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Learning Task 2: Read the following excerpt from a review of related literature about language
and its sustainability in the teaching and learning process. Briefly describe its (a) recency, (b)
objectivity, (c) relevance, and (d) conciseness.



A. Recency
The review of related literature on the given material which “Language and its
sustainability in the teaching and learning process”, has four references that were
published on 2013, 2014, and 2010. It means that the two references were published 10
years ago when this review of related literature was made and I can conclude that it is
valid and can be included on the general references. Lastly, the two remaining references
which are the material published on 2013 and 2014 are also valid to use.
B. Objectivity
The given review of related literature mentioned different explanation that were based
on their references. It talks about what are the strategies that would need to be use in
able to teach students to use their mother-tongue alongside with tagalog language. This
is a material that I can say a bias-free and it shows fairness on the different perspective
of the studies that they found.
C. Relevance
This review shows essential information and the topic is relevant especially to students
and teachers. It also mentioned here the reasons of growing population of bilingualism in
the world that may lead to difficulty in academic environment. It also considers a lot of
learning style because of the given fact that the students have various way to learn easier
and more comfortable.
D. Conciseness
It provides only four general references but still, it gives readers a strong insight about
the given topic. It consists only relevant information and there is no statement that can
be considered as off-topic. All in all, it gives enough information in just a few paragraphs
and can really contribute to expand the knowledge of the readers.

Learning Task 5: Study the details of the references below. On a one whole sheet of paper,
create the in-text and bibliographic entry for it using the APA Style, MLA Style and Chicago
Manual of Style.

1. Authors: No Author
Title of the Book: Research in TVET Made Easy
Publisher: Colombo Plan Staff College
Date Published: 2009 Place: DepEd Complex, Pasig City Page: 52
STYLE In-text Citation Bibliographic entry
APA style From the book published of Research in TVET Made Easy.
Colombo Plan Staff College (2009). DepEd Complex,
(2009) Pasig City: Colombo Plan
Staff College.

2. Authors: H.E. Caintic and J.M. Cruz

Title of the Book: Scientific Research Manual
Publisher: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Date Published: 2008 Place: Quezon City Page: 25
STYLE In-text Citation Bibliographic entry
MLA style Caintic and Cruz stated that Caintic, H. E., and J. M. Cruz.
.... (25) Scientific Research Manual.
Quezon City, C&E Publishing
Inc., 2008.
3. Authors: M.Q. Patton and M. Cochran
Title of the Book: A Guide to Using Qualitative Research Methodology
Publisher: Medecins Sans Frontieres
Date Published: 2002
Access Date: December 15, 2015 Page: 21-22
Access Link/URL:
STYLE In-text Citation Bibliographic entry
Chicago Manual of (Patton and Cochran Patton, M. Q. and Cochran M. "A
Style 2015, 21-22) Guide to Using Qualitative Research
Methodology". Medicins Sans
Frontieres 2002, Accessed December
15, 2015.

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