temperature difference framework was reported as an optimum controller for TES system to
containing external-melt ice coldness TES [169]. The cooling station maximize energy savings [171]. The ANN output was the energy ob­
consisted of an elementary chiller, double evaporator chillers, flow- tained from the TES tank. The target of the ANN-based controller was to
controlling valves, charging/discharging, pumps, plate heat reduce the cost of the building’s cooling load and re-cooling of TES, and
exchanger, and ice storage tank. The main objective of the developed reduce the wasted money due to the overshooting of the power
neural-network-based MPC was to reduce the divergence between the requirement of the building. The classical PD “proportional derivative”

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Fig. 7. Correlation coefficient values of the ANN outputs [168], with permission No. 5326060979613.

controller was compared with ANN-based controller. The cost savings the highest R2 of 2.1910 and 0.9999, respectively. The cooling capacity
acquired by the ANN controller were better than PD ones, producing a (Qcool), as well as the COP “coefficient of performance” of LiBr-H2O
6.501 % increment in savings. While the wasted cost obtained by the absorption chiller in a solar air-conditioning, were investigated using an
ANN controller was much lower than PD one. ANN [174]. The global radiation, water mass flow rates, and tempera­
Moreover, the assessment of the long-term performance of latent tures were measured within the absorption chiller for a sampling period
heat TES (LHTES) merged in a cooling ventilation system employing of one minute. Regarding the ANN model, a FFNN with one hidden layer
PCM of paraffin RT20 under charging and discharging modes was car­ containing nine neurons was chosen for conducting the work. Further­
ried out using ANN [172]. During charging mode, since the outdoor air more, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was established to accom­
temperature was relatively below PCM’s melting point temperature of plish a quicker optimization process. A collection of 1250 data sets was
24 ◦ C, high airflow rates were blown for solidifying the PCM. While, introduced; 1060 sets were employed to train the FFNN, while the rest of
during the discharging mode, relatively slight air was allowed to flow 190 samples were exploited for testing the model. The input layer of the
over the LHTES system to maintain the inlet air temperature released chosen configuration consisted of five inputs, including the entering,
from the system inside a range of comfort temperatures. A GMDH-type and leaving evaporator’s temperatures, entering and leaving generator’s
ANN model was developed based on the impactful parameters deter­ temperatures, and second storage tank average temperature, while the
mined by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In another study, the output layer contained Qcool and COP. Moreover, a comparison between
performance prediction of solar TES (STES) for providing space and the predicted and actual findings of Qcool and COP indicated that the
water heating was effectively evaluated using ANN [173]. The proposed RSME of the neural network was less than 0.70 %.
STES included two flat-plate solar collectors, a thermally isolated stor­ The thermal stratification of a storage tank was designed using ANN
age tank, and a propane-ignited tank used as an auxiliary energy source. in a solar thermal system to supply DHW, consisting of a flat-plate solar
Multiple solar radiation levels at various weather scenarios for all sea­ collector, storage tank for the hot water, and internal heat exchanger
sons were measured to run the necessary experiments on the STES. The [175]. The employed ANN type was FFNN along with Levenberg-
input division of the ANN model contained the temperature of ambient Marquardt as a training algorithm. The input layer of the FFNN used a
air, the solar radiation incident on the horizontal (Gh ) and inclined (Gi ) hidden layer of eight neurons with a tangent-sigmoid transfer function
plates, and the previous time step temperatures of preheating tank to successfully achieve the temperature distribution of the equally
stratification at (t − 1). The stratification temperatures of the preheat divided storage tank layers. A group of 30,943 data sets was effectively
tank, heat transferred from the collector to the heat exchanger (HX), and used, 27,946 for training the NNW and the remaining for validating it.
heat supplied by the propane-ignited tank to the system (Aux heat input) The model generated an average temperature deviation of 0.22 ◦ C with a
were estimated. Levenberg-Marquardt and the scaled conjugate gradient correlation of 0.9998 for no-load periods, while 0.76 ◦ C with a corre­
algorithms were implemented to train the ANN model with the experi­ lation of 0.9666 for load periods. Additionally, an ANN model was
mental measurements. Moreover, the neural network with 20 neurons proposed to analyze and predict the total heat stored in a TESS con­
was selected since it exhibited the lowest mean relative error (MRE) and sisting of a finned tube surrounded by water as a PCM [176]. The ANN

