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PHILOSOPHICAL TOOLS and Processes unsatisfied with, etc.

The entire dialogue may last a

“The unexamined life is not worth living” few seconds or several hours, depending on its aim,
-SOCRATES nature, and the participants' personalities, and may end
with or without the interlocutor revising the
Note: The model above is intended as general guide for
understanding, and is not a strict prescriptive process.
 Dialectics

 Also known as Socratic method, method of

Elenchus, Elenctic method, Socratic debate)
 A form of cooperative argumentative dialogue
between individuals based on asking and
answering questions
 According to Kant, the ancient Greeks used the
word dialectic to signify the logic of false
appearance or semblance
 A term used to describe a method of
philosophical argument that involves some sort
of contradictory process between opposing

Aristotle said that it was Zeno of Elea who invented

dialectic. He is best known for his paradoxes

Is a self-contradictory statement that highlights two
conflicting ideas
The statement may appear to be silly but in reality,
contains a truth which seems unreasonable
In the diagram shown, the questioner initiates the
Socratic method by attempting to elicit a clear
Common Examples of Paradox
hypothesis from the interlocutor. If a clear hypothesis
 less is more.
is not produced, the questioner may attempt to rephrase
 do the thing you think you cannot do.
the question, or offer a different suggestion. Once the
interlocutor affirms a hypothesis, the questioner can  you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
begin examination. The questioner may seek to  the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
understand why the interlocutor made that decision;  the beginning of the end.
ask for evidence or reasoning to support the  if you don't risk anything, you risk everything.
hypothesis; ask for thoughts on a counter example or a  earn money by spending it.
differing perspective, etc. After the initial examination,  nobody can make you feel inferior without your
the interlocutor has a chance to respond (agree, consent.
disagree, clarify, elucidate, etc.) — or they may simply
decide to revise their hypothesis. When a new LOGICAL REASONING
hypothesis or a response is given, the questioner may In philosophy,
again present further examination questions. The Logic - a science that deals with the principles and
response stage can involve a lengthy question-and- criteria of validity of inference and demonstration, the
answer exchange: the questioner may spend time science of the formal reasoning
probing different aspects of reasoning; guide the Reasoning is the process of thinking about something
interlocutor towards an alternative view; the in a logical way in order to from a conclusion or
interlocutor may provide a counter response to the judgment.
examination that the questioner is satisfied or Reasoning is the domain of one branch of philosophy
which is epistemology we simply do not know, and philosophy can help us to
explore these unknowns.
Science is a systematic process of acquiring knowledge
Types of Logical Reasoning
about the natural world through observation and
a. Deductive reasoning
experimentation. It is based on the assumption that the
universe is governed by laws that can be discovered
and understood. Science has been incredibly successful
Premise 1: All human are mortal
in explaining and predicting the natural world, but it
Premise 2: But the President of the Philippines is
has also shown us that there are many things that we
human being.
do not understand.
Conclusion: Therefore, the President of the
Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about
Philippines is mortal
the nature of reality, knowledge, and existence. It is not
a scientific discipline, but it can use the tools of logic
b. Inductive reasoning and reason to explore these questions. Philosophy can
begins with particular to universal argument help us to think more deeply about the world around us
Premise: Student A, B, C, D, E, F. are wearing school and to challenge our assumptions.
I.D. In other words, science is about the known, while
Conclusion: Therefore, all the students are wearing philosophy is about the unknown. Science helps us to
I.D. understand the world as it is, while philosophy helps us
to think about what the world could be.
Logic starts with the origin of ideas, terms,
propositions or premises, syllogisms etc.

The process that would in understanding the holistic
point of view of what is going on around us
Reflection is an activity that requires a person to
examine his or her thoughts feelings and actions and
learn from experience
Meaning of Philosophical reflection SYSTEMATIC MANNER
Searching for the essence of things and the ultimate
reasons for our existence
Its trajectory is to see the bigger picture about
Conceptual Analysis
Philosophy is a conceptual discipline because it
Act of giving time to think about the meaning and
analyses concepts. Facts are known but concepts are
purpose of life

Two types of philosophical reflection

1. Primary Reflection 1. Logical Analysis
ability to think logically  A method of determining whether the assertion
The ability of the mind to construct and evaluate offered as reason for accepting the assertion
arguments justify that acceptance in the way the speaker
2. Secondary Reflection When a speaker asserts a thing, it becomes an
Enables us look deeper into our experiences and see argument
the bigger picture of reality  An argument consists of two or more
statements, one of which is a conclusion and
the others are premises.
The quote "Science is what you know, philosophy is
what you don't know" is often attributed to the 2. Method of Systematic Doubt
philosopher Bertrand Russell. It is a reminder that  This doubt is not a casual doubt, which is
science is limited in its ability to answer all of our handed to us by our parents, teachers, relatives
questions about the world. There are many things that and friends.
The “doubt” as a method of philosophy is
called methodological doubt or indubitable or regarding ethics.
sometimes referred to as Cartesian doubt
advocated by Rene Descartes (1596-1650), a
French philosopher.

3. Phenomenological Method
 This method of philosophy was associated with
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938, a German
philosopher who postulated transcendental
The word phenomenon is derived from the
Greek word phaenesthai, which means “to
In this method, we describe ourselves and the
world around us on the basis of subjective
experience, which is often referred to as “live

4. Philosophical Dialogue
 It brings a philosopher into contact with many
ideas in a short period of time, especially when
there are more than two opinions being argued.
 It also creates a community mentality in which
those of different viewpoints are engaged in
real conversation for the common goal of truth

5. Historical Method
 There is a value in explaining the implications
of an argument in society. However, negative
implications do not simply imply an absence of
truth nor do positive ones its presence.

6. Comparative- Descriptive Method

 A valuable learning tool, since we often come
to understand concepts in relations to what we
already know.
it does not really generate any new knowledge
careful reading of original texts

7. Comparative- Constructive Method

 A very useful method for creating new ideas,
which are extremely important to the process
of truth seeking.

8. Deconstructive Method
 Its value is that it allows a thinker to challenge
his own cultural preconceptions and thus gain a
somewhat, more objective point of view.
What it does not do is to prove an argument
incorrect, since it simply points out that there is
a reason to doubt. This approach is most
commonly used when looking at situations

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