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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

Course Code : CRIM E2



INTRODUCTION Generation in computer terminology is a change in
technology a computer is/was being used. Initially, the
generation term was used to distinguish between varying
hardware technologies. Nowadays, generation includes
both hardware and software, which together make up an
entire computer system. There are five generations of
computer history. Every generation is a symbol of the
development of significant technology.
LEARNING ➢ Discuss the different forms and types of computers
OUTCOME that emerged throughout history.
LEARNING ➢ Describe the five generations of computers and its
OBJECTIVE major technology developments.

Discussion/Situational analysis/Content Etc.:

The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the

different generations of computing devices. Each generation of computer is
characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally
changed the way computers operate, resulting in increasingly smaller,
cheaper, more powerful, more efficient and reliable devices.

First Generation of Computer

The period of the first-generation was from 1946 to 1959. J.P. Eckert and
J.W. Mauchly developed the first successful electronic computer. The name
of the first computer is ENIAC.

These computers used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.
These computers are taking up the space of the entire room. These types of
computers were inefficient material which produced a lot of heat and sucked
a huge amount of electricity.

The first generation of computers used machine language or binary code as

the programming language. These computers are limited to solving one problem
at a time and means that they are not multitasking systems.

The ENIAC was not the stored-program computer. It is the collection of

electronic adding machines and other arithmetic units which were initially
controlled by the web of large electrical cables.
This computer was programmed by the combination of plug board wiring and
three portable functions. Every function table has 1200 ten-way switches
used for entering the table of numbers. It was 150 feet wide with the
existence of 20 banks of flashlights and about 300 times faster than the
Harvard mark1 computer in addition.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

Some examples of first-generation computers

1. ENIAC Computer
2. EDVAC Computer
3. UNIVAC Computer
4. IBM-701
5. IBM-650

The computers of the first generation were costly, and only large
organizations can afford it. The batch processing operating systems are used
in this generation. The punch cards, paper tape, and the magnetic tape were
used as input and output devices. The ENIAC computer contains 18,000 vacuum


➢ These computers were capable of calculating the data in few

➢ The computer of the first generation uses the vacuum tubes, which was
the only electronic component available.


➢ The computer of this generation is very huge.

➢ The weight of these computers was about 30 tones.
➢ These are very costly.
➢ It could store a small amount of information or data via the presence
of magnetic drums.
➢ These computers have very less efficiency.
➢ A large amount of energy consumption by the first generation of
➢ These computers are not reliable and needed constant maintenance.
➢ The punch cards are used to take inputs, and these computers have
limited programming capabilities.
➢ The first generation of the computer used vacuum tubes, and the vacuum
tubes generate a massive amount of heat so, it requires an extensively
cooling system.

Second Generation of Computer

The period of the second generation was from 1959-1965. The transistor takes
the place of the vacuum tubes in the second generation. The transistor was
invented at Bell Labs in 1947. It was far superior to the vacuum tube.

The transistor is allowing the computer to become smaller, faster, cheaper,

more energy-efficient, and reliable than the first-generation processor. It
was a great improvement over the vacuum tube. The computer of the second
generation was invented by the two persons named “H.W. Brattain” and “W.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

The computers of the second generation moved to symbolic or assembly language

from binary language. Due to assembly language, the programmers or coders
have specified the instructions in words. The high-level languages such as
COBOL and FORTRAN were developed at the time of the second generation.

The computers of this generation still relied on punch cards for input and
printouts for output. The computers of this generation were the first type
of computers which are capable to storing their instructions in their memory
and moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.

The magnetic cores were used as the primary memory and the magnetic tape and
magnetic disks used as the secondary storage devices in the second generation
of computer. These computers can use batch processing and multiprogramming
operating systems.

Features of the second generation:

➢ We can use transistors in this generation.

➢ The computers of the second-generation are reliable in comparison to
the first generation.
➢ These computers are small in size as compared to first-generation
➢ The computers of the second-generation produced less heat as compared
to the first generation.
➢ The computer of this generation consumed less electricity as compared
to first-generation computers.
➢ These computers are faster than first-generation computers.
➢ The computer of the second generation was still very costly.
➢ AC is also required for these types of computer.
➢ These types of computers supported machine and assembly languages.

