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mim m-[»ti-rJ~~"~"~M''

will be given to Shareholders for

Every facility It further notified that all letters ad-
JOB PRSNTZSÎO. transfer of
shares, and for the convenience
sale or
dressed to the Superintendent of the Luntic
of nonresident members, or of such as may wish
to avoid the
trouble, and risk of fines, consequent
Asylum by the friends of persons confined
Tm Public-*aK REsrtcTtür.L'v inpobmbd, that
therein, must be post paid, and unless so
paying their subscriptions monthly ; payments

îLoîOwu ©atina anïi SSoattJtng CftJtaWteïiment, be received.

will be taken from members in advance, and a paid they cannot ,


discount, at the discretion of the committee, but

exceeding the rate of five per cent per annum, ING OF ¡superintendent s ülhce,

allowed thereon. Melbourne,

opposite to the It is intended the operations to limit Í3thereby given, that the of the 23rd October, 1848.
AB. »WS OFFICE, Society to Melbourne, and the country ljing Annual
Licensing Meeting of the

SHEPHERD'S ARMS, SWANSTON STREET ; within ten miles of the corporate boundaries of the Justices of Petty Sessions,
tVith ntatniss,accuracy,and despatch. acting in and PROVISION CONTRACTS.
FITTED UP WITH City. for the City of Melbourne, will beholden
satisfactory tender having been
The Printer particularly invites attention to his
N. B--A General Meeting of the Shareholder!)
at the police office, Melbourne, on Tues-
NO received for the supply of provi-
of the Society, will be held at the Mechanics' day the 28th day of November next, (be- sions, forage, &c, for the County of
the whole of his type i
printing of BOOK-WORK, ing the fourth Tuesday in the said month
Institution, Collins-stteet, on Tuesday, tho 7th Normanby, including the towns of Port-
being perfectly new, and conse- SCIENTIFIC
fot purpose ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PRINCIPLE; of November) for the special purpose of
tv other oßce in November proximo, at eight o'clock,, for the land, and Belfast Pott Fairy, for the *

quently greatly supar.or any

adoption ot code of rules, and the election of taking into consideration all applications
year 1849, notice is hereby
Melbourne. given,that'
entrance fees 'for Auctioneers
office bearers which occasion Licenses under the Act of
on fresh tenders will beieceivedat

a S'^sjeesk of cooking' will be received from parties


desirous of becoming Council, 11th,Vic. No 16. until Saturday, the 25th November
this office


but will be allowed voice All applications must be filed with the
adopted in the first-rate no person
and others Whereby the various viands are
prepared in a manner now members, any for the supplies for the above localities','
"H^OUND-ICEEPERS requiring at such
meeting who has not paid entrance fee on
undersigned on or before Tuesday, the under the lerms arid conditions contained
JJ. the
publication of advertisements in the Hotels nnd Club Houses in London. at Jcust one share. '7th day of November '
~** ()
next, in the notice 'dated 18th "September
Govehnmlnt Gazette, are rqenested to forward By direction of the Provisional Committee, last,"'
W. R, BELCHER, and published in the Port
¡heir notices, from this date to the Anous Office, Establishment opened
is for
«he reception of Boarders, newly Emigrants, Bushmen, nrrived WM. ROYCRAFT, Phillip Go-
the Gazltte printed at THIS&c, and as an Eating House for the supply of every Substantial or Luxury that the Town Clerk Petty Sessions, vernment Gazette.

Collins-street, being now Secretary, pro. tem. ,

office._ residents may desire, which they cannot conveniently procure at their own homes; or through being Melbourne. Superintendent's office,
engaged in various businesses or professions during the day, it may bo found more convenient to
drop 21st October, Police 24th October, 1848.
1848. office, Melbourne,
Seg-ißtoi' of Strayed Cattle, into a house of this description, obtain nil they desire, with
where, at a moment's notice, they can 12th October, 1848. C. J. LA TROBE.
the request of a number ofsubscribers
our cleanliness and comfort, without being subjected to extravagant cbaiges.
A'T .we have opened at the'Publishing Office of Mu. Courtier also begs to add, that the whole of the above-named arrangements have been COUNTY OP BOURKE. Colonial
of Strayed Cattle, with No Secretary's Offiee, -

expense has been spartd

Journal, a Registry fitted up to his express order, and under his personal superintendence. ANNUAL MEETING FOR THE LI-
Sydney, 4th October, 1848. .

view of' enabling the owners to recover their for ia AVE j

pleasure in
to render o
everything in the culinary department as effective in its operations as tire necessary
the the announcing the arrival CENSING OF AUCTIONEERS. "

mi«sing stock at small expense. preparing of Luncheons, Dinners, or Suppers, on au extensive and magnificent scale, and from his [il. a supply from VACCINATION.
is hereby given, that the
We have, therefore, to invite settlers who may hnviDg Steam Apparatus, with Boilers, Ovens, ¡Sec,, complete, fitted on a new scientific
piinciple, NOTICE
have strayed cattle on their runs, to furnish to Grosse ano. Blaolcwel!, Annual Licensing Meeti'ng of the ^
Excellency the Governor has
wherein great mechanical ingenuity bus been displayed, he is enabled to carry on a most extensive
Justices of i-I
this office a description of such cattle which will business in the art of Cooking, such as has never before been attempted in these Colonies, and can punvEYons ro her majesty, Petty Sessions Acting in and directed the
re-publication of. the
free of charge, and
for the County of Bourke, will be holden notice of the 11th January,
be published continued until only be competed with in similar Establishments in London. of their
superior and choice Manufactures, in fine 1S47, with
at the Police-office, Melbourne, orí Tues- the view of again
claimed by the owner drawing the attention
or owners.
for cold Collation always condition,
missing cattle who may recognise Hams, Fowls, Joints, &c.j a
ready. CONSISTING OF day, the 28th day of November next, of parents and guardians to the
description in the published
the lists will be fur
Hot Fowls aud with
Jams and in vu- Sardines (being the fouith Tuesday in the said of vaccination.
dinner, or luxuries
nished with information as to where the cattle Joints, Fish, every requisite for a plain fit
month of November,) for the special pur-
nety Herrings a la sardine His Excellency's
are tobe found,'on application at this Office, and ior the Gourmond, from Twelve a.m. to Four and Suppers, and Do smoked, in tins
By Command,
p.m., Raspberry table pose of taking into consideration all ap-
paying the sum of '2s. 6*d.,for each animal. the E. DEAS
on same scale, from Six to Twelve p.m., daily. vinegar Fieib. salmon -

for Auctioneers Licenses under THOMSON.


All letters sent be pre-paid. plications

by post muot A choice assortment of
Ancliovy,bloater, curry, the Act of Council 11th Vic. No. 16.
STRAYED Oxtail, Mock Turtle, and Pea Soups, with Mutton nnd other Pies, always hot, and chutney, and cocoa
preserved soups All applications must be filed with the Colonial Secretary's Office,
fit for immediate Preserved
HE of the following
use: pastes oysters
undersigned, on or before Tuesday, the Sydney, 11th January, 1847.
strayed stock
np Sauces in variety Olives, capers' 7th day of November
will obtain such information as will load to Pickles ditto, including and soluble
jL' Spanish
recovery, by makiDg application at tbo offiGe NOTICE, cease, nnd the property revert to the owner free West India and Im- chocolate the Governor
Excellency directs
of tbis paper, and paying the expense incurred for
due to the undersigned up to the

termination of last quarter,

and unencumbered.
The following examples taken from the details
perial Isinglass, marmalade Clerk Petty Sessions, HIS to be notified,
it that a Vaccine
requested to Bottled fruits Maccaroui & vermicelli County Bourke Institution has been established in
One bay gelding, unbroken, branded NP off be paid to Mr John ¡M'Candlish, or at the Argus
of the of Associations
working in Building Syd- ,

Yorkshire hums essences


Flavoring Police-office, ney, and that Dr. Savage, the Health

shoulder, ol the draught breed Office. Britain, (an allowance being made therein for Wilts cheese 12th October,
Sperm candles und car
has been appointed
One bay gelding, 6 years, branded S or J near WM. KERR. the relative value of money »t home and in the Mustard riage lights
1848._ Officer, to carry out

Melbourne,. Colonies) in some the ad- the objects of the Institution.

shoulder. will, degree, illustrate
Cuyenne pepper &c. &c. ANNUAL .MEETING FOR THE
6th October, 1848; wbieh the present Society is calculated
vantages His Excellency fuither'directs it lo be
One hoof horned red bullock, branded R off LICENSING OF AUCTIONEERS.

to confer : A. S. and Co. have also a stock of
large notified/that Dr. Savage will-be'in at-
rump, like SS on hip underneath the'R, blotched Corrosive Brown and
BENEFITS TO sublimate Poison is
hereby given that
tendance on at the
brand on
near rump like C
WE near blotched
of tar patent starch NOTICE Tuesday, the Twenty -eight day of Bent-street, between
Immigration Barracks,
the hours of 10 and
yellow bullock, ribs, J. B. KIRK re Nitricacid Annatto next
brand like R off rump
Brushes in variety
November, now ensuing, the Annual 12 o'clock on every Tuesday and Satur-
the purchaser of the Vitriol
One hoop horned yellow bullock, blotched I termi

Licensing Meeting of the Justices of the day to Vaccinate, free of charge, such
brand off rump fTTAVING
JL above Repository, hastens to thank his Society Arsenic Hair sieves
Peace, acting in and for the District of children as may be taken to him for the
WHP, near rump M con- friends and supporters for the liberal patro the Blue ointment Corn measures
many 0 0 0 0
nange be bas hitherto so liberally and
the Gundagai, beyond the boundaries, will purpose. But as the operation
joined enjoyed, Amount
at Sulphur Cigars be holden at the Police office, North itself,
to inform them that us 0 0 0 0
Bluestone and Cut without any proof of its having taken
One red bullock, 5 TL conjoined off ribs
of Cavendish
Tobacco Gundagai, for the special purpose of effect, would be insufficient
security to
11 Coppera«
One brindle bullock, H J II conjoined off rump, of the above Establishment, 240 360 480
Pot and pearl ash Essential oils '
granting certificates for Auctioneers' Li- the public mind, His
Excellency has been
he hopes, by unre- £120 Soft soap Lemon censes, under the provisions of the Act to that the
ike PL ribs pleased direct, sum of one
ceivable nation will

or EL near juice
mitting attention to the wants and wishes of his Lemon of the Governor and 11 Vic.
antimony Council, shilling shall be deposited for every child,

One white cow, red face, SVS near to secure the Butyr peel
rump customers, continuance of their Lard Treacle No. Iß.
One red cow, SVS near rump support. as-
vaccinated, which sum will be returned on
One black bullock, star on forehead, TG Spirits Candy syrup All applications for Licenses the presentation of the child on the next
near eight

Glauber und French under

ribs <-. off hip Epsom plums the said Act must be filed with the un- vaccination day.
salts Table salt in jars and
A\ PROSPECTUS Society in
0 0 0 0
Roach alum dersigned, on or before Tuesday, the His Excellency very strongly recom- .

JW bankets
conjoined seventh day of the said month mends Parents and Guardians
OF THE payments
0 0 0 soda of No- to avail
red and white poley cow,
One AS off
the 0 Baking Chinese preserves
"Australia Feliz ,'Senofit will Curb, ammonia. Arrow root vember. themselves of the means thus afforded to
CC or GG near rump 48 96 Acetic acid them of taking this necessary and
Sago D. SMITH,

One white cow, enlargement on II near Snvostsnent and proper

nose, .
¡Building' Total
144 192

£ Liquorice 'Tapioca «. t Clerk of Petty Sessions precaution with respect to all children not
ump Society,'' suming years,
Beeswax Bacon ''already vaccinated.

One red and white steer, SVS near Police i>»

rump The Office, Äundagai,
SVS nea rump to be established
raider the Celery,c oriander, car- Hops In order that a constant
Oneyellow steer, Proposed ra way, and paint _1st October? 1848. supply may be
One «Lite cow, brown spots, branded Y milk canary, hemp, Sperm, lamp, kept up throughout the Colony, the

Act of Council llth Victoria, No. 10. Pay- and oils

andAD be 0 rape, garden
»g ribs, milking rump. 0 0 0 I ANNUAL MEETING FOR Health Officer will furnish
seeds Turpentine THE lymph to.
important advantages resulting any Medical Practitioners in the Country
JUST PUBLISHED, THE Building Societies in Britain, where
less than 700 with annual
will 0 0 0 0 Cream tartar
Chloride lime
^ Prussian
is hereby
Disliicts who may
apply for the same.
said; to exist, in- 6
l8 given, that a meet- All communications
comes amounting in the aggrr-gate to upwards of

ments £
12 24 Crome yellow
Tunnerick NOTICE ing of the Justices acting in and on the subject of
with that Officer
ARGUS OFFICE, £2,000,000 sterling, suggested the of Logwood for Geelong, will be holden at the Police Vaccination,
expediency The
SOtTATEKn'S to legalise their establishment Indigo through the Post Office, must be enclosed
TJ3E SKiMïVÂSf, endeavouring
this and an Act of Council accord- A large and varied assortment of Black and office, Geelong, on Tuesday, the 28th under cover to the Colonial
Colony, was
Green Tees, day of November next, for the purpose of with the «'ord Secretary,
Raw and Refined Sugars, "

COMPLETE COMPENDIUM ingly obtained duriug the session of 1847, of Coffee^ Vaccination" on the
taking into consideiation

in New South Spices, Sec. such applica- lower left hand corner
extendiug ,to Building Societies of the envelope.
of Wales all the and a too, tions for Auctioneer's Licenses as may
The Acts tlio and Colonial advantages enjoyed
Imperial privileges
Mace meal have been By His Excellency's

lodged with me at this office, Command,

Whole and
by Institutions of a like nature in the Mother cracked
Legislatures, Orders in Council, Pease meal E. DEAS
Local Regulations Country! Number
maize for feeding
on or before Tuesday, the 7th
day of THOMSON."
Scotch oatmeal
Under the authority of this Act a Society horses November next, under provisions-of the
10 Feld pens«
I1EMTIN0 TUB was established in Melbourne, in the month of Shares lor sowing Act of the Governor and Council lilli Colonial
Secretary's Office,
OCCUPATION OF CROWN LANDS IN October of last year, "Vic. No. 16.
which, through judicious Sydney, 6th October, 1848,.
WALE8. management, has beeu atteuded with almost un- ALFRED J. EYRE, FOR
of 400 shares of £120 TENDERS RUNS.
exampled success ; upwards is desirous to member NOW ENGRAVING, Clerk of Petty Sessions.
each Suppose buy house u
bave already been subscribed for in this Excellency the Governor
of the value
of £300, yielding: Caiefnlly compiled and copied {with
HIS is
JUST PUBLISHED, Society, and it is estimated that the profits property a rental permission") Police-office, Geelong, to direct
up of £40 per annum, he attend one of the jiom the Maps and Charts in the 7th October, 1848. pleased the re-publication
may Office of
Price Is.
to the
present time, on loans made to the mem- of the the Survey Department. of the Notice respecting Tenders for Runs
Society and purchase a share or .

bers, for which the most undoubted dated 21st
landed shores in manner
inn before explained. The discount ANNUAL LICENSING February, 1848, His Excel-
Oat pouring of the Seventli security ii held, amount to at least 20
per cent, at which shares usually sell at the commencement MEETING, lency desires, at the same to draw
on the copital actuully paid up, the UNDER. ACT TO REGULATE THE LI- time,
Vial; expenses of n Society being £70, in order to make up the OF THK SURVEYED COUNTRY the attention of all parlies interested to
of working the Society being fully met IN OF
by the amount CENSING AUCTIONEERS. the 2nd clause which
ort required (£300) six shares would he ne- THE MELBOURNE AND declares that no
incidental Revenue, such as fees, fines, and the GEELONG
cessary, whereupon the payments would be is hereby that a Tender will be entertained
general meeting of the Justices in in the prescribed printed form,
unless made
THE SUBSTANCE OF TWO LECTURES The entrance fee to the Society now in OF AUSTRALIA containing
in the first instance £ s. d. FELIX, Petty Sessions, acting in and for the all the necessary
ON operation, was 5s, per 8 Years the particulars.
subscription on 6 Shares following valuable in- District of Alberton,
share, but owing to the profitable investment of each per annum. 288 CONTAINING
formation Gipps Land, will By His Excellency's Command,
Rev. XVI. 17-21 : at £6 0 0 carefully copied by a surveyor be holden at this office, on
the funds subscribed it has been
gradually in- 8 Years on
from the maps in the office of the Survey Tuesday, the E. DEAS THOMSON..
redemption money De- 28th day of November
being the sequel to creased to 50s., with the of next, (being the
which, Port Phillip
at £2
arrears 8s. each per
ditto, an- partment,
"THE SIXTH VIAL POURED monthly subscriptions makes of fourth Tuesday of that month,) for the
OUT," a sum seven num .,. 115 4 0 , [The whole of the measured lands in the District Colonial Secretary's
be Office,
by Tin: pounds ten shillings to
paid up, on each share comprising upwards of special purpose of taking into considera-
subscribed for, by parties Sydney, 21st Feb., 1848., .

