Revision Test 4 (Unit 7 & 8) OLD QUESTION (2019)

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Revision Test 4 (OLD)

Roll No. ………… Name :………………………

1. Innovation is considered as hallmark for an entrepreneur is the view held by

gpd;tUgth;fspy; vthpd; $w;Wg;gb Gj;jhf;fk; vd;gJ njhopy; KidNthhpd;
hallmark vd;W ghpe;Jiu nra;jth;
A) Richard Cantillon B) Peter Drucker
C) Joseph A. Schumpeter D) David Mcclelland
2. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter innovation can take place in how many ways
N[hrg; V. Rk;gPl;lh; fUj;Jg;gb Gj;jhf;fk; vj;jid topfspy;
A) 3 B) 5 C) 7 D) 9
3. The employee who is entrusted with the responsibility to make innovation in the organization is
njhopy; mikg;gpw;F cs;NsNa nghWg;Gld; Gj;jhf;fj;ij cUthf;Fk;
njhopyhsp vd;gth; vt;thW miof;fg;gLfpwhh;?
A) Innovator B) Corporate Entrepreneur
C) Intrapreneur D) None of the above
4. The most suitable type of entrepreneur for a developing economy like India is
tsh;e;J tUk; nghUshjhu ehlhd ,e;jpahtpw;F ve;j tifahd njhopy;
KidNthh; nghUj;jkhf ,Uf;Fk;?
A) Innovative B) Imitative C) Fabian D) Drone
5. Network analysis means
A) Assessing network of branches B) Computer analysis
C) Initial analysis D) Identifying optimal course of action
tiyg;gpd;dy; Ma;T vd;gJ
A) tiyg;gpd;dypd; fpisfis kjpg;gpLtJ B)fzpg;nghwp Ma;T
C) Kjd;ik Ma;T D) cfe;j nray; eltbf;iffis fz;lwpjy;
6. Knight’s theory is called
A) Uncertainty B) Innovation
C) Achievement D) opportunity
7. Which of the following is not function of an entrepreneur?
A) Innovation B) Avoid Risk Taking
C) Organisation and Management D) Managerial Functions
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ njhopy; KidNthhpd; gzp my;y?
A) GJik B) ,lh; Vw;gij jtph;j;jy;
C) mikg;G kw;Wk; eph;thfk; D) Nkyhz;ik gzpfs;
8. ……………. are the major components of competence
tpNr\ Fzeyd;fspd; Kf;fpa gFjpahf tpsq;FtJ
A) Knowledge, Skill and Motive B) Innovation, Invention and Motive
C) Knowledge, Rights and Motive D) Knowledge, Responsibility and Motive
9. The basic objective of Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) is to
A) Introduce about Entrepreneurship B) Induce need for achievement
C) Provide Funds D) None of these
njhopy; Kay;T Nkk;ghl;L jpl;lj;jpd; mbg;gil Nehf;fkhdJ
A) njhopy; Kay;T gw;wp mwpKfg;gLj;Jjy; B) milT Njitia Jhz;Ljy;
C) epjp trjp nra;jy; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy

10. India embarked on massive programme on entrpreneurship development in
,e;jpahtpy; ve;j tUlj;jpy; njhopy; Kay;T jpl;lk; jPtpukhf
A) 1951 B) 1961 C) 1971 D) 1991
11. To ensuring larger flow of financial and non financial assistance to the …………… the
Government of India setup SIDBI.
………….. epWtdq;fSf;F epjp kw;Wk; epjp rhuh cjtpapid toq;Fk;
nghUl;L ,e;jpa murhy; SIDBI Vw;gLj;jg;gl;J.
A) Small Scale Sector B) Large and Medium Sector
C) Medium and Small Scale Sector D) Small, Medium, Large Sector
12. In the following points which one is nor correctly?
A) The first industrial estate in India was set up at ‘Gandhi Nagar’ in Gujarat in
September 1955.
B) The NSIC was setup 1955.
C) One of the functions of TCO is to undertake industrial potential surveys.
D) The DIC serve as single window interacting agency with the entrepreneur at the
district level.
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ jtWjyhf cs;sJ.
A) ,e;jpahtpy; KjyhtJ njhopw;Ngl;il F[uhj;jpy; cs;s fhe;jp efhpy; 1955-
k; Mz;L nrg;lk;gh; khjk; Vw;gLj;jg;gl;J.
B) NSIC Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l tUlk; 1955
C) TCO-d; xU gzp njhopy; jFjp tprhuiz
D) khtl;l mstpy; njhopy; KidNthh;fSf;F DIC MdJ single window
interacting agency -Mf nray;gLfpwJ.
13. As per MSMED Act 2006, the investment limit for manufacturing micro enterprise is
MSMED rl;lk; 2006-d;gb cw;gj;jp rhh;e;j FWe;njhopw;rhiyfspd; KjyPL
A) Rs. 10 Lakhs B) Rs. 25 Lakhs
C) Rs. 25 Lakhs upto Rs. 5 Crore D) Rs. 10 Lakhs upto Rs. 2 Crore
14. Who provide Escort service to Entrepreneur
njhopy; KidNthUf;F nka;fhtyh; Nritia jUtJ
15. Adoptive entrepreneur is one who is
A) a young entrepreneur B) a women entrepreneur
C) a promoter D) None of the above
khjphp njhopy; KidNthh; vd;gth;
A) ,sk; njhopy; KidNthh; B) ngz; njhopy; KidNthh;
C) Njhw;Wtpg;ghsh; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
16. IFCI provides/IFCI toq;FtJ
A) Direct financing B) Indirect financing
C) Agency services D) Nodal agency services
17. Training of potential Entrepreneurs through EDP is one of the most important activities of
jpwik tha;e;j njhopy; KidNthUf;F njhopy; Kay;T Nkk;ghl;L
jpl;lj;jpd;gb gapw;rp mspg;gJ gpd;tUk; ve;j xU mikg;gpd; Kf;fpakhd eltbf;if
18. Which Bank provided “Entrepreneurial Banking Service” Scheme?
ve;j tq;fpahy; “njhopy; KidNthhpay; tq;fpapay; Nrit” jug;gLfpwJ?
A) Canara Bank B) SBI
C) Bank of Baroda D) Bank of India
19. DIC is headed by General Manager in the rank of
DIC-apy; cs;s nghJ Nkyhshpd; gjtp epiyahdJ
A) Joint Director of Industries B) Assistant Director of Industries
C) Development Commissioner of Small Scale Industries D) Non-departmental Officer

20. New industrial units which employ more than …………. of women in work force are eligible for
xU njhopw;rhiyapy; vj;jid rjtPj ngz;fSf;F Nky; Ntiy nra;Ak; nghOJ
khdpak; ngw jFjp MfpwJ?
A) 50% B) 51% C) 33% D) 75%
21. Which scheme provided hand holding support and assistance to the potential first generation
entrepreneur for setting up and running of the enterprise?
KjyhtJ jiyKiw njhopy; KidNthh;> xU epWtdj;ij mikj;J
elj;Jtjw;F JizahfTk; kw;Wk; cjtpahfTk; ,Uf;Fk; jpl;lk; vJ?
A) Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana (RGUMY)
B) Entrepreneur Development Institute (EDI)
C) Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
D) Nerhu Rozar Yojan (NRY)
22. A feasibility analysis is
A) The process of evaluation the future of a project
B) establish the parameters of quantitative analysis
C) the measure of past performance D) the analysis of project formulation
tha;g;G vspik Ma;T vd;gJ
A) xU jpl;lj;ij nray;gLj;Jtjw;fhd tha;g;ig fz;lwptJ
B) vz;zpay; Ma;tpd; kjpg;gPl;L fUtpia mikj;jy;
C) Ke;ija eltbf;ifia kjpg;gPL nra;jy;
D) jpl;ltbtikg;ig Muha;jy;
23. Subsidy denotes
A) a loan B) concession in rates of interest
C) A single lump sum given by government to an industry D) A bonus
khdpak; vd;gJ
A) fld; B) tl;bapy; rYif
C) xU njhopw;rhiyf;F muR jUk; gz cjtp D) NkYhjpak;
24. In which year UNO celebrated “International women year”
If;fpa ehl;L rigahy; ve;j tUlk; “gd;dhl;L ngz;fs; Mz;lhf”
A) 1975 B) 1985 C) 1965 D) 1995
25. Which factors encourage the women to start a business ?
A) Pull factors B) Push factors
C) Both Pull and Push factors D) Neither pull nor push factors
ngz;fs; njhopy; nra;tjw;F Cf;fg;gLj;Jk; fhuzp vJ?
A) ,Of;Fk; fhuzp B) js;Sk; fhuzp
C) ,uz;Lk; D) ,uz;Lk; ,y;iy
26. Project dealing with power generation is
A) Non quantifiable B) Quantifiable project
C) Technoeconomic Project D) Sectoral Project
kpd; cw;gj;jp gw;wpa jpl;lkhdJ
A) mstplg;gl KbahjJ B) mstplf; $ba jpl;lk;
C) njhopy; EZf;f nghUshjhu jpl;lk; D) Jiwthhpahd jpl;lk;
27. The analytical evaluation of a project is called ……………….
A) Project appraisal B) Project idea C) Project Report D) Project identification
xU jpl;lj;ij gFj;jwpAk; kjpg;gPL vt;thW miof;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) jpl;l kjpg;gPL B) jpl;l vz;zk; C) jpl;l mwpf;if D) jpl;lk; fz;lwpjy;

