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Credits Look, if you’re familiar with my work, you

know that environmental themes pop up a lot.
So excuse me while I get on my soapbox.
Narrative Design: Blue Maelstrom, Kevin
Bryan, Oliver Clegg, Vlad “Noa” Giulvezan
Everyone talks about how in 2020 the world
Cover Art: Charlie Furtive is on fire, but it’s easy to forget that
the planet is actually burning. Climate
Original Interior Art: Charlie Furtive, scientists have been warning us about the
Julia Elam, Madeline Courtney, Missy Weir.
effects of human-induced climate change
Cartography: Ignacio Santander-Alfonso since at least the 1970s, but not enough of
us have been listening.
Editing: Noah Grand
Obviously the link between capitalism
Layout: Cat Evans, Alicia Furness
and the destruction of the planet is a
Production: Alicia Furness & Cat Evans close one. Industrial pollution, factory
farming, the rise of the car, a culture of
Team Leads: Liz Gist (Art), Alison Huang disposability: all are major players in the
(Community Management), R.P. Davis
(Editing), Cat Evans (Layout) climate crisis we face.

Special Thanks: Global capitalism for giving We need to hold companies and corporations
us such rich pickings. accountable for the damage they do to the
planet. I am a major proponent of that.
Additional Interior Art: Adobe Stock,
Pixabay (used under CC0 licence) But we also need to recognize our role in
the process. If we continue to consume, to
All original material in this work is demand more things faster and cheaper, the
copyright 2020 by its respective authors and corporations aren’t going to change their
artists. ways.

Producers’ Notes What D&D teaches me, and which you will find
in each of the adventures in this issue,
is that individual actions can and do make
After a brief spurt of hope that a global
a difference. Whether it’s getting out to
crisis might actually change something and
protest, buying second hand, choosing to
foster the tiniest amount of compassion or
walk instead of drive, recycling, growing
humanity amongst our ruling elites, it turns
your own food, buying local, or going
out capitalism is back in full force. The UK
vegan...we can all find a way to help protect
government isn’t even hiding the fact that
the Earth. It’s the only one we’ve got. I
it values workers’ lives at slightly less
hope you’re inspired by the adventures in
than the cost of a takeaway sandwich (no
these pages to find one new way you can make
really - “get back to work or the sandwich
a difference.
shops will go out of business”).
-- Alicia Furness
However, lest we forget: it’s not just
workers’ lives the rich fail to value, it’s
literally the entire planet. As I write this
California’s on fire and its prison labour
force can’t respond because they’ve all got

Hope you’ve all paid your Antifa subs,

because there’s never been a better time to

-- Cat Evans

table of contents

What We Eat 7
Aquatic Intervention 19
Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees 35
The Beasts Within 45

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These adventures
contain READ OUT
TEXT (in orange
boxes) and
boxes), for the
DM’s info only
6 Julia Elam
What We Eat
Level 2
Kevin Bryan

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po t
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Bry has entu der ntin s un
Kevin . While he lished adv , from won s experime s. Kevin i
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Eat is oke a range on new mo G design a ing health
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additi ctions of t ied withou
s e r r
inter legally ma
to get

What We Eat focuses on survival and name of more efficient production.

escape from The Iron Jungle, a bleak People enter the Iron Jungle. Pre-
industrial complex. processed meals leave.

This dungeon is optimized for four

2nd level characters. Adventure Summary
Getting into the Iron Jungle is
Adventure Background easy, because the factory is in
constant need of workers. Smuggling
Iron rations are a necessary weapons into the Iron Jungle is far
ingredient for every war and every more difficult. But the most difficult
adventuring party. Able to survive task of all is getting out again.
in hazardous conditions, easy to
transport and debatably nutritious, The heroes must navigate the
iron rations are produced in mass at complex and its system of rules
the cheapest prices possible to keep and punishments to not only find
up with the continuing demand for those they seek, but then get them
portable, durable satiety. out alive. The heroes will have to
either outwit the underworld or
The Iron Jungle industrial complex inspire the Iron Jungle workers to
is where iron rations are produced violent action to improve their
the cheapest. Owned by the Goodseed chances of escape... or to destroy
family, the Iron Jungle cuts every the jungle for good.
corner, including concern for their
workers and the environment, in the

Hooks A gang known as the Spider is able
to smuggle people into the Iron
The trail of a wanted fugitive leads Jungle. The Spider can be discovered
directly to the Iron Jungle. The either through the use of Thieves’
Goodseed family denies any knowledge Cant, the Criminal background, or
of the criminal and have resisted through making a DC 15 Intelligence
any efforts to remove them thus far. (Investigation) check. The Spider
charges 5 gp per individual wanting
A missing child has found their to enter the Iron Jungle, gets them
way into the Iron Jungle. The into the complex, and provides them
Iron Jungle insists that this is with new worker identification.
impossible as all workers have
signed sworn statements stating Heroes can hire on as new workers
themselves to be adults of sound and get a signing bonus of 5 gp.
mind. They must claim to be adults with
no criminal history, though the
What We Eat clerks don’t care if the characters
are criminals. Upon entry, martial

Part 1: Business as
weapons are confiscated and held
in storage in the gate house. The
Usual clerks can be bribed; they are
willing to allow martial weapons in
Getting into the Iron Jungle is
easy. Surviving it is much more for 10 gp, or 5 gp on a successful
difficult. DC 10 Charisma (Diplomacy or
Persuasion) check. All new workers
are provided with new worker
Entering the Jungle identification and a bunk assignment.

There are two main ways to enter the

Iron Jungle: hiring on as a worker,
or getting smuggled in.

The Daily Grind The Spiders
Whether or not they were smuggled The Spiders are an organization of
in, workers are expected to work in smugglers and thugs operating out of
the daily grind of the Iron Jungle. the Jungle, who work in the shipping
When the heroes first arrive, they department as their day jobs.
are assigned to a work crew under Getting a job in shipping is difficult
the authority of Freddy Goodseed (NE without the express approval of the
halfling cult fanatic). The young Spiders. The spiders are led by the
spellcaster likes to break the will half-elf Sahansan, who is secretly
of new workers by assigning them a an aranea who finds the gang name
series of arduous tasks. hilarious.

Recovery What They Offer

After working for twelve hours, the While the Spiders are unwilling to
heroes have a chance to recover. smuggle anyone out, they are able to
They are assigned to uncomfortable get supplies in. They sell mundane
bunks in the worker barracks. The equipment, drugs, and alchemical
barracks is close enough to the items at double the list price. They
slaughterhouse that there is a sell martial weapons at three times
constant foul smell and screams the list price.
all hours of the night. Resting
is difficult; in order to gain the They also offer a single quiet room
benefits of a long rest, a character that, for 2 gp a night, can provide
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution a group with the space where they
saving throw. can take a long rest without any
penalties or checks required.
Their Treachery
Workers earn 3 sp a day, which is
tracked and held by the company The Spiders are secretly in league
store. Each day, a worker is with the Goodseeds. The Goodseeds
charged 1 sp for their lodgings and allow them to operate without
1 sp for food and water. If they interference, but in return, the
oversleep their bunk shift, their Spiders alert the Goodseeds of any
lodgings cost is doubled for the potential problems. In addition,
day. Overseers issue fines for poor the Spiders perform the occasional
performance and sabotage, and if the crime for the Goodseeds. The Spiders
overseers can’t find the individuals alert the Goodseeds to any groups
responsible for an infraction, they smuggled in, as well as the purchase
fine the entire crew instead. of any martial weapon.


As the heroes resist the rules and

orders of the Iron Jungle they
gain Notoriety, which encompasses
both the negative attention of the
overseers and how thoroughly they
inspire their fellow workers. Most
groups start with 0 Notoriety,
however if they smuggled in martial
weapons they start with 1 Notoriety

Part 2: Jungle What’s In the Viscera?

Encounters Check

reddy Goodseed saves the worst Result
work assignments for the newest The worker spots bone
laborers, hoping to break down fragments and shards
DC 10
any will they have to resist. Pick being added to the
one of the following assignments mixture
each day for the heroes: The worker identifies some
DC 15 of the bones as humanoid
in origin
Black Pudding Vats The worker skims tooth
fillings and jewelry made
Cramped stonework that requires the DC 20 of semi-precious metals
tallest to stoop over is painted worth 2d6 GP from the
black from smoke and grease. The
room is filled with massive bubbling If a worker raises an alarm about
vats, with oil slicked boards the bones, or the tooth fillings, or
providing the only safe passage tells some of the other workers on
between them. their shift about it, the group’s
Notoriety increases by 2.
The meat, blood and viscera that
can’t be dried and salted is poured
out into the black pudding vats, Baking Tombs
where it is slowly boiled while
being mixed with oats, grains, and
sawdust. The vats are large enough The baking tombs resemble a stone
to fully immerse a human, walkways mausoleum, with nearly every surface
are greasy and precarious, and the caked with soot, sawdust, and flour.
heat and steam is constant. The only relief from the heat comes
from troughs of water piped in from
During a full shift on the Black outside wells.
Pudding Vats, each worker must make
a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw The Baking Tombs are a massive
to avoid getting splashed by the series of bakeries across the
boiling viscera. On a failure, a Iron Jungle, focused on the mass
worker takes 2 (1d4) fire damage. production of hard, long-lasting
On a natural 1, the worker instead biscuits. The biscuits are twice
falls into one of the vats, taking 3 baked, first in a conventional oven,
(1d6) fire damage. Escaping the vats and then again in a second oven to
requires a DC 15 Strength (Athletics dry them out to make them longer
check). On a failure, the worker lasting. Wheat and other grains are
takes an additional 3 (1d6) fire used as the primary base, though
damage. they are often mixed with sawdust
and other fillers before being shaped
If inspecting the contents of the into dough.
viscera, a worker should make a
single Wisdom (Perception) check While the Baking Tombs are not as
over the course of their shift. The directly hazardous as some of the
information revealed depends on the other work assignments, the heat is
check result, and all results are constant. Workers can try and fight
cumulative: against the heat by stealing some
of the water intended for making
dough, and either drink it or coat
their skin with it. The overseers Angry Animals
disapprove of this sort of theft,
and have a passive Perception of d6 Result
12. Getting caught by the overseers 1 Mule
attracts their retribution (see
Overseers’ Retribution). 2 Elk
3 Giant Rat
Workers who don’t cool themselves 4 Boar
down with water suffer a lesser form 5 Draft Horse
of Extreme Heat and must make a DC 6 Warhorse
10 Constitution check or gain a
level of exhaustion. Workers who All animals act as if affected by
slow down by gaining 2 or more the confusion spell.
levels of exhaustion are fined 3 gp
per shift for their laziness. During the chaos, characters can
attempt to hide a butchering tool on
their person by making a Dexterity
Slaughterhouse (Sleight of Hand) check against a
passive Perception of 11. Getting
The Slaughterhouse is a haphazard caught by the overseers attracts
affair, the cobblestones slick with their retribution (see Overseers’
blood that refuses to drain. Bladed Retribution). If a worker is
rendered unconscious the overseers
implements are scattered throughout
intervene and kill the animal. The
the room. unconscious worker is then fined 5 gp
for negligence.
The slaughterhouse is the most
dangerous of assignments. All
workers are equipped with a variety
of tools that could be used as
comparable martial weapons. They
are expected to quickly kill
and butcher the confused and
frightened animals brought
into the slaughterhouse.

While most animals are

docile or terrified
enough to
be killed
quickly, the
occasional one
manages to resist.

Once per shift, roll on

the table to determine the
resisting animal:

The Overseers Retribution resisting a beating increases the
group’s Notoriety by 2.

verseers usually work in teams of
two (half-orc or halfling guards). Should one of the Overseers fall,
Overseers are armed with clubs, or if both Overseers in a team is
torches, and a bell, which they reduced to less than half their hit
usually keep in a bag. point maximum, they Disengage and
draw their bell, and on their next
Whenever an Overseer sees an act turn ring the bell for backup.
that they disapprove of, they issue
a beating, delivering 1d6+1 points Brute Squads
of damage. When issuing a routine
Should an Overseer ring their bell
beating they never try to kill, for backup, a brute squad arrives in
instead leaving a worker unconcious 3d6 rounds.
to put back to work later. Should
the worker resist, they use A brute squad consists of 2 thugs
additional force, and even risk and 1 scout. Brutes are commonly
killing the worker. Being witnessed humans, half-elves, and half-orcs.