A. becoming members at Total

Payments .£403 4 0 2750 Sections 3>.ow open for
tion all applications for licenses, under
REY. MOBJSON. the present time. the Act. of Council, 11th Vicú No. TENDERS FOR RUNS.
Deduct 8 years rental of property Sale. 16,
To meet the views of
many persons who ore
purchased, at £40 per an num.. 320 0 0 The whole of the purchased lands, are
that may be lodged at this office. "O EFERRING I to the notice dated 1st
prevented from joining the distinctly
Clarence I-Sotel. existing Society by 'shown on the
Daiebinand Ymra, Plenty, Merri, All such applications require to be Jl\ January last, relative to Tendéis
their to
inability pay the arreáis refened to, it The amount paid by the Deep Creeks, Weirahee at the Salt Water given in on before Tuesday, the 7lh for Runs of Crown Lands, His Excel
actually Piiver, or I

was ata numerous

P. MIDGELY meeting of per- member in monthly instalments Bacchus'Marsh, Murrabool River, Lower Bar- day of the said month of November.. lency the Governor directs it to be no-
sons interested in the matter to form the j

present of about won, Barrabool Waurn

17s. for
Ponds, Leigh Ui- tified that in the
receipt of future Tenders.
each, property Hills,
gratified at feeling Society on principles in most GEO.
himself so early caller!
with those on which
respects identical worth
£300, would thus only ver, Fyans Ford and Corio
Bay, Indented Head, STEWART, the following rules must
I be
a his thanks has Leen so Police Magistrate. strictly at
upon to to the public of its precursor
coni'ey be.£83 4 0 Upper Barwon, Colac, and Corangamite Dis-
Melbourne, for awarding to him a liberal support successfully conducted, at the same time taking Police office Alberton, {tended to, viz :
since he became landlord of the of any amendments which
advantage experience 16th October, 1 The Tenders will be opened at noon
CLAUENCE may have suggested tn the minor details of its
Instances, however,
chasers finding investments
frequently occur of pur-
the rental of which The made
1848._ j
the day appointed

HOTEL, surveys of TFesiern the for their

constitution or management. Port, neio receipt
In order to
the conveniencemeet
of all classes It is proposed that the *' equals or eveu exceeds the nnuunl payments to the route to
Gipps Lund, Dandenong, Upper Yarra, CONVEYANCE OF MAILS IN 1849. namely, the first Monday in each,
Felix Bene« Society, and thus at the end of eight years they Upper Goulburn River, Seymour, Mount Mace- month.
customers, and
extend ihe accommodation
to of fit Investment and eligible Tenders having been re- Any Tender received after
his house
prcportionnbly with the increase of his
business, the landlord bas formed a
consist of an unlimited

each paying, besides the entrance


may become the owners
any outlay by themselves.
of the property without
In this way, parties
its ranges
Rhcr, Sources of the Loddon, Buninyong
awl crecks,'Coliban River, Cam NO ceived for conveyance of the Post that hour will remain over
time appointed for
until the
ten who ure now office Mails, as opening Tenders ia,
P1UVATE fee, shillings only tenants may obtain funds to Runges and Creeks, part of Pyrenees, Fiery Creek,
PASSAGE per mouth on
every .share he may hold, until the "Fiom and to Bnnnenyong the succeeding month, and will be sub-
into the purchase houses in which they reside, nnd by Wurdy Yallock and brancheà, Mount and Hor-
Hotel, which will do away with the ne- such subscriptions with the Emu, Lalee to
of profits of the Society paying their roots in the shape of monthly sub- Corangamite, and part of the Cape sham, by way of Burn Bank and the ject any compétition which may arise
cessity entering ii through the bar, and fitted amount to £120 Otway coast,
per share, when the Act Four by reason of any Tenders received up
pro- scriptions to the Society for eight years instead of Barwon Posts Inn on the Wimmera; once
up different apartments in of his large rooms vides that its operations shall Ranges, 8¡c, 6¡c,
one cease. In the to tbeir Landlords, be rent free. to that time.
after the style of a week," for the year 1849, in answer
English houses, that parties who mean timo the subscriptions
they accumulate 2 No Tender
£ The Government the advertisement will be entertained in fu-
'may wish to he entertained separately may be will he advanced to the members
s. d. number is
engraved on each to from this ofF.ce,
accommodated. immediately on
Again, if the sum that has been in- section, ulso is seen the number of acres in ench, dated 12th ture unless made in the prescribed
security of freehold or leasehold property, that stanced with the September last. Persons dis-

The in the (£300) was borrowed from name of fiom the form,
large room second story of the shareholder being in each cuse preferied as a ment.
purchaser Govern- posed to contract for providing the same, printed containing all the neces-
piivatc individual at ten percent,
Clarence is from ita and
style of furniture, purchaser who will, at the public sale of are invited lo transmit their offers in sary paiticulats.
adapted to 6barcs, interest, und payable on the Wtoo 3 The Tenders must
holding of be endorsed " Ten-
offer to take the
admirably smallest amount ic cash, instead of u like term expiry Surveyed Sioads, Easli writing, to this
eight years, (if
office, by or before der for New
PUBLIC oftbo £120 per
share, to which he would bracks, ?Town asä twelve o'clock Run," or "Tender for
ENTERTAINMENTS, wise lie entitled at the termination of the
other- indeed it would be possible to ob- Village on
Monday, the 20th vacated Run," as the case
d from the tain a loan for to Sleoerves, November next, endorsed, "
may re-
number, comfort and cleanliness of sufficient
Society; lengthened a
The names Tender for
being given for the due pay- and boundaries
tbe bed-rooms and pi ¡vate
parlours, which the ment
of hi3 monthly period) the loan with such interest ofmore than70 Conveyance of Mails." quite.
house possesses, together with its central
situation tion
sulueiiptions and redemp- would amount to. 640 0 0 Parishes, Post Offices, Roadside Inns, The conditions of the
contract will be
4 As it is intended to act
strictly on Ihese
money during the continuance of the
'makes h a most But it hns been shown that a similar the same rules, any person failing to comply with
abode for Gentlemen
eligible association.
$.<:. fyc. as those published in the notice
from the interior, or those newly arrived in the The Society, it is submitted, will hold
accommodation would be be giveu '1 he
Squatting Stations and names of above íeferred to, and inserted in the them, will, after this intimation, have
to the pro-
out strong any member no leason to complain,
Colony. inducements to various classes of perbons to be- purchsing as afore- prietor engrovedon the mu p. Government Gazette of the 13th if he shall
The quality of liquors supplied in the Cla- said, by the Society, for a sum of Drawn to scale of one-fourth Septem- thereby lose any benefit
of ber, and the 4th and which a com-
come ShureholderB inch to n

will continue :-To the Capitalist, as £403 4s,) paid

an 11th October.
rence to
be, as they have hitherto by monthly instal-
mile, being, when complete, 4 feet 2 with them
affording him a safe and lucrative mode pliance «'ould have
in. and
of invest- ments long, O. J. LA TROBE. secured
been, of the best description which the colonial ment :-To over a
period of eight years, 3 feet 3 in.
wide, neatly engraved, to him.
.markets can Professional Men, Parties in printed on
afford. say 403 0 0 drawing paper, and neatly colored Office,
iJusiNtss, and the WoniiiNo Classes, as ena-

Price to subscribers Melbourne, 21st October, 184S. By His Excellency's Command,

BUSHMEN bling them to rund their periodical profits as in a £1 1

per copy
'during their sojourn in town, if they wish for Thus exhibiting a saving in favour To non subscribers. THOMSON.
Savings' Bank, but with fivefold the of the Borrower 1 lo "
udvuntage; from the Society "
"comfortable quarters, will find them in this
and to PEHSON3 op Small Means, who ure (Payableon delivery.) MELBOURNE LUNATIC ASYLUM.
'Which can boast of doing a larger business with desirous of of.£136 16 0 I
acquiring freehold
this propei ty, or huving NDIVIDUALS
class, than any other in Melbourne, and it of from wishing lo see their is requested
acquired treeing, it debt Subscription lists are now at the
within their power to obtain,
placing it
under reasonable
Besides, the law charges
for mortgage
in the former instance
and release, would bourne, at
the Argus,
open in

Gawtte, Patriot, and

Mel- Í' friends or relations
Lunatic at the tNFORMATION
Superintendent's Office
restrictions as to amount to at Herald

Asylum, are informed that Monday and the present abode respecting
will obtain such Offices; at Messrs and '.'
from the bar of the Clarence security, on amount ab least £15, while in the case of the Pullar's, Pittman's, posjlion of Ri-
as they may require for that purpose; their annual Society they Cregin, and Maelehose s. The Tuesday in every week has been fixed as chard Godfrey," who was some
?good and as wholesome would not exceed £4 4s. ylnueriisei- and |
time since
liquors as they can the days on .which patients in that Esta
from any pro- payments to the Society in respect of such advance With the view of Chronicle Geelong-and at the Office in the
enabling members who are tu Offices,
assigned service of Mr George

establishment, whether public rarely much

or the rental of the of
exceeding blishment may be visited but it must be
.private. property possession of land to erect
buildings thereupon, ; Langhorne, of the Aboriginal Mission on
so bought or redeemed ; while in the course ol THOMAS HAM. tim
Melbourne, it is proposed to advance buch amount clearly understood that no patient can at Y arm
may be
! '

eight years, it is expected, the association

Apgu»t31st, 1840. will necessary for that
purpose Engraver and Publisher, any time b<i seen without a written order I

| tarminato, when all
payments will absolutely work by instalments us the from the '
proceeds. where a Melbourne, t Visiting Medical Officer to the Superintendent's Office,

specimen map can be inspected.

Superintendent of the
Asylum. Melbourne, May

|: 12, 1818.

National Library of Australia

&tiiïu>mg änieUtgsncc. either the party
issuing the writ or the A late dispatch of Lord
parties claiming the Grey, adverted Intercolonial
property to establish in strong terms to the value of Commerce.-The Public Works -Mr Councillor Ar
ARRIVED. the ownership. some ready bone of
This course neighbourship ia commonly jealousy ; so mitstead's career in office Portland.--Mr. M'Lawn
the Sheriff mode of disposing of funds not as
Chairman of »i T

October 27-Phtebe, commonly indeed, that it may be supposed to be the Public Works specter of the Union In"
schooner, 89 tons, Ebbett, pursued in this instance, and to the
inseparable from does Committee has been Bank of A?-*1?
". hu
from Sydney.
October day, the Resident Judge
yester- ordinary modes of investment; and
primo facie,
appear any reason
why it should
not, wonnd up hy a
vote of censure from the
thorised the Portland
of course to the
Branch Ä w'

28-Diane, 103 sat in cham- his Lordship goes the members approvTof m'a»?."y«'
from Sydney.
brig, Ball, tons, length of advocat- exist unions; the colonies forming the Australian imputing to him very gross dis- sixpence to
Pußiengers-A Musgrove, bers for the
purpose of the ing a public debt as a means of group, but it unfortunately docs exist; courtesy and misconduct. The vote first
sevenpence pe"I.? rom'
S Waru, ftl and
Crouch and three
W Thornton, Air and Rlrb argument upon the
the such an object.
effecting sity being in tho inverse ratio of the
its inten-
unanimous on the part of the members
quality-l't of

children, Mr Mourugau, Wm subject, There can be no compa- distance; and indeed of the
party, usefully employed at P,!"!\t ,
Dry an, J iMnnn. sheriff commencing, in the strongest degree, between our present, been hu
being represented by Mr. rison between the eligibility of the district aud that of Port Phillip and bers of
existing mem-
the Committee, with the ordered,,,remoKo 1°ZJo^'
October 28- twc secute another ""erior, to pro.
Christina, brig, 126 W H Williams, Mr. modes as it reaches
diminishing of Mr. Councillor exception survey.
tool, Moor, the
plaintiff in the of providing an investment for King George's Sound and Swan vho has
Saunders, muster, fruin
Sydney. the River. Between the adjoining Moor, oniy
Miss Youne, ->lr und Mrs Passengers action, by Mr. of Syd- attended four out of the Concert.-On
Walker, Miss Cnru Stawell, ami Mrs, Kerr's funds of the widow, the orphan, the colonies
forty meetings Thursday next ai Tcon*
trus- ney and Van Diemen's which have been held cert
ther«, Mr Kuhb, Mrs Neal, ¡Mrs Huddcu und Trustees, as claimants of the Land, this feeling has will be ven in the Total a tw-
property, by tee, or of any one contented to already been of much during the year g
2 children. i\lr submit te productive mischief and Russell-street, under thenatrni T.°? ,Wl.
.leptoy. Mr. On The Western
October 28 Wave, schooner, 66 Barry. hearing the argument something less than the usual rate of Co-
inconvenience ; and if the separation of Port Market. Yesterday

ship the Mayor, ÄtnÄl?' mJ°"

tons, Warcus Phillip be carried out it will do so to a much was the
waster, from Portland and Port the Judge dismissed the lonial and day appointed for opening the singer of some celebrity, who li«» "

j SOn'

