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Marketing Literature Review

Author(s): Myron Leonard

Source: Journal of Marketing , Apr., 1988, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Apr., 1988), pp. 106-120
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of American Marketing Association

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Marketing Literature
Western Carolina University

This section is based on a selection of article abstracts from a attitudes, Advertising, Normal-weight people may be dietin
comprehensive business literature data base. Marketing-re- too much.] 1
lated abstracts from over 125 journals (both academic and trade)
are reviewed by JM staff. Descriptors for each entry are as- You Are Where Y
signed by JM staff. Each issue of this section represents three mographics, 9 (J
months of entries into the data base. JM wishes to thank Data nic, Restaurants, Lifestyles.] 2
Courier Inc for use of the ABI/INFORM business data base.
Exploring the Problem-Prone Consumers
Each entry has an identifying number. Cross-references appear Empirical Findings. Kjell Gr0nhaug, Euro
immediately under each subject heading. Marketing (UK), 21 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 74-8
Requests for specific articles should be directed to the specific tional panel, Skewed toward elderly, Parti
publication named or to Data Courier Inc. (800/626-2823). Ab- faction.] 3
stracts of the articles are contained in the ABI/INFORM data
Products and
base which is available through many on-line search vendors.
cialisation. K
[Discussion, S
1. THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Education, Social integration.] 4
1.1 Consumer Behavior
1.2 Legal, Political, and Economic Issues Parent-Adult-Child Segments in Marke
1.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility Murphy, Journal ofAdvertising Research, 27
2. MARKETING FUNCTIONS pp. 38-42. [Model application, Depth intervie
2.1 Management, Planning, and Strategy ments, Assessment.] 5
2.2 Retailing The Dual Role of Informational Social Influence: Impli-
2.3 Wholesaling cations for Marketing Management. Dennis L. Rosen and
2.4 Channels of Distribution
Richard W. Olshavsky, Journal of Business Research, 15 (April
2.5 Physical Distribution
2.6 Pricing 1987), pp. 123-144. [Laboratory study, Consumer decision
2.7 Product making, Choices, Products, Risks.] 6
2.8 Sales Promotion
Dimensions of Consumer Expertise. Joseph W. A
2.9 Advertising
J. Wesley Hutchinson, Journal of Consumer Resea
2.10 Personal Selling
2.11 Sales Management (March 1987), pp. 411-454. [Literature review, D
tions, Problem solving, Elaboration, Memory, Interr
3.1 Industrial
3.2 Nonprofit, Political, and Social Causes The Effects
3.3 International and Comparative sion Making
3.4 Services Journal of C
4. MARKETING RESEARCH [Series of exp
4.1 Theory and Philosophy of Science importance, Brands, Assessment.] 8
4.2 Research Methodology
The Liking and Viewing of Regular TV Series. T. Pa
5. OTHER TOPICS Barwise and Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg, Journal of Co
5.1 Educational and Professional Issues Research, 14 (June 1987), pp. 63-70. [Two experiment
5.2 General Marketing studies, Audiences, Assessment.] 9
External Search Effort: An Investigation A
1. THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Product Categories. Sharon E. Beatty and Sco
1.1 Consumer Behavior Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (June 198
See [Survey, Decision making, Variables, E
also 28,49,94,103,138,141,215,216,297,321,324,333,
Material Values in the Comics: A Content Anal
Books Featuring Themes of Wealth. Russell W
The Demographics of Dieting. Jeremy Schlosberg, American
nal of Consumer Research, 14 (June 1987), p
Demographics, 9 (July 1987), pp. 34-37, 61-62. [Consumer

Journal of Marketing
Vol. 52 (April 1988), 106-1
106 / Journal of Marketing, April 1988

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
erary criticism models, Frequency of themes, Values, Social- ical aspects, Quality of education, Television, Books.] 23
izing influence. ] 11
Knowing the Consumer Inside and Out. Robert B. Settle
What Consumer Research and Pamela
Is.... L. Alreck,
Bobby Marketing Communications,
J. Calder 12 (March
M. Tybout, Journal of Consumer 1987), pp. 49-55. [Customer buying behavior, Psychological
Research, 14 (June
pp. 136-140. [Knowledge, Types, Value.] 12 aspects, Social psychology, Needs, Perceptions, Roles, Life-
styles.] 24
Models of Cooperative Group Decision-Making and Rela-
tive Influence: An Experimental Investigation of Family The Masculine
Purchase Decisions. Kim P. Corfman and Donald R. Lehmann, Alreck, Marke
Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (June 1987), pp. 1-13. 18, 81. [Sex ro
[Model development, Intensity, Decision history, Specific vertising campaigns, Many products.] 25
character traits.] 13
1.2 Legal, Political, and Economic Issues
A Field Study of Causal Inferences and Consu
See also 60,87,112,122,140,184,222,251,252,281,284,290,
tion: The View from the Airport. Valerie S. Fol
Koletsky, and John L. Graham, Journal of Con
search, 13 (March 1987), Name Is 534-539.
a Business Asset. Robert J. Posch, Jr., Direct
Behavioral responses, Product failure.] 14 Marketing, 50 (May 1987), pp. 118-119, 159. [Litigation,
Supreme Court decisions, Libel, Credit reports, Defamation,
The Influence of Involvement in Disaggregate Attribute
Damages, Credit bureaus, Liability.] 26
Choice Models. Dennis H. Gensch and Rajshekhar G. Javalgi,
Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (June 1987), pp. The Discount Waiting Game. Richard T. Curtin, Eco
Outlook USA, 13 (Fourth Quarter 1986), pp. 14-16. [T
[Logit and hierarchical models, Survey, Predictive accu-
racy.] 15 Consumer spending, Attitudes, Economic conditions,
tical data.] 27
What is Consumer Resear
flections on "What Is Consumer Research?" Morris B. What Do We Kn
Holbrook and Jerome B. Keran, Journal of Consumer Re- Juster, Economic
search, 14 (June 1987), pp. 128-135. [Discussion, Contri- [Economic
butions of other disciplines, Redefinition.] 16 Relative size, E
Experiments in Constrained Choice. Barbara Kahn, William Towards Non-In
L. Moore, and Rashi Glazer, Journal of Consumer Research, Products and Ser
14 (June 1987), pp. 96-113. [Hierarchical Elimination Model, Marketing (UK
Constraints, Preference structures, Preference heterogeneity, planning, Met
Effects, Assessment.] 17 Federal Republic
The Role of Imagery in Information marketing. Robe
Processing: Review
and Extensions. Deborah J. Maclnnis and Linda L. Price, lands), 15 (May 1
Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March 1987), pp. 473- Effects, Market research.] 30
491. [Discussion, Effects, Low-elaboration, High-elaboration,Qualified Pension and Profit Sharing Pl
Choices.] 18 Insurance Sales, 130 (May 1987), pp. 3
Toward Act 1986, Internal Revenue
Understanding the Code,
Att Ret
cations of Product Stimulus M
Deregulation of the Motor Carrier Indu
ity. Srinivasan Ratneshwar, All
tive Analysis. John T. Mentzer and Rog
Stewart, Journal of Consumer
tional Journal of Physical Distribution
pp. 520-533. [Discussion,
agement (UK), 16 (No. Explan
7, 1986), pp
Implications.] 19 Competition, Efficiency, Rates, Failures.] 32
Consumer Response to Continuous-Display Elec
Adjusting to Variability in the Oil and Gas Industry. L. G.
Monitors in a Time-of-Use Pricing Experiment.
Rawl, Journal of Business Strategy, 7 (Spring 1987), pp. 77-
Sexton, Nancy Brown Johnson, and Akira Konaka
80. [Trends, Prices, Predictions, OPEC.] 33
nal of Consumer
Research, 14 (June 1987), pp.
titudes, Energy consumption, Assessm
Increasing the Odds of Patient Compliance Through Pre-
scription Warning Labels.
The Impact of Cultural Patterns on Cognition Jeffery M. Ferguson, Richard
Discenza, and John A. Miller, Journal of Health Care Mar-
tion in Singapore. Chin Tiong Tan and John U. F
keting, 7 (March 1987), pp. 37-46. [Experiment, Statistical
nal of Consumer Research, 13 (March 1987), pp
analysis, Information usability, Discouragement of use, As-
[Experiment, Attitudes, Advertising, Products, Co
sessment.] 34
igin, Assessment, Singapore.] 21
Individual Differences and Marketing DecisionState
Support Economic Dev
is Macro But the Str
System Usage and Satisfaction. George M. Zinkhan, Erich
A. Joachimsthaler, and Thomas C. Kinnear, Journal of Macromarket
of Mar-
keting Research, 24 (May 1987), pp. 208-214.Planning,
[Model de- Evaluation
velopment, Zmud, Experiment, Decision makers, plementation,
Character- Case study.] 35
istics, Information search, Implications.] 22 The Effectiveness of Marketing Policy Boycot
Grownup Kids and Childlike Adults: Blurring Images. mental Opposition to Marketing. Dennis E. Garr
Joshua Meyrowitz, Marketing Communications, 12 (March of Marketing, 51 (April 1987), pp. 46-57. [Revie
1987), pp. 17-24. [Social change, Social issues, Psycholog- paper and periodical indexes, Newsletters, Cont

