مشروع المواصفات

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AN-Najah National University

Faculty of Engineering

Specification & Quantity


Jamal Al-Qutub

Mofeed Ghanem

Qusi Zeri

Mahmoud Ismail

Yazan Rabah


Dr. Reema Nsaar

Chapter Description Page

Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 3

Chapter 2 Earth Works
2.1 Excavation 4
2.2 backfilling. 7
Chapter 3 Civil Works
3.1 Foundations 8
3.2 Column Neck 13
3.3 Ground Beams 14
3.4 Shear Wall 16
3.5 Columns 17
3.6 Slabs 21
3.7 Stairs 27
3.8 Walls 37
3.9 Beams 39
Chapter 4 Finishing work
4.1 Plastering. 44
4.2 Tiling 45
4.3 Painting 46
4.4 Doors 46
4.5 Windows 47
4.6 Rails 49
Estimation of Cost 11723761

Chapter one: Introduction

Quantity surveying works are required to estimate the quantity take off of
material needed to complete the project, and here we can differentiate between
two types of quantity surveying: consultant quantity surveying and contractor
quantity surveying.
 Consultant quantity surveying: work for client and called professional quantity
surveyor who check the accuracy of the contractor's applications for payment.

 Contractor quantity surveying: work for construction companies and called

main contractor's quantity surveyor who will have to submit applications for
payment to the client in line with the dates agreed in the original contract.
Project costs are significantly affected by the project extent

Chapter Two: Earth work

2.1 Excavation
 Excavation of piles:
We have two types of piles:
Volume of Excavation in pile = Area * length *Number of piles
For pile 1 = 4 * D2*L*N
= 4 *0.6 2*10*23=65 m3
For pile 2 = 4 * D2*L*N
= 4 *0.82*10*4=20.096 m3

Type of piles Volume of excavation m3

P1 65
P2 20.1
Total 85.1

 Excavation of caps:
Volume of excavation of C1 =1*1*0.16*9=1.44 m3

Volume of excavation of C1 =1*1*0.67*10 =6.7 m3

Volume of excavation of C1 =1*1*1.1*4=4.04 m3

Volume of excavation of C2 =1*1.2*0.29*2=0.624 m3

Volume of excavation of C2 =1*1.2*0.77*2=1.848 m3

Volume of excavation of C3 = 3*3.4*1.68 = 17.136m3

Type of cap Elevation (m) Depth (m) Number of caps Volume (m3 ¿

C1 0.0 0.16 9 1.44

C1 -0.51 0.67 10 6.7
C1 -0.85 0.1 4 4.04
C2 0.0 0.29 2 0.624
C2 -0.51 0.77 2 1.848
C3 -1.5 1.68 1 17.136
Total excavation for all caps 31.788

Excavation of tie beams:

For example: for level (-0.51)

Volume of Excavation = length * width * height

= 70.8*0.2*0.67 = 9.5m3

Elevation (m) Length (m) Width (m) Depth (m) Volume (m3 ¿
0.0 69.75 0.2 0.16 2.2
-0.51 70.8 0.2 0.67 9.5
-0.85 6.7 0.2 0.83 1.1
Total Excavation for all tie beams 12.8

Total Excavation = 129.69 m3

2.2 Backfill between caps:
Backfill between caps:
For example:
Backfill for level (-0.51):
Different level = 1.02-0.69 = 0.33m
Sum of area between caps in that level = 114.2 m2
Volume of backfill = 114.2*0.33=37.68m3

Elevation (m) Area(m2 ) Depth (m) Volume (m3 ¿

0.0 119.37 0.84 100.27
-0.51 114.2 0.33 37.68
-0.85 10.68 0.01 0.1068
-1.5 10.2 1.68 17.14
Total volume of backfill 155.19

Total volume of backfill = 155.19 m3

Chapter Three: Civil Works

3.1 Foundations
 Formwork in Caps:
For Example in C1:
[(1*2) + (1*2)]*0.5 * 19= 38 m2
Type of cap Dimensions (cm) Number of caps Formwork (m2)
C1 100*100*50 19 38
C2 120*100*60 4 17.6
C3 340*300*50 1 6.4
Total 62

 Reinforcement in Piles and Caps:

Spiral stirrups:
For Group 1:
Length Spiral stirrups = Parameter * number of stirrups
= (500mm)*𝜋*40= 62830mm = 63m
2 2
D 8 ∗¿
Weight of steel for Spiral stirrups = *L = ¿ * 63=24.5 Kg
162 162