Fairy. Passen- summons ob- indisposed to incur tht

profits, greater extent, since the fiscal tenders for the erection ot the New of the concerts d atmo,t
gers-Mrs Da wt>on and child, Mr and Mrs tained by the Sheriff on the arrangements Mar- lately I'iven in M* t
Quinn risks, changes, and anxieties of cattle ant between two which articles ket building in the Market Miss
and child, ami Mrs
prisoner in the steerage.
with 2 men and I want of
jurisdiction in the Court,
of ground
the sheep, houses and land.
frontiers over

heavy duties in the sen-ports of each will be

con- Western Hill. There were
square on the Julia,
stantly conveyed, must be attended four compe-
evidently titors of whom Mr. Alexander Grant
Interpleader Act merely ol
Prospectus published by the pro with considerable The inconvenience was
CLEARED OUT. giving power difficulty. successful The work will be
and injury to trade
determining as to the of visional committee arising from the imprudent proceeded
October 27-Gove) nor ownership the appears to be tolera with
Arthur, schooner, 35 imposition of duties has been
frequently repre- immediately
«obi, Evan», must r, lor
Geelong. property, which it was
apparent in this bly carefully drawn up, and to be basei sented in the of each Sydney
October 27-Sophia, legislature colony ; bul Insolvencies. We -

42 case deeply
schooner, tons, Rey- was vested in the Trustees, and no! upon sound views. We doubt if the financial wants have generally been found suffi- regret to the list of
nolds, master, for Port Fairy and Portland. pro peiceive in
cient to outweigh considerations insolvents
Passengers-cabin-Mr touching the main point at viz portion of paid be either of justice the name of Mr. Patrick Grant,
Fife, Miss Sheil, and issue, up capital not some or sound
political economy. We learn therefon late Member £¿^ a
heoví* ffi
.Miss Ford ; Meerage-Thomas the power of the what for the Northumberland S"la;ias:Lvvtïïsdoaf
.Leeson wife and plaintiff to seize the pro> too small, and with much that in fhe new
children, John John although removing satisfaction colonia Boroughs, and also of
Smith, John Messrs. John (ita-
U Gocdyer wife and E
Godyer, perty of another party under the powe difficulty to the
disposal of a large nut» constitutions, the home government iut;n< liana and Co
child, Phillips. to include a system of intercolonial duties , Merchants, who were at om
28-A intended to be ber of shares,
October teiander, schooner, l8 tons, given by the late Libe during a time when few c which shall time
extensively engaged in the Poi
for put au end to all the petty squabble
Ouillun, master, Act.
Circular Mead, in ballast. us are
overburdened with shoul
to which the patchwork Phillip trade, the latter being a Biderable '

Passengers-John Hurly, and John

cash, we legislating of difieren compul exerio/tbey steeedé inl ""?' T
n dra88'°Rtha
October 28-Martha and
Amer. It
now, therefore, remains with th have some fear that the smallness of ti
local cbambeis
dent will, in the end,
rise, and we are coafi sory sequestration on petition and affi
davit for and behalf of William Stewart
dray ffora its
burial E >,"

Al tons, Elizabeth, schooner, prove better calculated

Sheriff to determine what course he wil amount t

Irvine, master, lor ¿Sydney, ia bailase. required, would invite the
spe promote the interests of the colony of Glasgow, merchant.
passengers. generally, an
and not in his council to afford satisfaction to
puisue, as we are culator, and man of
straw, when nothk all, than the present ays
tera of each Gipps Ward -Mr John



he has the
to determine.
chance of
On th but the co-operation of
and respectable men
really substantit annoying its own
acting for itself and
subjects and
the British Government as
neighbour. W addressed us
through the medium
Stephen ha
of yes Ä?
gaged at the ÍSSSÍ'A oï?« te

27-Sultana, Geelong. an actio can remove the pre prefer

arbitrator of ou teiday's Daily News, intimating that h S0?"°/.w«r8en
October ing in
27-Rebecca, schooner, for Hobart on the part of the plaintiff for non-in judices against Joint Stock Companii differences to the coustant
necessity of bickerin is not a candidate for the representatio: opal
ooMtabl«Sü7eS" T"
about year. One hundred were
October 28-Scotia, schooner, from
forcement of the writ, on the other th to which we haye already adverted. them.-Sydney Daily Advertiser. of Gipps Ward, and is not
desirous of several exempted from servio*
¿Li' ^d
ior Hobart Town. Geelong seat in the Town Council as at presen
Bobbery.-On infirmity and others owing o^th
October-Sarah certainty of one or more actions for tres Friday
night, a b'usl: constituted. We
natutof °th''y
glad that Mr, Ste
occupations, such as schoolmasters
Trotman, barque, for Guam via It seems to that the fact of
mau named Thomas Johnson, was robbed in clerslT
pass. us th JBomesttc phen is of this opinion, for the fact of hi and doctois, who the
.Sydney. intenta«»«. house behind the Edinburgh Castle in Funden Mayor staÄuldiÄ
property taken in execution not being o lane. It appears that while in a state of being m the Town Council never did th: compelled to serve. A few
burgesses. owJS
IMPORTS'. intoxici exemption on the ground of
the goods and chattels of the defendat The lion he went into the house, community any service, and it ispleasin having serveHhe
October 27.-Phobc, schooner, from Municipal Elections.-The no- .which is a broth to that the Council
find is previous year ; the Mnyorsaid
Sydney kept by ¡Miss Anne Passmore, and that whi not now
con they were not In
J bale curled hair, Mortimer on the record,
against which of candidates " .tied to but he would
; 15 cases
wine, 2 only th mination to
the annual there he was stiluted of the like" to it,
supply seized
hy two men, one of who which 1 that indu genoe as a neverthelessgranthera'
ditto |ierfumery, James Graham ; 1 case
ware, John Porter &Co. plated writ directed, the Sheriff would
is b vacancies in the
representation of the different foreibly cut the pocket from his trousers contai; clings, consider it as a
favor, but they were not S
11 esses
merchandise, a ¿1 uote and right. Considerable
J. Duggan 34 very silly to take upon himself the res Wards of the City in the Town Council takes
ing six half crowns. Informant
Stray was caused hy the eccentric amusement
; packages merchandise, Westgarth, being given to Sergeant O'Connor, that offie
Cattle.-Mr. William Ove conductor ."Sd
Iloss, and Co. ; 10 bbds, 50 20 ponsibility of finding which are the print place to-morrow at 12 o'clock. In La ton, Baker, was fined 5s/and gentleman named Lucas; he refused to serve así
*ases quarter-casks, Trobe apprehended two men on named Wi
costs at tbo Poll
port wine, W. & H. Barnes & Co. ; 33 Wurd Mr. Ham suspicion, Office yesterday constable said it was absurd to ask
James Gill; 1 case, W ing materials of the patty with whos ¡Murray walks the course, all
and Richard Smith, who are in custot morning for suffering a pony was a little him, « he
jbsgs maize, 75 stray through the Mr man, an old man, a deaf
Easy; of opposition being abandoned as awaiting the attendance of Johnson. public streets. Moor, 01 man/ana he
bags maize, 15,000 fret cedar, 21 tons couls, 2 presses and types the so-called libel w¡ utterly hopeless. souers
The pi of the presiding Magistrates,'said these would not take the oath. Mr. Moor «Si £
brought before the Bench yestcrdu
were stray horsi
We are would
¡cases James glad of this, for no member of the Council be useless if he could not
merchandise, Wright; 17 packages printed, and should, therefore, refuse 1
and the casa was
gone into, when the facts co
goats, pig«, &c, were an intolerable nuisant hear the w rd of
pierchandise, 2 casks, Order. has better deserved the confidence of his consti- and expressed a command, hut the Mayor threatened to comint
October proceed unless indemnified nee tod with the case were elicited. Richa hope that the Chief Constat he recusant
28.- Wave, schooner, 66 tons, from against ti
would lay informations for After some
which tuents; though taunted as "
the silent Smith was
fully committed for trial, apd his coi
agamst the owner6of contempt. coax"'

Portland and Port consequences, we need not scrup member,"
Fairy-1 hhd, 2 quarter-casks his panion remanded till to-moirow.
walked eirade-lara,ti0nt(beiDe
Moravian) and
wine, 2 bhds rum, 8 eases unremitting attention to his duties, and his off saying.he
Geneva, 3 quarter to will be anything but agreeable. «wouldn't be there when
casks brandy, say, he was
70 and
bags rtieul, 6 kegs butter, 50 independent conscientious of the Felony.--On Saturday Cellars -Mr. Morris wanting."
hags bran, 2 casks Ours may, however, be considered a pr<
discbarge last a
your Marks, of ti

oil, 33

bags wheat, 1 case trust reposed ia him, will bear favouiable woman named Rainbow Hotel," in Swanston
street, was fin Transfers. On
com- Margaret Richmond -

6 bundles, 2 cases leather. was

.saddlery, judiced opinion, and we are
quite ivillir at the Police Office with charg £3 and costs at the Police Office yesterday James Saturday last Mr
October parison with any of bia colleagues and will £4 from Pink, of Little
place stealing üourke-stíeet, obtained
28-Diana, brig, from Sydney-3 kegs that the Sheriff should act in the matt person of Daniel permitting the flap of his cellar door to be rai! pernussion from the police
Thomas Green ; 34 boiler him immeasurably " Regan, overseer for
a-head of of the Mess bench, to transforhb
plates, Thomas Fulton many during the hours of 10 and 3 on the 23rd insta
Cuye and Kaye, of the It confectioners license to
pleaseth himself. Avoca.
aud Co ; 110 as best
bugs flour, sundries, G P Ball ; 3 kers" whom these taunters would appeared ti newly erected premises
thereby placing the necks of her Majesty's
líales 1
hhd, Harris and Marks ; 55
logs cedar There was, however, one
feature in yei out
as the pattern members of
be disposed te Regan had
gone to the Queen's Theatre on F
day night, and there fell in with Miss Richmoi jeots in jeopardy. 1 he cellar door abuts two f
st1 in
Collingwood. Mr. Michael Davis'
for the transfer to him of the appP|
153 cedai hoards. 50 tuns point the body.
coal, 16 mats, 5 bhds, on the
license hefdby Mr!
which In Bourke Ward also there is whose invitation to footpath, and to thoughtless or James Smith, of the Travellers
ü bales, 1 cube
mutches, 32 3
terday's proceedings deserv
every prospect of a accompany her home persons
Rest, Collingwood,
cases,' casks, 5 gladly accepted ; after partaking might pro\e exceedingly was postponed till Saturday next.
parcels sundries, 13 bags comment. walk of the of her hospital dangero
28 especial The Sheriff, the Plaii course, Mr. Rankin having unflinch- he lett for the purpose of lhere are some two or three dozen of such cell
xiture, J Raleigh. going to his lodgin Caution
'and the claimants were not t ingly run the gauntlet of the abuse but before he had been five in
Melbourne, against the owners of which p to Bakers.-On Saturday
October 28-Christina, brig, from tiff, newspuper minutes out of 1
last Mr.
Sydney-5 who made intended for his company he missed his cash, which had b< ceedings will be taken in the event of asinn William
Andrews, baker, of Littl«
balts merckandise, 1 only parties their
appearan intimidation, and secure in the oßence to answer
cooking apparatus, 113 extracted from a breast pocket in bourke-street, appeared an information
-coils woul of dexterously
lashing, 1 truss 40 tons before the Court-there was a four esteem his
fellow-burgesses and the good wil] coot. bled against him by the acting chief constablo for
twine, coal, Being positive to
II A Smith ; 1 ouse N of who
as Miss Margaret's gu Unfounded Charge.-A
merchandise, in the allvalue true integrity, worked his us be had been solely in respei selling bread without having a scale and weights
Guthridge ; party person of Mr. Councill way te her from
2) tierces tobacco, 33 bundles flax, John Porter company able man named Johnson was char¡ in his cart. Mr. Andrews

time he felt his Joseph stated that ho bad »
poll which
a position on the enables him to until it
and Co ; 79 bags Armitstead, (one of the trustees) who a money vanished, he at the Police Ofhce few moments
sugar, Lyall Baw tree and Co ; plací yesterday with having sto before the constable came
formed Constable up to bim
10 bhds brandy, 13 pockets Cartwright of the adair, wh<
opposition at defiance. a band saw from the bouse of Thomas broken
hops, Griffiths and peared not in support of the trust he h This, also, is as it shoult once 1 hornh bis and that he was
Co ; 30 apprehended her, but found only 10s. scales, at the lima
bags flour, W F Splatt ; 37
undertaken be, for the opposition to Mr. Rankin never hat lier
person. 7 he defendant bad
uj an old man tried at the last Criminal
Sessions waning for the smith to repair them; he assured
sundries, Pittmau ; 140 boxes packuges on behalf of Mrs. Kerr ai to Mrs.
her defence, aud was committednothing
30 boxes robbing of the bench it was not
through a wish to evade the
soap, any reference to his own merits. It is
in Watmough £.1 note. I

¿tarcb, 10 hhds cape wine, Order. her for

family, but do objecter trial.
to his best to betr trumptry nature of the charge was ' bevvaswitn°i"

him that he apparent i?Wtîi weights on the occasion.

talker, but
to no
once, and the Bench
- is tho burgesses dismissed the case. Dr. Fletcher (who
it. Mr. A. was Mr. Mee
presided) said he believed the
EXPORTS represented by Bourke Ward have Housebrkjvking.-Early Sat1 ou statement of Mr. Andrews, but was bound
practical proof before thei
and had day morning the house of a shoe by the
October 27-Governor sworn an affidavit in which maker, nan Property Qualification.-T law to impose a fine, co how the olfencu
Arthur, schooner, for eyes at the junction of Bourke and Queen streets matter
Geeloog-15 bales, 94 casks beer,-89 iron Dolan, residing in Little Collins-street, ^
absurdity of any qualification occurred ; be would,
not testified to facts broken into, and several property i

pots, only within 1 of how however, only infliot the

talking representative has served
a them pairs of boots and sE illustrated by Jbraukhn,
?0 camp ovens, 2 boards. 1 8 taken away. humourously when lowest penalty, which was £l with 5s. costs
cask, quarter casts but travelled The police
wine. knowledge, widely out and they have very wisely resolved' to try fo
were mude acquain qtie-aion was under discussion in the Uni
with the
October his way to to mutter, and from their own suspicions States, by the categorical course of reason Game Laws.-
27-Sophia, schooner, for Port Fairy swear matters at which once whether usefulness will not be moro to thei to the thief that the The
and Portland-2 proceeded to the house of aman which the great American statesman Belfast report
2 trunks, liv was furn
~, 6 packuges, 1 could only guess, and'In some ca purpose than talking. In Lonsdale Ward then in the rear of Doláis house named fo
You magistrates were trying their hands at the
would have a qualification ba
drawers, 4 boxe=, 1 piano, 1 White; u¡ introduction of the Game
chest, 10 bags will be n contest, Mr. Meek the constables demanding admittance, Laws, to which wa
upon property, would you

