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Eastern Capsay Grade


Integrated School Level
Department of Education Jefferson B. Del Learning
Teacher EAPP
Rosario Area
September 11 - 14,
Dates and Quarter 1st
2023/ WEEK 3

Objectives/Layunin: By the end of this lesson, the Grade 12 students should be able to:

1. Analyze the short story "Hansel and Gretel" in terms of its plot, characters, and themes.
2. Identify and discuss the moral lessons or values embedded in the story.
3. Demonstrate critical thinking skills by comparing and contrasting different versions of the "Hansel
and Gretel" story.
4. Reflect on the relevance of the story's themes to contemporary society.

Subject Matter/Content/Nilalaman: 2.1 Topic Name: Analyzing and Interpreting "Hansel and Gretel"

2.2 References:

 Short story text: "Hansel and Gretel"

 "Grimm's Fairy Tales" or other sources of the story
 Multimedia resources (optional)
 Paper, pens, and a chalkboard or whiteboard

2.3 Materials Needed:

 Copies of "Hansel and Gretel" short story

 Multimedia resources (optional)
 Writing materials
 Chalkboard

2.4 Values Integrated:

 Compassion
 Resourcefulness
 Family bonds
 The consequences of greed
 The importance of trust

2.5 Strategies:

 Reading and analysis of the story

 Group discussion and brainstorming
 Critical thinking exercises
 Multimedia presentation (optional)


3.1 Preliminary Activities/Panimulang Gawain:

3.1.1 Prayer/Panalangin: Begin the class with a short prayer.

3.1.2 Greetings/Pagbati: Greet the students and create a welcoming atmosphere.

3.1.3 Energizer: Start the class with a quick icebreaker activity related to fairy tales.

3.1.4 Checking of Attendance: Take attendance to ensure all students are present.

3.1.5 Checking of Assignment: Review and discuss any previous assignments or readings. 3.1.6 Recalling
the classroom rules: Remind students of the class rules and expectations.

3.2 Developmental Activities/Panlinang na Gawain:

3.2.1 Drill: Begin with a vocabulary or comprehension exercise related to the story.

3.2.2 Review: Recap the previous lesson if applicable.

3.2.3 Unlocking of Difficulties: Address any challenging vocabulary or concepts related to the story.

3.3 Motivation/Pagganyak: Share an intriguing fact or quote related to fairy tales or the "Hansel and
Gretel" story to capture students' interest and set the stage for the lesson.

3.4 Presentation of the lesson/paglalahad: Introduce the short story "Hansel and Gretel," its origins, and
its significance in literature and culture. Provide an overview of the story without giving away the entire

3.5 Discussion of the Lessons: Engage students in a guided discussion of the story. Encourage them to
analyze the characters, plot, themes, and symbolism present in the narrative. Explore different
interpretations of the story.

3.6 Application/Paglalapat: Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with a different version
of the "Hansel and Gretel" story (e.g., the Grimm Brothers' version, a modern retelling, or an international
variant). In their groups, students should compare and contrast their versions with the original story,
highlighting differences and similarities.

3.7 Generalization/Paglalahat: Lead a class discussion where students share their group findings and
insights. Facilitate a conversation on the moral lessons and values embedded in the story and how they apply
to real-life situations.

4. Evaluation/Pagtataya: Assign an essay or discussion topic that requires students to reflect on the
relevance of the story's themes to contemporary society. Assess their ability to analyze, synthesize, and
apply the lessons learned from "Hansel and Gretel."

5. Assignment/Gawaing Bahay:

 Write an essay (500 words) on the moral lessons found in "Hansel and Gretel" and their significance
in today's world.

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