There are some computers of the second generation, which are given below:

1. IBM 7094
2. IBM 1620
3. CDC 1604
4. CDC 3600
5. UNIVAC1108
6. Honeywell 400

The advantage of the second generation:

➢ These computers have better probability as compared to the first-

generation computer.
➢ These computers have better speed and capacity of calculating the data
in microseconds.
➢ Assembly language, punch cards were used for input in the second
generation of computers.
➢ The size of the electron component is decreased due to the presence of
transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
➢ These computers are smaller in size as compared to the first generation.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

➢ The accuracy of these computers was improved as compared to the previous


The disadvantage of the second generation:

➢ Required a cooling system for the use of these computers.

➢ The constant maintenance was required for these computers.

The computers of the second-generation are only used for a specific purpose.

Third Generation of Computer

The period of the third generation was from 1965 – 1971. The integrated
circuits are used in the computers of the third generation. The transistors
are not used in these computers. A single integrated circuit has many
transistors, registers, and capacitors grown on a single chip of silicon.
The integrated circuits (ICs) was developed by Jack Killby.

This invention makes computers smaller in size, reliable, and efficient. The
remote processing, time-sharing, and multiprogramming operating systems were
used in this generation. The integrated circuits were small in size, less
power consuming and less expensive than transistors which are used in the
previous generation of computer. The high-level languages were improved in
these type of computers.

The computer of this generation created large capacity magnetic disks and
tapes and large magnetic core based on random access memory. The FORTRAN IV
and optimizing FORTRAN compilers were developed in this computer generation.
The computers of this generation reduced the size, price, and use of

The transistors were reduced in size and placed on silicon chips, called
semiconductors. These are capable of increasing the speed and efficiency of
the computers of the third generation. Users can interact with keyboards,
monitors, and interface with an operating system in the third generation of
computers. The integrated circuit was a single component that contains the
number of transistors.

Features of the third generation:

➢ The integrated circuits (ICs) are used in the computer of this

➢ These computers are more reliable as compare to previous generations.
➢ These are small in size.
➢ The computer of the third generation supports the high-level language.
➢ These consumed lesser electricity.
➢ The AC is also required in this generation of computer.
➢ The maintenance is not good in the third generation of computer.
➢ The computers of this generation are faster in speed.
➢ These type of computers generate less heat
➢ These are very costly computers.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

Some computers of the third generation which are given below:

1. IBM-360 series
2. Honeywell-6000 series
3. PDP (personal data processor)
4. IBM 370/168
5. TDC – 316
6. PDP-8
7. PDP-11
8. ICL2900
9. IBM 370

Advantage of the third generation:

➢ These computers have good data storage.

➢ The computers of the third generation can calculate the data in
➢ The maintenance cost of these computers is very low as compared to the
previous generation.
➢ The computers of the third generation are used for general purpose.
➢ These computers are used as an operating system to better resource
management and also used time-sharing and multi-programming.

The disadvantage of the third generation:

➢ The air conditioner was required for these computers.

➢ IC chips are not easy to maintain.
➢ The high technology requires to manufacture the integrated circuit

Fourth Generation of Computer

The period of the fourth generation was from 1971-1980. The Very large-scale
integration (VLSI) or huge scale integrated circuits are used in the
computers of this generation. These circuits have 5000 transistors and other
circuit elements. The computers of the fourth-generation become more
powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable.

There are various advanced features such as time-sharing, real-time networks,

distributed operating system were used in the fourth generation. All high-
level language like C, C++, Java, PHP are used in this generation.

These computers are also used in the LSI (large scale integration). The
fourth generation is the extension of the third generation. The computer of
the first generation filled the entire room space, but these computers can
fit in the palm.

The microprocessor chips are used in this generation of computers. The

object-oriented programming was used in the fourth generation of computer.
Various types of language exist in object-oriented programming such as Java,
Visual Basic, etc.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

These object-oriented programs are designed to solve specific problems and

require little specialized user training. This includes query language and
application generators. The Intel was the first company which can develop
the microprocessors. IBM developed the first personal computer related to
the fourth generation. These computers required a minimal amount of
electricity to run. The fourth generation of the computer had the first
supercomputer that was able to perform many calculations accurately. These
supercomputers are also used in networking. The storage capacity increased
up to several gigabytes or even terabytes.