Marketing Literature Review /

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
relation analysis, Interest groups, Activists, Complaints, Re- 1987), pp. 47-5
sponses, Defense.] 36 exchange syst
FDA Regulation of Product Risk and Its Impact
Biomedical Firms. Oscar Hauptman and Edward
2.1 Management, B.
Planning, and Roberts,
Journal of Product Innovation Management,
See also 4 (June 1987),
pp. 138-148. [Study, Pharmaceutical industry, Product de-
velopment, Innovations, Restrictions.] 37 296,298,301,303,310,311,314,317,318,320,322,326,359,
Steer Clear of the Legal Pitfalls. Nicola McLaughlin, Mar- 369,385
keting (UK), (March 7, 1987), pp. 88-91. [Public relations,We Fly People, Not Planes. Jan Carlzon, Across the Board,
Agencies, Negligence, Professional liability, Contracts, Liti-
24 (June 1987), pp. 16-23. [Company analysis, Market strat-
gation, UK.] 38 egy, Customer services, Scandinavia.] 51
Jam Tomorrow. Gerard O'Neill,
Market-Driven Marketing
Banks Translate Strategic Goals into Sales
1987), pp. 51-54. [Trends, Population, Incom
Plans. M. J. Rankin, Bank Marketing, 19 (April 1987), pp. 26
phy, Lifestyles, Forecasts, UK.] 39 29. [Corporate planning, Line, Staff, Participation, Imple-
Post-Industrial America-The New Di-Economy. Paul mentation.] 52
Hawken, Marketing Communications, 12 (March 1987), pp. 43-
Why Firms Fail. Al
48. [Economic conditions, Service industries, Social change,
Joseph W. Harder, B
Consumer goods, Psychological aspects, Many compa- pp. 50-58. [Study of
nies.] 40 Product management
The lems.]
Consumer 53
View of
Business Quarterly,
Lawyer 25
Attitudes, Expectati
Marketing, 7
tronics indust
1.3 Ethics and
development, Profiles, Social
Executives.] 54
See also 218,252,253,381
Who's Afraid of IBM? Not Compaq. The Feisty No. 2 in
Morality Clauses: Drug
Office PCs Is Picking a Fight. Jo Ellen Davis and Geoff Lewis,
Collins, Advertising Ag
Business Week, Industrial/Technology Edition (No. 3005, June
[Advertising, Endorse
29, 1987), pp. 68-74. [Company analysis, Market strategy,
Women CompatibleEquality
Find hardware, Market shares, Earnings per share,
ing Age, 58Revenue,
(June Chief executive officer.]
8, 55 198
vertising agencies, Sex
Procter & Gamble Goes on a Health Kick. Zachary Schil
ment.] 43 Business Week, Industrial/Technology Edition (No. 3005, J
The 29, 1987),
Ageless pp. 90-92. [Market strategy, Pharmaceut
Market. Dav
graphics, 9 Nonprescription drugs,
(July Health and beauty
1987), ppaids
Older people, Guidelines.] 44 Leader of the Pack. Kerry Banks, Canadian Business (C
Madison Avenue Blindly Ignores the Black ada), 60 (JuneDjata,
Consumer. 1987), pp. 21-24. [Company analysis,
drink industry,
Business and Society Review, 60 (Winter 1987), Market planning, Distribution, Canada
pp. 9-13.
[Trends, Advertising, Causative factors, Many
Golden compa- David Lees, Canadian Business (
nies.] 45 ada), 60 (May 1987), pp. 62-64, 112-122. [Trends, O
Consumers people, Lifestyles, Market strategy, Agri
Compel Removing stereoty
Savage, Many companies,
Business and Canada.]Soci58
24-26. [EPA, FDA, Ineffe
Marketing Strategies for Maximum Growth. Jim
Consumerism.] 46 rect Marketing, 50 (May 1987), pp. 32-39, 155. [S
planning, Direct response
List Usage Ethics and Marketing marketing, Objectives,
Opportunities in
Purge. Marvin Schwartz, Direct Marketing, 59 50 (Ma
pp. 40-48, 156-157. [Direct mail advertising, Da
Recent Chan
Software, Market
segmentation, Allocations,in
Practices Prob
Health Claims in Food Advertising:
European Is There aJoBan
Effect? John B. Lord, Joseph
pp. O. Eastlack,
43-54. Jr., and
Stanton, Jr., Journal ofMarketing mixes.]
Advertising, 60
27 (April/M
pp. 9-15. [Trends, Studies, Positioning changes
The Last Iceman. Jack Willoughb
tions.] 48
1987), pp. 183-204. [Market strateg
The amples.]
Cognitive 61
Processing o
Young Old Adults: Asses and
How Busch Wins in
Gaeth and Timothy B. Heath,
tune, 115 (June 22
14 (June 1987), pp. 43-54. [Th
Market strategy, Dis
ity, Pragmatic implicati
Profits.] 62
Bartering: An Alternative
The Business of Pr
Organs for Transplantatio
Mantripragada, Journal 161
of (Ju

108 / Journal of Marketing, April 19

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
grams, Problems, Performance, Measurement, Employee industry, Magazines, Women, Market strategy, Case studies,
awards, Incentives, Image.] 63 UK.] 77
The Competitive Bidding Process: Beyond Micro Probability Ma
Models. Paul D. Boughton, Industrial Marketing Management, Osb
16 (May 1987), pp. 87-94. [Survey, Contractors,
pp. Ap- 57-72
proaches, Adaptive, Quantitative, Strategic, goods, 64
Assessment.] Profiles.] 78
Developing the Strategic Plan. JoelInside theand
E. Ross Mind of the Entrepreneur. Jud
Silverblatt, Industrial Marketing Management, Communications,
16 (May 1987), 12 (February 1
[Goals, Personal,
pp. 103-108. [Survey, Environmental scanning, Market Characteristics,
strat- Psycholog
egy.] 65 agement styles.] 79
for Marketing
the Strat
A. Ansari,Jain and Girish Punj, Marketi
Materials Managem
5 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 34-39. [M
[Survey, tionships, Practice/implemen
Methods, Im
pliers, Roles.] 66 Criteria.] 80
A Managerial Guide to Towards
Robert Lomas, International Journal ofandPhysP
and Materials Management (UK), 16 Info
38. [Discussion, Techniques, Roles.] 81
Selection, Objec
cations.] 67 How PMs Can Take the Full Measure of Profits. James A.
Marketing Lorincz, Purchasing World, 31 (February 1987), pp. 32-36.
Sonnenberg [Value analysis,
and Tammy Cost reduction, Guidelines.]
Mitch 82
egy, 7 (Spring Office 1987), pp.
Market Is Fair Game for Bargain Hunters.81-
sages, Guidelines.] 68 S. Reichard, Purchasing World, 31 (April 1987), pp. 36-38.
[Trends, Equipment
The Shelby Williams Approach acquisition planning,
to Building aPurchasing,
Unique Guide- Id
tity in a Low-Technology Market. Manfred Steinfeld, 83 J
nal of Business Strategy, 7 Paying
(Spring 1987), pp. for 87-89. [C
study, Office equipment industry,
A. Business growth, Sa
Market strategy, Customer services.] 69 Control, 55
How to Create a Marketing Strategy Based onIncentives,
Hospi- Motivation, Productivity.] 84
tal Characteristics That Attract Physicians. Richard D.
Niche Marketing: Finding the Safe, Warm Cave. Allan
Nordstrom, Devonne E. Horton, and Myron E. Hatcher, Jour-
Magrath, Sales and Marketing Management in Canada (C
nal of Health Care Marketing, 7 (March 1987), ada),pp. 29-
28 (May 1987), pp. 39-45. [Many companies, Produ
36. [Survey, Attitudes, Rankings, Factors, Statistical anal-
differentiation, Techniques, Examples.] 85
ysis.] 70
The Role of Microcompu 2.2 Retailing
See also 75,135,185,188,303,337,347,354
Douglas J. Lincoln and W
Business Management, 2
Advertising Age, 58 (May 4, 1987), pp. 51-524. [Ten articl
on grocery marketing, Trends,Decisio
Market strategy, Market seg
ysis.] 71 ments, Product mixes, Brand names, Packaging, Foreign i
vestment, Customer services, Many companies.] 86
The Status of Marketing i
E. Ogwo, Can Sears Get Sexier but Keep
Journal of the Common
SmalTouch? Micha
1987), pp. Oneal, Business Week, Industrial/Technology
64-67. [Survey Edition (N
Assessment.] 72 3006, July 6, 1987), pp. 93-95. [Company analysis, Mark
strategy, Image, Earnings, Revenue.] 87
Exit Barriers and Strategic Position in Decl
James Rafferty, Long Harrods Reaches Out with
Range Its Plush Touch. Nitin
Planning Sanghavi,
Direct Marketing,
pp. 86-91. [Product life cycle, Market strategy 49 (April 1987), pp. 43-49. [Department
Return on investment, UK.] 73 stores, Catalogs, Advertising, Direct mail advertising, Re
sponse rates.] 88
Marketing (UK), (May 28, 1987), pp. 41-62. [Five articles
Own Brands and the Cookw
on conference planning, Audiovisual, Speeches, Site selec-
tions, Hotels, Surveys, UK.] 74 European Journal of Market
94. [House brands, Retai
Going on the Offensive. Hugh Davidson, Marketing (UK),
Catalog of Woes. Mary Ku
29 (April 16, 1987), pp. 24-29. [Company analysis, Market
pp. 75, 78. [Case studies, R
strategy, Approaches, Integration.] 75
rooms, Competition, Mass
Problems.] 90
Sales by the Slice. Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Ka-
nuk, Marketing (UK), 29 (May 14, 1987), pp. 35-37. [Market
James Baker, Meet
segmentation, Requirements, Market strategy.] Forbes,
76 139 (April 2
Following a Winning Recipe. Rachel Simpson, Marketingsis, Department sto
(UK), 28 (March 26, 1987), pp. 24-26. [Trends, Publishing Japan.] 91