Notoriety Consequences Table

Score Consequence
3 or
Minor inconveniences.
The heroes’ meals are burnt, oversalted and generally inedible. If
4 they do not buy or find alternative rations, they go without food for
the day.
5 The heroes are fined 6 gold each by the company store. If this
takes them into debt, they begin to owe interest.
6 One of the heroes is selected by an overseer to receive corporal
6 discipline for a crime (real or imagined). They are expected to
endure 1d6+1 damage without resisting. The group gains +1 Notoriety.
7 The heroes meals are poisoned with viscera from the black pudding
7 vats. Anyone consuming the food must make a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw or become infected with Sewer Plague.
8 One of the heroes bunk mates is framed for a crime the heroes
committed. If the heroes do not aid them the heroes lose 2
8 Notoriety. The punishment is particularly severe and the condemned
take 2d6+2 damage. If the heroes intervene and either take the
punishment or save the innocent, they gain 1 Notoriety.
9 The Spider Strikes: When waking up in the morning, the heroes
9 discover an agent of the Spider, described on page (XX). This event
only occurs once.
10 The heroes are assigned to the pudding vats and the overseers
are instructed to make an example of the heroes. Overseers try and
10 encourage the heroes to have an accident in the vats. The Dexterity
Saving Throw difficulty is increased to 12, and any failure causes a
hero to fall fully into the vat.
11 Fire in the Barracks. While they are sleeping, agents of The
11 Spider attempt to burn down the worker barracks that the heroes are
assigned to, as described on page 37. This event only occurs once.

Unlike the Overseers, the Brutes The Spider Strikes
arrive ready to kill, and make no

distinction between their primary hen the heroes first arrived
targets and workers who get stuck in into the Iron Jungle, either
the crossfire. the front gate clerks or the
Spiders made note of any spellbooks,
spell component pouches, or holy
As the heroes labor in the Iron symbols the heroes brought in. This
Jungle, they gain Notoriety for information was carefully recorded
their actions. The more Notoriety and filed away should it become
they gain, the more likely they are useful later.
to suffer the abuses of both the
Goodseeds and the Spiders. Notoriety Now Velkaros, agent of the Spiders
can also serve to inspire their (NE human spy) is being sent to
fellow workers, however, and (should collect on that information.
the heroes survive) show that
management can be actively defied.
If undetected, Velkaros sneaks
• After reaching 5 Notoriety the in and begins rifling through the
heroes can start to make Charisma
(Persuasion) checks to influence and group’s belongings, grabbing the
inspire otherwise terrified workers. first spellbook or holy symbol he can
find. At that point he is spotted by
• After reaching 8 Notoriety the one of the heroes’ bunkmates.
heroes inspire aid and sabotage
without having to make Charisma Once the party is alerted,
checks or even asking.
Velkaros’s objective is to flee.
• If the heroes fail to assist
their fellow workers who are in If subdued, Velkaros admits that he
peril, their Notoriety falls. was sent by Sahansan himself, as a
Notoriety is not without its costs, favor for the Goodseeds. Velkaros
however. Every morning, the heroes doesn’t know how long Sahansan has
are beset by one of the following been working with the Goodseeds, but
consequences. A minimum Notoriety is does know that Sahansan isn’t as
suggested for each consequence. human as he first appears.

In addition to his listed equipment,

Velkaros carries a set of thieves’

Fire in the Barracks

Two Agents of the Spider (high elf

spy) sneak up to the worker barracks
from the outside. The Agents bar
the door and then retreat twenty
feet. There, they and two members of
a Brute Squad (half-orc thug) throw
vials of alchemist’s fire at the

If the heroes aren’t keeping watch,

roll initiative when the first vial
of alchemist’s fire lands. Otherwise,
initiative is triggered when the
heroes discover the Agents.
The door wasn’t made to be barred
from the outside and can be forced
open with a successful DC 15
Strength check. Up to two characters
can work together in the check.
Additionally, creatures inside
the barracks can escape through a
window. Medium and larger creatures
escape on a successful DC 10
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. On a failure, a
creature escapes but takes 2 (1d4)
slashing damage from the broken
window. Small or smaller creatures
automatically succeed on the check.

After three rounds, the barracks is

fully alight. Creatures still in the
building take 2 (1d4) fire damage at
the start of each of their turns
until they escape. After three
rounds the fire damage increases to 5

The Brutes move in to intercept and

attack any creatures fleeing through
the door or windows, wanting to make
sure to silence all witnesses. The
Agents move in to assist the Brutes
after the barracks has caught on

In addition to the heroes, there are

six other workers (all commoners)
asleep in the barracks when the
attack takes place. The heroes
gain 1 Notoriety for each worker
who survives the fire. In addition
to their standard equipment, the
Brutes and Agents carry 5 vials of
alchemist’s fire each.

Part 3: Recovery • The Iron Jungle is divided into
multiple sections, with a worker

he heroes have arrived in the barracks next to each major work
Iron Jungle searching for an area. The slaughterhouse barracks,
escaped fugitive, a lost child, where the heroes are assigned, is
or both. Getting information on the least desirable barracks.
their quarry is more difficult than • The back overseer barracks
initially expected. The heroes have conceals a door that leads to a
to do an investigation of their own second, restricted section of the
as well as earning the trust of
their fellow workers to find out the • The restricted compound is
truth. where the more troublesome and
expendable workers are sent. It is
run by Otis’s daughter Adelaide, who
is feared for her cruelty.
Asking the Workers
• Entering the restricted section

ach shift the heroes can ask requires either a key (carried by
their fellow workers if they one of the Goodseeds), a member of
a Brute Squad, breaking in with
have seen either of the two thieves’ tools, or climbing over the
individuals, or where missing wall and bypassing the razor wire.
workers might have gone. Unless
Failing an Intelligence
the heroes have amassed at least 3
(Investigation) check by 5 or more
Notoriety, workers are reluctant leads to the heroes being caught
to speak with them, thinking them by a patrol of Overseers. The first
potential spies and informers for time this happens, the Overseers
the Goodseeds. are content with inflicting a light
beating to one of the heroes for
3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. This
If the heroes have at least 1 increases their Notoriety by 1. On
Notoriety, a DC 10 Charisma subsequent discovery, the Overseers
(Persuasion) check reveals that the become increasingly violent, and the
fugitive was seen being escorted to damage increases by 1d6.
the individual labor camp and has
not been seen since. Additionally,
the child was seen in the individual The Restricted Section
labor camp as one of the new guards
posted on the walls.
High walls crowned in razor wire
do little to hide the smell of rot
Investigating the Jungle and the cries of agony from the
restricted section, a recurring

orkers are not watched while promise to all those who defy the
off shift, so it’s easy Goodseeds.
to sneak out of the worker
barracks to try and observe the rest Walls. The walls of the restricted
of the complex. However, avoiding section are 15 feet high and
guard patrols can be risky. If require a successful DC 15 Strength
scouting instead of sleeping, a hero (Athletics) check to climb. The
can attempt a DC 12 Intelligence DC is reduced to 5 if the heroes
are using rope or climbing gear to
(Investigation) check to explore and
cross. The walls are topped with
learn more about the compound. Each razor wire, which if not cut with
subsequent successful check gains an proper tools, requires a DC 10
additional piece of information. Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to

cross; on a failure, a character Adelaide’s Barracks. The
takes 2 (1d4) slashing damage. headquarters of Adelaide Goodseed
and her specially chosen guards and
Front Door. The front door is enforcers. Adelaide is currently
locked with a basic lock, which can training the child the heroes seek
be picked with a successful DC 10 as one of her new enforcers.
Dexterity check made with thieves’
tools. All Brute Squad members and Adelaide (CE halfling bandit captain)
every Goodseed carries a key which is assisted by her two trainees,
opens the lock. Ukotar (NE half-orc bandit) and the
child (NE human commoner). Adelaide
After the heroes get inside the immediately attacks any individuals
restricted section, security becomes she doesn’t know personally and
more lax. Two Overseers patrol the urges her trainees to assist her.
entire area every 10 minutes, but in If reminded of their family, or
this part of the complex they don’t convinced with a DC 15 Charisma
bother carrying bells. Should the (Intimidate or Diplomacy) check, the
alarm be raised, however, a Brute child backs down from the fight.
Squad reaches the source of conflict
within 6 rounds. The Abattoir. Workers and prisoners
who have outlived their usefulness
The Restricted section is made up of are taken here, where they’re
three main areas: killed, butchered, and broken down
into viscera that is later delivered
The Cells. Prisoners are held in the to the Black Pudding Vats for
cells for weeks or months at a time, disposal. The Abattoir is currently
often given back-breaking repetitive haunted by the ghost of one of the
tasks to perform lest they face recently deceased workers. The
greater punishment. All cell doors guards have learned to avoid the
have basic locks, requiring a area for now.
successful DC 10 Dexterity check
made with thieves’ tools to open. Upon entering the Abattoir, the
All guards in this section carry ghost (treat as a specter) attacks
a complete set of cell keys. The the party unless they have an
fugitive the heroes seek is held Notoriety score of 6 or higher. If
in one of the cells, along with their Notoriety is 10 or higher,
12 other tortured and emaciated the ghost instead follows them,
prisoners. aiding them in combat against the
Goodseeds, the Spiders, and their

Part 4: Escape & Rebellion
f the heroes have a Notoriety

etting out of the Iron Jungle score of 8 or higher they can
is difficult. The Spiders only attempt to incite other workers
smuggle people in; they don’t to rebel and take direct action
smuggle anyone out. If the heroes against the Goodseeds, both in
try to simply leave, they quickly direct sabotage of the Iron Jungle
find that they are deeper in debt operations and in direct attacks on
to the company store than they the Overseers. This incitement can
expected. take place in roleplay or through a
DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
The DC of this check is reduced by
Digging Out 2 for each point of Notoriety the

heroes have in excess of 8.
he heroes can attempt to dig
a passage out of the complex.
This requires them laboring Getting Revenge
instead of sleeping, requiring them

to make a DC 10 Constitution check f escaping through Digging Out or
each night they go without sleep. Fighting Out, arrange things so
On a failure, a hero gains a level that Freddy Goodseed (NE halfling
of exhaustion. They can request cult fanatic) catches the Heroes
assistance for their digging project in the act and tries to stop them,
if they have a Notoriety score of 5 giving the heroes a chance to get
or higher. Digging out requires 20 revenge on Freddy for all the petty
nights of individual labor. indignities they’ve suffered over
the past few weeks.

Fighting Out If escaping through Rebellion, have

Otis Goodseed (LE halfling noble)

he heroes can attempt to himself show up with a Brute Squad
fight their way out. If going to try and crush the rebellion.
through the main gates they If Otis himself is killed, the
fight Goodseed Overseers who call Iron Jungle operation collapses,
for the Brute Squad as backup. If lacking Otis’s unique combination of
going through the loading docks, viciousness and planning.
the heroes face both Overseers and

Causing distractions first can make

the escape easier, as it causes the
Spiders and Goodseeds to spread
their forces thinly. The heroes
can recruit others to help cause
the distractions if they have a
Notoriety of 5 or higher, or cause
the distractions themselves.