28. The repaying capacity of an entrepreneur can be ascertained by means of
A) cash flow statement B) Debt service coverage ratio
C) Projected balance sheet D) Profitability Ratio
njhopy; KidNthhpd; jpUk;g nrYj;Jk; jpwid kjpg;gPL nra;tjw;F cjTtJ
A) nuhf;f xl;l gl;bay; B) fld; jpwd; tpfpj Ma;T
C) vjph;ghh;f;fg;gLk; ,Ug;Gepiy Fwpg;G D) ,yhg tpfpj Ma;T
29. The important role of the entrepreneur in the economic development of a nation is
A) Capital formation B) Creation of employment
C) Balanced regional development D) All of these
ehl;bd; nghUshjhu tsh;r;rpapy; njhopy; KidNthhpd; Kf;fpakhd gq;F MdJ
A) %yjd cUthf;fk; B) Ntiytha;g;ig Vw;gLj;Jjy;
C) rPuhd tl;lhu tsh;r;rp D) ,it midj;Jk;
30. Factors affecting entrepreneurial growth are
A) Social factors B) Cultural factors C) Economic factors D) All of these
njhopy; KidNthhpd; tsh;r;rpia ghjpf;Fk; fhuzpfshtd
A) r%f fhuzpfs; B) fyhrhu fhuzpfs;
C) nghUshjhu fhuzpfs; D) ,it midj;Jk;
31. The project appraisal is generally done by
A) State Government B) Central Government
C) Financial Institutions D) Prospective entrepreneurs
jpl;l kjpg;gPil nghJthf jahhpg;gJ
A) khepy muR B) ika muR
C) epjp epWtdk; D) Fwpg;gpl;l njhopy; KidNthh;
32. The most important function of an entrepreneur is
A) Innovation B) Management C) Risk bearing D) Decision making
njhopy; KidNthhpd; Kf;fpa gzpahdJ
A) Gj;jhf;fk; B) Nkyhz;ik C) ,lh; Vw;wy; D) KbT vLj;jy;
33. “One member – One vote” principle is applicable to
A) Partnership firm B) Co-operative society
C) Public company D) Private company
“xU egh; - xU thf;F” jj;JtkhdJ njhlh;G cilaJ
A) $l;lhz;ik epWtdk; B) $l;LwT rq;fk;
C) nghJ epWkk; D) jdp epWkk;
34. Which of the following is not applicable to the partnership firm
A) Limited Liability B) Unlimited Liability
C) Contractual relationship D) Restriction on transfer of share
gpd;tUk; ,ay;Gfspy; $l;lhz;ikAld; njhlh;G ,y;yhjJ vJ?
A) tiuaW nghWg;G B) tiuawh nghWg;G
C) Kfik cwT D) gq;F khw;wj;jpy; jil
35. Health project is an example of
A) Quantifiable project B) Non-quantifiable project
C) Sectoral project D) Modern project
RfhjhukhdJ ve;j jpl;lj;jpw;F cjhuzk;?
A) mstplf;$ba jpl;lk; B) mstplg;gl Kbahj jpl;lk;
C) Jiwthhpahd jpl;lk; D) etPd jpl;lk;

36. The entrepreneur who blindly follows the traditional methods of production in spite of the loss is
A) Drone entrepreneur B) Adoptive entrepreneur
C) Fabian entrepreneur D) Innovative entrepreneur
el;lk; Vw;gLk; nghOJk; gioa Kiwia gpd;gw;Wk; njhopy; KidNthh;
A) Nrhk;Ngwp njhopy; KidNthh;
B) gpwiu gpd;gw;Wk; njhopy; KidNthh;
C) fhyk; flj;Jfpd;w njhopy; KidNthh;
D) Gj;jhf;f njhopy; KidNthh;
37. A successful entrepreneur is always an ………………. Seeker
A) opportunity B) Adoptive C) Imitative D) Fabian
ntw;wpfukhd njhopy; KidNthh; vg;nghOJk; ……………… NjLgth;
A) tha;g;Gfs; B) khjphp C) gpwiu gpd;gw;Wgth; D) fhyk; flj;Jgth;
38. Which institution is a common plat form to help the women entrepreneurs in finding innovative
techniques of production, marketing and finance ?
A) Rashtriya Mahila kosh B) NAYE
C) Consortium of women Entrepreneurs of india (CWEI) D) Women component plant
ve;j mikg;ghdJ ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;F cw;gj;jpapy; Gjpa njhopy;
El;gj;ijAk;> re;ijapLjy; kw;Wk; epjp cjtp nra;fpwJ?
A) Rashtriya Mahila kosh B) NAYE
C) Consortium of women Entrepreneurs of india (CWEI) D) Women component plant
39. Venture capital is usually given to
A) Established successful Business B) Joint – Venture Business
C) Innovative, Risky business D) Co-operative society
Jzpfu %yjdkhdJ nghJthf toq;ff; $baJ
A) ntw;wpfukhd njhopiy eph;zapj;jy;
B) ,iz – tpid tzpfk;
C) GjikahdJk; ,lh;kpFe;j tzpfk;
D) $l;LwT rq;fk;
40. Expand “CIBIL”
CIBIL – d; tphpthf;fk;
A) Credit Information Bureau India Limited
B) Credit Information Bank India Limited
C) Credit Institution Bureau India Limited
D) Clear Information Bureau India Limited
41. Entrepreneurs Functions does not include
A) Innovation B) Risk bearing C) Organisation and ManagementD) Auditing
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ njhopy; KidNthhpd; gzp ,y;iy?
A) Gj;jhf;fk; B) ,lh; Vw;G C) mikg;G kw;Wk; Nkyhz;ik D) jzpf;if
42. Women’s National Training Institute was established at
A) Chennai B) Mumbai C) Calcutta D) Noida
ngz;fs; Njrpa gapw;rp epWtdk; mike;Js;s ,lk;
A) nrd;id B) Kk;ig C) fy;fj;jh D) neha;lh
43. National Commission for Women (NCW) was set up in 1992 to
A) Provide loans and advances to the women entrepreneur in rural areas.
B) Provide loans and advances to the women entrepreneur in urban areas.
C) Safeguards the rights and interest of Children
D) Safeguards the rights and interest of women

1992-y; Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Njrpa ngz;fs; FOthdJ
A) fpuhkg;Gw gFjpfspy; ngz;fs; njhopy; KidNthUf;F fld; kw;Wk;
Kd;gzk; toq;fy;
B) efh;Gw gFjpfspy; ngz;fs; njhopy; KidNthUf;F fld; kw;Wk; Kd;gzk;
C) Foe;ijfspd; chpikfis ghJfhj;jy;
D) ngz;fspd; chpikfis ghJfhj;jy;
44. How many forms of organization, from the owner point of view?
A) Five main forms B) Four main forms
C) Two main forms D) Six main forms
chpikahshpd; ghh;itapy; mikg;ghdJ vj;jid tiffshf gphpf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ?
A) 5 B) 4 C) 2 D) 6
45. Who enumerated the five functions of a women entrepreneur?
ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;F 5 gzpfis toq;fpath; ahh;?
A) Peter Kilpy B) Frederick Harbison
C) Tandon D) Clarence Danhof
46. New entrepreneurs entering the field of medium and or medium large industry for the first time in
the country can have market studies for their products undertaken by
ehl;by; Gjpa njhopy; KidNthh; eLj;ju my;yJ eLj;ju nghpa njhopw;rhiyapy;
Kjd;Kjyhf <LgLk; nghOJ re;ij Ma;it Nkw;nfhs;Sk; mikg;G
47. In the case of small scale industries the depreciation Allowance deduction from the actual cost of
plant and machinery is allowed up to
rpWnjhopy; epWtdqfSf;fhd nghwp kw;Wk; ,ae;jpuj;jpw;fhd cz;ikj;
njhifapy; ,Ue;J Nja;khdj;jpw;fhf mDkjpf;fg;gLk; njhif msthdJ
A) Rs. 20 Lakhs B) Rs.30 Lakhs C) Rs.40 Lakhs D) Rs.50 Lakhs
48. ……………. Form of organization is suitable for the entrepreneur who is hesitant to bear the risk
A) Partnership B) Sole Proprietorship C) Company D) Co- Operative society
,lh;ghl;il re;jpf;f jaq;Fk; njhopy; KidNthUf;fhd njhopy; mikg;G
A) $l;lhz;;ik B) jdpahs; tzpfk; C) epWkk; D) $l;LwT rq;fk;
49. The seed capital assistance will be in the form of ……………. In the case of proprietary and
partnership concerns
A) venture capital B) Soft Loan C) Term Loan D) Medium Loan
jdpegh; epWtdq;fs; kw;Wk; $l;lhz;ik epWtdq;fSf;F tpij %yjd
cjtp ………………. toq;fg;gLfpwJ
A) Jzpfu Kjyhf B) tl;b ,y;yh fldhf
C) fhy fldhf D) eLj;ju fldhf
50. In which five year plan adopted “women component plant” scheme?
A) 7th five year plan B) 9th five year plan
C) 6th five year plan D) 8th five year plan
ve;j 5 Mz;L jpl;lj;jpy; “Women Component Plant” jpl;lk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;lJ?
A) 7-tJ 5 Mz;Ljpl;lk; B) 9-tJ 5 Mz;L jpl;lk;
C) 6-tJ 5 Mz;Ljpl;lk; D) 8-tJ 5 Mz;Ljpl;lk;
51. “Need for Achievement” is the out come of the behavioural check experiment made by
“milT Njitia” gw;wp ghpNrhjid nra;jth; ahh;?
A) Joseph A. Schumpeter B) Peter Drucker
C) David C. Mcclelland D) Douglar McGregor
52. The “Kakinada Experiment” is mainly known for
A) Need for Affiliation B) Need for Achievement
C) Need for power D) All of these

