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Indian J. Anaesth.

2003; 47 (5) : 360-366


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Dr. Praveen Kumar Neema

Respiratory failure in patients admitted to critical gaseous exchange functions that is oxygenation failure
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care unit (CCU) is a major cause of morbidity and (arterial hypoxaemia) or CO2 removal failure (hypercapnia,
mortality. Patients can get into CCU because of respiratory ventilatory failure) or failure of both the functions. Non –
failure secondary to pulmonary pathology like pneumonia; respiratory functions of the lung include metabolic,
in many other patients respiratory failure is secondary to secretory and immunologic functions. These functions are
sepsis, cardiac failure or neurological disorders. Obviously, not discussed further in this review.
respiratory failure involves diverse pathology.
This review is mainly confined to physiology of
The respiratory system performs the vital function respiration and pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to
of gaseous exchange.1 O2 is transported through the upper respiratory failure. Various disorders that cause different
airways to the alveoli that diffuses across the types of respiratory failure are also briefly mentioned.
alveolocapillary membrane and enters the capillary blood. Though, a general guideline of management is presented,
There, it combines with haemoglobin and is transported a detailed discussion on management is out of the scope
by the arterial blood to the tissues. In the tissues the O2 of this review
is utilized for adenosine triphosphate production which is
essential for all metabolic processes. The major by product Physiology of respiration
of cellular metabolism, CO2, diffuses from the tissues into Gaseous exchange between the environment and the
the capillary blood, where a major portion of it is hydrated pulmonary capillary blood constitutes external respiration.
as carbonic acid and transported to the lungs by the venous The functioning unit of the lung is alveolus with its capillary
blood. In the lungs, it diffuses from the pulmonary blood network. Various factors govern transport of air from the
into the alveoli and is exhaled into the atmosphere environment to the alveoli (ventilation) and supply of blood
(Expiration). Gaseous exchange appropriate to the metabolic to the pulmonary capillaries (perfusion).
demand is essential to maintain homeostasis (the milieu Henry’s law dictates that when a solution is exposed
interior of the body). Respiration is accomplished and to an atmosphere of gas an equilibration of partial pressures
regulated by an intricate set of structures.2 These structures follow between the gas molecules dissolved in the liquid
include: (1) the lungs that provide the gas exchange surface; and the gas molecules in the atmosphere. Consequently,
(2) the conducting airways that convey the air into and out partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the blood leaving the
of the lungs; (3) the thoracic wall that acts as a bellows pulmonary capillaries (pulmonary venous blood) is equal
and supports and protects the lungs; (4) the respiratory to the partial pressure of O2 and CO2 achieved in the
muscles that creates the energy necessary for the movement alveolus after equilibration.3 At equilibrium, the partial
of air into and out of the lungs; and (5) the respiratory pressure of O2 and CO2 results from a dynamic equilibrium
centres with their sensitive receptors and communicating between O2 delivery to the alveolus and O2 extraction
nerves that control and regulate ventilation. Pathologic from the alveolus; and CO2 delivery to the alveolus and
processes can affect any of these functional components. CO2 removal from the alveolus.
The interactions of cardiopulmonary, nervous and
musculoskeletal systems can be disrupted by disease, by Delivery of O2 to the alveolus is directly related
surgery and by anaesthetic agents. Respiratory failure can to the sweep rate of air (ventilation), and composition of
be defined as a significant impairment in the gaseous the sweeping gas (partial pressure of O2 in the inspiratory
exchange capacity of the respiratory system. Traditionally air; FIO2). In general, alveolar O2 tension (PAO2) increases
respiratory failure has been a clinical diagnosis; however, with increase in inspiratory O2 tension and increase in
with the easy availability of blood gas analysis, respiratory ventilation. Extraction of O2 from the alveolus is determined
failure is considered in terms of impairment of its actual by the saturation, quality and quantity of the haemoglobin
of the blood perfusing the alveoli. The O2 saturation of the
1. M.D., PDCC
Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, haemoglobin in the pulmonary capillary blood is affected
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and by the supply of O2 to the tissues (cardiac output) and the
Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala. extraction of the O2 by the tissues (metabolism). In general,
Correspond to : lower the haemoglobin saturation in the blood perfusing
E-mail :
the pulmonary capillaries, a result of low cardiac output