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

provided a learning process to relate the total thermal energy stored for Then, the verified numerical outcomes were employed to train the
seven types of finned tubes, three inlet temperatures of − 10, − 15, and proposed FFNN along with the learning algorithm of Levenberg-
− 20 ◦ C, with different Reynolds numbers. Around 240 measured con­ Marquardt for predicting the δts and δT. A well-trained FFNN was
ditions were experimentally obtained from an experimental test, 200 established as a fitness function to the GA for the system optimization to
were utilized to train the FFNN. The rest were used for testing the model. boost up the stabilization time and reduce the operating temperature to
In addition, both required and experimental data were mathematically transition temperature variation. Regarding the setup, the numerical
normalized to be used in the ANN. The four inputs were time, Re, finned- simulation was performed on two types of TES heat sinks, namely
tube heat transfer area, and the inlet temperature. The output was storage A without fins and storage B attached with two internal fins to
basically the total stored thermal energy. 400,000 iterations were ach­ promote the heat transfer rate. The optimized TES heat sink δts was
ieved using the ANN to attain the convenient fits. On top of that, the significantly dropped by 64.12 % and 58.45 % compared with storage A
computation of AMRE “absolute mean relative error”, standard devia­ and storage B, respectively. As for δT, a reduction of 8.207 % and 6.015
tion, and R2 were successfully performed to compare the ANN config­ % was recorded compared with storage A and storage B TES heat sinks,
urations and the numerical model. The comparison indicated that the respectively. ANN integrated with GA optimizer as a controlling system
ANN model with 13 hidden layers nodes was the best pick due to the was proposed by Cox et al. [182], to minimize the operational costs in
lowest results of error corresponding to the prediction. Remarkably, the two different cases; time-of-use pricing and real-time pricing, and pre­
calculated AMRE, standard deviation, and absolute fraction of variance dicting the performance of ice storage in the district cooling system.
(R2 ) were 5.58, 0.00887, and 0.9950 for the ANN model and 4.99, Different models were assessed by normalized mean bias error and root
0.01791, and 0.9664 for the numerical model, respectively. In other mean squared error. Moreover, the thermal load was predicted by col­
study, an ANN-based modeling approach was investigated for predicting lecting and comparing weather-forecasting data to measure the weather
the performance of stratified TES tanks located in gas district cooling in parameters, including GHI, dry-bulb temperature (Tdb), and RH. The
terms of the half-cycle figure of merit (1/2FOM) and the thermocline CVRMSE and NMBE of this model were 18.0 % and 13.2 %, respectively.
thickness [177]. The model (ANN) utilized 14 temperature readings as A MPC based on FFNN using hyperbolic activation functions with two
input to predict the thermocline thickness and 1/2FOM. The ANN error hidden layers is also introduced, Fig. 8. The function of GA used in FFNN
was then calculated by subtracting the predicted value from the target was to solve the optimization issues regarding the operation of the
value. In addition, the errors generated by the hidden and input layers chillers plant.
were computationally found, as the weights and biases were updated
accordingly through the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. All previous 3.2. AI for optimization of TESS
steps were repeated till the error was minimized.
3.2.1. Artificial neural networks (ANN)
3.1.2. Hybrid AI techniques FFNN associated with GMDH “grouped method of data handling”
An ANFIS was developed to study the effect of design parameters of along with NSGA-II “non-dominated sorting genetic II” algorithms was
SPTS “solar power tower system” supported with molten salt ESS on the used as an optimization tool to find the smallest heating and cooling
thermal and economic aspects [178]. Multiple data, including latitude, loads in a PCM-enabled residential building [183]. The parameters were
longitude, solar multiple, and design point direct normal irradiance, the PCM’s thickness (t), PCM’s melting temperature (Tm ), outdoor
were utilized as inputs to the ANFIS model to forecast the parameters of thermal resistance (R), inner gain (LG), and infiltration rate (ACH).
the LCOE “levelized cost of energy”, annual energy, and a capacity factor Moreover, the computation of cooling load [184] and heating load [185]
of the SPTS. The data were extracted from the energy modeling simu­ functions were successfully achieved from the simulation of the PCM
lations carried out using System Advisor Model. 70 % of the data was inside the building using EnergyPlus software. The optimization of
employed for ANFIS model training, while the rest was exploited for household water in five generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC)
testing. Combination of GA-TBLO “genetic and teaching-learning-based energy transmission station [68] was performed with the help of model
optimization” algorithms was implemented to potentially optimize the predictive control based on an ANN (ANN-based MPC) [186]. The sys­
performance. Three different AI models were studied to predict two tem comprises PV panels located on the building roof, HP, and thermal
boreholes’ ground temperature [179]. A group of 36,250 datasets was storage tank. A BP ANN-controlled thermostats for optimizing solar-
collected for BH1, and a group of 188,640 datasets was harvested for based thermal mass storage in homes was studied [187]. Regarding
BH2. In the data preprocessing phase, the sample was normalized in the the system model, two sets containing 48 input data, where each set had
range of 0,1 to avoid the occurrence of large errors. This enhanced the 24 input data. One of the two sets described the solar radiation, and the
generalization potential of the proposed intelligent models efficiently. other set represented the outdoor temperature. Additionally, a group of
The results revealed that the back-propagation ANN, LS-SVM “least 24 Boolean values expressed the system output, where each output was
square support vector machine” and fuzzy LS-SVM were employed to considered as a decision factor, determining whether the air conditioner
intelligently follow the ground temperature of the two Boreholes. Depth should be switched on or off. In other words, the decision taken
and time parameters were utilized as inputs for the models to obtain the regarding home cooling was dependent on the availability of sufficient
ground temperature predictively. The efficiency of a flat plate solar solar energy for operating the air conditioning system. The previously
collector supported with PCM was computationally predicted by various mentioned 48 input data were fed into the BP ANN design to predict the
methods during charging and discharging modes [180]. The computing values of the daily decision.
methods proposed were support vector machine (SVM), ANFIS, and
ANN. It was found that the values of R2 obtained from SVM method was 3.2.2. Metaheuristic optimization algorithms
the closest to 1.0 among other methods used in this study. For a solar A numerical model was conducted to optimize a water-PCM heat
collector with PCM, the collector efficiency kept increasing even though exchanger for the cooling application utilizing GA approaches [188].
the solar radiation decreased; this accounts for the presence of PCM. The proposed method was based on the finite difference method’s heat
Noticeably, the SVM displayed the best results. Moreover, the prediction balance. The validation procedure results indicated that the values of the
and optimization of the maximum operating temperature to transition root mean squared error, the coefficient of variation, and the normalized
temperature variation (δT) and stabilization time (δts ) in the TES heat mean bias error demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed model.
sink with paraffin as PCM were done using ANN with GA [181]. The δts However, an inconsiderable delayed response within the phase change
and δT were attained through the numerical simulation using ANSYS was observed due to minor heat transfer’s impact that was not consid­
software for different fin thicknesses, heights, number, and PCM size. ered in the heat balance equations. The optimization of the size, location
and energy management of the stationary super-capacitor energy