fhf;fpehlh ghpNrhjidapd;gb Kf;fpakhf mwpe;J nfhs;tJ
A) md;G chpik Njit B) Mw;wy; Njit
C) milTj; Njit D) ,it midj;Jk;
53. The duration of an Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) generally for a period of
njhopy; Kay;T Nkk;ghl;L jpl;lj;jpd; fhy msthdJ
A) 3 weeks B) 4 weeks C) 5 weeks D) 6 weeks
54. (a) Entrepreneur is an servant
(b) But a Manager is a Owner - of the statement
(a) njhopy; KidNthh; xU Ntiy Ms;
(b) Mdhy; Nkyhsh; xU chpikahsh; - ,e;j $w;whdJ
A) Both (a) and (b) are true B) Both (a) and (b) are false
C) (a) is true, but (b) is false D) (a) is false, but (b) is true
55. In the following points which one is not correctly?
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ jtWjyhf cs;sJ?
A) Entrepreneur as provide capital – Adam Smith
B) Manager as a Executors
C) The first national conference of women Entrepreneurs held at New Delhi in
November 1991.
D) The WASP developed by British Atomic Energy
56. Presently IFCI works under ……………. Act.
ve;j rl;lj;jpd;gb IFCI jw;nghOJ ,aq;FfpwJ.
A) Act of Parliament B) Companies Act 1956
C) Partnership Act 1932 D) State Financial Act 1951

57. Professor TANDON has described qualities of true entrepreneurs which one is not correct?
A) Capacity to assume risk B) a strong need for achievement
C) Ability to marshall resources D) Technical knowledge and willingness to change
Nguhrphpah; lhd;ld; $w;Wg;gb> vJ njhopy; KidNthhpd; gz;Gfs; my;y?
A) ,liu vjph;nfhs;Sk; jpwik B) rhjidf;fhd cWjpahd Njit
C) tsq;fis xOq;FgLj;Jjy; D) njhopy;El;gk; khw;wj;ij vjph;nfhs;Sk; jpwd;
58. Who wrote his book “INTRAPRENEURING”?
“INTRAPRENEURING” vd;w Gj;jfj;ij vOjpath; ahh;?
A) Schumpeter B) Gifford Pinchot C) Richard cantillion D) J.B.Say
59. The first national conference of women entrepreneurs held at
ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;fhd KjyhtJ Njrpa khehL vq;F eilngw;wJ?
A) Kerala in 1981 B) Denmark in 1981
C) New Delhi in November 1981 D) Mumbai in November 1981
60. The second International conference of women entrepreneurs organized by the
ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;fhd ,uz;lhtJ cyfshtpa khehl;il elj;jpa
61. Innovative entrepreneurs are characterized by
A) Refusal to adopt and use opportunities B) Ready to adopt successful innovations
C) Aggressive in experimentation D) Very cautious and skeptical
Gj;jhf;f njhopy; KidNthhpd; ,ay;Gfshtd
A) tha;g;Gfis gad;gLj;j kWg;gth;fs;
B) gpwh; mwpKfg;gLj;Jk; Gj;jhf;fq;fis cldbahf Vw;Wf; nfhs;gth;
C) nray;Kiwapy; jPtpukhdth;
D) Kd; vr;rhpf;if kw;Wk; ek;gpf;if ,y;yhjth;

62. The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from the French verb “enterprendre” it means
A) To organizer B) To undertake C) To innovator D) All of these
“njhopy; KidNthh;” vd;w nrhy; MdJ gpnuQ;R nkhopapy; ,Ue;J ngwg;gl;l
“enterprendre” vd;w nrhy;ypd; nghUshdJ
A) mikg;ghsh; B) Nkw;nfhs;gth;
C) Gj;jhf;fk; Gidgth; D) ,it midj;Jk;
63. Under SWOT analysis SWOT refers to
A) Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, threat
B) Strong, Weakness, Opportunities, threat
C) Strength, Weight, Opportunities and threat
D) Strong, Weight, Opportunities, threat
64. Venture capital usually provided for starting
A) Business in abroad B) Taking new innovative project
C) Starting successful old project D) Reviving sick unit
Jzpfu %yjdk; tof;fkhf ,ij njhlq;Ftjw;F jug;gLfpwJ.
A) may;ehLfspy; tpahghuj;ij Nkw;nfhs;s
B) GJikahd jpl;lj;ij Nkw;nfhs;s
C) goikahd jpl;lj;ij ntw;wpfukhf njhlq;f
D) eypTw;w njhopw;rhiyia Nkk;gLj;j
65. Which one helps an entrepreneur in selecting the best one among the alternative projects?
A) Project formulation B) Project appraisal
C) Project identification D) Project selection
njhopy; KidNthUf;F fpilf;fpd;w khWgl;l jpl;lq;fspy; Nkk;gl;l jpl;lj;ij
Njh;e;njLf;f cjTtJ vJ?
A) jpl;l tbtikg;G B) jpl;l kjpg;gPL
C) jpl;lj;ij fz;lwpjy; D) jpl;lj;ij Njh;e;njLj;jy;
66. ___________ means bonus or financial assistance given by the government to a particular industry
A) concessions B) subsidies C) Bounties D) All of these
Fwpg;gpl;l njhopw;rhiyf;F NkYhjpak; my;yJ epjp cjtp murhy;
toq;fg;gLtJ …………… MFk;.
A) rYif B) khdpak; C) nfhil D) midj;Jk; rhp
67. ____________ analysis is primarily concerned with the identification of the project demand
potential and the selection of the optimal technology suitable for achieving the project objectives.
A) Feasibility Analysis B) Techno- Economic Analysis
C) Project Design and Network Analysis D) Input Analysis
njhopy; fUj;ij fz;lwpAk;> jpl;l Nehf;fj;ij miltjw;F gad;gLj;j Ntz;ba
njhopy; El;gj;ij fz;lwpe;J> re;ijapy; jpl;lj;jpw;fhd gq;if mwptjw;F tphpthd
Ma;it Nkw;nfhs;tJ
A) tha;g;G vspik Ma;T
B) njhopy; EZf;f nghUshjhu Ma;T
C) jpl;l tbtk; kw;Wk; tistikg;G Ma;T D) cs;sPl Ma;T
68. Women constitute ______________ of the population of our country, but their litracy rate is less
than men.
ekJ ehl;bd; kf;fs; njhifapy; ngz;fspd; gq;F …………….. Mdhy;
mth;fspd; fy;tp mwpT rjtPjk; Mz;fis tpl Fiwthf cs;sJ.
A) 20% B) 51% C) 40% D) 50%

69. _____________ is a business plan in a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take
A) Project formulation B) Project evaluation
C) Project report D) Project Identification
njhopy; jpl;lj;ij gw;wp njhopy; KidNthh; vOj;J tbtkhf
Kd;nkhopjy; ……………. MFk;.
A) jpl;l tbtikg;G B) jpl;l kjpg;gPL
C) jpl;l mwpf;if D) jpl;lj;ij fz;lwpjy;
70. The feature of “unlimited Liability” is peculiar to ________ forms of business organization.
A) Sole Proprietorship B) Partnership C) (A) and (B)D) Company
ve;j mikg;gpw;F tiuawh nghWg;G vd;W ,ay;G cs;sJ?
A) jdpahs; tzpfk; B) $l;lhz;ik C) A kw;Wk; B D) epWkk;
71. Which entrepreneurs take business as an integral part of their life?
A) Solo operators B) Challengers C) Buyers D) Lifetimers
ve;j njhopy; KidNthh; njhopiy jdJ tho;f;ifapd; xU gFjpahf vLj;Jf;
A) jdpahf ,af;Fgth; B) rthiy Vw;Wf; nfhs;gth;
C) thq;Fgth; D) tho;f;if rhjidahsh;
72. Match
a) Entrepreneur as an Innovator - 1) ROBERT OWEN
b) Entrepreneur as an Organiser - 2) RICHARD CANTILLON
c) Entrepreneur as an Risk–bearer - 3) J.B.Say
d) Father of Co-operative society - 4) SCHUMPETER
A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 1, 2, 4, 3 C) 4, 3, 1, 2 D) 4, 3, 2, 1
73. Which form principle “All is he and he is all in all”?
A) Co-operative society B) Sole proprietorship
C) Partnership D) Company
“mtNu vy;yhk; vy;yhk; mtNu” vd;w Nfhl;ghlhdJ ve;j mikg;gpy;
A) $l;LwTr; rq;fk; B) jdpahs; tzpfk;
C) $l;lhz;ik D) epWkk;
74. Which of the following is not a feature of sole trading concern?
A) No special legistation B) One – man ownership and control
C) Limited Liability D) Small capital
fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpy; vJ jdpahs; tzpfj;jpd; ,ay;Gfs; ,y;iy?
A) jdp rl;lk; ,y;iy B) jdp egh; chpikAk; fl;Lg;ghLk;
C) tiuaWf;fg;gl;l nghWg;G D) rpW Kjy;
75. Persons who enter into partnership are individually called
A) Partner B) Partnership firm C) Firm name D) Co parcener
$l;lhz;ikapy; jdpegh; ……………… vd;W miof;fg;gLgth;
A) $l;lhsp B) $l;lhz;ik epWtdk;
C) epWtd ngah; D) $l;L thhpRjhuh;