(increased tissue extraction) and/or increased tissue

metabolism, higher the extraction of O2 in the alveoli and
lower the equilibration partial pressure of O2. Similarly
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the absolute quantity of haemoglobin in the circulating

pulmonary blood also increases or decreases extraction of
O2, though this particular factor is less important. The
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partial pressure of O2 in the alveolus is further affected by

the partial pressure of CO2 in the pulmonary capillary
blood. As mentioned earlier partial pressure of CO2 in the
alveolus is because of dynamic equilibrium between CO2
transported to the alveolus and CO2 removed from the
alveolus. Amount and the partial pressure of CO2 in the
alveolus increases with the increase in tissue metabolism
and in presence of low cardiac output (CO2 produced in
the tissues is transported in less amount of the venous blood).
Ventilation and perfusion is further influenced by
variation in distribution of ventilation and perfusion. The
major determinants of distribution of pulmonary blood flow partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the arterial blood
include cardiac output, pulmonary artery pressure, gravity, obviously reflects sum total of effect of all the factors
posture, and interaction of pulmonary artery pressure with discussed in the preceding section.
airway pressure and pulmonary venous pressure. In general, Effect of ventilation-perfusion imbalance: The
perfusion is more at the lung bases as compared to the partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in each alveolus and
apex and this difference increases with decrease in cardiac therefore of the capillary blood leaving it are primarily
output, hypotension and with the application of positive determined by the ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) ratio of
pressure ventilation. Distribution of ventilation is influenced that alveolus. As the ratio between ventilation and perfusion
by regional transpulmonary pressure (TPP) gradient and decreases, the partial pressure of the O2 falls and that of
changes in the TPP during inspiration. In general alveolar CO2 rises in the blood leaving that alveolus. The opposite
volume is bigger in the apical regions as compared to the occurs as ventilation perfusion ratio increases (Fig. 2).
alveolar volume at the base and ventilation is more at the Any pathological process that affects the airways, lung
base as compared to the apex. parenchyma and vasculature of the lungs will cause an
imbalance between ventilation and perfusion and will
Theoretically, the most efficient gaseous exchange produce areas of abnormal ventilation-perfusion ratio. The
would occur if a perfect match exists between ventilation extent to which gas exchange is impaired depends on both
and perfusion in each of the functioning unit of the lung. the values of the ventilation-perfusion and the shape of
The partial pressure of O2 and CO2 contained in each their distribution. It is important to realize that arterial
alveolus, and therefore of the capillary blood leaving it, hypoxaemia and hypercapnia results from regions of lungs
are primarily determined by the ventilation perfusion ratio with low ventilation-perfusion ratio. Areas with high
of that alveolus.4 The functioning unit can exist in one of ventilation-perfusion ratio do not adversely affect the arterial
the four absolute relationships (Fig. 1): (1) the normal blood gas tensions; however they increase the amount of
unit in which both ventilation and perfusion are matched; wasted ventilation (Dead space effect). Areas of the lung
(2) the dead space unit in which the alveolus is normally with low ventilation-perfusion contribute blood with a low
ventilated but there is no blood flow through the capillary; partial pressure of O2 to the pulmonary venous blood.
(3) the shunt unit in which the alveolus is not ventilated Areas of the lung with high ventilation-perfusion contribute
but there is normal blood flow through the capillary; and blood with a high partial pressure of O2 to the pulmonary
(4) the silent unit in which the alveolus is unventilated and venous blood; however, these areas of high and low
the capillary has no perfusion. The complexities of the ventilation-perfusion do not counterbalance each other for
ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationship are caused two reasons – first, the areas of low ventilation-perfusion
primarily by the spectrum between the two extremes of generally receive more blood flow than the areas of high
dead space and shunt units (Fig 2). The lung consists of ventilation-perfusion; second, because of non-linear shape
millions of alveoli with its network of capillaries. In health of the O2- haemoglobin dissociation curve,5 the higher
and disease states ventilation and perfusion relationship partial pressure of O2 of the blood leaving high ventilation-
can exist in various combinations. Needless to say, the perfusion areas does not translate into a proportionate