«ugar, 1 matted trunk, 1 case, 1 cask, 1 bug guessed wrongly, adhering, howev having resolve WI said franklin to some time sioco adverted, turns out
opened the door, and welcomed to be no
2 chests 2 cases, paper rice, them with opponent w ith woora he was discussing The Portland Gazette of
most trying the chances against Mr. the ba fable.
parcel, 2 boxes, 2 religiously to every point wh upon Annand utmost
familiarity; on made ot tht franchise for the state that-" Friday mentions
packages, 2 parcels, 1 box. being acquaic of About three weeks
coud the out-going Councillor, with the nature of the " Peusylvai two
possibly bear in Mr. Moor's
since, men
though with every "
favc cer
visit, White told the c \es," was the reply. Ibeu you would
stubles to search
brought before the Belfast bench upon a
tainty of a disgraceful defeat. the house while he went sidcr ou n=s »' charge
The and against his own
trust, and It would be i

up st property said
Franklin, "\ of Kangurooing upon the
schooner Teater, Captain produci to dress
himself, when he would Messrs. Allun's run, on
put at Sydney, for this Organ, cleared waste of words to institute a betwee accompi you would enfranchise the owner 1" "
AJ the Hopkins, but as the bench did
port the 23d instant. on on the whole as reckless an affidavit comparison thom with pleasure not consider it
; the constables did as orde tbo rejoinder. "
certainly," was again We had the power to punish for
T'assengers-Mrs Organ, Mr C two candidates so completely the reverse of ead
inflicted upon each a fine of Kangarooing
the first
and Mis Baker Mortimer, Mr ever Almighty was invoked to witn taking the precautionary step of locking said Franklin," a voter is enrolled with an as: they
other in ability, and almost every After £4 or two months'
searching in vain for the stolen |
door. his the
habits, otbe and the man
by the veriest infidel.
The even ass dies
Post Office Packet for and White not
qualification, li
imprisonment for trespassing to the injury of the
July arrived at requisite qualification for a Town Councilloi
making his
appearai his vote,
consequently, it was the ass and not their cattle
jSyduey on Tuesday It is not the least the co astable went complainants, having been dispersed
pleasing feature
last, beforj the one of man that was
departure of Mr. Annand up stairs to ascer Ibis view of and several lost.
the ovtrland muil. is so the of represented." Ona or rheTnen
immeasurably superior the cause paid the fine,
deloy, \>hen it was
this that the shameless mai: discovered case is and the
project of reprei
unanswerable, but the other went
proceeding his competitor, that should bold the bird had
jail, and since the trial
flown, White having jumped ou
we it trea
which high tatton thus so successfully ridiculed by Frank seven fine
bullocks have been shot on the run.
nity Mr. Armitslead's cond a
POST OFFICE. Bon to the
good sense of the burgesses of 1-onsda] two-story window and effected his escape. C -Glasgow Post. There can be no doubt of the cattle
failed White all this time was in having been
Mails will close /or the betrays utterly of its effect, s Ward to entertain doubt that of bed, representing as the balls were
undermentioned places as
a the issue til self

Attempted Burglary -On shot, extracted from their car-

that the dangerously ill; but Constable Peter Tue casses."
follow :
worthy Councillor has giea no contest can be other than the return of Mr. An who is experienced in these night last, between 11 and 12 o'clock, an
Saturday [We should like to seo the law under
matters, sugge nttempt which their
for LAUNCESTON, Swan, from his nand made to the house of an Worship's fined the rpoachers.
treachery, than by she might be only nursing the boots
per at that was enter
balf-past 5, gratification a very triumphant majority. In
Gipp industrious Ed.
p m., 4th. which actually proved to be the case woman named A.]
«j----i- knowledge that he had done it all to Ward there will also be a shoes, Ferguson, who a dealers keeps
contest, Mr. M'Nnmar found under the bed clothes shop in Lonsdale street
ii, i,,
they were The front door had been
and Mr. Swanston being both candidates for tb close to
lorced partly open Something New.-The Directors of
person, where she presumed the delicacy of by a "jemmy," but Mrs. T
8flt bratts. : annual
vacancy. Wo have not hitherto sai constables would prevent them from search:
Having secured the property, the constables
being awake at tbe time aroused her husband,
upon which the burglars made their escape in the
the Bank of Australia intend to divide the

property they possess rateably among

the share-
1 »ni la thu INSURANCE COMPANY. anything in reference to the contest going on i;

direction of the cattle holders, hut as it is impossible that can

place where I ara demanded cecded to the favorite haunt of
each shareholder an estate of the exactthay
of conscience this yards. giva
and intend White, a hi
Ward, pursuing the sam
u> the truib, and therefore the wc
«peak truth I After various
attempts and failures in the amount be
kept by
speak a woman at west end of L
impugn whoso ti»t." Is
ii course to its but as our silence Storm entitled to, they have partitioned the
the establishment of another Insurance close, on the sub Bourke-street, in of the prevalence
-During of the proporty
expectation arresting into eleven thousand which
has been storm which lots, estimate to
ject the occasion of some an there ; just as the bad surrounded bis raged on Sunday night, the Fie they
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1848. in Melbourne, we
inquiry police to be worth
£4 each. Each shareholder is to havo
Company are
glad to out bolted White, who ran down the back mmgton Iun
sustained considerable damage, in-
many false representations, wii will
briefly expiai and cleared a stone wall tickets of £4each in proportion to his
find that so valuable an Institution is at five feet high, clo cluding loss of windows, part of roof, and some paid-up cap-
our reasons for silent. It and the whole of the properties
OURSELVES. being is well-know: followed by Constable stacks of bay in the yard were also ital,
being num-
last in the Cartwright, when the destroyed -

bered are to be drawn for on the 1st

way of becoming fairly that Mr. of the candidate:
M'Namara, one gress of the robber was arrested Such was the force of tbe ram and Junuary next,
As wind, that
two d
much interest has been by large on a
plan to be hereafter agreed upon.
kindly mani- started amongst us. We have ever felt a
belongs to a particular denominado and he was
finally captured. White was bro
the mail man was unable to proceed across tbe Although
religious this scheme is scarcely before the
fested as to the position in which before the Police Court the Keilor Plains, the horses relusing to move public, yet, wa
we are
great interest in the matter, and of our fellow-colonists who have for the
morning, on
believe some of the shareholders have
at having lai
committed their journey. already dis-
present by placed the late fully trial.
through posed of a portion of their tickets.
desperate long known that there were
ample means five or Bix years spared no exertions to sui
activity of the police only a few hours ela of some
An abstract
attempt at crushing the Argus, we hasten Forgery -A man named the properties was put in circulation
in and port a class of men who stand from the time of the till Nightengale yes*
capital, intelligeuce, experience prominent! robbery tho perpeti
terdny, from which it
was churged at the pohco office appears that there is one
to infotm our readers of the actual to and Mr. of it was safely lodged in gaol. yesterday, with
posi- for the efficient
working of an Insuranee opposed us, M'Namnra hin having the name of Alfred worth £6000, one worth £3000, and
Synott, of sta-
forged property
tion of affairs. self several worth more than
peak, to a cheque for £8 drawn
on tion
Company amongst ourselves, tve have many occasions was
particular! Masonic.-On the first on the Union £1000,-Sydney Morn-
Thursday Bank Mr. Gilles, clerk in the ing Herald, 19th Oct.
In the hurried notice which lavish of botb and Masonic Lodge in Western bank, deposed
his money the District of Port
appeared considered every pound remitted to Van exertions, an
that no peison named
in incurred much Phillip was opened ia the Synott bad an account at
our last issue, we mentioned Diemen's Land' or elsewhere, in in securing the return Lodge Room, at
that obloquy the Union
the payment Brother of the Bank, but might at the Geelong Belfast Bench.-A serious
Sheriff had additional joints to the tail. When therefore
Levy's, Royal Hotel, Yarra he was of opinion that the cheque pro charge
of most The usual branch, has lately been under investigation
unwittingly trespassed upon premiums, as
money foolishly street. commenced by the Polira
was onnounced Mr duced was a Mr. Mortimer, of the
the premises of a stranger, and levied and
that M'Namara intended c high twelve, when P.M. Richard Ocock and forgery. Bench at but as we have not yet received
unnecessarily thrown away, P. M. John Ouk, Queen had taken the Belfast,

fering himself of for the P. Smith, who had Royal street, cheque a full report of the particulars, we will only at
upon property not belonging to the representation Gip; purposely come for some
But the keeping a
large revenue from Melbourne to assist in the in pa\ment refreshments, but belore
party yearly that an ceremony, aided present mention that the accused isa party hold-
Ward, we saw at once
w back the hid taken the caution
against whom he held a
writ, and sup- in this province is not the
opportunity by Brother William Clarke Haines, Past Master giving change to
ing an" honorable appointment, and that the
only advantage afforded for
enabling the candidate and his friem Gilles, by whom
of the Scientific shew it to Mr. it was chargo
pro- assault with intent."
posing that lie had so acted under the attendant the of an In- the hollow-bearteduess
Lodge, Cambridge, installed nounced to be a
was He was brought up
upon opening to test of the schemers f Brother R. Forrest, Past Master of the Lodge of forgery Nightengale was re- about a
fortnight since and fined £5 for the as-
feature the manded
in next, for the attendance of
<Jisgiaceful Friday
existing law surance Office in Melbourne. It is per- whom they had hitherto done so much, and v
Australia Felix, as the Worshipful Master of the sault, and again on Saturday for a repetition of tha
which the Geelong clerk or manager
requires the Sheriff to do what is the most Geelong Lodge ol Unity and Prudence. After offence, and fined £5.-Portland
haps approved and legitimate resolved ¡n consequence that we should neith which the Gazette.-[A
wrong, if the wicked newly made W. M. invested Brothers The queer punishment for so grave an
parly enough to forrrï which public Company can
a as- support nor oppose Mr M'Namara, but alle William Timms aud Abraham Navigation Laws.-The
Levy with the alterations
prin- A.]
require it is sufficiently badges of their respective offices these Laws, as explained
hold and him the fullest cipal
wealthy to sume, despite various evils to which tu have in sense of the word as Senior and
him haimless, we Junior Wardens; as also Brothers R. S. Duns labouchere, ure-1st, lo remove all icstric The Legislative Council.- The
rather That the issue
Companies have
were fair field. has
disposed public led in this pro-
disappointed ford and tious having reference to the importation of official notice of the
at in liillyard as Treasurer and Secretary; pro customary receipt by the Go-
to crow the SheniTs expense on the vince^ we
ever have
entertained the
abundantly evident the course pursued I after which five duceof Asia, Africa, and America, rom I vernor of the return writ certifying the election of
gentlemen'were initiated into the Luropean
Brit sb or foreign bottoms,
mess he had got We our and of mysteries of the order. In the evening a splendid ports, either m Messrs. Mackinnon, Williamson, Dickson, Pal-
opinion that their failure has whom
into, contemporaries, one all leaving
find, however, resulted ai
to the Queen the of
and and sumptuous dinner was served the power imposing countervailing mer, and Curr, Members of the Legislative
that the Shei iff was not more from mismanagement than from snarling, yet fear to bite, will bo more evide up
dunes the ships of any foreign nation
indemnified, and, Room on Council of New
any if we are not much in Lodge by Brother Levy, and on the re- which South Wales for the Electoral
very British shipping with injustice District
jthough unable to account for such a des- other cause and that so
still, mistaken, ti moval of the
cloth, the usual masonic and other rniL,ht
-2nd, of Port
Phillip, appears in the New South
long as they result of tho Gipps Ward It to do awuy with limiting British registry to Brit WalesGovernment Gazette, of Tuesday last.
election. is no toasts were Tha
perate blunder, that Mr. M'Kenzie must wete confined within which heartily responded to, and after spend-
bounds, isb built ships , that ships built
abroad, but owued Nobleand Right Honorable Member
ing a rational and convivial evening,
inconsistent with the several for Mel-
suffer in his own however, our determinatio be entitled to British
person all the conse- experience has indicated, their existence Members of the Lodge retired, with the pleasing by englishmen, should bourne
has not been thus honoured, notwithstand-
but, on the contrary, due to that
register.-Jrd, with regard to manning, no
ing that His Wo-ship the Mayor, as Returning
quences of the step he has taken, amongst us is to be wished anticipation that, the Lodge of Unity and Pru- altera-
anxiously should be distinctly known, that we
let ha tion »ill he made id the law
requiring two
dence" Officer for the City, is in receipt ot official intima-
sunless he either obtains an for. would, from present appearances, be thirds

indemnity of the crew to be British seamen, board tion of the Noble arl'»
never given authority, in any shape, for rank but on return. t-

the i likely to high amongst the Lodges ot the

ft ora Mr. Moor, or abandons of the consideration in trade, Lascars are to
the execu- Irrespective of re-
presentations which have been made that eith colony.- Corio Chronicle. ¡ships foreign be con
sidered as such ,
tion, relying on the good-will the profits of the and, with regard
apprentices, to Embezzlement.-A servant in the em-
of the taining business, a local we, or our alter idem, Mr. Councillor Kerr, see Affiliation.-A
par- young woman the present law, compelling shipowners to
employ ploy of Harris and Elizabeth-street, named
lies named
trespassed upon to allow him to es- in&titution is more
nearly identified with or have ever
sought or advised the election of th Mary Hussett, obtained a consent order them, would be nlterel, leaving them to
employ William Lloyd, fully committed
waa for trial yes-
yesterday nt the Police Office, against a person men or at the
hoy3 as they choose-4th, the coasting office for
cape scatheless. our interests, "more under our own con- candidate. It would- he unjust to Mr. Swunsto terday police embezzling money
named Martin Callinan, for the payment of äs. tindo of the colonies it was from his employers. It appeared from the testi-
proposed to reserve to
We have now to relate that more to to the that we allow weekly towards
trol, likely opposing the maintenance of a little
immediate!) adapt itself the candidate, should i

rosy British shipping, but to allow each

colony to mony of Mr. and Mrs. Harris, that the prisoner
on of notice of the mistake he had and of the times, than of has cheeked boy, the psteruity of which wnB rather frame its onn the the had been entrusted with
which liquidate tha
impression this kind, we find to to
receipt spirit feeling any go laws, subject approval ot money
the to remain proudly acknowledged by Callinan. Queen, and to throw open its toasting trade to several tradesmen's bills for the such as
made, Sheriff stayed ubroad, and week,
by foreign funds can uucontradicted, we sa
proceedings company supported foreign countries, if considered desirable -Nan bukers, butcheis, &c, but that be bad pocketted
abandoned the therefore, to the burgesses of Gipps Separate Maintenance.-Yester-
seizuie of a portion o ever be. We believe that a well conducted Ward, choc Heal Magazine. the amount and
brought false
receipts. The only
which candidate will, but day morning a Mrs. Wilkson applied to the
the property taken local Insurance you íeliovo us of receipt which could be deciphered was that of
in execution, and Company would do much i
Police Bench to compel her husband Mr. John Oysters.-Peter Perkins
sponsibility matter. in
Our only wish htho the "old, G. Kirk, butcher, which was declared to be a
"sought the protection of the Interpleade to remove the piesent prejudice Wbitson, an
engineer, to allow her separate main- original" Jysterman of Melüou"ne seems to be Mr. Harris has sustained a loss of £5
strong been, that the experiment we have made shou forgery.
Act for the remainder. tenance, us he had tefused to support herself and the only ímpoi ter of either natives of
This Act ver; against Joint Stock
Companies in Port be fully tested, and we foresee much future go rocks or
by the malpraotises of Lloyd.
children. Wbitson his readiness to whom
Melbourne, tram the result. expressed Melbourne can now boast, at all events he
for the
properly provides protection o Phillip, would prove that they might be provide for his wife and children, and with that is the
only one who appears to know our where Committal.-A man named Patrick
Sheriffs and all other Officers Inquest.- At the adjourned in qu« view had taken a bouse for their accommodation.
conducted safely, and honestly» abouts, and we are happy to bear testimony that Maginnis, from Port Fairy, was yesterday received
similarl; profitably, held on the titr Hotel last at
Friday upon t Ituppeared the wife wanted to bo at from merits the reputation of getting the best
still into the City Guol
that if they charge of stealing and
to on a
situated, happen take hoi and would pave the way to the introduc- body of a seaman discovered on the the conjugal tie, and the husband
had been a
W. beach, befe ojstcrs and best knowing bow to Keep them fresh. feloniously a
bullock, tha property of
of the wrong properly they may tion of other local ß. Wilmot, Esq., M.D., coroner for the d little harsh in consequence of her] misconduct. We strongly recommend to Messrs
com institutions no less es- " oyster eaters a visit to Griffiths and Campbell, squatters. The
a verdict of accidental dismissed the case, and advised the
before the Supreme trict, death" was The Bench Peter's establishment immediately ulter tho arrival
Court, and John Muchie,

requir sential to our interests. turned. committiiig magistrate was list].,

live more in of either the Shamrock J.P., of Belfast.