76. A co-operative society is to be registered under /$l;LwT rq;fk; gjpT nra;ag;gLfpwJ
A) Co-operative societies Act 1912
B) Co-operative societies Act of respective state Government
C) Co-operative societies Act 1912 or any Act passed by the state Government
D) Any of these
77. Tamilnadu Industrial Co-operative Bank Ltd., (TAICO Bank) was established in
jha;Nfh tq;fp (TAICO BANK) njhlq;fg;gl;l tUlk;?
A) 1981 B) 1961 C) 1988 D) 1912
78. The Central Government has declared ___________ as backward and eligible for the subsides.
gpd;jq;fpa khtl;lj;jpw;fhd khdpak; kj;jpa murhy; vj;jid khtl;lj;jpw;F
A) 347 districts B) 246 districts C) 247 districts D) 248 districts
79. Who is conducted by “KAKINADA EXPERIMENT”?
“fhf;fpehlh ghpNrhjid” ahuhy; elj;jg;gl;lJ?
A) Maslow B) David Mcclelland
C) R.A.Sharma D) Robert owen
80. Which source funds are raised from within the enterprise itself?
A) Internal sources B) External sources C) Venture capital D) Seed capital
xU epWtdj;jpw;F cs;NsNa cUthf;fg;gLk; epjpf;F ngah;
A) mf tsq;fs; B) Gw tsq;fs;
C) Jzpfu Kjy; D) tpij %yjdk;
81. The plans for an enterprise are prepared by …… whereas they are executed by ………
A) Entrepreneur and manager B) Manager and Entrepreneur
C) Owner and Shareholder D) Banker and customer
epWtdj;jpd; jpl;lj;ij jahh; nra;gth; ………. me;j jpl;lj;ij nray;gLj;Jth;
A) njhopy; KidNthh; kw;Wk; Nkyhsh;
B) Nkyhsh; kw;Wk; njhopy; KidNthh;
C) chpikahsh; kw;Wk; gq;Fjhuh;
D) tq;fpah; kw;Wk; thbf;ifahsh;
82. The entrepreneur who launches an"online business is called
A) Entrepreneurs / Netpreneurs B) Intrapreneurs
C) Drone Entrepreneur D) Innovatire Entrepreneurs
,izajs njhopiy Muk;gpg;gth; ,t;thW miof;fg;gLfpwhh;
A) ,izajs njhopy; KidNthh; B) cl;Gw njhopy; KidNthh;
C) Nrhk;Ngwp njhopy; KidNthh; D) Gj;jhf;f njhopy; KidNthh;
83. When an enterprise is launched by married couple, they are called
A) Netpreneurs B) Copreneurs C) Intrapreneurs D) Couple-preneurs
xU njhopiy jpUkzk; nra;ag;gl;lth;fs; ,ize;J njhlq;Fgth;fis ,t;thW
A) ,izajs njhopy; KidNthh; B) copreneurs
C) cl;Gw njhopy KidNthh; D) couple - preneurs
84. Teachers who make innovations in curriculum by designing new courses are called
A) Educational Entrepreneurs B) Cognitive Entrepreneurs
C) Empirical Entrepreneurs D) Academic Entrepreneurs
Gjpa fy;tp ghlj;jpl;lj;ij cUthf;Fk; Mrphpah; ,t;thW miof;fg;gLfpwhh;.
A) fy;tpapapy; njhopy; KidNthh;
B) ek;gpf;if my;yJ mwptpd; mbg;gil njhopy; KidNthh;
C) Nrhk;Ngwp njhopy; KidNthh;
D) ghlj;jpl;l njhopy; KidNthh;

85. Which Bank provided a special scheme of shri shakti package for woman entrepreneur?
ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;fhd =rf;jp jpl;lk; vd;w rpwg;G jpl;lj;ij ve;j
tq;fpahdJ toq;FfpwJ?
A) State Bank of India B) IDBI C) Indian Bank D) ICICI
86. The important social consideration for a project is
A) Prevention of environmental damage B) Promotion of employment
C) Introduction of import substitution D) Development of the local area
jpl;lj;jpd; rKjha kWgadpd;; Kf;fpaj;Jtk;
A) Rw;Wg;Gw R+o;epiy nflhky; ghJfhg;gJ
B) Ntiytha;; g;ig mjpfhpg;;gJ
C) ,wf;Fkjp Jizg;nghUis mwpKfg;gLj;JtJ
D) cs;Sh; gFjpia Nkk;gLj;Jjy;
87. Tax holiday is allowed for period of …… years from the commencement of production of small
scale units?
rpWnjhopy; epWtdj;jpw;F cw;gj;jp njhlq;fpajpy; ,Ue;J ………… Mz;LfSf;F
thp tpLKiw mspf;fg;gLfpwJ
A) 5 years B) 4 years C) 3 years D) 1 years
88. Which entrepreneurs have self-confidence and inborn talent to run the business successfully?
A) Pure Entrepreneurs B) Induced Entrepreneurs
C) Spontaneous entrepreneurs D) Paper Entrepreneur
ve;; j njhopy; KidNthh; jd;; dk;gpf;if cilatuhfTk; gpwtpapNy cs;s
Mw;wiy itj;J njhopiy ntw;wpfukhf elj;Jgth;?
A) njspthd njhopy; KidNthh; B) Jhz;lg;gl;l njhopy; KidNthh;
C) jd;dpr;irahd njhopy; KidNthh; D) Ngg;gh; njhopy; KidNthh;
89. Which two techniques the most commonly used in project management?
jpl;l Nkyhz;;ikf;F nghJthf mjpfk; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; ,uz;L El;g Kiw vJ?
90. The entrepreneur who refuses to adopt the new production technology is
A) Imitative Entrepreneur B) Innovative Entrepreneur
C) Fabiab Entrepreneur D) Drone Entrepreneur
ve;j xU njhopy; KidNthh; cw;gj;jpapy; Gjpa khw;wj;ij Vw;Wf; nfhs;shjth;?
A) khjphpia gpd;gw;Wk; njhopy; KidNthh;
B) Gj;jhf;f njhopy; KidNthh;
C) fhyk; flj;Jfpd;w njhopy; KidNthh;
D) Nrhk;Ngwp njhopy; KidNthh;
91. The Tamil Nadu Government given to the maximum amount of generator subsidy is
njhopy; KidNthh; nIdNul;lh; thq;Ftjw;fhf jkpo;ehL muR toq;Fk; mjpfgl;r
A) Rs. 5Lakhs B) Rs. 2Lakhs C) Rs. 1Lakhs D) Rs. 10Lakhs
92. The analysis of the adequacy of the plant and equipment of the proposed a project is called
A) Market Analysis B) Economic Analysis
C) Managerial Analysis D) Technical Analysis
vjph;Nehf;Fk; jpl;lj;jpw;F Njitahd epyk; kw;Wk; ,ae;jpuq;fis Ma;T nra;Ak;
jpl;lj;ij ,t;thW miof;fyhk;
A) re;ij Muha;jy; B) nghUshjhu Muha;jy;
C) Nkyhz;ik Muha;jy; D) njhopy;El;g Muha;jy;
93. How many needs are provided by David Mcclelland ?
A) Five Needs B) Three Needs C) Seven Needs D) Two Needs

Nltpl; nkf;ypNyz;L Njitfs; vj;jid tifg;gLk;?
A) Ie;J Njit B) %d;W Njit C) VO Njit D) ,uz;L Njit
94. The various sources from which an enterprise can raise the required funds classified in to ………
A) Two Sources B) Three Sources C) Four Sources D) Five Sources
xU epWtdj;jpw;F Njitahd epjpia jpul;Lk; tsq;fs; …………… tifg;gLk;
A) ,uz;L B) %d;W C) ehd;F D) Ie;J
95. Expand "FIWE"
A) Federation of Indian women Entrepreneurs
B) Federation of International women Entrepreneurs
C) Federation of Interest women Entrepreneurs
D) Federation of Interest women Enterprise
96. 4th International conference of women Entrepreneurs held in
A) Dec. 1993 B) Nov. 1975 C) Nov.1981 D) June 1980
ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;fhd ehd;fhtJ cyfshtpa khehL eilngw;w
A) brk;gh; 1993 B)etk;gh; 1975 C) etk;gh; 1981 D) I{d; 1980
97. The payback period is the ……… required to recover the initial cash out lay on the project
A) Length of time B) Length of AmountC) Purchasing time D) Life period
KjyPL xd;wpd; njhlf;f nuhf;f nrYj;jypy; ……… jpUk;g nrYj;Jk; Kiwf;F
A) fhy msT B) njhifapd; msT
C) nfhs;Kjy; fhyk; D) gadspf;;Fk; fhyk;
98. The maximum number of partners in a firm for a banking business is
tq;fpj; njhopy; GhpAk; epWtdj;jpd; mjpfgl;r $l;lhspfs;
A) 7 B) 10 C) 50 D) 20
99. Which one of the following is not a features of sole proprietorship
A) One man ownership B) Small capital
C) Unlimited Liabilitly D) Separate Business entity
fPo; fz;ltw;wpy; vJ jdpahs; tzpfj;jpd; rpwg;G mk;rk; ,y;iy
A) xU egh; fl;Lg;ghL B) Fiwe;j Kjy;
C) tiuawh nghWg;G D) jdpg;gl;l rl;l cU
100. The partnership must dissolve when
A) a partner misbehaves B) a Partner becomes a man of unsound mind
C) business is running at a Loss D) a partner dies
$l;lhz;ik epWtdk; vg;nghOJ fl;lhakhf fiyf;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) $l;lhsp jfhj Kiwapy; ele;J nfhs;Sk; NghJ
B) $l;lhsp kdr;rkepiy ,of;Fk; NghJ
C) $l;lhz;ik el;lj;jpy; xLk; nghOJ
D) $l;lhsp ,wf;Fk; nghOJ
101. Co- operatires and public companies are similar in respect of
A) Capital
B) Minimum number of members required for Registration
C) Maximum number of members
D) Methods of profit distribution
$l;LwT rq;fk; kw;Wk; nghJ epWkk; ve;j fUj;jpy; xj;J NghfpwJ?
A) Kjy;
B) gjpT nra;a Njitahd Fiwe;j msT cWg;gpdh;fs;
C) cr;r msT cWg;gpdh;fs;
D) ,yhgj;ij gfph;e;J mspf;;Fk; Kiw

