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Excellent (5) Writer's work is highly creative and innovative

Good (4) Writer's work is unique and creative

Fair (3) Writer's unique perspective is somewhat evident.
Approach needs more imagination.
Needs Improvement Writer's unique perspective is not evident and approach
(2) seems cliched and /or uninteresting.
Poem Rubrics. “Self-Expression”

Excellent (5) Message is compelling, engaging, and very clear.

Good (4) Message is engaging and clear
Fair (3) Message is somewhat engaging, but lacks focus.
Needs Improvement Message does not capture nor maintain the reader's
(2) attention and does not maintain a focus.

Excellent (5) The structure is intentional and elements flow
seamlessly together to enhance meaning of message.
Poem is complete.
Good (4) The structure is intentional and elements flow together
to enhance meaning of message.
Fair (3) Structure somewhat contributes to meaning. Poem is
not fully developed.
Needs Improvement Overall poem lacks coherence and message is unclear.
(2) Poem is not complete.

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