Evaluation of ventilation-perfusion imbalance

The severity of ventilation-perfusion imbalance may
be assessed by several measurements based on ideal alveolar
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gas equation which represents mixed alveolar gas in the

absence of ventilation–perfusion imbalance. The PAO2 is
calculated from a modified alveolar gas equation.
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PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) FIO2 – PaCO2/R,

Where PB is the barometric pressure, PH2O is the
water vapour pressure in the alveoli, R is the respiratory
quotient, and PaCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in the
arterial blood. The different measurements used in the
clinical practice to evaluate ventilation-perfusion imbalance
increase in haemoglobin saturation and O2 content and are –
therefore provides little extra O2 to the blood leaving these
areas of high ventilation-perfusion. As mentioned earlier 1. Alveolar-arterial O2 partial pressure difference (PAO2
in the perfused alveoli with no ventilation, the shunt units, – PaO2),
(Fig. 1 C) venous blood passes unchanged through these 2. Venous admixture effect or shunt effect – Qva/Qt =
units. This is an intrapulmonary right to left shunt and (Cc’O2 – CaO2)/(Cc’O2 – CvO2)
causes hypoxaemia by addition of the venous blood to the
arterial blood. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch usually does Where Qva is venous admixture, Qt is cardiac
not lead to increase in the partial pressure of CO2 because output; Cc’O2, CaO2, and C½”O2 are O2 content in ideal
stimulation of the chemoreceptor increases minute capillary blood (blood leaving the alveoli with a perfect
ventilation to maintain partial pressure of CO2 within the match between ventilation and perfusion), arterial blood
normal range. However, increase in partial pressure of and mixed venous blood, respectively. Calculation of venous
CO2 will occur if an increase in the ventilation is limited admixture at 100% inspiratory O2 tension (FIO2=1)
by respiratory depression, neuromuscular disability or removes the contribution of low ventilation-perfusion units
excessive work of breathing. and measures the true shunt fraction (Qs/Qt).

Effect of low-haemoglobin saturation in the 3. Dead space effect, the volume of inspired air that do
pulmonary capillary (venous) blood: Low cardiac output not participate in gaseous exchange
and increased tissue metabolism are the reasons of low Vd/VT = PaCO2 – PECO2/PaCO2
haemoglobin saturation. Normal haemoglobin saturation in
the mixed venous blood that perfuses through pulmonary Where Vd is wasted ventilation; dead space, VT is
capillaries is 75%. Low-haemoglobin saturation per se tidal volume, PaCO2 and PECO2 are partial pressure of
does not affect oxygenation in the alveoli provided CO2 in arterial blood and mixed exhaled gas. Unfortunately,
ventilation is adequate. However, ventilation-perfusion the clinical usefulness of all the three measurements is
mismatch will exist in the presence of low cardiac output. limited because of the fact that they are influenced by both
Low-haemoglobin saturation produces arterial hypoxaemia – the changes in minute ventilation and the cardiac output
by three mechanisms – first, the blood leaving the areas apart from ventilation-perfusion imbalance.
of low ventilation-perfusion will contribute blood with a Classification of respiratory failure
lower partial pressure of O2 because of the lower
equilibration partial pressure (haemoglobin with low On the basis of arterial blood gas analysis,
saturation will extract more O2 before becoming saturated respiratory failure may be divided into three types. Type
thereby reducing partial pressure of O2 in the alveolus), I or oxygenation failure, Type II or ventilatory failure,
second, the effect of the shunt units will be exaggerated Type III or combined oxygenation and ventilatory failure.
due to low saturation of venous blood, third, decreased Type I Respiratory Failure (Oxygenation Failure;
arterial O2 content will lead to further decrease in O2 Arterial Hypoxaemia): Partial pressure of O2 in the arterial
supply to the tissues, if tissue O2 consumption remains blood reflects: (1) Partial pressure of O2 in inspiratory
unchanged, venous O2 saturation will further decrease. It gas; (2) minute ventilation; (3) quantity of blood flowing
is clear that the presence of low-cardiac output state through pulmonary capillaries; (4) O2 saturation of the
compounds the effects of low ventilation-perfusion areas haemoglobin in the blood flowing through pulmonary
and shunt areas. capillaries (an effect of tissue metabolism and cardiac

