Background of The Study

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1. Present / introduce the problem and why the problem needs a research
2. On first paragrah theres a need to provide a solid argument or evidence and effect of this
problem and whyit needs a research


When writing papers (deductive method)

From general to specific

Sa mundo

Sa pilipinas

And sa lugar na ginagawa nyo (specific)


Dahilan kung bakit ginawa ang research nyo

-dahil gusto mo masulutionan yung ____


Last sentence “in this light the researcher decided to conduct the study because ______

1. The significance of developing Sablayan Feeder Port in Occidental Mindoro: A comprehensive

analysis of its background and potential benefits for the local community.

2. Examining the historical context and current challenges of Sablayan Feeder Port in Occidental
Mindoro: An architectural perspective on the necessity of its development.

3. Exploring the need for infrastructure enhancement in Sablayan Feeder Port, Occidental Mindoro:
A critical evaluation of the port's existing conditions and the potential socio-economic advantages of
its improvement.
The study aims to address the need for an integrated and fully functional Local Sea Port Terminal in
the municipality of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro. This proposal is driven by the desire to promote
economic development within the municipality.

It is crucial to recognize that a well-designed and efficiently operated sea port terminal can serve as a
catalyst for economic growth. By providing a gateway for trade and commerce, it can attract
investments, create job opportunities, and enhance overall connectivity.

However, it is important to critically evaluate the feasibility and viability of such a project. Factors
such as location, infrastructure requirements, environmental impact, and financial sustainability
must be thoroughly assessed before proceeding with the design and construction of the proposed
sea port terminal.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider potential challenges and limitations that may arise during the
implementation phase. Adequate planning, stakeholder engagement, and regulatory compliance are
key aspects that need to be addressed in order to ensure successful execution of this project.

While promoting economic development is undoubtedly important for any municipality, it is

imperative that this proposal undergoes rigorous scrutiny to determine its potential benefits as well
as any potential drawbacks or risks associated with its implementation.

Feeder ports in Sablayan, cargo distribution, consolidation point, Philippine Port Authority,

The current state of feeder ports in Sablayan raises concerns about their effectiveness and purpose.
These ports primarily serve as hubs for cargo distribution to larger ports and act as consolidation
points for cargo coming from various inland locations. However, their limited functionality and lack
of development hinder their potential contribution to the local economy.

Considering these limitations, the Economic Division proposes that the feeder port in Sablayan be
turned over to the Philippine Port Authority for its development. This move would ensure that the
necessary resources and expertise are allocated towards improving the infrastructure and operations
of the port.
By entrusting the Philippine Port Authority with this responsibility, there is a higher likelihood of
attracting investments and enhancing connectivity with other major ports. This would not only
benefit local businesses but also stimulate economic growth in Sablayan and its surrounding areas.

It is crucial to recognize that without proper development, these feeder ports will continue to fall
short in meeting the demands of an evolving logistics industry. Therefore, it is imperative that action
is taken to address these issues by placing them under the jurisdiction of a competent authority like
the Philippine Port Authority.

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