102. In venture capital Debt-Equity Ratio should be limited to
Jzpfu %yjdj;jpy; Gw - mfg; nghWg;Gfspd; msthdJ
A) 2:1 B) 1:1.5 C) 1:1 D) 2:2
103. The suitability for PERT
A) Defence project B) Civil construction C) Industrial expansion D) All of these
PERT vjw;F gad; cs;sjhf ,Uf;fpwJ?
A) ,uhZt jpl;lk; B) fl;bl fl;likg;G
C) njhopw;;rhiy tphpthf;fj;jpw;F D) midj;Jk; rhp
104. Indian Investment centre is an autonomous non- profit organization financed and supported by
A) Government of India B) Government of Tamil Nadu
C) Chennai corporation D) State Corporation
IIC – Md jd;dpr;irahd ,yhgk; fUjhj Nrit mikg;gpw;F epjp je;J MjuT
A) ,e;jpa muR B) jkpof muR
C) nrd;id khefuhl;rp D) khepy khefuhl;rp
105. Tax Holiday means
A) Concession in payment of tax
B) Reimbursement of tax paid
C) No tax collection for ever
D) Exempted from payment of tax temporarily
thp tpLKiwapd; nghUs;
A) thp nrYj;Jtjpy; rYif
B) thp nrYj;Jtjpy; Reimbursement
C) vg;nghOJk; thp nrYj;jh epiy
D) thp nrYj;Jtjpy; jw;fhypfkhf tpyf;F
106. Which of the following is the consequence of industrial sickness?
A) Income to financial institution
B) Increase in revenue of the government
C) Wastage of scarce resources D) None of these
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; njhopw;rhiy eyptiltjpd; tpdsT vJ?
A) epjp epWtdj;jpw;F tUkhdk; B) murpd; tUtha; mjpfkhjy;
C) mhpa tsq;fs; tPzhjy; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
107. Which one is a policy making coordinating and monitoring agency for the development of small
scale entrepreneurs?
rpWnjhopy; KidNthh;fspd; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhf nfhs;iffis cUthf;fTk;
xUq;fpizf;fTk; kw;Wk; monitoring agency f;fhf Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l mikg;G vJ?
108. Which one is launched a composite term loan scheme for the benefit of existing and prospective
entrepreneurs to acquire land and building,machinery,equipment and working capital under one
roof to tiny units with total assistance up to rs.25 lakhs?
FWe;njhopiy Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhf gioa njhopy; KidNthh;fs; kw;Wk; tUq;fhy
njhopy; KidNthh;fspd; trjpf;fhf epyk; kw;Wk; fl;blk; ,ae;jpuk; kw;Wk; elg;G
KjYf;fhf &gha;25 ,yl;rk; tiu jug;gLk; Composite Term Loan trjpia
Vw;gLj;jpa mikg;G vJ?

109. Which one of the following is not true regarding the programmes of SIDCO?
1. Provision of interest – free sales tax, loan 2. Financial aid to the sick units
3. Provisions of Marketing facilities 4. Provisions of transport facilities
Of these
A) 1 alone is correct B) 1 and 2 are correct
C) 4 alone is correct D) 3 alone is correct
gpd; tUtdtw;wpy; vJ SIDCO tpd; gzp my;y?
A) tl;bapy;yh tpw;gid thpfld; B) eyptile;j njhopy;fSf;F epjp cjtp
C) re;ijapLif trjp D) Nghf;Ftuj;J trjp
A) 1 kl;Lk; rhp B) 1 kw;Wk; 2rhp C) 4 kl;Lk; rhp D) 3 kl;Lk; rhp
110. The authorized capital of SIDCO was
A) Rs.2 crores B) Rs.5 crores C) Rs.10 crores D) Rs.15 crores
SIDCO -tpd; mDkjpf;fg;gl;l KjyhdJ
A) &gha; 2 Nfhb B) &gha; 5 Nfhb
C) &gha; 10 Nfhb D) &gha; 15 Nfhb
111. Training of Rural Youth for self-Employment (TRYSEM) scheme was launched on
A) August 15, 1978 B) August 15, 1979
C) August 15, 1980 D) August 15, 1982
TRYSEM jpl;lkhdJ mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L
A) Mf];l;15>1978 B) Mf];;l;15>1979
C) Mf];l;15>1980 D) Mf];;l;15>1982
112. Training of Rural Youth for self-Employment (TRYSEM) Scheme is
A) to provide technical and entrepreneurial skills to urban youth from families below
poverty line
B) to provide technical and entrepreneurial skills to rural youth from families below the
poverty line
C) to provide additional gainful employment in urban areas
D) both A and B
TRYSEM jpl;lkhdJ
A) tWikf; Nfhl;bw;F fPo; cs;s efh;g;Gw ,isQh;fSf;fhd njhopy; KidT
jpwik kw;Wk; njhopy; El;g cjtp toq;FtJ
B) tWikf; Nfhl;bw;F fPo; cs;s fpuhkg;Gw ,isqh;fSf;fhd njhopy; KidT
jpwik kw;Wk; njhopy; El;g cjtp toq;FfpwJ
C) efh;g;Gw ,isQh;fSf;F $Ljy; Ntiy tha;;g;ig Vw;gLj;Jjy;
D) A-k;> B-k; rhp
113. The Tamil Nadu small Industries Development corporation Limited is known as
jkpo;ehL rpWnjhopy; tsh;r;rpfofkhdJ miof;fg;gLtJ
114. Find out the correct sequence of the period of introduction of the following poverty
eradication programme.
tWikia mfw;Wtjw;fhf nfhz;L tug;gl;l jpl;lq;fis fhy Kiwg;gb
115. The Omkar Goswami committee was setup to study
A) Industrial location B) Industrial pollution
C) Industrial Infrastructure D) Industrial sickness
Xk;fh; Nfh];Rthkp FOthdJ vijg;gw;wp Ma;T nra;jJ?
A) njhopw;rhiy miltplk; B) njhopw;rhiy khRgLjy;
C) njhopw;rhiy cs;fl;likg;Gtrjp D) njhopw;rhiy eyptiljy;

116. The full form of DIC is
DIC –apd; tphpthf;fk;
A) Direct Investment commission B) Small Industries commission
C) District Investment corporation D) District Industries centre
117. Choose the correct answer:
1. SEPUP was introduced in the year 1986
2. The paid up capital of ITCOT Rs.10 Lakhs.
3. NRY was launched for the benefit of urban poor
4. From April 1 1994, self-employment for Educated unemployed youth (SEEUY) was
integrated with PMRY -
Of these
A) 1 and 2 are correct B) 2, 4 are correct C) 3, 4 correct D) all are correct
rhpahdtw;iw Njh;e;njL:
A) SEPUP njhlq;fg;gl;ll tUlk; 1986
B) ITCOT-d; nrYj;jg;gl;l Kjy; &10,yl;rk;
C) efh;Gw ViofSf;fhf njhlq;fg;gl;ljpl;lk; NRY
D) SEEUY jpl;lkhdJ Vg;uy; 1, 1994 md;W PMRY jpl;lj;Jld; ,izf;fg;gl;lJ
118. SIPCOT aims to
1. Accelerate the growth of medium –scale industries
2. Accelerate the growth of small-scale industries
3. Accelerate the growth of large – scale
4. Accelerate the growth of tiny sector industries - Of these
A) 1, 2 correct B) 1, 4 correct C) 1, 3 are correct D) all are correct
SIPCOT – d; Fwpf;NfhshdJ
A) eLj;ju njhopw;rhiyapd; tsh;r;rp
B) rpwpa njhopw;rhiyapd; tsh;r;rp
C) nghpa njhopw;;rhiyapd; tsh;r;rp
D) kpfr;rpwpa njhopw;rhiyapd; tsh;r;rp
A) 1>2 rhp B) 1>4 rhp C) 1>3 rhp D) midj;Jk; rhp
119. TIIC provides financial assistance to
A) small scale industrial units B) Medium scale industries units
C) Large scale industrial units D) Both A & B
120. Which industrial Estate called conventional or composite industrial estates?
A) General Type Industrial Estates B) Special Type Industrial Estates
C) Functional Industrial Estates D) Private Industrial Estates
ve;j njhopw;Ngl;ilahdJ kuG Kiw my;yJ xUq;fpize;j njhopw;Ngl;il
vd;W miof;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) nghJtif njhopw;Ngl;il B) rpwg;G njhopw;Ngl;il
C) gzprhh;e;j njhopw;Ngl;il D) jdpahh; njhopw;Ngl;;il
121. National Institute of Entrepreneurship and small Business Development (NISEBUD) is Located at
“NISEBUD” mike;J cs;s ,lkhdJ
A) Noida B) Hyderabad C) Mumbai D) Jalandhar
122. The first Industrial estate in India was setup at which place
A) Rajkot (Gujarat) B) Trichy C) Lucknow (U.P.) D) Thane (Maharastra)
,e;jpahtpy; KjyhtJ njhopw;Ngl;il Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l ,lkhdJ
A) uh[;Nfhl;(F[uhj;) B) jpUr;rp C) yf;Ndh( D) jhNd(kfhuh];buh)
123. The Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) was set up January 12, 1987 is
related to
A) Industrial Sickness B) Industrial Incentives
C) Industrial License D) none of these

