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Green Life

There are people who live their life by a few simple rules: Use everything before buying more; stay away from
packaged goods; don't use plastic utensils; and walk when you can. The closer you get to nature, the less waste
there is.

"Tree hugger" used to conjure up images of Birkenstocks, scruffy beards and beaten-up Volkswagen
Beetles. The new age eco-hipster has changed that. From earth-friendly fashion and furnishings to sleek hybrid
cars and biodegradable beauty products, living lightly no longer means having to sacrifice heavy style.
Kate Macaulay and Michael Johnson are two of Dallas' chief eco-chic campaigners. The couple of five
years owns Green Living, a haven for hip fair-trade frills and everyday items with a conscience. Educating
shoppers about living green is as important to the pair as selling chemical-free paints, embroidered hemp linens
and mod Marmoleum floors.
"We think that the solution to protecting the environment is awareness. That's what we are trying to do
with our store," says Michael. "As people become aware of the problems and what they can do themselves,
that's when we begin to improve."

How much do they practice what they preach?

If the aqua Toyota Prius parked in front of the couple's 1963 one-story wasn't a hint, the three heaping
piles of compost cooking near the front door quickly spilled the organic beans: Kate and Michael are as green as
their push-mowered grass.
The funky couple bought the mid-century not only for its designer bones, but also for its sloping roof
(perfect for rainwater harvesting), large overhangs (cooling shade), `60s-style fluorescent fixtures (they waste
less energy) and the natural light streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Since moving in last year, they've slowly been giving the digs the green light. In the master bedroom,
Kate used a chemical-free, moss-colored paint dubbed Hiking Path to lift the low-slung walls. Low-flow
showerheads and energy-efficient light bulbs were added throughout.

Longevity is the key

Although the couple has big projects in the works (cork floors in the entry, lime- and-orange
Marmoleum in the kitchen) they currently live lightly by using products and decor with a crunch. "We try to use
things that are organic, vintage, used or very durable," Kate says. "If we buy new things, we make sure they are
from responsible or fair-trade manufacturers."
Most of their furniture, decor and housewares are durable hand-me-downs or vintage finds. Kate says
that longevity is the key when sourcing secondhand items; she particularly looks for Pyrex pieces and solid-
wood designs. Trendy knockoff furnishings are out of the question; particleboard gets a black mark for its short
lifespan and toxins.
Green Life
Relatives donated most of their furniture, including an overstuffed leather chair and ottoman in Michael's
study that helps prop up his bike, a regular mode of transportation. The rest are vintage rescues such as the retro
tweed sofa, mid-century chest of drawers and dining room hutch, which Kate outfits with pottery hand-me-
downs and garage-sale scores.
Stylish, earth-sensitive accessories dress up the natural furnishings. In the bedroom, a fair trade applique
pillow and ethnic block-print add give color. Purple organic-cotton sheets from Green Living offer a pop, as
does the handmade quilt from a Lakewood charity shop that Kate repurposed as a wall hanging.

The little things

To the untrained eye, the home's hemp towels, jute rugs and retro dishes might just look groovy, not green. But
the all-natural cleaners, soaps, lotions, detergents and even kitty litter packed inside their cupboards would
convince any amateur that Kate and Michael go green all the way.
A peek in the fridge provides further clues, where cage-free eggs sit next to Newman's Own dressing and
organic veggies. Even their beer has a conscience. They only buy Fat Tire, because the brewing company is
wind-powered. "It's the little things that everybody does every day that's going to make the big impact in the
end," Michael says. "Six billion human beings are making a huge footprint on our planet. We're just trying to do
our part."


This is what you can do to live a greener life.

 Use a water-saving shower. About 95 percent of the water that gets delivered to our houses goes down
the drain.
 Use soap (no shampoo, conditioner or deodorant). Look up the ingredients of your beauty products:
 Use preserve toothbrushes. They are made from recycled plastics such as yogurt cups.
 Reusing clothes avoids waste – cotton is renewable but accounts for 10 percent of world pesticide use;
synthetic cotton is usually treated with formaldehyde; rayon is made from wood pulp and usually treated
with sulfuric acid; the leather-tanning process results in chemical-laden wastewater.
 Ride a bike or walk.
 Sea salt is harvested from seawater and has fewer additives than table salt, which is mined from mineral
 Try cloth napkins or compost used paper towels and napkins.
 See where you can recycle old electronics by going to or
 Use recycled toilet paper such as Seventh Generation brand. Just be sure to put the cardboard roll in the
recycling bin.
 Buy in bulk; never buy food packaged in single servings. Roughly 30 cents of every dollar spent on
packaged goods goes toward the packaging.
 Store leftovers in the fridge topped with a plate -no plastic wrap.
 Hand-wash dishes and leave them to dry on counter.
 Reuse plastic bags before recycling them.
 Save paper that comes out of the computer printer to write on the blank side before it goes into the
recycling bin. Each year, Americans throw away enough office and writing paper to build a wall 12 feet
high, from Los Angeles to New York City.
 Making 1 ton of recycled paper creates 74 percent less air pollution and 43 percent less water pollution
than manufacturing paper from wood pulp.

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