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Soal nomor 1
1. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan
alasannya. 2. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut.


1. Ragam Bahasa yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut adalah Bahasa

Informal, karena dalam situasi yang santai antara Jane dan Helen. bisa dilihat dari
Bahasa yang mereka gunakan disingkat dan menggunakan slangs seperti :
Hey, Jane!
Oh hey, I didn’t see you
there. So, what’s going on?
Oh, not much. You?

2. Topik percakapan tersebut adalah obrolan antara sesama teman yang sedang
membicarakan pengalaman Jane dalam mengikuti interview kerja, dan Helen yang
mensupport agar Jane tidak grogi dan percaya diri saja saat menunggu hasilnya.

Soal nomor 2
Imagine it is a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in
100- 200 words. Use these points as your guidelines when writing:


This is my office, I work for PT Metropolitanland tbk. As Marketing I have to sell
property most of my time is spent meeting with othe

(Location of the office)

My office is located at Jalan KH. Noer Ali near of Jalan Kalimalang. It's a busy
street, in the heart of Bekasi business centre. There are many Mall and Hotel in that
street, one of them is my beautiful office.
(interesting features of the office)
My office is clean and neat. It's very spacious with bookcase and the tone colours of
my office is white and brown. The light in here is helped by big window design, you
can see the view of the highway outside. The temperature here is really chilling.
And I like another features, there are real plants make this office more connect with

(What you feel about the office)

Even though the work is exhausting, I like my office, in fact I feel like at home.

Soal nomor 3
Questions Please identify:
a. the sender of the memo, b. for whom the memo is for, and c. what the memo is about.

a. Jonathan Stewart, Manager
b. For all employee
c. The memo is about the invitation to attend farewell ceremony in honour of Jesse
Carillo, to all staff without any exception.

Soal nomor 4
You are interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition but you could not find the
information about where you can download the forms. Write an email based on that situation in 50-100

Dear Mrs. Rachael,

I hope you are well. Since I know you have worked in this talent for quite some time,
I thought you would be the right person to contact.

I'm interested in joining the My City Got Talent competition but can't find any
information on where the form can be downloaded. Could you please send the
information ?

I would be grateful for any further information you may be able to give me about
My City Got Talent. Thanks so much.

Yours sincerely,

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