Activity English Job Interview

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NAME: María Fernanda Sepúlveda Montañez

ID: 829487

NRC: 5574






1. Have you ever had an interview?

Yeah, I’ve had several interviews.

2. Have you been comfortable with those situations?

I didn’t like being in those kinds of interviews where everyone is serious and hard to convince.

3. Have you been unemployed long? Why?

Yes. I have always been working in the administration sector, but now there is more need, and it
has not been easy to find something good and fixed for me.

4. You’re right. Have you ever thought that this is because of all the people who are looking
for work?

Yes, we all need a money. There’s a lot of demand right now. I’ve been thinking about quitting
many times.

5. I read an article in the newspaper the other day about unemployment. Have you read
anything about this?

Yeah, all the time and that makes me sad because it’s like the doors are closing more and more.
I’ve been getting really depressed.

6. The important thing is to keep looking and not give up. What have you been doing while
you have no job?

I take care of my family and read a lot.

7. Have you tried working in another sector that may have more possibilities?

I think so, but I haven’t really considered the idea.

8. Have you been refusing change for long?

Yes, I’m not a woman of change. I’ve always been in my comfort zone. I’ve never had to leave it.
But now I do.

9. Changes are good, they help you discover good things. Have you behaved like this since

No, when I was young, I wasn’t so closed. For now, I am more closed with my actions and thoughts.

10. Sorry to hear that, I hope you change it. Did you like this space?

I loved him. I felt very free to talk to you.



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