output); (5) diffusion across alveolar membrane; and (6) 8. Pulmonary embolism
ventilation-perfusion matching (Fig. 3). Type I failure is 9. Pulmonary hypertension
characterized by an abnormally low partial pressure of O2
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in the arterial blood. It may be caused by any disorder that Type II Respiratory Failure (Ventilatory Failure:
produces areas of low ventilation-perfusion or a right to Arterial Hypercapnia): Partial pressure of CO2 in the
left intrapulmonary shunt and is characterized by low partial arterial blood reflects the efficiency of ventilatory
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pressure of O2 in the arterial blood (PaO2 < 60 mm Hg mechanism that clears (washes out) CO2 produced during
while breathing room air), an increase in PAO2 – PaO2 tissue metabolism. Type II failure can be caused by any
difference, venous admixture and Vd/VT. disorder that decreases central respiratory drive, interferes
with the transmission of signals from the central nervous
system, or impedes the ability of respiratory muscles to
expand the lungs and chest wall. Type II failure is
characterized by an abnormal increase in the partial pressure
of CO2 in the arterial blood (PaCO2 > 46 mm Hg), and
is accompanied by simultaneous fall in PAO2 and PaO2,
therefore PAO2 - PaO2 difference remains unchanged.

Common causes of Type II Respiratory Failure:

A. Disorders affecting central ventilatory drive
1. Brain stem infarction or haemorrhage
2. Brain stem compression from supratentorial mass
3. Drug overdose, Narcotics, Benzodiazepines,
Anaesthetic agents etc.
B. Disorders affecting signal transmission to the respiratory
1. Myasthenia Gravis
Pathophysiologic mechanisms of arterial hypoxaemia:
2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A. Decreased partial pressure of O2 in alveoli
3. Gullain-Barrè syndrome
1. Hypoventilation 4. Spinal –Cord injury
2. Decreased partial pressure of O2 in the inspired air 5. Multiple sclerosis
3. Underventilated alveoli (areas of low ventilation-
6. Residual paralysis (Muscle relaxants)
C. Disorders of respiratory muscles or chest-wall
B Intrapulmonary shunt (areas of zero ventilation-perfusion)
1. Muscular dystrophy
C Decreased mixed venous O2 content (low-haemoglobin 2. Polymyositis
3. Flail Chest
1. Increased metabolic rate
Type III Respiratory Failure (Combined Oxygenation
2. Decreased cardiac output and Ventilatory Failure): Combined respiratory failure
3. Decreased arterial O2 content shows features of both arterial hypoxaemia and hypercarbia
(decrease in PaO2 and increase in PaCO2). Assessment
Causes of Type I (Oxygenation) respiratory failure: based on alveolar gas equation shows an increase in PAO2
1. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – PaO2 difference, venous admixture and Vd/VT. In theory,
2. Asthma any disorder causing Type I or Type II respiratory failure
3. Pulmonary oedema can cause Type III respiratory failure.
4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Common causes of Type III respiratory Failure:
5. Interstitial fibrosis 1. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
6. Pneumonia 2. Asthma
7. Pneumothorax 3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Compensatory Mechanisms in presence of respiratory high AOP 0.1 value during acute respiratory failure
failure: indicates increased respiratory drive and neuromuscular
The response to hypoxaemia depends on the ability activity and, if sustained, may result in inspiratory muscle
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of the patient to recognize the hypoxemic state and then fatigue. Modern ventilators provide facility for measurement
to increase cardiac output and minute ventilation to improve of airway resistance and lung compliance and AOP in the
the situation. Peripheral chemoreceptors located in the arch ventilated patient.
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of aorta and at the bifurcation of carotid artery send afferent Respiratory muscle strength is assessed by measuring
signals to the brain. the maximum inspiratory and maximum expiratory pressure
(Pimax and Pemax,) generated against an occluded airway.
Assessment of Pulmonary Function in Critically Ill
These measurements can be obtained readily with an
inexpensive aneroid manometer.8 The maximum force that
The primary aim of respiratory system is gaseous can be generated by the inspiratory or expiratory muscle
exchange (cardiopulmonary interaction) in the lung is related to their initial length. Consequently these
parenchyma. Airways provide conduit for the passage of measurements are made at residual volume (Pimax) or at
air from the environment to the lungs, the neuromuscular total lung capacity (Pemax). Pimax and Pemax in healthy
system ensures ventilation and the lung parenchyma adult men are approximately 111±34 and 151±68 cm of
provides the ground for interaction between ventilation H2O respectively.9 The values tend to decrease with age
and perfusion. Health of the lung parenchyma and the and are lower in women.10 In ambulatory patients with
airways determines the load (work of breathing) placed on neuromuscular disease but who are free of lung disease,
the neuromuscular system; increased load due to lung hypercapnia is likely to develop when Pimax is reduced to
disease or airway disease can stress and precipitate failure one-third of the normal predicted value. Respiratory system
of the neuromuscular system. Deterioration in pulmonary performs continuously, and for sustained ventilation, the
function in critically ill patients can be because of the muscles of respiration must perform (endurance) without
inadequacy of airways, lung parenchyma, cardiopulmonary getting fatigued. A number of techniques, such as
interaction and neuromuscular system. The assessment of transdiaphragmatic pressure measurement, phrenic nerve
pulmonary function is of particular importance in (1) stimulation, and determination of tension–time index are
deciding whether ventilation is indicated, (2) assessing used to detect the presence or development of muscle
response to therapy, (3) optimising ventilator management, fatigue.11 Recently, diaphragmatic ultrasonography has been
and (4) to decide on weaning from ventilator. found to be very helpful in assessment of diaphragmatic
Clinical assessment of the respiratory system is often function. The method assesses change in the thickness of
focused on auscultatory findings; however, considerable diaphragm during inspiration and easily recognizes
information can be obtained from careful inspection and diaphragm palsy.12
examination of the pattern of breathing. Presence of Vital capacity (VC) is the only lung volume
wheeze, crepitations, increased respiratory rate, commonly measured in the CCU. In a study of patients
suprasternal and intercostal recession, accessory muscle
with Guillain Barre syndrome, the VC measurement was
activity (sternomastoid) and rib cage–abdominal paradox
found to be a reliable predictor of respiratory failure
indicates increased work of breathing. Various tests are
hours before actual intubation13 and a fall in VC to
described to assess different components. Measurement of
<15 mlkg-1 indicates the need of intubation.
airway resistance and lung compliance allow evaluation of
load put on the neuromuscular component while assessment Diagnosis
of the function of respiratory centre and the strength of
As discussed earlier, the diagnosis of respiratory
respiratory muscle allow evaluation of the efficiency of
failure is based on analysis of arterial blood gas. However,
neuromuscular component. Measurement of airway
occlusion pressure (AOP) at 0.1 second bears a close it is important to suspect its presence on clinical
relationship to the intensity of respiratory neural drive.6 grounds. The patients with respiratory failure will have
The occlusion pressure is measured by transiently and clinical features of underlying disease; in addition they
surreptitiously occluding the airway during early inspiration may have signs of hypoxaemia and hypercapnia.
and measuring the change in airway pressure after 0.1 Hypoxaemia may be accompanied by the presence of
second before the patient react to the occlusion. Although tachypnoea, tachycardia, dyspnea, hypertension, intercostal
AOP 0.1 values represent negative pressure, it is customary retraction, and use of accessory muscles of ventilation.
to report them in positive units, which in the normal subject Cerebral hypoxia produces changes in mentation that
during relaxed breathing is 0.93 ± 0.48(SD) cm H2O.7 A can range from mental confusion and restlessness to

delirium. Cyanosis of the nail beds may be evident. is usually not associated with acidosis because of metabolic
Hypercapnia exerts its major effects on central nervous compensation. And it is the correction of respiratory
system. As the PaCO2 increases, patients typically progress acidosis (pH < 7.25) that matters not the correction of
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through the stages of lethargy, stupor and finally coma PaCO2. In patient’s, where early recovery is expected,
(CO2 narcosis). Other symptoms are secondary to non-invasive mechanical ventilation by nasal or face mask
catecholamine release and simultaneous hypoxaemia. The is an effective alternative, however, as discussed in the
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patient is often described as appearing “fatigued” or “tired preceding section, in the likelihood of delayed recovery,
out.” However, the clinical manifestations described are endotracheal intubation with assist-control mode or
non-specific and may occur in the absence of respiratory synchronized intermittent ventilation with a set rate close
failure. Therefore, the diagnosis of respiratory failure must to the patients spontaneous rate ensures maximum comfort
be confirmed by arterial blood gas analysis. to the patient.

