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The city I would l like to live (VIDEO)

Role A: María Fernanda Sepúlveda M

Role B: Yury Murcia


A. Hello
B. Hello
A. Where you live?
B. In Zipaquirá, and you?
A. In Bogota.
B. How do you like the city?
A. I like it a lot, it's special. Unfortunately, it is the most inhabited and neglected.
B. I know, I know her and you're right.
A. However, I have had many experiences there.
B. Tell me about those experiences and I'll tell you about mine.
A. I like to go to the cafes in Bogotá. They say that Juan Valdez is the best of
Colombia, but I believe that there is another better. It's called Charles and it's close
to a shopping center. One day I was with my family, and it was unforgettable.
B. Do you think it is the best of all? Why do you think he is better than Juan
A. Charles is more organized than Juan Valdez. In addition to this, it is much
B. Good
A. Tell me about your experiences in your city.
B. Zipaquirá is famous for its Salt Cathedral. It is one of the wonders of Colombia!
One day I was there with my classmates from the university, and we saw that the
part of the Cathedral is cleaner than the rest of the city. The sad thing is that not
everything is clean and organized as in the wonder of Colombia.
A. Would you like to go to a better city?
B. Yes, I would love to go to Amsterdam.
A. Why?
B. Amsterdam is a city with an artistic heritage. Additionally, I love the story of
Anne Frank and there is a house museum of her there. Amsterdam is better than
A. But you shouldn't talk about your city like that, maybe it's better in several things
but not in everything. I would like to go to Madrid, it is a beautiful and historic city.
B. You are right.
A. Although I really like Colombia, I would like to leave the country, there are more
B. Unfortunately you are right. Where would you like to live?
A. In some city in Europe, I love the culture there and all the history it has. I would
love to live in Italy or Rome. Although Italy is full of tourists, and they say that
Rome is very dirty. I must think about it.
B. I would love it in Miami or Orlando, they are very touristy cities and full of
A. Thanks for sharing this with me.
B. To you! Thank you!

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