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Fig. 8. The proposed structure of the Feed-forward neural network (FFNN) [182], with permission No. 5326061473484.

storage system to maintain the best voltage profile and economic effi­ hot water storage tanks (EHPTES) was intelligently carried out using GA
ciency of metro systems was implemented by Xia et al.[189]. The opti­ [191]. The co-optimization approach had consecutive stages, where in
mization method combined the GA with the simulation platform of the the first step, the initial hot and cold-water temperature readings (Th and
urban rail power supply system. The simulation results indicated that Tc ) were fed into the dynamic control optimization model. The second
the best compromise between the voltage drop compensation and the step utilized the GA to specify the best control parameters. In the third
economic efficiency was maintained by the proposed optimization step, the determined optimal control parameters were employed as in­
method, which provided a beneficial reference to the subway applica­ puts. In the fourth step, the GA was re-utilized to select the optimum
tions. An optimization investigation was conducted to study a 4 MWh structure parameter. In the fifth step, the obtained optimal structure
underwater compressed air system [190]. The exergoeconomics, capital parameter was compared with the initial ones. In step 6, an optimal
expenditures, cost rate, and exergy destruction were analyzed numeri­ control plan was developed by entering the final optimum structure
cally; and the sensitivity analysis was performed. The results of the parameters to the dynamic system model. Step 7 used GA to define the
multi-objective optimization introduced the maximum round-trip effi­ best transient setting points during the thermal energy charging. In step
ciency, operating profit, and minimum cost. The control co-optimization 8, the determined setting points were fed into the dynamic system
and structure of CO2 ejector expansion heat pump coupled with cold and model. Structure and control co-optimization (SCCO), single-objective

Fig. 9. EHPTES performance during thermal charging using CCP, SCO, and SCCO [191], with permission No. 5326061276151.

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

dynamic optimal control strategy [192], and constant control plan optimization method was successfully increased the CCHP performance
(CCP) were implemented to effectively evaluate the EHPTES system by 1.92 %. For winter, although the hybrid DP-GA optimization
performance in terms of overall heating and cooling capacities and approach had the best result of 73.34 %, the computation of the results
power consumption. Fig. 9 represents the EHPTES performance during took more than 10 h, which was unacceptable.
the thermal charging utilizing CCP, SCO, and SCCO. It is observed that
the overall cooling capacity obtained by the SCCO was slightly larger 3.2.3. Hybrid AI techniques
than the ones of SCO and CCP, leading to the lowest overall power Hybrid artificial intelligent techniques aim to combine different al­
consumption during thermal energy charging, demonstrating the gorithms to overcome the limitations of individual ones and attain
reasonably good potential of the proposed method. synergistic effects through hybridization. This leads to efficient opti­
The optimization of a TES with PCM for solar LiBr-water absorption mization performance with acceptable accuracy [184,195,196]. The
chiller depending on the exergoeconomic analysis and the GA was ANN, GA, MRA, and FL system were integrated to optimize the energy
implemented [193]. The exergoeconomic analysis was based on finding consumption and indoor environment based on the simulation results
a number of methods to enhance the thermal performance considering [197]. Air supply characteristics such as inlet temperature, ventilation
the economic restriction. A novel hybrid optimization approach that rate, and angle were used as design parameters. The GA was utilized to
coupled the GA with the dynamic programming (GA-DP) was proposed maintain the optimal solution, while ANN and CFD were employed to
to swiftly settle optimal operating strategy for CCHP “combined cooling, get each individual’s correct objectives values. On the other hand, the
heating, and power” system with TES as presented in Fig. 10 [194]. As MRA was utilized to decrease the variable space, and the FL was
shown in the proposed optimization approach, 24-hourly set points of employed to manage the execution routine to reduce the cost of the
energy generated by the PGU “power generation unit” are being opti­ computational procedure. The results revealed that using MRA and FL in
mized through GA based on the objective function. Moreover, DP was the design process, the computational cost and the variable space were
utilized to determine the optimum energy storage state and prepare the decreased by 35.7 % and 50 %, respectively. The multiple optimization
fitness values concurrently. The GA-DP optimization method was and predictive models were employed to optimally optimize the oper­
analytically compared with two other approaches, traditional GA and ation as well as the scheduling of a CHP plant [92]. The network of the
DP-GA. In addition, the hybrid DP-GA in summer was exhibited the gas-fired CHP plant elementally consisted mainly of two GT “gas tur­
optimum performance result of 69.42 %. While the GA-DP optimization bines”, heat recovery hot water boilers (HRHWBs), hot water accumu­
was achieved 69.45 % as the best value. More importantly, the proposed lator (AC), and supplementary firing system that was utilized to boost

Fig. 10. Flowchart of hybrid GA-DP optimization process, (Left) GA part, (Right) DP part [194], with permission No. 5326070113973.

