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In the 19th century, the wealthy Filipino families were engaged in the international
trade. The business in line with agriculture attained development because of the
opening of Suez Canal and development in the international trade. However, because
most of the lands intended for agriculture were under the control of the friars, they had
the opportunity to increase the rent in the land that resulted to the decrease in income
of the Filipino elites.

3 Types of Encomienda
Royal – the taxes will go to the King of Spain
Ecclesiastical – the taxes will go to the church
Privado – the encomienda given to the friend of the king who had contribution for the

The Factors that Led to the Rise of Nationalism in the Philippines

A. The Opening of the Philippines in the World Trade
 First, the international trade brought material progress in the different areas in the
Philippines where the agricultural products included in the trade came from. The
increase of the demand in the agricultural products brought prosperity to the
provincial elite and this development made them capable of sending their children
to universities in Manila and in Spain.
 The Second reason Was that the world trade gave opportunity to the Filipinos to
gain knowledge about the other parts of the world as well as the political events
and liberal ideas.
B. The Coming of the Liberal Ideas
The Advent of Nationalism in the Philippines

Nationalism is a sentiment of a person towards his country. It is a display of loyalty of

a person to his own culture, history and aspiration as a nation. It is a national sentiment
that unites the people towards a common goal for the advancement of the country.

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