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Name:_____________________________________ Section:_________

MultipleChoice: Read each item carefully. Write the letterof the bestanswer in the blank provided for each

____1. Which statementis true?

a. Thesquare of a binomial is alsoa binomial
b. The product of a sum and difference of twotermsis a binomial.
c. The product of a binomial and a trinomialis thesquareof a trinomial.
d. The terms of the cubeof a binomial are allpositive.

____2. Which of thefollowing can befactored?

a. 0.08x3 – 27y3 b. 1.44(x2 + 1) – 0.09c. 24xy(x– y) + 5(x +y) d. 0.027(x2 +
1)3 – 8

____3. Which of thefollowing values of k will make x2 – 5x+ k?

a. 5 b. 12 c. -10 d. -14

____4. Whatshould be multiplied to (2x – 5) toget 4x2 – 25?

a. 2x+5 b. 2x– 5 c. 4x2 +10x +25 d. 4x2 – 10x+25

____5. Whatshould be multiplied to(3y +2) to get 27y3 + 8?

a. 3y+ 2 b. 3y – 2 c. 9y2 +6y + 4 d. 9y2 - 6y +4

____6. Find (2x – 7)2.

a. 4x4 – 49 b. 4x4 -14x2 +49 c. 4x4 – 28x2 +49 d. 4x4 – 28x2 – 49

____7. Multiply:(8x3y2 – z5) (8x3y2 +z5)

a. 64x6y4 – z10 b. 64x9y6 – z15 c. 64x6y4 – 16x3y2z5 + z10 d. 64x6y4 –
8x3y2z5 +z10

_____8. Multiply: (m +3)(m2 – 3m +9)

a. m2 – 9 b. m3 +9 c. m3 – 2 d. m3 +27

____9. Which of thefollowing is a perfectsquare trinomial?

a. x2 +10xy +100y2 b. x2 -10xy +100y2 c. x2 – 20xy +100 d. x2 – 20xy +100y2

____10. Whichof thefollowing is a sumof twocubes?

a. x3 +9 b. x3 – 1 c. x6 +8 d. x6 +16

____11. Whichof thefollowing arethefactors of 81x2 – 4?

a. (9x+2)(9x– 2) b. (3x +2)(3x– 2) c. (3x +2)(9x2 – 6x +4) d. (3x -2)(9x2

____12. What isthegreatest common factor in theexpression 28x8y4z6 + 16x3y4z5?

a. 8x3y4z5 b. 4x3y4z5 c. 4x4y4z3 d. 8x4y4z3

____13. Factor3m(m– 4) – (m – 4).

a. (m – 4)(m +1) b. (3m – 1)(m – 4) c. (m– 4)2(3m– 1) d. 3m(m– 4)2

____14. Factor7t(t– 5) +(5 – t).

a. (-t +5)(7t+ 3) b. (-t +5)(7t – 3) c. (t– 5)(7t +3) d. (t– 5)(7t
– 3)

____15. Factor 27x3 – 64.

a. (3x– 4)(9x2 – 12x+ 16) c. (3x – 4)(9x2 +24x+ 16)
b. (3x – 4)(9x2 +12x+ 16) d. (3x +4)(9x2 – 24x+ 16)

_____16. Factor x2 – 16x+15

a. (x +5)(x– 3) b. (x– 5)(x– 3) c. (x+15)(x+1) d. (x– 15)(x
– 1)

_____17. Factor 4m2 + 7mn – 2n2.

a. (2m– n)(2m+ n) b. (4m +n)(m – 2n) c. (4m – n)(m+ 2n) d. (4m – 2n)(m +n)

_____18. Factor -5x3 +5x.

a. 5x(x2 – 1) b. -5x(x2 +1) c. -5x(x+ 1)(x – 1) d. 5x(-x2 +1)

_____19. Find the missing term sothat16x4 +_____+25 forms a perfect squaretrinomial.
a. 20x b. 20x2 c. 40x d. 40x2

_____20.What is thearea of asquare whosesideis 4x– 1?

a. 16x2 – 1 b. 16x2 – 8x+1 c. 16x2 + 8x +1 d. 16x2 + 4x +1

_____21. Whatis thearea of a rectanglewhose length is(4x+ 3) and whosewidthis (x – ½)?

a. 4x2 – x – 3/2 b. 4x2 +2x+3/2 c. 4x2 +5x– 2 d. 4x2 +x –

_____22. Thearea of a rectangulargarden is (12x2 – 8x– 15)m2,what areits dimensions?

a. (3x– 5)mby(4x+ 3)m c. (6x – 3)m by (2x– 5)m
b. (6x +5)m by (2x– 3)m d. (12x– 15)mby (x+ 1)m

____23. Liza factored theexpression 15x2y3 +10x4y + 5xyas 5xy(3xy2 +2x3). Did Liza factorit correctly?
a. No, because5xy is not the common factor.
b. Yes, becausethelast term is cancelled out.
c. Yes, there exists a commonfactor on allterms.
d. No,because the last termwhenfactored is 1 and should notbeomitted.

____24. Annesquared the expression3x+ 4y as 9x2 +16y2,which of thefollowing statementis correct with
theanswer of yourclassmate?
a. Theanswer is correctbecausetosquare abinomial distribute the exponent.
b. The answer is wrong becausetheproduct of squaring abinomial is atrinomial.
c. The answer is correct because the product of squaring a binomial is anotherbinomial.
d. The answer is wrong becausetosquarea binomial istomultiply theexpression by 2.

____25. Below is the solution of Rogelio in factoring 3x4 – 243

3(x4 – 81)
(x2 – 9)(x2 +9)
(x +3)(x– 3)
Is thesolution of Rogeliocorrect?

a. Nobecausetheother factors was omitted.

b. No becauseit lacks 3 as its factor.
c. Yes because3x4 – 243 is divisibleby x +3.
d. Yes becausethecompletefactorization of theexpression is(x+3)(x– 3)



1. Find special products and

factors of certainpolynomials:
product of twobinomials,product
of a sum and difference of two
terms,squareof a binomial,cube
of a binomial and squareof a

2. Factorcompletely different
types of polynomials(polynomials
with common monomial factor,
difference of twosquares,sum
and differenceof twocubes,

3. Solveprobleminvolving
products and factors of

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