18 Madeline Courtney
Level 3
Blue Maelstrom

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A wealthy bard recruits a group Every corner of the ocean bears the
of adventurers to dive down to an scars of this perpetual war, and
aquatic elf village and aid the Petrieth’s Bay is no exception.
elves in their struggle against a Situated far from any major ports
powerful sahuagin tribe. There, they and surrounded by sharp cliffs, the
discover that the most deadly threat bay does not appear particularly
to the village comes not from below, noteworthy to the eyes of surface
but from above. dwellers. Just under the surface
though, there lies a priceless
This adventure is designed for three treasure. A huge coral reef lines
to five 2nd-4th level characters, and this bay, decorating the sea floor
is optimized for four characters with legions of diverse marine
with an average party level (APL) of creatures and plants. The reef is
3. breathtaking to behold, but what

Adventure Background
makes it truly special is the coral
itself. Each vibrant red polyp of

he rivalry between sahuagin coral glows faintly with magical
and aquatic elves is as energy, hinting at the extraordinary
healing properties that lie within.
old as recorded history.
The coral’s magic instantly heals
Countless battles have been fought a huge variety of injuries, from
between the two species, driven mundane wounds to poisoning to even
by territoriality and the eternal blindness.
enmity between their respective
gods: The Nightmare Shark and The When the elves and sahuagin first
Dolphin King. reached this bay, each species

picked a spot where the coral was but also that Eristho has been
particularly sturdy, built a village manipulating both villages into
atop it, and raised their armies fighting each other. The sahuagin
to purge the other from the reef. chieftess asks the adventurers to
The more they fought, however, the help defeat the elves, while Malayna
more they were forced to rely on the requests that the adventurers
coral to heal their wounded. The confront Eristho while she stops the
more they harvested the coral, the fighting between the two species.
weaker the reef became. Realizing
that their war would destroy both The adventurers can support one
their homes, the two sides agreed village over another or confront
to a ceasefire. Despite their mutual Eristho. Their choice determines the
hatred, they tolerated each other’s fate of the villages and the reef.
presence for the sake of the reef.

This was the state of Petrieth’s What Are Vehuagin?

Bay for over two centuries,
until Eristho Generee arrived. A vehuagin is a mutated sahuagin
An entrepreneur of some fame and born with the appearance of an
wealth, Eristho covertly rekindled aquatic elf. They often infiltrate
the longstanding war, promising aquatic elf communities, acting as
his aid to both species. Neither spies and saboteurs for invading
side suspects the man’s true goal: sahuagin tribes.
Eristho plans to claim and harvest
the entire reef himself. The stage
is set for the final conflict between
H ooks
• A local job listing calls for
the elves and the sahuagin, and a brave adventurers to assist in
group of would-be heroes unknowingly saving an aquatic elf village from
heads directly towards it. sahuagin raids.

Adventure Summary
• Hearing of the adventurers’
exploits, Eristho sends his right

he adventurers travel to hand woman, Lena, to personally
Petrieth’s Bay to meet recruit the adventurers, requesting
their aid in exchange for a generous
Eristho, who hires them as gold reward.
mercenaries on behalf of the elves
of Y’Petrieth. • One of the adventurers has a
relationship (familial or otherwise)
Traveling to Y’Petrieth, the with an aquatic elf villager, who
asks that they take Eristho’s job
characters meet the village elder, opportunity.
Sariel, who gives the adventurers
a mission to raid a sahuagin scout In each hook, the adventurers are
camp. One of Sariel’s advisors, instructed to seek out a camp on the
Malayna, asks the party to capture shores of Petrieth’s Bay, where they
and question the scouts, while meet their employer.
another encourages them to leave
none alive. Regardless of their
approach, the adventurers attack the
camp and defeat the scouts.

Upon returning, the adventurers

learn that the sahuagin have
kidnapped Malayna from Y’Petrieth.
The adventurers infiltrate the
sahuagin village and discover that
not only is Malayna a vehuagin spy,
Aquatic Intervention A tall, lean, and stoic woman with

Part 1: Dive Right In

raven-black hair stands next to the
divan, her armored hand resting on

he adventurers travel towards the hilt of a sword at her belt.
the coastline, eventually Eristho introduces her as Lena Onara
(LE human bandit captain, she/her),
reaching Petrieth’s Bay. From
his right hand woman.
atop the neighboring cliffs, they
view the long beach that surrounds After introductions, Eristho
the bay as their nostrils fill with selectively explains the situation
briny air. A particularly perceptive to inspire characters to take his
person might notice a faint reddish offer:
glow in the more shallow waters, but
to most the bay appears fairly calm • For centuries, the villagers
of Y’Petrieth have had a tenuous
and ordinary. On the shore below, ceasefire with their sahuagin
a small yet ornate encampment is neighbors.
visible. The flag flying above the
• That all changed a month ago,
camp depicts a golden tree bearing when the sahuagin launched a brutal
crimson apples, the insignia of surprise raid on the village,
Eristho Generee (Appendix A). somehow evading the elves’ best
scouts and decimating the elven
Eristho’s Camp • The village only survived
because the village’s religious

f the adventurers approach leader, Agnaliann, struck down the
Eristho’s camp, they are met by sahuagin chieftain, throwing the
two guards dressed in matching sahuagin forces into chaos.
high-quality chain shirts. The • Although the sahuagin retreated
guards lead them into the large to lick their wounds, the elves
tent that dominates the center of expect another attack within weeks.
the encampment. Pushing aside the • With so many warriors dead,
silk tent flaps, they see a youthful, they expect to be overwhelmed.
attractive, half-elf man reclining • Eristho, hearing of the elves’
on a crimson divan. The half- plight, offered his philanthropic
elf quickly rises to his feet and services, promising to hire
greets them with a warm smile as experienced mercenaries to assist
he vigorously shakes each of their them.
hands: Eristho offers the adventurers 200
gp to assist the elves in defeating
“Ah, you must be the mercenaries the sahuagin. A successful DC
13 Charisma (Persuasion) check
I requested! I cannot thank you
convinces him to add an additional
enough, you have arrived just in 50 gp.
time! There is much work to be done,
and we must get started immediately. Eristho hides several facts:
Oh, but where are my manners? I
am Eristho Generee. You may have • He had been aware of the two
villages’ existences for several
heard of some of my philanthropic months before the raid
initiatives, or perhaps one of my
• Lena, under his orders, met
operas?” with the sahuagin chieftain and
convinced him to undertake the raid
in the first place
• He magically confounded the
elven sentries so the sahuagin could
Part 2: Heroes of the
sneak past them
Eristho has been intentionally

pushing both villages towards open 0 feet below the surface, the
warfare in order to weaken them. seafloor is host to a legion
His true goal is to wipe out or of diverse marine creatures.
enslave both villages, allowing him Cerulean sponges mingle with peach-
unrestricted access to the coral, colored crustaceans, and swarms of
which he plans to wantonly harvest pink planktivores dart around lazing
and sell to the surface world. starfish. Most striking, however, are
the small colonies of vibrant red
If the adventurers take the job,
Eristho produces his diver’s tome coral, each giving off a faint glow.
(Appendix B), offering to cast water
After 30 minutes of travel, the
breathing on anybody who needs it.
colonies become more frequent and
Once preparations are complete, dense, until finally a huge mass
Eristho leads the characters into of coral stretches a mile across
the water, towards Y’Petrieth. and dozens of feet high. The coral
lights up the area around it like
Features of the Area a beacon. Atop the reef, carved
wooden walls and layered seaweed
Arms Vendor. Eristho uses one tent decorations mark the presence of
as a shop, stocking weapons suited small houses and other structures.
for underwater combat. If the Large patches of the reef appear
characters cannot afford weapons, inert, displaying few polyps and
Eristho offers to deduct their cost lacking the red glow of the rest
from the characters’ reward. The of the structure. Green and blue
vendor sells daggers, javelins, skinned elves swim among the
shortswords, spears, tridents, buildings, going about their day.
darts, nets, crossbows, and crossbow
bolts. Remind players that attacks
with other weapons are made at Y’Petrieth Council Room
disadvantage underwater unless they

have a natural swimming speed. ristho leads the adventurers
past the village guards,
happily waving to villagers as
he passes by. They cheer and wave
back, clearly encouraged by his

Inside a three-story tower of carved

coral at the center of the reef is
a plainly decorated assembly room,
dominated by three massive stone
chairs that face the entrance.
Sariel Vadimion the village elder
sits in the largest of the three,
while his advisors, spiritual leader
Agnaliann Amaral and scholar Malayna
Liarenn, sit in the others.

Sariel greets Eristho warmly and

introduces his council to the party.
He thanks the adventurers for their
aid and explains their first mission:
• A week ago, Y’Petrieth’s adventurers a map of the bay, with
sentries noticed the sahuagin had the two villages and the sahuagin
set up a scout camp on the edge of camp clearly marked.
elf territory, which they believe is
a prelude to an invasion. Features of the Area
• Suspecting a trap, the elves
have avoided risking their remaining NPCs
All aquatic elves and vehuagin have
• Sariel tasks the adventurers a swimming speed of 30 feet and can
with raiding the camp and breathe air and water.
incapacitating the sahuagin before
they can flee or spring their trap. Sariel Vadimion (N aquatic elf
Malayna encourages the adventurers druid, he/him): A wizened old elf.
to capture the sahuagin alive, Desires safety for his village
suggesting that, once disarmed and beyond all else. Highly spiritual,
bound, they might explain why and placing great trust in Agnaliann’s
how they attacked the elves. She counsel. Views Malayna as a good and
believes that if their reasons can wise friend, but finds her desire for
be understood, a lasting peace might permanent peace naive.
be established.
Agnaliann Amaral (LE aquatic elf
Agnaliann belligerently interrupts priest, he/him): A religious zealot.
Malayna, mocking her. He warns the Harbors deep hatred towards the
party that keeping the sahuagin sahuagin for their worship of The
alive puts them at risk of a Nightmare Shark.
treacherous trap and bringing them
to the village would mock The Malayna Liarenn (LG vehuagin
Dolphin King. spy, she/her): Intelligent and
personable, Malayna infiltrated
Eristho agrees that the sahuagin are the aquatic elf village as a spy,
too dangerous to be kept alive, in befriended Sariel, and became his
case they might escape or unleash advisor. Years as a double agent
some trap. As an incentive, he offers have led her to sympathize with
the adventurers a 10 gp bounty per the aquatic elves, seeing them as
sahuagin head. A successful DC 16 family. Nevertheless, she doesn’t
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that wish for any of her fellow sahuagin
Eristho is hiding his reasons for to be harmed, especially Khella,
wanting the sahuagin dead. her betrothed. Malayna wants to
create a lasting peace between the
Before the adventurers leave, two factions, so that she may live
Sariel offers them four coral polyps openly with both peoples and her
(Appendix B), briefly explaining beloved.
the history and nature of the
coral. He mentions that the elves
are reluctant to harvest too much,
as they needed to harvest large
amounts to heal their injured after
the raid and too much additional
harvesting would kill the reef.
However, they must harvest what is
necessary for survival. He cautions
the adventurers against harvesting
the polyps themselves, as an
inexperienced harvester will destroy
the polyp. Sariel also provides the

Part 3: A Simple Tactics
Scouting Mission - The
ne sahuagin flees towards their
Coconut Crab village. The other sahuagin rush

ollowing Sariel’s map to the into melee and fight to the death.
sahuagin camp, the adventurers They prioritize lightly armored
travel 30 minutes through open targets, but if an adventurer is
water before spotting a rotting hulk injured, nearby sahuagin focus on
of wood and barnacles resting on the them in order to utilize Blood
seafloor. This is the wreck of The Frenzy.
Coconut Crab, a decades-old sailing The sahuagin direct the reef sharks
ship that now hides the sahuagin to fight alongside them, utilizing
spies. See Appendix C for a map of their Pack Tactics. The sharks
the 70-foot-long wreck. follow the commands of the nearest
conscious sahuagin. If given no
commands, the sharks lash out at
Features of the Area anyone attacking them, but flee if
reduced to 6 or fewer hit points.
Seaweed. The floating pile of seaweed
in the center of the wreck is
difficult terrain for any creature Development
that does not have a swimming speed.

f a sahuagin is captured
alive, the characters may
Creatures interrogate them. The sahuagin

of Petrieth’s Bay speak Common,
our sahuagin and three reef
having been introduced to it while
sharks occupy the shipwreck.
negotiating the initial ceasefire.
One sahuagin and one shark
With a successful DC 17 Charisma
stand guard near each hole in the
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check,
hull. The remaining two sahuagin
the sahuagin reveal they were told
and one shark relax near a pile of
to make camp there by a human
seaweed bedding and food scraps in
woman, who warned their chieftess
the center of the wreck. Adventurers
of an impending elf attack. The
with a passive Perception of 13 or
woman’s description matches Lena. An
higher notice the guards near the
additional DC 17 check reveals that
the woman assured the sahuagin that
A successful DC 13 Dexterity they would be undetectable to the
(Stealth) check allows the elves’ sentries.
adventurers to approach the
shipwreck unseen. Otherwise, the For each additional sahuagin
sahuagin notice anybody within 90 captured, reduce the DC of these
feet and attack anybody within 50 checks by 2. Sparing the sharks
feet. grants advantage to these checks.

