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TOPIC: Many people believe that global citizens contribute a lot to

economic development. What is your opinion on this?

Global citizenship – a concept referring to the sense of responsibility one

is compelled to have towards the global community and the natural environment
– has been widely encouraged among the public more than ever. Because of
this, it is thought that worldwide economic development is attributed to these
citizens of the world. Personally, I am a wholehearted proponent of this
viewpoint for various reasons. This essay will provide an in-depth analysis of
these individuals’ contribution to economic growth as well as reinforcement.
Global citizens play an irrefutably integral role in such development. To
begin with, they help tackle global issues. This is made possible due to their
overwhelming, altruistic participation in and advocacy for initiatives fostering
entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. By doing so, they can utilize their
aforementioned skills to help raise awareness for, and mitigate the influence of
global challenges, namely poverty, hunger, and pollution. The TeamSeas
initiative is an excellent exemplary when it comes to this. Founded with a view
to counteracting marine pollution and providing impoverished communities
with access to clean water, this large-scale project recruited like-minded
individuals whose skillsets of such were second to none. The entire operation
was a massive success, having filtered 50 million tons of trash over the course
of one single year, ridding the waters from pollution.
Moreover, citizens of the world bring inclusiveness, impartiality and
sustainability to economies. This can be achieved via denouncing unethical
business practices, such as false advertising, poor working conditions, and
preferential treatment, among others. Conversely, global citizens ensure fairness
by campaigning for policies and actions that benefit everyone equally, say, fair
trade, and… (em không triển khai ý này được  )
To summarize, global citizens’ contribution to economic development is
of paramount significance due to their way of coming to grips with global
challenges, as well as the good qualities they can bring about in the economy.
Because of this, I absolutely agree with the consensus, beyond a shadow of a



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