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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1531–1537

30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2021)

15-18 June 2021, Athens, Greece.
A novel approach to improve maintenance operations
S. Ferreira1, L. Martins1, F. J. G. Silva1,*, R. B. Casais1, R. D. S. G. Campilho1, J. C. Sá1
ISEP – School of Enginnering, Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431, Porto 4200-072, Portugal
IPVC – School of Business Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Av. Pinto da Mota, Valença 4930-600, Portugal

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 228340500; fax: ++228321159. E-mail address:


In a market constantly changing and more demanding, the need to have any production cycle working without flaws is more important than ever.
Thus, maintenance operations have taken an increasingly important role. However, different organizations may take different approaches
depending on their area of business, legal aspects, as well as the company policy. Even though some concepts such as Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) and quality tools are normally used in most of the companies, there are no standard procedures or defined ways for using
them across industries. Thus, it is usual many organizations implement statistical tests in order to see whether or not those improvements were
successful. This paper intends to establish a procedure to be used across organizations, improving their maintenance procedures. This procedure
establishes the correct sequence of tools to be used in the improvement process, conducting the maintenance operations to a higher level of
efficiency and effectiveness, allowing to determine if the implemented improvements were successful, or if a different approach needs to be

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Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the FAIM FAIM 2021.

Keywords: Maintenance, TPM, Maintenance tools, Total Productive Maintenance, Maintenance improvement, Maintenance efficiency.

1. Introduction This paper is divided into five sections. After this

Introduction, the Literature review describes previous works as
Over the last few years, the need for a continuous flow in support to this one, the Methods describe the approach, the
production, as well as very well-planned operations are taking Results show how the model can work applied to a case study
an increasingly key role in industrial organizations, and this is and Conclusion highlight the main ideas brought by this work.
not only applicable for production operations. Indeed,
maintenance operations are extremely important to increase the 2. Literature review
efficiency of operations inside the organizations [1]. Therefore,
the improvement of maintenance operations can be a significant 2.1. Maintenance and its improvement
way to increase the economical results of an organization.
Regarding this context, this paper intends to elaborate a Maintenance is defined as all the operations required to
model to plan, execute and evaluate maintenance procedures in restore an equipment to perform the task it was intended to do
an organization, analyzing the initial status and drawing a set of [2]. It can be divided into either Proactive or Reactive
actions to be implemented in order to improve its efficiency. maintenance. Proactive maintenance is defined as any
Also this paper illustrates that through the use of KPI’s and maintenance operations performed before the failure occurs.
Statistical tests, it can be assessed whether or not the changes On the other hand, Reactive maintenance occurs just after the
implemented resulted in good or bad results. equipment has failure. Fig. 1 shows a breakdown of these two
methodologies (Adapted from [3]). It is clear that, given the
2351-9789 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the FAIM 2020.
1532 S. Ferreira et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1531–1537
2 S. Ferreira et al./ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