12.1.1987-y; Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l BIFR ,jDld; njhlh;G cilaJ
A) njhopw;rhiy eyptiljy; B) njhopw;rhiy Cf;fk;
C) njhopw; rhiy mDkjp D) ,tw;wpy vJTk; ,y;iy
124. Science and Technology Entrepreneur Parks (STEP) is related to
A) Entrepreneur Finance Facility
B) Entrepreneur Testing Facility
C) Entrepreneur need short term Loan facility
D) Entrepreneur need long term loan facility
“STEP” mikg;ghdJ ,jDld; njhlh;G cilaJ
A) njhopw; KidNthhpd; epjp trjp
B) njhopw; KidNthhpd; Ma;T trjp
C) njhopw; KidNthUf;fhd FWfpa fhyfld; trjp
D) njhopw KisNthUf;fhd ePz;l fhy fld; trjp
125. Which organization provided to conduct artisan training programme for entrepreneur
ve;j mikg;ghdJ fpuhkg;Gw iftpidQh;fSf;fhf gapw;rp mspf;fpwJ?
126. The purpose of soft Loan Scheme is to encourage units to undertake
A) Modernisation of plant and Machinery B) Replacement of plant and Machinery
C) renovation of plant and Machinery D) All of these
nkd;fld; jpl;lk; toq;fg;gLtjpd; Nehf;fkhdJ
A) ,ae;jpuq;fis etPdgLj;j B) ,ae;jpuq;fid khw;wk; nra;a
C) ,ae;jpuq;fis GJg;gpf;f D) ,it midj;Jk
127. SIPCOT and allotted at
rpg;fhl; mike;Js;s ,lkhdJ
A) Hosur, Ranipet, Pudukottai, Ambuttur, Madurai
B) Cuddalore, Gummidipoondi, Manamadurai, Hosur
C) Hosur, Ranipet, Pudukottai, Guddalore, Gummidpoondi, Manamadurai
D) Hosur, Raniput, Pudukottai, Cuddalore, Arakonam, Trichy
128. Mismanagement in finance, production, marketing and personnel, poor implementation of project.
This causes made for
A) Exogenous sickness causes B) Endogenous sickness causes
C) Both of these D) None of these
epjp Nkyhz;;ik FiwghL> cw;gj;jp FiwghL re;;ijapay; FiwghL jpl;lj;ij
nray;gLj;Jtjpy; FiwghL. ,f;fhuzpfs;; Vw;gLtjw;F fhuzk;
A) Gwf;fhuzk; B) mff;fhuzk;
C) ,it ,uz;Lk; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
129. Guindy (Chennai), Ambattur (Chennai) is related to
fpz;b (nrd;id) mk;gj;Jhh; (nrd;id) ,jDld; njhlh;G cilaJ?
A) SIPCOT B) TIIC C) IT Park D) Industrial Estate
130. In Tamil Nadu who established and maintaining industrial estate?
jkpo;ehl;by; njhopw;Ngl;ilia ve;j mikg;ghdJ guhkhpf;fpwJ?
131. Self Employment Programme for Urban Poor (SEPUP) is merged with
efh;Gw kf;fSf;fhd Ra Ntiytha;g;G jpl;lk; (SEPUP) vj;jpl;lj;Jld;
132. Which institute to help the SC/ST entrepreneurs?
ve;j mikg;ghdJ SC, ST njhopy; KidNthUf;F cjtp nra;fpwJ?

133. Which organisation to administering function for TRYSEM Programme?
ve;j mikg;ghdJ TRYSEM jpl;lj;ij eph;thfk; nra;fpwJ?
134. TRYSEM Should Cover
A) 50% disabled entrepreneurs B) 50% women entrepreneurs
C) 50% SC/ST unemployed in Urban area D) 50%SC/ST unemployed in rural area
TRYSEM jpl;lj;jpd; msthdJ
A) 50% ,ayhepiy njhopy; KidNthh;
B) 50% ngz; njhopy; KidNthh;
C) 50% SC/ST gphpitr; rhh;e;j efh;Gwq;fspy;
D) 50% SC/ST gphpitr; rhh;e;j fpuhkg;Gwq;fspy;
135. The sick Industrial company Act (1985) defines a sick industrial company as an industrial
company registered for
A) Not less than 7 years B) Not less than 10 years
C) Not less than 5 years D) Not less than 3 years
eypTw;w njhopw;rhiyfs; epWkr;rl;lk; 1985-d;gb> eypTw;w epWkk; gjpT
A) 7 tUlj;jpw;F Fiwahky; B) 10 tUlj;jpw;F Fiwahky;
C) 5 tUlj;jpw;F Fiwahky; D) 3 tUlj;jpw;F Fiwahky;
136. Registration of small industries is done at the ......................
rpW njhopw;rhiyfis gjpT nra;Ak; ,lkhdJ
137. ....................... are constructed mainly for every small firms engages in repair work.
A) Functional industrial estates B) Ancillary industrial estates
C) The workshop bay D) Private industrial estate
gOJghh;f;Fk; rpW njhopy;fs; mikf;fg;gl;l ,lkhdJ
A) gzprhh;e;j njhopw;Ngl;ilfs; B) Jiz njhopw; Ngl;ilfs;
C) gl;liwfs; mlq;fpa njhopw;Ngl;ilfs; D) jdpahh; njhopw; Ngl;ilfs;
138. The SEPUP scheme provided
A) Rural area only B) Rural area and semi urban area only
C) Metropolitan, Urban and suburban areas D) All of these
efh;Gw kf;fSf;fhd RaNtiytha;g;G jpl;lkhdJ SEPUP mspf;fg;gLk; trjpahdJ
A) fpuhkg;Gw gFjpapy; kl;Lk;
B) fpuhkg;Gwk; kw;Wk; Gwefh; rhh;;e;j gFjp kl;Lk;
C) nkl;Nuh efuq;fs;> efh;Gwk; kw;Wk; Gwefh; gFjp
D) ,it midj;Jk;
139. Who will sanction the balance of loan, if the loan requirements is above Rs.30 lakhs in case of
companies with limited liabilities?
tiuaWf;fg;gl;l nghWg;G cila epWkj;jpw;F &gha; 30 ,yl;rj;jpw;F Nky; fld;
nfhLg;gjw;F ve;j mikg;G mDkjp jUfpwJ?
A) TIIC B)SIPCOT C) TCO D) ,it midj;Jk; rhp
140. Industrial Estate may be set up the
A) Government B) Co-operatives C) Private agencies D) All of these
njhopw;Ngl;ilahdJ gpd;tUk; ve;j mikg;Gfshy; Vw;gLj;jg;glyhk;?
A) muR B) $l;LwT mikg;Gfs;
C) jdpahh; mikg;Gfs; D) ,it midj;Jk;
141. SIPCOT financial assistance for medium and major industries are in the form of
I. Term Loan under IDBT refinance scheme
II. IDBI's seed capital scheme
III. Preparation of profiles and feasibility studies
IV. Guarantee loans from commercial banks.
of the statements

A) I, II and IV are correct B) I, II and III are correct
C) I and IV are correct D) All are corrrect
ve;j tbtj;jpd; mbg;gilapy; eLj;ju kw;Wk; nghpa njhopw;rhiyf;F SIPCOT
mikg;ghdJ epjp cjtp trjp mspf;fpwJ?
A) IDBI –apd; kWepjp jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; fhytiuf;fld;
B) IDBI –apd; tpiu %yjd jpl;lk;
C) jpl;l tiuglk; kw;Wk; tha;g;G Ma;Tfis jahhpj;jy;
D) tzpf tq;fpaplk; ,Ue;J cj;jputhj fld; NkNy Fwpg;gplg;gl;ljpy;
A) 1>2> kw;Wk; 4 rhp B) 1>2> kw;Wk; 3 rhp
C) 1 kw;Wk; 4 rhp D) midj;Jk; rhp
142. Incipient sickness is otherwise called
Incipient sickness NtW vt;thW miof;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) Actual sickness B) potential sickness
C) mfeyptiljy; D) Gw eyptiljy;
143. ............... was setup to help young entrepreneurs in identifying investment opportunities.
,sk; njhopy; KidNthUf;F KjyPl;L tha;g;Gfis fz;lwpe;J cjTtjw;fhf
ve;j mikg;G Vw;g;gLj;jg;gl;lJ?
144. Which of the following is the consequence of industrial sickness
A) Income of financial institution B) Increase in revenue of the government
C) Wastage of scarce resources D) Balanced regional development
gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; njhopw;rhiy eyptiltjhy; Vw;gLk; tpisTfs; vJ?
A) epjp epWtdj;jpw;F tUkhdk; B) murpw;F tUtha; caUjy;
C) fpilg;gjw;;f mhpa tsq;fs; tPzhjy; D) rkkhd tl;lhu tsh;r;rp
145. In which year Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI)was converted into a
Government company and renamed as IIBI?
,e;jpa njhopy; rPuikg;g tq;fpahdJ ve;j tUlj;jpy; muR epWkkhfTk;
kw;Wk; ,e;jpa njhopy; KjyPl;L tq;fpahfTk; ngah; khw;;wk; nra;ag;gl;lJ?
A) Vg;uy; 1971 B) khh;r; 1985 C) khh;r; 1997 D) Vg;;uy; 1993
146. The process of economic liberalization in 1991, the following trends in industrial sickness
I) Sickness is spreading faster among large and medium sized units than in small sector.
II) Sickness is pervasive in the private as well as in the public sector
III) When the cumulative losses exceed capital and reserve
IV) Textile and engineering industries are the worst hit
Of the statements
A) I, II and IV are correct B) I, II and III are correct
C) II, III and IV are correct D) All are correct
jhuhskakhf;fy; nghUshjhu nfhs;if 1991-d; gb eypTw;w epWkj;jpd;
i) nghpa kw;Wk; eLj;ju njhopy; epWtdq;fs; rpW njhopy; epWtdq;fis tpl
Ntfkhf eyptilfpwJ
ii) nghJthf jdpahh; JiwAk;> nghJj; JiwAk; eyptile;J cs;sJ
iii) FtpT el;lk; my;yJ Nrh;f;fg;gl;l el;lk; Kjy kw;Wk; fhg;;G
epjpia tpl mjpfkhjy;
iv) nlf;];ily;]; kw;Wk; nghwpapay; njhopw;rhiyfs; kpfTk; Nkhrkhf ghjpj;jy;
A) i,ii kw;Wk; iv rhp B) i.ii kw;Wk; iii
C) ii,iii, kw;Wk; iv rhp D) midj;Jk; rhp
147. Who initiates action to establish TCOs in different parts of the country?
A) State government B) SIPCOT
C) All India Development banks D) Reserve Bank of India