pair lo or Juno,
amicably futurct

National Library of Australia

Bacchus Victoria Fir© and BTarine In- To »Sr. michael M'Wainara. GRISTING.
Attempted Suicide.-On Friday at Marsh, Oct.

the undersigned Burgesses of Gipps

last fine looking
a named Patrick 25th, 1848- surance Companyi
young mun
Maher, an industrious farmer, nttempted suicide 1 bay pony, short switch tail,

blind off SIR,-We

Ward, the
City of Melbourne, conceiving
that our and be
eye, black
interests as citizens can
hy throwing himself into the River Yarra, but was points, GB or GR near rights
rescued by some a numerous and highly influential meeting best sustained and advocated by men of indepen-
persons who witnessed the occur- shoulder
rence. It is supposed he was
labouring under an 1 bay entire colt, both hi%d
AT of
gentlemen favourable to the establish- dent principles and active habits, and who know-
Tasmanian THE
grateful for the extensive
have received
attack of delirium tremens at the time, as had been
legs white, ment of tbe Victoria Fire and Marine Insurance
ing their the Public and
duty to to themselves, Store, tronage they
little white both flank s, white face, the of their ¡Mills for
Drinking rather a few days previously. Company, held this day nt the Royal Hotel, the will fearlessly
und faithfully
long grey tail, no visible brand, da- Chairman GRINDING WHEAT
of the Committee appointed by the in their support in the City Council independently
The Really Free Church. -'Con- mages £5 meeting held on
Wednesday, Hth instant, to of all exclusive men or
measures, do hereby re- the beg to intimate that they have
HENRY O'HARA to Public,
expectation the Rev. Mr. Rich- If not claimed and expenses paid on or examine and report on the prospectus of the pro- that you will allow their machi-
yourself to be put in'
to general
trary quest lately mude great improvements on
before the 18th tho attention of the Squatting in-
tendered the report of that Com-
ardson, the recently arrived minister of the day of November next, posed company, nomination as a candidate for this Ward at the nery, which will enable them to make a

Presbyterian Church of the Colony, unconnected will be sold at the pound yard
according mittee, which after full deliberation recommended next
impending Election, and should you feol so INVITES
others, to the Extensive, Choice,
with tho State, did not preach in the Temperance to Act of Council. the adoption of certain special clauses. These and carefully selected assortment of good3 now on SUPERIOR ARTICLE
disposed, we entertain no doubt of your complete
taken into consideration by the present sale at the those who be
Hall on Sunday, the Rev. gentleman having pro- WM. were now success. to
may pleased to employ them.
ceeded in with the Rev. Mr. Ramsay,
CROOK, meeting, and with some amendments, together TASMANIAN
company 5s 3d Pound keeper. with some
Melbourne, September 1,1840. STORE, Engineering, Millwright, Wheelwright, Black-
on a visit to Mount
the intended scene Macedon, additional clauses, at this time suggested Here follow the siignatures. Iron and Brass
and agreed tho 'Seymour smith, Founding und Working
of the Rev, gentleman's pastoral labours. Mr. at Sugar Loaf Creek to, were finally pussed. adjoining Hotel,'Goulburn River, carried on in all its branches, of the best mate-
Richardson we understand will officiate for Mr. IMPOUNDED
Pound, 28rd October, 1848
That the capital of the Company be One Hundred Gentlemen,-I my most tender
sincere you
which upon inspection will be found to consist a.'
article essential to the
rials and workmanship, at

Ramsay next Sabbath. 1

grey horse about 16i hands M Thousand Pounds, io be raited by four thou- thunks for your requisition, calling on me to every
high each ; on allow mysell to he placed in nomination AND NE- FULTON'S FOUNDRY.
shoulder, long switch tail
sand ¡.hares of twenty-five pounds as a can- COMFORTS, CONVENIENCE, FULTON & GO
Singular HOS.
Accident.-On Saturday 1 brown
willah £1 03. per abure shall be paid on allot didato for the honor of representing you in the CESSITIES OF A BUSH
of a singular natuie took place horse, about 16handshigh, switch of Melbourne.
last an occurrence meut, and the further sum of £1 ös. within six City Council and such terms as to obviate the
tail, saddle marked, No. S near shoulder, upon necessity of
in Elizubcth-street, which was attended with loss months of the date of the deed. '"

1 respond to your call most gratefully, and I "She Britannia Inn,

of life to u bullock, aud was near leading to more supposed P off side under mane
do so the more sending to Melbourne for supplies,
That the management of the Company be vested willingly from tho consideration Amongst other articles may be enumerated : BOURKE-STREET,
bay horse long tail, black points, JA

disastrous A horse drawing n light that has not been induced

consequences. your requisition J)V
in twelve Directors, of whom five shall consti- by Flour, groceries, slops, prints, cottons,- worsted
near shoulder
dray took fright uear the Post office, and ran with e:th;r piivnte interest or individual favouritism. tin and ironware, cutlery,
towurds the 1 bay poney, little while both hind
tute a quorum.
the honour of goods, haberdashery, DAVID STEVENSON.
great speed river; when opposite the
on SDiuldl have being elected as and Wilkinson's
That Director be the hold- Sorby's shears, Tuikey stone, known tho
" Union "
public house the horse ran against a feet, W near
shoulder, long switch
the qualification for a
you." representative, I wuT firraly-nnd tether ropes aud ri^Ilis house once- as Eagle Inn
faithfully sweet
ing of not less tlmn tweuty shares. oil, crockery, bakers, silk, hus and is
bullock, driving the sha't of the dray into the imi tail US6 my best efforts for the protection of your rights J. undergone a
thorough repair,
That the Directors shah be elected by ballot, no aud common pocket and neck hand kerchiefs, stationl ry, bob- with a stock of liquors of the bastdes
nml'ß skull, breaking off short in the bend ; tbe 1 bay mare black points, star in forehead, interests, and no private pique, bles, blankets, gunpowder, shot and provided
percussion ia the market. The
became party being allowed until he has signed predelietion, or cabal, shallever influence my con
und thnken to vote cription procurable present
.bullock ¡muriate, having about 14-3,-hands high, Coff side under caps, boots and shoes, copy and reading books for
itself rid of the the deed, and paid the first instalment. duji o? divert my.purpose. Landlord therefore confidently solicits the support
team, bounded rft' madly towards
mane, long tail
the Yurru, plunging at children, pickles, mustard, buckets and washing of his numerous friends in town and
I have the honor to he, country",
every person in its career. 1 brown colt, no visible That six of the Directors shall retire
brand, supposed annually, tubs, nails, slippers (Kilmarnock,) bazils, hemp who will find in the
Fortunately thtre were no children or feeble adults and that threeonly them shall be Gentlemen, and flax,
hher progeny ol eligible for straw
hats, bacon, butter, pocket-books BRITANNIA
in the street, otherwise tbere is no what Your faithful and obedient servant,
sayiug re-election. and lead and slate pencils, pen and pocket
might have occurred. After exhausting itself bay filly, black'poinls, star in forehead, MICHAEL M'NAMARA.
slates, as good a glass,
and as comfortable accommoda-
That the Directors be not authorised to make hair and tooth wool-
with running und jumping, the bullock fell down long tail, J or I off shoulder, like 124 knives, brushes, glassware, tion as any licensed house in Melbourne can
the proprietors unless for the purpose To the Gentlemen signing the )
twine and
near the Prince's Bridge, where it expired. JP conjoined under mane calls on packs, perfumery, combs,
needles, furnish.
above Requisition. i
1 bay mare, black points, star in forehead, of meeting losses, or on their being authorised shaving brushes and boxes, carpenter's rules,
best vinegar, oil-
hy two-thirds ot the shareholders in number hand-saws, vials, Champion's
The Perpetual Motion.-After WO or WC off shoulder, WP Gipps Ward. August 7,
lapse conjoined and vulue. men's stores, loaf sugar, blacking, brooms, rope, 1848._._
of many years the long'Sought Perpetual Mo near shoulder to secure a resident Represen-
bushmen's belts, saddle straps, girths, spurs, BBXTANNIA »OTBX.,
lion," uhoui which lhere has been so much odo, If not claimed and released on or before That the appointment of Secretary, Solicitor and SIR-Anxious
tative for this Ward in the City Council, candle moulds, dog chains, bottled fruits, with a OPI'OSITB TUE CALADONIAN
been his Banker INN,
bas discovered by Honor the Resident the 14th October next, will be sold at the be in the proprietary, und that the whose local interests are identical with our own, vast of other too numerous Corner
goods to par-
Judge, who has found the of election be by ballot. and variety of
aptitude for business would
in machinery Pound Yard to Act of Coun- whose bo likely
his scrvunt's A according to render effective service in that ticularize, SWANSTON AND LONS DALE-STREETS".
tongues. respectable female, cil. That the number of votes which each us
body We,
proprietor ;
Horned Jane Poole, wife of his Honor's coachman, be entitled to give be apportioned to the number the WHOLESALE RETAIL.
undersigned, Burgesses respectfully request
.was charged at the Police Office yesterday by her of shares behold, say that you will allow yoursell to be placed in nomi KIT A Chest, fitted up by
first-rate Medicino L.
8s. 9d. J. MICHEL
muster, with annoying his Honor Poundkeeper. natiun ut the ensuing Election of Councillors an eminent
practitioner, from which the profeision
''perpetually for
For 3 shares, and more than 1 {Late in the- Mr. T. F.
the Resident Mr Clerk of not 7, vots employ of Mann,)

Judge." Shudfortb, this Ward, and in the event
of your complying and others can be supplied.
Anaigns, left his proper duties in the Court Colonial

,. »
^,2 "
with this our earnest
wish, we pledge ourselves N.B.-Carriers and others supplied with pro- to his numer- intimates

House, in order to act for the It Secretary's Office, " " " 29,3 " to visions on most reasonable RESPECTFULLY
and ous the publia generally,
friends that
prosecution. Bpare no legitimate means to secure terms.
Sydney, 20th October, 1848. " your he has obtained for the above
appeared from tbe evidence a of fellow-servant »
?2 and»1
60 a T'i5 " return. #% Colonial produce bought or taken in ex-
general license

named Brown, that the "

grten eyed monster" LIGHT HOUSE ON CAPE OTWAY. " upwards "
To Mr. Swanston. eligible premises, consisting oi
first six months George change.
had taken possession of Mrs Poole, who during the Governor
That thefor no individual October 25. Gentlempn and others can be supplied with TEN LOFTY. BED 110OMS
Excellency directs

on tbe improper
her husband
intimacy which
and Brown, threw
HIS the publication,/or^enerál infor-
proprietor shall hold
more than one hundred
(Here follow the signatures.) cloth clothing, boots,
shoes, &c,
been expressly
to measure

; with the desiruble additional accommodations
mation, of the subjoined memorandum experienced having afforded
a stone at the latter by
person and made use of That no shareholder shall
be entitled to vote by gaged lor that purpose.
respecting the Light House which has re THREE LARGE PARLOURS.
threatening language. Mr» Poole ueknowledged .

proxy at any meeting, unless when he is absent Melbourne, 23rd Oct., 1840.
the ussault, cently been erected on Seymour,
but uiged upon the Bench the great Cape Otway, in from tbe District of Port Phillip, in which case Gentlemen.-I have the honour to receive, 10th
vocation bin: had Bass's Straits. and must the flattering October, 1848. L. J. Miciilli. in making this announcement
received, in extenuation of his thank you i
pr Attorney, duly appointed under special for, requisition
the oHenoc she had been made .

with His Excellency further directs it to be to allow myself to he desirous of notifying that he baa effected arrange
acquainted power of Attorney, may attend and vote at placed in nomination as a
m. tiers which roused lier feelings us a wife, and notified, that at the expiration of one on behalf of such principal, whe- candidate to
represent your interests in the Towu meats whereby
any meeting
Miss Head calendar month Council at the ensuing election,
(sister-in-law of his from ALL
on iufoiming the 20th day of ther such Attoi ney be a shareholder or not. CLASSES'
of the circumstance, had received no However much I have been
Jlunoi) averse to seeking will
October, 1848, the Dues towards the main- That the Directors shall not declare any dividend be accommodated, und in a manner, which
tins», although she said the Judge must be aware tenance of the said municipal honours, 1 do not feel that I would be On Sale the though totally distinct from will be found
Light House will be- by Undersigned, each,
o' the practices carried for years after the commencement
two of busi- in the
on in his house ; she justified resisting call of so many of my on trial to afford satisfaction to all.
come payable at the several Ports in New ness hy the Company. fellow burgesses who* deem me
witnesses to prove that her husband I
of WINE IN PIPES The advertiser has made
lias liten
in the anns of somebody else than

ehe bad requstcd hi» Honor to

South Wales, as provided for
of the Governor
by the Act
and Legislative Council,
That on the sum of ffve thousand
it shall be
pounds being
community in the Town Council ; 1 will,
PORT Ditto in
hogsheads for parties whose avocations
special arrangement»
render necessary
deposited in the Banks, or in-
und raised accede to your Ditto iu
Morpheus, therefore, gentlemen, request, and quarter-casks their attendance at the
discharge cither her husband or Miss Brown, as passed in the eleventh year of Her Ma- vested in Government to be if I am elected it will be Ditto in
three dozen cases
securities, specially my study so to act in ,

the politely designated her rival, but bad.been jesty's reign, intituled, An Act to
reserved for the purpose of the discharge of the duties Ditto
six dozen SUPREME COURT,
meeting any losses devolving upon me as in pints -,
with o refusal. After some hesitation by the provide for the payment of Dues towards that may,ariso, and the necessary which is in the immediate
met in- to merit the kind opinions to which your requisi- Sherry, gold, pale, and brown,'in'butts vicinity, two very
(consisting of Messrs Moor and Westby) the maintenance of Light Houses at curred in carrying on the Company ; and any tion gives expression. Ditto in hogsheads LARGE ROOMS
Mrs Poole was bound to keep the peace lor six Gabo Island and further sums received may be invested by the Ditto in quarter-casks *