This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
Private Labels Are Back in Fashion. Walter J. Salmon and
Scan Data Quality: The Nielsen Approach. Robert N. Bock,
Karen A. Cmar, Harvard Business Review, 65 (May/June Nielsen Researcher, 1 (Spring 1987), pp. 2-9. [SCAN-
TRACK, Data collection, Universal Product Code, Super-
1987), pp. 99-106. [Retail stores, Manufacturers, Consumer
attitudes, National brands, Dominance.] 92 markets.] 105
EPOS Penetration Still Slow. Retail and Distribution Man-
Retailing Strategies for Today's Mature Marketplace.
Lawrence H. Wortzel, Journal of Business Strategy,agement (UK), 15 (May/April 1987), pp. 18-20. [Point of
7 (Spring
sale terminals,
1987), pp. 45-56. [Trends, Market positioning, Product dif- Retailing industry, Data collection, Advan-
ferentiation, Assessment.] 93 tages, Disadvantages, Europe.] 106
A Choice Sets Model of Retail Selection. Centres in and Out
Spiggle and of Town. Retail
bution Management
Murphy A. Sewall, Journal of Marketing, (UK),
51 (April 15 (March/April 19
44. [Trends,
pp. 97-111. [Model application, Consumer Real estate,
survey, Development, Many
Competition, Market strategy.] 94 UK.] 107
Investigating Retail Employee Turnover: An Retailers
Applica- a
tion of Survival Analysis. William R. Darden, Austin
Ronald D. Ben
Hampton, and Earl W. Boatwright, Journal ofManagment
Retailing, 63
(Spring 1987), pp. 69-88. [Observation of 281 surveys,
convenience Eva
store employees, SURVREG, Job satisfaction, UK.] Older 108
workers.] 95 DPP Takes
Decomposing dards to be
the Harmonized. Donald Harris, Retail and Distri-
Determinants o
Using the Methodbution Management
of(UK), 15 (March/April 1987), pp. 9-12.
A Supermarket [Direct product profitability, Advantages, Disadvantages,
Illustration. Jord Re-
Gaeth, Journal tailing
of industry, Supermarket example, UK.] 109
Retailing, 63
[Theoretical discussion, Attributes,
Marketing in UK Retailing (Part 1). Nigel Piercy, Retail
Convenience, Managerial implications.] 96 and Distribution Management (UK), 15 (March/April 1987),
Determinants of Turnover Intentions Among Retail pp.Phar-
52-55. [Survey of large retailers, Marketing departments,
macists. Richard M. Schulz, William J. Bigoness, and Size,
JeanStructure, Responsibilities, UK.] 110
Paul Gagnon, Journal of Retailing, 63 (Spring 1987), pp. 89-
Staff Assessment and Evaluation Techniques. Charles
98. [Survey, Attitudes, Job satisfaction, Work hours, Regres-
Brown, Retail Control, 55 (March 1987), pp. 52-60. [R
sion analysis.] 97
tailing industry, Performance appraisal, Employee devel
Characteristics ment,
Affecting the Example.]
Acceptance 111 of Ret
nologies: A Comparison Tax of Elderly
Reform: and
Impact None
on Retailer
sumers. Valarie A. Zeithaml and 55
tail Control, Mary
Gilly p
Retailing, 63 (Spring 1987), pp.rates,
1986, Tax 49-68.
Scanner-equipped grocery stores, Automated
tion.] 112 telle
Electronic funds transfer, Assessment.] 98
Critical Issu
Small Retailers and Sunday Sales. Nora Ganim Barnes and
Fauber, Retail
John Chopoorian, Journal of Small Business Management, 25
Retailing indu
(April 1987), pp. 40-46. [Survey of retailers, Attitudes, Mar- strategy.] 113
ket strategy, Profitability.] 99
The Retailer in Financial Se
Regionals Still a Fighting Force. CatherineControl, 55 (April/May 198
Bond, Marketing
vantages, Market
(UK), 29 (April 30, 1987), pp. 24-29. [Supermarkets, Ac- strategy.] 114
quisitions and mergers, Competition, Business growth, Many
companies, UK.] 100 2.3 Wholesaling
See also 123
A Sparkling Success in the High Street. Noelle Britto
Marketing (UK), 28 (March 19, 1987), 2.4 Channelspp. 22-24. [Compan
of Distribution
analysis, Jewelry, Retail stores, Market strategy, Expansio
See also 57,275,345
UK.] 101
Electronic Communications Avoid Short Circuits to Dis-
Brand Wars: Retailers Flex Their Muscles (Part 1). Simon
tributors. Diane Lynn Kastiel, Business Marketing, 72 (July
Caulkin, Marketing (UK), 29 (May 7, 1987), pp. 37-40. [Re- 1987), pp. 70-75. [Applications, Effectiveness, Error reduc-
tailers' own-brands, Market strategy, Many products, tion, Many companies.] 115
UK.] 102
When Managers Rock Your Distributi
Consumer Perceptions
J. Magrath and Kenneth G. Hardy, Busi
vs. Non-Users. Ugur
(June 1987), pp. 68-75. [Acquisitions an
Planning (UK), 5 (No
ture, Assessment, Guidelines.] 116
Female, Attitudes, P
pons.] 103 Pulling Away from Push Marketing. Alvin A. A
and F. Kent Mitchel, Harvard Business Review, 65 (M
Make Sense and Dollars
1987), from
pp. 38-40. [Manufacturers, S
Market strateg
and Willard R.bution,
Bishop,Price-off promotions.] 117
Jr., Ni
1987), pp. 16-19. [Data collectio
Merchandising, Marketing mixes.] 104 Dealer Incentives: Facts Update. Incentive Marketi

110 / Journal of Marketing, April 1988

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
(April 1987), pp. 47-56. [Distributors, Motivation, Programs,
tribution. C.
Expenditures.] 118 Distr Physical
7, 1986), pp.
Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships. F. Ro
erator acceptance, Benefits.] 131
Paul H. Schurr, and Sejo Oh, Journal of Mark
The Buyer-Seller
1987), pp. 11-27. [Model development, Linkage in a Just-in-Tim
Performance metering,Charles R. O'Neal,
ConflictJournal of Purchasing and Materials
riers.] 119 Management, 23 (Spring 1987), pp. 7-13. [Survey, Original
equipment manufacturers, Inventory management, Transpor-
Inducing Franchisees
tation modes, Interaction with suppliers.] 132
tion Analysis. Punam A
24 (May Bid System Cuts Freight Costs,
1987), pp. Improves Service.
215 Thomas
Pricing decisions, Assessment.] 120 F. Dillon, Purchasing World, 31 (April 1987), pp. 52-53.
[Motor carriers, Shipping, Request for proposal, Negotiations,
Single Sourcing: A Management Tool for the Quality Sup-
Case study.] 133
plier. Mark Treleven, Journal of Purchasing and Materials
Management, 23 (Spring 1987), pp. 19-24. [Purchasing, Ven- Trucks: Co
dors, Advantages, Disadvantages.] 121 Retail and Distributio
1987), pp. 63-65. [War
Selling on a Restricted Level. Gayle Herchak, Marketing (UK),
trucks, Selection, UK.] 134
29 (April 9, 1987), pp. 34-35. [Pyramiding, Direct selling,
Regulation, UK.] 122 PDM and Inventory Managemen
tailers. Lyndon P. Simkin, J. Ma
In Office Supplies, It's What You Buy and How Y
and Distribution Management (U
It. Caroline Reich, Purchasing World, 31 (April 1
1987), pp. 57-59. [Discussion, Inve
pp. 40-46. [Survey, Trends, Buyers, Suppliers, Expect
Roles, Distribution channels.] 123 ing, Distribution, Chain stores, UK.] 135

Successful Distribution Channel Decisions. William Band,

2.6 Pricing
Sales and Marketing Management inSeeCanada
also 325 (Canada), 28
(April 1987), pp. 11-13. [Distributors, Selection, Criteria, Goal
A Pricing Strategy for the U.S. Steel Producer. Ray
setting, Evaluation.] 124
Hellster, Akron Business and Economic Review, 18 (Spri
2.5 Physical Distribution 1987), pp. 45-54. [Objectives, Methods, Demand, Compe
See also 32,66,145,369
tition, Maximizing profits.] 136
How Prices Really Affect Your Sales. Joh
Simulation Analysis of Just-in-Time Distribution. James H.
J. Hugh Devine, Jr., Business Marketing,
Bookbinder and Timothy D. Locke, International Journal of
pp. 90-103. [Theoretical discussion, Price elas
Physical Distribution and Materials Management (UK), 16 (No.
ment system, Application, Effects.] 137
7, 1986), pp. 31-45. [Two models, Applications, Ware-
housing, Inventory management, Statistical analysis.] 125 Replication of Pricing Effects on Brand Choice Behaviou
The Implementation of a Distribution Plan: A Case Study. William H. Motes, European Journal of Marketing (UK), 2
John J. Burbridge, Jr., International Journal of Physical Dis- (No. 1, 1978), pp. 14-25. [Quota sample, Interrupted mul-
tribution and Materials Management (UK), 17 (No. 1, 1987), tiple time-series design, Food products, Market penetratio
pp. 28-38. [Warehousing, Networks, Strategy, Objectives, Buying frequency.] 138
Recommendations.] The Changing Price Dimension in126
Wagner, European
Owner-Operator Performance Journal of Ma
and Turnover. E
1987), pp. 5-13. [Roles,
Jackofsky and Betty G. Breckenridge, Market stra
of Physical Distribution age, Value,
and Costs, Competition.]
Materials Management 139 (
(No. 1, 1987), pp. 39-46. [Motor
Separate carriers,
Prices as a Marketing Data
Tool. Michael H. a
Pearson method, correlation
Morris, Industrial regression,
Marketing Management, 16 (May 1987), A
ment.] 127
pp. 79-86. [Survey, Attitudes, Differentials, Industrial mar-
Effective Spares kets.] Manageme 140
tional Journal of Physical D
Effect of Pro
agement (UK), 16
Evaluations. (No. 5, 19 S
trol, Policy making, Ob
nal of Consum
Organisation [Hypothesis
for Logistics
Hans-Christian Pfohl and We
A Theoretical
nal of Physical Distribution
17 (No. 1, 1987), Orientation
pp. 3-16. P
ing, Requirements, Uncertainty, Planning.] 129 Beltramini, J
73. [Model app
Convergent Buying: Hedge Against Uncertainty. William titudes, Skills.] 142
Wagner, International Journal of Physical Distribution and
Materials Management (UK), 17 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 17-27. Pricing Augmented C
Friedmann and Warren A.
[Suppliers, Vendors, Relations, Pricing, Quality, Costs, Ser-
vice.] 130 vation Management, 4 (M
mental scanning, Market
The Effect novations,
of New Example.] 143

