Chapter III

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Summary of the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter provides the summary of the study and findings, conclusion, and

recommendations of this research.

Summary of the Findings

This study aimed to determine the Effects of Parenting Styles in the Behavioral

Aspect of the Grade 11 students.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: What is the profile

of the respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Family Composition, Family Standard of

Living; Which is the most frequent and least parenting style used for the students in the

study sample; and the Effects of parenting styles in the Behavioral Aspect of Grade 11


The study was conducted at Ubay National Science High School. The descriptive

survey method was used with the aid of modified questionnaire as the main

tool in gathering the data. With fifty (50) randomly sampled Grade 11 students as the

The researchers used a few statistical techniques like the percentage formula in

determining how many people do the respondents live with a few family members, their

age and gender. In determining the most frequent and least frequently used and the

effects of parenting styles, the weighted mean is used.

Following a comprehensive analysis of the collected data, the researchers come up with

the following findings:

1.In terms of their gender, most respondents were Female.

2.Most of the respondents live with their Mother and Father.

3.The most frequently used parenting style in the study sample is the Authoritative

Parenting while the least used styles is the Neglectful Parenting Style.

4.There were both Positive and Negative effects of the Parenting Styles.


Based on the foregoing findings, it was revealed that there were both Positive and

Negative effects of the parenting styles in the student’s behavior depending on the

parenting style that was used. However, this finding is restricted only to the fifty (50)

respondents in the study sample.


With the findings and the conclusion being mentioned, the researchers have formulated

the following recommendations:

I. Parents are encouraged that do the most effective parenting style which is

authoritative parenting.

II. Parents should discipline their child because it is essential in every home. The

goal of discipline is to teach children acceptable behaviors and self-control. They may

test the boundaries you set for them, but they need those boundaries to mature into

responsible adults.

III. Parents should have time for their child. It is often difficult for parents and children

to gather for a family meal, let alone spend quality time together. But there is probably

nothing more appealing to children. Children who do not receive the attention they

desire from their parents frequently act out or misbehave to be noticed.

IV. Be a Good Role Model. Your child learn a lot about how to act by watching their

parents. Be aware that you're constantly being watched by your kids. The younger they

are, the more they will pick up on your cues.

V. Adjust your parenting style. If you frequently feel "let down" by your child's

behavior, it's possible that you have unrealistic expectations. Parents who believe in
should find it beneficial to read up on the subject or speak with other parents or child

development specialists.

Your parenting style will have to evolve as your child grows. What works for your child

now may not work as well. Teens look to their peers for role models rather than their

parents. However, continue to provide guidance, encouragement, and appropriate

discipline while your teen gains independence. And take advantage of every opportunity

to connect.

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