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

the thermal potential of the heat recovery boilers. Initially, a CHP plant
model was mathematically developed in Ebsilon®Professional software
to select the parameters of the CHP plant that could optimum the plant
production. The primary precedence of the CHP plant operation was to
ensure the needed thermal energy for the district heating network
(DHN). The magnitudes of the thermal power, electrical power, and fuel
expenditure in generation units were quantified. A cascade-type of PCM
was implemented in a solar thermal-based electricity generation power
plant as a TES unit using an implicit 2D model based on an adaptive
Crank-Nicolson [198,199]. The cascaded PCM performance was
assessed and compared with two molten salt-based tanks used in a
commercial CSP plant. It was deduced that accumulative power gener­
ation over the year and the total production output were similar [198].
An optimization scheme that involves FFNN along with GA was
employed for RDC “rotational desiccant cooling” system supported with Fig. 11. Comparison between predicted and measured findings of dynamic
PVT-SAH “photovoltaic thermal collector-solar air heater” and PCM as temperature [201], open access.
TES unit [200]. The PVT-SAH unit captured the thermal energy and
produced electricity as the captured thermal energy was then exploited specified to split the domain. Also, the flexible modifications of the
for PCM charging and/or DW regeneration. The RDC-PVT-SAH-TES scaling factor were necessary so that the domain stays constant when­
system was conducted in three different operational modes and ever the error and error change rate is large. The adjustments were done
TRANSYS was used as a simulation platform. Proposed design optimi­ by variable domain fuzzy PID controller during heat storage and heat
zation was introduced to boost the system’s specific net electricity release. It was found that within 2.25 h, the change of system parameters
generation (SNEG). The matrix included a number of main design in­ was enormous, attributing to the clear alteration of the control level.
puts, including PV covering factor, PVT-SAH air channel depth, DW Despite that VDF PID control resulted in a certain overshoot regarding
thickness, number of PCM layers, PCM material, and air channel depth. the temperature of the heated water, the stabilized temperature of the
A group of 320 simulation trials was performed to generate the training heated water was 57 ◦ C with an error of 2 ◦ C during the storing process,
data of the FFNN model, and 30 trials were used for validation. The implying that the heating performance was reasonable. Similarly, the
prediction performance of the FFNN model exhibited reasonably good stable heat release process was achieved as the furnace temperature was
results of R2 and RMSE of 0.9993 and 0.0290, respectively. The decre­ dropped linearly during the exothermic heating, mentioning that the
ment of electric heater consumption and the increment of PV electricity stabilized heating water temperature was as identical as the one during
generation in near optimal design led to significant increase in the SNEG heat storage. A fuzzy control was proposed to keep the HTF “heat
and net electricity generation, compared with those in the baseline transfer fluid” inlet temperature around certain set point in a solar-based
design. Whereas the reduction in air channel depths of the TES unit and fresh air system combined with a latent heat thermal storage tank [203].
PVT-SAH resulted in decreasing the fan’s power consumption in near- The solar fresh air system functions in three different operational modes.
optimal design compared with baseline design. At the optimal design, The solar-based fresh air system efficiently handled a bunch of issues
the TES unit introduced a share in a large portion of thermal energy for such as ambient temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed. There­
regenerating the DW compared with the baseline design, as the electric fore, the multi-input single-output fuzzy control system was employed to
heater energy requirement was reduced from day 15 to day 25. control the measured temperature. The input parameters were the fresh
air temperature and the deviation change rate, where the single output
3.3. AI for control of TESS was the water flow rate. Remarkably, it was observed that the fuzzy
control exhibited an accurate tracking of the input signals with a mini­
3.3.1. Artificial neural networks (ANN) mum overshoot of around 4.4 % with a fast response time. A control
The back-propagation (BP) neural network was implemented as the framework containing fuzzy logic/feed-forward controller (FLFFC) was
optimum control method for estimating the returning water tempera­ studied to improve the performance of a hybrid TESS (HTESS) [204].
ture, denoted as a phase change TSS model [201]. The secondary The proposed framework runs both feed-forward controllers (FFC) and
network water temperature was primarily influenced by the heat flow FL to measure the electric energy (thermal) required to be stored in the
via the building, while the amount of heat dissipated depending on the HTESS. The FFC computed the electricity consumption plot for the
outdoor temperature. Accordingly, the BP neural network was modeled, heating unit. Additionally, a PID controller was introduced to regulate
utilizing the secondary water supply temperature and outdoor temper­ the electric fan to fix the room temperature. During midnight, FLC uti­
ature to estimate the dynamic temperature accurately. The predicted lized the metrological data forecasts to find out the thermal energy
dynamic temperature values were analyzed and compared with the needed for the next day. The input parameters to the FLC were the
measured ones, as presented in Fig. 11. As a result, it was observed that forecasted solar radiation, energy loss (estimated) from HTESS in the
the predicted and measured findings were quite close, with a RMSE of next day, and the electric energy (thermal) stored in the previous day.
0.186. The temperature error was processed for the PID controller block to
compute the flow rate of air provided by the fan. The proposed control
3.3.2. Fuzzy logic (FL) framework performance was evaluated by conducting a few numerical
A VDF “variable domain fuzzy” PID control approach was tested to simulations employing the recorded metrological data for January. The
stabilize heating water temperature in valley electric phase-change PID-controller#1 operated continually while the functions PID-
thermal storage for two different operating modes [202]. In the heat­ controller#2 was discontinuous based on the time plan similar to the
ing section, a variable frequency blower (VFB) was controlled to supply FLFFC one. The results exhibited that the HTESS was controlled better,
cold air with various wind speeds. The implemented control system and less electricity consumption was successfully achieved for space
included VDF PID controller, VFB, electric regenerator, and heat heating by FLFFC. The PID controllers produced higher room tempera­
exchanger. The VFD PID controller was established to control the ture than that of FLFFC, leading to frequently undesired overheating.
heating system corresponding to the operational mode of the valley
electric phase-change TES. The contraction changes approach and error
domain expansion along with seven linguistic value variables were