Marketing Literature Re

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
Price Adjustment Clauses Based on Cost Indices. James M. A Manager's Casebook: Kids' Power. Daniel
Caltrider, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, nadian Business (Canada), 60 (April 1987),
23 (Spring 1987), pp. 2-6. [Discussion, Advantages, Require- uct introduction, Marketing, Problems, Sm
ments, Purchasing contracts.] 144 ada.] 157

Purchasing Decisions Considering Future Price The Increases: Ident

An Empirical Approach. Paul C. Jordan, Journal of Pur-
chasing and Materials Management, 23 (Spring 1986),
1987), pp. 25- pp.
cisions, Performance
30. [Model application, Order quantity, Mathematical dimensions, Criteria, UK.] 158
sis, Accuracy.] 145
Towards a Theory of Product Range Policy. R. A. Kent,
Think Twice Before Pinching the (UK),
European Journal of Marketing Price. Gerald
20 (No. 10, 1986), pp. 5-
Marketing and Media17.Decisions,
[Marketing decision making, 22
Product (May 198
mixes, Framework,
122. [Planning, Advertising rates,
Inputs, Outcomes, Example Magazine
of food processing industry, Scot-
tions.] 146 land.] 159

Price as an A Consumer
Aspect of C
keting T. Watkins,
Science, 5 (Fall 1
aspects, 10,
Model 1986), pp
tions.] 147 image, Statistical analysis.] 160
A Marginal-Cost Detroit vs. New Upscale Imports. Alex Tay
ities. Jean-Michel 115 (April 27, 1987), pp. Guldm
69-78. [Industry a
vember/December design, Luxury models, Competition,
1986 Mark
and applications, Criter
Keys to New Product Success and Failure.
quirements, Mathematics.] 148 Industrial Marketing Management, 16 (May
How to Analyze Supplier Price Proposals. Mark Miller,
118. [Survey, Attitudes, Factors, Assessmen
Purchasing World, 31 (May 1987), pp. 55-57.
Searches for Its Lost Youth-And S
Elements of manual and computerized price analysis systems,
rus, International Management (UK), 42 (Ap
Economic impact.] 149 32. [Company analysis, Product design, Mark
margins, Losses,
Packaging: Farewell to the Flats, Prices Retrenchment,
Going Japan.]
Up. 163
S. Reichard, Purchasing World, 31
New Brand Names (June
and Inferential 1987),
Beliefs: pp. 50
Some Insights
52. [Survey, Trends, Purchasing
on Naming contracts,
New Products. George M. Demand analy-
Zinkhan and Claude
sis.] 150
R. Martin, Jr., Journal of Business Research, 15 (April 1987),
2.7 Product
pp. 157-172. [Experiment, Consumer attitudes, Multiple
regression, Predictor variables.] 164
See also 4,19,21,37,69,89,92,93,102,141,274,277,296,301,
308,341,358,366,369 Market Segmentation, Product Differentiation, and
keting Strategy. Peter R. Dickson and James L. Ginter
Advertising Age, 58 (April 6, 1987), pp. 51-512. [Four arti- nal of Marketing, 51 (April 1987), pp. 1-10. [Theoreti
cles on computer marketing, Trends, Market shares, Compat-
practical dimensions, Chamberlin and Lancaster, Bran
ible hardware, Product development, Advertising campaigns,
erences, Market positioning, Assessment.] 165
Many companies.] 151
A Simultaneous Approach to Market Segmentation and
Factors Affecting Market Acceptance
Market of
Structuring. Rajiv Grover Generic
and V. Srinivasan, Jour- Dru
Products: An Examination of Inherent Risk, Price, and
nal of Marketing Research, 24 (May 1987), pp. 139-153.
Maximum Allowable Cost Coverage. Norman V. Carroll, [Model development, Brand preferences, Coffee industry, As-
Chanaporn Siridhara, and Jack E. Fincham, Akron Business sessment.] 166
and Economic Review, 18 (Spring 1987), pp. 11-18. [Survey,
Pharmacists' substitution decisions, Many products, Regres- Firm Size and Produ
sion analysis, Public policy, Implications.] 152 H. Rubenstein, Jour
4 (June 1987), pp. 8
Desktop Publishing-Revolution or Evolution? Frank
tistical analysis, R
J. Romano, Bank Marketing, 19 (June 1987), pp. 14-17.
[Microcomputers, Typesetting, Software packages, Exam- Approaches to Acc
ples.] opment. Bela Gold, 153
ment, 4 (June 1987
Marketing the Premium Pr
Licensing, Contracti
Horizons, 30 (May/June 19
Affluence, Brand image, Market positioning.] 154 A Consumer-Based
Extensions. Paul E.
The Big Blue Giant Stomps Its Foot. Diane Lynn Kastiel
and Kate Bertrand, Business Marketing, 72 (July 1987), of Product Innovati
pp. 60-69. [Company analysis, Microcomputers, Product in- 32. [Cannibalizing
troduction, Competition, Operating systems.] 155 caveats.] 169
If You've Got the Concept, They'll Do the Rest. John W. Redesigning Prod
Verity, Business Week, Industrial/Technology Edition (No. Sunbeam Does It. A
3004, June 22, 1987), pp. 118A-C. [Case studies, Electronics Journal of Product
industry, Product design, Services, Engineers, Semiconduc- pp. 120-137. [Comp
tors, Many companies.] 156 ences, Features, Market shares.] 170

112 / Journal of Marketing, April 1988

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
Forecasting New Product Market Potential: Combining Cherryl H. Bell, and Nancy Tucker, Journal of Re
Multiple Methods. Robert J. Thomas, Journal of Product In- (Spring 1987), pp. 9-24. [Experiment, Intercept su
novation Management, 4 (June 1987), pp. 109-119. [Product permarkets, Image.] 185
planning, Measurement, Techniques.] 171
Marketing (UK), 29 (June 11, 19
Marketing Hype: A New Perspective for New Product Re- on sales promotion, Trends, P
Salespeople, Many companies, UK.] 186
search and Introduction. Jerry Wind and Vijay Mahajan,
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 4 (March 1987),
Sales Promotion: Nice to Go Travelling? David G
pp. 43-49. [Market strategy, Creation of an environment con-
Marketing (UK), 29 (April 16, 1987), pp. 33-35. [Vac
ducive to acceptance, Problems.] 172
offers, Large purchases, Effectiveness, UK.] 187
Brand Wars: Suppliers Grasp the Nettle. Simon Caulkin,
Keeping to the Point. Robert Ranicar, Marketing (UK), 29
Marketing (UK), 29 (May 14, 1987), pp. 29-31. [Trends, Prod-
(June 18, 1987), pp. 31, 33. [Point of sale displays, Advan-
uct introduction, Problems, Brand image, Advertising,
tages, Techniques, Impulse buying, Cost effectiveness.] 188
UK.] 173
Sales Promotion: Cutting Risks. Reg West, Marketing (UK),
Branding: The Game
29 (June 11, 1987), pp. 39, 41. [Sales promotion agencies,
(UK), 29 (April 23, 1
New technologies, Projective techniques, Promotional maps,
lection, Guidelines.] 174
Quantitative measurement.] 189
Coke Ads Life. Andrew Tank, Marketing (UK), 29 (June 4,
1987), pp. 22-24. [History, Product development, 2.9 AdvertisingMarket
strategy, International trade,See also 5,21,25,42,43,45,47,48,59,78,88,146,233,271,286,
Competition.] 175
Color Wars. Phyllis Fine, Marketing and Media Decisions,
Advertising Age,
22 (May 1987), pp. 61-64. [Company 58 (May 18, 1987),Cosmetics
analysis, pp. S1-S30. [Nine ar- in-
dustry, Product introduction, ticles on direct marketing, Direct
Advertising mail campaigns, Telephone
campaigns, Market
selling, Competition, Broadcasting
positioning, Brand image, Packaging, industry, Industrial adver- 176
tising, Case studies.] 190
Cool(ers) and the Gang. Paula Schnorbus, Marketing and
Media Decisions, 22 (May 1987), pp. 125-142. Age, 58 [Alcoholic(June 8, 19
ticles on out-of-home
beverage industry, Product development, advertising,
Advertising, Expen-
ditures, Brands, Market shares, Many
companies, products.]
Target markets,177
Advertising agencies.] 191
Forecasting New Product Sales from Likelihood of Pur-
chase Ratings/Commentaries/Reply. Age, J.
William 58 Infosino,
(June 15, 1
Donald G. Morrison, Robert W.articles on business
Pratt, Jr., press,
Marketing Electr
5 (Fall 1986), pp. 372-390. [Survey, Mergers,
Model Business cond
Demand analysis, Techniques, Alternative 192
bution vehicles, Assessment.] 178
Agency Inco
Achieving Success in Mature Markets Requires Careful Age
Approach. William Band, Sales and Marketing companies.] 193
in Canada (Canada), 28 (March 1987), pp.
10016-17. [Product Media Companies
life cycle, Market strategy, Guidelines.] 179 tising Age, 58 (June 29, 1987)
dustry, Broadcasting industry,
2.8 Sales Promotion
Income, Revenue.] 194
See also 213,233
Ad Techniques: If You Be
Advertising Age, 58 (April 27, 1987), pp. 51-528. [Eight . . . Murray Raphel, Bank
articles on premiums and promotions, Frequency bonuses, pp. 42-43. [Banking industr
Cash, Coupons, Competition, Market positioning, Case stud- Celebrities.] 195
ies.] 180
Will Cable TV Tie In
Consumer Promotion:
Bank Marketing, 19 F
161 (May 1987),
stitutions, Advertising, pp. 59-6
Market segments.] 196
miums, Expenditures.] 181
The 12 Most Common Direct Mail Mistakes . .. And How
Changing the Face of the Cosmetics. Belinda Hulin-Salkin,
to Avoid Them. Robert W. Bly, Business Marketing, 72 (June
Incentive Marketing, 161 (April 1987), pp. 34-40. [Market
1987), pp. 122-128. [Campaigns, Writing, Copy, Problems,
segments, Gifts, Sweepstakes, Problems, Many compa-
Guidelines.] 197
nies.] 182
Advertising That Rea
Apparel Industry: Promoti
Business Marketing,
tive Marketing, 161 (May 19
Sales promotions, Examples.] 183 vertising, Copy, Emotions, Graphic arts.] 198
Coors Confronts Unique Problems in New York. Get Discovered
Joannewith Directories. Philip O'Keefe, Business
Levine, Incentive Marketing, 161 (June 1987), pp. 72 (June 1987), pp. 130-137. [Industrial adver-
11-12, 57-
tising, Trade
58. [Company analysis, Market entry, Market shares, Pro-publications, Telephone directories, Reference
motions, Unions, Boycotts.] 184 services.] 199
The Effect of Nutrition P-O-P Signs on Consumer Atti- Realit
tudes and Behavior. Dale D. Achabal, Shelby H.David
McIntyre, Kiley, Busin