This encounter could be difficult

for some parties. If necessary,
encourage players to take a rest
before returning to Y’Petrieth.

Difficulty Adjustments Part 4: Into the
Make the following adjustments if Shark’s Den
the party is weak or strong: eturning to Y’Petrieth, the
adventurers notice the elves
• If the party is weak, remove
one sahuagin and one reef shark, marshalling for war. Warriors
and reduce the DC of checks made to bark orders while even the youngest
interrogate the sahuagin by 2. elves grab spears and assemble into
• If the party is strong, add formation on the village outskirts.
one sahuagin and one reef shark. Anyone can tell the adventurers
The DC of checks to interrogate the that, while they were gone, a group
sahuagin cannot be reduced below 13. of sahuagin infiltrated the village
and kidnapped Malayna. Eristho
left the village and returned
to the surface to summon more
mercenaries from nearby towns, while
Agnaliann marshaled the elf army in
preparation to attack the sahuagin.

Sariel charges the adventurers with

rescuing Malayna. He explains that
the sahuagin village lies atop a
similar coral structure in the
deeper waters of the bay, one hour’s
travel away and 160 feet below the
surface. He suspects that Malayna
was brought to the chieftess’ hut, a
large domed wooden structure in the
center of the village.

If the adventurers used all their

coral polyps, they can convince
Sariel to give them four more
on a successful DC 13 Charisma
(Persuasion or Deception) check.

Once Sariel is out of earshot,

Agnaliann approaches and suggests
that now would be the perfect
opportunity to purge the sahuagin
permanently. He asks the party to
assassinate the chieftess, arguing
that with her gone the sahuagin
would be thrown into disarray,
allowing him to lead the elf army
into the sahuagin village nearly

Village Outskirts Bek’orra’s Hut

s the party dives deeper, the nce inside the village, the
water grows colder and the adventurers easily find the
sea grows darker, even with chieftess’ hut.
the coral bathing the sea floor in
dim light. Unfamiliar fish and bottom Inside, Bek’orra, the sahuagin
feeders flit about the silent waters, chieftess, sits atop a fearsome
while sharp toothed anglerfish throne of shark cartilage. To the
side of the chieftess, Malayna holds
pass by, paying the adventurers
hands with Khella. She whispers
little mind. As the coral colonies to Khella, but too softly for the
become more dense yet again, the adventurers to understand. If they
adventurers notice ominous dark move closer, the chieftess notices
shapes above them. Looking up, they them and commands them to come
see the familiar silhouettes of forward.
If the adventurers were captured,
The ocean around the sahuagin they are bound with manacles and
village is patrolled by trained tossed into the hut, and Khella
sharks. With a successful DC 13 takes their equipment.
Dexterity (Stealth) check, the
adventurers sneak past them. Shocked, Malayna profusely
Alternatively, a successful DC 15 apologizes to Bek’orra, explaining
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check that she thought nobody saw her
pacifies the sharks. Otherwise, one leave Y’Petrieth. Turning to the
hunter shark and one reef shark adventurers, she reveals her true
attack the party. nature as a vehuagin (see What Are
Vehuagin? sidebar) and explains
Once the adventurers bypass the that she deduced Eristho’s true
sharks, they reach the outskirts intentions. She is now aware that
of the village, where they notice Eristho engineered the initial
patrols of 12 sahuagin each. A sahuagin attack and has been pushing
successful DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) the villages into open warfare,
check bypasses these sentries. and she believes that he intends
A successful DC 13 Intelligence to bring a large mercenary army to
(Investigation) check notices a subjugate the survivors of the war
gap in the patrols, giving the so that he may claim both villages’
adventurers advantage on the coral supplies.
check. Alternatively, a successful
DC 13 Charisma (Deception) check Bek’orra interrupts, revealing that
distracts the sentries, allowing the her scouts tell her that Agnaliann’s
adventurers to slip by undetected. attack is imminent, and explains
that, regardless of Eristho’s
If the adventurers engage a patrol, treachery, the sahuagin will suffer
the sentries attempt to incapacitate severe losses if they do not strike
the adventurers and bring them first. Reluctantly, Bek’orra asks
before the chieftess. the adventurers to assassinate
Sariel and Agnaliann, rendering the
elf army leaderless, allowing the
sahuagin to easily overwhelm them,
and minimizing damage to both the
reef and her people.

Malayna begs the adventurers not
Part 5: A Difficult
to doom the elves and offers an
alternative. She plans to reveal

her true nature to Sariel, expose f the adventurers return to the
Eristho’s duplicity, and convince surface to confront Eristho, he
Sariel to re-establish the ceasefire admits his true motives and bribes
with the sahuagin. She is confident the adventurers with an additional
that, despite her duplicity, Sariel
75 gp to go back to each village
cares for her enough that he would
consider peace once she makes it and kill their respective leaders,
clear that she knows personally that allowing his forces to take over.
the sahuagin are not interested in If they refuse, he and his guards
war. She asks that the adventurers attack.
instead track down Eristho and deal
with him before he can call for more If the characters antagonize the
mercenaries, as he could still harm sahuagin, Bek’orra and Khella attack
the reef if given time to prepare. them. If the adventurers fight back,
If the adventurers ignore these Malayna reluctantly assists the
pleas and attack immediately, go to sahuagin.
Part 5 and skip the decision-making
process, as they have already made If the adventurers agree to
their decision! assassinate Sariel, they travel to
Y’Petrieth and confront him in the
While Bek’orra believes her plan is council room.
more reliable, she concedes that it
hinges on the adventurers’ consent
and agrees to honor a ceasefire if Creatures
Malayna is successful.

ristho’s Camp: Four guards
NPCs patrol the perimeter. Eristho
(Appendix A) and Lena (bandit
Chieftess Bek’orra (LN sahuagin, captain) are in the main tent.
she/her): Assumed command after her
father died in the attack on the Bek’orra’s Hut: Bek’orra (priest,
elf village. Unlike her father, she with changes listed in Part 4),
is open to coexistence with the Khella (Appendix A), and Malayna
elves, but still stops at nothing to (spy) occupy the hut.
protect her people.
Y’Petrieth Council Room: Sariel
Bek’orra has the statistics of (druid) and Agnaliann (priest)
a priest, except that she has a reside in the council room,
swimming speed of 40 feet, the spell discussing the upcoming battle.
mass healing word prepared, and the
following special traits from the
sahuagin stat block: Blood Frenzy, Tactics
Limited Amphibiousness, and Shark
Telepathy. Eristho’s Camp. Eristho immediately
casts hideous laughter to disable
Khella (Appendix A): Champion of the his opponents while Lena and the
village and Bek’orra’s bodyguard. guards charge forward. He uses
Extremely devoted to her chieftess Create Diversion against the enemy
and madly in love with Malayna, her he regards as the largest threat
betrothed. Does anything to protect and expends his remaining spell
them. slots before entering melee combat.
If reduced to 6 hit points or
less, Eristho begs for his life,
offering the adventurers all the Difficulty Adjustments
gold he carries. Lena fights to the

death unless Eristho surrenders. ake the following adjustments
The guards flee if Eristho is at each location if the party
incapacitated. is weak or strong:
Bek’orra’s Hut. Malayna and Khella Eristho’s Camp:
fight side by side so Malayna can
Sneak Attack. Bek’orra stays behind • If the party is weak, two
them, using damage-dealing ranged guards immediately flee.
spells. She casts mass healing • If the party is strong, Lena
word as needed. Otherwise, use the has the statistics of a knight.
sahuagin tactics from Part 3.
Bek’orra’s Hut:
Y’Petrieth Council Room. Agnaliann
and Sariel keep their distance, • If the party is weak, Malayna
using spirit guardians and entangle has the statistics of a noble.
to slow down enemies. They then use • If the party is strong, add two
damage-dealing ranged spells such as sahuagin.
spiritual weapon, guiding bolt, and Y’Petrieth Council Room:
produce flame, targeting spellcasters
first. • If the party is weak, Agnaliann
has the statistics of an acolyte,
except that he has 18 (4d8) hit
Development points and also has the spell
guiding bolt prepared.

f the adventurers kill Sariel • If the party is strong, add two
and Agnaliann, the elf army, aquatic elf warriors. Each warrior
demoralized by the loss of their has the statistics of a scout.
leaders, is quickly overwhelmed by
the sahuagin attack.

If the adventurers kill Bek’orra,

the sahuagin army falls into chaos.
Once the adventurers leave, the elf
army arrives and slaughters the


ristho carries 370 gp and his
diver’s tome. Bek’orra and
Sariel each carry four coral

Concluding the Adventure
f the party follows Malayna’s
plan, Malayna negotiates a
ceasefire between the two factions
and begins working openly to form
a more permanent peace between the
villages. After a week, envoys from
the villages deliver this news to
the adventurers.

If the party destabilizes one or

both villages, Eristho arrives in
force with an army of mercenaries
that vastly outnumber the villages’
surviving warriors. Eristho rewards
the characters for their assistance
and strongarms the survivors into
an unconditional surrender. The
terms of the surrender allow Eristho
to brutally harvest the coral,
using the surviving villagers as
cheap labor. Left unopposed, the
harvesting kills the reef, driving
the coral extinct in a year.

Continuing the Adventure

f Eristho succeeded, the party
can take revenge by sabotaging
his harvesting operation, freeing
enslaved villagers, assisting a
rebellion against him, or attacking
him in private. The villages and the
reef never fully recover, but the
adventurers can still stop Eristho
from profiting off their devastation.

If Eristho failed, the adventurers

establish a good reputation with the
villages. Villager NPCs might assist
the adventurers in future underwater
escapades, or they might use the
adventurers as intermediaries
in establishing an equitable
relationship between the villages
and surface-dwelling polities.

Appendix A: Monsters & NPCs
Eristho Generee
Medium humanoid (half elf), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)

Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.


11 14 12 10 13 14
(+0) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+1) (+2)
saving throws Dex +4, Wis +3
Skills Perception +5, Performance +4,
Persuasion +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
passive Perception 15
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
languages Common, Elvish

Spellcasting. Eristho is a 2nd-level

spellcaster. His spellcasting ability
is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to
hit with spell attacks). Eristho has
the following bard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): friends, vi-
cious mockery
1st level (3 slots): charm person,
hideous laughter, thunderwave
Create diversion (1/day). Eristho can use a bo-
nus action on his turn to beguile one
creature within 30 feet of him. If
the target can hear or see Eristho,
the target must succeed on a DC 12
Charisma saving throw or all attack
rolls against the target have advan-
tage until the start of Eristho’s
next turn.
Fey Ancestry. Eristho has advantage on
saving throws against being charmed
and magic can’t put him to sleep.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 80/320, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6
+2) piercing damage.

Khella ReActions
Medium humanoid (sahuagin), chaotic neutral Guardian of the tribe. When a creature
Khella can see attacks a target
Armor Class 14 (scale mail) other than her that is within 5
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) feet of her, Khella and the tar-
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. get swap places, and Khella be-
comes the target instead.


13 11 14 12 13 9
(+1) (+0) (+2) (+1) (+1) (-1)

Skills Intimidation +3, Perception +4

Senses darkvision 120 ft.,
passive Perception 14
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
languages Common, Sahuagin

Blood Frenzy. Khella has advantage on me-

lee attack rolls against any creature
that doesn’t have all its hit points.
Limited Amphibiousness. Khella can breathe air
and water, but she needs to be sub-
merged at least once every 4 hours to
avoid suffocating.
Shark Telepathy. Khella can magically com-
mand any shark within 120 feet of
her, using a limited telepathy.

Multiattack. Khella makes two melee at-
tacks, one with her bite and one
with her claws, warhammer, or spear.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4
+ 1) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4
+ 1) slashing damage.
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage or 6
(1d10 +1) if used two-handed.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
+3 to hit, range 20/60, one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) piercing damage or 5
(1d8 +1) if used two-handed.