Features of the fourth generation:

➢ The vast scale integrated circuits are used in the fourth generation
of computer.
➢ The computers become easily available in this generation.
➢ No AC required when we use the computer of the fourth generation.
➢ We have great development in the field of computer network during the
fourth generation.
➢ These computers are very small in size.
➢ The computers of the fourth generation were portable and reliable.
➢ These computers are very cheap.
➢ The computers of the fourth generation were used in pipeline processing.
➢ The concept of the internet was introduced in this generation of
➢ We can use personal computers in the fourth generation of computers.

Some computers of this generation are given below:

1. DEC10
2. STAR 1000
3. PDP11.
4. CRAY-1(Supercomputer)
5. CRAY-X –MP (supercomputer)

The Advantages of the fourth generation:

➢ These computers are used for the general purpose.

➢ There is no need for the air conditioner when we use the computer of
the fourth generation.
➢ The computer of the fourth generation was more reliable than the
previous generation.
➢ These computers can perform the calculation of data in picoseconds.
➢ The computer of the fourth-generation consumed less electrical power
as compared to the previous generation of computer.
➢ The heat generation is less as compared to the previous computer.
➢ The maintenance cost is very low in the fourth generation of computer.
➢ These computers are microprocessor-based systems.
➢ The memory storage is increased in the computers of the fourth
➢ The processing power and speed have increased in these computers.
➢ The size of peripheral devices become small in the fourth generation.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

➢ The networking features were developed in the computers of the fourth

➢ The output was more reliable and accurate now in these computers.
➢ These computers are less need to repair.
➢ The computers of the fourth-generation are mainly used for commercial

The disadvantage of the fourth generation:

➢ The latest technology is needed for the manufacturing of


Fifth Generation of Computer

The period of the fifth generation is from 1980-onwards. The VLSI technology
develops into ULSI (ultra large scale integration) technology in the fifth
generation. These are used in the production of microprocessor chips which
have ten million electronic components.

The fifth-generation computers are based on parallel processing hardware and

artificial intelligence software. The artificial intelligence is the
trending branch of computer science which interpret the meaning and methods
of making computers that behave like human beings. This generation is in the
developmental stage.

All the high-level languages are used in the fifth generation of computer.
The main aim of the fifth-generation is to make the devices which are capable
of self-learning and self-organization. This generation of computer is
completely based on artificial intelligence and parallel processing
hardware, and artificial intelligence includes the various terms which are
given below:

1. Robotics
2. Neural Networks
3. Game playing
4. Develop the expert system to decide a real-life situation
5. Natural language processing


The robotics is the branch of engineering and science which includes

mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering,
computer science, and many others. It deals with the design, construction,
operation, and use of robots as well as the computer system for the control
of robots.

The Robots can be used for various kind of situations and purposes. The
robots are the type of machine which can perform actions similar to human
being according to individual instruction. NASA uses robots in many various

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

The robotic rods on spacecraft used to move a massive object in space. The
humans are given commands to the robots, and then they follow those commands.
The Robots who can explore the surface of mars have rovers for this purpose.
There are various kinds of airplane robots which can fly without the presence
of pilots. In these days, the NASA is researching the particular type of
robots that will work with people and help them.

Neural Networks

The neural networks are the set of algorithms which can help us in the
clustering and classification. These neural networks are designed to
recognize the patterns. These networks interpret the sensory data through a
type of machine perception, labeling, or clustering of raw data.

The patterns are in numerical forms which are recognized by the neural
networks. They help us to group the unlabeled data according to similarities
among those example inputs, and these networks can classify the data.

Waren Mc Culloch and Walter Pitts develop a computational model for neural
networks based on mathematics and algorithms known as threshold logic. This
neural network model was based on the two approaches. The first approach
focus on the biological processes in the brain, and another approach was
focused on the application of neural networks related to artificial
intelligence. The neural network is a network or circuit of neurons.

This network is either a biological neural network, made up of real

biological neurons or an artificial neural network for solving complicated
artificial intelligence problems. The biological neural network is the group
which are chemically connected or functionally associated with neurons. The
single neuron connected to many other neurons, and the total number of
neurons and connections in the neural network is very extensive.