Marketing Li

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
[Trends, Creative, Campaigns, Examples.] 200 Concept Tests? Ja
Jerome B. Keran, J
The Networks' Big Headache: Nielsen's New 'People Me- May 1987), pp. 16-
ter' Could Batter Their Ad Revenues. David Lieberman,
Brand names, Pac
Business Week, Industrial/Technology Edition (No. 3006, July ment.] 215
6, 1987), pp. 26-28. [Television broadcasting, Ratings, Data
collection.] 201 Using Attent
Program Choic
The Sales of Justice. Liss Jeffrey, Cana
ing Research,
ada), 60 (June 1987), pp. 40-44, 195-205
ment, Children
vertising, Canada.] 202 ment.] 216
What's My Line? Richard L. Bencin, Direct Marketing, 50
(June 1987), pp. 94-101. [Telephone selling, Scripts, Ad-
petition: Some
vantages, Guidelines.] 203 Dung Nguyen,
Selling Apples by Credit Card. Murray (April
R. Bowes and Linda 1987
Reed Tsien, Direct Marketing, 50 (June 1987), pp. 60-65,
retical analysis
119. [Company analysis, Direct mail advertising, Market strat-
An Exploratory
egy.] rect-to-Consum
Getting the Matthew
Most Out Perri
of T
Direct Marketing,
Care 50 (Ju
selling, ness,
Direct mailAttitudes
credit cards.] 205
Diffusion and
Polywrap paign.GetsHerman
Housekeeping's "Seal o Good
Lawrence C. Flynn, Direct Science,
Marketing, 50 (June
59. [Publishing industry, Nerlove
Magazines, Packaging
advertising, paigns, Effect.]
Experiment, 219
Response r
Telemarketing's Technical of a One
Future. TrackA.
Terry Agen
(UK), (May
Marketing, 50 (June 1987), pp.7,38-39.
1987), pp. 92-95.
Robot telephones, Voice Niche marketing,
recognition, VoiceTarge
Telephone service.] 207 UK.] 220
The Hunt for Direct Marketing Success. SportingRichard P. Li, Di- Lif
rect Marketing, 49 (March 1987), pp. 1987),
38-42. [Direct mail pp. 26
campaigns, Market segmentation,tures, Manymanagement,
Data base companies, UK.] 221
Statistical modeling, Response rates.] 208 The Rise and Rise of Financial Ads. Alan Mitche
Three, Two, One, Contact! Keith A. Stoeger, Direct Mar- keting (UK), 29 (April 2, 1987), pp. 26-30. [Tren
keting, 50 (June 1987), pp. 114-115. [Industrial markets, In-vision advertising, Growth, Financial institutions,
dustrial advertising, Telephone selling, Customer relations, UK.] 222
Customer services.] 209
Danish Industrial Group Tampers Moody
with U.S. Markets. Pip
Theodor, Direct Marketing, 49 [Eval
(April 1987), pp. 94-97.
[Packaging industry, Multinational 223
operations, Direct mail ad-
vertising, Letters, Copy (ADV), Response rates.] 210
Buying Time: The
Television Viewing, Consumer (UK),
Purchasing29and(May 28,
Research. Stephan Buck and Alan Target
Yates, European ma
(Netherlands), 15 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 34-39.
Camera [Trends, Au-
Ready? An
diences, Profiles, Cable TV, Video recorders, Impacts, US,
cisions, 22 (May 19
UK.] 211
ing, Business progr
Do Your companies.]
Ads Need 225 a
Fortune, 115
Invasion(April 2
of the People M
grated, Marketing,
keting and Media Adv
nies.] 212 [Television ratings servic
diences, Measurement, Many companies.]
Specialties. Se Pat
(May 1987), pp. 104-108,
The Shrinking Net. Marianne Paskowski, Marketing and140Me-
with the dia Decisions, 22 (April
company name1987), pp. 37-42. [Television
coupl broad-
dia advertising
casting, Networks, Localcampaig
affiliates, Programs, Preemption,
Impacts, Television advertising.] 227
Cross-Impacts of Competitive
Whether It Bases Loaded. Fredor
Helps Pfaff, Marketing
Hurts and Media Decisions,
of Advertising22 (April 1987), pp. 75-80.
Research, [Professional sports, Publishing2
37. [Study of industry,
2,250 Magazines, Advertisers,
householdTarget markets, Competi-
pacts.] 214 tion.] 228
How Business
Does Competitive-Set Information

