NSTP Narrative

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Mary Richelle A.


Last Saturday, September 9, we the 1st year college students attended

the NSTP Orientation Together with JHS and SHS students. The agenda of
this orientation was;



Before we started the discussion and giving information, we perform

the normal opening ceremony of JPC. We prayed and sang the national
anthem of the Philippines which lead by the maritime students/the colours.
Then after that it was followed by singing JPC Hymn, and Roxas Hymn.
When we finished that, MSGT. Efren A. Piamonte PA give his welcome
remarks. Short message from Dr. Ramon Woo Jr. and Dr. Rosalina
Andaya and introduction of 4th Infantry battalion, they are 2nd Lieutenant
Almuente, TSG. Flores and two other Sirs’, I don’t understand their name
because of the microphone. Right after that the activity starts at the
“Capability Demonstration”. Capability demonstration was demonstrated
by TSG. Ciervo. He states and explain every guns that the army holds. The
army demonstrate us and let us hear the sound of the guns they are holding
when it is said “fire”. While Sir Ciervo is stating what are the things that
put on the army’s body and the use of those things, the soldiers point it, so
we’d know what was sir Ciervo pertaining.
So then, after the demonstration of capability, again the host call Sir
Ciervo to lead the discussion. This next activity called “information drive
and education”. The topic that we have tackled was about the youth and
student recruitment of CPP, NPA, and NDF. Before he start, Sir Ciervo
asked first the students, what was our idea about the title. Many students
raised their hands and share their own ideas and opinion on what we’re
going to tackle. In every answers of the students there is a connection,
though their words are different from each other but the meaning and
thought they want to convey is only one. I have earned from their sharing
that that orientation is to inform the students on what was the life when you
joined that organization. They provide a video clips for us to easily
understand what they were trying to convey to us. And there is one video
clip that is from the former member who surrender and changed to the right
path. Though I am not interested in that kind of “samahan” but I’ve learned
a lot. Aside from that before we end that discussion they show us some
pictures of the member of NPA who have been victim and get their lives
because of the encounters. And lastly before we take a lunch, they present
some information about the PNPA and PMA requirements in case there is
interested to apply.
After lunch at exactly 1 in the afternoon we go back to school and
directly proceed to the school field for the next activity which is “static
display”. There in the ground the Phil. Army states some information about
the tank they brought. And after that they give us time to take picture.
Every course/department have their spot to capture the moment.
After that static display we go back to gym to award the certificates
to the officers who gave their time to attend that orientation. After that we
take pictures and proceed to the next activity since all of the students really
want to go home. MSGT. Piamonte lead this stating institutional
requirements. He said that we must memorized or get familiar with the JPC
mission and vision. Next is the “Decorum of JPC” and based on what I
have learned and knew, decorum is showing the good attitude towards the
senior, officers and instructors. Like this one you should always in the right
when walking on the hallway. They also teach both ROTC and NON-
ROTC students the correct way of greeting and entering in a classroom.
After that was the selection of new NSTP Officers. And last was the
recruitment of cadet officers. When the cadet officers were selected, Sir
Piamonte let the NON-ROTC students go home. And that’s the end of the
NSTP Orientation.

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