Executive Presentation 2

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A Strategic Case Study

Team: Coast to Coast

OGL 355: Leading Organizational Innovation
Dr. C.J. Wurster
April 29, 2022
● Introduction: Slide 3
● Organizational Structure: Slides 4-5
● Leadership: Slides 6-7
● Environmental Analysis: Slides 8-9
● SWOT Analysis: Slides 10-12
● Competitive Advantages: Slide 13
● Global Analysis: Slides 14-15
● Recommendations: Slide 16
● Conclusion: Slide 17
● References: Slides 18-19
The Mozilla Manifesto Addendum: Pledge for a Healthy Internet:

Organizational Mission: ”Our mission is to ensure the Internet is

a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet
that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their
own experience and are empowered, safe and independent”
(Mozilla Foundation, n.d.)
Non-Profit Organization of Choice - The Mozilla Foundation
▪ We are committed to an internet that includes ▪ We are committed to an internet
that elevates critical thinking,
all the peoples of the earth — where a person’s
reasoned argument, shared
demographic characteristics do not determine knowledge, and verifiable facts.
their online access, opportunities, or quality of
experience. ▪ We are committed to an internet that
▪ We are committed to an internet that catalyzes collaboration among diverse
promotes civil discourse, human dignity, communities working together for the
and individual expression. common good.
Organizational Structure:
The Mozilla Foundation - A Hybrid Organization

(Original Image Created by Laura Lyn)

“ Organizational Structure

“Mozilla considers itself a hybrid organization,

combining non-profit and market strategies to ensure
the Internet remains a shared public resource.” (Mozilla
Foundation, n.d.)

(Original Image Created by Laura Lyn)

Leadership at Mozilla Foundation

Mitchell Baker, Mark Surman,

Angela Plohman, Ashley Boyd, J. Bob Alotta,
Chair, Board of Executive Director,
Executive VP VP, Advocacy VP, Global Programs
Directors Board of Directors

Hanan Elmasu, Juan Barajas, Sarah Allen,

D'Andre Walker, Anil Kanji, Carys Afoko, Kasia Odrozek, Lainie DeCoursy, Michael Aukland,
Ethan Miller, Director, Fellowships Director, Director,
Senior Counsel Director, Director, Advocacy Director, Insights Director, Director, Human
Director, Operations & Awards Partnerships MozFest
Digital Engagement Organizational Resources

Board of Directors

Mark Surman Helen Turvey Mohamed Nanabhay Nicole Wong Navrina Singh Wambui Kinya
Brian Behlendorf Mitchell Baker

(All Images sourced from Mozilla Foundation, n.d.)

Leadership at Mozilla Foundation:
Their Diversity makeup

(Mozilla Foundation, n.d.) (Mozilla Foundation, n.d.)

Environmental Analysis - Mozilla Foundation

Porter’s Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy

● Threats of New Entrants:

- (High) With advancement of technology. There are new software companies trying to get in the industry.
● Bargaining Power of Buyers:
- (High) Mozilla was able to differentiate to a degree with extended privacy features, however, the basic service is offered for
free. The consumer is able to purchase for relatively nominal fees extended features and protection if they so choose.
● Bargaining Power of Suppliers:
- (High) The only real threat Mozilla has from its supplier is if the internet is no longer freely available.
● Threat of Substitute Products:
- (Low) The substitute for what Mozilla offers would be a book, encyclopedia, newspaper, or writing a letter. This does not
impose much of a major threat for online browsing because the world is now so dependent on new technology.
● Industry Rivalry:
- (High) Being in the tech/software industry, the environment is constantly changing.
Environmental Analysis - Mozilla Foundation

● Target Market:
- Mozilla was able to identify a group of “conscious choosers” as their target

● Competitive Advantage Strategies to Maintain Target Market:
- Be aware of the ever-evolving legal landscape that continues to shape the
- Keep tabs on their competitors and other industry rivals to ensure they are
up to date on current trends.
- Not lose sight of their loyal followers and consumers.
- Create their own search engine.
SWOT Analysis - SWOT Table
Builds trust amongst Coming up short in Launch New Products Competition from
supporters and users innovation Security/Privacy Google, Safari, Internet
Resources Explorer

Creates partnerships Need new resources for Expand Markets Limitation of product
based on internet health revenue exposure on mobile

Developed Mozilla Open Source = More Launch New Preserving reputation of

Awards to support their Risk Hazard Corporation providing safe and
mission healthy internet