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

4. Summary and discussion mathematically expressed external, state and control variables to predict
the HVAC power consumption. As each hour denotes a single decision
The aforementioned AI approaches differ from deterministic nu­ step, the DP should compute all energy storage states for every decision
merical optimization methods, where they are agent-based models; they step. Once all decision steps are calculated, the DP can define the
rely on training data to adjust their strategy and procedures to achieve optimal energy storage state and the fitness value of each possible so­
the appropriate solution, and they involve stochastic decision processes, lution before sending them to the GA. In other words, it can be deduced
and independent of the inputs uncertainty to reach the correct solution. that the computational time of the proposed hybrid GA-DP approach is
The artificial intelligence techniques based on the results of the CFD are greatly acceptable for scheduling the CCHP system, as it effectively
adopted to optimize different types of the TES, however the computa­ optimized the operation of CCHP with TES. Additionally, the fitness
tional cost is the prime barrier in the hybrid artificial intelligent tech­ values were affected with respect to hot or cool water storage capacities.
niques. The ANN technique’s computational cost is negligible compared It was observed there is no drop in the fitness value beyond 300 kW and
with the cost of the CFD methodology, therefore, it was chosen as a 450 kW for chilled and hot water storage tanks, respectively. Table. 1
substitute model for CFD. The ANN can introduce the system response summarizes the research in applying various AI technologies to opti­
over the full design space to avoid the predicted uncertainty and the risk mize, predict, and control the TES units involved in thermal energy
of the prediction error. The FL is a promising artificial intelligence for systems, highlighting remarkable comments, and outcomes of each work
hybrid approaches, as it can manage the execution routine of CFD done. It can be observed the majority of studies investigated the
analysis and reduce needless operations. Furthermore, the FLC does not implementation of AI mostly in storage tanks as well as phase change
require complicated analytical statements or knowledge of the control materials. For instance, the work done in [186] optimized the domestic
object model. hot water tank using MPC based on RNN and nonlinear autoregressive
The current improvements in TES’s control strategy concern the ANN, which resulted in shifting 14 % of electricity from on-peak to off-
quick creation of new AI algorithms for solving challenging problems. peak. [200], therefore, maximized the specific net electricity generation.
Multi-target challenges, such as technical constraints and economic It is clear also from the table that ANN demonstrated excellent func­
should be considered in optimization AI algorithms [205]. Moreover, tionality and flexibility.
the functions of the TES output power substantially depend on the
technology of AI that should be integrated with the control approach 5. Recommendations and future research
with a higher level of robustness and performance [206]. The powerful
functionality of ANN in analyzing heat transfer processes and thermal Even though the studies investigating the implementation of AI ap­
energy storage practices is approved. The FL systems often use the proaches in thermal energy storage showed notable findings, it is highly
membership function as a graphical tool for displaying how each point recommended to explore several essential points that could beneficially
in the input space is charted to a membership. Moreover, among arti­ increase the significance of this topic:
ficial intelligent techniques for TES, the GA is the most popular since
obtaining the universal optimum solution is easier and simpler. In some ▪ As AI techniques are improving quickly in recent years and
applications of the TES, training datasets are required as well as the more advanced methods with enhanced performance are
physics-based model should generate the validation dataset. Regarding emerging, the investigation of the employment of recent state-
the assessment, the mean square error (MSE) and the relative energy of-the-art methods that showed superior performance in the
balance error may be established as performance evaluators for the fields of computer vision and natural language processing for
neural network model and compared with the outputs of the physics- the modelling and analysis of TES systems should be investi­
based model. Due to the reason that the electrical, thermal energy gated. An example of these techniques is the transformer
data is basically time-based series data, the recurrent neural network network that showed excellent performance in time series
(RNN) can attain highly precise results in case of succeeding machine prediction, which can be applied for similar prediction tasks
learning duty. The relative increase in accuracy of RNN model is involving TES. Another example is the implementation of
potentially magnificent even for distinct heating demand plots. On the recent metaheuristic optimization algorithms such as the Grey
other hand, this increment in accuracy could differ based on the Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA),
behavior of the heating demand profile. The LSTM RNN is employed and and other recent metaheuristic techniques for the optimization
effectively trained with BP algorithm. The prediction layer contains the of the design and operation of various TES systems.
multivariate Bi-directional LSTM model which establishes adaptive ▪ More explorations are desired for optimizing new PCMs for
moment estimation as an optimization algorithm to compute the adap­ high-temperature applications (at 180 ◦ C to 250 ◦ C) rather than
tive learning ratio for distinct elements and hold less storage resources. those used for conventional low-temperature applications using
The thermal energy utilization prediction (TEUP) is mostly dependent different AI technologies to reduce the size of the TES and in­
on environmental factors and attributes. The forecasting of electricity crease the efficiency.
expense is performed using multiple models, including triple exponen­ ▪ Solar ponds are one of the most important thermal energy
tial smoothing (TES) and FFNN. The FFNN is the most accurate model storage systems that have a wide range of applications. How­
for the one-week training dataset. As well, it is observed that the higher ever, no studies discussed the application of AI techniques for
the linearity, the more accurate FFNN predictions are. designing, modelling, analyzing, and optimizing these systems.
The FFNN model is mainly utilized to quickly achieve the required Therefore, it is recommended to apply various AI techniques in
findings in TES due to its outstanding prediction accuracy, among other this type of TESS. Promising AI techniques that could be
NN configurations. Nano-PCM photovoltaic (PVT) TESS can be inte­ implemented, including RNNs and transformer networks for
grated by adding nanoparticles with different concentrations to base parameter series prediction and metaheuristic search algo­
fluid and PCM. The PCMs act as latent heat storage units to effectively rithms for system optimization.
promote the thermal performance of the constructed solar chimney, as ▪ The application of AI techniques in TES for controlling, man­
they can potentially capture massive amount of heat within small vari­ aging, and optimizing the charging and discharging of the
ations of temperature throughout cloudy days and nights. Interestingly, materials of the thermal storage system based on the forecast
the introduced nanofluid-nano-PCM collector can effectively improve requirements should be implemented. Implementing a com­
the heat transfer rate as well as minimize material expenses. Since the pound AI system that consists of a predictor for forecasting and
HVAC is usually non-linear and dynamic, the NARX model with satlins a controller for instantaneous system optimization is recom­
transfer function can be effectively implemented. It utilizes the mended as it can reach higher overall system efficiency. AI