For all piles =24.5*23 =563.5 Kg

For Group 2:
Length Spiral stirrups = Parameter * number of stirrups
= (700mm)*𝜋*40= 87964mm = 88m
2 2
D 8 ∗¿
Wight of steel for Spiral stirrups = *L = ¿ * 88= 34.76 Kg
162 162

For all piles =34.76 *4 =139 Kg

Weight of Main reinforcement steel for piles:

2 2
D 14
For Group 1 = *number of bars *L = *10*10= 121 Kg
162 162

For all piles =121 *23 =2783 Kg

2 2
D 14
For Group 2 = *number of bars *L = *12*10= 145 Kg
162 162

For all piles =145 *4 =580 Kg

Type of piles Weight of Main steel (Kg) Weight of spiral stirrup(Kg)
P1 2783 563.5
P2 580 139
Total 3363 702.5

Steel of caps:
For Cap C1 in long direction for Top reinforcement:
Length = (20+80) = 100 cm, Diameter = 14, Number of bars = 6,
Number of caps = 19
2 2
D 12
Total weight = *L = * 1*6*19 = 100.32 Kg
162 162

For Cap C1 in long direction for bottom reinforcement:

Length = (70+80) = 150, Diameter = 14, Number of bars = 6,
Number of caps = 19
2 2
D 14
Total weight = *L = * 1.5*6*19 = 206.34 Kg
162 162
For Cap C1 in short direction for top reinforcement:
Length = (20+80) = 100, Diameter = 14, Number of bars = 6,
Number of caps = 19
2 2
D 14
Total weight = *L = * 1*6*19 = 136.8 Kg
162 162

For Cap C1 in short direction for bottom reinforcement:

Length = (70+80) = 150, Diameter = 14, Number of bars = 6,
Number of caps = 19
2 2
D 14
Total weight = *L = * 1.5*6*19 = 206.34 Kg
162 162


Direction Length Diameter Number of Number of Total weight

(cm ) (mm) bars caps Kg
Long top 100 12 6 19 100.32
Long bottom 150 14 6 19 206.34
Short top 100 14 6 19 136.8
Short bottom 150 14 6 19 206.34
Total weight 649.8


Direction Length Diameter Number of Number of Total weight
(cm ) (mm) bars caps Kg
Long top 140 14 6 4 40.65
Long bottom 180 14 6 4 52.25
Short top 120 14 7 4 40.65
Short bottom 160 14 7 4 54.20
Total weight 188.00


Direction Length Diameter Number of Number of Total weight

(cm ) (mm) bars caps Kg
Long top 340 14 20 1 82.27
Long bottom 390 14 20 1 94.37
Short top 300 14 22 1 79.85
Short bottom 350 14 22 1 93.16
Total weight 349.65
Total reinforcement in Footing = 5.253 ton

 Concrete in Piles and Caps:

Volume of concrete in piles:

For pile 1 = 4 * D2*L*N
= 4 *0.6 2*10*23=65 m3
For pile 2 = 4 * D2*L*N
= 4 *0.82*10*4=20.096 m3

Type of piles Volume of concrete( m3)

P1 65
P2 20.1
Total 85.1

Volume of concrete in caps:

For C1 =1*1*0.5=0.5m3
For C2 =1.2*1*0.6=0.72m3
For C3 =3.4*3*1*0.5=5.1 m3
Total Volume of concrete of C1 =0.5*19=9.5m3
Total Volume of concrete of C2 =0.72*4=2.88m3
Total Volume of concrete of C3 =5.1*1=5.1 m3
Total Volume of concrete of all caps= 17.48 m3
Type of cap Area (m2 ) Depth (m) Number of caps Volume (m3 ¿
C1 1 0.5 19 9.5
C2 1.2 0.6 4 2.88
C3 10.2 0.5 1 5.1
Total volume of concrete for all caps 17.48

3.2 Column Neck

 Formwork:
For example in P1:
Formwork = [(length*2) + (width*2)] depth * no. of column
Type of cap Dimensions (cm) Number of caps Volume (m2)
P1 30*60*50 19 17.1
P2 30*70*50 4 4
Total 21.1

 Steel reinforcement:
We have two type for column (P1, P2)
Number of column for P1 = 23
Number of column for P2 = 4
Height of column =0.5m
Weight of steel for P1 = *L
14 ∗¿
= ¿ *.5 *10=6 Kg

Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for all P1

= 6*23 =138kg

Wight of steel for P2 = *L
16 ∗¿
= ¿ *.5*10 =7.9 Kg

Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for all P2

= 7.9*4 =31.6 Kg

Total steel reinforced = 39.5 kg

For example in P1:
Volume of concrete = length * width * depth * no. of column
= 0.3 * 0.6 * 0.5 * 19
Type of cap Dimensions (cm) Number of caps Volume (m3)
P1 30*60*50 19 1.71
P2 30*70*50 4 0.42
Total 2.13

3.3 Ground Beams

 Formwork:
Thickness of plank = 2.5cm
Formwork = {69.75 + 70.8 +6.7}*2*1= 295 m2
=295*0.025 = 7.4 m3

 Steel reinforcement:
Weight of steel for Tie beams
For example: beam 1 (B1)
Wight of steel for B1 = *L * Number of tie beams
12 ∗¿
= ¿ *3 *1= 8 Kg

Symbol Demeter Length Number of bars Number of beams Total weigh

(mm) (m) (Kg)
B1 12 3 3 1 8
B2 12,16 33,11 3,3 1,1 140.15
B3 12 8 3 1 21.33
B4 12,14,16 38,6,17 3,3,3 1,1,1 123.7
B5 12,14 3.5,3.5 3,3 1,1 22.04
B6 12,14 12,10 3,3 4,4 273.19
B7 12,12 6,6.5 3,3 1,1 33.33
B8 12 9 3 2 48
B9 12,16 5,5 3,3 4,4 148.15
B10 12,14 11,9 3,3 4,4 248
B11 12 10,5 3 2 80
B12 12 5 3 2 26.67
Total weight of steel = 1173Kg

 Concrete:
For example in Tie beam that level (-0.51):
Length of Tie beam = 70.8, width= 0.2 Depth = 1m
Volume tie beam = 70.8*0.2*1=14.16m3

Elevation (m) Length (m) Width (m) Depth (m) Volume (m3 ¿
0.0 69.75 0.2 1 14
-0.51 70.8 0.2 1 14.16
-0.85 6.7 0.2 1 0.22
Total volume of concrete all tie beams 28.38

3.4 Shear Wall

 Formwork:
Thickness of plank = 2.5cm
Formwork for shear wall = {180+220+180+160+148+160}*28.5
= 310 m2 *0.025
= 7.7m3

 Steel reinforcement:
Height of shear wall = 28.5 m
Length of shear wall = 5.80 m, spacing between bars = 20 cm
Number of bars in horizontal direction = 20 +1=143+1=144
Weight of steel for horizontal direction = *L
= *144*2 =660 Kg

= 0.66 Ton

Number of bars in vertical direction = 20 +1=29+1=30
Weight of steel for horizontal direction = *L
= *28.5*30*2 =1520Kg

= 1.52 Ton
Total Steel Reinforcement = 0.66+1.52 = 2.18 Ton
 Concrete:
Volume of concrete for shear wall =0.2*5.8*28.5 = 31m3

3.5 Columns
 Formwork:
Type of column Dimensions (cm) Height (m)
P1 60*30 3
P2 70*30 3

Thickness of plank = 2.5cm

Formwork of P1 = {(0.3*3) + (0.6*3)}*2*0.025 = 0.135 m3
Formwork of P2 = {(0.3*3) + (0.7*3)}*2*0.025 = 0.15 m3

Total Formwork of P1 for first six floor:

= 0.135*23*6= 18.6m3
Total Formwork of P1 for seventh floor (roof):
Total Formwork for P1 eighth floor:
= 0.135*8=1.08m3
Total Formwork for P2 for first six floor:
=0.15*4*6=3.6 m3
Total Formwork for P2 for seventh floor (roof):
=0.15*4=0.6 m3
Total Formwork for P2 eighth floor:

Total Formwork of all column in building = 1560 *0.025=39 m3

 Steel reinforcement:
Type of column Main reinforcement stirrups
P1 10𝜙14 5𝜙8
P2 10𝜙16 5𝜙8

We have two type for column (P1, P2)

Number of column for P1 = 23
Number of column for P2 = 4
Height of column =3m

Wight of steel for P1 = *L
14 ∗¿
= ¿ *3 *10=36.2 Kg

Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for P1 For first six floor
= 36.2*23 * 6 =5000Kg = 5 Ton
Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for P1 For seventh floor (roof)
= 36.2*13 =417.7Kg = 0.4717 Ton
Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for P1 eighth floor =
= 36.2*8= 290.32Kg = 0.290Ton
Wight of steel for P2 = *L
16 ∗¿
= ¿ *3*10 =47.4 Kg

Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for P2 For first six floor
= 47.4*4 * 6 =1128Kg = 1.128 Ton
Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for P2 For seventh floor (roof)
= 47.4*4 =188 = 0.188 Ton
Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for P2 eighth floor =
= 47.4*4= 188 Kg = 0.188 Ton

Total Weight of Main reinforcement steel for all column in building =7.28 Ton
Length stirrups = Parameter * number of stirrups
We assume the cover = 5cm and length of hock = 7cm
Parameter of P1 = {(60-5)*2 + (30-10)*2} +7*2 = 174 cm
Parameter of P2= {(70-5)*2 + (30-5)*2} +7*2 = 194 cm

Weight of steel for stirrup P1 = *L
= *1.74 =0.68 Kg

Total Weight of steel for stirrup P1 = number of stirrups per meter * length of
column * weight of one stirrup
= 5*3*0.68= 10.31 Kg = 0.01031 Ton

Wight of steel for stirrup P2= *L
= *1.94 =0.76Kg

Total Weight of steel for stirrup P2 = number of stirrups per meter * length of
column8 weight of one stirrup
= 5*3*0.76= 11.49 Kg = 0.01149 Ton

Total Weight of stirrups steel for P1 for first six floor:

= 10.31*23 * 6 =1486.64Kg = 1.486 Ton
Total Weight of stirrups steel for P1 for seventh floor (roof):
= 10.31*13 =134.03Kg = 0.134 Ton
Total Weight stirrups steel for P1 eighth floor:
= 10.31*8= 82.48Kg = 0.0824Ton
Total Weight of stirrups steel for P2 for first six floor:
= 11.49*4 * 6 =275.076Kg = 0.275Ton
Total Weight of stirrups steel for P2 for seventh floor (roof):
= 11.49*4 =46 Kg = 0.046 Ton
Total Wight stirrups steel for P2 eighth floor:
= 11.49*4= 46Kg = 0.046Ton

Total Weight of stirrups steel for all column in building =2.07 Ton
Total weight of steel reinforcement = 9.35

 Concrete:
Volume of concrete for column
Volume of concrete for column P1 =0.3*0.6*3=0.54 m3
Volume of concrete for column P2 =0.3*0.7*3=0.63m3

Total Volume of concrete for column P1 For first six floor:

= 0.54*23*6= 74.52 m3
Total Volume of concrete for column P1 For seventh floor (roof):
Total Volume of concrete for column P1 eighth floor:
= 0.54*8=4.32m3

Total Volume of concrete for column P2 For first six floor:

=0.63*4*6=15.12 m3
Total Volume of concrete for column P2 For seventh floor (roof):
Total Volume of concrete for column P2 eighth floor

Concrete Weight main steel Weight stirrups Formwork

(m ) (Ton ) (Ton ) (m¿¿ 3)¿
P1 85.86 5.76 1.702 21.44
P2 20.16 1.44 0.37 17.56
Total 106.02 7.28 2.07 39

Total Volume of concrete for columns in building =106.02 m3

3.6 Slabs
3.3.1 Ground to fifth Slab
 Formwork:
Area of timber will use in this slab = (perimeter of slab * thickness of slab

=77 * (0.3) =23.1 m2

Volume = 23.1 * 0.025 =0.5775 m3

 Steel reinforcement:

Diameter(mm Number Length(m) Total Weight(kg)

) length(m)
Ø14 12 5 60 72.5
Ø14 4 6 24 30.24
Ø14 8 7 56 67.7
Ø14 6 4.5 27 32.67
Ø12 12 5.5 66 58.7
Ø12 10 6 60 53.33
Ø12 27 5 135 120
Ø12 6 4.5 27 24
Ø12 11 7 77 68
Ø12 2 6.5 13 75.11
Ø16 4 3 12 18.96
Ø16 2 4 8 12.64
Total = 634
Total Cost =650 * 0.643 =417.95 $

Shrinkage steel:

We know that every 1m2 contain 8m Ø8 shrinkage steel.

X =total length of shrinkage steel = 1376 m

Weight of shrinkage steel = (8)2 * 1376/162 =543.60 kg

Cost of shrinkage steel =650 * 0.5436 =353.34 $


Number of U stirrups =740

Length of all U stirrups = 0.44 * 740 =325.6 m

Weight of U stirrups = (6)2 * 325.6/162 =72.35 kg

Cost of U stirrups =650 * 0.072 =46.8 $

 Block:
Number of block in this floor =1730 block (by using AutoCAD)