current state of the markets in different industries and services, polluting materials, introduced new washing and cleaning
a proactive approach is always preferred [4,5], avoiding programs in the equipment and started to use a new dryer
unexpected production stoppages, which can compromise the activator to reduce the need for maintenance interventions. As
delivery time agreed with the market. Moreover, in some cases, a result, it managed to increase the OEE of the equipment under
the complete failure of the equipment can cause parallel study by 2 to 4%, reduced non-compliant products by 32.9%,
failures, increasing the cost and the downtime, again with increased the MTBF and reduced the MTTR of the equipment,
serious repercussion in the production sector. while also reducing the usual setup time for those equipment.
Moreover, the products now used in the equipment are more
environmentally friendly. Still using different methodologies
Proactive or Planned from those previously described, Santos et al. [13] studied an
APEX equipment used in the manufacture of some of the
components used in the tire industry, which presented a
concerning number of stoppages, affecting the entire
productive sector. To improve this situation, automation of
conveyor and tray movements between the cutting and
application sub-processes was used. At the same time, the 5S
methodology was implemented, improving maintenance
operations. The process of cutting and separating the tire bead
was automated and the safety devices were revised. All of this
resulted in a 62% reduction in downtime, an improvement in
setup times and a reduction in the energy consumed by the
equipment, thus contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable
Fig.1. Different types of maintenance (Adapted from [3])
process [14]. A similar approach was carried out by Santos et
al. [15], which completely resigned a conduit transport system
The improvement of maintenance tasks, although widely along a Bowden cables manufacturing machine for the
done in most organizations, they do not follow a single, automotive industry, thus eliminating most of the problems that
conductive guideline. Some authors have given different caused equipment stops, and also improving equipment setup
perspectives on how to achieve these results. Ahmad et al. [6] time by 97%. Based on a simple concept, the system also
uses the Total Productive Maintenance, TPM, methodology for allows its application to previously manufactured equipment,
improving the Overall Equipment Effectiveness, OEE, in a i.e., to update previous equipment, significantly improving its
manufacturing process on the textile industry, with an performance in production.
improvement close to 10% on OEE. Morimoto et al. [7] on the
other hand, have developed a Condition Based Maintenance 2.2. Maintenance KPI
model, CBM, for maintenance improvements, on sensors
present on ticket gates and while the results were positive, it One of the most helpful tools to verify the performance of
was also concluded that further testing in different equipment any system or process, is the usage of Key Performance
would be required. In turn, Pinto et al. [8] applied some Lean Indicators (KPIs). Regarding maintenance, the KPI’s mostly
tools, such as SMED and 5S in a company dedicated to the used are the Mean Time Between Failures, or MTBF, Mean
manufacture of rubber components for the automotive industry, Time to Repair, or MTTR and OEE. However, the
time saved 11% in the time of setup in a sector of rubber establishment of performance indicators reached such a degree
injectors. After that, it implemented the indictors required by of importance, that a specific standard was drafted containing
the IATF 16949: 2016 standard [9], namely MTBF, MTTR and the indicators that, in a generic way, could be applied to
OEE, verifying that the now calculated OEE stood at 90.22%, different industrial sectors, and which assumed the designation:
which is above the 85% recommended as a minimum standard BS EN 15341: 2007 [16]. Although OEE can also be used to
and worldwide reference by Nakajima [10]. With a completely assess the production status, it can be a very helpful KPI for
different approach, Guariente et al. [11] essentially used maintenance. However, this KPI by itself, does not show the
Autonomous Maintenance as a tool to improve the availability entire picture. Ferreira et al. [17] created a two phase KPI
of equipment in a production line of aluminum tubes for air which can be adapted to different time frames and also includes
conditioning in motor vehicles. The implementation of cost, time and number of operations done in that time frame,
Autonomous Maintenance brought an increase of 10% in the which also takes into account the production in said time
availability of equipment and an improvement of 8% in the period. The practice of developing new KPIs has been
OEE (Overal Equipment Efficiency) of this line, significantly relatively systematic. Gonzalez et al. [18] developed several
improving the responsiveness of this line to market demand. In KPIs with a view to parameterizing the operation and
parallel, there was also an increase in MTBF (Mean Time maintenance of wind farms. This study resulted from a
Between Failures) and a reduction in MTTR (Mean Time To consultation of a large number of companies in the sector who
Repair), as a consequence of work standardization and greater considered these KPIs to be useful for assessing the
daily attention to equipment. On the other hand, in a work performance of their operation and their businesses. On the
performed in the printing industry, Moreira et al. [12] modified other hand, and in order to articulate the maintenance function
the calibration of the printing machines, reduced the use of with the production system, Muchiri et al. [19] developed a
S. Ferreira et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1531–1537 1533
S. Ferreira et al./ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000 3