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Table 1
Detailed summary of the discussed studies.
Ref. TES system AI role AI technique Objective of AI technique Remarks/Comments

[167] Thermal storage electric Prediction Recurrent neural network Controlling and predicting load demand The closeness between the predicted and
boilers profile of power grid real load profiles indicated the prediction
potential of the RNN with small relative
[151] Multi-channel thermal Prediction LSTM-BP ANN predicting the process of phase It was found that the studied LSTM-BP
storage tank transition of PCM based ANN exhibited good accuracy in
predicting the average temperature of PCM
as well as liquid fraction.
[152] water-PCM solar thermal Prediction ANN prediction of solar fraction of hybrid The results indicated that the proposed
storage system solar thermal storage system which ANN achieved R2 value of 0.9999.
involves PCM
[153] PCM composited with Prediction ANN prediction of liquid fraction and Nu It has been found an excellent prediction
metal foam-fin hybrid throughout the process of phase change performance was displayed by the ANN
[170] Air conditioning and Prediction Model predictive control based Controlling HVAC system The NARX successfully modeled the
heating ventilation on non-linear autoregressive thermal behavior of the building.
[159] Hot water storage tank Prediction Feed-forward ANN Design validation of the hot water The validation results overall conductance
storage tank in solar water heating obtained from both mathematical as well
system as NN models were close to each other,
with a maximum error of 2.62 %.
[175] Storage tank Prediction Feed-forward ANN Designing thermal stratification of The ANN model generated an average
storage tank in solar thermal system temperature of 0.22 ◦ C with correlation of
0.9998 for no-load periods, and 0.76 ◦ C
with correlation of 0.9666 for load periods.
[169] External-melt ice coldness Prediction Model predictive control based Enhancing the operation of large The performance of the neural network
TES on neural network temperature difference refrigerating control model was effective even under the
station fluctuations of the thermal load.
[201] Phase change material Control ANN Estimation of the return water Predicted and measured findings were
temperature quite close, with a RMSE of 0.186.
[161] Phase change material Prediction Feed-forward ANN Evaluation of thermal and electrical The NANO configuration exhibited the
(paraffin wax)/ SiC efficiencies of various photovoltaic/ highest thermal and electrical efficiencies.
nanofluid thermal collector configurations
[168] Phase change material Prediction Feed-forward ANN Evaluation of thermal performance of Experimental and predicted results were
(paraffin wax) solar chimney close to each other, with average relative
error and relative error of 1.8326 % and
2.1546 %, respectively.
[173] Hot water tank in solar Prediction Feed-forward ANN Forecasting the performance of solar The results proved the superiority of the
thermal energy system thermal energy system highly accurate ANN prediction.
[166] Thermal storage tank Prediction Recurrent neural network Heating demand Prediction of campus The deep RNN model generally performed
buildings better than a 3-layer FFNN.
[204] hybrid thermal energy Control Fuzzy logic/feed-forward Enhancing the performance of hybrid Less electricity consumption was
storage controller TESS successfully achieved for space heating by
fuzzy logic/feed-forward controller.
[203] Latent heat thermal Control Fuzzy control Maintaining the inlet temperature of the The fuzzy control exhibited an accurate
storage tank heat transfer fluid around certain set tracking of the input signals with minimum
point in a solar-based fresh air system overshoot around 4.4 %.
combined with latent heat thermal
[171] Water tank Prediction Feed-forward ANN Maximizing the savings An increment of 6.501 % in savings was
accomplished by the ANN.
[200] Phase change material Optimization Feed-forward ANN with genetic Maximizing the specific net electricity The decrement of electric heater
algorithm production consumption and the increment of PV
electricity generation in near optimal
design led to significant increase in the
SNEG and net electricity generation.
[182] Ice storage Prediction Feed-forward integrated with Minimizing the operational costs of time During ice storage operation, the cost
genetic algorithm of use and real time pricings, besides the savings of time of use and real time pricings
prediction of ice storage performance obtained by NARX neural network were
9.5 % and 8.4 %, respectively.
[186] Domestic hot water tank Optimization MPC based on recurrent NNW Optimization of domestic hot water Overall optimization was accomplished by
and nonlinear autoregressive production in fifth-generation district shifting 14 % of the electricity
ANN heating and cooling energy transmission consumption from on-peak to off-peak
station period.
[183] Phase change material Optimization Feed-forward ANN associated Optimization of heating and cooling The maximum value of error achieved
integrated into a with grouped method of data loads between the ANN-obtained and real results
residential building handling and non-dominated was 5.5 %.
sorting genetic II algorithms
[92] Hot water accumulator of Optimization Feed-forward ANN Optimization of operation and An average variation between resulted and
CHP plant scheduling of CHP plant real values of 0.4 for ambient temperature,
0.7 MW for thermal power and 4.57 USD/
MWh for electricity expense were obtained.
[187] Thermal mass storage Optimization ANN optimized with GA Optimization of solar-based thermal ANN-controlled thermostats performance
mass storage in homes exhibited low error.
[160] Prediction Feed-forward ANN
(continued on next page)