Established Mozilla The foundation is not Increase Market Share New products from
Corporation to support widely known competitors making
the foundation Mozilla obsolete
SWOT Analysis: Internal Analysis

● Builds trust amongst

● Coming up short in
supporters and users innovation
● Creates partnerships ● Need new resources
based on internet health for revenue
● Developed Mozilla Awards ● Open Source = More
to support their mission Risk Hazard
● Established Mozilla ● The foundation is not
Corporation to support the
widely known
SWOT Analysis: External Analysis
● Launch New ● Competition from
Google, Safari, Internet
Products Explorer
o Security/Privacy ● Limitation of product
o Resources exposure on mobile
● Expand Markets devices
● Preserving reputation
● Launch New of providing safe and
Corporation healthy internet
● Increase Market ● New products from
competitors making
Mozilla obsolete
Competitive Advantage


Organizational Status - Foundation is a non-profit

Corporate Culture - Commitment to diversity, equity, and


Organizational Values - Mozilla Manifesto

Stewardship - protector of the health of the internet and

its users
Global Analysis - Entering a New Country
Country of Choice: Guyana

● When Considering a Country for the Mozilla Foundation to expand

into, our team chose the small South America nation of Guyana
● This country “will see economic growth of 86% in 2020” (Meredith,
● Take advantage of booming economy and also flex organizational
values and principle by investing in infrastructure
● Mode of entry: Glocalization
● Political and Economic Issues: Strong alliance with the US who has
been providing aid through the pandemic.
● Cultural Differences with the US: Key difference - Guyana is
collectivistic while US is individualistic.
(Darwinek, 2016)
Global Analysis - Fostering Inclusion &
Building Trust in Guyana
Actions for Inclusion: Attitudes or Activities
Do’s Don’ts for Trust:
Embrace the culture Force American Do’s Don’ts
and traditions of individualistic views
Guyana Make Holidays more Make lower level
inclusive and employes feel isolated
Make sure Guyanese Have preconceived embrace local by not giving them
women are being notions and biases traditions access to leadership
represented and given towards the Guyanese
Build educational Lack transparency
program that helps and withhold
Encourage and Focus primarily on the
Guyanese learn to information
establish diverse teams opinions of leader
Focus on building Create environments
Create team building Fear Conflict
leadership training for that would promote the
diversity and inclusion development of cliques
Team Recommendations for The Mozilla Foundation

1. Encourage growth and

development of other non-profits
in the tech industry
2. Increase number of strategic
3. Revamp the marketing strategies
and practices for both the
foundation and Firefox Web-
(Mozilla, 2016) Browser
● Organization of choice : the non-profit organization - The
Mozilla Foundation
● Organizational Structure- Hybrid Organization
● Leadership and Diversity Profile
● Environmental Analysis: Porter’s Five Competitive Forces
That Shape Strategy
● SWOT Analysis: Internal and External Environment
● Global Analysis: Expansion into Guyana
● Recommendations for rebounding from recent struggles.
Asay, M. (2009, June 2). Mozilla’s nonprofit status key to its growth. CNET.

Brett, J. M., & Mitchell, T. (2020, January 31). Research: How to build trust with business partners from other
cultures. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2020/01/research-how-to-build-trust-with-business-

Burgess, M. (2022, February 16). Is Firefox OK? Wired.Com. https://www.wired.com/story/firefox-mozilla-2022/

Coulter, M. A. (2013). Strategic Management in Action: International Edition (6th ed.). Pearson.

Darwinek. (2016). Flag-Map of Guyana. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag-map_of_Guyana.svg

Inc. Editorial. (1999, November 30). Industry analysis. Inc. https://www.inc.com/encyclopedia/industry-


Meredith, S. (2019, November 4). The IMF thinks this small South American country will see economic growth of
86% next year. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/04/guyana-the-imf-thinks-this-country-will-see-
REFERENCES (Continued)

Mozilla. (2016). Mozilla Foundation Logo.


Mozilla Blog. (2022, February 8). Intentional allyship: Meet three of Mozilla’s first Inclusion
Champions. Life@Mozilla. https://blog.mozilla.org/careers/mozilla-inclusion-champions/

Mozilla Foundation. (n.d.). Mozilla.Org. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from


Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review,
86(1), 78–93, 137.

Thompson, L. (2017). Making the team: A guide for managers (6th ed.). Pearson.

Wallen, J. (2021, November 23). 4 ways Mozilla could fix its Firefox problem. TechRepublic.

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