framework capable of providing the necessary guidelines for Diagram to mitigate the problems of lack of surface quality in
the establishment of the most convenient performance parts injected in Zamak that needed to exhibit high quality
indicators, allowing the assessment of the vital processes and standards, because they are aesthetic parts. This study allowed
operations of each company to end up being properly to identify which variables of the high-pressure die-casting
monitored, thus preserving the alignment of objectives between process needed to be closely monitored, allowing the
the production function and the maintenance. implementation of an experiment plan and the optimization of
2.3. PDCA Cycle
2.5. Statistical tests
The PDCA cycle is a versatile tool that can be used in the
main industrial applications, especially ones where creation There is a set of statistical tests which can perform analysis
and improvement of a process is the main goal [20,21]. It to treat the existing data. Depending on the type of variables to
follows four steps which are named “Plan”, “Do”, “Check” and be analysed and what is the main goal of the analysis, the test
“Act” [20]. Although the PDCA cycle is commonly used to type can be selected. Fig. 2 shows the possible means tests [24].
solve quality problems, it is also often used as an engine for
continuous improvement processes and can be applied to 3. Methods
production processes or other operations, such as maintenance.
Rosa et al. [22] were faced with the need to improve the
productivity and quality of final products manufactured on a
production line of Bowden cables for the automotive industry.
To this end, they relied on a PDCA cycle in which they
integrated some Lean tools, such as VSM, among others.
Through the different stages of the cycle, it was producing,
analyzing and improving solutions, which resulted in a final
41% increase in productivity, requiring only a small
investment, which was amortized over four months. Agostinho
et al. [23] developed a sustainability assessment procedure for
operations and production processes. It was found that in
addition to the PDCA cycle being able to provide a diagnosis
on the evaluation of a set of processes and operations linked to
a production process, it also allows to support the decisions to
be taken by the top management of organizations. Thus, the
Fig. 2. Some statistical tests for means to apply in maintenance analysis
PDCA cycle can be perfectly adapted to continuous
improvement processes to be applied to maintenance The methodology used in this paper can be divided into four
operations. stages. The first stage is composed by a literature review of
what different authors have concluded about the different
2.4. Quality tools aspects of this subject. The second stage entailed on elaborating
a model, based on a flowchart, providing the different steps for
A set of seven quality tools was defined by Ishikawa Kaoru. maintenance improvement process. The model was then
These tools can be used from measuring the state of process to implemented regarding an existing case study in the third stage,
possible causes and effects [24]. For the purposes of this paper, in order to observe how the model works. The fourth and last
the tools that will have a bigger emphasis are the Pareto’s stage involved the analysis and conclusions about whether the
Diagram and the Ishikawa’s Diagram. A Pareto’s Diagram is a model is valid or not to implement in cases where the
tool created by Vilfredo Pareto, to analyze who had the most maintenance improvement is necessary.
amount of land in Italy, where he discovered that around 20%
of people owned 80% of the land. This principle can also be 3.1. Approach description using PDCA cycle
used for assessing priorities on a process [25]. An Ishikawa’s
Diagram is a tool that allows to correlate possible causes to a Any improvement process should be based on PDCA
possible effect. It places causes from different sources, whether methodology. The flowchart present in Fig. 3 shows the
they are technical or human, to a certain effect [24]. Ishikawa process to be followed in maintenance operations
diagrams have been used frequently to identify the root causes improvement. The “Plan” phase is mostly consisted of data
of certain problems that seem complicated to solve. Tavares et gathering and analysis. With this data, setting a priority sector,
al. [26] used the Ishikawa diagram to identify the root causes production line, equipment and component will be possible. To
of a fabric bleaching problem in the textile industry, isolated assess which needs to be prioritized, the usage of quality tools,
the problem and found the solution to significantly improve the namely the ABC Diagram, also known as the Pareto’s Diagram
process. Neves et al. [27] used the Ishikawa Diagram, thus should be used, while the Cause-Effect Diagram, or Ishikawa’s
identifying which problems were affecting the Weaving Diagram, should be used to assess the possible causes for the
process in the manufacture of trimmings in the textile sector. low performance. After choosing the target for the maintenance
On the other hand, Silva et al. [29] also used the Ishikawa’s operations improvement, the next step is to check the current
1534 S. Ferreira et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1531–1537
4 S. Ferreira et al./ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