114 /Journal of Marketing, Ap

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
Marketing and Media Decisions, 22 (May 1987), pp. 83-97. surance, Prosp
[Advertising campaigns, Magazines, Trade publications, In- selling.] 245
novations, Expenditures, Rankings.] 229
Getting into Pa
Parental Discretion Advised. Fred Pfaff, MarketingE. and Me-Hamilton and
dia Decisions, 22 (April 1987), pp. 44-52. [Trends, Family,
1987), pp. 8-9, 4
Magazines, Children, Business growth, Target markets, selling, Prospective customers.] 246
ket strategy, Many companies.] 230
Selling Is a "Hurt and Rescue" Business. D. Forbes Ley,
Response Analysis Can Increase Your DM Profitability. Insurance Sales, 130 (June 1987), pp. 16-18, 40. [Insurance
William Goldstein, Sales and Marketing Management in Can- agents and brokers, Sales presentations, Techniques, Rejec-
ada (Canada), 28 (May 1987), pp. 27-30. [Discussion, Tech- tions.] 247
niques, Market segmentation, Lists.] 231 HMOs-The Real Revolution Is How Insurance Will Be
Developing Winning Direct Response Creative. Mark
Sold. Robert C. Ware, Insurance Sales, 130 (May 1987),
Goodman, Sales and Marketing Management in Canada (Can-
pp. 29-31. [Prospecting, Underwriting, Overcoming prob-
ada), 28 (May 1987), pp. 31-36. [Advertisements, Market Commissions.] 248
strategy, Techniques.] 232
Laptops and the Sales Force: N
2.10 Personal Selling C. Taylor, Sales and Marketing Management, 138
See also 262,268,269,375,381 (April 1987), pp. 50-55. [Portable computers, Productivity,
Applications.] 249
No Business Like Show Business: Effectively Working Trade
Shows. Harry Calhoun, American Salesman, 32 (June 1987), 2.11 Sales Management
pp. 7-9. [Planning, Preshow promotion, Guidelines.] 233See also 30,115,171,268,373
Why People Fail. Tim Connor, American Salesman, 32 (June A Winning Sales Pitch Starts with Good Coaching. Judith
1987), pp. 25-29. [Personal selling, Planning, Self help, Im- A. Pennington, Bank Marketing, 19 (May 1987), pp. 8, 10.
provements, Goal setting, Training, Guidelines.] 234 [Sales managers, Salespeople, Performance, Recognition,
Training, Guidelines.] 250
Client Involvement Through Negotiation: A Key to Suc-
cess. Russell H. Mouritsen, American Salesman, 32 (May Selling to Bankrupt Customers.
1987), pp. 16-18. [Personal selling, Relationships, Skills, Business Marketing, 72 (July 1987
Guidelines.] 235 Considerations, Credit management.] 251
Do You Have Grand Finales? John Nemec, American Sales- Telemarketing: Its Impact on the Research Industry in
man, 32 (June 1987), pp. 3-6. [Personal selling, Presentation, United States. Robert E. Shaw, European Research (N
Closing, Techniques.] 236 erlands), 15 (May 1987), pp. 78-80. [Telephone selling,
ics, Right of privacy, Guidelines, Self regulation
Scuttlebutt. William S. Pierson, American Salesman, 32 (June
1987), pp. 16-20. [Personal selling, Finding theCredibility,
Information, Needle in the Haystack.
Verification, Guidelines.] 237 van Westerhoven, European Research (Netherlands), 15
1987), pp. 72-76. [Telephone selling, Telephone-ope
Tension Reduction on Your Sales Route. Patricia Lu Pillot,
marketing research, Differences, Ethics, Restrictive le
American Salesman, 32 (April 1987), pp. 24-27. [Discussion, tion.] 253
Techniques for reducing customer stress.] 238
Sales Manag
Telephone Sales Tips. Roy Schwartz, American Salesman, 32 Jenkins, Ind
(May 1987), pp. 13-15. [Discussion, Techniques.] 239 1987), pp. 13
Selling Yourself with Wit. Suzy Sutton, American Sales- Account managers, Negotiations, Techniques.] 254
man, 32 (May 1987), pp. 7-9. [Discussion, Techniques, Hu-A Method to Portray and Analyze Sales Performance.
mor.] 240 Dick Berry, Industrial Marketing Management, 16 (May 1987),
pp. 131-144. [Ratio analysis, Differences, Plot sequencing,
Mixing Business
Data series, Marketwith
changes.] 255 P
Marketing, 72 (July 1987
Entertainment, Guidelines.] 241 Goal Importance, Self-Focus, and the Goa
cess. John R. Hollenbeck and Charles R. Will
Homing In on Foreign Sales Customs.of
Brian H. Flynn,
Applied Busi-
Psychology, 72 (May 1987), pp. 20
ness Marketing, 72 (June 1987), pp. 90-92. [Discussion,
of salespeople, Perceptions, Performance.] 256
Guidelines for salespeople selling in other nations.] 242
Assessing the Impact of Sales-Force Contests: An Appli-
Taking Care of Business Means Taking Care
cation. Albert ofJames
R. Wildt, People.
D. Parker, and Clyde E. Harris,
Nathan J. Muller, Business Marketing, 72 (June
Jr., Journal 1987),
of Business pp.15 (April 1987), pp. 145-
78-84. [Personal selling, Client relationships, Skills,
155. [Incentive plans, Cus- Motivation, Analysis of
tomer services, Support.] 243 historical data.] 257
How to Multiply Your Sales Leads. PeterTerritory Sales Respons
Cotterell, Indus-
trial Marketing Digest (UK), 12 (First Quarter B. pp.
1987), Ryans
23- and Char
27. [Trade shows, Exhibits, Prospective, Customers,Research,
Guide- 24 (Ma
lines.] 244 plication, Factors, Statis
Four Points Marketing
for Better(UK), 29Pro
surance cles
Sales, on sales
130 management
(June 19

Marketing Litera

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
ness, Voice messaging systems, Motivation, Incentives, pp. 75-82. [International trade, Industrial markets, Market
UK.] 259 entry, Market strategy, Guidelines, UK.] 273
Product Differentiation at Cardiff Rod Mill.Th
Telemarketing: Paul Hague,
keting (UK),
Industrial Marketing Digest29
(UK), 12 (First Quarter
(Ap 1987),
ing, Consultants,
pp. 41-48. [Metalworking industry, Market strategy, Train-
ing, Case study, UK.] 274
Selling the Pass o
Management (UK), 19 (March 1987), pp. 22-25. [Survey, The Side-Effects of Incentives. Thomas L. Powers, Indus-
Remuneration policies, Design, Implementation, Guide- trial Marketing Digest (UK), 12 (First Quarter 1987), pp. 101-
lines.] 261 106. [Industrial distributors, Performance, Impacts, Simula-
tion.] 275
Sales and Marketing M
68. [Fourteen articles
Role Stresso
studies, Many companies, Many industries.] 262 Model. Ron
Keeping Salespeople on the Road. Bill Kelley, Sales and
pp. 28-45. [M
Marketing Management, 138 (April 1987), pp. 56-61. [Sur-
Performance, Measurement.] 276
vey of executives, Automobile fleets, Operating costs, Main-
tenance costs, Many companies.] 263 New Product Development Practices of I
ers. William L. Moore, Journal of Produc
Computers in Sales and Marketing: S&MM's Survey Re-
agement, 4 (March 1987), pp. 6-20. [Surv
sults. Thayer C. Taylor, Sales and Marketing Management,
Discussion of several areas, Problems, Com
138 (May 1987), pp. 50, 53. [Survey, Applications, Produc-
vious studies.] 277
tivity.] 264
Procurement in Large-S
Peer Prestige Puts Pow in Sale
A. Silver, Journal of P
and Marketing Management,
ment, 23 (Spring 1987
[Analysis of companies, Salesp
tions, Decision making,
lection, Factors, Roles, Programs.] 265
Costs.] 278
American Abroad: Iveco's Man in Yugoslavia. Al Urban-
Marketing and
ski, Sales and Marketing Management, 138 (June 1987),
Findings of a P
pp. 76-78. [Company analysis, Trucking industry, Salespeo-
Business Manag
ple, Training, Programs, Workshops.] 266
sample, Stren
The Rewards of Noncash Incentives. Heidi A. Waldrop, Sales
Industrial Buy
and Marketing Management, 138 (April 1987), pp. 110-112.
J. Paliwoda and
[Survey of executives, Salespeople, Productivity, Motiva-
keting (UK), 1
tion.] 267
making, Packaging industry, UK.] 280
3. SPECIAL MARKETING APPLICATIONS Manufacturing: The Exhibitionist. Steve Redmond, Ma
3.1 Industrial keting (UK), 28 (March 26, 1987), pp. 33-35. [Product i
See also 125,131,132,134,136,139,140,144,150,158,162, troduction, Trade shows, Trade deficit, Economic devel
209,293,294,307,370 ment, UK.] 281
Communications Effectiveness: Why Most Engineers Mar- Inland Steel Battles B
ket Space Age Technology with Low-Tech Mentality. George pp. 44-45. [Company
Black, Business Marketing, 72 (May 1987), pp. 124-128. control, Quality control, Suppliers.] 282
[Personal selling skills, Techniques, Guidelines.] 268 15 Ways Buyers Can Cut Steel Costs. Thomas F. Dillon
Purchasing World, 31 (May 1987), pp. 63-65. [Cost reduc-
Advanced Technologies Marketing: Making the Winning
tion, Prices, Negotiations, Suppliers, Selection, Criteria,
Systems Proposal Briefing. William H. Roetzheim, Business
Guidelines.] 283
Marketing, 72 (May 1987), pp. 86, 88. [Demonstrations, Sales
presentations, Visual aids, Benchmarks, Guidelines.] 269 Steel: Crisis and Ch
World, 31 (June 1987
Advanced Technologies Marketing: The High Road to So-
markets, Competition
lutions Marketing. Bob Yeager, Business Marketing, 72 (May
1987), pp. 66-84. [Problem solving, Market strategy, Guide- Bringing MRO Buyi
lines.] 270 Added in Distribution
plus Materials. Al Mc
The Smile on the Face of
1987), pp. 46-50. [Tr
Digest (UK), 12 (First Quar
tions, Purchasing, Supplies.] 285
advertising, Construction
campaigns, Case study, UK.] 271
3.2 Nonprofit, Political, and Social Caus
Exploiting Innovation: Facing the Difficulties. David Connell,
Sunday Mass and the Media. Martin E. Marty,
Industrial Marketing Digest (UK), 12 (First Quarter 1987),
Board, 24 (May 1987), pp. 55-57. [Religious org
pp. 166-172. [Trends, Technological change, Advertising
Research and campaigns.] 286
development, Foreign markets, UK.] 272
Exporting: Success and Failure in the USA. Paul Dale, In- 3.3 International and Comparativ
See also 175,242,272,273,280,340
dustrial Marketing Digest (UK), 12 (First Quarter 1987),

