Paradiplomacy The Effectiveness of Sister Cities by Fathinah Izzatunnisa SMAIT AL Kahfi

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Have you ever been to a place and then you aware as if you’re in a place that you’ve known?

Let me
make it clear by giving an example. Have you ever visited Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam? It looks like Bali. Both
of them are having same unique culture, history, religion which was the civilization from China in the
past. That is why you can see temples in Ho Chi Minh, too.

Based on the similar aspect both countries have, Indonesia and Vietnam’s government had
paradiplomacy and agreed to make the relationship through sister cities approach. They work together
in three elements: trade, tourism and industry.

Assalamualaikum the honourable judges and the audience. My name is Fathinah Izzatunnisa
from SMAIT Al- Kahfi. Today I’m trying to figure out whether paradiplomacy using the concept/approach
of sister cities is effective in fostering collaboration and development between the two cities.

I’ll begin with the definition of paradiplomacy. Based on Wikipedia, paradiplomacy is an

international relation conducted by subnational, regional, or local governments. For example, the
relationship between Indonesia and Japan, the USA and Nepal, China and Russia and so on.

While sister cities or twin towns cooperation is one of practice in paradiplomacy to build
international cooperation and the legal, social agreement between two countries for the purpose of
promoting cultural relationship, economy and trade, education, health, investment, transfer technology,
agricultural except political and military operation.

They are usually similar in some ways. Some examples are the relationship between Bandung
and Suwon city, South Korea in ,,. Semarang with Rotterdam , Surabaya and Kitakhusyu in making green
cities, Chicago and Mexico City in promoting international business, etc.

Sister cities have built bridges to foster understanding and good will between people across the
world. Nebraska host cultural exchange gala each year for its six sister cities. After decades of
partnership this cities bonds have grown to friendship.

Now, let’s take a look closer to the partnership between Jakarta and Tokyo which began he
partnership since October 1989 in education and cultural sector. The main goal of this partnership is to
introduce each culture through social activities community and for sure give some advantages by having
students exchange. Some school in Jakarta teach Japanese besides English. Some universities also have
Japanese as one of the major in language faculty. There have been many times Japanese festivals were
held in Jakarta which show Japanese cultures such as foods, music, dances, anime, manga, etc. After
decades this relations still exist until now.

Based on this successful of this partnership, I do agree that paradiplomacy through sister cities is
an effective practice to foster development of each city. Despite some problems may be occurred during
the partnership such as legal obstacle, the limitation of human resources, funding reallocation until the
continuity of the cooperation. However with

I hope there will be more sister cities cooperation as paradiplomacy practice between Indonesia
and other countries to foster development.

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