Total cost =1730 * 0.5 $ =865 $

 Concrete:
V. concert =volume of slab - volume of blocks

= (172.24* 0.25) – (1730 * 0.0136) = 43 – 23.5 = 19.5 m3

Total Cost =19.5 * 75.0 =1462.5 $

Labor cost
Labor cost = 300* 12 $ =3600 $

3.3.2 Roof Slab

 Formwork:
Area of timber will use in this slab = perimeter of slab * (thickness of slab

=82.3 * (0.25+0.05) =24.7m2

Volume = 24.7 * 0.025 =0.6175 m3

 Steel reinforcement:
Main steel:
Diameter(mm) Number Length(m) Total Weight(kg)
Ø14 6 8.5 51 61.7
Ø16 6 9 54 85.4
Ø14 15 6 90 108.9
Ø16 15 6.5 97.5 154.1
Ø12 6 5.5 33 30
Ø12 3 5.5 16.5 15
Ø12 4 6.5 26 23.11
Ø12 4 11 44 39.11

Total Cost =650 * 0.517 =336 $

Shrinkage steel:
We know that every 1m2 contain 8m Ø8 shrinkage steel.

X =total length of shrinkage steel = 589.2 m

Weight of shrinkage steel = (8)2 * 589.2/162 =232.8 kg

Cost of shrinkage steel =650 * 0.232 =151.4 $

6∗5.64 15∗5.6 3.0∗2.7
Number of U stirrups =1 + 0.4
+ 1 + 0.4
+ 1 + 0.4

Length of all U stirrups = 0.44 * 318 =140m

Weight of U stirrups = (6)2 * 140.0/162 =31.2 kg

Cost of U stirrups =650 * 0.312 =20.3 $

 Block:
Number of block in this floor =750 block (by using AutoCAD)

Total cost =750 * 0.5 $ =375 $

 Concrete:
V. concert =volume of slab - volume of blocks

= (74* 0.25) – (750 * 0.0136) = 18.5 – 10.2 = 8.3 m3

Total Cost =8.2 * 75.0 =615.0 $

Labor cost

In this section we calculated labor cost for slab include beams.

Labor cost =area of slab * labor cost for 1m2 = 147.62 * 12 $ =1771.5 $

3.3.3 Last Slab

 Formwork:
Area of timber will use in this slab = perimeter of slab * thickness of slab

=51.6 * (0.25+0.05) =15.5 m2

Volume =15.5 * 0.025 =0.387 m3

 Steel reinforcement:
Main steel:
Diameter(mm Number Length(m) Total Weight(kg)
) length(m)
Ø14 10 3 30 36.3
Ø14 10 3.5 35 42.4
Ø14 10 5.5 55 66.6
Ø16 10 5.5 55 87
Ø12 2 15 30 26.7

Total Cost =650 * 0.259 =170 $

Shrinkage steel:

We know that every 1m2 contain 8m Ø8 shrinkage steel.

X =total length of shrinkage steel = 324 m

Weight of shrinkage steel = (8)2 * 324/162 =128 kg

Cost of shrinkage steel =650 * 0.128 =83.2 $

10∗4.06 10∗2.4
Number of U stirrups =1 + 0.4
+ 1 + 0.4 =164 U stirrups

Length of all U stirrups = 0.44 * 164 =72 m

Weight of U stirrups = (6)2 * 72/162 =16 kg

Cost of U stirrups =650 * 0.016 =10.4 $

 Block:
Number of block in this floor =384 block (by using AutoCAD)

Total cost =384 * 0.5 $ =192 $

 Concrete:
V. concert =volume of slab - volume of blocks

= (40.6* 0.25) – (384 * 0.0136) = 10.15 – 5.22 = 4.93 m3

Total Cost =4.93 * 75.0 =369.75 $

Labor cost
In this section we calculated labor cost for slab include beams and timber work.

Labor cost =area of slab * labor cost for 1m2 = 72.5 * 12 $ =870.0 $

3.7 Stairs
 Formwork:
For example:
Section B-B:
Length of inclined line = No. of stairs*s
As shown in figure:



Length of inclined line = 6*0.35

=2.1 m
Area = 2.1 * 1.2
=2.52 m2

Area of sides = (1.75*0.13)*2

= 0.455
Total area = 2.975 m2

Section No. of floors Area(m¿¿ 2)¿

A-A 8 134.26
A-A 1 10.152
B-B 1 2.975
Total 147.387
 Steel reinforcement & concrete.
In section A-A, No. of floors=8

 Concrete:

First section:



s= √ ( 0.3 ) +(0.17) = 0.35 m

2 2

Area = 0.0255 ( m )2

Total area # 5 = 5 * 0.0255= 0.1275( m )2

Inclined length of the stair = 5 *0.35= 1.75 m

Total area = 0.1275+0.175= 0.3025 ( m )2

Volume of concrete = = 0.3025 *1.2=0.363

Traverse reinforcement:
1 ϕ 12 @15 cm

Length of reinforcement = 0.35*5= 1.75m

# of bars= 0.15 +1= 13 bars

(12 )
W= *13*1.2=13.9 kg

1 ϕ 12 @15 cm

# of bars= 5 bars

(12 )
W= *1.2*5=5.3 kg

Bottom reinforcement: 1 ϕ 14 @15 cm

- # of bars= 0.15 +1= 9 bars

- Total length = 1.75 m

(14 )
W= *1.75*9=19kg

Top reinforcement: 1 ϕ 10 @ 15 cm

Total length = 6.2 m

(10 )
W= *6.2*9=34.3kg

Total weight of steel = 13.9+19+34.4+5.3= 72.6 kg

 Concrete:

Total area # 11 = 11 * 0.0255= 0.2805( m )2

Inclined length of the stair = 11 *0.35= 3.85 m

Area of inclined length = 3.85*0.1= 0.5775( m )2

Area of bottom threshold ((0.255=1.7*0.15= ‫ ( شاحط‬m )2

Area of top threshold (‫ = )شاحط‬0.24 =1.6*0.15 ( m )2

Total area = 0.255+0.5775+0.2805+0.24= 1.353 ( m )2

Volume of concrete = 1.353*1.2= 1.6236 ( m )3

Area of steel:

Traverse reinforcement:
1 ϕ 12 @15 cm

Length of reinforcement 7.1m

# of bars= 0.15 +1= 49 bars

Total length = 49*1.2=58.8 m

(12 )
W= *58.8=52.3 kg

1 ϕ 12 @15 cm

# of bars=11 bars

(12 )
W= *1.2*11=11.7 kg

Bottom reinforcement: 1 ϕ 14 @15 cm

- # of bars= 0.15 +1= 9 bars

Total length = 5.5 m

(14 )
W= *5.5*9=60kg

Top reinforcement: 1 ϕ 10 @ 15 cm

Total length = 11.94 m

(10 )
W= *11.94*9=66.3kg

Total weight of steel =190.3 kg


Total area # 11 = 9 * 0.0255= 0.2295( m )2

Inclined length of the stair = 9 *0.35= 3.15 m

Area of inclined length = 3.15*0.15= 0.4725( m )2

Total area= 0.702( m )2

Volume of concrete =0.8424 ( m )3

Area of steel:

Traverse reinforcement:
1 ϕ 12 @15 cm

Length of reinforcement =3.15

# of bars= 0.15 +1=22 bars
(12 )
W= *22*1.2=23.4 kg

1 ϕ 12 @15 cm

# of bars=9bars
(12 )
W= *1.2*9=9.6 kg

Bottom reinforcement: 1 ϕ 14 @15 cm

- # of bars= 0.15 +1= 9 bars

(14 )
W= *3.15*9=34.3kg

Top reinforcement: 1 ϕ 10 @ 15 cm

Total length = 7.5m

(10 )
W= *7.5*9=9.6kg

Total weight of steel =109.1 kg

Total concrete ( m )3 2.558
Total reinforcement (kg) 363.7

All section A-A:

Total calculation for 8 floor:

Total concrete ( m )3 17.96

Total reinforcement (kg) 2352

Total concrete ( m )3 1.582

Total reinforcement (kg) 197.6

 Section B-B

Total concrete ( m )3 0.4566

Total reinforcement (kg) 70.3

3.8 Walls
 Stone:

Start height End height

Ground floor 1.02 3.00
Five floors 3.00 20.55
Roof floor 19.5 23.3
Eighth floor 22.75 26.5

Ground floor Area walls = {(13.9*2) + (24.1*2)}*4.02 =305.52 m2

Five floors Area walls = {(24.9*2) + (13.9*2)}*17.55 =1361.88 m2
Roof floor Area walls = {(19.3*2) + (11.9*2)}*3.8 =237.12 m2
Eighth floor Area walls = {(19.23*2) + (12.02*2)}*4.05 = 172.125 m2

Total area of exterior walls for all building = 2076.65m2

Total stone area without doors and windows = 2076.65-365.2= 1711.45 m2

 20 cm external block works:

Total block area =
1711.45 - {(13.9*2) + (24.1*2)}*0.25*6 + {(24.9*2) + (13.9*2)}*0.25 +
{(19.3*2) + (11.9*2)}*0.25 =1568.8m2