ekJ ehl;bd; gy gFjpapy; njhopy; EZf;f MNyhrid mikg;G Vw;gLj;j
Jz;Lk; mikg;G vJ?
A) khepy muRfs; B) rpg;fhl;
C) midj;J ,e;jpa tsh;r;rp tq;fpfs; D) ,e;jpa hprh;t; tq;fp
148. How many manager in DICs?
A) Seven Manager B) Six Manager C) Eight Manager D) Five Manager
khtl;l njhopy; ikaj;jpy; vj;jid Nkyhsh; cs;sdh;?
A) VO Nkyhsh; B) MW Nkyhsh; C) vl;L Nkyhsh; D) Ie;J Nkyhsh;
149. Which Institution Provided Interest Free Sales Tax (IFST) loan to entrepreneur?
A) TCOs B) DICs C) SIPCOT D) All of these
ve;j mikg;ghdJ njhopy; KidNthUf;F tl;bapy;yh tpw;gid thp fld;
A) TCOs B) DICs C) SIPCOT D) ,it midj;Jk;
150. Which development bank lead sponsoring financial institution at TCOs?
TCOs miktjw;F ve;j tsh;r;rp tq;fp mjpf gq;fspg;G jUfpwJ?
151. Which industrial estates generally set up near the parent unit?
A) Special purpose industrial estates B) Ancillary Industrial estates
C) Functional Industrial estates D) Flatted factory estates
Kjd;ik epWtdj;jpw;F mUfpy; nghJthf ve;j njhopw;Ngl;il mikf;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) rpwg;G Nehf;f njhopw;Ngl;il B) Jiz njhopw; Ngl;il
C) gzprhh;e;j njhopw; Ngl;il D) mLf;Fkhb njhopw; Ngl;il
152. The National small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC)was set up in
Njrpa rpW njhopy; fofk; (NSIC) Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L
A) 1990 B) 1955 C) 1953 D) 1974
153. IDBI provides concessional assistance to project setup in notified backward areas in
participation with
Fwpg;gpl;l gpd;jq;fpa gFjpapy; mikf;fg;gLfpd;w jpl;lq;fSf;F ve;j mikg;Gld;
,ize;J IDBI rYiffs; toq;FfpwJ?
154. TamilNadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd Popularly known as TANSI was formed
1.12.1965 (registered under companies Act, 1956) to take over the small scale units that
were setup and run by the Department of
A) Finance B) Industry and commerce C) ITCOT D) DICs
rpW njhopy;fSf;fhf epWtg;gl;l lhd;rp mikg;ig nray;gLj;Jk; JiwahdJ
A) epjpj;Jiw B) njhopw;rhiy kw;Wk; tzpfk; C) ITCOT D) DICs
155. Which causes are beyond the control of an small scale unitsd?
A) Internal causes B) External causes C) Both of these D) None of these
rpW njhopy; epWtdq;fis fl;Lg;ghl;il kPwpa fhuzk; vJ?
A) mff;fhuzk; B) Gwf;fhuzk;
C) ,uz;Lk; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
156. A sick unit is one which has at the end of any accounting year accumulated losses equal to
or exceeding ……… of it networth
eypTw;w njhopw;rhiy vd;gJ VjhtJ xU epjp Mz;bd; ,Wjpapy; Nrh;e;j
el;lkhdJ epfur; nrhj;jpd; kjpg;gpy; rkkhf my;yJ Nkyhf …. rjtPjkhf
A) 50% B) 51% C) 25% D) 75%

157. Lack of experience of promoters is an …… of sickness
A) Internal causes B) External causes C) Both of these D) None of these
Njhw;Wtpg;ghshpd; mDgtf; FiwthdJ njhopw;rhiy eyptiltjw;F …
A) mff;fhuzk; B) Gwf;fhuzk; C) ,uz;Lk; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
158. The main function of SIDO is
A) Coordination B) Industrial Development
C) Industrial extension D) All of these
SIDO –tpd; Kf;fpakhd gzp MdJ
A) xUq;fpizg;G B) njhopw;rhiy Kd;Ndw;wk;
C) njhopw;rhiy tphpthf;fk; D) midj;Jk; rhp
159. The National Institute for Entreprenrutdhip and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) was
set up in
A) July 1983 B) August 1979 C) August 1983 D) May 1978
NIESBUD Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L
A) [{iy 1983 B) Mf];;l; 1979 C) Mf];l; 1983 D) Nk 1978
160. State Industrial Development corporation (SIDC) wholly owned by
A) Central Government B) State Government
C) Central and state Government D) None of these
SIDC - MdJ KOtJk; nrhe;jkhdJ
A) kj;jpa muR B) khepy muR
C) kj;jpa> khepy muRfs; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTkpy;iy
161. which one is called “Guidance Bureau”?
ve;j mikg;ghdJ “Guidance Bureau” vd;W miof;fg;gLfpwJ
A) Tamil Nadu small Industries Development corporation
B) Tamil Nadu Industrial Guidance and Export Promotion Bureau
C) National Alliance of young Entrepreneurs
D) India Investment centre
162. Which institutional supplies machinery on hire purchase?
thlif nfhs;Kjy; mbg;gilapy; ve;j mikg;ghdJ ,ae;jpuq;fis mspf;fpwJ?
163. Which one is setup in the head quarters of each district?
ve;j xU mikg;ghdJ xt;nthU khtl;lj; jiyefhpYk; Vw;gLj;jg;gl;lJ?
164. ITCOT is promoted by
ITCOT Njhw;Wtpf;fg;gl;lJ?
A) IDBI B) ICICI C) IFC D) midj;Jk; rhp
165. ITCOT was established / ITCOT Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L
A) 1978 B) 1972 C) 1974 D) 1979
166. Which bank was set up “NEDA” scheme?
“NEDA” jpl;lj;ij ve;j tq;fpahdJ Vw;gLj;jpaJ?
A) State Bank of India B) Indian Bank
C) Indian overseas Bank D) ICICI Bank
167. ITCOT provides …. services
A) Finance B) Consultancy
C) Industrial Estate D) Interest free sales Tax Loan

ITCOT toq;FtJ ……. gzp
A) epjp B) MNyhrid
C) njhopw;Ngl;il D) tl;bapy;yh tpw;gid thp fld;
168. Which one is called as “Central Small Industries Board”?
ve;j mikg;ghdJ “Central Small Industries Board”vd;W miof;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) Knadi and village Industries Commission (KVIC)
B) Small Industries Service Institutes ( SISIS)
C) District Industries Centre (DIC)
D) Small –Scale Industries Board ( SSIB)
169. Initially, Technical Consultancy Organisations (TCOs) functions were focused on
A) Pre- investment studies B) Post – investment studies
C) Both of these D) None of these
njhopy; EZf;f MNyhrid mikg;ghdJ (TCOs), njhlf;;fj;jpy; vij Kf;fpa
A) Kd; KjyPl;L Ma;T B) gpd; KjyPl;L Ma;T
C) ,uz;Lk; D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
170. Technical consultancy organisations (TCOs) to provide consultancy services to entrepreneurs
setting up
A) Large and medium scale units B) small and medium scale units
C) Medium scale units only D) All of these correct
njhopy; KidNthh; ve;j mikg;ig Vw;gLj;Jtjw;F (TCOs) MNyhrid
A) nghpa kw;Wk; eLj;ju njhopw;rhiy
B) rpwpa kw;Wk; eLj;ju njhopw;rhiy
C) eLj;ju njhopw;rhiy kl;Lk; D) midj;Jk; rhp
171. Centreal Institute of plastic Engineering and tools (CIPET) is Located at
“CIPET” mike;;J cs;s ,lkhdJ
A) nrd;id B) kPul; C) i`juhghj; D) [ye;jh;
172. Who is appointed by “KOHLI COMMITTEE”?
“Nfhyp FOit” epakdk; nra;jJ ahh;?
A) Reserve Bank of India B) State Bank of India
C) Central Government D) State Government
173. Which one is an apex body constituted to render advise to the government on all issnes relating to
the development of small-scale industries?
murhq;fj;jpw;F rpW njhopy; epWtdq;fspd; tsh;r;rp kw;Wk; tptfhuq;fSf;F
MNyhrid $Wk; jiyik mikg;ghdJ
A) Small-Scale Industries Board (SSIB)
B) technical Consultancy Organisation ( TCO)
C) District Industries Centre (DIC)
D) India Investment Centre (IIC)
174. The Government of India launched the programme of setting up industriale states in
,e;jpa murhy; njhopw;Ngl;il mikg;ghdJ Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L
A) 1955 B) 1956 C) 1971 D) 1972
175. Which one brings out periodically a publication entitled, “PRDC Processes”?
“PRDC Process” vd;Dk; gj;jphpf;ifia njhlh;r;rpahf ntspapLk; mikg;G vJ?
A) National productivity Council (NPC)
B) National Research Development Corporation of India ( NRDCI)
C) Technical consultancy Organisations (TCOs)
D) India Investment Centre (IIC)