116 / Journal of Marketing, April 1988

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
The Russian Bear Turns Bullish on Trade/When Soviets The Wizard o
Are the Customer. Misha G. Knight, Business Marketing, 72 28, 1987), p.
(April 1987), pp. 82-90. [International trade, Reforms, Bu- erations, Bra
reaucracy, Trade policy, Trade negotiation, Contracts, US ex-
"Seven Dead
ports, Guidelines.] 287
L. Mendonsa,
An Empirical Investigation 91. of Export Promotion Pro-
grams. Ben L. Kedia and Jagdeep lines.] 302
S. Chhokar, Columbia
Journal of World Business, 21 (Winter 1986), pp. 13-20.
Foreign Reta
[Survey, Small business, Attitudes.] 288 and Perform
Telemarketing Globalized. Elaine Santoro, Direct Market-
ing, 50 (June 1987), pp. 102-106, 110. [Four international
[Discussion, M
telemarketing specialists, Attitudes, Market strategy.] 289
The Pacific A
Operationalising the Relationship Between Marketing and
Marketing M
Economic Development: Some Insights from Less-Devel-
national trad
oped Countries. Erdener Kaynak and Ben Issa Hudanah, Eu-
Ports, Transp
ropean Journal of Marketing (UK), 21 (No. 1, 1987),tion.]
pp. 48- 304
65. [Many countries, Differences in marketing systems, Spe-
cific factors.] 290 3.4 Services
See also 14,40,50,52,70,108,114,143,156,195,196,202,
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness: Emer
ternational Standard? Juergen Schwoerer,
search (Netherlands), 15 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 40-51. Advertising Age, 58 (April 20, 1987), pp. 51-514. [Six arti-
[Discussion, Electronic test markets, Standards, US, UK, cles on travel and tourism, Conventions, Hotels, Economic de-
France.] 291 velopment, Advertising campaigns, Case studies.] 305
The Benefits of a Joyce
Choosing a Hospital. Free Trade
Jensen, American Demographics,
Digest (UK), 9
12(June 1987),(First
pp. 44-47. [Survey, Perceptions,
Quart Factors,
national trade,Rankings.]Importers, 306
UK.] 292
Service and Suppor
Doing Business wit
Diane Lynn Kastiel,
McGregor, pp. 54-66. [Computer
ter 1987), ity, Market strategy,
pp. Many companies.] 307
Funding, Exporters, International trade, UK.] 293
One-Stop Shopping for Market Services. Aimee Stem,
Market Segmentation Practices of Exporting Companies. Business Month, 129 (March 1987), pp. 60-62. [Company
Camille P. Schuster and Charles D. Bodkin, Industrial Mar- analysis, Consultants, Product development, Sales promo-
keting Management, 16 (May 1987), pp. 95-102. [Survey, tions, Merchandising.] 308
Differences, Domestic, International, Customers.] 294
The Positive Side of Guest Complain
Using Foreign Trade Zones to Reduce Costs. Wade Ferguson, Susan V. Morris, Cornell Hotel and R
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials tion Quarterly, 27 (February 1987),
Management (UK), 17 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 47-53. [Imports, Two surveys, Hotels, Guests, Attitu
Exports, Tariffs, Advantages.] 295 Guidelines.] 309
Cross-Cultural Strategies. W. Chan Kim and R. A.
Cruise Report. Meliss
Mauborgne, Journal of Business Strategy, 7 (Spring 1987),
(June 1987), pp. 34-4
pp. 28-35. [Multinational corporations, Market strategy,
gotiations, Itinerary, Age groups.] 310
Product management, Human resource management, Litiga-
tion, Religion, Civil law.] 296 Identifying Buying Influences for a Professional Serv
Implications for Marketing Efforts. Susan A. Lynn, Ind
The Triad World View. Kenichi Ohmae, Journal of Business
trial Marketing Management, 16 (May 1987), pp. 119-1
Strategy, 7 (Spring 1987), pp. 8-19. [Europe, US, Japan,
[Survey, CPA firm selection, Market strategy.] 3
Lifestyles, Markets, Consumer behavior, Consortia.] 297
You Have to Twist the Kaleidoscope to See Things Clea
Selecting Industries for Export Growth-A Directional
(Service Concepts and the Retail Banking Environmen
Policy Matrix Approach. I. Ayal, A. Peer, and J. Zif, Jour-
David Ballantyne, International Journal of Bank Marke
nal of Macromarketing, 7 (Spring 1987), pp. 22-33. [Stra-
(UK), 5 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 27-38. [Trends, Business c
tegic planning, Methodology, Advantages, Limitations, Ap-
ditions, Banks, Selection, Criteria, Market segmentation,
plication.] 298 tralia.] 312
Institute of
Marketing Report: Land of
nities. Marketing Innovation
(UK), 29 (Aprilin B
9, 1
[International trade, ing Example.
Market Ph
strategy, Mar
pan.] 299 Marketing (UK
change, Bank services, UK.] 313
FFB Takes a New Bite at the
Marketing The Changing 29
(UK), Competitive Environment for th
(April 1
analysis, Food lian industry,
Banking/Finance Industry: Review Pro of a F
UK.] 300 Study. Gregory R. Elliott, International Journal of

Marketing Literature Review /

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All use subject to
keting (UK), 4 (No. 5, 1986), pp. 31-40. [Trends, Long term, Bankers and Payments: The European Perspective. Ron
Changes, Strategic planning.] 314 Nevans, Journal of Retail Banking, 9 (Spring 1987), pp. 61-
73. [Survey of executives, Attitudes, EFTS, Europe.] 328
Foreign Banks and US Loan Production Offices. Charles
W. Hultman, International Journal of Appealing to the Elusive Tourist:
Bank Marketing (UK), An Attribute Cluster
5 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 55-60. [Foreign subsidiaries, Strategy. Bonnie D. Davis and Brenda Sternquist, Journal of
International banking, Interstate banking, Travel Research, 25 (Spring 1987),
Regulation.] 315 pp. 25-31. [Model ap-
plication, Attitudes, Resort attributes, Demographics.] 329
Are Non-Banks Winning in Retail Financial Services? Philip
Middleton, International Journal of Bank Marketing Overseas Tour
Marketing Packages
(UK), 5 to the Youth Segment:
(No. 1, 1987), pp. 3-18. [Trends, Competition, An EmpiricalConsumer
Analysis. Sudhirat-
H. Kale, Roger P. McIntyre,
titudes, Market strategy.] 316 and Katherine M. Weir, Journal of Travel Research, 25 (Spring
1987), pp. 20-24. [Content analysis, Survey, Activities, Pref-
The Impact of Internal Marketing on erences.] Customer Service in 330
a Retail Bank. Brian A. Richardson and C. Grant Robinson,
International Journal of Bank Marketing (UK), 4 (No. 5, 1986), Profiling the H
pp. 3-30. [Customer relations, Improvements, Implementa- Victor J. Cook,
tion, Employee attitudes.] 317 Research, 25 (S
ket strategies, Airline industry, Twedt.] 331
In Search of a Competitive Edge in Banking: A Personnel
Approach. John L. Tarver, International The New Face of Banking.
Journal of BankLeon Kreitzman, Marketing (UK),
Marketing (UK), 5 (No. 1, 1987), pp.2961-68. (June 18,[Differentia-
1987), pp. 34-37. [Many companies, Trends,
tion, Market strategy, Market orientation.] 318 Market orientation, Customer services, UK.] 332

Marketing Bank Services to Corporate Customers: The 4. MARKETING RESEARCH

Importance of Relationships. Peter W. Turbull and Michael 4.1 Theory and Philosophy of Science
L. Gibbs, International Journal of Bank Marketing (UK), 5
(No. 1, 1987), pp. 19-26. [Discussion, Market segmentation, We Need Critical Relativism? Comments on "On Method
Profitability, Assessment.] 319 in Consumer Research." Lee G. Cooper, Journal of Con-
sumer Research, 14 (June 1987), pp. 126-127. [Historical
Field Service Management: A Means discussion,
to Competitive Ad-
Godel, Carnap, Putnam and Achinstein, Alterna-
vantage. Herve Mathe, International Journal tive of Physical
method.] Dis- 333
tribution and Materials Management (UK), 16 (No. 7, 1986),
pp. 13-21. [Technical support networks,The Revenue, Structure
Product of Eq
management, Analysis of companies.] 320 Models. George E. Mo
ruary 1987), pp. 228-2
Using Consumer Perceptions and a Contingency Approach
Sensitivity analysis, Budgets.] 334
to Improve Health Care Delivery. Margaret L. Friedman and
Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr., Journal of Consumer Research, 13
4.2 Research Methodology
(March 1987), pp. 492-510. [Social power behavior, Refer-
See also 8,9,10,12,13,15,16,17,20,22,30,70,96,104,105,
ent, Coercive, Physicians, Effectiveness.] 321 119,120,141,147,160,166,170,172,178,201,211,215,217,
Organization Culture and the Marketing Concept: Diag-
nostic Keys for Hospitals. Danny R. Arnold, Louis M. Capella,
Research Business Review: The Nation's Top Marketing
and Delia A. Sumrall, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 7
Advertising Research Companies. Jack J. Honomichl, Ad-
(March 1987), pp. 18-28. [Discussion, Model application, vertising Age, 58 (May 11, 1987), pp. S1-S26. [Rankings,
Marketing strategy, Guidelines.] 322 Profiles, Many companies.] 335
Managing Physician Achievement. Richard D. Microcomputing:
Stier, Jour- Retrieve and Survey Mat
nal of Health Care Marketing, 7 (March 1987),American
pp. 69-78. Demographics, 9 (May 1987),
[Trends, Supply and demand, Effects, Economies of scale,
ware packages, Applications, Evaluation, Sp
Hospitals.] 323 casts.] 336
Hospital Choice: Patient
How Attribution
to Ride o
Satisfaction with the Services. ArchDem
American G. W
Sertich, and James M. Chakalas, Journa
collection, Clu
keting, 7 (March 1987), pp. 61-68.
stores.] 337[Surve
Males, Females, Statistical analysis.] 324
Reliving It Up.
The Price Bundling of Services: A Normative Framework.
ics, 9 (June 198
Joseph P. Guiltinan, Journal of Marketing, 51 (April 1987), Schools, Demography, Lists.] 338
pp. 74-85. [Discussion, Market strategy, Complementary re-
lationships, Cross-selling.] 325 Why All of Industry Needs Research. Irwin Gross, Business
Marketing, 72 (April 1987), pp. 112-115. [Business, Mar-
Predictability and Personalization in theketing, Service Encoun-
Market research, Knowledge.] 339
ter. Carol F. Surprenant and Michael R. Solomon, Journal of
European Research
Marketing, 51 (April 1987), pp. 86-96. [Simulation, Atti-(Netherlands), 15 (May 1987), pp. 88-
120. [Four articles on
tudes, Market strategy, Effectiveness, Expectations.] international marketing research, Eco-
nomic conditions, Economic development, Expenditures, Brand
The Credit Card and the Aging Baby Boomers. RogerMany
differentiation, D. countries.] 340
Blackwell and Margaret Hanke, Journal of Retail Banking, 9
High Tech TestMar-
(Spring 1987), pp. 17-25. [Bank services, Demography, Marketing at Campbell Soup Com
ket segments, Affluence, Market William B. Boundy,
strategy.] 327 Jr., European Research (Netherl