Game playing

The game playing is the design of artificial intelligence programs which can
play more than one game successfully. The computers are programmed to play
various games, likes chess, etc. These programs are designed with the help
of complicated algorithms, which cannot be transferred to another context.
If the general game playing system is well designed then, it would be able
to help in other areas such as to provide the intelligence to search and
rescue missions. There are various types of different game playing systems,
which can use their languages to define the game rules.

The game playing is a crucial domain of artificial intelligence. Every player

wants to win the game and try his best so, everyone tries to make the possible
moves at each turn. The searching techniques like breadth-first search are
not sufficient for this branching factor, which is very high. We need another
search procedure that can improve:

• Generate procedure so that only right moves can generate as compare to

complicated movements.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

• We also need to improve our test procedure so that the best move can
be explored first then, the other steps come.

Minimax search procedure is a very common technique of game playing in

artificial intelligence. It is the depth-first search with limited search
procedures. These types of searches are used for games like chess and tic-

Natural Language processing

The natural language processing is the subfield of artificial intelligence.

It is used for the interaction between the computer and human languages. The
natural language processing is mainly used to program computers to process
and analyze a large amount of natural language data.

The challenges in natural language processing are involved in speech

recognition, NLP understanding, and natural language generations. The
natural language processing generally started from the 1950s.

When we want an intelligent system like the robot to perform according to

our instruction then, we need processing of natural language. The natural
language processing always refers to artificial intelligence method of
communicating with the intelligent system by using a natural language such
as English.

Features of the fifth generation

1. This generation of computer is using the ULSI (ultra large scale

integration) technology.
2. The development of natural language processing is growing in the fifth
3. The growth of artificial intelligence increased in the computer of this
4. These computers have advancement in parallel processing.
5. The computer of the fifth-generation has more user-friendly interfaces
with multimedia features.
6. These computers are available at a cheaper rate.

Various types of computers exist in this generation, which are given below:

1. Desktop
2. Laptop
3. Notebook
4. Ultra book
5. Chrome book


The desktop computers are the personal computers which are designed to use
at a regular basis. We need a desk or table due to its size and power
requirements. This type of computer has physical hardware that makes a

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

computer run and connects to input devices such as to monitor, keyboard and
mouse, etc.

These computers commonly used for organizations as well as personal use such
as gaming or education. The Desktop computer also includes the processor and
the motherboard that is the main circuit board to the computer system. Almost
the Desktop computer contains a built-in modem and multi Giga-byte magnetic
storage drive.


The laptop is the small, portable, personal computer with the “clamshell”
form factor. These types of the computer having the thin LCD or LED computer

We can fold these laptops for transportation and also suitable for mobile
use. These computers are no need of desk or table like Desktop computers.
We can fit these computers in any person’s lap, that’s why it is known as
the laptop.

These types of computers are smaller than a briefcase so, we can easily use
laptops in temporary spaces such as airport, libraries, colleges, etc. The
cost of laptop computers more than the desktop with the same functionalities.

These laptops are more difficult to design and manufacture. We can convert
any laptop computer into the desktop computer by connecting some peripherals
such as a printer or large monitor. These computers have an attached keyboard
and touchpad. The laptop computer has several ways of connecting to the
network. The laptop computers have lightweight as compare to the desktop


The notebook computers are less on-screen thickness. Sometimes the notebook
computers are known as laptops. The costs of these computers are also more
than desktop computers.

The notebook computer is extremely lightweight computer than others. The

display screen is the main difference between the notebook computer and
another computer. The screen of this computer produces very sharp images.

The notebook computers are considered as the family of laptop. These

computers are mainly used for web browsing. The notebook computers become
popular from recent time (since 2007).

Advantage of the fifth generation

➢ The computers of this generation are more reliable and work faster than
previous computers.
➢ These computers are available in various size and unique features.

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Tuguegarao City

School of Criminology
Second Semester, S.Y. 2020

Disadvantage of the fifth-generation

➢ The computer of the fifth generation makes the human brain dull and
➢ We have to use sophisticated and complex tools in this generation.


Prepared by:

IT Instructors

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