maintenance plans to verify if there is anything not properly be the same as the one used to choose the sector. All the values
done. These non-conformities in the procedures can be will be added and then placed on a percentage manner to be
anything, since the periodicity of the operations, to the way in placed on a graph which is shown on Fig..
which these are performed, which can affect the correct Although the production costs on Line 3 are around 5%
functioning of the equipment. higher than the ones on Line 2, the number of stoppages and
time spent on breakdowns is much higher on Line 2. For that
reason, Line 2 (S3L2) is the production line chosen for the
improvement implementation.
The following step would be to further analyze the
equipment present on line 2. This analysis would check the
cost, time spent and number of interventions per equipment and
component. Due to confidentiality agreements previously
performed with the entity in question, this information is not
allowed to be disclosed. However, the tools used for this
analysis involve not only the previously used Pareto’s
Diagram, but also an Ishikawa’s Diagram to assess the possible
causes for a certain breakdown or recurrent breakdown, as well
Fig.3. PDCA Cycle applied to the methodology as an FMEA analysis to check the possible failure modes for
the equipment and its respective components.
The “Do” phase consists in applying the knowledge 80,00%
gathered from the “Plan” phase and perform the new plans % costs
instead of the ones currently in use. This phase should take the
same time as the time frame for the data gathered. For example, 60,00%
% time of

if the data gathered corresponds to one month, the “Do” phase 50,00%
should take the same time 40,00%
After the “Do” phase is over, the “Check” phase follows. In 30,00% % time Stoppages
this phase, the data collected on the “Do” phase will be 20,00%
compared with the data collected on the “Plan” phase. These % number of
sets of data will be compared using the “Reactive Proactive breakdowns
Ratio” and “Maintenance Production Ratio”, or RPR and MPR
1 2 3 4 % number of
respectively, KPI’s as well as a T-test Wilcoxon. The KPI’s are
Sector Identification stoppages
first used to observe the overall impact while the T-test
Wilcoxon can be a complement to the previous analysis.
Fig. 4. Overall results for all variables analysed by sector
Lastly, on the “Act” phase, depending on the results
obtained from the “Check” phase, a decision has to be made. If
the test performed on the “Do” phase was successful, the 70,00%
current process should be replaced with the one performed on 60,00% % Production costs
that phase. If the test was not successful, the cycle must be 50,00%

repeated, to realize what was wrong and apply any possible

30,00% % Time of
20,00% Breakdown and
3.2. Case study stoppages
To evaluate the usefulness of this process, a case study was 0,00% % number of
breakdowns and
used. The data was collected from a previously done study on S3L1 S3L2 S3L3
a food processing plant. The manufacturing plant has four Sector Line
different production sectors that, due to confidentiality
purposes will be identified with the numbers from 1 to 4. The
first step was to assess the impact of all the maintenance Fig. 5. Analysis of the results in Sector 3
operations throughout the sectors. The percentage of the total
for the variables Cost, Number of Operations and Time Spent,
is then calculated. The results can be seen in Fig., from sector 4. Results
1 to sector 4. Using the Pareto’s Principle, it can be clearly seen
that the production sector which needs to be further analyzed Given this situation, the analysis will be performed on the
and improved, is sector 3. It has the biggest value registered on production line as a whole. Table 1 presents the maintenance
all variables. The following step will be to analyze the chosen data regarding the Reactive mode and the Proactive mode.
sector, in order to evaluate the corresponding lines. The chosen Table 2 presents the production data and was collected during
sector is comprised by three production lines which will be the year of 2018.
identified by S3L1, S3L2 and S3L3. The principle applied will
S. Ferreira et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1531–1537 1535
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Table 1. Reactive and Proactive maintenance data before improvement Table 4 - Production data after improvement implementation
Month Quantity Production Production Number of
produced Time (t.u.) Cost (m.u.) Set-ups