Cape Otway, respec- I nm, Gentlemen,'' , being expressly apart set for
purpose,, and
months towards Directors cither in Government or in Ditto in octaves
Margaret Brown, although tively." securities, Your most obedient Servant, during the sittings of the Court
cused in the .' charge sheet" for the day with first to not than one-half of Ditto in three dozen cases
his Honor the Resident
By his Excellency's command, their
mortgages more
"perpetually onnojing value, and that no sums shall be lent to
E. DEAS THOMSON. To Dr. Campbell, Messrs. Champagne, ia 1 dozen baskets (first quality)
Judge." Mr Shadforth attempttd to qualify the any Director or Officer of the will be in readiness for those whose timo will not
or to Company, St.
Julien, in 3 dozen cases
Bear, Walker, and the Claret,
charge by saying that the constant misconduct of any party directly or indirectly interested in Ditto at. in ditto permit of delay,
The Light House forty burgesses signing Estcphe,
defendant was the cause of frequent mental dis-
Cape Otway, Bass' the management thereof, Shareholders, not the requisition. Ditto Lafitte, in 1 dozen cases A SELECT ROOM
Straits, latitude 38
quietude to his Honor. degrees, 51 mir.utes being Directors excepted. Ditto Chateaux in ditto will be reserved the of professional' and
south, longitude 143 degrees 29 minutes Margaux, for use
That the liability of CAUffTSOW. Sauterne, io 3 dozen cases
proprietors shall be limited other gentlemen visiting the Court, with neces-
Robbery Williams Town. east, having been completed and lighted
at -
Two to the amount of their respective Ditto in 1J ditto
shares, and Publicans, and sary respectful attendants.
on the 29th others,
respectable looiing men appeared at the Police August, 1818, a lightisburn- that a
special clause to tbis effect be iuserted in STOREKEEPERS,
are hereby cautioned against negotiating the Muscat, Frontignac, in 2 dozen caeej THE CHOICEST STOCK
Office yesterday, charged with stealing a ing, and will continue from sunset until each policy to be grunted by the Company.
quantity following orders, they having been lost or.stolen Ingham's best Marsala in hogshead». has been without

in to tht
of wearing from the " Album sunrise. That nu insurance the road between ' "
Juitl regard expense,
Inn," beyond tbree thousand pounds on ,-Ditio in quarter

apparel Warrnambool and Belfast, casks

"Williams Town, the property The reef off be undertaken motive being fo give
of a waterman Cape Otway is one-half to on
any risk, or beyond ten thou- or between Bellast and Melbourne. Collis' ditto in ditto
named Thomas Anderson. The defendants had three-quarters of a mile distant, bearing sand pounds on iUcj so contiguous as likely to
Order druwn by Messrs Allison and Fine Teneriffe ditto ENTIRE SATISFACTION
down Williams Town in the Diamond, bo endangered to his customers, being convinced
gone to south-east to south Marteü's best that
south-west, and ex- by one fire. Knighj, 13ellast,upon Allison and Brandy, in
hogshead!,-(in or out
for the purpose of awaiting the sailing of the That "
transfer of shares be allowed until six of
tends 1¿ miles westward, Honesty is the best policy."
Knight,Melbourne, dated 10th bond)
£ara/i Trotman for Sydney, in which vessel they .
The House is months after the establishment of the Com- August, 1848, No. 376, in favor Ditto in quarter-casks The advertiser has also muda arrangements
Light erected on a cliff ditto
hud taken their passage; nnd while staying at 251 feet 6 inches above of John Wickenton, for.£7 Jamaica
high water mark
pany. 11 11 Rum, m
puncheons, (in or out o whereby
?he "Albion" managed to abstract the articles the
; That ut
every half-yearly meeting two Auditors Ditto by Wm. Keith, Warrnambool, bond) .
in question from Anderson's chest which stood in supporting column is 45 feet high, and be chosen from the general Wra, Mortimer, Innkeeper, Ditto in
their bedroom
the lantern 7 feet body of the pro- upon hogsheads ditto will find it to their udvantage to
put up at hil''

after the high.

departure of the
; shortly to in favor of Matthew in hogsheads
From highwater mark to the prietors examine the risks taken, and the in- Melbourne, Geneva, ditto house, where independent of its being the
prisoners for the Bay, the things were missed, centre of vestments made of the Gibson, Melbourne, for.£26
surplus funds by. the 3 0 Ditto, in cases of 4 gallons ditto ENTRANCE TO THE
and suspicion alighting on them a boat was des- the light is 300 feet. each, METROPOLIS,
Directors, and Old Tom, in cases of 6
report the result to the pro- GILBERT
gnllonB each, ditto
NICOL. he has considerable expense
at procured
patched for tha Sarah Trotman, when a search The light is a revolving catoptric of prietors.

Warrnambool, Cherry Brandy, in 2 dozen cases, ditto WELL ENCLOSED BULLOCK YARDS»
being instituted the clothes were found in two three groups of That
lamps, each group con- in the event of ten thousand pounds of the October 9, 1B48. Underwood's Lemon Syrup, in 1
dozen cases Both the internal and
to who were culinary arrangements
carpet bags belonging defendants, taining 7 lamps the entire revolves round
; paid-up capital of the Company being at any
Elliott & Co.'s London in will be under the superintendence of a compétent
brought buck to Williams and time absorbed Stout, hogsheads
Town, subsequently once in 2 minutes and 39 seconds, shew- by losses, a Special General Ind, Coope. and Co.'s Ale, ia peson, and
forwarded to Melbourne, Anderson identified
ing a flash of light of 3 seconds Meeting of the shareholders shall be called Bass's Burton Ale, in ditto
the goods us his pioperty, and the case was duration, by MODERATE CHARGES
and 50 seconds of darkness.. the Directors, and that it shall be in the power Neville, Reid, and Co.'s Windsor Ale, combined with and?
postponed till this morning for the attendance of of two-thirds of tlie shareholders being comfort, cleanliness!
It is estimated that the light will be in number ditto
Mr Lovell and other witnesses. The names the advertiser for a
of the and value to civility, confidently trusts
seen 8 leagues. dissolve and wind the Marzetti's Champagne Ale, in 3 dozen
William up casks share of that support which the public invariably
prisoners are White aud Thomas affairs of the Company, Samson. Byass' Brown Stout in ditto award to
Gregory. (Signed) That
so Boon as two thousand shares shall be well-known Entire Wine Corks, in bales and cases
of Works.
applied for, (applications for the sume
addressed to C. 11. Ebden, Esq.,
to he THE SAMSON, will standthis
Season at
The above
at per
Messrs. Forester's and Jane under most ad-
the 'chairman Chairmao,) Monteith'3, Field, selected,
N.B.-A eieht-stulled
shall then be authorised to em- the best in comfortabl« Stable,
River Plenty (late Coulstoek's Farm), where a vantageous circumstances, markets,
©ïifltnal SîocïeisjjOttîiçncç. ploy a Solicitor to prepare a draft deed, and well watered auil sheltered and are with confidence recommended. August 1,1848:
paddock is provided,
E"or loudon shall then convene and every attention will be
?«5» Direct, ti general
meeting for the
paid, but without re- Wanted-1000 dozen wine bottles.
For Sale,
To the Editor of purpose of appointing a committee to whom
the Argus. A. 1 first-class sponsibility.^
British the draft deed shall he F. BRYANT. FIRST-RATE
Sin,-I beg you will discontinue to send me the
THE built
submitted, uod hy whom
further applications for shares shall bu received
Tebms ¡-Two
for before removal
pounds each mare,
to Forester and
to be paid
Monteith. For
Market Square, A dray, bows, yokes,
of six bullocks
and chains

Argus from this date, in consequence of the false BERKSHIRE, and allotted, and which committee shall call further to Melbourne, Oct. 24, 1848. warranted quiet and sound ; will be sold «
John particulars, apply
statement come out in your paper this Whyte, Commander, is a
general meeting for the election of Directors THOMSON & bargain.
morning, now
resardine the "Queen's Head." ready receive-cargo, and Officers, and for finally determining to
other Ladies' Apply
and will meet with quick des- Store, opposite the Post-office, . Summer Boots and
matters connected with the
I am, carrying out the COOK AND BARR,.
Sir, patch, her accommodation for Bourke-street. Shoes,
passengers is of formation of the Company.
the best description. Melbourne, Blacksmiths,
Yours, &c, Mr. Meek then moved and Mr. Condell 6ih September, 1848. Swuuston-street,
WIGHT. " Melbourne
That the Prospectus, as amended be Studley, near »reibournie. Great Collins-street, two doors October 1848;
from 30th,
To the Editor the adopted
of and printed," Carried unanimously.
Argus. A Cashmore's Corner,
Regular Trader. Mr. Moor then moved and
Sin,-Having seen a note of Mr. Mortimer "EUCLID."
resignation as s seconded OESPEC1 FULLY intimates to the lodies NOTICE,
subscriber to the Argus from Mr.
Coulson, land- Ml\i of Melbourne
horse EUCLID, und
lord of the Queen's Head Hotel, ia which he as-
fast-sailing Packet
That the Chairman be instructed to adver
tiso the Prospectus
THE thorough-bred
stand this season at
received per Melbourne, an
that he hns
and well undersigned having relinquished" the
signs us a reason the inuccuracy of a report in
Friday's paper, I beg to state thutl submitted the
DIANA, Melbourne,
for one month
Geelong, and Portland
in the several

papers, and
stands sixteen
is a
jet black, rising eight years old,
assorted stouk of cassimere
boots, best quality, THE business of an Auctioneer, in favour o f

that the' high, with immense bone Spanish, Morocco, Lasting, Patent Messrs. W. M. TENNENT AND
" will leave Wharf for expenses incurred tie paid out of the and ("French CO., bigs
question, headed Caution to Pub Raleigh's muscular combined with
faragraph on funds of the Company, power, perfect operas) and braided shoes, all ordered expressly to recommend them as his successors, and hopes,
icans," to the consideration of James Sydney, THURSDAY next, when that is for the ensuing summer.
Smith, the 2nd established/' Company symmetry. that the same liberal support which he has re-
Esq., of wIiom; language the offensive matter November. Carried. G. P. can
pur- For or Mr. Wickham PEDIGREE :
confidently recommend the above ceived may be extended to tbem,
passage, having first-rate then moved, and Mr. Moor,
ported to be u. verbatim report, and that that geu freight ac-
EUCLID, by Wanderer, bred
tlcmun with cabin for seconded was
by W. G. goods to the ladies of Melbourne, as they have G. S. BRODIE.,
pronounced it commodation, separate Walker,
''substantially correct," ladies, " Esq., in Van Diemen's Land, out ol' his been selected with a view to neatness and durabi-
applv to That Melbourne,
remurking that the word the form of application
merely following for celebrated and are
carousing" imported mare Melody, bred by Lord Oct. 1848.
should have been rendered " JOSEPH shares be lity, peculiarly suited tojiho season. 17th,
singing, drinking, RALEIGH, adopted Egremont, October
and noise." To 8th, i848.
making a Wharf: C. II.
Ebden, Esq., Terms':
October 28, 1848. W. M.
Mrs Coulson attempted on several occasions Chairman of the Victoria Fire and Three guineas, one mare in TENNENT &;C0.,
to five allowed, The and
induce nie to Marine Insurance Irish Scotch Relief
give u false
to the lan- Company. groomage five calling the attention of their Friend« and

the day
guage of the worthy magistrate alluded to, and on
female servant.
Apply at the
I request
the above
you will allot mo shares in The mares
to be removed and paid for wheti

for Immigration Pur- IN the Public, to the above notice, beg to inti-
previous to the publication of the report, and
Company, on receiving notice stinted, notice of which will be given mate that the business will be carried on in the
of such allotment, through the is
actually said that if I gave a similar version of the 1 agiec to Pobt Office.
deposit the sum of "H^TOTICE hereby given, that in pursuance sams premises as those previously occupied by
affair to the one which £1 53. per Bhare, and the further sum Well _l_^i of absolution arrived at
appeared in that day's Horses of one watered, secure, and extensive paddocks by a Public Meet- their predecessor, and trust they may be favoured
Patriot, Bhe would of the subscribers
make it worth my while," I Strayed-£1 Seward. pound five shillings six months alter the date of are
provided at Studley, and every care will be ing of the above Fund, held this with a share ofthat support which it will bo their,
replied that ¡c formed the Deed-Carried.-And that such taken of the mares day nt the Royal Hotel, the amount
no part of my duty, as a from Mount application hut without of th s Con- study to merit,
Reporter, to animudvert upon the decisions or STRAYED Williams,
Fiery Creek and the Wannon.
if made
by letter, be post-paid. Mares sent to Quinan & Co.'s
Repository on
tributions will he returned to the
Subscribers on October 17, 1848.
conduct of the magistracy : that rested with A cbesnut Thanks were then voted to Mr. Ebden for application to tho Tieasurer on and after the 14th
the mare, branded 83 on his able conduct Wednesdays and Saturdays, will be taken charge
Editor, with whom I would leave it, near conjoined in the of free of cost. of October next.
shoulder, star on forehead, Chair, and the meeting
long backed, and Suction.
I havebeen extremely careful in stands over 14 hands adjourned. P. S.-Out of 68 mares EDMUND Sales liß
reporting the high. last
season, 65 ate in WESTBY,
decisions ot the local mugistracy, and the consci- A bay horse, branded C, II, EBDEN, foal. Treasurer.
y z on near shoulder. FRIDAY, 15th DECEMBER.
ousness of Whoever finds these horses and Melbourne,
having misrepresented their words or Chairman. Apply to the owner,
actions the undersigned brings them to l'lh 1810.
ot the Bunyip September,
through incapacity (feeling satisfied it
Inn, Wannon, - MU. HODGSON,
be doue wilfully j would afford will be
will never
me paid the above reward. LâOQ.Pure-bred Saxon Rams,
con- Bauk-plnce, Melbourne,
To the Proposed - '

siderable pain-being always WADDLE Shareholders Gipps Ward,

ol that a &
opinion PILMER. Studley.
body of gentlemen undertaking arduous and re Wannon, | of t'he Victoria JRïariae Ensu Studley, August 10, 1048. Mount Aitken Annual Sale
October HE of Pur«
spousible duties, without 28, 1048. SUPPORTERS:
pecuuiury recompense ranee Company. rp OF Saxon Rams,
and for the public weal, are
entitled, and ought IMPORTED
unquestionably to receive the support rathei become MR,
date for the
a Candi-
Tlioroug-h-hred; Horse, for Sale, SWANSTON,
than the censure of the Pi ess. of Secretary office
to the aro J.IB. KIRK
I am, Sir, &c, Company now
above, I beg to solicit
your votes in my favour, and feel more
THE'Camel'out thorough-bred horse
of 'Daisy'
by 'Bay
respectfully requested
lo meet at the Has received instructions IromJ.Joha ][Aitkon,
sanguine ton' out of J ' SUN, Esq., to sell by Auction, at Mount Aitken,
J.-SWORDS, m so
doing from the fact being known to Sycorax' own Bister to
Reporter. Daily you, that I have for some many of sayer.' BOUnKE'STBEEr, on
.-. , _"

