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Nombre: Daniela Lara Diaz Matricula: 2817932

Erick Humberto Guerra Méndez 3017295

Luis Angel Urbina Santos 2904543
Diego Orlando Fuentes Gaytán 03014672
Sergio García López 3014958
Vanessa Ramírez
Nombre del curso: Ingles III Nombre del profesor: Sofía Zertuche

Modulo: 1 Actividad: Actividad 5

Fecha: 17/02/2022

In the world of economy, several types of goods are distinguished, according to the
function they perform. In this way, we have capital goods, which are those assets
(mainly machinery) that develop production processes; intermediate goods, inputs
that are transformed to obtain the final merchandise; and consumer goods, used
by the consumer.

 Do consumer goods improve people’s quality of life?

I think so, consumer goods make people's lives easier and allow it to be more
comfortable for humans. This is related to the satisfaction of people's needs,
consumption also allows to open more opportunities which avoid more poverty,
consumption makes our quality of life much easier than if we did not have it.

 Are consumer goods hard to find?

consumer goods are those merchandise generated to directly satisfy the need of
the consumer. These constitute the opposite of capital goods, since they are not
used to produce other goods or services.
 How are luxury products viewed in your society and context?
The luxury market today is defined by a preference for experiences and not for
products that were previously a symbol of exclusivity.

 Do consumer societies care about the environment?

I think that not all consumer societies care about the environment, they buy without
looking at the damage that the product they have bought can do, but I also think
that there will be some societies that do, because thanks to the technology that
exists today it is easier to find ecological things that consumer societies usually buy

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