Appendix B: Items Diver’s Tome

Wondrous Item, rare (requires

Coral Polyp attunement by a spellcaster)
Wondrous Item, uncommon This leather-bound book is covered
in arcane purple runes belonging to
Harvested in Petrieth’s Bay, this
a long-dead language. Once per day,
large, red polyp of coral gives off
you can cast water breathing as a
a dull glow, indicating its magical
ritual by reading from this book.
nature. As an action, you can expend
the polyp and touch a creature,
applying one of the following

● The creature regains 2d4 + 2

hit points.

● End one condition afflicting the

creature. The condition can be
blinded, deafened, paralyzed,
or poisoned.

● Reduce one level of the

creature’s exhaustion caused by

Appendix C: Maps
The Coconut Crab:

Key: The ship rests on its side. Each square is 5 ft. x 5ft, and the holes
in the hull are entrances into the ship.

34 CharlieAmelia
Money doesn’t
grow on trees
Level 4
Oliver Clegg

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he region of Cinderwood is the lumberjacks had dared dream.
ablaze, set alight by the magic The peaceful treants who lived in
of a vengeful treant determined the forest begged the humans to
to stomp out the humans who abused stop, but the humans were driven by
and mutilated its home. The avarice and ignored their requests.
characters are faced with a simple One evening, the treant Splintermaw
conundrum—can they find a way to returned to his grove to find his
placate the burning forest, or will companions slaughtered, taken away
they perish in the raging inferno? to be turned into logs. That night,
Spoiler: they perish in the blazing the treant set fire to the forest and
inferno. the world began to burn. Hidden in
the smoke, the forest drifted away
This adventure is optimized for four into the nightmares of the outer
4th-level characters. planes. The story drifts into the

Adventure Background
waking world on occasion, changing
the actors, the scenery or the

town of lumberjacks and their memories of those involved. Perhaps
families moved into an Old it is a cautionary tale. Perhaps it
Forest, despite the warnings is simply cruel whimsy. Either way,
of locals about the spirits that the Cinderwood is doomed to burn
dwelled within. There, they began over and over again for eternity.
to harvest the forest’s magical
wood for use in industry. This
proved more lucrative than any of

Adventure Summary Hooks
he characters arrive in Sinister Smoke. Cinderwood is a dark
Cinderwood and enter the town dream that haunts the edges of the
of Loggerville, where they world. The sinister smoke can steal
meet the villagers arguing about away a party of adventurers at any
how to deal with the burning forest time.
surrounding them. The fire is quickly
spreading out of control, and the As you travel, you begin to smell
adventurers might choose to head smoke on the wind. Black, billowing
into the woods to seek out and calm smog rushes by you in a burning
the nature spirits. If they do, they wave, boiling up from underneath the
have a brief opportunity to interact earth and drowning you in darkness.
with the murderous Splintermaw, a When it fades, you are somewhere
treant gone insane, and broker a altogether unfamiliar, though the
terrible deal. Whether or not the tang of smoke still hangs heavily in
characters head into the forest to the air.
find Splintermaw quickly enough is
pivotal, as the adventure quickly Dreams of Smoke and Ash. You
reaches a tipping point after which may prefer instead to play this
there is no possible conclusion but adventure as a literal dream
fire and death. sequence. This is advised if you are
particularly invested in your player
characters not meeting a grisly end.

Your dreams are disturbing. Visions

flash before your eyes of dark flame
and silver teeth. Branches laugh at
you, and the sound of metal on stone
rings in your ears. The light grows
bright, and you awaken with a start
somewhere you don’t recognize.

Money Doesn’t Grow on distance. Smoke is heavy in the air,

emanating from the burning forest
which seems to surround the town on

he adventurers arrive in the all sides. Between the forest and
burning domain of Cinderwood, the town, forming a wide ring around
spirited away to evil ends. the houses, lies a stretch of land
They will undoubtedly be confused, filled with grey earth and thousands
so use Part 1 as a way to introduce of tree stumps.
the characters to the nature and
grim severity of the region’s woes Features of the Area
before moving swiftly on to Part 2.
Homes and Buildings. Loggerville
Part 1: Smoke and
is home to many houses and shops,

poorly built of wood from the trees
around the town.

he smoke deposits the
Feuding Lumberjacks. The citizens
characters within sight of
of Loggerville are at loggerheads.
Loggerville, a ramshackle The greedy woodcutters are debating
wooden town of human lumberjacks their next move, having divided
trapped inside the burning domain. into three groups unable to reach a
How the adventurers approach the consensus on what to do. There are
humans, and what they learn from several hundred commoners in this
those to whom they speak, is likely camp (60 of them are noncombatant
to inform how they choose to handle children), and roughly 100 in each
the forest’s present crisis. Be sure faction.
to keep track of time, because the
fires won’t wait for adventurers to What the lumberjacks know:
talk to everyone (see Cinderwood • We have been cutting wood for
Ablaze). some time. The people who lived here
before us said it would anger the
forest, but we did it anyway.
Loggerville • The native population had to be

chased away. We built Loggerville on
he settlement is surrounded the ruins.
by thousands of tree stumps,
• The trees woke up and began to
which have clearly been used attack us. So we started cutting
to construct the town. Smoke clogs them down too.
the air, making it hard to see and
• A few days ago, the forest
difficult to breathe. The town is started to smoke. Now it seems
filled with miserable-looking humans completely ablaze.
loudly and chaotically debating
• There are still shadows moving
their next move. 500 feet away in the forest. You can see them if
from the edge of the town in all you look closely.
directions is a burning forest—the
source of the smoke and heat. Activists. One third of the
lumberjacks are incredibly worried
by the smoke, rising heat and threat
In the near distance, a sooty of retaliation from the forest. They
palisade wall surrounds an assembly wish to address the problem, but
of poorly wrought houses and have no idea how. They talk boldly
businesses. People mill about of “strong, innovative solutions”
dejectedly, and the sound of angry and “coming together to tackle the
voices is disquieting even from this problem head on” but never actually

act on these suggestions. Their Apathetics. The final group doesn’t
leader is a human noble called really mind much either way. They
Eloysius Funk, who spends a lot of just want to get back to their
his time trying to assert order normal lives, and are intractable
over proceedings to little avail. in this. They accept the easiest
The Activists have sent scouts into answer to any question which allows
the forest, scouts who have been them to keep acting as they always
brutally murdered, their burned have, which means the majority of
corpses hurled out from the woods by the time they abstain from making
the unknown assailants behind the any real decisions at all. They are
treeline. led by no-one in particular and
become either anxious or defensive
Key phrases: when questioned about their lack of
• “Something must be done!”
• “Won’t anyone do something?!” Key phrases:
• “We must take action! Soon!” • “Look, I’m just trying to get
Deniers. This group of lumberjacks by here.”
utterly denies that there’s a • “I can’t afford to leave. I have
problem at all, despite the smoke, kids! And there’s no money.”
corpses, and other clearly present • “I’m tired, okay? It’s been a
dangers. They willfully ignore long day. Stop harassing me.”
all evidence to this effect. The
Deniers are led by the incumbent Development
mayor Twistimus Crump, who claims
any evidence that danger exists The lumberjacks are arguing in the
is part of a calculated coup by streets, with the Activists vainly
the Activists to depose him and attempting to raise some (as yet
seize power. Characters who side undecided) action from the rest of
with the Activists are accused of their cohort. Allow the adventurers
collaboration, conspiracy, and to engage with the lumberjacks and
anything else Crump can think of to ascertain the stalemate the town
discredit them. finds itself in.

Crump is a foolish man determined to Cinderwood Ablaze. For every 5

delay and frustrate the characters minutes of game time that pass after
by any means possible, first by the characters arrive in Loggertown,
pretending to be deliberately take a moment to describe the state
obtuse, and later by whipping up the of the advancing fires. Use these
deniers into a violent, frenzied moments to impress upon the players
mob. He has made his riches from the dire gravity of the disaster,
the wood Loggerville produces, and and the speed with which the fires
would rather die than pass up an are advancing.
opportunity for profit. 5 minutes in. The smoke seems to
be getting worse, and people are
Key phrases:
• “But what if the fire is fake?”
10 minutes in. The smoke is thick
• “They just want all the logs and noxious. It is hard to breathe
for themselves!” properly.
• “Forest fires happen all the
time, it doesn’t mean a disaster” 15 minutes in. You can smell the
burning wood from here. It reeks of

20 minutes in. The creaking of
distant, burning trees is ever
The Burning Woods
present now, like the rumbling of a The following features are present
throughout the woods.
25 minutes in. The heat is stifling.
Smog pours down the streets, you can Lighting. The area is dimly lit,
barely see thirty feet ahead of you. thanks to the smoke obscuring any
light from above.
30 minutes in. A deep, rumbling
laugh echoes through the air, as Vision. The smoke lightly obscures
heat shimmers dance around. Embers the area, and grants creatures
float in the smoke. The ground disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
shudders. checks based on sight, taste, or
If the adventures head towards the
Woods at any point before 30 minutes
Heat. The heat is uncomfortable and
pass, proceed to part 2a.
sweltering, seeming to radiate from
If 30 minutes pass and the all sides.
adventurers have yet to head into
the woods, proceed to Part 2b. When you are ready, run the
following Complex Trap.
Part 2a: Into the
Woods Burning Woods

f the adventurers quickly see Complex trap, (level 4, deadly
that Loggerville is incapable of threat)
organizing to save itself, they
may choose to head into the forest Initiative. The trap acts on
and see if they can help douse the initiative counts 20 and 10.
fire in any way. As the characters
Active Elements. The burning woods
enter the woods, they must make
are filled with evil burning blights,
their way through the burning forest and frequent blasts of fire.
in search of a way to fix it.
Burning Blight (Initiative 20).
The trees are filled with ominous A burning blight (see Appendix)
shadows, and smoke drifts around appears within 10 feet of a
them in coils. The heat is character.
sweltering. Before you have walked Explosion (Initiative 10). Fire and
far, a rasping, hollow voice echoes earth run rampant in the woods.
through the trees as if from all Choose one of the following spells,
around. DEATH it cries. BURN. BURN and resolve it at its lowest level
WITH ME. CUTTING, SLASHING, YOUR (DC 8) targeting a random character
NAMES I’LL BITE AND CUT WITH BURNING - burning hands, entangle, heat
Dynamic Elements. The threat this
trap poses increases depending on
how much time has passed - see
Cinderwood Ablaze.

Shrieking Fires. For each 5

minutes that has passed since the

adventurers arrived in Loggerville, that a driving force behind the
an additional burning blight appears malevolence of the forest is
each turn. watching.
Increasing Despair. For each 5
minutes that has passed since the Splintermaw
adventurers arrived in Loggerville,
increase the DCs of this trap by 1. Splintermaw eventually investigates
at the end of the 5th round, which
Constant Elements. The forest is ends the trap if it has not come to
filled with choking smoke. The heat a conclusion already.
is unbearable.

Smoke. Creatures can see out to A lumbering, blackened tree with

10 feet, in which the area is eyes of flame and rows of silver
lightly obscured. Beyond that is needles for teeth stalks towards you
heavily obscured by the smoke. At through the flame and smoke, which
the start of their turn, creatures swirls around it like a funeral
that breathe must succeed on a DC 8 shroud. NAMES it cries, in the voice
Constitution saving throw or lose
of all the small and quiet things
their action to sputtering and
hacking. ever slain by greed and ugliness. I
Heat. The heat of the fire is SILVER EYES OUT
draining and wearisome. At the
end of their turn, creatures that The treant is curious at the strange
breathe must succeed on a DC 8 intruders, and hears what they have
Constitution saving throw or gain to say. If they express sympathy
a level of exhaustion. Creatures with Loggerville, the treant
resistant to fire damage are immune slays them, but any offers of help
to this effect. or similar olive branches cause
Splintermaw to give the characters
Countermeasures. The forest is once last chance.
angry, and needs to be placated.
Druidic. Characters who can speak
Druidic may draw Splintermaw’s NAMES, the spirit of fire cries out.
curiosity. A call to parley from a TAKE THEM TO THE BURNING GRAVE, OR
character speaking Druidic draws MY EYES WILL TAKE THEIR SPLINTERED
the treant’s attention—proceed to MAWS TO EARTH IN BURNING ASH WITH
“Splintermaw,” below. ME AND WE WILL TAKE THEIR MAW AND
Dousing the Flame. Casting a spell WORLD ABLAZE WILL SEE. REGROW MY
that creates water or frost to douse
some of the flame shocks Splintermaw
into a degree of sanity, and causes ASHES AND NEW EYES WILL SEE YOU
him to investigate. AGAIN. YOU HAVE MY SPLINTER MAW.

