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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the different stages of the life cycle and identify key
characteristics associated with each stage.
2. Form/modify a sense of empathy and compassion towards living beings
by reflecting on the challenges and vulnerabilities faced during different
stages of the life cycle.
3. Demonstrate the understanding of the life cycle by creating a visual
representation or model showcasing the different stages and explaining
the significance of each stage.
II. Subject matter:
a. Topic The Life Cycle Continues
b. Lesson lesson 1: Changes During Adolescence
lesson 2: Adulthood, Marriage and Parenthood
lesson 3: Health Through the Life Cycle
c. References
d. Materials Power Point Presentation, laptop, mini projector
e. Ideal/Concept Focuses on how living organisms undergo a series of changes and transformations
throughout their life cycle, leading to growth and maturation. It highlights the processes of
physical, cognitive, and emotional development that occur from birth to adulthood, and
how these changes shape the individual’s abilities, characteristics, and behaviors.
f. Process Skill: Explaining, Identifying, Modifying, Reflecting, Understanding
g. Value integration: Emphasizes the continuous development and application of personal values throughout the
different stages of the life cycle. As individuals progress through various life stages, such
as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and later life, their values may evolve and adapt to
new circumstances and experiences. It highlights the importance of aligning our actions
and choices with our core values, ensuring that we live a meaningful and purposeful life.
III. Procedure
a. Review 1. Ask the class of what they learn about the previous lesson.
2. What is the previous lesson.
3. Ask the class if they really understand the past lesson.
b. Motivation 1. Introduce the game “four pics one word” by giving a sample.
2. Start and play the “four pics one word” game
3. Let the students guess the pictures
4. Ask someone from the class to guess the picture
c. Activity Write a reflective essay on how the concept of the life cycle applies to your own life and
how it was shaped your perspective on growth and changes.
d. Abstraction 1. Proceed to the next topic which is Life Cycle Continues
2. Ask someone in the class about their ideas in The Life Cycle Continues
3. Explain the Life Cycle Continues
4. Introduce the three lesson which are included in the topic the life cycle continues
5. Discuss the first lesson and so on.
e. Application The student teacher let the students to read the content in the power point presentation and
then reflect and share what they thought.
IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

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