Conveyance from years been acting as 4

this 15ih
30,1848. Mel- Conrad' is a at half FRIDAY, DECEMBER,
bourne to St. Agent in Launceston for the Tasmanian "dark Bay with black points evening past seven o'clock. Salo at
[Mr. Coulson should find fault with the Kilda. and Hobart Town Fire, stands nearly sixteen
hands, and comb:ues great 31st October.
to commence
half-past twelve o'clock
and Launceston Marino ln
Magistrates and not with us, if there is OMNIBUS is now strength of bone, with the moat precisely,
anything ATWO-IIORSE
ning Daily
run- suiance
Companies, and also from having had perfect symmetry ;
be was
wrong in the statement he complains of, for that St. Kilda.
It lea*es the Melbourne and many years previous experieDce in a mercantile
purchased the Van by Diemen's Land PURE SAXON ftAMS,
it was made id
indisputable, and that is our only latter place at 9 Company, from
the breeder Mr. Notice of
a.m. and 4 p.m. ; and o'clock, establishment at
home, where Mariue Insurance known on Solly, well Removal.
consideration in the matter. It may suit other starts at the former the turf, and arrived in this
from formed a prominent WITHOUT RESEnVE.
part of the duties; allow me CAMPBELL
colony, a ä & Co., beg
journals to falsify the report, as the Patriot has to assure per Navarino, in the year to intimate
you that, in the event of this 1847, he is now five ifi« ? tu the public that they have removed These Rams arc all so well known, and
done, or to suppress it altogether like the A.M. application years old. to so ge
but it is not tbe loss of Mr. Gazette, The Freemason's Hotel at being successful, every effort of mine shall be The horse may be seen those premises in the of Mr. rally appreciated, that the Auctioneer dwras
CouUon's subscription £ past 9 and } to 5 at Circular lately occupation fur.»
will deter us dom The Shokspenre ditto at employed for the interest of the Head, and T. F. Mann, three doors tlier comment unnecessary.
what is right, and so far from £ to 10 and 5 m. to 5 T have the honor to proprietary. further particulars can be ascertained upon further west. A con-
The Commercial Inn appli- siderable addition has
at 10 and be, cation to Mr. Thomas been made to their STOCK, TERMS:
blaming our Reporter, we unhesitatingly say that 5 H.
we should have discharged The fare is Is. each Gentlemen, Messrs. Underwood and Power, Melbourne, and parties from the and others can bo At and under £00, three months
him way. country, above
immediately if it ; that
had come to our JOSEPH Your most obedient Eddie, Launceston, or supplied with every thing in the General Dru und under six
servant, sum,
knowledge that be had acted HOWARD, GEO, FRASER.
GIBSON, pery business o the first quality at the lowest
twelte months.
month«; -
aboia » .

otherwise.-Ed, Royal 100,

Agent, Van
A.] Hotel, St. Kilda.
October Melbourne, Diemen's Land.
8, 1848, Circular Head, possible remunerating prices,
2Çth October, 1848, Approved Bills will be taken.
August 12th, 1848. 22nd Bazaar,
September, 1848.^ 1848.
July 28tb,

National Library of Australia

punishment in defeat. "We desire Robinson, surgeon-dentist,

The Orange AhiliveWarTés.-Thè'Re ask him whether he would accept

this, for it will be the signal of The excited intense

pacifica- inquiry interest' of government and
THE STATE OF EUROPE. tion between ;
peelers Newry, Old and Young Ire place if he were elected ? He "
road, the other who laid
Germany and Italy. among the medical
profession, a large
said, the road in
(From the
News, July 5.) landers, have suddenly found out that I do, you may at once build put question, said that the
Daily Amongst the general symptoms of a uumber of whom were present during the tho July commemorations
me a
mad- ian was not so built
Notwithstanding the of love of peace
are no insult house to reside in." upon the road in
quolibets so remarkable at prosent proceedings. whatever to Catholicity, nor in any way question.
protectionist and Peelite, Sir. Cobden, June

pass over the election of Arch-
The body been viewed by the \^ 29. His Honor
when he having inconsistent with the principles upon decided, in effect, that
right declared that this duke John,
perhaps the best representa- JUT. which the Irish Confederation
the archduke john, regent of plaintiff carne too late to make
is based
was an
age and «n epoch of peace, and tive of such a that Europe could Mr. Badger, the
GER.MAKY. cessful any suc-
principle of the deceased, father and with this new-born view, they call complaint as to the title of
that war was so
decidedly against the afford. The Frankfort that
Congress showed identified the body as that of his son. their "fellow
I have just returned from St. Paul's
which was
purported to be
current of public opinion in Europe, that some warlike upon Repealers" to abstaiu conveyed to
inklings ngainst Denmark He said he was the coroner of the West ?Yom Church through streets which, in of him. Hehad a
spirit of opposition
we to see and against Milan evincing any to spite right to complain as to
might hope it no more.
Never, how weak and short- ; Riding of Yoikshire, and resided at Nas the are the
the intended processions. trans- pouring rain,
profusely ornamented conveyance, on the of fraud
perhaps, were so
many and in- lived these were, the election of the most Nay, so ground
openings borough Hall, near Rotherham. He with the German
tricolour all the bells or mistake but on
they with Orangeism, that these grounds the
; j
centives to war thrown out as
by the industrial in to be its last ported
power Europe saw deceased alive on the of these converts to ringing, and the artillery on the walks
are bill was not framed. Not
events of this year. Not only have the chief most and de- 27th when
Tuesday some
King William having power
plainly satisfactorily ultimo, he left him at the and the Boyne water have may at regular intervals be heard to decree
Europeau govern
principles of
monstrates. Rotherham railway station, actually offered the merry peals. through could the Court
specific performance, then,
on his way to fraternize-to blend the The church has grant the other
.ment been broken
thelnndmarks up, but to London, where orange and been part of"
he was
coming for the march thronged with spectators; indeed, one the
prayer as to the indemnity or com-
of all European kingdoms removed. green-and together, at the ap-
DISTURBANCES IN EDINBURGH. pmpose of having six of his teeth taken might almost say its walk were elastic, pensation, upon determining whether the
< proaching anniversary, to the
Patriotic zeal and private ambition have out. He then appeared in his usual inspiriting
Kilmore Inn had been
Edinburgh, July 3. air of "

Croppies, lie down." The hook they admitted so many more than any
been let loose. Actual war has been which would His Honor said he conveyed or not ?
previously have thought pos-
was one
health, is could not
kindled I
Edinburgh has to-day been the apparently very good, ingeniously baited, but it is
by the ambition of princes in scene
although he extremely
sible. The this determine
two these wars of an
ecclesiastical riot. The frequently complained of doubtful whether the wary fish will be assembly itself was more calm point of fact; and
places, jet even languish clergy-
city violent and quiet than on any former according to the
beating of his" heart. He had induced to bite,-Times. occasion. authorities, he could not arrivo
.and die out. The public spirit of no
men are
paid by a local impost, called . at the
frequently expressed his desire to inhale It was evident that with the members the conclusion that the
the annuity tax, which is levied on the Sir circumstances of the
country feeds the martial flame. General- chloroform whilst the opera-
William Colebrook, the late Go- case
tenauts within certain limits, the undergoing vernor of New
question settled-they had merely brought it within the class of cases
ship languishes, the very soldiers slum- lawyers tion of having his teeth taken Bruuswick, who had been where a Court of
come to
pronounce their decision.
This burden has out, but
ber, and after a skirmish or two the being excluded. always he was appointed to the government of British Equity can decree com
been dissuaded from it by a medical The President took the chair at 12 pensation. This a
combatants are more anxious to shake unpopular, and, as a means of avoid- Guiana, will now proceed to Barbadoes jury could do, said
friend, and also members of o'clock, and invited the Assembly to elect ins Honor, when
hands than continue the work of ing public the by ,his to assume the government of that determining the'facts
display, ordinary course in
with recusants has been family. in the
island, a
Regent for Germany, according to the dispute. The bill was-dismissed with
to arrest bank
Harriet Wilson said she was servant place of Colonel Reid.-Observer. law which they had yesterday made.
but He costs,-plaintiff against that
During four months the most warlike deposits two
defaulting upholsters
; dismissal
to Mr. Robinson, surgeon-dentist, of would remind them of the importance of then appealed to this
having apparently taken means to avoid Court.
nation, and the most warlike prince, No. 7, Gower-street, The The
THE GERMAN this moment. German nation were and
have had all the pretests and all the this course, their furniture was ad- Bedford-square. PARLIAMENT. Solicitor-General Mr. Lowe
The deceased called at Mr. the Times again invited to appoint the head of a appeared in support of the
vertised for sale a few weeks gentleman (From
ago, but the Correspondent.) sub-
temptations possible for war. But nei-
Robiuson's Government. The mitting that though
crowd collected on Thursday, but as Mr. Frankfort, June 28. unity of Germany, the Court
ther of them can resolve to declare it. together was so numerous
Robinson This day's important sitting after for might not, under the
eugnged he left, and said word and a
was a mere
and noisy, that no auction could take was
opened being years circumstances, have
The materials for that war are
literally that he would call on the decreed specific
The at ten o'clock, a.m. Before it mockery, might into glorious now start
over in the reservoirs of both. place. proceedings were de novo following day com- performance, yet that
boiling existence. This Assembly exercised a it
might have retained the
announced to take place to-day, and ru- (Friday), at two o'clock. Deceased carne menced Baion Gagern was seen
speaking and
France is iu a ferment with a combative bill,
on the at the and in doing so it could not be their directed an issue or issues in
mours Friday appoiuted time, and eagerly to a knot of members who had right, law to bo
population, eager for spilling blood. The having gone abroad that the police
she was called into the to
collected round him. intention to violate the rights tried ascertain the amount of
and military were to back the legal "au- room, as she un- It had been said hurt the
Emperor of Russia's coffers teem with
derstood deceased was to have that feelings of anybody. The sation due to the
crowd assembled chloro- troops would be stationed in the states and na- plaintiff from the de-
gold, and bis nrmy with thorities, Mr

recruits, yet the large at

form administered whilst his teeth tions of Europe, too, would consider this fendant for not
Czar " in Frederick were neighbourhood of St. Paul's Church, but having conveyed all that
you as gently as a Darlington's premises, extracted. he had undertaken to
sucking It was customary for witness the rumour was a false The day's proceedings as au act and guarantee The over-
dove." He declines street, whose effects were first to be sold. one. galle- convey,
provocation, limits to he culled in such occasions. had returned of peace.
Besides the of the
on Mr. ries to their nsual beha- whelming testimony of the three sur-
himself to self-defence, and lins assumed cramming shop, a Robinson that is It was then decided that the members veyors showed that a part which he
noisy multitude assembled having prepared his apparatus, viour, to say, they were not so had
really paternal and tranquil attitude. outside, and
administered the chloroform, and when should vote assumed to convey was
The the tumult whs such that no sale could be
troublesome as they have been
during by rotation, each in his turn government land.
ministry itself has admitted the
deceased had inhaled ii about a minute the last days. naming the person whom he wished to And
though the
truth of this, and sent the militia esti- carried on. The auctioneer was jostled prayer may have al-
he said *'
he did not think it elect. luded
was strong for the German fleet generally to an indemnity, yet that
mates after the national defence ditto.
on his way out, and had his' fuce cut, Subscriptions
enough." Mr. Robinson turned away were and the The Baron Gagern, rose and it was
competent to the Court below to
aid of the announced, President,
police, he got offin
The indeed it but, by,the proceedings
more comes
down, the for the purpose of whomsoever this elec- mould the relief to be obtained under
a cab. obtaining some more were then opened by Mr. Biedermann, said-Gentlemen, the
better, but to refute
weie it the Hanover-street, which is adjacent tion and that
reproach chloroform from the bottle to of Leipsic, who appoint to the Regency, let us prayer ;

of Mr. Disraeli, that we ate to

Frederick-street, and, like it, ruus off place in squabbled about the pre- may
of the whole
Court, upon a review
spending as the apparatus, in which, cise be firmly determined to aid bim
much in 1848 as we did in 1828. We do at right angles from Princes-street, was perhaps, three meaning of the "irresponsibility of in his circumstances, with a view
arduous to avoid future
the next quarters of a miuute was expended.
the Regent," and
peremptorily demanded
duties. (Cheers, and cries of litigation between the
/ thank the member for Buckinghamshire rendezvous of the '.
spectators, During this interval the deceased's hand an We will.") parties, have decreed as sug-
who explanation from Baron Gagern, who, might
for the
comparison. In 1828 there proceeded thither in such numbers in the name The members then
that al! dropped, letting fall the apparatus which of his as were gested.
esiated the same feeling which some orderly conducting of Mr Sword's he himself held, and his head
committee, per-
called to
their candidate, and it was Messrs Donnelly and
folks strove to get sale
(the secoud defaulter) was out of the dropped emptorily refused to give it. After some Broadhurst, on
up towards the end of
interesting to
the other
lv on his chest, and he appeared quite further
splitting of straws about the hear the name of Archduke hand, contended that the de-
1847, a fear of the Continent combining question. Shortly before the advertised dead. Mr. Robinson'felt his John in cree of the Court below
variety of manners, such as
in which n
hour the sense was right, and
if not sheriff pulse, and other paragraphs should,
(against us, and, invading us, at sheriff, sheriff-substitute, sent instantly "Archduke John of John ol " that the defendants were entitled to have
Mr. Drew, a surgeon '

ought .to be taken, in the
off clerk, would, Austria,"
?least shaking our
political influence procurator-fiscal, superintendents "
the decree of the Court below
over the way, and for Dr. Waters, and course of which many members Austria," John Archduke of Austria affirmed.
The Eastern of city and county attended put pa- j

altogether. powers were police, by a the deceased's Mr. Jordan It

(a Berlin Radical), when argued that
the table his WB3 waa
prepared arm-ready for pers on of the nothing more
then large police force, made their appearance. declaratory
leagued with I'Vai.ce in a kind of The doctor came io which turn came, cried "
John-Adam Itz clear than that the
they took such and such
sense out, was
The Sheriff had the Riot Act ready to bleeding. directly, plaintiff not,
holy ; and England, as the aud on deceased's stein." (Great his own
being bled, gnly about the law was sensation.) Of those whe upon to
of read, but did not to read
a clause, put to the vote by statements, entitled
stronghold liberty, was said to be so appear it
half a table did vote for the Prince some relief. His bill somewhat
ll! threatened After much confusion Mr spoonful of very dark blood paragraphs, each of which was accepted
not woult1 was curiously
, with Russian and with French throughout. was not vote at and a small framed, and his founded on
Sword's obtained, and he was pronounced by a considerable majority and Mr. all, minority o prayer was
hostility that it was considered requisite cleared of the inmates
rooms were ;

named their no
dead, In answer to questions, the wit- Soiron proclaimed the following " law on Radicals favourite, Mr. Itz prayer whatever. Here
appeared it
and au
ito arm to the teeth, and present a formid- area opened in the street, which that she had seen her master the creation of a Provisional stein. But by far the that half
was maintained with some
ness stated
Central greatest number o¡ of, or, indeed, the greatest por-
able front of military estimâtes to the difficulty. A administer the minority voted for Baron tion of the contract had been
chloroform in 500 Power for Gagern. performed
company of soldiers then arrived, and the as
cases, Germany":
enemy. she in the habit of
was called in "I. Until a Government be The following is the list of votes as reac by the defendant, yet the bill is framed
England might have spared her Exche- area being kept free, the sale went on, being definitely
by Baron Gagern to compel him to

case of her assistance created for :