Splintermaw, who can speak Splintermaw, in his madness, wants

throughout the forest, occasionally the worst offending citizens of
interjects with mad nonsense. He Loggerville dead, and the forest
constantly uses the following regrown from their ashes. Treat
words SILVER - BITE - NAME - BURN Splintermaw as a treant, with the
- TOGETHER over and over again in following additional changes:
different iterations. This should
hopefully imply to the characters • He regenerates 10 hit points at
the start of every round.
• He is immune to fire damage, and them, the choice he offers them is a
cannot be set ablaze. grim one.
• His teeth are silver needles.
This has no mechanical effect, it If the characters refuse
just looks cool. Splintermaw’s offer, he attempts to
slay them.
• He has the Legendary Resistance
feature, which he can use three If the characters agree, he
times a day allows them to safely return to
Destroying Splintermaw. A lucky Loggerville, and the forest fires ebb
party might manage to destroy to a slow burn, leaving the forest
Splintermaw. The forest fire, in this wreathed in smoke.

Part 2b: The End

case, spreads throughout the domain.
Nothing is spared, and the town
burns to the ground. Eventually, the This part of the adventure
domain falls into smoke. deals with the consequences of
Splintermaw’s offer in Part 2a. If
Negotiating with Splintermaw. the characters have been directed
Splintermaw is not in a rational here from Part 1, proceed straight
state of mind. The treant has to Last March of the Treants.
been brutalized, and his friends
murdered. His burning of the forest Reactions to Splintermaw’s Bargain
is a final act of desperation—an act
of mutual destruction driven by The townspeople react in horror to
grief. The treant cannot be saved Splintermaw’s request. None of the
from his own doom at this point; too factions are willing to sacrifice
many have died already at the hands their lives for their children
of the fire, and he was long ago without any hope of escape for
claimed by forces beyond our ken to themselves, and very few individuals
relive these events over and over. desire to risk leaving the safety
of the herd. The characters may be
The treant barks seemingly able to persuade certain factions
meaningless sentences at the to allow them to secure the wrists
characters, but characters who of children with the protective
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) bands as directed by the treant (see
check might be able to discern his Barkwoven Band) in Appendix B.
Deniers. The Deniers (and Twistimus
Splintermaw dictates the following Crump) do everything within their
terms to the characters: power to frustrate and bedevil the
characters’ efforts to prepare in
• Splintermaw will spare any time or make any changes, accusing
child of Loggerville who displays
a woven band of bark around their them of trying to start a panic for
wrist. No adult will be spared. no reason whatsoever. As time goes
on, have the accusations levelled
• The children will remain in the at the characters become even more
forest as his wards, and regrow the ludicrous, from “they want to steal
forest under his tutelage. our roofs” to “I heard they asked a
• The other residents of witch to ensorcel the forest so we’d
Loggerville will be sacrificed to the give them money.”
flames as penance for their sins.
Apathetics. If any of the apathetic
townsfolk agree to prepare for
Whether or not the characters manage battle, or to make any preparations
to keep Splintermaw from killing at all, they ask for payment. The
lumberjack families are extremely
resistant to any arguments of good the stat block for a treant with the
faith or common sense, insisting following additional ability:
on financial recompense for their
hardships. They are unswayed by the Fire and Death. The treant is on
logic that if they are dead there is fire, and takes 2 (1d4) fire damage at
nothing to spend money on. the start of each of its turns. It
also deals an additional 7 (2d6) fire
Activists. The activists are keen damage when it hits with a weapon
to do as Splintermaw asks, and attack.
immediately begin to round up
children, much to the anger and Reaction of the Lumberjacks
dismay of the other factions.
Arguments soon devolve into brawls Activists. The Activists move
and fistfights, and unless encouraged quickly to defend the town, though
into implementing an organized their clubs and axes are of little
system of some kind, the actions of use against the burning boulders
the Activists soon cause the entire and murderous rage the treants
town to descend into child-grabbing employ. They are disorganized, and
chaos. unless they are marshalled somehow
to order, they are likely to meet a
Last March of the Treants grisly end. They can be convinced
easily to turn on the Deniers and
This part of the adventure occurs turn them over to the Treants as per
at different times of day depending Splintermaw’s demands in Part 2a.
on the previous sections. If you
come here straight from Part 1 Deniers. The Deniers flat out refuse
(after the 30 minute expiration), to acknowledge the attack, and
it occurs in the late afternoon. continue to accuse anyone who tries
If the characters negotiated with to warn or help them of perfidy.
Splintermaw in Part 2, it occurs at Whether this is genuine ignorance or
sundown instead. mere stubbornness is unclear in many
cases, but the point is rather moot.
Disquieting rumbles are your first Apathetics. It begins to dawn on the
warning. Then the row of trees apathetics at this point that there
closest to the town move apart, is no going back to their old lives.
revealing wooden monsters of Some of them despair and try to
withered black bark. The stalking, leave town, wandering straight into
wretched figures begin to emerge the burning woods. Others pick up
from the treelines, spindly black weapons. Some even try to hide. Many
branches withered by flames that blame the characters for bringing
crackle along their length. They bad luck to Loggerville,
hum a song, a song of mutual
destruction. The walking trees
each stand as tall as a house, and
begin to move purposefully for

The attack on Loggerville has been

orchestrated by Splintermaw, who is
not in attendance. Instead, he has
sent his legion of fell treants to
attack the down and burn anything
they find to ashes. Thirteen fell
treants converge on the town, using
Concluding the Adventure Appendix A: Monsters &
f Splintermaw can be reached
in time and his terms met, the
children are allowed to continue
to live in the forest under the care
of the evil treant. BURNING BLIGHT
Small plant, chaotic evil
In any event, the treants murder
every adult they can find, during Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
which process the lumberjacks Hit Points 4 (1d6 + 1)
bicker, argue, and jostle for power. Speed 20 ft.
Some spend their last moments
attempting to save their valuables,
and many of them are killed whilst STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
attempting to rob each other. 6 13 13 4 8 3
(-2) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4)
Should by some miracle the treants
be defeated in part 2b, Splintermaw
Condition immunities Blinded, Deafened
stokes the forest fire once more and
the wooden town soon burns to the Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond

ground due to the plentiful ashes this), passive Perception 9

carried on the wind from the burning Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
wood. There are no survivors.

Continuing the Adventure FALSE appearance. While the blight remains

motionless, it is indistinguishable
t is very difficult to continue
from a burning shrub.
doing anything when you are a
set alight. The burning blight is on
pile of ashes and fertilizer.
fire, and deals an extra 1d4 fire
Consider perhaps providing nutrition
damage on a hit (included in the
for any number of plants and weeds
Claw attack). In addition, it takes
that might care to grow on your
1d4 fire damage at the start of each
grave. Your bones might make a good
of its turns.
climbing frame for a vine someday,
and perhaps in the far distant
future when strangers come once Actions
more to Cinderwood, they will take
claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to
your lifeless, scorched skull as a
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
warning not to exploit things they 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage and 2
have no hope of controlling. (1d4) fire damage.

Appendix B: Items
Barkwoven Band

Wondrous item, uncommon

This small band is sized for the

wrist of a human child. While you
wear it, you’re invisible to plant
creatures and elementals.

44 Missy Weir
The Beasts
Level 10
Vlad ‘Noa’ Giulvezan
t e r a nd TTR
wri und
f r e e lance e can be fo ng
ed H gli
s t r a l ia bas om Romania. t, and jug
u r i
i s a West A l the way f the fun of growin
e z a n r e a l f o r e v e r
lv he res an
d ‘ N o a’ Giu travelled t nd adventu m o v i es in e
turn t an
Vla i n g e s a a n d ks a r c
, hav stori omics, nd mar mires. You
player , plotting f books, c ent u r e a
cookin all sorts
b l i s h ed adv the corpor
u n
betwee .
h i s first p ars spent i
g i s y e
backlo sts Within fter a few .
e a a p s
The B e pursuits at @quille
creati on Twitter
find hi

ut in the forest, someone—or enforced by the City Guard. In a
something—is taking a stand against matter of months the prosperous,
the greed of profit seeking merchants thriving community has been cowed
and it’s up to the adventuring party to into submission, thanks to the
discover their goals. mayor’s enforcers and whispered
rumors of strange creatures drawing
This adventure is designed for 3–4 ever closer to the town walls.
characters level 10–15, and is
optimized for four characters with Deep within the ancient forests,
an average party level (APL) of 10. those few followers of the old ways

Adventure Background
who remain have sought sanctuary in
forgotten groves and hidden shrines,

edarvale, once a simple fort hunted by the guards whenever they
on the edge of civilization, attempt to warn of what is coming.
An ancient dryad has awoken, angered
has become the scene of a
by dwindling offerings and the
brewing conflict between those who destruction wrought upon the forest
have always called the land their and its wildlife in the name of
home and the policies sent forth industry. As townsfolk turned on
from the distant halls of the rich those who have sought to warn them
and mighty. With the new mayor’s of the knowledge gained through
arrival, the townsfolk were faced lost groves and eldritch whispers,
with a choice between the old ways they brought forth their own doom:
and bending beneath the weight of the dryad has cast a curse upon the
new taxes and rules vigilantly forest’s enemies and a boon to those
it considers friends.
With the forests turned wild, the
mayor has turned her attention to
tomes of knowledge, seeking to orrendous Crash. On the road to
confront those forces set in the town, the party finds a wrecked
path of progress. And far beyond the stagecoach on an overgrown
town walls, a party of adventurers portion of road. Inside, they find
has made its way along the forest a messenger’s remains and a sealed
roads, unaware of the curse lockbox meant for the town’s mayor.
threatening to smother Cedarvale and An accompanying note promises
return the region to the wilds once payment upon delivery.
the confrontation between an ancient
dryad and an ambitious mayor draws Nice Work - Here’s More. If the
to an end. party delivers the box to the Guard
Captain, they are offered a job as
Adventure Summary investigators for her. Their first

he adventure plays out events task is to investigate what happened
at the Keg.
taking place over the course of
a single day built around the Close the Windows and Lock the
adventuring party’s journey towards Doors. If the party decides to keep
and arrival at the frontier trade the box or not work for the Guard
town of Cedarvale. Captain, they are directed towards
the Keg and advised to spend the
Part 1: The Old Forest Road – night behind the town walls for
Journey to town. Abandoned travel their own safety. Here they learn of
coach. Guard encounter at the town’s three mercenaries pursuing a halfling
gate. Interview with the Guard who turned them into unnatural
Captain. things in the yard out back.
Part 2: Cracking the Keg – Arrival
at a local tavern. Investigation
of odd events. Pursuit of mystery

Part 3: The Smithy – Confrontation

with Ada Greenleaf. The dryad’s
curse. Potential arrest and

Part 4: Old Tree’s Shadow – The

dryad’s attack. Confrontation at
the Old Tree by the mayoral estate
and securing aid against the curse.
Pursuit into the woods.

Part 5: The Ancient Grove –

Navigating the forest to the dryad’s
grove. Random encounters depending
on the party’s choices. Final
confrontation with the new mayor and

The Beasts Within tangled in the ivy.