118 / Journal of Marketing, April 1988

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All use subject to
15 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 52-60. [Customer buying behavior, Evaluation and Use of Marketing Research by Decision
Measurement, Product development, Case study.] 341 Makers: A Behavioral Simulation. Hanjoon Lee, Frank Acito,
and Ralph L. Day, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (May
Applications of Electronic Single-Source Measurement
1987), pp. 187-196. [Study using graduate students, Role as-
Systems. Gerald J. Eskin, European Research (Netherlands),
sumptions, Evaluation, Beliefs.] 354
15 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 12-20. [Data collection, Bar codes,
Scanning, Television advertising, Viewers, Patterns, Europe, Validity and Structural Reliability of Multid
US.] 342
Scaling. Naresh K. Malhotra, Journal of Marketin
24 (May 1987), pp. 164-173. [Two surveys, Mult
ScanAmerica BuyerG
timethod matrix approach, Impact, Stimuli.] 355
cision Support Syste
J. McKenna, Marketing Research for Health
Europe Services: Understanding
1987), pp. and Applying Various Techniques. Philip Cooper and
28-33. Robert
surement, D. Hisrich,Innovation
Journal of Health Care Marketing, 7 (March 1987),
havior.] 343 pp. 54-60. [Methods; Observation; Survey by mail, tele-
phone, and personal interview; Focus groups; Experimenta-
Marketing Research
tion; Effectiveness.] in 356 Finl
ropean Research (Netherlan
[Discussion, Market Research: Assessing
Statistical data, th E
firms, Data collection.] 344 Medicine Program. Edward J. W
Marketing, 7 (March 1987), pp
Market Research the Japanese Way. groups, Johny Survey, K. Johansson
Rankings, Cos
and Ikujiro Nonaka, Harvard Business sion Review,
making.] 65 (May/June 357
1987), pp. 16-22. [Data collection, Distribution channels, Many
companies.] 345 Focus Groups and the
Technologically Driven
Setting Up an In-House Marketing
cus Groups Databas
Can and Cann
Industrial Marketing Digest (UK), 12 (Fir
T. Seymour, Edward F. M
pp. 51-60. [Discussion, Implementation
Journal of Product Inno
pp. 50-60. [Discussion,
Consumer Retail Satisfaction in Rural Ar A
of Survey Data. Lutz 358Jou
Psychology (Netherlands),
Database8 (March
Ma 1
[Model application, LISREL
Stone V,
Supply.] 347 1987), pp. 12
Alternative Phases.]
Models of 359
gent Processing Framework.
Pinning Down Joel Y B
Journal of Consumer
(May Research,
7, 1987), 13
472. [Concrete category exemplars,
graphics, Applications, Mapping.] 360
Contextualfactors, Research pa
Geomapping Tools for Market Analysis. Lisa Del Pr
Confirmatory Versus Comparative
Marketing Communications, 12 (March 1987), pp. 9
Theory Tests. Brian
[Demography, Sternthal, Alic
Microcomputers, Market potential, Sales
J. Calder, Journal of Consumer
casting, Data base management systems, Applications,R M
pp. 114-125. [Discussion,
companies.] Acceptan 361
dures, Judging, Proving.] 349
Research Is Good for Yo
The Sensitivity of Confirmatory Maximum Likelihood Fac- Intelligence
tor Analysis to Violations of Measurementpp. Scale and Dis-
3-9. [Model developm
tributional Assumptions. Emin Babakus, Carl E.
eries, Ferguson,
Brand identification.] 362
Jr., and Karl G. Joreskog, Journal of Marketing Research, 24
(May 1987), pp. 222-228. [Theoretical Drop and Collect
discussion, Simu-Surveys: A Neglected Re
lation, Estimates, Model parameters,nique? Stephen
LISREL, Brown, Marketing Intelligenc
errors.] 350 (UK), 5 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 19-23. [Experiment,
Disadvantages, Response rates, Ireland.] 363
Measurement of Discrimination
Empirical Changing Patterns in Marketing Research.
Investigation. Bruce Stephen K. B
Arieh Goldman, Keiser, James R. Krum, and Pradeep
Journal of A. Rau,Marke
Marketing In-
pp. 154-163. telligence and Planning
[Three (UK), 5 (No. 1, 1987), pp. 10-18.
Paired [Survey, Trends, Departments, Data Triang
comparisons, collection, Organiza-
tional structure.] 364
Latent Class Models for the An
archies. The Cost
Lawrence F. of Simplifying
Feick, Pref
24 (May ies/Reply.
1987), pp. Michael R. Hagerty,
174-186. [T
tistical Richard
analysis, M. Johnson, Marketing
Guttman, Stru
ment.] 352 324. [Model assessment, Mark
racy, Correlation analysis.] 365
Empirical Evidence Supporting
Models in Discrete Attribute a
Analyzing Models of Brand Switching.
nal of Hutchinson,
Marketing Marketing Science, 5 (Fall24
Research, 1986), p
surveys, [Applications
Preferences, of models, Multiattribute,
Predictio Market p
ysis.] 353 Similarity-based, Relationships, Equations, Var

Marketing Literature Review /

This content downloaded from on Thu, 07 Sep 2023 12:31:47 +00:00
All use subject to
A Probabilistic Model for the Multidimensional Scaling of Advertising E
Proximity and Preference Data/Commentaries/Reply: reers: Are Th
Considerations in the Use of Probabilistic Multidimen- Chonko, and V
sional Scaling Models. David B. MacKay, Joseph L. Zinnes,
27 (April/May
John L. McMennamin, and Pierre M. Windal, Marketingadvertising
Sci- pr
satisfaction.] 376
ence, 5 (Fall 1986), pp. 325-349. [Model comparisons, Sim-
ulated and empirical choice data, Variance estimates, Stimulus
The Propensity of
perception, Assessment.] 367
Expectations and Its Impact on Course Performance.
The Choice Theory Approach to David Market Research.
J. Ortinau Daniel
and Robert P. Bush, Journal of Marketing
McFadden, Marketing Science, 5 Education, 9 (Springpp.
(Fall 1986), 1987),275-297.
pp. 42-52. [Review of litera-
[Model applications, Economic theory, Theoretical
ture, Questionnaire discus-
survey of students, ANOVA test, Impli-
sion, Data analysis, Conjoint analysis.] 368 cations.] 377
The Information Technology Revolution in Marketing A (1): Marketing H
A Review of Some Current Applications. M. E. Arnold and
agement Class.
J. M. Penn, Quarterly Review of Marketing (UK), 12 (January 9 (Spr
1987), pp. 1-7. [Survey, Literature review, Producties,
range Applications.] 378
analysis, Physical distribution, Communications, Decision
Graduate Program of Instru
support systems, UK.] 369
A Need Assessment. Madhav
Interviewing in Industrial Marketing Research:
Education, The State-
9 (Spring 1987), p
of-the-Art. David Jobber and Marcus J. R. Bleasdale,
managers, Quar-Training,
terly Review of Marketing (UK), 12 (January 1987), pp. 7-
Scotland: A Learner's Marke
11. [Survey, Quantitative, Qualitative, Methods, Value, Lim-
(UK), 28 (March 26, 1987), p
itations, UK.] 370
education, Marketing curr
5. OTHER TOPICS Ethics in Selling, Honest! Art
5.1 Educational and Professional Issues Management, 138 (May 1987
See also 23,274 Curricula, Colleges and universities.] 381
How Ad Women Made It to the Top. Laurie Freeman and
Julie Franz, Advertising Age, 58 (June 1, 1987), pp. 3, 34- 5.2 General Marketing
37. [Advertising agencies, Executives, Careers, Many peo- Marketing Concept and Customer Orientation. Ro
ple.] 371 Dickinson, Anthony Herbst, and John O'Shaughnessy,
World-Brand Students: InterAd Enlists Global Marketers ropean Journal of Marketing (UK), 20 (No. 10, 1986), p.
for Grad School. Marie Spadoni, Advertising Age, 58 (May 23. [Discussion, Assumption, Qualification, Commun
tions, Government regulation.] 382
25, 1987), pp. 34. [Training students to deal with reality, Ex-
amples.] 372
Towards a Parametric Definition of Marketing. Gary
Dealer Kurzbard andTraining.
Incentives: Gary F. Soldow, European Journal of Market-
Marketing, 161 ing (UK), 21 (No. 1, 1987),
(April pp. 37-47. [Concepts, pp.
1987), Theory, 4
Training, Salespeople.] 373 Inclusionary and exclusionary criteria, Precise.] 383
A Market's Segments
Presenting with Slides. Michael Kilcooley, (Part 1). Leon G. Schiffman
Industrial Mar- and Leslie
Lazar Kanuk,
keting Digest (UK), 12 (First Quarter Marketing
1987), pp.(UK), 29 (May 7, 1987), pp. 59-64.
[Discussion, Audiovisual, Guidelines.] 374 [Discussion, Regions, Demography, Lifestyles.] 384
Students' Perceptions of Personal Selling. WilliamMarketing
A. Weeks '87: The Customer Is King. Kate Bertrand, Busi-
ness Marketing, 72 (June 1987), pp. 85-89. [American Mar-
and Darrel D. Muehling, Industrial Marketing Management,
16 (May 1987), pp. 145-151. [Survey, Stereotypes, keting Association conference, Business planning study, Mar-
ment.] 375 ket orientation, Market strategy.] 385

120 / Journal of Marketing, April 1988

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