react (m.u.)
Number of

Number of



Time of

Time of
Cost of

Cost of

1 311803,80 39 270 1 295 910 27
2 311557,66 39 239 1 294 887 25
3 304260,80 38 320 1 264 560 35
4 302680,74 38 121 1 257 993 24
1 14 265 6 503 19 1 068 22 191 5 309223,30 38 945 1 285 185 31
2 21 406 9 007 18 1 644 30 862 6 307754,40 38 760 1 279 080 30
3 19 309 6 061 28 5 262 95 803 7 305697,94 38 501 1 270 533 29
8 311279,76 39 204 1 293 732 31
4 43 900 20 349 21 2 280 57 450 9 303371,52 38 208 1 260 864 25
5 24 515 10 938 17 690 17 614 10 313836,44 39 526 1 304 358 23
6 79 1 854 38 622 21 1 464 27 801 11 310033,18 39 047 1 288 551 30
12 301053,04 37 916 1 251 228 32
7 101 2 036 39 166 22 4 770 87 447 t.u. – Time units; m.u. – Monetary units
8 45 1 363 26 859 18 4 248 77 448
9 69 2 463 47 613 23 858 15 884 The most immediate way to assess a process is through the
10 34 988 23 808 19 1 434 27 898 usage of KPI’s. In this case, the RPR and MPR are the KPI’s
11 29 849 16 024 18 582 10 600 chosen for this, since they can relate the entire process in a
12 69 1 635 33 361 20 900 17 839 single matrix. These can be calculated using the equations 1
t.u. – Time units; m.u. – Monetary units
and 2.
Table 2. Production data before improvement implementation
TRe active N Re active CRe active
Month Quantity Production Production Number of RPR = × × (1)
produced Time (t.u.) Cost (m.u.) set-ups TPr oactive N Pr oactive CPr oactive
1 218517,9 27 510 915 644 25
2 210161,6 26 458 860 868 26 TRe active+Pr oactive NRe active+Pr oactive CRe active+Pr oactive
3 271880,4 34 228 1 157 107 33 MPR = × × (2)
TPr oduction Nset −ups CPr oduction
4 206468 25 993 776 756 21
5 255453,8 32 160 929 301 31
267670,5 33 698 930 666 31
The variables T, N and C mean “Time”, “Number of
285987,6 36 004 1 114 306 28
operations” and “Cost”, respectively, for reactive and proactive
286773,9 36 103 1 222 894 28
maintenance operations as well production. These values are
199652,7 25 135 794 052 22
then compared with an evaluation matrix, shown in Fig.6.
218954,8 27 565 929 690 24
The results for these KPI’s can be seen in Table 5 and Table
240560,3 30 285 1 009 933 32
6. In a first glance, it can be seen that there seems to have been
250489,3 31 535 1 067 314 29
detected an overall improvement on the maintenance process,
t.u. – Time units; m.u. – Monetary units
just by assessing the KPI’s. In any case it can always be helpful
to run the statistical tests, since the KPI shows that there are no
After the improvement activities implemented, the collected changes in evaluation for some time frames despite an either
data for the different variables had to be collected. The positive or negative variation of RPR.
collected data for the maintenance process can be seen in Table
3, while the data collected for the production can be seen in
Table 4

Table 3. Maintenance data after improvement implementation

Mont Number Time Cost of Number Time of Cost of

h of of react of Proactiv proactiv
Reactives react( (m.u.) Proactiv es (t.u.) es
t.u.) es (m.u.)
1 14 210 6930 24 840 18480
2 11 121 2904 20 960 23040
3 33 1188 24948 29 812 14616
4 31 1023 40920 24 1176 27048
5 20 200 4000 25 1175 25850
6 27 648 18792 24 912 22800
7 28 644 14812 25 1175 28200
8 6 150 3450 23 966 20286
9 24 912 31920 25 1200 22800
10 9 234 8658 20 560 12880
11 17 391 12512 21 882 17640
12 36 1368 58824 28 1036 20720 Fig. 6. RPR and MPR decision matrix
t.u. – Time units; m.u. – Monetary units
1536 S. Ferreira et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1531–1537
6 S. Ferreira et al./ Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2020) 000–000