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Table 1 (continued )
Ref. TES system AI role AI technique Objective of AI technique Remarks/Comments

Storage tank in grid- Performance evaluation of grid- The Multi-layer perceptron model was
connected hybrid connected hybrid photovoltaic thermal successfully achieved acceptably accurate
photovoltaic thermal system results.
[176] Finned-tube surrounded Prediction Feed-forward ANN Predicting and analyzing the total heat Functionality of ANN in analyzing heat
by Phase change material stored in thermal energy storage system transfer processes was powerful and how
(water) which consist of finned-tube surrounded effective for thermal energy storage
by water practices.
[174] Hot and cold water Prediction Feed-forward ANN Predicting cooling capacity and The RMSEr between the predicted and
storage tanks in solar- coefficient of performance of absorption actual values was not more than 0.70 %.
powered air-conditioning chiller
[179] Boreholes Prediction Back-propagation ANN, least Predicting the ground temperature of Although the prediction accuracy of fuzzy
square support vector machine two boreholes LS-SVM was slightly slower than ANN
(LS-SVM), fuzzy LS-SVM model, its computational speed was mostly
higher by three times.
[180] Phase change material Prediction SVM, ANFIS, ANN Predicting the performance of flat plate The SVM showed the best prediction
(sodium carbonate solar collector supported with PCM outcomes and the utilization of PCM
decahydrate) provides much better performance.
Stratified TES tank Prediction Feed-forward ANN Predicting the performance of stratified The optimum number of neurons was 90
TES tank located in gas district cooling in which exhibits the best prediction results
terms of thermocline thickness as well as and the overall R2 is 0.99.
half-cycle figure of merit
PCM (Aluminum and Prediction Feed-forward ANN Prediction and Optimization of The optimized TES heat sink stabilization
[181] paraffin) stabilization time and maximum time were dropped by 64.12 % and 58.45
operating temperature to transition %, and reduction of 8.207 % and 6.015 %
temperature variation for maximum operating temperature to
transition temperature variation compared
with Storage A and Storage B TES heat
Phase change material Prediction Feed-forward ANN Prediction of Nu during melting process The prediction performance of the ANN
(RT42 paraffin) of RT42 paraffin was high in accuracy, with maximum error
of 6.0 %.
Nanofluid-nano-PCM Prediction Feed-forward ANN/Self- Prediction of power generation in Electrical current exerted the highest
[155] photovoltaic thermal organized feature map ANN nanofluid-nano-PCM PVT energy system impact on PVT power generation outputs of
energy system P-M1 and P-M2. While solar irradiance
exhibited the most impact for P-M3.
[147] Preheated water by Prediction GA-PSO-optimized inverted Prediction of PTC’s thermal efficiency Simultaneous optimization of three
parabolic trough solar ANN variables was successfully accomplished a
collectors thermal efficiency of 67.12 %, ANNi-PSO
outperforms ANNi-GA.
[164] Storage tank Prediction GA-PSO-optimized ANN Prediction of solar space heating system The GA-PSO optimized neural network
driven by parabolic trough collector displayed superior prediction performance.
[162] Sorption heat reactor Prediction Non-linear autoregressive and Prediction of sorption heat reactor The NARX and FFNN models displayed
feed-forward neural networks performance accurate prediction of the overall
[157] (CaO)/(Ca(OH)2) Prediction Non-linear autoregressive Prediction of the internal states of CaO)/ Moderate depth of feedback delay
thermochemical ESS neural network with deep Ca(OH)2 thermochemical ESS produced better prediction performance,
frequency indicating that the network captured the
latency of the system.
[163] Energy storage heat pump Prediction Generalized regression neural Prediction of the relationship between The operating characteristics of the system
system network independent and dependent variables of were significantly influenced by the solar
solar PVT supported gas engine driven radiation and the ambient temperature,
energy storage HP system and less influenced by the speed of wind.
[154] Phase change material Prediction Feed-forward ANN Prediction of the time needed for The performance of the ANN model in
(encapsulated paraffin complete phase conversion of the PCM predicting the PCM charging time was
wax) efficiently accurate.
[156] Hot water tank in nearly Prediction Model predictive control-based Prediction of the total energy demand in The MPC-based ANN can forecast the heat
zero-energy building ANN nearly zero-energy building consumption only based on ambient
temperatures and the consumption of the
previous 24 h.
[165] Thermal storage heater Prediction Recurrent neural network Prediction of thermal energy usage of The predicted thermal energy utilization
thermal storage heater data was exhibited minimum value of
RMSE of 0.15, indicating the decent
accuracy of the model.
[194] Storage tanks (hot and Optimization Genetic algorithm coupled with Setting optimal operating strategy for The proposed optimization method was
cold water) dynamic programming combined cooling, heating and power successfully increased the CCHP
system with TES performance in summer and winter by
1.92 % and 1.91 %, respectively.
[202] Phase change material Control VFD PID control Stabilizing heating water temperature in The stabilized heating water temperature
valley electric phase change thermal was 57 ◦ C with an error of 2 ◦ C during heat
storage storage process, implying that the heating
performance was reasonable.
[191] Storage tanks (hot and Optimization GA Co-optimization of CO2 ejector Although the overall cooling capacity
cold water) expansion HP coupled with storage obtained by the SCCO was slightly larger
tanks for hot and cold water than the ones of SCO and CCP, it achieved
(continued on next page)

