Essay Media Content

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Exequiel Q.

12 – Samuel (ABM)

Media captures our attention due to the interesting topics and mostly entertaining videos and
stories it produces by every single human on earth. It’s important to understand the media,
because of the people. Most of the time people on earth, posts inappropriate content online,
writes threatening letters and emails, Photoshop images, Scams, Fake News, and Lurkers. And
with these happening, things can get out of hand. And those kinds of situations can affect the
lives and perspectives of people. But It’s not always like that, Most people also post comforting,
entertaining, funny, informational, and helpful content in every media. Just like Gaming videos,
Anime, Movies, and Video Games. There was a time in my life that I was scrolling through
youtube trying to find an entertaining video. That’s when I stumbled across a video showing
that a Zombie apocalypse was gonna happen in November 20. I decided to not watch it because
I know it was fake. But that was when I kept on getting anxiety because of not watching it. It
kept me in fear for days. Until I gathered up my courage to watch it, and it turns out it WAS a
joke video. That’s when I learned my lesson, to NOT believe everything we see online and
offline. And always think before clicking or checking on things in every media. Because things
may not look, feel, or sound what it seems.

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