Number of blocks = 0.2∗0.4 = 19610 blocks

 20 cm interior block works:

Ground floor, bed room, height room = 3m
Dimension of one Block = 40 cm*20cm , surface area block = 0.08 m2
First wall = 4.65, second wall= 4.10, third wall =3.4, fourth wall = 3 m
Number of block for first wall = 0.08 = 175 blocks

Number of block for second wall = 0.08 = 154 blocks

Number of block for third wall = 0.08 = 128 blocks

Number of block for fourth wall = 0.08 = 113 blocks

Number of block for fifth wall = 0.08 = 34 blocks

‫غرفة النوم‬ Length of wall Height of wall Type of block Number of

First wall 4.65 3 20 175
second wall 4.10 3 20 154
third wall 3.4 3 10 128
fourth wall 3 3 20 113
Fifth wall 0.9 3 20 34

Total number of blocks for all partitions in building (20) =5530 blocks
Total area of interior partitions for building = 1190 m2

 10 cm interior block works:

Total number of blocks for all partitions in building (10) = 9300 blocks

3.9 Beams
 Formwork:
In Slabs

 Steel reinforcement in Duplicate slab:

Main reinforcement:

For example in B1:

Beams Length(m) # of beams # of bars Weight (kg)
B1 3 1 3 16 14.22222
5.5 1 4 14 26.61728
6 1 4 12 21.33333
7 1 4 14 33.87654
7 1 4 14 33.87654
6 1 4 12 21.33333
5 1 4 14 24.19753
7 1 3 12 18.66667
7 1 3 12 18.66667
4 1 5 12 17.77778
5.5 1 4 14 26.61728
6 1 3 12 16
4 1 3 14 14.51852
4 1 3 14 14.51852
5.5 1 4 14 26.61728
4 1 5 12 17.77778
6 1 3 12 16

Doing the same for all beams, Total weight = 2115.852 kg

Stirrups steel:

Dimensions # of Length Diameter

Stirrups Spacing(m)
(cm) stirrups (m) (mm)
B1 65/20 100 0.25 25 8
B2 75/20 100 0.25 25 8
B3 75/20 100 0.25 25 8
B4 65/20 41 0.25 10.25 8
B4 65/20 40 0.25 10 8
B7 45/20 46 0.25 11.5 8
B8 45/20 71 0.25 17.75 8
B9 35/20 63 0.25 15.75 8
B10 45/20 36 0.25 9 8
B10* 45/20 32 0.25 8 8
B11 40/20 21 0.25 5.25 8
B9 35/20 54 0.25 13.5 8
25/20 104 0.25 26 8

Dimensions (cm) # of stirrups

65/20 100
75/20 100
75/20 100
65/20 41
65/20 40
45/20 46

 Steel reinforcement in roof:
Main reinforcement:

Beams Length (m) # of beams # of bars Diameter (mm) Weight (kg)

B1 7 4 4 14 135.5062
6 4 4 12 85.33333
7.5 4 3 12 80
6.5 4 3 12 69.33333
4.75 4 5 14 114.9383
6 4 5 14 145.1852
B2 5.5 4 4 16 139.0617
5.5 4 3 12 58.66667
8 4 4 14 154.8642
B3 4.5 2 3 12 24
4.5 2 3 14 32.66667
B4 6.5 2 4 12 46.22222
6.5 2 4 12 46.22222
B5 3.5 1 4 12 12.44444
3.5 1 4 12 12.44444
B6 6 1 4 12 21.33333
7 1 4 14 33.87654
7 1 4 12 24.88889
6 1 4 14 29.03704
7 1 3 12 18.66667
7 1 3 12 18.66667
6.5 1 3 12 17.33333
6.5 1 3 12 17.33333
5 1 4 12 17.77778
5 1 4 12 17.77778
5 1 3 14 18.14815
5 1 4 14 24.19753
Sum 1415.926

Stirrups steel:

Stirrups number spacing Length (m) Diameter (mm) Dimensions

B6 73 0.25 18.25 8 55/20
B1 163 0.25 40.75 8 75/20
B2 136 0.25 34 8 55/20
B4 52 0.25 13 8 35/20
B5 24 0.25 6 8 45/20
B3 38 0.25 9.5 8 15/45

Dimensions (cm) number

55/20 209
75/20 163
35/20 52
45/20 24
15/45 38

 Steel reinforcement in last floor:

Main reinforcement:

Beams Length (m) # of beams # of bars Diameter (mm) Weight (kg)