perform specifically the
The auctioneer and purchasers were being required, the Germany, a Provisional Cen-
quer the heavy expenses of 1828, since all
larger majority of tral Power shall
for the admi- be formed Arohduko John of Austria. 436* remaining part unperformed. For this
from patients being ladies.
in 1830 the power and the policy of the Glasgow, and, after the sale woe
When Mr. Robinson first looked at de- nistration of all affairs which affect Baron Gagern. 52 there was
the piece-meal performance no
=#; Bourbous were scattered to the winds over, a second company dragoons of ar- John Adam Itzstein 32 actual
; ceased's teeth, she heard him whole of the German

precedent in the books. It might

that of Russia was scattered with it rived for the purpose of escorting the " say to de- nation. Archduke Stephens of Austria.. .. 1
; and ceased, You had better let me take "II. The Central Power Votes refused . be open, it was true, to much argument
shall, 1st, 25
constitution-flag fluttered over a goods in cart, to the station of the Edin-
them out without chloroform ;" deceased act as txecutive in all affairs -whether such a bill could not be framed
that relate Baron Gagern then said-" I
great poition of Europe, thanks not burgh and Glasgow railway. Great up- " .proclaim so as to enforce a part performanco
caused the appearance cf the replied, No, I will have it ; I am not to the Dafefy and welfare of the nation in Archduke John ol Austria of a
warlike preparations, but our roar was by as.Regent ol
pacific afraid." general 2nd, it shall take the supreme Almost contract, yet it was submitted that a bill
and one of the carter's horses
Germany." all the members rost
and constitutional example. In 1847 cavalry, direction of the whole of the armed forces for performance could only be framed so
more than ,Mr. Robinson repeated in his evidence from their seats. The galleries
the being ordinarily restive, £ applauded,
most respectable politicians were for
the statement made and nominate the Commander-iu-Chief and the bells of the church were long as the agreement was in fieri, for
cloth over his eyes, and the ca- by Haniet Williams. ;
1829, valcadewas*put then
up the in only could the Court do justice to
same as
getting panic 3rd, it sha'l provide for the and The President then continued,-"
and on the same France was then enabled to The political Ma]
grounds. was, proceed; appaiatus, as also the bottle con- commercial both parties. The
under the of the military representation of Germany, he requite the love his beal countrymen
plaintiff, therefore,
it was
said, threatening again. Fleets guardianship taining the chloroform, was here pro- and to this end having in this case accepted a deed of
and, amidst the yells and hootings of th< appoint Ambassadors him, and become the creator of unity, th<
were to bo rigged end batteries thrown duced, and minutely examined
by the and Consuls. conveyance, he had no standing in Court
and the estimates were of multitude, was despatched to protector of our national liberties, the re ;

up, course Glasgow. coroner, jury, and medical

gentlemen "III. The creation of the constitution storer of order and
he had mistaken his
equity he
ought to ;

swelled to dimensions. present. peace." (Immensi have filed a bill for the rectification of his'
extraordinary remains excluded from the of
sphere ac-
the budget framed, than ROTATORY PARLIAMENTS FOR Dr. John Waters next examined. cheering.) deed of conveyance. Here
Scarcely was was
tion of (he Central Power. there was no

France "falls into a similnr convulsion to He said he resided South

It was
suggested by Baron Ga
IRELAND. at No. 2, "IV. The Central Power decides fraud-none, indeed, was imputed. If
gem that
deputation should be seut
a ti

that of 1830, a similar annihilation of crescent, Bedford-square, and was a

the plaintiff were deceived he had been
In recent communication
a allusion was sician and questions of war and peace, and in con- the Regent to iuform him of the decrei
court and a prostration of strength; member of the deceived by an innocent The defen-
policy, made theto the Royal College nexion with the National Assembly ii of the National Assembly, and it was party.
growth among re
proving the estimates folly, and the pro- intelligent of Surgeons, Edinburgh. ofwas He concludes treaties with dant conveyed all that had been
middle-class Protestants of a
feeling fa- called Foieign Powers. solved that the President in council shouli
to him
vision on which they wereiouuded, mere deceased shortly after two
to see
"V. The by the original grantee from the
vourable to the periodical Provisional Central Powei nominate seven members, and send then
midsummer madness. Mr. assembling of o'clock on the afternoon of Crown
Disraeli, the Imperial Parliament in the'cRpital of Fiiday, the is confided to a
Regent (reichsverweser), to
; for a moment thut
however, takes the advantage of them to 30th June. He was
apparently dead, wjiom he National
the inn was built on a
portion of the road,
Her Majesty's dominions,' and Irish but he

Assembly elects
twit reformers with having wished to attempted to bleed him, and re- the defendant did not know it at (he time
there is not a shadow of doubt that but (Ayes, 373; Noes, 175) SUPREME
sorted to aitificial COURT, SYDNEY. of the
spend in 1848, as much as the non-re-
inspiration, friction, "VI. The

conveyance. But it has not been

for the insane and wicked
proceedings of and other remedies for lulf au Regent exercises his powei
formers of 1828;
reproval The we need hour, but Tuesday, 17lh Oct. so
clearly shown that the road does
the rival Repeal factions there would by Ministers whom nominates, he
bul J

not say, falls, not on the back of reform, long to no purpose. He made a Before intersect the inn.
post mo) tem Full Court. the witnesses Though

ere this, have been a manifestation of who are

responsible to the National As-

but on that aiistocrtitic principle and in- opi- examination of the body seventeen hours All his decrees, to be valid, may be three to

one, yet the testimony

nion upon the justice of some concession sembly. WHEELER V. DARNES.
than half nullified after in the of that one entitled
fluence, which more the kind, that could
death, presence of Mr. must be is
weight to more
scarcely fail to ex- countersigned by at least on« This was
appeal from the equity
an aide than
its results. Erasmus Wilson and. Dr. Emery. On that of the combined
judging three,
ercise its due influence responsible Minister.
Insteadof terrifyiug foreign countries upon the minds of the head, he found slight con-
of the Supreme Court of Port
opeuing "VII. The Regent is Phillip. simply from the means of observation
all sensible Englishmen. But so inesponsible. The plaintiff Wheeler, by
are long as gestion of the membranes. On opening
agreement each party has had. The predicament
by it3 armaments, England is, we treason "VIII. The National
remains unabated, so long as con-
the chest found the lungs pushed Assembly wil dated sometime
in the year 1845,
agreed the plaintiff is in is this he, upon his
glad to say, aiding reluctant belligerents upwards a law fix the limits of Minis-
fiscation of property Í3 by special to exchange certain
to terms of agreement and amity. unblushingly
io come by the liver, between the 3rd and 4th terial
properties, including own showing, has proved that the de-
There be preached by the war press as the first duty ribs. responsibility. a station and stock, with the defendant, fendant eould not convey
stronger instance of
cannot a
of the Irish republic that is to
perienrdurn the
opening the "IX. The Ministers are entitled te for a piece of land
that which he
the heart (amongst other things) had undertaken, for want of
the peaceful tendency of the time, than be, wa3 found to be of an unusually be and title ;

gentry, almost to a
man, will withhold colour. The present during the sittings of the Na on which the Kilmore Inn was situated. because of this, the bill was dis-
the vain efforts of Danes and Prussians pale tissue of the heart was tional rightly
weeks back the
their countenance from any project, the
thinner than natural and Assembly, and to be heard by tin Both parties carried their
respective missed with costs; and as the compensa-
to get up a war. Some
of which however interspersed same.
the Danes into advocacy could, re-
parts of the agreement into effect, with to the
marched Schleswig with with fat, particularly at the
apex of the

X. The Ministers on th
tion, according authorities, can
motely, be tortured into an admission by are bound, the exception of that part of it relating
Homeric threats. The Germans, at the left
ventricle, where the muscular tissue demand of the ouly be given of Equity as
by a Court
them that the Act of Union had not National Assembly, t<
to the conveyance of the Kilmore Inn,
bidding of the King of Prussia, rushed was
replaced by fat. There was only auxilary to some principal relief, and as
woiked well for this Neverthe- appear before the same and to give in which is now in dispute, and is the sub- hers no relief can be
like so to the country. about one line of muscular wheu principal given, of
Hotsjmrs, dispute less, and the tissue, formation. matter of this suit
despite ject and though cannot be granted.
possession of a few villages and marshes. discouraging aspect in a state of health there would have "
XI. They have the
; course compensation
interceded and
of the times, the policy of rotatory Par-
been six right of votinj there is
dispute now aas to the convey- The plaintiff's in the
England with both, en- five or lines. The valves of the in the National remedy was now
liaments has his Assembly only when the;
treated them to be But the Danes defenders, not only in a heart were not in a healthy condition.
ance, yet the plaintiff entered into pos- common law Court upon his covenant in
quiet. are elected as members of the same.
would notlisteu portion of the Conservative metro- press, The surface
session of the inn soon after the date of hi3 title deed if they were
to they had of the edges were defective,
terms till
unequal, "X11. The
politan as well as but can enu- position of the Regent i the agreement. By a distinct and incV then he must suffer for his
fleshed their swords, and then the Prus provincial, and there was the commencement of the negligence.
merate for its advocates
few of the most a incompatible with the office of membe pendent agreement the defendant agrt¿d The Solicitor-General, in reply, urged
sians could not in honour submit till formation of cartilage. The liver was
and intelligent of the of the National to make and legal title of the
influential to Assembly. out a good that the defect was latent, that the
they had gained some military advantages. gentry, found enormously be
large. It was "
XIII. The German Diet ceases fror land which
And" so from point of honour to point of amongst others, Mr Nnper, of Lough double the usual he had agreed to convey, ac- was not laches, and that
size, and instead of four
tiff precluded by
the moment that the Central Power be in due
honour PrussiansandDaneswentou, with- crew, a
gentleman with whose name the cordingly, course he executtd a he either' to an
pounds, the natural weight, it was found
was therefore,
to exercise its functions.
real between public of both countries are familiar as a gins (Ayes deed of conveyance, amongst other lands indemnity or
to compensation.
out any subject of difference lo weigh eight
pounds. The pressure of
Noes, 35.)
benevolent landlord and a writer of con- 510; including by description the land on His nouorlhe Chief Justice said, after
(hem, to cut each others throats. The the liver
upwards had evidently impeded "
XIV. The Provisional Central Powe
siderable Hercules Ro- which the inn stood, nnd which land on little consultation, that the Court
of Russia then interferes to Captain ability ;
the action of the lungs and some
Emperor heart, and shall in its executive
that auxious to assist binson, of the county of Westmeath and ; therefore any excitement of any character capacity act as fa the one side was bounded by the road was not and that judgment would
say, although two or three more with its duty in under agreed,
he would not gentlemen of equal re- as compatible running from Port Phillip to Sydney. be deferred.
Prussia, permit the con- and whose
was exceedingly dangerous to the deceas- with the oftb The
Province. Hereat spectability, position in sotiety ed. With standing Plenipotentiaries deed, at the request of plaintiff
quest of a Danish the
a liver and heart in such a German Governments.
Prussians withdraw, having achieved by place their motives beyond all sus- state, the mere extraction of a tooth even "
himself, was deposited at his (the plnin THE ARGUS is Pudlisiied on tht morn-
without XV. The action of the Provision!
picion. Indeed, venturing to tiff's) bankers, and there remained some
TursDAV and Friday in each
their campaign the veiy thing they without the administration of chloroform ings of
Central Power ceases weeks without being
inspected by him or
an as soon as 1 be* cor
maVched to prevent-viz the establish- pronounce opinion one way or the have week, and simultaneously to every
, might produced death, stitutiou for is

ment of Russian at
other, either upon the
or feasi- Germany completed." by any one on his behalf; after the lapse part of the province; and to
Sydney, ian
protection Copen- of the By the Coroner-My opiuion is that wholeTheof the law was, on liein of this time an inspection did take place, Diemen's Land, South Australia, Swan Uiver,
may be safely af-
bility it
hagen. Both parties are now
perfectly firmed that the occasional
the deceased's heart had not sufficient the vote, carried Neto Zealand, the Mauritius, the Cape of Good
presence of pnt to by 450 again when it was discovered that the deed did and
¿ishamed and convinced of the war
folly, room to play on account of the pressure 100 votrs. Hope, England, Ireland, Scotland, the

and are
Royolty in Ireland would, after a visit or not convey, as- it was
alleged, the Kil- United States oj America, France, Mia, ure,
both, understand, we listening of the liver nnd other organs.
the I am Baron Gagern resumed his seat Inn the The quarters
pernicious agitation which

so, allay i
more bought by plaintiff. by every possible opportunity.
the proposals of England, as mediatrix, also of that the deceased died terminate on the 3lst March, 30/7i June,
President, and announced
has so long run opinion that the elei The then filed his in Equity,
riot, and which ha3 re- plaintiff bill
for a, »fioulsettlement, oí the territorial duced this from arrest of the heart's tion of the Regent should take place and 31 st
December, at which periods
country to the very lowest in action, owing ti nnd prayed that the defendant should be September,
differences at the least, if not of the to the administration only can subscribers decline, by giving notice m
the scale of civilized nations.-Times. of chloroform. morrow. decreed to perform his part
writing, and paying the amount
specifically due to the »ni
succession. Mr. Erasmus Wilson, considerable at The House then of the agreement, or
adjourned at 1 o'cloi thnt he should, up- of the
current unarter. Persons desirous of
A similar might be told of Aus-

story length, corroborated the evidence of Dr. p.m. on its discovered that he could subscribing during the currency of a quarter,
Vienna and Milan DEATH FROM CHLOROFORM being
tria nod Italia. are Waters, and expressed his opinion that As the reason of this
for will only be charged from the date of their eom
inclined IMPORTANT INVESTIGATION, unexpectt not, through the defect of the title, in-
¡both peace, and the only per to the administration of chloroform to pa- delay, I hove not been able to discov
An demnify the plaintiff against the conse. TEIIMS op subscription.
who stands in the way of it is old quest which occupied several
tients internal There may
Jjon, having any disease was ex- it.
possibly be some diffe of any such defects. The de- ten shil-
quences The Subscription price of the Anous it

Radetski, who wants personal vengeanpe, hours took

place before Mr. T. Wakley, ceedingly dangerous. of opinion with
regard to the caí fendant answer, and denied
and put in an lings per quarter, or sixpence per singlo copy.
and who, like the Prussians and the M.P., a on at The coroner and
jury Saturday last, jury'completely exo- didate, and perhaps Baron
Gagern hop the in the bill that the Kil-
cannot make peace till he has the Apollo, Tavern, Francis-street, Tot- nerated Mr. Robinson from blame, and For six lines and under, 3s. each insertion.
Danes, that a
compromise may be effected I more Inn was not in the deed of convey-
'retrieved the For every additional line, 3d.
military reputation which
tenham-court-road, concerning the death returned a
verdict, That the deceased to-morrow th The be heard
morning. It is cause came on to _^____

expected ance.
he lost an the streets of Milan, and near of Walter S. Badger, Esq., aged 23, who died under the
influence of chloroform, a
minority of 90 or 100 will vote for son before the Resident Judge, and evidence and nt the
the bridge of Goito. The of died whilst under the influence of chlo iii-LBounNr.:-Printed published
obstinacy acting on a diseased heart and enlarged person in private life. A deputation w was taken of four surveyors-three of Collins Ldwabd
Argus Office, Street, by
|he old marshal will, we tru9t, find its rolorm administered lo him Mr, few days
by liver,"-Daily News,J\\\y 5. a
ago sent to Baron Gagern, whom said the inn was partly built ou a I
Wilson, sole Proprietor,

National Library of Australia

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