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Exploring the Universe Video Worksheet


There have been hundreds of missions to space, both manned and

unmanned. These missions have provided valuable insights into the universe
and our place in it. In addition, advances in technology and communication
for space travel have changed how we live and communicate globally. For
this activity, you will view two videos about space exploration and
technology: The Exploration of Mars and Radio Telescopes. Answer the
reflection questions for each video.

1. Watch the videos: The Exploration of Mars and Radio Telescopes.
2. Answer the reflection questions for each video.

3. Some reflection questions ask you to research using internet

resources. Be sure to cite the source of your research.

4. Use your own words when responding to the reflection questions.

Reflection Questions- Video 1

1. Compare the Viking 1 and 2 probes to the Pathfinder probe that landed
on Mars in 1997. How was their technology different? while Viking 1 and 2
paved the way for successful landings on Mars and carried out important scientific
investigations, Pathfinder introduced innovative technologies like airbag landing and
surface mobility with the rover Sojourner.
2. Mariner 4 and 9 and Viking 1 and 2 probes needed enhanced cameras
and wireless communication equipment to take images of Mars's
surface and send them back to Earth. According to the video, how did
improving our technology lead to new discoveries about Mars? enhancing
technology on space probes like Mariner and Viking missions enabled more detailed
observations, data collection, and communication with Earth.

3. Using internet resources, describe how advances in imaging and

wireless communication for space exploration have led to changes in
imaging devices and communication on Earth. Advances in imaging and
wireless communication technology driven by space exploration have brought significant
changes to Earth's technology landscape. These innovations have led to high-resolution
imaging sensors, remote sensing satellites

4. Mars Odyssey and Mars Express required spectrometric equipment

that could analyze Mars's atmosphere and surface composition and
temperatures. Using internet resources, describe some home or
business technologies that use spectrometric equipment to analyze
atmosphere or temperature. Spectrometric equipment, originally developed for
scientific and space exploration purposes, has found widespread use in various home
and business technologies on Earth.

5. Using internet resources, research one space probe described in the

video. Describe its goals and justify its purpose by explaining how it
helped advance our understanding of the universe. the Hubble Space
Telescope has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the universe by
achieving its goals of observing distant galaxies, studying planets and moons,
investigating exoplanets, and probing dark matter.

Reflection Questions- Video 2

1. What are radio waves? Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation, just
like visible light, X-rays, and microwaves.
2. Describe how radio telescopes function. Radio telescopes are specialized
instruments designed to detect and observe radio waves emitted by celestial objects in
the universe.

3. What are the advantages of using a radio telescope instead of a

reflecting or refracting telescope? Radio telescopes offer several advantages
over reflecting or refracting optical telescopes, primarily due to the differences in the
nature of radio waves compared to visible light.

4. Using internet resources, describe the ways radio waves are used on
Earth. Radio waves are utilized in a wide range of applications on Earth due to their
ability to transmit information over long distances without the need for physical wires.

5. How do radio telescopes help advance our knowledge of our universe?

Radio telescopes play a crucial role in advancing our knowledge of the universe by
observing and studying celestial objects and phenomena in radio wavelengths.

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