Table 5 - RPR and MPR assessment before improvement implementation • Maintenance average is equal before and after
Month RPR MPR Evaluation o H0: µ D=0 ; H1: µ D>0
1 0,05 0,002 Excellent
2 0,08 0,005 Excellent • Production average equal before and after improvements.
3 0,00 0,020 Very good o H0: µD=0 ; H1: µD<0
4 0,29 0,037 Reasonable
5 0,65 0,002 Reasonable
6 6,62 0,023 Reasonable
The results for this test are presented in Table 7.
7 0,88 0,094 Very bad
8 0,28 0,030 Reasonable Table 7 - Statistical test results for the before and after status
9 25,81 0,044 Bad
10 1,05 0,011 Reasonable Variables µD S T N p-value
11 3,55 0,002 Reasonable
12 11,72 0,012 Reasonable Number 24,250 24,929 3,370 11 0,006
Time react 541,167 711,947 2,633 11 0,023
Table 6 - RPR and MPR assessment after improvement implementation
Cost of 4136,750 17401,452 0,824 11 0,428
Month RPR MPR Evaluation react
1 0,05 0,001 Excellent Number -3,667 2,387 -5,322 11 0,000
2 0,01 0,002 Excellent Proact
3 2,84 0,004 Reasonable
Time 1125,500 1693,972 2,302 11 0,042
4 1,70 0,017 Reasonable
5 0,02 0,002 Excellent Proact
6 0,66 0,004 Reasonable Cost proact 19539,750 30467,151 2,222 11 0,048
7 0,32 0,004 Good
8 0,01 0,001 Excellent Quantity -64998,482 31939,396 -7,050 11 0,000
9 1,02 0,011 Reasonable produced
10 0,13 0,001 Excellent Production -8198,583 4021,003 -7,063 11 0,000
11 0,25 0,002 Very Good
12 4,82 0,011 Reasonable
Production -303195,833 141482,379 -7,424 11 0,000
There may be situations where the assessment will give the Cost
same KPI results when comparing these time frames. In that
case, the usage of statistical tests will help make a correct From the obtained results, all the variables analyzed,
assessment. The statistical tests to be performed will see if the excepting the cost of reactive have suffered significant
average value of the variables analyzed for the operations has changes. By assessing both the results for the KPI and
changed in a significant manner. The statistical tests will Statistical test, it can be stated that the results of the
evaluate the variables, using the pre-improvement data as a improvement implementation are positive, the H1 hypotheses is
control. The test to be performed will be a T-test for paired accepted as the result.
samples, also known as T-test Wilcoxon. These tests were
performed using IBM SPSS®. Each variable is paired with its 5. Discussion and comparison of results
respective before and after improvement data. Two different
hypothesis tests have to be evaluated, as follows: Comparing this methodology with Ahmad et al. [6], the
1. Cost, time and number of reactive and proactive usage of RPR and MPR instead of the OEE to measure
maintenance actions has decreased after improvements; maintenance performance is a lot more complete, since other
2. Cost, time and quantity produced has increased. factors may affect the evolution of OEE results, such as the
The purpose of the improvements is to diminish the reactive quality of the manufacturing process. In addition, both MPR
actions, so these have to be shown to have decreased. Ideally, and RPR are quite simple to use and adaptable in both time
these have to be followed by an increase of proactive actions frame applicable and on the scale for their evaluation. Gonzalez
that prevent reactive actions. With these two in action, it is et al. [18] KPIs created for maintenance can be helpful if the
expected to have an increase in cost, time and quantity result of the improvement implementation is not successful,
produced, since the production line will have more available since some of the KPIs assessed can be helpful in filling the
time for production. The test value is calculated according to gaps that MPR and RPR cannot fill by themselves such as the
the equation 3, budget complaince.
Also, Morimoto et al. [7] despite being possible to detect
positive results using CBM methodology, did not use the aid of
T= (3) statistical tests, which should have possible given a deeper
S/ N insight to the results obtained.
On the other hand, the approach used by Pinto et al. [8] of
where T is the test value, XD is the sample’s average, S is the using SMED and 5S should be considered on the “Plan” stage
standard deviation of the test and N the number of months on of the methodology explained in this paper since they
this test. These tests are to be performed with a 95% confidence correspond to actions that can influence the performance of
interval. The hypotheses tests are maintenance operations. Also, the autonomous maintenance
approach used by Guariente [11] can also be a used as an
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