A.G. Olabi et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 39 (2023) 101730

Table 1 (continued )
Ref. TES system AI role AI technique Objective of AI technique Remarks/Comments

the lowest overall power consumption

during thermal energy charging.
[178] Molten salt Prediction Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference Studying the design parameters effect of The predicted results of GA-TBLO
system solar power tower supported with optimized ANFIS model successfully
molten salt ESS on the thermal and exhibited remarkable agreement with the
economical aspects real data.
[172] Phase change material Prediction GMDH neural network The assessment of long term There was a reasonable matching between
(RT20 paraffin) performance of latent heat TES merged the simulated and ANN-predicted results.
in cooling ventilation system

techniques including sequence prediction models, such as temperature of the heat transfer fluid at the desired temperature.
NARX, RNNs, and optimization models such as PSO, could in­ Equally important, incorporating FL controllers into ANNs effec­
crease the global capacity of the TESS for different applications. tively promoted the efficacy of the hybrid TESS by reducing space
▪ Integration of artificial intelligence techniques such as fuzzy heating costs by 40 %.
and ANNs with modern optimization algorithms can provide an • Although the operational/controlling parameters are varied from
accurate and rapid optimum performance of the various ther­ one TES system to another, ambient temperature, system inlet tem­
mal energy storage systems perature, solar radiation, wind speed, water volumetric flow rate,
▪ Hybrid energy storage methods, such as PCM-based TES inte­ relative humidity, dry-bulb temperature, and ventilation rate are
grated with battery energy storage, should be investigated commonly used in modelling and optimizing the various TESS.
using AI techniques. SVMs, FL, and ANFIS demonstrated • Simultaneous multi-variable optimization using emerging AI tech­
excellent performance in literature in terms of accuracy and niques, such as GA, PSO and ANN, successfully predicted the thermal
speed, and they could be used for such integrated energy stor­ efficiency of parabolic trough solar collectors for water-preheating.
age systems. The combination of ANN with GA achieved cost savings of around
▪ Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are fluctu­ 10 %.
ating; therefore, energy storage systems such as TESS are • Introducing AI techniques in various TESS improved the overall
needed. Moreover, energy consumption also fluctuates as it can performance of the proposed systems in terms of decreasing space,
increase or decrease. Therefore, there is an urgent need to decreasing cost, and/or increasing efficiency.
model, optimize, and predict the energy source, energy storage, • The present review shows that applying AI techniques in TES is still
and energy consumption. Simultaneous multi-variable optimi­ progressing research endeavor. The main limitation of using AI is the
zation using AI techniques could be effectively applied to ach­ dependence of its accuracy on the input data. Therefore, special care
ieve this target. must be given to the input data.
▪ The current AI techniques applied in the TES are concerned
with efficiency and cost. However, other parameters such as Declaration of Competing Interest
environmental impacts and safety should be considered.
▪ The effect of various optimization strategies on energy-saving The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
should be examined, considering the limitations of the deci­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
sion variables. Finally, there is an extremely convenient set of the work reported in this paper.
implementations of AI techniques that profit the design and
operation of different ESSs related to energy forecasting for Data availability
short, mid, and long terms.
No data was used for the research described in the article.
6. Conclusion
This work reported the application of various AI techniques in
modelling, optimizing, forecasting, and controlling energy storage sys­ The authors would thank the University of Sharjah for supporting the
tems’ overall performance, focusing on thermal storage systems. GA, current work through project number CoV19-0202.
PSO, ANN, SVM, FL, and ANFIS, were the common AI approaches
applied in TESS. The performance of the aforementioned techniques is References
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