Management of respiratory failure: Oxygenation : Correction of arterial hypoxaemia is

one of the cornerstones in the management of respiratory
A clear understanding of physiology of respiration
failure. It is important to realize that PaO2 is only one of
and pathophysiological mechanisms of respiratory failure
the determinants of O2 delivery to the tissues. The other
is mandatory for managing these patients. The extent of
determinants are cardiac output and haemoglobin
abnormality in arterial blood gas values is a result of the
balance between the severity of disease and the degree of concentration therefore increases in the cardiac output and
compensation by cardiopulmonary system. Normal blood haemoglobin concentration should be considered. Sufficient
gases do not mean there is an absence of disease because supplemental O2 should be provided to ensure the PaO2 to
the homeostatic system can compensate. However, an approximately 60-70 mmHg. Because of the shape of the
abnormal arterial blood gas value reflect uncompensated O2-haemoglobin dissociation curve; at a PaO2 below 60
disease that may be life threatening. Obviously, ABG should mmHg, a small increase results in a significant improvement
be interpreted along with the features of compensatory in saturation. The initial concentration of O2 should be
mechanisms. Apart from definitive treatment of primary selected based on the underlying mechanism of arterial
disease, the management should be focused to enhance O2 hypoxaemia. In patient’s where underlying mechanism is
delivery to the tissues by emphasizing airway management, ventilation-perfusion imbalance (asthma, COPD), a small
ventilation and oxygenation. increase (FIO2 - 0.24-0.40) in inspiratory O2 is usually
sufficient. It is well known that some patients with COPD
Patient’s ability to maintain, clear and protect the experience hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis on
airway (against aspiration) is the most important administration of supplemental O2. This was believed to
considerations. Respiratory failure is frequently associated be due to fall in minute ventilation; however, it is shown
with depressed level of consciousness; this is commonly to be due to worsening ventilation-perfusion imbalance.
seen in patients with neurological disease (Stroke, Mass However, it is recommended that the hypoxaemia must be
lesion) or ventilatory failure (Myasthenia Gravis, Guillain corrected, if necessary, hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis
– Barrè Syndrome). Depressed consciousness can result in can be managed with mechanical ventilation.
partial airway obstruction due to loss of muscle tone.
Airway obstruction unduly increases work of breathing, As discussed earlier, hypoxaemia due to intrapulmonary
aggravates respiratory failure and potentially can interfere shunt producing lesions (pneumonia, ARDS, pulmonary
with cardiac output. The obstruction can easily be relieved oedema, etc) is difficult to treat and should be managed
by lifting the mandible or by inserting an oropharyngeal with administration of high concentration of O2. The usual
airway. However, if protective reflexes are poor or patient practice of beginning treatment with low concentration of
is unable to clear airway, consideration should be given O2 is not recommended. Often it is not possible to correct
for endotracheal intubation and ventilation. Recovery from hypoxaemia by high concentration of O2 delivered by face
neuromedical diseases is usually prolonged and it may be mask, in such cases; continuous positive airway pressure
prudent to separate the airway electively even if the blood via a face mask or endotracheal intubation and controlled
gases are within acceptable limits. ventilation with high concentration of O2 is necessary and
should be tried. Patients with ARDS may need positive
Ventilation: Hypercapnia signifies the presence of
end expiratory pressure (PEEP); however, its use is often
alveolar hypoventilation. This may result from a fall in
associated with a decrease in cardiac output by its effect
minute ventilation or an inadequate ventilatory response to
on venous return. It may, therefore, increase the PaO2 and
areas of low ventilation-perfusion imbalance. An abrupt
arterial haemoglobin saturation and yet cause a fall in O2
rise in PaCO2 is always associated with respiratory acidosis.
delivery to the tissues by decreasing cardiac output. For
However, chronic ventilatory failure (PaCO2>46 mmHg)

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