176. Small scale Industry units set up in rural areas can get Interest Free Sales Tax (IFST) Loan up
to a maximum Limit of …. of the total fixed assets from SIDCO.
rpWnjhopy; tsh;r;rp fofj;jhy; fpuhkg; gFjpapy; rpw;wsTj; njhopy;fis
mikg;gth;fs; tl;bapy;yh tpw;gid thpf; flid epWtdj;jpd; nkhj;j
epiyahd nrhj;jpy; vj;jid rjtPjk; fldhfg; ngwyhk;?
A) 7% B) 6% C) 8% D) 9%
177. The Board for Industrial and Financial reconstruction (BIFR) was established on
BIFR Vw;gLj;jg;gl;l Mz;L
A) 12.1.1987 B) 20.3.1985 C) 8.5.1978 D) 15.8.1983
178. Electronics corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd (ELCOT) is the promotional agency
designated by the Government of Tamil Nadu for promoting
A) Small Scale industry B) Medium Scale industry
C) Large Scale industry D) IT industry
,e;jj; Jiw tsh;r;rp miltjw;fhf jkpo;ehL murhy; ELCOT epWtdk;
A) rpW njhopw;rhiy B) eLj;ju njhopw;rhiy
C) nghpa njhopw; rhiy D) jfty; njhopy; El;g njhopw; rhiy
179. The first sate financial corporations (SFCs) was set up in
A) Punjap B) Kerala C) Tamil Nadu D) Lucknow
khepy epjpf;fofkhdJ Kjd; Kjyhf vq;F Vw;gLj;jg;gl;lJ?
A) gQ;rhg; B) Nfush C) jkpo;ehL D) yf;Ndh

180. Such entrepreneurs are Lazy and Shy,

A)Adoptive entrepreneurs B)Dron Entrepreneur
C)Innovating Entrepreneurs D)Fabian Entrepreneur
ve;jtif njhopy; KidNthh; Nrhk;Ngwpahftk;> ntl;fg;gl;l $bath;fs;?
A) khjphp njhopy; KidNthh; B) Nrhk;Ngwp njhopy; KidNthh;
C) Gj;jhf;f njhopy; KidNthh; D) fhyk; flj;Jfpd;w njhopy; KidNthh;
181. “Such entrepreneurs may even suffer losses but they do not make changes in production methods”
A)Fabian entrepreneurs B)Adoptive entrepreneurs
C) Dron entrepreneurs D)Innovating entrepreneurs
ve;jtif njhopy; KidNthh; Ngustpy; el;lk; Vw;gl;lhYk; $l jq;fsJ gioa
thzpfj;ij tpl;L ntspNa tu tpUk;GtJ ,y;iy?
A) fhyk; flj;Jfpd;w njhopy; KidNthh; B) khjphp njhopy; KidNthh;
C) Nrhk;Ngwp njhopy; KidNthh; C) Gj;jhf;f njhopy; KidNthh;
182. The second international conference of women entrepreneurs (New Delhi) organised by
ngz; njhopy; KidNthUf;fhd cyf mstpy; khehl;il by;ypapy; elj;jpa
mikg;G vJ?
A)NAYE B)WIMA C)SEWA D)All of these
183. The term ‘incentives’ is a general and
A)Includes concessions, subsides B)Includes concessions, subsides and bounties
C)Subsidies and bounties D)None of these
“Cf;fk;” vd;w nghJthd nrhy;ypy; mlq;FtJ
A) rYif> khdpak; B) rYif> khdpak; kw;Wk; nfhil
C) khdpak; kw;Wk; nfhil D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
184. Bounty confers benefit on a particular of
A) Industry B) State C) Nation C) All of these
nfhilahdJ Fwpg;gpl;l ed;ikf;fhf toq;fg;gLfpwJ
A) njhopw;rhiy B) khepyk; C) Njrpa mstpy; D) midj;Jk;rhp

185. Funds required to acquire current assets are termed as
A) Working Capital B) Fixed Capital C) Fixed Assets C) All of these
elg;G nrhj;Jf;fhf Njitg;gLk; epjp MdJ
A) eilKiwKjy; B) epiyKjy; C) epiy nrhj;J D) midj;Jk; rhp
186. External sources finance means
A) Funds are raised from relatives and friends
B) Funds are raised from within the enterprises.
C) Both of these D) None of these
Gw tsk; epjp vd;gJ
A) ez;gh;fsplk; kw;Wk; cwtpdh;plk; ,Ue;J epjpia jpul;LtJ
B) njhopy; eilngWk; ,lj;jpw;F cs;Ns epjpia jpul;LtJ
C) ,uz;Lk;
D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
187. Tamilnadu Industrial Co-operative Bank LtD), (TAICO Bank) was established
TAICO Bank njhlq;fg;gl;l tUlk;
A)1960 B)1961 C)1962 D)1963
188. Promoter contribution of venture capital is
A)50% of capital B)40% of capital C)74% of capital D) 25% of capital
Jzpfu %yjdj;jpy; Njhw;Wtpg;ghshpd; gq;fhdJ
A) Kjypy; 50% B) Kjypy; 40% C) Kjypy; 74% D) Kjypy; 25%
189. “All is he and he is all in all” this principle adopted by
A) Sole proprietorship B) Partnership
C) Co-operative society D) Joint Stock company
“vy;yhk; mtNu mtNu vy;yhk;” vd;w Nfhl;ghL gpd;gw;wg;gLtJ
A) jdpahs; tzpfk; B) $l;lhz;ik
C) $l;LwT rq;fk; D) $l;Lg;gq;F epWkk;
190. A written agreement among partners is known as
A) Articles of Association B) Partnership Deed
C) Minute Books D) Memorandum of Association
$l;lhspfspd; vOjg;gl;l Mtzk; miof;fg;gLtJ
A) eilKiw tpjpfs; B) $l;lhz;ik xg;ghtzk;
C) $l;l eltbf;if Fwpg;G VL D) mikg;G Kiw VL
191. Registration for all co-operative society
A) Compulsory B) Optional C) Unnecessary D) None of these
midj;J $l;LwT rq;fq;fspd; gjpT MdJ
A) fl;lhak; B) tpUg;gj;jpw;F cl;gl;lJ
C) Njit ,y;yhjJ D) ,tw;wpy; vJTk; ,y;iy
192. The project appraisal is generally done by
A) State Government B) Central Government
C) Financial Institutions D) Prospective entrepreneur
jpl;l kjpg;gPl;il nghJthf nra;tJ
A) khepy muR B) ika muR C) epjp epWtdk; D) Prospective entrepreneur
193. Khadi and Village industries established on
fjh; kw;Wk; fpuhkpa njhopw;rhiy Vw;gLj;jg; gl;l Mz;L ?
A)1956 B)1953 C)1963 D)1973
194. Critical path method (CPM) is suitable for
A) Defence projects B) Civil construction
C)Industrial expansion D) Both B and C
neUf;fb topKiw nghUj;jkhf ,Ug;gJ
A) uhZtj;jpl;lk; B) fl;blk; fl;Ltjw;F
C) njhopw; rhiy tphpthf;fk; D) ,uz;Lk; B) kw;Wk; C)

195. Madras Industries Investment Corporation was renamed as /MIIC -d; kWngauhdJ
196. The main function of SFC has been to provide
SFC - d; Kf;fpa gzpahdJ
A) Long term finance to Small and medium Industries
B) Long term finance to Large and Medium Industries
C) Short term finance to Small and Medium Industries
D) Short term finance to large and Medium Industries
197. Which one is not a National Level Institution ?
vJ Njrpa mstpyhd epWtdk; my;y?
198. SIDO is related to the Development of /
SIDO MdJ vjd; tsu;r;rpAld; njhlu;GilaJ?
A) Large Scale Industries B) Medium Scale Industries
B) Small Scale Industries D) All of these
199. Corporate Entrepreneur is also called as
$l;Lg;gq;F njhopy; KidNthupd; NtWngau;
A) Intrapreneur B) Promotor C) Manager D) Shareholder
200. Thirunelvelli “Iruttukkadai Halwa” is the ______________ type of Entrepreneur.
jpUney;Ntyp “,Ul;Lf;fil my;th” ve;j tifahd njhopy;KidNthu;
A) Innovoting B) Imitative C) Fabian D) Drone


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