Part 1: Down the Old Five guards wearing matching armor

Forest Road are spread out in a defensive
perimeter. Each shows a different

fter several days spent cause of death, ranging from deep
on the road, the party is claw marks to fragments of wooden
drawing close to the town of spears. Two of them lie covered in
Cedarvale. They have grown familiar roots, crushed in their armor.
with their surroundings. Ever since
taking the Old Forest Road, they Development
have experienced unease whenever A successful DC 15 Wisdom
venturing off the road to forage or (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival)
make camp. With only a half-day’s check reveals that no animals are
travel between them and the safety near the site and any animal tracks
of the city walls, the adventurers appear to be a couple of days old.
are looking forward to a warm bed
and a hot meal. Inside the coach, a desiccated
body is pinned to its seat by a
short spear. Next to the body is a
The Ruined Stagecoach coin purse, a message case, and a

p ahead, the path grows
more challenging, despite If the corpse is touched or the
being frequently used by spear disturbed, the corpse gasps
and spasms as if alive. This is the
trade caravans heading towards the
result of roots rapidly spreading
mountain passes. Roots and fallen and growing from the spear through
branches have taken over parts of the body and carriage, forming into
the path. As the party arrives at a tree. Creatures inside the coach
a bend in the road, they find a must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity
ruined stagecoach next to a small saving throw or be trapped in the
waystation by the roadside. The area roots.
is littered with bodies.
Moments later, the coach shatters!
Creatures within 20 feet of the
By the side of the road, a body must succeed on a DC 16
stagecoach lies tilted on its side, Dexterity saving throw, taking 28
its wheels broken by a tangle of (8d6) piercing damage on a failed
roots and ivy. Though the overgrowth save or half as much damage on a
appears to have been there a while, success. Creatures trapped in the
the nearby battle scene tells a roots automatically fail this saving
different story. throw.

Features of the Area The message case contains a set of

letters from the mayor of Cedarvale,
The Ruined Coach. Under the heavy Ailene Baycrest (CN human - Appendix
layer of ivy, the coach is clean, B), promising full payment of 400
freshly lacquered. Its size (and gp upon receipt of the maps and
the five dead guards spread out in journals—from the time of the
a defensive formation) hint at the initial settlement of Cedarvale—in a
owner’s prosperity. To investigate sealed lockbox. The lockbox contains
the inside of the stagecoach, a the maps and journals, which show
creature must succeed on a DC 15 ancient ruins and paths through the
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or get woods.

As the party departs towards the The Captain’s Office. Overlooking the
town, the forest seems to darken, the road, the captain’s office is accessed
branches leaning heavier over the from a staircase built into the
road, the foliage growing thicker. gate tower. Inside, the setting is
Behind them, a loud groan and crack spartan—only a desk, a small bar,
draws their attention back to the and weapon maintenance station.
coach’s remains in time to see the The sole concession to its owner’s
debris and bodies being dragged into comfort is a large plush armchair by
the forest by the roots. the fireplace.

Rewards Creatures

The messenger’s coin purse contains

120 gp. Five serviceable shortswords Six guards (treat as knights) and
can be salvaged from the guards. Guard Captain Guyenne (CN human -
see Appendix B)
At the Gates

t the end of the road lies If provoked, four guards engage
Cedarvale, a town surrounded in melee while two stay at range,
by stone walls with its focusing their crossbow attacks on
gates large enough to allow for a obvious spellcasters while raising
single wagon to pass at a time. As the alarm. Guyenne uses her heavy
they approach, the adventurers are crossbow from her office balcony.
signaled to the side of the road by
a group of guards. Above the gate is
the Guard Captain’s office.
The guards ask if the party has
On a balcony above the gates, a met any couriers on the road to
figure looks out over the road, then town. If the party surrenders the
lockbox, they are promptly taken
goes inside as they notice your
to Guyenne. She asks the party if
party. Up ahead, heavily armed they met any obstacles on their way
guards signal you to stop for to town, offering a summary version
inspection. of the challenges that her guards
have been dealing with: sudden
Features of the Area animal attacks, well kept paths
becoming overgrown in a single
The Town Gates. Massive wooden doors
night, hunters disappearing. As new
are open during the day with guards
arrivals to town, Guyenne offers
checking travelers going in and out
the party the job of seeking out
of Cedarvale. The guards are tense,
leads around town and investigating
ready to fight over the smallest
strange happenings. She notes the
slight. Having seen the forest
townsfolk are much likelier to talk
move, they are suspicious of any
to outsiders, but doesn’t offer
druids, rangers, or nature clerics
details on why this is the case. She
until assured that they are simple
provides payment for the lockbox
travelers. If necessary, the guards
regardless of whether the party
are convinced with a successful DC
accepts her offer.
10 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
On a failure, the guards warn the
party that news travels fast in
town and there is no tolerance for

If the party denies finding the asking for access as part of a Guard
courier through a DC 18 Charisma investigation. If the party did not
(Deception) check or refuses future accept Guyenne’s offer, a successful
employment, they are advised to DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check can
spend the night at the Keg and convince him that the party deserves
resume travels during daytime. On a free access.
failed check, Guyenne shares that
she finds it suspicious that the Development
party would miss a coach on the
sole road to town but that she has Bertrand is an elderly dwarf, long
more pressing matters to deal with. past his prime. He admits that with
However, her door remains open for caravans disappearing on their way
anyone looking to make an honest through the woods, he doesn’t see
wage, if the party recalls anything a future for Cedarvale, and the
useful. mayor’s ambition means complaints
fall on deaf ears. He shares that he
Rewards was not surprised when mercenaries
were charged with hunting alleged
Lockbox delivery reward (400 gp) occultists, the moniker officially
and compensation for surrendering used for all druids. Offhandedly, he
equipment taken from the stagecoach mentions the outcome of a scuffle that
guards (100 gp). Guard tokens, if took place in the alleyway behind
accepting Guyenne’s commission. the Keg between some mercenaries and

Part 2: Cracking
a halfling occultist—the mercenaries
the were turned into trees.
Keg Out back, a successful DC 15
Intelligence (Investigation) check
The party’s arrival at the local reveals that bricks have crumbled to
tavern does not go unnoticed with clay and wooden planks have sprouted
all conversation pausing once they small branches. The gate blocking
step inside the Keg. Bertrand (CG the alley doesn’t look forced; was
dwarf berserker), the innkeeper, it inside help?
scolds his regulars and invites the
party inside, keen for their custom. Getting Bertrand to Talk. A
successful DC 18 Charisma
(Persuasion or Deception) check
The Keg persuades Bertrand that the party
is not working for the guards.
In the cozy tavern, conversations Alternately, a successful DC 15
dry up whenever you pass a table. Charisma (Intimidation) check
While Bertrand leads you to the bar, frightens Bertrand. Either way, he
a young half-orc palms some coppers reveals the halfling’s identity as
Ada Greenleaf and her destination,
then helps two children sneak out
as well as his part in her escape,
the back of the tavern. in a bid to avoid trouble for his
inn and patrons. Bertrand assures
Features of the Area
the party that he has known Ada from
The Keg Common Room. A central fire childhood and she loves Cedarvale as
pit keeps the Keg warm with regulars much as any other settler. He urges
drinking and eating while they swap the party to consider that there
rumors on what happened in the could be more at play than what the
tavern’s storage yard out back. mayor or Guyenne may have shared.

The Backyard. Accessible either by

paying the young half-orc his fee or
Part 3: The Smithy Creatures

The smithy is a large walled-in ix smiths (treat as guards), one
yard near the mayor’s estate that halfling noble, and Ada Greenleaf
doubles as living and trade space (see Appendix)
for Kenneth Greenleaf (CG halfling
noble). Around the property, several
out of season trees appear to be Tactics
in bloom. There are more warped
buildings and items, the wood If attacked, the smiths and
appearing to bloom despite having Kenneth engage the party in combat
been processed. to buy time for Ada to escape.
Ada shapeshifts and leaves by
the fastest route possible. Once
Features of the Area she is gone; Kenneth calls the
surrender. If cornered, Ada will
fight by casting shillelagh on her
The Smithy Yard. The yard is mostly quarterstaff.
dark with a few smiths still
working in the cooler evening. If
the smiths are convinced that the Rewards
party is there to help Kenneth and
his daughter Ada (CN halfling druid Kenneth offers, or surrenders, four
- see appendix B) instead of simply potions of healing and 400 gp.
enforcing Guyenne’s will, they lead
the adventurers to the old mayor. If Part 4: Old Tree’s
you must use a check, a successful
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion or
Deception) check sees the party
through. Otherwise, the smiths Depending on the outcome of Part
attempt to buy time for Ada to flee. 3, the party is either escorting
or pursuing Ada to the Old Tree a
few streets away from her father’s
Development estate. Ahead, a shriveled silver
tree trunk stands in front of the

hen faced with the party, Ada mayor’s manor—the dormant dryad’s
and Kenneth share her plan and tree.
attempt to convince the party
of her intentions. The night does not prove peaceful.
Following a thundering sound, whole
The new mayor’s efforts to further sections of the town walls collapse,
tame the forest have caused unrest
and broken the agreements that led their stone no match for the roots
to Cedarvale’s past prosperity. breaching them. As wild attackers
Without the counsel of her older storm the streets and guards rush
peers, Dreama, the lone dryad acting to meet them, your party moves
as Keeper of the Forest, has decided unnoticed through the chaos.
that she must take extreme actions
to protect her charge.

Ada intends to awaken the dormant

dryad bound to the Old Silver Tree
and obtain her aid in preventing
Dreama from completing her curse-
empowered attack on Cedarvale.

Features of the Area wisp. Anyone succeeding a DC 16
Wisdom (Perception) check hears the

he Old Tree. Found in the wisp urge them to take it to the
open plaza before the mayor’s dryad’s grove so they may calm her.
manor, the tree is not
If the party sides with Guyenne, she
unguarded. Guyenne is at the site
tasks them with joining the mayor in
with several messengers and guards the attack on Dreama’s grove. If the
as she marshals the town’s defenses party sides with Ada and they kill
to hold off the onslaught. The Guard Guyenne, they learn from a letter
captain is distrustful of druids retrieved from Guyenne that the
(considering recent events) and is mayor led an expedition to torch the
fully intent on stopping any scheme grove earlier that evening. Ada begs
that might contradict the mayor’s the party for their help.
orders. Ada rushes to the tree to
commune with it.
f combat breaks out, Ada stays
out of combat to commune with

our guards, Guyenne (CN numan - the tree. If Guyenne can’t be
Appendix B), and Ada (CN halfling persuaded to aid, the guards engage
- Appendix B) the party while Guyenne first sets
the tree alight, then engages the
rest of the party in melee.
Negotiating Peace

A Rewards
successful DC 15 Charisma
(Persuasion or Deception)

check convinces Guyenne that he guards have a total of
Ada means well and is looking to 120 gp. Guyenne has 100 pp,
save the town, just like her and the two potions of healing, a +2
guards. The tree offers an acorn to greatsword , a +2 shortbow , a ring
act as a message to Dreama, a call of protection, and two flasks of
for a truce. alchemist’s fire.

Difficulty Adjustments
Failing to convince Guyenne to stand
down or to deceive her into allowing
Ada to reach the tree with a DC 18
Charisma (Deception) check causes For a more challenging combat
Guyenne to use a flask of alchemist’s encounter, add one veteran guard
fire to set the tree ablaze. - gladiator. For a party of level
12+, consider adding one mage. For
If the party intends to prevent Ada easier combat, the guards can be
from communing with the dormant
dryad’s tree and warns Guyenne replaced by one knight.
of the druid’s intention without
attempting to deescalate the
situation, Guyenne will torch the
tree. If the tree is set ablaze,
Ada sacrifices herself to secure the
acorn. The tree is consumed by the
fire, a strong gust of wind scatters
the ashes and reveals a translucent
silver acorn containing a small
Part 5: The Ancient Tactics
here are many possible combat
The final area allows the party variants based on the party’s
to choose different paths based choices. If the party has
on their previous choices. A few sided with Dreama, Ailene sends
options are charted below in the the elementals to fight them while
development section. focusing on the dryad. If the party
sides with Ailene, they are faced
Features of the Area with a treant that the dryad uses as
a distraction.

orest Paths. Traversing the
forest is done by either
following Ada’s guidance,

trying to use Guyenne’s map, or the uyenne Favored. This option is
retrieved acorn’s strange compass- open if the party has previously
like glow. sided with Guyenne, and the party
While the adventurers travel, trees is engaging in combat on behalf of
shift to block their progress. A Ailene. The goal is to finish off the
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) dryad threat.
check ensures the party successfully
navigates the forest. On a failure, Ada Favored. This option is open
the party is turned around by the if the party has sided with Ada
shifting woods; each party member and allows for the best outcome if
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Guyenne was persuaded to assist
saving throw or take a level of Ada after the attack on the town.
exhaustion. A successful DC 15 Charisma
(Persuasion) check convinces Ailene
Dreama’s Grove. The grove is located and Dreama to make peace. If Guyenne
in a clearing, a space built around won’t vouch for the party or Ada has
a massive tree that has grown died without the acorn being brought
through the remains of an ancient to the grove, the DC increases to
temple. Nearby trees and the charred 20. If all checks fail and combat
remains of a treant show traces of begins, Guyenne sides with Ada and
damage from alchemist’s fire. the party.

