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In what ways might we… develop an eco-resort that would ensure positive environmental
effects of it in the long run

Building Blocks:

1. Regulations
2. People
3. Places
4. Accessibility
5. Overall health

6. Structure??

Target low-hanging fruit to start - finding where to put

Chances that resort has already eco-friendly programs, but there is almost always room
for improvement.

Substitute Ideas
1. Regulations - Developing own Eco-Friendly / Sustainable Code of Ethics
2. People - Provide environmental education services to the ecotourists, preferentially
using guides
3. Places - Locations that are suitable for establishing this kind of resort, so it wouldn’t
disturbed people, especially natural tribes, "livability and visitation" theme communities
Locating the resort in a livability and visitation theme communities
4. Accessibility - Providing guests with bicycles, walking maps, and information on public
5. Overall health - Collect data on ecotourist visitation to understand current levels of use
and as a baseline for future mitigation strategies
6. Structure - Replacing plastic keycards with smart locks, access codes, and keyless entry

Combine Ideas
1. Regulations - could work with their associations to create an eco-friendly and sustainable
code. (?)
2. People - Collaboration with the locals to offer their products in the resort
3. Places - Combining an eco-resort to a more relaxing location to add calming vibe into the
4. Accessibility - Have an exclusive partnership with electronic transportation companies to
provide in the resort
5. Overall health - A more expose activities in nature like bicycling or simply just walking
6. Structure - Partner with green business organizations or work with a renewable energy

Adapt Ideas
1. Regulations - Adapt organizations and programs that educate and primarily aim to
enhance the environment
2. People - Allocate training and seminars to employees to enhance their skills and
knowledge about sustaining an eco-resort
3. Places - Locate the resort in a well-known or familiar place in order to attract more
4. Accessibility - Plan and manage roads and trail placement to avoid vehicular collisions
and habitat fragmentation and to direct tourists to areas where humans are allowed
5. Overall health - Modify environment-related sustainable development goals (SDGs),
especially those related to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), affordable and clean
energy (SDG 7), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and climate action
(SDG 13)
6. Structure - leveraging smart appliances and monitoring systems, Install smart-energy

Maximize Ideas
1. Regulations - Use/Buy environmentally-friendly paper for office, bills, receipts
2. People - Providing a training to employees that would nurture themselves as they
represent the resort in a great light
3. Places - Making use of solar panels, air or ground heat pumps, and underfloor heating
4. Accessibility - Switch to sustainable mobility, use group shuttles to avoid low-occupancy
trips and switch fixed-route-and-schedule services to flexible on-demand
5. Overall health - Divert to reusable or biodegradable options in all aspects as much as
6. Structure - Embrace a more energy-efficient building design

Minimize Ideas
1. Regulations - Minimize misunderstandings between the associations and the resort
2. People - Lessen ecological footprint, Reduce the likelihood that local communities
become financially overdepen-dent on ecotourism
3. Places - Minimize the impact of excessive ecology
4. Accessibility - Reduce water use, consider using rainwater harvesting, greywater
system, and/or air conditioner or refrigerant condensate for needs such as irrigation,
toilet flushing, or fire suppression systems.
5. Overall health - Minimize pollution related to reaching the resort location/ remote travel
6. Structure - Reduce "standby power" (the energy used while an appliance is switched off
or not performing) at home and at work

Modify Ideas
1. Regulations - Create a sustainable/green purchasing policy for cleaners, sanitizers,
paints, pesticides, office supplies, etc.
2. People - Learn about other water and energy saving opportunities

3. Places - creating an organic food garden for the kitchen and purchasing plants that are
native to the area
4. Accessibility - consider transitioning it into a Certified Green Restaurant, Track energy,
water and waste use monthly through an internal tracking system
5. Overall health - Convert into Donate leftover food to a local nonprofit organization and/or
compost. Also compost yard waste and biodegradable products
6. Structure - Consider buying carbon offsets, Purchase Energy Star appliances and
windows for all rooms

Put to other use Ideas

1. Regulations - Promote “ecological network thinking” in all stakeholders, from decision-
makers to ecotourists, through environmental education and integrated planning of all
ecotourism activities
2. People - Green team (composed of employees) can educate the locality about how to
sustain our environment these days and for the coming years
3. Places - A one stop shop for local products
4. Accessibility - Providing an exclusive app of the resort that shows the entire map
5. Overall health - Consume waste from the kitchen can be converted into compost which
can support sustainable gardening practices.
6. Structure - Installing modern, efficient HVAC systems that customize airflow, heating,
and cooling by monitoring room occupancy and allowing guests to personalize
temperature schedules

Eliminate Ideas
1. Regulations - Eliminate rules taking into account of having climate change
2. People - Reduce unnecessary work of employees
3. Places - Eliminate or avoid of choosing the location to a calamity prone community
4. Accessibility - Reduce IT energy consumption and e-waste by buying energy-efficient
electronics and selling or donating old items.
5. Overall health - Don’t provide straws or disposable cups and cutlery unless absolutely
6. Structure -

Rearrange Ideas
1. Regulations - Stock a central library with local green guides, hiking and biking guides
and information about the local environment and conservation efforts
2. People - A specific job description to avoid confusion and low or excess workers in a
particular job
3. Places - Switch to LED regular and tube lights in guest rooms, lobbies, and hallways.
4. Accessibility - Include filter changes, refrigerator coil cleaning, thermostat calibration,
water leak checks, and damper adjustments in your ongoing maintenance plan. At least
quarterly, check that all building energy and water equipment are functioning properly.
5. Overall health - schedule an energy audit through your local energy provider - or through
a local energy auditor (aka energy consultant)
6. Structure - Orbital Systems’ Nasa-inspired smart water-saving shower

Reverse Ideas
1. Regulations - Establish clear guidelines for human access in the ecotourism area,
making it more or less restrictive according to season, conservation status, and
sensitivities of species and environments to human disturbance
2. People - Switch it up by hiring employees from the community where the resort is placed
itself to create a quality green team
3. Places - Avoid physical contact with and very close approach to wild animals, Reverse it
by having
4. Accessibility - Change transportation offerings and services with sustainability in mind
(electric or hybrid cars)
5. Overall health - Implement rigorous practices to prevent biological invasions and disease
6. Structure - Spatially cluster ecotourism infrastructure in order to maintain larger blocks of
contiguous habitat (?), Consider Cool Roofing or Green Roofing for the resort


Our Objective: Managing an Eco-Resort effectively

Theme of our Objective (essence): An eco-resort that is remarkable to the clients and would
want to visit again. Making the eco-resort

• Jollibee - Retaining tight control over the operations management to maintains its quality
Ideas/Solution: Being discreet in every way to provide the best service to our clients

• Potato Corner - Low Costs and High efficiency is the proposition that they do to earn the
success they have right now
Ideas/Solution: Maximize as much as possible the available eco-resources to offer to customers

• Fernando Poe Jr. as an iconic action star

Ideas/ Solution: Create a marketing campaign that is consistent and knows how to capture
everyone’s heart

• Starbucks giving a pleasurable and relaxing customer experience

Ideas/ Solution: Create/Have services that is exceptional than the others

• Tiktok as a digital marketing

Ideas/ Solution: Evolve a creative social media approach to keep clients engaged and updated
to the resort

Creative Ideas


Final Concepts

Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3

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