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Nama: Luthfiana Shabrina

Kelas: 01TIDP002


( pertemuan ke 4 ) Hal 85 – 88

1.) Man: the phone bill is certainly high this month.

Woman: I’II say.
Narrator: what does the woman mean?
Answer: B. she agrees with the man.

2.) Woman: I saw bill in calculus class this morning.

Man: then he’s not sick anymore.
Narrator: what have the man assumed?

3.) Man: I don’t know how i’m going to get this paper done by Monday.
Woman: why not stay home tonight instead of going out?
Narrator: what does the women suggest?

4.) Woman: the cafetaria is closed in the mornings,

Man: so the cafetaria doesn’t serve breakfast.
Narrator: what had the man assumed?

5.) Woman: do you think we can park in that lot without getting a ticket?
Man: as far as i know.
Narrator: what does the man mean?

6.) Woman: I’m so glad to be finished with that class.

Man: you can say that again.
Narrator: what does the man mean?

7.) Woman: I couldn’t finish any of the math problems that Professor Allen assigned for today.
Man: neither could I.
Narrator: what does the man mean?

8.) Man: I just got back from the post office.

Woman: then you did remember to mail the package.
Narrator: what had the woman assumed?
9.) Woman: I’m afraid there won’t be enough space in my car.
Man: let’s take my car instead. It’s bigger than yours.
Narrator: what does the man suggest?

10.)Woman: these muffins taste really great.

Man: they were freshly Made this morning. weren’t me.
Narrator: what does the man mean?

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