B1 4.75 6 4 12 101.3333
5.25 6 3 12 84
4.75 6 3 14 103.4444
B2 5.5 4 3 16 104.2963
6.5 4 3 14 94.37037
6 4 4 14 116.1481

B3 4.5 2 3 12 24
4.5 2 3 14 32.66667
B4 4.25 2 4 12 30.22222
4.25 2 4 12 30.22222
B5 3.5 1 4 12 12.44444
3.5 1 4 12 12.44444
Sum 745.5926

Stirrups steel:

Diameter Dimensions
Stirrups number Spacing (m) Length (m) (mm) (cm)
B1 126 0.25 31.5 8 45/20
B2 96 0.25 24 8 55/20
B3 38 0.25 9.5 8 15/45
B4 30 0.25 7.5 8 35/20
B5 12 0.25 3 8 35/20

Dimensions (cm) number

45/20 126
55/20 96
15/45 38
35/20 42
45/20 126

Total weight of Main Reinforced steel = 4278 kg

Total weight of Stirrup Reinforced steel = 1500 kg
Total = 5778 kg
 Concrete:
In Slabs

Chapter Four: Finishing

4.1 Plastering
For example in level (-0.51):
Length of wall = 11.89, Depth = 3.51m
Area = 11.89*3.51*2(in each face) =41.73m2

In Ground floor:

Elevation Total Depth Area (m2 ¿

(m) Length (m) (m)
0.0 77.68 3 233.04
-0.51 23.78 3.51 83.47
Total Area 316.51

In floors 1 to 5:
Total length = 124m, Depth = 3, no. of floor=5.
Total Area = 124*3*5 = 1860 m2

In roof:
Total length = 66.62, Depth=3.
Total Area = 66.62*3 = 200 m2

In last floor:

Total length = 6, Depth=3.
Total Area = 6*3 = 18 m2

Area of external walls = 1568.8 m2

Area of elevator wall = 28.5*5.4 = 154 m2

Floor Area (m2 ¿

Ground 172.24
1 to 5 172.24
Roof 74
last 40.6
Total Area 1148

Total Area = 5265.31 m2

4.2 Tiles
Area = 1148 m2
Volume of base coarse fill = 0.1 * 1148 = 114.8 m3
Cement mortar = 0.03*1148 = 34.44 m3

Tiles for stairs:

For example:
Section B-B:
Area = [(0.35*6) + (0.17*6)]*1.2

Section A-A (8 floors):

Area = 86.376m2
Section A-A (12*30*27):
Area=11.088 m2

4.3 Painting
The area same as Plastering

4.4 Doors
For External:

Doors (m2 ¿
Ground floor 34.9
Floors (1-5) 69
Roof floor 6.25
Eighth floor 4.5
Total area 76.2

For interior:

Doors (m2 ¿
Ground floor 12.37
Floors (1-5) 24.75
Roof floor 18.58
Eighth floor 10.66
Total area 66.36

By Type:
Type Area(m2 )
Iron 46.65
Wood 17.6
Wood 33
Aluminum 54
iron 15.7

4.5 Windows

Details of windows for Ground floor:

No. Area(m2 )
1 2.8
2 2.8
3 0.8
4 1.14
5 1.14
6 2.4
7 2.4
8 0.8
9 0.8
10 0.8
1 2
12 1.14
13 2.8
14 2.8
Total area 23.82

Details of windows for floors (1-5):

Symbol of window Number Area(m2 ) Total Area(m2 )
1 11 2.8 30.8
2 4 0.8 3.2
3 2 2 4
4 1 2.1 2.1
5 3 1.2 3.6
Total 43.7
Total area for( 1-5) 218.5

Details of windows for Roof:

No. Area(m2 )
1 2.625
2 2.625
3 3.5
4 3.5
5 0.8
6 3.5
7 3.5
8 2.625
9 0.8
10 2.625
11 2.625
12 2.625
13 0.8
Total area 32.18

Details of windows for Last floor:

No. Area(m2 )
1 2.625
2 2.625
3 2.625
4 2.625
5 0.55
6 0.55
7 0.55
8 0.55
Total area 12.72

Windows (m2 ¿
Ground floor 23.82
Floors (1-5) 218.5
Roof floor 32.18
Eighth floor 12.72
Total area 387.22

‫ براطيش‬
= width of all windows = 793.3

4.6 Rails
For example:
Section A-A (8 floor):
Length = 1.75+3.85+3.15+ [(3.5+3.5)*6]
=50.75 m

Section A-A (12*30*27):

Length = 4.848 m

Section B-B:
Length = 4.2 m

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