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The provided charts illustrate the percentage of industrial workers working different ranges
of hours per week in four European countries in 2002.
In general, out of the four countries, three had the highest percentages of those who worked
around 34 to 40 hours every week, with the exception being France. Moreover, a
considerable portion of people in the UK worked 40 hours or more.
Around 40% of those living in France spent 36-40 hours a week working. The same
proportion of people worked from 31 to 35 hours per week in Sweden. In addition, while
some 20% of French natives preferred to work more than 40 hours, the proportion of like-
minded workers in Sweden was almost double that, at nearly 40%.
Denmark and the UK had similar patterns of working hours, but with different degrees. The
percentage of people working 31-35 hours were low, with 20% and 10% respectively.
However, workers in both countries seemed to orient themselves towards overworking, with
the leader being the UK’s. Specifically, around 20% of people in Britain work varying from
40 to 50 hours or more. The same range was seen in 10% of Denmark’s workers.

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