Neutral. If Guyenne and Ada have

The grove is littered with burned both been killed, it’s still
trees and the remains of druids and possible to broker a truce with
guards, some still locked in combat a successful DC 18 Charisma
where they fell. On the steps of (Persuasion) check. Dreama retreats
an ancient temple’s ruin, the two deeper into the woods to tend to the
rulers confront each other. acorn passed on by the Old Tree and
Ailene goes back to rebuild what she
can from the burnt forest and ruined
Creatures town.

reama (CN dryad - Appendix B),
Ailene Baycrest (CN human -
Appendix B), 2 fire elementals,

and 1 treant

Rewards becomes unwelcoming, rapid growth
frustrating efforts to continue

he mayor’s reward consists of settlement. This is dependent on
500 pp, a brazier of commanding at least the acorn being delivered
fire elementals, gems worth a successfully to Dreama.

Continuing Adventure
total of 500 gp, a +2 rapier , a +2
shortbow. the

ossible complications depend
The dryad’s reward consists of on the outcome obtained by the
ancient coins worth 1500 gp, gems party. The party can assist
worth 250 gp, a staff of healing, with resolving those consequences
a ring of free action, a ring of enduring beyond the battle between
protection, and a ring of the ram
the mayor and the dryad, such as
the recovery of an idol or item
Difficulty Adjustments from treasure hunters (as a gesture
of good will) or putting down an
Adjust the quantity of fire ancient cursed creature or ghost
elementals or replace the treant that can no longer be controlled. A
with a minimum of four awakened final option could be for the party
trees. to leave the area, seeking their
fortune elsewhere or to distance
themselves from the ruined town’s
Concluding the Adventure cautionary tale.

uyenne Favored. In a scenario
where the party fully supported
the guards against the forest,
Dreama and her forces are killed.
The dryad’s curse overwhelms
the city, which collapses, most
townsfolk transformed into forest
creatures. Without dryads or
druids to keep Cedarvale and the
woods in check, Ailene uses her
remaining forces to expand into the
wilderness, despite frequent attacks
from previously dormant creatures.

Ada Favored. In the most positive

outcome, a new balance is reached.
Ailene takes Guyenne’s advice and
takes a stand against merchant
interests. If both Persuasion checks
fail, the party must slay either
Ailene or Dreama with the survivor
taking over the fallen leader’s

Neutral Outcome. Based on the

party’s choices and who is left
standing, it’s possible to reach
a neutral result in which the
flora and fauna around Cedarvale

Appendix A: Dramatis ranks, becoming a member of the

grove guardians.

reama. Youngest of three Bertrand Stonecrag. An original
sisters, Dreama has acted as settler of Cedarvale and retired
adventurer, Bertrand has kept
the forest’s keeper and voice
himself out of the settlement’s
in dealings with the druids and politics in the years since founding
settlers of Cedarvale. Bound to her The Keg. Recently, the kindly
heart tree within a hidden grove, innkeeper has taken to speaking out
Dreama was awoken from her sleep against the mayor’s edicts, both out
by the pain of those who sought of fondness for the Greenleaf family
sanctuary in the wilds and the and because he sees the increased
cries of those she had once sworn disregard for nature as no good.
to protect. Her fury increased when
she could not reach her sister’s Guyenne. Guyenne found herself
heart tree in Cedarvale. With her drawn to the sea until her path met
that of Ailene Baycrest. The former
sister’s fate uncertain, and shown
mercenary has followed her once-
that the people of Cedarvale cannot captain across the seas and through
be trusted to respect the old pacts, the halls of politics, all the way
Dreama has taken steps to ensure all to Ailene’s new post as Cedarvale’s
debts inflicted upon the forest are mayor. Now, Guyenne finds herself
repaid. torn between her duties as Guard
Captain and her dislike of the
Kenneth Greenleaf. In the wake of changes she has seen sweep through
his replacement, Cedarvale’s former Cedarvale—and its new mayor.
mayor has managed to retain some
of his influence, given his status Ailene Baycrest. A former privateer
as a prosperous blacksmith. Since can always count on the disdain of
his forced retirement, Kenneth merchants and nobles alike, yet this
has retreated to his workshop, did not prove an obstacle to Ailene.
seen only by his apprentices and Having secured her appointment as
fellow tradesfolk. The gates to mayor, she turned her determination
his small compound are open to and focus towards increasing the
all those seeking aid or shelter profits brought in from the far-
from the mayor’s hunts for suspect flung outpost, as expected by her
occultists. While he cannot impede patrons. Hindered by the townsfolk’s
the guards’ efforts, Kenneth and his superstitions and rumors of strange
crew do their best to help people omens and disappearances, Ailene
escape the confines of the city and turned her attention towards
aid those being crushed by the new silencing the dryad spoken of in
levies. hushed whispers, proving that
progress cannot be delayed.
Ada Greenleaf. Since childhood, Ada
has known that the life of a mayor’s
daughter was not what she wanted for
herself. Faced with the prospect
of a dreary existence surrounded
by merchants and high society, Ada
stole away in the night and followed
her mother’s footsteps, choosing to
join a druid circle. Thanks to her
cheery personality, along with her
love of stories and the wilds, Ada
quickly rose through the circle’s
Appendix B: Monsters
& NPCs
Ada Greenleaf, forest druid Actions
Small humanoid (halfling), chaotic neutral Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3
Armor Class 16 (hide armour +2) (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 98 (13d6 + 52) Staff (Shillelagh). Melee Weapon Attack:
Speed 30 ft. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 8 (1d6 +5) bludgeoning dam-
10 14 18 10 20 14 Change Shape (2/day). Ada polymorphs into a
(+0) (+2) (+4) (+0) (+5) (+2) beast or elemental with a challenge
rating of 6 or less, and can remain
in this form for up to 9 hours. Ada
saving throws Int +4, Wis +9 can choose whether her equipment
Skills Animal Handling +9, Medicine falls to the ground, melds with her
+9, Nature +4, Perception +9, new form, or is worn by her new
Persuasion +6 form. Ada reverts to her true form
Senses passive Perception 19 if she dies or falls unconscious,
Challenge 10 (5900 XP) or by using a bonus action on her
languages Common, Druidic, Elvish turn.

Spellcasting. Ada is a 10th level spell- In the new form, Ada retains her
caster. Her spellcasting ability is ability to speak, but her AC,
Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit movement modes, Strength, and
with spell attacks). Ada has the Dexterity are replaced by those
following druid spells prepared: of her new form, and it gains any
Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, special senses, proficiencies,
mending, poison spray, shillelagh traits, actions, and reactions
1st Level (4 Slots): animal (except class features, legendary
friendship, cure wounds, entan-
gle, healing word, thunderwave actions, and lair actions), that
2nd Level (3 slots): heat metal, the new form has but Ada lacks. Ada
hold person, lesser restoration, can cast her spells with verbal or
3rd Level (3 slot): call light- somatic components in her new form.
ning, dispel magic, meld into
stone The new form’s attacks count
4th Level (3 slot): hallucinatory
terrain, polymorph, stoneskin as magical for the purpose of
5th Level (2 slot): greater res- overcoming resistances and immunity
toration, mass cure wounds to non-magical attacks.

Dreama, keeper of the forest Actions
Medium fey (dryad), chaotic neutral Multiattack. Dreama makes three attacks
using her poison ivy staff, her
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) longbow, or a combination both.
Hit Points 141 (20d8 + 40) Poison ivy staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +9
Speed 30 ft. to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning dam-
age. If the target is a creature,
they must succeed a DC 15 Consti-
12 19 14 19 20 21
(+1) (+4) (+2) (+4) (+5) (+5) tution save or suffer an extra 7
(2d6) poison damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to
saving throws Con +6, Int +8, Wis +9 hit, range 150/600, one target.
Skills Animal Handling +9, Arcana +8, Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) piercing damage.
Nature +8, Perception +9 If the target is a creature, they
Senses passive Perception 19 must succeed a DC 15 Constitution
languages Common, Sylvan save or suffer an extra 7 (2d6)
Challenge 9 (5000 XP) poison damage.
Forest Kin (1/day). Dreama is linked to
Innate Spellcasting. Dreama’s innate spell-
the forest, able to communicate
casting ability is Wisdom (spell
with plants and animals. She can
save DC 17). She can innately cast
ask for aid in the form of two
the following spells, without mate-
Awakened trees or a forest creature
rial components:
CR 6 or less to intervene in her
At will: druidcraft
4/day: dispel magic, entangle,
plant growth, spike growth
2/day: moonbeam, call lightning,
Magic Resistance. Dreama has advantage on
saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.

Ailene Baycrest, Town Mayor Guyenne, guard captain
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 18 (chainmail +2) Armor Class 18 (chainmail, shield)

Hit Points 128 (18d8 + 36) Hit Points 128 (18d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 20 14 10 10 14 18 14 14 10 10 12
(+3) (+5) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+2) (+4) (+2) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+1)

saving throws Str +7, Dex +9, Con +6 saving throws Str +8, Con +6

Skills Intimidation +6, Persuasion +6, Skills Athletics +8, Perception +6

Perception +4 Senses passive Perception 16

Senses passive Perception 14 Challenge 9 (5000 XP)

Challenge 9 (5000 XP) languages Common
languages Common, Elvish
SECOND WIND (recharges after short or long rest). Guy-
SECOND WIND (recharges after short or long rest). enne can regain 20 hit points as a
bonus action.
Ailene regains 20 hit points as a indomitable (2/day). Guyenne rerolls a sav-
bonus action. ing throw that she fails. She must
indomitable (2/day). Guyenne rerolls a sav- use the new roll.
ing throw that she fails. She must
use the new roll.
Ablaze. Ailene prepares for fights by
igniting her weapons and utilizing Multiattack. Guyenne makes three attacks
special amunition for her crossbow. with her greatsword or her cross-
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Actions 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus
Multiattack. Ailene makes three attacks 7 (2d6) slashing damage if Guyenne
with her greatsword or her crossbow. has more than half her hit points
She ignores the crossbow’s Loading
crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, range 100/400, one target.
Blazing Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
Hit: 8 (1d10 +3) piercing damage
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
plus 7 (2d6) piercing damage if
9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage plus 7
Guyenne has more than half her hit
(2d6) fire damage.
points remaining.
Firebolt crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6
Disarm. As a bonus action, Guyenne
to hit, range 100/400, one target.
locks her opponent’s weapon in her
Hit: 10 (1d10 +5) piercing damage
grip and attempts to disarm them. The
plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
target needs to pass a DC 16 Strength
Vicious Strike (3/day). When Ailene hits an
(Athletics) check to free themselves
opponent with a rapier attack, she can
and keep hold of their weapon. On a
deal an additional 9 (2d8) necrotic
failure, they must give up control of
damage and regain that many hit points.
their weapon or be grappled.

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to the ownership of that Product be reformed only to the extent
Identity. The owner of any Product necessary to make it enforceable.
Identity used in Open Game Content
shall retain all rights, title and 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
interest in and to that Product
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
8. Identification: If you distribute System Reference Document 5.0
Open Game Content You must clearly Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
indicate which portions of the work Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
that you are distributing are Open Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Game Content. Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James
Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
9. Updating the License: Wizards or R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
its designated Agents may publish Townshend, based on original
updated versions of this License. material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
You may use any authorized version Arneson. END OF LICENSE
of this License to copy, modify and
distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any
version of this License.

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